Life on loan - Russian or American

Life on loan - Russian or American

My debts are not my wealth

Russia, spending no small amount of money on its military defense, surprises the world with its ability to fight, and at the same time increase GDP, while reducing the debt burden. No, no one in their right mind is going to reduce the federal budget to a surplus, as was the case before the pandemic. But neither the Russian government nor the Central Bank clearly plans to get into large debts.

And this despite the fact that the prospect of one way or another returning into circulation the astronomical amounts seized in the spring of 2022 from our reserves is becoming increasingly doubtful. And in the West, some people are almost ready to transfer 300 Russian billions, either dollars or euros - the difference is small, to be administered by the Kyiv regime.

In fact, this would be a real gift for Russia - it would immediately have a free hand on how to deal with the assets of banks and companies from so-called unfriendly countries. It would seem that this simply suggests a conclusion - more than 300 billion have been frozen for us, but it’s unlikely to be taken away.

Simply because it is more expensive for yourself - an immediate response, and not only from Russia, may turn out to be too expensive. And yet, the experience of sanctions convinces us that the collective West is somehow strangely concerned about its own benefit. Or they are already looking very, very far into the future. According to the principle, when Moscow and Kiev are sorted out, neither one nor the other will escape from them.

Such self-confidence can only be envied, especially taking into account the dubious prospects of the West in the Middle East. However, this is not about that, but about debts and creditors.

So, today Russia, which seems to be barely making ends meet, is again among the leaders among countries with the lowest external debt. For a decade and a half now, since we managed to pay off the tricks of the 2008-2009 crisis and the absurd investments of our Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance in the burned-out funds of Fannie Mae and Freddie Maccs, Russia owes very little to anyone.

And simply “not enough” is putting it mildly, since Russia can pay off absolutely all of its external debts in less than six months. At the same time, in the European Union, which was prosperous not so long ago, there is a standard of 60% of GDP, after which the country must tighten its budget policy, or it will have to be helped by the entire Union.

Let us not now remind you that such, so to speak, “help” was given to Greece, Spain and Italy, as well as to new EU members from Eastern Europe. Because, at least, the United States, which is definitely not a member of the EU, but has close ties to Europe, has an external debt that has long exceeded as much as 100% of GDP, and Washington is not even planning to reduce the country’s debt.

It was increased both under the Republicans and Donald Trump, and it is also increasing, and at an accelerated pace, under the Democrats and Joe Biden. Nevertheless, the international positions of the world’s debtor, the United States, no matter what we tell ourselves, alas, cannot be compared with ours, Russia’s.

“Our people” will tolerate

It is possible that this has happened since then, when Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov turned his plane over the Atlantic, and a little later his deputy for economics, Yuri Maslyukov, together with the head of the Central Bank Viktor Gerashchenko, cleared away the rubble of non-payments.

And they did all this, categorically refusing both the dubious Argentine experience and financial injections in the form of multi-billion dollar loans from the IMF and the World Bank. No, playing with the continuation of privatization is welcome, agreements on joint development of subsoil resources are the same, assembling plants are welcome. But that’s all!

There is a strong feeling that this is precisely what we have not been forgiven for. And the consistent introduction of Russian business under Kuchma, and especially under Yanukovych in Ukraine, a breadbasket with a powerful industry, too. And they launched the “orange” revolution, which was actually a failure, and then the Maidan with many years of shelling of Donbass.

Considering how Russia responded to the Crimean spring, and before that, how they treated George Soros, how they removed BP and others like it from the big oil road, everything is actually understandable without any conspiracy theories. True, at the same time, inside Russia they openly cheated their general public, both with popular IPOs, and with three devaluations, and with burnt pre-reform deposits.

But these are “our own”. They will endure, and they did not tolerate such things. But the country is now without debts and without loans, although at the same time the people are regularly told about the shortage of resources. Not natural, but financial, of course. But the main thing is that no one can put pressure on us, we are, as it were, the most independent almost on the entire planet.

Although who can talk about any kind of independence now? Everyone on this planet depends on everyone else, and by and large, no one can actually extract or produce anything without outside help. Whatever the assistance may be - technical, raw materials, intellectual or financial.

The latter is the simplest, and it is not for nothing that the United States is trying to get the whole world hooked on dollars. At the Federal Reserve, Karl Marx was read very carefully - and he called the export of money the best of exports.

Hence the conclusion - by getting into debt because I can’t, in Washington, they not only and not so much untie their own hands, but tie their creditors hand and foot. In addition, the interest that the Federal Reserve pays on both loans and deposits is just pennies compared to the profits of a somewhat successful business.

That is why Russia should hardly be so proud of the fact that it owes very little to anyone. Another thing is that today they don’t really lend money to her on favorable terms, especially abroad. And even in the very East where we, as you know, have turned - and perhaps once and for all.

There is no need to talk about China and India from this perspective at all, since they would rather get into debt themselves than lend to someone on decent terms. But on predatory ones or so - as much as you like.

And now we have to go the Leninist way - a different way, lending, for example, to another traditional target of Western sanctions - Iran. If this is just a payment for a free trade zone with the EAEU, so be it, but why then are Russian banks and companies being credited so modestly and on such strict, if not cruel, conditions as in our Central Bank of the Russian Federation?

It’s better to keep silent about citizens in this regard for now - this is a separate and very worthy topic for notes. As well as the conversation about corporate debts - those that are registered with companies and banks. In Russia or in the USA it doesn’t matter so much.
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  1. +5
    21 January 2024 05: 52
    Absolutely fair article. Our economy is controlled either by klutzes, or, to put it mildly, by our enemies
    1. +12
      21 January 2024 07: 41
      Quote: My address
      Our economy is commanded or by klutzes,

      Not really! They are smart. They only act in their own interests, or in the interests of close structures. And all with the permission of the political authorities. Well, then they go over the hill with their “earned money”. Maybe we can count how many of our former ministers and deputy prime ministers live in the West? And they are not poor . hi
  2. +2
    21 January 2024 06: 07
    In this information jumble, you don’t even know what to grab onto right away. All wars come to mind, and for some reason “Dead Souls,” and even distant Taiwan. Which for a long time was a Japanese colony called Formosa. And then it washed everyone away with its high-speed CHIPs. Devyatov writes about the poverty of diplomacy. Most likely it is the poverty of consciousness modern world.
  3. +20
    21 January 2024 07: 22
    we should go the Leninist way
    Today is a sad date: 100 years ago, the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, died
    1. +12
      21 January 2024 11: 04
      Quote: parusnik
      The leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, died 100 years ago.

      I specifically opened the news now to see if there was any mention of this. Found nothing.
      But this is a man who changed the course of history both in a single country and in all of humanity as a whole. He gave the world a country with socialism. This is the man thanks to whom Soviet Russia threw off the shackles of autocracy and for the first time in the entire thousand-year history of the country became a superpower and a country with the highest social achievements.
      Lenin did not see global changes, but Stalin completed what he started.
      No matter how much the current capitalists want to erase the memory of the great man and drape his Mausoleum, I hope nothing will come of it.

      “A people that does not know its past has no future” - Mikhail Lomonosov.
      1. +8
        21 January 2024 11: 24
        Quote: Stas157
        No matter how much the current capitalists want to erase the memory of the great man and drape his Mausoleum, I hope nothing will come of it.

        And I hope, but we often greatly underestimate the role of propaganda, and it has enormous power. I’m afraid that new generations will know less and less about the USSR and Lenin. It will increasingly depend on you and me in a correct and honest assessment of the historical past, in interpreting it for young people.
        1. Aag
          21 January 2024 14: 47
          Quote: Doccor18
          Quote: Stas157
          No matter how much the current capitalists want to erase the memory of the great man and drape his Mausoleum, I hope nothing will come of it.

          And I hope, but we often greatly underestimate the role of propaganda, and it has enormous power. I’m afraid that new generations will know less and less about the USSR and Lenin. It will increasingly depend on you and me in a correct and honest assessment of the historical past, in interpreting it for young people.

          Alas, Colleague!
          The new generation will know not less, but something... different. About an hour ago, NTV aired a report where all sorts of historians and archivists told how Soviet propaganda “sculpted the image of the Leader” from “an ordinary lordly upstart with tyrannical views”...
          For now, not too militant. We were careful. But I was shocked - this is just the beginning!... Soon, I’m afraid, young people will have nothing good to say about the USSR at all
          won't know. They won't give it. It’s already becoming popular: “...until all the noctuid owls die out, we won’t see any luck!...” (((
          1. +2
            21 January 2024 15: 35
            Quote: AAG
            Soon, I’m afraid, young people will have nothing good to say about the USSR at all
            won't know.

            That is why I write that all those who care have an increasing responsibility to tell young people how it really was, highlighting all the pros and cons.
            1. Aag
              21 January 2024 18: 02
              Quote: Doccor18
              Quote: AAG
              Soon, I’m afraid, young people will have nothing good to say about the USSR at all
              won't know.

              That is why I write that all those who care have an increasing responsibility to tell young people how it really was, highlighting all the pros and cons.

              That is why I answered you that I agree that no one else will do this except us. Rather, on the contrary, they will denigrate (there are plenty of reasons for this((()... hi
      2. +9
        21 January 2024 12: 24
        “A people that does not know its past has no future” - Mikhail Lomonosov.
        Along the way, our future was canceled. From the word absolutely.
      3. +3
        21 January 2024 12: 31
        Quote: Stas157
        I specifically opened the news now to see if there was any mention of this. Found nothing.

        Similarly belay
      4. +1
        21 January 2024 15: 41
        Well, it’s not true, on Channel One today at 17:00 there will be a program “The Man Who Changed Everything.”

        I’m afraid an unenviable future awaits those who want to live in the past, and not take something good from it, while moving on.
    2. +1
      21 January 2024 15: 36
      And the quiet, slightly burry voice of the one who saved us is no more....
  4. +10
    21 January 2024 08: 31
    . That is why Russia should hardly be so proud of the fact that it owes very little to anyone.

    There would be someone to borrow from! Otherwise, even China is in no hurry to open a line of credit for us.

    Any serious development projects require investments and loans. In other words, if you want development, you need investors and creditors.

    For example, you have a business that brings in double profit per year. But personally, you can only invest your hard-earned 100 thousand rubles there. Development fails. But if you invest 10 million in credit in this business, then the profit would increase a hundred times (without deducting costs and loan servicing).

    So is it profitable to be heavily accredited? In certain cases, even very! We need a real economic development project. And the one who will bring it to the end (not like with the May Decrees).
    1. +7
      21 January 2024 10: 00
      China and Turkey are generally curtailing cooperation in the field of financial services with us. And about where to borrow? So, let’s go and look... Along the main street, with an orchestra. Three banks, and two more nearby. This is a village with 16 kilos of souls. .
  5. +12
    21 January 2024 10: 40
    That's right, living on loans, if you spend borrowed funds effectively... is very profitable. Another question is how our government managed the money... which, in essence, was taken from the population... (triple devaluation, taxes... pension reform...) And our money was simply stolen... Chubais created Rusnano, but the amounts he withdrew were far from nano... and how many smaller scammers warmed up... and even sawed on real projects... And how does Chubais feel now? Wonderful.. So it turns out.. everything that they earned from their own citizens was sent overseas... and their own citizens are replaced by migrants.. All this will lead to another, grandiose racket.. and whether Russia will survive it this time is a big question..
    1. +10
      21 January 2024 12: 00
      Quote: Svarog
      And how does Chubais feel now?

      Greetings, Volodya! hi Thief Chubais has money and is abroad. And an honest man, a patriot Strelkov is behind bars. The Ilyich Mausoleum is being draped, and the Yeltsin Center is thriving. Such bonds.
      1. +11
        21 January 2024 12: 28
        Thief Chubais has money and is abroad.
        And the president doesn’t understand why he left? Nothing threatened him. Apparently, they had already checked the activities of Rusnano and everything turned out okay. smile
        1. +8
          21 January 2024 13: 24
          And the president doesn’t understand why he left?

          So the buddies were... all according to the concepts... we don’t give up our own... if Chubais had criticized... then he would have sat down... and so carry on as much as you can... hi
      2. +7
        21 January 2024 13: 21
        Such bonds.

        Hi Stas hi Well, these bonds have already thrown the country back into the Middle Ages... when only millet and sables were traded... serfs... nobles... well, everything is the same as then... only now the number of citizens is greatly reduced, and migrants are moving in to take their place.. 20-30 years and Russia will turn into Tajikistan.. unless, of course, it falls apart ahead of time..
  6. +5
    21 January 2024 11: 23
    That’s why the United States is so willing to lend money, while at the same time accumulating debts themselves, because creditors don’t have enough strength to force debts out of them / to take anything out of debt, while they themselves will collect debts in any case, not with money, so “ bodies" of the debtor (land, resources and slave labor under the control of new "local authorities"). Moreover, they purposefully give loans to those who cannot pay back in money, because the goal of the United States is material assets to pay off debts, and not pieces of paper printed by the United States itself.
  7. -4
    21 January 2024 11: 27
    That is why Russia should hardly be so proud of the fact that it owes very little to anyone.

    No, guys, duty is always duty. We would sit now, clicking off crazy percentages, like in the 90s.
    This is what they cannot forgive us for, the fact that they jumped off the debt needle. This is a plus for our Guarantor. Definitely.
    1. +5
      21 January 2024 12: 31
      jumped off the debt needle. This is a plus for our Guarantor. Definitely.
      Nardu and Ceausescu, he also got out of debt.
      1. +1
        21 January 2024 13: 18
        Nardu and Ceausescu, he also got out of debt.

        This is the lyrics.
        And I remember how in the early 2000s they said that we would repay our debts to the Paris Club for 100 years. Some lousy 50 billion. This was our budget.

        And then again! The oil-nurse crawled up. In 2006 we paid off ahead of schedule. True, I had to throw a yard on top to the creditors for the “lost profit.” The Americans, by the way, took their share at face value. wink
    2. +6
      21 January 2024 13: 31
      No, guys, duty is always duty.

      The whole world is in debt... and they live happily... because they spend efficiently, in other words, they borrow 1 ruble, pay 10 kopecks in interest, and make 10 rubles from a ruble... because they produce goods with high added value.. So and they are developing.. We practically don’t have such a product.. that’s why from 1 ruble we earn another ruble.. but we pay 10 kopecks in interest.. that leaves 90 kopecks.. it’s still profitable.. but here’s 90 kopecks, they leave again to the enemy, so to speak.. and there they work on high technologies, which in the future will provide high added value.. and what remains here in the form of taxes and levies.. is plundered.. something like this I see hi
      1. +6
        21 January 2024 13: 47
        The whole world is in debt... and they live happily... because they spend efficiently, in other words, they borrow 1 ruble, pay 10 kopecks in interest, and make 10 rubles from a ruble... because they produce goods with high added value.. So and they are developing.. We practically don’t have such a product.. that’s why from 1 ruble we earn another ruble.. but we pay 10 kopecks in interest.. that leaves 90 kopecks.. it’s still profitable.. but here’s 90 kopecks, they leave again to the enemy, so to speak.. and there they work on high technologies, which in the future will provide high added value.. and what remains here in the form of taxes and levies.. is plundered.. something like this I see hi

        He who lends money lives happily. And he sings on percentages. That is, banks.
        Anyone who produces goods is already forced to spin. Well, at the bottom of the pyramid are the people who pay for this entire system. hi
        1. +2
          21 January 2024 13: 48
          He who lends money lives happily. And he sings on percentages. That is, banks.
          Anyone who produces goods is already forced to spin. Well, at the bottom of the pyramid are the people who pay for this entire system. hi

          You just added to my comment... one does not interfere with the other hi
  8. +2
    21 January 2024 12: 02
    The most interesting thing is that when they talk about our debts, they usually add state guarantees (that is, debts guaranteed by the state) and corporate debts to the state debt.
    Well, for large debts. If you owe a thousand, that's your problem. If you owe a million, it's the creditor's problem.
  9. +2
    21 January 2024 19: 03
    What is the meaning of the American debt of 34 trillion. $? This is a physical process when the United States took advantage of the products of the countries of the world for this amount, exchanging them for numbers on computers and letters on sheets of paper. They are never going to pay off these debts with anything. To protect their predatory interests, they have military bases all over the world and everyone is obliged to obey them. Something like a yard hooligan who does what he wants and no one objects to him.
    The main slogan of the USA is democracy. The meaning of democracy was revealed in a joke I read yesterday. “I decided to explain to the children what democracy is. I asked what movie they wanted to watch and what kind of pizza they needed to buy. Then I went and bought tickets for the movie that I wanted to watch myself and ordered the pizza of my choice. Well, I have the money!” This is American democracy, dollars are printed by the US Federal Reserve, and computers in which the numbers are entered from the US. Well, if these trillions were used to take resources out of the country, I want them and you won’t buy anything with your money. So democratically, the Russian Federation was left without $300 billion invested in “reliable assets.”
    Why does Russia need all this? It so happened that in Soviet times she worked at a large developing enterprise, when self-financing appeared, housing, kindergartens, dispensaries, recreation centers, etc. were built with profits. , as a result, people lived in comfortable houses, rested with the whole family, marveled at themselves, and our children were also treated. And now “effective owners” have appeared; all profits are the property of the owners and are in Western banks. Money does not lie in banks; banks use it to make a profit. Cunning financiers make fortunes by borrowing money from one bank for 0,5% and issuing loans from their bank for 7,5%. Russian financiers are also cunning, they place government money in Western banks for 0,5%, and they themselves issue loan bonds at 7,5%. Russian money in the West has been frozen, and those entitled to it withdraw and use it. They also need sources to replenish the budget, which they spend to shoot residents in Russian cities. And in general, they are thinking of finding a loophole and using Russian money as compensation for the war with Russia. Meanwhile, the Russian Federation, everyone from whom it borrowed money so “profitably”, diligently pays the required 7,5% and is very proud of the fact that it fulfills its obligations. Or is this situation called differently in domestic terms?
  10. 0
    23 January 2024 17: 49
    The reconfiguration of our financial system began in 2014. We managed to do something, left UST, created an internal Swift, 20 countries are already connected to it, their own processing system for cards, etc. Of course, we slept through the gold reserves. But there are counter assets from the West that can be confiscated. In general, we need to create a third reserve currency based on the yuan. Through BRICS for example. The time has come.