Rosatom continues to implement the “Breakthrough” project - the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle

Rosatom continues to implement the “Breakthrough” project - the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle

For several years now, the Rosatom State Corporation has been implementing one of the main innovative projects in the global nuclear energy industry, called “Breakthrough”.

The essence of this grandiose project is the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle, to achieve which it is necessary to build nuclear power complexes and conduct a huge number of tests of various components of this project.

Much has already been done, and recently at the site of the Experimental Demonstration Energy Complex (ODEC) on the territory of the Siberian Chemical Plant, the first technological facility was launched - a module for the fabrication/refabrication of innovative nuclear fuel. Scientists here successfully tested special equipment for producing this fuel.

The speed of making technical decisions and the quality of work within the framework of the Breakthrough project is rapidly increasing, noted Sergei Kotov, General Director of the Siberian Chemical Plant.

And the scientific director of the project, Evgeniy Adamov, emphasized that thanks to the unique project to create a closed nuclear fuel cycle, it will be possible to use existing reserves for thousands of years.

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  1. YOU
    April 4 2024 13: 37
    We have already talked about this; a new installation is being tested in Zheleznogorsk. The first fuel rods with regenerated fuel are already operating at several reactors. This is a real breakthrough, the main thing is that the West cannot obtain this technology.
    1. KCA
      April 4 2024 13: 46
      Why should they, only in Russia there are two operating industrial reactors based on BN, BN-600 and BN-800. The BN-800 is fully loaded with MOX assemblies, roughly speaking, plutonium with spent nuclear fuel, the output of plutonium is greater than the input, BREST and BN-1200, it seems, are still being developed, and maybe they have begun to build, on the Internet there is a diagram of a closed cycle of VVR and RBN
    2. 0
      3 May 2024 13: 06
      Quote: YOU
      the main thing is that the West cannot obtain this technology

      And there are 2 factors.
      Firstly, if there is Windows on the PC and they are connected to the network, consider it to have already leaked.
      Secondly, no one has canceled the stupidity of scientists (they can beat themselves in the chest saying this is “apoliticality, but it’s the same thing), they can leak it. (There were years (I won’t say for atom, but I personally observed in some others) when scientists they gave their developments there for the right to co-author with a Western master and jointly publish).
      In short, you have to watch it fiercely.
  2. +1
    April 4 2024 13: 37
    It will be possible to use existing reserves for thousands of years.
    Okay, that's it.... wink
  3. 0
    April 4 2024 13: 39
    And the scientific director of the project, Evgeniy Adamov, emphasized that thanks to the unique project to create a closed nuclear fuel cycle, it will be possible to use existing reserves for thousands of years.

    Noble goal!!! fellow
    Does Russia have a thousand-year perspective or is everything planned for the next 12 years?
  4. -1
    April 4 2024 13: 48
    Rosatom continues to implement the “Breakthrough” project - the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle
    . There are no perpetual motion machines... maybe eternal energy will work out somehow!?
    1. 0
      April 4 2024 19: 50
      They will burn a mixture of short-lived elements and use their neutron flux to transmute “bad” uranium into “good” uranium. These are large and dirty production facilities, this requires large volumes of spent nuclear fuel because this will increase the profitability of such production. All this infrastructure will pollute the environment on a larger scale, exchanging it for a percentage of generation.
      So it goes.
      1. 0
        April 4 2024 20: 10
        In the world of capital, where they are chasing profit, they can do anything...
        If they succeed, it won’t be just tomorrow...
        And what will happen after tomorrow, try to guess request
  5. 0
    April 4 2024 17: 16
    I would like more details and that the video would still work. )
    1. 0
      April 4 2024 18: 56
      Quote: Oleg Aleksandrovich Dementyev
      ... and so that the video would still work.
      or the address where it is located
  6. +1
    April 4 2024 19: 23
    Quote: YOU
    We have already talked about this; a new installation is being tested in Zheleznogorsk. The first fuel rods with regenerated fuel are already operating at several reactors. This is a real breakthrough, the main thing is that the West cannot obtain this technology.

    Such technologies cannot be “obtained”. They include many different things that you need to learn to do. Rosaty is the only corporation that has preserved and expanded the heiress of the Soviet Union. Imagine if something like this existed in civil aviation or in space
  7. 0
    April 4 2024 19: 47
    In theory, the technology is good, but in practice it may even increase the amount of nuclear waste and environmental damage due to irradiated materials. There are also risks that as implementation progresses, Rosatom will develop an appetite to buy other people’s waste and process it in order to extract additional profit.

    You need to understand that, in principle, working with spent nuclear fuel involves a lot of dirty chemicals, irradiated materials, these are large and dirty plants a la Mayak. So there is no rosy optimism - technology is needed, because there is an understanding that the reserves of “good” uranium are not unlimited and we need to look for alternatives. But this success will have a price..
  8. -1
    April 6 2024 23: 51
    The propaganda of stupid science popularizers has led to self-deception. Today “everyone knows” that a plutonium reactor closes the fuel cycle... But..! To use plutonium in a reactor, you need from 30 to 10% uranium-235 by weight of plutonium. That. It will never be possible to close the cycle and we can count on increasing the resources of nuclear energy due to the “closed cycle” from 3 to 10 times.
    No more! There can be no talk of any thousands of years. I think fairy tales are supported by grant-eaters so that we obediently squander our resources. How at one time fairy tales about torsion bar generators were used to justify the unbridled export of hydrocarbons.
  9. 0
    10 May 2024 13: 53
    I’ve been reading about this breakthrough technology for about 50 years.
  10. kig
    29 May 2024 06: 00
    Just read the Wiki article, and it will become clear that “thousands of years” is someone’s bullshit for our ears. A very labor-intensive and expensive process