Politico: UK will never be able to confiscate Russian assets in the country

Politico: UK will never be able to confiscate Russian assets in the country

The conflict in Ukraine has already entered its third year, and all this time Kyiv’s Western partners are thinking about how to confiscate multi-billion-dollar Russian assets that were frozen in Western countries after the outbreak of the conflict.

However, so far in Europe and the United States they have not decided to take coordinated steps in this matter, not because they are concerned about Russia, but because of purely personal interests. As the American publication Politico notes, one of the leading Western countries, Great Britain, will never dare to confiscate Russian assets in the country for a number of compelling reasons.

One of them is the lack of legal grounds for this procedure. In addition, London fears that this will negatively affect future peace negotiations, which will sooner or later have to be held, and also that this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of anti-Russian sanctions.

The publication writes that Russian assets worth a total of 44 billion pounds sterling are blocked in the UK, adding that the country's government has never published official data on this matter.

There is and never will be any legal right to receive frozen Russian money, property or other assets

Politico concludes, citing the opinions of numerous sanctions lawyers and political experts.
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  1. +4
    April 15 2024 13: 34
    One of them is the lack of legal grounds for this procedure.

    The absence of law is an insignificant obstacle for the Anglo-Saxons.
    Firstly, the necessary law can always be adopted.
    Secondly, these bastards start entire wars with millions of victims for the sake of money. They don't care about laws.

    The main thing that is stopping them now is the real fear that yes, you can steal 300 lard, but you will end up with much larger money, which all sorts of UAE, China and other Indians will begin to withdraw even more from under the dollar and from Western banks.
    1. +1
      April 15 2024 13: 53
      Quote: Denis812
      The main thing that is stopping them now is the real fear that yes, you can steal 300 lard, but you will end up with much larger money, which all sorts of UAE, China and other Indians will begin to withdraw even more from under the dollar and from Western banks.

      Do you believe this? Abramovich was squeezed out of Chelsea and something else, not a small amount in the end. And there were many like Abramovich with a Russian passport. And that one of the Arab sheikhs fled from London? Everyone is confident that this will not affect them.
      1. +2
        April 15 2024 13: 57
        For me, they should at least put Abramovich up against the wall. Then people like him will be smarter. They will live in Russia and spend their money.
        But these are the grandmothers of the oligarchs. Private money.

        And three hundred yards is the sovereign money of the Russian state.
        Do not confuse private money with official government money. This state placed money with you. You guaranteed the safety of this money.
        And by freezing them, and even more so by taking them away, you show that the contribution of any state can be withdrawn.
        Once again - not a private contribution. And the state one.
        1. -2
          April 15 2024 14: 01
          The sheikhs did not flee, but the States will flee? Will it really be a miracle when corrupt officials became smarter than private traders? Do you believe this yourself?
          1. 0
            April 15 2024 14: 08
            At first you incorrectly referred to the status of the owner of the money.
            I pointed out to you that we are talking about state money.
            Now you are trying to compare the cognitive abilities of private sector workers and government employees. Why is this a meaningless comparison?

            I'm saying that if the money is stolen from the Russian Federation, this will lead to a loss of confidence of many current and potential investors in US bonds.
            Which would be a disaster for the US. Because they are holding on only because almost everyone buys their main export product (the dollar).

            Of course, I don’t believe that the United States will collapse tomorrow. This is impossible. They have a colossal margin of safety. :) But such a withdrawal of government money will definitely significantly speed up the process of exiting the US government debt.
            1. 0
              April 15 2024 14: 23
              Quote: Denis812
              this will lead to a loss of confidence among many current and potential investors in US bonds.
              Which would be a disaster for the US. Because they are holding on only because almost everyone buys their main export product (the dollar).

              This is what business thinks about who owns US government bonds. The largest holders of US government debt are Japan (3,5%) and China (2,5%). The share of other countries from the top ten largest holders of the country's government debt accounts for 9%, so the entire top ten has about 15%.
              The rest is from American banks/funds and other private investors from around the world.
              And yes, the main US export is not finance, but Oil/Gas, aircraft, chemical and agricultural products. Services are not even included in the top 10. Total exports are more than 2 trillion. dollars.
              1. 0
                April 15 2024 18: 30
                The main rule when communicating with an Englishman is to never trust him.
                Except when he promises to kill you.
            2. 0
              April 15 2024 14: 27
              Quote: Denis812
              I'm saying that if the money is stolen from the Russian Federation, this will lead to the loss of trust of many current and potential investors

              I’m telling you that they took it away from Abramovich and several other people from the Russian Federation, but the Arab sheikhs did not run away. Likewise, the value of castles in the Piccadilly area has not fallen at all.
              Therefore, there will be no loss of trust.
              1. 0
                April 15 2024 14: 31
                I tell you again: do not confuse taking money from hucksters with taking money from a sovereign state. There are a lot of hucksters, yes, they may be rich, but they are not subjects of international law and they do not have state power. If the West takes away a billion from Abramovich and if the West takes away a billion from Russia, these are different things. Russia will come for its own. And what’s more, the world will see that something was taken away from her. State. And he will draw conclusions.
                Is this not clear?
  2. +1
    April 15 2024 13: 34
    “Europe and the United States do not dare to take coordinated steps in this matter and not because they care about Russia, but because of purely personal interests" -

    — And we thought everyone cared about Russia...
  3. 0
    April 15 2024 13: 40
    If the UAE buys English BP, we will have a bummer. There were negotiations, but so far they have not led to anything.
  4. +1
    April 15 2024 13: 46
    One of them is the lack of legal grounds for this procedure.
    Has this ever stopped the UK?

    London fears that this will negatively affect future peace negotiations, which will sooner or later have to be held
    This is also not an argument - in London there are still phantom pains from the times when “the Sun did not set on Britain,” from the 19th century. They then conducted all the “negotiations” only according to their own scenario. Do you think it will be the same now? Then what does stealing money have to do with it? They would have taken it according to the “white man’s right” and that’s all.

    It seems to me that these are excuses. In fact, it is slowly beginning to dawn on them that the “king of beasts” is no longer a lion at all - he has aged, become decrepit, and his teeth have fallen out. It’s true that it still emits a lot of stench, sometimes it even lets out ooze, but there’s no more strength in its paws.
    1. 0
      April 15 2024 13: 52
      to hell with the naglichans... Anatoly Kvochur has gone on Eternal Flight... Clear Sky to him... soldier
      1. +1
        April 15 2024 14: 00
        Quote: Aerodrome
        Anatoly Kvochur went on Eternal Flight... Clear Sky to him...

        "Pilots don't die, they fly away and don't come back..."
        A. de Saint-Exupéry
  5. +1
    April 15 2024 13: 50
    Nonsense. The Anglo-Saxons don’t care about laws if there is a benefit. Abramovich was robbed of Chelsea, 4 billion pounds, a completely legal business and property. They didn't even blink an eye. Without any laws, they just took it away and that’s it. This is why they screw up: they have large blocks of shares in Sberbank, Gazprom, etc. - and they are many times more profitable than their own. It is clear that if they confiscate it, we will take it back. Moreover, in the future, these assets are also significantly undervalued.
  6. osp
    April 15 2024 13: 54
    How many Russian politicians and officials with the prefix ex. fled to this island.
    And how many oligarchs fled there?
    Take even the former governor of Sevastopol.
    View his biography, where he worked, what he had access to.
    This is just a gift for British intelligence!
    And how many of these others have not been advertised from Roscosmos, Rosatom, etc.
  7. 0
    April 15 2024 14: 22
    The question is... how much money is stuck on their side, or even works for us?
    There is something...
    1. 0
      April 15 2024 16: 12
      The question is not a question at all. Local ligators and Westerners are of the same tribe: either directly, or through mother-in-law, wife and desert dog. Joint geshefts are a dime a dozen, sanctions make it possible to squeeze in Russia those who are too quick, who did not happen to get into tribal relations. Only idiots talk about Russophobia, true Aryans just don’t give a damn about anyone if profit appears on the horizon.
  8. +1
    April 15 2024 15: 59
    Britain-can-there is such lawlessness and meanness that it is not capable of tongue