GOELRO Plan: starting point in the industrialization of the USSR

The GOELRO plan made a huge contribution to the future industrialization of Russia at the beginning of the Bolshevik rule.
It is worth noting that it was based on the work of V.I. Lenin himself - the article “Sketch of a plan for technical work,” written by him in 1918. Later, in 1919, the leader’s idea was detailed by energy scientist Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky.
The GOELRO plan itself (State Commission for Electrification of Russia) was drawn up already in 1920 and approved at the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets in 1921.
The document consisted of 650 pages and included detailed tactics for the development of not only the country’s energy sector, but, in fact, the entire economy, since it provided for the construction of industrial enterprises, electrification of transport, etc.
As mentioned above, the GOELRO plan became the starting point in the industrialization of the USSR. After all, it was he who replaced “muscular” labor with mechanical energy, giving impetus to the rapid development of industry. In addition, designed for 10-15 years, it laid the foundation for the state planning system.
Regarding the main goals, the GOELRO plan, among other things, over 10-15 years provided for the construction of 30 regional power plants with a total capacity of 1,75 million kW. By the way, it was during the period of its implementation that the largest DneproHPP in Europe produced its first electricity.
By 1926, the country's energy sector had been completely restored. By 1931, instead of the planned 1,75 million kW of electricity, 2,56 million kW were generated.
By the end of the planned 15-year period, in 1935, the Soviet energy sector of the USSR occupied third place in the world after the USA and Germany.