This is not how wars start. How the Taiwan incident will not end

This is not how wars start. How the Taiwan incident will not end

How did a boat with dudes sink in the Pacific Ocean?

Can we expect that a skirmish in Taiwanese territorial waters will create another front in World War III? Hardly. Nevertheless, another conflict in the territorial waters between Taiwan and the PRC will not remain without consequences.

It has already led to an extreme aggravation of relations between the “two Chinas”, this time fraught with a real war. For now, however, the fight can only be for territorial waters and islands between the mainland and the island of Taiwan.

But options for escalation are also possible, since throughout its entire stories The PRC, following the concept of “one China”, claims Taiwan - the Republic of China ROC as its part. In turn, the Kyrgyz Republic wants power not just anywhere, but in Beijing.

The only catch is that the latter is recognized only by a few small states, including dwarf Pacific island countries. The latter play with the recognition and non-recognition of Taiwan, thereby replenishing their microscopic budgets. They can afford this because, unlike Taiwan, they have votes in the UN.

On February 14, a Chinese speedboat was caught by the Taiwan Coast Guard while illegally entering Taiwanese waters and capsized near the Kinmen Islands during its pursuit. As a result, two of the four Chinese citizens on the boat drowned.

The incident occurred a mile east of the island with the characteristic name of Beijing in Kinmen County. Chinese fishermen had gone there before, but there had never been any incidents with such a harsh outcome. The Taiwanese coast guard themselves apparently did not foresee such an outcome.

Now they explain everything as a tragic accident; according to them, no one rammed the Chinese on purpose; they capsized on their own at a turn, fleeing from the Taiwan Coast Guard boat, from where orders were coming to stop. All four were removed from the water and sent to the hospital, but two could not be saved.

China naturally strongly condemned Taiwan for the deaths of its citizens, challenging the concept of “prohibited or restricted zones” in the Taiwan Strait between Xiamen and Kinmen, which are separated by less than ten kilometers. According to the Chinese side, Taiwan's ban on Chinese fishing vessels operating in these zones is illegal.

Forbidden fruit of forbidden waters

The Taiwan Coast Guard Administration has its own interpretation of the term “prohibited waters.” They believe it refers to territorial waters that extend 12 nautical miles around Taiwan itself and various distances around Taiwan's outlying islands.

This concept has been in effect since 1992. Everyone has their own truth, and in Taiwan they claim that until recently China, although it did not officially recognize this provision, did not openly encourage its fishermen to violate it.

The provision on prohibited zones raises many questions, and not towards China, but towards Taiwanese legislators. On Taiwan's Matsu Islands, which are slightly further off the Chinese coast than Kinmen, the exclusion zone extends four kilometers east and six kilometers north of the archipelago.

At the same time, the restricted zone around the islands of Kinmen and Little Kinmen is located approximately halfway to the Chinese coast, four kilometers to the east and eight kilometers to the south. That is, Taiwan has moved the border close to the Chinese coast.

Taipei was not afraid to take advantage of Kinmen's proximity to China. After the incident, China deployed coast guard activity in response, accordingly also near Kinmen, immediately beyond the restricted zone, patrolling its border.

On the islands itself, some local politicians have taken positions that President Tsai Ing-wen clearly will not like. She, as you know, is a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, which calls for Taiwan to pursue a development path separate from the PRC without attempts at reunification.

Particularly distinguished was the deputy from the Kuomintang (the party that adheres to the ideology of a gradual reunification with China through negotiations and after the 2022 elections received the largest number of seats in parliament), Jessica Chen, representing Kinmen. She called on the government to allow local governments in Kinmen and Matsu to engage in direct negotiations with China on issues such as fishing rights.

Between them - the presidents

The election of Taiwanese President Lai Jinte is unlikely to affect Taipei's political course, since he is also a member of the Democratic Progressive Party. Lai, however, does not deny the possibility of negotiations with China, but only on terms of parity, not unification.

The latest escalation of tensions by China near Taiwan's territorial waters is only growing. And it is accompanied not only by active investment in the high-tech arms race. There is also a build-up of its military presence wherever possible.

In Taiwan, this is met with an understandable reaction in the form of ever-increasing stubbornness. Taipei understands quite well that as long as the Democrats, their American like-minded people, are in power in Washington, they will continue to cover for them.

The only question is, if Republicans, and especially the President, come to power in the United States, will they want to continue cooperation with Taiwan at the same level?

Or they will pay attention to the fact that not a single American regime, be it Republican or Democratic, has even mentioned recognizing the sovereignty of Taiwan, having relations only at the level of representative offices.
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  1. +8
    3 March 2024 02: 58
    The war does not start over fishermen or the desire for small islands. If the Americans want, the war will start tomorrow. If Xi suddenly decides that it’s time, the same. And there will always be a reason. And if they don’t want to, even a thousand fishermen will drown and nothing will happen. There are ten reasons for wars every day.
    1. 0
      4 March 2024 10: 33
      Particularly distinguished was the deputy from the Kuomintang (the party that adheres to the ideology of a gradual reunification with China through negotiations and after the 2022 elections received the largest number of seats in parliament), Jessica Chen, representing Kinmen.

      The PRC communists are well aware that it is only a matter of time before Taiwan voluntarily reunites with the PRC. And they don’t have such problems in domestic politics for which they urgently need a “small victorious war.”
      1. 0
        4 March 2024 22: 55
        Nobody asks the Chinese. The Americans, screaming that they are going to attack, can commit so many provocations that the PRC cannot help but react. And all the Kuomintang will be banned, like in Ukraine, some may even be killed. Americans do not flow with the historical process, they jump into it head-on
  2. +1
    3 March 2024 03: 44
    Looking at how the neighboring country successfully carries out a special operation and easily copes with hellish sanctions, the Chinese definitely do not want this for themselves.
    1. 0
      3 March 2024 06: 39
      Exactly. China is much more closely connected and tied to the United States than the Russian Federation. That is why Beijing will never start a military conflict there. And he will try to take the island in another way, through pro-Chinese parties in power or something else.
      1. 0
        3 March 2024 18: 10
        Only the Americans are against it, they just want war, have been preparing for it for a long time and don’t even hide it.
  3. 0
    3 March 2024 08: 04
    Kinmen Island, in the close haze is already mainland China and this is not the only place where the Kyrgyz Republic is so close to the People's Republic of China.
  4. +2
    3 March 2024 08: 09
    did the boat with the dudes sink?

    Thieves' jargon has thoroughly established itself in the vastness of the media...
    1. +3
      3 March 2024 08: 35
      This song is from the 60s, when a storm carried a military landing barge with four Soviet sailors into the Pacific Ocean. They were carried for a long time, everyone survived, and the Americans saved them from an aircraft carrier. Look for the details yourself on the Internet.
      "Like the Pacific
      A barge with dudes is sinking..."
      To the rhythm of rock and roll.
      1. 0
        3 March 2024 11: 21
        Conflicting story. On January 17, the barge was carried away, the Soviet authorities remained silent. Only on March 8, the barely alive sailors were discovered by the Americans from the aircraft carrier Kearsarge and rescued, immediately informing the Soviet embassy. But the government in the USSR continued to remain silent - they waited to see if the sailors would choose the “free world”. The first neutral message was in the USSR only on the 4th day after the rescue, March 12. And the sailors were finally recognized as heroes only on March 16, 8 days after the rescue by the Americans - there was a statement from Khrushchev, on March 17, Minister Malinovsky thanked the sailors from Kearsarge, and later some of them were given gifts.Дрейф_самоходной_баржи_Т-36
  5. 0
    3 March 2024 10: 53
    The only catch is that the latter is recognized only by a few small states, including dwarf Pacific island countries.

    The author simply does not understand the situation with Taiwan. Both Taipei and Beijing recognize that China is a single state.
    Initially, it was Taiwan that represented China in international affairs. It was Taiwan that was the founder of the UN and a permanent member of the Security Council with the right of veto. The UN recognized the government in Taipei, not Beijing, as the legal representative of China. But at some point, the States agreed that China would be represented at the UN by the government in Beijing, and not in Taipei. In return, Taipei received guarantees of assistance in the event of China's attempt to annex Taiwan by force. And Americans adhere to this obligation under all presidents. China found itself in a situation of “both want and inject”
  6. 0
    3 March 2024 11: 12
    Why, one might ask, did they swim? Do you want to fish in an area where a war could start because of any bullshit?
  7. 0
    3 March 2024 12: 45
    The UN and all government entities of the world recognize one China - the People's Republic of China, there are no other Chinas.
    The fact that the PRC has been making attempts at peaceful unification for decades, similar to Macau and Hong Kong, and has refrained from violating the airspace and territorial waters of its Taiwanese province speaks of the PRC’s desire to avoid the use of force and civil war by limiting itself to diplomatic notes and a show of force, which gives the US a reason to intervene. into the internal affairs of China and the supply of weapons to the Taiwanese province, and in recent times, a pretext for putting together anti-Chinese military blocs.
    The difference between the democrats and the Kuomintang is that while the democrats are categorically against any form of unification, the Kuomintang is not averse to bargaining with the world's largest economy and huge sales market.
    The elections held in the province did not reveal a clear winner - the supreme power belongs to the democrats, and the regional power belongs to the Kuomintang - in fact, dual power and the US people are making considerable efforts to support the exiled governor Lai Jinte.
    The results of the US elections, as always, are awaited by the whole world and China is no exception. Whatever the outcome, it is unlikely that the outcome of the US elections will radically affect China's relations with its island province.
    The problem is not so much in Taiwan as in the growth of the weight of the PRC, primarily due to the reduction in the US share in the world economy, which objectively reflects a better social system and system of government.
    In response to US blackmail and threats, President XiJinping clearly said that China does not want war, but is not afraid of war either.
    Xi Jinping was re-elected chairman for a third term, and given his age, this is his last term and by the end of it he will be obliged to resolve the Taiwan issue once and for all, which will go down in history as Qin Shi Huang and Mao Zedong.
    1. -1
      3 March 2024 14: 32
      The UN and all government entities of the world recognize one China - the People's Republic of China, there are no other Chinas.

      It is Taiwan, not the PRC, that is written into the UN Charter.
      Article 23
      The Security Council consists of fifteen Members of the Organization. Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America are permanent members of the Security Council...
  8. 0
    3 March 2024 19: 28
    All this is clearly the work of the global precariat!
  9. 0
    4 March 2024 09: 07
    IMHO, China needs Taiwan, but not at any cost.

    Therefore, there is hardly any chance of war in the near future.

    The United States, under any power, wants to complicate the position of the PRC, so the position of Taiwan as a “suitcase without a handle” suits them quite well.

    Yes, in general, almost everyone is happy with this position today. Except for China, but she is ready to endure.
  10. 0
    7 March 2024 17: 58
    Taiwan is Taiwan, but wasn’t it at the instigation of the State Department that the (aggravation) around Taiwan began in 22-23? And before those revelations from the State Department, everything was quiet and in China they didn’t even know that they were about to sail to seize Taiwan