MI6 and migrants: having failed to defeat Russia on the battlefield, Britain will try to destroy it from within

MI6 and migrants: having failed to defeat Russia on the battlefield, Britain will try to destroy it from within
Still from the film "The Lord of the Rings"


Recently, the problems arising during the “colonization” of Russian cities by migrants from Central Asian countries have become increasingly louder. There are numerous rumors of crimes committed by immigrants from the republics of the former USSR, conflicts arising on religious grounds, attacks by migrant children on Russian children in schools, beatings and murders committed by migrants, including open attacks on participants in a special military operation (SVO).

At the same time, there is a feeling that someone really wants to “cover up” all these problems, to hide as much as possible the crimes committed by migrants, and attempts to point them out are passed off as racism, great-power chauvinism, intolerance - in general, the blame for the crimes committed by migrants falls on themselves Russians and those who try to defend the rights of their fellow citizens.

And then the killer of a fighter who returned from the SVO gets off with the punishment that is sometimes given for stealing a cell phone, the mother of a child beaten by migrant children is threatened with deprivation of his driver’s license, and the children of migrants who beat a man on the street for fun are presented as these “innocent and conflict-free angels.”

Footage of migrants beating a 76-year-old pensioner in St. Petersburg - they kick him in the head to be sure to kill or maim

Recently, the situation has begun to rapidly deteriorate - the first wave of “colonization” has passed, migrants were able to gain a foothold in Russia, create their own criminal hierarchical structures here - ethnic diaspora gangs, and entered into corrupt relationships with representatives of government and security forces.

Now their families have poured into Russia, they will receive Russian citizenship en masse, including through the above-mentioned corrupt connections of diasporas and migration services - without any knowledge of the Russian language, without the slightest desire to assimilate and comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The number of families brought by migrants to Russia has increased significantly - all of them will receive citizenship and actively reproduce. Migrants are already creating an increased burden on social infrastructure, primarily hospitals, schools and kindergartens - not everyone knows that migrant children are often treated even without a health insurance policy; doctors simply cannot “throw out” a sick child, which migrants actively take advantage of . They learn very well about their “rights”, begin to actively receive benefits, strive to demand maternity capital, pensions and everything possible.

At the same time, they have no desire to pay taxes, they do not want to serve in the army, their task is to “squeeze all the juice” out of their host country, just as they sucked out the remnants of what the Russians created in their countries during the USSR period.

Most likely, after the collapse of Russia, they will again “fly their wings” and go to explore new territories, for example, in Poland or the Baltic countries, of course, if the good inhabitants of these countries do not slaughter them all immediately after arrival within the framework of the neo-Nazi ideology they practice.

It can be assumed that now, while there is still something to profit from in Russia, the creation of closed ethnic enclaves in Russian cities will begin, following the model of what happens in France, Germany and other countries of Western Europe, local residents will be squeezed out and expelled from the occupied areas, the police and other security forces will have virtually no access there.

Drugs will pour out of these enclaves, local murderers, robbers and rapists will hide there, and it is there that new breeding grounds for radical Islamic fundamentalism will appear, accustomed to solving problems and making money by committing terrorist acts.

Why is this happening? Why did this become possible in Western European countries and is becoming possible in Russia?

There are two reasons for this.

The first is that migrants from Central Asian countries (in Europe this is Albania and African countries with a similar mentality) live in a completely different time dimension. It is no secret that after the collapse of the USSR, the former Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union largely “returned to their roots,” that is, they degraded to the level of a tribal system. Tribal structures are perfectly suited for creating criminal communities that can effectively parasitize the body of the state that shelters them.

Do you want your son to become a “bacha-bazi” in the family of a rich bey?

A “vertical of power” is instantly built, migrants organize themselves into ethnic diaspora gangs, corrupt law enforcement officers, first at the lower level, and then, as their connections and financial situation strengthen, at an increasingly higher level. After a while, you will no longer understand who governs the region - the legally appointed governor or the leaders of local diasporas.

The second reason is that ethnic criminal groups or diasporas are a favorite tool in the hands of the relevant intelligence services of the countries of the global West, primarily the subject of the British terrorist intelligence service MI6. It is they who will contribute to the maximum growth of diasporas in Russia, who will provide them with money and incriminating evidence against Russian officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies, and who will be behind the loudest and bloodiest terrorist attacks.

It is characteristic that from time to time, with enviable regularity, information comes up that Russians or Ukrainians who are trying to naturalize in Russia are experiencing serious problems with entry, of course, because their diasporas do not support them, but when an illiterate migrant from Central Asian countries enters our country, If he doesn’t know Russian, he won’t have any problems. This is a direct symptom of the total corruption of the relevant migration services, or even worse, a sign of their control by the intelligence services of hostile states.

Tragedy at Crocus City Hall

The monstrous terrorist attack that took place on March 22 at Crocus City Hall is just a taste of the pen. Just four migrants, who can hardly be called human, who practically do not know the Russian language, judging by the video recordings of interrogations, with an IQ on the verge of imbecility, were able to kill hundreds of people and cause damage worth hundreds of millions of rubles.

And does anyone really believe that the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of Ukraine was able to carry out this operation on its own?

Of course, the State Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine is clearly in action, but only as a “layer”, since the very level of execution of the terrorist attack clearly indicates the work of much more qualified specialists. One can wonder for a long time who is behind the State Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine in terms of organizing the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, but the answer is highly likely to be the same - this is the work of the British service MI6, which has long established itself as an expert in working with human waste - various fundamentalist groups.

There is no doubt that the massive influx of low-skilled, uneducated and aggressive migrants into our country is happening with the maximum assistance of the British intelligence service, as well as the intelligence services of other Western countries. Now they are forming a base - a springboard for the subsequent collapse of our country from within, a repetition of 1917 and 1991. Only this time they will no longer stop to take a breath - the collapse of Russia will be brought to its logical conclusion.

This is a very optimistic map - in the event of the collapse and division of Russia, it will be divided into such small “principalities” that it will be difficult to see them on the map, and they will all endlessly quarrel with each other

By the way, pay attention to the cruelty - with such “enthusiasm” they simply don’t work for money; one of the terrorists with visible pleasure cuts the throat of a wounded man. This is hatred of our country and the Russian world.

There is no doubt that even now there will be intercessors who will begin to pronounce the mantra - “they were deceived,” “they are not like that.”

No, they are exactly like that, and people like them are a direct and obvious threat to the existence of the Russian Federation.

Those who say that crime has no nationality are either complete idiots or deliberate liars - crime has always had, has and will have a national coloring. It’s not for nothing that the mafia appeared in Italy, and not in the Netherlands, and the yakuza in Japan, and not in Thailand. Behind the crimes of migrants against Russians is not just impudence or thirst for profit - it is a systemic challenge, an attack on state institutions, terror unleashed with the aim of intimidating the local population and its subjugation.

Of course, all migrants cannot be lumped together with the same brush; the layer of educated people created in the republics of the former USSR who adequately perceive reality still exists. Many of them moved to Russia precisely in order to live like human beings, and not bow at the feet of medieval beys.

Of course, they are even more interested than native Russians in limiting wild migration, because they understand that if the actions of diasporas provoke a Russian rebellion, “senseless and merciless,” then they will be the first to fall under the distribution, since it is precisely their diasporas that are not protect.


The situation with uncontrolled migration in Russia has reached a critical level and continues to worsen. It is necessary to implement not just tough, but the most severe measures to eradicate this disgusting phenomenon.

Any form of association of migrants should be equated to organized criminal groups, or even terrorist organizations, since all of them will only be a cover for ethnic diaspora gangs and a base for training future terrorists.

There is a need for a merciless sanitization of government bodies in those regions where officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies have already merged with diasporas - a little more and in several regions of Russia it will be necessary to introduce a counter-terrorist operation regime.

The migration service must be completely reorganized and changes must be made to migration legislation. All migrants who have been granted citizenship of our country over the past five years must be tested for knowledge of the Russian language and for involvement in crimes; in case of ignorance of the language or evidence of criminal activity, deprivation of citizenship and deportation together with their families.

It is necessary to track the entire chain of those who issued Russian passports to such “citizens” - and punish, mercilessly punish, destroying the careers of everyone involved to the ground, so that they cannot then get a job - or welcome to redemption, to the SVO zone.

Not tens, but tens of thousands of migrants should be deported for the slightest crimes, for nationalist appeals, for boorish behavior. The strictness of laws regarding migrants should be copied from those in force in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Re-entry for those guilty means a long prison sentence.

Without recognizing and solving the problem of uncontrolled migration and ethnic diaspora gangs in Russia, we will devalue all the victories achieved in Ukraine. Of all the threats to our country, the problem of uncontrolled migration is now the most pressing.

In the next article we will talk about the economic aspects associated with migrants in Russia.

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  1. +44
    26 March 2024 04: 12
    as they suggested here: 100 trains from 100 freight cars (300 Tajiks per car), and so 2 times - none of them will remain.
    1. +60
      26 March 2024 04: 55
      It is necessary to implement not just tough, but the most severe measures to eradicate this disgusting phenomenon.
      It's ripe...It's time!
      Yesterday there was a similar article by Skomorokhov and....disappeared.
      1. +20
        26 March 2024 05: 32
        But how many “boat rockers”, Nazis, and people in general have gathered there for whom the term is crying. A nightmare, where only the Investigative Committee and the FSB look. (if anything, bitter humor)
        1. +2
          27 March 2024 01: 43
          (if anything, bitter humor)

          And if not what?
          1. +1
            27 March 2024 10: 19
            Today, 01: 43
            (if anything, bitter humor)

            And if not what?
            - and if nothing else, then the country has been left to its own devices, I haven’t been to Europe, but there at least civilians are allowed to sell weapons, but in our country only to Ito hunters after a certain period of time!
            1. -1
              April 1 2024 11: 27
              Quote: SEVERIN
              and with us only hunters Ito after a certain period of time!

              Well, we all need to become hunters and start working towards the deadline... there is no choice...
      2. +34
        26 March 2024 07: 25
        article by Skomorokhov and...disappeared I hope Roman didn’t disappear along with the article.
        1. +27
          26 March 2024 08: 20
          Russia needs a Ministry of National Affairs. And it would be nice if the minister was the same person as the People’s Commissar for Nationalities Affairs in the USSR)

          We need to declare zero tolerance for illegal migrants from Central Asia.

          It is necessary to introduce strict penalties for migrants violating the laws of the country. For example, like in the United Arab Emirates. By the way, this is a Muslim country that does not stand on ceremony with fellow migrants.

          It is necessary to punish Central Asia with the ruble. Ban transfers, restrict trade.
          Parallel imports should be carried out through other countries.

          And - wild animals, unfortunately, only understand force, for example, a trainer's whip.
          1. +13
            26 March 2024 12: 08
            1. Everyone is happy with everything, I’m talking about those who bring them here in the hundreds of thousands. Nobody will change anything.
            2. Serf - has no nationality.
          2. RMT
            26 March 2024 15: 31
            Conduct parallel imports through other countries
            Easy to say, hard to do
            1. +2
              26 March 2024 20: 25
              Quote: RMT
              Conduct parallel imports through other countries

              Oh yes, by the way, this is not an unimportant aspect. And the need for millions of low-skilled workers, construction workers, repairmen, etc. also hasn’t gone away; on the contrary, for obvious reasons it has probably even grown. And it’s clear how to expel migrant workers from the country, but what to do with those who have already received citizenship? After all, they only differ from their fellow tribesmen in their passport.
              1. +2
                27 March 2024 00: 18
                But they quickly flee from these industries into delivery, catering, taxis and banditry
          3. +4
            26 March 2024 21: 43
            With all due respect to VVP, the Kremlin's response to all our complaints is: "Guys, let's live in peace..."
            1. +6
              27 March 2024 00: 20
              Ugums... in 10 years he will say “I was deceived, misled.”
              We have an unusual country - a simple Russian man, sitting on the couch, always REALLY better understands what the country needs: with whom to be friends, with whom to fight, with whom to pursue what policy. But the government resists, plays its rather rotten game, and then years later, when it’s actually too late, it begins to take that very correct position that a simple Russian man has been talking about for 20 years.
              And so in everything that you don’t take, you’re even too lazy to bring examples.
      3. man
        26 March 2024 11: 40
        Yesterday there was a similar article by Skomorokhov and....disappeared.
        And at the wrong time! In the midst of our wonderful dialogue with the supposedly Soviet German laughing How I looked and looked for her later... I never found hersmile Only my comments remain for memory laughing
      4. +12
        26 March 2024 13: 01
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        It is necessary to implement not just tough, but the most severe measures to eradicate this disgusting phenomenon.
        It's ripe...It's time!
        Yesterday there was a similar article by Skomorokhov and....disappeared.

        Yeah, it's tough. This is real censorship. “Don’t rock the boat” - yes, it rocks itself, because there is an advantage in the form of millionaires of unnecessary Asian elements in our country.
      5. +5
        26 March 2024 13: 18
        is happening with the maximum assistance of the British intelligence service with the assistance of the intelligence services of other Western countries

        That is, a continuation of the long-standing, more than 100-year-old British plan to destroy the Russian Empire, no matter what it is called. Now there is also a group of support for the Western countries to implement the globalist project of destroying states for the benefit of TNCs. The West just does not understand (or understands recourse ), that he himself will be destroyed by these, since they started this process earlier. And officials in the Russian Federation, this very lobby, hiding the demographic hole, are settling, prescribing the devil who, without a doubt, that they themselves will be swept away by these newcomers if they come into power .
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        ....It's ripe...It's time!....

        good yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich hi
      6. +1
        26 March 2024 19: 34
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Yesterday there was a similar article by Skomorokhov and....disappeared.

        And I don’t think this one will last long. This is a cry from the heart, and everyone shares it. BUT... he falls under the article! Therefore, write or don’t write, but what’s the point? Those at the top don’t read such articles. And at Lubyanka they read. sad
    2. +18
      26 March 2024 06: 52
      Oh no: on foot and in shackles; first to Kolyma, so that they can earn money for the train (we need to build a railroad to Kamchatka), then you can go home. P.S. I mean only illegals and those who have committed offenses on the territory of the Russian Federation. The rest simply do not have their visas extended, their access to the Russian Federation will be closed for 20 years, and then we will consider.
    3. +17
      26 March 2024 07: 19
      Quote: peshik
      as they suggested here: 100 trains from 100 freight cars (300 Tajiks per car), and so 2 times - none of them will remain.

      That’s not why they brought it in, and gave them citizenship...
      1. +22
        26 March 2024 08: 42
        Not so long ago, in the comments to similar articles there were approximately the following words: “What, Russians don’t commit crimes, why are you clinging to migrants, there are also a lot of Russian bandits. And mechanization, automation of simple work is expensive, migrants are much cheaper and more profitable for economy of Russia. And the fact that the money is being withdrawn is because it is beneficial for Russia that the money was withdrawn..."
        Somehow we don’t see such comments these days.
        1. +20
          26 March 2024 08: 48
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Not so long ago

          Well, to be honest, many got very rich from this, many to this day make very good money from it. And if it is profitable, then under capitalism they will be able to justify almost everything and turn a blind eye to many things... Under capitalism, the main thing is profit, and the rest is a “side effect.” Of course, profit and comfort are not for everyone, but only for those who “fit” into the market...
          1. +7
            26 March 2024 09: 42
            Quote: Doccor18
            Well, to be honest, many got very rich from this, many to this day make very good money from it.

            Moreover, this is not our sin...
      2. +4
        26 March 2024 13: 23
        Quote: Doccor18
        ..... They didn’t import it for that, and they gave citizenship...

        How I hope that now there will be checks on the correctness and legality of obtaining citizenship in different ways. am am
        1. +4
          26 March 2024 20: 07
          Quote: Reptiloid
          How I hope that now there will be checks for the correctness and legality of obtaining citizenship by different

          And many inspectors will greatly improve their well-being...
    4. -1
      26 March 2024 15: 07
      There were so many things proposed here, right? It depends on who reads it, right? I’m embarrassed by the word “here.” Do you mean Ukraine, as it were?
  2. +27
    26 March 2024 04: 14
    It looks like we're in for a repeat of this horror.
    “The Islamic State of Khorasan organization published a poster threatening Russia and Vladimir Putin. “To all wild Russians, especially Putin! Beware! Do not think that we do not have the opportunity to take revenge on you for our enslaved brothers (...) We will give you such a blow to the head that all generations will remember it (...) Expect very hard, deadly, bloody, painful, hellish and destructive blows. Very soon!" the Islamic State warned in a statement.
    I wonder what those responsible for the senseless and uncontrolled migration policy think now?
    1. +25
      26 March 2024 04: 47
      Quote: Little Bear
      I wonder what those responsible for the senseless and uncontrolled migration policy think now?

      They think they have successfully exploited the business opportunity. And they are looking for new methods of making money, taking into account possible changes in the situation.
      1. +15
        26 March 2024 08: 18
        looking for new methods of making money
        Yes, they will simply raise the prices for their services, but the problem will remain.
        1. +15
          26 March 2024 09: 47
          And they also think that they will be protected by high fences, security guards and the National Guard. But this is not a fact if it blazes.
          1. -10
            26 March 2024 14: 11
            depending on how you look at this situation - it could be another way
            like in the movie of the same name: whoever hinders us will help us
            it's time to revive "Wild Division"
            and preferably in every combined arms army and army corps
            “they chop up all the disobedient with sabers” - to whom the Supreme Commander will point
            in 1914, 90% consisted of Muslim volunteers
            1. +10
              26 March 2024 15: 55
              Such a “division” already exists, only “infantry”. That's what they're called - "Putin's foot soldiers." Central Asians are in full swing here.
            2. +4
              26 March 2024 20: 30
              Quote: Romario_Argo
              It's time to revive the "Wild Division"

              What, the Russian Guard is no longer enough?
    2. +6
      26 March 2024 07: 15
      I have dealt with the terrorist attack in Crocus for myself.

      It was organized by the intelligence services of the United States and Great Britain. Mi-6 and some kind of mattress structure, not necessarily CIA. Their cells were involved in Afghanistan and Turkey. It was the militants of one of the divisions of the former ISIS - Kharasan - who prepared the terrorist attack through their own channels.
      The proof is two facts:
      1) Obama's visit to Downing Street
      2) a trip of one of the captured Tajiks to Turkey on the eve of the terrorist attack.
      Ukraine also plays a role in this matter. It was the Ukrainian GUR that selected the perpetrators, conducted reconnaissance, and was supposed to meet and neutralize the perpetrators. It is somewhat strange why Ukrainians they were generally invited there, but, nevertheless, they were drawn into it!
      And this became the main mistake! Budanov screwed up once again. The performers were beggars from the street, who had been wearing the same set of clothes for a month. They were not even provided with a change of car or clothes. They didn’t prepare a bed in the Moscow region where they could sit for several months. Stupidly saved money.
      As a result, these unfortunates were taken alive, which is extremely rare. Now the entire chain is being promoted and there is already a first result - a terrorist attack in Turkey has been prevented. Our intelligence services passed on the information to their Turkish colleagues. I think that the Afghan part of the puzzle will eventually be sorted out.
      As for our side of this tragedy, there is more dirt here than on the side of these terrorists. Previous concerts in this complex were held with armed guards and therefore the terrorists did not do anything there. And this concert was not guarded by anyone! At the same time, there is a private security company on the territory of the complex, which is armed and should have immediately entered the battle, but did not do so. There is also a unit of the Russian Guard, but, as Khinshtein said, they have nothing to do with the security of the complex! On TV, no one wants to find out who is to blame for the lack of armed guards. The prosecutor's office officially stated that there are no claims against the private security company and it turns out that no one is to blame...
      The public's attention is shifting to the laying of flowers, grief, successful removal of rubble and the eternal search for those who ordered the terrorist attack.
      People are openly treated as stupid bastards. At the same time, both Vorobyov and Agalarov enter Putin’s orbit. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its talking head with general's shoulder straps deny the presence of dog handlers at the facility, although there is a video about this. And from all of the above, it becomes obvious that once again Putin will not surrender his own... Which means we should expect new problems...
      1. +28
        26 March 2024 07: 48
        Now you can drag in anyone you want, but in fact this is the result of the irremovability of power and the degradation of government structures. Interestingly, at the morning meeting did Putin scold Bortnikov and Patrushev’s grandfathers at least a little? and with what conscience they came to it.
        1. +27
          26 March 2024 08: 37
          Quote: VZEM100
          Interestingly, at the morning meeting did Putin scold Bortnikov and Patrushev’s grandfathers at least a little? and with what conscience they came to it.

          This grandfather himself should be “reprimanded” for such a policy. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has long been talking about the increase in the number of crimes committed by migrants... but the import is still there, but why? Because there is a roof that encourages the importation of migrants into the country and does not allow the security forces to turn their attention to the issue of migrants. It has long been possible to restore order in the legislative sphere, on the topic of diasporas and migrants, but there is still no decree (or someone is blocking these decisions) and all the strings still go to the president because Without his approval, not a single serious issue is resolved.

          A separate topic is the failure of our special services to uncover this terrorist attack, how it was possible not to react to the statement of the United States and other Western countries about the threat of terrorist attacks in Moscow... what did GDP say there:

          MOSCOW, March 19. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin called statements in the West about the possibility of terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation outright blackmail.
          At the FSB board, the head of state recalled “the recent provocative statements of a number of official Western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Russia.” “All this resembles outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society,” Putin is sure.

          So much for blackmail. And the worst thing is that personnel decisions need to be made in relation to this person, but no one has the authority... Especially after re-election.
          1. -1
            26 March 2024 22: 27
            The worst thing is that the Americans promised terrorist attacks in Russia and fulfilled their promise with the help of the pig farmer and the Tajik morons he recruited, and you are a bot of that alliance.
        2. +15
          26 March 2024 08: 50
          Quote: VZEM100
          Now you can drag in anyone you want, but in fact this is the result of the irremovability of power and the degradation of government structures.

          This is a direct consequence of the criminal migration policy of our authorities. I just don’t find any logic in it at all. These newcomers no longer even work here on construction sites or as janitors. And even if they do work, the salary they require is very small, and the quality of the work is so-so. How and where do they work if MMA trash heaps open up like mushrooms after the rain for THEM only?
          WHAT are our authorities trying to achieve with THIS migration policy? Unity of the people, how could the guarantor babble?
          1. +4
            26 March 2024 20: 42
            Quote: Zoer
            And even if they do work, the salary they require is very small, and the quality of the work is so-so.

            Five smoke, two lay asphalt in a puddle. I myself swore at such a landscape more than once!
          2. +1
            28 March 2024 03: 30
            The logic is very simple: replacing the Russian population, so that the Russian people become one of many peoples (at about 20-30%), and not the majority as it is now (60-70%). The multinational elite (mafia, the core of which are Jews like the same Agalarovs, Usmanovs, Kiriyenkos, etc.) of the Russian Federation considers Russians a threat to their position and stolen capital. That is why fairy tales about the threat of Russian fascism are spread, slogans “Russia for Russians!” are prohibited, and mantras about a “multinational country” are repeated. The goal is the suppression of Russian national identity. Well, the most important weapon is migrants.
        3. +2
          26 March 2024 09: 49
          Conscience? No, he doesn’t know about this one. Probably so. request
        4. +3
          26 March 2024 16: 00
          In the Union, power has not changed for decades, but nothing like this could happen. The reasons lie in another area. The "Get rich at any cost" attitude does not see any obstacles and is not limited by any moral, ethical, national interests. The bourgeois and corrupt bureaucrats do not have a nation. His purse is his god.
      2. +12
        26 March 2024 08: 04
        I missed one point. The US Embassy in Moscow issued a warning before the terrorist attack. The site is freely accessible. Why did no law enforcement respond to the information? That so many mass events are being held in the Moscow Region at the same time that a high alert regime cannot be established in the places where they are being held?
        1. +21
          26 March 2024 09: 35
          How did they not react???
          He himself stated at the FSB board that all these were fakes and attempts by the West to shake up the galley.
      3. +5
        26 March 2024 11: 59
        I figured out the terrorist attack in Crocus for myself

        Quite plausible in my opinion.
        Do you think it is possible to repeat such an operation with the involvement of ethno-religious extras?
    3. +2
      26 March 2024 09: 44
      Quote: Little Bear
      "Islamic State Khorasan Organization"

      The ISIS have practically no relation to Crocus.
    4. +4
      26 March 2024 09: 48
      That they will be protected by armored auruses, high fences of their elite villages and personal security, in addition to the FSO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian National Guard who primarily protect them.
    5. +12
      26 March 2024 12: 02
      I wonder how Belarus manages without the massive importation of extremist migrants.
  3. +46
    26 March 2024 04: 15
    Excuse me, but if we had a clear migration policy, focused primarily on respecting the rights and freedoms of the indigenous population of Russia, and not kissing the ass of various kinds of ethnic groups alien to us, then we would not be afraid of any MI6. The Duma's legislators are terrible, the law enforcement and migration departments and services that distribute citizenship for money to all sorts of scum are terrible, while Russians have not been able to obtain citizenship for years, the Kremlin smart guys who condone all this for the sake of certain interests of a circle of people are terrible. This is where the true enemies are. If it weren't for all this, MI6 would have broken its teeth
    1. +27
      26 March 2024 04: 49
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      Sorry, but if we had a clear migration policy

      We have a clear policy proclaimed by the top - “Get rich.”
      Taking into account this main thing, everything else works.
      1. +7
        26 March 2024 08: 55
        "Enrich yourself"

        If only "Get rich"...
        “New Russians” are being raised in the country. Without Russian roots, traditions and culture.
        Finance is always just a tool.
    2. +42
      26 March 2024 04: 56
      There was an article on VO “until thunder strikes...”, they cut it out. Apparently someone didn’t like the article or the comments. But there were a lot of interesting things there. I wonder if this article will also be cut? This is the policy. (I don’t blame them, they are also being pressured from above)
      1. +3
        26 March 2024 09: 52
        This article will not be cut out, it is about everything and nothing at the same time - strengthen the standard ones, deepen them blah blah blah.
        1. +2
          26 March 2024 20: 49
          Quote from AdAstra
          This article will not be cut, it is about everything and nothing at the same time

          They cut you down not for the article, but for the comments! This one also had a “Site disabled” board. True, they turned it on after about 15 minutes. Like, a warning, so that they don’t talk too much here!
    3. +22
      26 March 2024 05: 45
      The question is different. Aren't the Duma legislators themselves quite willing to be adherents of MI6 and other sects?
      1. +19
        26 March 2024 06: 01
        Well, judging by their professional activities and what they do, I very much admit this. There is no other way to explain this
      2. +14
        26 March 2024 08: 26
        you see the serviceman at the root))) it was this generation that sold out the USSR and you want to live in Miami, you know, having a villa in Italy, it’s hard to be a patriot, so pretend to be a rag and cut your hair and there’s a plane and Viv la France or whatever it says in someone’s residence permit
        1. man
          26 March 2024 11: 24
          Quote from Mazunga
          you see the serviceman at the root))) it was this generation that sold out the USSR and you want to live in Miami, you know, having a villa in Italy, it’s hard to be a patriot, so pretend to be a rag and cut your hair and there’s a plane and Viv la France or whatever it says in someone’s residence permit

          As I understand it, it was my generation that sold out the USSR? Then tell me where I can get my share? laughing I agree, at least in the form of a villa in Alaska laughing
          1. +7
            26 March 2024 11: 27
            yes, take it)))) even in the Kem volost, I’m not talking about you in principle, but about those who sailed at the helm and fed from the helm))) in those days and they still wind and feed there
            1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +2
          26 March 2024 20: 53
          Quote from Mazunga
          It was this generation that sold out the USSR, but I want to live in Miami

          In the meantime, they sent their children and grandchildren there, a place for themselves to settle down.
      3. man
        26 March 2024 08: 56
        Quote: sever41
        The question is different. Aren't the Duma legislators themselves quite willing to be adherents of MI6 and other sects?

        Don’t tell me, Duma members don’t dare go to the toilet without a signal from above
  4. +3
    26 March 2024 04: 20
    Having failed to defeat Russia on the battlefield, Great Britain will try to destroy it from within

    What tools will the British use for this?
    I think that the most dangerous thing for us is renegades like Gorbachev and Yeltsin.
    Next comes the category of agents of influence, the waiters, young people go to study in London and Washington...from there they return, for the most part, brainwashed and ardent enemies of our country.
    Further, interethnic relations, the British very cleverly use the fifth column among the bourgeoisie in Russia, pitting Russians against Tajiks and Tajiks against Russians... For some reason the GDP does not notice this... or does not want to notice and react.
    Various Russophobes and hype bloggers are also used against our people in full...in general, if you dig deeper into this topic, there is so much information, mom, don't worry...the front of the fight against us is very wide...not all of our citizens see and understand this.
    1. +31
      26 March 2024 04: 55
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      pitting Russians against Tajiks and Tajiks against Russians...

      There is no need to incite anyone.
      The difference in mentality makes migrants feel like masters and conquerors. They live by the rules of their village - from loud music to a knife in the ribs in case of criticism.
      And the authorities demand that Russians be sacrificial sheep - otherwise this is baiting... They advise us, not migrants, to re-educate. To re-educate means to endure.
      So the work of “baiting” is not needed - the work was carried out at home with migrants - due to the backwardness of their socio-economic conditions.
      1. +14
        26 March 2024 05: 44
        They advise us to re-educate, not migrants. To re-educate means to endure.
        Moreover, the same thing is happening in European countries, where people have come in large numbers.
      2. +14
        26 March 2024 06: 22
        It’s not a matter of the mentality of Tajiks... it’s a matter of control over Tajiks by the authorities; for any radicalism, extremism, violation of norms of behavior in our society should be followed by arrest, trial, prison... and this is exactly the problem.
        The authorities themselves allow these elements to run amok on our streets... the fight must begin with the State Duma by adopting the appropriate laws, removing the lobbyists of the deputies, then moving down the power vertical to bring the standards of behavior of officials up to the point of criminal prosecution for inaction.
        In theory, everything depends on our GDP... the launch of the flywheel of coercion by the state of the necessary mechanisms depends on it... sadness... I look at him and see that he is in no hurry to do this.
        1. +18
          26 March 2024 08: 59
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          In theory, everything depends on our GDP... the launch of the flywheel of coercion by the state of the necessary mechanisms depends on it...

          And he proposes to adapt migrants to our civilization, to our culture, customs, mentality..... And not to incite ethnic hatred... Let the migrants swagger, kill our people and bring us their village grayness.
          1. +5
            26 March 2024 09: 02
            Quote from Uncle Lee
            And don’t incite ethnic hatred... Let the migrants swagger, kill our people and bring us their village grayness.

            There is this...I’m still trying to understand why he’s balancing here on the edge of a knife.
            After all, the patience of the people is not endless...after such terrorist attacks it is very easy to lose their trust.
            1. +11
              26 March 2024 09: 13
              Quote: Lech from Android.
              After such terrorist attacks it is very easy to lose his trust.

              There are still many questions about this terrorist attack: free entry and exit of the terrorists, no security of the building and the event, no alarm, the fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing did not work, the flammable material of the building and the owner's access to government offices...
            2. +3
              26 March 2024 16: 21
              .after such terrorist attacks it is very easy to lose his trust.
              To be honest, I don't have any left. He has nothing to lose in my eyes.
          2. +6
            26 March 2024 09: 48
            he proposes to adapt migrants to our civilization, to our culture, customs, mentality.[
            /b]Have the Muslim regions of Russia adapted significantly to Russian culture?
            1. +1
              26 March 2024 16: 22
              Have the Muslim regions of Russia adapted significantly to Russian culture?
              Strong and durable. Tataria, Bashkiria. The Caucasus is a separate issue.
          3. +2
            27 March 2024 00: 48
            ..... adapt migrants....

            For so many years in the post-perestroika country, they have not been able to adapt, and as they increase, the problems from them become greater, as well as the costs for them. It is time to recognize this harmful direction, to announce it, and to abandon it. And to leave those international organizations that prescribe the resettlement of "alien elements."
            If, let’s say, the father of their family who came here works, how many people from his family receive benefits or pensions? 5-6-7 ?.?? Yes Easy! Isn't one such unskilled person too expensive for the country? And I assume that their claims to the budget are even stronger at the expense of all our indigenous residents. I don't even want to hi Vladimir Vladimirovich and talk about it
        2. +1
          26 March 2024 20: 26
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          It’s not a matter of the Tajik mentality... it’s a matter of control over Tajiks by the authorities,

          If only... Unfortunately, the issue can only be resolved by education. Both our idiots and Turkmen ones.
          But if our children are still raised in more or less normal families, environments and schools, then migrants are a product of the upbringing of the villages (to put it briefly).
          We do not have the strength to educate our own, but we need to re-educate millions of strangers.
          How not to “control them from the authorities” is a matter of large numbers; 20 million, at best, can be superficially controlled. And what wanders inside this mass - alas. Until he breaks out and finds a way out - for example, to control the controllers with bribes.
    2. +40
      26 March 2024 05: 14
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I think so the most dangerous thing for us is such renegades as Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

      It only remains to understand that Putin, who brings wreaths to the grave of EBN, is the direct heir of EBN, and apart from words and slander against the socialist system, we will hear nothing from him... At least for the next 12 years...
      Building a system of power that devours the titular nation is worth a lot...
      1. +16
        26 March 2024 06: 17
        It remains only to understand that Putin, who wears wreaths on EBN’s grave, is the direct heir of EBN,

        The legacy that Putin inherited from the EBN will be preserved, developed and consolidated.

        Putin spoke about the future of political life in Russia

        MOSCOW, March 18 - RIA Novosti. Russian presidential candidate and current head of state Vladimir Putin said that he thinks that in political life in Russia everything will remain as it was.
        “I think that in our ordinary domestic political life everything will remain approximately the same as it was,” Putin told reporters at his election headquarters....https://ria.ru/20240318/putin-1933876106.html

        Everything will remain as before: the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer.

        P.S. "MOSCOW, March 1 - RIA Novosti. The total wealth of the richest entrepreneurs from Russia in the first two months of the year increased by 11,084 billion dollars;..."
        1. +2
          27 March 2024 01: 10
          Quote: AA17
          Everything will remain as before: the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer.

          And as HE recently stated: There will be no deprivatization! recourse
    3. +24
      26 March 2024 07: 31
      The most dangerous thing is not renegades, but continuation of the current course. Our unfortunate country survived Yeltsin and Gorbachev, albeit with losses. Whether it will survive migrants and current policies - we will see soon enough
      1. +5
        26 March 2024 09: 51
        Will he survive?
        For 25 years I somehow experienced the Chechen wars and terrorist attacks and will survive the remaining 6 years, or even 12...87% of those who voted for the course of the country agree with this..They are ready to survive..
    4. +10
      26 March 2024 08: 53
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I think that the most dangerous thing for us is such renegades as Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

      Ehh, at the most interesting place the chain was broken...
    5. +2
      26 March 2024 20: 55
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I think that the most dangerous thing for us is such renegades as Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

      Neither under the MSG, nor under the EBN did such migration lawlessness exist!
      1. 0
        28 March 2024 14: 47
        Quote: Good evil
        Neither under the MSG, nor under the EBN did such migration lawlessness exist!

        Under them, Russians were slaughtered in the republics. Now they are cutting and shooting people in their own homes. Everything goes according to plan. You know whose plan, with the letter Pu...
      2. 0
        30 March 2024 16: 49
        Likewise, Lenin was not a contemporary of socialism. Days and nights change (Gorbachev, Yeltsin), and the caravan (process) moves on...
  5. +18
    26 March 2024 04: 36
    Strictly necessary. Every person entering is required to provide fingerprints and DNA (the state probably doesn’t have enough money for the latter). Any minor incident, for everyone who happens to be nearby, suspects or witnesses, it doesn’t matter who he is according to the documents, with his family and children - a plane and to his homeland. Upon re-entry - arrest up to a year in prison.
    Or as in South Korea - entry only with a return ticket after 3 months. Caught later - deportation with an entry ban for several years. Koreans know how to deal with migrants, tightening and tightening the right to entry. The Chinese are great too. Arrived - prints, photos in the database. And God forbid you come under suspicion of a fight or a loud party.
    Those who don’t know, especially residents of the European part of Russia. Before the pandemic, the lion's share of migrants went to China and Korea, using the Russian Federation as a base. And many of our Russians went there to earn money. And the author of these lines made a foreign passport to go to work in Korea or China. But then the pandemic, the borders were closed, entry into Korea was tightened.
    Now the times have come. Who would have told me in the late 90s - early XNUMXs that we would go to China to work? Although at that time the Chinese were working on construction sites in Siberia and greenhouses. Now you can’t find the Chinese during the day, but the CIS was on construction sites in China and Korea before the pandemic.
    1. +16
      26 March 2024 06: 57
      Quote: Mekey Iptyshev
      Strictly necessary. Every person entering is required to provide fingerprints and DNA (the state probably doesn’t have enough money for the latter). Any minor incident, for everyone who happens to be nearby, suspects or witnesses, it doesn’t matter who he is according to the documents, with his family and children - a plane and to his homeland. Upon re-entry - arrest up to a year in prison.

      Is it possible to filter out those who do not know Russian right at the border? A few questions for those entering to answer. Why are you going to Russia? Who are you going to? Who will meet you? What address are you going to? And so on. If he can’t answer, he immediately turns it back. And if they missed you, and the newcomer committed a crime, you can always find who missed him. And also bring to justice
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. man
        26 March 2024 12: 38
        Is it possible to weed out those who do not know Russian right at the border? A few questions for those entering to answer. Why are you going to Russia? Who are you going to? Who will meet you? What address are you going to? And so on. If he can’t answer, he immediately turns it back. And if they missed you, and the newcomer committed a crime, you can always find who missed him. And also bring to justice
        I would like to see an examiner who agrees to let a migrant pass in this situation laughing Can you tell me where to find such a de.bi.la? laughing
        I suggest we weed everyone out before arrival! smile We must show mercy! love
      3. +4
        26 March 2024 16: 28
        Is it possible to filter out those who do not know Russian right at the border? A few questions for those entering to answer. Why are you going to Russia? Who are you going to? Who will meet you? What address are you going to? And so on. If he can’t answer, he immediately turns it back. And if they missed you, and the newcomer committed a crime, you can always find who missed him. And also bring to justice
        Upon entry, a special person answers these questions. And not at the border checkpoint, but immediately in a high office. More precisely, in all the offices, because the poor things need to be protected from us.
      4. +3
        26 March 2024 21: 15
        Quote: Egoza
        And if they let you through, and the newcomer committed a crime, you can always find who missed it. And also bring to justice
        But who will do this?
    2. +22
      26 March 2024 08: 32
      We must take the model of UAE migration legislation as a basis - it is practically impossible for a migrant to obtain citizenship. The slightest violation of the law - get out of the country.... But no tightening of migration laws will help until order is restored in the Federal Migration Service and the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs... otherwise, what we have in force is often violated.
      1. man
        26 March 2024 13: 20
        The model of UAE migration legislation should be taken as a basis - it is practically impossible for a migrant to obtain citizenship. The slightest violation of the law - get out of the country....
        Why copy? I propose to allow only graduates of Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or, in extreme cases, Cambridge and Oxford, into Russia from Central Asia, but not immediately, but only after passing exams in their specialty and the Russian language. Invite full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences as examiners with good remuneration, let the poor fellows earn extra money.
        But don’t give citizenship! Make an exception only for Nobel laureates!
    3. man
      26 March 2024 12: 08
      Strictly necessary. Every person entering is required to provide fingerprints and DNA (the state probably doesn’t have enough money for the latter). Any minor incident, for everyone who happens to be nearby, suspects or witnesses, it doesn’t matter who he is according to the documents, with his family and children - a plane and to his homeland. Upon re-entry - arrest up to a year in prison.
      What's so strict here? request It is necessary so:
      Every person entering is given fingerprints and DNA and... straight to jail! fellow
    4. man
      26 March 2024 12: 17
      Any minor incident, for everyone who happens to be nearby, suspects or witnesses, it doesn’t matter who he is according to the documents, with his family and children - a plane and to his homeland. Upon re-entry - arrest up to a year in prison.
      Come on! At whose expense are the plane tickets??? Let him move on foot, along with his family, children and suspected witnesses! And at the same time constantly kissing the accompanying guards on the ass! love
      And if you try to re-enter, you will be shot on the outskirts!
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +5
            26 March 2024 15: 58
            there was a diagram like this, stopped at Poltoratskogo on red from behind, decl was hit with a bumper, he jumped out here and a section happened))) I was studying in a technical department at Sarykulka then, I was friends of course
            1. man
              28 March 2024 08: 47
              Hello! An interesting thing: while I was sick, they erased all my answers to you, including those consisting of quoting a phrase from the great comedy of Gaidai! smile
              1. +1
                28 March 2024 08: 53
                yes, my example with dad and the car were also erased))) apparently he smelled too strongly of pilaf
                1. man
                  28 March 2024 08: 59
                  Quote from Mazunga
                  yes, my example with dad and the car were also erased))) apparently he smelled too strongly of pilaf

                  So I lost a completely innocent person, just a quote about “you can’t get enough of the volost.” Didn’t the person who erased watch “Ivan Vasilyevich”??? smile
  6. +27
    26 March 2024 04: 50
    Yesterday, a similar article by Roman was suppressed. Will this one last until lunch???
    1. +13
      26 March 2024 08: 34
      The main thing here is that Roman himself is not covered up, the article is fine, then Eshnikov is probably in the car
  7. +37
    26 March 2024 04: 57
    It seems that those 25 jobs that were promised for Russians were, at one time, created for migrants.
    1. +18
      26 March 2024 05: 16
      Quote: parusnik
      Along the way, those 25 jobs that were promised for Russians at one time were created for migrants.

      ...Yeah...With a difference in the level of technology and qualifications... wassat
    2. +12
      26 March 2024 09: 11
      were promised
      & labor shortages.

      Schizophrenia is propaganda and those who listen to it.

      Meanwhile, the imported ones are already displacing the locals not only as janitors.
      1. +3
        26 March 2024 21: 23
        Quote: Valenok
        Meanwhile, the imported ones are already displacing the locals not only as janitors.

        I had the good fortune to be treated by a traumatologist-babai when I broke a rib about 8 years ago. The rib still hurts.
        1. +2
          27 March 2024 04: 15
          The rib still hurts.

          You're still very lucky.
          20 days ago I had to pick up my mother from the morgue after such a “doctor”.
          I still don’t know the last name. The nurse in the waiting room said that she couldn’t tell me what to say.
          I don’t know the diagnosis (what it was “treated for”). The death report states “unidentified cause of death” code 99.
    3. +5
      26 March 2024 16: 31
      Along the way, those 25 jobs that were promised for Russians at one time were created for migrants.
      But many vacancies have been created for Russians in the active army! It's not all bad! laughing
  8. -35
    26 March 2024 05: 03
    At one time, while building a house in the village, I suffered a lot from local men who threatened to steal all the materials. They cut off the wires so that later “for only 20 thousand” they could connect again.... laughing Now they have already died from drunkenness.
    And I order repairs from migrants. They don't work badly. My warm greetings to Russian patriots!
    1. +20
      26 March 2024 05: 20
      Quote: ivan2022
      Now they have already died from drunkenness.

      So, it turns out that why we slipped from first place in alcohol consumption and went up in drug use...
    2. +25
      26 March 2024 08: 08
      Quote: ivan2022
      My warm greetings to Russian patriots!

      My warm greetings to non-Russian patriots...I also worked with migrants...they openly hack...you constantly need to keep them under control and they demand money no worse than hacks...so don’t blah blah.
      After them, the jambs must be constantly eliminated.
    3. +26
      26 March 2024 08: 30
      The descendants of these migrants will send their warmest greetings to your children. And you will also get some in retirement when speak you will start. Only they won't tear off your wires. They'll throw you out of your house. Like they did to Russians in Central Asia in the 90s.
  9. +33
    26 March 2024 05: 07
    It’s Nata’s fault again, here they are doing such crazy things that MI6, Mossad, and the CIA are nervously smoking on the sidelines, and screaming Mom runs away in all directions. It is not NATO intelligence officers who issue passports and check the Russian language, it is not they who turn our legislation into a circus, but their own indigenous citizens into whipping boys. It’s only on TV that we don’t abandon our own people, but in fact, business is nothing personal. Capitalism in its most perverted form, the capitalists of the past could not even think about such a phenomenon, this is not totalitarianism, not a dictatorship, clownery is probably best suited. Endless moving of beds, without real action and hope for change, they will be slaughtered like sheep, everything and everyone has already been sold with giblets, nothing sacred is left, no matter what institution of society you take on, everything is sold and merged into endless sludge and hopelessness...
  10. +22
    26 March 2024 05: 07
    Again there is someone to blame.
    They create the problems themselves and then look for those to blame.
    1. +14
      26 March 2024 05: 26
      The problems themselves create
      These problems grew into spiritual bonds.
  11. +16
    26 March 2024 05: 37
    There is no doubt that the massive influx of low-skilled, uneducated and aggressive migrants into our country is happening with the maximum assistance of the British intelligence service, as well as the intelligence services of other Western countries

    The fact that Western intelligence services are behind the thieving and criminal policies of the Russian authorities is a very dangerous conclusion today. The author is a brave man....
  12. +18
    26 March 2024 05: 55
    It seems that uncontrolled migration from Central Asia and Transcaucasia is evil in itself, no one argues. But I am sure that workers of the PVS (representatives of the construction business, deputies (remember the case in St. Petersburg with the legalization of 100 migrant workers by one of the deputies?), caught in protection racketeering and bribery for providing the necessary documents for citizenship to residents of kishlaks and auls, who do not speak a word of Russian, should be immediately sent to camps, with a minimum of 000 years, without any parole.
    1. +1
      29 March 2024 17: 38
      And without the right of correspondence as before.
  13. +18
    26 March 2024 05: 57
    Any form of association of migrants should be equated to organized criminal groups, or even terrorist organizations, since all of them will only be a cover for ethnic diaspora gangs and a base for training future terrorists.

    There is a need for a merciless sanitization of government bodies in those regions where officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies have already merged with diasporas - a little more and in several regions of Russia it will be necessary to introduce a counter-terrorist operation regime.

    The article is absolutely correct and the suggestions are excellent. Only, most likely... in short, dreaming is not harmful, but not dreaming is harmful.
  14. +14
    26 March 2024 06: 02
    “There is no doubt that the massive influx of low-skilled, uneducated and aggressive migrants into our country is taking place with the maximum assistance of the British intelligence service...." Something I don’t understand, our state is led by MI6, and the police, the FSB,... some British intelligence agents?
    1. +20
      26 March 2024 06: 17
      Our government is run by MI6
      And apparently since 1991...
      1. +11
        26 March 2024 06: 53
        In the apt expression of Stanislav Govorukhin: “In the early 90s, a great criminal revolution took place in Russia.” Guild workers (effective managers), criminal gangs and other rabble came to power. This kind of contingent has always been easily controlled by foreign intelligence services. Look how many of our deputies have real estate and children living abroad. Russia under external control. So don’t flatter yourself too much. All these brethren have the task of clearing the territory for colonization by Western countries. This whole mess has been going on for 5000 years. As they say, Rbs are in their repertoire. Terrorism has a nationality, these nationalities are determined by the haplogroup R1b1. So beloved by all our “elites” is the “enlightened” Western Europe. Everything else is a consequence.
      2. +6
        26 March 2024 08: 42
        And apparently since 1991...
        since 1985 (Gorbachev’s rise to power) wink
  15. +21
    26 March 2024 06: 11
    Does anyone know, besides officials, countries - sources of import of "valuable specialists" - barbers, taxi drivers, etc., without whom the economy simply cannot exist - who expressed sympathy for the victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus? Or have the organized crime groups of the diaspora quieted down today, and tomorrow they will take to the streets in an organized manner demanding the release of the “innocents”?
  16. +21
    26 March 2024 06: 13
    At one time, 300 Nepalese fought with each other in the UAE. The UAE government's decision was simple - to ban all Nepalese from entering indefinitely until a separate decision is made, if any, and they went there just like to us to earn money. Everything became quiet for other peoples in the UAE, and there was never much noise there anyway. The gilded gates in Dubai stand quietly as a monument to something - I don't remember
  17. +7
    26 March 2024 06: 20
    No matter who intrigues against us, in the end only we have to work. The consciousness of young people has been reduced to the level of a destroyer. It is often declared that victory in the international struggle can only end in the destruction of the enemy country. This simplifies the consciousness of a boy or girl. It teaches us not to think logically. The consciousness of modern man is based on animation. It is wonderful to see individual things. And not to see everything generally. Of course, it’s not in vain that our enemies eat their bread in the West. Everything depends only on how we can resist all the enemy’s schemes. Everything depends only on us.
  18. +18
    26 March 2024 06: 50
    today's migration policy is beneficial to many... except for the indigenous peoples of Russia, headed by the state-forming Russian people. From here the logical question is - why can a Tajik or Uzbek with a Russian passport be a member of a secret order called the diaspora, and in this secret
    their order is the path closed to Russians or Mordvins or Yakuts? Not to mention what would happen if Russians or Chuvashes wanted to have their own diaspora in Russia with their own atamans! Now if Russians or Chuvashes wanted to join this secret order called the "Tajik diaspora", well, to learn, say, to sing Tajik songs and dance their dances. But the leader of this secret order called the "diaspora" would clearly tell the Russians or Chuvashes, where are you going, go to hell, this organization is strictly based on nationality, so that Tajiks could live here ignoring Russian laws, traditions and customs, rising above everyone. And here the Russian and the Kalmyk would think that if the Russian people or the Kalmyk people created similar secret orders for themselves, then the leaders of such diasporas would have long since been cutting down trees in sunny Magadan.
    And here, the all-powerful leaders of the Tajik and Uzbek diasporas! They say that in Moscow and St. Petersburg alone they brought huge sums in bribes so that three hundred thousand Tajiks and Uzbeks, who don't speak Russian, could receive Russian citizenship. By the way, one of the detained terrorists, who doesn't speak Russian, was going to work as a taxi driver in Moscow, and the second, who doesn't speak Russian, was already working as a hairdresser. In what other country, for God's sake, would a taxi driver or hairdresser not speak a word of the state language! Which confirms what I have stated above, that these secret orders called "Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Kazakh diasporas" include all structures - from leaders to taxi drivers and hairdressers. And it would be naive to think that these secret orders do not have entire armies of fighters in their structures...
  19. +22
    26 March 2024 07: 08
    Unfortunately, many are again mistaken, thinking that this is a business that imports migrants for profit. No, this is the political will from the very top to replace the indigenous population with anyone with a foreign culture.
    1. +12
      26 March 2024 07: 30
      perhaps this godly cause has already been taken up and financed by Arabs, Turks and Iranians
    2. +7
      26 March 2024 08: 35
      Business also imports. Only the big one. They are the owners of the country.
  20. +15
    26 March 2024 07: 16
    Just now I saw them loading vans with things from the construction site and taking “valuable specialists” somewhere. It seems that those who need to know that today the migration service will come with an inspection at the construction site.
  21. +23
    26 March 2024 07: 26
    It turns out that the godless West turns the city into an aul for me, and not the brightest one.
    Our country voted to continue the current course; everything that is written in the conclusions can be crossed out.
  22. +6
    26 March 2024 07: 28
    -----------and what does the Mi-8 have to do with it?
  23. +14
    26 March 2024 07: 31
    Putin is simply not aware of this, otherwise he would quickly solve the problem.
  24. +8
    26 March 2024 07: 33
    All we can do for now is to completely ignore migrants: don’t buy anything from them, don’t use their services. I don’t even go to stores where migrants “run the business.”
    1. +5
      26 March 2024 13: 57
      I don’t even go to stores where migrants “run”

      You know, they most likely won’t even notice it, and they won’t become poorer request
      They have their own little world and they think the same way as you, they also buy from their own, get their hair cut by their own, who are the taxi drivers? That's what I'm talking about, they have a complete infrastructure tied to their own ((
      1. 0
        26 March 2024 16: 47
        they have a complete infrastructure tied to their
        Without money from outside, their little world will not survive.
    2. +1
      26 March 2024 21: 35
      Quote: Million
      I don’t even go to stores where migrants “manage.”

      Where are you going? Please send me an address in the near Moscow region!
      1. +1
        26 March 2024 22: 54
        Moscow and the Moscow region are not all of Russia.
  25. +20
    26 March 2024 07: 35
    The main problem of Russia is the corrupt government, which turns a blind eye to the uncontrolled flow of migrants, rubber apartments, diasporas and Wahhabi dens.
    The result is on the face.

    Mi-6, CIA, NSA, SBU have nothing to do with it at all. They simply hit our sore callus, which we do not treat, but only rub harder year after year.
  26. +20
    26 March 2024 07: 41
    The country's main "patriots" dealt a double blow with their activities. Demographic crisis and uncontrolled import of migrants. What is this? Stupidity or crime? In any case, the main “patriots” never bear responsibility for their mistakes.
    1. +10
      26 March 2024 10: 09
      What is this? Stupidity or crime?
      It would be more correct and precise to say stupidity or betrayal (betrayal is a crime in itself). For me, it is not stupidity, but betrayal of the people and the country. - Rejoice, bourgeois! - It was we, the Bad Boys, who did all this. We chopped up so much firewood, and hauled in so much hay, and lit all the boxes with black bombs, with white shells and with yellow cartridges. What a blast it will be now! The bourgeois were delighted then, but they did not include all the Bad Boys in their bourgeoisie and did not give them a whole barrel of jam and a whole basket of cookies, and some had what they used to give them taken away. And domestically produced ships do not sail on the rivers, domestic airplanes do not fly in the blue sky, but locomotives assembled from bourgeois parts run along the railways. And the mausoleum where Malchish-Kibalchish lies is nailed up on holidays. Based on the work by A. Gaidar.
  27. +12
    26 March 2024 07: 44
    There is no point in tightening the laws, since these are not being followed. One of the terrorists has an expired visa for 3 months.

    But where is Russia, and where are the laws...
  28. +12
    26 March 2024 07: 45
    By the way, Bastrykin took control of the case of the murder of a SVO member in Chelyabinsk, demanded its review.... And something SILENCE. Does anyone know anything???
    1. +2
      26 March 2024 14: 54
      And if you type on the Internet what and in what cities Bastrykin took control, it turns out that he has 48 hours a day, if not more, and besides, he doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat, doesn’t go to the toilet, he just controls everything.
      1. 0
        28 March 2024 10: 23
        asked this question in Vesti FM, if you are a caring person, do the same
  29. +17
    26 March 2024 07: 48
    What is MI-6? Even if they are part of this tragedy, the foundation for it was successfully laid by our own adherents of importing “qualified specialists”. And if earlier they were cheaper due to salary, now they receive almost the same salary, and quite good if you take industrial construction, I won’t say about civil construction, I didn’t work. Therefore, the logic of importing them in huge quantities is quite difficult to understand; after all, Russia has not been depopulated to such an extent. And as long as this vicious practice continues, such massacres will continue to occur from time to time. Well, a special greeting to our special services, I don’t know how it’s possible to completely ignore the preparations for a terrorist attack when all the embassies openly said there would be a terrorist attack in the coming days, and specifically at a concert or a large shopping center. And the cherry on top from TV on the day of mourning, some series about cool special forces preventing terrorist attacks and freeing hostages. What a special cynicism towards the dead and their loved ones.
    1. +10
      26 March 2024 08: 38
      Until like this. 20+ years of extinction at 0,5-1 million per year. And oops. There are no able-bodied youth. Just pennies. But stability. We still need to build a bunch of apartments worth 100500 million in Moscowabad. And in the rest of the country, let them feed from the gardens. What did you think? Their salaries are above 25 thousand. The slaves are greedy.
  30. +7
    26 March 2024 07: 52
    Quote: Vinnibuh
    There was an article on VO “until the thunder strikes...”, they cut it out.

    Is it possible to read it somewhere?
    1. +2
      26 March 2024 21: 40
      They didn’t demolish it so you could read it!
  31. +10
    26 March 2024 07: 59
    At one time, Peter the Great began the movement from barbarism to civilization by cutting beards.
  32. +13
    26 March 2024 08: 00
    All power has been bought from bottom to top by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Courts and the administration. You and I are being destroyed by our own officials.
    1. +9
      26 March 2024 10: 11
      All power has been bought
      All power is not bought, it has grown together, they act together.
      1. +11
        26 March 2024 10: 12
        All power is not bought, it has grown together, they act together.

        Where did most of the bandits of the 90s go? They became deputies.
        1. +13
          26 March 2024 10: 17
          That's what I'm talking about, the bandits who have gone into power are pulling their own people up. By the way, the president pardoned the "Tsapkovs" for participating in the SVO, they washed away their crimes that they committed against ordinary people with blood. Now they will also have benefits, like the SVO participants.
  33. +12
    26 March 2024 08: 03
    Remove the word "MI6" from the article and its meaning will not change at all
  34. +14
    26 March 2024 08: 14
    Moscow, Prospekt Mira metro station, a huge amount of dirt lives there, they often put stickers on the escalator, like football hooligans sometimes do. Only on these black stickers are crossed sabers, skulls, and Arabic script, just like on the black flags of Daesh. The militants are already here among us, in the capital, sleeping, they are waiting for the go-ahead!
    1. +5
      26 March 2024 08: 17
      Quote: Vadim S
      Moscow, Prospekt Mira metro station, a huge amount of dirt lives there, they often put stickers on the escalator, like football hooligans sometimes do. Only on these black stickers are crossed sabers, skulls, and Arabic script, just like on the black flags of Daesh. The militants are already here among us, in the capital, sleeping, they are waiting for the go-ahead!

      In Voronezh we also have heaps of dirt on the streets, garbage, scribbled walls - however, no sabers, something so youthful, I don’t understand, but, obviously, ours. The youth are frolicking. It’s just that Moscowabad has formed there, this shouldn’t be allowed.
      1. +14
        26 March 2024 08: 22
        There is also a huge mosque there, on the days of their holidays all the streets are filled with mud, for several blocks everything is covered with litter and they sit upside down. trams, cars stop, even people can’t get through, but our government carefully guards them, our guys in uniform guard so that no one gets close to the dirt or disturbs the valuable guests! Everything has already been decided for us!
        1. +4
          26 March 2024 09: 36
          We don't have any mosques yet, but there are many Orthodox churches. I live near a church and often visit its grounds - it's very clean there, with beautiful flowers and well-groomed trees. When you walk through the grounds, you involuntarily slow down and just admire your surroundings.

          On holidays, for example, Easter, of course, there are a lot of people and traffic jams form, but this is rare and the garbage is removed quickly.

          It's good to live near a temple.
  35. +16
    26 March 2024 08: 18
    Well, why are you so aggressive towards migrants? Look, they can instantly repent

    1. +15
      26 March 2024 08: 40
      noticed that there is no mustache, a typical Salafist, by the way, the word given to a kaafir is not worth the paper on which it is written))) he repents how)))
  36. +23
    26 March 2024 08: 25
    Here we need to realize that migrants are paid benefits, given passports faster and easier than Russians, and are excused from justice - not by the migrants themselves, nor by the British authorities, but by other authorities of another country. Russian authorities.
    De facto - Russophobic authorities of Russia, to my great regret!
  37. +13
    26 March 2024 08: 44
    There is no doubt that the massive influx of low-skilled, uneducated and aggressive migrants into our country is happening with the maximum assistance of the British intelligence service, as well as the intelligence services of other Western countries.

    I wonder what the author accepts? Those. Is it British intelligence that prohibits VVP from introducing a visa regime with these countries and carrying out strict control of all those entering? wassat
    It’s like that joke about the drunken general:
    The general wakes up after another drinking session and sees his adjutant cleaning his jacket from vomit. The general begins to justify himself:
    - I’m walking through the barracks, and a lieutenant meets me, drunk to death, and how come at me... Well, I gave this brute a WEEK in the guardhouse right there!!!
    To which the adjutant responds
    - You didn’t give him enough, your honor, he also pooped in your pants...
  38. The comment was deleted.
  39. +18
    26 March 2024 09: 02
    all the complaints against the president, the guarantor, the supreme commander in chief.....then during the 25 years of his reign he allowed a situation where the indigenous inhabitants of the country became uncomfortable living in it...and does nothing to change it, justifying himself with the highest (?) interests countries. there is no solution to the migrant problem in sight...the guarantor has not changed after the elections
    1. +14
      26 March 2024 09: 48
      Quote from moneron
      there is no solution to the migrant problem in sight...the guarantor has not changed after the elections

      Judging by the bleating of the guarantor and the cutting out of the article “Thunder of granules. It’s time to cross yourself,” you are absolutely right. Nothing will change in migration policy.
      I personally have never been a supporter of the legalization of short-barreled guns, but to be honest, I would like to get one. Somehow I no longer feel safe in my homeland. Alas...
    2. +8
      26 March 2024 10: 14
      the guarantor did not change after the elections
      Of all four worst candidates, the best one was chosen. We had elections, not re-elections? smile
      1. +5
        26 March 2024 11: 06
        Referendum. Yes "" "" "
        1. +5
          26 March 2024 11: 28
          Something like this: “People! Maria Godunova and her son Theodore poisoned themselves with poison. We saw their dead corpses. Why are you silent? Shout: long live Tsar Dimitri Ivanovich!” smile
  40. The comment was deleted.
  41. +14
    26 March 2024 09: 55
    We must take an example from the city of Kurgan. There, the young governor dispersed all the diasporas, Chechens, Armenians. Azeris, etc. The leadership of the diaspora immediately disappeared. There was a note on this matter in the Free Press a couple of months ago.
  42. +12
    26 March 2024 10: 10
    Today I switched the radio for the first time and did not listen to the rest of Putin’s speech. There seemed (or not?) a lack of understanding of the problem, some kind of confusion, where is OUR President?
  43. +10
    26 March 2024 10: 12
    If you follow the author’s logic, then England destroys itself, France, Germany, Italy, etc., as well as the USA. They also have big problems with migrants. There has been a solution to the issue of migrants for a long time; there is no need to reinvent the wheel. We need to adopt the best practices of Saudi Arabia)))
    1. Labor. migrants live in closed areas, outside populated areas - a concentration camp. You can be on the territory of the NP only during working hours and the time necessary to get to and from work. If the police catch you at odd hours - deportation.
    2. No families, relatives, benefits, etc. - only work.
    3. The slightest violation - deportation and a lifelong entry ban.
    There is only one problem: it is much more profitable for Russian hucksters to import migrants than to pay Russians normal wages.
  44. +3
    26 March 2024 10: 15
    "Most likely after the collapse of Russia"

    And what is planned for the collapse of Russia?
  45. +8
    26 March 2024 10: 26
    that's why we, Russians, can't be indifferent! We are all eager to write angry comments here now, but no one will write a complaint to the president, or to the prosecutor's office, or to the FSB or other structures, we ourselves try to leave quickly, seeing a crowd of migrants, etc. And now we need to take advantage of the moment, strengthen appeals to the authorities, via the Internet it will take 10 minutes, but if 1,10,20, XNUMX, XNUMX million people write, maybe the authorities will start to decide something.. If migrants live in your house - don't be lazy, call the police, let them check them, shake the local police officer, in general, we need to create the most uncomfortable conditions for them, but within the law. At the market, on the street, if migrants threaten you - boldly call the police, do not swear at them, just call and that's it. Now the police will work with migrants as much as possible, we need to help with this.
  46. +9
    26 March 2024 11: 05
    Well, I hastily read what I had time for - the article and comments. This is if Mitrofanov is cut out like Skomorokhov.
    The questions were not answered either in both articles or in the comments:
    1. Why Russia is doing its best to be friends with Tajikistan and other former Soviet countries, what it wants to show by this and what practical benefits it has.
    2. What is the true reason for the importation of a huge mass of migrants with primitive consciousness into Russia.
    We've almost come to the answer to the second question, but no one is even tackling the first - is it scary? Me too.
    I am writing a comment in support of the article and all forum members participating in the discussion, and also so that my comment appears on my profile. If the article is removed after lunch, then perhaps I’ll find it later through my comment. I remember something similar happened several years ago. Then I found it.
    Hello everyone! You are heroes.
    1. +7
      26 March 2024 11: 55
      Quote: depressant
      1. Why Russia is doing its best to be friends with Tajikistan and other former Soviet countries, what it wants to show by this and what practical benefits it has.
      2. What is the true reason for the importation of a huge mass of migrants with primitive consciousness into Russia.

      Well, the second question is just a consequence of the first. The key to the peaceful rule of the bais there is the expulsion of marginalized people from here and there. This is precisely why they are brought here in the millions.
      But why our elites need such friendship with the Uzbek-Tajik elites is not completely clear to me. So that the Americans wouldn’t come to them with NATO bases? Well, somehow it’s not even funny anymore... In such a situation as it is now, NATO is not needed at all.
    2. +2
      26 March 2024 23: 05
      Quote: depressant
      If the article is removed after lunch, then perhaps I’ll find it later through my comment.

      You won't find it. I tried so hard to find Skomorokhov’s article. Alas.
  47. +12
    26 March 2024 11: 15
    I don’t know how long the article will remain on the site, perhaps it will disappear soon, the truth is that hushing up the problem does not mean that the problem will disappear. And also for the entire society, well, probably with the exception of those on whom peace in the country depends, it is clear that a parallel power has appeared in the country, a force that is more powerful and influential than the official government, at least in some regions, this power poses a real threat to the existence of the state, and this not the inventions of journalists.
  48. +9
    26 March 2024 11: 16
    Very correct article. Very correct comments. But the authorities do nothing.
    Does not see? Don't understand the problem? I doubt it, the idiots don't stay at the top.
    It seems that the influence of diasporas has penetrated very deeply, and it is not clear what can/should be done to change the situation..
    1. +6
      26 March 2024 12: 24
      Quote: Rostislav
      idiots don't stay at the top.

      Just the opposite. Idiots are at a premium there. They are the basis of the vertical.
  49. +10
    26 March 2024 11: 26
    IMHO, as always:
    It is impossible to name the specific names of the culprits.
    But you can blame everything on the abstract West, Ukraine, MI6 or the State Department. By choice or together.
    and all sorts of “should, should, should...

    Meanwhile, let me remind you, the Owner of the Winter Cherry is traveling abroad for no reason (they wrote), the owners of migration flows are turning over millions (and not rubles), and only telegram channels dare to write about this with their full names. The rest understand everything, but... "they will smile in your face" (remember who said that)
  50. +8
    26 March 2024 11: 28
    Quote: depressant
    If the article is removed after lunch, then perhaps I’ll find it later through my comment.

    Unfortunately, everything is deleted. Yesterday I had a comment. Nothing today.
  51. +7
    26 March 2024 11: 38
    Yesterday I fully supported Roman Skomorokhov’s article. Today I support Andrei Mitrofanov’s article. How long?
  52. +6
    26 March 2024 12: 17
    All construction in the country relies on cheap labor. Who can curb Fayzulin's influence? Only one person.
  53. +6
    26 March 2024 12: 37
    Next time they will seize a school and hundreds of children will be killed... What will the authorities say after this event if it happens?
  54. +4
    26 March 2024 13: 40
    Zero tolerance regime. What is needed here is not just the will of the authorities, but the work of headquarters in all regions in conveyor mode. Police-prosecutor-FSIN-border guards and TD.
  55. +4
    26 March 2024 14: 35
    The head of state gave instructions to think through a system of preventive anti-crime measures, including in the migration sphere.

    “The situation in this area, which is important and disturbing to millions of people, must be under control,” the Russian President addressed the department’s employees.

    Well, it can’t be!!! Who raised his eyelids?
  56. +4
    26 March 2024 15: 01
    In 1991, a coup d'état was carried out, the Soviet Union was destroyed, and the socialist system was liquidated. Those who did this brought capitalism with them, all of them, having robbed the people, remained in power, became oligarchs, hucksters, capitalists, the bourgeoisie. The author proposes to solve the problem with migrants, i.e. deprive the bourgeoisie of the Russian Federation of a source of profit. Alas, the bourgeoisie will not punish itself. The bourgeoisie and the government in one person are the mafia. Since 1991, the government of the Russian Federation has had one nationality; the author correctly writes that all criminals have a nationality. The author correctly notes that a riot can change the current stalemate with migrants, and in general. For example, the Prigozhin revolt, which is not recommended to be written about, is not yet recommended in the Russian Federation to use the word capitalism, USSR. The whole problem of the Russian people is historical and political illiteracy.
    1. +4
      26 March 2024 15: 59
      During their Perestroika, the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people carried out not a coup, but a counter-revolution with the goal of returning to what was before the October Revolution - capitalism, and to become the same rich and richest parasites on the neck of the people that the Bolsheviks had thrown off.
      1. +3
        26 March 2024 16: 04
        Quote: tatra
        In their Perestroika, the enemies of the USSR and the Soviet people committed not a coup, but a counter-revolution with the goal of returning to what was before the October Revolution - capitalism, and themselves becoming the same rich and wealthy parasites on the necks of the people as the Bolsheviks threw off.

        They got it with 5 points.
  57. RMT
    26 March 2024 15: 13
    “This is the theme of the British terrorist intelligence service MI6. It is they who will contribute to the maximum growth of diasporas in Russia, who will provide them with money and compromising information on Russian officials and representatives of law enforcement agencies.”
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation does not seem to be headed by the British. They can and will provide money. Where will they find dirt on our officials and security forces? They are all honest people and pass certifications.
  58. +1
    26 March 2024 16: 19
    I know one thing. If the government does not solve this problem, then the people will solve it. Yes
  59. +3
    26 March 2024 16: 29
    No one will do this, the country’s leadership encourages migration
    1. 0
      26 March 2024 17: 24
      “No one will do this; the country’s leadership encourages migration”

      This is a necessary measure. The population of Russia is too small, the leadership encourages both the birth rate and migration, but the birth rate is worse, which is understandable - modern urban women will not give birth a lot.

      Therefore, migration is inevitable.
      1. -1
        18 August 2024 13: 23
        Then learn Farsi and accept Mohammedanism
  60. The comment was deleted.
  61. +6
    26 March 2024 16: 55
    First, the bureaucrats, judges and “law enforcement officers” who went to serve foreign diasporas and feed from their hands must be tried not for corruption, but for high treason with terms from 15 to 25 years without the right to parole and with the confiscation of EVERYTHING “acquired beyond their means” labor" (c) in the field of earnest service to foreign diasporas, themselves and their relatives.
    Only the threat of a long term of imprisonment and deprivation of everything they had grabbed can somehow dampen the greed of unprincipled bureaucrats, judges and “law enforcement officers.”
    Further, there should be an annulment of the citizenship of those who are ignorant in Russian, but allegedly took an oath when taking citizenship, and the bureaucrats who signed this filk letter should, at a minimum, be thrown out of office, and at the maximum - also convicted of high treason, as persons acting in the interests of a foreign state.
    Well, companies selling certificates of knowledge of the Russian language, history and legislation of Russia must be mercilessly liquidated. And their employees and managers will be deprived of the right to work in such organizations.
    It's minimum!
  62. +4
    26 March 2024 17: 33
    The price of migration is the greed of capitalism, which pays the minimum for the work done. Compatriots no longer want to work for this money (and cannot afford it: mortgage, children, etc.), and migrants Yes, comparing them there and here, the conclusion suggests itself.. The simplest filter is language tests..
  63. +7
    26 March 2024 17: 35
    If anyone hasn’t noticed, the terrorists have already crawled out of the toilets and are killing us, already in our homes. Crocus is only a concentrated event; there are hundreds, thousands of such Crocuses in Russia. That's just what we know. How many silent, hushed up cases are there? Surely the count goes into hundreds of thousands. An undeclared war is being waged against the Russians. Secret, arrogant, cynical under the mocking comments of the diaspora, under the mocking grins of the authorities. I don’t know, maybe this is the machinations of MI6, but in this case, member Vsulin and the others who bring us millions of hardworking, modest, non-drinking terrorists are a clear enemy of Russia. But how long does he sit in the chair and no one notices? Or later, when the Russians find themselves on reservations, like the Native Americans once were, the next nullifier will spread his arms and bleat, “We were deceived.” Look, there is complete silence, as if nothing happened. And the authorities probably think so, well, just think, they killed a hundred, another rogue. Women are still giving birth. But if Patrushev’s son had been fucked in the “back porch” or Kolokoltsev’s daughter had been impaled, there would have been a squeal right now, feathers would fly to the skies. And so there is complete silence.
  64. +4
    26 March 2024 18: 19
    migrants were able to gain a foothold in Russia and create their own criminal hierarchical structures here - ethnic diaspora gangs

    They fought and fought with the Basmachi, and in the end these Basmachi were voluntarily allowed into the house... Now throughout Russia we will have to start fighting the Basmachi...
  65. +4
    26 March 2024 19: 57
    Let's summarize our discussion.
    Will the death penalty be certain, most likely not. Everyone will refer to Zorkin’s position. Will terrorists be executed, no, they have already said.
    Will migrants be deported and the migration issue truly resolved? Of course not, they’ll rustle for show.
    Whether the perpetrators, the organizers for example, will be punished is a controversial issue.
    It is doubtful whether there will be changes in the work of law enforcement agencies.
    Hence the question. What else terrible thing needs to happen for change to begin?
  66. +2
    26 March 2024 20: 12
    Again, someone is to blame, except us, I want to remind the author that Britain also has problems with immigrants, although they don’t run around the streets with machine guns like we do, but we are actually at war if anyone has forgotten. The trouble is that we don’t have a clear policy on this issue. And hence the flow of absolutely unnecessary native population to Russia. The officials don’t have the will to resolve these issues. Why? There are many different reasons, but the fact that the issue has become ripe has already become clear even in the Kremlin, although it is getting through slowly, but it is getting through, this article is proof of that. And we have the strength and resources to restore order in this area. It’s just a small matter.
  67. The comment was deleted.
  68. 0
    27 March 2024 07: 16
    There is a certain probability that what happened was aimed precisely at the growth of nationalist sentiments among the Russian population in order to
    implementation of not just tough, but the most severe measures to eradicate this disgusting phenomenon
    precisely from a nationalist point of view, with the most severe measures. This is roughly why in the United States they kiss the shoes of blacks so that they don’t rebel and start a civil war. Also, our authorities are trying to hush up any conflict, and migrants feel impunity from this, plus the security forces are trying to take advantage of this...
  69. +1
    27 March 2024 13: 27
    the dog gives the caravan goes... to whom are all these exhortations addressed - to the Jews who make up the Russian elite? Does anyone seriously think that the large-scale population replacement program being implemented before our eyes both in Russia and in the West is the result of an accident, an oversight or petty concern for a few percent of economic growth? It’s time to organize self-defense units, maybe we’ll somehow survive for a few more decades
  70. 0
    27 March 2024 20: 03
    By title

    Was it Great Britain that brought millions of migrants here?
    The Russian Federation did this
  71. 0
    29 March 2024 17: 22
    Everything is correct and true. Everyone sees this, but one question is the diaspora. What kind of concept is this. What is its status, rights, how does this organization pay taxes or not, etc. Everyone turns a blind eye to this. The results of Merkel's experiment have not convinced anyone here, and it is in vain.
  72. 0
    30 March 2024 16: 57
    Again history repeats itself, unable to win on the battlefield, they will begin to process the youth in bulk, the main thing is that the Gorbachevs and Yeltsins were not elected, otherwise they will sell out Russia without a fight
  73. 0
    30 March 2024 19: 37
    It is characteristic that from time to time, with enviable regularity, information comes up that Russians or Ukrainians who are trying to naturalize in Russia are experiencing serious problems with entry, of course, because their diasporas do not support them, but when an illiterate migrant from Central Asian countries enters our country, If he doesn’t know Russian, he won’t have any problems.

    As the experience of the SVO shows, the same problems with crime are present among the Russians and Ukrainians who leave, as among the Tajiks. The only thing missing is the religious and linguistic component. So is it worth grading all Tajiks with the same brush, if there are obvious problems in the area of ​​migration policy.
  74. 0
    31 March 2024 04: 52
    It's all about the corrupt Russian government. And, for sure, a huge number of officials, rich people, members of both the Duma and the Federation Council - tens and tens of thousands - are hanging on the hook of Western intelligence services and will, like puppets, do what they are ordered... This mine was planted back in the USSR, was especially intensified with the help of the marked Gorby and his friend Yakovlev, and the Yeltsinoids who came to power were even more prominent. The West is methodically and in all directions working to destroy Russia and our “elite” is degrading more and more. It seems to me that there is practically no hope for significant changes for the better. The Guarantor, as the visible pinnacle of power, speaks a lot of the right words, but, unfortunately, too often his words are an empty sound, disappearing into the void...
  75. 0
    April 1 2024 18: 33
    nothing will happen. Under this government, the Russians will dry themselves off and move on with their lives. The next step is to lick the boots of these migrants. The government in Russia has long become fused with the enemy.