Why is it that, as before, we are far from the king, high from God?

Why is it that, as before, we are far from the king, high from God?

Do you know what is the main scourge of our society and, accordingly, the prosperity in it at times of the gendarmerie “use of state instruments”?

Ignorance of laws among ordinary people! Moreover, instilled from childhood is a reluctance to study them, how to focus your attention on them in principle, as if the laws exist separately and somewhere far from us, maybe even in a different reality. Remember - “I’ll drag you through the courts!” There was no worse threat for many in the Soviet Union.

What is the motivation and essence of this attitude?

To this question, we can also give a very simple answer, “lying in the most visible place”: for the most part, our society has a certain “vaccination” against the desire to bear responsibility, at least for their actions. And the basis for the preparation and application of this vaccination lies not only in the authoritarian dogmas of our government, but also in the fact that, unfortunately, after the Great Patriotic War, more than one generation has grown up in our patriarchal Russia - fatherlessness.

Me and the horse, me and the bull, me and the woman and the man

I think many people know what and how a woman can teach her son, especially when there is no example of a father in front of a boy in the family.

No, I do not want to in any way belittle the merits or humiliate the status of a woman, a mother in the family, I am just giving my, perhaps subjective, assessment of the consequences. Feminism, which was strongly welcomed and nurtured first in the Soviet Union, and then cultivated in the post-Soviet space, was naturally necessary in the current political and social realities.

But the fact that it took ugly forms and disfigured, like some kind of pandemic, the subsequent image of masculinity in the original gender characteristic, was and became not only the sole pernicious influence of Western “culture”. Agree, if our society did not have such a predisposition, it is unlikely that we, the great descendants of the Scythians, would have liked the substituted traditions and morals that were alien to our consciousness.

And still, here and there, the consequences of this “upbringing” are observed, and how unpleasant it is sometimes to watch how another mother drags a 5-7-year-old boy with her into the women’s restroom, into a stall. Think about what kind of respect for a woman-mother we can continue to count on...

There are such words in one well-known song: “women are stubborn, men are capricious,” and I think they perfectly reveal the meaning and designation of the ongoing substitution of roles...

Unfortunately, after many of these grown-up “boys”, having seized power, or even at school, they begin to assert themselves, mocking their peers, and then more... Then these mothers first pay, ransoming their “children,” and then cry...

“It’s a big family, two people, only men” - mom and me

According to the statement of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle: “Every family is part of the state,” if we follow this truth, then we can understand where the roots of many problems in our Fatherland come from.

And returning to the words about ignorance of the laws and a persistent reluctance to study them, using a completely simple system of analysis, one can realize that such reluctance is provoked by the fear of bearing any degree of responsibility, for oneself or for one’s actions, since “mama’s boys”, and they are still in our society enough, mostly accustomed to life “behind the hem”.

A special military operation has recently led to serious changes in our society; many patriots of our country and real men have emerged. The only bad thing about this whole situation is again losses and again war. Historians say that the development of civilization moves in a spiral, and these shake-ups are necessary for society, but what then should be done with those who, despite such vicissitudes, were unable to achieve changes within their own Self.

The hardest thing is to work on yourself, and there is no need to change anything if both power and money have been achieved and are available, and the ways to achieve them do not need to be mentioned.

Blue blanket

Those who remained on the other side of the barricades at the level of performers prefer to transfer responsibility, including for their own lives, into the hands of others, since they always need the so-called “mother”. They are constantly driven and motivate their decision (sometimes subconsciously) to transfer this responsibility for themselves into the hands of others by the fact that: senior comrades, boss, king, God, in the end, know better and know better...

In the musical “The Producers,” directed by Alexander Kalyagin, there is such a fragment: one of the main characters grabs a small blue blanket that he got from his mother, he covers himself with it from any problems that arise and only then calms down. It seems to me that this example is very indicative within the framework of our current society.

Christ endured and commanded us

In operational jargon, the term “suffered” means someone who is beaten by everyone, and simply a victim in this or that incident, so, I believe that in a slightly modified format this word can be applied, and in a plural sense, to a whole layer of our society.

I have neighbors, harassed, crushed, downtrodden, they close their iron safe door in their two-room apartment and hope that they are safe... Their motto is my hut from the edge... And how do they live up to their “meek” surname...

But you won’t believe it, due to an incredible coincidence of circumstances, “something” happens all the time that forces them to get out of their “house” and participate in the events taking place in one way or another. Which, in the event of their inaction, will lead to a major collapse, first of all, of the motto and the so-called imaginary calm and, of course, the “hut”.

Only one thing can be added to the above: our people have had a saying since ancient times, indicated in the subtitle of this material, and with it we justify any of our inaction, fear and reluctance to counteract crimes. So when did we become like this?

And yet, why was this article written?

Let's stop and think about whether it is so safe not to know the laws of the state in which we live, to transfer responsibility for ourselves into the hands of others, justifying our reluctance to bear the burden of responsibility - either by being busy, or by lack of interest, and sometimes simply by banality weakness.

Knowledge is power, and knowledge of laws and the power to bear the burden of responsibility for yourself and your loved ones without shifting it is the advantage of the great. When you realize this postulate, imperceptibly even for yourself, the law turns from an obligation into a right.
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  1. +13
    24 January 2024 04: 36
    Why is it that, as before, we are far from the king, high from God?
    but there is neither one nor the other...
    1. +4
      24 January 2024 07: 43
      “Why is it that, as before, we are far from the king, high from God
      but there is neither one nor the other.."

      About God - not a fact.
      1. +10
        24 January 2024 08: 13
        Quote: S.Z.
        About God - not a fact.

        Is there any evidence of its existence?
        1. +7
          24 January 2024 10: 22
          “Some believe that God exists, others believe that there is no yoke. Neither one nor the other is unprovable” (c) Beware of the car.
          1. +4
            24 January 2024 11: 23
            That’s why it exists, too, “this is not a fact Monsieur Duc” (c) hi
            1. +1
              24 January 2024 11: 45
              So I mean the same thing - that is, when they say that it does not exist, they are making an unproven statement.
              1. +3
                24 January 2024 13: 09
                Quote: S.Z.
                So I mean the same thing - that is, when they say that it does not exist, they are making an unproven statement.

                I had to read either an atheist’s reference book, or an atheist’s reference book, I don’t remember exactly, they debunked the priest’s fairy tales.
                1. +1
                  24 January 2024 16: 44
                  Quote: mordvin xnumx
                  Quote: S.Z.
                  So I mean the same thing - that is, when they say that it does not exist, they are making an unproven statement.

                  I had to read either an atheist’s reference book, or an atheist’s reference book, I don’t remember exactly, they debunked the priest’s fairy tales.

                  Popov's fairy tales, as well as their debunking, have nothing to do with whether God exists or not - and also with the dispute about his existence.

                  There are not very many attempts to prove or disprove the existence of God. Smart people understand their senselessness, but fools don’t know how to justify them.
        2. VLR
          24 January 2024 13: 05
          About God - not a fact.
          Is there any evidence of its existence?

          The son of the famous Field Marshal Minich said that
          "Russia is apparently ruled directly by the Lord God - otherwise it is simply impossible to explain why it still exists."

          And nothing changes.
      2. +4
        24 January 2024 18: 06
        Theoretically, everyone can reach the “king” and even talk to him, but this is in theory, and everyone will come to “God”, regardless of his desire.
        About the law and knowledge of laws? The police and the judge told me that they were breaking the law, but not much. That is, the police and the judge openly and shamelessly arrogate to themselves the right to change the law, that is, they usurp power, which in itself is a criminal offense. There is no institution in the country for protecting your rights, knowledge of the laws is an aggravating circumstance, in fact, protecting your rights is Russian roulette, you can win, or you can get hit in the forehead.
  2. +24
    24 January 2024 05: 04
    Ignorance of laws among ordinary people!

    Lack of compliance with laws by all citizens without exception!!!
    You can be a professor, a doctor of law, but if the judge is ordered from above, then a case will be brought against you for the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
    The authorities are only concerned with their own existence. She is not going to solve the problems of Russian citizens. She doesn’t even have any hint of an effective solution to them.
    1. +14
      24 January 2024 07: 08
      The authorities are also concerned about their enrichment, where without this...
    2. +16
      24 January 2024 08: 52
      You can be a professor, a doctor of law, but if the judge is ordered from above, then a case will be brought against you for the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

      Our billionaires are all suing in London... although their lawyers know our laws perfectly... but this happens because we have telephone law... and even billionaires cannot fight it, let alone ordinary citizens... The judicial system we are in a deep crisis... just like everything else... but everything is stable... we are steadily rolling down the mountain..
      1. -9
        24 January 2024 09: 09
        Quote: Svarog
        Our billionaires are all suing in London... although their lawyers know our laws perfectly... but this happens because we have telephone law... and even billionaires cannot fight it,

        That is, you don’t know that everything civil Are claims filed at the place of registration of the defendant? And if he lives in London, then you will file the claim in London.
        It is a generally accepted global legal practice of civil claims and not at all the fear of the oligarchs of our courts - where they will not accept these claims absolutely legally improper places of consideration.
        1. +11
          24 January 2024 09: 22
          Quote: your1970
          if he lives in London, then you will file the claim in London.

          Physicist with physicist yes. They are submitted at the place of registration. And then..
          A claim against a defendant located or residing in the territory of a foreign state may be brought to the arbitration court at the location of the defendant’s property on the territory of the Russian Federation.

          But disputes between lawyers are settled in arbitration courts. And within the framework of the law and place of consideration specified in the contract.
          1. -4
            24 January 2024 09: 52
            Quote: Mishka78
            And within the framework of the law and place of consideration specified in the contract.

            And you know very well where the review is written down among them.
            And it’s not always easy with property, even if it’s on the territory of the Russian Federation
            1. +5
              24 January 2024 13: 40
              Quote: your1970
              And you know very well where the review is written down among them.

              Exactly. Which brings us back to what was written above.
              Quote: Svarog
              Our billionaires are all suing in London... although their lawyers know our laws perfectly... but this happens because we have telephone rights... and even billionaires cannot fight it, let alone ordinary citizens.

              It’s unclear why you bothered with your comment. Because further you yourself confirm that the oligarchs in the Russian Federation do not want to sue among themselves.
              1. -4
                24 January 2024 15: 10
                Quote: Mishka78
                For further you yourself confirm that the oligarchs in the Russian Federation among themselves they don't want to sue.

                But not because
                Quote: Svarog
                We have telephone rights...and even billionaires can’t fight it, let alone ordinary citizens

                Or will we assume that the courts are so omnipotent and the telephone law is omnipotent - that the oligarchs cannot handle it???
                And yes, if you remember the Bereza courts in London and the judge’s son on the salary of the other party belay , and the judge refused to recuse himself belay - same thing lol
          2. -2
            24 January 2024 19: 46
            Quote: Mishka78
            Disputes between lawyers are settled in arbitration courts. And within the framework of the law and place of consideration specified in the contract.

            Where did you see the lawyers on the forum? There are only physicists here. And our oligarchs are not considered here at all within the framework of disputes between economic entities. In general, it’s funny to read discussions about the law, written on the verge of an article of the Criminal Code on discrediting authorities wink And where are the prosecutors looking?! laughing Here the planting plan can be carried out at a Stakhanov pace laughing
      2. +5
        24 January 2024 14: 28
        Our judicial system is in deep crisis...
        Where ??? I don't know anatomy well...
        1. +5
          24 January 2024 14: 29
          Where ??? I don't know anatomy well...

          Well yes..exactly there laughing hi
          1. +3
            24 January 2024 14: 35
            Quote: Svarog
            Where ??? I don't know anatomy well...

            Well yes..exactly there laughing hi

            no...what's right there?
            1. +2
              24 January 2024 14: 37
              no...what's right there?

              and deep...
              1. +2
                24 January 2024 14: 41
                Probably how is it there? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPT_opelhsI&ab_channel=%D0%9C.%D0%9A.
                1. +2
                  24 January 2024 14: 43
                  laughing good All that's left to do is humor because there is no light at the end of the tunnel hi
                  1. +2
                    24 January 2024 14: 44
                    Quote: Svarog
                    laughing good All that's left to do is humor because there is no light at the end of the tunnel hi

                    with tears...
    3. +17
      24 January 2024 09: 00
      Good morning . In any legal state, the LAW must prevail. And if citizens do not always know them, this can be somehow understood. But first of all, these laws must be observed by civil servants, such as the police, the prosecutor's office, and deputies at all levels. And in general, everyone who receives a salary from the state pocket. If this is not so, then the state cannot be called legal. And naturally, the law should be the same for everyone, starting with the President and ending with some homeless hermit. And when you read or hear that Kadyrov’s son beat someone, and even his dad welcomes it...... a madhouse, there’s no other way to call it. In my opinion, this is Russia's biggest problem.
      1. -11
        24 January 2024 09: 44
        Quote: Blacksmith 55
        But first of all, these laws must be observed by civil servants, such as the police, the prosecutor's office, and deputies at all levels. And in general, everyone who receives a salary from the state pocket.

        And immediately there is a total misunderstanding of the laws - according to this logic pensioners those receiving pensions from the state pocket or receiving child benefits from the same are required to know the laws belay and if that's not the case then
        Quote: Blacksmith 55
        the state cannot be called legal
        A person lumps everything together without realizing that these are fundamentally different things. He cannot even clearly formulate his thoughts within the framework of jurisprudence, but at the same time he demands compliance with the laws.
        1. +15
          24 January 2024 10: 14
          its 1970, there is no need to drag pensioners and children into this. I meant the state salary. Pension and benefits are completely different. In addition, the pensioner earned his “salary” through his work.
          1. -12
            24 January 2024 10: 59
            Quote: Blacksmith 55
            I meant the state salary.

            So don’t drag it in - if you meant it
            Quote: Blacksmith 55
            state salary

            Oh, and a nurse in a hospital should also know the laws - she receives a government salary?!!!
            Or you again not this mean???
            Well, write like that - civil servants, prosecutors, police and deputies (who, amazingly, are not civil servants belay but let them be in the general heap).
            This is exactly what I wrote about - not only to comply with the laws, but the population cannot formulate their thoughts correctly
            Will you deny that regardless of whether a pensioner has earned his pension or not, he receives it from the state budget?
            1. +6
              24 January 2024 11: 26
              I would better keep silent . And the minuses are not from me, I rarely give minuses.
              1. -2
                24 January 2024 11: 33
                Quote: smith 55
                I would better keep silent . And the minuses are not from me, I rarely give minuses.

                All I had to do was write “The state apparatus must know and comply with the laws. If they are not observed, the state ceases to be legal” - and you started about “deputies, salaries, pockets” and were offended when I gave examples that destroy your structure while remaining in its logic
                1. 0
                  24 January 2024 18: 20
                  You are right, laws should be clearly spelled out to avoid their free interpretation, but if they are not binding, and complaints are “blowed away”, then no law will help, we need to change society and the officials responsible for enforcing the laws, but we have good laws, but their implementation does not always follow the letter of the law.
  3. +15
    24 January 2024 05: 10
    Ignorance of laws among ordinary people! Moreover, instilled from childhood is a reluctance to study them.

    The desire to study laws will appear when these laws are implemented, and not rest in the form of letters on paper
    1. +14
      24 January 2024 06: 17
      Hmm.. Desire. Yes, it’s as if later this time is replaced by driving it in with a stick. Indicative. Like with Strelkov. They think probably, YES THEY WILL BE AFRAID!
    2. 0
      27 January 2024 01: 41
      In fact, in most cases, laws are enforced. But the belief of the majority that this is empty creates a vicious circle. And then it turns out that if the boss says to quit on his own, then you can refuse (there is no desire) and offer, by agreement of the parties, with a salary for 3-4 months or to the court, then in 95% of cases the court will be on the side of the employee. One of our neighbors built an extension onto another neighbor’s property and thought that her connections and money would help, but suddenly the court sided with the victim and is now ordered to demolish it.
      Otherwise, everyone refers to politicians and oligarchs, as if this concerns many people. And they themselves will not even try to convict the scoundrel according to the law, thereby endangering future victims.
  4. +12
    24 January 2024 05: 16
    The message is clear, citizens will know all the laws, the king and God will become closer and dearer. smile
    1. +5
      24 January 2024 08: 14
      For some reason, everyone has forgotten the hostility of the Russian people to nettle seed. Lawyers, judges, solicitors, other tricksters (good definition, succinct).
      I don't care that there is no reason for a duel,
      I don’t care that the quarrel was over the ladies.
      But thank God, there are still men who are ashamed to wander around the courts.
    2. +8
      24 January 2024 08: 17
      Quote: parusnik
      The message is clear, citizens will know all the laws, the king and God will become closer and dearer.

      Our crazy printer passes hundreds of laws a year. Who wants to study them?
      1. -5
        24 January 2024 09: 26
        Quote: mordvin xnumx
        Quote: parusnik
        The message is clear, citizens will know all the laws, the king and God will become closer and dearer.

        Our crazy printer passes hundreds of laws a year. Who wants to study them?

        That is, you know that, for example, Order 160 of 1976 of the USSR Ministry of Defense on the management of military affairs was in force at the beginning of 2000 in the Russian Federation?
        Or is the 1964 order of the USSR Customs Committee on Chop and Brest still in effect?
        But God bless them with regulations that do not concern you...
        My son (a man with a law degree) tells me
        “Why don’t you return taxes for treatment?
        Well, we need to collect papers
        He laughs - “you have everything in your hands.”
        They scanned it, sent it through government services, and a week later they returned about 20 in 000 years.
        And there are such laws - but the population either does not know about them or thinks that it is unimaginably difficult, expensive and you have to sit in queues.
        But it’s impossible to simplify - for example, 10 years ago there were no mass-produced electric scooters, for example, but now they are crushing people. What will they come up with in a year and what laws will be needed for this - request
        1. +5
          24 January 2024 13: 14
          Quote: your1970
          That is, you know that for example

          I know that, for example, a color printer is supposed to be stored in a room behind an iron door with an alarm.
          1. 0
            24 January 2024 19: 09
            Quote: mordvin xnumx
            Quote: your1970
            That is, you know that for example

            I know that, for example, a color printer is supposed to be stored in a room behind an iron door with an alarm.

            Then I probably shouldn’t have told you that order 160 of the USSR Ministry of Defense was canceled.........
            1. +2
              24 January 2024 19: 13
              Quote: your1970
              Then I probably shouldn’t have told you that order 160 of the USSR Ministry of Defense was canceled.......

              This is for any printer, not military equipment. Law of the 90s.
              1. +1
                24 January 2024 21: 00
                Quote: mordvin xnumx
                Quote: your1970
                Then I probably shouldn’t have told you that order 160 of the USSR Ministry of Defense was canceled.......

                This is for any printer, not military equipment. Law of the 90s.

                I really shouldn’t have said about 160 - the printers were canceled around the same time. In the 2000s...
  5. +8
    24 January 2024 05: 29
    Knowledge is power, and knowledge of laws and the power to bear the burden of responsibility for yourself and your loved ones without shifting it is the advantage of the great. When you realize this postulate, imperceptibly even for yourself, the law turns from an obligation into a right.

    Beautifully said... only the author forgot to say that the laws are written by the Abramovichs, Friedmans, Krasheninikovs and other dubious individuals with values ​​far from the values ​​of ordinary citizens... and besides, the law is that the drawbar turned in the right direction and came out.
    Recently, 12-year-old children of migrants cut a man with knives in the entrance (hehe reprimanded them)... the poor fellow is in the hospital... and what do you think the law punished someone... they released the thugs? request ...that's the whole law...it's just a dummy.
    I have long since lost respect for these laws...fuck them.
    1. Des
      24 January 2024 07: 14
      And immediately a link to this event. Well, not to be unfounded. And everyone will see.
    2. -2
      24 January 2024 09: 34
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Recently 12 flying kids

      And you didn't know that 12 year old Are children NOT liable?
      That even according to the non-liberal Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1926, responsibility is only with 14 years and only half the term?
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Fuck them.
      That’s the whole position of the people. And then their eyes bulge out, “What are we doing???!”
      1. +2
        24 January 2024 09: 46
        That’s the whole position of the people. And then their eyes bulge out, “What are we doing???!”

        What do you suggest people do with these teenagers?
        In response, it is very easy for these thugs to cut their necks, hang them from nearby birch trees, beat them to death with bats... believe me, this is not difficult for the people to do... but our people, unlike the criminal element, are still for the most part law-abiding and prefer to deal with violators in civil ways... .delegating this right to the state...but for some reason the state decided that it could do nothing and not fulfill its functions in the form of a fair punishment.
        This imbalance must be eliminated...otherwise people's lynching will flare up...in Yakutia, after another murder of a local resident by a Tajik, there was almost a flare-up.
        Doesn’t the Kremlin really understand that they are walking on a razor’s edge...the powers that be are playing the game with the import of Tajiks, Uzbeks and other guests with Basmachi habits.
        1. -3
          24 January 2024 09: 57
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          but for some reason the state decided that it could do nothing and not fulfill its functions in the form of a fair punishment.

          You don't understand what's in this specific case they are not subject to criminal punishment due to age?
          И never were not subject to??
          1. +3
            24 January 2024 10: 15
            criminal punishment due to age

            There is punishment... but they were released...
            A child under 14 can be placed in a closed institution.

            To special closed educational institutions

            Minors aged from eleven to eighteen years who need special conditions of education, training and require a special pedagogical approach may be placed in cases where they:
            1) are not subject to criminal liability due to the fact that at the time of committing a socially dangerous act they have not reached the age at which criminal liability begins, i.e. 14 years (Murder)


            The federal law from 24.06.1999 N 120-FZ (redaction from 07.06.2017)
            “On the basics of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” (Part 4 of Article 15)
            In general, from the moment of committing a serious crime involving murder or causing serious harm to the health of a victim, criminal liability should occur regardless of age.
            Our deputies need to reduce the limits of responsibility for juvenile offenders.
            1. -5
              24 January 2024 10: 49
              Quote: Lech from Android.
              have not reached the age at which criminal liability begins, i.e. 14 years (Murder)
              - Well, you yourself quote the law and are surprised at the same time - why didn’t they close it? There is no murder.
              Quote: Lech from Android.
              In general, from the moment of committing a serious crime involving murder or causing serious harm to the health of a victim, criminal liability should occur regardless of age.
              Our deputies need to reduce the limits of responsibility for juvenile offenders.

              I had an acquaintance, a policeman in Tashkent in 1946. The dominance of gangs of children after the war, they killed 2 employees right next to the police department. The cops figured out the place and just shot everyone without sorting by age - they shot back. He personally killed 6.
              And then he spent his whole life atoning for his sin. Killing children is a sin, and prison will not correct them, due to the lack of brains yet.
              And you "tighten up"
          2. +10
            24 January 2024 11: 09
            all talk about forgiveness and legal punishment is nothing more than an attempt by the authorities to keep the people from retribution.
        2. +6
          24 January 2024 11: 32
          Wow, you write correctly. The people for the most part know the laws and know them quite well, but they also know how these laws are applied and enforced, especially when “it’s a leg, who needs a leg.” These understand, but they hope for 40, or how many of them there are already, “faithful Pikhotins” and that under their cover they will have time to sneak away into the camp of the one they call us enemies now. hi
          1. -3
            24 January 2024 11: 44
            Quote from AdAstra
            they hope for 40, or how many of them there are already, “faithful Pikhotins”

            Remind me why the USSR kept the Tamanskaya, Kantemirovskaya and Dzerzhinsky divisions in Moscow? + 40 police officers?
            Were you expecting a NATO landing on Moscow?
            1. +6
              24 January 2024 11: 46
              I’ll say yes, but you still won’t believe it.
              1. -2
                24 January 2024 12: 02
                Quote from AdAstra
                I’ll say yes, but you still won’t believe it.

                I won't believe it myself - then in NATO the generals were not from the gynecological troops, and ours were too much more adequately, to understand that NATO understands that the landing on Moscow is doomed even before departure.
                Come up with a nicer version, okay?
    3. +12
      24 January 2024 12: 25
      I'll give you some more:

      Azerbaijani Z. Karimov, who killed a Russian student in 2020, was released from prison.
      The judge of the St. Petersburg City Court, waiting for the outcry to subside, accepted the appeal and instead of the prescribed 11 years of strict regime, sentenced the killer to 1 year, after which Karimov was released right in the courtroom. According to the appeal, Karimov “shot at Vladislav Golikov in self-defense and had no intention of killing.”

      After the murder, the Azerbaijani fled from the crime scene, and when asked “Why did you escape from the crime scene?”, Karimov answered laughing that he “went to Luga to light a candle for the victim’s health.” In addition to the term of imprisonment, the judge mercifully (in accordance with the principles of a friendly court) reduced the amount of damage awarded to Karimov to the victim.
      1. +1
        24 January 2024 21: 32
        Quote: DwellerNet
        The judge of the St. Petersburg City Court, waiting for the outcry to subside, accepted the appeal and instead of the prescribed 11 years of strict regime, sentenced the killer to 1 year, after which Karimov was released right in the courtroom.

        Everything was slightly not this way.

        "First verdict. The Smolninsky District Court sentenced Zaur Karimov under Part 1 of Article 105 and Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder and fraud as part of an organized crime group) to 11 years in prison. The remaining members of the organized crime group received from 3 to 5 years for fraud, depending from a role in a criminal group.
        Appeal. Having received an appeal, the St. Petersburg City Court radically changed the verdict. His decision was published on the official website. Here, in fact, is the operative part:
        From the official website of the court.
        The decision is dated August 23, 2023. For those who are too lazy to read the screenshot, I report: Karimov’s actions have been reclassified as part 1 of Article 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (exceeding the limits of self-defense). In combination with fraud, he was finally assigned 4 years and 8 months imprisonment. PSince the term in the pre-trial detention center is credited a day and a half, then he has already served his sentence and was released"
        The appeal was heard by a court of 3 judges.

        I completely agree - not enough .But writing that they gave 1 year is incorrect
  6. Msi
    24 January 2024 05: 44
    And yet, why was this article written?

    Really good question... rubbish, not an article...
  7. +17
    24 January 2024 05: 48
    To be honest, it’s difficult to understand what the article is about at all, some kind of mental vinaigrette, or I just can’t recognize the author’s cunning message. Now laws, but feminists, now fatherlessness, now SVO, now heroes, then laws again, I really read the ingredients of yogurt. I don’t agree with the conclusions; knowledge of the laws will not help in any way if you don’t know how to apply them. Have you seen the legislation at all? There the devil himself will break his leg, almost every statement can often be interpreted in different ways, sometimes in two ways, sometimes in an extremely opposite way, and the newer the law, and the more amendments there are in it, the more difficult it is to understand it. Therefore, power is not in knowledge, power is in normal and understandable legislation, simple and understandable, and the main thing is that it all works, the fair application of these laws to everyone. And now you may know, but any law can be turned so that the guilty saint, and not the guilty hellish sinner.....
  8. +16
    24 January 2024 05: 49
    Why is it that, as before, we are far from the king, high from God?

    because with us it’s the same as before.
    1. +18
      24 January 2024 09: 05
      "For friends - everything, for the rest - the law"
  9. +12
    24 January 2024 06: 27
    Yesterday I was surprised by the proposal of another government. persons about raising the rent four times. And those who cannot pay are simply deprived of housing. Guys. Don’t be fooled by such statements. The authors of such statements know about the consequences. Dire consequences. Although, who knows. Capitalism is getting stupid. And people are getting stupid along with it. Only a real look at what is happening will help us a lot.
    1. +6
      24 January 2024 07: 32
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      proposal of the next state people about raising the rent four times

      Probably the people's chosen one? wink
      1. +7
        24 January 2024 08: 39
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        Probably the people's chosen one?

        Deputy Chairman of the Party of Pensioners, a certain Shirokov.
        1. +6
          24 January 2024 10: 31
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          Deputy Chairman of the Party of Pensioners, a certain Shirokov

          Well done Shirokov! Takes care of pensioners wink
    2. +9
      24 January 2024 09: 35
      Although, who knows. Capitalism is getting stupid. And along with it, people are getting stupid

      It’s more likely to become impudent..and people are afraid..that’s what they’re taking advantage of..the pension reform has worked, the ruble is regularly depreciated..everything goes wrong, people swallow it..that means we can continue to clamp down..I also heard the news about the rent..it will be according to the usual scenario..singing he will shout about a fourfold rise in prices, but the empiricist will ground him harshly, publicly flog him and raise the rent only twice... the scheme has been tested...
  10. +15
    24 January 2024 07: 46
    If the laws in Russia were observed at least by those who write them and must ensure their implementation, everyone would know them, since our people are smart and practical.
  11. +5
    24 January 2024 08: 03
    The family is big, two people
    Just men, my father... and grandfather.

    Recently, on a bus, a teenager about twenty years old threw a tantrum, and the poor thing’s feet were frozen. He asked me to kill him, he can’t even call his mother. How was he raised?!
    1. +7
      24 January 2024 11: 13
      Recently, on a bus, a teenager about twenty years old threw a tantrum, and the poor thing’s feet were frozen. He asked me to kill him, he can’t even call his mother. How was he raised?!

      people are creatures subject to the influence of others. Everyone around is manipulating each other. Children are parents, parents are children, teachers are students and students are teachers, bosses are subordinates and vice versa, friends are friends... When a small child, having fallen and hit his knee, runs, holding back tears, to his mother and only bursts into loud crying in front of her face - what is this if not an attempt at manipulation? And most often successful. And the older a person is, the more people around him he tries to manipulate. With varying degrees of success. Most people do this instinctively, without thinking. Moreover, everyone perceives their own manipulations as something natural, but when it suddenly turns out that someone manipulated them, people become indignant. But the ability to manipulate each other for anyone raised in society is as natural and inalienable as the ability to speak clearly or dress in accordance with generally accepted rules. Manipulate because you will be manipulated - this is the eternal law of human society...
      1. +2
        24 January 2024 11: 31
        Thanks for the detailed answer. hi
        But that's not what I'm talking about. There is no one to manipulate on the bus. In what kind of greenhouse environment should a man (?) be raised, so that with little discomfort he gets lost in space? He sat with his eyes closed and muttered God knows what. His peers are fighting...
        1. +4
          24 January 2024 12: 00
          By force of habit. And habit is second nature.
          When a small child, having fallen and hit his knee, runs, holding back tears, to his mother and only bursts into loud crying in front of her face - what is this if not an attempt at manipulation. And most often successful. And the older a person is, the more people around him he tries to manipulate. With varying degrees of success.
          Most people do this instinctively, without thinking.
  12. +6
    24 January 2024 08: 25
    Let's stop and think about whether it is so safe not to know the laws of the state in which we live, to transfer responsibility for ourselves into the hands of others, justifying our reluctance to bear the burden of responsibility - either by being busy, or by lack of interest, and sometimes simply by banality weakness

    Here you need to think about something else... and for whom are these laws written? And who observes them?
  13. +14
    24 January 2024 09: 17
    Strange article.
    How can knowing the laws (and it’s simply impossible to know everything) help you live?
    For many years I have worked exclusively in large organizations, which always have a full staff of lawyers. There are also a couple of close acquaintances - practicing lawyers and arbitrators.
    Something I didn’t notice was that it was somehow better/higher quality/yes that they could live differently.
    Or did the author mean all sorts of police officers, prosecutors and other ranks, who by default are entitled to a legal education? Well, it’s true that everything is a little different for them than for the average person. But this is not because they know the laws better :)
    We have a very basic law - the Constitution. On the basis of which all other laws are built.
    And what? Nobody follows it. Neither the state nor the citizen :)
    For example:
    Art.3. - No one can appropriate power in the Russian Federation.
    Yes. Already 24 and 12 more to go.
    Art.4. - The Russian Federation ensures the integrity and inviolability of its territory.
    Yes. Tell this to the people of Donetsk and Belgorod.
    Art.5. - All subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights among themselves.
    Yes. Especially Moscow and Chechnya.
    Art.7. The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.
    Yes. Tell a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 20 thousand about a decent life and free development.
    Art.10. - The legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent.
    Oh yeah! :)
    Etc. And so on. You can list them point by point until the evening.
    And, as it turned out, any law, including the very Constitution, can be changed very easily and quickly to please the ruling clique.
    1. -13
      24 January 2024 09: 49
      Quote: Mishka78
      Yes. Tell a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 20 thousand about a decent life and free development.

      Yeah. The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR to a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 60 rubles. Word for word..
      1. +9
        24 January 2024 10: 24
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: Mishka78
        Yes. Tell a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 20 thousand about a decent life and free development.

        Yeah. The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR to a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 60 rubles. Word for word..

        A nurse in the regional center for 20 thousand will pray for the employer.
        1. -2
          24 January 2024 11: 04
          Quote: S.Z.
          Quote: your1970
          Quote: Mishka78
          Yes. Tell a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 20 thousand about a decent life and free development.

          Yeah. The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR to a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 60 rubles. Word for word..

          A nurse in the regional center for 20 thousand will pray for the employer.

          Well, let's even say slightly more - 21, second cousin, regional center in the Saratov Trans-Volga region
          1. +5
            24 January 2024 11: 46
            Good regional center. In our regional hospital they don’t pay that much.
      2. mz
        24 January 2024 11: 13
        Quote: your1970

        Yeah. The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR to a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 60 rubles. Word for word..

        Lies. For example, in 1986, the monthly official salary of an ordinary nurse with up to 5 years of experience was 105 ryu, 5-10 years - 115 rubles, 10-15 years - 125 rubles. Operating room nurses and midwives received more. If an additional 0.25 - 0.5 bets - even more. There were additional payments for more difficult or harmful work (in infectious diseases, radiology departments, etc.).
        1. -4
          24 January 2024 11: 49
          Quote: mz
          Lies. For example, in 1986, the monthly official salary of an ordinary nurse with up to 5 years of experience was 105 ryu, 5-10 years - 115 rubles, 10-15 years - 125

          By all means.
          Only problem is that my mother, being the head of the SES tank laboratory with 2 subordinates, the highest category and 20 years of service, received 1985 rubles in 128. I don’t know how much the subordinates had, but definitely less than my mother’s.
          Your 125 - some North / Crooked Lake, but not the middle zone where I lived.
          1. mz
            24 January 2024 12: 00
            No, I wrote that in 1986, it would have been more correct to write from the end of 1986. These data for the middle zone are from the order of the USSR Ministry of Health N 1420. In the North there were additional ones. allowances. I checked with my mother (she is a doctor since 1976): the salaries of nurses with experience when she just started working were approximately the same as the salary of a beginning doctor - about .120 rubles
            1. -6
              24 January 2024 12: 11
              I have no one to ask - mine died. But I gave the numbers that she said.
              The only question then is why was there an eternal turnover among nurses/nannies and how poor were the doctors - if their salary was equal to that of unqualified personnel? Nonsense....
              1. +4
                24 January 2024 13: 43
                Quote: your1970
                The only question then is why was there an eternal turnover among nurses/nannies and how poor were the doctors - if their salary was equal to that of unqualified personnel?

                My sister is now retired and still works as a nurse; in the late 80s she received 80, not 60. And those 20 rubles are the rent for that two-room apartment, the piece of paper from which you like to display here.
                1. 0
                  24 January 2024 21: 40
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  My sister is now retired and still works as a nurse, in the late 80s she received 80, not 60.

                  You decide for yourself my opponent
                  Quote: mz
                  Lies. For example, in 1986 d. monthly official salary of an ordinary nurse with up to 5 years of experience - 105 ryu, 5-10 years - 115 rub., 10-15 years - 125 rub.

                  Well, or your sister’s length of service was counted in reverse and was deducted from her salary
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  20 rubles is the rent for that two-room apartment, the piece of paper from which you like to display here.
                  - you confused me with someone. Not once in 11 years have I submitted any pieces of paper for rent - due to the fact that I have such no, neither the parents’ nor the grandfather’s were preserved. But to exhibit others Without being sure of their authenticity, I won't.
                  You confused me with someone
                  1. 0
                    24 January 2024 21: 51
                    Quote: your1970
                    Well, or your sister’s length of service was counted in reverse and was deducted from her salary

                    I wrote it as I remember. We need to check with her.
                    Quote: your1970
                    You confused me with someone

                    Perhaps I will not argue.
                    1. +1
                      24 January 2024 23: 42
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      I wrote it as I remember. We need to check with her.

                      You see what an anecdote - for the statement that the salary was 60 rubles, I was hit with 18 minuses. That is, 18 people were firmly convinced that more than 100 rowers and generally fattened and ate black caviar.
                      And then you came - your own, Soviet, dear - and dropped a battery on their feet. Putting minuses on you is bad for you towards the USSR - someone even gave a thumbs up in surprise and unexpectedness of your somersault.
                      So you are now on the side of the “anti-Soviet” lol - writing the truth
                      1. +3
                        25 January 2024 00: 02
                        Quote: your1970
                        So you have now taken the side of the “anti-Sovietists” - by writing the truth

                        Quote: your1970
                        So you have now taken the side of the “anti-Sovietists” - by writing the truth

                        Didn't get up. She received 80 rubles immediately after graduating from medical school, at that time the four of us lived in a one-room apartment, the rent was 13 rubles. Quite good, as it were. 6 quarters salary. Now she and her husband live in a two-room apartment, earn less than thirty thousand, and pay an average of about 7 thousand for rent. Like less. Comparing with sugar and the like is stupid, because you can’t live without a roof over your head, unlike sugar. A little later, my dad got a B for 80 square meters, and here your current capitalism is in deep trouble.
                      2. -2
                        25 January 2024 06: 13
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        Didn't get up. She received 80 rubles immediately after graduating from medical school, at that time the four of us lived in a one-room apartment, the rent was rubles 13

                        Nevertheless, the numbers you give are anti-Soviet -
                        Quote: kreck
                        utilities were average back then 3 ruble

                        And also - me not I said that now nurses live richly - I said that even now, even then, their salaries were small.

                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        your capitalism today
                        - he is mine and yours and my opponents.
                        The people of the Soviet Union, all 300 million of its population, pumped up and together jumped into capitalism - for jeans and chewing gum. They wrote about it in the editorials of Soviet newspapers - but no one read them
      3. +4
        24 January 2024 11: 28
        Yeah. The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR
        And in the USA, blacks were lynched... and were not allowed to go to school...
      4. +9
        24 January 2024 12: 03
        Let’s calculate the salary of a Soviet nurse in a modern way, well, at least for a communal apartment. So, as you say, the salary is 60 rubles, utilities then averaged 3 rubles. Now, the salary is 20000, the communal apartment for a nurse in the regional center is on average 7000,
        those. in those days, a nurse spent 1/20 of her salary on utilities, therefore, in a modern way, that nurse received 140000, and a modern nurse, at that time, would receive 9 rubles. Well, something like this.
        1. +10
          24 January 2024 12: 20
          Let's calculate the salary
          You set such a task beyond your strength, you set it to an expert, he will now write to you, as if in torn felt boots, he stood in lines for many kilometers for sour cream in Moscow, the trams did not run, the metro did not work, and at school, he did not write in notebooks, but on newsprint between the lines and many more interesting things... And only now has a bright future arrived... after the dark Soviet past laughing
          1. +3
            25 January 2024 14: 58
            At one time, such a “profession” appeared - anti-adviser, and it is still in demand... winked
            1. +3
              25 January 2024 15: 45
              At one time, such a “profession” appeared
              There is such a profession, watering the guano of the USSR, and then after the complete victory of world capitalism, he will go to teaching smile
        2. -8
          24 January 2024 12: 20
          Quote: kreck
          Let’s calculate the salary of a Soviet nurse in a modern way, well, at least for a communal apartment.

          A kilo of sugar cost a ruble = 60 kg (+ - I don’t remember the kopecks in the price)
          A kilo of sugar is now 60 rubles = 333 kg
          The salary is already 5.5 times more than then
          And the nurse of that time would have received roughly 300 belay
          And the current one at those prices is 3 belay
          And yes, if the then nurse had current consumers like the current one, then she would have only for electricity it would cost 4-5 rubles at a cost of 1 k per kWh.
          And so of course - 3 light bulbs burned for 50 kopecks a month lol
          1. +11
            24 January 2024 12: 57
            You can also count by salt, by matches, by meat, by cigarettes, by milk, by butter, etc. , let us note that back then there were NATURAL products for which the prices now cannot be compared, and not the surrogate chemistry of which stores are filled and also at astronomical prices. Oh, better yet, count by eggs! Goodbye, I don’t think it’s necessary to amuse demagogues any longer.
            1. -3
              24 January 2024 21: 50
              Quote: kreck

              Why don't you think beet sugar is natural?
              Quote: kreck
              Goodbye, I don’t think it’s necessary to amuse demagogues any longer.

              And I am happy to say goodbye to the demagogue who talks about the luxurious life of Soviet nurses.
              Quote: kreck
              Oh, better yet, count by eggs!
              I am tormented by suspicions that today’s nurses are not far behind the Soviet ones even at their current cosmic price.
      5. man
        24 January 2024 12: 53
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: Mishka78
        Yes. Tell a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 20 thousand about a decent life and free development.

        Yeah. The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR to a nurse in a regional center with a salary of 60 rubles. Word for word..

        the minimum wage in the USSR was 70 rubles. Moreover, it was not subject to income tax
      6. +10
        24 January 2024 13: 37
        Quote: your1970
        The same thing could have been told in the people's USSR

        Sergey, I don’t understand, are you suffering from some kind of psychological trauma? This is not the first time I’ve seen you write something like this in response to me. Why do you drag your negativity towards the USSR into every post, no matter what it is about? There is not a word in my message about how wonderful it was in the Soviet Union. Why did you write me this comment?
        To clarify the position.
        As I understand from your nickname, you are 8 years older than me and know better about life in the USSR, I was 13 years old in 1991. So you are 21. Therefore, you can probably tell me how bad it was for you there. But let’s tell you this to me in specialized topics, and not where not even a word was said about our great Motherland :)
        Well, I’ll add a little about myself.
        At the time of the collapse of the country, my father was in the rank of captain, my mother was a typist in the machinery bureau. Nobody grabbed the stars from the sky, we lived in a Khrushchev-era building from the Ministry of Defense (I still live in it), until 1984 in a room in a communal apartment, we didn’t live richly, but I attended free clubs, school, pioneer camps for 3 months every summer for mere pennies, I ate normally, I walked from the age of 7 until 23 at night on my own, without supervision, because... was it safe, etc. and so on.
        In short, I have warm and positive memories of the country in which I was born and raised.
        And you are unlikely to convince me of this. And I’m also a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation :)
        1. -2
          24 January 2024 23: 12
          Quote: Mishka78
          Why do you drag your negativity towards the USSR into every post, no matter what it is about?

          I'm tired of of today's negativity. I'm tired of what everyone has forgotten now - as in actually lived then. Everyone got fixated on “the grass is greener, the sky is bluer..” and at the same time they got greedy and simply over-eating.
          The moment when the country went crazy with jeans and gave your mother’s salary for pants. Are you ready to pay 20-30 for pants now? No, these are ordinary clothes that absolutely anyone can buy. And then it was a whole epic to get pants.
          I’m tired of nonsense like the communists calling themselves a billionaire candidate (ruble but billionaire) - and his speeches were different belay from the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of that time.
          I'm tired of cliches like
          “The best education in the world” and half the country puts sores on the TV
          “The best medicine in the world” and 4 burs for a dentist for a week in the regional center. Free - yes, but the best, given that 10 people have drilled with this bur before you. Well, that’s it....
          In my USSR passport there was a 3 Rh blood type, and in my military service it was 4 Rh -.
          Doctors say that if an expired reagent was stored incorrectly, etc., the wrong group may be shown, but in Rhesus it is impossible to miss at all. The best medicine in the world...

          Quote: Mishka78
          And I’m also a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation :)
          Until you refresh the ruins, the party will remain in opposition - but the Duma. It’s convenient and safe, yeah...
          And you understand this yourself......
          1. +1
            25 January 2024 18: 30
            Quote: your1970
            I'm tired of today's negativity. I'm tired of the fact that everyone has forgotten now - how life really was then. Everyone got fixated on “the grass is greener, the sky is bluer..” and at the same time they got greedy and simply over-eating.

            Sergey, but I, excuse the word, don’t care how life was in the USSR.. I was little, I can’t really compare.. but I don’t care how it is now.. and half the country is like this already in 2023.. I’m honest speaking of course, it’s interesting how it was in the USSR - the history of a great country after all .. but it’s not particularly important “for today” - I didn’t really have time to live that life .. but how it is now is very interesting and important .. and the fact that 10-15 years ago life was better, I can say unequivocally...and I can also say unequivocally that now every year “the further into the forest, the thicker the partisans”, as well as the fact that tomorrow is unclear..and what does the USSR have to do with it , today, can you tell me? you have to live for today and look to tomorrow... the past has already passed...
            1. 0
              26 January 2024 12: 20
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              Sergey, but I, excuse the word, don’t care how life was in the USSR.. I was little, I can’t really compare.. but I don’t care how it is now.. and half the country is like this already in 2023..

              You see, when there is a constant groan around you “how bad everything is” - you involuntarily begin to feel how bad everything is. Even if everything around you is normal or even good.
              Look, a banal example: “It’s dangerous for children to be on the street now!!!” .
              Do you know why? Because children are now valuable PROPERTY - yes, yes!!
              Children can be taken away from you, taken away, stolen, you invest money in children when you teach them, you faint when they are beaten at school, you do not allow them to wash the floors at school (your property should not be used by someone else for FREE).
              This is the current reality.
              Now relate this attitude to the USSR - where the children were NOBODIES (more likely public, but still nobodies)
              Any passer-by felt the right to screw your ears, we washed the floors at school. We, horror of horrors, walked 4 km to school across the steppe in winter. In this place, several adults froze to death (and 2 of them were not even drunks).
              We stole a carbide drum in the 5th grade, rolled it to a construction site, threw it into a vat of water and threw a torch. It exploded so that a floor slab fell from the 2nd floor - we stood a meter from the place where it fell, a little closer and there would be no one to write to.
              We climbed a sand quarry where a couple of children were crushed by a collapse of sand.
              Can you imagine what would happen now if this happened now? Yes, the media would howl, whipping up psychosis - “A first-grader walks alone in a snowstorm across the steppe in the cold to school!!!” And friendly parents - “Deprive these parents of parental rights! Take their children away from them! Monsters!! Uuuuuuuuck!!!!”
              Is it more dangerous now for a first grader to take the bus to school in the morning or to walk across the steppe in a snowstorm to school then? It is more dangerous to explode carbide then or sitting now in the courtyard of a high-rise building during the day where are the cameras hanging?
              Were the parents worried then that the child had gotten into a fight? Yeah, right now... the main thing is that they don’t register, the rest is little things “children always fight!”
              I asked our mathematician - who used to hit her on the head with a pointer for cheating on tests - at the alumni meeting, I asked “Are you hitting?” - “Are you scared to swear now, let alone hit!!”
              Did our parents know that Lyuba was breaking pointers over our heads? They knew and said, “That’s right! Maybe she’ll learn something!” Was that right? No, of course not, but I checked my son’s mathematics in grades up to 7 25 years later.
              And having written this, I will not be surprised to hear once again about “anti-Soviet and pro-government”
  14. +19
    24 January 2024 10: 02
    What a court, what knowledge of the laws!!!! First do what you have!!!
    I already wrote about my problem. My employer didn’t pay me my salary for six months, I quit my job with nothing..., I sued, I won (1,5 years, by the way), I don’t want to remember some things, I collected all the stones with my belly.
    And after that I can’t get what I scratched out in court!!! Because we have such an organization as the bailiff service that only extracts money from citizens and bypasses legal entities. "Don't make your business a nightmare"!!!
    Complain? It’s possible, two trips to the prosecutor’s office, a complaint through the same government services. And what? “Your rights were violated, your complaint is fair, everything is filed in the case.”
    I understand that in THIS STATE I provided an interest-free loan to my former employer, not the poorest person. AND IT IS THE STATE that business rights to enrichment take precedence over my right to salary.
    What am I supposed to do? With a can of gasoline to Red Square? So they will be put in the same cell with Strelkov for discrediting the political system!!!
  15. +14
    24 January 2024 11: 04
    The article is about nothing.
    Do you know what’s bad about the self-defense law in Russia compared to its counterparts in other countries? The fact that in Russia, if you kill someone who threatens you or your loved ones with death and is trying to get into your house, you will be imprisoned for murder. And in those same states they will be completely acquitted.

    “With bad laws and good officials it is quite possible to rule the country. But if the officials are bad, even the best laws will not help.”

    The number of laws in Russia is compensated by their total non-implementation.

    The law is an ax for the poor, a shackle for the rich, and a toy for the rich.
    1. -1
      24 January 2024 11: 53
      Quote: kreck
       The fact that in Russia, if you kill someone who threatens you or your loved ones with death and is trying to get into your house, you will be imprisoned for murder. And in those same states they will be completely acquitted.

      Let me humbly remind you of a married couple in the USA whose blacks tore down their gates and they THREATENED them with a pistol and a rifle - they barely avoided going to prison. It was for the threat that they would shoot, there would be no questions. One citizen has more than one less - in the USA this is absolutely irrelevant
      1. +11
        24 January 2024 12: 35
        I once got caught for exceeding the required defense, and for 3 years I proved that I was not a camel. They were charged with premeditated murder and sentenced from 7 to 15 years, there were 5 trials. We sat on the same bench with the rest of the attackers, they - for attacking. I - for defending myself. The Supreme Court overturned on cassation appeals, with the wording “cancel the sentence, send it to the same court, but with a different composition of judges.” Only this was the first time the chairman of the regional court judged me, and his subordinates did not want to recognize him as wrong. As a result, the Supreme Court reclassified the article as exceeding the term that I served under investigation. So I studied the laws on this topic thoroughly, what is here and what is there, for comparison.
    2. man
      24 January 2024 13: 00
      The number of laws in Russia is compensated by their total non-implementation.
      Not certainly in that way. "The severity of Russian laws is more than compensated by the non-binding nature of their implementation." Someone said this back under tsarism
      1. +3
        24 January 2024 13: 03
        That’s how it was under the Tsar, but now it’s changed a little.
        1. man
          24 January 2024 13: 12
          Quote: kreck
          That’s how it was under the Tsar, but now it’s changed a little.

          Yes? And in which direction? This is not banter; despite my advanced age, I have never had any dealings with the law. And “my police”, both in the USSR and now, still “take care of me” smile
          1. +3
            24 January 2024 18: 13
            never had anything to do with the law. And “my police”, both in the USSR and now, still “protect me”
            If you ever come across, no matter in what capacity, a victim or a suspect, then you will understand, from your own experience it is better understood that I will tell you “fairy tales” in vain.
            As for the police, a normal person should definitely not have hopes for them. In other countries, their law-abiding inhabitants, for the most part, can and should be perceived as assistants in protection from everything dangerous and obscene. Here... Probably, over time, law enforcement officers simply forget that their main task is to protect conscientious citizens from unscrupulous ones, and nothing else. No wonder they were called the troops of justice in their time. But then a certain moment comes, and they begin not to serve and protect, but to put pressure and provide protection. And people turn away from them, and even honest workers, falling into this vicious circle, become embittered. The rule “If you see a cop, cross to the other side of the street” has not lost any of its relevance even after the police were renamed the police. The name is new, but the rotten inside is old. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, and they are by no means rare. But to expect that on your way you will come across someone who is not a typical representative of law enforcement... Well, well, I’m not a bright-hearted optimist, this flaw is definitely not characteristic of me.
            1. man
              24 January 2024 19: 38
              If you ever come across, no matter in what capacity, a victim or a suspect, then you will understand, from your own experience it is better understood that I will tell you “fairy tales” in vain.
              I am many years old and was brought up by Uncle Stepa the policeman. I simply cannot imagine that a policeman, or indeed a person in uniform, could cause me any harm! I’m not dumb, and of course, I read and understand that times have changed, but I can’t help myself! smile You won’t believe it, I’ve never seen anything bad from the police, only good things, and even under capitalism! When I asked for help or a request, they always helped me, and completely free of charge! I would list it for you, but sometime later, now I’m really upset about our plane...
            2. man
              24 January 2024 19: 46
              The rule “If you see a cop, cross to the other side of the street” has not lost any of its relevance even after the police were renamed the police. The name is new, but the rotten inside is old.
              But for me, on the contrary, I was never able to utter the word “police” to the police officers. For our generation, “policeman” means enemy! Stupid young people came up with this renaming; they could have waited until the old people died out...
  16. +5
    24 January 2024 11: 10
    The level of publications on the site has confidently surpassed the “zen” mark and is rapidly moving towards the “tik-tok” mark.
  17. +4
    24 January 2024 11: 24
    After reading this article, I had an epiphany: God and the king have become closer.. laughing
  18. +3
    24 January 2024 11: 26
    Uh, no, dear Author in this article shifts, as they say, “from a sore head to a healthy one,” and the root of all this is not that some “boy” was once raised by his mother, not his father.
  19. +3
    24 January 2024 12: 59
    Lately they have been saying more and more often that our “tsar is not real.”
    1. +3
      24 January 2024 13: 50
      Quote: vet
      that our “tsar is not real.”

      It’s just that the king’s eggs have become expensive, but the people want to eat them.
      1. +3
        25 January 2024 15: 03
        You write sedition: eggs have fallen in price by about 1,5%, as officials recently reported! winked
  20. +7
    24 January 2024 13: 39
    Ignorance of laws among ordinary people! Moreover, instilled from childhood is a reluctance to study them, how to focus your attention on them in principle, as if the laws exist separately and somewhere far from us, maybe even in a different reality

    You know, many people have a reflex - if they are faced with selected nonsense and game, they do not try to delve into it because their mind tells them that it is energy-consuming and will not be of any use.
    Our laws are florid and not written for us and not in our interests. These rules were written by those in power to justify their specific rights and leave for themselves specific loopholes in law enforcement.
    It is in environments where the law is divorced from reality and functional utility and there is a de facto division into “law” and various “concepts”. “Concepts” are what are intuitively easier to put into place and the easier it is for an individual to operate (I don’t mean some criminal “concepts,” but the very principle of “extralegal regulatory rules”).
    In our case, laws are regularly rewritten and supplemented, many formulations exist in sophisticated forms of bird language, and the intuitive perception of meaning and form will diverge greatly “in spirit.” For example, recently several people were tried under the article “terrorism”, and from a legislative point of view everything was really super serious, while from a common point of view it was some kind of nonsense with the participation of people who did not even come close to falling under the image of “terrorists”.
    This is just an isolated example of how an existing law distances itself from empirical understanding.

    From the point of view of the law (as well as from the point of view of much that exists in this country), it is the Everyman who MUST do something - he must run after it, delve into it, remember it. Must, must, must.
    We actually owe a ton today, we built such a luxurious house - it’s just some kind of twenty-year mortgage.
    Does such a system work? Yes it works, you can walk on your hands and drink soup through your nose.
    Is it effective? There are big questions here. The perfection of legislation can be assessed by the amounts circulating in the gray and black sectors of the economy, by the revealed facts of corruption and the approximate amount of funds involved in it, by the percentage of inmates in relation to the population.
    It’s like the old Soviet principle “it’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.”

    We have been littering, littering and probably will litter - this indicates the complex imperfection of the current rules.
    1. -1
      24 January 2024 16: 23
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      It is in environments where the law is divorced from reality and functional utility and there is a de facto division into “law” and various “concepts”. "

      Law in a state is determined by laws. And law enforcement, the work of laws, is based on the morals and customs of society. Which you call the word "concepts".... The custom of society is stronger than the Law, this is also A.S. Pushkin understood when he wrote “Custom is a despot among people.”

      “Functional utility” is NOT a feasible task! Because what is “useful” for the buyer (buy cheaper) is “harmful” for the seller (who wants, on the contrary, to sell more expensive). And therefore the Law is always “torn off”, but not from reality, but from those who do not have the skill for collective action for the sake of common interest. And the law is never torn away from those who have such a skill. This is fine.

      Our society has a knack for uniting only to spoil things for enemies or steal something. To plunder the country. Whatever the laws. Therefore, the laws of the USSR were alien to the people and no one wanted to implement them. And today’s, no matter how tight the people are, WILL STAND FIRM.... As long as the people are alive!
      1. +2
        24 January 2024 16: 56
        Just as there is a fairly thin line between the Guardian and the Overseer, there is the same line between rules for the benefit of people and rules for their enslavement.
        The percentage of coexistence of these rules in general laws is one of the factors by which one can say whether laws are good or bad from the point of view of society.

        I would say “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” - my personal attitude towards current laws was finally formed when I was a juror in one case. A man was marinated for a year and a half for attempted murder, when in fact he was simply kicked by a drunken company, and when one knocked him down and began to stupidly choke him, he cut him with a fragment of a bottle.
        Now, not only did a year and a half of the life of a person who was actually a victim go down the drain (pre-trial detention center) due to the shaky habits of how everything is done in the paper-based procedural realm, not only that, along the way, it emerged that the local etsilopes they wanted stars for apprehending a dangerous criminal and not for breaking up a drunken brawl, not only that the previous jury trials were closed twice “for technical reasons” and everything started all over again - in the end, my uncle, being unanimously acquitted, simply got some pennies in his teeth, and the essence of the matter, which could have been outlined in two days MAXIMUM and which a gupia with half an amputated brain would have understood, dragged on for two weeks.

        I looked at all this and was HORROR. You know, for me it all looked like a trash tent based on medieval torture. The guy was in fact trying to defend himself in a clear situation - but everything almost turned out like this (and from the prosecutor’s point of view, it was pretty damn clear) as if he was a rogue villain who single-handedly went out to kill a company of 5 people with a rosette.
        After that, I made quite definite conclusions for myself and I stand by them, as they say.

        Everything is more than overflowing with ineffective, unusable, superfluous, cannibalistic and conceptually wild. In the 21st century, with its technology, systems of this kind are crazy archaic, it’s not even some kind of steampunk, but stupidly neolithic punk, with caves and a mammoth hunt.

        But, I repeat, these are all purely my observations, conclusions and opinions - I do not impose them on anyone. From these conclusions, for me personally, a completely unambiguous attitude towards the system is derived, which for years has been absolutely calmly contemplating all this and not seeing in it either a problem or motivation for the fastest solution.
        1. +2
          24 January 2024 18: 08
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          my personal attitude towards current laws was finally formed when I served as a juror in a case

          You see, if everything came down to the same laws, then juries and even judges would not be needed. The business of the court is to interpret and apply laws. Because the law cannot work on its own. It must be applied. There must be some attitude towards existing judges. Believe me, there are no fools among them. The classic case is in the fairy tale about the judge who ordered the murderer of a child to “make the victim a new one.”

          According to our law, in March 1996 the State Duma decided that Yeltsin’s actions constituted a crime under Article of the Criminal Code on treason. The resolution was adopted by people with legal education. And after that Yeltsin was elected President. Also by law. But what does the law actually have to do with it?
          I believe that even today our law itself is not bad. But law enforcement, as a consequence of morals, is at the level of past centuries.
          1. +1
            24 January 2024 18: 23
            I usually like openwork hypotheticals, but in this particular case, Ivan, I evaluate “together what we have.” I don’t care so much about the details with the analysis of fools somewhere or it’s like “a very cunning plan” - I try to see the picture from a higher vantage point. Above all these cunning plans, so to speak.

            And from this point of view, what we are talking about is another element playing against our competitiveness on a global and domestic scale. The struggle to improve and modernize this is not a struggle “for the people and in the name of humanism” - I suspect that we will not reach this understanding soon, if at all. No. But this is a struggle to maintain competitive advantages in the era of globalism - this should be more clear to the bourgeoisie and “jackets”, because this is a question of preserving their privileges and income, the inviolability of their existence.
            But no, they don’t understand or incorrectly assess the scale of the problem.
            Fortunately, they were very lucky with people - there are still more than enough people ready to smear themselves with nut butter under any movement or snap of their fingers. But there are fewer people, and the change of generations shows us trends that are sharply unfavorable for such a configuration.

            There are many people who lament that our civilizational project is fading and in decline - they blame this on various undead creatures from the times of 30-40 years ago. There is some truth in this - but this dish consists of many ingredients. We didn’t build the country for people - we got what we got. And now we are building a country not for people - what will be the result? :)
            1. 0
              25 January 2024 09: 12
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              We didn’t build the country for people - we got what we got. And now we are building a country not for people - what will be the result? :)

              You are contradictory. Either you write that you don’t like the laws, then “... we didn’t build for people.” And then you can’t see the Soviet laws, which were beneficial to the majority of people.

              Once again, the problem is in the morals of society, which is divided “into atoms”. He is not united by any ideology. It has not adopted the ideas of Christianity, liberalism or communism..... . Nothing!
              In the USSR, he was united by work at large enterprises, and today - only the Russian language. And at all times - coercion of the State. .

              It consists of individual people and everyone is for himself and is not happy that nothing has been arranged for him personally.
              1. -1
                25 January 2024 10: 57
                No contradictions, Ivan. Soviet laws were built around an ideology that practiced the denial of part of human essence, rights and interests. The fact that it compensated (and sometimes successfully) in other areas of lawmaking does not reduce the fact that the right was taken away or its replacement with simulation.
                You, as a person of left-wing convictions, due to dogmatism of thinking, will not want to admit this, and, therefore, the destructive influences of such practices will remain beyond your knowledge.
                I’ll give you an analogy - your right leg and part of your left arm were cut off, but at the same time you are fed well, your room has central heating and the doctors come to see you and ask how you are doing there. That is, it’s kind of like care and, in general, the conditions are good - IF NOT FOR A COUPLE OF NUANCES, so to speak.
                The USSR forced people into a collective, later forced people into the Komsomol and the party, it limited movement around the country and the ability to go abroad, limited freedom of activity and forced them to act in one form or another. Despite the “laws” there was a practice of non-public decisions (the troika, among others) bypassing legislative procedures, there was punitive psychiatry - that is, the illegal simulation of diagnoses in unwanted people, with the aim of “pressuring” them.
                Now I have no interest in scrupulously listing all these vicious and worthless things, because it will be a long list and because I know very well that to any leftist this is like grain to an elephant. But you seem to often write here, including smart things - perhaps this could provide some basis for personal analysis.

                As for “beneficial to the majority” - do you know the thought experiment with the trolley? Well, where there are 2 tracks, an outside observer and a trolley rolling towards them, and on one track there are 5 people, and on the other 2. If you switch to 2 each time, then formally you are acting in the interests of the majority. But this way you can kill all of humanity by simply adding 2 at a time. Formally, you will save five each time, but in fact the picture will be different.
                1. +1
                  26 January 2024 08: 11
                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  No contradictions, Ivan. Soviet laws were built around an ideology that practiced the denial of part of human essence,... rights and interests. What she compensated for (and sometimes successfully)
                  You, as a person of left-wing convictions, due to dogmatism of thinking, will not want to admit this, and, therefore, the destructive influences of such practices will remain beyond your knowledge.
                  I’ll give you an analogy - your right leg and part of your left arm were cut off... in the ward
                  The USSR forced people into a collective, later forced people into the Komsomol and the party, it limited movement around the country and the ability to go abroad, limited freedom of activity and forced them to act in one form or another. Despite the “laws” there was a practice of non-public decisions (the troika, including) bypassing legislative procedures, and because I know very well that for any leftist this is like grain to an elephant

                  As for “beneficial to the majority” - you know the thought experiment with.

                  Haven’t you noticed that you gradually began to get personal and instead of proving your opponent’s inconsistency, you use analogies, parallels, and labeling? Understand that an analogy is not proof of correctness. And I, for example, am not a “leftist” at all, but a believer. I accept the historical limitations of all humanity as a whole and of individual people.

                  Let’s do this, it’s better if they “cut off your leg” and not mine. And as compensation, I will inform you that any civilization and any state law limits human nature. Because this nature is initially wild...

                  Free savages “walk under the bush,” but civilized ones have to resign themselves and go to the room marked WC. So the people in the USSR were not pleased with the restriction of freedom by the Law. But the restriction of freedom by the will of his master, the employer, when he kicks the “free” one into the street is normal!!

                  You write that in the USSR they “forced people into groups.” This is funny! But weren’t people forced into collectives under the feudal system or under capitalism?

                  As for Soviet laws, they were adopted by an elected body - the Supreme Council. Now there is no elected body with such powers and there cannot be! In the USSR, legislation was objectively more democratic than today... There is nothing to cover up here....
                  In our new history, the last All-Russian Congress of Legislative Power was shot from tanks 30 years ago!

                  And even the “Red Emperor” Stalin in the 30s held only elected positions. But if our society, absolutely under any legislation, lives as under an Autocratic Monarchy, these are its morals, customs, and problems. [But Soviet laws have nothing to do with it. If something in the USSR was not good, “that was the way it was,” then we must ask the question: “Why was it that way?”
                  And we will see that it was so not because of the law, but because these are the archaic traditions of society. Those who do not allow the law to be executed. A society without any analogies, but “one-to-one” is permeated with the spirit of a cargo cult religion, simulating the actions of “white people”, but in practice it lives according to the laws of past centuries.

                  And his problems (from Soviet laws, from the State Planning Committee, from collective farms, from Karl Marx and leftists, etc.) are the nonsense of a dying society that has reached the limit of historical development.
                  This is understandable simply because the problems of societies with a historical perspective, as always, come from one source: only from fools, thieves and traitors. There are no other problems.
              2. 0
                25 January 2024 11: 03
                Once again, the problem of society is not its “atomization,” the problem is that we cannot build an adequate structure that provides space for each of these atoms.
                The problem is not the lack of ideology - the problem is that the environment that we have created is damn uncomfortable and imperfect, and the “atoms” existing in it are trying to leave it.
                There are two options here - our “traditional” one, namely, to take away a bunch of rights from these atoms and force them to move like chess pawns. This is the path of dictatorship, repression, suppression and propaganda.
                The second is conventionally “Western”, when an environment rich in freedom of activity is created, in which everyone has a place (who is looking for it), and whoever is not there can easily find it across the border. This approach is imperfect and it can and should be modernized because every thing is not the apogee of the ideal. However, there is much less violence “in concept”.
    2. +3
      24 January 2024 16: 30
      You know, many people have a reflex - if they are faced with selected nonsense and game, they do not try to delve into it because their mind tells them that it is energy-consuming and will not be of any use.

      Great comment good hi
  21. +3
    24 January 2024 14: 05
    There is another important aspect in legal illiteracy - this is the peculiar style, the language in which laws are written. Usually, in the second phrase, the text drives an unprepared person into a stupor. For an ordinary citizen, whose character is not tailored to such developments, studying the laws is torture. Added to this obstacle are the many regulations that are regularly updated, but updates are usually only available to those directly involved in legal affairs. Hence the opinion that the law is that whatever the drawbar is put in, it goes there.
    It’s just that lawyers and legally savvy/wealthy businessmen are aware in advance of the latest updates and their chances of winning a case, and do not meddle in losing cases, regardless of whose side the truth is in good conscience. These constantly appearing provocations of bloggers - I suspect that they are planned with consultation from lawyers, and in addition are insured. Their strategy is simple: a blatant incident cannot be publicly punished under the law to adequately inflict moral damage. This creates destabilization within the country. If it is suddenly possible to provoke an extrajudicial killing, then the person is paid insurance, and the state acquires in the eyes of the “world community” the status of a country where “lawlessness reigns.” The solution may be a lawsuit against such a “blogger”, blocking his earnings from provocation; here the war of the “bashers” begins, but they are accustomed to deals and not to war, because they are made of a single substance.
  22. +2
    24 January 2024 15: 57
    Quote from AdAstra
    Wow, you write correctly. The people for the most part know the laws and know them quite well, but they also know how these laws are applied and enforced, especially when “it’s a leg, who needs a leg.” These understand, but they hope for 40, or how many of them there are already, “faithful Pikhotins” and that under their cover they will have time to sneak away into the camp of the one they call us enemies now. hi

    So here VO behaves strangely - you had three pluses and two minuses, but in total VO got... -1. IN . bully from such arithmetic. and you want. so that there is justice in the country...
  23. +1
    24 January 2024 18: 49
    I read the comments, they only confirmed my concept that this is a “Rule of Law” state. In my opinion, this term divides people into at least two categories, one of them has “Right”, and the other “Right to Fight”, and all together this is a rule of law state. I’ll refer to the president’s joke: “You have the right, but who will let you?” All the best and health.
  24. +4
    24 January 2024 19: 26
    GDP sets the rules of the game.
    If he says that Wagner PMCs don’t exist, although they have been around for 9 years, and mercenaryism is a crime, then what can we say about anything else.
    What you don’t remember... Sellers of sports nutrition, 3000 Armat, Trampolines and the “killer of Russian pilots in Syria”, defenders of the Khimki forest and Strelkov - everything goes where they were told to turn.
    Where I live, the land was state-owned, then once - private... Demolish the forests, build... The courts were lost. But the richer enterprise easily won its piece of these lands back for itself. Those who fought against it burned cars, cut down advertisement stands, etc.
    The head, an honest intellectual, was elected (after a leapfrog of non-local heads who quickly became deputies of rich districts) - and was immediately forced to leave. They say we will sue you for violations at your previous job.
  25. 0
    24 January 2024 19: 52
    An extremely stupid article. It seems that the author was trying to involve people in some kind of scam, and they saw through it and closed “their iron safe door in their two-room apartment” in his face. And now, on this basis, the author makes deep-reaching conclusions and broad generalizations.
  26. +3
    24 January 2024 20: 12
    The fact is that it’s scary to let a child go anywhere alone. Genghis Khan once asked how to understand that the state had turned away from the will of heaven. The sage answered when the court is not a hope for justice, but a threat of violence. Maybe I got it wrong.
    1. 0
      25 January 2024 11: 04
      Chiord, well said!
  27. +1
    25 January 2024 15: 12
    The author seems to have gotten lost in three pines and was trying to lead readers there. Citizens’ knowledge of laws is, of course, theoretically good, but it is unrealistic and is not practiced anywhere in the world (it is enough to be guided in general terms and know where to turn for help). This is why there are professional lawyers (especially law enforcement officers), who must not only know the laws and regulations well, but also, together with other people, comply with them. It is true that the regulatory legal acts themselves must be adopted in the interests of society, the sovereign and the individual. As a result, the imperfection of the law combined with low legal awareness gives rise to “crooked” law enforcement...
    1. +1
      25 January 2024 15: 53
      Typo, correct: "...must be taken in the interests of society, the state and the individual"