Project 677 "Lada": a "miniature" Russian diesel-electric submarine with the most advanced functionality

Project 677 "Lada": a "miniature" Russian diesel-electric submarine with the most advanced functionality

The 4th generation diesel-electric submarine Kronstadt of Project 677 Lada is the smallest in the Russian Navy. Its length is 66,8 meters, the greatest width of the hull is 7,1 meters, and the underwater displacement is 2650 tons.

However, despite its “modest” dimensions, the submarine has very impressive functionality, since it embodies some of the most advanced design solutions.

The presenter spoke about the features of the Kronstadt submarine.Military acceptance", having been on board the submarine.

Thus, one of the features of Project 677 submarines is an innovative hydroacoustic coating, which absorbs most of the signal and makes it practically invisible to enemy equipment.

In general, 130 development work was carried out on the submarine, resulting in specific products that had not previously been used in Russian submarines. navy.

One of such know-how is a fundamentally new propeller engine. In addition, the submarine received a unique hydroacoustic complex, which allows, as the chief designer of Project 677 Alexander Arsentyev put it, “to see and hear under water in a way that has never been seen or heard before.”

Another important feature is that the boat is fully automated. Many decisions can be made by an on-board electronic system that assesses the situation through a set of sensors. According to Arsentiev, to some extent, AI helps control the submarine.

But that's not all. Unlike other Russian diesel-electric submarines, Ladas are single-hulled (except for the bow). For example, the same “Varshavyanka” has two hulls - a strong inner one and a lightweight outer one.

Torpedoes are loaded into Project 677 submarines through a special shaft in the bow. Cruise missiles are also loaded through it. missiles, which Ladas are equipped with.

The cabins in the Kronstadt are designed for six places and are very cramped, which is not surprising given the size of the boat. Meanwhile, six submarine sailors rarely gather in a cabin, since while some are resting, others are on watch.

The crew of the 4th generation Russian submarine consists of 36 people, which is almost two times less than in other submarines.
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  1. +6
    20 March 2024 17: 49
    The ship was laid down in 2005. I believe that in that time a real diamond was made (without analogues) - that goes without saying.
    1. +1
      20 March 2024 17: 55
      Yes, two long-term construction projects, Kronstadt and Velikiye Luki, laid down in 2005 and 2006. Two more were laid in 2022 - Vologda and Yaroslavl. What's next? The boat was a success in the end, but what about the series?
      1. +1
        20 March 2024 17: 59
        For such a period, it’s good if the body has been preserved. And the equipment is probably not the same as in the original project. It is clear that the cost has more than doubled.
      2. +1
        20 March 2024 18: 01
        The broadcast says that six buildings are already available at the plant. What's not a series
      3. +7
        20 March 2024 18: 10
        Quote: Glagol1
        The boat was a success in the end

        This is precisely what is unclear. Because if it had been successful, then they would have riveted exactly 667, and instead continued laying 636.3
        1. +3
          21 March 2024 00: 45
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          then they would have riveted exactly 667, but instead continued laying 636.3

          Andrey, greetings. You were a little wrong with the “numbers”: 667 project - RPK SNs of modifications A, B, AT, BD, BDR, BDRM... They served honorably and are retiring, giving way in the ranks of the guards of the sea borders of the Fatherland to the "Boreys" pr. 955/ 955A.
          And 636.3 is being molded because the project is proven, rocket-propelled and not very expensive. They will replace the battery with a lithium-proton battery and you will have a new rattle toy with an acceptable underwater life.
          1. 0
            22 March 2024 15: 49
            Good afternoon, dear Alexander!
            Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
            you got the numbers a little wrong

            I’ve had this Freudian slip for a long time now - once again I call the Lada an SSBN laughing Regular typo.
        2. +1
          22 March 2024 14: 21
          Because if it had been successful, then they would have riveted exactly 667, and instead continued laying 636.3

          677 probably...
          1. 0
            22 March 2024 15: 49
            Truly so. Of course 677
    2. +1
      21 March 2024 16: 18
      As always, new technologies are ahead of their implementation. This is the situation with frigate 22350.
    3. 0
      25 March 2024 19: 42
      The author of Slegonets does not know the question
      a fundamentally new propeller engine.

      Excuse me, how is this? If you are going to write, you should at least understand the difference between an engine and a mover. After such blunders, I don’t want to read any further. What interesting thing can an amateur say?
  2. 0
    20 March 2024 18: 00
    The article characterizes the project as good against the backdrop of the long-outdated Varshavyanka. The question remains regarding the duration of the underwater voyage relative to foreign analogues.
    1. 0
      22 March 2024 11: 05
      Quote: S. Viktorovich
      The article characterizes the project as good against the backdrop of the long-outdated Varshavyanka. The question remains regarding the duration of the underwater voyage relative to foreign analogues.

      And yet, the most effective way to increase stealth is to reduce the size; the double-hull Varshavyanka has a displacement of 1,5 times more.
  3. +12
    20 March 2024 18: 16
    this is not an article about the 4th generation boat, but a retelling of the video. At the same time, a number of errors and reservations were made. But the commentator does not notice them, because he is not deeply immersed in the topic.
    1. The hull of the boat is covered not with hydroacoustic, but with ANTI-hydroacoustic coating. Surely the variation of "Medusa-2" is only 4 cm thick. The Japanese have 10 cm on SORYU, 29-7 cm on the 8SS Taigei, and 20-25 cm on the American submarines. So, there is something to be proud of.
    2. Propulsion engine... or maybe still a propulsion device? Well, even if the HED of the ED-1 type is on permanent magnets, would it be possible to at least “meow” something about it? And if we are talking about a 7-bladed saber-shaped composite propeller, then he could tell us something...
    3. The ODA (song of goats!) about the GAK of the boat turned out to be very short. Neither about the GPBA, nor about the main hydraulic device in the bow of the boat and why the NGR are removed on the retractable fencing, nor about the flank panels - there’s not even a hint! Informative, as much as “pride is bursting!”
    on-board electronic system, assessing the situation through a set of sensors.
    Ay-ay-ay!!! assesses the situation of the automated control system (!), receiving primary information from sensors. They are essentially nerve endings, and not the brain (automatic control system with AI elements), which assesses the situation and provides solutions...
    5. Loading of technical equipment is carried out through a torpedo-loading device, that is, a hatch! And not through a shaft (vertical device!): turning a 7-meter cigar inside a PC with a diameter of 7,1 m will be very problematic!
    And yes, the second series is already equipped with anti-ship missiles, which further increases the ship’s firepower.
    Well, and “a bad mark in behavior” to the author of the article, who didn’t say a word about the new battery on the 677A project, which allows you to continuously stay under water for up to 13-15 days. And this, they say, is not the limit!
    Best regards, hi
    1. 0
      20 March 2024 22: 44
      And what is this new battery on Project 677A, if it’s not a secret? I didn’t come across such information, can you be more specific?
      1. +1
        21 March 2024 15: 01
        Quote from shikin
        I didn’t come across such information, can you be more specific?

        This information surfaced on open air once, when an Administrative Shipyards engineer was talking about measures to eliminate deficiencies in the project. After that, no matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find it. But based on indirect evidence, this is not misinformation. AS-31 also received a new AB. And, judging by the trend, the Japanese have already embarked on the electric path. We were still working on converting heat into electricity. But here all attempts to sniff out anything are clearly stopped. Comrades say that this is connected with the strategic KBBD. And this is a different level of interest. Here guys in black suits watch around the clock and ask those who are especially interested, shining a lamp in their faces: “What is the occasion for which you are interested, my dear?” bully
        1. +1
          21 March 2024 15: 33
          It's clear. It seemed to me that, in general, with the beginning of the Northern Military District, the screws were tightened in this regard, and rightly so. And there is a lot of information in open sources. True, lately I have come across closed links and deleted information here and there.
    2. 0
      20 March 2024 22: 55
      And regarding the propeller engine: here is an interesting detailed article about the boat:
    3. +1
      22 March 2024 14: 23
      One of such know-how is a fundamentally new propeller engine.

      The bottom rowing ENGINE is definitely a know-how.
      It's hard to even imagine it as a quadratic trinomial. laughing
  4. +1
    20 March 2024 18: 19
    [/quote] Russian diesel-electric submarine with the most advanced functionality[quote]

    Something is hard to believe, given the timing of its construction. While it was being built, the project had clearly become outdated. This happens often.
    1. +2
      20 March 2024 20: 08
      The author writes that supposedly "Unlike other Russian diesel-electric submarines, the Ladas are single-hulled (except for the bow)", however, on the Internet you can find many pictures of the boat on the slipway, and layout diagrams from which it follows that the 677 project has a typical double-hull design, by the way, it has an underwater displacement of 2650 tons, and a surface displacement of 1765 tons, this means that the boat has 885 tons of water (33% of the underwater displacement). For comparison, in the smaller, but at the same time nuclear-powered French boat Ruby
      surface displacement 2 t
      underwater displacement 2 t
      water only 197t, that is 4.5 times less than in our "miniature" Lada... is this one of "the most advanced design solutions"...?
      As an ordinary taxpayer far removed from the navy, I always thought that submarines are built for the purpose of concealed placement of weapons on them and there shouldn’t be any extra water on them, or what?
      1. +2
        21 March 2024 01: 56
        Type 214, non-nuclear
        Surface displacement 1690 tons
        Submerged displacement 1860 tons

        That is 230 tons of water in total.
      2. 0
        21 March 2024 16: 25
        They say about such boats, 1,5 hulls. Double bow, single stern. Like, the latest nuclear-powered ships.
  5. Eug
    21 March 2024 10: 17
    You can draw and tell anything you want, how many Ladas are in service or at least in wholesale operation?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Eug
      April 5 2024 17: 04
      Damn, in trial operation, of course.
  6. 0
    27 March 2024 18: 57
    Tolls Boot. Ich fahre auch Lada, einen Lada Niva drinks
  7. 0
    27 March 2024 19: 23
    However, despite its “modest” dimensions, the submarine has very impressive functionality, since it embodies some of the most advanced design solutions.
    Well, all the more so it is necessary to “get involved” with the “Warsaw women” and work out the “lad” series.
  8. 0
    April 11 2024 16: 32
    You are absolutely right! When they talk about a new mover, it is necessary to mean what new process will be provided. And even more precisely, the algorithms of what process will be so new that the transformation of water flow will become energy efficient.
  9. 0
    11 May 2024 11: 21
    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
  10. 0
    16 May 2024 15: 25
    Am I the only one who was really looking forward to something about VNEU among the victory reports? Or is it not as important as other delights and other things in general?)