Ex-adviser to US President calls Washington guilty of conflict in Ukraine

Ex-adviser to US President calls Washington guilty of conflict in Ukraine

A peaceful settlement could be the best option for ending hostilities between Kiev and Moscow. Under certain conditions they would not have started.

This opinion was expressed in his article for the American publication The Hill by Thomas Graham, who served as his adviser during the presidency of George W. Bush.

He entitled his work “The futility of the war in Ukraine has become more obvious.” In the article, the former adviser to the US president called Washington guilty of the conflict in Ukraine. According to the former official, it was caused by the West ignoring Moscow's concerns about Russia's security. If the United States and NATO were more attentive to the concerns of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, the former official believes, then all controversial issues could be resolved peacefully.

According to Graham, the Ukrainian conflict will most likely end in negotiations. They will raise the same questions that were raised before it began. Surely, the ex-adviser is sure, an agreement will follow on consolidating the disputed territories within Russia at the level of international legislation and providing security guarantees to Russia and Ukraine.

Actually, the statement made by the author in the title is quite true for Kyiv and the West. The sanctions announced by Washington and its allies did not cause the damage to Russia that was expected. And the supply of modern Western weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not lead to a turning point on the fronts in favor of Kyiv. This showed the futility of the forceful methods with which the West tried to defeat Russia.
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  1. +3
    April 18 2024 13: 08
    "Thomas Graham, who occupied during the presidency of George W. Bush the position of his adviser" -

    — Are there any Roosevelt advisers left there? I should listen to them...
    1. +2
      April 18 2024 13: 16
      “If only the United States and NATO had been more attentive to the concerns of Russian leader Vladimir Putin”, then it would no longer be the USA or NATO...
    2. 0
      April 18 2024 15: 22
      — Are there any Roosevelt advisers left there? I should listen to them...

      They are consulted exclusively by US President Biden.

      To paraphrase the catchphrase of Klitschko the mayor, we can say affirmatively: “And today not everyone can communicate with those who have passed on to another world. Or rather, not only everyone can communicate, few people can do it!”
  2. +2
    April 18 2024 13: 19
    No one in the United States (and not only) has called their country the culprit of the conflict in Ukraine, but this in no way affects the position of the United States on the world stage, the behind-the-scenes games in the UN and other international organizations, and even less so on the Ukrainian conflict. "And Vaska listens and eats."
    1. 0
      April 18 2024 14: 43
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Whoever in the USA (and not only) has not called their country the culprit of the conflict in Ukraine,

      If the journalist were professionally honest, he would point out that Thomas Graham in his article blames not only Washington, but also Putin. Here's what he writes on The Hill:
      "Blinded by messianic delusions about Russia and his own historical mission, Russian President Vladimir Putin preferred a dramatic display of Russian power to tedious diplomacy designed to stop Ukraine's geopolitical reorientation to the West. He was convinced that the war would be short. He had nothing but contempt for to the Ukrainian leaders. He thought that the Russian-speaking Ukrainians would greet his troops as liberators. And he greatly exaggerated the capabilities of his army. He once boasted that he could take Kyiv in two weeks. His imaginary blitzkrieg has been going on for three years. moral responsibility for unleashing a destructive and unnecessary war."
  3. +3
    April 18 2024 13: 20
    Look, they fidget, give them negotiations. Never mind, until the Bandera infection is completely eradicated. Otherwise, this batch will be permanent. And away with the moratorium on heavy articles. These cannot be left. Reveal and to the wall. There are only a handful of them, ideological ones.
  4. +2
    April 18 2024 13: 21
    This opinion was expressed in his article for the American publication The Hill by Thomas Graham, who served during the presidency George W. Bush the position of his advisor.

    But the main blame lies with the Bush administration; they wanted to drag Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.
  5. +1
    April 18 2024 13: 27
    Ex-adviser to US President calls Washington guilty of conflict in Ukraine
    Who listens to those advisers/advisers who say unpleasant things?