Makeevsky Metallurgical Plant: sabotage during construction

Makeevsky Metallurgical Plant: sabotage during construction
Makeevka Metallurgical Plant today

Pre-war industrial construction during the first, second and early third five-year plans was a fascinating epic. It wasn't just success. In those years, a new country was actually built, radically different from what it was before.

However, when you begin to get acquainted with the details, you get a strong feeling that not everyone was happy about such changes, and they tried with all their might to delay, slow down, and disrupt this rapid development. Of course, the very term “sabotage,” which was used in Stalin’s times, subsequently acquired a purely negative semantic connotation: they say that all these were groundless accusations.

Nevertheless, there are actions that can hardly be called anything other than conscious and planned sabotage. In particular, in the construction of a number of facilities at the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant named after. S. M. Kirov in 1940.

Transformation of the plant into a large industrial complex

Makeevka Metallurgical Plant is one of the oldest in Donbass; it was founded in 1898. Even before the revolution, it was a large and well-equipped metallurgical enterprise by the standards of that time.

During the first five-year plan, a plan was developed for a radical reconstruction of the plant and essentially turning it into the core of a large metallurgical plant.

Plant under construction

According to this plan, it was planned to build at the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant:

sintering plant with 5 belts, capacity of 2 thousand tons of sinter;

coke shop with 184 ovens with a capacity of 1 thousand tons of coke;

blast furnace shop consisting of three blast furnaces of 842 cubic meters each and two blast furnaces of 1 cubic meters each;

a new open-hearth shop consisting of nine 15-ton furnaces and a 1-ton mixer with auxiliary workshops;

a new rolling shop consisting of a 1 mm blooming mill, 150 and 630 mm continuous billet mills, a 450 mm checkerboard mill, a 300 mm strip mill, and a 300 mm wire mill.

According to the project, the Makeevka plant was supposed to produce after reconstruction: 2 thousand tons of sinter, 500 thousand tons of cast iron, 2 thousand tons of steel in the new workshop and 240 thousand tons of steel in the old workshop, a total of 1 thousand tons, 600 thousand tons of rolled products .

On the site of the old Makeyevka plant, a new, powerful metallurgical plant was to be built, equipped with the most modern technology at that time and producing much needed products.

Blast furnace shop of Makeevka Metallurgical Plant

Some clarifications.

Agglomerate is enriched iron ore sintered into porous lumps from 5 to 100 mm. Iron ore after beneficiation is fine dust, which, when blast is fed into the blast furnace, is simply carried out of the furnace. Therefore, it is more advisable to agglomerate it to prevent losses. In addition, the sinter charge is well purged, smelting proceeds smoothly and is efficient in terms of fuel consumption.

A sintering plant belt is a sintering machine consisting of a closed chain of sintering carts-pallets, which are passed through an incendiary furnace. We will not consider this in detail, I will only say that this is a complex structure.

Belt sintering machine at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant

A staggered mill is a rolling mill in which the pre-finishing and finishing stands for the final processing of metal are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Its advantage is that the length of the mill is quite compact.

A strip is a strip of low-alloy steel that is widely used in mechanical engineering, construction and, for example, in the production of welded pipes.

Napoleonic plans for the reconstruction of the Makeevka plant, however, were not fully implemented during the two pre-war five-year plans. In 1936, the plant smelted 1 thousand tons of cast iron (316% of design capacity), 58,7 thousand tons of steel (1%) and produced 127 thousand tons of rolled products (52,4%). But that was also a lot.

The Makeevka plant in 1936 smelted 9,2% of Soviet cast iron and 7% of Soviet steel.

Delays, changes and reductions

The planned but unfinished facilities of the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant moved to the third five-year plan. They were already dealt with by the Yuzhmashstroy trust, which was part of the construction trusts of the People's Commissariat for the Construction of the USSR or Narkomstroy, formed in mid-1939.

And this is where things started to get interesting.

For 1940, the Makeevka office of the Yuzhmashstroy trust, which was directly involved in construction work at the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant, had a plan:

• construction of an open-hearth furnace worth 9 thousand rubles;

• construction of sintering belt No. 4 worth 6 thousand rubles;

• construction of rolling shop No. 1 with mills 450 and 250 costing 2 thousand rubles.

It would seem that the management of the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant, which was given a specialized construction office to expand production, should be interested in the speedy completion of construction and the launch of new facilities. But it was not there.

An article in the Stroitelnaya Gazeta dated May 24, 1940 described how the capital construction department of the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant went to any lengths to delay construction.

For example, according to the order of that time, the plant had to draw up and approve title lists of construction projects indicating the cost. This is a list of what needed to be built. It seems that the task was not too difficult, but the capital construction department changed the title lists for 1940 four (!) times.

Example of a title list from that time

Then the plant had to enter into a contract agreement with the construction organization, on the basis of which construction work would begin. In theory, the agreement for 1940 should have been concluded somewhere in December 1939. But the capital construction department of the plant formalized the contract only on April 26, 1940, and with an unspecified construction cost.

After this, the plant had to draw up and submit drawings to the builders. This also had to be done in advance. Failure to submit drawings on time was a typical problem in construction at that time. But the capital construction department of the Makeyevka plant went much further. He not only delayed the delivery of drawings, but also replaced some drawings with others, making amendments to them. The builders wrote this in the newspaper - the endless replacement of some drawings with others. That is, this was done not once, not twice, not three times.

In the first quarter of 1940, builders built a gas pipeline to the facilities under construction. But at the beginning of May 1940, the plant’s capital construction department handed over new gas pipeline drawings to the builders and canceled the old ones. Everything that was built according to old drawings turned out to be unusable. This, by the way, is a loss for the construction organization, since an object not accepted by the customer is not paid for.

Finally, the capital construction department of the Makeevka plant allocated much less funds for the construction of facilities than was required. 6 thousand rubles were allocated for the open-hearth furnace, that is, 850 million rubles less; for belt No. 3 - 4 thousand rubles, that is, 1 million rubles less, and for the rolling shop - 070 thousand rubles, or 1,6 million rubles less.

This put the builders in a difficult position. Either the construction organization had to compensate for the shortfall at its own expense, that is, build at a loss, or not complete the construction, that is, disrupt the continuation of the reconstruction of the plant.

As a result, having a plan for 1940 of 18,4 million rubles or 4,6 million rubles per quarter, the Yuzhmashstroy office made only 1940 million rubles in the first quarter of 2.

Sabotage or not?

How else can this be explained, if not by carefully thought out and organized sabotage? All these “pranks” caused enormous damage to the national economy.

Firstly, the money invested in unfinished construction was wasted; if the plant did not produce the planned metal, then the money invested in the construction of factories and plants that were supposed to consume and process this metal was also wasted.

Secondly, builders and machinery were at the construction site, but did little; their strength and skills were wasted uselessly, since during this time they could have built something else.

Thirdly, unfinished metallurgical plant facilities do not produce metal, which is not converted into machine tools, equipment, machinery, as well as weapons, ammunition and military equipment.

Therefore, slowing down or even disrupting the construction of a metallurgical plant is a powerful blow to a number of industries and to defense capabilities in general, and a long-term one, slowing down the development of the national economy for many months and years, which could lead to the cancellation of many important plans that could not be implemented due to shortages. metal

My opinion is that this case, far from being the only one of its kind, was the result of organized sabotage.

But I will ask the readers a question: How would you evaluate this conflict that arose in 1940 at the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant named after. S. M. Kirov?
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  1. 20+
    30 March 2024 04: 03
    The author, apparently, has never worked in the construction industry (a barn on a personal plot does not count laughing ).
    It’s easiest to blame problems in construction on sabotage.
    But if you start to understand, then perhaps the problem is much deeper, starting from the lack of full-fledged research and ending with unqualified designers, who take decades to train.
    All the problems described are still present in construction, especially where there is government regulation (read - bureaucracy)
    1. +1
      30 March 2024 05: 06
      And what kind of profit were we talking about? All losses were covered by the state. It was impossible to go broke. Therefore, the attitude was such that they treated design and planning superficially.
      1. 0
        April 2 2024 22: 55
        If my memory serves me correctly, then under Stalin profits were not counted. But profit, as a result of financial and economic activity, appeared under Khrushchev during the Kosygin-Liberman reforms.
        1. 0
          29 June 2024 14: 43
          In the thirties, during the era of the technical revolution, all production solutions borrowed from the West were clearly cost-effective and profitable. But in the 60s and later, when competition with the West intensified, and the desire to help socialist countries and other regimes did not disappear, the issue of profit became acute. A new scientific and technological revolution was underway, and it was not in vain that the United States adopted the Jackson Wenig Law. The USSR lost the battle for scientific and technological progress. Moreover, there were chances to fight.
    2. -1
      30 March 2024 06: 26
      Yuzhmashstroy: as Comrade said. Stalin, every problem has a first name, last name and patronymic.
      Maybe it becomes clearer if we clarify who built it? Americans, Germans, ours?
    3. +9
      30 March 2024 06: 59
      I had an article here about medical care in Penza in 1963. And there the question was considered that some kind of hospital was being built... 8 years! A hospital, not a factory. And, for sure, there are many such examples in ALL AREAS. The building of the muses is right in front of my eyes. schools were built... for more than 10 years. No. of the year a house was built from cast concrete in the center of Kuibyshev. I arrived for graduate school in ’85, and left in ’88, and the house wasn’t ready. And if all this is taken to a common denominator, it turns out that there were a LOT OF PESTS, countless. Or... some other factor was at work. By the way, now in the center of Penza a building made of cast concrete was erected in 6 months!
      1. -1
        30 March 2024 07: 45
        Quote: kalibr
        THERE WERE A LOT OF PESTS, Countless

        even doubtful. Why would there be so many of them? normal people should understand that the construction of factories and power plants was a good thing, maybe “the fight against sabotage” is also the same company as the deceitful “collectivization”? Those. just a reprisal against the old way of life and the people who personified this way of life?
        1. +1
          30 March 2024 07: 46
          Quote: Trinitrotoluene
          just reprisals against the old way of life and the people who personified this way of life

          Or... some other factor was at work.
          1. -3
            30 March 2024 07: 48
            Quote: kalibr
            Or... some other factor was at work

            and what fact is that?
            1. 0
              30 March 2024 09: 10
              Quote: Trinitrotoluene
              and what fact is that?

              If I had known, I would have written. And it is too serious to accuse many people without evidence.
            2. +7
              30 March 2024 11: 30
              Quote: Trinitrotoluene
              and what fact is that?
              Yes, very simple:
              -Where are the documents?!!! Deadlines are running out!
              -What other documents do you need, ghoul?! You still need to look, explore, think, connect!
              -Do not care! We have taken on you (on ourselves, of course, but it’s up to you to sort it out) increased obligations!!! Start construction a year earlier! Five-year plan in three days! I'll shoot you and hang you (otherwise they'll beat me up for bullshit obligations)!
              -Come on, choke, but it’s bullshit. Just the headlines.
              -Yeah. Builders, start, here are the documents.
              -Builders: “Why start, we still have a lot of work to do on other sites, you are not in the plans, there are no materials for you, etc.?”
              -Do not care! We have taken on you (on ourselves, of course, but it’s up to you to sort it out) increased obligations!!!
              And so on. The bastard was curried, and the performers and the country as a whole were disentangling themselves.
          2. +2
            31 March 2024 23: 47
            For example, the son of the director of a construction trust studied with my sister in the medical institute group. This trust, immediately after its receipt, suddenly (key word, given the then planning, funds and limits) took up the construction of a dormitory for students of this institute. Moreover, the director openly declared to the rector that until his son graduated from the university, the hostel would not be built...
        2. +6
          30 March 2024 09: 05
          Quote: Trinitrotoluene
          Maybe “the fight against sabotage” is also the same company as the deceitful “collectivization”?

          After capitalism, moving to socialism in people's brains is not just changing the system. There were many people left who were adherents of the former system, so sabotage was inevitable.
          If we take our time, then bringing emigrants into the country is also sabotage, not to mention trading hydrocarbons with the enemy.
          1. +1
            30 March 2024 09: 12
            to harm by the method of decomposing the management of the construction of factories that the country needs was done by those who were enemies not just of the country of the Republic of Ingushetia or the USSR, but of Russian civilization.
            I don't think there could be many of these. But they were the ones who led the country.
            Why was industrialization carried out? Probably for what purpose industrialization was carried out in Germany, for war. Two white peoples exterminated themselves for the amusement and needs of external industrializers.
    4. -9
      30 March 2024 07: 27
      For a better understanding of what was happening at that time - the 30 years of industrialization and collectivization - we can give an example from N.S. Khrushchev’s “Memoirs” specifically about collectivization and the role of Stalin himself and his first assistants Kaganovich in it.

      When I was already working as secretary of the Moscow City Party Committee (this was in 1932), suddenly Kaganovich one day told me that he was going on a business trip to Krasnodar. He did not quite openly say what reasons prompted this trip. I don’t know how long he was away, probably about a week or two, but when he arrived, as the head of the Moscow party organization, he informed us about the state of affairs. It turns out that he went to Krasnodar because a strike began there (as they said then - sabotage). The Kuban Cossacks did not want to cultivate the land on collective farms, and as a result of this trip, entire villages were evicted to Siberia.

      We then looked at all these events through the eyes of Stalin and blamed the kulaks, the “rightists,” the Trotskyists, the Zinovievites and everyone who needed to be blamed and with whom the struggle was then waged in the party. It was simply not allowed to think that mistakes could be made by the Central Committee, primarily by Stalin. At that time he formulated political tasks completely uncontrollably. By that time, in my opinion, Rykov, Bukharin, Zinoviev and Kamenev[76] had already been effectively removed from the leadership, and Trotsky was no longer in our country, he was exiled abroad. Thus, it was up to the Central Committee, the Politburo, to foresee these mistakes or somehow allow their existence, and Stalin played a leading and decisive role in the Politburo. This means that if we look for the guilty, then the main blame lay with him.

      For example, I didn’t even know that the Kuban Cossacks were evicted to Siberia and Kaganovich was in charge of this process, let’s say on such a grand scale (whole villages). But then after the war, Stalinist propaganda showed us the movie “Kuban Cossacks” of 1949, how well they lived.
      Is Khrushchev lying, as he is now accused of, or is he telling the truth? He’s probably not lying. Not a single major business in the country, and the expulsion of the Cossacks, this major business could not be done without the knowledge of the first person of the state.
      Actually, this is where the legs grow from and what is the root of all the troubles of that time.
      1. +2
        30 March 2024 09: 18
        Quote: Trinitrotoluene
        For example, I didn’t even know that the Kuban Cossacks were evicted to Siberia and Kaganovich was in charge of this process, let’s take it on such a grand scale (entire villages)

        We, born in the post-war years, knew history well, but after perestroika history was adjusted to fit the existing system. The authorities are trying to erase from our minds how our grandfathers and fathers built socialism. Even the Mausoleum on Victory Day has been draped for 32 years.
      2. +5
        30 March 2024 23: 48
        I found someone to trust - an illiterate "corn farmer". He whitewashed himself and anointed everyone else...
        1. -4
          31 March 2024 00: 16
          Quote: Brondulyak
          I found someone to trust - an illiterate "corn farmer". He whitewashed himself and anointed everyone else...

          and of course you do the opposite?
      3. 0
        April 1 2024 16: 33
        It was precisely in the 30s that there was a struggle and war for power within the Communist Party itself, where many clans clashed, destroying each other. Stalin removed all the pseudo-patriotic revolutionaries who in many ways were a fifth column that in many ways harmed, interfered with and sabotaged by arranging all sorts of sabotage, demonstrations, insubordination and obvious sabotage in the country here and there.
        Accordingly, it was necessary to react harshly and remove the instigators not only at the top, but also at the bottom, demonstrably evicting the conspirators to Siberia. Nowadays, we also need to do cleaning, but the GDP is still steering softly, but the SVO says that it needs to be tougher.
        On the other hand, without living at that time, it is difficult to understand the motives and actions in those conditions, and therefore one should not blame someone for long-ago events - then it was clearer and more relevant.
      4. +1
        April 2 2024 10: 10
        Blaming Stalin for all sins is such a thing. Khrushchev is not the most outstanding figure, and to attribute his sins and the sins of other leaders of the country to Stalin alone, I think, is not very objective, given his role in debunking the so-called. cult of personality. I believe that the lack of competent specialists in the leadership of the state and our Russian “stormism” - you give a five-year plan in 3 years - are largely to blame.
    5. +2
      30 March 2024 08: 03
      "Sabotage or not"

      Let’s draw parallels with our time for understanding.
      The construction of new industries, such as mechanical engineering, in the 30s was a necessary and positive matter, because the country was surrounded by enemies and it was necessary to do everything on one’s own in case of defending one’s culture, and indeed one’s life in essence.
      What is being done, or rather not being done, now? The country is again surrounded by enemies. They need to again create a new branch of electronics production that was lost in the 90s. But for many decades now, NOTHING has been CREATED from electronics in the country, and what is being done on the basis of imports is mainly from China. Where is the Russian computer, why has the computer program not yet been put into production? Don’t those sitting there understand that in the event of war We will have NO COMMUNICATION and no control, because in imported computers the bookmarks will immediately work, which can be easily done in microcircuits, will all troop control work?
      How to call such a strange inaction of the authorities? Stupidity or betrayal?
      1. +6
        30 March 2024 08: 46
        It is created if they had not created, then smart rockets would not fly and drones will now start singing about China, just a question for you: why did a prominent physicist leave Holland and there his ideas were translated into buildings by a lithographer, and if I’m not mistaken, Nikita Khrushchev called the electronics industry as bourgeois and did not allow development then such smart people sit and print nonsense
        1. -8
          30 March 2024 08: 53
          Of course, a certain percentage of the microcircuits were left so that our Unions would serve the ISS, because the Americans themselves do not know how to make space engines; there is minimal electronics for ICBMs.
          But servicing international projects and making our own computers that would be on sale, if not our computers, this is not done here and is not done simply categorically and maliciously. It seems that making computers is prohibited, but what is the name of the country that is controlled from the outside? The colony.
          1. +4
            30 March 2024 08: 58
            But the fact that “our” blackbirds have elements from China, I know firsthand, I myself installed Chinese spare parts on our type of products.
        2. 0
          30 March 2024 17: 32
          Quote: Ig sura
          Khrushchev called the electronics industry bourgeois and did not allow development, and then such smart people sit and print nonsense

          and in what document can you read that Khrushchev said this?
          Actually, it was under Khrushchev that our electronics developed faster than anyone in the world: we had five computers: two Moscow institutes, Minsk, Yerevan, Kiev. And the direction of domestic computers was closed under Brezhnev.
        3. +2
          31 March 2024 16: 48
          Nikita Khrushchev called the electronics industry bourgeois and did not allow development

          He somehow found out that academicians earn more than him and reduced the salaries of all these smart people several times. I think few people will work normally if they take him and reduce his salary not because he worked poorly, but purely because the boss decided so
          1. +1
            April 1 2024 11: 17
            Quote from alexoff
            He somehow found out that academicians earn more than him and reduced the salaries of all these smart people several times. I think few people will work normally if they take him and reduce his salary not because he worked poorly, but purely because the boss decided so

            nice link to this story.
      2. +7
        30 March 2024 11: 43
        Quote: Trinitrotoluene
        But for many decades now, NOTHING from electronics has been CREATED in the country
        You can't create electronics with a shovel. And an excavator too. To create a lithograph, many industries need to be created and developed (yes, ASML is one, but it has contractors all over the world). In addition to the lithograph, you also need chemistry, high-purity crystals and much, much more. No country in the world is self-sufficient in commercial electronics. We also have non-commercial electronics (for the military), but in the mid-2000s a simple controller (mips processor, 4 MB RAM, 4 MB ROM cost more than $10000 in rubles), so there is no commercial computer there. And the main thing is that now capitalism cannot pay for local electronics. Only huge factories, with huge production volumes and a sales market in the form of the entire Earth, no less, pay off. Only TMSC was able to adopt the new technology (perhaps only for now, but now it is so), the rest cannot afford it.
        1. -2
          30 March 2024 12: 00
          you can't create it with a shovel

          don’t create with a shovel, in the USSR they created their own electronics industry, why not in the Russian Federation? In the USSR they created several computers and several operating systems, and without the help of the West. And now what is the lack of intelligence or something else?
          1. +2
            30 March 2024 13: 58
            Just because you don’t know something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Work on lithographs in the Russian Federation has been carried out for more than ten years, today the status is as follows:
            1. +4
              30 March 2024 15: 36
              Quote from shikin
              Work on lithographs in the Russian Federation has been carried out for more than ten years, today the status is as follows:
              I recommend training yourself to ignore information about achievements that describes the future. It only makes sense to take into account where they say “done”.
              an article describing a more or less realistic state of affairs
              1. -1
                30 March 2024 16: 20
                Yes, it’s all disgusting; not only is nothing being done, but they are also lying that something is being done, i.e. They are misleading people and this has been going on for decades.
              2. +2
                30 March 2024 16: 23
                So accustom yourself, I don’t mind. And the article I mentioned talks about what has already been done, what is being done and what still needs to be done. No business is complete without a plan. If you are not interested in what is done and how (but has not been done yet), then do not read. Live in the past.
                1. -3
                  30 March 2024 17: 05
                  Well, I wish you to live in the future, although these are called dreams.
                  1. +2
                    30 March 2024 17: 10
                    Well, some have dreams, some have plans, some have what. I have no doubt that a Russian lithograph will be made (and the same planes). But I doubt the timing, especially since the situation in the world is extremely uncertain. But the past is enough for me; I also saw Gagarin alive.
                    1. +1
                      30 March 2024 17: 20
                      Well, yes they promised, they really promised us a lot
                      -t14 promised
                      -ms21 -promised this year
                      - engines 2 on su 57 have already been promised probably 5 times in different years.
                      - shells on the typhoon were promised
                      - all sorts of new infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers were promised
                      Where can I get so many years to live up to these promises?
                      There is a cartoon about Obeshchalkin.
                      1. +3
                        30 March 2024 17: 32
                        Who promised and to whom? Plans, especially long-term ones, often change, especially for new technology, and this is true all over the world.
                        T-14 - in series (rather experimental). MC-21 - a production aircraft was produced several years ago, but after well-known events it had to be greatly altered. Starting this year, the Su-57 is produced with Stage 2 engines.
                        Plans should not be taken for promises. The same military plans are rarely carried out as planned.
                        Columbus also had a plan - to sail to India. But without this plan he would not have sailed to America.
                      2. -1
                        30 March 2024 17: 42
                        Well, who promised? they talked on the news and at all sorts of parades that these new models would go into the army.
                        About the Su57, you say that it has already arrived with new engines, so show me?
                        About Columbus, well, he didn’t keep his promise, so he was in disgrace.
                      3. +3
                        30 March 2024 17: 46
                        As for the Su-57, it didn’t “go”, but is being produced. No new batches have been transferred to the VKS yet this year.
                      4. 0
                        30 March 2024 17: 47
                        if it is “in production”, then how do you know about it?
                      5. +3
                        30 March 2024 17: 54
                        From various sources.
                        Here, at least from here:
                      6. -3
                        30 March 2024 17: 57
                        This is not the same, the other engines have a serrated edge.
                      7. +3
                        30 March 2024 17: 59
                        Is it already difficult to read the article? I see there is no desire to find out anything. There is no point in continuing further.
                      8. -3
                        30 March 2024 18: 01
                        You understand that reality is like this in the form of visual images, but paper will endure everything.
                      9. +2
                        30 March 2024 20: 01
                      10. 0
                        30 March 2024 21: 15
                        “Well, who promised? They were chatting on the news” - slightly earlier in the news they were chatting about “Communism by the year 2000!”, then about “Housing by the year 2000!!”...
                        You don’t know for an hour whether you completed it or not??!!
                      11. 0
                        April 1 2024 19: 00
                        Quote: your1970
                        Well, who promised? they were chatting in the news" - a little earlier in the news they were chatting about "Communism by the year 2000!", then about "Housing by the year 2000!!"...
                        You don’t know for an hour whether you completed it or not??!!

                        But you don’t know that the one who promised was removed from his position.
                      12. 0
                        April 1 2024 19: 20
                        “You don’t know that the one who promised was removed from his position.” - I know.
                        Moreover the party officially said, "Lord, don't listen to this rustic doo; crustacean! We accidentally chose him!! He said and did a lot of nonsense there"
                        And the second one, elected by the same party, ruined the country and himself abdicated his positions.
                        Since then I know that promising does not mean getting married...
                      13. 0
                        April 1 2024 19: 43
                        As soon as this fool got into power after himself, it’s all strange.
                      14. 0
                        April 1 2024 20: 09
                        Serious people shared power - Khrushch as a slightly stupid person - arranged all sides of this division....
                      15. 0
                        April 1 2024 20: 28
                        That's right, power is a place for idiots
                      16. +1
                        30 March 2024 19: 35
                        It’s strange how you interpret the news, distorting the facts! Don't say hello until you've jumped over. Only the engine has been tested. A batch of 57x with a new engine is planned for the end of the year, and a series only from next year, and these are only plans for now.
                      17. -1
                        31 March 2024 00: 13
                        Quote from: vlad575nso
                        Art 57x with a new engine is planned for the end of the year, and the series only from next year, and these are only plans for now.

                        I haven’t heard about this, but I have heard that the SU57 will be mass-produced with engines 2 starting in ’24.
                      18. +1
                        31 March 2024 13: 03
                        Here is the article, "and from 2025 their full-fledged mass production will begin on the new KnAAZ assembly line"
                    2. 0
                      31 March 2024 00: 26
                      nothing is visible yet, there are cartoons, there is optimism out of nowhere, there are promises to make new A100 equipment, and there is something that is impossible to verify: Peresvet, Avangard, S500, T14, Su57, with new engines, Burevestnik, but instead we are fighting with BMP1.
                      This zircon, the devil knows whether he exists or not, I’m used to not trusting the authorities, they’ll deceive me.
                      Gogol has a character - Manilov, he also dreamed of how to arrange everything, or Goncharova Oblomov, choose what you like best.
                2. +2
                  30 March 2024 19: 06
                  Quote from shikin
                  Live in the past.
                  You are confusing the past and objective reality.
            2. -1
              30 March 2024 16: 03
              will we be done by the age of 30?
              In general, the X-ray microscope is an invention of the USSR, and they are still tinkering with X-ray magnification.
          2. +4
            30 March 2024 19: 04
            Quote: Trinitrotoluene
            don't create with a shovel
            We don’t have lithographs to create them “without a shovel,” and we also don’t have the ability to create them for commercial use.
            Quote: Trinitrotoluene
            The USSR created its own electronics industry, why not in the Russian Federation?
            It’s impossible because technical processes have become much more complex and only pay off when produced in huge quantities, but we don’t have sales markets.
            Quote: Trinitrotoluene
            And now what is the lack of intelligence or something else?
            Everything is missing, but intelligence - first of all. If we had the intelligence, it would be possible to create some kind of alternative to photolithography and, with its help, establish an economy. There is no intelligence - you have to make electronics like the bourgeoisie, but we have neither technologies similar to the bourgeoisie, nor markets to get money for the development of technology.
            1. -4
              30 March 2024 19: 17
              Everything can be done if there is desire and political will.
              Don’t talk about huge expenses, the income of Putin and the company is much greater, even taking into account the fact that they lost 300 billion at a time.
              capitalist problems should not affect us, we need to strengthen our defense, and modern microchip production lines are completely automated, so the cost of operating personnel is already minimal.
              In general, the problems of capitalist production are nonsense invented by bourgeois economists.
              EVERYTHING can be done with both a large circulation of microcircuits and a small one, just so as not to bother with pointers from the West, which pierced Brezhnev’s nose.
              1. +4
                30 March 2024 19: 30
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                Don’t talk about huge expenses, the income of Putin and the company is much greater
                Who told you that Putin and company will support them? We have capitalism: whoever doesn’t make a profit is dead.
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                we need to strengthen our defense
                Military electronics are a different matter. We have it (we definitely had it in the mid-2000s), but it’s expensive and backward. Another thing is that now there should be a wild shortage of it for drones: previously the needs were an order of magnitude smaller.
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                microchip production lines are completely automated
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                , so the costs for operating personnel are already minimal.
                Nevermind. Personnel are needed, but they are only available in Taiwan and China with the South Caucasus. They built a chip production plant in the states, but they can’t start it up - there’s no one to work for it. And they don’t want to pay in such a way as to lure the Chinese. It’s possible that they just don’t want it yet, but that’s how it is for now.
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                EVERYTHING can be done with both a large circulation of microcircuits and a small one
                The question is price.
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                just not to bother with pointers from the West, which pierced Brezhnev’s nose
                These are some kind of fairy tales.
                1. -2
                  30 March 2024 19: 40
                  Yes, we don’t have capitalism, but an oligarchy, power was seized by some group and they placed their people everywhere. There is no market, prices are obtained who knows how, by some kind of conspiracy, the elections are rigged, there is no democracy in the sense of 19-20.
                  Therefore, this power may or may not create any production and even any branch of production.
                  The prices are set by the oligarchs themselves, maybe one price, maybe another in all our stores, practically ONE PRICE for everything, this means that there is no market, but there is continuous control over the price of everything by the top of the government. And not even Putin’s.

                  Why haven’t you heard that our computer program was ruined under Brezhnev for the sake of IBM?
                  1. +2
                    30 March 2024 23: 36
                    Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                    Why haven’t you heard that our computer program was ruined under Brezhnev for the sake of IBM?
                    We are aware of this, but Brezhnev did not decide anything there.
                    1. -1
                      31 March 2024 00: 09
                      Quote: bk0010
                      We are aware of this, but Brezhnev did not decide anything there.

                      I hear this all the time
                      The king is good, the boyars are bad.
          3. 0
            5 July 2024 16: 51
            Quote: Trinitrotoluene
            don’t create with a shovel, the USSR created its own electronics industry, why not in the Russian Federation?

            Technology development. Soviet computers are level "286" and below. It can be done in the Russian Federation, but why?
            And for modern ones, as written above, we need a sales market in the form of an entire planet.
        2. -1
          April 1 2024 00: 39
          You can see what modern microchip production looks like in Taiwan. In the “workshop” there is a sealed box, approximately 15x5x3 meters in size, stuffed with sophisticated automation. Wafers of highly purified silicon are supplied to the input, and finished microcircuits are supplied to the output. The monthly productivity of the box is millions of chips. By the way, Taiwan (and China too) buy silicon wafers, including from Russia...
    6. 0
      30 March 2024 08: 40
      Firstly, you didn’t notice what year it was and already at that time there were engineers and builders, the author fully and rightly noted that there were pests, and he laid out the gas pipeline perfectly and also with documents that construction was delayed, don’t forget that this was 1939-1940 and the campaign German fosterlings worked, then the Great Patriotic War showed that there were many such fosterlings
    7. +5
      30 March 2024 15: 17
      I support you! So it is, and we also need to take into account the fact that the factories were built according to Western designs, often in inch and imperial sizes (which only added to the confusion), the lack of domestic suppliers and or the low quality of existing ones. Everything in the heap gave rise to a shift in deadlines. But for the comrades of the eternal chiefs of political agitators, what then and what today does not matter - the enemies, saboteurs, agents and so on are to blame, according to the current manual.
      1. -4
        30 March 2024 16: 25
        Why did the Bolsheviks switch to the metric system in order to mess with recalculations?
    8. +1
      April 4 2024 08: 25
      Almost a hundred years have passed, but it’s as if there was fresh news from the site... First, “issue at least some kind of taxiway”, before the completion of the survey, then 10 “isms” even before the start of construction, at the same time the HF plans, transfer and reduction in funding... And the contractor was counting on a certain volume and timing.
  2. +2
    30 March 2024 04: 11
    Who was in charge of the capital construction department, and what was its fate? Here is the answer.
  3. +4
    30 March 2024 05: 03
    Similar sabotage, only many times more, occurred in the 80s and further in the 90s, when everything unfinished and not put into operation was canceled. The ruins of socialism still stand throughout the country.
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      1. 0
        30 March 2024 07: 43
        It seems to be a completely revolutionary biography of an old man devoted to the ideals of the revolution.
        1. 0
          30 March 2024 09: 26
          It seems to be a completely revolutionary biography of an old man devoted to the ideals of the revolution.
          My mother studied at the Khabarovsk Medical Institute from 1945 to 1951, so in their classes on the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, such a “devoted to the ideals of the rrrrevolution” taught his course in such a way that no one sat in the first row of the audience - his drool flew there. And his nationality was the same as that of citizens of the state of Israel.
          1. +1
            30 March 2024 09: 49
            Quote: Aviator_
            his drool flew there.

            And he turned out to be an enemy of the people?
            1. +2
              30 March 2024 10: 42
              And he turned out to be an enemy of the people?
              He turned out to be a party propagandist. I don’t know whether he suffered during the fight against cosmopolitanism. He could well lead this fight.
              1. 0
                30 March 2024 10: 45
                The fact that a person waters during a conversation does not characterize him in any way. It is a physical defect, just like a hump or fused toes. You don't know everything else. And why then write about it? Guess what he could and couldn't do? For what?
                1. +1
                  30 March 2024 10: 50
                  It is a physical defect, just like a hump or fused toes. You don't know everything else.
                  I know. He entered into religious ecstasy with spitting only during lectures. In other cases, he did not have this, especially when talking with the dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
                  1. -1
                    30 March 2024 10: 51
                    Quote: Aviator_
                    He entered into religious ecstasy with spitting only during lectures.

                    The main thing is to teach well.
          2. 0
            30 March 2024 09: 55
            Quote: Aviator_
            And his nationality was the same as that of citizens of the state of Israel.

            And the Jew Krivoshein took part in the parade in Brest with Guderian...
            1. +2
              30 March 2024 10: 48
              And the Jew Krivoshein took part in the parade in Brest with Guderian...
              The funniest thing. that there was no joint parade. The Germans left, ours entered. And about the Jews - I worked a lot with V.K. Braithwaite, commander of the T-34-76, one of the two survivors of the 10th grade graduates of the 25th Ilyinsky school (the documentary story “Scorched Youth”). He was a good man. And in general, as Schweik said, “Some Magyars are not to blame for being Magyars.”
              1. -1
                30 March 2024 10: 49
                Quote: Aviator_
                And in general, as Schweik said, “Some Magyars are not to blame for being Magyars.”

                Since you understand this, why write about the Jewishness of your mother’s teacher? Did he teach poorly or did he spit on purpose?
              2. 0
                30 March 2024 10: 50
                Quote: Aviator_
                there was no joint parade

                And the photographs from him remained...
                1. -2
                  30 March 2024 10: 51
                  Well, there is also a photo of Hitler shaking hands with Stalin.
                  1. 0
                    30 March 2024 10: 52
                    Quote: kalibr
                    And the photographs from him remained...

                    There are too many of them to be fake. And the Krasnogorsk archive of film and photo documents does not consider them to be their origin.
                    1. -1
                      30 March 2024 10: 54
                      There are too many of them to be fake.
                      Oh really? Throw away the Ogonyok magazines. But what am I talking about, how to make money later...
                      1. +1
                        30 March 2024 10: 57
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        Throw away the Ogonyok magazines.

                        I’ve never read them, dear Sergey. You see, as a person related to science, you must understand that you always need to refer to the source of information or have it at hand in case of claims from various fools and ignoramuses. And it would be good if I referred to Ogonyok. So your advice in this case is not appropriate. Right now on the next branch “WEAMS” you can read my material with photos and instructions on where it all comes from. So I am not in danger of losing my earnings.
                      2. 0
                        30 March 2024 11: 00
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        There are too many of them to be fake.
                        Oh really?

                        Exactly. Take an interest in the fate of these photos in the Krasnogorsk archive of film and photo documents. They will tell you from where they entered their funds and when.
                      3. 0
                        30 March 2024 22: 02
                        Oh, it’s not for you, the former herald of the CPSU, and now a PR teacher, to talk about facts, documents, and so on.
              3. -1
                April 1 2024 00: 51
                Joint German-Soviet parade in Brest on September 23, 1939.
    2. -10
      30 March 2024 05: 19
      Old electrician, you would also copy the entire Lenin Library here wink
    3. +1
      30 March 2024 09: 34
      Quote: Old electrician
      What the neutral witness Littlepage said fundamentally refutes Khrushchev’s tales about innocent victims of political repression. However, Khrushchev himself did not provide any evidence for his anti-Soviet nonsense.

      I’ll also give you one quote, but from Khrushchev’s “Memoirs”

      Much later I learned about the actual state of affairs. When I came to Ukraine in 1938, they told me what difficult times there had been before, but no one said what these difficult circumstances were. It turns out that this is what happened, as Comrade Mikoyan later told me. He said: “Comrade Demchenko once came to Moscow and came to me: “Anastas Ivanovich, does Stalin know, does the Politburo know what the current situation is in Ukraine?” (Demchenko was then the secretary of the Kyiv regional party committee, and the regions were very large.) The carriages arrived in Kyiv, and when they opened them, it turned out that the carriages were loaded with human corpses. The train was traveling from Kharkov to Kyiv via Poltava, and between Poltava and Kyiv, someone loaded the corpses and they arrived in Kyiv. “The situation is very difficult,” Demchenko said, “and Stalin probably doesn’t know about it. I would like you, having learned about this, to bring it to the attention of Comrade Stalin.”

      This is also a characteristic feature of that period, when even a person like Demchenko, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, a prominent worker and member of the Central Committee, could not come himself, inform and express his opinion on the merits. An abnormal situation was already developing: one person was suppressing the team, others were in awe of him. Demchenko understood everything well, but he still decided to tell Mikoyan, knowing that Mikoyan was at that time a very close person to Stalin. And in general, back then in the party, in the party activists, they often said that there was a “Caucasian group” in the leadership. The Caucasian group included, in particular, Stalin, Ordzhonikidze[78], Enukidze[79] and Mikoyan.

      Does this look like the truth or is Khrushchev lying again? At least he doesn’t lie about the “cult of personality”.
    4. +1
      30 March 2024 11: 49
      Serebrovsky asked me to return to Kalata to see what could be done.

      As the Soviet authorities found out, this same Serebrovsky was the main pest.
      Arrested on September 23, 1937. By resolution of the October Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (October 11–12, 1937), he was removed from the list of candidates for membership in the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks as an exposed “enemy of the people.”

      Accused of “since 1934, being a member of the center of the anti-Soviet sabotage and terrorist organization of the right, operating in the system of Heavy Industry of the USSR. As Deputy People's Commissar of Heavy Industry, he carried out sabotage and sabotage work in the gold industry of the Soviet Union. In addition, Serebrovsky in April 1937 participated in the preparation of a terrorist act against comrade. Yezhova. It was also established that from 1914 to 1917 Serebrovsky was an agent provocateur of the tsarist secret police, worked under the nickname “Engineer”, betrayed members of the underground revolutionary circle of the Kars fortress to the tsarist secret police, and from 1930 Serebrovsky was an intelligence agent of one of the foreign states, until the day arrest, he conducted espionage work against the USSR, transferring a number of very important state secrets of the Union to foreign intelligence.”

      On February 8, 1938, he was sentenced by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR under Art. 58-6, 58-7, 58-8 and 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment - execution by shooting with confiscation of personal property. Shot on February 10, 1938

      It was only a miracle that Littlepage, as his closest assistant, did not follow him as a locomotive; he was released to the States (and not all Americans who came to the Union were so lucky).
      Interestingly, Littlepage simply “did not notice” the fact that slave labor of prisoners was used in gold mining and never wrote about it.
      That's what he is, a "truth teller."
  5. +7
    30 March 2024 06: 13
    Sabotage is an eternal topic. And it is present in the new Russia, without a doubt.
    Especially in areas where it is not possible to physically see or touch the ordered result. In education, for example. I lead an aircraft modeling club. Financing - 0 zero, logistics - a mop and replenishment of the first aid kit. But the training program was imposed to write almost a novel, they demand all sorts of other writings - a carriage, they offer fashionable activities, just have time to brush off the question “how will you provide it?” The country does not need engineers, skilled workers, pilots and other professions.
    1. 0
      30 March 2024 07: 42
      Quote: aviapit123
      apparently not needed.

      Good afternoon I wrote to you in a personal message. Look here please.
  6. +1
    30 March 2024 06: 16
    A bunch of incompetent people occupied leadership positions, hence all sorts of mischief, but those who belonged to the losing group were imprisoned, but if they messed up, they would transfer them to another job. It was and will be so, it doesn’t matter whether you have a Tsar General Secretary or a President.
    1. man
      30 March 2024 08: 04
      Quote: Cartalon
      A bunch of incompetent people occupied leadership positions, hence all sorts of mischief, but those who belonged to the losing group were imprisoned, but if they messed up, they would transfer them to another job. It was and will be so, it doesn’t matter whether you have a Tsar General Secretary or a President.

      Stalin was just an exception, how many of his friends and relatives he imprisoned! If you’re at fault, answer, regardless of your friendship or family ties!
      1. 0
        30 March 2024 21: 30
        “Stalin was just an exception, how many of his friends and relatives were imprisoned! If he was guilty - answer, regardless of friendly and family ties! -” - Zhigarev was apparently shot right in Stalin’s office for the planes in the fall of 1941??
        1. man
          31 March 2024 10: 18
          Quote: your1970
          “Stalin was just an exception, how many of his friends and relatives were imprisoned! If he was guilty - answer, regardless of friendly and family ties! -” - Zhigarev was apparently shot right in Stalin’s office for the planes in the fall of 1941??

          But Zhigarev was neither a relative nor a friend of Stalin.
          1. 0
            31 March 2024 10: 34
            "But Zhigarev was not nor relative, nor friend of Stalin" - that's it!! By your It wasn’t even worth punishing him - he’s not a friend or a relative...
            But what then to do with the member of the “Defense of Tsaritsyn” cooperative, Comrade Voroshilov, who failed everything he touched? According to your logic, they should have beaten him before the war and spanked him
            1. man
              31 March 2024 10: 46
              Quote: your1970
              "But Zhigarev was not nor relative, nor friend of Stalin" - that's it!! By your It wasn’t even worth punishing him - he’s not a friend or a relative...
              But what then to do with the member of the “Defense of Tsaritsyn” cooperative, Comrade Voroshilov, who failed everything he touched? According to your logic, they should have beaten him before the war and spanked him

              They probably had some advantages that were unknown to us, but which Stalin knew about. It could have been different. For example, in the early 80s there was a saying “it’s better to get hit by a tram than to get hit by a campaign.”
  7. +7
    30 March 2024 06: 40
    Sabotage, then it is sabotage, only intentional or caused by the low competence of specialists, who were then catastrophically not enough for the entire industry, due to its explosive growth
    1. -5
      30 March 2024 07: 38
      Well, why would there be enough of them if specialists were dealt with in the most cruel way. Our best engineers became the best American engineers
      -Ipatiev is the father of the American chemical industry
      -Zvorykin - creator of television and photo telegraph
      -Ponyatov, creator of the video recorder.
      -Yurkevich is the creator of the revolutionary ship hull, Yurkevich’s bulb.
      -Sikorsky - creator of the first helicopter
      and this is what we know, but how many bright minds left the country not of their own free will, but because they had to save their lives from the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks?
      1. +3
        30 March 2024 08: 04
        If specialists had been dealt with, there would have been no large-scale development of ALL industries in the USSR compared to the Russian Empire.
        Well, critics of how the Soviet communists and their supporters worked returned “Russia, which we lost” in October 1917 - again Russia is an appendage of raw materials and a market for imported products of production, science, and intelligence.
        1. -6
          30 March 2024 08: 06
          read Zvorykin’s memoirs, he was simply thrown out of the country on the grounds that he was an officer and fought with the Germans.
          1. +3
            30 March 2024 08: 09
            And what ? As always, the enemies of the USSR take out from the general only that which is beneficial to you, and present it as common. You yourself have been proving since the 90s that you don’t know how to work, and you don’t need smart, talented, good professionals at work, you don’t need science, and you don’t need the development of the State at all.
            1. -1
              30 March 2024 08: 23
              "I prove that I don't know how to work"?
              "Russian Russophobes were destroyed by the USSR"
              We will soon equate your pearls with the statements of Viktor Sergeevich or the mayor of Kyiv.
              1. 0
                30 March 2024 08: 25
                Ha, and what cowardly “turned the arrows”? Is there anything to refute from what I wrote about the enemies of the USSR?
                And yes, anti-Sovietism always equals Russophobia. And try to refute this.
                1. -4
                  30 March 2024 08: 28
                  I already told you why you need to separate the flies from the cutlets.
                  Bolsheviks from the Russians and advice from the Bolsheviks.
                  1. +1
                    30 March 2024 08: 31
                    Well, yes, “on the stake, start over.” Well then, explain, if you have enough intelligence, who are the Russian enemies of the Bolsheviks, and what useful things have they done for Russia and the Russian people, or at least offered Russia and the people a better power and System than socialism and the Soviet communists?
                    1. -5
                      30 March 2024 08: 37
                      Russians are those who created this country, cities, culture, the Russian language, which everyone uses. Why is there a country, light Russians are synonymous with Scythians, Celts, Gauls, Cossacks created a civilization as opposed to the civilization of the dark Romans, who with cunning and resourcefulness were able take control and rewrite history. Got it?
                      1. +2
                        30 March 2024 08: 41
                        And what again cowardly “turned the arrow” from the Russian enemies of the Bolsheviks to all Russians in general? In general, the enemies of the USSR have proven that you are incapable of discussing anything honestly, objectively, adequately. And that by mentality you are all people - AGAINST and ANTI, with FOR, including FOR yourself and what you yourself have done - you have great Problems . All the best, don't get sick.
                      2. -2
                        30 March 2024 09: 03
                        and you don’t get sick, take something for memory or from memory.
                2. The comment was deleted.
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                  3. +2
                    30 March 2024 11: 29
                    Anti-Sovietism equals Russophobia. In theory this is not true. But in practice this is exactly the case.
              2. -3
                30 March 2024 09: 48
                I apologize to Viktor Stepanovich.
          2. +5
            30 March 2024 09: 00
            he was simply thrown out of the country on the grounds that he was an officer and fought with the Germans.
            Well, yes. And they forgot to throw out all the other “officers who fought the Germans.” Better throw away the 1988 edition of the Ogonyok magazines.
            1. -3
              30 March 2024 09: 01
              no, they were simply shot after they were no longer needed.
          3. 0
            April 1 2024 01: 21
            Academician A.P. Aleksandrov made a great contribution to the development of science in the USSR. But he hid part of his biography - he fought on the side of the whites and was quite successful - he was awarded three St. George's Crosses.... And if Stalin had not destroyed dozens of outstanding scientists during the years of repression ?...
        2. +3
          30 March 2024 22: 21
          How do you know what level of development the Russian Empire would be at now if it continued the path of natural development? without the genocidal repressions and utopian experiments of the Soviet era. as soon as the stranglehold was released a little during the NEP, the enterprising Russians, who had not yet been destroyed by that time, stabilized the economic situation in the country in a few years.
          1. -2
            31 March 2024 01: 17
            Quote: VZEM100
            How do you know what level of development the Russian Empire would be at now if it continued the path of natural development? without the genocidal repressions and utopian experiments of the Soviet era. it cost a little

            Russian civilization is the backbone of world human civilization, if Russian culture falls, then humanity will quickly degrade, because a culture built on violence and aggression - the example of Hollywood, which shows in which direction to go - has no prospects for the development of human civilization.
            Apparently they are achieving this.
      2. man
        30 March 2024 08: 17
        Quote: Trinitrotoluene
        Well, why would there be enough of them if specialists were dealt with in the most cruel way. Our best engineers became the best American engineers
        -Ipatiev is the father of the American chemical industry
        -Zvorykin - creator of television and photo telegraph
        -Ponyatov, creator of the video recorder.
        -Yurkevich is the creator of the revolutionary ship hull, Yurkevich’s bulb.
        -Sikorsky - creator of the first helicopter
        and this is what we know, but how many bright minds left the country not of their own free will, but because they had to save their lives from the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks?

        And how many brilliant Soviet scientists and engineers our country lost after the famine caused by Gaidar in 1992? would you like to list? There were many more of them! am
        1. -5
          30 March 2024 08: 25
          Quote: mann
          And how many brilliant Soviet scientists and engineers our country lost after the famine caused by Gaidar in 1992? would you like to list? There were many more of them

          Here you list it.
      3. +6
        30 March 2024 09: 17
        -Ipatiev is the father of the American chemical industry
        -Zvorykin - creator of television and photo telegraph
        -Ponyatov, creator of the video recorder.
        -Yurkevich is the creator of the revolutionary ship hull, Yurkevich’s bulb.
        -Sikorsky - creator of the first helicopter

        In order.
        So, before Ipatiev, America didn’t have a chemical industry?
        Zvorykin. After its invention, mass TV began in America?
        After Poniatov, VCRs appeared everywhere?
        "Yurkevich bulb" was equipped with the most massive ships of the "Liberty" type?
        And Sikorsky got involved in helicopters only in 1939, when he went bankrupt for the second time (the first was in 1929). He was ruined by the Consolidated company, which created the Catalina flying boat, which was an order of magnitude better than the Sikor hack. And his helicopters turned out to be in demand only because the Japanese did not have air superiority in Southeast Asia. Our entire Kamov squadron of gyroplanes was knocked out in the Battle of Smolensk in 1941.
        Crunch the French bread further.
        1. 0
          30 March 2024 09: 28
          This is the case when the whole thing is better.
          All these definitions of “the father of the American chemical industry, the creator of television, the first helicopter, were not given by me. It is stupid to criticize the pioneers of scientific and technological progress from your position.
        2. +2
          30 March 2024 19: 11
          Quote: Aviator_
          So, before Ipatiev, America didn’t have a chemical industry?

          Ipatiev proposed equipping US aviation with aircraft engines running on high-octane fuel. There were opponents of such an industrial revolution in the leadership of the US Army. But this is precisely what made the US aviation stronger than the Japanese and German and apparently reduced the losses of the US army by an order of magnitude compared to the German and Japanese. And US aviation in the era of piston engines was the strongest in the world.
          Quote: Aviator_
          Zvorykin. After its invention, mass TV began in America

          Zworykin also gave the US Army good night vision scopes in addition to TV. During the battle for the Falklands, our military was very unpleasantly impressed that all the English paratroopers had good night sights and night vision devices. Maybe it would be better to keep the NKVD employees in black bodies and reduce their staff in favor of the Zvorykins, Tupolevs and Ipatievs. Perhaps then the border guards and NKVD officers would not have to be thrown into the battle at Stalingrad as simple infantry.
          1. +3
            30 March 2024 20: 52
            and reduce their staff in favor of the Zvorykins, Tupolevs and Ipatievs.
            Vladimir, history does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. The images of engineers in the 20s in the USSR are well conveyed by Ilf and Petrov in their “12 chairs” - for one enthusiastic engineer Treukhov, who wanted to build tram lines in Stargorod, there is a klutz engineer Shchukin and a snickering gentleman chasing a “salary” , engineer Bruns. I have my suspicions. that Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev was not at all a disinterested enthusiast. He clamped down on Ilyushin (TsKB-30, also known as DB-3), pushing his car, made on the basis of the record-breaking RD-50, into the series (25 copies). Both vehicles are long-range bombers. Before the war, the task of purchasing a license for the production of DS-3 was disrupted, and another delegation had to be sent. Of course, “a victim of unjustified repression.” So night vision devices would hardly have appeared at that time if our radio engineering industry at the beginning of the war could not even supply walkie-talkies on all planes and tanks.
            1. -1
              31 March 2024 00: 43
              Quote: Aviator_
              I have my suspicions. that Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev was not at all a disinterested enthusiast. He clamped down on Ilyushin (TsKB-30, also known as DB-3), pushing his car, made on the basis of the record-breaking RD-50, into the series (25 copies). Both vehicles are long-range bombers. Before the war with

              Don’t you want to remember the Polikarpov Design Bureau, which in some incomprehensible way suddenly became the Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau? Yes, they just took everything away, and this despite the fact that the I185 was very promising.
              These were the morals at that time, this is for those who drown for Stalin.
              1. +1
                31 March 2024 10: 27
                and this despite the fact that the I185 was very promising.
                It's like "humor on the stairs", as the French say. The I-180 and I-185 were completed right up to the summer of 1942, and the vehicles were needed in 1939. The road is a spoon for dinner.
                1. -1
                  31 March 2024 11: 39
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  It's like "humor on the stairs", as the French say. The I-180 and I-185 were completed right up to the summer of 1942, and the vehicles were needed in 1939. The road is a spoon for dinner.

                  You are a Frenchman here, but I think that this is not an adequate perception.
                  They took the plant and all the design bureaus from Polikarpov and allocated the plant without equipment, and yet the reviews about this fighter were the most positive.
            2. +2
              31 March 2024 15: 46
              Quote: Aviator_
              The images of engineers in the 20s in the USSR are well conveyed by Ilf and Petrov in their “12 chairs” - for one enthusiastic engineer Treukhov, who wanted to build tram lines in Stargorod, there is a klutz engineer Shchukin and a snickering gentleman chasing a “salary” , engineer Bruns.

              On Russian television some time ago there was a good program for schoolchildren, “Academy”. There, outstanding scientists (for example, a very interesting program with the participation of A.A. Zaliznyak about the language of Novgorod birch bark letters) gave lectures for schoolchildren and students about the achievements of science at an elementary simple level. In a program dedicated to aerodynamics, the presenter spoke about all the key laws of aerodynamics in about an hour. Moreover, he said that it is possible to train an engineer for the operation or production of serial aircraft in about a few months, if the student is not much below the average level in ability. However, students at the Moscow Aviation Institute were taught aerodynamics for several years in the hope that one or two people would come into aviation from all over the world capable of inventing something new in aerodynamics, which would allow the industry to maintain the level of aircraft construction at the global level. Surely 2% of Soviet engineers who worked in the Soviet aircraft industry gave the country much less than Tupolev, Korolev or Bartini. But under Stalin, for some reason, Tupolev was repressed, Korolev was tortured and Bartini was crippled, and no less successful aircraft engineers.
              1. -1
                31 March 2024 18: 45
                Quote: gsev
                There, outstanding scientists (for example, a very interesting program with the participation of A.A. Zaliznyak about the language of Novgorod birch bark letters) gave lectures for schoolchildren and students about the achievements of science at an elementary simple level.

                “outstanding scientists” in the form of Zaliznyak is a terrible delusion. Our philologists and linguists are all Russophobes and hate Russians and the Russian language.
                For example, Zaliznyak cruelly ridiculed the etymology of the word -pilot, when this etymology was equated with the Russian word flight. He died and to hell with him.

                And the fact that our best minds under Stalin sat in the sharaga, and even managed to do something there, speaks of enormous courage and devotion to their people, not the Soviet, but the Russian. Although I read opinions that they say it was in this prison-sharaga that one thought and worked well. I wish these freaks would work in prison.
                1. +1
                  April 2 2024 12: 43
                  Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                  And the fact that our best minds under Stalin sat in the sharaga, and even managed to do something there, speaks of enormous courage and devotion to their people, not the Soviet, but the Russian.

                  The fact that the best people were in sharagas (Korolev, Bartini, Tupolev, Polikarpov, Myasishchev, Petlyakov, Stechkin, Glushko), and the sexual perverts Beria and Yagoda put them there demonstrates the rottenness of Stalinist society. If the state makes you a prisoner for success in aircraft construction, as under Stalin, or a beggar, as under Yeltsin, then such a state will have to lose its aircraft industry. Alternatively, we can have backward rocket science and an advanced high-tech system for delivering goods from China in the Wildberry system if Putin believes that an aircraft designer is on average richer than a courier in his Russia..
                  1. 0
                    April 2 2024 18: 36
                    Quote: gsev
                    Alternatively, we can have backward rocket science and an advanced high-tech system for delivering goods from China in the Wildberry system if Putin believes that an aircraft designer is on average richer than a courier in his Russia..

                    A striking example of what is happening with our aviation is the IL 112, they did it, they made this small plane, they did it, but it crashed and killed the pilots.
                    Everything is done long and tediously, for years and decades, and what if there’s a war, they gather specialists all over the country: “Come and rivet a blackbird for 100-150 thousand.” This production system is of course an example of progress and perfection, development in the right direction.
                2. 0
                  April 3 2024 17: 39
                  [quote=Trinitrotoluene]it was in this prison-sharaga that he thought and worked well. If only these ua were so good that his son was imprisoned for several years for trying to emigrate to the People's Republic of China and was possibly poisoned with special agents. Stalin's daughter turned out to be more agile and inventive. She married an old communist, and after going to India for his funeral, she fled to the USA. In theory, according to Stalin's laws, she should have been shot. By the way, my Afghan acquaintances, who were aware of the last days of the singer Ahmad Za'ir and the results of the posthumous search of the singer's apartment, assured me that Stalin was killed during a coup d'etat carried out by Stalin's state security. Compare the fate of Stalin's children and the children of Ivan the Terrible, the greatest dictators in Russian history.
              2. 0
                April 1 2024 21: 06
                ...But under Stalin, for some reason, Tupolev was repressed, Korolev was tortured and Bartini was crippled, and no less successful aircraft engineers...[quote][/quote]
                1. 0
                  April 1 2024 21: 08
                  We endlessly curse Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for the cause. And yet I want to ask - who wrote four million denunciations? (This figure appeared in closed party documents.) Dzerzhinsky? Yezhov? Abakumov and Yagoda? Nothing like this. They were written by ordinary Soviet people. Does this mean that Russians are a nation of informers and snitches? In no case. The trends of the historical moment simply affected..."
                  (Quote from the book “Zone” by Sergei Dovlatov)
                  1. 0
                    April 2 2024 08: 29
                    Quote: Vitaly Kirillov
                    Nothing like this. They were written by ordinary Soviet people. Does this mean that Russians are a nation of informers and snitches?

                    and you separate the Soviets from the Russians, then maybe it will become clearer.
                    1. 0
                      April 3 2024 21: 28
                      Do you want to contrast people of Russian nationality, as well as other nationalities, with the Soviet people? This looks like a provocative throw-in.
                      1. 0
                        April 3 2024 21: 38
                        Quote: Vitaly Kirillov
                        Do you want to contrast people of Russian nationality, as well as other nationalities, with the Soviet people? This looks like a provocative throw-in.

                        and you want to add everything to the general pile?

                        In general, in order to understand the way of thinking, culture, morals, behavior,
                        traditions were created by nature or the Lord, peoples and nations, and mixing the beauty of existence with bad multiculturalism is a crime against the creator and humanity.

                        Russians don't need this.
                        At a minimum, in order to connect you need to disconnect.
                        so we need to return the nationality in the passport to the count.
                  2. 0
                    April 2 2024 12: 51
                    Quote: Vitaly Kirillov
                    They were written by ordinary Soviet people. Does this mean that Russians are a nation of informers and snitches?

                    One of the denunciations against honest communists in Eastern Europe was written by Allen Dulles and, through his agents and through Belkin, Beria and Abakumov, sent this anonymous denunciation to Stalin. Following Dulles' denunciation, Stalin authorized mass arrests of his followers in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria. Who is to blame for this? It seems to me that Stalin personally and the entire MGB system. Later, Dulles published a book in which he talked about the KGB’s clumsy attempt to carry out a similar operation against Western society during the time of Khrushchev, which the American security officers did not allow, avoiding the arrests of innocent people in the West.
          2. -1
            31 March 2024 01: 21
            Quote: gsev
            Zworykin also gave the US Army good night vision scopes in addition to TV.

            didn't know about this. good
            1. +1
              31 March 2024 16: 02
              Quote: Trinitrotoluene
              Zworykin also gave the US Army good night vision scopes in addition to TV.

              didn't know about this.

              Around 1942, Zworykin proposed to the US Army the concept of a reconnaissance drone equipped with a television system. Moreover, by this time it seemed like they had created a prototype of such a system. The work was not successful, but Zworykin was not repressed in the USA for a technical proposal that was ahead of its time, as Bekauri was repressed in the USSR for his proposal to equip the Red Army in 1931 with Beiraktars, Pterodactols, Lancets and Geraniums.
    2. +7
      30 March 2024 09: 08
      ABOUT! There are already articles about “pests”. Just now there were articles about “traitors and “enemies of the people” and, in contrast to this, articles about “slandered, people’s sovereigns.” winked
      1. +3
        30 March 2024 22: 26
        There are 37 years left until I turn 13.
  8. +3
    30 March 2024 07: 36
    how would you rate this collision,
    How can you evaluate from the amount of information presented by the author? At first glance, there was a kind of powerful counter-revolutionary organization for sabotage, which included representatives of both the customer and the contractor, as well as representatives of the People's Commissariat of Construction. But on the other hand, everything is not so simple. If we take it today. Our company is the customer of design, survey, and construction work. The contracts, as primitive as they were, remain so. Which are overgrown with additional agreements. Then we go to court, etc. etc. As a lazy person who does not like such fuss, he developed other forms of these contracts, taking into account the shortcomings that existed at that time. The contracts for various types of work were voluminous from 30-80 sheets. Presented to management, even the central , not the central one said that well done and reduced the presented options by 80 percent, they sent their own with instructions to act on this. But in fact, we are working according to the forms that were. Sabotage? And if you take that time, there is no special experience, no specialists in various fields. And anyway, he got a slap on the cap for sabotage, they said it’s simpler, you need to be simpler, and not invent all sorts of bullshit. The Soviet government is over 30 years old, no longer .
    1. +3
      30 March 2024 09: 20
      Alexey, the point here is whether these shortcomings were the result of deliberate sabotage or simply the incompetence of the performer. In any case, the result for the country is the same, but the articles of the Criminal Code are different.
      1. +3
        30 March 2024 09: 32
        hi Sergey, in order to do such deliberate harm, there must be an organization whose members receive tasks: you are delaying the agreement, you are revising projects, etc. The author does not write about it, it is suspicious that the security officers missed it, but judging by the text it is very extensive I gave my own example, a personal one. It turned out that I was a “pest.” laughing
  9. +4
    30 March 2024 07: 46
    The equipment is complex, even by today’s standards. I’m interested in what kind of return this plant gave after the war. Large equipment in size and complexity was all the time the Achilles heel of our country. Now they have stopped recognizing that we received most of this equipment and machines on land- Lisa. I myself worked on such machines. If the length of the machine is more than 10 meters, then this machine is not ours. Well, what is the prospect of this plant. Entertainment centers alone will not feed us.
  10. +5
    30 March 2024 08: 23
    . I will ask the readers a question: how would you evaluate this conflict that arose in 1940 at the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant named after. S. M. Kirov?

    And I will ask the author a question - how can you evaluate the situation if there is only a claim from one side and there is no explanation from the opposite side? But surely these explanations existed; it is difficult to believe that in the Stalin era, in the pre-war period, no one began to ask difficult questions and demand thorough answers. And perhaps these were objective reasons, and not left-wing excuses.
    1. -4
      30 March 2024 08: 31
      Quote: KVU-NSVD
      But surely these explanations existed; it is difficult to believe that in the Stalin era

      in the Stalin era, such questions were not asked, because they could have been sent to Kolyma to ask such questions.
      And after Stalin, Nikita Sergeevich asked, read my post with the quote above.
      1. +1
        30 March 2024 22: 04
        Dear, what specifically worthwhile things have you personally achieved in life? Aren't you ashamed to refer to Khrushchev's memoirs? Are you aware that memoirs are not a historical source and historiography is very skeptical about them?? Your comments are all Yaroslavna’s crying, maybe that’s enough? Are you a man or where?
        1. -1
          31 March 2024 00: 06
          actually memories.
          As for me, in this life I tested some of the fundamental principles laid down in the foundation of human civilization.
          -For example, Newton’s law, that the force of attraction of one body - the Sun - can be stronger than another celestial body - the Moon, even taking into account distances. Not everyone knows this, usually no one checks it because they trust authorities and in vain EVERYTHING needs to be checked.
          -I also noted such a strange thing that the founder of the theory of socio-economic formations, Karl Marx, never said anything about the primitive communal system, slavery, capitalism and socialism. These are inventions of Stalinist professors.
          -I also looked through the statistical reports of the Russian Empire on land ownership and discovered a strange thing: on the eve of the revolution, 80% of the land already belonged to the peasants, so the Bolshevik slogan “Land for the peasants” was simply not relevant.
          -I also drew parallels between some languages ​​and Russian and became convinced that Russian lies at the basis of human culture, and other languages ​​were created on the basis of Russian.
          There is something else.

          Why did you lie, how did the memoirs cease to be a historical source? On what basis is this statement?
          As for the author’s recollections, this is exactly what source study is based on. Why should we trust Stalin and not trust Khrushchev? Or trust Thucydides and not Trust Julius Caesar? From a scientific point of view, these are equal sources.
          And I don’t need your advice, I advise you not to start snotting yourself.
          1. +2
            31 March 2024 07: 02
            Well, in general, they didn’t do anything worthwhile with their hands, at least. Documents are the basis, and it is precisely through documents that memoirs, or memories, are exposed.
            And it’s strange that in the list of things to do, they didn’t mention that they were defending the Motherland.
          2. 0
            31 March 2024 18: 07
            "The Bolshevik slogan “Land for the peasants” was simply not relevant.” - initially this was the slogan of the Social Revolutionaries. By the VOSR, all the land had already been redistributed in fact, by self-seizure by the peasants.
            1. 0
              April 1 2024 04: 30
              Quote: your1970
              .By VOSR, all the land had already been redistributed, in fact, by self-seizure by peasants.
              The peasants demanded recognition of this fact at the state level. Only the Bolsheviks agreed to carry out the orders of ordinary Social Revolutionaries to the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party.
            2. 0
              April 1 2024 11: 01
              Quote: your1970
              initially this was the slogan of the Socialist Revolutionaries. By the VOSR, all the land had already been redistributed in fact, by self-seizure by the peasants.

              I say that before the revolution, it was in the Republic of Ingushetia that the land officially belonged 80% to the peasants. Then in what incomprehensible way did the peasants suddenly fall for the false slogan of the revolutionaries? This is not clear.
              1. 0
                April 3 2024 07: 04
                Quote: Trinitrotoluene
                I say that before the revolution, it was in the Republic of Ingushetia that the land officially belonged 80% to peasants.

                In the village of Sibirovaya in the Tambov region, land-poor peasants were forced to work for landowners only for food. The manager simply killed my grandmother’s brother when he saw that he was trying to hide two potatoes from his ration in his bosom to take to his sister. This is the root of the victories of the Bolsheviks and their inflexibility and their support by the people.
                1. 0
                  April 3 2024 08: 02
                  Quote: gsev
                  In the village of Sibirovaya in the Tambov region, land-poor peasants were forced to work for landowners only for food. The manager simply killed my grandmother’s brother when he saw that he was trying to hide two potatoes from his ration in his bosom to take to his sister. This is the root of the victories of the Bolsheviks and their inflexibility and their support by the people.

                  It’s strange that there are completely official data on land ownership during the period of the revolution.

                  Further: “According to the agricultural census of 1916, peasants accounted for 89,3% of the total sown area (in Siberia 100%). Of cattle - 94,2%, pigs - 94,9%, sheep - 94,3 %, horses 93,8%. "(Professor A.N. Chelintsev. Russian agriculture before the revolution. P. 10.-11.) https://neb.rf/catalog/000199_000009_003109850/viewer/?page=10.

                  This gives grounds to assert that there were no significant land resources for distribution in 1917. Or almost none. "Land to the peasants!" - this is the biggest lie of the October Revolution.
                  The lie about the land that tsars and landowners were hiding was revealed immediately after the revolution. Then they began to liberate the land using the method of decossackization, dispossession, famine and war. ...

          3. 0
            April 1 2024 02: 29
            As far as I remember, the Russian language is the heir of the ancient Slavic, and the last heir of the even more ancient one is Sanskrit.
            1. -1
              April 1 2024 11: 10
              Quote: Edvid
              As far as I remember, the Russian language is the heir of the ancient Slavic, and the last heir of the even more ancient one is Sanskrit.

              our world and historical “science” are turned upside down, if we look at the monuments of the past that have reached us, pyramids, temples, then a feeling of bewilderment arises, how they built it then cannot be repeated now, the stones are better processed and are much larger in size, then we learn, that then in the past technologies were better developed than now, and therefore the axiom that humanity is developing from simple to complex is erroneous, it turns out that it used to be more complex, but now it has become simpler, the same applies to languages.

              The Russian language is more complex than Sanskrit, which is why it is older, and the fact is that the English, who captured India and for 200 years did what they wanted and rewrote history, they came up with the thesis that Indo-European languages ​​come from Sanskrit.
              In addition, Sanskrit is more similar to Russian than to all European languages.
  11. +1
    30 March 2024 08: 47
    Very interesting. Thanks for the review. I would like to clarify: that is, people who were at least a little versed in their profession were put in leadership positions, and while they delved into the essence of the matter and how its engineers, who were also inexperienced, work + inconsistency between different departments/structures/instructions -> hence the delay construction/reconstruction??!!
  12. +1
    30 March 2024 08: 56
    In theory, the agreement for 1940 should have been concluded somewhere in December 1939. But the plant’s capital construction department formalized the contract only on April 26, 1940, and with an unspecified construction cost.
    A contract without value is not carelessness, it is indeed classic sabotage (sabotage, in the terms of those years).
  13. +5
    30 March 2024 09: 11
    Sorry, but what can you understand from this article? The narrative ends in the first half of 1940. Further fate is unknown. We can only guess. Maybe the pace was increased and the backlog was eliminated. Maybe the funds were transferred to other, more relevant projects. Perhaps there were logistical problems that needed improvement and therefore the pace was reduced. Yes, you can immediately name dozens of explanations for what happened. An article from the series - casting a shadow on the fence.
  14. +1
    30 March 2024 10: 03
    The case of the Industrial Party. The people involved in this case are directly connected with the flagship of industrialization - the First Soviet blooming rolling mill, built at the Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant in Donbass, which was put into permanent operation on June 22, 1933. At that time there were only 12 bloomings in the whole world. They were produced by the Mesta factories in the USA, Demag and Zakk in Germany. The first Soviet blooming “1150” became the thirteenth and the equipment for it was manufactured by the machine builders of the Izhora plant.
    The Soviet government ordered project documentation to the Americans, who, sensing the looming profit, included in the price, in addition to American equipment, everything, right down to sand for concrete. Pro-Trotskyist Soviet specialists also “helped” them with this. Moscow officials conducted an audit and decided that this was too much.
    The OGPU authorities helped by arresting a number of prominent technical scientists, among whom was the director of the Thermal Engineering Institute, Professor Ramzin. The result of the activities of the arrested scientists and law enforcement officers was the construction documentation designed in the prison, design supervision and development of all the components and parts of the first Soviet blooming.
    The first Soviet heavy blooming or, as it is now called, a rolling mill, which made it possible to produce steel sheets, was designed on the basis of German experience and manufactured (1930 - 1932) at the Izhora plant. A.A. Zhdanov in Kolpino, Leningrad region during the 1st Five-Year Plan of the USSR and mounted at the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant. Blooming determined the direction of development of metallurgy in the USSR for decades to come.
    At the Izhora plant in 1930, a special design bureau was organized (at the OGPU) to design the first Soviet blooming under the leadership of K.F. Neumayer, who, after clearing his criminal record, was for some time the technical director of the Izhora plant.
    The OKB employed major specialists in the field of heavy engineering: V.A. Tille, A.G. Zile, K.F. Neymaer, V.A. Tikhomirov, Alexandrov and others, convicted in the “Industrial Party Case” and brought to Kolpino to “atone for guilt.” The task they were given was very difficult, and their lives depended on its completion.

    Reference: “At the meeting on Case No. 76410 (“About the COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARY WASTE ORGANIZATION in the metal industry of the USSR” - “The Case of the Industrial Party”...) the OGPU Board decided:
    - Viktor Aleksandrovich Tikhomirov - imprisoned in a concentration camp for a period of five years, counting the period from 22/XI-29;
    - Tille Wilhelm Augustovich - imprisoned in a concentration camp for a period of ten years, counting the period from 22/XI-29;
    - Neumayer Karl Frantsevich - imprisoned in a concentration camp for a period of ten years, counting the period from 30/X-29;
    - Manuylov Nikolai Leonidovich - sentenced to EXECUTE, with replacement by imprisonment in a concentration camp for a period of ten years, counting the period from 23/XI-29."
    OKB No. 3 of the Izhora plant.
    The inscription “Izhora Plant” was cast on the top transverse beam of the mill. On the right and left columns the inscriptions are vertically cast: “Special Design Bureau No. 3 under the OGPU.”
    1. +1
      31 March 2024 09: 04
      how much harm and disaster the Bolsheviks brought to the people, how many smart and talented people died. For the sake of their shameful power, the Bolsheviks destroyed all the best that was in the Republic of Ingushetia. What did they ultimately build? Socialism, but it never existed, Marx didn’t say anything about it - this is a false definition, there was a Dictatorship of the proletariat, but this is also false, the proletariat has nothing to do with this dictatorship, as a collective has nothing to do with “collectivization”.
      A bunch of conspirators, using German and American money, staged a coup in the country, followed by a revolution in the culture and minds of the people, and all those who disagreed were destroyed.
    2. -1
      31 March 2024 18: 04
      Quote: Vitaly Kirillov
      In addition to American equipment, the price included everything, even sand for concrete.

      In modern Russia, all projects in the mining sector where there are big profits (oil, diamonds, platinum group metals) are supervised by the FSB and Putin personally. As far as I know, in the structures of Alrosa and the oil industry, until about mid-2023, the use of Chinese frequency generators was prohibited instead of the French Schneiders, Japanese Omron, German Siemens, although ISD frequency generators are miniplus, IPD from Promsitekh, from Wecon, Canroon, Xinje, which are about 3 times cheaper than French, Japanese and German ones, they have a more convenient set of parameters to configure and are just as functional. But this is not a reason to repress Putin and Chemizov for purchasing electronic equipment three times more expensive. The French missed the mark on the timing of the SVO and brought frequency operators to Russia not 5 years in advance, but only 1 year. Therefore, Macron is freaking out and, losing the influence of France in West Africa, is looking for big problems for his country in Russia (Odessa region and Left Bank Ukraine) and in the Caucasus. He has already given Libya to China, Turkey and Wagner, leaving France with pitiful crumbs.
      1. 0
        31 March 2024 23: 53
        I would like to note that this was a tough method of import substitution before the war. The West, despite the period of the Great Depression, tried to enrich itself as much as possible at the expense of devastated Russia, using the support and outright sabotage of pro-Trotskyist technical specialists in the USSR, among whom were the above mentioned technical specialists. OKB No. 3 of the Izhora plant under the OGPU was an analogue of the future so-called. "sharashkas", where there were quite acceptable conditions of detention, conducive to intensive work on results, without being distracted by excuses. By the way, one of them, K.F. Neumayer, after his criminal record was cleared, was for some time the technical director of the Izhora plant.
        The construction of the first domestic blooming plant in the USSR at the Makeevka plant was directly supervised by the People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR Grigory (Sergo) Ordzhonikidze, and was controlled by the First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Sergei Kirov, after whom the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant was named. Before the war, 20 thousand people worked at the plant. From 1927 to 1939, the plant underwent a complete reconstruction and modernization of production. The second Soviet blooming plant was launched in September 1933 at the Dnieper Metallurgical Plant in Dneprodzerzhinsk (now Kamenskoye, Ukraine).
        In April 2009, the Makeevka plant was wasted and closed as a result of the shutdown of the blast furnace and open-hearth shops. The 110-year-old Makeevka Metallurgical Plant, about 6 kilometers long, ceased to exist. Now there is only one rolling shop left and this is the workshop of the Yenakievo Metallurgical Plant in the Donetsk region.
  15. +2
    30 March 2024 13: 34
    I remember how in the mid-80s they built a monolithic house. We've been poking around the floor for about 6 years. And then suddenly, in other places in the city, boxes of monoliths began to grow 10 floors in a year. And this house was slowly being picked at. In 1976, we began to build a house with 16 floors. It was never completed until the end of the 80s, and in 2022, this box threatening to fall was finally dismantled. Like this.
    And now in our office the chief engineer is a very active idiot. The resume is simply awe-inspiring. He built everything and even a nuclear power plant. Not really a smart person. But the bosses are delighted with him. He digs the ground, feigns a wild zeal for work, constantly generates all sorts of nonsense like, “we’ll do it on our knees,” “if it doesn’t fit, we’ll shove it sideways...”, etc. He can hold 4 meetings a day. The people are in a trance. And you can’t say that you’re a conscious saboteur.
    1. 0
      31 March 2024 18: 11
      In Moscow, the House of Books was built over 20 years (1970-80s) and eventually dismantled
  16. BAI
    30 March 2024 14: 54
    The fact is that designers, then and now, are not responsible for construction deadlines
    1. 0
      April 1 2024 09: 40
      Quote: BAI
      The fact is that designers, then and now, are not responsible for construction deadlines

      If the designers are part of a construction (engineering) company, then they are responsible.
      1. 0
        April 1 2024 11: 23
        No, they are responsible for FIRs. That's all. And it is right.
        1. 0
          April 1 2024 12: 35
          Quote: alovrov
          No, they are responsible for FIRs. That's all. And it is right.

          The company as a whole is responsible for the construction, so if there is trouble at the construction site, the designers will also suffer. Design supervision has not been canceled - this is secondly. Estimators are often included in design departments - this is already responsible for the price.
  17. +3
    30 March 2024 17: 36
    the plant had to draw up and approve title lists of construction projects indicating the cost
    To indicate the cost, you need to calculate it. The pinnacle of technical equipment of the then calculators were Felix machines, primitive adding machines. And there was a severe shortage of them, so payments were made mainly on accounts. Now computer programs do the calculations; you practically don’t need to do the calculations yourself. But errors are regularly discovered in calculations! There is no way to reduce erroneous data entry due to fatigue and distractions. Now imagine how many mistakes the accountants make, about a hundred of them, otherwise complex estimates of this scale cannot be calculated. And what is the price of a mistake in 39. Four times? Yes, they had to change it about forty times!
    Then the plant had to enter into a contract agreement with the construction organization, on the basis of which construction work would begin. In theory, the agreement for 1940 should have been concluded somewhere in December 1939. But the capital construction department of the plant formalized the contract only on April 26, 1940, and with an unspecified construction cost.
    Same reason.
    But the capital construction department of the Makeyevka plant went much further. He not only delayed the delivery of drawings, but also replaced some drawings with others, making amendments to them.
    The author of the article has something wrong with his head... Oh, no. As usual, he writes about something he understands absolutely nothing about. Even the construction of a standard toilet is not complete without editing the drawings. There are so many changes in the construction of a plant that in each system (plumbing, sewerage, foundations, etc., all these are separate systems) there are thousands of changes. This is the norm.
    Everything that was built according to old drawings turned out to be unusable. This, by the way, is a loss for the construction organization, since an object not accepted by the customer is not paid for.
    Yes, completely crazy. The author is completely, absolutely, completely incompetent on the topic. It's not even funny...
    1. +3
      30 March 2024 20: 53
      Ah, no one is interested in the truth. The main thing is to put a label on which to carry out what is planned for these people. It’s sad, but DLB don’t understand this and never will. Alas.
    2. 0
      31 March 2024 10: 05
      One question: why was it necessary to redo the project? already built gas pipeline?
      1. 0
        April 1 2024 07: 44
        There can be many reasons. For example, they “shot through” the heights, and the gas pipeline ended up on the sewer or water supply. Happens. Everyone is designing their own system, the deadlines are burning with a blue flame, the water supply designer is on a business trip to the site, there is no one to coordinate with, the GIP is yelling - devils, bastard, both will be imprisoned...
  18. 0
    30 March 2024 22: 54
    The boss comes running and yells. Let's disassemble the support! They built a support for it so that the pipeline would not collapse.
    - what did they tell us? how to collect it, how, what, what, so that we could have it by morning, we collected it. It turned out that the support consists of parts of the crane that they forgot to pick up. They have to go, there are no parts. There are no documents for the support, let's sort it out!
    -Then the overpass will fall and production will stop, will you sign up for the analysis order?
    and then a lot of swearing, comparisons of people with animals, natural events, objects, things. We spent a lot of time and effort, everyone was tired, but everyone, without exception, thought that the boss was a very necessary specialist, because he did everything as he was instructed: “no @ no way, no @ no what, so that I could have it by morning”...
  19. 0
    30 March 2024 23: 01
    A friend comes, all angry, I tell him what happened: he says that one workshop constantly complained that they could not launch one Soviet installation since the time of the Soviet. They called them to help through very. very good big bosses... He says that before lunch everything was up and running - the technology is the simplest. He called the shop management and spent half a day yelling at his team, forcing everyone to quit. Every year we received money for repairs, for a non-working installation, but now it really started working and we will have to actually repair it - who needs that?
    And there are heaps and heaps of this! He made a real invention - they squeezed it out and fired him. And after that no one developed it and the author will have other headaches. But this is unrealized potential, this is also a loss.
  20. -1
    31 March 2024 08: 40
    Let me remind you that the year was 1940, the time was pre-war, intelligence agencies of enemy countries were introduced into almost all structures of the state, and even more so in the army and the military-industrial complex. And when they unfoundedly begin to blame Stalin for the ongoing repressions, you involuntarily begin to compare with the time after the 90s in Russia, thousands of enterprises were destroyed, half of the taiga was cut down, several million of the population died out from the experiments, billions of state revenues are exported abroad through offshore companies. And the question arises: who did all this to our country, an enemy or a patriot of the country. If this is an enemy, then why are there monuments to him in the country, and if these are patriots, then why do they live in the countries of Russia’s enemies? Stalin shot them for such patriotism
  21. +1
    31 March 2024 11: 57
    By the way, the meme “are the polymers expired” started after the boss, infuriated by the constant mistakes and delays of the designers, gave a fiery speech online with elements of oral folk art. The boss was removed from his post after All-Russian fame.
  22. +1
    31 March 2024 11: 59
    To a certain extent, this can be attributed to the stupidity of officials.
    Officials are offended by changing projects, but at the same time, this is on the verge of deliberate sabotage.
    Before the Petrine period they said “stupidity is worse than theft (treason)”
  23. 0
    April 1 2024 09: 38
    There was no sabotage on such a scale, the usual work of the vertical of power.

    At the top they said - it must be by such and such a date, no one will dare to object, the plan comes down through many authorities, at the bottom they take the lead and do what they can - but they can only do what they can. Sometimes there are postscripts when acts are closed, but the work is not done - both parties will receive a hit if the work is not done on time. Intermediate stages can be hidden in this way; the final stage cannot always be hidden, but the deadline can also be moved forward.

    This principle sometimes works even now - where the participants are either the state or a large bureaucratic corporation, whose managers are only conditionally interested in the final result.

    Command economy was a term from the damned 80s and 90s.
  24. 0
    April 1 2024 11: 19
    This is exactly how they are building now, nothing has changed. Perhaps for the worse, since enthusiasts died out as a class, the gulag ended, and the designers became very stupid, and they began to steal everything and everyone by two orders of magnitude more.
    1. 0
      April 2 2024 08: 04
      And now, it seems, the “command economy” has already begun again - there are no resources, no machines, no equipment, no qualified personnel - designers, engineers, workers, related and component production has been completely launched, as well as logistics, and here, “formidable uncles" trying to force with speeches to produce so many products by such a deadline... Like: economics - pay for it once or twice! Listen to the order, introductory! Any questions? Start the task! Report the results by evening! No, isn't it?
  25. 0
    April 2 2024 21: 14
    About 40 years ago, at work, on a table in the library, a thick book appeared. It contains the names of inventions, names, amounts issued. Somewhere 20000 rubles. Even one person received 20000, it was unlikely that he was a simple engineer.
    We tried to reassure.
  26. -1
    April 4 2024 08: 00
    Quote: Trinitrotoluene
    "Memoirs" of N.S. Khrushchev

    Isn’t it the same Khrushchev, on whose note, demanding to establish the percentage of those repressed, Joseph Vissarionovich wrote: “Calm down, you cunt”?