The upcoming reincarnation of Barack Obama’s team and the genesis of the “American theocracy”

The upcoming reincarnation of Barack Obama’s team and the genesis of the “American theocracy”

If we take popular analytics, then the central topic, in addition to the fighting in Ukraine, will undoubtedly be the November 2024 elections in the United States. The main contenders for the Oval Office are clear - D. Trump, whom for some reason Russian observers write down as “conservatives”, “industrialists”, “traditionalists” and generally “anti-globalists”, and J. Biden, who is similarly recorded in the opposite camp "greedy financial globalists."

The program that D. Trump came up with in 2016 and, in general, with not very significant changes is going on in the year 2024, dealt with material “Why recent events bring to mind the “Trump Program.”

It's time to try to describe his opponent's program.

The peculiarity of this program is that J. Biden (which is obvious at the moment and does not require summarizing the evidence base) is only a functional unit of the American management system. He is not a puppet, not a “self-propelled grandfather on punch cards,” as we like to joke on TV. He makes decisions (if possible) that are binding, and he makes them himself.

But J. Biden is not a conceptualist, not the person who takes ideas from the depths of the Deep State and processes them into programs. No matter how much his opponents in the United States sometimes make fun of D. Trump, they cannot help but recognize his authorship and co-authorship in a number of serious published works and personal program interviews. Others write all this to J. Biden.

And those who do not make decisions for J. Biden, but establish the conceptual framework for these decisions, will, in fact, take to the wrestling mat with the Trumpists in November. Moreover, with the highest degree of probability we will see that this group will nominate a new candidate, since J. Biden’s health is indeed not easy.

Who is the conceptual leader of the opponents of the Trumpists?

B. Obama, and it is absolutely possible that his wife will be the alternative candidate in 2024 from the Democrats. B. Obama has also published several published works, including an autobiography, which, it is clear, is much less a biography than a political vision; there are several extensive and rather in-depth interviews (for example, in Atlantico).

Our media also often made fun of Barack Obama, for example, over a photo from the gym where he trains with children’s dumbbells, comparing it with “toothless politics” in the Middle East. They were fussing completely in vain, since the level of competence is not determined by dumbbells and weights, but by an individual’s ability to process ideas and concepts into administrative decisions and strategic programs.

B. Obama is the author and co-author, along with part of the Deep State, of the conceptual framework and the creator of the administrative apparatus, which first threw out D. Trump’s team, and then himself, from the administration.

In 2020, for the first time, in front of everyone’s eyes, the apparatus rigged the American elections and crushed everyone who decided to fight it. Moreover, there is little doubt that in 2024 the device will do “as it should.” Whether they went too far or not, finally splitting society in the United States, this will become clear in the process, but they will carry out the decision “as it should.”

However, B. Obama is the tip of the iceberg. At one time, the creators interestingly showed the image of the captain of the Flying Dutchman and his henchmen in the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”: “Part of the ship is part of the crew.” This ill-fated Deep State with the Obama administration is “part of the ship - part of the crew,” i.e., one whole.

The program of D. Trump and his co-authors is much easier to disassemble than the program of B. Obama and his team, since his co-authors de facto have a whole system of institutions, and B. Obama himself is part of this system.

Unlike D. Trump, this program is part of a whole complex of ideas that are rooted in religious philosophy. Moreover, this is not a specific current, but a kind of cabbage, where from each period and from each current there is one leaf in the head of cabbage. And it’s not for nothing that B. Obama’s big book is modestly called “The Promised Land.”

The Americans themselves did not hesitate to call the ideological basis of the American political system in the 19th century “American theocracy.” Traditionally, the roots of theocratic thinking are usually sought in the fusion of Puritan ideas of society and Masonic ideas of the elite.

English Protestantism of the American “version” was directed inward to the individual and the community to which the individual belongs. This is a kind of path to transform the wild land (old Canaan) into the new Promised Land. If individuals and communities converted the old into the new land of Israel, they were saved; if they did not convert, they were not saved.

What is America in such a design?

America is the land predestined by God for salvation.

How to find out whether an individual himself is predestined for salvation?

To go and cultivate the land predestined for salvation.

The Masonic ideas of early libertarianism, while maintaining an elite hierarchy of the elite, already assumed proselytism and distribution. Which, in fact, is what happened when the United States came up with “Wilson Wilson’s 1918 Points” in 14. The United States, relying on the growth of industrial production and the created Federal Reserve System (New Land), declared itself the source and measure of ideas and values ​​in the world.

All these well-known constructions about the “City on a Hill” were born from the ideas of the land predestined for salvation, onto which, after preparation and transformation into the New Land, this City actually descends. And since the Heavenly City has descended on her, then everything else is straight according to the message of St. Paul to the Romans (8:31): “What then do we say to these things? If God is for us, who is for us? By the way, it is not difficult to notice that this is one of the favorite passages in Scripture and in the Russian church, and even in political culture in the past.

If European Freemasonry degenerated by the end of the 1940th century, having solved the problem of incorporating the assets of the aristocracy, then in the USA it turned into a conglomerate of efficient horizontal groups, which only after the XNUMXs began to fuse into a common elite mass. At the same time, horizontal associations remained and still exist in a modified form.

While Christianity in Europe was gradually marginalized and losing ground, in the United States the American branches of Catholicism and Anglican Protestantism, on the contrary, had quite strong positions until the 1960s–1970s.

The famous political philosopher P. Shchelin in the series “Gnostic Thinking” (which is highly recommended to watch on the wicked YouTube) unearths the roots of this phenomenon in historical transformation of the ideas of Gnostic schools.

This largely explains the paradox that we see today in the United States in the form of the screaming libertarianism of the new time with its transhumanism, digital transformation, a million types of genders, with deliberately aggressive anti-Christian overtones.

This conflict was originally inherent in the genome of the “American theocracy.” If you live on already saved Earth and your people already saved, then the Puritan search for predestination to salvation becomes unnecessary. The land has already been cultivated, predestination has been completed, now everyone has been chosen here, and any reflection is heresy. Everything that the chosen one does is chosen.

In the USA, anyone is a priori saved, any gender, any transvestite and heterosexual, monarchist and anarchist, communist and capitalist, etc. Accordingly, any restrictions previously imposed by the “old religion” are not just redundant, but directly contradict the salvation that has already been accomplished .

Religious conservatism in this case simply becomes an instrument of evil, chains that pull the saved person back into the old world. This is the paradox of the transformation of religious consciousness, but the paradox, alas, is real. This is a complete inversion of the worldview with which the ancestors of today's elite transgender people arrived to explore the continent.

In this regard, American society, without realizing it in many ways, has gone much further than the “chosenness of the Jews by God.” If a Jew, by right of birth, gets the opportunity to ascend to the level of the “primordial Adam” (salvation is not quite the correct term here), but only an opportunity, and the ascension itself should be based on years of studying the scriptures, the esoteric practice of Kabbalah, good deeds, then the American turns out to be the new chosen man, the original all-encompassing Adam, already in fact.

In ancient times, this was typical only for narrow sectarian schools and societies, but this is the first time when such an ideological basis extended to the entire population.

When D. Trump knocks his fist to ban illegal immigration, the new type of libertarians are horrified - this monster wants to deprive the descendants of these people of nothing less than the very right of salvation.

And in their eyes, D. Trump is truly a godless Satanist, a sadist, a fiend of evil and, in general, Beelzebub - the Lord of the Flies. Although 98% of these libertarians don’t even think about why this particular ideological construct is correct and where it even came from.

In one of the past materials (“On the phenomenon of global economic “incest”) the author considered the question of the economic base of Trumpists and Democrats - the base, surprisingly, is the same.

Therefore, all the talk about D. Trump being an “isolationist” and B. Obama being a “financial globalist” is just a way of diverting attention. But what really separates them is the “flock” itself with its deep patterns of behavior, the so-called. "patterns".

Trumpists are basically still the old conservatives before the 1970s. This does not mean that there is “America aged”, it means that there are people there who are characterized by old patterns, before transformation. Therefore, it is still somehow possible, in principle, to conduct a dialogue with them, even though they are conductors of the same globalist agenda.

But with a society that has gone through the described paradox of transformation, especially with its elite, neither we, nor the Chinese, nor the Trumpists can speak at all.

In the United States, there is a famous TV presenter T. Carlson, who used to periodically invite representatives of anti-Trumpists to debates. From the outside, all this looked ridiculous, since D. Trump’s opponents could not find any arguments at all, and in the end it came to natural hysteria on the air. But why is that? But because if a person is already saved, then he does not need arguments.

He is a transgender, transgender is a blessing, because a transgender is saved. If a person has doubts about gender, and you interfere with him, then you are interfering with his salvation, and you should be removed from the scene as the wicked D. Trump. And this is the truth, because the speaker is already saved.

Next, “the horses run in circles.” And it really is a vicious circle. The metaphysical search has been completed, and there is no longer any need to painfully decide for oneself the question of personal election to salvation. Everyone who lives on the new earth is holy, everything that people do on this earth is chosen. Another thing is that adherents of such ideologies are susceptible to neuroses, psychoses, etc.

This feature completely closes any possibilities for discussion outside the agenda of new libertarianism, which the author calls “ultra-liberalism,” although there are many terms. But that’s exactly what he is – a voter of the “collective Barack Obama.”

If D. Trump's voter is the distant ideological heirs of puritanical industriousness, directed towards himself and towards himself, then B. Obama's voter has long surpassed these reflections. To paraphrase the classic: “if there is no God, then everything is permitted,” but for this voter it sounds like this: “if I am saved, then everything is permitted.”

And the best of all job specializations is to tell others that they too are free. The fact that the rest of society pays for it is an insignificant cost. Therefore, when D. Trump’s followers say that it’s bad to live on benefits, then B. Obama’s voter does not understand him and will not understand him.

In fact, for a representative of a traditional society, this is an anti-world, an anti-system, which, although it emerged from both orthodox and Gnostic Christianity, is today equally alien to both branches. This is already a kind of “post-ecumenism”, when everything that such a new libertarian does is saved, even if he serves the bloody goddess Kali, believes in reincarnation and opens and closes two or three chakras every day.

This is the peculiarity of the conflict in the United States, not between isolationists and financial globalists - this conflict is essentially religious and that is why it is so tough. Here “values” act as confessional markers.

Due to these circumstances, the difference between D. Trump with his team and B. Obama with his team is only that it is possible to negotiate with the first and even sign something, but with the second it is possible, but it will not work out. But the result in terms of the economy will be strictly the same. However, in foreign policy too. Both “confessions” earn money for the United States and forge it within the same model, albeit with some variations.

Due to the above circumstances, most of the conceptual works from this camp are devoted not so much to economics, but to social modeling and trade relations, which act as points of intersection not so much of goods, money and services, but of social flows - all this “metaphysical schizophasia” needed to be controlled and guide.

Within the framework of traditional approaches, where “being determines consciousness,” these libertarian teams of ideologues stopped working around the beginning of the 2000s. It was by this time that considerable experience had been accumulated in the theory and practice of managing cognitive processes. Research schools have been created and models have been calculated in which it has become possible to direct the manipulation of value factors and aspirations to trade transactions.

The second half of the 20th century in the United States was concerned with satisfying social needs, but in the 21st century it turned out that the needs themselves can be developed, expanded, limited, they can be rethought, thereby forming a commodity base in the reverse order.

“We will not release what you want, but with all your heart you will want exactly what we release.”

Many were surprised by the foreign policy of B. Obama's tenure - instead of aggressive military pressure, there were stories about messianism, an “exceptional nation” and the chaos of color revolutions. However, let us consider this in the context of what has been stated above, and we will understand that there was an ideological basis behind this.

The main foreign policy track of Barack Obama's cabinet is social transformation in the world and the transformation of trade associations, the creation of different levels of trade superstructures, since in this paradigm trade is the management of the same social processes. However, we can clearly see from the result that they learned how to plan, but not how to administer processes.

In domestic policy, Barack Obama and his team were forced to change the social security system, which resulted not only in an avalanche-like increase in government spending, but also in the creation of a social layer of permanent recipients of benefits, benefits, and preferences that was atypical for the United States. To cancel this means to violate the almost religious principles that we described above. COVID-19 tested this system and found it shaky.

The new program of the “Democrats” will inevitably be devoted not just to issues like “raise the rate or lower it” and not even to the return of “American hegemony.” In this paradigm there is no longer any “hegemony”. Barack Obama's Promised Land is not a hegemon, but a torch, and this is far from the concept of the modern Roman Empire, which was fashionable to talk about 25 years ago.

For this team, the first priority is the need to develop rational and realistic models for the administration of social and foreign trade processes, on the basis of which more mundane tasks will then be solved. We will try to present them in a separate material.
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  1. +2
    17 January 2024 04: 33
    Quote from uprun
    D. Trump, whom for some reason Russian observers write down as a “conservative”

    In your opinion, isn’t he a conservative? His campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” alone is worth it.
    1. 0
      17 January 2024 06: 41
      I see that on our TV Trump will soon be registered as an Orthodox banner bearer. Conservative is different from conservative. Here we need to consider the overcoat from which both of them grew. This overcoat is quite prickly
      1. +2
        17 January 2024 08: 41
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        This overcoat is quite prickly

        This “overcoat,” apparently, could have been born exactly and only where it was born. The top of world financial capital (global traders/stock market speculators/bankers), who by chance grew up in the USA, needed “their own religious vision”, and they built it... sounds like this: “if I am saved, then everything is permitted.”

        After all, this is “convenient”, you will never again need to pay the slightest attention to such “chimeras” as fear of God, conscience, shame, etc... What can I say, “almost brilliant”, they untied their hands once and for all, threw off old lady morality on the sidelines...
        1. +3
          17 January 2024 08: 49
          In general, at first I wanted to do material specifically on specific issues, such as the key rate, government debt, etc., but in the end I realized that without this phenomenon of American thinking, nothing can be described. This is the voter and the stake here is secondary to thinking. And so, yes, the chosenness there has gone beyond any limits. And this inversion from actually Puritan ethics to absolute permissiveness, it determines a lot.
      2. +2
        17 January 2024 09: 06
        I see that on our TV Trump will soon be registered as an Orthodox banner bearer

        What does Orthodoxy have to do with it?
        The question was about a conservative.
        Conservative is different from conservative. Here you need to consider the overcoat

        There is no discord here.
        Trump is a right-wing conservative nationalist. USA comes first.
        1. +1
          17 January 2024 09: 22
          This liberal-conservative difference is quite different from what is customary here. If you dig deep enough, it turns out that liberals in the United States are in fact much more nationalists than the Trumpists with their MAGA. I myself have not yet completely freed myself from our version in terms, I admit honestly. But we have to dig, otherwise we won’t understand their motivation and will think according to the existing pattern. We generally have our own terminology, which does not always reflect what they want to express in the West.
          1. +2
            17 January 2024 12: 57
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            liberals in the USA are much more nationalists in fact than Trumpists with their MAGA

            Good are the nationalists, under whom more than a million migrants from criminal South American countries arrive in the United States every year and under whom university rectors are removed just because they speak out against Israel’s war in Palestine
            1. +1
              17 January 2024 14: 11
              Exactly. Because they have their own concept of a nation. And I have only partially touched on this worldview. This is unusual and therefore confusing. This is the same quasi-religious concept of a nation as a community of people living in a chosen world.
              Don't argue right away, although it's difficult hi . I understand that everything sounds extremely strange. Therefore, try to watch Pavel Shchelin in your spare time. Gnostic thinking. Cycle. It's tight, but very well made. I reworked some of the ideas while I was writing the material.
              1. +2
                17 January 2024 14: 22
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                Because they have their own concept of nation

                This doesn't happen! A liberal, he is a liberal everywhere. The same as a conservative. Of course, with its own specifics

                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                the concept of a nation as a community living in a chosen world

                One of the founding fathers, I don’t remember who, said that the USA is not a state, but a place where people from all over the world gathered to make money wink
                1. +1
                  17 January 2024 15: 42
                  This is where the error lies in our perception of their processes. Remember how in that same movie about the Flying Dutchman? Up is down, down is up. A complete inversion of thinking was already built into their model. It's just hard to understand right away. But lay it out in the form of a diagram and you will see this inversion.
          2. 0
            18 January 2024 09: 36
            that liberals in the USA are much more nationalists in fact than Trumpists with their MAGA

            The terminology is the same everywhere.
            Trump is right-wing (nationalist)
            Biden is a liberal.
            In the red states (the right) there is a fight against migrants, against LGBT people, but for the church....
            In blue states (liberals), on the contrary, they want migrants, they want LGBT people,....
      3. +3
        17 January 2024 09: 54
        Mikhail, greetings! To be honest, the article left a double impression. And if I completely agree about the role of the deep state in the Biden team, then the arguments regarding the religious component of the American political system reminded me a little of Max Weber’s work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” but only a little, since you disagree with Weber on the main thing - in the answer to the cornerstone question “How to find out whether an individual himself is predestined for salvation?” Weber, for example, directly tells us that the key marker in American Protestantism, indicating that an individual is predestined for salvation after life, is an indicator of a person’s economic success in his earthly journey. It logically follows from this that the formation of such social relations and institutions whose main goal is the personal enrichment of the individual. Hence the commitment to capitalism as the only possible formation in which a person can achieve the promised salvation. Moreover, America in this design is predestined for salvation, not because it is the land of God, but because it is the most economically successful state on the planet (even despite the fact that someone is constantly trying to challenge this status). Everything is quite harmonious and logical, and most importantly it explains what influenced the formation of the socio-economic structure of the United States both as a society and as a state and why the USA became the calling card and the locomotive of capitalist relations. For you, the answer to this question lies in the “law of the soil,” which is more characteristic of traditional Christianity and Islam than of Protestantism. And this, it seems to me, is the main inconsistency, because the success of the land, that is, the state, work for the benefit of which, in theory, should be work in the name of God, will give rise to completely different forms of social relations, namely collectivism with its inherent altruism, and not individualism and selfishness, for which the US economic elite is famous.
        1. +1
          17 January 2024 11: 35
          Greetings mutually! hi
          I initially did not set the task of immersing myself in this “metaphysics” and “abstractism” winked
          I wanted something more down to earth. But in the end, this religious dispute between the sharp-pointed and blunt-pointed parties in the USA came to light. I myself studied Weber and even thoroughly, simply because of the curriculum. And it stuck with me. However, this is no longer Weber. This is an inversion. I listened to Shchelin and his Gnostic thinking twice with a notebook and pen. And only then did the mechanism of this American inversion form into a puzzle for me.
          For you, the answer to this question lies in the “law of the soil,” which is more characteristic of traditional Christianity and Islam than of Protestantism.

          That's exactly what the inversion is
          1. +1
            17 January 2024 18: 00
            For many decades, the American “melting pot” model was to collect the most active “ions” and harness their activity for the benefit of its construct. This lasted so long and the results of this were summarized and substantiated so often that over time they believed that one of the roots of their success was this.
            It is precisely the attraction of third-party ions with their energies to one’s territory and the involvement of this in the “spin of the wheels.”
            From a religious point of view, I see in this only an attempt to use this undifferentiated and not actualized principle, as they say, “blindly” and in isolation from the changed world.

            Previously, in this way they were predominantly white and religiously close, from states based on the Greco-Roman model of law and history. Now the flow from these states is incomparable with the influx of alien elements, and if in the case of Latin Americans it is still possible to draw some kind of parallel (Iberians are still part of the white race and Greco-Roman civilization, albeit in its Latin American branch), then here Muslims or Asians are conceptually alien to this model in multiple ways.

            However, this is not soberly analyzed, the thesis to the contrary is taken “on faith” and in this, yes, this line of behavior is somewhat reminiscent of religious fanaticism with “rituals of success.”
            The conflict between the religious and the scientific is quite old, so it is also possible to detect notes of a conflict between the pragmatic and the near-religious, mystical.
          2. +1
            17 January 2024 20: 48
            However, this is no longer Weber. This is an inversion.

            I realized that this was an attempt to rework Weber’s idea, but the question was: “Why?” What specifically was it about the ideas of the German sociologist that hindered your understanding of American society? I just personally don’t find any contradictions. The concept proposed by Weber was relevant for the young United States during the era of their active state and national construction, which lasted until the beginning of the 20th century, but then in the era of modernity and postmodernity, the religious principle as the main motivating stimulus recedes to the second or even third plan, giving way to other variables. And this is quite understandable, since it has already played its role in providing the necessary basis for American economic success. This does not mean that religion is completely losing its importance, the United States is still a very religious country, but it is just a different religion, because in order to continue to be relevant under powerful pressure from the public and social agenda, religious views were also forced to transform. But even so, the fundamental principle I mentioned: “work, achieve success and you will be saved,” as I understand it, all this “activity” of the last decade does not affect it in any way, it’s just that, I repeat, its significance in the modern United States is no longer as enormous as before . At the same time, of course, the US political system, also raised on this principle, will actively speculate on religious themes, even itself in some ways becoming similar to religious dogmatism, but still, it seems to me, it is very far from direct analogies.
            1. +1
              17 January 2024 21: 02
              In no case do I insist on the absolute truth of my words and do not impose my opinion on anyone, but this is exactly my vision. Therefore, in general, to me the resulting material looks more like an example of a violation of Occam’s principle - a little overdone. Maybe if you had revealed a little better the reason that prompted you to reconsider the positions of the same Weber, the article would have been perceived differently by me, but, unfortunately, I have not seen this in the text yet.
              1. 0
                17 January 2024 22: 35
                So the thing is that in this case we are talking about the peak of Weber’s concept. The highest point has been passed and that is the only reason why such an inversion could happen on the scale of society, and not in terms of armchair sociology.
                If you remember "up the stairs that lead down." When the system reaches its peak, it flips over. I was curious about this mechanism. Because everything “Obama” is the opposite of Weber, but it came out of his overcoat.
  2. +3
    17 January 2024 05: 08
    Horseradish and radishes are not sweeter no matter who wins the elections, at least for Russia... So far this forecast has come true.
  3. -2
    17 January 2024 06: 45
    "The Coming Reincarnation team B."-

    — And I was warned for something like this as for hidden swearing...
    1. 0
      17 January 2024 10: 01
      Now “Kokhly” has already undergone many RPZs without complaints.
      Yes and other kukryniksy. The war wrote everything off. Including We-Buryats, Colorados, quilted jackets
  4. +3
    17 January 2024 08: 38
    Obama, Trump...What is Russia already, a US state? laughing
    1. +2
      17 January 2024 08: 55
      So the dollar is also not a Russian monetary unit, but what do we see...
      1. +2
        17 January 2024 10: 38
        however what we see...
        That we got up from our knees... smile
    2. +3
      17 January 2024 17: 21
      To outplay your opponent, you need to know the cockroaches in his head by sight.
  5. +2
    17 January 2024 08: 47
    “If we take popular analytics, the central topic, in addition to the fighting in Ukraine, will undoubtedly be the November 2024 elections in the United States.”

    Not in Russia, not in Ukraine - but in the USA? Is this how the multipolar world works?

    IMHO, there won’t be any particular difference for the North Military District depending on who sits in the White House. The United States will support Ukraine in any case, we are only talking about which method of support is most effective, about how to shorten Russia easier, cheaper and more reliably.

    We are having discussions about the local elections because this topic, somewhat reminiscent of sports, is interesting in itself, provides food for many political scientists - and is much more harmless than discussing our elections or the success of our economy or anything else. And the people, being drawn into discussions about the elections there, are less looking at their feet.
    1. +2
      17 January 2024 11: 44
      Well, many believe that if Trump wins, he will curtail all aid to Ukraine, and maybe leave NATO. That's what they hope for.
      1. +1
        17 January 2024 12: 59
        Quote: Kmon
        if Trump wins, he will curtail all aid to Ukraine, and maybe leave NATO

        At least that's what he says
        1. +2
          17 January 2024 13: 12
          You can't say anything before the elections. But he also says something else, that he is going to talk to Russia from a position of strength.
      2. +1
        17 January 2024 13: 11
        Nonsense, in my opinion, why does he need this? And who will allow it? Are the Oswalds gone?
  6. 0
    17 January 2024 14: 15
    I always read the respected author with interest and try not to miss a single article. In this case, I have a completely different opinion, a different picture of the world.
    In the 60s of the last century, the “masters of the world,” as they considered themselves, saw the following:
    1) Humanity is multiplying at a monstrous rate
    2) It pollutes the planet and causes difficulties with its numbers.
    3) These processes must be stopped.
    The question arose, how to do this?
    There have already been certain developments. On their basis, the ideology of menchism was developed (ecology, feminism, juvenile justice, genderism, etc.). Then they began to purposefully and persistently introduce this ideology and practice into life with the help of the latest achievements of human sciences.
    The origins of this ideology are in the American philosophy of pragmatism (Charles Peirce) and instrumentalism (John Dewey).
    This policy is pursued mainly by the US Democratic Party. In America itself there are opponents of this line and Trump is one of them.
    1. +2
      17 January 2024 14: 24
      Thank you for appreciating the work! hi I'm trying. winked
      I'll tell you this. I myself am somewhat surprised by the results and conclusions. But now I have a puzzle of how their thinking has changed. And by the way, it became clear why they were buying ancient translations from the 1st to 4th centuries all over the world. They stepped over the Gnostic thinking that Shchelin writes about. I almost took notes on it and then things started to become clearer. winked
      1. 0
        17 January 2024 22: 32
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        But now I have a puzzle of how their thinking has changed

        First of all, we must determine that we are not talking about mass thinking, but only about the thinking of actors (decisive players). These Rockefellers, Duponts, Rothschilds, etc. are such monstrous wolves and crocodiles that any quasi-religious thinking is absolutely not characteristic of them and is unacceptable for them.
        I suppose that Shchelin developed another false theory. Such theories have come across periodically lately.
        Is buying up Gnostic texts a reality? Even if this happens, is it evidence of a transition to gnostic thinking, and not something else? And most likely there is no sense in these texts.
        1. 0
          17 January 2024 22: 42
          Yes, in reality there are, but not Gnostic, but neo-Pythagorean. Since the time frames coincide, it is easy to confuse both the Neoplatonists (for whom there are no orders) and the Neo-Pythagoreans.
          The purchase of translations has been going on for more than 10 years. It is not easy to find any sense in these searches, but the neo-Pythagoreans gave a mathematical picture of the world, these are original matrix models and apparently somewhere there is a similarity with what the “new analytics” is trying to develop. I don’t yet fully understand how this fits in with traditional economic analysis, but clearly there is a mechanism.

          Shchelin simply reduced everything to Gnostics and pulls this idea like a single thread-nerve. I don't agree with this. But after listening to it, I understood the inversion of thinking that is characteristic of the United States.
    2. 0
      17 January 2024 17: 48
      You shouldn't blame the Americans for many things, IMHO. The fact that they noticed patterns and even tried to somehow use or accelerate them does not mean that they created them purposefully.
      One of my favorite analogies here is the phenomenon of “nanobacteria”. Read it, it's great. fascinatingly. In the presence of some elements, other elements themselves begin to behave like living organisms, absorbing, excreting and folding into certain structures that connect or disconnect something. Non-Life becomes as if Life at a dimensional level where Life is not yet possible in principle. But all this is just chemistry and physics, and in the processes themselves there is neither some mysticism, nor some kind of intent (as a result of the directed activity of living beings).
      They just start happening on their own. if a number of conditions are met in the environment , accumulation of a certain amount, etc.

      Also, many “decadent” cases, which are attributed to global Freemasonry or the pernicious subversive influence of the Anglo-Saxons, are in fact the result of self-starting processes inevitable due to the accumulation of certain knowledge, ideas and perceptions in the environment. Liberal ideas started long before the discovery of America, long before England unambiguously became the “queen of the seas” and before the Freemasons, by the way. It grew out of the decline of the Catholic Church and the in-depth discussion of its theses among the masses, in which literacy was expanding and in conditions of increasing access to printed matter and the replication of ideas.

      This line inevitably had to lead to feminism because it inevitably had to affect the thesis about the “sinful nature of women.” And environmental theses as well, because they, in turn, are inevitable for discussion within populations fixated on the quality of life and increasing circulation and data processing for this.

      We have little understanding of this sluggish “dismemberment” of Catholic dogmas, which still influences the Western philosophical search, but in our case this was not necessary - they simply took our church and forced it into a ram’s horn for decades, ridding society of philosophical searches.
      There, it is still a fairly strong institution, with the “finishing of food” of which one can cut down certain geshefts, in a similar way to how Luther did it in his time.
      1. +1
        17 January 2024 22: 18
        I would be happy to present your nanobacteria in the form of functions. An interesting picture could emerge if all the meanings were put in place
      2. 0
        17 January 2024 22: 45
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        One of my favorite analogies here is the phenomenon of “nanobacteria”. Read it, it's great. fascinatingly. In the presence of some elements, other elements themselves begin to behave like living organisms

        As far as I know, bacteria are living organisms.
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        You shouldn't blame the Americans for many things, IMHO. The fact that they noticed patterns and even tried to somehow use or accelerate them does not mean that they created them purposefully.

        These people work quite consciously, purposefully and energetically. At the same time, they are well aware of the harm they cause.
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        They simply took it from us and forcibly turned the church into a ram’s horn for decades, ridding society of philosophical quests.

        The Church is not a philosophy. This is a search for the question of how many devils can fit on the tip of a needle at the same time.
        But our philosophical searches have ceased, because Marxist-Leninist philosophy was declared the only true and infallible one. I must say that I am a supporter of some of these ideas.
        1. 0
          17 January 2024 23: 13
          Very good I recommend that you familiarize yourself with “nanobacteria”; there seems to be an article on Wiki about this phenomenon. This is not life and they have nothing to do with bacteria; I mentioned them as a very suitable analogy for the principle of “self-assembly” of vital processes, which, in my opinion, also applies to the self-assembly of ideas within a saturated environment.

          I do not deny the fact of purposeful work towards the creation of ideas or the so-called “orange revolutions,” however, it would be naive to believe that “all evil comes from them.” Some things arise and polish themselves. Yes, these mechanisms can be used, accelerated and launched, but they also exist “on their own”. Without an evidence base, we cannot thoroughly understand whether the trend was deliberately or accidentally launched; it will be the same guesswork as guessing whether Stalin killed Kirov or not.

          In my opinion, our philosophical searches have stopped because many seekers were turned into fertilizer by those who thought that they had found the ultimate truth.
          Previously, I was impressed by left-wing ideas, but over time I came to the conclusion that ideas are nothing apart from the personalities who embody them. Today I evaluate the personalities presenting leftist ideas with extreme skepticism, most of them are extremely flawed people who, at best, believe that “everything that was best should have just been returned and done a little differently,” at worst, these are variations of the commercial exploitation of the brand or dogmatic radicalism of all stripes. A number of figures are more attractive to me than others, but God forbid that any of them come to power from the point of view of an ordinary apolitical man in the street.
    3. 0
      17 January 2024 17: 57
      Quote: populist
      The question arose, how to do this?

      they “invented” the coronavirus, mostly (!) elderly people with concomitant diseases died from it... and the vaccines turned out to be ineffective with a lot of side effects... if the Americans had come up with an effective vaccine and sold it only to their own people, then I would have believed in the fact that this was done to reduce the number (on their part) ...
    4. +1
      17 January 2024 18: 58
      Quote: populist
      In this case, I have a completely different opinion, a different picture of the world.

      This picture does not contradict the one described in the article, in my opinion.
      The article describes the origins of this kind of messianism, its genesis, and what you mention is its current content, the tools of how the chosen nation is “saved” and wants to “save” the rest of the world.
  7. +1
    17 January 2024 17: 31
    Michael, you have dug very deeply into the Spirit, and although this has a definition. value, an analogy comes to my mind with Rosenberg, who only in a small part of the Nazi rule really decided anything, although he spawned entities, failed and substantiated a lot and for a long time. This semi-religious “podvodistic”, yes, does take place in America. This is one of the tools for controlling the most dense layers of the population, a kind of conceptual analogue of our most dense ones, with the only difference that in our country they resort to stimulating these layers much more often and for all sorts of bullshit, but in the USA they prefer to simply have such a lever and occasionally lubricate it, and They use it too, it happens. But occasionally.
    Constantly pulling this lever can bring to the surface all the contradictions and wildness of these concepts hidden in the depths. And so, as long as it lies folded, it seems to be as it is and does not hurt the eye.

    For much more decisive Some parts of American society are much more appetizing to the ideas of global leadership, a kind of leader of “global humanity.” They see America as the best and most competitive, correct , which has been collected from all over the earth - a kind of squeeze of civilization, free from unnecessary and parasitic impurities. They intend to copy this same extract in the ideological-value case in one form or another externally in order to be Amber (if you read R. Zelazny), and so that everything else is a reflection, a likeness of Amber.

    I read somewhere that the conflict of the modern US elites is also a conflict between these globalists and the “power leaders”, for whom the US should be an example, yes, a powerful power, and through this come to world leadership. And for the “globalists”, building architecture is inseparable, or even more priority, than the national project itself, which they already consider to be quite mature.

    Whether this is true or not, I have no idea, but the United States is not shy about demonstrating its vision of the future in mass culture - and in this vision they absolutely position themselves as “the center of the world according to their model.” Not even the first among equals - namely, the Original among copies in the likeness, looking into the mouth of the Original. There is also a kind of religious messianism in this, but it is more hidden and less designed for the plebs. This is more of a rigid frame than a temple with faith.