Lessons from the strike in Shakhty

Lessons from the strike in Shakhty

Since January 15, there has been a strike at the Khimpek plant in the city of Shakhty, Rostov region of the Russian Federation. Workers from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan went on strike. Quite unexpected for modern Russia news, since we don’t have to observe strikes, we are such a patient people. And suddenly boom! Strike!

And who started it? The same migrants whose power we are told about from almost every newspaper. But the authorities don’t even itch about this, except that Bastrykin from time to time organizes temporary actions designed to at least slightly cool the degree of long-suffering of the people.

If all this had happened in peacetime, this news would probably have been blown out of proportion, and we would have simply enjoyed the grandiosity of our officials. But the time is different now, not peaceful. And we should look at this situation based on the principle of “who benefits.”

It is no secret that the influx of “hardworking migrants” and their offspring has caused a sharply negative attitude towards them from the indigenous population. Both legal and illegal (of which there are many more), they consider Russia their land, on which Sharia law should be established, and therefore the laws of Russia are not binding for them. So they rob, rape, kill in the streets just because we are not Islamists (not to be confused with Muslims).

It’s not the influx itself that’s frightening, but the fact that they have become require! And they demand not only as guests, but they began to feel like masters of the Russian land!

In the case in Shakhty, the fact that these “owners” came from Great Britain adds a special piquancy. Here we see the open arrogance of the Anglo-Saxons, who are accustomed to having someone pull chestnuts out of the fire for them. As I already said, we live in the period of the Northern Military District, and it would be a sin for the Anglo-Saxons not to use anyone just to destroy Russia. We must remember that the true goal of the Anglo-Saxons, since the time of Ivan the Terrible, was to destroy Russia and turn it into their colony.

It is strange that law enforcement officers did not try to find the real instigators of the strike. After all, according to Donskoy Textile LLC (Khimpek brand), the incident was explained as follows:

“An aggressive group of young foreign workers organized a planned sabotage of the work. The administration was blackmailed by failure to fulfill orders and demanded an unreasonable increase in wages. Note that the company indexed salaries by 15% in October 2023. Salaries were 80–85 thousand rubles.”

Not every Russian receives such salaries.

And in general, it should be noted that for a long time now migrants have been going not to where there is demand for low-paid professions - janitors and so on - but to where the salaries are very high. They do not want to settle in Chechnya or Dagestan; they are drawn like a magnet to Moscow, Leningrad and other cities where there is an offer of jobs with high salaries.

It is hardly worth assuming that a certain competitor is behind the incident in Shakhty. Here we should perceive this either as an attempt to rake the heat with the wrong hands, to harm Russia on the part of the Anglo-Saxons, or as a desire of the pro-Islamist lobby to escalate the situation until the authorities make concessions to it.

It must be admitted that there are reasons for this.

Almost every day we witness that the crimes of migrants are hushed up, that they are given much shorter sentences than representatives of the indigenous population, that the impudence of newcomers is approaching a critical point.

The incident in Nizhny Tagil is clear evidence of this. I cannot find a logical explanation for the fact that migrant crimes are discussed with representatives of diasporas. By what right, may I ask?

But if we remember that in the Chechen Republic the norms and laws of Sharia have been almost openly introduced, where it is allowed to beat people under investigation and declare this a feat, where the head of the republic openly threatens with physical violence those who do not please him, then there is nothing to be surprised at.

I will not cite all the cases of the dominance of the pro-Islamist lobby (again, please do not confuse them with Muslims); anyone can easily find them on the Internet. I want to return to the question: who benefits?

After much reflection, I came to the conclusion that this is primarily beneficial to those oligarchic circles that are concerned only with their own profit, and therefore put the interests of their pocket above the interests of the Motherland. Moreover, their thirst for profit coincides with the interests of the united West!

How much have you heard about the oligarchs purchasing something for the SVO? I did not hear. But Roma Abramovich bought iPhones for mercenaries who killed Russian soldiers, and he didn’t get anything for it. A classic example of the political shortsightedness of the authorities.

But is it worth simplifying, reducing everything to banal profit?

Of course no. There will always and everywhere be a whole complex of reasons, but in this situation, the trigger is precisely the connivance of the authorities on the issue of concessions to migration. Only a tough force approach, coupled with a change in migration policy along the lines of Qatar or the UAE, can stop the consequences. Because if you give slack once, then they will take advantage of it a second time, and a third time. No wonder the chief imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, Ildar Alyautdinov, said at the Uzbek conference:

“So, inshal, we have a great demographic mission of all representatives of Islam, all representatives of the Muslim community. Great mission. And God willing, together we will fulfill this mission in the best possible way.”

Russia must remain a country where faiths coexist peacefully with each other and the principle prevails: a guest is always a guest, no matter how warmly he is greeted.

And the momentary benefits of relaxation and indulgence for migrants will certainly lead to bad consequences. The lesson of the strike must be learned!
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  1. +12
    6 February 2024 04: 48
    After long reflection, I came to the conclusion that this is beneficial primarily because oligarchic circles who are concerned only with their own profit,
    recourse Is it time to remove the oligarchs from power or should migrants not bring profit to the oligarchs? what
    1. +17
      6 February 2024 05: 04
      It’s not even the influx itself that is frightening, but what they began to demand!
      Deprive citizenship and suitcase-station-village!
      1. +12
        6 February 2024 07: 54
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        Deprive citizenship and suitcase-station-village!

        I agree with you, but under what law can a Russian citizen be deprived of citizenship?
        We have a very negative attitude towards the Baltic republics, but in order to protect against migrants, their laws are more thoughtful, although they need guest workers more than Russia.
        Immediately after the “collapse,” Estonia and Latvia introduced the “non-citizen passport” (NCP), and he could be deported at any time for breaking the law. Only after several years of work, guest workers who have no complaints from law enforcement agencies can receive a temporary residence permit.
        Well, why not take a good one, tested for 30 years. After all, this would solve the problems, but now Russia has the same headache as France, when in Marseille the French are already afraid to go out into the streets during the day.
        1. +24
          6 February 2024 08: 17
          Quote: carpenter
          but under what law can a Russian citizen be deprived of citizenship?
          First, check the legitimacy of obtaining citizenship...How many migrants don’t even know the language, and if the registration is violated, eliminate this fake citizenship. If desired, this can be done and even the designers can be hired by Faberge.
          1. +10
            6 February 2024 08: 30
            Quote from Uncle Lee
            If desired, this can be done and even the designers can be hired by Faberge.

            But there is no desire from the authorities, and the cops pretend not to see it.
            1. +10
              6 February 2024 08: 32
              Quote: carpenter
              But the desire does not come from the authorities,

              That's the trouble!
              1. +6
                6 February 2024 11: 59
                It's not a problem, it's worse. Reminds me of preparations for a civil war, this time internal. Agree, it’s strange, in a multinational country: pandering to migrants in all matters and the creation of a department (it seems) at the Russian State University for the Humanities led by Dugin to promote the ideas of the Hitler collaborator Ilyin. This is done on purpose. For what? In my opinion, the answer is obvious. And immediately ALL questions about the dominance of migrants, the inaction of the police towards them, etc. disappear. and so on. Those who have the opportunity to leave, leave.
            2. +2
              6 February 2024 09: 29
              But there is no desire from the authorities, and the cops pretend not to see it.

              Why should they have it (the desire)? A migrant is a vital element, both for the employer and for those who accompany the employer (government structures)..everyone is fine..except for the citizens, of course.. There is another question, where have the citizens gone? Our economy is not growing as rapidly as Russia is turning into Tajikistan... it’s clear, of course, that our people don’t want to work for pennies... but you can’t live long without work...
              1. +8
                6 February 2024 11: 05
                Quote: Svarog
                But there is no desire from the authorities, and the cops pretend not to see it.

                Why should they have it (the desire)? A migrant is a vital element, both for the employer and for those who accompany the employer (government structures)..everyone is fine..except for the citizens, of course.. There is another question, where have the citizens gone? Our economy is not growing as rapidly as Russia is turning into Tajikistan... it’s clear, of course, that our people don’t want to work for pennies... but you can’t live long without work...

                But migrants now don’t want to work for pennies, and they don’t work. They have already displaced the indigenous people in some areas of the economy.
            3. +5
              6 February 2024 15: 45
              Everything is bought and sold. In the police department, in the immigration department, in the Duma..... They don’t give a damn about anyone, as long as there is profit.
              1. P
                8 February 2024 23: 03
                We live under capitalism, that’s exactly what capitalism is about. Is there something you don't like? What are you, an extremist?)))))))))))
          2. +2
            6 February 2024 16: 44
            "First, check the legitimacy of obtaining citizenship..."
            And who will check?
            Today I read about Yekaterinburg: "...in 2023, 288 thousand migrants were registered in the city, which is 18,7% of the total population of the city."
            Deputies, police? The deputies cannot be removed ahead of schedule; the police have blinders on their eyes. Without fighting corruption from the very beginning, the problem cannot be solved.
            1. P
              8 February 2024 22: 53
              288 thousand workers (whether they are migrants or not does not matter in the equation) generate huge (very, very) profits with their labor. If some passenger not only babbles, but actually starts doing something to evict them and stop their profits, he will be killed painfully, and very quickly at that. For that kind of money they kill easily
          3. P
            8 February 2024 22: 56
            the state is an instrument in the hands of the ruling class, the ruling class makes profit from migrants. Question: who will be taken for Faberge by law enforcement agencies serving the ruling class as part of the state?))))))))))
          4. +1
            9 February 2024 02: 01
            and if the registration is violated, eliminate this fake citizenship.

            ENOUGH TO CHECK:
            - does the “new citizen” officially work and pay taxes regularly?
            - level of Russian language proficiency, knowledge of Russian culture
            - checking the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for violations of the laws of the Russian Federation, participation in prohibited organizations, propaganda of violence against the indigenous population of the Russian Federation, including on social networks.....

            For each of the three points, you can be deprived of your Russian passport and sent to your native village at the expense of the employer who has applied for a quota for foreign labor....
        2. +7
          6 February 2024 09: 48
          Under what law can a Russian citizen be deprived of citizenship?

          A couple of times in the news there was information that a law enforcement agency managed to expose a criminal group that illegally organized the issuance of Russian citizenship. As I understand it, there are “client” databases. This is where we need to start, first of all replacing clients of such schemes with “citizenship” with “residence permit”, and then in accordance with the law.
          Do we remember the history in Obninsk well? When the governor of the Kaluga region tried to talk to a newly minted citizen of Russia who speaks Russian (according to documents!!) and was unable to because this citizen speaks neither English nor English!!!
          It is with such certification centers that we need to start, with this business. Again, databases, for this, the certificate is immediately revoked and the “clients” are retested.
          But this will NEVER happen, because obtaining Russian citizenship is a BUSINESS, and BUSINESS cannot be touched here!
          1. ANB
            7 February 2024 23: 18
            . Obtaining Russian citizenship is a BUSINESS, and BUSINESS cannot be touched here!

            Well, let's be honest. This is a criminal business, just like drug trafficking. Is there a fight against drug trafficking?
            1. P
              8 February 2024 22: 57
              as with a crime, yes it goes, as with a business, no, it doesn’t and it goes
        3. P
          8 February 2024 22: 46
          There are two Russias with opposing interests. Russia, the beneficiaries, has no problems with migrants, only profit. Russia of workers does not receive profit from migrants, but has all the problems. The classic principle: privatization of profits, nationalization of costs
      2. -6
        6 February 2024 09: 10
        What’s so wild about demands for higher salaries during a strike?*
        Ceterum censeo Washingtonum delendam esse
        1. P
          8 February 2024 22: 50
          In the minds of narrow-minded people, the bosses and owners are on their side, like they are also Russian and that means they are at the same time. No guys, the owners have played internationally for a long time, the children are in London, the house is in Italy, the account is in the Grenadine Islands, the contractors are in Cyprus, and the veins are being pulled out of you in Saratov.
      3. +11
        6 February 2024 09: 23
        Deprive citizenship and suitcase-station-village!

        Do you mean the employer? Good idea... hired non-citizens... went to non-citizens in the country for a permanent place of stay... Then you see, the salary would increase among compatriots...
        1. +5
          6 February 2024 09: 59
          Quote: Svarog
          .hired non-citizens

          Paid the fine. Yes, such that he will later give orders to his grandchildren not to hire non-citizens!
    2. +5
      6 February 2024 05: 47
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      Is it time to remove the oligarchs from power or should migrants not bring profit to the oligarchs?

      Both are true wink
    3. +4
      6 February 2024 09: 25
      recourse Is it time to remove the oligarchs from power or should migrants not bring profit to the oligarchs? what

      Well, my friend... you've set your sights on a coup... so they can deprive you of your citizenship... and they'll also take away your property...
    4. P
      8 February 2024 22: 30
      The author can't put two and two together. The beneficiaries of migrant labor push through both migration laws and pay for their necessary implementation. If there were no jobs for migrants, they would never come
  2. +24
    6 February 2024 05: 03
    This strike must be suppressed in the most brutal manner. Anyone remotely involved will be deported and given a lifelong ban on visiting Russia, even as a tourist or politician in the future.
    1. +10
      6 February 2024 09: 59
      It’s too late to drink Borjomi: “Under pressure from the Ministry of Labor of Tajikistan and the diaspora, the plant had to reconsider its decision and employ 25 of the laid-off workers back,” they wrote on donnews back in January (and I also read it in the cart on some news channels).
      And yes, I think that this is already beyond the bounds!!!
  3. +11
    6 February 2024 05: 04
    And suddenly boom! Strike!
    Author, you are apparently retired and are not at all familiar with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, otherwise you wouldn’t be writing about strikes. We don’t have to observe strikes, we are such a patient people.
    1. +7
      6 February 2024 09: 33
      We are such a patient people.

      Yeah...it’s also jarring...the people are certainly patient...but no one wants to sit...our ruling class doesn’t tolerate strikes...they imprison you right away...people have become powerless...
      1. +5
        6 February 2024 18: 14
        Yes, you know. The article mixes openly provocative, malicious thoughts (for example, regarding the strike) and correct, relevant ones (regarding the migration problem). Our trade unions are already in a corner, and the strike movement is almost equated with treason against the state...
        1. P
          8 February 2024 23: 06
          the author gets emotional because of the gap between the model in his head and the reality outside of it. Sad to see)
  4. +11
    6 February 2024 05: 06
    Wait a little. Soon they will bring us 10000 Africans. There will be more!
    1. +11
      6 February 2024 06: 16
      To all those who say, will you become a janitor!?? Yes, let’s go. Because after a while they will take power in the country and will dictate their terms
    2. -4
      6 February 2024 07: 59
      Quote: Vladivostok1969
      Soon they will bring us 10000 Africans. There will be more!

      Africans are not as arrogant as representatives from Central Asia.
      1. +7
        6 February 2024 09: 05
        Quote: carpenter
        Africans are not as arrogant as representatives from Central Asia.

        in the USA they don't think so
        1. 0
          6 February 2024 09: 40
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          in the USA they don't think so

          So Africans are all US citizens, they can fool around.
      2. +4
        6 February 2024 09: 35
        Africans are not as arrogant as representatives from Central Asia.

        I think they will be more brazen... another question is that Africans don’t like to work... and they won’t... they will deal in drugs and weapons...
        1. +1
          6 February 2024 09: 46
          Quote: Svarog

          I think they will be more insolent... another question is that Africans do not like to work.

          It all depends on the country, if in our country they have a temporary residence permit for 5 years, then everyone works in silence, they are afraid that they may be deported.
      3. +3
        6 February 2024 09: 52
        All over France and other Germany they look at you with bewilderment. laughing
      4. AUL
        6 February 2024 13: 52
        Quote: carpenter
        Africans are not as arrogant as representatives from Central Asia.

        So far there are 2 - 3 of them per 100 whites. And when they gather into a flock of 100 heads, expect pogroms and arson!
  5. +18
    6 February 2024 05: 13
    As long as agents of influence, saboteurs, hucksters and cowards are at the helm, don’t expect anything good. The article seems to be correct, but what’s the point? And if someone from the indigenous population gets angry, then they will receive such sentences that mother, don’t worry. People are imprisoned for the truth (Kvachkov , Strelkov, Udaltsov, etc.)
    1. P
      8 February 2024 23: 09
      there is no “for the truth”, different groups of people have their own truth and justice, and it is opposite to other groups. Particularly pathetic passengers drown the Abramovichs for the truth, while being workers from whom the Deripaskas squeeze everything dry.
  6. +19
    6 February 2024 05: 18
    The hint that these migrants would rather choose Chechnya or Dagestan rather than Moscow or St. Petersburg looks absurd. So they chose Rostov, not Moscow and St. Petersburg! That is, they go where their handlers direct them. In Chechnya and Dagestan, where strangers, even Islamists, don’t “jump” much. Why would they disturb the idyll and tranquility there? For example, Chechnya receives tribute, and that migrants there with their antics will disrupt this “process” or stop it altogether. What are you saying?
    What looks even more naive is the lack of understanding of what the heads of the diasporas of these migrants are like in Russia. These are clan leaders for whom comparison with atamans - leaders of gangs or barons like gypsies - is childish babble. The leaders of diasporas are those around whom Russia “grows” with migrants. And with the sums they turn back, even the tribute to Chechnya has never seen such sums.
    And not a single woman of theirs appeared here in Russia when they migrated to Russia with their husbands. Right . When Russian women give birth to, at best, one child at a time, they will give birth to five or seven here in Russia, so that the army of the clan leader will grow...,
    1. +1
      6 February 2024 09: 35
      Quote: north 2
      Why would they disturb the idyll and tranquility there? For example, Chechnya receives tribute, and that migrants there with their antics will disrupt this “process” or stop it altogether. What are you saying?

      There are migrants in the Caucasus, but they behave quietly.
  7. +27
    6 February 2024 05: 40
    The problem of migrants is one of the reasons for my negative attitude towards GDP...it is up to him to put things in order with this matter...but he prefers to be on the sidelines.
    I see how these migrants are held with a tight rein in Saudi Arabia, Belarus... there it is impossible to imagine such things as happen to visiting migrant bandits here in Russia.
    And in our country, attacks on the indigenous inhabitants of these strangers with their own concepts have already become the order of things... they have reached the point of complete zugunder, so to speak.
    1. +8
      6 February 2024 08: 07
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I see how these migrants are held with a tight rein in Saudi Arabia

      In Saudi Arabia, even Muslim Pakistanis live in special settlements, they are brought to work and back, they live in families and are allowed into the city only once a week - on Sunday.
    2. +5
      6 February 2024 09: 40
      It is up to him to put this matter in order... but he prefers to be on the sidelines.

      He's behind the scenes.. of the process..
    3. P
      8 February 2024 23: 11
      aside in what sense?) through whose efforts is legislation implemented, the application of these same laws, personnel policies for the convenience of applying anything, including three-letter ones at the local level and the courts?))))))))
  8. +11
    6 February 2024 06: 14
    These “owners” arrived from the UK. Here we see the open impudence of the Anglo-Saxons
    What, local rashids exchanged social housing in Leeds for barracks in Shakhty?
    1. +4
      6 February 2024 18: 18
      hi Again an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy (according to the author)... lol
      1. +5
        6 February 2024 18: 23
        Anglo-Masonic! Take it higher wink
  9. 0
    6 February 2024 06: 16
    Lessons from the strike in Shakhty

    Where are the communist-Bolsheviks? Why didn’t they lead and explain to the proletariat about the irreconcilable struggle against the bourgeoisie and imperialists?
    1. +2
      6 February 2024 06: 31
      Try to explain to the chained dog that his owner is a scoundrel.
      1. 0
        6 February 2024 18: 26
        That's not how it's done. First, they explain to the dog’s owner that the dog is worthless and should not be fed, then they explain to the owner that the dog must be beaten. They further explain that not enough has been done and efforts need to be increased. Next comes observation of the result obtained. The dog tears at the owner, the dog is shot. Property is divided.
    2. +14
      6 February 2024 06: 53
      Well, for example, I am a communist by conviction. And entirely for the friendship of peoples, etc. But! Until such time as these people come to my house, trying to establish their own rules in it. This is where my internationalism ends immediately. And by the way, please note that the Soviet government strictly controlled migration processes, allowing only valuable specialists, such as Azerbaijani oil workers, to Rus'. Remember our cities 30 years ago - were there many non-Slavic faces in them?
      1. +5
        6 February 2024 08: 13
        Quote: paul3390
        Remember our cities 30 years ago - were there many non-Slavic faces in them?

        Very little, and there was no point in them moving to the RSFSR themselves, they earned good money and lived in their homeland, but now there is complete devastation there and they are trying to leave their republics, but transfer their laws, their customs, their faith to Russia. But Russia was not ready for this “resettlement of peoples.”
        1. P
          8 February 2024 23: 14
          How are you not ready? Russia pockets the profits from the labor of migrants, although at the same time Russia gets problems in the form of a burden on compulsory medical insurance, crime, and so on. These are different Russias, they are enemies
      2. +3
        6 February 2024 13: 50
        Quote: paul3390
        And by the way - pay attention, Soviet power tightly controlled migration processes, allowing only valuable specialists, such as Azerbaijani oil workers, into Rus'.

        belay belay belay
        Are you out of your mind?????
        Kurds(!!!!!) in the Saratov Trans-Volga region in the 1970s.
        Koreans in the 1940s-50s
        Vietnamese in the 1960-70s
        Afghans in the 1980s
        Popolovny Dagestan in Samatlor and the North in general - where there was oil production in the 1970s
        Moldovans and Georgians in Saratov and the region in the 1970s-80s
        Russians everywhere in Kazakhstan in the 1960s

        Soviet power in reverse maximally dragged the population around the country in armfuls so that the population would mix up a little and not fall so heavily into nationalism.
        Quote: paul3390
        Remember our cities 30 years ago - were there many non-Slavic faces in them?

        The word "registration" - no, you forgot?
        A Russian in the RSFSR could not easily get a job without registration if there was no hostel or he was not a specialist in short supply.
  10. +13
    6 February 2024 06: 21
    Migrants are a lever of pressure on the indigenous population, and while the authorities benefit from their presence in Russia, their crimes, and we ourselves cannot defend ourselves, our only hope is in the authorities, officials and the president must fall at their feet to save us from them. This is the classic divide and conquer.
  11. +2
    6 February 2024 06: 24
    I was interested in where the English trace came from in the “strike” in Shakhty. It’s very simple, several Tajiks who had previously worked in England started a fuss (from there they flew out with a whistle, firstly they are not Ukrainians and not “dark people”, they like them there) and demanded a salary of 100 - 105 thousand. "The rebels" received payment and were kicked out onto the street. The mines are not England or sunny Tajikistan - after a couple of days, 25 people came with repentance, forgive us and were hired again - salary 80 - 85 thousand. The conflict is over. First, look at why they are paid so much money - in a coffin I saw such work and such money. lol
    1. +13
      6 February 2024 06: 38
      A garbage truck drives along the streets of Belaya Glina. People place bags and bags of garbage near their houses and it is removed according to a schedule. Local men. Over thirty. In the heat and cold, they follow the garbage truck and throw it away. How do you like this kind of work? Without migrants and strikes?
      1. +1
        6 February 2024 06: 59
        I go to work at 5-30, I constantly meet the crew of a garbage truck, the second number is always a pensioner. I think it’s a normal increase to a “beggarly” pension. I’m talking about Sochi. And from the early morning Sochi is also cleaned mainly by pensioners.
        1. +12
          6 February 2024 07: 01
          It’s not pensioners who work for us. Men are about forty years old. There’s no other job. Go to the north? From home, household, family? Not everyone will go. And yes, to themselves. Why do I, a production automation specialist, have a higher education Those working according to their profile are paid twenty percent lower than those of these greyhounds?
        2. +3
          6 February 2024 08: 26
          Quote: tralflot1832
          I go to work at 5-30, I constantly meet the crew of a garbage truck, the second number is always a pensioner.

          And on our garbage trucks, there are no pensioners, since the salary is good, but in cleaning companies there are two crews and 10-15 objects each, and even GPS for control, the majority of them are pensioners, as well as janitors.
          1. 0
            6 February 2024 08: 29
            Quote: tihonmarine
            10-15 objects, and even GPS for control, most of them are pensioners, as well as janitors.

            The same bullshit, plus a video report.
  12. +9
    6 February 2024 07: 18
    Somehow the employer is very liberal. Where is the catchphrase - if you don’t like the salary, write a statement, there’s a crowd outside the gates?
    1. +12
      6 February 2024 07: 21
      The fact is that a liberal employer avoids taxes through migrants. The majority of these migrants are not employed by the enterprise.
  13. +15
    6 February 2024 07: 22
    But Crimea or not the 90s. Now the elections will be completely uncontested. But if you want life without changes, that is, with an influx of migrants. then vote for the former.
    1. +5
      6 February 2024 09: 46
      But Crimea or not the 90s. Now the elections will be completely uncontested. But if you want life without changes, that is, with an influx of migrants. then vote for the former.

      He will arrange more surprises for you... he will cancel your pensions, he will start shooting you for a different opinion, 200 dollars each... cars only belong to members of the United Russia... and oligarchs (which is the same thing).. and for dessert... protein from cockroaches...
      1. 0
        8 February 2024 04: 43
        Quote: Svarog
        But Crimea or not the 90s. Now the elections will be completely uncontested. But if you want life without changes, that is, with an influx of migrants. then vote for the former.

        He will arrange more surprises for you... he will cancel your pensions, he will start shooting you for a different opinion, 200 dollars each... cars only belong to members of the United Russia... and oligarchs (which is the same thing).. and for dessert... protein from cockroaches...

        In general, Putin is much more liberal and democratic than all his election competitors. Yavlinsky was never close to winning the elections and regularly demands that the opposition be banned from conducting political activities. Remember his calls to lustrate communists? Putin, in his heart, also wants to carry out decommunization according to Yavlinsky, but he understands that decommunization and lustration of communists will cause a civil war in the country and restrains himself and his entourage from going against the majority. Although it’s possible that if the FSB starts lustrating communists, there won’t be a civil war, it’s just that Putin and United Russia will fight not for the majority of voters, but for those 5% who over the last 15 years have voted for Nadezhdin, Belykh, Chubais, Gaidar and Yavlinsky.
    2. 0
      6 February 2024 11: 17
      So there is no alternative to the current one. You shouldn’t vote for Nadezhdin.
      1. +2
        6 February 2024 11: 55
        Just change your mind. Imagine that you can’t vote for the current one and you have a choice from the rest, which in general everyone doesn’t like, but you can choose only from them.
        Otherwise, the decision will be made for you. I had such a case. It was impossible to work at the enterprise, but if you looked somewhere, it seemed like you wouldn’t find anything. But the enterprise was closed and we had to look.
        Even now you are afraid of change, it seems Nadezhdin is worse. but if you don't check, you won't know.
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 00: 43
          Quote: Gardamir
          Just change your mind.
          Even now you are afraid of change, it seems Nadezhdin is worse. but if you don't check, you won't know.

          I don’t need to turn my brains over, they’re still there. I saw that Nadezhdin carried on Solovyov’s programs and not only from him. He should be put up against the wall, not as president.
      2. +3
        6 February 2024 15: 37
        So there is no alternative to the current one. You shouldn’t vote for Nadezhdin.

        I remember there was the same argument regarding Grudinin)) Your life has become better... you voted for Putin in those elections... They threw you into retirement... what they didn’t promise... and what they got... they are replacing you with migrants... In any in another country, a president who deceived the citizens will never be elected.. I am a supporter of socialism.. but I’m ready to vote for Nadezhdin at least.. he will at least give the development of parties in Russia and will not cause repressions.. we have foreign agents in half the country. .there is no political struggle..yes, there is nothing at all..degradation all around.. In my personal opinion, Putin failed everything that was possible, although there were colossal opportunities for development...now there are none..and with the same people not will..
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 01: 31
          I have a lot of questions for Putin, but I don’t see an alternative to him in the last elections and in the current ones.
          Nadezhdin will not give you anything other than a shameful peace in Ukraine, with the surrender of all territories and the collapse of the economy.
          He is B. Nemtsov’s sidekick and an adherent of Navalny, a liberal to the core with the ensuing consequences. Before voting for the next “parsley” from the casket, you need to take an interest in its history. I know Nadezhdin’s story well.
          1. P
            8 February 2024 23: 18
            yes there is an alternative. You can ask your colleagues who gets paid how much for the same job anonymously in Telegram. Then voice it, you will learn a LOT of new and useful things.
  14. +8
    6 February 2024 08: 02
    In my opinion, the demand to increase wages under the threat of disrupting the plan is a completely legitimate way for workers to fight for their rights. This is probably the only way. If we only complain and tolerate low salaries, then we will never achieve high salaries.

    It’s not wartime here, so don’t distort it.

    The wave of negativity against migrants is caused, firstly, by envy, which stems from our cowardice, we are afraid to act in the same way, and secondly, by xenophobia associated with the fact that our people are gradually being replaced by migrants, our culture and our way of life under threat due to demographic problems.

    And thirdly, migrants are a very convenient lightning rod from real problems.
    1. +5
      6 February 2024 10: 44
      About cowardice. The Internet is full of messages. where Russians will certainly be imprisoned for looking askance at a migrant
      Even on this occasion. They came from Tajikistan and forced some of the migrants to return to work.
      1. +5
        6 February 2024 10: 56
        Quote: Gardamir
        About cowardice. The Internet is full of messages. where Russians will certainly be imprisoned for looking askance at a migrant
        Even on this occasion. They came from Tajikistan and forced some of the migrants to return to work.

        I’m talking about the fact that we are not trying to protect our rights in front of the employer, and not about protecting our rights in front of migrants. However, it is possible that these issues are related.
    2. P
      8 February 2024 23: 20
      in wartime the same thing. For wars have their own reasons, and the reason may be precisely the preservation and increase in the profits of the main monopolies, including through super-exploitation
  15. +6
    6 February 2024 08: 47
    He who dared ate it.
    The country rightfully belongs to those who are capable of self-organization and defend their collective interests.
    History throws the rest on the trash heap, no matter how much they whine.
    1. P
      8 February 2024 23: 21
      ++ 200-300 capable citizens can successfully set their own rules and impose them on anyone
  16. +3
    6 February 2024 09: 09
    [/quote]In the case in Shakhty, what adds special piquancy is that these “owners” came from the UK. Here we see the open arrogance of the Anglo-Saxons, who are accustomed to having someone pull chestnuts out of the fire for them. As I already said, we live in the period of the Northern Military District, and it would be a sin for the Anglo-Saxons not to use anyone just to destroy Russia. We must remember that the true goal of the Anglo-Saxons, since the time of Ivan the Terrible, was to destroy Russia, turn it into their colony.[quote]

    So are migrants already leaving the UK? Maybe this is some kind of special forces disguised as migrants?
  17. +3
    6 February 2024 09: 17
    Lessons from the strike in Shakhty
    What happened in Shakhty is just the beginning and there is nothing to be surprised about. A new revolutionary class has begun to form in Russia, which in the future will have to demolish the ruling capitalist elite. Nothing in this world changes. hi
  18. +7
    6 February 2024 09: 25
    "The true goal of the Anglo-Saxons, since the time of Ivan the Terrible, is to destroy Russia, turn it into their colony..."
    Remember how the USSR was destroyed. The authorities themselves created problems out of the blue and eliminated them to solve them. 96% of Russia is against the importation of migrants, but the government persistently imports them. My salary for December is 37 thousand in total and this is a factory! And it turns out that the government not only imports, but also pays more wages than its own!! I believe that the country is being prepared, if not for collapse, then for a big “boil.”
    1. P
      8 February 2024 23: 23
      the parasite does not wish harm to its host, it simply eats. The fact that the host will die is a side effect. This, of course, does not mean that the parasite must be tolerated
  19. +6
    6 February 2024 09: 38
    The lesson from the Mines strike is that no lessons will be learned from it.
    Because nothing has changed even after Biryulyovo 2013.
  20. +7
    6 February 2024 09: 50
    “Russia must remain a country where faiths coexist peacefully with each other and the principle prevails: a guest is always a guest, no matter how cordially he is greeted.”
    And Russia was such a country, but then it was called the USSR, where all confessions were at a level no higher than the baseboard and could not make a word, and I think this was correct.
    1. +5
      6 February 2024 10: 37
      faiths coexist peacefully with each other
      In theory, they should, since freedom of religion is prescribed in the Constitution. And no religious denomination existing in Russia should impose its own rules. The law, in theory, should be the same for everyone, but unfortunately in Russia, it does not apply.
  21. +8
    6 February 2024 10: 09
    By the way, for some reason this news was not covered on federal channels.
    More and more about how well we live, about sanctions, Ivleeva and others, but about this incident there is silence.
    1. +7
      6 February 2024 10: 31
      By the way, for some reason this news was not covered on federal channels.
      More and more about how well we live, about sanctions, Ivleeva and others, but about this incident there is silence.

      If federal channels had shown everything as it is... then Russia might have been different... significantly better...
    2. P
      8 February 2024 23: 24
      and yet there is no landfill in Shies. Struggle does not guarantee success, but giving up the fight guarantees failure.
  22. +5
    6 February 2024 10: 32
    Russia must remain a country where faiths coexist peacefully with each other and the principle prevails: a guest is always a guest
    Those. Tatars, Chechens, Dagestanis, Kalmyks (Buddhists), Balkars, Kabardians, Circassians, are these guests?
    1. +6
      6 February 2024 10: 54
      And it depends on which side you look at it. Your neighbor in an apartment building, if of course you live in one, does not come to your apartment, does not establish his own rules and behaves politely, and if he tries and does not behave, then you get a rebuff, right? But what’s wrong with us living in the same house, right?
      1. +4
        6 February 2024 12: 31
        laughing Oh, we all live in the same apartment building, called Earth.. laughing But if we continue to live like this, ruins will remain from MKD Earth... The author takes a one-sided approach to the issue of the migrant strike. He doesn’t ask the question, why were migrants recruited there? Why don’t Russians work there?. I’ll answer, apparently migrants were recruited because they were probably trained to work on the equipment installed at this enterprise. But in Russia there are no specialized educational institutions where Russians could study to become weavers, turners, etc. .d. And people were sent into business far and long. And who sent? The British? Americans? Ahh, the Poles, probably... These are scoundrels, and we are great at bringing in migrants. They don’t infiltrate like Latinos across the American border, but enter legally, and most importantly, who passed these laws and who has a permanent and regular majority in the Duma? The name is also patriotic...a..United Russia. And who signed their laws? Everything in the article is a shock of air. Nothing more. The ruling class needs instability in the country in order to tighten the screws even more.
        1. +7
          6 February 2024 14: 48
          "laughing Oh, we all live in the same apartment building, called Earth.. laughing"
          It is truth too laughing
          “I’ll answer, apparently the migrants were recruited because they were probably trained to work on the equipment installed at this enterprise.”
          What kind of equipment is there that they don’t teach here, but in a country where with the collapse of the USSR many regions immediately went into the Middle Ages, but with mobile phones they teach, I doubt it, however. request
          As for the rest, yes, you are right. I, too, under the same articles, have repeatedly written that even if you write about it here, everything will be as it is, because the representatives of the little-known party you indicated, who pass the laws, and the unknown person who signs them do not read this site, and if they do, then cut them off they wanted us to write here. hi
          1. +4
            6 February 2024 15: 04
            It’s a vicious circle now, there are no trained personnel, they have more left, they grew “rivets”, they wove things... figuratively speaking... until the Chinese put robots and people on the streets.
  23. +4
    6 February 2024 10: 39
    Here's the video

    After watching, one question. why don't they hire Russians to the factory?
  24. +13
    6 February 2024 10: 46
    “An aggressive group of young foreign workers organized a planned sabotage of the work. The administration was blackmailed by failure to fulfill orders and demanded an unreasonable increase in wages. Note that the company indexed salaries by 15% in October 2023. Salaries were 80–85 thousand rubles.”

    A citizen of the Russian Federation receiving 80 thousand in hand will cost the employer 119,5 thousand per month (13% personal income tax, 30 unified social tax)

    A migrant receiving 80 thousand in hand costs the employer 84.5 thousand per month: (13% personal income tax - 7.5 thousand rubles - the cost of the patent, which the migrant himself pays).
    Each migrant saves the business 35 thousand rubles. per month, 420 thousand rubles. in year.
    Thank you to our permanent national leader for such concern for the Tajiks and Uzbeks close to his heart.
    1. +5
      6 February 2024 12: 01
      In reality, it is even cheaper, since personal income tax is not always paid.
    2. +5
      6 February 2024 12: 34
      That’s exactly what the question is: why provide locals with work, let them go into business. Factories are built, migrants are brought in with loans from Sovcombank laughing
    3. ANB
      7 February 2024 23: 34
      Personal income tax is withheld from wages.
      UST 30% is paid by the employer.
      But both salaries and unified social tax go to expenses and are not subject to the 20% income tax. True, there is also VAT on top.
      It turns out that the savings are not that big.
      There will be savings if it is simplified, especially with revenue of 6%.
  25. -2
    6 February 2024 11: 19
    Quote: Gardamir
    But Crimea or not the 90s. Now the elections will be completely uncontested. But if you want life without changes, that is, with an influx of migrants. then vote for the former.

    So there is still no alternative. Don’t vote for Nadezhdin
    1. +1
      6 February 2024 14: 51
      So there is still no alternative. Don’t vote for Nadezhdin

      I listened to Nadezhdin's speeches. In general, nothing seditious. Offers access to negotiations on ending the SVO along the front line. International legitimation of new territories through a new referendum under the control of international observers with the participation of residents registered in the new territories. I’m sure more than half will vote for Russia, even if those who fled to Ukraine are counted, the opinion of local residents in Crimea has not changed since 2014.
      These are the same conditions that the Kremlin apparently offers, but it’s easier for the States and Europe to come to an agreement with the new one; no one simply believes the current one. Reputation. The famous word of an officer.

      In 2018, GDP received 76% of the vote and in the same year thanked Russians by raising the retirement age by 5 years and increasing VAT to 20%.

      I’m afraid to even imagine what Putin will do in the next six years.
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 00: 21
        Quote: Ivan Seversky
        So there is still no alternative. Don’t vote for Nadezhdin

        I listened to Nadezhdin's speeches. In general, nothing seditious. Offers access to negotiations on ending the SVO along the front line. International legitimation of new territories through a new referendum under the control of international observers with the participation of residents registered in the new territories. I’m sure more than half will vote for Russia, even if those who fled to Ukraine are counted, the opinion of local residents in Crimea has not changed since 2014.
        These are the same conditions that the Kremlin apparently offers, but it’s easier for the States and Europe to come to an agreement with the new one; no one simply believes the current one. Reputation. The famous word of an officer.

        In 2018, GDP received 76% of the vote and in the same year thanked Russians by raising the retirement age by 5 years and increasing VAT to 20%.

        I’m afraid to even imagine what Putin will do in the next six years.

        Nadezhdin is a traitor!!! He's going to attack us. Look at his pearls on Solovyov’s programs, he was even thrown out of there, they were so saturated with hatred of Russia and Russians.
        Now they push him everywhere, even on porn sites, and present him as the savior of Russia.
        What would the referendum on Crimea be without representatives of international organizations?
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 02: 06
          Don't take campaign promises at face value. Look what the candidate for the post said and did earlier.
      2. -1
        8 February 2024 04: 52
        Quote: Ivan Seversky
        I’m sure more than half will vote for Russia, even if those who fled to Ukraine will be counted

        Ukraine is now paying its citizens who fled from the combat zone to the western regions of the country the wages they previously received in factories destroyed during the fighting. The West invests 300 billion dollars donated by Nabiullina to the West in Uraina. Over the course of 2 years, Nabiullina and the mining complex supplied the West with approximately another 600 billion worth of raw materials, leaving the proceeds in India and Western banks. Putin even dismisses legitimate questions from designers and engineers of the military-industrial complex about why their income in the first 5-10 years after graduation is significantly lower than that of Kyrgyz couriers.
      3. P
        8 February 2024 23: 27
        he is the organizer of privatization, he should dance with his feet under the crossbar along with the rest of the Chubais
  26. +2
    6 February 2024 12: 06
    Less thought and more facts about the incident could have been given. Perhaps the strike has objective reasons and they do not concern wages.
    1. -2
      6 February 2024 14: 03
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      Less thought and more facts about the incident could have been given. Perhaps the strike has objective reasons and they do not concern wages.

      What the hell facts???
      A howl arose immediately: “Kick them out, deprive them of citizenship, the authorities have gotten it!!” - but no one was embarrassed by the fact that the Tajiks were brought from ENGLAND!!!!!- that is, there is physically no replacement for them here, since the owners brought them from the hell out of nowhere...
      1. 0
        6 February 2024 16: 53
        Tajiks were brought from England
        Most likely, they were previously expelled from England.
        1. +2
          6 February 2024 17: 14
          It’s quite possible, just like what the owners brought своих workers...
  27. 0
    6 February 2024 13: 36
    It is strange that law enforcement officers did not try to find the real instigators of the strike.
    In general, a strike is a legal and civilized means for workers powerless in Russia to defend their rights. On the one hand, politicians, journalists, and employers squeal about the lack of highly qualified or simply non-drinking and diligent workers in Russia, on the other hand, they set wages at the level of modern Afghanistan at which In Russia, workers and engineers do not reproduce. In Afghanistan, an electrician working for a foreign enterprise receives $500, which corresponds to 100 rubles in Russia. In Russia under the Tsar, the state power resisted the revolutionaries quite effectively thanks to the organization of federated, managed trade unions by the Tsarist FSB agents. However, at some point, the FSB organized a strike of Jewish workers under the leadership of the pro-Zubatov Jewish trade union at the Goujon plant, owned by French capital. The leaders of the enterprise either put pressure on a high-ranking tsarist official, or through French diplomats put pressure on the tsar himself. The Tsar instructed the police to point at the strikers and ordered FSB agent Zubatov to point at Plehve. As a result, the security officers under the tsar lost their former influence, Plehve and the entire royal family were killed, and the capitalists and oligarchs until 000 were expropriated. It’s just that history repeats itself. Then in Russia, the role of state workers was played by downtrodden Jews.
    1. ANB
      7 February 2024 23: 37
      . In Afghanistan, an electrician working for a foreign enterprise receives $500, which corresponds to 100 rubles in Russia.

      How is that? A dollar is already 200 rubles or something? Did I miss something?
      1. 0
        8 February 2024 04: 29
        Quote: ANB
        The dollar is already 200 rubles. Did I miss something?

        In Afghanistan, prices are lower than in Moscow. Even in the Vladikavkaz market, tangerines are twice as cheap as the prices in the Chizhik store. An acquaintance with 1 hectare of land in Chamkani and 100-200 dollars a month from his son from his Russian wife supports his young wife in Chamkani and 6 children.
  28. +4
    6 February 2024 13: 51
    “For modern Russia, this is quite unexpected news, since we don’t have to observe strikes, we are such a patient people. And suddenly boom! A strike!”
    The author turns the situation upside down - this is a normal defense of one’s rights, it’s a pity that our citizens don’t do this, but wait for the weather by the sea! request
    “And in general, it should be noted that for a long time migrants have been going not to where there is demand for low-paid professions - janitors and so on - but to where the salaries are very high.”
    Migrants come to earn money and this is normal, but they are mobile, because... have no housing in Russia!
    “After much thought, I came to the conclusion” - smacks of a well-known joke about a barn with 3 walls - the author may not think - he gets platitudes, but improve the demography in his family ... request
    1. 0
      7 February 2024 00: 34
      Quote: DrEng02
      “And in general, it should be noted that for a long time migrants have been going not to where there is demand for low-paid professions - janitors and so on - but to where the salaries are very high.”
      Migrants come to earn money and this is normal, but they are mobile, because... have no housing in Russia!

      Migrants should work where they were brought and not where they want. You don’t want to work where you were brought under a contract, suitcase-station-aul.
      1. 0
        7 February 2024 12: 33
        Quote: BIGLESHIY
        Migrants should work where they were brought and not where they want.

        they are not ZK feel Although I agree that the situation with the use of migrants is getting out of control...
      2. P
        8 February 2024 23: 30
        and if they don’t want to and won’t go where they want to be brought under the contract, then what should they do?)
  29. +2
    6 February 2024 15: 52
    What is Modern Russia building? State-corporation. Its peculiarity is that you can somehow exist decently only by being part of a corporation. Outside of it everything is very sad. The further the trade balance surplus shrinks, the state will go deeper and further along the scheme of burdening the tax-paying class. But everyone is different. If you work conditionally in Sberbank or a state corporation, you will have, for example, a salary of 1500 dollars. In another sector - 200-250 dollars. Are you a “corporate” retiree? You alone will have a pension and benefits, no, others. The scheme is not new, but its problem is that medium-sized businesses and a significant part of the population cannot work only in this corporate network. What to do with them, apparently, the issue has not been resolved, but digitalization and “telemedicine” should somehow help with this. Migrants are the future lower layer of this corporate network, and the layer is productive; therefore, like everything else in the corporation, this layer cannot be touched, as a potential resource. There is no use fighting this because it is part of the overall model. Well, roughly how can we discuss “import substitution”. The corporation has no ideology other than income. Well, what kind of ideology did the East India Company have? Therefore, they make a mix of “liberalism” - “socialism” - “nationalism”, each time in their own way, sometimes in one direction, sometimes in the other. This makes it easier to control the flow of thinking and easier to retouch the fact that the East India Company actually has no ideology. And why does she need it? That part of the population that works for this corporate network, for completely objective reasons, will protect it from attacks from various dissatisfied people, both from outside and from within. But society as a whole tends to resist attacks from the outside, so there will generally be synergy here. The problem is that the corporation does not produce anything that would have any separate independent value in the world. There is the example of Rosatom, but this is a rather narrow segment of the world market.
    1. P
      8 February 2024 23: 31
      there is both an ideology and a name for the model. In Italy and Germany in the 40s there was such a system
  30. -1
    6 February 2024 16: 04
    This is a custom article. What is she doing here?
    1. P
      8 February 2024 23: 32
      convinces you that a strike is bad, and the bourgeois boss is your best friend
      1. +1
        9 February 2024 14: 49
        Not you, but you, Serf. We are a capitalist country and now specifically there is a shortage of workers.....Why bring economic relations here. If you break the law, you will go to prison or to your homeland.
  31. 0
    6 February 2024 20: 24
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    recourse Is it time to remove the oligarchs from power or should migrants not bring profit to the oligarchs? what

    And rightly so!

    There is another glaring factor - diaspora.

    Gasters pay rent, about 50% of their salary to the diaspora.
    Tajiks and Uzbeks have similar schemes.
    Moreover, their “collection” comes to fields and industrial enterprises to withdraw yasak, if the gasters are against it.

    For this, diasporas hire entire law firms with qualified lawyers (who have passed the exam, and not lawyers who are former warrant officers, supply managers and military commissars).

    These bar associations excuse the Gasters from any crimes committed by them on Russian territory.
    Be it the murder of a returning North Military District soldier, the rape of a Slavic child, beheading (as happened in Moscow) and roasting on a spit of a Russian citizen (as happened in the Moscow region), etc.
    But the Gasters, paying tribute to their diasporas, are dissatisfied with the government and authorities of the Russian Federation, who carefully invited them.
    Therefore, we, Russian citizens, will work until 65-70-75 years without rest, so that the gasters have good salaries, and the tribute paid goes to their defense, from the judicial system of the Russian Federation.

    The deputies will explain to us that the National Welfare Fund was sormized not to stop the Pension Fund deficit (as written on the Ministry of Finance website), but to support the families of non-citizens of the Russian Federation, and the speedy assimilation of Russians into the Turkestan Moskvabad.
  32. 0
    6 February 2024 23: 28
    After much reflection, I came to the conclusion that this is primarily beneficial to those oligarchic circles that are concerned only with their own profit, and therefore put the interests of their pocket above the interests of the Motherland. Moreover, their thirst for profit coincides with the interests of the united West!

    Did you want to write that in the Russian Federation it is not the President, the Government, the State Duma and the Federation Council who determine domestic policy, but the oligarchs?
    And it’s not the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Investigative Committee that monitor compliance with the laws, but the informal leaders of those groups of foreigners who migrated to Russia in search of weak-willed power?
    1. P
      8 February 2024 22: 27
      the state serves the ruling class. And the oligarchs rule
  33. +2
    7 February 2024 09: 33
    I don’t understand why the author believes that migrants do not have the right to demand certain working conditions and go on strike? Does he treat them as second-class citizens? Or does he think that some (labor in this case) laws of the Russian Federation should not apply on the territory of the Russian Federation?

    After all, the article does not say a word about whether the strike was legal, not a word about whether the bourgeoisie who hired these migrants fulfilled the terms of the contract, not a word about the conditions under which they worked. Those. about the reasons for the strike.

    But there are a lot of words about what bad people these are - migrants, and en masse, mixing discussions about the proletarians of the "chemical pack" and criminals, with the addition of discussions about the "Anglo-Saxons" and the "pro-Islamist lobby." Remember who talked in a similar way about supposedly inferior second-class races? And what did this lead to?
    1. +2
      7 February 2024 12: 35
      Quote: srha
      Does he treat them as second-class citizens?

      Exactly! you get the point, namesake!
  34. 0
    7 February 2024 12: 41
    The government itself will soon become saturated with new citizens and it will be too late to counteract the dominance.
  35. Des
    8 February 2024 20: 33
    From the author’s article: “And in general, it should be noted that for a long time migrants have been going not to where there is a demand for low-paid professions - janitors and so on - but to where the salaries are very high. They do not want to settle in Chechnya or Dagestan, their like a magnet, he is drawn to Moscow, Leningrad and other cities where there is an offer of jobs with high salaries."
    Yes, a truck driver from Kazan said that “they” are trying to reach them in the republic, and not in neighboring regions. Because in Tatarstan it is cleaner and there are more subsidies. And there is no general “uniform faith”, because They have basically a radical religion, which begins to put pressure on the local one.
  36. P
    8 February 2024 22: 27
    Of course I should. Lessons must be learned.
    Lesson one: the one who is ready to leave one day demands. Create conditions when you have such an opportunity, when you are not tied to a place, never tell your employer or colleagues about loans or difficulties that can be used against you.
    Lesson two: unite, one is zero, two is one, and ten is something. A cohesive collective is a subject and only the collective is capable of dictating its will
    Lesson three: your employer and boss are not your friend or benefactor; it is your unpaid labor that shareholders and cronies eat up in the form of profits.
    Lesson four: know the situation, push the employer when he is vulnerable
    Lesson five: act, grab the bourgeoisie by the balls and tear them off completely
  37. 0
    10 February 2024 19: 52
    When there is a Russian government in Russia, and not liberals led... then we can talk about the interests of Russians and Russia, and their survival.
  38. 0
    11 February 2024 22: 58
    It probably makes sense to separate the concepts of persons arriving for work (shift workers, for example) and persons wishing to obtain Russian citizenship - emigrants. Shift workers must live on the territory of enterprises, their social maintenance (medicine, training, accommodation, food) must be paid by the employer. I don’t understand why today the social burden from guest workers falls on the shoulders of the residents of Russia. Those wishing to become citizens of Russia must settle throughout the country as a percentage of the indigenous population. Prohibit the creation of diasporas and other organizations of fellow tribesmen. Extend social benefits to this category of newcomers, but for the period of one generation of 25-30 years, consolidate the loss of rights to leadership positions, elections and access to secrets. After all, the point of coming to Russia is to become a full-fledged Russian, to get away from your old way of life. And if an emigrant violates the Russian oath, then let the severe punishment of the Russian people befall him.
    1. P
      12 February 2024 22: 43
      The problem of the inconsistency of obvious solutions for the benefit of Russia and its inhabitants is that there is no Russia and its inhabitants united in their interests. There is a Russia of beneficiaries of privatization, who own the state apparatus, there is a Russia of workers, at whose expense the beneficiaries and the state apparatus live. The issue of migrants is a matter of distribution of profits and costs. The beneficiaries receive the profits, the workers receive the costs. Thus, there is no point in profit recipients worrying about the harm of migrants, they just need as many of them as possible. And as long as the state is in their hands, so it will be