About private property, soul, ideology, moral and ethical values

About private property, soul, ideology, moral and ethical values

At the end of the 80s of the last century, when the top of the CPSU began to degenerate, a fashionable tendency emerged to rely on the development of the institution of private property. They believed in her as a panacea for everything. And no one thought about what this is, private property, how it affects a person, what happens to spirituality when contacting private property? The question is by no means an idle one; it has been studied by both philosophers and scientists, as well as the best minds of the church.

What is private property, good or evil in the modern world?

Property is theft

In legal terms, this is one of the forms of ownership, meaning the absolute, legally protected right of a citizen or legal entity to specific property, including means of production. Well, great, nothing bad happened, everything is good and pleasant.

To understand the role of this type of property, it is necessary to understand where it came from in our mortal world. There is a work by Friedrich Engels, “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State,” that is remarkable in its scientific content. It is incredibly difficult or even boring to read. But no one promised you Bushkov’s novel or Ulitskaya’s opus.

You don’t just have to read there, you have to think there. But with this you often have no luck. Erudition will not help, only methods of analysis will help, and this is oh, how difficult it is when the book contains a continuous stream of all sorts of tribes, family ties and the like. Therefore, if you only have enough energy to leaf through glamorous magazines, then all that remains is to shrug your shoulders.

According to Engels, private property, classes and the state did not always exist, but arose at a certain stage of economic development. In primitive society, when the level of productive forces was extremely low, everything was common. But over time, with the advent of iron, some surpluses began to accumulate, and gradually a class of owners began to emerge, which began to appropriate these surpluses for themselves.

Naturally, this could not please everyone, especially those who could no longer obtain these surpluses. But those who began to appropriate these surpluses for themselves began to look for forms and methods to ensure that these accumulations did not pass into the hands of the rest of the community, therefore, an apparatus of violence was required. This is how the state arose.

Of course, the presentation of this process is very, very simplified. In Engels' book, these stages are discussed in detail and supported by numerous facts.

The main thing for us is that private property initially arose as a product of social and class inequality, for the full existence of which an apparatus of suppression was required, that is, the state. And what a state can be, we see in stories our humanity. Moreover, the forms of the state varied depending on the level of development of both the productive forces and science and religion. But the essence was the same - the preservation of material and social inequality. With one single exception - when the Great October Revolution took place in Russia, which destroyed the institution of private property, replacing it with personal property.

In the modern world, the suppression of social inequality has taken on softer forms, but not always and not everywhere. Capitalism cannot be a kind uncle, a sort of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts on his back. It is the prohibition of private property that is the mortal enemy of capitalism, which is precisely why bestial hatred of everything Soviet arises, since socialism has destroyed the exploitation of man by man.

The 1936 Constitution stated that peasants and artisans could own “small private farms” based on personal labor and excluding the hiring of other people. But in the 1977 Constitution, the concept of private property disappeared completely. Now the property could not be used to extract unearned income.

Do you understand the difference?

Private property is intended for extracting unearned income (can you seriously assert that Chubais, Deripaska, Kovalchuk, Rotenberg and others like them are working fruitfully for our benefit?), but personal property is not. In modern Russia, private property is protected by law as the most sacred thing on earth, receiving the name of the sacred principle. Everything is done for her and for her sake. Everything else is superfluous, especially morality and conscience. Remember the saying: it’s nothing personal, it’s business?

One of the great people once said: “Property is theft,” but the favorite and spiritual mentor of liberals, Ivan Ilyin, wrote in his work “The Path of Spiritual Renewal”:

“To substantiate private property means to show its necessity for a person, its vital expediency and its spiritual fidelity. This means indicating those essential properties of man - natural, instinctive and spiritual - by virtue of which private property must be accepted, recognized, approved and protected. However, this does not mean to approve and justify any cash distribution of property and wealth. Usually these two issues are confused, which is completely unacceptable.

The institution of private property may be necessary, expedient and correct; but the cash distribution of property may be incorrect and vitally impractical. It is necessary that things belong to people with such complete, exclusive and lasting security that would evoke in the soul of everyone a complete and inexhaustible will to creative work.”

That's it and no other way! Private property, it turns out, is necessary for humans! And even further, Ilyin assures that:

1. Private property corresponds to the individual way of being that is given to man by nature. It goes towards the instinctive and spiritual life of a person, satisfying his natural right to self-activity and independence.

2. Private property evokes in a person instinctive impulses and spiritual motives for hard work, in order not to spare one’s strength and to create the best. It unleashes economic enterprise and personal initiative and thereby strengthens character.

3. It gives the owner a sense of confidence, trust in people, in things and in the land, the desire to invest his labor and his values ​​in the economic process.

4. Private property teaches a person to creatively love work and land, his hearth and homeland. It expresses and consolidates his settledness, without which culture is impossible. It brings the family together by involving them in the property. It feeds and intensifies the state instinct of man. She reveals to him the artistic depth of the economic process and teaches him a religious acceptance of nature and the world.

5. Private property awakens and cultivates a sense of justice in a person, teaching him to strictly separate “mine” and “yours,” teaching him to legal reciprocity and respect for the powers of others, cultivating in him a correct sense of civil order and civic independence, a correct approach to political freedom .

6. Finally, private property educates a person for economic solidarity, which does not violate economic freedom: for each owner, becoming rich, enriches both his environment and the national economy itself: and competition between owners leads not only to struggle, but also to the creative tension necessary for National economy. And the path to organizing the world economy does not go through international communist enslavement, but through awareness and strengthening of the solidarity that grows out of private economy.

Let's try to understand all the points.

If private property goes towards the spiritual life of a person, then how to explain all those crimes that are associated with private property and capital? Are wars really started only by persons deprived of property, and the rich are not involved in business?

Or does the destruction of historical and cultural values ​​for the sake of building all sorts of business centers, shops, and so on stem from segments of the population deprived of any property? And the extermination of entire nations took place against the will of kings, emperors and bourgeoisie?

And on a small scale, aren’t there enough examples when, for the sake of owning property, forgeries, frauds, murders, and raider takeovers are committed? Or are they as moral as capitalism itself?

Well, if you compare socialism and capitalism, the comparison will not be in favor of the latter, since some forms of crime appeared and flourished only in the era of capitalism, for example, the creation of organized crime groups, nepotism, racketeering. So, my friends, there is not even a smell of spirituality here.

What is the best thing that private property creates?

If we mean various entertainment centers, factories, ships, then this is just the accumulation of material values; instinctively a person strives to take the results of labor for himself; the spiritual cannot arise on the basis of private property. Only when a desire for good for society arises, only then does a person begin to think about the spiritual principle. It is not for nothing that Christ expelled the merchants from the temple, for profit and spirituality are incompatible. But the modern world has trampled on the concepts of morality; for the sake of profit, you can kill a hundred people, as at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

I agree with Ilyin only on one thing - private property really unleashes economic enterprise and thereby strengthens character. But only.

How can private property create trust in people? If a capitalist, an oligarch and a banker begin to work on trust, then they will immediately go down the drain. And not only in Russia, but also in the enlightened, good West, which our democrats love to pray to. Let us remember all kinds of financial pyramids of the 90s of the twentieth century, the robbery of the people with the help of vouchers, and finally, the depreciation and disappearance of all the money in the accounts of ordinary people in Sberbank. What other kind of trust can we talk about?

The same applies to patriotism and religious perception of the world. How many Russian oligarchs, having robbed a lot of people and taken their capital abroad, became patriots of the country? How many dollars did they invest in the development of science, education, medicine? Or maybe they think day and night how they, patriots, can ennoble, equip and glorify Russia? All we see are queues in European courts, where they tearfully beg to be accepted as our own, bourgeois.

The last point is especially interesting.

It turns out that only private property can raise a spiritually enriched citizen who cares about society. Well, just like the same deputies from Nefteskvazhinsk, who all think about Russia. In fact, private property accustoms a person to isolation, to the fact that “mine” is “mine,” and if you try to poke your nose in, I, based on my Christian virtue, will pierce your belly with a pitchfork. Private property consciousness is a synonym for farm thinking, where the concept of the Motherland is limited to the boundaries of one’s farm, one’s pigsties, cowsheds, chickens and pitchforks. Everything else is alien, incomprehensible, and therefore hostile and subject to destruction.

Belief in the sanctity and necessity of private property naturally led Ilyin to the glorification and justification of National Socialism. Because it is fascism and Nazism that most clearly personify the essence of private property in its absolute form. No wonder P. A. Stolypin dreamed of eradicating communal consciousness and creating a class of owners who would commit any crime for their own benefit.

It is private property that was and is the source of most of the crimes ever committed on earth. Money and private property, supposedly designed to ensure freedom of intellectual and spiritual development, in fact provide their owners with only permissiveness in moral and criminal crimes. If you look at modern justice and how easily criminals who own millions get away with it, you can easily understand the role and essence of private property.

As a result, not only the big bourgeoisie, but also the middle class, which has set itself the exclusive goal of achieving personal well-being, and for which the height of spirituality is the ideal of philistinism, will easily sell their convictions and conscience, calling it just a profitable deal, and will convince themselves that they are working at the same time for the benefit of society.

And now I propose to take a short excursion into recent history and become familiar with the moral code of the builder of communism. Its full text includes the following provisions:

1. Devotion to the cause of communism, love for the socialist homeland, for the countries of socialism.
2. Conscientious work for the good of society: he who does not work does not eat.
3. Everyone's concern for maintaining and enhancing the public domain.
4. High consciousness of public duty, intolerance to violations of public interests.
5. Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one.
6. Humane relations and mutual respect between people: a person is a friend to a friend, comrade and brother.
7. Honesty and justice, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in public and personal life.
8. Mutual respect in the family, concern for raising children.
9. Intransigence to injustice, parasitism, dishonesty, careerism, money-grubbing.
10. Friendship and brotherhood of all the peoples of the USSR, intolerance of national and racial hostility.
11. Intolerance towards the enemies of communism, the cause of peace and freedom of peoples.
12. Fraternal solidarity with the working people of all countries, with all peoples.

And now tell me, what's bad about it? Okay, let’s make a nod to the haters of communism and the USSR, remove communist propaganda, the USSR, but the main thing still remains, what makes a person a person. And compare this code with the 10 commandments of God. I also give them in full:

1. I am the Lord your God... let you have no other gods before Me.
2. Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of anything in heaven above, or on the earth below, or in the water under the earth. Do not worship them or serve them; For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
3. Do not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; For the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who utters His name in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Work six days and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: on it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock, nor the stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.
5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
6. Dont kill.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. Do not desire your neighbor's house; Do not desire your neighbor's wife, nor his slave, nor his slave, nor his ox, nor his ass, nothing that your neighbor has.

Non-believers can remove those points that talk about God, but, again, what remains?

The remainder is only moral and spiritual. And neither the code nor the commandments speak of a person’s right to oppress others for profit. Things by their nature are common, they are not yours, they are from God. Therefore, the attitude towards private property is a harsh and merciless condemnation. Especially in early Christian writing of the 1st–4th centuries. Such was, for example, Simeon the new Theologian. In his Ninth Catechetical Address he directly wrote:

“The money and possessions that exist in the world are common to everyone, like the light and this air that we breathe, like the pastures of foolish animals in the fields, on the mountains and throughout the whole earth. In the same way, everything is common to everyone and is intended only for the enjoyment of its fruits, but by dominion it belongs to no one.

However, the passion for acquisition, which penetrated life like a kind of usurper, divided in various ways among its slaves and servants what was given by the Lord to everyone for common use. She surrounded everything with fences and secured it with towers, bolts and gates, thereby depriving all other people of the benefits of the Lord. At the same time, this shameless woman claims that she is the owner of all this, and argues that she has not committed injustice towards anyone.”

But there are more important words spoken by Christ himself, who directly and unequivocally said:

“No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love the other; or he will be zealous for one and neglectful of the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

In the Gospel of Luke, Christ again speaks of the incompatibility of private property and morality:

One of the people told Him. Teacher! tell my brother to share the inheritance with me. He said to the man, “Who made Me a judge or a divider between you?” At the same time he said to them: Look, beware of covetousness, for a person’s life does not depend on the abundance of his possessions.

As Nikolai Somin writes,

“The process of acquisition, growing like a snowball, leads to a spiritual catastrophe, when a person finally falls under the power of mammon and loses his human appearance. It turns out that, contrary to the “generally accepted” theory, which separates covetousness and property, they turn out to be psychologically inseparable. The rich man demonstrates his covetousness precisely by his wealth.”

And anyone who wants to conduct business on the basis of morality (Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or otherwise) will invariably fail in the realities of our society.

Let's return to the code and the Ten Commandments.

Lack of ideology

If you carefully compare both codes, you can see many similarities. At first glance, both Christianity and communism put man first in their theories. The priest will correct me that God should come first, and I will certainly agree with him. But, since the article was written not only for those who believe in Jesus Christ, but also for those who believe in Allah or Buddha, or even deny the existence of God, then I am forced to talk about the minimum that should be characteristic of any person, or rather - one who has the right to be called a person. And this right is not given initially.

A person comes into this world unable to speak or write. What he becomes in his life depends on his parents, then his school and his environment. It is no coincidence that young people, who for some reason began to be called “golden youth” (and I would call them the dregs of society, not all, of course, fit the same brush), the offspring of oligarchs, bankers, top managers and other owners, behave as if the world was created for them alone, that they have the right to dispose of us like cattle, and in fact they consider us cattle, unworthy of licking their feet.

Self-confidence, bragging, greed, acquisitiveness, and arrogance blossomed in them magnificently (I almost said what’s in the soul, but where do these glamorous ones get a soul?), as if illustrating the Russian proverb that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It was the inviolability of their fathers and mothers that instilled in them the habits of the barchuks and Ivanovs, who did not remember their kinship.

Now there is no connecting rod that would transform the population of Russia, or at least most of it, into a single organism. In other words, there are no spiritual and ideological bonds. In the 25 years since the coup d'etat, the country has slipped into cultural and moral impoverishment.

Perhaps the communist ideology was too present in every sphere of life of the peoples of the Soviet Union, we sometimes laughed at the long speeches of the aging General Secretary of the Party L.I. Brezhnev, but at the same time we all felt like a part of a single whole. A country cannot exist without ideology. Otherwise, it will inevitably slide into chaos. The fall of an empire or country begins small - the national, spiritual and intellectual foundations are shaken. And then the inevitable degradation begins.

Is it dangerous that we lack a state ideology?

There can only be one answer - yes, it is dangerous. The saying goes that a holy place is never empty. And if at the state level no one wants to explain to us how to behave in a given society and how it works; if the urgent need to provide moral guidelines, to determine what is “good” and “evil” is not indicated; if the need to serve a high idea has disappeared; if the goal of society is removed, then confusion and vacillation inevitably ensues, which some mistakenly consider freedom of choice.

There was a destruction of one ideology, with its replacement by the ideology of chewing gum, pop music, thongs, prostitution. Church leaders, with the support of the liberal crowd and snickering bourgeoisie, demand that Lenin be buried and the mausoleum demolished, while masquerading as supposedly Christian dogmas. Like, let’s bury Lenin, and everything will settle down. No, the citizens are good, it will not settle down. Your desire to bury Lenin is not caused by Christian canons - let us remember that the body of the great surgeon N.N. Pirogov still rests in the city of Vinnitsa, and not a single priest even hinted at anything inappropriate.

The modern generation has learned to think only about themselves. The virus of the most terrible individualism has infected almost everyone. When the ideology of a consumer society dominates, promoting a perverted desire to enjoy at any cost, it takes possession of a person in the blink of an eye. Let us remember, dear reader, Vysotsky’s immortal definition of the devil:

“If there is a devil in the world, then he is not a goat-footed stag, but a dragon with three heads, and these heads are cunning, greed, betrayal. And if one bites a person, then the other two will eat him to ashes.”

And it couldn’t be more true. All who betrayed the party and the Motherland in 1991, they were all struck by greed and betrayal. The devil never abandons his victims.

About morality

And in conclusion, a few words about morality.

Modern society has gone far along the path of progress; along with technological development, intellectual development has also progressed. The expansion of freedoms inevitably led to the fact that true values ​​gradually began to be replaced by goals that were similar in appearance, but diametrical in essence. Inner freedom of a person began to be viewed not as the God-given ability of the human will to spontaneously choose good, but as a state of permissiveness, when everything is possible, especially for a lot of money.

Or when only your own “I want” comes to the fore. As a result, morality disappeared, and greed, promiscuity, selfishness, and acquisitiveness took its place. The ability to perform moral actions has almost disappeared, giving way to a sinful perception of life. All this is happening under the slogan of gaining freedom.

The stability and viability of a state is determined primarily by the moral and spiritual level of its population.

How has our society improved and become healthier in the 30 years since the coup d'état?

An unprecedented violation of moral norms and prohibitions continues in the media and culture, respect for traditions and family values ​​is falling, the family is degrading, we live in a society of self-interest and lack of spirituality, and there is an intensive expansion of the criminal subculture.

The Church, which according to its fundamental idea should be an example of spirituality, is increasingly invading the state.

From the traditions of high culture and increased attention to spiritual and moral issues, the country stepped into the quagmire of immorality and spiritless chewing gum, which has so penetrated the consciousness of modern youth that only external attributes have become the measure of faith for them: crosses, visiting church from time to time, tourist trips to holy places for taking selfies and so on.

There is one piquant moment in the history of the church. In Tsarist Russia, the church (all denominations, of course) always defended the interests of the autocracy. And the nationalization of the land immediately deprived the confession of sources of income. I am a supporter of the fact that the church should have its own means to obtain sources of income, priests are people just like you and me, they also need to eat and drink. But, owning gigantic plots of land, the confessions simply parasitized on the labor of the peasants. And the deprivation of such an easy source of existence inevitably led the church to the camp of counter-revolution.

In January 1919, His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon blessed the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral A.V. Kolchak, to fight the godless Bolsheviks. Admiral Kolchak declared a crusade. More than 3,5 thousand Orthodox clergy gathered with him, including 1,5 thousand military clergy. On Kolchak’s initiative, separate combat units were formed, consisting only of clergy and believers (including Old Believers), which was not the case with Kornilov, Denikin and Yudenich. These are the Orthodox squad of the “Holy Cross”, “333rd regiment named after Mary Magdalene”, “Holy Brigade”, three regiments of “Jesus Christ”, “Virgin Mary” and “Nicholas the Wonderworker”. So much for loving your enemies!

Morality and ethics in modern Russian society have long ceased to be the driving principles of man. There is an open decline in morals, supported by the state, because it is much more convenient to control a crowd than sensible people.

Morality and business cannot exist together. Because business and the market are pushing conscience, moral values, morality and spirituality to the margins of life, as factors that prevent people from robbing, stealing, bribing, killing, cultivating and encouraging prostitution.

And no matter what the defenders of capitalism say with their universal grin, but everything we got for the unjustifiably cruel economic reforms of Yeltsin-Gaidar-Chubais, for the ongoing course of dividing society into classes and castes, for establishing a double morality - one for the poor, the other for rich - this is the destruction of the former moral and psychological world of man.

And if the Soviet government recognized the continuity of moral and ethical norms as a result of historical and spiritual development, choosing the best from it, then modern society, led by former members of the CPSU, has chosen a course towards the destruction of not only the historical memory of the people, but also its cultural, spiritual and moral degradation, to the subordination of the spirit to the belly.

But who knows, maybe it will be the SVO that will become the very surgical knife that will cut out the cancerous tumor of immorality and degradation?
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  1. +9
    7 February 2024 04: 59
    I can only partially agree with the author. Ideology is needed. But we shouldn’t drag the church into this. Firstly, I have seen enough of clergymen who drive expensive cars with a driver. Secondly, why do they charge for their rituals if they are so morally pure? If they are talking about moral values, then why is it that on the territory of churches all sorts of candles, icons, and the like are sold for material values, money? This is pure commerce, you know. And no need to say that this is different.
    God. A very simple question to the author: provide evidence of its existence. Irrefutable. There is no need for manipulations on the topic “You just need to believe.” This is like a financial pyramid: believe me, we will enrich everyone, just give us your money.
    But the fact that we need to return true values ​​to people’s consciousness is true.
    1. +10
      7 February 2024 05: 41
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      If they are talking about moral values, then why is it that on the territory of churches all sorts of candles, icons, and the like are sold for material values, money?

      I agree with you one hundred percent! And even more!
      1. +9
        7 February 2024 07: 10
        I just think about what an interesting life is promised ahead - and I immediately feel better.
        And after 1 year there will be no hungry people at all.
        Well, unless someone with a bullet on a diet put.
        And as there will be no hungry people, there will be no malice, theft, all ugliness.
        Of course, we close the prisons, but we’ll still leave one ... for the world counter, back and forth.
        And the rest are all for scrapping ... who to plant in them?
        - There is someone.
        - Doubt...
        Of course, we will feed, but in order to redo the brains -
        here 1 years is not enough. Maybe 2 is not enough.

        K-f. "Two comrades served"
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 07: 41
          5. Private property awakens and cultivates a sense of justice in a person, teaching him to strictly separate “mine” and “yours,” teaching him to legal reciprocity and respect for the powers of others, cultivating in him a correct sense of civil order and civic independence, a correct approach to political freedom .

          Author, what are you calling for? To the Maidan or what? Any “political freedom” in Russia is opposition to the authorities.
          6. Dont kill.
          7. Do not commit adultery.
          8. Do not steal.
          9. Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
          10. Do not desire your neighbor's house; Do not desire your neighbor's wife, nor his slave, nor his slave, nor his ox, nor his ass, nothing that your neighbor has.

          “Unless otherwise established by Federal Law” is a humorous quote from the Internet.
        2. 0
          7 February 2024 11: 05
          Vladimir hi comrade captain. We seem to have gone to sea. You are a captain, I am a refueling mechanic. The Russian oligarch is the majority, this is a person for whom England is complete garbage. Look at Norebo and the Lenin collective farm in the Far East. I refused to go on a voyage on a hunting schooner built in Poland, You posted the photo where you first became a control center. With respect to your opinion. hi
          1. +2
            7 February 2024 13: 12
            Andrei hi I worked on Finnish-built wooden sailing-motor schooners and on Polish-built air defense systems in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. But not the control center, but the head of the radio station.... I also respect your opinion....
    2. +7
      7 February 2024 07: 07
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      this is what we need to return true values ​​to people’s consciousness

      This is very true, but how? You cannot combine conscience and loan interest, honor and competition, philanthropy and career...
      Once I had a chance to have a conversation with a married couple who intended to send their child to study at an Orthodox gymnasium. Knowing about their ambiguous attitude towards religion, he gave reasons that it would be extremely difficult for the child, cognitive dissonance would arise when at school they instill one thing, but at home and on the street he sees something completely different. They did not agree with me, pointing out that they would find the right guidelines there, and this already means a lot... It’s about the same thing in general: on the one hand, private ownership of everything, the praise of unlimited freedom in anything and the ascension of the golden calf, on the other hand, true values, morality and philanthropy, but it is unthinkable to combine these...
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 17: 39
        This is very true, but how? You cannot combine conscience and loan interest, honor and competition, philanthropy and career...
        Honestly, if I knew, I would definitely say it. The only thing I understand is that the church should not interfere in the affairs of the state. And she shouldn’t engage in self-promotion. You cannot alienate or insult people who believe, no matter what their religion is. I completely agree with this. But it is also impossible to put pressure on people so that they will certainly begin to believe, no matter in which god. Further. The main evil at the moment in the world, not only in the country, is banks. The whole world is hooked on loans. And we included. Credit is slavery. Financial. And this must be fought, since slavery, at least in words, is prohibited throughout the world. Banks do not produce anything; they live precisely at the expense of those who work. They are parasites.
        Something like that. hi
    3. -12
      7 February 2024 07: 31
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      A very simple question to the author: provide evidence of its existence. Irrefutable.
      You are writing a piece on a topic in which you don’t understand the word “at all.” You cannot distinguish knowledge from faith: communists present their faith as knowledge; they are a financial pyramid with the promise of a communist paradise on earth.
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      Why is it that on the territory of churches all sorts of candles, icons, and the like are sold for material values, money?
      If this is sold in a cultural goods store, their price will jump 3 times.
      1. +7
        7 February 2024 12: 06
        Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
        . You cannot distinguish knowledge from faith: communists present their faith as knowledge; they are a financial pyramid with the promise of a communist paradise on earth......If this is sold in a religious goods store, their price will jump 3 times.

        According to the first remark - This is simply your knowledge about communism at the level of a TV show for kindergarten age. laughing .. This is immediately obvious... ...we have millions of people who seriously consider themselves smarter than Marx and Lenin... a sure sign of the peculiarities of development...

        Communism is a democratic labor movement in developed Western European countries in the 19th century. And the theory of communism, like any theory, is based on this practice. Likewise, capitalism is a bourgeois movement, and its theory was built by A. Smith in the 18th century, also on the basis of practical results.

        In principle, there cannot be communism in Russia, because the 17th century has returned here and there is no labor movement and capitalism is still 100 years away.... .... Maybe only migrants will start....

        According to the second remark - Have you ever compared real prices in a hardware store and a church? In a hardware store, a candle can cost 10 rubles, but in a church the same candle can cost at least 50 rubles. Have you ever been to church, or seen the price tags?
        1. 0
          9 February 2024 20: 42
          Quote: ivan2022
          In principle, there cannot be communism in Russia, because the 17th century has returned here and there is no labor movement

          Marx believed that there could be no communism in Russia in the next 100 years, but the Bolsheviks did not believe him.
          Quote: ivan2022
          we have millions of people who seriously consider themselves smarter than Marx and Lenin... a sure sign of the peculiarities of development....

          You, I see, also consider yourself to be among those who are smarter than Marx.
        2. -1
          10 February 2024 21: 55
          Quote: ivan2022
          Have you ever been to church, or seen the price tags?

          They also give you holy water from the tap. laughing
      2. +3
        7 February 2024 12: 38
        Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
        If this is sold in a cultural goods store, their price will jump 3 times.

        Let the church give them out for free. And next to it he will put a box for alms for the production of these same icons and candles.
        1. +1
          9 February 2024 14: 23
          Only the poor and wretched live on alms. Or rather, they don’t live, but eke out a miserable existence. Is this what you want for the church? Churchmen are also people and they also need to live somehow, and not survive. And no one is forcing you to buy candles. This is one type of donation.
          1. 0
            9 February 2024 14: 48
            Quote: Silhouette
            Only the poor and wretched live on alms. Or rather, they don’t live, but eke out a miserable existence. Is this what you want for the church? Churchmen are also people and they also need to live somehow, and not survive.

            That is, the church lives on the sale of faith. Let's remember that.
            1. 0
              9 February 2024 20: 44
              Faith is not for sale. Don't talk nonsense. She's in pain.
              1. 0
                10 February 2024 02: 09
                Quote: Silhouette
                Faith is not for sale. Don't talk nonsense. She's in pain.

                And what kind of money does the church live on then? They don’t ask for alms, they don’t trade in faith... They sow, mow, plow? Did not see.
          2. -1
            10 February 2024 22: 01
            Quote: Silhouette
            Churchmen are also people and they also need to live somehow, and not survive.

            And must it be very good? laughing And necessarily better than most of the parishioners around? There is a church nearby, its priest drove a Mercedes and had security. Apparently, he doesn’t really trust in the intercession of the Almighty!? At school, they also quoted the words of one of the dads, approximately: “this fairy tale about Christ allows us to exist comfortably.”
      3. -1
        7 February 2024 17: 51
        You write a piece on a topic in which you do not understand the word “at all.” You cannot distinguish knowledge from faith: communists present their faith as knowledge; they are a financial pyramid with the promise of a communist paradise on earth.
        Blind faith is the lot of uneducated people.
        I’ll tell you this about communism: study history. He already was. A primitive communal system, without even barter trade, without money, when everyone did everything together. And what has already happened can always be repeated, taking into account current realities, if there is a desire.
        If this is sold in a cultural goods store, their price will jump 3 times
        Who said they should even be sold? The church doesn’t pay taxes, the church doesn’t pay anything to anyone, why did religious leaders decide that they have the right to trade, tell me what. If the church is a commercial enterprise, then it must pay taxes. What about sales, what about renting territory from the state. If not, then the church has no right to engage in commercial activities. No funeral service, no other rituals, no selling icon candles for money. If someone needs to perform the ritual, there are no questions. But - absolutely free.
    4. -1
      7 February 2024 08: 37
      About the Church. There are officials and there is Vera. These are different concepts. There may be different opinions among people, but there is only one Faith. and yes, this is really a question of Vera, so I can’t provide evidence
      1. +8
        7 February 2024 09: 48
        but there is only one Vera.

        Why alone? People believe in Jesus, Allah, Buddha...they don’t believe in anyone, they believe in themselves...and there are those who are always in doubt...
        1. +10
          7 February 2024 11: 38
          Summary of the article (meaning)..
          The upper echelons of the Russian oligarchy have finally split into two parts. One of the two parts (the majors) managed to subjugate the state, appropriate it to itself, and, therefore, appropriate the means of suppression in the form of security forces. And the second (losers) failed, or only partially succeeded. At the moment, the Overton window has opened, and the major oligarchs have begun to take away property from the loser oligarchs (redistribution of property).
          However, losers can put up serious resistance by relying on the people, in particular, by promoting nationalism - both ethnic and local (which is already happening). To eliminate the support factor, a state subordinate to a group of major oligarchs comes into play. “Let’s nationalize!” exclaims the state. “Let’s say, the production property of those over there and those over there! It’s so moral, and even divine” (the meaning of Biryukov’s article). In response, a thunderous folk “Urrra!” Communists and their sympathizers applaud! The splashing of palms turns into applause without understanding that this is only the first part of the raider seizure of the property of losers by the majors. Loser oligarchs are forced to give up their production positions and flee...

          And then - you know what. The future, which is not discussed in the article. The second part of the raider comedy, directed by major oligarchs.
          Oh, can you imagine, the state speaks with concern on their behalf, but the work of the nationalized enterprises turned out to be ineffective, well, wow! Who would have thought!... But there is a way out, comrades! These are the effective owners, for example, this one and that one (the majors). Let's sell them the national property, shall we? And we will put a considerable amount of money for the sale into the state budget. "Urrra!" - individual representatives of the people shout listlessly. And under the dull grumbling of others, a raider seizure of now national property takes place, and nothing more. Again they remember a bunch of Ilyin, Marx, Engels, Lenin, and others. But the strength to resist such cunning deviations of the state, read the group of majors, these forces have already dried up due to the confusion of the collective people's head.
          And in order to open the Overton window wider, we have already begun to bother our people’s heads, and not the heads of loser oligarchs (they understand everything!). Through the possible confiscation of PERSONAL PROPERTY from any ordinary citizen under any pretexts made up from thin air. Like, look how immoral, and even atheist! The apartments, you see, have been privatized!..
          Follow the news.
          1. +2
            7 February 2024 11: 41
            And in order to open the Overton window wider, we have already begun to bother our people’s heads, and not the heads of loser oligarchs (they understand everything!). Through the possible taking away of PERSONAL PROPERTY from any ordinary citizen under any pretexts pulled from thin air

            Your comment is right to the point... And about the taking away of property from ordinary citizens... everything is already moving towards this... we started with those who disagree with something... but this is the beginning, more to come... hi
      2. +4
        7 February 2024 10: 58
        Quote: roosei
        About the Church. There are officials and there is Vera. These are different concepts.

        It should then be noted that faith may not necessarily be a religious concept, you can believe in anything, and if you truly believe in Moidodyr, then prayers to him will give results.
        If we are talking about religion, then the Church is its actual synonym, that is, faith and religion (Church) are not the same thing.
        Yes, the commandments of the communists were closer in humanity to the commandments of Christ, but religion, which wanted to be a monopolist on faith, essentially became a “pimp” of faith, earning money from it and gaining influence. It is monopolism and loot that sow fierce hatred between faiths, instead of love and virtue, since this is a division of the market, a division of income between competitors. What are the commandments of Christ, given what the Inquisition did, what was done during the Crusades? What are the moral standards during Jihad, in relation to the “infidels” (if there is no God but Allah, that is, the “infidels” were also created by Allah and by his will)? In this, religion is vicious, like capitalism, which, with the advent of transnational monopolies, lost its main positive - competition, it became a fiction, and capitalism itself, as a planetary phenomenon, became an absolute evil, a virus.
        Personally, I believe in God, DNA cannot be written by itself, just as a computer program cannot be written by itself, without a programmer. Here I would say that God does not need intermediaries in the form of the Church, and religion is only an adaptation to the mentality of races and peoples. Therefore, for some, Christianity is closer and more understandable to their culture, for others, a different confession. The geography of religions reflects this in one way or another. Progress reflects the fact that as society developed, faith also changed, from the worship of the spirits of the forest, to the gods of Olympus and Christ, whom the priests distorted. Everything previous became paganism, and the new became heresy, schismaticism (competition).
        God is not in the priests, and communism cannot ban faith. Simply, you need to believe in humanity, goodness and justice, and not worship the cult of money in a society of consumers, egoists.
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 17: 56
          I completely agree with you. I’m not going to argue about religion; everyone chooses for themselves how to live and what to believe. And I agree with the rest 100%.
        2. +2
          7 February 2024 23: 04
          In general, I believe that in the modern world there are only a few true believers, the rest essentially remain pagans. If a person sincerely believes in the teaching of one of the prophets, then he will study it, try to follow it in his life, try to understand the wisdom of the ancient words. And the vast majority simply believe in the power of rituals, buildings, holy places, relics, images, etc. He also believes in black cats, evil eyes, and so on. A true believer (whether in a prophet or in communism) will never show disrespect for another teaching, since at the heart of everything there is one essence, which different prophets tried to convey in their words.
          1. +1
            8 February 2024 08: 08
            Quote from shikin
            A true believer (whether in a prophet or in communism) will never show disrespect for another teaching

            Excuse me, but are religious fanatics true believers? Catholics and Protestants who hated each other... Religion was, is and will be, from the sacred stump, idol, to belief in the matrix (obviously, a new planetary religion). I won’t repeat myself here, but religion, what is associated with God or higher powers, will always be exploited by the authorities and clergy. This is a gold mine that provides income and, most importantly, influence. Therefore, here it is better to believe in communism than in what is associated with the golden calf. In general, in my humble opinion, it is best for a person to believe in himself, faith is a great power, especially in conjunction with faith, hope and love.
            1. +1
              8 February 2024 10: 31
              It is precisely religious fanatics, in my opinion, who are the most pagans. They blindly follow the dogmas not even of the teachings of the prophets, but of the interpreters, denying any attempts at independent knowledge of the truth. And for me, the teachings of the prophets and the religions based on them are far from identical, often mutually exclusive phenomena.
              Man, in my opinion, is an exclusively social creature, and all history confirms this. Today, the ideas of liberalism, the cult of personality, and the priority of the individual over society are widespread. At the same time, the modern world is built on social production with maximum division of labor, when one person can produce almost nothing. For me this is an obvious contradiction.
              Therefore, faith in yourself, in your strengths, is, of course, necessary, but the strength of one person sometimes ends quickly. Therefore, faith in society, in social ideas of development and justice, should, in my opinion, come first. The ideas of communism did not arise spontaneously, but from communes - the same communities in Rus', where “one for all, all for one.” And it seems to me that these ideas of community come as echoes of a more just pre-feudal society.
        3. +1
          9 February 2024 14: 37
          Quote: Per se.
          If we are talking about religion, then the Church is its actual synonym, that is, faith and religion (Church) are not the same thing.

          The church cannot be synonymous with religion in principle. The church is an institution for the implementation of religious dogmas, concepts and views. This is a tool.
          Religion is a system of views on human life, on man. .
          Quote: Per se.
          God is not in the priests, and communism cannot ban faith.

          Here I agree with you. Moreover, I believe that faith is the same vital human need as eating, drinking, breathing.
        4. 0
          10 February 2024 22: 11
          Quote: Per se.
          Here I would say that God does not need intermediaries in the form of the Church, and religion is only an adaptation to the mentality of races and peoples.

          This is what is written in the New Testament. However, churchmen demand to attend church, because only there and through them, etc.
    5. +2
      7 February 2024 10: 30
      I once briefly watched a program about a scientist, an initially unbelieving person, who, in the process of his scientific research, mathematically proved the existence of a certain force, beyond reason, the Almighty, without which the birth of the universe, the existence of life in general, including our planet, would have been impossible . So, be curious, I think you can find it online.
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 17: 58
        I once briefly watched a program about a scientist, an initially unbelieving person, who, in the process of his scientific research, mathematically proved the existence of a certain force beyond reason
        I fully admit that all this was shown and told in the program. But I ask: did they provide irrefutable evidence? smile
        1. +1
          8 February 2024 19: 23
          You will not be able to accept even irrefutable evidence. I can easily prove this right now. And this concerns religion directly, or rather its history.
          1. +1
            9 February 2024 02: 08
            Why is that? smile I accept any evidence based on facts. But when they tell me “you just have to believe” and don’t provide any evidence, then I see it as fraud.
            I can also say here that I am, for example, a famous writer. Or scientists. Believe! And what, will you believe, just like that, right away, to a stranger?
            1. +1
              9 February 2024 13: 04
              Well, then you heard about the study of the age of the Turin Shroud of Jesus Christ in 1988? Carbon dating showed it to be around the 13th century. And maybe you have heard that the “Gifts of the Magi”, presented to Christ and kept in the Athos monastery, are also made in the style of approximately the 13th century?
              Do we admit that Jesus Christ really existed and lived somewhere around the 13th century, or do we declare Christian shrines fake?
              Here is the most real scientific evidence related to the life of Christ and the time of his life. Will we accept or rush to deny what does not fit into the usual framework?
              1. +1
                10 February 2024 01: 49
                I had to hear it. But this is scientific evidence that things are natural. And no more. You attract incompatible concepts to each other. Who proved that Jesus was God and not a man? I am not going to deny that he, or the one whose remains with things are passed off as the remains of Christ, existed, and existed precisely during that period of time. But this does not prove the existence of some omnipotent otherworldly force.
                1. +1
                  10 February 2024 07: 45
                  Passed off as Christ? That is, you can admit its existence even with irrefutable evidence. This precisely means that scientific evidence means nothing to you and you will not accept it under any circumstances.
                  1. +1
                    11 February 2024 12: 05
                    Passed off as Christ? That is, you can acknowledge its existence
                    Of course, I'm ready to admit that I existed people with the first name Jesus and the last name Christ. And even the fact that he tried to instill in anyone who was ready to listen to him some of his thoughts. But this in no way proves that he was a god. Or is there evidence? Apart from the nonsense of clergy, of course.
                    1. 0
                      11 February 2024 21: 50
                      The fact that you are ready to admit that Christ existed at a very specific time is already good.
                      Christ is considered the incarnation of God. Whether this is true or not, I will not discuss.
                      For me it is enough that he really existed and is worshiped.
                      His identity can be considered unambiguously established thanks to the research of Soviet and now Russian scientists.
                2. +1
                  11 February 2024 05: 46
                  It is said: “the pure in heart will see God,” so if you have problems with this, then evidence will not help, and if not, then it is not needed
                  1. +1
                    11 February 2024 12: 06
                    This is again verbiage. You cannot “see” something that does not exist. At least when sober.
                    1. +1
                      11 February 2024 16: 16
                      It is only God who really exists, or rather “existent”, everything else created by him is in the space-time continuum and is subject to change towards entropy (death), and before the fall of Adam - there was no death on Earth - God created the world ideally.
                      Thus, in your opinion, if there is no God, then nothing should exist - a million years earlier or later and everything changes beyond recognition, but in reality everything exists and has purpose, so you are wrong
                      1. +1
                        11 February 2024 16: 20
                        Enough verbiage. Either provide evidence or stop the propaganda.
                        God created the world
                        I'm waiting for you to prove this to me. No evidence - no dialogue. I don't talk to chatterboxes.
                      2. +1
                        11 February 2024 16: 38
                        The presence in nature of PURPOSE in everything - even the death of living beings is used for good. Moreover, such expediency is inaccessible to a person, and even more so to an artificial idiot.
                        The whole world (not counting civilization) - creation, is proof of the presence of God, if understanding this is not available to you, then blame it on the limitations of your mind - you, even if you send a photo of God, you cannot prove it
                      3. +1
                        11 February 2024 17: 44
                        Everything is clear with you. You are replacing the absence of evidence with verbiage. The conversation is over. I don’t communicate with Mavrodi’s followers.
        2. +1
          9 February 2024 16: 02
          Yes, they did. But I can’t bring them to you now. It's not in a nutshell. A scientist who, probably like you, is inclined not to take things on faith, but only to facts. So he took up this matter himself, and being a mathematician, based on calculations and formulas, he proved to himself the existence of God. Well, people like you. I don’t remember what scientific title he has, professor or other.
          1. +1
            10 February 2024 01: 51
            Excuse me, but I don’t accept anything without evidence. Until a fact is proven, it is not a fact.
    6. +4
      7 February 2024 10: 58
      “If they are talking about moral values, then why on earth would all kinds of candles, icons, and the like be sold on the territory of churches for material values, money? This is pure commerce, you know.”
      But someone once beat someone with a whip for trading in the temple.
      1. +1
        8 February 2024 19: 25
        Would you like to go to a temple where everything is poor and repulsive by its very appearance? I am not a religious person, but this approach to religion has always amazed me.
    7. +3
      9 February 2024 20: 58
      1. Faith is convicting (finding evidence) of the invisible.
      If you don’t want to do this, then that’s your right (no one has canceled free will - it’s sacred). Then don’t ask for proof - you don’t need it, you don’t need God. You don't want to look for it. Therefore, presenting you with any evidence of the existence of God is pointless - you will always find something to cling to and say: “I don’t believe this fact.”
      2. For performing the ceremony, the priest does not charge a fee, but a donation. If some priests set some prices, then, of course, this is a pity. But here we can say that you receive a salary, then buy food for your family, clothes, etc.? Does this mean that a priest does not need to feed his family, clothe himself and his children?
      3. The people/country held on to the commandments of the communists for 30 years after they were formalized. Then the liberals again carried out a revolution in 1991 (the first was in February 1917), the consequences of which we are now seeing. And now, for 30 years, other “true” values ​​have been broadcast from every iron. And then, what do you mean by true values? please announce the entire list. To me, your values ​​may not be true, and not values ​​at all.
  2. 0
    7 February 2024 05: 03
    Social property is also born under capitalism. These are joint stock companies and cooperatives. Agricultural cooperatives in England appeared in the first third of the 19th century. Because they made it possible to enlarge production and increase its efficiency without the bondage of labor.

    This is where the true morality of the people actually manifests itself.

    And individual ownership reigns where you simply cannot trust anyone with anything. Everything... eklmn... they’ll just steal it away. But in general, such a people needs one owner - the Tsar. And a whip to control. Alexander III spoke about this

    Morality is effective!
    1. +1
      7 February 2024 14: 04
      Social property is also born under capitalism. These are joint stock companies and cooperatives.

      These are forms of collective rather than public ownership.
  3. +6
    7 February 2024 05: 19
    Thanks to the author for his work. There are also 10 commandments of the Covenants. And the Code of the Builder of Communism. But everything turns out at random. Here a lot depends on the preachers who convey all this and conveyed it to us. You cannot impose on people the rules of life, and at the same time live by other rules. This is already hypocrisy. And it is sensitively grasped by ordinary people.
    1. +3
      7 February 2024 05: 44
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      Here a lot depends on the preachers who convey all this and conveyed it to us

      Do you think the so-called priests preachers? Maybe a slightly different word would suit them, for which they could get banned on this site? wink
      1. +4
        7 February 2024 06: 59
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Do you think the so-called priests preachers? Maybe a slightly different word would suit them, for which they could get banned on this site?

        Well, for example - clergy!
        1. +8
          7 February 2024 07: 09
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          Well, for example - clergy!

          Rather, ministers Golden Calf...
        2. +5
          7 February 2024 08: 03
          Well, for example - clergy!

          Rather, they are the money-grubbers of the cult.. what
    2. +2
      7 February 2024 08: 52
      Much depends on the preachers here
      I agree with you 100% here. It is on them (or rather on how much they themselves adhere to the preached truths) that everything depends. If in the 60-80s there had not been such a radical difference between what the party called for and how representatives of the middle and senior party leadership lived and behaved, you see, the country would not have collapsed
  4. +2
    7 February 2024 05: 29
    And now tell me, what's bad about it?
    All this is a dangerous utopia, and will lead to a “society” like the Papuans of Micronesia.
    1. 0
      7 February 2024 05: 57
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      And now tell me, what's bad about it?
      All this is a dangerous utopia, and will lead to a “society” like the Papuans of Micronesia.

      good Christianity responded to the protest of the powerlessness of slaves. Only lumpen people can voluntarily give up private property. Between an imperfect world and a utopia, it is better to choose your own imperfect world. In no former socialist republic in the world do people renounce private property. This corresponds to human nature. In order to live according to the Testaments of Christ and Marx, it is necessary to kill all of humanity... There will remain a dozen ascetics who believe in the “Gospel of Andrew”. laughing
      1. +6
        7 February 2024 06: 00
        Only lumpen people can voluntarily give up private property.
        Lumpens can call you abandon your property - try to socialize it his check laughing .
      2. +4
        7 February 2024 08: 01
        Only lumpen people can voluntarily give up private property.

        Let's say - all the early Christian holy ascetics, and in fact - like the Buddhist ones, for example, look at your thesis with bewilderment and chagrin... But this is just one example... About the Bolsheviks - I’m generally silent. Calling one of the two superpowers on the planet a country of lumpen people requires a long time to prepare your brain for this..
        1. +3
          7 February 2024 09: 52
          Quote: paul3390
          Calling one of the two superpowers on the planet a country of lumpen people requires a long time to prepare your brain for this..

          No need to attribute your thoughts to me, dear! I didn't write that. I respect other views and ideas. I have never personally met holy ascetics or people who renounced property. In history, except for monks, I also don’t remember anyone who VOLUNTARILY renounced PROPERTY. It took a bloody CIVIL war. ....Then everything returned to the “eternal circles of history”...
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 10: 04
            Let's be logical. It took a bloody CIVIL war - does that mean someone won it? But they voluntarily gave up their property? Well, what if they created a USSR in which it did not exist?
    2. -7
      7 February 2024 07: 36
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      will lead to a "society" like the Papuans
      You still have time to grow and grow before the Papuans.
  5. +1
    7 February 2024 05: 30
    The Russian people thought a lot about this topic. And I was always looking for: “How can I do without a conscience, and so that it would be profitable to get the job done and have a useful result?” This conscience thing is too unreliable....

    Maybe there is such an order and such an effective property, an effective manager? Chubais and Gaidar came and showed by example that this does not exist. Conscience cannot be replaced by anything. Thank you and bow to them for their science!

    It was not for nothing that Aristotle said that the art of housekeeping must be separated from the art of enrichment. More than 2 thousand years have passed, we can return to the roots before everything is completely stolen.
  6. +11
    7 February 2024 05: 44
    Will it be the SVO that will become the very surgical knife that will cut out the cancerous tumor of immorality and degradation?
    While the cancerous tumor is consuming...Strelkov, a monarchist by conviction, was given 4 years for extremism, the same amount was given to Udaltsov, a man of leftist views, who exposed left-wing "non-war fighters" and also for extremism and another case, well known to everyone, a cook, a grenade I found it, put it in my bag and went to school. The doctors rushed to the school in vain - Only bricks remained from the school.
    1. -1
      7 February 2024 06: 37
      Quote: parusnik
      Another case, well known to everyone, the cook found a grenade, put it in his bag and went to school. The doctors rushed to the school in vain - Only bricks remained from the school.

      The chef’s list of enemies cannot fit on 10 sheets of paper. Or do you think that there are no people willing to serve school lunches across the country?
      Or the second his company, which brought him about 80 billion, is there no one willing to redistribute it?
      And there are still many who want his death and MO is not even in the top ten.
      1. +6
        7 February 2024 06: 41
        Dear VO expert, my comment is not about what you are writing about.. Take care of yourself. You have a lot of work to do on this article today.
        1. -1
          7 February 2024 09: 09
          Unfortunately, no - the articles have become cloyingly monotonous.
          I hate slogans - and this article is a slogan about the grass being greener, the sky being bluer, there being no criminals and migrant workers, etc.
          With slogans, like a fence, they blocked living life in the country then.
          “No one is forgotten..” - and a boundary of skulls in the Kursk region between 2 fields
          When “everything around is popular, everything around is nobody’s” - metal was thrown at our feet, which metal workers have been collecting in our fields for 30 years. And it doesn’t end - that is, some Azovstal worked in the trash, to throw away, wasting human financial and other resources.
          There was a village somewhere in Ukraine where, while emptying the warehouses of Selkhozkhimiya for a new batch of fertilizers, 10 tons of ammonium nitrate were taken out into the ravines. At the beginning of 000, I came across an article - that people need to be resettled because it began to change its properties there and it cannot be taken out, but no money left.
          Can you imagine what will happen if you arrive there?
          6-7 kilotons...it will completely blow away the village...
          We will be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons.
          And this is a consequence of the fact that “It is popular, that is, no one’s!”
          And the people, seeing the fence slogans, stopped believing the USSR.
          If the people don’t believe, and the economy couldn’t stand it, naturally the USSR died. And it’s not even about Gorbachev; in his place there could be the most statist of statists.
          So this article’s slogan is fence
          1. +3
            7 February 2024 11: 10
            Quote: your1970
            And it doesn’t end - that is, some kind of Azovstal worked in the trash, to throw away, wasting human financial and other resources.

            Not in the trash. And to fulfill the plan. Metallurgists melt steel, machine builders use this steel to make mining equipment, technology extracts ore and coal so that metallurgists can melt even more steel... etc.
            And everyone is on task, everyone is following the plan.
            There is no product leaving the kitchen. They have formed a closed cycle and swallow everything without leaving any food.
            © Zhvanetsky

            It is more profitable for industry to produce new equipment; it is easier for a collective farm to buy a new tractor than to repair an old one (especially considering that spare parts for industry have the lowest priority - the topic of “how to get spare parts” was a regular topic in Soviet satire). And as a result, in the early 80s, while in elementary school and visiting relatives in the village of Ragdino (Kalinin region), I was wildly surprised to find a cemetery of agricultural machinery smelling of rust and diesel fuel on the outskirts of the village. Tracked tractors, attachments, even a couple of combines, in my opinion, there were. To the question “what is this” I received the answer “yes, I abandoned the collective farm, don’t go there - there’s something else working there.”
            1. -1
              7 February 2024 11: 17
              Quote: Alexey RA
              discovering a cemetery of agricultural machinery smelling of rust and diesel fuel on the outskirts of the village

              Such cemeteries were cleared out back in the 90s. Now they are dragging them from the fields of rivers, ravines and forest plantations. An acquaintance handed over the seeder last year - it had grown into the ground almost to the top in a ravine. That is, the sowing season had ended, they unhooked it into the ravine - so as not to enter the collective farm farm yard and let's go home.
              And how tractors were drowned around the area on Easter is another song of song....
              1. +1
                7 February 2024 11: 25
                Quote: your1970
                Such cemeteries were cleared out back in the 90s. Now they are dragging them from the fields of rivers, ravines and forest plantations. An acquaintance handed over the seeder last year - it had grown into the ground almost to the top in a ravine. That is, the sowing season had ended, they unhooked it into the ravine - so as not to enter the collective farm farm yard and let's go home.

                Everything around is folk, everything around is nobody’s.
                I remember an interview with the chairman of an agricultural cooperative in the early 2000s. They ask him about the yield - and he answers: “Yes, it’s five times higher than in Soviet times.” They begin to torture - how, and why. And there is only one answer: “Before, we weren’t particularly worried about expenses, and neither were yields. But now fuel, equipment and chemicals are expensive, and we have to buy them with our own money - so we had to read smart books on agriculture left over from Soviet times, and an agronomist listen. And immediately everything went wrong!"
                1. 0
                  7 February 2024 11: 44
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  They ask him about the yield - and he answers: “Yes, it’s five times higher than in Soviet times.” They begin to torture - how, and why.

                  He didn't mention the main problem then - theft from the fields.
                  When I was a child, everyone in our regional center kept cattle; there was no way to buy meat.
                  They kept 3-5 pigs. A pig needs a ton of grain per year; the parents usually had 3, a total of 3 tons.
                  There were 40 houses on the street, a small street - 3×40=120 tons
                  There are 84 streets in the village × 120 = 10 tons belay
                  In the region there are 34 regional centers, even in our opinion (although many are more, but let it be) × 10 =340 000 tons of grain went into bins.
                  This is by the most underestimated standards - my parents had a chest for 5 tons and it was always full - they also want to eat cows, chickens, ducks.
                  And many kept 10-15 pigs...
                  That is, the final figure could be under a million, taking into account what was handed over to elevators, usually in the region of 3-4-5 million.
                  Now at half the size fields - the harvest is comparable to the Soviet one with the most common seeds and the usual yield as then.
                  1. +1
                    7 February 2024 14: 10
                    Now, with half the size of the fields, the harvest is comparable to the Soviet one with the most common seeds and the usual yield as then.

                    You have already been shown by the example of your region that your words do not correspond to reality.
                    1. -2
                      7 February 2024 15: 10
                      Quote: A vile skeptic
                      Now, with half the size of the fields, the harvest is comparable to the Soviet one with the most common seeds and the usual yield as then.

                      You have already been shown by the example of your region that your words do not correspond to reality.

                      Sorry I don’t remember the details - you proved that now the harvest is smaller or there are more fields than in the USSR? Or elite super-yielding grain? If it doesn’t bother you, your main idea is to confirm that I’m wrong. In 2 words, if it doesn’t bother you.
                      1. +1
                        7 February 2024 17: 30
                        Of course it’s not hard for me to remind you. You tried (after exactly the same message as here) to convince people that yields now are the same as 40 years ago.
                        Then I gave you data from agricultural unions, the administration, and the grain exchange. To which you began to say that they are all lying (not a literal expression). When, in response to this, I asked whether you understand that you are accusing these sources of “additions,” that is, of what in previous messages were used as an “argument” why the statistics of the USSR cannot be trusted, you decided to retreat, leaving me without an answer to this question ))
                      2. 0
                        7 February 2024 18: 38
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        When, in response to this, I asked whether you understand that you are accusing these sources of “postscripts,” that is, of what in previous messages were used as an “argument” why you cannot trust the statistics of the USSR, you decided to retreat, leaving me without an answer to this question ))

                        The only question is - is the yield higher now/then/the same?
                      3. +1
                        8 February 2024 09: 17
                        The only question is - is the yield higher now/then/the same?

                        Productivity is higher now
                      4. +1
                        8 February 2024 10: 06
                        Quote: A vile skeptic
                        The only question is - is the yield higher now/then/the same?

                        Productivity is higher now

                        2 times?
                        I hope to challenge that the amount of sown areas is approximately half as much as under the USSR - won’t you?
                      5. +1
                        8 February 2024 10: 12
                        2 times?

                        Should I spend time calculating exact numbers for you without it changing the fact that what you are saying is not true?
                        I hope to challenge that the amount of sown areas is approximately half as much as under the USSR - won’t you?

                        And again, should I waste time on this, given that every other day you will turn on your broken record again, completely ignoring the information provided to you and not transforming your opinions based on it?
                        I do not suffer from a latent form of masochism. All the best.
                      6. 0
                        8 February 2024 12: 54
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Should I spend time calculating exact numbers for you without it changing the fact that what you are saying is not true?

                        When I’m in my homeland, I won’t be lazy and take a photo of the chests under the grain - they still stand in my house and in my father’s. No one would make brick fences in relatively small sheds - unless there was an urgent need for this.
                        And yet, you yourself cited numbers of livestock - in our area there is basically nothing to feed pigs except grain. A slingshot and sheep go here and there, but chickens, ducks and pigs need grain
                      7. +1
                        8 February 2024 13: 01
                        When I’m in my homeland, I won’t be lazy and take a photo of the chests under the grain - they still stand in my house and in my father’s.

                        Listen, this is already funny.
                      8. 0
                        8 February 2024 13: 16
                        Quote: A vile skeptic
                        When I’m in my homeland, I won’t be lazy and take a photo of the chests under the grain - they still stand in my house and in my father’s.

                        Listen, this is already funny.
                        -I repeat, there was a lot of grain stockpiled. There was nowhere to get it except to buy stolen goods. On collective farms, collective farmers were also not given more than 5 tons.
                        If in my father’s house there are lari for 10 tons, then this is not from my head in the clouds and not a momentary whim.
                        People were imprisoned for stolen grain. There was even a case of a disabled person being planted on the roads for sweeping grain - it already became state property at that moment, as soon as the collective farm signed the invoice
                      9. +1
                        8 February 2024 13: 29
                        I repeat

                        WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE!
                        Your words are quite specific. And these very specific words do not correspond to reality.
                        And if you want to persist in the fact that the yield has remained the same, then you, as a truth-teller (well, you say so - I don’t like it when people tell lies) for some reason, have never been told by the same “truth-lovers” who have a different record: “Agriculture was killed in the USSR , look how the yield has grown in the capitalist Russian Federation" did not say that "everything is the same, the yield was the same then and now"? So decide whether you are a truth-teller or not? wink hi
                      10. +2
                        8 February 2024 15: 04
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        For some reason, they never told the same “truth-lovers” who have a different record: “Agriculture was killed in the USSR, look how the yield has increased in the capitalist Russian Federation” that “everything is true, the yield is the same then and what is now”?

                        If you provide a recent link like this, I’ll be happy to go and express my opinion, regardless of the title. I haven’t come across such reviews. If I did, I’d spit and swear. But specifically in terms of grain yield
                        The fact that there was something wrong with agriculture in the USSR is also a fact. It’s categorically impossible to call collective farms’ management on the land “ownership.” I’ve written about scrap metal more than once
                      11. +1
                        8 February 2024 15: 22
                        If you provide a recent link like this, I’ll be happy to go and express my opinion, regardless of the title. I haven't come across such reviews. If they got caught, they would spit and swear.

                        Come on, Sergey))
                        I might even find that in those topics where there are such phrases you were present, since there are also your comments. But I’m simply too lazy to devote so much of my time to you. It is necessary to study archeology from the Olgovich period.
                        It’s easier to wait until, as you say, new links appear and wait for you to check in with them. And then recall this conversation of ours feel hi
                      12. +1
                        8 February 2024 17: 40
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        But it's corny for me laziness give you so much of your time.

                        We've been sitting on this topic for two days now. feel
                        “For three days I chased you. To tell you how indifferent you are to me.” (c)
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        It’s easier to wait until, as you say, new links appear and wait for you to check in with them. And then recall this conversation of ours

                        Okay. This question is interesting to me.

                        And it’s a pity for Olgovich, he beautifully threw bricks into the swamp “Everything was good before, but now everything is bad.”
                        And yet - I saw how people in the USSR were talking in the kitchens about “Sausages” and “Brezhnev held negotiations with the ambassador without regaining consciousness”, “Deficiency due to connections”, “The doctor needs to take the meat, then he will treat”
                        And then, 15 years later, these same people threw a tantrum: “Oh, how good it was in the USSR!! What rivers were there on the banks of the jelly river” and so on
                        And I’m terribly afraid that 15 years will pass and these same people who are hysterical here today at VO will say about the bad government, “We have never lived as well as under Putin!”
                        Any government is not a masterpiece, and the current one is certainly not a gift. But I’m really afraid that they will praise it, and this will be because it will be complete
                      13. 0
                        8 February 2024 17: 46
                        We've been sitting on this topic for two days now.

                        And there is no contradiction)))
                        It’s already a lot, but you’ll need to dig through your correspondence history even more.
                        And it’s a pity for Olgovich, he beautifully threw bricks into the swamp “Everything was good before, but now everything is bad.”

                        Stupid has nothing to do with good. Catching other people doing stupid things is one thing. Producing them yourself (or more often simply relaying them) and persisting in them is completely different.
                        Moreover, I don’t understand why he stopped writing, he looks at the site constantly, he shows me his login times in private messages. He also hasn’t answered personal questions since the beginning of hostilities.
                      14. +1
                        9 February 2024 12: 20
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Moreover, I don’t understand why he stopped writing, he looks at the site constantly, he shows me his login times in private messages. He also hasn’t answered personal questions since the beginning of hostilities.

                        He really from Moldova - no one knows what will happen there tomorrow.
                        The situation could turn out like with Mielke:
                        “In the early 1930s, all sorts of trash and frenzy occurred in Germany (which ultimately resulted in the Nazis coming to power). August 7 1931 year in Berlin, the police dispersed a communist demonstration and at the same time shot one of the demonstrators (more were shot, but only one was killed). The communists were upset and carried out a retaliatory action - they killed two policemen. One of the performers was 24-year-old activist Erich Mielke. After which it became unsafe for him to remain in Germany, and with the help of the Comintern he was transported to the USSR. There he lived an interesting life, worked in the Comintern, fought in Spain. After the war, in 1945, Mielke, already an experienced, trusted comrade, returned to Berlin, where he began working in law enforcement. In which he achieved considerable success - in 1957 he became the Minister of State Security of the GDR. In 1989, when the GDR collapsed, Mhlke was already over 80, but he was still cheerful and in good order. The victorious anti-communists, naturally, did not like the communists. In particular, they especially did not like the communist state security. And they wanted to imprison Mielke for his activities. But then SUDDENLY it turned out that he had not broken the law in his service, and there was no reason to imprison him. And to imprison him for not liking his service is somehow ugly. But I really want to. And he was imprisoned for the murder of a policeman in 1931 year. "
                      15. +2
                        7 February 2024 20: 31
                        Timur, I read your opponent’s comments, but I still don’t understand where this promised land is? Someone shed tears, as he did in Moscow, from the night he occupied the estimate line, and now, a successful peasant farmer. From the outback. I just live in the outback, I travel on business around the edge, to the neighboring region, I can’t see the beets blooming and the cherries are heading. But grain is being transshipped in our ports. Previously, they exported it using metal, now grain. There are 10-15 pigs in the yard, holy shit. Forgive me, where did they put the non-food waste of the pigs? This is not manure. Our town is mostly one-story, they kept nutria, you understand, nutria is not only valuable fur, but also 10-12 kg of tasty, dietary meat. And by the way, nutria on the market cost 3 rubles kg, pork is more expensive, they kept little, cheap poultry 2 rubles kg. Yes, it was possible to negotiate. Sorry for the chaotic comment, its versatility is surprising. “I was a bullet, I was a baby elephant, I was a baby giraffe, now that’s it, I’ll be a hedgehog” (c) MF “Plasticine Hedgehog.”
                      16. +2
                        7 February 2024 21: 02
                        Quote: parusnik
                        This is not only valuable fur, but also 10-12 kg of tasty, dietary meat

                        Dietary, easy-to-eat meat.
                      17. +1
                        7 February 2024 21: 43
                        Quote: DenVB

                      18. +1
                        8 February 2024 09: 30
                        His versatility surprises him. “I was a bullet, I was a baby elephant, I was a baby giraffe, now that’s it, I’ll be a hedgehog” (c) MF “Plasticine Hedgehog.”

                        It is surprising that such versatility (along with total bad luck) prevails among a very specific sample of commentators. ))
                        For example, Sergei himself talks about the horrors of medicine and, at the same time, total corruption using the example of a dental office from his childhood - everyone’s teeth were drilled with one “drill” for a week, although for special people the dentist always had new ones. And of course, it turns out that Seryozha is one of the special ones (his mother is the head of the SES laboratory - how can one not remember Raikin’s “respected” people?”) And when you ask Seryozha if he understands that the rest were drilled with the same thing for a week " drill" because of people like him, who in Orwell wanted to be "more equal than others", then Seryozha has nothing to answer. Although he is usually very productive in comments.
                      19. 0
                        8 February 2024 10: 28
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        And when you ask Seryozha if he understands that the rest of us were drilled with the same “drill” for a week because of people like him, who in Orwell wanted to be “more equal than others,” then Seryozha has nothing to answer. Although he is usually very productive on comments.

                        Pfff....naturally I understand. This is an obvious fact - cronyism has always existed in the USSR and without cronyism it was drilled into those who were sitting in line with the old pine forest.
                        Moreover, meat stolen from the meat processing plant was also sold through connections.
                        Everyone else chopped chickens, which is why they weren’t counted. The only problem was with the grain, and chickens from the poultry farm, in my opinion, cost 10 kopecks
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Serezha has nothing to answer
                        maybe I didn’t see it, I’m a sinner
                      20. +1
                        8 February 2024 10: 41
                        Pfff....of course I understand.

                        Then I don’t understand why you have complaints about the concept of society that was declared in the USSR. You should have them with you.
                      21. 0
                        8 February 2024 12: 01
                        Quote: A vile skeptic
                        Pfff....of course I understand.

                        Then I don’t understand why you have complaints about the concept of society that was declared in the USSR. You should have them with you.

                        That is, I cannot have compassion for those children who were sitting in line and whom my mother took me past as a medical worker without a line and whose teeth were drilled with a heavily used bur?
                        I cannot - based on this message of yours - be dissatisfied the authorities who spoke about equality of allbut at the same time forced people to engage in illegal acts/cronyism/nepotism/telephone rights?
                      22. 0
                        8 February 2024 12: 09
                        That is, I cannot have compassion for those children who were sitting in line and whom my mother drove me past as a health worker without a line?

                        I immediately remembered the parable about crocodile tears. The compassion of a Jesuit from the same opera.
                        to be dissatisfied with the government that spoke about the equality of all, but at the same time forced people to commit illegal acts/cronyism/nepotism/telephone rights?

                        And how did she force you to skip the line? This is your desire and your choice, you could sit in line and wait like everyone else. If you didn’t want to be equal with everyone, then where does the power come from? And if the authorities punished you for this, you would immediately start singing songs about repression, wouldn’t it?
                      23. 0
                        8 February 2024 12: 35
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        I immediately remembered the parable about crocodile tears. The compassion of a Jesuit from the same opera.
                        -Well, okay. You have drawn a picture for yourself and are sculpting on it. The fact that I may have nothing to do with it does not interest you.
                        I didn’t join the Komsomol until I was 17, not because I was “anti-Soviet,” but because I considered myself unworthy of the Komsomol. When all our poor students and indifference students joined, and the director called my mother to school, only then did I join. Youthful maximalism, but if I were that bastard that you came up with for yourself, I would join the front row and be on the presidium for the sake of a beautiful character for easier admission to college and a future career

                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        And how did she force you to skip the line?
                        -how did she force people to steal grain and meat? Why couldn’t they buy either the first or the second with money? Why was there 4 burs per week at the dentist in the district clinic? Why was my father-in-law, who had occupied the first place in the district harvesting all his life, given a ticket to the sanatorium once in January, while the traders went every year in the summer?
                      24. +1
                        8 February 2024 13: 12
                        You drew a picture for yourself and are sculpting on it. The fact is that I may have nothing to do with it

                        You drew it yourself, I just showed how what you drew actually looks like.
                        I didn’t join the Komsomol until I was 17... because I considered myself unworthy

                        Oh, how predictable))) It’s unworthy, unworthy, but at 17 years old it’s just like my grandmother whispered. Just like you have to go to college, dignity immediately appears. And don’t worry about “my mother calling the director,” the director couldn’t have done anything, every fifth school graduate was not a member of the Komsomol.
                        -How did she force people to steal grain and meat?

                        Let's take it in order. Let's finish with the queue and only then move on to the meat, vouchers and other things.
                        So, let me remind you - How did she force you to skip the line? It is your desire and your choice, YOU COULD SIT IN QUEUE AND WAIT LIKE EVERYONE else. If YOU DON'T WANT TO BE EQUAL WITH EVERYONE, then what about the power? And if the authorities punished you for this, you would immediately start singing songs about repression, wouldn’t it?
                      25. 0
                        8 February 2024 13: 26
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        every fifth school graduate was not a member of the Komsomol.

                        gangster school.
                        In my stream there were 3 non-Komsomol members (the contingent who drank
                        and sat down almost immediately after school)
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        And don’t worry about “my mother calling the director”, the director couldn’t have done anything,
                        - hmm? “You write a description for the institute “I didn’t join the Komsomol because of disagreements” and the institute flies past you on jet propulsion. I really wanted to go to the institute, so yes,predictably
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        So, let me remind you - how did she force you to skip the line? It is your desire and your choice, YOU COULD SIT IN QUEUE AND WAIT LIKE EVERYONE else. If YOU DON'T WANT TO BE EQUAL WITH EVERYONE, then what about the power?
                        -Then what are the claims from today’s government? you can go and earn like everyone else, or you can go and steal (if you don’t want to be equal with everyone). This is your desire and your choice. What does the current government have to do with this?
                      26. +1
                        8 February 2024 14: 14
                        gangster school

                        This is the national figure. At the time when I was finishing school. And when you graduated, 2 out of 5 were no longer members of the Komsomol. And nothing.
                        - hmm? “You write a description for the institute “I didn’t join the Komsomol because of disagreements” and the institute flies past you on jet propulsion. I really wanted to go to the institute, so yes, it’s predictable

                        You see, you can tell these tales to modern youth. But since just my words will not be enough for you, let’s turn to those examples that you can check for yourself - biographies of famous people. For example, citizen Nevzorov. You know this one? I was not a member of the Komsomol, but entered Leningrad State University. Or citizen Dashkevich, who was not a member of the Komsomol, entered MITHT. Even the repressed father did not become a hindrance.
                        -Then what are the claims from today’s government? you can go and earn like everyone else, or you can go and steal (if you don’t want to be equal with everyone). This is your desire and your choice. What does the current government have to do with this?

                        Your answer is discouraging. There was not a word about the current government. This is where the conversation started
                        be dissatisfied a power that spoke of the equality of all, but at the same time forced people to engage in illegal acts/cronyism/nepotism/telephone rights?

                        Then they showed you that the authorities did not force you to put yourself above others and jump out of turn, so your complaints should not be against the authorities, but against yourself regarding the question of why there was no equality.
                        Therefore, you can still DIRECTLY answer the question at least once, and not start throwing counter extraneous questions instead of answering:
                        How did she (the authorities) force you to skip the line? It is your desire and your choice, YOU COULD SIT IN QUEUE AND WAIT LIKE EVERYONE else. If YOU DON'T WANT TO BE EQUAL WITH EVERYONE, then what about the power?
                        That is two simple questions
                        1) Name the coercive measures applied directly to you, which, against your will, forced you to skip the line in the specific case under discussion?
                        2) Why is the government to blame in the case when you yourself did not want to be equal with other people?
                      27. +1
                        9 February 2024 12: 03
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        citizen Nevzorov.
                        a strong example, what's wrong fool - 1) a resident of Leningrad and not the priests of the world called Saratov Trans-Volga region, 2) grandfather general of the MGB.
                        I had no PHYSICAL opportunity to check whether the director was telling the truth or lying
                        The fact that I had all the Komsomol members is my fact, if in Moscow they put it on the Komsomol - it’s not for me
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        1) Name the coercive measures applied directly to you, which, against your will, forced you to skip the line in the specific case under discussion?

                        - the direct fault of the authorities is the presence of 1 dentist and 1 prosthetist in an area with a population of either 18 or 16.
                        If you don’t want to die in the queue from pain, you go without a queue. If you sit in the queue, be prepared for the fact that they won’t accept you today, and maybe tomorrow (I’m silent about the villages in general - ammonia/electrolyte is all of them)...
                        It’s the same with burs - the authorities did not provide a sufficient number of them. Or they did not ensure their proper preservation - because “USSR burs” are still wandering among engravers.
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        2) Why is the government to blame in the case when you yourself did not want to be equal with other people?

                        Because the government created conditions in which equality became impossible.
                      28. +1
                        9 February 2024 13: 41
                        a strong example, why is there a fool - 1) a resident of Leningrad and not the priests of the world called the Saratov Trans-Volga region, 2) grandfather general of the MGB.

                        Strong, weak, but it answers the question posed. I have given you a vector, you can continue searching for biographies yourself.
                        - the direct fault of the authorities is the presence of 1 dentist and 1 prosthetist in an area with a population of either 18 or 16.

                        No, no, you are again trying to shift responsibility from a sore head to a healthy one. Even if there is only one dentist, then he is EQUALLY one in 16-18 thousand. But it was YOU from the queue who decided that you were more equal than others.
                        The same is true with borons; the authorities did not provide enough of them.

                        How much is enough? Why is 4 per week not enough? Because the dentist only spent one? lol So they gave him more than one.
                        Because the government created conditions in which equality became impossible.

                        The authorities have not issued any resolutions that boys and their mother can go to the SES out of turn? I didn't publish it. Could you sit down and wait your turn? They could. YOU wanted to be unequal in a specific situation. But it’s always easier to blame everything on someone else than to admit your responsibility for what is happening.
                      29. 0
                        9 February 2024 17: 35
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        Strong, weak, but it answers the question posed.

                        He NOT answers the question posed - having a grandfather, General Nevzorov, could piss on the rector from head to toe, not to mention not being a Komsomol member. And the rector wouldn’t even blather, because “This is not a ram - this is a gift! But a ram is at the institute...”( c) back in the 1970s
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        But it’s always easier to blame everything on someone else than to admit your responsibility for what is happening.

                        Of course, it’s always easier to blame the boy and his mother for jumping the queue - than to admit that there are 3 queues, 1) beneficiaries - disabled war veterans, etc., 2) medical workers and thieves 3) ordinary poor fellows and all this - from 30 to 50 people (this is question about the sufficiency of 4 hogs for a week) - he sits from the office past the dairy kitchen on the street and to the morgue - that all this, to put it mildly, is overkill and the authorities don’t care

                        And so persuaded- it’s my fault that I didn’t sit in line (scoundrel and scoundrel!), and the authorities are absolutely out of business. Not at all...
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        children's clinic.
                        the nearest children's clinic was 250 km from me in the regional center
                      30. +1
                        8 February 2024 14: 51
                        Quote: your1970
                        That is, I cannot have compassion for those children who were sitting in line and whom my mother took me past as a medical worker without a line and whose teeth were drilled with a heavily used bur?

                        Once, in the mid-80s, after getting drunk on melons stolen from the market, I suffered from a toothache. It was summer, the holidays, and on my way home, I stopped at the children's clinic. We were cured without any documents, dads and moms and queues. There were simply no people there at all.
                      31. 0
                        8 February 2024 10: 21
                        Quote: parusnik
                        Someone shed tears, as he did in Moscow, from the night he stood in line for the estimate,

                        1985-1988 with a break for urgent work 1990-1992 Moscow 1992-1995 Moscow region.
                        For the rest of the 53 years, the regional center was in the Saratov Trans-Volga region.
                        Quote: parusnik
                        successful peasant farmer.
                        you - as usual - draw hasty conclusions from everything. "Damn bureaucrat bureaucrat" - state land inspector
                        Quote: parusnik
                        10-15 pigs in the yard, crazy.
                        and many also had 2-3 cows. I’m not even writing about chickens/sheep/ducks - no one counted them.

                        Quote: parusnik
                        Sorry, where did they put the non-food waste from the pigs? This is not manure.

                        They put the cows in heaps in the backyards and then took them out. They dug up the cows in a thin layer all winter and in the spring in the gardens. You can bury them alive in our sand - after a week there is no trace left even of the pigs.
                        Quote: parusnik
                        pork is more expensive
                        - an average pig, when delivered to a meat processing plant, gave 200 rubles.
                        Quote: parusnik
                        His versatility surprises him. “I was a bullet, I was a baby elephant, I was a baby giraffe, now that’s it, I’ll be a hedgehog.”

                        Topographer, military man, customs officer, state land inspector.
                        Are there any other reasons to be surprised?
              2. +3
                7 February 2024 11: 31
                Quote: your1970
                And how tractors were drowned around the area on Easter is another song of song....

                Classics of Russian science fiction: laughing
                By the way, about realism. One day Slava Loginov is sitting, writing agricultural fiction. And in his story there is a tractor driver who drowns his tractor in the river while drunk. Loginov sits and thinks: how many tractors should he be allowed to drown - two or three? Two seems to be not enough, three - no one will believe it... Zhenya Lukin looks at his suffering and asks: “Slava, how many tractors did this guy actually drown?” Loginov sighs heavily and says: “Eleven...”

                In the retellings, the number of tractors grew little by little, and finally Loginov himself commented on this story:
                ...Oh, these evil tongues! First of all, Vasya destroyed not fourteen, but only thirteen tractors, and only one was drowned in the river. The second tractor sank in the swamp, with the third tractor Vasya rammed the fourth, so that both mechanisms went to scrap metal, the fifth fell off a cliff into a quarry, where its fragments still lie, the sixth was burned, on the seventh Vasya drove into the forest and crashed into a pine tree, which fell and fatally maimed the tractor, sparing for some reason the tractor driver. On the eighth, Vasya went to a dance in a neighboring area, and when he woke up in the morning, he discovered that “Belarus” had disappeared without a trace. And so on, each tractor died in its own unique way. The thirteenth tractor was forgotten at a railway crossing, where it was hit by a shunting diesel locomotive. The railroad opened a criminal case against Vasenka, but he urgently left the village for Leningrad and joined the Spetstrans department as a tractor driver. This is the truth, and everything else is fiction.
                1. -1
                  7 February 2024 12: 09
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  Classics of Russian science fiction:

                  If you find heavy equipment - I know where 2 Kirovets K-701 are lying in the river - we will divide the proceeds equally lol
                  Somewhere in a ravine there is a Kirov trailer with 2 sets of Kirov brass radiators - my father-in-law in the early 1980s took them to the regional center to hand them over to Vtorchermet. They didn’t accept him, he got drunk to the point of snot and went home. On the way belay (well, for Kirovets the road is just to go straight as long as there are no rivers) I dumped everything into the ravine. So as not to load 10 tons lol hands - I brought my brother and the DTshka at night and together they simply filled up the ravine. What the hell...
                  And before the morning he said that he unloaded everything in Chermet and didn’t know anything....
      2. +4
        7 February 2024 09: 52
        The chef’s list of enemies cannot fit on 10 sheets of paper. Or do you think that there are no people willing to serve school lunches across the country?

        How quickly your views on the cook change... and there was a time when you defended him... you’ve probably already forgotten, it was two or three years ago and the article was about school lunches... How quickly the servants of the “cult of His” cooks turned into enemies they write down and devalue former companions))
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 10: 23
          Quote: Svarog
          How quickly your views on the cook change... and there was a time when you defended him...

          fool fool fool fool
          Я IS ALWAYS was strongly against PMCs on the territory of the Russian Federation since 2015 - when articles on VO about PMCs appeared.
          Я was always against it mercenarism in any form in the Russian Federation - we have an army.
          I have always considered and still consider the chef to be an ordinary billionaire who managed to create such a structure as a PMC. Anything can happen in life...
          Я categorically I did not share and do not share the enthusiasm for PMCs. Yes, in Africa they benefit the Russian Federation - but even there I don’t like the situation with them.
          You will find my post with the formula “What good PMCs!” - before ATTRIBUTE me this
          1. +2
            7 February 2024 10: 26
            I have ALWAYS been categorically against PMCs on the territory of the Russian Federation
            [Quote] [/ quote]
            This is not about PMCs, but about Prigozhin... as a person who was on Putin’s team... and you defended him when there was an article about the canteens... which he serves... maybe I’m wrong, but in my opinion there was a dispute with you then ))
            1. 0
              7 February 2024 11: 01
              Quote: Svarog
              I have ALWAYS been categorically against PMCs on the territory of the Russian Federation

              This is not about PMCs, but about Prigozhin... as a person who was on Putin’s team... and you defended him when there was an article about the canteens... which he serves... maybe I’m wrong, but in my opinion there was a dispute with you then ))

              Again- meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee- I didn’t write not a single post with the formula “Prigozhin - well done!!!”
              No matter whose team he was on, regardless of this.
              He's a billionaire - that's enough for me negative opinions about him.
              Perhaps you have confused me with someone else? Boris for example, or with someone else.
              1. 0
                7 February 2024 11: 06
                Perhaps you confused me with someone - with Boris, for example, or with someone else
                Perhaps...in this case, please accept my apologies. hi
        2. +3
          7 February 2024 11: 04
          Yes Yes. You remember this too. good
          1. -1
            7 February 2024 11: 10
            Quote from AdAstra
            Yes Yes. You remember this too. good

            Link if possible.
            But I think that it will not happen; it is much easier to speak unfoundedly than to move bags.
            1. +2
              7 February 2024 11: 34
              It’s quite difficult to provide a link because there is no search engine for this, and manually digging through all the news and articles is such a pleasure. Therefore, I will act like a Jew and say that it happened. But if something goes wrong, I will reserve the right to “change my shoes in a jump” with an expression of how sorry I am and what an annoying mistake this is. laughing hi
              1. -2
                7 February 2024 12: 12
                Quote from AdAstra
                It’s quite difficult to provide a link because there is no search engine for this, and manually digging through all the news and articles is such a pleasure.

                Well, that is, spit on a person’s back and proudly move on - your everything.
                Thanks I'll know....
                1. +1
                  8 February 2024 07: 46
                  Homo homini lupus est hi "" "
                  1. +1
                    8 February 2024 12: 43
                    Quote from AdAstra
                    Homo homini lupus est hi "" "

                    The first thing I could find was 2 of my comments. All subsequent ones are just as negative. PMCs as such
                    An updated draft of the PMC submitted to the relevant committee of the State Duma

                    I always spoke negatively about Prigozhin due to the fact that he is an ordinary billionaire - which I have a negative attitude towards. Regardless of whose team they are on - be it in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation or in the EdR. It is almost impossible to find an agreement due to the fact that they wrote so much about him
                    1. +1
                      8 February 2024 13: 35
                      "with an expression of how sorry I am and what an unfortunate mistake this is."
    2. +2
      7 February 2024 11: 03
      And what, Udaltsov was also already convicted, otherwise he somehow missed this news? hi
  7. +8
    7 February 2024 06: 45
    Humanity, from its very origins, from the time of the first erectuses, lived according to very specific principles. Concepts that are much larger than the individual have always been at the forefront. Personal well-being is not the dominant imperative. Man lived for the survival of the clan, the well-being of the tribe, and the prosperity of the people. For the sake of serving gods, customs, philosophical concepts, global ideas of the imperial type, social principles. For the sake of glory, even posthumously, for the sake of fidelity to your oaths, for the sake of the greatness of your state, for the sake of the memory of your descendants who will write sagas about you... There are many reasons, but personal prosperity, personal selfish interests did not dominate in human consciousness. No, naturally, in all centuries people have lined their pockets and put money on everything else, not without that - but this has never been the dominant ideology! Yes, maybe even sometimes it was encouraged - but it was by no means glorified. Songs and sagas are written about heroes, not at all about traders and moneylenders... And this ability, even more - the urgent need to live for the sake of something greater than yourself - sits in our subcortex, on a subconscious level. It is thanks to this that we managed to survive as a species - simple, everyday, everyday joys were never enough for us! Otherwise, we would still be jumping through the trees to this day... But the West - it has put such a pleasant and cool thesis at the forefront - you live only for yourself, your beloved.. Have fun with taste, don’t slow down, don’t suppress your baboon instincts - they are so natural and logical. I don’t care about everything - as long as you feel good, here and now. The rest doesn’t matter, the main thing is your level of consumption. Eat your fill, because you are not a person, you are a consumer... There is no need to think, there is no need to wish for strange things, the country, people, ideals, faith, principles are relics of the past, deep atavisms from which we need to sort of correct ourselves.. Loot, loot at any cost, and don’t give a damn about everything around you. If something doesn’t bring you money or distracts you from pleasure, it’s a useless activity that has no meaning. In general, it’s clear why this is cultivated; it’s much easier to control the eating and fucking protoplasm.. But the question is: what to do with several hundred thousand years of evolution? What to do with the gene set of ancestors? You can’t erase this with propaganda, it’s in us forever.. In each of us there is a Neanderthal, with a spear going to kill a mammoth, just to feed his family, a Cro-Magnon, going beyond the horizon because he is interested in what is there, an Egyptian, with hard work erecting colossal temples to the gods, a Roman, standing in the ranks of a legion in front of hordes of barbarians for the greatness of the Empire, a samurai committing seppuku in the name of preserving honor, a Viking jumping aboard an enemy longship screaming Odin, a Spartan standing in the phalanx at Thermopylae, a Christian saint going to execution in the name of God... A ragged peasant, with a pick and a shovel building the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station in the name of future generations, a soldier, with one piece of bread and a couple of magazines, fighting to the death in Leningrad, a scientist, in a hungry and broken country by a terrible war, creating the first spaceships.. There are countless examples, this is the whole history of mankind. It is about them that legends are remembered and made... And the West, in a perverted way, rapes this heritage of our ancestors, trying with all its might to return us to the worldview of the baboon.. But this is an absolutely useless attempt; they are weak in the knees to resist the thousand-year heritage. It still breaks out, one way or another. A person is not able to exist without high ideals, without something worth living and dying for, even if he himself is not very aware of it.. Your life is worth exactly what you are willing to give it for. Nature resists violence against human nature, this protest accumulates and accumulates, sooner or later it will explode - what will then happen to the Western system of absolute individualism and the primacy of consumption? After all, the West has long been unable to offer anything, absolutely nothing higher... This is the end of the West as a completely unnatural experiment.
    1. 0
      7 February 2024 09: 12
      Quote: paul3390
      Humanity, from its very origins, from the time of the first erectuses, lived according to very specific principles. Concepts that are much larger than the individual have always been at the forefront. Personal well-being is not the dominant imperative. Man lived for the survival of the clan, the well-being of the tribe, and the prosperity of the people. For the sake of serving gods, customs, philosophical concepts, global ideas of the imperial type, social principles. For the sake of glory, even posthumously, for the sake of fidelity to your oaths, for the sake of the greatness of your state, for the sake of the memory of your descendants who will write sagas about you... There are many reasons, but personal prosperity, personal selfish interests did not dominate in human consciousness. No, naturally, in all centuries people have lined their pockets and put money on everything else, not without that - but this has never been the dominant ideology! Yes, maybe even sometimes it was encouraged - but it was by no means glorified. Songs and sagas are written about heroes, not at all about traders and moneylenders... And this ability, even more - the urgent need to live for the sake of something greater than yourself - sits in our subcortex, on a subconscious level. It is thanks to this that we managed to survive as a species - simple, everyday, everyday joys were never enough for us! Otherwise, we would still be jumping through the trees to this day... But the West - it has put such a pleasant and cool thesis at the forefront - you live only for yourself, your beloved.. Have fun with taste, don’t slow down, don’t suppress your baboon instincts - they are so natural and logical. I don’t care about everything - as long as you feel good, here and now. The rest doesn’t matter, the main thing is your level of consumption. Eat your fill, because you are not a person, you are a consumer... There is no need to think, there is no need to wish for strange things, the country, people, ideals, faith, principles are relics of the past, deep atavisms from which we need to sort of correct ourselves.. Loot, loot at any cost, and don’t give a damn about everything around you. If something doesn’t bring you money or distracts you from pleasure, it’s a useless activity that has no meaning. In general, it’s clear why this is cultivated; it’s much easier to control the eating and fucking protoplasm.. But the question is: what to do with several hundred thousand years of evolution? What to do with the gene set of ancestors? You can’t erase this with propaganda, it’s in us forever.. In each of us there is a Neanderthal, with a spear going to kill a mammoth, just to feed his family, a Cro-Magnon, going beyond the horizon because he is interested in what is there, an Egyptian, with hard work erecting colossal temples to the gods, a Roman, standing in the ranks of a legion in front of hordes of barbarians for the greatness of the Empire, a samurai committing seppuku in the name of preserving honor, a Viking jumping aboard an enemy longship screaming Odin, a Spartan standing in the phalanx at Thermopylae, a Christian saint going to execution in the name of God... A ragged peasant, with a pick and a shovel building the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station in the name of future generations, a soldier, with one piece of bread and a couple of magazines, fighting to the death in Leningrad, a scientist, in a hungry and broken country by a terrible war, creating the first spaceships.. There are countless examples, this is the whole history of mankind. It is about them that legends are remembered and made... And the West, in a perverted way, rapes this heritage of our ancestors, trying with all its might to return us to the worldview of the baboon.. But this is an absolutely useless attempt; they are weak in the knees to resist the thousand-year heritage. It still breaks out, one way or another. A person is not able to exist without high ideals, without something worth living and dying for, even if he himself is not very aware of it.. Your life is worth exactly what you are willing to give it for. Nature resists violence against human nature, this protest accumulates and accumulates, sooner or later it will explode - what will then happen to the Western system of absolute individualism and the primacy of consumption? After all, the West has long been unable to offer anything, absolutely nothing higher... This is the end of the West as a completely unnatural experiment.

      I completely and unreservedly agree with your comment.
    2. +2
      7 February 2024 12: 45
      The West has been unable to offer anything, absolutely nothing higher for a long time... This is the end of the West as a completely unnatural experiment
      Don't find it. Why did the funeral of the West take so long? And it was thanks to wealthy consumers that Airbuses appeared, which some people now lack due to sanctions, and advanced agricultural technologies appeared there and for the same reason, and convenient affordable mobile communications, and high-quality cars appeared to please the Western consumer, and machine tools to produce these same cars...
      It’s good, of course, to stand in line for the blue bird hen, admiring socialist technologies in space, but it’s still a little different.
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 15: 46
        How long did the first feudal-bourgeois war last in the Netherlands? 80 years old? How many centuries did the system change? So with 400? Why do you demand that socialism win instantly?
        1. +2
          7 February 2024 15: 50
          so that socialism wins instantly
          Socialism suffered a crushing defeat, and all the talk of its apologists boils down to a request to give them one more try to steer. It is noteworthy that elements of socialism in capitalist societies lead to a deterioration in the situation of these very societies - I personally observe.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 16: 04
            Yes. Go figure - the unfinished feudal lords thought exactly the same way after the English Restoration. And the Bourbons, who returned to the throne after the French Revolution.. Like - feudalism is eternal, screw these bourgeoisie.. And what happened to the test? You can’t argue against the laws of social development..
            1. +1
              7 February 2024 16: 11
              You cannot argue against the laws of social development.
              That’s exactly why capitalist states exist quite successfully. Once again, it is the elements of socialism that act as brakes and points of rot for society in the West.
              1. +2
                7 February 2024 16: 26
                Unproven. In addition - you and your supporters are falling into a classic mistake - you are trying to incorporate elements of socialism into a capitalist economy. And this doesn't work like that. Either there or here. Well, what kind of socialism can there be - with private ownership of the means of production? And other things?

                Besides, I personally do not see any socialist efforts in the West. There is no such thing there. What they call by this term are elements of bourgeois social democracy. To her - and all the complaints..
                1. +2
                  7 February 2024 17: 14
                  Without proof
                  The minimum wage in England is 200000 of your rubles.
                  There is no such thing there.
                  Social housing programs, benefits, public healthcare?
                  1. +1
                    7 February 2024 17: 28
                    So what? Well - minimum wage. Well - benefits. As for the general availability of medicine, this is a controversial issue, but let’s say it exists. In primitive society, the elderly and disabled were also given a piece, albeit a smaller one. And anyone could go to the shaman. And no one was kicked out of the cave...

                    Socialism is about socio-economic relations, not about benefits..
                    1. +1
                      7 February 2024 18: 11
                      As for the universal accessibility of medicine, this is a controversial issue.
                      To an acquaintance in prison Ceramic implants were inserted. Free, of course.
                      Well - minimum wage. Well - benefits.
                      This is about the distribution of public goods.
                      1. 0
                        13 February 2024 06: 38
                        Alas, any selectivity that inevitably arises from private property, in the past, was disastrous for the development of mankind, in contrast to the only reasonable conciliar principle under public property, and according to the latest research, “The driving force of evolution is not survival, but cooperation. This is the discovery of Martin Novak ...leads to the conclusion that unrelated cooperation - unification around common goals - underlies the emergence of superorganisms. The appearance of useful results of joint activity... leads to... a sharp leap in evolution...". And “Italian neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti...discovered mirror neurons...our brains, at the most basic level, are literally “designed” in such a way that we are constantly connected to each other - our brains are simply not designed for loneliness,” https:// www.forbes.ru/ontology/383273-epidemiya-odinochestva-chto-ukorachivaet-zhizn-silnee-bolezney-fastfuda-i-alkogolya, sapienti sat? Whereas, “Capitalism is the amazing belief that the worst actions of the worst people in one way or another serve the common good” (D. Keynesy).
                        And if briefly, according to Marx, then it is capitalism that “produces too many necessary things and too many unnecessary people,” which means socialism is needed so that things stop killing people, isn’t it so simple, if we are still people, and not complete hucksters and rednecks? It is the “narrow horizon of bourgeois law” (V.I. Lenin) that limits its justice to the very system of private property, where equality of rights is proclaimed for initially socio-economically and culturally-politically unequal people. And only the system of public property restores the justice of precisely unequal rights with preferences for the disadvantaged at the expense of those who have succeeded in order for society to claim “the entire wealth of subjective human content” (K. Marx), which is the only worthy goal of any country and all of humanity, achievable only in a non-private system , but public property, right? And if for the completely illiterate, then the trouble with capitalism is not that it cannot feed the poor, but precisely that under capitalism the rich will never be able to get drunk, it’s hard for Newton to understand this!
  8. +8
    7 February 2024 06: 48
    There are few people of Honor and Conscience. But there are many more lovers of private property, and now they will all rush to prove that people love to eat sweets. And those who do not fit into the market have themselves to blame.
    1. +6
      7 February 2024 07: 48
      You know, the colonel here had an interesting article about how Soviet films were shown to Afghans in a village. Very interesting reactions. They liked our films about the war, and the elders said that all their heroes were Mujahideen. To the perplexed question - how can this be, they are not only not Muslims, they are generally atheists, they answered the following. Of course, the Mujahideen - after all, they fought for their faith? Yes - faith in communism, but for faith? This means the Mujahideen.

      And about Seventeen Moments of Spring they said that the film was good - but stupid. Stirlitz should have stabbed Hitler to death in the very first episode, becoming a suicide bomber, and everything would have ended... what laughing
  9. +7
    7 February 2024 06: 53
    Buddha is not a god. He is the Teacher who led the way. There is no God in Buddhism.
  10. +5
    7 February 2024 07: 04
    . the process of acquisition, growing like a snowball, leads to spiritual catastrophe

    And I think, what’s wrong with our elite?

    Such a sign should be nailed to the doors of the State Duma and the government. Otherwise they are not thinking about that. Those in power often face a dilemma: what comes first - state interest or personal interest? What do you think will win?
    1. +8
      7 February 2024 07: 34
      “No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love the other; or he will be zealous for one and neglectful of the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13)
  11. -2
    7 February 2024 07: 04
    When they start talking about equality, brotherhood and happiness for everyone, I immediately tense up... again, beautiful slogans will be for the lower classes and this is the very happiness of communism for the upper classes.
    Thank you...enjoyed your fill of beautiful tales of equality and brotherhood.
    A person is designed in such a way that if moral guards against evil and negativity have not been put into him since childhood, then he will do this same evil all his life and it doesn’t matter who he is in society... a communist, a liberal, a radical, a pacifist or a don’t care.
    If he only knows how to destroy, then he will destroy everything in the area throughout his life.
    Like, for example, Gorbachev and Yeltsin...and they were communists endowed with supreme power...but whatever they did, everything turned into devastation and hopelessness...how did it happen that such destructive monsters grew out of communist ideology and communist morality?
    1. +5
      7 February 2024 07: 40
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      A person is designed in such a way that if they have not been invested in him since childhood moral guards from evil and negativity, then he will do this same evil all his life

      The basis of negativity and aggression in society is material lack, restrictions on freedoms, lack of security (there is no feeling that the state is protecting you) and social inequality.
      On the contrary, a protected society, a society of prosperity (for everyone) and a society in which there is no wild social inequality will be prosperous and comfortable for people to live in without any moral guards. There will be no basis for negativity.
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 09: 31
        Quote: Stas157
        The basis of negativity and aggression in society is material lack, restrictions on freedoms, lack of security (there is no feeling that the state is protecting you) and social inequality.

        Hmm ....
        In the quiet 1970s, the country sat in criminal articles from 700 to 000 million.
        Which of the following?
        Quote: Stas157
        lack of material,

        Quote: Stas157
        restrictions on freedoms

        Quote: Stas157
        lack of security (no feeling that the state is protecting you)

        Quote: Stas157
        social inequality
        brought people to the camps? What exactly?
        There was no social inequality
        Insecurity - none
        Restrictions on freedom are criminal articles, NOT political.
        The disadvantage is material - to say that there were only homeless homeless people sitting there is also not
        Which of your slogans brought them there?
        And side by side in the same quiet 1970s there are up to 10 people on average killed in the service of police officers and up to 30 on average attacks on sentries in the army.

        Quote: Stas157
        On the contrary, a protected society, a society of prosperity (for everyone) and a society in which there is no wild social inequality will be prosperous and comfortable for people to live in without any moral safeguards. There will be no basis for negativity.

        A pipe dream refuted by the above numbers - even in the USSR they could not get rid of the negativity.
        1. +5
          7 February 2024 12: 34
          Quote: your1970
          Which of your slogans brought them there?

          I'm talking about Thomas, and I'm talking about Yerema! What answer do you expect from me when you call my thoughts slogans?

          I did not touch upon the topic of criminality in the USSR. It (criminalism), I understand, is much closer to you personally due to the nature of your activity in the authorities. But what I personally noticed and observed more than once: people, when they feel good, are not capable of bad deeds. There is no such need! For example, on vacation at a 5* All Inclusive hotel, everyone becomes so kind and friendly! They immediately forget the problematic and stressful life before. Everything is as according to Lenin: being determines consciousness. Pure dialectic.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 14: 57
            Quote: Stas157
            But what I personally noticed and observed more than once: people, when they feel good, are not capable of bad deeds.

            Land a little on the ground - along it sinners people walk
            Quote: Stas157
            For example, on vacation at a 5* All Inclusive hotel, everyone becomes so kind and friendly!
            yeah ... belay If you tell the Turks about this, they will be extremely surprised. When they have 5* robes, bedspreads, sheets and so on...
            You brought wrong example...
            Quote: Stas157
            Everything is as according to Lenin: being determines consciousness. Pure dialectic.

            I know a decent person from the homeless and the last nit from a decent family. So this is also NOT always works - about being and consciousness....
          2. +3
            7 February 2024 16: 57
            For example, on vacation at a 5* All Inclusive hotel, everyone becomes so kind and friendly! They immediately forget the problematic and stressful life before. Everything is as according to Lenin: being determines consciousness. Pure dialectic.

            That’s right..100%, when a person satisfies basic needs, the hormone of joy, dopamine, prevails in him.. and under the influence of this hormone, the person becomes kinder..
            Under stress and constant dissatisfaction, cortisol works... which makes a person aggressive and angry... severely undermines health... well, that’s if it’s at the top... that is, even human physiology confirms this good hi
    2. +8
      7 February 2024 07: 56
      Orbachev and Yeltsin...and they were communists

      They were never communists. But only members of the CPSU. Not shot through oversight and connivance.
      1. 0
        7 February 2024 08: 35
        They were never communists

        Please prove it, you don’t take anything on faith. Remember the principle of dialectics... Or only you have the right to determine who is a communist and who is not wink
        1. +7
          7 February 2024 09: 21
          Not a single communist would allow the surrender of Eastern Europe to the West and the collapse of the USSR. But Gorbachev and Yeltsin did it.
          Not a single communist would allow such monstrous economic reforms as Yeltsin carried out in the 90s.
          They are not communists at all.
          1. +2
            7 February 2024 11: 17
            Quote: populist
            Not a single communist would allow the surrender of Eastern Europe to the West and the collapse of the USSR. But Gorbachev and Yeltsin did it.
            Not a single communist would allow such monstrous economic reforms as Yeltsin carried out in the 90s.
            They are not communists at all.

            Come on, the founding fathers of the future CPSU were also opportunists and realpolitik. The Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and the NEP alone are worth it. I'm not even talking about how revolutionary Europe was surrendered to the West.
            1. +3
              7 February 2024 11: 50
              Do you mean delivered? There was an attempt at a world revolution; it was simply not enough strength to break through to Germany through Poland.
            2. +3
              7 February 2024 11: 55
              Quote: Alexey RA
              oh well, the founding fathers of the future CPSU were also opportunists and realpolitik. The Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and the NEP alone are worth it.

              The leaders of the CPSU(B) were realpolitik, but they were not opportunists. The Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and the NEP are precisely indicators of very competent political decisions under the influence of force majeure circumstances.
              Quote: Alexey RA
              I'm not even talking about how revolutionary Europe was surrendered to the West.

              And when did this happen?
              1. +1
                7 February 2024 16: 06
                Quote: populist
                The Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and the NEP are precisely indicators of very competent political decisions under the influence of force majeure circumstances.

                Accommodation Policy general line и fundamental principles of doctrine to circumstances - this is precisely opportunism. Yesterday there was still war communism, and today there is a new economic policy.
                Quote: populist
                And when did this happen?

                From 1918 onwards. The leadership of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) spoke from the stands about their support for the world revolutionary movement. but in fact, when faced with resistance, it quietly curtailed support for this or that revolution or revolutionary activity.
                1. +1
                  7 February 2024 18: 59
                  Quote: Alexey RA
                  Alexey RA

                  Today, 16: 06
                  Quote: populist
                  The Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty and the NEP are precisely indicators of very competent political decisions under the influence of force majeure circumstances.

                  The policy of adapting the general line and fundamental principles of teaching to circumstances is precisely opportunism. Yesterday there was still war communism, and today there is a new economic policy.

                  In these two cases you cited, it was the wise policy of the CPSU(B), which led to the expulsion of the interventionists and the building of socialism. This was not a departure from the line, but a maneuver that ensured the achievement of goals.
                  Quote: Alexey RA

                  From 1918 onwards. The leadership of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) spoke from the stands about their support for the world revolutionary movement. but in fact, when faced with resistance, it quietly curtailed support for this or that revolution or revolutionary activity.

                  If you remember, the Polish army inflicted a very serious defeat on the Red Army near Warsaw and subsequently advanced. The Polish army was barely held back. Budyonny’s memoirs describe how he led his legendary horse out of encirclement. The whole country was in ruins. What help could they provide here?
                  However, they provided assistance where there was an opportunity - Mongolia and the Far Eastern Republic, as well as Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia.
          2. 0
            7 February 2024 12: 25
            Quote: populist
            Not a single communist would allow the surrender of Eastern Europe to the West and the collapse of the USSR. But Gorbachev and Yeltsin did it.

            In what year did the Berlin Wall collapse? The entire Central Committee of the CPSU, apparently by that moment, was lying in the ravine, shot - once Gorbaty one did the face do this?
            1. +2
              7 February 2024 12: 40
              You persistently confuse communists and party members. The respected paul3390 (Paul) has already written to you: “They were never communists. But only members of the CPSU.”
              1. -1
                7 February 2024 15: 01
                Quote: populist
                You persistently confuse communists and party members. The respected paul3390 (Paul) has already written to you: “They were never communists. But only members of the CPSU.”

                That is, since out of 16 million communists not a single one stood up to defend the USSR, there were no communists in the CPSU, but only members?
                And where then to look for at least one communist? this?
                1. +1
                  7 February 2024 18: 36
                  Why do you need it? wink
                  We analyzed the situation of the early 90s, which developed throughout the 60-70-80s. 30 years have passed since then.
                  It seems that now there are communists in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and other smaller com organizations. But not much. People do not personally strive to become communists. They only support them in elections every 5-6 years.
        2. +7
          7 February 2024 10: 06
          Only the deeds of people prove something. Based on their deeds, are they communists?
          1. 0
            7 February 2024 10: 21
            Only the deeds of people prove something.

            but every person has a trail of good and bad deeds...
            1. +1
              7 February 2024 12: 00
              They are judged by their most important actions.
          2. 0
            7 February 2024 12: 22
            Quote: paul3390
            Only the deeds of people prove something. Based on their deeds, are they communists?

            Based on this premise, the entire CPSU betrayed the USSR (including 4 million security forces who betrayed their oath) - without exception NOT were communists. Not a single military unit commander raised his unit against Gorbaty. Out of 2 generals, 000 shot themselves. Statistical error....
            During the war, more people shot themselves from shame and hopelessness - even here, even in the Wehrmacht
            Each type of communist covered his façade with the inscription “There was no order from Moscow, but we are small people!” and I calmed down...
            So you can judge by deeds, but it turns out to be extremely offensive for the communists.....
            1. +3
              7 February 2024 12: 54
              Quote: your1970
              If we proceed from this premise - the entire CPSU that betrayed the USSR (including 4 million security forces who betrayed their oath) - without exception were NOT communists

              Well, it seems that you have finally realized this unfortunate phenomenon of past times. If all 19 members of the CPSU were communists, nothing would have fallen apart. They wouldn't give it.
              In the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in 1993, at the time of legalization, there were 500 tons of 10 ml of the Communist Party of the RSFSR in 1990. These 500 tons were +/- real communists. In the republics it was even worse.
              Quote: your1970
              but it turns out to be extremely offensive for the communists.....

              It is what it is.
            2. +4
              7 February 2024 16: 02
              Yes, the reproach is fair. But I would like to remind you how it happened. What did they promise us? And they promised us something like renewed socialism with a human face. As if the old dog was... And the collapse of the country - they said that the CIS is the same as the USSR, only the republics will have a little more rights. They say - you won’t even notice the difference, everything will be the same... Right? Yes - we were simply cheated, and we were simply screwed. But who could then expect that our own leaders would sell us out??

              All this does not relieve us of guilt. But we ruined the country not because we wanted to. If people had been honestly shown what awaited us then, I’m sure we would still be living in the USSR...
              1. 0
                7 February 2024 19: 32
                Quote: paul3390
                Yes - we were simply cheated, and we were simply screwed. But who could then expect that our own leaders would sell us out??

                The entire army took notes on Lenin—3 million notebooks a year. Did any of those taking notes consider this necessary and useful? I don’t know.
                But the fact that the majority threw out their notes every year and started a new notebook is a fact....
        3. +8
          7 February 2024 10: 55
          Quote: Vladimir80
          And please prove it

          There is no need to prove it! Both Yeltsin and Gorbachev themselves fought against communism. And very successfully.

          You will also call our main absolute liberal a communist! He probably won't like it. Although at one time he, just like Yeltsin and Gorbachev, wore his party card close to his heart and did not forget to pay his dues.
    3. 0
      15 February 2024 07: 57
      Alas, have all the world’s religions over thousands of years been able, through sermons and prayers alone, not only to correct morals, but at least to prevent their steady decline? Then how did the theory and practice of scientific communism make it possible for 70 years of the USSR to save the world twice from fascism and nuclear war, and to deliver it from colonialism, and to put all the Commandments of the Lord on the agenda by the Code of Communism, amen, mouth front?
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. +2
    7 February 2024 07: 15
    But who knows, maybe it will be the SVO that will become the very surgical knife that will cut out the cancerous tumor of immorality and degradation?
    I’m afraid the NWO will no longer help, only a global nuclear war will restart the entire human civilization, and on the ruins of the white man. So the population of the so-called “global south” is rubbing their hands in anticipation and waiting for the “collective west” and Russia to grind each other to pieces! Naturally, it will hook everyone, but the survivors will very seriously rethink everything and rebuild, but without us!
    1. +1
      7 February 2024 08: 39
      the population of the so-called “global south” is rubbing their hands in anticipation and waiting for the “collective west” to grind each other down

      It is extremely naive to believe that a certain global south is smarter, more moral and tolerant than a certain “capitalist golden billion”; the sins and passions of humanity have been the same for centuries...
      1. +2
        7 February 2024 09: 01
        Where did I say that in the south people live better than our brother, the same Homosapiens. It seems that he clearly expressed the idea, “we will all die, they will survive,” what is not clear!?
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 12: 07
          we'll all die, they'll survive

          even if so, then subsequent generations, having forgotten the lessons of history, will arrange a local Armageddon
    2. +1
      7 February 2024 12: 51
      waiting for the “collective West” and Russia to grind each other down!
      It is for them that a significant part of the nuclear arsenals of the leading nuclear countries has been prepared; otherwise, the amount of nuclear weapons is excessive. And so, for the sake of caution, in order to prevent their rise and their conquest of the world that remains ownerless, there are some reserves. At least that's the case in the USA.
  14. +1
    7 February 2024 08: 00
    The moral code of a communist is, of course, a deliberate counterfeit of religious commandments.
    It is well known how this code was composed, namely (according to the memoirs of F. Burlatsky)
    - it happened at Gorky’s former dacha
    - one morning, after a strong evening of drinking.
    - Khrushchev advises to quickly come up with a moral code for a communist.
    - preferably within three hours.
    - and we began to fantasize.
    - I said, we must also proceed from the commandments of Moses, then everything will really fall on the public consciousness.
    - we literally composed it in three hours.
    - got into the Central Committee with a bang
    1. 0
      16 February 2024 06: 29
      Don’t confuse the sinful with the righteous! Better remember the brilliant insight: “And a brilliant burst is like delirium, Death looks askance at birth, And we keep asking a tricky answer And don’t find the right question,” V. Vysotsky, 1972,” https://www.culture.ru/poems /19256/moi-gamlet That is, all the answers have long been given to us by the Sermon on the Mount, but the necessary question was also asked in Scripture: “21. Jesus said to him: if you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow Me. 22. When the young man heard this word, he went away sad, because he had great possessions. 23. Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven; 24. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 25 When His disciples heard this, they were greatly amazed and said, “Who then can be saved?” 26 And Jesus looked up and said to them: With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible..." (Matthew 19:16-26.), https://www.pravmir.ru/bogatyiy-yunosha-i-nestandartnyiy-put -k-sovershenstvu/. And if briefly, according to Marx, then it is under capitalism that “the production of too many useful things produces too many useless people,” which means socialism is needed so that things stop killing people, it’s so simple, and tea is not a binomial of Newton’s Do you already understand, if we are still people, and not complete hucksters and goons, amen, mouth front?
  15. +2
    7 February 2024 08: 12
    “Firstly, I’ve seen enough of clergymen who drive expensive cars with a driver. Secondly, why do they charge for their rituals if they are so morally pure? If they’re talking about moral values, then why? "If on the territory of churches it would be quite possible to sell all kinds of candles, icons, and the like for material values, money? This is pure commerce, you know. And no need to say that this is different."

    That's right, it's commerce. However, is there any contradiction here?

    Faith is one thing, but the church consists of people who also want to live, preferably comfortably, who have children and so on. The believers themselves pay for everything, but if the state finances the church against the will of the voters, then the opposition must stop this matter. No opposition? But it is not the church's fault.

    If a clergyman is very rich, this is his merit. After all, in our country, the one who brings more benefit lives richer. Wrong again? Well, again, the church didn’t come up with all this.

    And finally, we should not forget the main thing - faith serves everyone, and the church serves the authorities. Just out of a desire to survive.
    1. +1
      7 February 2024 08: 42
      Finally, we should not forget the main thing - faith serves everyone, and the church serves the authorities. Just out of a desire to survive.

      Thousands of new martyrs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th century, who did not renounce Christ, refute your error
      1. +2
        7 February 2024 11: 17
        Quote: Vladimir80
        Thousands of new martyrs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 20th century, who did not renounce Christ, refute your error

        On the contrary, it was faith.
  16. +2
    7 February 2024 08: 20
    Everything that the Author wrote may or may not be true, but this has no practical significance.

    The position of a country in the world, right down to the very existence of the country, depends on the strength of this country, primarily on economic strength. Alas, capitalism is the most effective economic system today; it motivates people in the most effective way. It encourages you to work better, based on fear and envy - and these are the most effective motivators. Envy forces people to be “no worse than others,” and fear drives them not to lose what they have and again find themselves at the end of the race.

    These two incentives create an environment of general competition, which, with skillful management, turns into an environment for economic development.

    So far, no one has come up with anything more effective.
    1. +1
      7 February 2024 09: 13
      Quote: S.Z.
      Alas, capitalism is the most effective economic system today

      The most effective economic system today is chinism (PRC)
      1. +1
        7 February 2024 09: 34
        Quote: populist
        Quote: S.Z.
        Alas, capitalism is the most effective economic system today

        The most effective economic system today is chinism (PRC)

        Capitalism under the leadership of the Communist Party? May be so..
        1. +1
          7 February 2024 13: 23
          A billion Chinese citizens believe that they have socialism with Chinese characteristics. Here we will go into the topics of what is socialism, what is capitalism? And the answer will not be as clear as many people think. Glazyev calls this Chinese OEF integralism.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 14: 13
            Quote: populist
            And the answer will not be as clear as many people think. Glazyev calls this Chinese OEF integralism.

            You can get confused, but you don't have to get confused.

            If we recognize that capitalism is a social system in which privately owned means of production predominate, then everything is much simpler.
            1. +1
              7 February 2024 14: 43
              Quote: S.Z.
              then everything is much simpler.

              Boris Pasternak
              There is in the experience of great poets
              Features of naturalness
              What is impossible, having experienced them,
              Don't end up completely dumb.
              In kinship with everything that is, confident
              And knowing the future in everyday life,
              It is impossible not to fall into the end, as if into heresy,
              Into unheard of simplicity.
              But we will not be spared
              When we don’t hide it.
              People need her most
              But the complex is clearer to them.

              Thanks to our “unheard-of simplicity,” we received a monstrous catastrophe. This disaster is not over. It still continues today. We are dying out.
              In fact, everything is quite difficult. Many social phenomena are complex and multi-layered. Not only the form of ownership is important, but also the organization of this property, and who controls it, and for what purposes, etc. You need to be able to understand all this.
              1. +1
                7 February 2024 15: 18
                Quote: populist
                In fact, everything is quite difficult.

                Is it difficult to distinguish capitalism from non-capitalism?
      2. +3
        7 February 2024 11: 18
        Quote: populist
        The most effective economic system today is chinism (PRC)

        This is capitalism.
  17. +2
    7 February 2024 09: 17
    So this is exactly the return that is happening now!!!!!
  18. +6
    7 February 2024 09: 44
    Private property is human nature... as is the desire to compete, win, be different from others... will we need a wife if she does not belong to us? It is human psychology that is the weak link in communism.. Perhaps someday.. humanity will come to this idea.. by greatly changing consciousness, but apparently this will not happen soon because if you look at history, then over thousands of years, the essence of man has not changed..
    Therefore, I am for socialism and realism... against dogmatism and for taking the best and implementing it, based on experience, because the ultimate goal is happiness, harmony and balance))
    1. -2
      7 February 2024 09: 58
      Quote: Svarog
      It is human psychology that is the weak link in communism..

      Communists deny original sin, or know nothing about it, or don’t want to know. Hence the problems of communism.
      Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sin.
      Psalms, Chapter 50, verse 7
      And the communists were going to build communism with such people.
      1. +4
        7 February 2024 10: 00
        Communists deny original sin

        Yes, no one has original sin...you turn on your reason...there would be no conception and there would be no people on the planet..
        1. 0
          7 February 2024 10: 03
          Quote: Svarog
          Yes, no one has original sin.

          I won’t argue, you have my respects.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 17: 00
            I won’t argue, you have my respects.

            It’s not necessary to argue, you can discuss... exchange opinions and come to some common denominator... this is the joy of communication hi
    2. 0
      7 February 2024 11: 31
      "Private property is human nature... as is the desire to compete, to win, to be different from others... will we need a wife if she does not belong to us?"

      No. Private ownership of the means of production is a property of humanity at a certain stage of development. The desire to compete is a continuation of the animal instinct, but it is not necessary to take all instincts into the future.

      Wives did not always “belong” to someone and there is a tendency that soon they won’t again :)
      1. +3
        7 February 2024 11: 35
        The desire to compete is a continuation of the animal instinct, but it is not necessary to take all instincts into the future.

        The paradox is that those who follow their instincts find themselves at the helm... and they already control the ship, ideology, and the minds of people...
        Wives did not always “belong” to someone and there is a tendency that soon they won’t again :)

        Yes, there is such a trend... but the time is coming again when a woman will greatly depend on a man, the glamor and easy life will soon end...
        1. +2
          7 February 2024 12: 54
          "The paradox is that those who follow their instincts find themselves at the helm...and they already control the ship, ideology, and the minds of people.."

          This is logical - the modern economic model stimulates such behavior.

          “Yes, there is such a trend..but the time is coming again when a woman will greatly depend on a man, the glamor and easy life will soon end..”

          Maybe yes, but most likely no. Rather, on the contrary, women will completely cease to need us and will be left without us. This is more logical.

          Will the easy life end? Why did it happen? In Russia - maybe, but in developed countries it’s unlikely.
          1. +1
            7 February 2024 12: 57
            Will the easy life end? Why did it happen? In Russia - maybe, but in developed countries it’s unlikely.

            Capitalism is in crisis all over the world.. it’s just that the thin one will die faster.. and it will be reflected in the West..
            Maybe yes, but most likely no. Rather, on the contrary, women will completely cease to need us and will be left without us. This is more logical.

            I think logic has nothing to do with it.. it’s all the fault of instincts.. and the most important of them, it’s easier to live together)) well, if life is not simple.. and as you and I think.. then life in Russia will be more difficult.. which means a woman will be nearby ))
            1. +1
              7 February 2024 15: 20
              “Capitalism is in crisis all over the world.. it’s just that the thin one will die faster.. and it will be reflected in the West..”

              ...and from its very appearance.

              “I think logic has nothing to do with it.. it’s all the fault of instincts.. and the most important of them, living together is easier)) well, if life is not simple.. and as you and I think.. then life in Russia will be more difficult.. and that means a woman will near))"

              In Russia - probably.
  19. +2
    7 February 2024 10: 43
    The author forgot to mention something important - private property on means of production.There is a “huge distance” between the personal and the public.
  20. +1
    7 February 2024 10: 46
    Is it dangerous that we lack a state ideology? There can only be one answer - yes, it is dangerous.
    Isn’t it dangerous that we have a bourgeois, capitalist state? Guess three times what ideology may be inherent in such a state? It is now called very decently: revolutionary-conservative. And in the 30s and 40s there were a lot of such revolutionary-conservative regimes throughout Europe, from the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Is this what you are proposing? Revolutionary-conservative? smile
  21. +3
    7 February 2024 10: 54
    “But who knows, maybe it will be the SVO that will become the very surgical knife that will cut out the cancerous tumor of immorality and degradation?”
    Alas, it won't. Despite all the loud words, this is not what it started for.
  22. BAI
    7 February 2024 15: 25
    That's it and no other way! Private property, it turns out, is necessary for humans!

    But of course! Try going without your personal toothbrush and personal underwear. And just personal property and a car will never be superfluous.
  23. +1
    7 February 2024 21: 49
    What is private property, good or evil in the modern world?

    In the modern world, “private property” is one of the last fragments of human freedom. We are increasingly surrounded by rules that exist “in themselves,” accepted and approved without answering the question “why is it necessary?” . Public space is increasingly reminiscent of a stinking cesspool into which everything and everyone is poured, where propaganda is thrown at you, where they try to squeeze pity out of you, arouse some base emotions, or appeal like a carbon copy to the endless frontiers of some kind of donation. This compresses everything and strives in every possible way to regulate both a person’s private life and his private property. You are no longer free to write what you think, to say what you think, you are no longer free to do what you want even on your own land, to build as you want, to relax as you want. Endless stupid regulations invade both your personal life and your values.
    So in the MODERN WORLD, private property is necessary, this comes from the desire of people to distinguish between the madness that is happening and the remnants of their own world, their own desires.

    Now I see this heresy about “Ideology” again. Guys, dear ones, if you want ideology, to walk like chess pieces and put your works and aspirations on a kind of buffet - well, go ahead, enjoy. Find clubs there according to your interests, I don’t know, for example, the “Club for Lovers of Political Masochism” or the “Level 80 Left Paladins Club” - and enjoy in your cozy circle any kind of nonsense, in any facets of perversion. But it is purely voluntary. But you don’t need to decide for others, because this is the same bullshit as the fact that cabbage rolls will decide for you that you need to promote their specific values. You don't like it, do you? You don’t like it when someone else’s things are imposed on you - so why should others impose someone else’s things on them?
  24. +1
    8 February 2024 09: 09
    Otherwise! After all, even the recently discovered “quantum entanglement” is another, now mathematical, proof of not only the religious, cultural-economic and socio-political interdependence of all things in nature and in human society, refuting the bestial essence of capitalist social Darwinism, the war of all against everyone, since communism is based on the same conciliarity, which is destined by Scripture: “where there are two or three assemblies in My name, I am in the midst of them...”, https://hi-tech.mail.ru/news/ 56774-mnogovekovaya-nevozmozhnaya-golovolomka-poluchila-kvantovoe-reshenie/?frommail=1; Matt. 18:20, http://bible.optina.ru/new:mf:18:20.
    So it is precisely any chosenness that inevitably arises from private property that in the past was disastrous for the development of mankind, in contrast to the only reasonable conciliar principle under public property, and according to the latest research, “The driving force of evolution is not survival, but cooperation. This is the discovery of Martin Novak ...leads to the conclusion that unrelated cooperation - unification around common goals - underlies the emergence of superorganisms. The appearance of useful results of joint activity... leads to... a sharp leap in evolution...", https://www.forbes .ru/ontology/383273-epidemiya-odinochestva-chto-ukorachivaet-zhizn-silnee-bolezney-fastfuda-i-alkogolya, sapienti sat? Whereas, “Capitalism is the amazing belief that the worst actions of the worst people in one way or another serve the common good” (D. Keynesy).
    And if, in short, according to Marx, then it is capitalism that “produces too many necessary things and too many unnecessary people,” which means that socialism is needed so that things stop killing people, it’s so simple, and tea is not a binomial of Newton, we can already understand this if we still people, and not complete hucksters and rednecks? It is the “narrow horizon of bourgeois law” (V.I. Lenin) that limits its justice to the very system of private property, where equality of rights is proclaimed for initially socio-economically and culturally-politically unequal people. And only the system of social property restores the justice of precisely unequal rights with preferences for the disadvantaged at the expense of those who have succeeded in order for society to claim “the entire wealth of subjective human content” (K. Marx), which, in my opinion, is God’s Providence for Man, and the only worthy goal of any country and all humanity, achievable only in the system of not private, but public property, amen, mouth front?

    <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/wdtuwunlternzey/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%BB%D1%8C2.jpg?dl=0" alt="" title="">
  25. +1
    8 February 2024 11: 15
    The Church, which according to its fundamental idea should be an example of spirituality, is increasingly invading the state

    And how does she do it? are there any examples?
  26. 0
    8 February 2024 12: 39
    Socialism replaced the exploitation of man by man with the exploitation of man by the state. Horseradish is not sweeter than radish, but there are more parasites due to party leaders.
    1. +1
      9 February 2024 03: 39
      Normal people are prevented from living exclusively by fools, thieves and traitors. But there are also those who are hampered not only by ideas of justice, but also by their balls....
      The peoples of the West probably achieved a lot for themselves not because they fought for serfdom and exploitation in their countries. laughing
      1. +1
        9 February 2024 06: 40
        In Rus', serfdom was abolished twice, with a difference of 100 years. The first time - Alexander the Second, the second - Nikita the First. There are no differences.
    2. +1
      9 February 2024 03: 48
      A people that cannot promote decent people to leadership dooms itself to end up in the trash heap. This is, as they say: “the sovereign right of every nation” hi
      1. 0
        9 February 2024 07: 13
        The state has always been formed by force. The first state was created by a monkey when it drove away the leader of the pack with a stick and took his place, forcing others to get bananas for themselves.
        1. +1
          9 February 2024 16: 15
          Quote from pavel.tipingmail.com
          The state has always been formed by force. The first state was created by a monkey when it drove away the leader of the pack with a stick and took his place, forcing others to get bananas for themselves.

          And while the leader was doing all this, there was no state? Wow!
          Was the gang formed by Christian preaching or is the gang also a state? And then what is not a state? yoklmn... no matter where you spit, it turns out there is complete statehood everywhere....
          Here are citizens in whose heads “the law is not written” - and they live in a state where “the laws do not work”; there simply cannot be anything else.In the canopy and hat!
  27. +1
    9 February 2024 22: 12
    Dear author, “maybe it’s better about the reactor, about your favorite lunar tractor...” Eh? Well, how much can you write about this? Or do you think “next time” will be different? Well, it won't be any different! Why? Because “bees don’t fly against honey.” Because Nature does not tolerate equality and ALWAYS arrogant, selfish, and cunning parasites, using administrative, legal, political, economic, and power mechanisms and instruments, AGAIN usurp property and power from the working population who do not own market-valuable collective private property , and therefore does not have economic, and, consequently, political interests in the struggle for this very power and property! Or do you want to say with this article that “raking” is a Russian national sport?
    I don’t know if you get any money for promoting “eternal utopias” on this site, but, by God, reading all “this” is simply unbearable for a person who lived through the 90s and 2000s(...

    PS author! NINADA!
    1. +1
      10 February 2024 08: 13
      Or maybe NINADA can also serve the interests of the oligarchs? Or do you “receive... some money for propaganda” of Malthusianism and the ideology of capitalism?
    2. +1
      10 February 2024 08: 27
      Alas, a cowardly anonymous anti-Soviet, but every nation and every person makes a choice between the spirit and the belly, so to each his own: worthy successors to the great positive legacy of the USSR remember the friendship of peoples, social justice, Victory, virgin lands, space, queues at museums and libraries , and the marauders of the USSR from the last of the half-dead whites and other party, liberal and Nazi nits remember the queues for sausage and how, in fear of exposure, the people's property was hamstered. So all liberal well-being is based on the fact that some whores buy their sovereignty, while others sell theirs, and if they can sell it at a higher price, then they fatten up, and if not, then they look for another buyer. So all of us, and not just the powers that be, will have to earn the right to Russian and Soviet birthright instead of that rotten lentil stew of Western foreignness, which we ourselves, if we didn’t prefer, then, alas, still accepted in 1991, not so is it? So we will have the full right to the great heritage of the USSR when we restore it, only then from the current essentially despicable looters we will become the full heirs of the country, isn’t it, chy zrozumilo, alaverdi, azokhn wei, or what other clan and people Are you a disgrace here, ignorant and ignorant?

      1. +1
        10 February 2024 09: 39
        In the late 80s and early 90s, I remember this very well, I heard similar words at a meeting from a “glorious representative” of the Komsomol nomenklatura, at one of the enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry. 8 or 10 years passed and life brought me together again. A good, recent position in a commercial bank and the questions he asked me were all about what I drive, what residential complex I live in, what marketable property or business I have, what I eat and what I drink with)... And when, in a conversation, he found out that I had not “changed my shoes” and did not “consume life” the same way as he did, and was simply working at a construction site, he immediately began to behave with me as if I were an infinite stranger to him). And there were a whole “royal army” like him. One has only to delve into the past of our politicians and businessmen of large and medium hands, who make up the essence of the Russian oligarchy. Since then, I’ve been “putting my money where my mouth is” on such ignoramuses and ignoramuses as you. AdieuZ.
        1. 0
          14 February 2024 06: 33
          In.. in...." If the priests do not keep their posts, and the Master is a bastard, then there is no God and there is no justice. But the good Master did not come."

          The topic is as old as the class of truth-seekers in Rus'. The poet Nekrasov wrote about this in the 19th century.

          The problem is that some peoples are fighting for justice, while others are “looking for” it, like looking for mushrooms in the forest.
          And God himself, apparently, “set” these on both with the “device” and with natural selection. In favor of extinction. And it is right! The fewer fools in this World, the cleaner the air will be.
          1. 0
            14 February 2024 22: 53
            People don't like the “different” truth? What to do... There won’t be another one).
  28. +1
    10 February 2024 08: 41
    But who knows, maybe it will be the SVO that will become the very surgical knife that will cut out the cancerous tumor of immorality and degradation?

    Sorry, but where did you see at least one omen for hopes for such changes?
  29. +1
    11 February 2024 05: 59
    A strange article - they pitted private property and morality against each other and came to the strange conclusion that the SVO will fix everything.
    Considering the existence of civilization in isolation from eschatology is flawed - there were communists - they ended badly, there were capitalists - they ended badly, what did the author want to lead to? Probably towards the golden mean - the Tsar-Father, who has everything and subjects who work for the good of society and feed from the Tsar's trough and live in peace and harmony, since there is nothing to share. This is what Schwab and Co. and Putin are leading us to: "... we will not let you down"
  30. +1
    11 February 2024 18: 57
    Pol Pot is delighted! Level everyone, socialize everything... A direct path to a dead end!