Russian “Bee”: the Russian Armed Forces use a “womb of drones” in the North Military District zone

Russian “Bee”: the Russian Armed Forces use a “womb of drones” in the North Military District zone

UAVs have become one of the most effective weapons in the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, if our country was somewhat behind in this industry at the initial stages, now Russia has a variety of types of UAVs that are actively used at the front.

It is worth noting that the most widely used on both sides are FPV-drones. Such a “kamikaze”, with its relatively low cost, is capable of causing significant damage to enemy personnel and materiel.

However, such drones also have a significant drawback, which is their short range. However, it seems that Russian engineers have found a solution to this problem.

Сообщается, что на arms ВС РФ появился беспилотник под названием «Пчелка». В российской armies его еще прозвали «маткой дронов», и такое прозвище вполне соответствует его функционалу.

Detailed characteristics of the device have not been disclosed, but it is known that the “Bee” is a hybrid of an airplane and a quadcopter. The UAV is a platform for FPV drones, capable of launching them in flight and then acting as a signal relay.

Thus, the range of such “kamikaze drones” increases, which provides the Russian Armed Forces with the opportunity to use them behind enemy lines.

It is known that the hybrid drone is equipped with an internal combustion engine. The estimated range of the drone is about 300 km.

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  1. +6
    April 1 2024 15: 33
    . "Bee" is a hybrid of an airplane and a quadcopter. The UAV is a platform for FPV drones, capable of launching them in flight and then acting as a signal relay.

    Thoughtful concept. There is no need to complicate the transported cheap kamikaze
    1. -1
      April 1 2024 16: 06
      Baba Yaga's pans have been working with drone queens for at least a year now, if not more.
      the concept needs to be changed. because drones have just begun their development. in fact, they now, like airplanes, had the era of biplanes during WW1. and there is room for improvement. there would be a desire. So far our Ministry of Defense doesn’t see it, only private traders are trying to do something.
      1. 0
        April 2 2024 11: 24
        Because the Ministry of Defense is the Ministry of Defense. His bureaucracy is huge. It takes years to agree on something and allocate money.
        Why do you think in the States Lockheed or Tesla fulfill military contracts? Precisely because their initiative-decision-making cycle is much shorter. And not at all because there are stupid people in the US Defense Department.
        The life of a commercial office depends on the speed of reaction to market challenges. And the life of the Moscow Region depends on the state budget.
        Therefore, the Ministry of Defense has always been and will lag behind commercial companies.
  2. +1
    April 1 2024 18: 37
    Well... We are waiting for the “crying” Mykols, who wanted to sit out in the rear...
  3. +1
    April 1 2024 19: 39
    But I’m waiting for the UAV to appear in service with the Russian Armed Forces interceptor "The Buzzard"

    After the previous UAV project-interceptor "Carnivora":
    was “successfully” fucked in 2018, it’s hard to believe.
    PS to the skeptics who write that you need to shoot down a UAV with a bullet - try to hit it at a speed of 140 km/h, considering bullet area (millimeters), and compare this area with a grid measuring 6x3 meters i.e. 18 square meters. But even getting caught with a net is not so easy, although special precision is not required here: at least you catch the blade with the edge of the net, and then it will wrap everything around itself.
  4. -1
    27 May 2024 06: 30
    Quote: LuckyBlog
    Baba Yaga's pans have been working with drone queens for at least a year now, if not more.
    the concept needs to be changed. because drones have just begun their development. in fact, they now, like airplanes, had the era of biplanes during WW1. and there is room for improvement. there would be a desire. So far our Ministry of Defense doesn’t see it, only private traders are trying to do something.

    Why take revenge with a broom in vain? Or is throwing a stone at the Moscow Region or GDP already considered good manners? If you are so smart, and you know something that they don’t know, at least offer it here.
    Z.Y. and it’s time for the site administration to introduce an adequacy test for users.