Elon Musk: Civil war in Western countries “will start anyway, whether we want it or not”

Elon Musk: Civil war in Western countries “will start anyway, whether we want it or not”

Increasing internal political contradictions, conflicts on religious and ethnic grounds, problems with migrants can lead not only to new mass protests and clashes with the police, but also cause large-scale civil wars in Western countries. American entrepreneur Elon Musk made such a rather gloomy forecast on his social network account.

Commenting on the publication of Canadian professor Gad Saad, in which the scientist warned that the migration policy adopted in the West would result in the beginning of a civil war, Musk, as always, succinctly wrote:

The war will start anyway, whether we want it or not.

Earlier, the European Parliament, after almost ten years of discussions and agreements, adopted a new pact regarding the migration policy of the European Union. The document turned out to be very controversial and once again emphasized disagreements on this issue both in the political elites of the EU countries and in society.

On the one hand, the pact provides for tougher immigration laws. In particular, new rules are being established that provide for increased control at external borders and faster procedures for the expulsion of those who do not have the right to be on the territory of the union. At the same time, the reform provides for a “more equitable” distribution of migrants across different EU countries, which should reduce the burden on the so-called “first line” states that suffer most from the influx of migrants.

However, not everyone in the European Union agrees with the new rules. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Economic Relations Péter Szijjártó said Budapest will not allow in illegal migrants, despite the new pact. Members of the European Parliament from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's ruling Fidesz party, the French and Spanish far-right parties National Rally and Voice, respectively, as well as Polish nationalist populists Law and Justice voted against the bill. Representatives of these political movements condemned the 10-part pact, calling it a license for people smuggling and an attack on the sovereignty of EU member states.

Supporters of the law, who campaigned for its passage amid the rise of the far right ahead of European Parliament elections in June, hailed the move as a major victory. In contrast, European non-profit human rights organizations (NGOs) have called the sweeping changes to EU migration legislation a step backwards for human rights.

Left and Green MEPs, who voted against eight of the ten proposed clauses, also criticized the bill for failing to prioritize human rights guarantees. In turn, representatives of the right were outraged by the too liberal norms of the pact, noting that its adoption would lead to a new surge in migration.

Not everything is calm overseas either. Earlier, the American magazine The American Thinker wrote that protest sentiments had gripped the United States and the entire collective West. The author of the article, literally quoting one of the main Russian revolutionaries of the early last century, Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), warned that today “the West has turned into a powder keg of popular discontent with the authorities, and there is only one spark left before a fateful explosion.”
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  1. +3
    April 24 2024 12: 38
    If you look at migrants as a weapon to start a civil war in the EU, then why doesn’t the same thing happen in the US itself with the same migrants.
    In my opinion, someone is wishful thinking or, on the contrary, planning in advance to carry out military operations in the EU using an army of unemployed migrants. hi
    1. +3
      April 24 2024 13: 01
      The USA is initially a country consisting of migrants, it’s easier there, although in many cities there are entire ghettos where it’s better not to go
      1. +4
        April 24 2024 13: 10
        "Who will chirp"? come on already, the hegemon has gotten enough of everyone, give me Spark!
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 13: 27
          will flare up on its own, besides this has happened more than once, sometimes it didn’t hurt much, sometimes with the destruction of the country
          1. 0
            April 24 2024 21: 50
            It never flared up on its own. Foreign embassies always led these extras and paid the participants the money.
      2. 0
        April 24 2024 14: 08
        The USA is initially a country consisting of migrants, it’s easier there

        Not quite.
        There are all sorts of interesting guys there, like the Aryan Brotherhood. (They are not Aryans at the genetic level. But they consider themselves Aryans). and many others.

        "Aryan Christianity"
        In the United States, the term “Christian Identity” or “Identity Christianity” is used in relation to “Aryan Christianity”.

        A large group of adherents of the ideas of “Christian identity” in the United States is the Aryan Nations organization, which has declared its ultimate goal to forcefully seize the five northwestern states (Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington and Montana) to create on their territory "Aryan state".

        Another such movement is the "Ministers of Phinehas"
        A movement aimed at segregation.
      3. 0
        April 24 2024 22: 57
        Quote: Nastia Makarova
        The USA is initially a country consisting of migrants, it’s easier there, although in many cities there are entire ghettos where it’s better not to go

        Zum Beispiel ind Frankreich...!!
        La Banlieue...; da wagt sich nicht einmal gut bewaffnete Polizei hin...!!
    2. -1
      April 24 2024 13: 25
      Quote: credo
      why doesn’t the same thing happen in the USA itself with the same migrants

      because the USA is a country of millionaires, everyone there considers himself a millionaire who is temporarily unlucky smile , in addition, from childhood they are placed in social conditions where they are competitors to each other
      1. 0
        April 24 2024 21: 54
        The intelligence agencies are like dirt. They will strangle any attempt at rebellion in the bud. And they don’t allow foreign agents to visit them. So it’s hard to start something there. Spontaneous protests quickly fade away and do not lead to fundamental upheavals.
    3. +1
      April 24 2024 13: 49
      Quote: credo
      If you look at migrants as a weapon to start a civil war in the EU, then why doesn’t the same thing happen in the US itself with the same migrants.
      And who said that it is not coming? BLM was somehow calmed down with handouts and their own shame, and there, besides blacks, there is someone to express themselves.

      Now both America and Europe are, at the very least, cemented from within by hatred of Russia, China, Iran, the Kims and God knows who else, skillfully inflated at all levels.
      What if something like the “Carribean crisis 2.0” happened, or even worse, after which, whether they want it or not, the intensity of hatred will subside (because what’s next is only mutual destruction)? Whether they want it or not, the feces will bubble inside themselves.
      And whether it will be possible to overwhelm all those who are dissatisfied with money, self-humiliation and other goodies is a big question.
      1. +1
        April 24 2024 14: 04
        ...And whether it will be possible to overwhelm those who are dissatisfied with money, self-humiliation and other goodies is a big question...

        Unlike us, the Anglo-Saxons try to voice any possible cataclysms and troubles for themselves as much in advance as possible, even if the horizon is cloudless and serene.
        Neither on the North American continent nor on the Western and Central European sector of NATO is such a situation visible only hypothetically, unless, of course, the United States itself wants to have a hand in this in the EU. hi
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 16: 52
          Quote: credo
          Unlike us, the Anglo-Saxons try to voice any possible cataclysms and troubles for themselves as much in advance as possible, even if the horizon is cloudless and serene.
          Well, the proverb “Until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself” has not been canceled in Russia. Not 800 years ago, not June 22, 1941, not now.
          At the same time, we have both “Fear has big eyes” and “To whom war is a mother.” For example, talk about how “Putin sleeps and sees how to take over Europe” is not about a threat, right? It's about fear and making money from it.

          Therefore, all the “preparations” of the West for a “civil war”, although they have a basis, as I said above, the ultimate goal, in my opinion, is not the prevention of conflict, but banal populism, an attempt to intercept some political “goodies” (as now, for example, in the British Parliament with the sending of migrants to Rwanda) and, perhaps, in part, an attempt to tighten some screws.
    4. 0
      April 24 2024 14: 04
      De mon point de vue ce sera l'étape suivante si les choses empirent...

      31 March 2024 13:32
      Le président de l'Assemblée nationale française n'exclut pas l'envoi de troupes françaises en Ukraine
      "...Comme une connaissance "200% Pro-ukrainienne", elle ne voit pas ce qui va arriver à notre pays si il ya une
      l'entrée "officielle" en Ukraine ...Parce que, de mon point de vue, en plus d'être en guerre avec la Russie, il est fort
      Probable que sur notre territoire, nous devrons mener une guerre civile... Car, si "l'Occident", avec les attentats ou tentatives d'attentats,
      semble vouloir jouer la carte des "tensions internes, déstabilisation, tensions interethniques...etc" en Russie, il est probable que la Russie jouerait la même carte
      Dans nos banlieues, et ce avec beaucoup plus de succès, car la plupart des immigrés sont favorables à la Russie..."

      "...ransoms in Ukraine
      "... as a “200% pro-Ukrainian” friend, she does not see what will happen to our country if there is
      "official" entry into Ukraine...Because, from my point of view, in addition to the fact that he is at war with Russia, he is strong
      It is likely that we will have to fight a civil war on our territory... because if the "West" attacks or attempts at terrorist attacks,
      seems to want to play the card of "internal tension, destabilization, inter-ethnic tension...etc." In Russia, it is likely that Russia will play the same card
      In our suburbs, even with much greater success, because most immigrants have a favorable attitude towards Russia..."
    5. 0
      April 24 2024 14: 11
      If you look at migrants as a weapon to start a civil war in the EU, then why doesn’t the same thing happen in the US itself with the same migrants.

      Why did you decide that it wouldn’t happen there? Musk wrote about the USA
      1. 0
        April 24 2024 14: 15
        ..what does the EU have to do with it? Musk wrote just about the USA..

        because the text of the article talks about Western countries -
        ...Growing internal political contradictions, conflicts on religious and ethnic grounds, problems with migrants can lead not only to new mass protests and clashes with the police, but also cause large-scale civil wars in Western countries. American entrepreneur Elon Musk made such a rather gloomy forecast on his social network account...
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 14: 16
          news about Musk and the West, and not specifically about the EU
          Elon Musk: Civil war in Western countries “will start anyway, whether we want it or not”

          The USA is suddenly also a Western country
          1. 0
            April 24 2024 14: 23
            The USA is suddenly also a Western country

            How meticulous you are, it’s simply amazing.
            Then decipher the expression large-scale civil wars in Western countries.
            Are they talking about themselves in the plural or about something else. recourse
            1. 0
              April 24 2024 14: 30
              How meticulous you are, it’s simply amazing.

              In terms of? you asked why they didn’t write about the USA, although they also meant the USA

              Are they talking about themselves in the plural or about something else.

              who they? they didn’t write the news here on the site
              the Twitter post is about the West entirely, not the EU
              For many years now, I have warned that the path that the West is taking will result in civil war. It might take 5 years, 50 years, or 100 years but it is inevitable.
    6. 0
      April 25 2024 09: 49
      Quote: credo
      If you look at migrants as a weapon to start a civil war in the EU, then why doesn’t the same thing happen in the US itself with the same migrants.
      In my opinion, someone is wishful thinking or, on the contrary, planning in advance to carry out military operations in the EU using an army of unemployed migrants. hi

      The population of the FSA and the EU has been transformed into a consumer society. A huge mass of families appeared, unable to obtain their own clothing and food, living on benefits from the state. Therefore, there is no one there to argue “like an adult,” much less go to death for the bright future to come. Migrants? They have a different task: to take root and... Yes go on benefits! The circle is closed...
  2. +1
    April 24 2024 12: 41
    Elon Musk: Civil war in Western countries “will start anyway, whether we want it or not”

    Let's proclaim Elon Musk as the new Messiah... Let them follow his predictions... Moreover, they have already made a film about their future civil war. and then everything goes according to the script... The American "Carthage" must be destroyed...
    1. +2
      April 24 2024 12: 56
      Well, the Messiah or someone else, think recourse laughing In any case, as everyone knows, on January 28.01.24, XNUMX, his company implanted a chip in the brain of a volunteer. A start. What will happen next? request A new man to the delight of ultra-globalists.
  3. +3
    April 24 2024 12: 44
    Republicans will not tolerate Democrats stealing elections for the second time in a row.
    1. +1
      April 24 2024 12: 58
      Who knows, recourse maybe the project and the date of this are already written down somewhere
    2. +1
      April 24 2024 13: 04
      and they will steal them - they simply cannot lose, even with Biden dead, they must win
  4. +6
    April 24 2024 12: 45
    cause large-scale civil wars in Western countries
    Time will show. But the West, and Europe in particular, has long needed to be thoroughly shaken up so that neo-Nazism, Satanism and disdain for other countries would fall away. And the best option is internal showdowns using military forces and means. And we would watch from the sidelines those who wanted to destroy us, as they experienced with their own skin all the “delights” of the civil war. The only trouble is that in Europe the population is infantile and incapable of even defending itself, let alone an armed uprising within the state. But migrants are militant and united.
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 09: 59
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Time will show. But the West, and Europe in particular, has long needed to be thoroughly shaken up so that neo-Nazism, Satanism and disdain for other countries would fall away.

      The best cure for the disease of the “Garden of Eden” may be the descent of the “gardeners” into the primitive communal system. They have already tasted the golden age, robbing peoples and taking advantage of cheap resources from Russia, let them now take a sip of the stone one - this is the only way the husk of arrogance and conceit will fall off from them.
      We need to hurry up with the arrangement of the borders, because the time is not far off when hungry hordes from the West will rush to us - to eat, wash in running water and look at our beautiful women...
  5. Msi
    April 24 2024 12: 47
    today “The West has turned into a powder keg of popular discontent with the authorities, and there is only one spark left before the fateful explosion”

    Do we happen to have a light? request Can we help our partners?
  6. 0
    April 24 2024 12: 49
    “The author of the article, literally quoting one of the main Russian revolutionaries of the beginning of the last century Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)" -

    - Call Lenin "one of the main ones",It is something ...
    1. 0
      April 24 2024 13: 03
      Yes, the phrase about Lenin is interesting wink We don't know something. request laughing
      And therefore it would be interesting, there would be an opportunity to say
      announce the whole list, please
    2. 0
      April 24 2024 13: 24
      Well, Trotsky was still there. Queen, at least
  7. 0
    April 24 2024 12: 54
    This war has been predicted for 10 years now! Either people are buying weapons, then blacks are rioting, then the rednecks have almost created a separate state, then Texas is separating, but still there is no war!
    1. 0
      April 24 2024 13: 03
      this is not a quick process, they reduce the tension with money, the majority sit on Veltori and don’t want to work
    2. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 14
      Quote: Vadim S
      This war has been predicted for 10 years now! Either people are buying weapons, then blacks are rioting, then the rednecks have almost created a separate state, then Texas is separating, but still there is no war!

      I believe there will be no war in the States, everything will stupidly slide into the scenario of a zombie apocalypse or, simply, anarchy. Everyone will rob everyone, gangs will go against gangs. The most advanced ones will go into the dense forests and set up new settlements, with all-round defense from all newcomers. The only thing that can prevent this scenario is the sobering of society, the return of the country to the rule of law and the overthrow of the Soros, Saxons, Morgans and other bloodsuckers, which is unlikely - who will pay benefits then?!
  8. 0
    April 24 2024 13: 02
    In my opinion, Lenin spoke about migrants so that they unite. - "Migrants of all countries unite!" And even in the language there is a translation - “Golytba, get to the heap!” . . . winked
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 16
      Quote: Andrey Martov
      In my opinion, Lenin spoke about migrants so that they unite. - "Migrants of all countries unite!" And even in the language there is a translation - “Golytba, get to the heap!” . . . winked

      No. You poor people of this country, go to hell!
  9. 0
    April 24 2024 13: 04
    A civil war is an open armed struggle between supporters of the reorganization of the state on the basis of a new socio-political model and their opponents. Who will fight against whom according to Musk: supporters of different forms of capitalism?
    1. 0
      April 24 2024 13: 27
      Yuras_Belarus (Yuri)
      Perhaps there is another reason? The American Civil War was needed to write off debts. Those. if there is no USA, then no one will have to repay the debts, but who will fight against whom there, those who “stir up this mess” don’t give a damn. hi
    2. 0
      April 24 2024 14: 12
      Who will fight against whom according to Musk: supporters of different forms of capitalism?

      White Republicans versus mixed-race Democrats.
    3. 0
      April 24 2024 22: 01
      The homeless against the rich will not start a war. Unless it's Republicans versus Democrats. Here, too, the only hope is that Trump will be condemned or his victory will not be recognized. But this is unlikely.
      In a couple of years, their debts should lead them into a deep crisis. Then there will be more chances for a civil war.
    4. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 21
      Quote: Yuras_Belarus
      Who will fight against whom according to Musk: supporters of different forms of capitalism?

      The old slogan may become a new one: loot the loot!
      ps Trying over and over again to shake up the peoples of Russia, the West forgets that we have already developed immunity from the revolution, because every rebellion in our country results in everything being smithereens, to the ground, and then...
  10. +1
    April 24 2024 13: 23
    I'm just Za! Catalonia, Wales, North. Ireland, Scotland, Texas, Flanders...
    They have so many sick places there! It's strange that we don't use it
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 26
      Quote from Shumi2010
      I'm just Za! Catalonia, Wales, North. Ireland, Scotland, Texas, Flanders...
      They have so many sick places there! It's strange that we don't use it

      It is impossible to force an amoeba to take a prize at a race. In the same Catalonia, the matter was almost settled until Puigdemont was arrested in absentia. There is no way to stand behind the leader, they were simply blown away. The SCOTTs went there, made a fuss and went home...
      That’s why we don’t use it because it’s impossible to light a fire if the wood is damp...
  11. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      April 24 2024 15: 15
      The main thing is to work with Mexican partisans, millions of refugees have accumulated on the Mexico-US border, it’s such a mess there
      You apparently are not entirely aware of the situation in Mexico. It’s somehow not particularly customary to talk about this, either in the world media or in ours. There is already such a mess there, worse than any in Honduras. Entire regions and towns are under the control of either cartels or self-government. And all this is beyond the control of the government. Moreover, one and the other and the third, if they are not conducting hostilities among themselves, are at least in a state of armed truce. In terms of the number of armed people on the streets of some cities, Mexico will surpass even Israel.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  12. +1
    April 24 2024 13: 59
    From a spark let a flame ignite©
    It seems like Lenin’s words too....
  13. 0
    April 24 2024 14: 31
    Elon Musk: Civil war in Western countries “will start anyway” whether we want it or not»

    I personally want a war to start there and everything to burn.
  14. +1
    April 24 2024 16: 23
    In the US, stability rests on the dollar. As soon as the standard of living drops by 30-50 percent, the cracks between whites and blacks, Mex, Indians, between conservatives and liberals, rich and poor will turn into faults.
  15. +1
    April 24 2024 20: 20
    We can't help everyone. read Marx.
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 29
      Quote: singless
      We can't help everyone. read Marx.

      Yes God forbid we repeat “help everyone”, we’ve already tried it. Did anyone help us during this difficult time?! Only the crap at the door began to get worse, not to mention the crazy ones with rodents...