Witchcraft in Ancient Rome

Witchcraft in Ancient Rome

Aurelia, a girl from a Roman patrician family, has her eye on Lucius, a young man who plans to become a senator. She turned to a woman with a dubious reputation, and she advised her to write a love spell on a lead tablet to bewitch Lucius. And if it doesn’t work out, then “let his penis break.” Having completed this procedure, Aurelia orders one of her slaves to bury the tablet at the intersection of the streets along which Lucius walks every day. Now all that remains is to wait for the witchcraft to take effect.

This is one of thousands of curse tablets that the ancient Romans used for witchcraft. Although magic was part of the official religion, and the state had its own priests, often people, regardless of their social status, resorted to witchcraft. The state was suspicious of this practice and persecuted it, although with little success.

Official and forbidden magic

The fundamental difference between official magic and witchcraft was the connection with supernatural forces. The former was part of a practice carried out by state priests, a form of mediation with the supernatural: divination and offerings to the gods.

Fortune telling, which has Etruscan roots, is a way of preparing for events. The priests watched the flight of birds, sacrificed an animal, looked at its entrails, using them to determine the outcome of future events. Offerings are requests for favor from the gods and an attempt to “bribe” them with gifts or sacrifices.

According to Roman beliefs, if the gods did not like the gifts, then they did not interfere with the event or changed its outcome in favor of the enemy. I wanted to place a bet like that (bet is evil), left a weak sop to God, he took it and twisted the event in the other direction. And all your money flew away. And all you had to do was not be stingy with gifts.

The third type of magic, which was within the scope of what was permitted, although technically it was still witchcraft, were amulets that warded off evil spells.

The Etruscan bull is one of the most common amulets. 5th century BC Walters Art Museum
The Etruscan bull is one of the most common amulets. 5th century BC e. Walters Art Museum

Witchcraft also evoked supernatural forces, but forced them to channel their focus through spells and rituals. The difference is that the caller could directly achieve his goals. This made him a potentially dangerous person, since the type of magic was usually associated with deities or hellish beings. Such magic was not controlled by the state; the authorities prohibited its use and persecuted those who used it.

For the spell to work, a certain process had to be followed. Usually, the sagas (witches) were approached by women who brought the necessary ingredients for the potion. Society did not treat the sagas very well, although many used their services; they often lived in slums and in dangerous places. If a Roman needed to use the services of a witch, he often did this through an intermediary - his slave.

The sagas were often foreign women - Greek, Egyptian. They were common in Rome during the late Republic and became more common under the Empire. The authorities treated them with extreme distrust. Sulla and Julius Caesar were the first to pass laws punishing with death anyone who practiced magic to harm another.

Roman Witchcraft

Witchcraft consisted of three parts: potions, spell tablets, dolls (the Roman version of voodoo).

Potions related to magic and medicine. Doctors prepared remedies that supposedly could enhance sexual potency or awaken desire. Pliny the Elder, one of the prominent figures of Ancient Rome, mentions them, although he points out a large number of superstitions on this matter. Potions also included poisons - fast-acting, when death occurred, or slow-acting, causing illness.

Spell tablets were made from wax (easy to write on) and lead (a metal believed by the Romans to be associated with the underworld). A message consisting of three parts was written on them: a call to supernatural forces, a request for a wish and consequences if the wish is not fulfilled.

The most common of them involved a love spell and often ended with threatening messages to the person they supposedly loved if they did not reciprocate. For example: “let his wife die on their wedding night”, “let him be promised a terrible fate”, “break his penis” or “let the dogs rape her”. Once completed, the tablets should be buried in places of strong magical power - road intersections, wells or caves due to their connection with the underworld.

Curses sign. Roman Baths Museum in Bath
Curses sign. Roman Baths Museum in Bath

Colossi (dolls) were human-shaped figures made of clay, wax or metal. Coming from the Greek world, they were used for curses. They were pierced with needles or nails, but were sometimes buried with curse tablets to strengthen them, or near the house to protect them from thieves.

Female doll with needles. 4th century AD Louvre
Female doll with needles. IV century AD e. Louvre

Even Christianity did not stop the spread of witchcraft. Among the population, belief in magic remained ingrained. Often, accusations of witchcraft came not from the authorities, but from ordinary people who blamed their neighbors, enemies for the death of their livestock, the death of a loved one, etc. And even the clergy sometimes sinned with the dark side of magic, which, of course, only slowed down its eradication.

As we know, witchcraft and belief in it have not gone away - hello to the Middle Ages, hello to the present time.
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  1. +9
    April 6 2024 04: 30
    There is no need to flirt with dark forces, this is a double-edged sword...
    1. +4
      April 6 2024 07: 26
      Yes, and with light ones. ... Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself. hi
      1. +4
        April 6 2024 09: 36
        "don't make a mistake yourself" to the point
    2. +1
      April 7 2024 15: 18
      The son brought his future wife home for the first time.
      At first everyone was silent for a long time. The grandmother was the first to speak: “This is for you for not praying.”
  2. +15
    April 6 2024 05: 05
    – What distinguishes a fairy from a witch?
    – Six months of living together.
  3. +3
    April 6 2024 06: 15
    Faith, witchcraft, light forces, dark forces are simple human stupidity. I made a conspiracy, it worked, that means it works. I poured some crap, the person recovered, that means this is medicine and it helps.
    Has everyone forgotten about placebo?

    I once argued with an intelligent man, doctor of chemistry. sciences, working at a cool institute in Novosibirsk. He is a strong believer.
    He: “Some grandmother gave my father a piece of paper with some kind of prayer during the war and that’s why he survived. There is a God and...”
    Me: “And how many people died with these leaves and therefore they cannot tell that there is no God.”

    It’s like scammers scamming people out of money over the phone now.
    1. +1
      April 6 2024 06: 49
      Not so simple. On planet Earth, life exists in mineral, protein-nucleic and field forms, or rather in their combination. Conspiracies, spells written on solid materials or liquids are of an energetic nature. The use of biological secretions from the human or animal body is associated with biochemistry. All these things need to be taken seriously, otherwise you can run into trouble. Modern smartphones make it possible to record the manifestation of energy entities. The cameras of such smartphones have Fresnel lenses made, as a rule, from polymer materials such as polycarbonate. Such optics are transparent for a certain range of the spectrum, which does not pass through glass optics made of heavy flint. With a certain degree of illumination, for example diffuse polarized illumination, such cameras perfectly capture energy entities parasitizing in the human body. So witchcraft and magic do not exist in a vacuum, but have a completely logical scientific explanation. Well, biochemical methods are widely used to influence both the brains of human individuals and other living organisms. To do this, use all possible aphrodisiacs, sex repellents and attractants. All this is studied, for example, in the same plant protection course. Everything here is according to Vysotsky: “Except for the beating, no miracles.”
      1. +3
        April 6 2024 10: 54
        The one who downvoted me seems to have a very poor education. It’s understandable, “life in a smartphone”, tik-tok and other crap in the micro-schizovisor (smartphone and other gadgets) reduce the level of thought processes to simply zero. There is no need for any magic now, there are gadgets. Forward people to electronic imbecility, you have already received a “brain prosthesis”.
      2. +2
        April 6 2024 16: 29
        Quote: 2112vda
        and field uniforms
        Not field, but sexual, you have a typo. Before writing about field life, familiarize yourself with field theory (at least the old one, according to Landau-Lifshits, but better than the new one, according to the Standard Theory).
      3. +1
        April 7 2024 15: 15
        Quote: 2112vda
        Well, biochemical methods are widely used to influence both the brains of human individuals and other living organisms.

        You forgot bacteria. Since genetic algorithms work in fact, it turned out that bacteria are spreading among believers that force them to believe.
        Chemistry and biochemistry should not be forgotten, I agree. But often the explanation is very simple.
        You just don’t need to cast a shadow on the fence.
        And so, I agree, modern youth, without a universal education, are, to put it mildly, stupid.
  4. +2
    April 6 2024 07: 12
    "The Golden Ass" by Apuleius. A practical guide to dark magic
    1. +2
      April 6 2024 10: 20
      If you read the Bible carefully, the Old Testament in particular, it is written there in black and white (slightly paraphrasing): kill sorcerers, sorcerers, soothsayers... There is no need to look behind this curtain, the ancients understood this perfectly well, which is why the punishment was so severe.
    2. +1
      April 6 2024 21: 35
      But in the Atharvaveda I saw a great spell to deprive an enemy of male strength... wink I have a good edition, with Vedic texts and interlinear translation... good

      I’ve been toiling for so many years now to try it on someone, or what? what True - soon my enemies won’t even need the spell - we’re getting old... sad
  5. +2
    April 6 2024 07: 28
    witchcraft and belief in it have not gone away - hello to the Middle Ages, hello to the present time.
    D. Copperfield and a customs officer are standing at the railway customs post. Copperfield says: “Do you see the carriage?...”, the customs officer: “Well.” Copperfield begins to make manipulations with his hands, covers the carriage with a tarpaulin, and casts a spell. In general, the carriage disappears. Customs officer (with documents, seal and pen): “So what. Do you see the composition with stewed meat?”, Copperfield: “Well.” The customs officer breathes on the seal, stamps the documents and signs; shows Copperfield: "Green peas."
    1. 0
      April 6 2024 21: 36
      A new item has appeared in the sex shop - an inflatable Voodoo doll.
      Now you can not only prick the enemy.
      (C) wink
  6. +1
    April 6 2024 09: 19
    Hello colleagues .
    Author, did the spell help the girl?
    1. +1
      April 6 2024 09: 53
      Quote: Astra wild2
      Hello colleagues .
      Author, did the spell help the girl?
      “And if it doesn’t work out, then “let his penis break.” Are you talking about this spell? laughing
      Unfortunately, broken phalluses were not found at excavations, but in the Roman Empire, in order to break someone’s phallus (and not only) they used not only magic but also attracted “good” people.
  7. +1
    April 6 2024 09: 34
    It's all about money. More precisely, who will get them: official priests or so-called “private sorcerers”.
    Women, even in the 21st century, do not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes.
    I am skeptical about fortune telling. Perhaps there are capable soothsayers, but there are only a few of them: Vanga, Messing, perhaps a couple more names, and all the rest are charlotans
    1. 0
      April 6 2024 11: 11
      Fortune telling is really a money scam. Planet Earth has an energy information field. The information storage device is crystalline structures based on silicon dioxide, as well as water, which has the ability to store a huge amount of information in its structure. There were, are and will be people who have the specific ability to read information from the energy-information field of the earth. Such people are called psychics. The powers that be know this very well and use such people for their own purposes. Gentlemen, the world is much more complicated than you think. Just because you don’t see, hear, or feel something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It's just that your senses don't respond to such stimuli. And thank God. If you suddenly develop such an ability, you can simply “use your mind.” You are at the stage of evolutionary development at which you are, so rejoice. When you are not like everyone else, it doesn’t cause anything but problems, although medical boards say that everything is fine with your psyche, you’re just different. So don’t get involved in these “crazy-crazy things”, there’s nothing good there.
      1. +2
        April 6 2024 16: 37
        Quote: 2112vda
        Planet Earth has an energy information field.
        Doesn't have.
        Quote: 2112vda
        crystalline structures based on silicon dioxide appear
        This is sand.
        Quote: 2112vda
        as well as water, which has the ability to store a huge amount of information in its structure.
        Water is a liquid (you can easily check this), therefore it has no structure.
        Quote: 2112vda
        Such people are called psychics.
        And people who call such people psychics are called suckers.
        Quote: 2112vda
        Just because you don’t see, hear, or feel something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
        What are you saying?! If you get acquainted with quantum physics, you will be amazed. Not only do they not see, hear or feel there, but there is generally no chance of noticing - even flying at a speed close to light, the results of the collision disintegrate before they leave a noticeable trace, but the results of the experiments give the highest agreement with the theory. And psychics in controlled conditions are immediately blown away.
        1. +1
          April 7 2024 17: 19
          About the sand. It is a product of rock weathering. Take textbooks on mineralogy and read. Apparently many people have sand in their heads.
          1. +1
            April 7 2024 18: 23
            Quote: 2112vda
            It is a product of rock weathering.
            And what? This in no way prevents it from being silicon dioxide.
            1. 0
              April 25 2024 07: 02
              Not necessary. Sands are different. Study mineralogy.
              1. 0
                April 25 2024 20: 13
                Quote: 2112vda
                Not necessary. Sands are different. Study mineralogy.
                We were talking specifically about silicon dioxide
      2. +1
        April 6 2024 18: 00
        Planet Earth has an energy information field.
        Gridasov, are you back? It's boring without you. How is Odessa?
      3. 0
        April 28 2024 08: 52
        “has an energy information field” I am a peasant by origin, and peasants are practical people. Everything that cannot be “touched” is from the evil one. I recommend that you bother less with all sorts of ephemeral things.
        It’s calmer that way, and calmness is worth a lot at our age
  8. +2
    April 6 2024 12: 31
    I just read an article here in Italy on these topics and it says that the National Roman Museum in the Baths of Diocletian has finds of this type. Then I read on another site that for the Romans, spilling wine, oil and water was bad luck. If a black dog came into the house. Along the way we meet mules carrying sacks of celery and mice making holes in sacks of flour.
  9. -4
    April 6 2024 14: 29
    They write that there are now more sorcerers in Russia than doctors and scientists combined.
    And their authority among the people is higher and there is more money. These are the traditions.....

    If in the West about 400 years ago there were disputes over theological dogmas, then in Russia in the 17th century a religious split occurred over the question: “should I be baptized with two fingers or three?” There is a very primitive understanding of religion and an attitude towards religion, precisely as magic.
    It would take us a thousand years to master what Rome mastered even before the first mention of Moscow.
  10. +2
    April 6 2024 15: 05
    A very well written article.

    One of my relative (retired from Roscosmos) was a premonition & clairvoyance consultant. He was my teacher and guide. Most of his clients were from the Russian business community.

    He was a strong believer of holy christ & holy trinity. He used to conduct white magic involving angels and saints.

    Example: If you are performing a Christian ritual for protection from enemies.

    He usually invoked prayers involving the 3 angels - Gabriel, Michael & Raphael. The 4th one is forbidden - Lucifer.

    St George: A poweful saint for protection against enemies.

    Once he told me that Europe is the No. 1 place on earth for occult and black magic related activities. This is because of the void created by the lack of Christianity as well as spirituality.

    In my opinion, there are sources of immense energy. These sources will guide you and protect you. There are angels and demons. The reception of energy depends upon the caliber of the practitioner and the correct performance of the ritual.

    Why Jesus was crucified? Because he was/is holy & divine.
    Why 54 countries wants to attack Russia? Why 18,000 sanctions are imposed against Russia?
    Because Russia is noble, Russia is divine & spiritual.

    Once my uncle told me that, the Aryans were originated from Russia. Russia is protected by a divine cosmic force. And it is related to outer space. Example for a divine place in Russia - Arkaim.
  11. +1
    April 8 2024 02: 24
    There is conditional magic, of course, but the effectiveness of its use depends on the situation, more often than not it is “zero”, but for the “customer” himself it is usually not in vain. Any sword is sharp on both sides. Religion is a different matter; rituals there are performed for good purposes.
  12. +2
    April 8 2024 08: 25
    I look at the figure of a woman from the Louvre, and I think, who did she bother so much, like a hedgehog...
    1. 0
      April 8 2024 18: 04
      And most importantly, how did he get it together? :))
  13. 0
    April 10 2024 19: 20
    It’s interesting to me: how completely different cultures and times like Ancient Rome and Greece and Haitian blacks have the same rituals, namely making dolls and piercing them with a needle. Piercing dolls with a needle has always seemed to be considered a Voodoo cult, but here it is like Evon.