GOELRO Plan: starting point in the industrialization of the USSR

GOELRO Plan: starting point in the industrialization of the USSR

The GOELRO plan made a huge contribution to the future industrialization of Russia at the beginning of the Bolshevik rule.

It is worth noting that it was based on the work of V.I. Lenin himself - the article “Sketch of a plan for technical work,” written by him in 1918. Later, in 1919, the leader’s idea was detailed by energy scientist Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky.

The GOELRO plan itself (State Commission for Electrification of Russia) was drawn up already in 1920 and approved at the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets in 1921.

The document consisted of 650 pages and included detailed tactics for the development of not only the country’s energy sector, but, in fact, the entire economy, since it provided for the construction of industrial enterprises, electrification of transport, etc.

As mentioned above, the GOELRO plan became the starting point in the industrialization of the USSR. After all, it was he who replaced “muscular” labor with mechanical energy, giving impetus to the rapid development of industry. In addition, designed for 10-15 years, it laid the foundation for the state planning system.

Regarding the main goals, the GOELRO plan, among other things, over 10-15 years provided for the construction of 30 regional power plants with a total capacity of 1,75 million kW. By the way, it was during the period of its implementation that the largest DneproHPP in Europe produced its first electricity.

By 1926, the country's energy sector had been completely restored. By 1931, instead of the planned 1,75 million kW of electricity, 2,56 million kW were generated.

By the end of the planned 15-year period, in 1935, the Soviet energy sector of the USSR occupied third place in the world after the USA and Germany.

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  1. +5
    April 15 2024 18: 22
    Everything is correct, everything begins with energy, and without it, everything ends.
    1. -1
      April 15 2024 18: 48
      In Ukraine, everything will end after the deelectrification of the entire country. good
      The winter is coming. (C) Game of Thrones.
      1. +2
        April 15 2024 19: 22
        The big giraffe is difficult for us to understand what he was up to there... we can only express our versions, our vision of the situation.
    2. +1
      April 16 2024 00: 58
      GOELRO plan (State Commission for Electrification of Russia)
      And you know where the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station was built according to this plan. recourse
      1. 0
        April 16 2024 08: 09
        Where was it built?
        Where all sorts of resources were closer, the conditions, etc. were suitable...
  2. +2
    April 15 2024 18: 25
    How can the author not be ashamed to remind us of the path from the plough to the rockets? We see the same path...in the same time frame. Although the equipment and devices cannot be compared.
    1. +3
      April 15 2024 19: 53
      Quote: Aerodrome
      as the author is not ashamed to recall the path from the plow to the rockets.....
      There was information that Lenin’s plan for the electrification of the entire country was based on the plan for the electrification of Russia, drawn up under the Tsar, but the timeframe for its implementation was shortened by an order of magnitude.
      1. -3
        April 17 2024 17: 27
        I came across information that the basis of Lenin’s plan for the electrification of the entire country was the plan for the electrification of Russia, drawn up under the Tsar, only the time frame for its implementation was reduced by an order of magnitude.

        There was no plan for the electrification of Russia, similar to GOELRO, in the Russian Empire. Storytellers who spread such a myth refer to the activities of KEPS. But if you look at the pre-revolutionary reports of this commission (they are in the public domain), you can see that electrification was not on the agenda.
      2. 0
        5 May 2024 15: 06
        The tsar himself had to install power line supports wassat
  3. +2
    April 15 2024 18: 38
    The path is long and gigantic.
    My father said that in luzungs 100 years ago they wrote.... electrification..
    Literacy was not enough
    1. -1
      April 15 2024 19: 44
      Quote: antivirus
      My father said that in luzungs 100 years ago they wrote.... electrification..
      Literacy was not enough

      That's why you need to remember the words:
      "Study, study and study", as Vladimir Lenin said.
      These words turned into a slogan and accompanied a person almost from birth to death. It was in all textbooks, from the primer to teaching aids in institutes, universities, and academies. This slogan became widespread during the formation of young Soviet Russia.
      1. +1
        April 15 2024 20: 13
        Quote: antivirus
        My father said that in luzungs 100 years ago they wrote.... electrification..

        I wrote the same thing, but as it turns out, it’s not correct.
        1. 0
          April 15 2024 22: 36
          Quote: Bad_gr
          I wrote the same thing, but as it turns out, it’s not correct.

          No, you wrote correctly, but you forgot about V. Lenin’s first postulate:
          "Study, study and study again". The phrase was written by Lenin in the work "Retrograde direction of Russian Social Democracy" in 1899. After it was written, it was never published anywhere; it saw the light only after the death of the Bolshevik leader, in 1924.

          Here's what the article says:
          The GOELRO plan itself (State Commission for Electrification of Russia) was drawn up already in 1920 and approved at the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets in 1921.
  4. +1
    April 15 2024 18: 41
    Judging by the Ukrainian power grid, the Soviets managed to create an incredibly reliable and sustainable system.
  5. +6
    April 15 2024 18: 51
    Socialism - Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country.
    Apparently, the leaders of the Soviet state understood that it was possible to survive in this world only by producing and manufacturing...
    * * *
    Our fervent patriots continue to reproach the USSR with wooden buildings for meeting their needs. It was not because of a good life in pure poly that factories and enterprises were raised. The country had its own planes and its own trains. What have they built in 30 years?
    * * *
    Why do available funds go into the pockets of the bourgeoisie, and are not embodied in the construction of new cities? Where have all the projects gone? Why do people still live in areas that are inundated with flood waters every year? Why do forest fires start in summer?
    1. +3
      April 15 2024 18: 54
      Why do available funds go into the pockets of the bourgeoisie, and are not embodied in the construction of new cities?

      Because this is capitalism. And its most vile form...
      1. +1
        April 15 2024 18: 56
        Quote: Luminman
        Because this is capitalism. And its most vile form...

        ...under state custody... Yes
        1. 0
          April 15 2024 19: 36
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Because this is capitalism. And its most vile form...

          ...under state guardianship..

          Yes, not under state tutelage, but a capitalist state, where capitalists rule the roost.
    2. 0
      April 15 2024 20: 09
      The country had its own planes and its own trains. The USSR ordered 70% of passenger ships from capitalist countries, 60% of cargo ships from the same place.

      Why do people still live in areas that are inundated with flood waters every year? apparently because they lived there 10 and 20, 30 and 50 years ago. Only 60 years ago no one threw hysterics - well, the flood and the flood, well, just think, it flooded and flooded.

      Why do forest fires start in summer? why was the biggest fire in the 20th century in the Moscow region in 1971?
      Did they show you the box?
      Fuck it...
      They brought in an army, 120 with equipment, and spent half the summer extinguishing it.

      Apparently, the leaders of the Soviet state understood that it was possible to survive in this world only by producing and manufacturing... - that’s why they sent oil, gas, electricity, timber and so on abroad starting in the 1970s
      Apparently these were high-tech products?
      1. -1
        April 17 2024 17: 34
        The USSR ordered 70% of passenger ships from capitalist countries, 60% of cargo ships from the same place.

        Once again I ask you for a source of such information.
        That’s why they sent oil, gas, electricity, timber, and so on abroad starting in the 1970s.

        1) It’s strange to see electricity on this list.
        2) It’s strange that you presented the sale of raw materials as the antithesis of existing production.
        1. 0
          April 17 2024 19: 42
          Once again I ask you for a source of such information. haven't seen it before. Unfortunately, it’s inconvenient to search for broader information from your phone, so the first link that comes up
          In the Far Abroad, ships for the USSR were built in large series.
          In reality, sailors gave bribes in the USSR to get on the Vyartsilov ships....
          1. 0
            April 18 2024 09: 14

            Apparently you were inattentive in evaluating what was written.
            1. -1
              April 18 2024 10: 41
              I’m embarrassed to ask - what’s the inattention? The fact that more ships were built over the hill than in the USSR and the socialist camp combined is quite obvious.
              For series of ships the percentage is even higher.
              The nuclear icebreakers Taimyr and Vaygach were built in Finland - only our reactors.
  6. -4
    April 15 2024 18: 55
    The author would have to add that all, absolutely all, of the USSR’s energy industry in the early 30s was built by the Germans and Americans.
    Entire design bureaus consisting of foreign engineers and skilled workers, numbering tens of thousands of people, worked in the USSR.
    The same applies to metallurgy and mechanical engineering.
    1. -1
      April 15 2024 19: 41
      Quote: Architect
      The author would have to add that all, absolutely all, of the USSR’s energy industry in the early 30s was built by the Germans and Americans.

      Why not hire guest workers from capitalist countries, smart, literate ones, but now they accept people from villages who have not even completed 4th grade (primary school). The first ones built a lot of good things, but what will these villages build?
      1. +1
        April 16 2024 01: 12
        Quote: carpenter
        Why not hire guest workers from capitalist countries, smart, literate ones?
        So they need to be paid, and no less than they are paid in the West, otherwise what's the point of going to God knows where? Pay, mind you, not in rubles, and especially not in rupees or yuan, but in dollars or other hard currency. And provide amenities like in the West, i.e. an elite class apartment or a house in a decent suburb with all the amenities (outhouses on the street in the West have long since sunk into oblivion). Moreover, being familiar with the Soviet engineering school firsthand, I assure you that our university graduates will do no worse for half of what they would pay an imported specialist.
        Quote: carpenter
        what will these villages build?
        Look around and see, if you have eyes. And hear, if you have ears. And you will hear something like "Allah Akbar!"
        1. -1
          April 16 2024 08: 18
          Quote: Nagan
          Look around and see if you have eyes. And you will hear, if you have ears. And you will hear something like “Allahu Akbar!”

          Yes, we don’t see any “villages” here, but there are a few Arabs, but from them you can’t hear “Allahu Akbar,” but everywhere you can hear “what’s that!”
    2. +3
      April 15 2024 19: 41
      Even if this is so, although it is not so at all, because the mass of engineering personnel of the former Russian Empire worked for the benefit of the socialist Fatherland, it does not diminish the merits of the leaders of the USSR, who raised the country to a level comparable to the most developed countries of Europe. And they trained their own personnel, who replaced these hired ones. And we can also remember the Tsar-reformer Peter I, who changed the appearance of Russia with the help of foreigners. Are you reproaching the Bolsheviks for their desire to develop the country? Why did you write this?
  7. -1
    April 16 2024 16: 56
    "GOELRO Plan: ..."
    Have you ever seen Putin’s program in 20 years? No? And she is! Raise the electricity tariff twice a year! That's the whole GOELRO plan.
  8. 0
    8 May 2024 10: 12
    Everything is as always... Before the Soviets, there was no Russia at all. And then a lawyer appears, who out of 8 assigned cases barely completed one and, with God's providence, writes a paper with technical calculations on the electrification of the country. And some petty energy scientist obsequiously corrects the mistakes of the thought giant.
    Russia already occupied first place in the world in electrification of the country. Scientists have worked in this direction. Of course, it really wasn’t the same pace as electrification was carried out under the Soviets. But there was a school, there were engineers and scientists. There were also projects. Moreover, more successful ones, without flooding lands, villages and villages along with family cemeteries. But at this time, industrialization required a colossal amount of electricity and projects had to be simplified.
    And then, the plan was called Lenin's, that's how our people are.... They'll give a breeding cow the name Krupskaya, or they'll name some plan or stadium after Lenin. Perhaps in a couple of decades, the plan for the revival of Russia will be called Putin's.
  9. -2
    9 May 2024 22: 47
    Quote: Bad_gr
    I came across information that the basis of Lenin’s plan for the electrification of the entire country was the plan for the electrification of Russia, drawn up under the Tsar, only the time frame for its implementation was reduced by an order of magnitude.

    There was a plan, the tsarist government actively collaborated with Siemens.
    Before the First World War, the future head of the Imperial Bank of the Third Reich, Hjalmar Schacht, came to Russia.
    He mentioned the huge projects of this company in Tsarist Russia.

    Form (last name of Ulyanov after his Jewish mother), was a fierce enemy of Russia, he plunged the Empire into a civil war with millions of victims.
    According to his shameful Brest Peace Treaty, which was signed by non-Russian people from the former Russian Empire, our Motherland lost vast territories.

    The great Stalin took a long time to root out Blank’s henchmen, and was able to return the greatness (of the territory) to our Motherland.

    Only under Stalin did the population begin to grow, and after the end of the Second World War, they even began to reduce food prices.
  10. +1
    28 May 2024 10: 03
    As one professor of the Polytechnic told me, the GOELRO plan (the electrification of the country) was presented by Chatelain to the tsarist government in the late 10s before the First World War, but this plan was not taken into account. This plan was presented to Lenin, the battles with the interventionists and the interventionists had not yet died down, and the GOELRO plan began to be implemented by the Soviet government. Chatelain lived until the 50s, and taught my professor, who told me this information. Chatelain was also a member of the GOELRO commission.
  11. +1
    13 June 2024 03: 59

    I found an interesting article on the history of electrification. I recommend reading it.