“Hour Hour” is coming soon: expert calls civil war in the USA inevitable

“Hour Hour” is coming soon: expert calls civil war in the USA inevitable

Today the whole world is watching the election confrontation between the US Republican and Democratic parties. Former President Donald Trump accuses current leader Joe Biden of all sins, from the economy to regional conflicts. In turn, the White House administration is trying to bring the Republican billionaire to criminal charges in order to prevent him from participating in the upcoming elections.

It would seem that everything that is happening in the United States is just “pre-election fuss” that will end immediately after the vote. However, according to Russian political scientist and Americanist Dmitry Drobnitsky, the United States today is on the verge of a civil war, as division in political circles, business and among ordinary citizens has reached unprecedented proportions.

According to the expert, the American authorities have even temporarily abandoned the implementation of their foreign policy plans until the internal situation is resolved.

Drobnitsky is confident that “Day H” will come soon, most likely even this year, which will be facilitated by the presidential elections. At the same time, in his words, the States themselves are interested in quickly “fighting a civil conflict” and relieving tension, which in the future could lead to much more serious consequences.

However, according to the expert, the upcoming “civil war” in the United States will also be very tough. It will not be similar to that in Russia at the beginning of the last century and will not have a clearly defined front. Confrontation between the parties will take place in all areas without exception.

At the same time, according to Drobnitsky, both sides of the future conflict already have people who will be able to quickly lead the country after its completion, without allowing it to decline. In this regard, according to the political scientist, the States have everything calculated. They may no longer be world hegemons, but complete decline, unlike Europe, does not await them.

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  1. 0
    23 January 2024 13: 01
    burn, burn clearly, no matter what goes out
    1. +1
      23 January 2024 13: 45
      Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
      burn, burn clearly, no matter what goes out

      Eh, civil war, like revolutions, only occur with powerful financial support. If capital with different beliefs comes together, then it may be unlikely. You can't make money in a destroyed country. Only funding and propaganda from outside can lead to such a result.
      1. +1
        23 January 2024 13: 51
        They will also eliminate the external debt through a civil war.
        1. +1
          24 January 2024 15: 36
          Quote: Ilya-spb
          They will also eliminate the external debt through a civil war.

          The external debt cannot be zeroed out in this way. This is if a country like the USA disappears, just as the Russian Empire once disappeared and the USSR appeared. The new government refused to pay the debts of the Russian Empire. However, it created many other debts. That is why the entire economy collapsed. So the external debt cannot be zeroed out in this way.
      2. +3
        24 January 2024 21: 00
        Which capital came together with which in 1917, by the way? This is a hint that your ideas about revolutions are somewhat primitive.
        1. +1
          25 January 2024 10: 20
          Quote from Witsapiens
          Which capital came together with which in 1917, by the way? This is a hint that your ideas about revolutions are somewhat primitive.

          The kind of capital that led to the civil war. I have enough knowledge on the revolution in Russia in 1917, yet studying at the university in the history department gives me knowledge)))
    2. 0
      23 January 2024 13: 48
      Digital TNCs have felt their financial independence and are rushing into politics. Moreover, they do not need Biden or Tampa. The weakening of the dollar also benefits them.
      Whatever the outcome of the election, the losing side has already appointed the culprits.
  2. +10
    23 January 2024 13: 03
    Nothing will happen to them, they will crawl out of this mess, shake themselves off and go on to bring the light of civilization to the whole world!
  3. +18
    23 January 2024 13: 04
    However, according to Russian political scientist and Americanist Dmitry Drobnitsky, the United States today is on the verge of a civil war

    The regiment of alternative science fiction writers has...
    1. +3
      23 January 2024 13: 11
      Of course, it’s a long way from a civil war there, but it’s interesting to watch the confrontation between Texas and the federal government. While the Republicans are muddying the waters in this “free state”, you will see that there will be less attention to the Ukrainian Reich.
    2. +2
      24 January 2024 21: 03
      There are already acts of disobedience to federal authority in the United States. Political polarization too. Ethnic confrontation - yes, we remember BLM and the fact that the south of the United States is actually no longer Anglo-Saxon, but Latin American. So, although not very likely, there could be a civil war in the United States, IMHO.
  4. +4
    23 January 2024 13: 05
    Those who truly rule the United States will never allow internal civil war. They'll probably give Trump a heart attack.
    1. +3
      23 January 2024 13: 12
      The whole question is how interested the Good Guys are still in the existence of the USA. Yes, America once provided them with a powerful military and economic roof, and was extremely profitable. And now? Every day its capabilities become more and more dubious, and the cost is already prohibitively expensive. There are too many lovers there who do nothing but eat deliciously for free. What's the point of maintaining this cadaver then? Only losses. So maybe the time has come to fix the profit and get rid of an asset that has become toxic? The only question is who will bet on next... But as soon as they decide this, I think America will be screwed.
      1. +1
        23 January 2024 13: 36
        Quote: paul3390
        The whole question is how interested the Right Boys are in the existence of the USA..

        Until there is an equivalent or better candidate for this role, they will be interested, which is quite logical... so far there seems to be no equivalent...
        1. HAM
          23 January 2024 13: 49
          Well, China is growing up, it just needs to be "correctly" directed... "the boys" can do it...
      2. 0
        23 January 2024 14: 01
        Quote: paul3390
        The only question is, who will they bet on next...

        They will move to Australia. I heard about this somewhere.
    2. -2
      23 January 2024 13: 48
      Who “really” rules the USA? Please enlighten me)
  5. +2
    23 January 2024 13: 06
    “Today the whole world is watching the election confrontation between the Republican and Democratic parties of the United States” -

    - Not all ...
  6. +10
    23 January 2024 13: 08
    For as long as I’ve been alive, there are so many words about the collapse of the dollar and the civil war... There are only experts all around
    1. -1
      23 January 2024 13: 09
      in the scale of history you are not even a second
      1. +5
        23 January 2024 13: 10
        In its (American) three-hundred-year history, this is more than 10%, so...
        1. +2
          23 January 2024 13: 34
          1989 I study at the university, I travel all over the country without problems, who would have told me that in two years I would live in another country and Moscow for me would become the capital of a foreign state
          1. +3
            23 January 2024 16: 01
            And to prevent this from happening, it was necessary to protect the socialist Fatherland. Just. The security forces should fulfill their oath, and everyone else should support them. Suppress the huckster putsch and deal with the rotten top.
            1. -2
              23 January 2024 16: 15
              Quote: Essex62
              So that this doesn't happen

              what is this for now?
              1. +1
                23 January 2024 16: 23
                And this is always what it comes down to. In any case, as long as we Soviets are alive.
                1. -3
                  23 January 2024 16: 24
                  the conversation was about something completely different and this is definitely not the place now
                  1. +1
                    23 January 2024 16: 29
                    What was the conversation about, dear Vladimir Ivanovich? About the possibility of breastfeeding in the states and the life-second of an individual in history. We couldn’t prevent our own war, but they can.
                    1. -1
                      23 January 2024 16: 34
                      in elderberry garden
                      the conversation was about the fact that what seemed unshakable and eternal yesterday could sink into oblivion tomorrow, and you begin to come up with some additional ideas that have nothing to do with the topic of conversation
                      1. +1
                        23 January 2024 17: 56
                        It very much does. And I have justified this to you. If you do not see this, it is your business. hi
                      2. -3
                        23 January 2024 18: 02
                        a man died of appendicitis, and you tell how he walked across the road at a red light
          2. +1
            23 January 2024 17: 08
            Well, to be fair, the processes that led to this result began long before that. Since 89 there was only the last, irreversible phase.
            1. -2
              23 January 2024 18: 03
              well, in the states it all didn’t start yesterday at lunchtime
            2. +2
              23 January 2024 23: 08
              Whenever this process began, it would be better to correct the situation with socialism and Soviet power, and not the power of a huckster and a thief. Any destructive processes can be stopped and the consequences can be neutralized. This is what we will see in the near future on the printing press platform of colored, cut paper. For those who imagine something, Trumpush and those Masons who stand behind him will have their heads turned off and everything will go as before. Globalism and homosexuality will vigorously march across the planet. There will be no GW there. They are “well, stupid” (Mikhail Zadornov) and the security forces will fulfill the oath from start to finish.
      2. 0
        23 January 2024 13: 13
        How much history does this rabble called a country have?
        1. +2
          23 January 2024 13: 26
          Quote: Essex62
          How much history does this rabble called a country have?

          10 times more history of the Russian Federation.
          1. 0
            23 January 2024 14: 11
            Whose states have this? Have you mixed up anything? The new formation of the bourgeois Russian Federation emerged from a thousand-year-old state.
            1. +2
              23 January 2024 14: 21
              Quote: Essex62
              New formation bourgeois Russian Federation

              That's it. It is unlikely that our ancestors expected to see such a state.
              1. 0
                23 January 2024 15: 56
                What does this have to do with it? My post-answer, specifically about the “second” in history. And so, yes. Byzantium is resting.
  7. +2
    23 January 2024 13: 12
    How funny it is to read such nonsense
    1. -4
      23 January 2024 14: 19
      They have already had the capitol captured, given the chaos going on in their country, this is not surprising. This is not nonsense, it is absurd, and the absurdity is that for a coup it is enough to take some pensioners by the hand to another room, they will not even realize that a coup has taken place.
      Now the established order seems to you an axiom, but in the world nothing is as permanent as the temporary.
      1. +3
        23 January 2024 16: 55
        Quote from Dimm588
        They have already had the capitol captured, given the chaos going on in their country, this is not surprising. This is not nonsense, it is absurd, and the absurdity is that for a coup it is enough to take some pensioners by the hand to another room, they will not even realize that a coup has taken place.
        Now the established order seems to you an axiom, but in the world nothing is as permanent as the temporary.

        The US has very strong federalism, even if the entire Congress, Senate and President decide to change the system. Then the states will simply send them to hell and overthrow them with further elections.
        1. 0
          24 January 2024 09: 00
          Your version presupposes some kind of unity, and what the world does not have is unity. So this is an a priori incorrect assumption.
        2. 0
          28 January 2024 13: 29
          Firstly, the Senate is part of Congress. And if the President and Congress decide to change the system, it will not be just like that. After all, they are elected by voters living in different states. And this President and Congress will certainly have support in the Congresses of individual states, and among state governors, and among mayors and city councils.
    2. +1
      23 January 2024 15: 42
      If in 1980 (the Olympics in Moscow, if anyone doesn’t remember), at the very peak of the power of the USSR, someone had said that in some 10 years this country would not exist, then people’s comments would have been much “stronger” than even yours.. ....
  8. +9
    23 January 2024 13: 15
    However, according to Russian political scientist-Americanist Dmitry Drobnitsky,

    Drobnitsky -55 children. Education: Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, 17 years in commerce, then administrative positions.
    When did this guy become a political scientist - an Americanist? laughing
    Such experts are like dirt now. I wouldn’t be surprised if before that he was an infectious disease specialist.
    I've been waiting for over 60 years for the dollar to finally collapse, now we'll be waiting for a civil war in the States.
    At the same time, according to Drobnitsky, both sides of the future conflict already have people who can quickly lead the country after its completion, without allowing decline.

    Masterpiece !!! laughing
    1. +1
      23 January 2024 13: 46
      Hello, I'm waiting too. True, I’m still 57 years old (from birth).

      It also infuriates me that every teapot is called an expert.

      Yes, Russia has become stronger under Putin, but how old is Putin now?

      What's next? If he transfers power poorly, consider it a failure. Once Moscow power falls into the hands of comrades Kadyrovich, consider goodbye to Russia.

      There will be a caliphate.
      1. 0
        23 January 2024 16: 06
        There, in addition to the main thing, to convince the electorate that everything is fine, there is a whole team. Gnawing power in the 90-00s. What Kadyrov? Who will give him the pipe and the towers?
  9. +3
    23 January 2024 13: 15
    However, according to Russian political scientist-Americanist Dmitry Drobnitsky,

    Drobnitsky -55 children. Education: Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University, 17 years in commerce, then administrative positions.
    When did this guy become a political scientist - an Americanist? laughing
    Such experts are like dirt now. I wouldn’t be surprised if before that he was an infectious disease specialist.
    I've been waiting for over 60 years for the dollar to finally collapse, now we'll be waiting for a civil war in the States.
    At the same time, according to Drobnitsky, both sides of the future conflict already have people who can quickly lead the country after its completion, without allowing decline.

    Masterpiece !!! laughing
    1. +1
      23 January 2024 13: 20
      One of the gynecologists became a military expert, so why shouldn’t a physics student become a political scientist?
      1. +4
        23 January 2024 13: 28
        Quote: Smoked
        One of the gynecologists became a military expert, so why shouldn’t a physics student become a political scientist?

        Really, no problem!
        A gynecologist in the mornings, a political scientist in the evenings, and a blogger at night.
        But what does the Americanist have to do with it?
        Valentin Zorin - Soviet and Russian political scientist, American historian, TV presenter, political commentator, journalist, writer.
        He was an Americanist!!! hi
        1. -3
          23 January 2024 13: 32
          - Pardon my curiosity, why did you need the Cupid's head?
          - All my life I have been drawn to beauty. I couldn't resist.
        2. +1
          23 January 2024 18: 01
          But geniuses like Zorin are not born often. And the system for determining the quality of examination is now not so strict. In the USSR it was science accompanied by applied activities. There is almost no science now, but you won’t get far with applied science alone...
  10. +7
    23 January 2024 13: 23
    Experts are all trying to show...not without compensation, of course...how bad it is in the decaying West...and how, against this background, everything is stable in Russia..
    1. +1
      23 January 2024 16: 11
      Well, with the absence of the possibility of bullies and assaults on the Main Duty, everything is really good and stable with us.
    2. +1
      25 January 2024 11: 15
      """""Yes, something like that -
  11. +3
    23 January 2024 13: 33
    Utter nonsense. What civil war? Who will fight with whom there? Deep America is as far from all this as Putin is from the aspirations of the Russian people. So calm down everyone, no one will let a fire start in well-fed America
  12. +1
    23 January 2024 13: 50
    Quote: Escanderm
    For as long as I’ve been alive, there are so many words about the collapse of the dollar and the civil war... There are only experts all around

    I wonder whose money such expert political scientists exist for; maybe this clown is still feeding on the budget?
  13. 0
    23 January 2024 13: 53
    He's being charged with criminal charges because he is a fucking criminal!
    Guilty of rape
    Guilty of fraud
    Guilty of libel
    Guilty of reason
  14. +4
    23 January 2024 13: 54
    Gazprom will close faster than a revolution will happen in the USA.
  15. +5
    23 January 2024 14: 09
    Is this RenTV visiting Military Review?
  16. +2
    23 January 2024 14: 42
    Khazin announces the collapse of the United States every year, but nothing happens.
  17. +1
    23 January 2024 21: 14
    Another “expert” earns his living:
    Drobnitsky is confident that “Day H” will come soon, most likely even this year, which will be facilitated by the presidential elections.
    Nobody will ask him anyway... winked
  18. 0
    24 January 2024 06: 51
    Whatever the outcome, the States need a little bloodletting, and the rest of the world can only benefit from it. wink
  19. 0
    24 January 2024 07: 31
    So, the upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want to? Who will lead the masses?
  20. 0
    24 January 2024 07: 34
    How the film will show the civil war in April. How glad I am because a Russophobe Kazakh blogger is sitting in Los Angeles in the USA and for 13 years he has been blaming Russia on YouTube. Without working anywhere and achieving nothing, I have already unsubscribed from him and makes stupid videos. https://youtu.be/jbfmREXeooE?si=-pFvtmWX32CFFfxe
    On the contrary, the United States needs to be friends with Russia and Russia with the United States.
  21. +1
    24 January 2024 13: 13
    For 74 years, leftists have been burying the “corruptive West”, about to prophesy the death of capitalism. As a result, most of the leftist states collapsed, and capitalism is still alive today.
    In the USSR, back in the 1920s, propaganda shouted with might and main that social pressure and racial segregation would destroy the United States. Well, sir?
    All these are antediluvian narratives, all of this has already happened. And how long. Listening to this is like listening to background noise.
    People who year after year listen to tales about the imminent end of the United States simply have no idea how much we are now all sitting on the American cultural and technological crook. And what kind of money do they make from this? And why would they disintegrate under such conditions?
  22. 0
    25 January 2024 15: 54
    I do not believe.
    Who would have thought 20 years ago that a white American lawman (policeman) who has enormous powers in the USA. He will kiss the boots of blacks and ask for forgiveness.
    People who have never been slave owners ask for forgiveness from those who have never been slaves!
    And nothing, it passed. And now it will pass. After all, there were LGBT people, BLM, and they digested everything.........
  23. 0
    28 January 2024 10: 59
    All currently “developed countries” became developed precisely as a result of revolutions and civil wars of the past.
    For example, after the 20-year civil war in the mid-17th century in England or after the war of 1861-1865 in the USA. Blacks in the USA were formally freed from slavery at the same time as the Russians.

    But these countries have an advantage compared to Russia. In Russia, the Civil War was provoked by the collective actions of Western countries.

    Without this, the Civil War in Russia would not have been so destructive... Or would not have started at all.
    And with Western influence it sometimes fades away and sometimes continues even today.
  24. 0
    5 February 2024 05: 15
    Expert Scot Ritter? or another “dubious” expert?
  25. 0
    13 February 2024 18: 58
    There will be no civil war there, and the unrest will be suppressed. But there are not many joys ahead - more and more countries are treating them coolly, the national debt is growing and already more than a trillion a year is needed to service it (interest only!), the economy is a big bubble with overvalued securities. In general, of course, they will not grunt, but they will weaken. And even wars won’t help here.
  26. 0
    18 March 2024 19: 20
    Masterson Whit., Midnight Comes Suddenly. Library `Ogonyok`. No. 28,1966, XNUMX Transl. from English
    I read it a long time ago. In the USA, the killer was looking for a sharper and confused him with someone else.
  27. 0
    23 March 2024 10: 13
    The revolution is a real plan for the United States to declare itself bankrupt and get rid of debts, “stuff money into your pockets and give your jacket to creditors.”