The EU Council has authorized the use of profits from frozen Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine.
The European Union nevertheless decided to put its paw on the profits from frozen Russian assets by approving the corresponding resolution. According to the document adopted by the EU Council, profits from Russian funds will be used to finance Ukraine. Now the EU can steal Russian money quite legally, according to European laws.
In Ukraine, this message is both happy and sad. The thing is that the new decree does not apply to profits from frozen assets of Russia for 2023, and there is as much as 4,4 billion euros. That kind of money is disappearing from our hands, and there is no profit yet for 2024; it will only be at the beginning of 2025. In general, it seemed like joy, but there was still no money.
The Council today approved a decision and resolution clarifying the obligations of central securities depositories holding the assets and reserves of the Central Bank of Russia (CBRF), which were immobilized due to EU restrictive measures
- says the statement of the Council of the EU.
According to the document, those countries that have Russian frozen funds in their accounts can no longer use the profits from them for their own purposes, but are obliged to accumulate them in separate accounts in order to use them in the future for Ukraine.
Earlier, Moscow stated that if a decision is made to steal Russian funds, exactly the same amount from the accounts of Western countries will go to the budget of Russia, which promised to respond in the same way.
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