The legendary GAZ-51: a reliable truck, created according to the principle “it couldn’t be simpler”

The legendary GAZ-51: a reliable truck, created according to the principle “it couldn’t be simpler”

The legendary GAZ-51 is a car that everyone knew in the USSR. They served in the army, worked on it, and even took exams at a driving school.

The truck was produced from 1946 to 1975 and during this period of time it was the most popular vehicle in its class. Buses and ambulances were built on its basis. It is worth noting that the first prototypes of the machine were created even before the start of the Great Patriotic War.

The above-mentioned prototypes featured a cabin from the American Studebaker. At the same time, if you look closely, some features of the latter can be seen in the new cabin of the serial GAZ-51.

It is worth noting that one of the features of the Soviet truck is that it was made according to the principle “it couldn’t be simpler.” Many parts of the car, from the engine to the hood locks, looked absolutely primitive, but were very reliable.

The lower valve six-cylinder GAZ-51 engine had a displacement of 3,5 liters and was a copy of the American Dodge D-5. This truck was equipped with the most modest version of the 70 hp engine. At the same time, the compression ratio reached 6,2, which made it possible to use not only the cheapest types of gasoline as fuel, but also a certain liquid reminiscent of gasoline.

The gearbox on the GAZ-51 was a four-speed one, which traces its “ancestry” to the Ford 2A.

The GAZ-51 suspension is also “couldn’t be simpler” - longitudinal springs. Moreover, if lever shock absorbers were installed at the front, then at the rear there was no such element at all. Their role was played by additional springs or, as they were also called, “springs”.

The official carrying capacity of the vehicle is 2,5 tons.

What is typical is that the 51st GAZ already had a stove, which allowed the driver to drive the car quite comfortably (at that time, of course) in winter.

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  1. +5
    12 February 2024 13: 20
    The official carrying capacity of the vehicle is 2,5 tons.

    And he carried much more. It was a strong car.
    1. +3
      12 February 2024 13: 50
      Quote: Leshak
      And he carried much more.
      Before the army, I used it to transport 3-ton containers from the freight railway station to enterprises.
      1. +4
        12 February 2024 18: 00
        my first cargo truck... when you give it, it used to be 50 km/h, right up my hair! beauty !
        1. +3
          12 February 2024 20: 43
          Quote: Aerodrome
          all the way back!
  2. +5
    12 February 2024 13: 24
    lol It also had a kick starter. I remember how I studied on it at driving school, and then, while accepting the ZIL-130, I was lost for a minute - how to start it? what
    1. +1
      12 February 2024 20: 53
      Quote from cpls22
      while taking ZIL-130, I got lost
      A driving school instructor stopped me while driving in winter on a steep climb in a ZIL-130, then I took off and stalled; he said that the starter was acting up and forced him to start it with a “crooked starter”. I immediately taught the action.
      1. +2
        12 February 2024 21: 10
        I also had to start it with crooked ones. There the subtlety was in overlapping the palm so as not to knock out the thumb. Now such archaism will probably not be useful anywhere.
        1. +6
          13 February 2024 13: 26
          Quote from cpls22
          so as not to knock out your thumb.
          And don’t hold the steering wheel tightly! Me and my Masha
      2. +3
        13 February 2024 15: 17
        Standard practice for driving instructors: if it stalls the first time, start the engine with the starter, if it stalls the second time, turn the crank. It arrived quickly.
  3. +1
    12 February 2024 13: 27
    In the DPRK it is still produced with minor changes under the Sungri brand.
    The last modernization and restyling of the cabin was carried out in 2009.
  4. +5
    12 February 2024 13: 30
    We studied automobile engineering on it, and in the 10th grade, at graduation, they suddenly made us take a test on a tractor. It was like two fingers on the pavement. From the pioneer age, in the summer, we mastered the DT-75 under the guidance of fathers, uncles and brothers. winked But they got good at driving the GAZ-51. He surprised the Mabuteis in the troops by showing his class in a GAZ-52. winked
    1. +3
      12 February 2024 17: 39
      I also tested my license in a school GAZ-51, although we didn’t drive further than the yard, 48 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday
      1. +5
        12 February 2024 17: 49
        I already passed the "C" test in civilian life, many years later. By the way, already at 53. winked This is the connection with GAZ. But behind the wheel of a Ural, a ZIL, etc. sat down from time to time. There used to be a school. And for the mind, for the soul, and for the hands.
    2. +2
      12 February 2024 21: 04
      Quote: Captive
      So it’s like two fingers on the asphalt.
      The armored personnel carrier with its twin engine also drives easily and quickly over the hills.
      1. +2
        12 February 2024 21: 32
        On hills and on dry ground maybe. But in Afghanistan it was hard for gas engines. The eighties on diesels, yes.
  5. +5
    12 February 2024 13: 44
    The car is a hard worker... it can carry loads and be used in movies.
  6. +8
    12 February 2024 14: 29
    There was a time when you could buy 15 bottles for 3 rubles at 62. Ignition order, if anything. drinks
    1. +5
      12 February 2024 18: 02
      Quote: Waterways 672
      There was a time when you could buy 15 bottles for 3 rubles at 62. Ignition order, if anything. drinks

      You can't burn it with a hot iron drinks from memory...
  7. 0
    12 February 2024 14: 35
    The lower valve six-cylinder GAZ-51 engine had a displacement of 3,5 liters and was a copy of the American Dodge D-5

    Does this Chevrolet have anything to do with it?
    1. +2
      12 February 2024 15: 02
      A few years ago there was an article on VO about choosing an engine and its subsequent use.
  8. +1
    12 February 2024 16: 43
    Quote: Sea Cat
    The lower valve six-cylinder GAZ-51 engine had a displacement of 3,5 liters and was a copy of the American Dodge D-5

    Does this Chevrolet have anything to do with it?

    in general, the American equipment supplied to WWII seriously influenced us, not only in this "apparatus", but in everything that we began to produce after the war
  9. +2
    12 February 2024 17: 33
    Low price and good maintainability. No electronics.
  10. +2
    12 February 2024 17: 56
    They took us to the GAZ-51 in classes on the field, to tourist rallies, training camps (five days) after the 9th grade. Instead of a bus. Boards across the side and forward. And most importantly, no emergencies. winked Now they would raise a voice throughout the country and directors would be in circulation.
    1. +1
      13 February 2024 15: 25
      There were certain rules for transporting people in the back of a truck (most likely they were written directly into the traffic rules). As far as I remember, the bench is at least 15 cm lower than the side, 2 older ones in the back (to look after the dunces and answer if anything happens), a categorical ban on standing while driving... Now they have become spoiled: give a bus, and a car with flashing lights to accompany .
  11. +1
    14 February 2024 12: 42
    Yes, this old man has traveled and driven around. I have ninth-tenth grade driving with him, and then passing the license exam
  12. 0
    17 February 2024 15: 02
    The car is relatively light, where Zil gets stuck, Gaz 51 will pass.