New secrets of the Fed and old secrets of the Russian Central Bank

New secrets of the Fed and old secrets of the Russian Central Bank

Why not a hundred thousand? And not even a hundred

In Russia there is talk of reducing the key rate of the Central Bank and, as a result, bank rates. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Federal Reserve is in no hurry to “soften” credit policy. Let us recall that in Russia they plan to soften from 16 percent per annum, while in America they are stuck on the range from 5,0 to 5,25 percent.

Apparently, it is no coincidence that financiers of any school, including our “Chicago boys” in their liberal youth, have always been interested in why the toughest credit policy in America turns out to be softer than the softest in Russia?

The answer to the question posed in this way seems to be obvious - because all the problems of the dollar have long been decided to be solved at the expense of others. And if this account were ours, Russian, Chinese or European, the answer would be absolutely correct and complete.

However, they are mercilessly putting their own people under the dollar, as a result of which the lion’s share of the dollar debt has long ago fallen on the shoulders of ordinary Americans. And here it would be very appropriate to remember that in the United States financiers are traditionally on the side of the Democrats.

And it was precisely the rejection of precisely this approach to law-abiding US citizens that brought the traditionalist conservative Trump to the White House, who clearly relied on the industrial power and agricultural potential of his homeland. More precisely, for those who are involved in these areas in one way or another.

Why such a long introduction? To what now simply needs to be repeated - the other day the US Federal Reserve System - the local Central Bank, fragmented into a dozen branches and 25 branches in the states, left its rate in the same range - 5,0-5,25%.

But you should be gentler with people

The illustration is quite clear - overseas, again, I have to repeat, this is considered an extremely tight monetary policy. And don’t dream of any mitigation in the near future.

But in Russia we were recently promised easing, not only by Mrs. Nabiullina from our Central Bank, but also by a number of ministers and even deputies. However, here we have a repetition again, and again “why”?

Why does the reduction count start not from five-something, but from 16 percent per annum? At the same time, the Federal Reserve in the States has even retained the volume of money issued for circulation, which is called QT.

That is, the scale of quantitative tightening has been determined. QT is essentially the antithesis of QE - quantitative easing, which the general public learned about during the pandemic from the light hand of the same Donald Trump.

This general public for the most part has no doubt that the whole point of QE - quantitative easing was to simply distribute money to the population, almost scattering bills from helicopters. And for this, the public in the States endures the insane debts that the state has imposed on them.

The main thing is that no one requires anyone to return it immediately or in the foreseeable future. It’s not always possible to even pay interest. What's all this for? Yes, to confirm our long-standing thesis that money is nothing more than a surrogate for trust.

Well, people in the States believe in the dollar, but they don’t believe in Joe Biden, they don’t believe in their Congress, they don’t even believe in the Supreme Court. But they believe in pieces of paper with presidents and electronic bills on gadgets. Not like in Russia, where the public doubted that a strong ruble just a month after the start of the SVO would not last long, and they were right to do so.

Jerome, Jerome or... Rereading Powell

Let’s extend our excursion overseas a little, since it’s no secret that the decisions of the Federal Reserve System will sooner or later be followed by concrete steps by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Under the guise of that very policy of de-dollarization, somehow half-forgotten, which we plan to talk about in more detail in future articles.

So, what did the head of the Fed promise to financiers and ordinary US citizens and what does this mean for you and me? First of all, Jerome Powell has no doubt about the prospect of a decline this year, which suggests that the economy is starting to stall due to a lack of cheap money.

I wonder, why doesn’t it stall in Russia then? Because we still have cheap money in our country, although not for everyone. Further from Powell’s words it follows that the Fed is noticing a decrease in inflation, with which “there has been significant progress over the past six months.”

In Russia, some progress is also being noted, but the notorious target of 4 percent per annum is still far away. Hence the question - so, at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, what rates are you going to fight inflation with, high or low?

Or has a positive trend already been launched? Something is not very noticeable. The eggs alone made such a noise, and there are plenty of threats of this kind.

Percentages of truth... or percentages of dreams

And finally, about those same targets, theirs and ours.

Jerome Powell from the Fed confidently talks about 2 (two) percent per annum as a realistically achievable goal. The Russian Central Bank continues to quietly dream of four. Percentage per annum! Not bad, but two are better.

The Fed acknowledges that “unable to give an exact figure when data on a slowdown in inflation will be sufficient to make a decision to reduce the interest rate.” The following maxim from Jerome Powell reads like a direct quote from the reports of our main Russian credit institution:

“Our confidence is growing, but not to the point that we feel the need to start cutting rates right now. If the labor market weakens unexpectedly, this would be a strong argument for an earlier rate cut.”

In our country, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance boldly declare that a reduction in rates can be expected by the summer. To be clear, it means soon after the elections. I would like to believe, but after the elections even pre-election promises are somehow forgotten. And here there are no pre-election ones, but simply from the depths of the Central Bank. There is certainly no one planning to go to any elections in the near future.
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  1. +6
    8 February 2024 04: 51
    after the elections, even pre-election promises are somehow forgotten
    Believe me after this....
    1. +5
      8 February 2024 11: 42
      Yes, they are not remembered even without elections.. but of course, even though there are elections without a choice, people need to be cheered up.. they say we will break through.. and after the elections the dollar is at 120 and the rate is 20.. here in China problems are piling up.. here everything is even worse maybe..dollar 120 and rate 20 is my optimistic forecast after the elections..
      1. +1
        8 February 2024 14: 07
        Quote: Svarog
        dollar 120 and rate 20 is my optimistic forecast after the elections..

        In the US there is the US Federal Reserve and Fort Knox. Why is there no Federal Reserve System of the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation? The dollar as a reserve and interstate payment currency (after the introduction of sanctions and freezing of assets) has ceased to be attractive and accessible to the Russian Federation. This means you need to release your reserve currency, tying it to gold, for example. hi
        1. +2
          9 February 2024 09: 33
          You never know what they promised for the elections...
      2. 0
        12 February 2024 13: 48
        Quote: Svarog
        Yes, they are not remembered even without elections.. but of course, even though there are elections without a choice, people need to be cheered up.. they say we will break through.. and after the elections the dollar is at 120 and the rate is 20.. here in China problems are piling up.. here everything is even worse maybe..dollar 120 and rate 20 is my optimistic forecast after the elections..

        Let me remind you that the rate was raised so that the dollar would not rise in price
  2. +10
    8 February 2024 05: 00
    after the elections, even pre-election promises are somehow forgotten
    So the most important candidate for the presidency does not promise anything.
    1. +16
      8 February 2024 06: 32
      Quote: parusnik
      So the most important candidate for the presidency does not promise anything.

      Maybe a (pleasant) surprise is in store??

      Let's remember that the president announced pension reform to us immediately after the elections. Apparently, in gratitude for the choice!
      And what is characteristic is that the candidate was silent as a fish about what he plans to do immediately after his election. I have prepared a pleasant surprise!
      1. +11
        8 February 2024 06: 36
        Maybe a (pleasant) surprise is in store??
        Yeah, like in the movie To Kill a Dragon. Remember the episode when the dragon hit the burgomaster’s son between the legs, and he grabbed the painful place and whined: “How nice!”.. Something similar awaits us.
      2. -5
        8 February 2024 07: 55
        Quote: Stas157
        Let's remember that the president announced pension reform to us immediately after the elections. Apparently, in gratitude for the choice!

        It is not the president who is to blame for the pension reform, but the people themselves who elect him.
        1. +13
          8 February 2024 09: 51
          It is not the president who is to blame, but the people themselves who elect him.

          It has long been clear to everyone that the people are out of business. The elites choose, that is, those who have real financial power. You can draw whatever you want on the ballots.
          Ukraine is a shining example for you. They seized power in the country, imprisoned and killed those who disagreed, and act in their own interests.
          1. -4
            8 February 2024 12: 57
            “It has long been clear to everyone that the people are out of business. They are elected by the elites, that is, those who have real financial power.”

            If the people allowed this, then they are to blame. Or he's okay with it.
          2. 0
            14 February 2024 16: 00
            Well, of course. And who drew 70+% percent of the zelia?
        2. +6
          8 February 2024 10: 41
          The president is not to blame for pension reform
          Finally, the pension reform was carried out at the request of the IMF, from the beginning in Ukraine, I remember our media laughed about this, they say it’s litter, and then our government reacted to the IMF’s request with understanding
          1. -3
            8 February 2024 12: 58
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Finally, the pension reform was carried out at the request of the IMF,

            The president is elected by the people, not the IMF. Moreover, our people have risen from their knees and are now free in their choice. Is not it?
            1. -1
              8 February 2024 13: 03
              The people choose whoever the IMF appoints... but they got up from their knees, their muscles filled with strength... their chest straightened out... they acquired a slender, proud posture... Yes, yes...
        3. +9
          8 February 2024 11: 50
          It is not the president who is to blame for the pension reform, but the people themselves who elect him.

          Well, the president always has nothing to do with us... everyone knows... he seems to exist... but he doesn’t seem to exist. Nobody knows what he thinks there, where he plans to take the country... he has no one to debate with, and he doesn’t talk to foreign agents and prisoners... I think after his first term he would have received a well-deserved pension... and then he would have gone down in history a positive character... but now, with each new term, he becomes more and more mysterious... you don’t even know anymore... maybe he will send us to heaven... well, right away, so that we don’t suffer for humanitarian reasons...
          1. -10
            8 February 2024 11: 57
            Putin is my president!

            Quote: Svarog
            the president always has nothing to do with us

            Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 105 p. 1. Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma.

            Quote: Svarog
            where did you plan to take the country?

            If you find out from where, you can understand where.
            In a quarter of a century they could have figured out where.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +6
              8 February 2024 13: 00
              Quote: Boris55
              If you find out from where, you can understand where.
              In a quarter of a century they could have figured out where.

              Yes, in general, “where” and “from” are one place.
          2. -5
            8 February 2024 12: 59
            “Well, the president always has nothing to do with us... everyone knows... he seems to exist... but he doesn’t seem to exist. Nobody knows what he thinks, where he plans to take the country..”

            The people elect a president - the one they, the people, need.
            1. +10
              8 February 2024 13: 04
              The people elect a president - the one they, the people, need.

              It is not the president who is to blame for the pension reform, but the people themselves who elect him.

              Yeah.. “as long as I’m president, there won’t be any pension reform..” The people want to work so hard.. until they die.. that they are ready to elect for life a president who does not fulfill his public promises.. and at all.. no matter what he orders.. everything is a failure.. but the people vote with all their hands FOR.. maybe our people are masochists.. or is there something wrong with the elections?
              1. +7
                8 February 2024 15: 47
                “Yeah..” as long as I’m president, there won’t be pension reform..”

                It was another one, it was reset to zero.
              2. +1
                8 February 2024 20: 24
                Why did you decide that people really vote for?
                1. +1
                  9 February 2024 07: 44
                  Quote: Kmon
                  Why did you decide that people really vote for?

                  There is no reason not to trust. Almost a third of my friends vote in favor. The rest don't go at all.
      3. +10
        8 February 2024 09: 59
        Let's remember that the president announced pension reform to us immediately after the elections.

        Let's remember the pension reform, and we will be surprised to see that in both Ukraine and Russia, pension reforms began to be carried out almost simultaneously. After this, the rumor that reform is a requirement of the IMF ceases to be a rumor. By the way, in Ukraine initially no one hid this.
        1. +6
          8 February 2024 13: 03
          “After this, the rumor that reform is a requirement of the IMF ceases to be a rumor. By the way, in Ukraine initially no one hid this.”

          It can not be.

          Ukraine is a country dependent on the West, Russia is a sovereign country in which a people raised from their knees lives, freely choosing their president - the best candidate from many worthy ones. These freedom-loving people will not tolerate the interference of foreigners with their strange demands, and it’s generally ridiculous to talk about the IMF - and in general for us, a country with a rapidly developing economy (the fifth in the world!).
          1. +6
            8 February 2024 13: 38
            Quote: S.Z.
            and in general it’s funny to say.

            It would be funny if it weren’t so sad... Lagarde arrived in the Russian Federation and almost immediately: “Be understanding!” sad
    2. +9
      8 February 2024 06: 43
      Quote: parusnik
      doesn't promise anything.

      Why, since the electorate is “ready for anything”...
    3. -9
      8 February 2024 11: 43
      Judge them according to their deeds.

      Quote: parusnik
      So the most important candidate for the presidency does not promise anything.

      He doesn't promise, he does! “Everything happens in the best possible way in accordance with the real morality and ethics of all participants in the process.”

      According to the Central Bank, they are puppets of the Fed.
      The functions of the Central Bank must be transferred to the Russian government and its control functions to the State Duma of Russia. The Central Bank must be renamed the State Bank of Russia. Further, this state of affairs, when the West declared a war of destruction on us, and they manage our finances, is unacceptable.
    4. +3
      8 February 2024 11: 44
      So the most important candidate for the presidency does not promise anything.

      How ? didn’t even announce his election program? Why are the “chief” and his subordinates elected? laughing drinks
  3. +6
    8 February 2024 06: 17
    . in Russia they plan to soften it from 16 percent per annum, while in America they are stuck in the range from 5,0 to 5,25 percent.

    We would present 5% as a victory over inflation!
    1. +11
      8 February 2024 06: 28
      We would present 5% as a victory over inflation!
      $91,15 for today, a victory... And here they tell us about the Fed... Well, yes, this is their machinations laughing
  4. +12
    8 February 2024 06: 37
    This impudent “person”, for her policy of strengthening the ruble, must sew “top hats” and slurp gruel for the rest of her life... Only thanks to the policies of the Central Bank, we will soon all become “millionaires”...
    This is our plan - once every thirty years we reset reserves and savings...
  5. +8
    8 February 2024 07: 33
    The Norwegian Oil Fund unexpectedly admitted that it still owns shares in 52 Russian enterprises and hinted with a photograph that it is a shareholder of Sberbank. lol
  6. +7
    8 February 2024 07: 57
    “Why is the toughest credit policy in America turning out to be softer than the softest in Russia?”

    Because the US economy and the Russian economy are like the Russian economy and the Gabon economy.
    1. +9
      8 February 2024 10: 01
      Well, what are you saying, we have already been told that the Russian economy is now the FIRST in Europe and the FIFTH in the world! Do you believe it?
      Personally, I am tormented by vague doubts... The litmus test of these doubts is who actually owns our Central Bank, who rules it, whose interests does it reflect? It seems that our Central Bank is under the IMF (including the Fed), and money is flowing out of Russia for the benefit of our Anglo-Saxon “partners,” as if from a colony to the metropolis.
      No matter how you puff out your cheeks here, it is impossible to live in capitalism and be free from its laws, despite the fact that capitalism is already a planetary system, with a leader and master, and the laws in it were not invented for the benefit of Russia.
      1. +3
        8 February 2024 13: 04
        Quote: Per se.
        Well, what are you saying, we have already been told that the Russian economy is now the FIRST in Europe and the FIFTH in the world! Do you believe it?

    2. +7
      8 February 2024 10: 43
      The US economy and the Russian economy are like the Russian economy and the Gabon economy.
      And how did this happen and who did it? The people are probably to blame... laughing
      1. +1
        8 February 2024 14: 07
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        The US economy and the Russian economy are like the Russian economy and the Gabon economy.
        And how did this happen and who did it? The people are probably to blame... laughing

        People of Gabon? The people of the USA?
        1. +2
          8 February 2024 14: 17
          Well, of course, the USA turned the Russian economy into the economy of Gabon, ahh... liberals and the fifth column, how could we live without them?
          1. +1
            8 February 2024 15: 48
            Who else? Agents of the world behind the scenes.
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    8 February 2024 13: 55
    Watch Khazin’s interview with the “Empathy Manuchi” channel on YouTube, there is an answer to the question “Why did the Central Bank suddenly really want to cut the rate?”
  9. +1
    8 February 2024 16: 07
    So far, only one thing is clear: Nabiulina’s entire monetary policy is aimed at fighting inflation!
    There is no industrial policy visible at all, there is no talk of a development budget at all. We are fighting inflation
  10. 0
    8 February 2024 18: 39
    Republicans and Democrats, Trump and Biden, are united in defending US global hegemony, but differ on how to achieve the goal.
    The Republicans, represented by Trump, are reaching their goal through the so-called. Repatriation(!) of real sectors of the economy even at the expense of the weakening of its main partner, the EU, and the strengthening of the US position in the world against the backdrop of the political economic challenge of the PRC.
    This policy of the Republicans is dictated by specific historical conditions, is tactical in nature and contradicts the basic foundations of capitalism - the enslavement and robbery of the rest of the world, the concentration of capital in the hands of a small group of so-called. “masters of the world.”
    The strategy of the Democrats, represented by Biden, boils down to expanding political economic expansion, which consists of transferring real sectors of the economy to regions with large resources and cheap labor, which increases the income of the regional ruling classes, and allows the US to control governments and place state entities in neo-colonial dependence. Simply put, the whole world works hard for the benefit of the United States, which pays for its labor from the appropriated surplus value created by the rest of the world, in the same way as the owner of any organization pays for the labor of his purchased employees.
    1. 0
      8 February 2024 23: 57
      Why does the toughest credit policy in America turn out to be softer than the softest in Russia?
      Because after Yeltsin’s coup d’etat and the restoration of capitalism, the Russian Federation actually became a colony through the abandonment of state regulation and the transition to market-speculative relations, the floating exchange rate of the national currency, the refusal to protect the domestic market from the influx of foreign consumer goods, and accordingly lost economic sovereignty and an independent financial system. The task of the main bank was the so-called “targeting” inflation not by stimulating the production of material and other assets, but by playing games with a key rate. In less than two decades, the target of 4% inflation was achieved only a few times, and this clearly shows the flawed policy of the main bank.
      The essence of the quantitative easing program is not the free distribution of money, but the provision of practically interest-free so-called. starting capital for proactive citizens to open their own business. It worked and the economy began to grow, but it was a double-edged sword. The downside was the growth of financial bubbles, government debt, inflation and prices. This forced the program to be closed and monetary policy to be tightened, and the budget deficit to be covered with treasury bonds, the servicing of which and interest payments led to an increase in the public debt.
  11. +1
    8 February 2024 19: 00
    In general, it is clear to every normal economist that the discount rate should not be less than inflation, at least not by much. What is our inflation rate - about 8%. This is according to the stat. Really - I think much more. Therefore, the discount rate is high.
  12. BAI
    8 February 2024 22: 19
    Sberbank takes deposits at 16% per annum for only 6 months. It will be over in 6 months, they are waiting for a rate cut
    1. +3
      9 February 2024 07: 45
      Quote: BAI
      Sberbank takes deposits at 16% per annum for only 6 months. It will be over in 6 months, they are waiting for a rate cut

      Rather, this is the maximum planning horizon in modern conditions. Next is fog.
  13. +1
    8 February 2024 23: 01
    For some reason, the authors compare the Fed and our Central Bank. Different stories. They print money 24/7 and the whole world pays for it. We only issue what we ourselves have earned. In the USA, money should not be expensive, there is a lot of it and the whole world lends to the states. We have less money and no one lends to us at all. That's the whole story. Our rates will always be higher as long as the dollar lives. But the fact that they now have 5,25% indicates that there are difficulties in their financial system. They are. And at such an interest rate it is very painful to refinance 34 trillion government debt.
  14. 0
    10 February 2024 09: 04
    Quote: Svarog
    It is not the president who is to blame for the pension reform, but the people themselves who elect him.

    Well, the president always has nothing to do with us... everyone knows... he seems to exist... but he doesn’t seem to exist. Nobody knows what he thinks there, where he plans to take the country... he has no one to debate with, and he doesn’t talk to foreign agents and prisoners... I think after his first term he would have received a well-deserved pension... and then he would have gone down in history a positive character... but now, with each new term, he becomes more and more mysterious... you don’t even know anymore... maybe he will send us to heaven... well, right away, so that we don’t suffer for humanitarian reasons...

    ...where he was going to take the country...
    It was a coincidence, but you came up with an interesting phrase. It turns out that the President is taking the country out, and we are all just a burden.

    But elections are coming soon. The new President may change something in both politics and the economy. Maybe new people will appear, maybe veterans will start helping. And we will not be taken somewhere, but will be led to some goal.
  15. 0
    14 February 2024 15: 58
    What did you want to say? You understand what you wrote...