How did Ukraine originate?

How did Ukraine originate?
"The Galician SS men are going into battle." Poster of the SS Division Galicia with the coat of arms of Galicia and a quote from Adolf Hitler. 1943

The concept of “Ukrainianism” became widespread at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century in Austro-Hungarian Galicia, then in the Russian Empire, both among the Ukrainophiles themselves and among their opponents – representatives of the Russian (Russophile) movement.

The essence of Ukrainians

The essence of Ukrainianness was well expressed in his work “Ukrainians and We” from 1939 by the Russian nationalist and monarchist Vasily Shulgin. The future prominent politician of the Russian Empire was born in Kyiv and knew well the political kitchen of the then Little Russia.

Shulgin considered Ukrainians a typical sect and identified three categories of Ukrainians:

"1. Honest, but ignorant. These are the ones who are being deceived.
2. Knowledgeable, but dishonest; Their calling is to deceive the “younger brother.”
3. Knowledgeable and honest. These are maniacs of schism; they deceive themselves."

The first category now represents the overwhelming majority of the population of modern Ukraine. People who have been brainwashed for generations about the “ancient stories Ukraine", "Ukrainian people", "heroes of Ukraine", who in reality were murderers, executioners and traitors to their people.

Moreover, over the last ten years this propaganda has become aggressive, in fact, a state ideology. People are “zombified” about Ukrainianness from a young age. And those who try to go against this line are “cleaned out.” Up to physical liquidation. This is how the talented Little Russian historian and publicist Oles Alekseevich Buzina was shot dead in Kyiv in 2015.

In his works, in particular in “The Secret History of Ukraine-Rus,” Buzina perfectly showed that Ukrainian statehood was created artificially. That radical Ukrainianism and the propaganda of the ideological heritage of Bandera’s followers, the OUN is leading Ukraine to disaster. They killed him for telling the truth.

The other two categories of Ukrainians deceive the rest and lead their flock to slaughter. The main field of their activity is information and history. This allows you to manage the present and program the future.

As Shulgin noted:

“As historians, other Ukrainianists prove that not only at the present time the people living from the Carpathians to the Caucasus are the Ukrainian people, but that they have always, at all times, been such.”

Ancient Ukrainian history

The Ukrainian “historians” did not split hairs and simply attributed most of the history of united Rus' and the superethnos of the Rus-Russians to the history of the “Ukrainian people”. Russian princes, governors, cities became “Ukrainian”. The Russian state turned into a “Ukrainian” one.
They began to rewrite history at the beginning of the 20th century, when the Ukrainian sect received support from Austria-Hungary.

The Austrian authorities were afraid of neighboring Russia that St. Petersburg would sooner or later demand the return of the historical Carpathian and Galician Rus'. The Germans were preparing for war with Russia and prepared in advance a heterogeneous fifth column, including Ukrainian nationalists. At that time, in Austrian Galicia, in the Carpathian region, the position of the Rusyns (a historical part of the Russian ethnic group, which has its own ethnographic characteristics) was strong, and the Germans were afraid of separatist sentiments.

During the First World War, the Austrian authorities, with the support of Ukrainians, staged a real genocide of Russian-Rusyns in Galicia (The history of the destruction of Russian Galicia; "Gallows and executions - without counting, without edge and end." How Russians were destroyed in Galicia), exterminating Russians only because they wanted to preserve their Russianness (language, culture, identity). Now this story has been repeated throughout Little Rus' (Russian Ukraine-outskirts). As the Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky noted, history “punishes for ignorance of the lessons.”

In 1917, a Ukrainian series of postcards was released. Among them was this: under the image of Prince Svyatoslav and his squad was signed: “We will not disgrace the Ukrainian land.” This was intended directly for the illiterate Russian-Little Russian villagers, who did not know history and received information based on simple pictures.

Since then, Princess Olga, Vladimir the Baptist, Yaroslav the Wise, Vladimir Monomakh and other great Russian rulers have been included in the “great Ukrainians”. They stole the “Russian Truth” (code of laws), forgetting to mention the “Russian”, the chronicle of Nestor, etc.

It is interesting that even then Shulgin quite accurately noted:

“We should never forget that now, as before, Ukrainians rely on popular ignorance. Enlightenment is the same enemy for them as the dawn is for evil spirits. On the contrary, our slogan should be: “Long live the sun, let the darkness disappear!”

In conditions when, after the collapse of the USSR, there was a total degradation of culture, science and education, their simplification, and also the means of propaganda increased many times over (many TV channels, the Internet, social networks), this is an ageless truth. Simplification, degradation and ignorance - this is what the Ukrainians, their Kyiv and foreign masters, are relying on, and they are getting all the money.

Ukraine is true Rus'

Unfortunately, even during the period of the Russian Empire, the authorities looked complacently at the distortion and rewriting of Russian history. And in the Soviet period, the Ukrainian SSR and the “Ukrainian people” were simply created by directive, separating the southern part of the Little Russians (southern Russes), and the writing of the “History of the Ukrainian SSR” began.

The period of the Lithuanian-Polish occupation of Southern and Western Rus' was given poorly, like the history of a Russian power with a predominantly Russian population - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia. Therefore, after the destruction of Kyiv by Batu’s horde, Southern Rus' simply disappeared for the common man. From this moment on, there is a tabula rasa (from Latin - “clean slate”). The southern part of the Rus-Russians disappears, and after a while Poles and Cossacks appear.

Ukrainian Cossacks immediately registered as “Ukrainians.” And the fact that Bogdan Khmelnitsky fought all his life for the “Russian name” is generally unknown to ordinary people, or causes bewilderment. Ukrainians simply rewrite all historical sources. In all cases that are inconvenient for them, they remove the word “Russian” and write “Ukrainian” instead.

As part of the development of Ukrainians, the idea “Ukraine is true Rus' (Russia)” was created. Its essence is that only Ukraine is real Rus', real historical Russians are “Ukrainians”. The real Russian language is the Ukrainian language. The fact that in the XII–XIII centuries. was called the Kyiv, Chernigov, Pereyaslav, Galician lands and their neighboring regions, and not Novgorod, not Suzdal, not Vladimir, not Moscow. With the decline of the Kievan state in the 13th century, the name “Rus” passed not to the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, and then to the Moscow principality, but to the Galician-Volyn principality, and the name “Rus” and “Rusyns” were preserved in Galicia, Volyn and Subcarpathian or Ugric Rus'.

The terms “Little and Great Rus'” were introduced in Byzantium. After the Metropolitan moved from Kiev, the Greeks, first to Vladimir and then to Moscow, began to call the Metropolis of Kyiv “Little Russia,” which supposedly meant the main Rus', and the Metropolis of Moscow “Great Russia,” i.e., the new Russia. Ivan Kalita took the title “Grand Duke of All Rus'”. From that time on, the Moscow Grand Dukes and Tsars began to be written as “Grand Dukes of All Rus'”, or later “Tsars of All Rus'”.

According to this concept, Muscovy, Muscovite Rus' is not real Rus', and “Muscovites-Muscovites” are not Russians. Ukraine and Ukrainians are genuine Rus', real Russians. The “Moscow people” are a mixture of a small part of the Slavic colonists who went to the east, and a mass of Finno-Ugric and Turkic tribes and nationalities. “Ukrainian people” are the true heirs of the ancient Slavs-Russians. The ancient Russian culture in Muscovy was gradually replaced by the way of life of the Tatar conquerors.

This is where today’s claims of the Kyiv rulers to Russian lands flow. The Slavic population, now living from the Carpathians to the Caucasus, from ancient times to the present day, calls itself Russian, this is the true Russian people. Today's Ukrainians. And the “Muscovites-Muscovites” are supposedly a mixed race of descendants of Finno-Ushrians and Turks, which took the name “Russian people”. Originally from the Russian Rurik dynasty, which moved to Vladimir and Moscow from Kyiv; and later - from the original Russian people who became part of Muscovy at the initiative of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in 1654 (Reunification of Rus': “so that everyone may be one forever”).

Polish fairy tale

In fact, Ukrainian ideologists did not come up with anything themselves. They repeated the Polish story, which the Polish lords and Jesuits came up with in order to tear Little Rus' (former Kyiv, Galician, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl Rus') away from the united Rus'. In order to suppress the self-awareness of the Russian people living on the Dnieper, to gradually Polish and Catholicize them.

After the divisions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, when the Russian Empire returned most of the lands of Western Rus', the Polish aristocracy, offended by the deprivation of Polish statehood (for this event, the Polish gentlemen only themselves were to blame), began talking about a special Ukrainian identity. They wanted to prove that there were no Russians within the borders of the destroyed Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and that Catherine II in vain ordered that “rejected returned” be minted on medals in memory of the partitions.

This idea was scientifically formulated by the Polish researcher and freemason Count Jan Potocki (1761–1815). In 1796, in his book “Historical and Geographical Fragments about Scythia, Sarmatia and the Slavs,” Pototsky expressed the idea that Ukrainians are a completely special people, different from Russians.

The Polish publicist Tadeusz (Thaddeus) Chatsky (1765–1813), in his work “On the Ukrainian Land and the Beginning of the Cossacks,” began to separate the Ukrainians from the Ukrainians, who were supposedly a wild Slavic horde that came to the Dnieper from the Volga region in the first centuries of our era.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, a special “Ukrainian” school of Polish scientists and poets was formed, which produced extremely talented representatives. K. Svidzinsky, Goshchinsky, M. Grabovsky, E. Gulikovsky, B. Zalessky and many others continued to develop the principles laid by Pototsky and Chatsky, and prepared the ideological foundation on which the building of Ukrainianism was created. Ukrainian ideology had all its roots in Polish soil.

What’s interesting is that all this was often formed under the wing of the Russian authorities. The Kingdom of Poland became an autonomous part of the Russian Empire after the victory over Napoleon. St. Petersburg, instead of the methodical Russification of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, gave the Polish aristocracy and intelligentsia the opportunity to preserve Polish nationalism, Russophobia, and even to process the southern Rus-Little Russians with information. Polish patriots responded to the nobility of the Russian authorities with a series of uprisings.

Scientist, writer Jan Potocki. Portrait by A. Warnek

To be continued ...
91 comment
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  1. +1
    31 January 2024 04: 05
    "ancient history of Ukraine"

    I remember reading a textbook on the history of Ukraine in the 90s. Almost died laughing wink
    1. +2
      31 January 2024 04: 57
      Ukrainians rely on popular ignorance
      And they made their ears open! Not only was Adam their first Ukrainian leader, but Khristenko too! winked
    2. +7
      31 January 2024 05: 27
      In the 90s, it was better not to read any history textbooks at all.
      1. +1
        31 January 2024 10: 33
        Quote: Red Biker
        In the 90s, it was better not to read any history textbooks at all.

        In the Russian Federation in the 90s there were still Soviet textbooks on history.
        1. 0
          1 February 2024 21: 28
          Quote: Zoer
          In the Russian Federation in the 90s there were still Soviet textbooks on history.

          you are sure? We received new textbooks at school already in 1989, and in the 1990s, complete phantasmagoria began in history textbooks!
          1. 0
            1 February 2024 21: 50
            Quote: Azzzwer
            Are you sure?

            Sure. Published under the USSR. I graduated from school in the late 90s. But our school director was a historian, an aunt with balls of steel, and of Soviet training. I didn't allow any junk into school.
    3. +2
      31 January 2024 08: 10
      Reading “our” school history textbook (Soros’s) I wanted to kill the author.
    4. 0
      31 January 2024 16: 21
      History textbooks in the 90s in Ukraine were different. From Bandera type to liberal. And for this reason, there could be different stories in different areas. However, in the most normal books, the idea was promoted that in the USSR Ukraine was slightly or not slightly infringed upon and that if it were not for the USSR, Ukraine would have developed more successfully. However, there was no direct Russophobia in the most common normal textbooks.
      1. +4
        31 January 2024 17: 13
        They acted carefully.
        First they threw bait, about...
        - "Muscovites" ate all the lard
        - we will live like in France
        - gold of Hetman Polubotok.
        And this came to the minds prepared by perestroika “lights”
        And in Western Ukraine, there was an outburst of anti-Sovietism.
        They began to massively erect memorials to UPA soldiers and rename Bandera streets.
      2. +1
        31 January 2024 18: 35
        Quote: Alexey Lantukh
        However, there was no direct Russophobia in the most common normal textbooks

        There was no direct Russophobia, but the Ukrainians seemed almost a super-ethnic group. However, this is in the textbooks of any country
    5. 0
      April 20 2024 11: 52
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      I remember reading a textbook on the history of Ukraine in the 90s. Almost died laughing

      But it wasn’t funny to me when at school I had to, as it were called, without breaking the rules about swearing, study.
      1. 0
        April 20 2024 11: 55
        But it wasn't funny to me
        You probably didn't have a sense of humor back then. wink wink
        1. 0
          April 20 2024 11: 58
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          You probably didn't have a sense of humor back then.

          One already had “humor” here, because Zelensky also studied from this textbook and turned out to be such a complete Nazi.
          1. 0
            April 20 2024 12: 02
            Zelensky also studied from this textbook
            The point here is not who studied which textbooks, but what is in a person’s head. Back in Soviet times, I read Mein Kampf at school and did not become a National Socialist. I read Solzhenitsyn, and did not learn to hate Soviet power. Something like this
            1. 0
              April 20 2024 12: 09
              Quote: Dutchman Michel
              The point here is not who studied which textbooks, but what is in a person’s head.

              I have to disagree, not everyone is immune to this propaganda. Most of my former classmates, who also studied from the mentioned textbook, are now zigging.
  2. +18
    31 January 2024 04: 50
    All this is very nice and in general even true. But there is one cardinal problem here. The author generally “thinks in the wrong direction.” It relies on outdated ideas about the genesis of peoples/nations, according to which they are something originally given, either naturally (through blood and soil) or culturally formed in the course of long historical development.
    But this is not so. All modern nations (and not just Ukrainians) are a social construct, for example, only in Germany and only in the 20th century were 4 different German nations created. and now they are trying to create a fifth. Moreover, formally (from the point of view of traditional ideas) these are still the same Germans.
    So it doesn’t matter that there were no Ukrainians historically and that they were invented, the important thing is that they exist now. Moreover, now there is an active formation of a new nation of Maidan Ukrainians, united through shed blood on the theme of “eternal hatred of Russians.” And this nation is completely hostile to the old Soviet people of Ukrainians and is waging a fierce civil war with them.
    Is it possible to prevent it from forming and deconstruct Ukrainians? It is possible, but for this you need to realize and set yourself such a task, and not just stupidly assert that they do not exist and that they were invented. This won't help matters.
    1. 0
      31 January 2024 05: 05
      Quote: Belisarius
      for example, only in Germany and only in the 20th century were 4 different German nations created. and now they are trying to create a fifth

      Can you list these four nations? And tell us a little about the fifth one that is being created? wink
      1. +11
        31 January 2024 06: 26
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Can you list these four nations? And tell us a little about the fifth one that is being created?

        No problem. The first is the nation of “old Germans” of the 2nd Reich, those Germans about whom so many jokes were told at one time, such as “Can there be revolutions in Germany? Yes, but only with the permission of the Kaiser.” They seem “classical” to us, although they themselves were created only in the second half of the 19th century, welded together with “iron and blood,” as Tyutchev wrote.
        Moreover, the Germans of the Weimar Republic were already different, or rather, they were deliberately made different. These are Remarque's Germans. But here, at least conditionally, they can still be considered one whole.
        The second is the Germans of Nazi Germany. In general, this is a special nation, united by the myth of blood and soil, with special properties that are well known to us from the Second World War.
        The third and fourth are the Germans of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR. Both had their own nation-building programs, which were precisely based on the Germans of Nazi Germany. The result was two nations (capitalist and socialist, respectively) different both from each other and from Hitler’s Germans.
        And finally, the fifth are modern Germans. The Germans are in the era of globalism, in which nation states generally fade into the background, and Germany is destined for a particularly unenviable role. Moreover, at the first stage they tried to fuse “Wessi and Ossie” (with little success), and at the second stage to integrate many migrants from other nations into these new Germans (even less successfully).
        1. +2
          31 January 2024 07: 20
          Quote: Belisarius
          No problems

          This way you can approach any ethnic group using your classification. Your classification is just the stages of development of any nation, including cannibals from New Guinea wink
          1. +2
            31 January 2024 16: 11
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            This way you can approach any ethnic group using your classification. Your classification is just the stages of development of any nation, including cannibals from New Guinea

            Not to an ethnic group, but to a nation. These are different things. And this is not a stage in the “development” of the nation. Nation is social construct, and not a natural organism that can “develop in stages.”
            For example, the socialist nation of the GDR was brutally dismantled, as was the nation of the Third Reich. And this can be clearly seen in legislative acts and socio-cultural programs. What kind of “development” is there? Who “developed” and where?
            And the “cannibals” (who are not actually cannibals) from New Guinea did not create a nation at all. That’s where ethnic groups are, and even at an early stage of ethnogenesis.
            1. 0
              31 January 2024 18: 33
              Quote: Belisarius
              Not to the ethnic group, but to the nation

              You are manipulating the English concept of “nation,” which denotes an ethnic group united in a state. In Russian, this word can simply be replaced by “power”, “country” or “state”. Then everything will fall into place
              1. 0
                8 February 2024 11: 37
                The term “nation” is also used in Russian, albeit borrowed - it accurately describes the essence. Your mistake is that for some reason you decided that a state is the same thing as an ethnic group - which is actually not the case, an ethnic group and a nation are completely different things. A nation is ALL RESIDENTS OF THE POWER, all citizens of the country. Representatives of an ethnic group may not live in the state, they may not be its citizens at all, like Gypsies, like Russians, like the British or Jews. They become part of the political nation only when they have citizenship of their states.
                1. 0
                  8 February 2024 13: 47
                  Quote: Alt22
                  The term "nation" is also used in Russian

                  In Russian, this term is used exclusively as a designation of the people
                  1. 0
                    8 February 2024 21: 00
                    Exclusively, you say? Just as a people, you say?
                    Well, well, let’s open the glory:
                    To begin with, the first meaning of the word "nation":
                    Nation (from Latin natio “tribe, people”) - in political meaning it is a collection of citizens of a certain state; in the cultural and ethnic sense, the term “nation” is synonymous with the concept of “people” (from my favorite Wikipedia).
                    But we are interested in dictionaries, right?
                    "Nation - Nation ♦ Nation A people viewed from a political rather than a biological or cultural point of view (a nation is not a race or ethnicity); a collection of individuals rather than an institution (a nation is not necessarily equivalent to a state)." Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

                    Nation - Nation: a) co-citizenship, a consolidated set of citizens of one state, which, while maintaining ethnic, religious and racial diversity, has a common language, a common culture with its inherent independent system of values...
                    Official terminology

                    That is, we see that in the Russian language the word nation has the meaning not only of an ethnic group that has developed into a state, but also a political meaning, denoting all citizens of the state as a whole.
        2. +1
          1 February 2024 03: 52
          Quote: Belisarius
          ..... Germans of Germany and the GDR. Both had their own nation-building programs, which were precisely based on the Germans of Nazi Germany. The result was two nations (capitalist and socialist, respectively) different from each other and from the Germans
          Hitler ....

          Exactly! That is, we can say that the most successful experience of nation-building is
          Germans of the GDR!!,

          Of course, this happened with the direct participation of the USSR communists. And this most successful experience showed that, by historical standards, this happened very quickly and that, if it had not been possible until today
          fuse "vesmi" and "ossie",

          This was a very successful experiment, already used by the Bolsheviks in the USSR immediately after the Revolution.
          That is, we have a recipe, successful developments for such a process in our country. Are they trying to use that recipe today to create an “anti-Soviet” nation in our country? I think about it, I remember what happened then recourse ..... most likely yes. It's like "proof by contradiction" or something. Everything is turned inside out.
          Even if we remember and compare, for example, children's magazines of that time and some modern books
        3. 0
          April 20 2024 12: 01
          But the second and fifth nations are not particularly different.
    2. 0
      31 January 2024 05: 23
      Quote: Belisarius there is an active formation of a new nation of Maidan Ukrainians, united through shed blood on the theme of “eternal hatred of Russians.” And this nation is completely hostile to the old Soviet people of Ukrainians and is waging a fierce civil war with them.
      Is it possible to prevent it from forming and deconstruct Ukrainians? It is possible, but for this you need to realize and set yourself such a task.....

      hi In my opinion, realize and put is possible only if our country gives a well-deserved assessment of the history of the USSR without lies and diminishing merits.
      And also a statement of today's society. After all, precisely because a significant part of the rich in our country
      hostile to the old Soviet people,
      And people like escaped artists appear. The artists spoke out loud, but some remained silent here too.
      1. +1
        31 January 2024 07: 21
        Quote: Reptiloid
        is possible only if our country gives a well-deserved assessment of the history of the USSR without lies and diminishing merits

        This has never happened and never will happen. And this applies to any country
        1. -1
          31 January 2024 10: 28
          Quote: Dutchman Michel
          ..... This has never happened and will never happen. And this applies to any country

          What are we talking about! If for the Russian population there is no single picture of the past (and this comes “from above”), then how and why can one expect that there will be one in the neighboring country? And this ambiguity constantly manifests itself in the Russian Federation, and began in the perestroika USSR
          1. +1
            31 January 2024 10: 50
            Quote: Reptiloid
            If for the Russian population there is no single picture of the past (and this comes “from above”), then how and why can one expect that there will be one in the neighboring country?

            This does not happen in neighboring countries either. It’s just that we are constantly being told how to present history to the population, and in countries that are called democratic, there are polar opinions on any issue of history. In any case, there are lies and exaggeration of merit, but it is presented in different ways, which confuses people even more wink
            1. 0
              31 January 2024 10: 55
              polar opinions

              What if they are the same? If neighbors condemn the USSR, like ours, but more aggressively? If the gulags are criticized everywhere, at the same time they prolong the thought in their favor
          2. +1
            April 20 2024 12: 03
            Quote: Reptiloid
            What are we talking about! If for the Russian population there is no single picture of the past (and this comes “from above”), then how and why can one expect that there will be one in the neighboring country?

            There is just a single picture of the past, hostile to us, but it is there.
            1. 0
              April 20 2024 12: 44
              I meant that the Russian Federation and Ukraine have a single picture today. And if within the Russian Federation there is still no single picture of the past, then it is ridiculous to think that dill will suddenly be able to create a picture of the past, where the Russians will be in a positive way.
              But for themselves ---- yes, they have created a completely positive, proud, smart, hardworking image of themselves and believe in it.
      2. 0
        31 January 2024 09: 52
        Quote: Reptiloid
        if in our country a well-deserved assessment of the history of the USSR is given without lies

        what Will you like this story????
        1. +4
          31 January 2024 10: 35
          Quote: Serg65
          ..... what Will you like this story????

          hi What's the difference, Sergey? Whatever happens after 1917, the result is important. The country survived and survived, unlike the other three empires planned by the Britons for destruction. And won the Great Patriotic War
          1. 0
            31 January 2024 11: 32
            Who cares? Then it is necessary to write the history of the USSR in four words: STANDED, PRESERVED, WON, COLLAPSE! Why then ask for a story without lying?
            Quote: Reptiloid
            The country survived and survived

            The same applies to post-Horde Russia, and to Russia in 1812, and to Russia in 1905, and to modern Russia. All these periods, including the USSR, had their mistakes, so in order not to learn from your mistakes, you need a history without lies!
            1. 0
              April 20 2024 12: 12
              Quote: Serg65
              and to Russia 1905

              It’s this Russia that just didn’t survive, only some 12 years have passed.
        2. 0
          31 January 2024 11: 36
          Quote: Serg65

          what Will you like this story????

          We always have only the kind of story that we “like.” The only trouble is that today they don’t explain to us what we should like tomorrow. So you have to guess....
          1. +2
            31 January 2024 11: 55
            Quote: ivan2022
            We always have only the kind of story that we “like”

            History is always what it is. Only the winners write a story they like!
            1. +2
              31 January 2024 12: 43
              Quote: Serg65
              ..... the winners write a story they like!

              Yeah! And who likes stories about the “saints of the 90s”¿ in percentage? Somehow they rarely remind. Sometimes there are “tests of the pen”, and then they remain silent. Then they try the “test” again.....then there’s a break again
              1. 0
                31 January 2024 14: 44
                Quote: Reptiloid

                Dmitry, try reading the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and then the history of the CPSU....and compare what you read! I do not call opuses written by those who want to make a “test of the pen” history. There are archives, there are documents in the public domain...and then, by my restless nature, I check everything through other sources! wink hi
                1. +1
                  31 January 2024 15: 46
                  read the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and then the history of the CPSU

                  SERGEY! I am reading! With difficulties! You get some pieces. Everything is very difficult crying crying Despite the fact that I want to understand. I understand the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the events of that time better than I understand the CPSU. Kukuruzny is generally beyond reason. As for the All-Union Communist Party of Belarus, maybe because I understand better that I live in the City of Three Revolutions and there is "History in stone But the events of the 90s are also visible. I’m sorry that today’s youth will understand even less than I do. Well, it’s also vulgarizing, of course. Make it easier, I'm dealing with this laughing sometimes
                  1. +2
                    31 January 2024 19: 24
                    I understand the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the events of that time better than I understand the CPSU.
                    Dmitry, the short course of the VKPb was published under the editorship of Joseph, and he knew how to write. Everything else is the fruit of the work of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee; you read it like chewing cotton wool.
                    1. +1
                      1 February 2024 02: 00
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      .... the fruits of the work of the ideological department of the CPSU Central Committee, you read it like chewing cotton wool.

                      Thank you, Sergey! I just can't understand! Sometimes it seems that some books with modern presentation are understandable. But after the death of Joseph Vissarionich, the post-war period, in my opinion, was the most difficult hi
                      1. -2
                        1 February 2024 08: 16
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I just can't understand!

                        Well, that's fine! laughing Both of these stories were written to order and are not much like a story without lies!
                      2. 0
                        1 February 2024 11: 42
                        Quote: Serg65
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I just can't understand!

                        Well, that's fine! laughing Both of these stories were written to order and are not much like a story without lies!

                        hi hi in fact, the mythologization of one's own or individual history is a common phenomenon in different countries. You see attempts to mythologize the “holy 90s”. Also attempts to create a “line of continuity” from the past for these 90s. Does not work. But who knows what will happen next.
                        The minus is not mine. If it’s a conversation, then I will never minus my opponent wink wink
              2. +1
                April 20 2024 12: 14
                Quote: Reptiloid
                Yeah! And who likes stories about the “holy 90s”

                To our liberals.
            2. 0
              31 January 2024 12: 55
              Quote: Serg65
              Quote: ivan2022
              We always have only the kind of story that we “like”

              History is always what it is. Only the winners write a story they like!
              You've simplified this......
              Even if there are “facts as they are,” they can be interpreted in such a way that “my dear mother” will not recognize them. The USSR won the Second World War, but it is written in such a way that it would have been better to lose and drink Bavarian.... History is written by the victors in other kingdoms-states.... And in one particular country, History is written by the vanquished. So I interpret that in practice we always “like” what we are ordered to do. Moreover, pouring crap on one’s history is downright perverted pleasure for many people....
              1. 0
                31 January 2024 14: 46
                Quote: ivan2022
                we always “like” what we are ordered to do.

                You like what you like! And you simply don’t accept what you don’t like...even if it’s true! Let's be honest, at least to ourselves!
                1. -2
                  31 January 2024 15: 43
                  Quote: Serg65
                  Quote: ivan2022
                  we always “like” what we are ordered to do.

                  You like what you like! And you simply don’t accept what you don’t like...even if it’s true! Let's be honest, at least to ourselves!

                  It's high! Everyone really has their own truth. Let's be honest about this.... But there is only one truth. Let's be honest about this too. Truth is proven by logic, and not by pointing a finger at your opponent.
                  If you absolutely need to label your opponent... about whom you know everything better than he himself, further discourse really does not make sense. hi

                  PS I know from experience that if you talk to a compatriot for even one minute, he will definitely say “honestly”; “And I know what you’re thinking.”... Well, what else is there to talk about?
                  1. 0
                    31 January 2024 19: 08
                    Quote: ivan2022
                    I know from experience that if you talk to a compatriot for even one minute, he will definitely say “honestly”: “And I know what you think”
                    To be honest, you don’t think very well of your compatriots.
                  2. -1
                    1 February 2024 08: 14
                    Quote: ivan2022
                    If you absolutely need to label your opponent

                    what You got screwed!!!
                    Quote: ivan2022
                    Everyone really has their own truth. Let's be honest about this.... But there is only one truth. Let's be honest about this too. Truth is proven by logic,

                    Interesting conclusion! If everyone has their own truth, what about logic? How can logic prove truth?
      3. +5
        31 January 2024 17: 06
        Quote: Reptiloid
        In my opinion, it can be realized and delivered only if our country gives a well-deserved assessment of the history of the USSR without lies and diminishing merits.

        This is absolutely impossible. The whole meaning of the existence of the authorities of the Russian Federation - ideological, economic, whatever - is to push away everything Soviet, but at the same time privatize it. In the field of nation-building, this was expressed in the conscious dismantling of the Soviet people (“damned Soviets”).
        However, returning to the topic of Ukraine, strictly speaking, I don’t quite agree with you here. Theoretically, bourgeois Russia can also dismantle the Maidan Ukrainians. For this you need
        1) Dismantle the statehood of Maidan Ukraine. That is, the goal of the SVO should be regime change in Ukraine. It is impossible to dismantle the Maidan Ukrainians while preserving the Maidan Ukraine itself. If, as now, we set the goal of an agreement with its authorities, and complain that they have prohibited such agreements for themselves, then of course the result will be zero.
        2) Choose a nation-building program for the new Ukraine. There are three possible options here
        a) Restoration of the people of Soviet Ukrainians. This option is purely theoretical since it, at a minimum, requires the restoration of Soviet power in Russia.
        b) Creation of new Ukrainians. Different from the Soviet ones, but not anti-Russian either. You literally need to invent them and create your own story for them.
        c) Creation of new Ukrainians who would again recognize themselves as part of the Russian people. Conditional restoration of Little Russians. This requires, at a minimum, to reach the Zhitomir-Vinnitsa border, and then carry out a jewelry program for a new nation-building.
        But, unfortunately, no one even sets such tasks. And without this, all Samsonov’s articles about the fact that Ukrainians were once invented have no meaning, and are rather even harmful.
        1. +1
          31 January 2024 18: 38
          That's it! Paragraph but! Explains everything. And the other points, in my opinion, are also fantastic. Because, before they are implemented in Ukraine, they must at least systematically begin to be implemented here in the Russian Federation. And this is not yet visible. Unfortunately hi
          PS, as a result, Russophobes and anti-Soviet activists of Ukraine and the Russian Federation are uniting
        2. -3
          31 January 2024 19: 41
          Quote: Belisarius
          The whole meaning of the existence of the authorities of the Russian Federation - ideological, economic, whatever - is to push away everything Soviet, but at the same time privatize it.
          I'm afraid you don't understand the meaning of the words "meaning" and "meaning of existence." Meaning is always personal and contains the answer to the question “why”, and the meaning of existence is the purpose of life. You are trying to mold the authorities into some kind of collective personality, supposedly carrying a common meaning that in some way relates to the USSR, destroyed by the communists. That is, you attribute to the authorities your aimlessness of existence and fear of the future, forcing you to look into the past running away from you. The authorities waking up with the thought, “what have I not yet rejected and appropriated from the USSR today”, this is your personal projection on the authorities in the Russian Federation, nothing more.
        3. 0
          8 February 2024 11: 40
          At the moment, the Russian authorities seem to have chosen the path of denying the existence of Ukrainians as a nationality in general. Propagating the myth “all Ukrainians are zombified Russians” is a typically chauvinistic approach.
        4. 0
          April 20 2024 12: 17
          Quote: Belisarius
          And without this, all Samsonov’s articles about how Ukrainians were once invented have no meaning, and rather even harmful.

          And what is the harm from the article?
    3. +7
      31 January 2024 10: 41
      Quote: Belisarius
      Moreover, now there is an active formation of a new nation of Maidan Ukrainians, united through shed blood on the theme of “eternal hatred of Russians.” And this nation is completely hostile to the old Soviet people of Ukrainians and is waging a fierce civil war with them.

      No, there are more than a lot of old Soviet citizens there who are fiercely Ukrainian and hate Russians.
      Quote: Belisarius
      Is it possible to prevent it from forming and deconstruct Ukrainians? It is possible, but for this you need to realize and set yourself such a task, and not just stupidly assert that they do not exist and that they were invented. This won't help matters.

      What are you talking about!? Our “wisest” rulers right now, while our guys are shedding blood in the war, are replacing our population with half-savage Asians from the former Soviet republics who kill and rape our own women and children. And the rulers don’t care about this at all. Just as no one cared about Ukraine’s openly Russophobic policies all the years after the collapse of the USSR. As now, there is no goal to deconstruct anything there.
      1. +2
        31 January 2024 16: 29
        Quote: Zoer
        No, there are more than a lot of old Soviet citizens there who are fiercely Ukrainian and hate Russians.

        Yes many. But one does not interfere with the other. It is not difficult to manipulate the consciousness of people and literally “recode” them. This new nation of Maidan Ukrainians does not necessarily consist only of young people. By the way, we also have more than enough people of the age of “Soviet” people who hate the old Soviet people.
        Our “wisest” rulers right now, while our guys are shedding blood in the war, are replacing our population with half-savage Asians from the former Soviet republics who kill and rape our own women and children. And the rulers don’t care about this at all

        This is not a bug, it's a feature. This is their conscious “nation building” program. Replace the “old Russians” who obviously do not fit into the market with new “also-Russians”. Another thing is that this program does not work for them, like everything else. More precisely, it works, but strictly for destruction.
        And as for the fact that they do not have the goal of deconstructing Maidan Ukrainians, this is true.
        1. +1
          31 January 2024 16: 44
          Quote: Belisarius
          This is not a bug, it's a feature. This is their conscious “nation building” program. Replace the “old Russians” who obviously do not fit into the market with new “also-Russians”. Another thing is that this program does not work for them, like everything else. More precisely, it works, but strictly for destruction.
          And as for the fact that they do not have the goal of deconstructing Maidan Ukrainians, this is true.

          Thank you! Everything is very precise and to the point!)
    4. +1
      31 January 2024 11: 53
      The Germans are a bad example. Before Napoleon they had a patchwork quilt there - baronies, counties, brands, free cities, etc. and so on. The largest entities are Prussia, Bavaria, and Saxony. It was from this that Bismarck created the German nation.
      1. +3
        31 January 2024 16: 19
        Quote: Not the fighter
        The Germans are a bad example. Before Napoleon they had a patchwork quilt there - baronies, counties, brands, free cities, etc. etc

        Just lucky. It shows very clearly that how you spell Bismarck correctly created the German nation. That is, that a nation is a social construct. And the example of the Germans clearly shows how nations are created and destroyed in the 20th century.
        By the way, this is clearly seen in the example of Russia. But, as you know, you cannot see face to face. People understand better by someone else's example.
      2. +2
        31 January 2024 17: 23
        And before Napoleon, they were not Germans.
        There were Holsteins, Hessians, Bavarians, Saxons.
        But the Germans are not there yet.
        Even their national costumes were as different as harem pants from a sundress
    5. +5
      31 January 2024 16: 53
      Let me add: nations (peoples, as something homogeneous) are not something permanent. They change, culture, traditions, language change.
      Yes, and the East Slavic tribes on the territory of real Ukraine and the Novgorod region, although they were close in language and customs, they probably also had differences. During the times of Kievan Rus, differences in language may have been erased, but in the centuries when the territory of Ukraine was under the rule of the Polish state, and the central part of present-day Russia existed as the Muscovite kingdom, differences in languages ​​intensified. We can say that the Ukrainian language in a form close to the current one appeared thanks to the Polish language, the language of the Western Slavs. And the fact that it is artificial and someone imposed bullshit, spread by illiterate people. And the fact that some kind of ideology is put into people’s heads is a separate conversation. Now the majority of the people of Ukraine are hostile to Russia. However, if it is correct (for Russia) to change the propaganda machine, then the situation in 20 years will change to the opposite.
      1. +2
        31 January 2024 17: 34
        I’ll just add that they formed it, brought it to uniform standards, with spelling, etc.
        Those. Panteleimon Kulish and Shevchenko and their comrades systematized the southern Russian dialect for ordinary people.
        And then, this did not carry the goal of contrasting it with the Great Russian language.
        But after the Maidan, purposeful work is being carried out to alienate the language as much as possible from the Russian language and saturate it with distorted Polonisms and small-town figures of speech from the Western outback.
  3. +1
    31 January 2024 05: 14
    Maybe I shouldn’t write a sequel?
    From what is written, there is already an urge...
    It seems that just recently they told us that the Ukrainians are brothers or that we are all one people.
    As the SVO progresses, it appears that this is exactly the case.
    With such tenacity, but without inspiration, only Russians can fight with Russians.
    What then to do with “maniacs and sects”?
    This seems to be a catchphrase - now.
    Well, in order to demonize and humiliate the enemy, to stimulate him to even more fierce resistance tomorrow.
    What will a set of names, dates, events add to knowledge about Ukraine for a person from Russia?
    Everything has already been told before and better by Oles Buzina.
    If it’s clear with the Austrians who invented Ukraine and the goals they pursue with huge assumptions...
    The Poles, the nurturers of the Ukrainian nationality, are not at all willing to do so.
    They succeeded precisely in polishing the “similar chairs.”
    Why does the author have such a desire to endow the purely geographical term “Ukraine” with some other semantic load?
    For example, the Serbs who lived in the lands bordering the Ottoman Empire were called Granichars.
    In my opinion, it is better to leave all these pseudo-historical researches and inciting contempt for an undefeated enemy to a dissertation after the Victory.
    And now it would be nice to quickly and efficiently recreate thousands and hundreds of thousands of examples, names of events - the inextricable centuries-old connection of the Russian outskirts/Little Russia with Great Russia.

    To motivate Ukraine in the trenches, calling the Volga and going over to the side, albeit Russian, Russian but Ukrainian, will now be much simpler and clearer.
    Can arrogance
    bring the enemy closer to victory in battle?
    Let everyone decide for themselves.
  4. +2
    31 January 2024 06: 06
    All aggressive nationalism is built on ignorance. Achieve complete contempt of other peoples. Do you need education for this? Three years of active campaigning will be enough. To do this, you need to attach fictitious historical values. Correct the geography. And the people will be completely satisfied with themselves. All cultural masters of foreign countries automatically become enemies of the nation. “WE founded this world” becomes the motto of the Nazi state.
  5. +9
    31 January 2024 06: 13
    Samsonov needs to be sent to the USA with lectures, it would be sold out. The lecturer comes on stage and declares, comrades English, Germans, Spaniards, Portuguese, French, come to your senses, no Americans exist, just 300 years ago there was no such country, you as a nation were invented by a gang calling themselves “Founding Fathers”, you don’t even have your own language, and what is only a dialect of English, you each return to your historical homeland, nations are not created at the place of residence, this is a fact proven by science.
  6. +7
    31 January 2024 06: 44
    How interesting, who invented the Basques, Catalans, Galicians, Andalusians in Spain? The British?
    1. +1
      31 January 2024 07: 24
      Quote: parusnik
      How interesting, who invented the Basques, Catalans, Galicians, Andalusians in Spain? The British?

      Nobody invented the Basques, they are autochthons. All the rest are a product of mixing the Germans with the Gauls, who were separated by the difficult history of the Pyrenees
      1. +4
        31 January 2024 08: 00
        Nobody invented the Basques
        And I thought that the Englishwoman was doing shit.
  7. 0
    31 January 2024 07: 06
    Today, the term Kievan Rus, invented and introduced into everyday use, would not have been so great for the “prosperity” of this dogma about “Ukrainianism” by Maksimovich and Karamzin, ardent Polonophiles and Anglophiles, as the criminal mistake of the communists, Khrushchev-Brezhnev politicians, would have been great for this dogma. not to tell the Soviet people the full truth about the atrocities of Ukrainians on the side of Hitler during the Second World War and after the Second World War. I remember that during the service those called up from Ukraine were jokingly called Banderaites. And everyone was just funny, and those from Ukraine didn’t mind at all that they were called that... And in Transcarpathia and the Lviv region it was like a password that you belong. Then, among other things, they were afraid not so much that Ukraine would be divided into reds and browns, but they were afraid of how many of these browns there would be. The same goes for the Baltic states.
    The obvious policy of the ostrich hiding its head in the sand, saying that everything is fine and the enemy is invisible, gave results during the collapse of the USSR. Out of nowhere, if Bandera’s followers and their descendants had not cherished this dogma about “Ukrainianism” and adapted it to serve them throughout the fifty post-war years, with Gorbachev’s perestroika all this Banderaism would not have blossomed there so quickly. And since for fifty years under Khrushchev and Brezhnev the ostrich had its head hidden in the sand, now there is no reason to be surprised that people peck painfully at the tail.
  8. +5
    31 January 2024 08: 34
    "Eney buv parubok motor
    I'm a lad, even if he's a Cossack,
    Succumbing to all evil agility,
    Zavzatіshy od all bourlack.
    But the Greeks, as they burned Troy,
    They zeros with a skitter pus,
    Win, taking the sack, giving thrust;
    Taking away the devious Trojans,
    Osmalenich, like kettlebell, lance
    Kicked with heels from Troy." (c)
    Aeneid.I.P.Kotlyarevsky 1798
  9. -1
    31 January 2024 09: 53
    Everything is very controversial, much is far-fetched, much is not taken into account, but what the author is right about is that in order to gain the loyalty of Poland, or rather its nobility, it farmed out Ukraine.
    1. +2
      31 January 2024 17: 43
      The Polish magnates and gentry were closer to the Moscow boyars than their own, and especially the Little Russian Orthodox peasants.
      A classic example is the uprising of the Orthodox against the Polish gentry and Jewish tenants in the second half of the 18th century - “Koliivshchyna”
      It was suppressed, including by Moscow troops.
  10. -3
    31 January 2024 10: 02
    There was no need to “kidnap” Nestor’s “Tale of Bygone Years.” It is enough to read how the Kiev resident, Holy Father Nestor, praised the Polyans (the ancestors of the Ukrainians) and humiliated the Drevlyans and others who lived to the north: “they live like animals...”. So THIS has always been there.
  11. +5
    31 January 2024 10: 08
    Fighting nationalism with other nationalism is like putting out a fire with gasoline. For Russian nationalists this is an inaccessible truth.
    The essence of Ukrainianness was well expressed in his work “Ukrainians and We” from 1939 by the Russian nationalist and monarchist Vasily Shulgin.

    Concurrently, a member of the “School of Fascism” at the emigrant Union of Monarchists, the author of the words “I am a Russian fascist,” a participant in subversive activities against the USSR as part of the EMRO. An excellent authority on issues of national politics.
    The concept of “Ukrainianism” became widespread at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries in Austro-Hungarian Galicia

    The “Austro-Hungarian” and, concurrently, the Emperor of the Russian Empire Alexander II and the “Austro-Hungarian” Russian Geographical Society, located for some reason in St. Petersburg, drove a knife into Samsonov’s back by publishing an ethnographic description of the peoples of Russia in 1862. Where the Little Russians are presented as a separate people, akin to the Great Russians. They even used the word “Ukrainians”, they are such dirty tricks.
    1. +2
      31 January 2024 14: 06
      Fighting nationalism with other nationalism is like putting out a fire with gasoline.
      hi Timur, I won’t complement you. But the most interesting thing is, scratch any commentator and you will find so many nationalities in him. smile And I mean myself... smile
      1. +3
        31 January 2024 14: 13
        scratch any commentator

        I have always been incomprehensible to people’s complexes regarding the “pure breed” of themselves. Dog or horse shows immediately come to mind.
        1. +2
          31 January 2024 16: 00
          These complexes are well reflected in the film Silva laughing Remember Edwin's father? Dmitriev playing? laughing
          1. +2
            31 January 2024 16: 29
            Yes, I remember, despite the short text of the comment
    2. 0
      31 January 2024 20: 24
      hi Timur, you are absolutely right!
      Unfortunately, malicious informational garbage about “enemy-engineered Ukrainians” continues to spread and is popular among ignorant but militant characters.
    3. -1
      8 February 2024 11: 47
      Thanks for the tip!
      When I tried to express disagreement with the statement that “the Ukrainian nationality does not exist, it’s all an invention of the Bolsheviks,” I was almost torn into many small pieces by local chauvinist fanatics.
  12. BAI
    31 January 2024 19: 37
    . Ukrainian ideology had all its roots in Polish soil.

    All of its roots in Ukrainian ideology go back to the Austrian General Staff of the First World War.
  13. 0
    1 February 2024 17: 00
    The coat of arms of Ukraine is a symbolic image of a diving falcon. In Old Slavonic, “rarog” or the modified “Rurik” is the family coat of arms of the princely family of Rurukovich. Remember "... We are Ryurukovichs... The historian O.M. Rapov proved back in the 70s of the last century that the images of princely signs in the Tithe Church are not tridents, but an image of a falcon in an attacking flight. Everything is logical, the ruling princely family The Rurukovichs then in Kiev left their princely signs in the church and on the silver coins of Yaroslav the Wise and the Rurikovichs ruled Russia until the death of Ivan the Terrible in Moscow. Rus' has always been and will be Russia.
  14. AB
    1 February 2024 17: 28
    More than once, and not even twice, I came across information that after serious speeches and demonstrations in the empire, the tsarist secret police adopted the experience of Western countries and began to incite hatred and discord between the peoples of the empire and even between residents of different cities of Russia, so that they could not come to an agreement among themselves, so that discord would grow between them and they could not act as a single force demanding rights and freedoms. If this is true, then, in principle, it was another canister of fuel into the fire of Ukrainian Nazism.
  15. 0
    2 February 2024 03: 00
    As Shulgin noted:

    “As historians, other Ukrainianists prove that not only at the present time the people living from the Carpathians to the Caucasus are the Ukrainian people, but that they have always, at all times, been such.”

    If you look at the question narrowly, then, in some way, you can agree with this statement.
    There has been a constant movement of peoples through the territory of today's Ukraine for thousands of years. Only we know a list that can be listed for quite a long time. Whoever migrated there - Poles, Yugoslavs and Bulgarians, many, many others. Naturally, all these peoples continued to consider this territory their own and tried to control it as much as possible. The natural reaction of the autochronous population, developed over thousands of years, is the denial of any power as a means of self-defense. This is expressed in tax evasion, underground business and constant protest against any government. Simply because the autochronous population considers any power temporary and alien. A significant percentage of Russians living on the territory of Ukraine evokes a natural desire to join Russia in order to build a rule of law state, but encounters opposition from people of other nationalities, including those who have not decided on their affiliation. By the way, on the territory of Ukraine there are a lot of people who are not ready to associate themselves with any nation. Hence the emergence of the “Ukrainian” phenomenon. Unfortunately, if this is left and not paid attention to, which is what actually happened in 1991, the population of the territory begins to fight with itself and, most importantly, with all the surrounding neighbors. Moreover, if there are sources of funding, this will last forever, or until the complete disappearance of people and similar consciousness. Whether there is a solution to this problem is a big question. Perhaps the struggle against everyone in the autochronous population is inherent at the genetic level, thanks to evolutionary selection. On the one hand, this is good, on the other hand, it does not allow creating a rule of law state.
  16. 0
    2 February 2024 06: 48
    Well, a lot of time has passed and the vast majority of the civilian population of Ukraine supports their leaders, and all we can do is destroy these Russophobic bitches.
    1. 0
      2 February 2024 22: 29
      Quote: Matias_morales
      Well, a lot of time has passed and the vast majority of the civilian population of Ukraine supports their leaders, and all we can do is destroy these Russophobic bitches.

      In fact, they are not Russophobes, they are against everyone, including their neighbors. Not in the sense of neighboring states, but of those who live nearby. We are always ready for any Maidan, against any current government, as long as they pay for it and the risk of death is minimal.
  17. 0
    2 February 2024 12: 31
    If anyone reads the comment, I advise you, you won’t regret it! Watch the 1964 film about Shulgin.
    Here he is alive and talks about many events of the 1914-1920s.
    I glanced at it. A very strong person, an interesting personality and the way he conveys his thoughts is amazing.
    The film in the USSR wanted to show him as a certain “scoundrel” and one of the participants in the abdication of Nicholas 2, but Shulgin very well showed and told what a mumbler Nicholas 2 was and that he completely lost track not only of the country, but of his fate and the fate of his family in those fateful days for them.
  18. 0
    18 February 2024 23: 20
    The author of the article apparently did not read N.V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba” at school, so he does not know that the date of the first publication of the story is 1835.