Polish general: Military assistance from the United States will help Kyiv prepare for a large-scale offensive by the Russian army

Polish general: Military assistance from the United States will help Kyiv prepare for a large-scale offensive by the Russian army

Kyiv has about a month to prepare for a new large-scale offensive by the Russian army. American assistance will help him with this, but one should not expect more from it. Polish General Boguslaw Patsek stated this in an interview with Onet.

Today, the Ukrainian army is in a very difficult situation, so the military aid provided by the Americans should help the Ukrainian Armed Forces to somehow improve the situation. In addition, the supply of additional armored vehicles, artillery shells and anti-aircraft missiles should allow Ukraine to at least somehow prepare for the Russian army's offensive, which will begin in late spring. But it will not affect the outcome of the conflict itself.

As for defense, Ukraine is holding out with all its might. Everything is missing. Not only ammunition, but also much more that would allow her to defend effectively.

- declared the general.

According to Patsek, the Americans cannot give more than they have, so no matter how large the military aid may seem, it will only last for a short time. In addition, it must be taken into account that Russia is preparing a large-scale offensive, which cannot be stopped without trained military personnel. Therefore, during this month, Kyiv needs to mobilize and train about 300 thousand military personnel. Otherwise, everything is in vain, and help from the United States will not help.

The new package will help contain the Russian offensive, which is expected by the end of May. So there is a month left for delivery and preparation.

- added the general.
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  1. -1
    April 23 2024 20: 16
    Well, in principle he’s right. Then everything depends on us
    1. +4
      April 23 2024 20: 37
      In addition, the supply of additional armored vehicles, artillery shells and anti-aircraft missiles should allow Ukraine to at least somehow prepare for the Russian offensive, which will begin in late spring. But it will not affect the outcome of the conflict itself.

      Lately, everyone in the West has been talking about the outcome of the conflict... We are being convinced that the job is almost done and we can relax... I think they are simply lulling us to sleep... Neither Ukraine, nor the West, are going to give in... For the West, this is a matter of life and death, just like for us... If they lose to us and all Western European structures, they will be screwed... The same European Union may be the first to fall apart... No, they will fight to the end for their comfortable and well-fed life and will spare no one or nothing... Especially some Ukrainians... So now we are going head-to-head and everyone is waiting for the other to turn somewhere and leave... am
      1. +5
        April 23 2024 21: 24
        I propose to organize a retaliatory attack - go to English-language forums and write there that Russia is about to fall: literally 2-3 months are left, and the Kremlin will collapse under the onslaught of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, equipped with American equipment.
        1. +3
          April 23 2024 21: 30
          So what...??? It’s a misconception for the enemy, a useful thing for us... But someone needs to do this specifically... I have long proposed arranging part-time work (paid, of course) for foreign language students in the form of practical training on European forums... Well, for everyone who does not speak a foreign language work in a Ukrainian resource... They have TsIPSO, but we have at least something similar...???
    2. 0
      April 23 2024 21: 08
      Yeah, especially in terms of mobilization and preparation of 300 thousand dug in one month.
      1. 0
        April 23 2024 22: 16
        There the deputy "Fireman" was tied up. Like he took bribes, but they only found out now. And we think how their intelligence knows everything about us.
    3. 0
      April 24 2024 01: 18
      "A big war is just around the corner"
      The events of the last few days are causing increasing alarm and concern. Everything points to countries preparing for a major war. The West does not want to put up with Russia's ambitions and is betting on military escalation, on a long game. Look what's happening. The Congress has finally pushed through the allocation of huge sums of money. In principle, nothing new. What was talked about at the beginning of 2023 is happening now. The United States is investing money in its own military-industrial complex. According to reports from a year ago, it was said that the allocation of funds to help Ukraine would increase, and financial assistance would decrease. I already understood then what they were talking about. Many are surprised how the Republicans, even those who were radically against the allocation of $ 60 billion to Ukraine, suddenly changed their minds. It's simple - this money will not go directly to Ukraine. Maybe just pennies. All these allocations will go to Ukraine's own military-industrial complex and the military-industrial complex of Europe. Everything, down to the last penny, will be spent on military technologies of the future. Equipment from the reserves of Europe and the United States will be sent to Ukraine for these amounts. Each unit of this equipment will have to justify its rational use on the Ukrainian front, rest assured!
      Another very, very important aspect of preparing for the upcoming war. Pay attention to the new appointment of Valery Zaluzhny. New Ukrainian ambassador to Great Britain!? Nothing strange? A military man and suddenly a diplomat!? Nothing strange - everything is as clear as day. He is preparing NATO troops and developing a new concept for conducting high-intensity military operations against Russia. Right now, all the old Western manuals on preparing NATO troops for war with Russia are being rethought. They are studying. I think I will not be mistaken if I assume that in the near future there will be a new qualitative update of the concept of interaction between all branches of the military and NATO combat units on the future battlefield. Development and interaction of new electronic warfare systems in real time and theater control, taking into account what Russia is now demonstrating on the battlefield. Their entire control and combat system will reach a new level of interaction, supported by the latest technical developments and a new concept. Zaluzhny is now more valuable to them than platinum and diamonds.
      How much time do we have? I think the situation will start to change closer to summer, and we should expect radical changes by the end of the year.
      What conclusions would I like to draw from all that has been said!? Our victory will definitely not depend on quantitative indicators on the battlefield. The advantages of AI systems and real-time battle management systems will be undeniable. This needs to be done yesterday. The importance of our own development of electronic chips and electronics in general is now of the highest priority. The concept of swarm control using AI - no need to explain...
      1. +2
        April 24 2024 02: 04
        There are too many letters, and the thoughts are not yours, but the finished text was torn out from another resource.
        AI is not a panacea.
        1. -2
          April 24 2024 02: 26
          Lies, my thoughts. Specify the resource where you found this!? And there is no need to chatter.
  2. +7
    April 23 2024 20: 16
    Commentary on the topic of American assistance to the Ukrainian Reich from the TG channel "Typical Odessa".
  3. +1
    April 23 2024 20: 17
    Yes, in the last interview Zelecox mumbled only oh we are so grateful... but give us a super duper system... it’s clear that Moscow will be hit...
    Give me... give me this... it’s already clear that the straw is laid down and the rug is put on the niche when leaving to shit. I've spent a lot of billions, but don't have the money to wash a T-shirt...
  4. +2
    April 23 2024 20: 22
    ...Everything is missing. Not only ammunition, but also much more that would allow it to defend itself effectively,” said the general.
    a lot of other stuff is cannon fodder, as I understand it. More dill for the trenches!
  5. +1
    April 23 2024 20: 25
    Somehow they differ in their testimony...
    Haven't reached an agreement? what
  6. +1
    April 23 2024 20: 37
    Former des 'militaires qualifiés' en 1 mois?
    Cela me semble très très court...
  7. -1
    April 23 2024 20: 45
    He can really teach this in a month. It's not a month to shoot with a machine gun and act in a group. Not to mention other training and work with more serious weapons and equipment.
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 22: 21
      Quote: tralmaster
      He can really teach this in a month. It's not a month to shoot with a machine gun and act in a group. Not to mention other training and work with more serious weapons and equipment.

      If you learn by sweeping the parade ground 3 times a day, with a break for drill training, you won’t be able to teach it even in 2 years.
      But in driving schools, 20 hours are provided for driving a car.
      To operate a tower crane, a video tutorial is enough.
      A tractor driver there also takes easy training in 2 weeks. But only the military needs 12 months to learn how to peel potatoes, boots, and walk in formation.
  8. 0
    April 23 2024 21: 00
    Quote: Lev_Russia
    Recently, everyone in the West has been talking in unison about the outcome of the conflict...

    Who are we? Expand the thought. The General Staff of the RF Armed Forces does not care what they write in the media, they operate on intelligence data.
  9. +1
    April 23 2024 22: 09
    Ukraine is holding on with all its might. Everything is missing... The new package will help contain the Russian offensive, which is expected by the end of May

    Exactly a year ago, cries about the great Ukrainian counter-offensive were heard from every voice. Expert opinions differed only on where exactly the Ukrainian army would stop - on the approaches to Crimea or in Crimea itself.
    Now all Western media are talking about whether Ukraine will be able to fight off the Russian offensive and at what cost. And this is not misinformation for Russians, who do not really follow publications in the Western press, but materials for internal consumption:

    The New York Times: “Ukraine's Race to Hold the Line” (Ukraine is in a hurry - it needs to hold the line of defense)
    Bloomberg: “US Aid Gives Kyiv Respite But Battlefield Shift Remains Far Off” (American aid will give Kyiv a break, but a turning point on the battlefield is still far away)
    The Wall Street Journal: "US Aid Is a Lifeline for Ukraine's Struggle to Hold Off Defeat" (American aid is a lifeline for Ukraine trying to avoid defeat)
    Financial Times: “Ukraine faces race against time to deploy US funding” (Ukraine is running out of time to take advantage of American assistance)
    UnHerd: “Aid won't fix Ukraine's recruitment crisis” (The new aid package to Ukraine will not solve the crisis in recruiting the Armed Forces of Ukraine)

    The wind is changing and the Western public is clearly being prepared for the fact that Ukraine may not survive...
    1. -3
      April 24 2024 00: 08
      The British Telegraph gives the stolen goods 6 months to live.
  10. +1
    April 23 2024 23: 53
    Lots, and I mean LOTS, of wishful *thinking* here.
    Have the Poles lost their minds getting themselves wounded into this?
  11. +1
    April 24 2024 00: 13
    I don’t know... According to ANY textbook on tactics (they taught it once, no?) - the destruction of command (at any level, from platoon to military) is the priority of military actions. It is not clear why the clown is still in the circus arena? WHAT prevents its elimination? Well, isn’t that His word of honor? What ? A question that has no answer....And the answer to this question would clarify a lot in this very SVO...
    1. 0
      April 24 2024 01: 06
      According to ANY tactics textbook
      ..according to the canons of military operations, all enemy infrastructure is destroyed if possible, including the bridge, as the main transport hub... and they are all safe and sound in Western Banderland.... draw your own conclusions
      1. 0
        April 24 2024 10: 17
        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
        according to the canons of military operations

        And what are the canons of military operations?

        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
        all possible enemy infrastructure is destroyed, including the bridge

        Within the framework of a specific combat operation to encircle or isolate, this may happen. For example, Operation Rail War, timed to coincide with the Battle of Kursk.
        But usually bridges are destroyed by the retreating side - ours blew up bridges across the Dnieper in 1941, the Germans in 1943. And during an attack, on the contrary, they try to capture the bridges as a whole.
        1. 0
          April 24 2024 10: 23
          And during an attack, on the contrary, they try to capture the bridges as a whole.
          ...listen to reason... I'm talking about the bridges of Western Banderland, along which death moves from the empire of lies..... there is nothing for the RF Armed Forces to do in Western Banderland... these are unnecessary irretrievable losses... the population is completely crazy... what to do there?.. therefore we don't need bridges in the bridges of Western Banderland... decommunize them and that's the end of them.. and let them restore them themselves... but there is no money... therefore the West will restore and not stuff them with weapons
          1. -1
            April 24 2024 10: 25
            Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
            I'm talking about the bridges of Western Banderland, along which death moves from the empire of lies

            If you destroy the bridges of the “Western Banderland” (which ones, by the way?), then “death from the empire of lies” will not go anywhere, but will simply linger on the way, right?
            1. 0
              April 24 2024 10: 29
              (which ones, by the way?),
              ...via the Dniester, Vorskla, Bug
              but it’s just going to be delayed on the way, isn’t it?
              ...it will be delayed at junction stations...standing...and there will be no need to send combat aircraft there at all...there are enough other perks...and building bridges...is a troublesome and expensive business...look how long the repair of the bridge in Baltimore took...it's just a mess
              1. -2
                April 24 2024 11: 22
                Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                sculpting bridges...it’s a troublesome and costly task

                Building major civil bridges according to SNIPs is time-consuming and expensive. And to build a floating, pontoon or prefabricated bridge in military conditions is a matter of several hours. The same, by the way, is how to repair a damaged one. Or you can simply transport them on pontoons. Not to mention the fact that there are a hell of a lot more land crossings on the western borders of Ukraine.
                So, no, “death from the empire of lies” will not trample helplessly on the other side, like stupid units in a computer toy.

                In the pictures: pontoon bridge, floating bridge, prefabricated bridge, crossing on pontoons, bridge machine
                1. 0
                  April 24 2024 12: 14
                  In the pictures: pontoon bridge, floating bridge, prefabricated bridge, crossing on pontoons, bridge machine
                  ...this can be done with one missile attack....and mind you...and no railway transport...passed and approved by previous wars...temporary pontoon crossings are needed in cases of preparing bridgeheads and nothing more...you can't transport a lot of strategic military cargo...so alas
                  1. -1
                    April 24 2024 12: 28
                    Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                    this is wet with one missile attack

                    Yeah, you'll get tired of tracking and destroying this along the entire western border. And, it is restored in the same couple of hours.

                    Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                    pontoon crossings are needed in cases of preparing bridgeheads

                    Yeah, during the battle for the Dnieper, two armies were supplied through temporary crossings under enemy fire on the right bank.

                    Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                    and no railway transport

                    What do you mean, no railway transport? What do you think this is:
                    1. 0
                      April 24 2024 13: 40
                      Yeah, during the battle for the Dnieper, two armies were supplied through temporary crossings under enemy fire on the right bank.
                      ...and they lasted a long time...and most importantly...with what losses?...or is it taboo for you?...and I can tell you perfectly well...if you have the desire...
                      What do you mean, no railway transport? What do you think this is:
                      ...this crap is being built as part of exercises...and has no value whatsoever...because it is destroyed in an instant...especially in the age of hypersonic weapons
                      1. -1
                        April 24 2024 14: 34
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        and they lasted a long time

                        You won’t believe it, but until the Victory itself and another forty-six years until the right bank became part of Independent Ukraine.

                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        this crap is built as part of an exercise... destroyed in an instant

                        Yeah, tell me again, with the wave of a magic wand. Because nothing is impossible for someone who does not have to do it himself.
                      2. 0
                        April 24 2024 14: 37
                        You won’t believe it, but until the Victory itself and forty-six more
                        ...well, it’s not good to lie... firstly, the Dnieper is a navigable river... and secondly, the Stugs of these crossings carried rubbish... it was a desperate construction and with huge casualties
                      3. -1
                        April 24 2024 14: 53
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        Lying is bad

                        Lying about what? The bridgeheads captured with the help of temporary crossings held out until the end of the war.

                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        it was a desperate construction and with huge casualties

                        And well, the task was completed - three bridgeheads and two armies were supplied through these temporary crossings. That is, almost more than is now in Ukraine on both sides.
                        Which indicates that the destruction of bridges is not some kind of magical panacea, as armchair strategists think. And it’s not such a simple matter - the same Dnieper bridges were reliably destroyed only by sappers.
                      4. -1
                        April 24 2024 14: 57
                        The bridgeheads captured with the help of temporary crossings held out until the end of the war.
                        ...don't make people laugh
                        And it’s not such a simple matter - the same Dnieper bridges were reliably destroyed only by sappers.
                        ... and then by... at the moment it’s very easy to do... it would be the desire of the wise command, which wastes hypersonic missiles on some barns with drug addicts with an unknown result
                      5. 0
                        April 24 2024 15: 53
                        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
                        at the moment it's very sorry

                        Once again I became convinced that it is useless to argue with sectarians.
                        No more questions.
    2. 0
      April 24 2024 03: 00
      You cannot kill the head of state. This may set a bad example. There were exceptions, however - S. Hussein ("legally" hanged), M. Gaddafi (killed by "angry" bandits), S. Milosevic (died in prison). In addition, plans to assassinate Kim Jong-un have been rewritten for many years, and recently V. Putin was declared “outlaw.” But these are all “non-democratic” heads of state, but the Jew Zelye is “democratic” - he cannot be. This will destroy the “arrogantly Saxon rules of legality” in the world, which are religiously observed by the Russian Foreign Ministry, headed by S. Lavrov.
      1. -1
        April 24 2024 10: 22
        Quote: smart fellow
        There were exceptions, however, - S. Hussein ("legally" hanged), M. Gaddafi (killed by "angry" bandits), S. Milosevic (died in prison)

        It is worth noting that all of the rulers listed first lost the war and were then killed. That is, the war was not lost because the leadership was destroyed, but strictly the opposite - the leadership was destroyed because the war was lost.

        Quote: smart fellow
        This will destroy the “arrogantly Saxon rules of legality” in the world, which are religiously observed by the Russian Foreign Ministry, headed by S. Lavrov.

        a) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not involved in the liquidation of anyone;
        b) if our leadership had religiously observed the “rules-based order” (by the way, this term itself appeared after the beginning of the Northern Military District, and before that there was international law), then there would be no war.
    3. -2
      April 24 2024 10: 09
      Quote: Serge9901
      According to ANY tactics textbook... destruction of command... priority of military action

      Would you mind giving me a link? Or examples from history?
      1. +1
        April 24 2024 13: 30
        Read the history of ANY war. From personal experience: who does the attached sniper fire at first? Where do we aim the turntables? If you (lucky!) have your own mortar crew in the mountains, where do we shoot? Etc. and so on. Guys, ask Dad, I’ll tell you... It’s old, but “we won’t ruin the furrow”...
        1. -1
          April 24 2024 14: 29
          Quote: Serge9901
          Read the history of ANY war

          Well, you’ve already read it - what’s stopping you from giving a couple of examples? This is secondly.
          And firstly, you referred to tactics textbooks, not history. So why not quote the relevant paragraph?
          1. +1
            April 24 2024 15: 12
            "Infantry Tactics in Combat Operations" (PSO.VO.USSR (1963) - "... when detecting the possibility of influencing the destruction of the enemy command staff, apply MAXIMUM efforts and capabilities up to critically significant ones to reduce or completely eliminate the enemy's capabilities for command and control of the BD ..." Have you ever fought, sir? Do you know what the main thing is in the mountains? When such a crowd of crazy "Czechs" is rushing at you? Who are you, bang-tararakh? Can you assemble a PC blindly, do you have calluses on your thumb and shoulder, like lice? How I hate rear sycophants ... And the wheel is crooked on the Ural, which bearing went (I'll tell you 2709, there are two of them, ...)? And the pedal is stuck on the double-barreled DShK, what are we changing? I ate three of you sofas for breakfast in Afghanistan ... I have a feeling to finish it I will have to do this SVO at my 56 years old.. Because such pale bastards in the country are trying to say something and ask me (an old man) about something. I feel sorry for you, cretins... Die in bewilderment... I will strangle the nit... (pardon my emotions, I look at this operetta and feel ashamed for the State)
            1. +1
              April 24 2024 15: 55
              Quote: Serge9901
              I feel sorry for you, cretins... Die in bewilderment... I will strangle the nit...

              Sorry, I didn't know you were shell-shocked. No more questions.
              1. 0
                April 24 2024 16: 03
                You are right. there was an attack, and suddenly our Sashka (in the rear on the dshk) began to hit long, I heard a whistle towards him - a mine, there is contact... I woke up - hospital, Bagram... Such garbage, shell shock... (1988) (just in case - two higher ones. One vocational school, now - IT, machine learning engineer) ...Hugged...
    4. 0
      April 24 2024 17: 54
      A counter question to you: why didn’t we destroy Hitler during the Second World War?
      1. 0
        April 24 2024 18: 58
        Failed. We tried... Just imagine the effect of a successful attempt. And now it's the same. I personally don’t know Himself, but my friends say that it’s stupid here, it won’t work, moreover, he’s ready to DEFEND this slobber, just so that “Moscow doesn’t kill the scumbag.” Do you understand, right? It’s difficult... I wish I could get an appointment, but my level is not mine, but my boss periodically communicates with Himself, but... it’s empty... No way... We’re waiting... There are hopes for Dyumin, with his deputy a bucket of cognac drank in due time, everything is ok.....
  12. 0
    April 24 2024 00: 35
    This was stated by Polish General Boguslaw Patsek in an interview with the publication

    The chatlans' patseks are completely on their heads!
  13. 0
    April 24 2024 13: 14
    How do the enemies know about the new large-scale offensive of the Russian army? Or is this disinformation and there will be a Ukrainian offensive?
  14. 0
    April 24 2024 13: 27
    Peine perdue pour les Ukrainians! Personne ne pourra arrêter l'offensive russe pour libérer l'Ukraine de la junte de Kiev!