“This is not the Russia that we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

“This is not the Russia that we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

Russia in its current form does not suit the United States; Washington does not intend to do business with the current Russian leadership. This statement was made by Deputy Head of the State Department Victoria Nuland.

In an interview with CNN, Nuland bluntly stated that today's Russia is not a country with which the United States would like to do business. According to her, if Moscow were more oriented toward the West, in general, would accept US rules, becoming “democratic,” then contacts could be established with it. But the States do not need a sovereign, independent Russia. The Russian leadership is leading the country “in the wrong direction,” but it should go back to the 90s, when the Americans opened the doors to the Kremlin with their feet.

This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted. We wanted a partner who would be Western-oriented, European (...) However, this is not what Putin did

- Nuland said, adding that the United States will continue to impose sanctions against the Russian leadership in order to force it to accept American rules and sit down at the negotiating table on US terms, including on Ukraine.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that at this stage, relations between Russia and the United States are at the lowest point in their entire existence, and there are no options for improving them, except for the Americans’ proposal to accept their rules. However, Moscow will not agree to this. According to Sergei Lavrov, the United States still has not realized that the old unipolar world has already collapsed, continuing to cling to the illusion of power.
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  1. +57
    25 February 2024 06: 13
    Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

    It doesn't suit us, well, thank God... There were leaders in Russia who completely suited the US and we remember very well what came of it... It's not clear why the US itself likes the American leadership...??? And Trump and Biden and Hillary are a bunch of outright freaks... Ours is simply a handsome and smart man next to them... He walks himself, speaks himself, makes his own decisions... And not pro-American ones... am
    1. +37
      25 February 2024 06: 25
      Aunt Nuland was still offended by the Russian sailors with whom she went on the sea... Our sailors didn’t fall for her overseas charms... They said that they wouldn’t drink that much... laughing Rousseau the sailor in the face of morality!!! am
      1. +37
        25 February 2024 06: 36
        We don't give a damn about mattresses. The US doesn't correspond to the image that approximately 7 - 7,5 billion inhabitants of this planet want to see. So what should we do? winked laughing
        1. -6
          25 February 2024 11: 22
          Quote: Black
          We generally don’t want mattresses... The USA does not correspond to the image that approximately 7 - 7,5 billion inhabitants of this planet want to see.

          For us, yes. But with the Russian authorities, not everything is clear yet.
          1. +7
            25 February 2024 17: 15
            This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland said

            Local liberals also don’t like the same thing..
            In general, why do we care what the Anglo-Saxons want? These are our enemies!
            1. +2
              26 February 2024 05: 27
              From the title it follows that we are “not happy with the USA”...
              Of course it doesn't suit me.)
      2. +29
        25 February 2024 07: 50
        As the classics say: “...what a disgusting face!”
        1. +2
          25 February 2024 21: 12
          Quote: unhappy
          what a disgusting erysipelas!

          But she can pass herself off as a transgender, and they are held in high esteem in the West. laughing
          1. +3
            26 February 2024 18: 22
            Quote: guest
            she can pass herself off as transgender
            If she cuts her hair bald, she can play maniacal killers in movies.
      3. +6
        25 February 2024 08: 30
        Quote: Lev_Russia
        Our sailors didn’t fall for her overseas charms... They said that they wouldn’t drink that much...

        Her lower hemispheres are very developed. That's how she thinks! Who would voluntarily become a slave to the USA? Only under duress or threat. hi
        1. +14
          25 February 2024 08: 47
          Who will voluntarily become slaves in the United States? Only under duress or threat

          Don’t tell me... There is such an underdonation that is ready to lie down under them right away... And not only is it ready, but it has already laid down, and is even dying for mattress interests...
          1. +10
            25 February 2024 09: 05
            Quote: Al Manah
            There is such a non-donation that is ready to lie down under them right away... And not only is it ready, but it has already laid down, and is even dying for mattress interests...

            Not everyone living in Ukraine was ready for this and wanted it. The “Crimean Spring”, the Donbass uprising are proof of this. hi
            1. +7
              25 February 2024 09: 48
              This is how the part that feels like a Russian nation has risen, and the Bandera-servile ragulant calls itself the so-called. “Ukrainian” nation - and is ready to lie under Western masters, because this servility has already been deposited in their genetics, over hundreds of years of slavery.
              1. +2
                26 February 2024 18: 25
                Quote: Al Manah
                This is how the part that feels itself to be the Russian nation has risen
                At least as brotherly people.
            2. +2
              26 February 2024 17: 36
              Quote: fif21
              Not everyone living in Ukraine was ready for this or wanted it. The “Crimean Spring”, the uprising of Donbass is proof of this. hi

              Well, actually, Crimea, Donbass and some other regions of the so-called Ukraine had nothing to do with it; they were forced there.
              1. +4
                26 February 2024 17: 49
                Quote: guest
                Well, actually, Crimea, Donbass and some other regions of the so-called Ukraine had nothing to do with it; they were forced there.

                The collapse of the USSR in 91 happened so quickly that they were forgotten! And they remembered only many years later. That's why Yeltsin is now being cursed at and has to be taken away by force. hi
                1. +3
                  26 February 2024 17: 51
                  Quote: fif21
                  That’s why Yeltsin is now being cursed

                  Well, some, including me, have cursed at him before.
          2. +2
            25 February 2024 13: 34
            Yes, the dancers are ready to do anything to make the owner happy. Here we are not far from self-immolation.
        2. +5
          25 February 2024 11: 25
          Quote: fif21
          Who will voluntarily become slaves in the United States? Only under duress or threat.

          There was such a period in Russian history quite recently, and even without coercion and threats, the echoes are still felt.
          1. +4
            25 February 2024 11: 40
            Quote: ettore
            There was such a period in Russian history quite recently, and even without coercion and threats,

            I don't think so. In the USSR there was a real threat of the corrupt party elite. Andropov scared them to death! The cotton case, the furriers' case, the Moscow trade mafia case... That's why they destroyed the USSR and started building capitalism, a system built on theft, robbery and deception. And people are gullible, the main thing for them is to promise, to promise. The officials from the CPSU retained their power. hi
            1. +2
              25 February 2024 11: 48
              Quote: fif21
              In the USSR there was a real threat to the stolen party leadership. Andropov scared them to death!

              This is a purely internal, criminal factor, not from the USA.
              1. +1
                26 February 2024 17: 51
                Quote: ettore
                This is a purely internal, criminal factor, not from the United States.

                You won't believe it, but the USA was against the collapse of the USSR. They were afraid of chaos and civil war in a country with nuclear weapons. hi
                1. +2
                  26 February 2024 20: 28
                  Quote: fif21
                  You won't believe it, but the USA was against the collapse of the USSR. They were afraid of chaos and civil war in a country with nuclear weapons.

                  If you don't believe it, I won't believe it)). This secret has long been known.
    2. +14
      25 February 2024 07: 08
      When we had rulers who were applauded by the United States and given peace prizes, we felt very bad. The collapse of the country and the collapse of the economy. Poverty and the premature death of thousands of people. We don’t want to be a colony—enough is enough.
      1. +13
        25 February 2024 07: 44
        It's time to write a book for auntie "The Russia we lost."sad
      2. +2
        25 February 2024 11: 32
        Quote: alekc73
        When we had rulers who applauded the United States and gave peace prizes, we felt very bad. The collapse of the country and the collapse of the economy. Poverty and the premature death of thousands of people.

        Well, I don’t know, the VO regulars on the neighboring branches pour on the GDP on every occasion and blame him for all his sins, saying that he is just as suitable for the West as a bourgeois, they just had a slight quarrel. Something is not visible here yet, Nuland blurted out too inconveniently to promote such narratives smile
    3. +12
      25 February 2024 07: 26
      Lyoshenka would have arranged for them. The kingdom is underground for him.
    4. +5
      25 February 2024 08: 35
      Quote: Lev_Russia
      Not satisfied, well, thank God...

      Not everything is as simple as Vikusya thinks. The fact is that, first of all, Russia is not satisfied with the leadership of the United States and its policies. It's time for Vikusa to think about her behavior.
    5. +9
      25 February 2024 10: 14
      Quote: Lev_Russia
      He’s not happy with it, well, thank God... There were leaders in Russia who were completely happy with the United States, and we remember very well what came of it...

      In fact, Nuland shows that the deep state has not yet drawn any conclusions from the current situation and plans to further aggravate relations in the world and specifically with Russia. That is, all the mantras of Europe, already freaked out by the costs of this confrontation of the USA against Russia, about a peace agreement between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, are "not a big deal" to the financial and industrial group of the USA, which commands the states today. It declared the direction of further advancement of our relations with them towards the expansion of military actions. Obviously, they still have some aces up their sleeves. I wonder what they are? Apparently, Nuland believes that the situation as a whole is developing in accordance with their expectations, with the exception of some "unforeseen increased" costs. In this situation, a real war between the USA and Russia becomes inevitable. The whole question is in the timing and the main practical directions...
    6. +3
      25 February 2024 13: 40
      God forbid we like them with their foolishness, transgender people, gays and other trash, no, our mentality is dearer and dearer to me
    7. +1
      26 February 2024 05: 27
      Leva, from the title it follows that we are “not happy with the USA”...
      Of course it doesn't suit me.)
  2. +18
    25 February 2024 06: 16
    And very, very many people in Russia are not satisfied with the current States.
  3. +9
    25 February 2024 06: 26
    As long as Russophobes like Nuland, Blinken, Biden and others like them are in power in the United States, there will be no peace with the United States.
    The political elite of this country has set a course for the destruction of Russia as a state... well, this is not the first time for our people to fight with such people... we will fight until their brains fall into place.
    1. +2
      25 February 2024 14: 27
      There is a good chance that Nuland, Blinken, and Biden will be out of work next year. Elections in the USA. Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
  4. +19
    25 February 2024 06: 28
    From the lips of the enemy, we heard an assessment of V.V. Putin’s activities as President of Russia. Nuland is interfering in our elections with his advertising.
  5. -9
    25 February 2024 06: 29
    According to Sergey Lavrov, the US still hasn't realized that the old unipolar world has already collapsed

    Is it time for America and the dollar to die?

    Another pole in the form of China is just emerging. And China is in no hurry to conflict with the West. And it is entirely integrated into the Western system.
    1. +11
      25 February 2024 06: 44
      Quote: Stas157
      And it is entirely integrated into the Western system.
      If you knock down the balance of international trade of the PRC, you will be surprised. The PRC needs consumers of its goods, nothing more. Business is not about any politics. What are they constantly trumpeting about from high stands.
    2. +3
      25 February 2024 06: 45
      And how is China completely integrated into the Western system? It feels like you are having a hangover. You may not know that China is run by the Communist Party and Comrade Xi is a communist with many years of experience.
      1. +2
        25 February 2024 06: 48
        Quote: rotfuks
        And how is China completely integrated into the Western system?

        Technologies and investments first of all. Very firmly integrated. All technologies are Western. And China has the largest trade turnover - with Europe and America.
        1. +7
          25 February 2024 07: 41
          Quote: Stas157
          All technologies are Western.

          On which the Chinese, Indians, Iranians worked.
      2. +2
        25 February 2024 11: 32
        Quote: rotfuks
        You may not be aware that China is led by the Communist Party and Comrade Xi is a communist with many years of experience.

        And how do these communists put up with private ownership of the means of production? Do they shyly lower their eyes or pretend sternly that they don’t see? What remains of the communists is one name, in fact, for a long time there has been state-oligarchic capitalism with elements of communist terminology.
        1. +3
          25 February 2024 18: 22
          Maybe you are not aware that particularly reckless and overfed Chinese oligarchs are often tried by communist courts and shot at stadiums during breaks in football matches. Can you name another country where financial crimes are punished so cruelly? Maybe this is the secret of China's economic victories? Or do you think that communism is endless party meetings and walking down the street with red flags?
          1. -1
            25 February 2024 18: 35
            Quote: rotfuks
            Maybe you are not aware that particularly reckless and snickering Chinese oligarchs are often tried by communist courts and shot in stadiums during a break in football matches.

            They are being judged for being too presumptuous and stealing beyond their rank, and not for being an oligarch. This is simply a concern for the security of the system, regardless of the political system. Severe punishment is a feature of the authorities of that region; under the emperors they also did not stand on ceremony.
            Or do you think communism is endless party meetings and walking down the street with red flags?

            The main postulate of communism is the absence of private ownership of the means of production, but this problem was abandoned, which means that the communist idea there is a formality. There was a fusion of communists with capital and the oligarchy.
      3. +1
        26 February 2024 18: 42
        Quote: rotfuks
        China is led by the Communist Party and Comrade Xi is a communist with many years of experience.
        Nevertheless, he is ready to build the future world together with Russia, but not with the West, to whom he is only ready to sell shirpotoreb.
  6. +6
    25 February 2024 06: 34
    Well, thank you for your honesty and frankness, although everything was clear. We are always open to dialogue, ready to discuss any issues but on equal, mutually beneficial terms, respecting each other’s interests.
  7. +10
    25 February 2024 06: 37
    Grandma, cut down the fly...
    1. +3
      25 February 2024 08: 40
      Quote: arhitroll
      Grandma, cut down the fly...

      recourse What will she think? You are encroaching on the sacred. Her brain! wassat
  8. +8
    25 February 2024 06: 39
    Good. This means we did not allow ourselves to be dissolved in Europe. We stopped at the edge of the abyss. We cannot be measured by a common yardstick. This will be a difficult path, you can only believe in Russia.
  9. +13
    25 February 2024 06: 40
    Russia in its modern form does not suit the United States,

    They so stubbornly pushed Navalny to power, but I still don’t understand what he wanted, other than to get power into his own hands, and not for himself, but for someone else. Apparently for those who tried to make him president. That is, the president is a puppet. The most interesting thing is that five years ago I tried to find the text of the program of his movement for Russia, but I found nothing - nothing except “revelations” and calls for overthrow.
    Circus in general. And with Nuland it’s also unclear - what kind of power in Russia does she want? And what is the economic and political structure? Although I guess - the free activity of Bank of America and US monopolies on Russian territory in the style of the banana republics of South America of the 19th century.
  10. +9
    25 February 2024 06: 42
    Because of this, the United States goes where it needs to, it fights with the whole world. The crotch wouldn’t be torn.
    1. +2
      25 February 2024 14: 07
      Quote: tralflot1832
      The crotch would not have been torn.

      Everything is going that way. Trump hopes it's up
      his next presidency will happen. hi
  11. +6
    25 February 2024 06: 47
    You can’t take Russia with cookies! Auntie taught history poorly in her youth...
    1. +4
      25 February 2024 06: 55
      Mikhail 55. Cookies won't work in Russia, but they're afraid to use a liter of vodka and a kilogram of herring. Wake up with a hangover, and Alaska, well, gone - gone to its native harbor. And a black eye from someone under the left eye.
      1. +6
        25 February 2024 11: 21
        Quote: tralflot1832
        They won’t sell cookies in Russia, but they are afraid to use a liter of vodka and a kilogram of herring

        It’s not difficult to take anyone, unfortunately, the only question is the possibility of information processing of the population and the corruption of the elites. In 91 they even did without cookies, and then they gave teachers vodka instead of salaries. Now these possibilities are partially suppressed, and the majority of the people are still vaccinated.
  12. +5
    25 February 2024 06: 50
    [quote"This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted"quote]
    This is not the Nuland that we, frankly, wanted
    1. +5
      25 February 2024 07: 37
      This is not the Nuland that we, frankly, wanted

      They didn’t want any at all!
  13. +9
    25 February 2024 06: 52
    back to the 90s, when Americans opened the doors to the Kremlin with their feet

    I remember those dashing 90s. We had Americans at our plant who serviced their engines on the AN-38, but in fact there were professional industrial spies, they climbed almost everywhere, almost climbed into a closed workshop, where they assembled practically piece by piece the future new bomber "Su- 34". This bacchanalia practically ended after the resignation of the EBN, when the GDP came to power.
    Let Vika herself live in her illusory world. And we are going our own way - to be an original Russia.
  14. +3
    25 February 2024 06: 53
    we can say the same about the USA, we had to pay too much for trust in this incapable country
  15. +2
    25 February 2024 06: 56
    Politics is the art of the possible and never gets exactly what one wants. And he never even honestly says what he really wanted.

    Even for your own country:"We wanted the best...."
    For example, what did the people’s favorite Yeltsin really want when he said: “take as much sovereignty as you want”?
  16. +1
    25 February 2024 06: 58
    Quote: Stas157
    All technologies are Western. And China has the largest trade turnover -

    you contradict yourself. You read about technology and then about trade turnover.
    1. +1
      25 February 2024 08: 19
      What are the contradictions? Technologies in Chinese production are collected all over the world, European companies in a crowd, joyfully and cheerfully transferred their production to China, which, with its huge population, simply physically cannot consume everything that it produces. Hence the huge trade turnover with the USA and Europe. And it is with a huge imbalance. Europe and the USA simply have little to offer them in exchange. This is a big problem. The biggest problem for China now is the general decline in demand for goods in the world. And this is despite the fact that in order to maintain competitiveness and demand within China, the government is subsidizing industrial production (subsidies at some points reached 25% of GDP)
  17. +2
    25 February 2024 07: 11
    Why are our diplomats so diplomatic and neutral in relations with the United States!? They want to talk about nuclear weapons in space, let Nuland and TP, for example, be removed from power.
  18. +10
    25 February 2024 07: 16
    The tendency is that the US State Department is usually run by people from another country, and these people are trying to throw this country into the meat grinder. The current US State Department consists of our former compatriots - Odessans. This is Nuland herself and Blinken. Apparently, for this reason, the State Department pays so much attention to Ukraine and Russia. Blinken and Nuland work with what they know and are familiar with. In this regard, we can recall Albright, who ran the State Department under Clinton. And it was under Albright that Yugoslavia was stirred up and Belgrade was bombed. Albright herself was saved from death during the war by the Serbs and she thanked them in this way. If an Armenian runs the State Department under the next US president, then a war will begin in Armenia. And if a Kazakh starts running the State Department, then Kazakhstan will be finished.
    1. +1
      25 February 2024 07: 32
      And if a Jew is in charge, what the hell to Israel????
      Don't you think it's funny???
      The world is ruled by an oligarchy, something like this....
      1. +4
        25 February 2024 07: 45
        how can you say that about Israel? This is different.....Don't you find it funny yourself?
      2. +1
        25 February 2024 08: 44
        Quote: Joker62
        The world is ruled by an oligarchy, something like this....

        The world is run by US Federal Reserve shareholders. At least that's what they think. hi
  19. +3
    25 February 2024 07: 19
    If this is not a call for a change in the leadership of the Russian Federation, then what is it? Why then has Nuland, at least for the sake of decency, still not been put on the international wanted list?
  20. +4
    25 February 2024 07: 30
    Nuland - the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

    But we, on the contrary, are completely satisfied with the current US leadership. Let them lead longer and lead the US in the right direction. Just wait until it’s time to cover the walls in the outhouse with green candy wrappers, it’s a pity that wiping is bad or not, maybe they’ll take care of that too, take into account the request for the future... Hurry up...
  21. +3
    25 February 2024 07: 38
    “This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted” -

    - Grandfather hatel to have a goat,
    - A goat ne hatel ...
  22. +4
    25 February 2024 07: 52
    “This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland stated, that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States
    What an ugly thing. angry
  23. +6
    25 February 2024 08: 07
    Was there a statement from Russia “this is not the USA we wanted”? 20 years of trying to build normal relationships....
  24. -13
    25 February 2024 08: 11
    You read the hooray of the crackers and it’s clear that the dollar has already been defeated, but it’s getting more expensive, the US has been destroyed, but the bastard is introducing sanctions and not allowing trade. Ukrainians supplies with weapons. Here for 20 years under Putin we were a semi-colony, and we haven't gone far yet. With the supposedly fifth largest economy in the world, prices are through the roof, loans are sky-high, mortgage interest rates are twice as high as in Germany. They are shelling our territory and the inhabitants of our country are dying. The second army in the world has not been able to demolish an army four times smaller for the second year. And what is there to be happy about.
    1. +3
      25 February 2024 08: 41
      Read what SVO means, besides, you are like ours, that you are more like one from the Ukrainian Reich than like ours, and of course there are people in the country who are brain-damaged, they are called navalnyata, you are from whose slaves you will be, just don’t sing and beat your chest naked, that you are ours, you read your writings, you don’t what not ours you are their slaves Nuland is also democratic
      1. -8
        25 February 2024 09: 06
        Who are you, so that you can tell me what to tell me? Why aren’t you in the Northern Military District?
        1. +6
          25 February 2024 09: 58
          Well, the Russians don’t need the guidance of the xoxlovs, who are still wandering around with their manuals. So let's get into the cauldron, everyone into the cauldron.
        2. -1
          26 February 2024 17: 34
          Like you, I’m an armchair expert, something doesn’t suit you with this question, you didn’t ask yourself why you’re not at SVO, why do you ask others this?
          1. +1
            26 February 2024 19: 08
            I’m 61, if they call me, I’ll go.
    2. +5
      25 February 2024 09: 50
      You read the cheers of the crackers and it is clear that they have already defeated the dollar, and it is becoming more expensive, the USA has collapsed, and the bastard imposes sanctions and does not allow trading. supplies Ukrainians with weapons. Here, under Putin, they were a semi-colony for 20 years, and they haven’t gone far yet. With the fifth largest economy in the world, prices are through the roof, loans are exorbitant, mortgage interest rates are twice as high as in Germany. Our territory is being shelled and the inhabitants of our country are dying. The second army of the world has not been able to demolish an army four times smaller for the second year. And what to rejoice at.

      In this particular topic, no one has ever “cracked down” sad
      Please state your political credo. I'll read it with pleasure. sad
  25. +2
    25 February 2024 08: 13
    They need to think about their USA, they don't need to interfere with us in RUSSIA
  26. +5
    25 February 2024 08: 16
    In short, in simple words - “This is not the Russia that we, frankly speaking, wanted.
    We wanted a devoted lackey"
  27. +1
    25 February 2024 08: 24
    I’ve already said enough about personal sanctions... But have I said enough about criminal cases? Or will we still wait?..
  28. fiv
    25 February 2024 08: 24
    No one is interested in the sounds of the physiological activity of the auntie’s body. Get out of here, Nuland
  29. +3
    25 February 2024 08: 25
    And this is not the USA that Russia would like to see. Personally, I generally want to see a good sea strait instead of their territory, otherwise Panama can’t handle it!
  30. +2
    25 February 2024 08: 26
    They don’t want to, they don’t have to: let’s wait for the storm in the Taiwan Strait...
  31. +3
    25 February 2024 08: 28
    against the backdrop of this face..murderers and fascists..there should be such a line.
  32. +1
    25 February 2024 08: 28
    We understand that you wanted to make Russia completely democratic according to your views, that is, first so that it would become extinct and become stupid like in Ukraine, and then the Nazis could create a one-to-one plan like the Ukrainian Reich and then throw up the idea of ​​a war with China, that’s what these ki from the USA wanted
  33. +2
    25 February 2024 08: 35
    Exclusivity and colonial desires are a thing of the past. Cow, Russia has wanted this since 90, so who was stopping you? You could build the relationship you need, we were consistent until the last homeless person. So, the thirst for robbery has won, as usual? Well, tear your hair out, you did everything yourself, you did everything yourself. And now we don’t need such integration for nothing, we see where such friendship is going, no thanks.
  34. +1
    25 February 2024 08: 47
    All good health. “I’m not happy with the current leadership * to be honest, I’m a little tired of it too, but especially for Mrs. Nuland. I’ll still put up with Vladimir Vladimirovich.
    So that she’s offended, and I’ll stand on the side and watch: how grandpa turns up the name: “Putin”
  35. +2
    25 February 2024 08: 51
    Don't care about the USA. I would like Russia to be led by people who are comfortable with the population of Russia
    1. +1
      25 February 2024 22: 46
      Andrey, I support you! I would really like for them to take care of Russia and not withdraw hundreds of billions of US dollars from my country!
  36. +2
    25 February 2024 08: 54
    Will you ever hear good things said about us from this well? So he will die evil, sour wool laughing
    ..The United States will continue to impose sanctions against the Russian leadership

    But this is not even bad. Somehow, I’m always a little afraid for our leaders, lest they quickly make peace under a plausible pretext, intending to return to the Courchevel resorts and bask there while the people lick their wounds am
  37. +2
    25 February 2024 10: 05
    “This is not the Russia that we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States
    - what else did you want? - This is not for you to hand out cookies on the Maidan. And stick your rules in the ZDC!
  38. +2
    25 February 2024 10: 11
    Quote: Joker62
    back to the 90s, when Americans opened the doors to the Kremlin with their feet

    I remember those dashing 90s. We had Americans at our plant who serviced their engines on the AN-38, but in fact there were professional industrial spies, they climbed almost everywhere, almost climbed into a closed workshop, where they assembled almost piece by piece.....

    At 95 I was at NAPO. The roofs were leaking. The plant was almost a walk-through yard. It was easy for outsiders to get into the workshop where the Su-34 was assembled....
  39. +1
    25 February 2024 11: 33
    Russia is not a country the United States would like to do business with. And Russia, Nuland thinks, looks at the USA and is “jealous”! So she was raised by sailors on a fishing boat, a stupid and obscene miracle!
  40. +1
    25 February 2024 12: 14
    "This is not the Russia we wanted, frankly speaking": They want too much from us, "they haven't yet developed the desire" hi
  41. +1
    25 February 2024 13: 12
    This is the deep state!
    Russia forward!
    Let's not give ourselves up to Grandma Nuland to be eaten... Let's eat her ourselves!
  42. 0
    25 February 2024 13: 16
    Russia needs a United States that minds its own internal affairs. Preferably bacon. Or even better, two US rugs, or even less - thirds...
  43. +1
    25 February 2024 13: 26
    And this is not stated on the eve of elections in Russia? And nothing, everything is fine? Not interference?
    Why doesn’t sad Pierrot Kirby say: “I advise Miss Nuland to stay away from the Russian elections...”?
  44. +3
    25 February 2024 14: 18
    But with the three-fingered one it tripled... And how.
    When Kozyrev responded to any “international sneeze” every time he ran to ask them what Russia should do now.
  45. 0
    25 February 2024 14: 51
    This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted

    And this is the Nordland that we, well, don’t want at all)))
  46. 0
    25 February 2024 15: 18
    It would be nice to never arrange it.
  47. 0
    25 February 2024 16: 52
    Yes, they hoped to make Russia their next colony, give it conditional Chubais and Gaidarov to look after it and pump our resources for next to nothing. But it didn’t work out, they shit themselves. A
    Now, by burying zombified Ukrainians, they want to cause irreparable damage to Russia, and only then deal with China.
    1. 0
      25 February 2024 22: 52
      Aren't you aware that more uranium was shipped to US nuclear power plants in 2023 than in previous years? In my opinion, supplies should be stopped completely! Sanctions!
      1. -1
        28 February 2024 09: 48
        This should have been done at least 2 years ago. And even better in 2014, after their first sanctions. But the best friend of the Russian oligarchs did not agree to this. And now it’s too late to drink Hershey’s, when the kidneys have shrunk. The United States has already decided to abandon our uranium. Now the United States is looking for alternative suppliers of uranium for next-generation reactors instead of Russia, Reuters reported, citing a statement by the American Department of Energy.
        It is planned to conclude contracts for a maximum period of ten years for the supply of high-grade low-enriched uranium fuel (HALEU), enriched to 20% - the traditionally used uranium fuel is enriched to 5%. The US Department of Energy will use $500 million for these purposes, and the program may be expanded in the coming years.
  48. +1
    25 February 2024 18: 24
    “This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted. We wanted a partner who would be Western-oriented, European.”

    It’s good that they have now begun to correct what the authorities have messed up during the five-year period Borka Alkash!

    Privatization (privatir - piracy under the license of the king or state), shame on Russia.
    Norilsk Nickel was wrested from the people for 70 million $, and was divided by our ethnic oligarchs, already taking into account its cost in 2 YARDS $!
    Putin often said that there would be no revision of the results of privatization, that’s right. how this could lead to civil war.

    But times and promises change.

    They raised the retirement age - this is a new shame!
    They waved to the director of the IMF, who said that The Russian National Welfare Fund will not stop the Pension Fund deficit, but will serve to finance guarantees for the ethnic oligarchs of our Motherland.

    But there are positives too!
    The quiet deprivatization of enterprises important to the defense industry has begun.
    Two large factories have already quietly returned to the military-industrial complex.

    Now is not the time to fulfill promises made to liberal ethnic oligarchs.
    Moreover, some of them are ready to enter into a vile agreement.

    PS, if you remember, before the start of the SVO, some people had already started lobbying for privatization 2.0.
    On TV, they even showed "authoritative" defrocked economists who were campaigning for a new
    robbery of Russia.

    But it did not happen.
  49. +1
    25 February 2024 18: 50
    Nuland, I’ll look at you, honestly, your face is asking for a brick!
  50. +1
    25 February 2024 18: 52
    This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted. We wanted a partner who would be Western-oriented, European (...) However, this is not what Putin did

    - Nuland said
    It’s so nice when Nuland gets angry, if only he could do it more often. Giving out pies is not at all the same thing as buying/selling bagels (bakery products, bagels, dryers) ... laughing good drinks
  51. +1
    25 February 2024 19: 20
    This is not the Russia we, frankly, wanted. We wanted a partner who would be Western-oriented, European (...) However, this is not what Putin did
    In Russia, traditional interpersonal sexual relationships are adhered to, and LGBT relationships are not supported. Considering Nuland’s rhetoric, it cannot be said that she didn’t like something; rather, on the contrary, she demands the continuation of the relationship. It was not for nothing that the Supreme Commander said that we are ready to work on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation laughing feel
  52. +2
    25 February 2024 19: 26
    Remember how in the 90s Hollywood made films where they showed Russians and Russia in a derogatory way, drunks, incompetents, idiots. Films like GoldenEye, Peacemaker, Armageddon, Independence Day, it was just a slap in our direction, it was just humiliating! But nothing, everything is changing, Russia is rising and will give you such a bream that you yourself will be in a humiliated position, in the position of losers!
    1. +2
      25 February 2024 21: 17
      They made exactly the same films before and after the 90s. Russians in Western films are almost always villains, barbarians, drunkards, narrow-minded, scoundrels. And it works: if you ask the average Westerner in the last hundred years what he thinks about Russians, the answer will be obscene.
  53. +1
    25 February 2024 20: 37
    It seems to me that God forbid someone will appear in Russia who suits Mrs. Well, okay, another Minin and Pozharsky will appear in Russia. And Ivan Susanin.
  54. +3
    25 February 2024 21: 59
    Russia is happy with these Trotskys from Zhmerinka if the berry is in the NKVD and Hodor and Berezovsky are billionaires, but that’s not needed.
  55. +1
    26 February 2024 13: 34
    So I would have taken this scum by the decrepit Adam's apple. Are you unhappy with Russia? Yes, you haven’t seen Russia yet.
  56. 0
    26 February 2024 17: 37
    “This is not the Russia we are, honestly, wanted”: Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

    Well, finally she honestly admitted her desire to destroy Russia.
  57. 0
    26 February 2024 18: 05
    There was no need to be impudent and pretend to be winners...
    1. 0
      26 February 2024 19: 40
      Yes. And in the 90s, they could have strangled you in their arms laughing We missed the moment!
  58. +1
    26 February 2024 19: 23
    Burn in hell, you scum!
    These nits have nothing more to wish for.
  59. +1
    26 February 2024 19: 23
    This relic, Steller's sea cow, still cannot forgive our sailors for neglecting it.
  60. -1
    26 February 2024 20: 37
    Where is the original performance? What kind of article is this without the original text? Or did the OBS agency report?

    Ps. In general, this old gay gang of course delivers... bloody creatures...
  61. -1
    26 February 2024 23: 33
    If there are no NATO countries, there is no NATO. If there is no NATO, there are no problems (and our diplomats should address all Westerners with this greeting), but hello
  62. 0
    27 February 2024 11: 50
    Russia in its current form does not suit the United States; Washington does not intend to do business with the current Russian leadership
    A raven will not peck out the eye of a crow (bourgeois bourgeois).
  63. 0
    27 February 2024 20: 34
    “This is not the Russia that we, frankly, wanted”: Nuland said that the Russian leadership does not suit the United States

    Remove the mental one! She has serious mental trauma from her time on a Soviet fish processing ship...