Rosatom continues to implement the “Breakthrough” project - the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle
For several years now, the Rosatom State Corporation has been implementing one of the main innovative projects in the global nuclear energy industry, called “Breakthrough”.
The essence of this grandiose project is the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle, to achieve which it is necessary to build nuclear power complexes and conduct a huge number of tests of various components of this project.
Much has already been done, and recently at the site of the Experimental Demonstration Energy Complex (ODEC) on the territory of the Siberian Chemical Plant, the first technological facility was launched - a module for the fabrication/refabrication of innovative nuclear fuel. Scientists here successfully tested special equipment for producing this fuel.
The speed of making technical decisions and the quality of work within the framework of the Breakthrough project is rapidly increasing, noted Sergei Kotov, General Director of the Siberian Chemical Plant.
And the scientific director of the project, Evgeniy Adamov, emphasized that thanks to the unique project to create a closed nuclear fuel cycle, it will be possible to use existing reserves for thousands of years.
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