New schools

New schools
This is what the 6th Linguistic Gymnasium looks like today from the adjacent park. There was a lot of greenery in the past, and there is a lot today - alpine hills and flowers. But today it’s all under the snow...

...and you will know the truth,
and the truth will set you free.

Gospel of John 8:32

People and culture. Periodically, articles about the shortcomings of modern schools appear on the VO website. And this is right, because the school prepares our replacements, raises patriots of their country, future potential defenders. Therefore, its shortcomings need to be revealed and dealt with. But... at the same time, few of those who write about them visit schools themselves and talk with their directors and students. That is, it provides information from hearsay, and this is clearly not enough today.

There are, of course, also parents who express their opinions based on the words of their children. But what can a student know about the work of his teachers, their salaries, etc., when there are even people here at VO who did not know, as it turned out, that teachers have two months of vacation. It was like that in the USSR and remains the same today. Both at school and at university!

Therefore, I think it would be useful to tell about a modern school to a person who worked in it (albeit periodically) for many years and who also had the opportunity to observe the same “kids” coming to the university after school, so to speak, to see all the results of their work .

And this is the renovated school No. 47. An ordinary school in all respects. But now it’s very warm

Let's start with the purely... external perception of students. Since my granddaughter graduated from the 9th grade and entered college, I, of course, never went to the school where she studied. Young children running and screaming, some strange high school students... In a word, all this did not inspire me.

And then I had to go on business to one of the nearby schools, where renovations had been going on all summer before. He came and, first of all, did not recognize the children; it was as if they had been replaced. The kids run around, but somehow in a human way. And older schoolchildren look more serious, they talk about serious things. In my presence, a whole group went to some kind of creative conference, and it was clear that they were clearly interested in it.

Recent meeting of graduates of the 6th linguistic gymnasium. Due to... the spread of all sorts of illnesses, it was very short. And yet, those gathered danced and sang... And what a parquet floor there is! Glitter, and that’s all!

Talked to the teacher stories. Children became interested in homemade models and layouts, she told me. Moreover, after looking at what they were shown in class, they try to do something themselves at home, here’s how. Mobile phones are increasingly being used not only to chat, but also to get the information they need from the Internet, that is, the process of self-learning and self-management has begun.

I went to another school to check my observations. True, this school is more the exception than the rule. 6th Linguistic Gymnasium, where children are selected, and getting there is not at all easy, just like studying. The children there have wealthy parents and are very ambitious in nature, but even there their seriousness and focus on learning caught my eye.

However, almost at the same time I had to meet sixth-graders from two other schools. There was only one “typical kid” from “the school of my time” and “my granddaughter’s school” (2010–2019), and only in one class, and he began to “get excited,” but I quickly put him in his place. And everyone else, again, was quite serious for their age, and most importantly, they asked very smart questions that were a pleasure to answer. That is, our children have clearly become wiser, and this cannot but rejoice.

It is possible that the consequences of nuclear tests have finally ceased to operate, since children become stupid from the radiation that entered the pituitary gland, or some other social factors have begun to operate, I cannot say, but I cannot help but note the fact itself.

A very funny girl sang about teacher problems. Well, the children from the “sixth” have always been distinguished by their relaxedness...

True, there is also a negative in this.

At the same gymnasium they told me that their two most successful students, who took some super places at all-Russian competitions, were immediately invited to study at a special school in Moscow. The level of training there is prohibitive, not all stress can be withstood, and besides, you have to live far from home.

But this is the result: the girl, who studied English and French at the gymnasium, also began to study German, and entered MGIMO, and the boy is also already studying at Moscow State University, and was accepted there without exams. “Moscow,” they told me, “is sucking out all our best students from our best Penza schools like a vacuum cleaner!” And this is the opinion not even of an ordinary teacher, but of a director, a person who is far from the last in the school education system and communicates with both the authorities and other directors.

It’s nice that many of the school’s classrooms have begun to look like museums... There is something to look at in class and admire a beautiful artifact from the last century

And now this: if this process is happening everywhere, and this is exactly how it should be, then... We are not threatened by a lack of talent in the country, nor by a decline in the level of education in general.

By the way, everyone doesn’t need him tall and doesn’t need him. I know a boy whose “father was imprisoned”, whose mother… was a “slut”, twice his physical teacher and military instructor brought him to school drunk “to the point of amazement”. So what kind of education does he have? They didn’t even take him to a driver’s course after school (!), and now the “child” is serving in the army, and everyone hopes (in my opinion, completely in vain) that she will rehabilitate him. And there are such “children” in both urban and rural schools. So let them go and rake them out from under the cows. Someone should, right?

A modern school also means modern scientific and technical support. In both schools it is excellent. Electronic boards, computers, televisions - all this is available and used. Maybe not in all classes yet. But this is where things are heading, and besides, staring at a TV screen all the time is harmful. Let them occasionally look at the brown board with linoleum for the sake of interest.

This is a writing instrument from my childhood!

But it was cold at the school where my granddaughter studied. The heating system did not work well, the windows were old. And the “class girl” also required a dress code. Well, aren't you stupid? But this year everything has changed at this school.

More than a dozen Penza schools were allocated amounts in the amount of 104 million rubles for repairs. The 47th received 94 million, the 6th gymnasium - 24. The first had all its walls insulated with glass wool and repainted them. New heating equipment was installed and the roof was re-roofed. And it became not a school, but a candy! And for some reason it immediately stopped smelling like yesterday’s cabbage soup... The sports ground was built for them by Gazprom as a gift exactly on September 1st.

Well, in the 6th gymnasium, the roof was redone and the facade was updated. But there are other problems. It was built in 1920! On two floors. And only then they built a third one. And the pipe factory built it for itself, and later the ZIF, and built it from homemade bricks, so today they are crumbling. Moreover, the school was overhauled 17 years ago, but it didn’t help either. A new building is needed, and they are thinking about it today...

With such a device we needed in 1962–1972. They showed it at film school!

Now about the problems.

The low salary of a beginning teacher is the main one. Only 12 thousand rubles. Moreover, in Moscow it is much higher, and an experienced teacher, without straining, receives 150 thousand. Therefore, for example, in the 6th gymnasium for two years now they have not been able to find another mathematician and two workers teach... 40 hours a week. This seems to be good for the salary. But... the level of load this gives is prohibitive. But they also have their own families.

Previously, the school was left with all the money it earned from additional foreign classes and TOEFL exams. And they used it to pay cleaners extra and buy televisions and electronic equipment. Now every penny goes to the budget. It is clear that foreign teachers supplement their work by tutoring, but... this, again, is difficult. A teacher must learn himself, and throughout his life. Read books, go to the theater and conservatory, have the opportunity to knit in your spare time, play sports.

And under this regime, what kind of sport? The modern teacher is also bullied by a lot of all sorts of papers. Why so many? And after all, everyone understands this, but for some reason there are not fewer of them...

But the most annoying thing is the requirement... to write text messages to students and their parents. Report how their children are learning, “keep their finger on the pulse.” Is it necessary?

Those parents who “need”, they will find out everything anyway, call the school and come there in person. And for those who “don’t need it”, who really don’t care about children, such “care” is useless. And again - the child has grown up - “neither here nor there” - let him go to “dirty work of digging the earth.”

There is no need to be sad about this at all. It is not people, but the Lord God himself who divides children into lambs and goats. And so it was, and so it will be, and no amount of text messages can correct it. Mitrofanushka D.I. Fonvizin was taught by two home teachers at once, and what’s the point?

In this sense, no amount of electronics will solve anything. We need to set an iron rule: parents educate, school teaches. A child learns more about life before the age of five than during the rest of his adult life until death, and that says it all. So the school already receives a personality, and it is physically unable to deal with its correction.

And, of course, it depends only on the parents where their children will go to study: to college after nine years, or to a university after eleventh grade!


Many people here like to remember how many different circles there were in the Soviet era, and “all of them were free.” Well, since the author himself worked for three whole years at the Penza Regional Station for Young Technicians, it makes sense to remember what it was like then (1980–1983), and what it is like now, and what is there today. An article about it is already being prepared.

Former Penza Regional Station for Young Technicians. Crossroads of Lermontov and Kirov streets
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  1. NSV
    18 February 2024 05: 12
    Interesting article! But what is the point of its presence on the VO website? Let’s remember about the renovation of kindergartens, and about the insulation of house facades as part of major repairs!!! And again the message to the next article: How bad was it in the USSR....?!
    1. +10
      18 February 2024 07: 12
      Quote: NSV
      .. again the message for the next article: How bad was it in the USSR....?!

      So the author in his repertoire...

      To Article:
      if this process goes on everywhere... We are not threatened by a lack of talent in the country, nor by a decline in the level of education in general.

      Where did this conclusion come from? Is it because some of the high school students end up in Moscow “in an embrace” with an army of tutors? Or because the kids at the chosen school are smart and the parquet floors are beautiful? Hmmm. The author assures that he is “on topic,” but then he should probably know that the problem is no longer in the parquet flooring and sensory boards (there is enough of this stuff almost everywhere), but in the number of teachers, the popularization of education and the construction of the educational process, that is, educational services...
      1. -11
        18 February 2024 07: 27
        Quote: Doccor18
        So the author in his repertoire...

        Are you a telepath? First, wait for the article, and then...
      2. -10
        18 February 2024 07: 45
        Quote: Doccor18
        this goodness is enough almost everywhere

        Now, if there wasn’t enough, it would be really bad.
        1. +10
          18 February 2024 08: 13
          Quote: kalibr
          If only it weren't enough

          If I choose between good physics/chemistry teachers and sensory boards/quality furniture, then I will choose the first. But the first is sorely lacking, and the second cannot compensate for this in any way.
          1. -8
            18 February 2024 08: 41
            Quote: Doccor18
            If I choose between good physics/chemistry teachers and sensory boards/quality furniture, then I will choose the first. But the first is sorely lacking, and the second cannot compensate for this in any way.

            Without any doubt. But if you can’t have everything at the same time, then it’s better to have at least one thing than nothing, right?
          2. +6
            18 February 2024 09: 39
            "and touch boards/.."
            If only they were domestically produced, otherwise they would be Chinese for sure!
            1. +1
              18 February 2024 13: 47
              Quote: steel maker
              and it’s probably Chinese!

              Yes, even Chinese. Anything is better than not having them.
    2. -6
      18 February 2024 07: 26
      Quote: NSV
      And again the message for the next article: How bad was it in the USSR....?!

      What are you afraid of? What was worse at SUT in the USSR than today? Don't be afraid... Everything is not so simple, and more interesting.
    3. +4
      18 February 2024 12: 33
      Interesting article! But what is the point of its presence on the VO website? Let’s remember about the renovation of kindergartens, and about the insulation of house facades as part of major repairs!!! And again the message to the next article: How bad was it in the USSR....?!

      Victory in the trenches is forged at the school desk! soldier
    4. +2
      18 February 2024 21: 56
      Quote: NSV
      Interesting article!

      The article is not at all interesting, toothless and does not allow one to draw reasonable conclusions.
      The school prepares our replacements, raises patriots of their country, future potential defenders.
      A minor nitpick, but I’m being sarcastic: the word “patriot” means “loyal to the fatherland” (not to the country, if the subtlety is getting there!), and the combination “patriot of one’s country” is as strange as butter or Saturday. But - essentially: when I visit the Volga town where I was born and raised, and occasionally communicate with the local residents, I observe a lack of patriotism in them. There is no work because two factories that once fed the city died in terrible convulsions. And therefore there are no salaries, young people have no opportunity to continue their education even in the regional center due to the complete lack of money of their parents. Hence - complete hopelessness, lack of prospects. Options: work in a store, as a loader at a brewery, you can also work as a taxi driver - and other things that are just as dull and unpromising. You also have to wait for your parents to die in order to occupy their living space. And - yes, they willingly become defenders, because, no matter who and what they say, this is unprecedented income by local standards. The local cemetery has a separate area for military personnel. The number of banners is growing. The only thing that is developing in the city is churches. There is an Orthodox, and a Lutheran, and a Catholic, and all sorts of Baptists, Adventists, shakers, or whatever they are... Well, and a mosque: what would we do without it?
      Quote: NSV
      We are not threatened by a lack of talent in the country, nor by a decline in the level of education in general.
      That's right. There’s one thing I don’t understand: why, when graduates of prestigious Moscow universities came to work for me, they all turned out to not know basic things and lack practical work skills? Where have they gone, talents? And I’ll tell you: no one in the country needs talent. This is why yesterday’s technical student does not go to work in his field: there will be lack of money and lack of prospects. And from the very beginning he knows that there are no prospects, and therefore he is more concerned not with his studies, but with the opportunity to play pranks. Why are there no prospects? But because industry has been killed, which means there is no need for engineers and technologists, or scientists in industry research institutes. In my native Saratov, so many enterprises have died that you will get tired of listing them - and along with them, research institutes, and universities that trained personnel have degraded. True, the number of doctors of science has grown incredibly. But this is also the result of inflation: sometimes out of boredom I read new candidate’s and doctoral theses and understand that with such work in my time the thesis defense would have been kicked out with a filthy broom. It would seem that there is a Higher Attestation Commission and it knows better. But the Higher Attestation Commission also died a long time ago, because if a person with a humanities education spends a year (!) writing and defending a doctorate in the specialty “technical sciences,” then things are bad. I'm talking about D.O. Rogozin. Why, point your finger at a simple deputy and you will end up as a candidate, or even a doctor of sciences. Moreover, most of the settled gentlemen have never had anything to do with science.
      Now there is a hysterical campaign, something about Russian science, they are either honoring or commemorating. But the reality is that there has been no science in Russia for 30 years. There is Rusnano, but there are no chips with nano-sized elements. There are lithium batteries, but they are made exclusively from imported components. There are computers: does anyone work on a computer made from domestic components? Maybe someone has a Russian mobile phone? We are a scientifically backward country, our funding for science is 10 times lower than in the USA, but that’s half the battle: the USA has excellent scientific personnel, because they are our best personnel and the cream of the crop from all over the world. Yes, you can scream that the talented guy who went “there” is not a patriot and a Judas, but it is not he who betrays: it is he who was betrayed, providing him with a salary of 12 thousand and not providing him with materials or equipment. And he also wants to start a family - but who would marry an eccentric who earns less than if he collected beer cans from trash cans?
      And you didn’t see one more thing in our schools: schools are similar to prisons with the abundance of guards and the complexity of security systems. How did it happen that children need to be constantly protected? Why have the risks for children increased so much over 30 years? And why, in general, have the professions of security guards and guards become so in demand, and their salaries are higher than those of scientists and engineers?
      1. ada
        22 February 2024 02: 17
        Quote: astepanov
        ... Yes, you can scream that the talented guy who went “there” is not a patriot and a Judas, but it is not he who betrays: it is he who was betrayed, providing him with a salary of 12 thousand and not providing him with materials or equipment. ...

        No, no, there’s no need - there are Judases on both sides and they know it and YOU know it too. stop
        1. 0
          22 February 2024 20: 53
          Judas on both sides and they know it and YOU know it too.
          YOU know this. I do not know.
          My classmate is now the head. department at the university. Doctor, professor, honored and awarded. I went to see him: a tiny office without windows. He himself is in a shabby suit, with dull eyes. From a young age he was a hard worker and smart, but now he is a sick old man who does not have his own apartment and has never started a family. I ask: “How are your students?” “No way,” he says. “Nobody wants to go to graduate school, because you’ll stretch your legs while defending yourself. And there’s no point in having an academic degree.” “Where do they go to work?” "Anywhere, but not in your specialty." We also talked about the technical base. He showed me - and I saw basically the same instruments that were there fifty years ago. He received his regalia while working on grants in the West. The results of the work are published in the open press, so they have not left Russia anywhere. I asked why he didn’t leave and if there was an opportunity. He replied that he did not want to leave his mother, who was alive at that time, and he would have left. And that he helped two smart students leave.
          In your opinion, he is a Judas. But for me, he is a talented person whose life was ruined with particular cruelty.
          1. ada
            22 February 2024 21: 05
            Quote: astepanov
            ... In your opinion, he is a Judas. But for me, he is a talented person whose life was ruined with particular cruelty.

            I don’t know what to answer you, but after going over to the enemy’s side... My ex-wife and son were pulled by the hillock and now, imagine that I will have to face him on the battlefield. Grown-up people understand everything about choosing a side, but we don’t have many friendly ones, and we don’t really run to such people. Yes, my opinion is different.
    5. +1
      19 February 2024 09: 19
      Well, don’t kick the USSR for “some” to live a day in vain. laughing
  2. +5
    18 February 2024 05: 28
    Another problem that few people talk about. Nowadays, many children go to work after ninth grade. This in itself is not bad. Firstly, who controls their work? Who to contact if their labor is being abused. Secondly, the young man worked and wanted to improve his knowledge. I’m not talking about evening schools. How is academic advancement structured by passing exams externally?
    1. -4
      18 February 2024 07: 05
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      Secondly, the young man worked and wanted to improve his knowledge.

      If you're interested, I can take a look. Although... just yesterday I was driving around the city in a minibus and heard: a woodworking shop had opened in the city center. We need students - “You don’t know how to do anything? We’ll teach you everything!” Students get a salary of 75 thousand, masters - 100. So - come and study for health.
      1. +6
        18 February 2024 08: 48
        And look. If you think that in this woodworking workshop they will teach at least half of what a vocational school is, then you are mistaken.
        No theory. Minimum from TB. They lead you to the machine, explain where to poke, what to pull, i.e. living robot. All 1-2 month training is completed.
        1. -6
          18 February 2024 08: 51
          Quote: Arkadich
          All 1-2 month training is completed.

          for 75 thousand you can survive.
          1. +6
            18 February 2024 09: 03
            Can. Just how much? This is not a professional worker. This is a trained monkey. In a few years, production technology will change and all this “monkey” will no longer be needed. Retrain? There is no scientific basis, age, family, lack of ability.
            I periodically have 4-month CNC adjusters come to work for me. Zero.
      2. +4
        18 February 2024 12: 22
        "We need students - "Don't you know how to do anything? We'll teach you everything!" Students get a salary of 75 thousand; masters get 100 thousand. So, come and learn to health."
        Where is this, in the land of pink ponies? 75 thousand for a student who can’t do anything? Are you good with numbers? although from where, this is Shpakovsky, a scientist of the colloquial genre laughing
        1. +4
          18 February 2024 12: 39
          Quote: ZloyKot
          75 thousand for a student who can’t do anything? Are you good with numbers? although from where, this is Shpakovsky, a scientist of the colloquial genre

          Maybe he missed a comma?
          1. +2
            18 February 2024 12: 51
            "Maybe he missed a comma?"
            as if not two laughing
            1. 0
              18 February 2024 13: 44
              Quote: ZloyKot
              as if not two

              Should I give you the address of the company so that they can take a look themselves, or can you look it up on the Internet without any help? You always think that it makes sense for me to deceive someone. To deceive everyone is, first of all, not to respect yourself.
            2. +1
              18 February 2024 15: 35
              Quote: ZloyKot
              "Maybe he missed a comma?"
              as if not two laughing

              There are many good vacancies there... come!
              1. 0
                19 February 2024 08: 52
                “There are a lot of good vacancies there... come!”
                no, we are well fed at home laughing
                1. 0
                  19 February 2024 11: 41
                  Quote: ZloyKot
                  no, we are well fed at home

                  Then don't make jokes without doing anything. There are enough fools here even without you.
              2. 0
                19 February 2024 08: 57
                “There are a lot of good vacancies there... come!”
                I was especially pleased with the design engineer - 44000re
              3. +1
                19 February 2024 09: 25
                Yes, yes, yes, the legend is fresh, the legend is hard to believe laughing Were you there yourself based on these advertisements? Otherwise, it’s like in that joke: “our salary is 20 thousand. I’ll give it. And with a bonus, the whole 80 thousand. But I won’t give a bonus.”
                1. 0
                  19 February 2024 11: 40
                  Quote from AdAstra
                  Were you there yourself based on these advertisements?

                  For what? I have nothing else to do. I know the people, the managers who run these productions. Seamstresses - 75 thousand. Furniture assemblers - 100. Powder painters - 75. Is this really how much they earn?
  3. +5
    18 February 2024 06: 12
    Now the “child” is serving in the army, and everyone hopes (in my opinion, completely in vain) that she will re-educate him.

    In our regiment, an evening school was organized for dropouts. The teachers came. Taught. Everyone received certificates. So the army has to fix the schools' problems.
    1. +2
      18 February 2024 10: 54
      Quote: antiaircrafter
      In our regiment, an evening school was organized for dropouts. The teachers came. Taught. Everyone received certificates.

      What kind of regiment is this wonderful? In what time period? I served in 80 different units in the 90-5s. I have never seen anything like this. I will say more, today without a system, in one individual regiment, this is in principle impossible. Because education is part of the system. This includes funding, staffing, programs, interaction with the Ministry of Defense (Combat Training Directorate) and much more. The state document must be issued. This will not happen in a single village. It seems to me that this is something from the 50s and 60s. Not later than. And was it...
      1. +2
        18 February 2024 11: 48
        Quote: Hagen
        What kind of regiment is this wonderful?

        Heh, as a friend told me, he entered the university, but he didn’t speak English well.... The teacher asked them: “Guys, where are you from?” “Yes, from Az Afghan” “Oh, everything is clear with you.” I gave everyone an A.
      2. +4
        18 February 2024 11: 51
        Quote: Hagen
        What kind of regiment is this wonderful? In what time period

        Now defunct 1169 ZRP, Bikin, Khabarovsk Territory.
        Around the year 2003 - 2005 or so. The political officer agreed on something with the local school. And the teacher gets an increase in salary and the soldiers are educated.
        1. +2
          18 February 2024 12: 04
          Quote: antiaircrafter
          Around the year 2003 - 2005 or so. The political officer agreed on something with the local school. And the teacher gets an increase in salary and the soldiers are educated.

          Well, I don’t know... To issue a full-fledged certificate, you need to take several subjects. If we mean the program of full-time and correspondence schools (there were some for those unable to cope with grades 10-11), then there was still a program that could not be combined with combat training, even in time. And what funds did the teacher’s “raise” come from in the regiment? Polk is not a market; there is no unaccounted cash there. It's all there - the state budget. For 3 kopecks they will fit the corner article. I doubt the reality of such tricks.... Although I do not rule out some kind of barter with the nearest collective farm (forestry enterprise) wink
          1. +3
            18 February 2024 13: 30
            Night school. The regiment did not pay for anything. They just supplied students. I have no idea what the political officer was stirring up there. It didn't concern me, so no details.
    2. +5
      18 February 2024 12: 49
      Quote: antiaircrafter
      In our regiment, an evening school was organized for dropouts.

      Quote: Hagen
      What kind of regiment is this wonderful?

      After the war, my father was accepted into the academy with seven classes of education. wink True, they gave me a year to finish the ten-year course. He, an officer, went to a regular school, then passed as an external student in just three years. And they enrolled in the academy.
      1. +4
        18 February 2024 13: 01
        In first grade, transcriptions are added to the letters. Now some students write “Yolka” as “Iolka”. wink
        We would like to return Soviet textbooks from Russian to mathematics. Teachers are also victims of education.
        I will keep silent about the moral side of teachers and academicians.
        1. -1
          18 February 2024 15: 30
          Quote: There was a mammoth
          and academicians

          And how many academicians do you know?
          1. +3
            18 February 2024 17: 14
            Quote: kalibr
            And how many academicians do you know?

            It is enough to leaf through modern textbooks to form an opinion about some academicians and authors of books. wink
            1. 0
              18 February 2024 18: 24
              Quote: There was a mammoth
              It is enough to leaf through modern textbooks to form an opinion about some academicians and authors of books.

              Not enough. Because only an academician can evaluate an academician. Moreover, leafing through their books...
              1. +1
                18 February 2024 19: 18
                "Not enough."
                Of course, the “iolka” doesn’t convince you, and the “parachute” doesn’t offend you?
                1. -1
                  19 February 2024 11: 43
                  Quote: There was a mammoth
                  Of course, the “iolka” doesn’t convince you, and the “parachute” doesn’t offend you?

                  I’m much closer to academics than you, but I don’t write such things thoughtlessly. However, what am I talking about? It wasn’t me who said: Smart people come up with ideas, mediocre people put their ideas into practice, and fools take advantage of them and don’t thank them.
                  1. 0
                    19 February 2024 12: 14
                    “I’m much closer to academics than you, but I don’t write such things thoughtlessly.”
                    Can I argue that you are almost an academician? The first example is from the textbook (two first-grader granddaughters), the second is what the academics decided about 10 years ago.
                    This is not a story where there can be 10 opinions on the same thing. Why aren’t textbooks checked to the last point (I can give similar examples for the first, fifth, and tenth grades)? And, what and why academician decided that it is possible to write “U” in the word “parachute”. Is it easier for migrants and for ignoramuses?
                    You are closer to academics.
                    Here is the topic for the article. About blunders.
                    1. 0
                      19 February 2024 12: 29
                      Quote: There was a mammoth
                      You are closer to academics.
                      Here is the topic for the article. About blunders.

                      But this is a serious conversation and you will get A - a serious answer, and B - gratitude for the hint. Well, it’s not academics who write textbooks, by the way. And mistakes... yes, they exist. And I - thank you again - will write about them. But... NOTHING WILL CHANGE. And yet, it’s better to write than not to write... I’ll have to go to school to look at the textbooks...
                      1. +1
                        19 February 2024 12: 43
                        My pleasure. You're welcome!
      2. +2
        18 February 2024 14: 04
        Quote: There was a mammoth
        After the war, my father was accepted into the academy with seven classes of education.

        My grandfather ended the war as the commander of an artillery battery with 3 classes.... And he went to command a collective farm. And his grandmother, his wife, died and could neither read nor write (but managed her grandfather with the dexterity of a conductor laughing). There was such a time.
        Today, in principle, there are also children who do not strive to master either the school curriculum (grades 10-11) or vocational schools. I think that in that regiment too, the soldiers completed evening school with a “closer approach”, i.e. "by the ears with a lot of tension." But I don’t know how necessary such a “paper” education is. Well, a person wants to retire as a janitor, why bother him? Good janitors are also valuable to society.
        Quote: There was a mammoth
        Now some students write “Yolka” as “Iolka”.

        Individual individual cases do not always correctly characterize the entire society.
        1. +3
          18 February 2024 17: 20
          Quote: Hagen
          My grandfather ended the war as the commander of an artillery battery with 3 classes....

          Quote: Hagen
          Individual individual cases do not always correctly characterize the entire society.

          My father was also not a professional. The first star was personally awarded to him by Chuikov in Stalingrad.
          There are too many special cases. There are plenty of mistakes in textbooks.
  4. +1
    18 February 2024 06: 42
    Positivity is needed and that's good. But there is no need to talk about nuclear tests. I guess that their highest intensity occurred during the birth and childhood of the author of the article. Then they banned it.
    In addition, Chernobyl, you understand, bore fruits that are now almost 40... and this was an order of magnitude steeper than any nuclear tests. Especially in Ukraine.
    1. -6
      18 February 2024 07: 08
      Quote: ivan2022
      I guess that their highest intensity occurred during the birth and childhood of the author of the article. Then they banned it.

      Born 1954.1. On March 1954, 15, the United States detonated a 4 megaton thermonuclear bomb on Bikini Atoll, part of the Marshall Islands - one of the 1962 dirtiest explosions in history. Then 1963... In 91 - the Moscow Treaty. But they stopped “tearing” only in XNUMX. Where will health come from for entire generations of the Earth's inhabitants?
      1. +2
        18 February 2024 12: 42
        Quote: kalibr
        On March 1, 1954, the United States detonated a 15-megaton thermonuclear bomb on Bikini Atoll, part of the Marshall Islands - one of the 4 deadliest explosions in history. Then 1962... In 1963 - the Moscow Treaty. But they stopped “tearing” only in 91.

        Did this affect your brain that much?
        1. -1
          18 February 2024 13: 41
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          Did this affect your brain that much?

          Both mine and yours. Judging by your assessments, yours is stronger.
  5. VLR
    18 February 2024 06: 50
    The main problem is the insignificant status of teachers, who are now probably the most unhappy and downtrodden people in Russia. They are completely defenseless
    in front of young hooligans who brazenly behave in class, actually disrupting them, terrorize classmates and create chaos during recess. They cannot protect normal children without the threat of criminal prosecution. And they are defenseless against inadequate parents. Moreover, they are under constant threat of blackmail about sexual harassment and are simply afraid to be alone with students. The situation in schools is already getting out of control and it’s time to officially introduce corporal punishment for violators of discipline - otherwise we will get a new generation that will destroy the country.
    1. +6
      18 February 2024 07: 17
      Quote: VlR
      The situation in schools is already getting out of control and it’s time to officially introduce corporal punishment for discipline violators - otherwise...

      Is this in a democratic country? winked
      No, everything is much simpler - there will be no teachers, there will be distance education. We are flying towards it with full sails...
      1. -12
        18 February 2024 07: 30
        Quote: Doccor18
        There will be distance education.

        I don't see anything bad. Goats study separately and lambs study separately.
        1. +8
          18 February 2024 08: 07
          When children were transferred to distance learning during Covid, parents simply howled. It turned out that the country could do just fine without football players, pop singers and soccer players, but not without teachers and doctors. But this did not affect the situation and the attitude towards both.
        2. +5
          18 February 2024 08: 25
          Quote: kalibr
          I don't see anything bad.

          This is what is surprising. It’s especially strange to hear something like this from a teacher...
          A computer program can only be an addition, but not a basis. Distance is the last nail in the coffin of education.
          Quote: kalibr
          Goats study separately and lambs study separately.

          Yes, 0,5% are motivated and will study on their own. Do you think this is enough for national scientific and technological progress? For me, at least a third should study decently, otherwise there will be certain degradation.
          1. -9
            18 February 2024 08: 32
            Quote: Doccor18
            For me, at least a third should study decently, otherwise there will be certain degradation.

            The trouble with Russia is that they have not yet learned to trust specialists with 32 years of experience, but they willingly trust anyone they come across whose opinion coincides with the opinion of the majority.
          2. +9
            18 February 2024 11: 05
            Distance is the last nail in the coffin of education.
            Absolutely right. Distance learning at school is especially harmful. Now I have students in my 2nd year at MAI who are victims of distance learning at school. A sad sight. The first course avoided this, it’s easier with them.
        3. +3
          18 February 2024 13: 07
          You are deeply mistaken! In one primary school class there are both children with disabilities and a child who, due to family circumstances, has mastered the 2nd and 3rd grade curriculum in one year. There is also a “repeat year” at the request of the parents. Question. How, even for an experienced teacher, can adequately convey the material to everyone’s understanding both before and after the accelerators? Therefore, adequate parents transfer their children to paid or specialized schools so as not to sink to the level of the plinth with those who cannot master even four classes. Here it is impossible to do without replacing the Minister of Education Kravtsov - an election order for candidates for the President of the Russian Federation.
      2. +1
        18 February 2024 08: 22
        It depends where and who specifically studies..... I talked with a student from a private school from a Jewish family.
        His judgments are very sound and “will give a hundred points ahead” to many of our fully grown compatriots.
        The main thing is that people all live in Russia and the laws are the same for all of them.

        Better yet, read M. Gorky’s article “On the Russian Peasantry” (1922).
        The classic will not let you lie - he directly wrote that among the Russian people the ideas of Darwinism and Social Darwinism were strong even among the peasants of that time. We got it with our own minds!
        Well, the fact that this turned against themselves....... As the saying goes: “what is natural is not shameful,” it means that the Almighty wants it that way.
    2. -10
      18 February 2024 07: 34
      Quote: VlR
      The main problem is the insignificant status of teachers, who are now probably the most unhappy and downtrodden people in Russia. They are completely defenseless
      in front of young hooligans who brazenly behave in class, actually disrupting them, terrorize classmates and create chaos during recess. They cannot protect normal children without the threat of criminal prosecution. And they are defenseless against inadequate parents. Moreover, they are under constant threat of blackmail about sexual harassment and are simply afraid to be alone with students. The situation in schools is already getting out of control and it’s time to officially introduce corporal punishment for violators of discipline - otherwise we will get a new generation that will destroy the country.

      Our teachers are too... Well-educated. If the whole school hadn’t gone out to work a couple of times after such pranks of the “kids”, the whole school would have put the question bluntly - “either Ivanov” or us... You see, protection would have been found and the lawbreakers would have been slapped with a hat. Otherwise, fear of management is in our blood. Well, poor people are addicted. But... it’s time for teachers to understand that having an education, you can earn a pittance as a teacher... in any way! Neither I nor my daughter even made it through high school. As soon as we stopped liking the conditions, we sent her to hell and we don’t grieve at all. Our entire department quit like that. And no one is in poverty!
      1. +6
        18 February 2024 08: 57
        Sorry, but you are saying such heresy that I involuntarily had the question “are you a teacher?” then I saw the year of birth. Extreme ages suffer from maximalism.
        Who will go where? Snotty just arrived? Let him go. And a teacher who has worked for at least five years will already think hard. Family, salary depending on bonuses that need to be earned over the years and many other reasons.
        1. 0
          18 February 2024 09: 08
          Quote: Arkadich
          Sorry, but you are saying such heresy that I involuntarily had the question “are you a teacher?” then I saw the year of birth. Extreme ages suffer from maximalism.

          To whom is heresy, Artem, to whom is normal behavior. My daughter worked for 18 years. Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor... member of the International Federation of Journalists, author of several textbooks for the Armed Forces and left. So it all depends on... the person.
          1. +4
            18 February 2024 09: 17
            Of course it all depends on the person.
            Your daughter is great. Talent + character + luck, she reached certain heights.
            But. We are talking about ordinary people, teachers. Those who have no talent, no opportunities, no luck. Which, unfortunately, is the majority.
            1. -2
              18 February 2024 09: 26
              Quote: Arkadich
              Which, unfortunately, is the majority.

              Dear Artem! Never been able to help most. Only to certain people. Moreover, I became convinced that some of this majority do not even need help. Neither in honor, nor in gratitude... For it is said: “Man, help yourself!”
              1. +3
                18 February 2024 09: 47
                Never been able to help most.

                No one can help them. Only the state that sets the rules of the game. This is especially true for professions that are socially significant (teacher, doctor, policeman, etc.) but at the same time narrowly focused. They cannot help themselves, because... few options to choose from.
      2. +3
        18 February 2024 10: 40
        “If the whole school hadn’t come out a couple of times after such antics of the “children” to work as a whole school, they would have put the question bluntly - “either Ivanov” or us... Look, protection would have been found and the lawbreakers would have been slapped with a hat.”
        And you are a provocateur! Have you read our labor code to give such advice? After such failures, teachers can be charged with any crime, including terrorism. And you yourself, after such recommendations as Navalny’s, can be prosecuted for incitement!! Oops, now you have shown your Bandera essence.
        1. 0
          18 February 2024 13: 29
          Quote: steel maker
          You can be charged with incitement!!

          Try it ...
      3. +5
        18 February 2024 11: 08
        Our entire department quit like that.
        And that they quickly dialed a new one? Or was such a department not really needed?
        1. -1
          18 February 2024 13: 28
          Quote: Aviator_
          Our entire department quit like that.
          And that they quickly dialed a new one? Or was such a department not really needed?

          I can’t say because I didn’t work there anymore.
          1. +4
            18 February 2024 15: 01
            I can’t say because I didn’t work there anymore.
            What about the Internet? Go to the website, the whole structure is laid out there. Then - here, to VO.
            1. 0
              18 February 2024 15: 24
              This was 6 years ago. I don't remember the name of the department. And why do I, and you too, need this today?
              1. +2
                18 February 2024 15: 29
                And why do I, and you too, need this today?
                To check whether your department remains there or has been liquidated.
                I don't remember the name of the department.
                Let you not believe it.
                1. -2
                  18 February 2024 15: 37
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  Let you not believe it.

                  Mine, of course, remained, but I didn’t mean mine, but some kind of technical one... And in 6 years I completely forgot its name, not mine... We had more than 60 of them... I have technical ones The departments were never particularly interested. We have our own faculty, our own building... why should I fill my head with unnecessary information.
                  1. +2
                    18 February 2024 17: 02
                    but I didn’t mean my own, but some technical one...
                    And he persuaded people to leave someone else’s technical department, but didn’t persuade anyone from his own? laughing
                    1. 0
                      18 February 2024 18: 28
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      And he persuaded people to leave someone else’s technical department, but didn’t persuade anyone from his own?

                      Sergey! You surprise me. Why did you decide that I was trying to persuade someone to leave their job? Especially from someone else’s department, where I don’t know anyone. We had more than 60 of them and 1200 employees. Why should I persuade anyone? All my colleagues had their own heads on their shoulders. I'm tired of working like this, they are not... Well, thank God! They told us that this happened and that the rector forbade taking them back later. Well, we talked about it.. and everyone forgot.
                      1. 0
                        18 February 2024 19: 27
                        In the context of the original post, it was said that you were tired of working at the university and you simply quit. And the whole department too. The fact that it was technical was not initially said. As a result, it seemed that with your demarche you provoked the departure of a mass of employees. But it turns out that these are completely different events, perhaps even from different times.
                      2. 0
                        18 February 2024 20: 00
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        these are generally different events, perhaps even from different times
                        “Our entire department quit like this. And no one is in poverty!” - that's what was said in my comment. Nowhere does it say that this is the department where I worked. But it is quite understandable that this is one of our university departments. What gives any impression of some kind of demarche... is not clear. Reading between the lines again? I repeat. One technical department of our university quit entirely that year, six years ago. The university was undergoing accreditation and there was a lot of paperwork. I got tired of her and sent her. Apparently they do too. Then I met co-workers I knew from her. Nobody came back. That's all.
      4. +5
        18 February 2024 13: 14
        Quote: kalibr
        Otherwise, fear of management is in our blood.

        Well, if you are lying, but I sent my director three cheerful letters.
    3. +3
      18 February 2024 11: 06
      Moreover, they are under constant threat of blackmail about sexual harassment and are simply afraid to be alone with students. ]

      My niece works as a teacher in college. Looks much younger than his age. Once I overheard a conversation between two students: “Roll up to her” “I’ll give you a “Roll up to her!” “I’m your teacher!”
    4. +2
      18 February 2024 11: 31
      There are few “problem” children, usually 1-2 per class.
      With such hooligans, the minimum is a ban on attending school. Covid has shown that you don’t have to go to school to study. Let these study remotely; they only come to school for exams by invitation.
      Well, that's the idea itself. Are we implementing education standards? Well, students who are studying must also meet minimum standards! If you don’t comply, there are special schools, correctional schools of one kind or another.
    5. +1
      18 February 2024 11: 55
      Quote: VlR
      They are completely defenseless
      in front of young hooligans who brazenly behave in class

      I think we need a special service or employees in the commissions for the affairs of nonsense, responding to these incidents. Having the power to isolate such students and initiate punitive measures against their parents by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At first, difficulties are possible, but then only the mention of them will sober up the active undergrowth.
  6. -1
    18 February 2024 07: 03
    It’s also not correct about the pituitary gland. Mandatory iodization of salt was abolished in the early 90s... And even today, not everyone knows that iodized salt is needed.
  7. +6
    18 February 2024 08: 30
    the possibility of economic growth of the country directly rests on the shortage of specialists; the shortage of specialists, in turn, depends on the banal shortage of teachers and lecturers.
    1. +2
      18 February 2024 13: 43
      Quote: aybolyt678
      the possibility of economic growth of the country directly rests on the shortage of specialists; the shortage of specialists, in turn, depends on the banal shortage of teachers and lecturers.

      I don't agree. For example, car repair in Russia is an area where there is no mass vocational training. That's why there was and is a mess there. But there are many people who want to work, because where else? Learn as you go from each other.....

      I dealt with students majoring in automation and electronics - they needed a diploma, but to work in their specialty? "There are no fools."
  8. BAI
    18 February 2024 09: 10
    One of the main problems of modern schools is not only low salaries. By the way, it has been resolved in Moscow. The main problem, and it is ubiquitous, is the huge amount of reporting papers. There is no time left to work with children. My wife couldn’t stand it and gave up everything after 30 years of experience. Works privately. IP. The same money (by the way, more than 12000), but there are only 6 children a month, and she is happy. Work is fun
    1. -1
      18 February 2024 09: 28
      Quote: BAI
      My wife couldn’t stand it and gave up everything after 30 years of experience.

      I have 32 years of experience. All the same!
  9. +2
    18 February 2024 09: 28
    We need to set an iron rule: parents educate, school teaches.

    good good good Thanks to the author for your understanding. Teachers are already programmed to instill patriotism, morality, and kindness. But all “branches” of power maniacally “overfeed” children with propaganda. It is difficult for teachers to deal with the natural rejection of “educational work” among students. The stupidity, hypocrisy, and duplicity of the legion of propagandists, on the contrary, leads to nihilism among the younger generation.
  10. +3
    18 February 2024 09: 44
    Shpakovsky went to the wrong schools, or rather, not schools, but an educational center (education center). Now, probably, a third of the students are children of migrants who can barely speak Russian. What knowledge can they get?
    And now they don’t teach in schools, as it was before, but test knowledge; children study at home themselves or with the help of parents or tutors.
    1. 0
      18 February 2024 13: 31
      Quote: Million
      ,not schools

      Have you seen the photo? On the one on the left, if you zoom in, you can even see her number - 47.
    2. 0
      18 February 2024 13: 32
      Quote: Million
      And now they don’t teach in schools, as it was before, but test knowledge; children study at home themselves or with the help of parents or tutors.

      Go to school yourself, Vlad, and ask for a lesson...
      1. +5
        18 February 2024 13: 33
        Looking at how young people write on social networks, disappointing conclusions emerge.
        1. -1
          18 February 2024 13: 49
          Quote: Million
          Looking at how young people write on social networks, disappointing conclusions emerge.

          Reading the comments on VO the conclusions are even more disappointing. But going to school is just interesting. Why pass by what is interesting? Go...
          1. 0
            19 February 2024 10: 38
            Quote: kalibr
            Reading the comments on VO the conclusions are even more disappointing. But going to school is just interesting. Why pass by what is interesting? Go...

            Do not let.

            Several years ago, we held a reunion of graduates and asked the school director in advance to allow us to simply walk around the school, look at the classrooms - well, the same number of years have passed. We were not allowed - there is no such rule to allow it. The director said that he could make an exception and allow it if someone provided patronage assistance. We didn't pay and they didn't let us in.

            We are nothing to them anymore.
            1. 0
              19 February 2024 11: 34
              Quote: S.Z.
              Do not let.

              I don’t know, Sergei, for some reason they let me go everywhere, I don’t even have to get my journalistic papers. And when I take them out... You would also say, well, I’ll write material about this in the local newspaper, an article about how the director extorted money from us for permission to see the school. You weren't the only one there. A guarantee of several signatures and the director's pants are full... We must remember our rights and act confidently.
              1. 0
                19 February 2024 17: 34
                Quote: kalibr
                We must remember our rights and act confidently.

                We had no rights to attend school - neither we nor our children studied there anymore, and the rest were not allowed into school.

                The director extorted money not into his pocket, but for the good - as he understood it. Local newspapers don’t write anything, but who reads them? Nowadays they are not afraid of newspapers - they know the value of journalists.

                And the mood to break into our own school immediately disappeared - we thought that it was ours, but it is no longer ours. We rented a cafe, even put together a band that played at our graduation, held a concert, sat around, reminisced, even recorded a disc...

                And a school is about people, not a building. Normal people don't work there anymore - well, that's their problem.
                1. 0
                  19 February 2024 20: 06
                  Quote: S.Z.
                  And the mood to break into our own school immediately disappeared - we thought that it was ours, but it is no longer ours. We rented a cafe, even put together a band that played at our graduation, held a concert, sat around, reminisced, even recorded a disc...

                  I don’t know why this is so, I just had an evening meeting. A lot of people came. One “10-15 year old class” gave a performance, read poetry, and then went around the classes. However, you saw the photo. “They’re not afraid of newspapers...” - ha! They are afraid and how! And the bosses will knock you on the head when they see that a subordinate is being scolded in the press.
                  1. 0
                    20 February 2024 08: 26
                    “They’re afraid and how! And the bosses will knock you on the head when they see that their subordinates are being scolded in the press.”

                    Probably, everything depends on the local authorities - our yellow press (and there is no other one) rinses such a trifle as school directors in vain, however, without any visible effect. For money they will make an archangel out of the devil and vice versa.

                    You probably had some kind of official event, we wanted to organize everything ourselves, a group of enthusiasts gathered, no one ordered anything from above. It should be taken into account that there were no sponsors, and the people were mostly not rich, so the fees were small and there were no other sources of funding.

                    We didn’t need poems, just like schoolchildren and teachers - more than 30 years have passed and there are no teachers left. We just wanted to walk around the school, and then sit somewhere else, have a drink (who else can), dance to our old music and with our old musicians (getting instruments was also a problem).

                    Actually, except for the first point, we completed everything.
  11. +6
    18 February 2024 09: 46
    So let them go and rake them out from under the cows. Someone should, right?

    And are there many livestock farms left in the Penza region?
    That's what I told my dunces when they were lazy - guys, there is no collective farm anymore and there is no place to twist the cows' tails! (I seem to have convinced you, since both of them got into fairly good universities on a budget)))
    And the same problem with teachers. If you leave, there is no other job in the village
    would put the question bluntly - “or Ivanov”

    Absolute anreal. At least until the hoopoe turns 18. Do you think schools are happy about this “happiness”? But you can’t get rid of them! But even if he leaves, it will still be a headache for the school until he turns 18.
    The laws are like this.
    P.S. My wife is a teacher at school. and before that, a social teacher in a correctional center..
    1. -1
      18 February 2024 13: 33
      Quote: Senior Sailor
      And are there many livestock farms left in the Penza region?

      There are and some are even thriving. Someday I’ll write about one such place...
    2. 0
      19 February 2024 09: 37
      “Are there many livestock farms left in the Penza region?”
      If you don’t take individual latifundists, then compared to the USSR there are very few.
      1. 0
        19 February 2024 11: 35
        Quote from AdAstra
        then compared to the USSR it is very small.

        But for some reason everyone has enough...
        1. 0
          19 February 2024 11: 59
          They say the palm tree produces good milk.
  12. +5
    18 February 2024 10: 21
    "an iron rule: parents educate, school teaches."
    For some reason, I immediately remembered a video where students put a bucket on the teacher’s head. What would have happened to these students in Soviet times, what do you think?
    I have a childhood friend, and his wife worked at the school for 40 years. Teacher from God. Both turned out to be Putinists! I even had a serious argument with them, but I didn’t fight. And then I met him, I was interested in life. It turned out that his wife, a teacher from God, was sent by some greyhounds, far away and without bread. And they have NOTHING for it! His wife quit. Now he earns money by giving private lessons. It’s okay, this year we’ll drink a couple of times during the holidays, I’ll put his brains in the right place. He will send Putin to the same place where the Greyhounds sent his wife.
    In general, I have a “sea” of examples, but I will say briefly: “What is the difference between the Soviet school and the Russian one? The fact that in the Soviet school, out of any De..., they tried to make a person. And now, they are trying to make a De out of a person... "
    1. -1
      18 February 2024 13: 36
      Quote: steel maker
      And now they are trying to make a De out of a person..."

      This is your personal opinion. You never worked a day at school. But you state so categorically... it’s ridiculous.
      And the main thing is that it’s funny: “they tried to make a man.” What is the result of these efforts? Where are all these "made people"? Don't make Moscow laugh with your bast shoes!
  13. +2
    18 February 2024 10: 51
    Law is determined by laws, and the work of laws - law enforcement - is determined by traditions.

    I see that the laws have changed a lot over the last half century, but in my Soviet school teachers and students were afraid of local hooligans, and in the “new school” - everything is the same....

    What kind of patriotism can there be here? The desire to get money and then “get out” is as it was, and remains so. Now it’s just become more difficult to get out.

    Morals are the basis. A mother quietly teaches her preschooler son to be a scoundrel, so that “it would be easier for him to survive,” and then the teacher should turn him into a patriot?
    1. 0
      18 February 2024 12: 29
      Quote: ivan2022
      in my Soviet school, teachers and students were afraid of local hooligans, and in the “new school” - everything is the same.... What kind of patriotism can there be here? The desire to get money and then “get out” is as it was, and remains so. Now it’s just become more difficult to get out.
      Now it’s clear: you’ve got out of the “jungle” and now you’re earning a residence permit in the Western “Garden of Eden” (or BV) with comments.
      1. +3
        18 February 2024 16: 46
        The rudeness of people like you and personal attacks are a sign of the “jungle”... Is there nothing to cover it with?
  14. +3
    18 February 2024 10: 52
    Thank God now (for now) there is Internet, and sort of he is everywhere. And if you purchase even the cheapest tablet, then a person’s ability to educate himself (if he has the desire) becomes limitless and depends only on his abilities and perseverance. Video lectures, a bunch of books, almost any visual materials and compilations - everything is there. Actually, parents should instill a desire for this - school is pure dull cramming for Russian and mathematics for the most part.
    1. +2
      18 February 2024 14: 28
      School is not an earthquake or the arrival of winter. School is what society’s true attitude towards it is.

      If all the shelves in stores were filled with only sprat in tomato, there would be popular unrest.
      And the people don't care about school. And the people don’t need those video materials you’re talking about. Only those who want to leave will watch them... From the people. This cannot be allowed. You have to learn by force. There is no other way. In the 19th century, in the most developed countries, even the children of aristocrats were beaten with rods. And nothing helped, imagine!
      Civilization in general is an artificial environment...
    2. +1
      19 February 2024 10: 40
      “Actually, parents should instill a desire for this - school is pure dull cramming for Russian and mathematics for the most part.”

      It's impossible to memorize math :)

      And I agree - the main thing is to learn to learn.
  15. +2
    18 February 2024 11: 24
    But this is the result: the girl, who studied English and French at the gymnasium, also began to study German, and entered MGIMO, and the boy is also already studying at Moscow State University, and was accepted there without exams. “Moscow,” they told me, “is sucking out all our best students from our best Penza schools like a vacuum cleaner!”

    These are the consequences of the Unified State Exam. If they wrote a test with 100 points, what exams? And another small everyday money question: how much does it cost to take exams in Moscow? By cost I mean transport back and forth, accommodation (at least decent, “student hostel”) + food for 1 month, and other little things like decent clothes, communications, social services, etc. and so on.
    And for those who “don’t need it”, who really don’t care about children, such “care” is useless.

    About control. Yes, I don’t have and never will have children, but I have a younger brother, 15 years apart, I had to help with school. I grew up to be a normal person. But I only looked at the quarter marks so that there would be no twos there. The triple mark is non-negative. According to her stories, a neighbor and classmate also “controlled” her twin daughters. Good girls grew up.
    1. +1
      18 February 2024 11: 54
      Quote: Not the fighter
      The triple mark is non-negative.

      Heh, I got all C grades at school, except for labor and physical education.
      1. +2
        18 February 2024 14: 16
        And I only got a C grade for behavior.... Do you remember your mark for behavior?
        1. +1
          18 February 2024 15: 32
          Quote: ivan2022
          Do you remember your behavior mark?

          In terms of behavior, I got a B.
  16. +1
    18 February 2024 12: 17
    “The girl, who studied English and French at the gymnasium, also began to study German, and entered MGIMO, and the boy is also already studying at Moscow State University,”
    and their parents still work - mom is a kindergarten teacher, and dad is a housing and communal services mechanic? or is something wrong?
  17. -2
    18 February 2024 12: 53
    My version.
    Ten years, six days. Classes from 9.00 to 18.00. No homework, everything is at school. 3 meals a day.

    Primary school 1-4 grades. The main subjects are approximately the same as now, except for foreign ones. He is from 5th grade and only speaks English. Physo every day, 2 days - gymnastics, 2 - athletics, 2 - swimming. 3 days - music, piano and theory on it. XNUMX days - art, pencil drawing, modeling.

    Average 5-8 grade. Basic natural science subjects, starting with astronomy. The student must clearly imagine the stages of development of our world from the Big Bang to the appearance of man. The rest is history. Mathematics - up to logarithms inclusive, but firmly, Russian in full, English 800 hours. Physo - 2 types of sports, team and individual. Music is the instrument of choice, continue with painting and sculpture.

    Became 9-10. Preparation for the profession. Vocational selection according to the Shmelev system. Focus on Unified State Exam subjects (60% of the time), English 200 hours, continue the rest.
    1. ada
      22 February 2024 04: 00
      Quote: Arzt
      My version. Ten years, six days. Classes from 9.00 to 18.00. No homework, everything is at school. 3 meals a day. ...

      Well, whether it’s an option or not, it doesn’t matter, there is now enough scientific and methodological basis to develop options, starting with physiology and ending with an accurate description of the required level of training for a graduate according to given educational standards. And how many years or periods of study are needed - that’s how many should be put into the system of general secondary education and not be stingy. How many teaching and educational staff, individual specialists and service personnel are needed - so much must be mobilized for this work, and with the introduction of elements of military service (in particular, military service) into the standard of education and military personnel, civilian personnel of ministries and departments where military service with education is provided on the basis of secondary schools and vocational schools of the military training center, headed by the head of the center - deputy director of the educational organization. High school students are trained in elements of military education and military service at the center using military training methods. For all students, introduce a student uniform, and for military training - a military uniform, through state subsidies for tailoring and from the supply of the Armed Forces. Organize nutrition for all contingents on a scientific basis at the expense of the state, introduce constant medical and psychological control and educational supervision, as well as use the latest levels of knowledge of physiology and sports medicine in physical education.
      Accordingly, for certain categories of students, the level of education according to the educational standard must be adjusted based on objective factors (health status, religious principles, etc.). If necessary, periods of education for individual students must be repeated until they are mastered or recognized as non-teachable according to the standard, and, if necessary, with transfer to specialized educational organizations.
      If we need to prepare our shift for real life and for this we need to add a couple of years of training, we need to add it. Etc ...

      We need to give these generations a chance to survive - to prepare them for the future life, but it will not be fun for them, wartime awaits them.
      Do Penza schools have protected shelters and food warehouses, PV tanks, reinforced ceilings of basements and first floors to prevent collapse, created additional evacuation routes and supplies of personal protective equipment and medicines? After all, he will fly there, he will definitely fly there... and the tutors will not help. In general, what category is Penza classified in civil defense?
      Quote: kalibr
      ... Don't make Moscow laugh with your bast shoes!

      Moscow will not be laughing at all.
  18. VLR
    18 February 2024 13: 12
    By the way, on the topic of the article, I just came across this material:
    In Yekaterinburg, schoolchildren were given an unusual task at home - to hack their parents' bank card.

    A very "advanced" school? Or is this a typical problem for ninth graders?