Forced migrants: the first colonists of the New World

Forced migrants: the first colonists of the New World

When talking about the first colonists from the Old World to land on the shores of North America, fugitives, dissidents and other adventurers are often mentioned. However, in reality this is not the case.

The first Europeans to travel to the new continent were a group of Puritans persecuted by the Catholic Church. They sought to create a “territory of religious freedom” in the new land, where people would not be persecuted for their beliefs.

However, contrary to what is written in modern American textbooks, in fact the opposite happened. Instead of proclaiming that same religious freedom, the “forced migrants” began to harshly oppress those who did not want to accept their faith.

The first colonial expedition to the New World set off on September 16, 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. In total, 180 settlers were accommodated on the ship with a displacement of 102 tons. Moreover, during the journey, which lasted just over 2 months, another child was born on the ship.

It is worth noting that the size of the ship, to put it mildly, did not allow such a number of passengers to comfortably accommodate. In addition, to be sent to the New World, the settlers chose the northern route, which takes only 8 weeks, but is more dangerous and little studied. Ultimately, the colonists faced severe hardships, including disease and food shortages.

Meanwhile, on November 21, 1620, having rounded Cape Cod, the ship anchored off the coast of New England, and the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. Then a colony of the same name was founded on the continent.

It is worth adding that the life of the settlers in the new land, where they fled from the oppression of Catholics, turned out to be far from safe. The Puritans were constantly attacked by the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. However, the arrows of the Indians could not fully resist the guns of the “intruders.” This confrontation was predetermined. After all, later new ships began to arrive on the mainland from the Old World.

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  1. +3
    April 23 2024 08: 22
    The first colonial expedition to the New World set off on September 16, 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower. In total, 180 settlers were accommodated on the ship with a displacement of 102 tons.

    "May Flower" is not the first. In 1585 and 1587 there were 2 unsuccessful attempts; in 1607 a fort was founded, later Jamestown.
    1. +1
      April 23 2024 09: 35
      Today American society is a symbiosis of puritans and hypocrites.
  2. +4
    April 23 2024 08: 24
    The Puritans were constantly attacked by the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. However, the arrows of the Indians could not fully resist the guns of the “intruders”

    Religious fanatics could not simply live in peace. They seized other people's lands, believing that it was their right. This is how double standards spread. On the one hand, the Puritans are poor, unhappy, persecuted, and on the other hand, they are invaders who do not take into account the indigenous population
    1. 0
      April 23 2024 08: 53
      Before the European colonists, the Indians fought well with each other.
      1. +2
        April 23 2024 09: 17
        Before the European colonists, the Indians fought well with each other.

        And that’s why those who “come in large numbers” are allowed to exterminate them and drive them into reservations?
        1. 0
          April 23 2024 09: 22
          Did the Puritans drive them there?
          1. +3
            April 23 2024 09: 25
            So let's write it down.
            By extermination, that means there are no questions.
  3. +5
    April 23 2024 08: 50
    a group of Puritans persecuted by the Catholic Church
    The Puritans were not persecuted by the Catholic Church, but were not given life by the English king
  4. +4
    April 23 2024 09: 26
    It's not about the Puritans who were among the first settlers. In addition to the Puritans, there were other believers who were persecuted by the official religion or the state as settlers. One of the most famous settlers is probably the Amish. Despite the passage of time, the Amish have not changed their way of life. The Amish still do not use telephones, do not drive cars but ride horse-drawn carriages, and plow the land not with tractors but with horse-drawn plows. But only from an Amish farmer can an American buy meat without antibiotics, milk without hormones, and fruits and vegetables without genetic modification. Such a way of life and beliefs inspire respect. Especially against the background of how the largest religions, in order to please the trends, allow same-sex marriages, gender identity, and the blessing of cannibalism is not far off.
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. 0
    27 May 2024 14: 24
    For those interested in the topic.
    Zaikonnikov, "History of the West. Colonial Era", in 2 volumes. Available on Litres, it costs a penny, it is written very well and is easy to read.