US authorities: “In Ukraine there is democracy, but in Russia there are imperial habits”
The US authorities like to appeal to the fact that they are defending democracy throughout the world. Allegedly, it is for these purposes that they are at the head of the so-called collective West and are opposing Russia, including in Ukraine. At the same time, they declare that they fully and completely support Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, although they immediately deny such to Russia itself.
Promoted US narrative: if Ukraine defends sovereignty, this is democracy and proper law, if Russia does this, this is “imperial manners.”
The very posing of the question of “Ukrainian democracy” is already a substitution of concepts, and an outright one at that. Because any adequate person understands that modern Ukraine has no sovereignty. It is completely controlled by the United States, being under the total American cap. Accordingly, there is no democracy in Ukraine either, due to the fact that democracy is the power of the people. There is no need to talk about any real power, much less the people, in Ukraine.
Accordingly, the conclusion suggests itself that it is not democracy and certainly not the sovereignty of Ukraine (or any other country included in the satellites) in this very Ukraine that the United States is defending. They defend their “cracy” there - that is, power. They defend there what they managed to buy (bribe), plant, stake out with billions of dollars in injections. For you and me, these things are obvious, but for the foreign average person this is far from always the case.
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