A lie is like the truth. A few lessons from the Ministry of Propaganda

A lie is like the truth. A few lessons from the Ministry of Propaganda

Spit first

It is no secret that we receive the lion's share of information that influences our worldview, changes in views or their formation from the Internet. I, like many Internet users, am a subscriber to some Telegram channels. I will not hide that I need some of them as a source of the opposing side’s opinion. I have already written several times about the RIA Katyusha channel and their partner Sorok Sorokov. I didn’t think that I would have to turn to their activities again. What was the trigger for writing this article? Let's try to figure it out together.

So, here is the full text of the post from the Soro Sorokov channel, which was reprinted by RIA Katyusha with delightful joy. We need the full text to analyze the post according to the principles from Dr. Goebbels.

“This is how many in the world perceive Macron, who has recently shown the greatest aggressiveness towards Russia, and declares France’s readiness to send troops to the outskirts of their sodomite world to protect gay pride parades, the Istanbul Convention and same-sex marriage.

But in stories and so it happened that perverts and psychopaths, like Lenin, Hitler, Napoleon, as a rule, unleashed the bloodiest wars. Now the sodomite Macron has decided to join them.”

So, before us is a classic example of activity according to Dr. Goebbels’s training manuals. In order not to be branded as such a slander, let's go over the basic principles by which the notorious Dr. Goebbels, who was the Reich Minister of Propaganda, worked.

He claimed that “A lie told a hundred times becomes the truth. We do not seek the truth, but the effect. This is the secret of propaganda: those who are supposed to be convinced by it must be completely immersed in the ideas of this very propaganda, without noticing that they are absorbed by them. Ordinary people are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Therefore, propaganda, in essence, should always be simple and endlessly repetitive.”

The same channels that I mentioned above do the same. Having gone through a lot of sources, I identified six principles of propaganda according to Goebbels and applied them to the message replicated by RIA Katyusha and Sorok Sorokov.

The first principle is that there should be a lot, a lot of propaganda. It needs to be dumped into the masses continuously, day and night, in all territorial points at the same time. There is no such thing as too much propaganda, since people are only able to assimilate information that is repeated to them thousands of times.

Fits perfectly into the concept of both channels, which, like Scipio the Elder, who ended any speech with the phrase “Carthage must be destroyed,” attribute any misfortune to Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

The second principle is the utmost simplicity of any messages. This is necessary so that even the most retarded individual can comprehend what he has heard or read. And the more people accept something, the easier it will be to cope with the rest: even the most advanced minority will be forced to follow the majority.

“Depth of thought”, “elegance of style” and “evidence (or rather, its complete absence)” of the post flow directly from every line. Don't believe me? Read it again. I believe that Macron is an enemy of Russia, but, forgive me generously, where do you get the information that Macron is a sodomite? We'll talk about the rest of the plausibility later.

The third principle is maximum uniformity of clear, concise, sharp messages. “We can and must propagate our slogan from a variety of angles, but the result must be the same, and the slogan must invariably be repeated at the end of every speech, every article.”

In my opinion, it does not require proof. As I said earlier, both channels associate all modern troubles and misfortunes only with Lenin, Stalin and the Bolsheviks. They have no one else to blame, which they prove in every post.

The fourth principle is that propaganda should not allow doubt, hesitation, or consideration of various options and possibilities. People should not have a choice, because it has already been made for them, and they should only understand and then accept the information in order to then perceive the imposed ideas as their own.

Re-read the post again, and try to find at least one piece of evidence that they are not setting out dogmas or axioms, but postulates for a reasoned discussion.

The fifth principle is to influence mainly the feelings and only to the smallest extent appeal to the brain. Remember? Propaganda is not science. But it helps to bring out the emotions of a crowd of thousands - and to twist ropes out of this crowd. And reason is of no use here.

And again about the fact that the post is very emotional, a kind of cry from the soul. But there is no evidence. From the word absolutely. But I will try to bring at least a few. But a little later.

The sixth principle - shock and lies - these are the two pillars on which perfect propaganda stands. If you lie about little things, there will be no effect. Therefore, the information should be shocking, because only shocking messages are manically transmitted from mouth to mouth. Adequate information goes unnoticed.

This is exactly what is used in the post. Lenin is a pervert and a psychopath who dreamed of starting a war, like Napoleon and Hitler.

Well, now let's get down to the evidence base.

Psychopath Mummy

Since my task is to analyze a small aspect - namely: the accusation of the channels that Lenin was a psychopath and a pervert - I will give arguments on these issues.

To begin with, the authors of the channel are very ignorant. If they had taken the trouble to familiarize themselves with the two great works of two researchers A. Z. Manfred and E. V. Tarle, they would have been convinced that no one ever considered Napoleon a pervert and a psychopath. The yellow press is not taken into account. On the contrary, Napoleon was always distinguished by a brilliant mind, aptitude for mathematics, and the ability to think outside the box. And not a single politician of that era considered Napoleon a psychopath.

By the way, it will be useful to give a definition of psychopathy: “a psychopathological syndrome manifested as a combination of such traits as callousness towards others, a reduced ability to empathize, an inability to sincerely repent of causing harm to other people, deceit, self-centeredness and superficiality of emotional reactions.”

I will not cite all the evidence that debunks the myth of Napoleon’s psychopathy; it is enough just to mention his affair with Maria Walewska, which revealed the full depth of his inner world. A. Z. Manfred writes about this very well.

In addition, it would not be amiss to recall that already on the island of St. Helena, Napoleon considered his main achievement to be the Civil Code, which determined the development of France for many centuries.

“What about Lenin?” - the incredulous writer will exclaim. So read what figures of the early 20th century wrote about him. The same Patriarch Tikhon (in the world V.I. Bellavin) wrote about Lenin: “I have information about him as a man of the kindest and truly Christian soul.” And especially for those who begin to declare that the patriarch was intimidated - in the same answer to believers, Tikhon wrote: “Ideologically, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and I, of course, disagreed.” Doesn't really look like a frightened person.

The same Gorky, who largely disagreed with the policies of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, wrote more than once about Lenin’s cordiality and his attention to ordinary people. There is a lot of evidence, and they all say that Lenin was not a psychopath. But, as Solzhenitsyn correctly noted, the main thing is to spit first, which is what the two Telegram channels are doing, almost competing in who will throw out the thickest bucket of slop, without caring about the factual justification.

If you look at “The Forty Forties”, you will often find swearing at Lenin, he is a pervert, a psychopath, a mummy, and what not written there. They also don’t provide facts about Vladimir Ilyich’s perversions, but the main thing is to spit, and to spit first! Moreover, this channel savors the details of Lenin’s illness with such pleasure (a thoughtful reader can easily find official archival information, so we will not dwell on this), that the thought involuntarily arises: are the authors of the channel themselves not accidentally suffering from a headache?

By the way, “Forty Forties” position themselves as so arch-Orthodox that sometimes it makes you sick. And if you remind them that “And I say to you: love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who use you and persecute you,” then in return you will receive so much hatred that if you used energy for peaceful purposes, you could warm more than one city during the heating season.

Let's return to Vladimir Ilyich.

Stroke or psychiatry?

So, according to the channel “Forty Forties”, Lenin is a pervert. But, good citizens, where did you get this from? Bunin, you say, wrote about him like that? Did this writer have a doctorate in medicine in psychiatry? Or maybe the yellow press of the 90s of the last century is a source of such irrefutable facts that you have to believe them, believe them and believe them?

No, citizens, you need to believe the facts. But the facts stubbornly say the opposite. Yes, Lenin could be tough, sometimes perhaps too tough. But times were different. And, unlike you, he was a brilliant theorist and practitioner, the fruits of whose policies you still enjoy, albeit in a reduced form. Because capitalism has never been good and always strives to cut spending on social needs.

I wonder if anyone from your channel tried to at least superficially study the transcripts of the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars, Lenin's articles, his telegrams and other documents, at least for six months? Of course no! Because - you have to spit, you have to spit! Otherwise, competitors will do it first.

And, besides, doctors’ studies only talk about Lenin’s illness associated with strokes; not a single doctor talks about mental disorders.

But what about doctors? “RIA Katyusha” and “Forty Sorokov” understand psychiatry much better than all the Försters and Klemperers, Strumpels and Genschens, Minkowskis, Bumke and Nonna, domestic luminaries - Kozhevnikov, Kramer, Elistratov and Bekhterev ( doctors who treated Lenin - Approx. auth.).

And finally, about the phrase “perverts and psychopaths, like Lenin, Hitler, Napoleon, as a rule, unleashed the bloodiest wars.”

Have you read at least something on the history of the Brest Peace? Are you not aware that peace was needed at any cost, even at the cost of a “obscene peace”, which, by the way, the Bolsheviks later won back and returned all territories, with the exception of Poland and Finland?

Oh, you liars and heirs of the Reich Minister of Propaganda Goebbels. You should take a closer look at modern history and see that anti-Leninism and anti-communism lead straight to the dictatorship of Nazism. This was proven by Germany in the last century, and in the current century by Ukraine and the Baltic countries.

However, “Leninopads” will never teach people like you anything. Your credo – to be the first to spit – will remain a birthmark for you, or rather, an indelible mark.
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  1. +15
    27 March 2024 04: 07
    Well, let’s say that the current government won’t give you 5 years for insulting the memory of Lenin or Stalin, then why not dance on the bones? But personally, I don’t trust anyone. Not ours, and especially the enemy’s media, they lie like they breathe.
    1. +4
      27 March 2024 06: 15
      These channels have a certain group of subscribers. And thinking people who came in once for a while won’t go there again. Although, if all this crap is constantly dripping into the brain, then the effect of this White Guard will undoubtedly be. And yes, everyone lies
      1. +4
        27 March 2024 08: 04
        Black Hundreds - as they were before the Revolution parasites fed by the secret police, and so they were reborn. Even the name of the ria “Katyusha” is taken from the song to which the Red Army smashed the Western colleagues of the Black Hundreds, the German Nazis. At the same time, Lenin, the USSR, and the Red Army are permitted symbols for them to attack. Draw your own conclusions, comrades.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +4
            27 March 2024 13: 28
            It's all a bird of a feather

            Straight Ben Shapiro of the Russian spill wassat
          2. -5
            27 March 2024 16: 44
            For fishing, each fish has its own special worm. good
          3. +5
            28 March 2024 09: 02
            this is a vivid example of a Nazi-liberal-Yeltsinist, a supporter of Chubais and Yegor Gaidar
      2. 0
        30 March 2024 23: 54
        Somehow I came across a post in some channel with “forty forty”, I followed the link and even subscribed to the channel.
        But then, reading what they wrote, I had to unsubscribe, because there was a lot of rubbish about the Soviet regime.
        There they have their own “chicken” and they are stewing in this swamp and do not want to accept anything adequate
  2. +14
    27 March 2024 04: 46
    The school does not engage in patriotic education. Parents sit on their phones and computers instead of educating. A generation will grow up that will not know the history of not only their country, but history in general. And adults don’t care about anything until it affects them. Some people surf information dumps and only trust information from there.
    1. +21
      27 March 2024 06: 40
      Sergey250455 The school does not engage in patriotic education

      He is not involved in education, but is obliged to engage in patriotism. There will now be a lot of patriotism in schools...

      To Article:
      Lenin is a pervert and a psychopath

      We honor Lenin
      Not only people who are directly dependent on the bourgeoisie, not only those who are under the yoke of capital, or who are bribed by this capital (a mass of all kinds of scientists, artists, priests, etc., are in the service of capital), but also people , simply under the influence of the prejudices of bourgeois freedom, all this took up arms against Bolshevism all over the world because, at its founding, the Soviet Republic rejected this bourgeois lie and openly declared: you call your state free, but in fact, as long as there is private property, your state, even if it were a democratic republic, is nothing more than a machine in the hands of the capitalists to suppress the workers, and the freer the state, the more clearly this is expressed.

      We will throw away all the old prejudices that the state is universal equality - this is a deception: as long as there is exploitation, there can be no equality. A landowner cannot be equal to a worker, a hungry person cannot be equal to a well-fed one.

      Well, it’s immediately clear that the “psychopath and pervert” wrote...
      Auto RU hi, topical article. The ability to separate lies from truth is one of the fundamental ones.
      1. +32
        27 March 2024 06: 50
        There will now be a lot of patriotism in schools...
        “They started pushing on patriotism. Apparently they stole."
  3. +8
    27 March 2024 04: 55
    These Magpies are complete losers, both in conscience and in mind.
  4. +9
    27 March 2024 05: 00
    Aren’t you secretly advertising “RIA Katyusha” and “Sorok Sorokov”? In your articles, this is not the first time you mention these channels, collect subscribers? And then on federal channels they talk about Lenin, especially on the eve of April 22
    1. +5
      27 March 2024 05: 05
      I’ll support you, I didn’t even know about these channels, and I have no desire to familiarize myself with their content.
      1. +5
        27 March 2024 05: 09
        I didn't even know about these channels
        It’s the same thing, I first heard about them from the author’s articles, he seems to be calling: Well, come in and see what they are carrying there. Maybe you will find it and find it? smile
        1. -6
          27 March 2024 05: 23
          And what is Putin being inclined to do on our website up and down?
          1. +3
            27 March 2024 05: 26
            What do they actually write? About Putin? Give examples.
            1. -6
              27 March 2024 05: 29
              They are writing about the country, he laughed, Nabiullina works for the USA. There are no achievements in the country.
              1. +4
                27 March 2024 05: 32
                Are you trying to provoke me? smile It won’t work. Watch and read “RIA Katyusha” and “Forty Forties” smile hi
                1. -11
                  27 March 2024 05: 34
                  Please wait about five minutes, I will find a topical comment, and I would like to hear your opinion as a specialist! hi
                2. -4
                  27 March 2024 05: 41
                  Ross xnumx
                  (Yuri Vasilievich)
                  Yesterday, 05: 14
                  MI6 and migrants: having failed to defeat Russia on the battlefield, Britain will try to destroy it from within
                  Quote: Lech from Android.
                  I think that the most dangerous thing for us is such renegades as Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

                  It remains only to understand that Putin, who wears wreaths on EBN’s grave, is the direct heir of EBN, and apart from words and slander against the socialist system, we will not hear anything from him... At least for the next 12 years...
                  Building a system of power that devours the titular nation is worth a lot...
                  1. +5
                    27 March 2024 06: 18
                    Well, in many ways I don’t agree with you... And here you are right on point about Putin. Of course, if this is not banter...
                    1. -6
                      27 March 2024 06: 20
                      And I never doubted you!
        2. -1
          27 March 2024 06: 16
          By the way, yes, I didn’t know about these either. Just for fun, I’ll look through them.. What color is the liver..
          1. -1
            27 March 2024 06: 19
            ..What color is liver..
            I think even further to the right of "Constantinople"
            1. -4
              27 March 2024 06: 42
              Quote: parusnik
              even further to the right of "Tsargrad"

              By the way, the channel belongs to your class enemy, monarchist, oligarch Konstantin Malofeev. Yes Believe me, I have nothing against communists, I just think that communism is a utopia, and life has proven this. This is a system for an ideal person, and we are weak, vicious, greedy, envious. Therefore, someone will always be more equal than others, someone will snitch on another, someone will steal, and someone will go over their heads. I agree, the comment that I posted at the top is very difficult for you to comment on. feel
              1. +10
                27 March 2024 11: 26
                Quote: Edik
                communism is a utopia, and life has proven this. This is a system for an ideal person, and we are weak, vicious, greedy, envious. Therefore, someone will always be more equal than others, someone will snitch on others, someone will steal, and someone will go over their heads

                Are you sure... no, not like that... Do you have scientifically based data that in 0, 100,200, 1000 years everything will remain the same? That a person won't change? It seems to me that some people in the USSR lived or tried to live according to the Code of the Builder of Communism. And some of that remained with them forever. What if there were more of them and the Union lasted longer!? And life has not yet proven anything. The USSR existed for 70 years. Is this a period that allows us to say that communism is impossible? If we are guided by this logic, then we should consider that the utopianism of communism was proven by the Paris Commune, which lasted 70 days. Why not? She died too!?
                1. +1
                  27 March 2024 11: 36
                  For thousands of years, man has not changed at all and will not change!! We are all weak. And for all 70 years we walked toward communism, each time postponing it supposedly to a later date, and the economy of the USSR deteriorated more and more, without ever achieving communism. It just can’t be achieved, that’s all. request
                  1. +2
                    27 March 2024 11: 59
                    I liked the argument: it’s impossible because it’s impossible! laughing And there is evidence that man has not changed over the millennia? Well, except for the information that someone blurts out, if this can be used to justify your maxims?! If you look at the conditions in which we live and remember history, it turns out that things have changed a lot. This is the purpose and from what point of view to consider changes (or lack thereof) in a person. The wheel also remains round for several thousand years. Hasn't changed? Try attaching an ancient wooden wheel to a modern car...
                    1. -7
                      27 March 2024 12: 06
                      I'm talking about the essence of man, about his nature! What has changed since that time in a person in his emotional background? Just as we killed, robbed, betrayed, raped, deceived each other, we continue to do this with great success! It seems to me that I’m just wasting time with you, goodbye..
                      1. +6
                        27 March 2024 12: 29
                        Just as we killed, robbed, betrayed, raped, deceived each other, we continue to do so with great success.

                        This doesn't say anything about human nature. If only because there are people who didn’t do it then and don’t do it now. That is, murder, robbery, betrayal, rape - this is not nature, it is only a possible reaction to certain external circumstances. Change the circumstances and there will be no need to react. The only option left is with pathologies - but pathologies are not nature.
                      2. +3
                        27 March 2024 13: 06
                        How we killed, robbed, betrayed, raped, deceived each other
                        If you are talking about yourself, then this is called pathology.
                      3. +1
                        27 March 2024 13: 54
                        Quote: Edik
                        Just as we killed, robbed, betrayed, raped, and deceived each other, we continue to do so with great success!

                        And you try to stop doing this. I haven’t done it and I don’t do it. laughing And most people do too. Well, except for deception, perhaps. And so: cannibalism, violence, torture have almost completely disappeared, at least officially they are not welcomed, humanism, concern for the environment and many other things that did not exist before are declared. Even though these provisions are not fulfilled by everyone, they were invented by people, not by gods.
                        And you, Vlad, goodbye! laughing How not to merge when the argument is “impossible because impossible” wink hi
                      4. -1
                        27 March 2024 16: 57
                        Kindergarten group 2, you still don’t understand.
                  2. +4
                    27 March 2024 13: 13
                    the USSR economy was increasingly degraded
                    Yeah, but now we have the first economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, and there is so much work that there are not enough workers, so we import migrants so that they can assemble Chinese cars under the Moskvich brand? Yes? laughing But the highest stage of development of capitalism is imperialism, which, with its further development, becomes less and less of everything... and between capitalists, believe it or not, it is not international friendship that is growing, but contradictions, they unite in flocks and devour the weakest in it, devouring one , mistaken for someone else, etc..
                2. -1
                  27 March 2024 13: 26
                  The USSR existed for 70 years. Is this a period that allows us to say that communism is impossible?

                  Humanity has been living according to the Bible for 2000 years... has this proven that hell and heaven exist? And the priests sitting in the Synod are equal to the rectors of churches except in death.
                  It’s the same with communism... while the lower classes were building socialism, the upper classes lived under communism.
                  1. +5
                    27 March 2024 13: 36
                    Humanity has been living according to the Bible for 2000 years... has this proven that hell and heaven exist?

                    Equally, it did not prove that they do not exist.
                3. -7
                  27 March 2024 13: 42
                  Yes, communism is not possible. First of all, because communism elevates man to the rank of god, this, to put it mildly, is not true. God designed the world so that everyone is not equal. Tall is not equal to short, strong is not equal to weak, man is not equal to woman - in this world people are not equal, but in another the king is equal to the homeless. This is God’s plan, but you communists in your arrogance decided that you could do better, and after 70 years of experiment everything went to pieces.
                  Fortunately, now there are still fewer and fewer of you who blindly believe in utopia every year, and there are more and more believers and right-wingers and, one might say, “whites.” Because the truth is behind us, and people sense it subconsciously. All your communist research is complex and incomprehensible and false in its essence, because it rejects the very nature of man, all his parts.
                  It's human nature to compete, if you don't like God, replace it with the word genes/evolution/instincts - it's human nature to try to grow up and take power and take women and everything else, and undertake and earn and want the best for yourself, and try to cut off from a person this part does not lead to anything other than very bad consequences for the country and for the individual and for society as a whole. This is what we see as a result of the collapse of the USSR.
                  1. +8
                    27 March 2024 14: 27
                    First of all, because communism elevates man to the rank of god

                    You can immediately see an expert on communism))
                    Tall is not equal to short, strong is not equal to weak, man is not equal to woman.

                    Yes, not equal. In height, in strength, in gender differences. And where do the theorists of communism say that tall is equal to short in stature, strong is equal to weak in strength, man is equal to woman in gender characteristics?
                    This is God's plan

                    Are you sure that man can understand God's plan?
                    Because the truth is behind us

                    And who are you?
                    All your research... is complex and incomprehensible

                    laughing The only sensible thought in the entire text.
                    God's plan...and take power and take women and everything else

                    You are also an expert in sacred texts))
                    1. -7
                      27 March 2024 15: 07
                      You understood everything perfectly despite the weak sarcasm) can you actually object to something? How do you imagine a communist society in 300 conventional years?) theorists of communism - that’s the joke, that a communist can only have theorists and blind followers. But all these ideas are shattered by reality)
                      P.S. If you don’t understand that high-low is an allegory of classes, then it’s a pity. And yes, the communists equated a woman with a man. Feminism is a communist idea, isn't it?
                      1. +4
                        27 March 2024 15: 25
                        You understood everything perfectly

                        What I understand relates to your personality winked , and not to the “essence”, which in your opinion is supposedly in your message.
                        In fact, can you object to something?

                        Where is the point to object to something? You are talking about something that you do not understand and are unlikely to be able to understand. This was shown to you in your “example” with high and low.
                        How do you imagine communist society in 300 conventional years?

                        Your question is not clear.
                        That's the funny thing: a communist can only have theorists

                        Your texts are replete with categorical (and at the same time unsubstantiated) judgments. This is a typical example of petitio principii, the logical fallacy of anticipating a reason.
                      2. 0
                        29 March 2024 00: 39
                        A person who judges a person and is also confident that he is right based on two messages on the Internet only causes some bewilderment and slight pity due to the immaturity of his views and attitude towards life.
                        What did you show to whom?)) Your mind is insidious and takes you away from the essence of the issues into some kind of meaningless dialectic. The question is: what should an ideal communist condition look like in 300 years? Or 50 or 100 - choose any option?
                        Answer: no way, because it is a utopia and contrary to human nature. Don't you see the point in this? Okay, I’ll explain, even though you position yourself as an intelligent and educated person and could yourself understand what I’m talking about.
                        Evolution is designed in such a way that individuals must compete, survive in nature and compete with each other so that only the genes most adapted to the current and often changing realities of life are passed on to their offspring. This is written in the DNA of humans and all living beings on the planet. Communism violates this very principle, because it denies natural models of competition - class, competition for money and for power. Simply put, this is why the Union collapsed - after several generations who grew up under a “conditional” communist system (i.e., it is clear that there was no utopian communism, but still many features were present, such as the absence of private property, the small role of money) motivation disappeared from people. Ordinary Russian men especially lost motivation and they suffered the most from this system. What's the point of striving somewhere if you're already going to earn so much? You can write a lot about this and describe collectivization, etc. - but I think the meaning should be clear even in three lines.
                        In this sense, modern Western liberals are closest to the communists: they also have the goal of globalization (I remind you of the communist international), the blurring of peoples and mixing, and the creation of a world government, the only difference is that these have no good motives at all (they stupidly want to rule ) but the communists had them, well, initially, anyway. But the essence is the same, and just as the Reds failed to paint the whole world red, modern Western LGBT liberals will not succeed. Because, again, it violates human nature, the instincts to unite with others like oneself (based on race, nationality, etc.), and the instincts to resist pressure on one’s way of life.
                      3. 0
                        29 March 2024 11: 01
                        The question is: what should an ideal communist condition look like in 300 years? Or 50 or 100 - choose any option?
                        Answer: no way, because it is a utopia and contrary to human nature. Don't you see the point in this?

                        I see only theses containing logical errors.
                        Evolution is designed in such a way that individuals must compete, survive in nature and compete with each other so that only the genes most adapted to the current and often changing realities of life are passed on to their offspring. This is written in the DNA of humans and all living beings on the planet.

                        Tell me a gene or combination of genes (and one that is present in all living beings) lol ), which are “responsible for competition”.
                        All biological competition comes down to one thing - the appearance and, most importantly, the survival of offspring. And from here comes the struggle for the female, for food, etc. In a highly developed society, the problem of offspring survival DOES NOT ARISE.
                        Communism violates this very principle, because it denies natural models of competition - class, competition for money and for power.

                        Find me a class component in natural, that is, BIOLOGICAL, “models of competition.” I’ll even simplify the problem for you (since I know it’s obviously unsolvable lol ) let only social (that is, with a hierarchy, school, etc.) animals participate in the consideration.
                        What’s the point of striving somewhere if you’re already going to earn so much?

                        wassat Oh, but what about the “need for competition written into DNA”? lol
                        Or will you start telling fairy tales that in the USSR there was “equalization” and there was no competition? Well, try it. wassat
                        They also have a goal of globalization (I remind you about the communist international)

                        We find Chernov’s 1951 lecture on the topic “Proletarian internationalism and bourgeois cosmopolitanism” and do not cast a shadow over the fence.
                      4. -2
                        30 March 2024 01: 29
                        It's pointless to answer... another blind communist who believes in something that has already failed and that's all fool
                        How many volumes did Lenin write? 20,30? And there is exactly 0 meaning in them, because they are nonsense. Also, his followers try to say something abstruse, but what comes out is complete nonsense.
                        Okay, I’ll bring at least a little sanity into your brain, which is polluted with unnecessary information. laughing
                        1. Such a weak attempt)) they told you that nature lies in the competition of genes and not that there are competition genes. But this is too difficult for you, you have read too much Lenin in your time)
                        2. The alpha male passes on his genes, whether in a monkey or in a human. Yes, of course, in humans everything is a little more complicated and genes can be passed on not only by the alpha male, but still by nature a person strives for this. It is clear that in addition to the ID, a person also has an ego and a superego (although you are unlikely to understand what is responsible for what, well, maybe you read something other than red stories), however, it is the instinctive natural part that is responsible for the level of energy of force, etc. You probably consider yourself smart and strong - and this is normal, the desire to be like that is written inside your head. Although the ways to achieve it may be different from monkeys.
                        3. Of course, in the USSR competition was greatly neutered. There is no private property, and the possession of objects is the same basic attunement of the human psyche as sex or a fight or work (some kind of activity). Of course, this demotivated people, not immediately naturally, but gradually this process took place. On the collective farm it’s all the same and no one gives a damn.
                        4. There is not a single chance in this world that I will read some red scribbler of Chernov, all this Soviet meaningless writing has already sunk into oblivion for lack of at least a little bit of confirmation of their ideas. People invented something, tried to build it, everything fell apart and there is no chance now to prove to even a half-decent person that they were right but it just “didn’t work out, the timing wasn’t right, next time it will work out.” If you try to touch a hot stove over and over again with the persistence of a maniac and not get burned, then this is only your problem)
                        5. It is precisely the need for competition written into the DNA and the impossibility of adequately realizing this need that led to the fact that at the end of the USSR people were already sick of this communist agenda. Subconsciously, everyone already understood that they were living in some kind of surreal situation, and by now they understand it at the level of consciousness. But they kept pushing the next five-year plans in three years) well, a person cannot be an altruist and at the same time remain mentally healthy, selfishness is in our nature, you understand.
                        Although I know you won’t understand. But in general, it doesn’t matter, your time has passed anyway, and the communist project is only part of history from which you should learn “how not to.”
                      5. 0
                        April 1 2024 11: 07
                        In your previous message you were asked to answer very specific things. Instead, you wrote a sheet of primitivism on a free theme. Since producing nonsense is less energy-consuming than refuting it, I will not waste time analyzing all the misconceptions and logical errors.
                        I’ll just use one example to show all the confusion that is in your head.
                        Quote from: newtc7
                        Such a weak attempt)) they told you that nature lies in the competition of genes and not that there are competition genes.

                        ...after a couple of paragraphs
                        Quote from: newtc7
                        Precisely - the need for competition written in DNA

                        You are contradicting yourself. Where else can you argue with others?
                        Next time you want to explain economics using genetics, at least briefly familiarize yourself with the Baldwin effect
                      6. +3
                        27 March 2024 15: 56
                        If you don’t understand that high-low is an allegory of classes, then it’s a pity.

                        lol Allegory is inappropriate where it breaks the logical connection.
                        And yes, the communists equated a woman with a man.

                        Logical manipulation based on sampling error.
                        Feminism is a communist idea, isn't it?

                        Logical manipulation built on an imaginary logical connection.
                        And the funny thing is that feminism, as represented by the suffragette movement, is a pure capitalist product. Sponsored by industrialists to obtain cheap labor in industries that have traditionally been male-dominated. To bring down prices for male labor.
              2. +12
                27 March 2024 13: 25
                Quote: Edik
                communism is a utopia, and life has proven it

                She proved only one thing: when you stop fighting the enemy, you inevitably lose.
                Quote: Edik
                This is a system for the ideal person

                What is capitalism for? wassat
                Quote: Edik
                and we are weak, vicious, greedy, envious

                Seriously? That is, Sailors and Maresyev, Karbyshev and Vatutin, Angelina and Busygin, and hundreds of thousands of other heroes who did not spare their lives on the battle and labor fronts did this out of greed and envy?
                A person is born beautiful, everything is beautiful in him! And what you listed is done to us by a misanthropic system called capitalism.
        3. +4
          27 March 2024 09: 21
          No calls to go there. But you can’t bury your head in the sand, like an ostrich. You need to know the enemy. Otherwise, we will slide into the primitive in the same way: “myself”
          1. +3
            27 March 2024 13: 26
            The enemy must know.
            Didn't you know him? Do you want me to name it? Capitalism, yeah, it’s the very thing.. With all that it implies.. You’re right, “You need to know the bosses by sight!” (c).. It’s strange that you don’t know him.. For more than 30 years..
          2. -6
            27 March 2024 13: 44
            You are looking for enemies among right-wing Russian patriots. Well, this is the bottom of course, sing the Marseillaise and be friends with the proletarians of other countries))
            1. +6
              27 March 2024 16: 24
              Right-wing patriots, during the Civil War, were supported by the countries of the collective West, and during the Great Patriotic War, by the Nazis..
    2. +5
      27 March 2024 09: 20
      I need the Katyusha channel only to know how the enemy justifies his ideology. The fact that Katyusha is an open or hidden mouthpiece of liberal circles and the oligarchy is undeniable.
  5. +14
    27 March 2024 05: 08
    It was a resounding slap in the face. I wish I could hit them with articles like this more often
    1. +2
      27 March 2024 13: 27
      It was a resounding slap in the face.
      Do you think they grabbed their heads after this “slap”? I doubt.
  6. +13
    27 March 2024 07: 02
    As for Lenin, of course, it’s still a mess. Despite all the ambiguity of his political figure, he nevertheless began with the Decree on Peace. Yes
    1. +5
      27 March 2024 13: 29
      Despite all the ambiguity of his political figure
      What is his ambiguity as a political figure? Was he, like Churchill, running around to different parties? Who is in power?
  7. +13
    27 March 2024 07: 10
    The authors of "Forty Forty" themselves would do well to lie down in the station.
    1. +5
      27 March 2024 13: 30
      Alas, the madhouse has long been closed, the patients and doctors have gone into business..
  8. -8
    27 March 2024 07: 33
    In vain the Author defends Lenin - Putin said that it was Lenin who created Ukraine. This means that Lenin is a bad person and you can call him anything. He who is not with us is against us.
    1. -6
      27 March 2024 08: 23
      Firstly, the author does not defend Lenin at all) Secondly, Lenin really created Ukraine. Being the smartest man, Lenin made great achievements, and he also made great mistakes. Alas. There are no infallible people in the world...
      1. +12
        27 March 2024 09: 26
        and he made great achievements, and he also made great mistakes

        This is the same as blaming Newton for describing the law of universal gravitation because he dropped a brick on his head.
        1. +4
          27 March 2024 09: 33
          “It’s like blaming Newton for describing the law of universal gravitation because he dropped a brick on his head.”

          Indeed, it doesn’t matter - he didn’t drop the brick.
          1. +7
            27 March 2024 09: 36
            Indeed, it doesn’t matter - he didn’t drop the brick.

            Well, you understand that “himself” in my phrase is the one who accuses.
      2. +13
        27 March 2024 09: 31
        Quote: Mikhail3
        Lenin really created Ukraine. Being the smartest man, Lenin made great achievements, and he also made great mistakes. Alas.

        There was no mistake in that reality.

        Soviet Ukraine as part of the USSR did not pose any threat and did not create any problems. Problems already occurred with the capitalists, who abandoned the Soviet system as “bad, incorrect and imperfect.” In the new capitalist reality, various troubles began to emerge. Cyclical crises and centrifugal processes. Which is quite predictable.
        And what is typical, while dissatisfied with eating Soviet galoshes, the bourgeoisie blame the “damned” communists for their problems!
      3. +1
        27 March 2024 09: 36
        As much as this doesn’t protect him, he’s trying to drop the charges against him. Protects, that is.

        Whether Lenin created Ukraine or not, Ukraine existed both before and after Lenin in one form or another.

        That he did great things - I agree, I didn’t notice any great mistakes in him - if we proceed from the goals, as I understand them. I got what I wanted.
      4. +1
        27 March 2024 13: 03
        Secondly, Lenin really created Ukraine
        He taught the Little Russians the Ukrainian language, and the Austrians published textbooks of the Ukrainian language... God forbid, the North Military District begins against Kazakhstan, they will begin to accuse Stalin that he created Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, with one stroke of the pen in 1936. laughing Yes, but who created Belarus? Lukashenko? laughing
    2. +2
      27 March 2024 13: 32
      Putin said that Lenin created Ukraine
      Forgive me, maybe the question is not for you to Putin, but who created Belarus? Lukashenko? Yes?
      1. -1
        27 March 2024 15: 34
        "Excuse me, maybe the question is not for you to Putin, but who created Belarus? Lukashenko? Yes?"

        Putin didn't say anything, so how can I know?
  9. -4
    27 March 2024 08: 21
    To begin with, the authors of the channel are very ignorant.
    To begin with, the author of the article is not able to maintain attention on the topic at least enough so as not to contradict himself. This is a completely common thing among our propagandists, who extract additional funding from the state for “counter-propaganda.” You are addressing the smart ones, sir. So? Or are you trying to brainwash officials based on their level of intelligence? Counting on the fact that they are “abstruse”, they simply won’t be able to master your reasoning, moving straight to the conclusions?
    You just copied and pasted the principles of Goebbels’s propaganda from somewhere)) It’s a pity that you didn’t read these principles themselves. Or steel? It smells like them here. Propagandists focused on “fooling the herd” should not write the truth, check the scientific nature of the conclusions, or check the correctness of the terms. The "herd" does not need this. By refuting the terminology, you simply fill out a useless text, causing legitimate contempt among the really smart people who read it.
    The article is a primitive piece of propaganda, written according to the same Goebbels principles, lightly sprinkled with inserts for “clever people”, as the not very smart author sees them. Yearning...
    1. +4
      27 March 2024 09: 23
      Everyone has the right to their own point of view. You are the smartest one here, as I understand it, you hold the cards in your hands, write smarter and brighter
      1. 0
        27 March 2024 12: 00
        I wrote) The site was happy to publish for some time, since my articles and comments arouse interest. And then they began to demand from me a ride with special bots from “Text.ru” for a full publication. I rightly (it seems to me) asked - since you began to demand professional quality, then why don’t you pay me? Let me send you articles, you will evaluate and pay for them.
        As a journalist. No, the site answered me. Only articles written by site employees are paid for! I refused to come here to work) So I don’t publish here anymore.
  10. +15
    27 March 2024 08: 34
    "What can denial of the obvious lead to..."
    Most people understand that Crocus is a complete failure of the Kremlin in migration policy. And look how they rushed to defend the failure of this policy on TV. And since the authorities are not going to change migration policy, then the terror will not end. This is obvious to me, what about you?
    1. -8
      27 March 2024 12: 01
      “And since the authorities are not going to change migration policy, that means the terror will not end. This is obvious to me, what about you?”
      - Well, let’s say the government changed its migration policy and kicked out all the migrants.
      AND? Is the terror going to end immediately? Surely there are no terrorists in the country right away?
      What to do with those terrorists - local and Russian-speaking - who burn railway cabinets?
      "According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2020, foreigners and stateless persons committed 40 200 crimes. Total crimes committed during the year 970 000 crimes"
      1. +8
        27 March 2024 12: 25
        “let’s say the government changed its migration policy and kicked out all the migrants.”
        First, change it and kick it out, and then make your own assumptions. As I say, they immediately rushed to defend. Migrants were brought in to protect Putin’s power. I screwed myself up, and what sparkles sparkle in my eyes against terror.
        1. -1
          27 March 2024 18: 37
          “First, change them and kick them out, and then make your own assumptions.” - I gave you the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2020 - 2 % of crimes. Rest 98% committed by citizens of the Russian Federation.

          "Behind 2023 year The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sent criminal cases of terrorism against more 360 Human. This was reported by the press service of the Investigative Committee." How many Tajiks are there in these 360?
          Open your eyes - most of them are NOT migrants
          1. +2
            29 March 2024 09: 19
            "I gave you statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs....."
            "26.03.2024, 14:33
            Krasnov: the number of crimes committed by migrants increased by 75%
            Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov said that in 2023 there was a sharp increase in crime among migrants. The number of crimes they committed in Russia increased by 75%, to 21,8 thousand. He instructed prosecutors to analyze the situation with migrants in the regions." https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6594782
            Stop lying!!
            1. -2
              29 March 2024 11: 50
              Oh and you читать Apparently you don't know how...
              Two posts above
              "According to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2020, foreigners and stateless persons committed 40 (!!!!!!!!!)crimes. Total crimes committed during the year 970 (!!!!!!!!) total number of crimes"
              The situation is approximately the same in 2023 -
              21 crimes by stateless persons and foreigners to 800 crimes
              Same 4% of the total number of crimes fool same as in the above example for 2020
  11. +11
    27 March 2024 08: 42
    Let's return to Vladimir Ilyich.

    Now on YouTube you can watch old footage, and most importantly, listen to the real voices of famous people a hundred years ago. There are the voices of Lenin, Trotsky, Gorky, Kerensky, Nicholas II... The greatest impression is, of course, made by Lenin’s speech. Competent, clear, energetic. At the same time, there is convincing gestures. All this shows that Vladimir Ilyich was a great orator and an extraordinary person. He could captivate the crowd, he had something to say, they listened to him and followed him. And his words did not differ from his deeds. His lifetime fame was well deserved.
  12. +12
    27 March 2024 09: 41
    IMHO, many, and here too in the notes, have long been hinting that Russia is quickly sliding into Orwell’s novel 1984.
    Lies, lies and lies. Impunity at all levels. If "saoi" lie
    And those who are dissatisfied (like Strelkov) can always be put to death (the media is perplexed as to why exactly), despite they are very careful due to different laws (starting with the old one about libel, and many new ones).
    And left-wing analysts and bloggers directly call Ilyin’s philosophy pro-fascist (etc.)
  13. +5
    27 March 2024 10: 24
    Some have clean hands, and some have a clear conscience. We must start from the first.
    As for the church... In my understanding, one must come to the acceptance of religion. On your own, and only then will you be ready. The rest is pretend.
    1. +5
      27 March 2024 11: 19
      About the church...

      In order to understand the abyss into which the country is being drawn, I periodically evaluate what is presented to the masses by the Tsargrad channel. The fact that the Tsargrad channel is one of the mouthpieces of our state politics is clear to a blind person from its connection with Dugin. Who is now the head of the Higher Political School named after Ivan Ilyin (yes, yes) at the state. University. So I had the opportunity to listen several times in Constantinople to Bishop Andrei Tkachev, who is promoted by the Russian Orthodox Church, which is more united than ever with the state apparatus. I cannot understand what relation his “sermons” have to Christianity. The longer I live, the more I understand that the “psychopath and pervert” was 100% right in everything that concerns the church (that is, a social institution).
      1. +4
        27 March 2024 18: 17
        100% right
        hi Timur, remember how the obscurantists from the same “Constantinople” attributed to Ilyich the phrase: “Ivashek, you have to fool around”? In light of all the events that are happening in the world, who is fooling Ivashek, different nationalities? Is it really Ilyich? From the mausoleum? This is probably why on May 9, the mausoleum is boarded up.
  14. +4
    27 March 2024 10: 39
    Thin. Article plus. The author has cast a fog, but the essence is clear... wink If you watch TV in the background, reading the 6 principles of old man Joseph, then the meaning of the article begins to play with new colors. smile
  15. +3
    27 March 2024 12: 05
    They know how to put labels here, and everywhere else, especially on those who can no longer answer
  16. +1
    27 March 2024 12: 24
    Hitler directly argued that a society that is not capable of creating a normal state for itself on its own land is not full-fledged.
    With all the ensuing consequences.
    But before that, of course, he also provided supporting facts. The truth, although not the whole truth......

    Today our “patriotic” propaganda like these “magpies” is based on just such a scheme. They have already made the first move of Hitler’s two-move maneuver, and they will make Hitler’s conclusion about inferiority later. laughing
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +2
    27 March 2024 15: 21
    Fits perfectly into the concept of both channels, which, like Scipio the Elder, ended any speech with the phrase “Carthage must be destroyed”

    Not to Scipio, but to Cato the Elder Censor.
    Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
  19. +3
    27 March 2024 16: 53
    And... "RIA Katyusha"...
    It was a sin! I don’t remember on whose recommendation I signed up two months ago, access is easy, I began to read messages and comments to them with curiosity. And, you know, the first thing that came to mind was that they were sick there, or what? Lies on lies and lies drive! And everything is unproven. In horror, I immediately unsubscribed. If you behave with inappropriate people, you yourself will become like this without noticing how it happened. Because madness is contagious...
    And now, having already thoroughly forgotten this sad episode, I’m now trying to remember - but still, who advised me to go there? Either Professor Solovey, or General of the SVR - or maybe Sergei Zhirnov? The latter miserably kicked me out of his telegram as an alien element, the professor and the general ignored my awkward questions and caustic remarks, and I stopped commenting on their speeches. But I listen with interest - of course! Masters of rhetorical sports of the highest category.
    1. +1
      27 March 2024 18: 21
      Because madness is contagious...
      It is not transmitted sexually, mainly through airborne droplets. love
  20. +1
    27 March 2024 16: 58
    I believe that the source providing the information must be adequate, if it is a stylistic psychopath or one who crams obscenities through a phrase, or simply an aggressively minded “bullhead” like Solovyov, then he will not be objective as a source of information, due to the significant emotional and psychological distortions that he will introduce boundary state in the supplied material.
    Whether Lenin was gay or not was clearer to his contemporaries - they didn’t seem to accuse Ilyich of loving homosexuality; he was quite of a traditional orientation. From the point of view of a redneck or a collective farmer, the devil should be all black, smelly and with big horns - and if you see the presentation in this way, then you must understand that this is a presentation “to the collective farmer”, extremely simplifying things and distorting them for the appropriate audience "so that it comes in."
    Typically, such “channels” chew up information accumulated by other, more adequate communities and, like bacterial biota in the intestines, ferment it for their audience. Finding a more adequate primary source is not such a big problem..
  21. -7
    27 March 2024 19: 05
    If RI had not been destroyed, then the nationalization of the outskirts would not have happened and everything would not have fallen apart. So many victims... Why was it necessary to create republics if it was possible to leave provinces? Again, Great Russian chauvinism, whose term is it and for what purpose was it introduced? Now what? Was it cool? Nazism on our lands occupied by incomprehensible peoples 404. We have a complete dead end and collapse in the national question. And who gave the impetus, who is respected in Finland? And she is now in NATO. Both Poland and the Baltic states. Coincidence? More like a clear plan. Yes, extended over time, so what? Obviously, it’s not just one type of immortal person, but an organization that does it. And Lenin was either a member of it or carried out instructions, this is obvious. And this is enough to call it as written above. Well, if we assume that he acted independently, like an evil genius (this is really conspiracy theory), then even more so. Before him, Russia grew, the Russian people grew, and after that it only decreased, and that says it all.
    1. +3
      27 March 2024 20: 27
      Normal people have troubles from cretins, thieves and traitors, and the rest have troubles from the founder of the RSFSR and the USSR..
      That's what he definitely shouldn't have done.!! I wish I could work as a lawyer and move to Switzerland...... Therefore, now there are no such people and there never will be. Based on Lenin’s experience, any smart person will now say: “yes.... you are all a horse.... and.... with you. You will steal everything anyway. I’d better arrange my personal affairs..”.
      1. 0
        27 March 2024 21: 07
        Well, if you look not on the scale of countries and peoples, that is, globally, but on the scale of your village, then the problems there are precisely from those about whom you are writing. Well, I heard from one woman at the market that everyone who is normal has loans and doesn’t build houses for themselves, but takes out loans and everyone (the majority) lives like this, and even with examples that I couldn’t deny. The question of the connection between normality and mass participation That. open, isn't it? drinks
    2. +1
      28 March 2024 10: 31
      If RI had not been destroyed

      One thing is true: the Republic of Ingushetia has perfectly destroyed itself even without the RSDLP.
      Why was it necessary to create republics if it was possible to leave provinces?

      Probably because the “provinces” were against it. Even during the Republic of Ingushetia they wanted secession. As soon as the power weakened, the Privislensky provinces, the Kingdom of Poland, Finland, the Little Russian provinces, the Caucasus, and even the Don Army Region immediately began to smear their skis with lard (which they had done before, the state simply had the strength to stop centrifugal processes). In the ruins of the Republic of Ingushetia, keeping them within the country without resorting to a federal or confederal principle was possible only in the fantasies of alternativeists.
      Again, Great Russian chauvinism, whose term is it and for what purpose was it introduced?

      This is not a term, it is a diagnosis for society. You don’t have any complaints about doctors who diagnose patients, do you?
      Now what? Was it cool? Nazism on our lands occupied by incomprehensible peoples 404. We have a complete dead end and collapse in the national question. And who gave the impetus, who is respected in Finland? And she is now in NATO. Both Poland and the Baltic states. Coincidence? More like a clear plan.

      What does Lenin have to do with all this? You have a typical logical error - after something - does not mean as a result of something.
      Before him, Russia grew, the Russian people grew, and after that it only decreased, and that says it all.

      Up to a certain point, all the nations in the world grow, and then they begin to decrease. Did they also inherit Lenin?
      One of the reasons for the problems of the Russian Empire is precisely that the population grew faster than the productive forces of the state.
      1. -1
        28 March 2024 12: 40
        Only the power has weakened, in ruins... And why? Who did it, with whose money? That is, there needs to be weakening and ruins. You are contradicting yourself. And wanting to separate in weakening dreams and being able to do so are two different things. The Vyatichi also wanted ..300 years, so what? Nations, of course, can shrink and die out, but this is always due to introduced reasons, such as diseases, natural disasters, actions of enemies, separatism caused by the actions of enemies, etc. Even other countries in Pannonia, being extreme nationalists (they didn’t even take wives from strangers), fell not from this, but as a result of the war. By the way, the diagnosis is not always correct, especially if the doctor is interested in it. There is so much “chauvinism” now, especially on the outskirts, and 25 years ago we saw 100 of it, but it’s not Russian. The productive forces of the state and population growth... yes, it’s powerful, until you understand it, you’ll die out. (That’s what it’s designed for)
        1. +1
          28 March 2024 13: 20
          Only the power has weakened, in ruins... And why? Who did it, with whose money? That is, there needs to be weakening and ruins.

          But because Russia got involved in a world war it did not need, which weakened and finished it off even more.
          After WWI, Great Britain lost Afghanistan and Ireland, probably also because of the RSDLP
          And wanting to separate in weakening dreams and being able to do so are two different things.

          Since history itself testifies that they “could,” then talk about “fading dreams” is wishful thinking.
          By the way, the diagnosis is not always correct, especially if the doctor is interested in it.

          It remains to prove that the doctor benefits from incorrect diagnoses. And to understand his “disloyalty,” you just need to read the comments under any of Zadornov’s speeches about “stupid Americans.” Or comments on VO on almost any topic.
          There is so much “chauvinism” now, especially on the outskirts, and 25 years ago we saw 100 of it, but it’s not Russian.

          What does Lenin have to do with all this? You have a typical logical error - after something - does not mean as a result of something.
          The productive forces of the state and population growth... yes, it’s powerful, until you understand it, you’ll die out. (That’s what it’s designed for)

          Do you not understand the role of the balance between the growth of productive forces and population growth?
          Or do you not understand what productive forces are? Because it is unclear from your message what is hidden behind the words “powerful” and “that’s what it’s designed for.”
          1. 0
            April 4 2024 11: 23
            You and I have diametrically opposed views, clearly formed over many decades in completely different conditions. Suffice it to say that your statement about the balance between the growth of productive forces and population growth is quite controversial for me. Roughly speaking, if in the theorem
            d'Alembert had more than two conditions, then I, asserting that it is true if only one of them is fulfilled, would be wrong, although purely by chance I would sometimes solve the problem correctly. Therefore, I believe that your statement above may be only one of many conditions, perhaps necessary, but rather sufficient. Sometimes an incorrectly solved problem may have the correct answer. (statistical error) This leads to lengthy disputes in searching for an error and takes up time that is not available. Deprivation of a valuable resource is a way of struggle, and time is a valuable resource.
            1. 0
              April 4 2024 11: 39
              Do you think that by putting together a certain number of phrases that seem smart to you, you get something that should make a lasting impression on your interlocutor?
              Suffice it to say...

              ...what is this...
              one of many conditionsperhaps necessary, but rather sufficient.

              ...semantic nonsense, which very fully characterizes the rest of your pseudo-intellectual text.
              If it's controversial for you
              statement about the balance between the growth of productive forces and population growth

              then it is necessary to indicate the specific controversial issue, and not to spread thoughts throughout the tree. And it is necessary to spread out precisely because there is nothing concrete for counter-argumentation.
              1. 0
                April 4 2024 12: 10
                I don't quite understand what you mean in your comment. Conventional logic shows that the actions of enemies lead to a decline in the productive forces of the state, as well as epidemics. That is, the decline is a consequence, but not a cause. Therefore, talking about the balance of the productive forces of the state in relation to population growth is discussing the consequences and this is pointless. If you mean that, roughly speaking, the population grew too quickly, then, excuse me, we are not Japan (in size). This is obvious cannot be the cause.
                I believe that in order to open the markets of the Republic of Ingushetia, Austria-Hungary and Germany, it was necessary to eliminate first of all the monarchy and this is only part of the necessary condition. Regarding war, etc. These are additional conditions. Lenin was an accomplice in fulfilling the basic condition. On what “rights” is that another question. Consider the war a reason? Well, this...Especially since the throne collapsed on the eve of the victory (i.e. the process was clearly accelerated and “ears popped out”) That’s why I write about too different views and the infinity of the dispute.
                1. 0
                  April 4 2024 12: 54
                  1) Substitution of the concept - we were not talking about a decline in productive forces, we were talking about the balance between productive forces and the population
                  2) What are the actions of the enemies? There is no need to cover up speculation with general phrases, let’s be specific.
                  That is, a fall is a consequence, but not a cause

                  I will open a new world for you - in the world of logic and cause-and-effect relationships, any real event is dualistic - it is both a consequence of something and a cause for something.
                  talk about the balance of the state’s productive forces in relation to population growth

                  not nonsense.
                  the population grew too quickly, then, excuse me, we are not Japan (in size).

                  AND? A large territory means absolutely nothing if you have reasons that concentrate the population only on some part of it.
                  I believe that to open the markets of the Republic of Ingushetia, Austria-Hungary and Germany

                  1) The form of government has nothing to do with the opening or closing of markets.
                  2) RI markets were not closed to foreign capital or goods. No need to compose.
                  Lenin was an accomplice in fulfilling the basic condition.

                  Unsubstantiated claim. Moreover, both the existence of a certain “condition” in general and Lenin’s complicity.
                  Consider the war a reason? Well it..

                  Well, that is, it was not the war that buried the economy and exacerbated social contradictions? Are you an alternative?
                  Moreover, the throne collapsed on the eve of victory

                  What do you mean by victory? In mine, when acquisitions cover costs. And then Pyrrhus also had a “victory”.
                  Once again, the victory did not save Afghanistan and Ireland for England. And you are making assumptions based on logical errors.
                  1. 0
                    April 4 2024 13: 51
                    What does the substitution have to do with it? This is not the reason and this is the main thing.
                    I will open a new world for you - in the world of logic and cause-and-effect relationships, any real event is dualistic - it is both a consequence of something and a cause for something.
                    -You may or may not open this world to your students, if you have them, I am not one.
                    AND? A large territory means absolutely nothing if you have reasons that concentrate the population only on some part of it.
                    -Do you have data on low population mobility? I have opposite information, even based on the example of several peasant families of my ancestors (they traveled from Novosibirsk to Odessa and were worse than the lion’s share of my friends now) In general, whoever wanted could, but the passive part of the population never decided anything, but only adapted.
                    1) The form of government has nothing to do with the opening or closing of markets.
                    2) RI markets were not closed to foreign capital or goods. No need to compose.
                    -Connected, connected, how, especially considering that the main holders of world capital always wanted more, and certainly could not rule Russia directly because their entry into the ruling family was impossible for objective reasons))
                    Unsubstantiated claim. Moreover, both the existence of a certain “condition” in general and Lenin’s complicity.
                    - of course, just a coincidence) he traveled somewhere around Europe, “they didn’t even beat me once”
                    Well, that is, it was not the war that buried the economy and exacerbated social contradictions? Are you an alternative?
                    - A cliché from textbooks written under the dictation of the ruling power of the “winners”. Now it has also been buried and aggravated or not? Shell hunger was overcome
                    and this is an indicator, by the way, there was no famine either, except for sabotage with supplies to large cities. Agitators in the trenches, is that also a coincidence? All these populist terrorists, sponsored and inspired obviously from abroad, and their followers, led by Lenin...
                    What do you mean by victory? In mine, when acquisitions cover costs.
                    - Absolutely right, after the victory of the Entente, Russia received nothing... except costs.
                    1. 0
                      April 4 2024 15: 46
                      What does the substitution have to do with it? This is not the reason and this is the main thing.

                      With everything. This shows your lack of understanding of the essence of phenomena.
                      -Do you have data on low population mobility? I have opposite information, even based on the example of several peasant families of my ancestors (they traveled from Novosibirsk to Odessa and were worse than the lion’s share of my friends now) In general, whoever wanted could, but the passive part of the population never decided anything, but only adapted.

                      1) “Contrary information” using the example of your ancestors is a dummy, passing off the particular as the general. Look at the statistics on the dynamics of the resettlement movement and returnees and you will be happy.
                      2) The passive part of the population can decide nothing and adapt as much as they want - this is not a refutation of the fact that population growth, outpacing the growth of productive forces, was harmful to the state.
                      -Connected, connected, how, especially considering that the main holders of world capital always wanted more, and certainly could not rule Russia directly because their entry into the ruling family was impossible for objective reasons

                      1) The form of government has nothing to do with the opening or closing of markets.
                      2) RI markets were not closed to foreign capital or goods. NO NEED TO COMPOSE.
                      - of course, just a coincidence) he traveled somewhere around Europe, “they didn’t even beat me once”

                      1) In parallel with him, 250 thousand citizens of the Republic of Ingushetia, who were interned during the war, “traveled around Europe.” So leave the nonsense about the “German spy” on the basis that he “traveled around Europe” for the weak-minded.
                      2) My dear, you wouldn’t write nonsense about “they haven’t beaten you even once” if you knew that Ilyich fled to Switzerland from Germany, Swiss socialists
                      they barely got him out of prison, as the German police charged him with espionage for the Republic of Ingushetia.
                      Clichés from textbooks written under the dictation of the ruling power

                      What kind of "dictation"?! Minutes of Chamber of Commerce and Industry meetings? Or State Duma meetings? You are ridiculous in your self-righteous ignorance.
                      Now it’s also buried and aggravated or not?

                      1) Logical manipulation. Each specific case is a separate case. Therefore, they can only be considered separately, without generalization.
                      2) Buried - this is a completed process, so it is manipulative to say about an unfinished war that she buried. But it is burying the economy and exacerbating social problems. You can start making me laugh with “increased GDP” wassat
                      Shell hunger was overcome
                      and this is an indicator

                      Tell these tales to someone else. The hunger for ammunition was overcome only in the minds of alternativeists. The need was met only for ammunition for 3-inch guns.
                      By the way, there was no hunger either

                      Statistics issues in the Republic of Ingushetia are a separate topic. Which you better not even touch lol
                      Agitators in the trenches, is that also a coincidence?

                      I’ll tell you a terrible secret - they were in the trenches of all the warring parties lol
                      It’s absolutely true that after the victory of the Entente, Russia received nothing... except costs.

                      But Lenin is a “German spy”? wassat Why not English then?
                      What would Russia get in your alternative Universe if there had been no revolution, and if what was received covered the costs? It’s even interesting how out of touch you are with reality.
                      1. 0
                        April 4 2024 17: 23
                        - “But Lenin is a “German spy”? wassat Why not English then?” - I can’t say whose, but clearly not Russian))
                    2. 0
                      April 4 2024 16: 07
                      - of course, just a coincidence)

                      And it cannot be a coincidence, for example, that everyone who has ever eaten cucumbers must have died at some point. lol
                      Conclusion - cucumbers are deadly.
                      Here is an example of your "logic".
                  2. 0
                    April 4 2024 14: 07
                    2) What are the actions of the enemies? There is no need to cover up speculation with general phrases, let’s be specific.
                    -The main objectives of the organization were the acquisition and transportation of weapons, the formation and training of fighting squads to participate in the armed uprising and socialist revolution, and in fact, carrying out terrorist actions - armed attacks on banks, pawn shops, post offices with the aim of “expropriating” money to finance the party, attacks on police stations and prisons in order to free imprisoned comrades. These, of course, are the actions of friends... not, not enemies. some kind of combat technical group under..the Central Committee of the RSDLP. During the war..I wonder if something like this happened now, how would it be qualified? And there were many such groups. They were financed not only by “ex” and “ears” grew from abroad.
                    1. 0
                      April 4 2024 15: 55
                      Are you not keeping track of the conversation at all?!
                      Moreover, does everything you listed relate to the question raised about the development of the productive forces of the state? How their development occurs is determined by state policy in the economic sphere. Why are you afraid that the state has been replaced by revolutionaries who have gone underground? They have no leverage over industrial relations.
                      And why did you suddenly limit it to wartime? Your population growth, outstripping the growth of productive forces, began 20 years earlier.
                      1. 0
                        April 4 2024 17: 17
                        Wow. So about the thread of the conversation, which, according to the article to which comments are written, is about the alleged denigration of Lenin (they called him a psychopath). Then we talked about the collapse of the Republic of Ingushetia in which he and his movement took part. And this is a fact. The extent of this participation can be discussed at length. Yes, not in all countries the agitators in the trenches were successful. You are trying to say something about certain production relations, which generally make no sense to discuss, unless in passing, because we are talking about a specific person who is guilty of the death of a huge number of our compatriots. If you are holding the thread of the conversation, then let’s talk about exes, about terrorist attacks, about specifics, as you want. About the specifics that, during the war, undermined the country from the inside, about terrorist attacks, executions, murders of officials and police officers, intimidation of their family members, about those who are now called the fifth column. Otherwise, a lot of abstruse things are discussed, time is wasted on this, and the thread of the conversation is lost...at your suggestion. Let's not lose it.
                      2. 0
                        April 4 2024 17: 33
                        You are trying to talk about some industrial relations, which there is no point in discussing at all, unless in passing
                        and the thread of the conversation is lost...at your suggestion.

                        Yeah. It doesn’t bother you that I had one line about productive forces among a lot of other theses. And it was you who singled her out and focused the further conversation on her.
                        Yes, not in all countries the agitators in the trenches were successful.

                        AND? There were some in everyone. This means that speculation about an external, rather than internal, reason for their appearance in the trenches can be immediately dismissed; this is not logical. And where they had success is precisely evidence of where there were unresolved INTERNAL problems.
                        About the specifics that, during the war, undermined the country from within, about terrorist attacks, executions, murders of officials and police officers, intimidation of their family members

                        Wait, if the internal situation in the country is like this (and it was there even before the war), then who is to blame that despite the country’s internal problems, they added external ones. Undecided internal. Lenin? It turns out he gave the order for mobilization. wassat
                        I ask the question for the third time - after WWI, did Great Britain lose Afghanistan and Ireland also because of the RSDLP?
                        so let's talk about exes, about terrorist attacks, about specifics, as you want.

                        To be specific, you will first have to find out that you have mixed everyone in one pot and are transferring the activities of the Socialist Revolutionaries to the activities of the Bolsheviks.
                      3. 0
                        April 4 2024 18: 06
                        And I didn’t focus on them, but there was sarcasm, because they are not the reason. Social Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks and other terrorists are all birds of a feather. Some didn't play, others will. For the customer, it doesn’t matter at all who will ultimately complete the task (besides, you can’t put all your eggs in one basket). The different performers seem to be unrelated... this makes it difficult to investigate and fight them, disperses the forces of the defender - this is a classic. And the bourgeoisie who directly overthrew the tsar were financed/promised goodies, intimidated by the same people, just along a different chain. In the end the Bolsheviks fired. And the process began even before the war, what can I say even before the reign of Nicholas 2. (it’s enough to see the fate of the previous monarch) And these people did not represent the Russian people at all - they are renegades, terrorists, including ideological ones (fanatics) prepared by appropriate propaganda (from Europe By the way) their activities were of a long-term, planned nature, constantly fed, and their number grew. In the same way, orange revolutions are now prepared for years, and then they are fired. In Ukraine, for example, only the final part of the preparation took about 20 years. All this speaks of the organization’s action. As for Great Britain... I can’t say for what reason and what it has lost. The only interesting thing is that the monarchy was preserved there. Perhaps someday I will look for documents on this topic. Who did their monarchs associate with and where did their main sources of income come from? And I wouldn’t be surprised if the drugs are the most “white and fluffy”
                      4. 0
                        April 5 2024 09: 51
                        In general, your fabrications violate three methodological presumptions of scientific knowledge:
                        - Hitchens razor
                        - Hanlon's razor
                        - Occam's razor
                        However, like any literary work in the Althistory genre.
                      5. 0
                        April 5 2024 14: 17
                        How did the methodology and all these razors help you? Is it nice to argue? -Tattling and a waste of time.
                        So what about terrorist attacks and ex-actions? This didn’t happen and you’ll be right?))
                      6. 0
                        April 5 2024 14: 27
                        How did the methodology and all these razors help you? ...waste of time.

                        It's a waste of time to explain things to ignorant people. There is such a principle - generating nonsense requires less cost than refuting it.
                        That is why in the field of scientific knowledge so-called razors are adopted - that is, presumptions that cut off the unscientific from the scientific. If some statement does not correspond to these razors, then no one even wastes time on a refutation.
                        So what about terrorist attacks and ex-actions? This didn’t happen and you’ll be right?))

                        What about them? And where did it say that they were not there?
                        If you believe that they led to a revolution and almost the collapse of the country, then this is ridiculous. The activities of the IRA in Great Britain surpass all radical activities in the Republic of Ingushetia by several times. And no revolution, no collapse.
                      7. 0
                        April 5 2024 16: 50
                        The goals of the IRA and the revolutionaries in the Republic of Ingushetia are somewhat different, aren’t they? Opportunities and financing are the same. It is one thing to gain access to the resources of 1/6 and where is Ireland and who is interested in it on a planetary scale. There is nothing to compare.
                      8. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 13
                        The goals of the IRA and the revolutionaries in the Republic of Ingushetia are somewhat different, aren’t they?

                        AND? Did this somehow affect the methods (terrorist attacks, whose words were they, not yours?)?
                        It's one thing to gain access to 1/6 resources

                        The revolutionaries in the Republic of Ingushetia had access to 1/6 resources (by the way, what is 1/6?)? You are delusional.
                        your fabrications violate three methodological presumptions of scientific knowledge at once:
                        - Hitchens razor
                        - Hanlon's razor
                        - Occam's razor
                      9. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 17
                        It seems that I am communicating with a user under the nickname “Tatra.” Of course, the revolutionaries did not have access, as did those who ordered the revolution. But after it he became. The same thing, like peas hitting a wall...
                      10. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 28
                        Of course, the revolutionaries did not have access... But after her, they did.

                        Then on what basis did you previously make “access to resources” an argument for “differences in the methods of the IRA and Russian revolutionaries.” They did terrorist attacks and exes BEFORE revolution.
                        Don’t you see that you are contradicting yourself as soon as even the slightest logic begins to form?
                      11. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 38
                        This is how the order was before the revolution. When it was accomplished, it was completed, then why terrorist attacks? And then a type of trade began, albeit with one gate and after the Red Terror, but these are already details.
                      12. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 51
                        This is how the order was before the revolution. When it is accomplished, it is completed, then why terrorist attacks?

                        Can you hold more than one thought in your head? Otherwise you're scaring me.
                        1) I am exes and terrorist attacks by revolutionaries could not be the reason for the collapse of the country. See IRA.
                        2) You - They do not have the same capabilities and resources. It's one thing to gain access to 1/6
                        3) I - The revolutionaries did not have access to resources
                        4) You - of course it wasn’t (!!!). It appeared after the revolution.
                        5) I - then point 2 cannot be a counterargument to point 1.
                        And then a kind of trading began, albeit with only one gate

                      13. 0
                        April 5 2024 19: 32
                        Where is the contradiction? They don’t invest in the Irish, because there will be no return, but they invest in revolutionaries.
                        Roughly speaking, the Irish have a ruble and help can be worth a penny, because from their victory there is no profit for any of the capital holders, but the revolutionaries have ten rubles and help for another 100, because in this “business” you can make millions of profits. They calculated the risks and... And they got them.
                      14. 0
                        April 8 2024 09: 45
                        Where is the contradiction?

                        You don’t see it even after it’s painted?! Oh-oh-oh-oh...
                        and the revolutionaries have ten rubles and help for another 100

                        And they invested in revolutionaries, but not in the Irish

                        And so we had to resort to expropriations (ex), yeah wassat What a consciousness unclouded by logic
                        They calculated the risks and... And they got them.

                        Who did you get? Risks?
                        Ah, millions in profit? Really?
                        Or maybe you will stop being unfounded and give figures for the withdrawal of profits by foreign companies in the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR? Come on, be bold.
                      15. 0
                        April 8 2024 12: 58
                        There’s never too much money, there’s just one printing house that can cost you a lot, and you also want to eat well... in Switzerland. Yes, Trotsky only had ten dollars in cash in his pocket in Canada, crazy money at that time.
                        If you want statistics...documents, that's understandable. So, for a little gold in the initial period of Soviet power, I’ll throw you a link, and then you yourself, not a small one. And this is not counting the loot from churches and ordinary people... By the way, where did Lenin die? Who did he live with? But these are such trifles... Everything that concerns the future, after his death, the inclusion of the Russian people in the world trade, so to speak, is not the topic of this article and there are many different periods, but the foundation was laid in the period 17-24
                        -easy reading, if you need documents, dig deeper into the archives.
                        The owner of the country has changed, do you understand that? There was a king - it became unclear who. The fairy tales of the people are fairy tales... Anthony Sutton showed the beneficiaries well. You can, of course, insist that before the revolution they also collaborated with foreign bankers, companies, etc., but - Victims of the revolution, why would they change their awl for soap? From 10 to 13 million during the civil war and its consequences, and these are only rough estimates. And what do you call a person whose role in all this, to put it mildly, is not small? They named him correctly.

                        As for the national question, there’s nothing to say about this at all; it’s enough to read Lenin himself (put out the lights there, drain the water)
                      16. 0
                        April 8 2024 13: 42
                        So, for a little gold in the initial period of Soviet power, I’ll throw you a link, and then you yourself, not a small one. And this is not counting the loot from churches and ordinary people... By the way, where did Lenin die? Who did he live with? But these are such trifles... Everything that concerns the future, after his death, the inclusion of the Russian people in the world trade, so to speak, is not the topic of this article and there are many different periods, but the foundation was laid in the period 17-24
                        -easy reading, if you need documents, dig deeper into the archives.

                        You were asked for something very specific - give the numbers withdrawal of profits by foreign companies to the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR..
                        Instead, you are making fairy tales from the emigrant “historian” Petroff (Petrov apparently was no longer comme il faut lol ) about the gold reserve, which simply could not have access (due to its position) to the information it gives out. In other words, he composed what was later published by the newspaper of the oligarch Berezovsky. If you find the original source, you will see that he does not confirm his words in any way. This is the first. Second, how does the figure of 700 tons of gold spent over 8 years differ radically from 460 tons spent over 5 years under the Tsar? lol
                        And it will become even funnier when you want to analyze (but you don’t want to) the numbers in the table above.
                        42,86 kg of gold is the equivalent of 146,624 million gold rubles. That is, 1 kg of gold is the equivalent of 3,42 million gold rubles. Now let’s see that the first line says that as of November 1917, gold rubles worth 1 million were available. Which is equivalent to... 101,64 kg of gold wassat Even if we assume that the “historian” made a mistake with the bit depth (and he did), then 322 tons still does not coincide with the beginning of the article, where 850 tons are indicated. Here is an elementary example of what those sources are worth, on the basis of which you draw a picture of the world.
                        The beneficiaries were well shown by Anthony Sutton

                        wassat And why am I not surprised? What Sutton’s crafts are worth was well demonstrated by his critics.
                        As for the national question, there’s nothing to say about this at all; it’s enough to read Lenin himself (put out the lights there, drain the water)

                        In order to understand the works of serious people (not only Lenin), one must first grow up to them. The fact that you don’t understand it is immediately clear from your comment in today’s article about migration.
                        PS If it's not a secret, what do you teach at school?
                      17. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 07
                        Trudovik. In terms of gold, superficially, this is only what is known. I myself have seen stripped churches - I managed to say so. And what are Sutton’s forgeries worth? - that he did not know 100% who was hiding behind the “California gold mines” or that there were none? Or the fact that until 24, “some” banks of the socialist state owned shares, including Swedish companies and individuals? Again, a coincidence, clearly...
                        Asking a lot of questions but not answering is pride.
                        So what about terrorist attacks, attacks during the war, participation in a revolution that claimed many lives?
                        Did not have?
                        This was. It weakened the country and contributed to collapse and defeat.
                        And if you agree with Lenin regarding his statements on national policy, then I simply wash my hands of it. Well, it’s clear, this is not what you are reading, you all misunderstood / have not matured enough. It reminds me of something))
                      18. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 21
                        Honor and praise to the working people.
                        But boots must be made by a shoemaker, and pies must be baked by a pie maker.
                        Again a coincidence, clearly...

                        You are in captivity of probably the most common logical error - correlation does not mean causation
                        Or the fact that until 24, “some” banks of the socialist state owned shares, including Swedish companies and individuals?

                        Should you organize an educational program on concessions in the USSR?
                        Asking a lot of questions but not answering is pride.

                        Is it me? Sorry, but where did I miss your answer to, for example, the question - give the figures for the withdrawal of profits by foreign companies in the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR?
                        So what about terrorist attacks, attacks during the war, participation in a revolution that claimed many lives?
                        Did not have?

                        You don't understand a simple difference - the presence of something does not mean that it is the cause of something else.
                        Well, it’s clear, this is not what you are reading, you all misunderstood / have not matured enough.

                        Who are “all of you”?
                        And if you agree with Lenin regarding his statements on national policy, then I simply wash my hands of it.

                        Naturally, I agree. He has a completely logical thought.
                      19. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 41
                        Of course, for example, the Russian Commercial Bank until the 24th year.
                        About the cause-and-effect relationship...my question about ex-actions, terrorist attacks, their influence on a country in a state of war and the role of Lenin’s party in this was earlier.
                        If you agree with Lenin, then how do you imagine a policy in which one people, the more numerous, is unequal in relation to others (less numerous). We saw this in the Baltics with non-citizens and we know what it’s called.
                      20. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 18
                        Of course, for example, the Russian Commercial Bank until the 24th year.

                        my question about ex-actions, terrorist attacks, their influence on a country at war and the role of Lenin’s party in this was earlier.

                        I didn’t notice where you considered other factors influencing the country, so that you could understand the magnitude of the role of Lenin’s party in relation to other factors.
                        If you agree with Lenin, then how do you imagine a policy in which one people, the more numerous, is unequal in relation to others (less numerous).

                        The entire existence of the Republic of Ingushetia was politics, when one people was FACTUALLY, NOT IN WORDS (the key point to look at in Lenin’s phrase you copied) unequal in relation to other peoples. It is impossible to ensure equality among nations that are initially not in equal conditions without temporary inequality.
                        I’ll explain using a simple example with education, which will be closer to you as a teacher (the numbers are relative):
                        In that part of the Russian Empire that became the RSFSR (with a population of 90 million) and which was a conventional metropolis, there were 100 educated people per 40 people. In some Turkestan with a population of 10 million there were 10 such people per hundred. The capacity of the education system is 100 people. If equality is formal, then places in educational institutions will be distributed according to the number of residents - 90 from the RSFSR, 10 from Turkestan). Fair? Fair. Will there be equality in the education of the population of the two nations? No. This is why a forced situation of inequality is being created for the “great nation,” since for some time 20 new schools will be built for it, and 220 new schools for others. Because initially there was no equality and there is no other way to get it.
                        And these are not some lofty matters to understand.
                      21. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 34
                        Did Lenin's party take part in the collapse of the Republic of Ingushetia? Without a degree, but in fact. Were there terrorist attacks? The country was weakened during the war. This is enough for the most severe sentence, there is nothing to say here.
                        - "It is impossible to ensure equality among nations that are initially not in equal conditions without temporary inequality." - This is a controversial statement, again, for some reason it does not imply other solutions... and besides, excuse me, it smells bad, even if that’s not what you mean.
                      22. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 54
                        Did Lenin's party take part in the collapse of the Republic of Ingushetia? Without a degree, but in fact. Were there terrorist attacks? The country was weakened during the war. This is enough for the most severe sentence, there is nothing to say here.

                        In this world everything is relative. Now, if you suddenly carried out an analysis of the reasons and factors influencing the deplorable state of the Republic of Ingushetia in the final, and it turned out that the share of participation of the Bolsheviks was 0,1 or 1% (the figure is not important) and everything else was the share of participation of the authorities themselves, then who is worthy the most severe sentence? Therefore, all these “were - were not”, all this chamomile is absolutely empty without considering the complex picture.
                        Controversial statement

                        Well, challenge it.
                        Here is an example (albeit with conditional figures) with education.
                        If you don’t like it this way, I’ll simplify it even more, mathematics can do this.
                        Here is the position of the system at the beginning
                        1 does not equal 100.
                        Let's add an EQUAL percentage to each part
                        1+100%=2 is not equal to 100+100%=200
                        2+100%=4 is not equal to 200+100%=400
                        4+100%=8 is not equal to 400+100%=800
                        And no matter how much you continue this series, there will never be ACTUAL equality, although there will be “paper” equality - in both cases the same RELATIVE value is added - 100%.
                      23. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 06
                        Of course, things like terrorist attacks during war can be analyzed, but what percentages can we talk about in this case? There is no excuse for terrorists. This is the first.
                        Great about equality. Don’t you think that in this case the mathematical model is somewhat more complicated, and given the situation of nations after the revolution and the further collapse into nation-states, it is not correct at all. Theory without practice is dead. Smart people understood this then. I think that he himself understood what he wanted to create. But if he didn’t understand, then whoever they called him, and if he understood, then he’s a spy, and it’s not yet known which is worse. However, the second does not exclude the first.
                      24. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 15
                        Let's instead of verbiage, challenge what you called controversial
                        It is impossible to ensure equality among nations that are initially not in equal conditions without temporary inequality.

                        If you do not agree, write your recipe for achieving equality, at least in the described situation with providing the population with new schools.
                        Otherwise, your streams of thoughts along the tree instead of specifics are already tired.
                        Don't you think that in this case the mathematical model is somewhat more complicated?

                        Not only does it not seem to me, I know for sure that making it more complicated will not change the foundation. That is why all mathematical models SIMPLIFY, through mathematical transformations, the initial described states, and do not complicate them.
                      25. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 22
                        Provocative question...about nations. Let's just say that, as a supporter of the monarchy, I would be quite satisfied with the policy pursued during the time of the Moscow Tsars.
                        But I think that if there had not been a division into republics, then the national question would not have been so acute. And it’s not just me who thinks so. This is a fact that we observe. Hence, either your calculations are incorrect, or you did not take into account some variables.
                      26. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 29
                        Let's instead of verbiage, challenge what you called controversial
                        It is impossible to ensure equality among nations that are initially not in equal conditions without temporary inequality.

                        If you do not agree, write your recipe for achieving equality, at least in the described situation with providing the population with new schools.
                        Otherwise, your streams of thoughts along the tree instead of specifics are already tired.
                      27. 0
                        April 8 2024 17: 02
                        I have already written above about the policy of the Moscow Tsars in this matter. You, as an educated person, probably understand the question.
                      28. 0
                        April 8 2024 17: 21
                        I have already written above about the policy of the Moscow Tsars in this matter.

                        The use of the phrase “policy of the Moscow princes” does not mean illumination of this policy.
                        You, as an educated person, probably understand the question.

                        And therefore I can say that the Moscow Tsars did not have any policy in "this issue". Since the question itself (ensuring equality with the provision of new schools to the population) did not exist.
                        As a result, a logical picture emerges - Lenin is wrong, but in what way he is wrong, you cannot say. Then why is it wrong? But he’s wrong and that’s all. Ask any priest, he will confirm that he is wrong. And in general, the Antichrist. And a psychopath. And syphilitic. Mind me.
                        Therefore, I see no point in continuing the conversation. I couldn’t get you to start thinking.
                        All the best.
                      29. 0
                        April 8 2024 17: 41
                        There is no data about syphilis, and this is not a death sentence after 1928, and they were treated before that, it doesn’t look like the Antichrist, but it looks like a psychopath (that’s the result of the question) Apparently, 25 years expire this year according to the doctors’ diary ,maybe extended.
                        You are wrong about the kings. Read about the role of Orthodoxy in that period... And according to Lenin, I will say this, what he offered was like a cup of poison with buns - they didn’t fully taste the buns, but the poison worked. Everything he declared was a deception. In fact, people managed to try something, but what led to collapse led to it.
                      30. 0
                        April 5 2024 19: 37
                        Don't you see the difference between a goal and the means to achieve it? Don't make me laugh, you are not a stupid interlocutor
                        To achieve the goal you need to invest. And they invested in revolutionaries, but not in the Irish (at least the investments are not comparable at all) And the investments were not only in money, yes.
                      31. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 22
                        And Ireland, I’m sorry, doesn’t give a damn to anyone, that’s why they are fighting with their own small forces, in extreme cases with insufficient funding. By the way, the form of struggle they chose is stupid and unpromising (in their situation)
                      32. 0
                        April 4 2024 18: 17
                        And if we delve into the differences between these Socialist-Revolutionaries and others... It was the Mensheviks who did not support the exes, but the Bolsheviks were completely on their own. Wasn’t it Krasin who was in contact with “Kamo”? But once again, this is not the essence, but the details, which, by the way, are abundant.
                      33. 0
                        April 4 2024 18: 28
                        I will say again that the form of government matters. For example, in a monarchy it is impossible to “reign and own everything” without being a member of the monarch’s family. For most, becoming a member of this family is absolutely impossible, regardless of the availability of capital. Those. the possibility of owning everything is excluded. And first of all, this concerns the class, as in India they say Vaishya, i.e. traders, moneylenders, etc. Those. people in whose hands the main capital was concentrated. The reason for this is that the monarchs, being God’s viceroys on earth, could not allow into the family people prone to deception, even as a consequence of their type of activity (but this is an open question). They sponsored all sorts of revolutionaries.
                      34. 0
                        April 4 2024 18: 35
                        My last comment blocked yours due to simultaneous posting... I don’t see it
                      35. 0
                        April 4 2024 18: 36
                        My last comment blocked yours due to simultaneous posting... I don’t see it
                      36. 0
                        April 5 2024 09: 52
                        The reason for this is thought to be that monarchs being god's viceroys on earth

                        Are you serious now?
                      37. 0
                        April 5 2024 14: 02
                        Oh, there are messages. Of course, seriously. I am an Orthodox Russian person. If I thought differently, I wouldn't be him.
                      38. 0
                        April 5 2024 14: 28
                        I am an Orthodox Russian person. If I thought differently, I wouldn't be him.

                        So what, Orthodoxy prohibits common sense?
                      39. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 14
                        I wanted to answer the question with a question. That would be funny. You, having accepted a certain point of view, which you consider correct and the final one, deny sanity to a person with a different point of view, perhaps not rational for you. Then you have achieved the final truth (absolute) for yourself, then that’s all, period. (ships will not reach the stars, because the speed of light is the limit, and before they said an airplane is not possible)
                        This is not called pride, but pride due to a lack of information, knowledge or education. Well, if this is not sarcasm, then why do you need such irrational subtleties of tradition?) You are far from this. Live in sanity and everything will be smooth, but we " orphans" in their sanity. Just to spite the globalists. Or are you expecting a lecture from a simpleton in the style of all sorts of weirdos on YouTube for a laugh? I immediately wrote to you about different worldviews, but you did not attach due importance to this.
                      40. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 23
                        Then you have achieved the final truth (absolute) for yourself, then that’s all, period.

                        I am accused of dogmatism by a person who takes seriously the divine viceroy of monarchs.
                      41. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 35
                        So what’s dogmatic about the fact that the monarch is God’s deputy on earth. Here everything happens according to his will or permission. If you live wrong, you violate the laws of nature, which was created by God, you get backlash. You live correctly (according to the laws of nature - for a materialist) according to the laws of God and everything moves within the framework of his plan. When you write a program on your computer (well, let’s say, a strategy), you also don’t give the players, and especially the game units, all the knowledge about it, but only the general rules for players, and the units are generally pawns, but with a certain set of capabilities and the probability of attack events as a result of their actions. This is of course greatly exaggerated, but it gives a general idea. And where is the irrationality, where is the dogmatism and lack of sanity?
                      42. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 38
                        So what’s dogmatic about the fact that the monarch is God’s viceroy on earth?

                        First, you need to understand the meaning of the word “dogma”. And then the question won’t even arise.
                      43. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 40
                        And you refute what I wrote, otherwise you are again distorting and moving away from the main topic.
                      44. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 43
                        In general, we have reached a dead end: “there is no God.” But I’ll tell you that the probability of you and me appearing, little by little, is generally close to 0.
                      45. 0
                        April 5 2024 17: 58
                        In general, we have reached a dead end: “there is no God.”

                        There is no need to attribute to the interlocutor something that he did not say and that does not follow from his words.
                        All you need to do is separate the flies from the cutlets.
                        The existence of higher powers is separate, the dogmas of the church and the institution of the church itself are separate.
                        And you refute that

                        Refute what?
                        Get it into your head - it’s not I who have to refute, you have to prove. It's called a "Russell teapot" - the burden of proof is on the claimant.
                      46. 0
                        April 5 2024 20: 04
                        Curb your pride. No one here owes anyone anything unless they violate the rules of the site. By the way, you yourself started talking about dogma and just after my post about God and the monarch (read about higher powers in every sense). I didn’t write this word before your post, moreover, as you noticed, I don’t even understand its meaning well, and therefore could not put it into my statements)) Actually, in that post I wrote about pride. Flies and cutlets.. Ouroboros? Is the snake biting its own tail?)
                        As for the phrase “we’ve reached a dead end..” - well, you obviously meant something when you wrote about Orthodoxy and sanity, so I came to the conclusion about your materialism.. I wrote about my worldview, but you didn’t. You wrote b for example - a convinced Leninist, Bolshevik, materialist and everything is clear, but so... This is the result, why be indignant.
                        Maybe you really don’t see the difference between goals and means? And I thought you were kidding. In general, by what principle do you determine who should prove something to whom? Well, let’s say who has to prove - the one who claims that there is no God or the one who claims that he exists?
                      47. 0
                        April 8 2024 09: 55
                        By the way, you yourself started talking about dogma and just after my post about God and the monarch (read about higher powers in every sense).

                        Which is not surprising - you used dogma, I pointed it out to you.
                        I didn’t write this word, moreover, as you noticed, I don’t even understand its meaning well, and therefore could not put it into my statements

                        The fact that you do not understand the meaning of the concept “dogma, dogma, dogmatism” does not prevent you from resorting to what these concepts carry. Let me explain with a simple example: a person does not need to know the name of a disease in order to suffer from it.
                        In general, by what principle do you determine who should prove something to whom?

                        In the same way that the entire scientific community in the world does this - the burden of proof is on the claimant. This is reflected even in jurisprudence in the form of the presumption of innocence.
                        Well, let’s say who has to prove - the one who claims that there is no God or the one who claims that he exists?

                        Before one can begin to “claim that there is no God,” the very concept of God (divine) must appear. Otherwise there is nothing to deny. Therefore, those who claim that God exists are the first to make this assertion. Therefore, they have to prove its existence. Everything is extremely simple.
                      48. 0
                        April 8 2024 13: 35
                        Okay, I wrote to you that since everything on earth happens by the will or permission of God, then the monarch is from God. The dogmatic nature of this statement can only be seen by a person who does not believe in God, who is an atheist, because the dogma in this case is the existence of God.
                        This is about my supposedly accusing you of being dogmatic.
                        The question is how do you know that atheists appeared ahead of believers. I see the Bible, the Koran and other written sources that are many thousands of years old, claiming that God exists. Historical sources also do not say that the existence of God was denied by peoples, although apparently there were individual individuals, where would we be without them.
                        Do you have sources of this age that claim that there is no God?
                        Then it turns out that those who claim that there is no God must prove it, didn’t you write about some kind of teapot?
                      49. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 01
                        The dogmatic nature of this statement can only be seen by a person who does not believe in God, who is an atheist, because the dogma in this case is the existence of God.

                        Dogmas are official church documents (Creeds, etc.). Therefore, your text is absurd in its essence.
                        The question is how do you know that atheists appeared ahead of believers.

                        lol Believers in what? To Jupiter and the rest of the pantheon? In the spirits of ancestors moving into our environment?
                        The question is how do you know that atheists appeared ahead of believers.

                        belay where do I say this?
                        Then it turns out that those who claim that there is no God must prove it, didn’t you write about some kind of teapot?

                        Before one can begin to “claim that there is no God,” the very concept of God (divine) must appear. Otherwise there is nothing to deny. Therefore, those who claim that God exists are the first to make this assertion. Therefore, they have to prove its existence. Everything is extremely simple.
                      50. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 20
                        The main position in religious doctrine, accepted blindly on faith and not subject to criticism.
                        A separate position of any doctrine, scientific direction, which has a fundamental character. (in a non-religious context)

                        Are you talking about dogmas in general or religious dogmas in particular?
                        I just gave you a scientific dogma - “God controls all processes = the king is from God”
                        There's only logic here. What's religious about this?
                        Before one can begin to “claim that there is no God,” the very concept of God (divine) must appear. Otherwise there is nothing to deny. Therefore, those who claim that God exists are the first to make this assertion. Therefore, they have to prove its existence. Everything is extremely simple.

                        -And in order for a chicken to appear, an egg must appear... this is understandable, the same topic.
                        So you don’t take into account the following factor - if God created man, then man knew about it and it is described in books, and those who doubt it appear much later. And what is the concept then?
                      51. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 36
                        scientific dogma - “God controls all processes = king is from God”

                        Excuse me, name science, where is this “scientific dogma”?
                        if God created man, then man knew about it

                        What did you know?
                        And what is the concept then?

                        belay You're scary. What has changed? Everything remains the same
                        Before one can begin to “claim that there is no God,” the very concept of God (divine) must appear. Otherwise there is nothing to deny. Therefore, those who claim that God exists are the first to make this assertion. Therefore, they have to prove its existence. Everything is extremely simple.
                      52. 0
                        April 8 2024 14: 46
                        I’m not scaring you - if a child asks his parents about his relationship to his grandparents, do you think they should prove it? What concept? You seem to be in a world of some other views. And I’ll tell you that the first thing the parents of such a child will ask is why did he decide this?
                      53. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 00
                        I’m not scaring you - if a child asks his parents about his relationship to his grandparents, do you think they should prove it?

                        But the words of the parents will not guarantee kinship.
                        If you come down to earth, you will find that a very common procedure for determining family ties (for example, in matters of inheritance or recognition of parental rights) is based not on words, but on an evidence base in the form of a genetic test or documents establishing the legal responsibility inherent in family law.

                        PS Name a science where there is such a “scientific dogma” - “God controls all processes = king is from God”?
                      54. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 12
                        In matters of inheritance this is one thing, but in matters of knowledge it is another. These are completely different things. No one is going to inherit God. A question about faith. I’m saying that we have a different worldview, and what is not acceptable to me at all, you are at least ready to consider. The cause is governed by God, the effect is the monarch from God. Mathematics, logic as far as I understand. I wrote to you above about this.
                      55. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 38
                        Mathematics, logic as far as I understand.

                        You misunderstand.
                        A question about faith.

                        The question is that there is no need to replace reality with faith based on dogmas created by people.
                        Logic, mathematics. One stems from the other.

                        A scientific dogma (otherwise a postulate or axiom) is a position in science that is accepted without proof. For example, the axiom of Eudoxus-Archimedes is “quantities have a relationship with each other if they, taken multiples, can surpass each other.” They all have a specific PROPER NAME, that is, the name of the axiom. The scientific dogma “God controls all processes = king is from God” DOES NOT EXIST.
                        Let’s say he could write that the Bolsheviks were allowed by God

                        The fact of the matter is that you can write anything. But you can’t prove anything. Therefore, you will be no different from the authors of the myths of Ancient Greece or the work of some Harry Harrison.
                      56. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 55
                        Does the axiom that we live according to the laws of nature exist? And due to the natural selection of nature and some kind of accidents (which is an unproven pattern), such and such a person, etc., ended up at the top of one of the communities of people. This is absolutely the same thing, only exaggerated (because nature is also created and these are also accidents) and for materialists, which, by the way, I mentioned in one of the posts above.
                        So you cannot refute, just as you cannot prove, that there is no God (however, this was not discussed)
                      57. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 03
                        Does the axiom that we live according to the laws of nature exist?

                        No. Moreover, “laws of nature” are an abstraction not used in science. Just a literary turn of phrase.
                        So you cannot refute, just as you cannot prove, that there is no God (however, this was not discussed)

                        Why should I do this? No one wastes time refuting the unproven.
                        And you again confuse the question of the existence of higher powers with the question of the pure mercantile interest of the church in implanting its own invented dogmas.
                      58. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 11
                        Okay, the laws of physics, the universe if you like. What does the Church have to do with this?! Before the Orthodox faith there was paganism - there were no churches, but God was worshiped (and not only in temples). I don’t think I raised the issue of churches at all..
                      59. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 17
                        What does the church have to do with it?!

                        Despite the fact that your entire idea of ​​the divine is formed by the church.
                        And the fact that “all power comes from God,” and that “the king, his viceroy,” etc.
                        A person will not know this from any other source.
                      60. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 59
                        Mine is logic. Then I realized that I had invented the bicycle. Everyone comes to understand things in their own way. Some are on one side, some are on the other. And again you’re talking about sources... not everyone is so smart))
                      61. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 17
                        Laws of nature... call them scientifically, if you can. You get the point. However, I can tell you with absolute certainty that if I type random characters on the keyboard, then perhaps I will write a program for some kind of game world, but I think not during the existence of planet earth)) I don’t know about AI, but this is intelligence with different speed.
                      62. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 21
                        However, I can tell you with absolute certainty that if I type random characters on the keyboard, then perhaps I will write a program for some kind of game world, but I think not during the existence of planet earth))

                        There is one mathematical game (or rather a cellular automaton) invented by John Conway. It's called "Life". It really helps to stop being surprised at how something simple can turn out to be complex)))
                      63. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 24
                        This is of course funny, but does not refute my sarcasm.
                      64. 0
                        April 8 2024 16: 27
                        but it doesn't refute my sarcasm.

                        You have not proven your sarcasm in any way to refute it.
                      65. 0
                        April 8 2024 17: 01
                        The easier it should be to refute it
                      66. 0
                        April 8 2024 15: 08
                        Excuse me, name science, where is this “scientific dogma”?

                        Logic, mathematics. One stems from the other. I could also write something else or are you stuck on the words god and monarch? Let’s say he could write that the Bolsheviks were allowed by God (for example, as punishment). Or air pollution affects the number of diseases. Where is the religious dogma here? Again we see the logic. The existence of God may be a dogma, but we discussed this above.
  22. +1
    28 March 2024 09: 05
    Quote from: newtc7
    It's human nature to compete, if you don't like God, replace it with genes/evolution/instincts - it's human nature to try to grow up and take power and take women and everything else

    An excellent example of Malthusianism and distortion of the nature of Orthodoxy!
  23. +1
    28 March 2024 09: 06
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    Didn't you know him? Do you want me to name it?

    Knowing the name isn't everything. You need to know what means he uses
  24. 0
    28 March 2024 09: 09
    Quote: Master2030
    Not to Scipio, but to Cato the Elder Censor.

    Thanks for the tip! Errare humanum est!
  25. 0
    28 March 2024 09: 11
    Quote: awdrgy
    If RI had not been destroyed, then the nationalization of the outskirts would not have happened and everything would not have fallen apart. So many victims...
    Read the book by V.T. Loginova “By this victory” You will find answers to all your questions and universal lament for tsarism
    1. 0
      28 March 2024 12: 55
      I did not raise any questions in this context. Everything here is extremely obvious. And many different books have been written, including in justification. What did the king do to you personally? Crying not for tsarism, but for justice. And the Tsar for the Russian people is her guarantor, as they say, the one who holds him back.
  26. -1
    29 March 2024 06: 30
    The author is doing the same thing he accuses his ideological opponents of - propaganda and substitution of concepts. Anti-Leninism leads to the dictatorship of Nazism?)))) Seriously?))) Just like that, you are veiledly equating people who consider Lenin an enemy to Nazis.
  27. 0
    April 2 2024 16: 51
    Well, the stubborn people on these channels, it’s useless for them to give facts. I believe it, because it is absurd.