Why are Russians dying out? Urbanization and economic factor

Why are Russians dying out? Urbanization and economic factor

The demographic crisis is a problem currently facing most developed countries of the world. Since the middle of the last century (for Russia since the late 1960s), the demographic crisis has been defined as a clear threat to the continued existence of humanity. It is usually viewed in two perspectives - as rapid population growth in developing countries as opposed to developed countries, where the birth rate is declining and the population is aging (depopulation) [1].

In the previous part of the material “Why Russians are dying out: historical outline of the demographic situation" two aspects that affect the birth rate were considered - the destruction of the family institution and abortion. In this material we will consider two more aspects - urbanization and economic factors.

Aspect three – urbanization

Among the factors that significantly influence the birth rate, experts often cite urbanization. As a rule, the birth rate among urban residents is lower than among rural residents, and among the population of large cities it is lower than among residents of medium and small cities.

City, urbanized life in developed countries, namely where the vast majority of their population lives, attracts young people, the most energetic and ambitious, whose plans do not include a large number of children. Even married couples are postponing childbearing in the name of education and career advancement, which also leads to fewer children. It is these reasons that influence the impact of urbanization on population reproduction in developed countries.

Statistics show that the effect of urbanization negatively affects the birth rate, because the average number of children in settlements with less than 5700 inhabitants is significantly higher than in all other settlements in Russia [2].

Volume 12 of the 2002 Population Census contains a table (see http://www.perepis2002.ru/ct/doc/TOM_12_01.zip), which indicates the birth rate by region, and within the region - separately by urban and rural settlements. And statistics using the example of the Belgorod region demonstrate that in urban settlements the birth rate is 1344 children per 1000 women, and in rural settlements it is 1877. That is, in rural areas the birth rate is 1,4 times (=1877/1344) higher.

The author has already discussed the philosophical aspects of the problem of over-urbanization of the population in the material “The image of the “world city” and province in the philosophical work of Oswald Spengler The Decline of the Western World" Spengler correctly noted that a resident of a big city least of all thinks about the continuation of his own family, focusing on a career and making money, and made quite correct predictions about the depopulation of the population in megacities.

“The man of the city no longer wants to live, not as an individual person, but as a type, as a multitude: in this collective being the fear of death fades away. The thought of the extinction of the family and clan, which fills the true peasant with deep and inexplicable horror, now loses all meaning... The point is not that children are not born, but, first of all, that the intelligentsia, which has risen to the extreme, no longer sees the need for their appearance,”

- wrote Spengler.

Large cities attract people from the provinces (essentially “pumping out” the best human material from it) and migrants with financial benefits, while the lifestyle in large cities has a significant negative impact on the birth rate.

Indeed, the everyday paradox of urbanization, for example, in the USSR in the 1940-1960s, was that along with the growth of the urban population, the birth rate in cities was decreasing [3].

It should be noted that this factor in reducing the birth rate is quite difficult to influence. Last spring, at a round table on demographic problems, State Duma deputy Oleg Leonov presented data on the possibility of improving the demographic situation in Russia through low-rise construction. He supported the information with research results, noting that in villages the birth rate is higher and this is not due to the level of income or the development of medicine, but to the fact that there is much more space for the family.

This proposal actually deserves attention, and in general, we should focus on developing small cities and towns, rather than limitlessly expanding megacities like Moscow.

Aspect four – economic factor

Quite often, when talking about the demographic situation, many immediately focus on the economic factors that affect the birth rate. This is not surprising, given that the economic approach underlay the emergence of demography as a science. The essence of the economic approach is to recognize the dependence of demographic processes on the economic factor.

The weakness of the economic approach, as many researchers rightly note, is that human behavior is considered only from the standpoint of rationality and factors that do not fit into the logic of “beneficial-unprofitable” are not taken into account.

The following pattern can be traced: the economic approach ignores spiritual and psychological needs, religions, national traditions, and socio-psychological factors that influence demographic development [1]. It is probably for this reason that economic approaches have failed to solve the problem of depopulation.

You can often come across the opinion that the problem with the birth rate in Russia is due to economic problems and an insufficiently high standard of living. If we take the top countries in terms of living standards in 2023, according to Numbeo, Legatum Institute and the UN, then Russia ranks 66th, next to Brazil and China.

There is nothing special to be proud of here, but let's compare the birth rate/mortality rate and the level of natural population growth/decline in Russia and Brazil. The standard of living in both countries is approximately the same: the average salary in Russia is 49 thousand rubles (about $650); in Brazil – 2169 Brazilian reais (about 600 dollars).

Following statistics in 2022, there were 3 births and 263 deaths in Brazil. The natural increase thus amounted to 254 people. In Russia, according to Rosstat statistics, 1 people were born in 304, and 870 people died. The natural population decline amounted to 1 people.

Thus, despite the fact that the standard of living in Russia and Brazil is not very different, in Brazil the birth rate is much higher than the death rate, so there is good natural population growth, while in Russia there is a natural population decline.

For this reason, it would be incorrect to talk about the economic factor as the key one that most significantly influences the demographic situation. However, competent economic policy, of course, can stimulate the birth rate in Russia.

In the previous part of the material, the author already noted that in connection with the radical change in the social status of women in developed countries (primarily their high employment in production and business), moderate propaganda should be aimed at reviving conservative values ​​and the traditional model of the distribution of roles between the sexes in society .

However, an information campaign alone will clearly not be enough; concrete steps must also be taken in this direction. What might these steps be?

Firstly, the state should support young families who are planning/expecting a child in every possible way - with long-term loans, subsidies, etc.

Secondly, a girl leaving work to raise a child should not be prohibited, but, on the contrary, encouraged. Perhaps someone will be offended by such an example, but in the 1930s in Nazi Germany, a working woman who got married and voluntarily left her job received an interest-free loan for a fairly significant amount - 1000 marks. As a result, by the end of 1934, about 300 thousand women left their jobs after receiving a loan.

Here is what the German historian Oleg Plenkov writes about this:

“The marriage loan (Ehestandsdarlehen) was introduced by law on June 1, 1933: the newlyweds received 1000 Reichsmarks if the wife left her job... The result was stunning: by 1935, 378 thousand loans worth 206 million marks were paid, already in 1933, there were 200 thousand more marriages than in 1932, which clearly indicated the effectiveness of the Nazi demographic policy. State marriage loans were also supported by payments from private campaigns... Loans played a very significant role in the increase in the number of marriages and in the rise in the birth rate [4].”

These particular decisions can be called an example of successful demographic policy. For this reason, financial incentives for women to leave work to raise a child could theoretically help improve the demographic situation in Russia.

Third, the amount of mortgage payments should decrease significantly with the birth of each new child. Ideally, after the birth of the third or fourth child, mortgage debt should be written off completely.

Here it is worth citing the example of France in the 1940s-1960s - back in 1946, a broad system of cash payments to families was introduced there, aimed at encouraging the birth of a first, second, and especially third child. General de Gaulle stated in a keynote speech on March 2, 1945 that

“We need 12 million healthy babies born in the next ten years.”

Generous assistance to families with children bore fruit - among Western European countries in the 60-70s, France had one of the highest TFR (total fertility rate).

In general, economic policy should be aimed at supporting families and stimulating the birth rate. It is especially important that housing be as affordable as possible - perhaps it is really worth thinking about building low-rise or one-story houses in the provinces or on the outskirts of cities, accessible to a wide segment of the population, rather than building huge high-rise buildings in megalopolises, where apartments cost exorbitant prices.


To summarize, it should be noted that the birth rate, as practice shows, does not always grow with the rising standard of living (rather, reverse processes occur), so this problem does not have only an economic solution. Financial stimulation of the birth rate is, of course, necessary, but it is impossible to solve the problem with economic instruments alone. The key to success lies in an integrated approach to the issue.

One of the important factors that negatively affects the birth rate is that for modern people such traditional values ​​as family, children, relatives are lost in the flow of problems, the flow of information, which leads them astray from natural guidelines. But internally they are just as important as they were thousands of years ago. Therefore, it is necessary to create a space in society that would help people realize the importance of traditional values.

As researchers rightly note, it is changes in the value sphere within the family that lead to a decrease in the importance of childbearing, disruption of educational and reproductive functions, which poses a threat not only to depopulation in numerical terms, but also in the qualitative component of the person himself. Today, traditional family values ​​are not relics of the past; on the contrary, they are what modern society must turn to in order to preserve itself [1].

Использованная литература:
[1]. Salimova A.G. From man to humanity: a demographic challenge to traditional family values ​​// International scientific research journal. – 2021. – No. 8 (110).
[2]. Semenova O.V., Butovskaya M.L. Fertility in modern Russian society: the role of economic and cultural factors in the conditions of growing urbanization // Urbanistics. 2019. No. 2. P. 49–63.
[3]. Blonsky L.V. Everyday features of the process of Soviet urbanization by the early 1970s and its impact on demographic processes in the country. Modern scientific thought, No. 5, 2022. pp. 188-192.
[4]. Plenkov O. Yu. Secrets of the Third Reich. Hitler's Spartans. – M.: JSC “OLMA Media Group”, 2011.
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  1. +1
    15 January 2024 04: 51
    Why is the birth rate in Central Asia 1 child in 0 seconds! Do they have low-rise construction, maternity capital, preferential mortgages?
    And our mortality rate exceeds the birth rate.....
    1. +2
      15 January 2024 06: 01
      Has anyone conducted scientific research on the topic of explosive birth rates in Central Asia, where the standard of living of local residents is incomparable to ours?
      It is necessary to know the reasons for this phenomenon in order to draw any conclusions. what
      Maybe this is some kind of protective mechanism of the human population in this region and it is the main one in a series of other reasons.
      There is little information on this topic... request
      1. 0
        15 January 2024 06: 29
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Has anyone conducted scientific research on the topic of explosive birth rates in Central Asia, where the standard of living of local residents is incomparable to ours?

        It’s difficult to explain, but over the last 40 difficult years for the former USSR, in Tajikistan the population from 5 million has reached 10 million. And life there is many times worse than in Russia, although in the Baltics life is better and the birth rate is lower.
        1. 0
          15 January 2024 07: 55
          All of Asia has become much better off over the past 70 years. Pure money cannot explain it. They left the isolated life of the villages without flying to the big cities. They preserved medieval traditions and took on something new.
          Hurry up slowly.
        2. -2
          15 January 2024 07: 55
          All of Asia has become much better off over the past 70 years. Pure money cannot explain it. They left the isolated life of the villages without flying to the big cities. They preserved medieval traditions and took on something new.
          Hurry up slowly.
      2. +18
        15 January 2024 07: 02
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        explosive birth rate in Central Asia where the standard of living of local residents is incomparable to ours?

        It’s the same as in pre-revolutionary Russia: the more children, the greater the family’s chances of survival...

        To Article:
        Thus, despite the fact that the standard of living in Russia and Brazil is not very different, in Brazil the birth rate is much higher than the death rate...

        For this reason, it would be incorrect to talk about the economic factor as the key one that most significantly influences the demographic situation.

        Great! Perfect comparison... wassat
        Are there slums in Russia? Is the climate the same in Russia? Is it possible to live with three or four babies in a cardboard box?
        And all these average salaries make my cheekbones cringe because of these statistics. In Brazil, tens of millions of people cannot even afford to consult a doctor...
        1. +7
          15 January 2024 09: 29
          They can’t allow it in Brazil..Can we? I take for example residents of a province or village. There are no cardiologists in the area, for example. The same neurologist sends you for a consultation to Krasnodar two hundred miles away. This is a lost day with an unclear result. Yes and in cities, quality help is not always available. Maybe we shouldn’t look for the speck in someone else’s eye? Based on the birth rate in Central Asia.. Mentality, values ​​of family, clan. We have different values ​​- eat better food, relax more luxuriously... That’s the reason
          1. +11
            15 January 2024 09: 38
            What does it have to do with eating tastier food and relaxing more luxuriously? Is it some kind of crime to eat well and get proper rest?
            "By birth rate in Central Asia.. Mentality, values ​​of family, clan."
            “It’s the same as in pre-revolutionary Russia: the more children, the more chances the family has to survive...” Well, comrade Doccor18 has already given you the answer.
            And I remember well how in one of the TV shows in the early 2000s, Tajikistan was correctly described after the collapse of the USSR - the Middle Ages with a mobile phone. And during this time, little has changed.
            1. -10
              15 January 2024 09: 40
              Not a crime. But it can often become... No.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. 0
              19 January 2024 23: 51
              Quote from AdAstra
              And I remember well how in one of the TV shows in the early 2000s, Tajikistan was correctly described after the collapse of the USSR - the Middle Ages with a mobile phone. And during this time, little has changed.

              The best wood processing plant in the territory of the former USSR is located in Tajikistan. Tajikistan began to develop and produce attack and reconnaissance drones. Automation and IT technology specialists are now mainly from Russia going to work in Tajikistan and not vice versa.
          2. +7
            15 January 2024 11: 24
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Brazil...Can we?

            For now, yes, even with great difficulties, but for now we can... If we don’t take very remote corners, then once a year mobile clinics/fluorographs pass through villages/towns (of course, not everywhere). This is unthinkable in Brazil. That's why I was skeptical about this comparison by the author...
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Maybe we shouldn’t look for the speck in someone else’s eye?

            Why look for it, everything has long been known, both about strangers and about our own “logs in the eye”...
          3. +2
            15 January 2024 12: 32
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            We have different values ​​- eat better food, relax more luxuriously... That’s the reason

            Well, what can you do if you have different values ​​in the Krasnodar region :))
          4. -3
            15 January 2024 13: 30
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            They can’t afford it in Brazil..Can we?

            Even the arrest officer came to his senses a little, but when did you?
          5. 0
            16 January 2024 09: 53
            In my opinion, there have never been cardiologists on staff at regional hospitals.
        2. +5
          15 January 2024 11: 56
          In Brazil, tens of millions of people cannot even afford to consult a doctor.
          Medicine is free for all legal residents of Brazil.
          1. +8
            15 January 2024 12: 05
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            Medicine is free for all legal residents of Brazil

            Purely theoretically - yes, but in practice: an acute shortage of doctors, a minimum bed capacity, dismal funding and endless waits for appointments, sometimes reaching three to four months...
      3. -1
        15 January 2024 07: 47
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        It is necessary to know the reasons for this phenomenon in order to draw any conclusions.

        It may sound paradoxical, and perhaps insulting, in the light of the protection of traditional values ​​in the Russian Federation, but in Central Asia, for the most part, family values ​​are higher and broader, the attitude of young people towards the older generation is more respectful, the traditional upbringing of young people has been preserved, where shame and intimacy are only after the wedding, where official marriage is an honor for the family. With every prayer, dua - parents and relatives wish the younger generation to build a family and have children.
        Since perestroika, citizens of the Russian Federation began to be corrupted, not only with alcohol and drugs, but also with information - TV, radio, media and artists joined in. Allegedly, freedom, openness, permissiveness are a sign of development, Europeanization. In the West they taught the reasons for Germany's defeat in World War II. This included chastity, patriotism, upbringing, and education in the USSR. This is what they tried to destroy. NTV, Speed ​​Info and so on are disgraceful - in Central Asia this remains banned, they didn’t reach it.
        In the end, the result, and the rest is just attempts at justification. In Central Asia, if God gives a child, he will also give his rizq (daily bread). In the Russian Federation, until I have secured myself and built a career, it is too early to think about a child. But when it’s time, it’s difficult to realize it in time.
        1. +13
          15 January 2024 09: 41
          "but in Central Asia, for the most part, family values ​​are higher and broader, the attitude of young people towards the older generation is more respectful, the traditional education of young people has been preserved, where there is shame, intimacy only after the wedding, where official marriage is the honor of the family. With every prayer, dua - parents, relatives wish the younger generation to build a family and have children."
          Let me ask then, where do they, such “correct” ones (like citizens of the Russian Federation from certain regions), go with all this when they leave such nice and correct all sorts of Tones?
          1. +8
            15 January 2024 11: 27
            You kind of answered it yourself about citizens from certain regions. The only truth is that there are ill-mannered people not only in the regions, but also in central cities. And it’s like this everywhere. But it was not for nothing that I wrote in the message “in general, family values ​​are higher.” What can you learn by coming and living here for a while? And not bragging or humiliating, but as an example in a specific case and on the topic.

            If we put aside emotions, then here is the usual “physics”:
            - extramarital relationships are strictly condemned, which leads to intimacy only after the wedding.
            - the goal in marriage is not just living together, with sharing expenses, but procreation.
            - first wedding night and honeymoon - without protection. As a result, in most cases - the first child after 9 months of marriage.
            - having become a father, the groom has a great incentive to earn money for the family.
            - somewhere instinct, somewhere upbringing, general rules and traditions, somewhere just love for family - all this together can give a big boost, an incentive for development
            - the head of the family has a stable income - then 2 children, etc.

            In Central Asia they don’t ask how much you earn, but they ask how many children you have. This is a sign of what you have achieved, how you have become rich in life.
            I repeat, this is in bulk. There are always exceptions and stupid people.
            I am glad that calls for family values ​​and a return to our roots have begun in the Russian Federation. The veil of deception, which was brought from outside as grace, has come away. And if in the Russian Federation the correct, traditional attitude towards the family, the value of the words “father” and “mother” continues to develop, then the question of the extinction of Russians will no longer exist. This is especially true in the western regions.
            1. +6
              15 January 2024 15: 20
              Azim, you described everything very well and correctly.
              1. -1
                16 January 2024 22: 44
                Did Andrei Samsonov bite you?
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. +7
              15 January 2024 19: 32
              I am glad that calls for family values ​​and a return to our roots have begun in the Russian Federation.

              You have a great comment hi Only calls are nonsense... populism, what needs to be done here is to change the attitude towards people... and those in power are the same ones who brought the country to extinction, accordingly, everything will be limited to calls. But the economic issue is actually important, if you look at the statistics and superimpose the birth rate graph on the income graph, then everything will immediately become clear.
              1. 0
                15 January 2024 23: 42
                Quote: Svarog
                the economic issue is actually important, if you look at the statistics and superimpose the birth rate graph on the income graph, then everything will immediately become clear.

                By superimposing the birth rate graph on the income graph in Switzerland, you can expect 5-7 children in a family there...
                No????!!! Weird request
                A simple and obvious example - by the end of the 1970s in the RSFSR there were on average 2 children, and there were also one. Four were already a rarity.
                The aligarchs are also to blame???
                And yes, if suddenly now we miraculously return the USSR to the times of the 1970s, all those born between 1980 and 2010 will not rush to give birth. They are already hopeless in education.
                Tiktok, House 2, Odnoklassniki and other Charlottes have discouraged all young people from wanting to wash diapers and not sleep at night
                1. 0
                  18 January 2024 16: 43
                  Does Switzerland have an extinction problem? No? - then why the pearl about 5-7 children in a family? Maybe there was a problem with extinction in the USSR in the 70s? Ahh... You hit yourself with your finger - there were no aligarchs))))
                  1. -1
                    19 January 2024 09: 11
                    Quote: KERMET
                    Does Switzerland have an extinction problem? No?

                    To your surprise, the birth rate is insufficient
                    Quote: KERMET
                    Maybe there was a problem with extinction in the USSR in the 70s?
                    в the USSR in general, it did not stand in the 1970s - at the expense of Central Asia.
                    But in RSFSR There were already problems.
                    Figures for the republics are readily available.
                    1. 0
                      19 January 2024 10: 51
                      1.Insufficient for what? To your surprise, Switzerland is not seeking explosive population growth.
                      2. Don’t distort it, the problem is not degeneration; until the end of its existence, the RSFSR had a population increase of more than 1 million people annually
                      1. -1
                        19 January 2024 11: 04
                        Quote: KERMET
                        1.Insufficient for what? To your surprise, Switzerland is not seeking explosive population growth.

                        Yeah, only they are worried that the country is rapidly aging
                        Quote: KERMET
                        2. Don’t distort it, the problem is not degeneration; until the end of its existence, the RSFSR had a population increase of more than 1 million people annually
                        in Russian families on average there were 1-2, 3 was rare, 4 was practically non-existent.
                        And yes, a population growth of 1 million by 140 is a bird’s tears. This is not degeneration, this is an extremely serious problem (if that makes you feel better)
                      2. 0
                        19 January 2024 11: 19
                        I don’t really care about the Swiss - given their standard of living - the aging of the nation is their choice, they don’t face the problem of extinction.
                        And it will be easier for me when the Russians stop dying out now; in the USSR they did not die out despite all the problems and the birds’ tears
                      3. -1
                        19 January 2024 12: 36
                        Quote: KERMET
                        I don’t really care about the Swiss - given their standard of living - the aging of the nation is their choice, they don’t face the problem of extinction.

                        The question was about the low standard of living and the dependence of the number of children on it. There is no direct dependence.
                        Otherwise it would have turned out that under the kings swan (10 children) lived 5 times belay better than in the RSFSR in 1970 (2 children). And this is exactly what supporters of the “bad life” theory claim.
                        I hope you agree that in the 1970s 2 children lived better than 10 children in 1900?
                  2. 0
                    19 January 2024 13: 12
                    It is useless to call for a smoking ban and fire safety measures in a building where a fire is already raging. As a rule, in a society where any small hitch arises, this step is inflated by the majority of the Mass Media to unimaginable heights and dimensions, creating uncertainty and sometimes panic among individuals with an unstable psyche in order to attract attention and gain fame . Most often, this is used by the owners of unstable psyches themselves, that is, the authors of such opuses.
          2. +5
            15 January 2024 13: 05
            Quote from AdAstra
            Let me ask then, where do they, such “correct” ones (like citizens of the Russian Federation from certain regions), go with all this when they leave such nice and correct all sorts of Tones?

            But everything is simply impossible - they behave here as we allow them, and as is now customary with us. What if you offend a Russian girl, then her brothers will not come along with half of the young male population of this area and demolish the “cabins” of all the offenders. Because there are few brothers now, and even those don’t even say hello to their neighbors.
            1. +12
              15 January 2024 14: 18
              they will not demolish the “cabins” of all the offenders.
              Because they will get a real sentence for this. And the diaspora will buy off Mambet, and in general - we are for internationalism and Rafik Nivinavat.
              1. +6
                15 January 2024 14: 24
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                Because they will get a real sentence for this. And the diaspora will buy off Mambet, and in general - we are for internationalism and Rafik Nivinavat.

                Internationalism is a difficult and harmful Soviet past. The diaspora is an ethnic organized crime group. Well, as for the real time limit - whoever first announced the conflict is right. There are ethnic communities of small nations, but the Russian movements, although defeated, are now beginning to revive.
                1. +5
                  15 January 2024 14: 26
                  Internationalism is a difficult and harmful Soviet past. The diaspora is an ethnic organized crime group.
                  I agree.
                  Whoever first announced the conflict is right.
                  I don't agree. In addition, for a Russian, a criminal record = civil execution. But the greengrocer doesn’t really care.
                  1. +2
                    15 January 2024 14: 33
                    Quote: Bolt Cutter
                    I don't agree. In addition, for a Russian, a criminal record = civil execution. But the greengrocer doesn’t really care.

                    Whether you agree or not is your opinion. I, as a person who has worked “on the ground” in the Russian police for many years, clearly understand the rules: whoever reported first will be listened to first. Money, connections and the ingenuity of a lawyer certainly mean a lot, but police officers usually collect initial material based on the nature of the statement that the victim brings to them.
        2. +6
          15 January 2024 11: 58
          In Central Asia - if God gives a child, he will also give his rizq
          And the child grows up into a stupid, envious, aggressive animal.
          1. +7
            15 January 2024 12: 03
            Yeah, we get later - “if Allah didn’t give you a horse and a rich robe, then take them yourself,” coupled with “a dagger is good for those who have it and bad for those who don’t.” hi
      4. +1
        16 January 2024 09: 51
        With the exception of Tajikistan, the birth rate in Central Asia is declining quite significantly.
    2. +12
      15 January 2024 06: 13
      Why is the birth rate in Central Asia

      Because their economic situation corresponds to their level of development.
      Lower the Russians to the level of education of the Tajiks - and everything will improve. This is being done, but the factor of fathers and grandfathers and grandmothers is not canceled, it is necessary that the literate ones die out, and do not prevent the new generation from reproducing without education
      1. +2
        15 January 2024 06: 25
        Quote from tsvetahaki
        Lower the Russians to the level of education of the Tajiks - and everything will improve.

        Oh how...so you propose to abolish schools, universities and leave only primary classes?
        A risky undertaking...calculate the consequences of this unreasonable decision for years to come.
        Do not forget that the illiterate masses can easily be controlled by adventurers of various kinds who come to power. smile
        1. +10
          15 January 2024 09: 38
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Oh how...so you propose to abolish schools, universities and leave only primary classes?

          He does not propose, he states the fact that such a decision has been made and its successful implementation over many years.
          1. -5
            15 January 2024 13: 38
            However, no one is left without schools; one could just as easily draw a straight line. And why did you throw it in then?
          2. 0
            17 January 2024 08: 42
            Well, naturally you won’t get an answer from the bot. Or he ran away to school himself - there’s no time yet.
        2. -2
          16 January 2024 09: 46
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Quote from tsvetahaki
          Lower the Russians to the level of education of the Tajiks - and everything will improve.

          Oh how...so you propose to abolish schools, universities and leave only primary classes?
          A risky undertaking...calculate the consequences of this unreasonable decision for years to come.
          Do not forget that the illiterate masses can easily be controlled by adventurers of various kinds who come to power. smile

          The problem is that the poorly educated population is multiplying - the whole world is an example. And as soon as education arises, the birth rate drops immediately. And no economic crutches will help.
    3. +16
      15 January 2024 07: 15
      the standard of living in Russia and Brazil is not too different

      Finally! hi We've waited! Yes, in Brazil it is much higher! Since they do not need central heating, nor warm clothing, nothing that is required due to the climate. .... and there are no colds .... which means there are no expenses for this. The climate is to blame for everything. Here, Vladimir Vladimirovich! Somehow I got scared what further conclusions about life in Russia. A break in reading is necessary
      1. +9
        15 January 2024 09: 10
        It was really offensive about Brazil. What kind of trash does the author take us for by pushing such analytics? I reset all yesterday’s writings and all my conclusions....
        in terms of climate it is necessary to compare with the Scandinavians
        1. +10
          15 January 2024 09: 43
          And these are the parts where basically all Scandinavians live in a much milder climate than here in some Moscow region.
        2. +2
          15 January 2024 10: 32
          Quote from Sadam2
          ....what kind of trash does the author take us for?

          Yeah! I’m even afraid to finish reading the article ----- who knows what else? what sad When I was little ---- everyone watched Brazilian films. On TV. Mother still laughs at some of them, remembering them. So what are we up to? lol Although their series are watched in different countries. laughing And ours? request Yes, we are far from Brazil. Sarcasm
        3. +4
          15 January 2024 22: 13
          Quote from Sadam2
          It was really offensive about Brazil

          And about Mexico - isn’t it offensive?
          Average salaries are higher than ours...
          Probably because the climate is hot...
          1. -3
            16 January 2024 05: 51
            Quote from tsvetahaki
            Average salaries are higher than ours...

            In Zimbabwe, until 2008, average salaries were the highest in the world; the population received millions and billions of dollars. Zimbabwean...
            The bread really cost half a kilo of million dollar bills....
            The most popular product among bonists is still trillion-dollar bills...
          2. +1
            17 January 2024 20: 15
            Quote from tsvetahaki
            Average salaries are higher than ours...

            The nonsense about comparing salary in different countries is tired, they cannot be compared even in the same country sometimes because for the same salary in different regions the standard of living will be different and a higher salary will not always give a higher standard of living
      2. +8
        15 January 2024 09: 23
        Quote: Reptiloid
        Yes, in Brazil it is much higher! Since they do not need central heating, nor warm clothing, nothing that is required due to the climate. .... and there are no colds .... which means there are no expenses for this.
        And the harvest is probably more than once a year, but more often - that’s why food prices are lower.
        1. +3
          15 January 2024 10: 39
          Quote: Stirbjorn
          ..... the harvest is probably not once a year, but more often - that’s why food prices are lower.

          Ahah! Bananas, fruits, medicinal plants, coffee, cocoa, alcohol, tobacco and fish, crustaceans,...... and another 600$$$$$$$$$ that's it crying lucky for them. And football, and carnivals at the same time, and macumba...
      3. 0
        15 January 2024 13: 45
        Yeah yeah, there are fewer diseases in Brazil... You modestly keep silent about the fact that Brazil is covered in jungles and is full of diseases that probably haven’t even been discovered anywhere yet...
        And the warm, humid climate is a paradise for all sorts of viruses and harmful microorganisms, and what if some unknown living creature bites? Better enjoy your cold.
        1. +1
          15 January 2024 15: 29
          Better enjoy your cold

          hi In general, I often explain my comments with the word --- sarcasm! laughing this time I forgot, and when I got ready, I already request
          was prohibited

          So, it is better not to crush Brazilian mosquitoes directly on the skin, but to wait until they fly away, because... They will then inject the person with antibodies! Otherwise, it will itch more intensely and the skin will peel off in rags, or there will simply be blood clots on the skin!
          There was a case when a Russian was slightly touched by a flying huge butterfly. The man felt a light touch. And then, when I returned to Russia, a boil appeared in this place. I thought I probably brought something in for myself. I came to the surgeon. The surgeon opened IT up, and there... a fat caterpillar the length of a little finger am !!!The nurse fainted.
          The so-called cow tree, whose juice is similar in composition and taste to milk, you can drink it during fasting, and it can replace mother's milk!
          Well, everyone knows about piranhas and candiras. So, scientific expeditions regularly go there, and every time they discover new species of terrestrial vertebrates! For example, they discovered the most basal species of marsupial, similar to an opossum! There is no such species in Australia and there never was! The most primitive of marsupials!
          What if they suddenly discover modern megatheriums and glyptodonts, as well as transitional forms from ordinary sloths and armadillos to these giants?
          And another slightly seditious thought: what if Julsrud, Cabrera, Padre Crespi and others like them are right, and for example, huge sauropods now live somewhere in South America, became viviparous and, due to the lack of scales on the skin, switched to mammals ??? good wink
          About $600, it’s like the average temperature in a hospital hi
    4. 0
      15 January 2024 08: 09
      Fertility is a summary indicator of the strength of the people. 150, or better yet 250 million people are made up of distinct people.
      130 million women - oh. A woman’s worldview decides everything. Culture, a program laid down in childhood, gives commands on how to behave and realize oneself. What to pay at 15,25,35,55 years old.
      I wrote 2 times: the Ministry of Culture is responsible for the birth rate. I confirm.
      Nowadays, 5-10 year olds put thoughts, meanings, “this is right, this is how we should live” into their subconscious. And after 15-30 years I received mythical coefficients.
      Not before.
      But the Ministry of Culture should then chop off heads for naked parties, striptease (with big tips at the pole), and control the morality police.
      The Ministry of Finance is not the main ministry.
      There are no quick solutions. This is the NK 3-year budget that Kudrin and Silanov opposed. Allegedly, the financial situation is changing quickly. They were 1 year old. And then the state plan is all from scratch.
      Need 30 year plans
      1. +4
        15 January 2024 08: 55
        Need 30 year plans

        Somehow you hi dreamed excessively. It’s not that there are no plans, but there is neither a program for the future, nor a statement of the present!
        What kind of future is the country building? For whom? Present the overall picture. But this is not the case. Apparently they are embarrassed to tell us all about this. And the author did not explain this either. Also about the present.
        1. +7
          15 January 2024 09: 36
          Let the country of the future not build. Let's go over the facts. For the purpose of the Northern Military District, the state/participants have found trillions of rubles in the pockets of citizens and oligarchs. But this meager amount is not enough to support the birth rate for 30 years. To counter opponents from outside, the state writes laws and provides material resources. To solve the demographic problem - no. Full conditions are not created. A simple example I recently gave for abortion - the state does not charge women or families for paying a 25+% tax for those under 18 years of age for a conscientious objector. That is, here is a ready-made child for you, take it and support it yourself - the state refuses. Maybe the state guarantees to families with one mother, payments at the level of 1 minimum wage per child - alimony? - also no. The state is producing a simulation. In 80% of cases, children are not made simply because there is not enough material resources. As an alternative, why doesn’t the state create a society of older people, with a conditional minimum wage, who would look after their relatives? Families would be more united, a benefit for generations. But everywhere the state doesn’t want anything, there are simulations everywhere.
          1. +3
            15 January 2024 10: 24
            the country of the future is not building

            hi Of course he is building! Only the future is assumed to be such that they prefer to either hush it up or roll it over.
            In general, there are doubts that demographics are concerned. In my opinion, everything will go into conversations. Here EBN spoke
            take sovereignty as much as you want

            Yes, they didn’t immediately understand him on the ground. They couldn’t believe him. He understood that he could not hold the whole country
          2. -2
            15 January 2024 13: 51
            Again, everything with you is in the best traditions of pro-Western.... comes down to "economics"
            Quote: valek97
            A simple example
            : In Japan, fertility support is higher, so what? They are dying out. You would know all this if you read the article at least partially.
            1. +7
              15 January 2024 14: 07
              In Japan, there are different problems and mainly that there are squirrels in the wheel and capitalism with an Asian twist, we are moving there and adopting them.
              Eee? Where is the support? I don’t see the state giving single mothers a guaranteed minimum wage per child, and not when they beat the dad out of it (if there is one). The minimum wage in the Kaluga region is 15 * 279 * 12 = 18 million, 3 thousand without taking into account inflation for food only and a little clothing costs. And your handout for all this time is 300 thousand times, but your drawdown is 500 million. Where should they live? Maybe the state will lend its shoulder and take care of those who have difficulties with work, even temporarily? That's not the case either. How is unemployment calculated in our country? And it is considered according to those registered with the Central Employment Service! Why not according to the Pension Fund, where all employment data is collected? Why not ask a person proactively - dear family, we see that you have had one parent quit/fired, on the same day the pension fund and guardianship authorities should ask whether there are job options, whether you need help finding a job and supporting a child during this time , maybe you should retrain?
              Simple questions and decisions, no one needs anything, complete simulacra, because it’s so difficult to take an interest in 30 years and make effective decisions to protect real rights, real help. And not dust in the eyes and simulation!
              1. -3
                15 January 2024 14: 09
                You've thrown everything into a heap. In fact, you didn't even read my comment.
                1. +3
                  15 January 2024 14: 12
                  This is my answer to yours
                  You would know all this if you read the article at least partially.

                  The foundations of the problem arise from the material plane in 80% of families, there are the remaining 20 and we also need to work with them
                  Isn’t this the kind of pile that plans for deciding to have a child are made from? There is no point in thinking about LGBT propaganda and other matters, when here it is, reality, the median salary is 24 thousand rubles (per adult), how many children can you feed and yourself on this? Will you show miracles and feed and clothe yourself and 1 children for 24 thousand?
                  1. -3
                    15 January 2024 14: 15
                    If you read the article, there are several examples showing that you are completely wrong.
                  2. +1
                    15 January 2024 14: 23
                    I have money for two cars, I have money for a top model iPhone, and I definitely have to replace it every year. There is money for overpaying loans and surfing the Internet. But there is no time to dress the children. Well, I'm not surprised. I would even say that I believe that they do not exist.
                    I graduated from school in the 90s, and I remember that at graduation I was treated to a couple of pieces of chocolate. And now it’s customary to celebrate almost every class completed in restaurants... There’s no money, really, where would it come from?
                    1. +6
                      15 January 2024 14: 28
                      Those whom you brought are in the 20% who have problems with their heads. The remaining 80% do not have the financial resources for children, although they want children. Among my circle there are no such rich people. Those who have children receive 24-36 thousand salaries in their hands and can have 1-2 children maximum.
                      Take any author from the portal, for some reason everyone decided that people are mad because they don’t want to do anything, they don’t want to give birth, and when you look at the opposite opinions, including mine, everyone says that to have a child, you need to have a minimum minimum wage for him.
                      And they have nowhere to come from, bloody capitalism, unborn children, fattening oligarchs, elite, bohemians, Why be surprised? The state would set the task so that business would develop using internal forces, wages would be normal for indigenous residents and everything else. Everything is being done to grab it now and here.
                      1. -2
                        15 January 2024 14: 38
                        This is the third time you've written the same thing. For what? Unlike you, I read.
                        For you, everything comes down to the economy, although the opposite is clearly visible in the world, the worse the economy, the higher the population growth, well, the main thing is that there is food, otherwise when there is famine, then of course nothing grows except troubles.
                        A large family is the key to survival and well-being. And when economic growth begins, it immediately begins - I’m an introverted individual, I don’t have enough money, and dear, what children, I haven’t finished watching the series on the gadget yet.
                      2. -1
                        16 January 2024 06: 08
                        Quote: valek97
                        the remaining 80% do not have the financial resources for children, even though they want children. Among my circle there are no such rich people. Those who have children receive 24-36 thousand salaries in their hands and can have 1-2 children maximum.

                        That is, now the population lives about 10 times worse than under the kings?
                        Back then, a peasant who periodically ate quinoa out of hunger could afford 10-12 children, but now apparently quinoa has become very expensive since there is only 1 child in the family?
                        Or do they live much richer in Central Asia since they have children there? Or in Africa?
                        And Switzerland is much richer than ours - but ALSO Just like we have tension with our children....
                      3. +1
                        16 January 2024 08: 39
                        The majority of the population lives in the city. There you can allow the population only on the salary, and not on the surrounding agriculture as in the villages.
          3. -1
            16 January 2024 05: 58
            Quote: valek97
            80% of cases do not make children only because there is not enough material resources, banally.

            That is, under the tsars, when the peasant had nothing special to eat, was there enough material resources for 10-12 children?
            That is, now the population has begun to live 10-12 times worse than under the tsar, judging by the only child???
            1. +1
              16 January 2024 08: 40
              Yes. Under the kings, a child from the age of 4 worked for the family. Now in the city I’ve been independent since I was 22 years old.
              1. -2
                16 January 2024 09: 14
                Quote: valek97
                Yes. Under the kings, a child from the age of 4 worked for the family. Now in the city I’ve been independent since I was 22 years old.

                That is why under the Tsar and the early USSR they multiplied.
                ""Everyone in the house!!" (c)
      2. +8
        15 January 2024 09: 34
        Planning is certainly good. But look for a photo of the current minister. It will never be cultural at all.
      3. +4
        15 January 2024 13: 09
        Quote: Reptiloid
        Ministry of Culture responsible for fertility.

        The Ministry of Culture is against TikTok trends. This is an epic battle that the Ministry of Culture will never win.
        I'll just leave it here, cutting out the mat:
        As a result, RuTikTok is the most anti-state and anti-family platform, where among young schoolgirls hatred is unleashed against Russian-speaking men, who are all rapists and abusers, schoolchildren are promoted to move to other countries, schoolgirls are encouraged to marry foreigners, abandon children, work in webcam prostitution, phobias towards pregnancy and marriage, depressing LGBT and political fights are being conducted, and video hate is also being sent to Russia. No other Internet platform has poured out so much shit... towards Russian-speaking men, the birth of children, marriage and family. While in China TikTok is closed from the outside world, in India it is blocked, in the USA they are taking their TikTok segment under full control, in Russia no one cares.
        1. +2
          15 January 2024 16: 06
          Obliterator! hi
          Somehow you made me incredibly upset! Well, where did I say this? Where am I and where is the culture with Tik Tok? You didn't "quote" me. Aaaabidna
          1. +1
            15 January 2024 16: 57
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Somehow you made me incredibly upset! Well, where did I say this? Where am I and where is the culture with Tik Tok? You didn't "quote" me. Aaaabidna

            Haha. I've only seen this on ancient forums. When you quote one, and another’s name comes up. I offer my sincere apologies. But TikTok is nevertheless evil and poison for the brain.
            1. 0
              15 January 2024 17: 25
              Quote: Obliterator
              ...... TikTok nevertheless is evil and poison for the brain.

              It's a pity that junior high school students often go there.
    5. +5
      15 January 2024 16: 58
      I believe that one should take into account not only the existing state of affairs itself, but also the history of changing states of the community or person in question. Worldview, values ​​and claims to a certain status are not strictly tied to wealth or place in the social hierarchy at a given point in time, but are very inert, especially when it comes to a “short game.” In addition, a person lives not only through personally gained experience and even not only through the experience of people who are not much different from himself from his immediate environment, his family, ethnic group, class, etc., especially now: he looks around, looks down and up, compares himself with others, draws conclusions, forms requests, makes plans and adjusts his behavior.
      Perhaps a phenomenon of this particular type is taking place now, which is superimposed on other factors and, in combination with them, gives the effect that we see. For three decades now, people have been knocked off their feet by the next crisis: either 1992 will crush the “X”, then default will pin them to the ground, then 2008, imperceptibly turning into 2024, will roll over them, and even according to the “Greeks” with the “Zets”. As a result, we have a huge mass of people whose human capital is critically and blatantly inconsistent with their position in society, wealth and prestige. These people want to live better, and a significant part of them also lived better once. Hence the justified feeling of the abnormality and unnaturalness of one’s position, the focus on increased accumulation of fat, and not on childbearing, for example. This is a combination of the mentality of the urban lower-central middle class (which is everywhere reproduced at a snail’s pace compared to its lower and upper neighbors) and the current paucity of opportunities.
      1. 0
        16 January 2024 15: 26
        We need to look more specifically, at least at the export of capital.
        There are three components here.
        1. Unequal trade exchange with Western countries, roughly speaking, the sale of oil for candy wrappers and currently seized gold and foreign exchange reserves.
        2. Tourism abroad.
        3. Guest workers and their withdrawal of earned foreign currency, and we, therefore, have a continuous crisis of overproduction. Low purchasing power of the population within the country.
        Want other reasons? I have them.
  2. +18
    15 January 2024 05: 00
    . For this reason, it would be incorrect to talk about the economic factor as the key one that most significantly influences the demographic situation.

    How can you have many children without enough living space and low wages? Not many people can do this! Life (in Russia) speaks for itself. And there is no need to compare it with warm Brazil, where more people live in their own homes. Or favelas for which they pay nothing. We have one payment for housing and communal services (heating, hot water) which is worth it! The standard of living may be the same, but life, expenses, and the ability to support children are different.

    Look, our new buildings are mostly built with small-sized or one-room or two-room apartments. People don't want anything else! How can large families live there?
    1. +5
      15 January 2024 09: 44
      But they foam at the mouth and criticize the “cramped and uncomfortable” Khrushchev apartments.
      1. -4
        15 January 2024 15: 32
        Well, compared to the housing of an ordinary “middle class” American, Khrushchev’s are generally VIP.
      2. 0
        16 January 2024 15: 33
        Khrushchev houses are quite high-quality housing in terms of the materials and construction methods used. These are bricks, concrete, concrete panels on a pile foundation. Modern, industrial and durable.
        But, from the point of view of the layout and life in them, this is extremely low-quality and uncomfortable housing.
        No one has yet been able to come up with a worse layout than the Estonian Soviet architect Mart Port.
        If the author of the Khrushchev plan is not Mart Port, then correct me.
    2. +12
      15 January 2024 10: 11
      It is generally a big mistake to measure ourselves by an abstract standard of living... Because people rely on what is expected, and not just on numbers. After all, it is obvious that a person born in a large industrial country, who has completed at least 10 grades, who has parents who told how everything was in their lifetime, certainly expects something more than a Tajik from a village or a Negro from a favela..

      And what seems to them the height of well-being is for him absolute poverty... Some, in particular our bureaucrats, may say that you’ve been too greedy, you’ll live on pasta. But - why the hell?? Our fathers and grandfathers, working hard all their lives, left us a great, rich state. It wasn't poor at all - it's not poor even now. So why should their descendants consider a room in a barracks and a meal once a day as happiness? This country is ours, and we have the right to count on a higher standard of living based on its wealth, isn’t it?
      1. +7
        15 January 2024 12: 39
        Quote: paul3390
        We have the right to count on a higher standard of living based on its wealth, don’t we?

        No, it’s not like that, Russia’s 110 dollar billionaires won’t let you lie...
      2. 0
        16 January 2024 06: 18
        Quote: paul3390
        We have the right to count on a higher standard of living based on its wealth, don’t we?

        A high standard of living always contradicts a large number of children - this has been proven many times throughout the world and even in the USSR (where in the 1970s no one in the RSFSR had 5 children, but in the 1950s in poorer times it was easy).
        1. 0
          16 January 2024 10: 13
          There were, of course, large families in the RSFSR in the 70s and 80s. My classmate at a rural school came from a family of seven children. But neither he nor his brothers and sisters became parents of many children, and they did not want this in the first place.
  3. +6
    15 January 2024 05: 22
    Smoking, beer alcoholism, poor quality of healthcare, lack of housing in a country where the average annual temperature is negative, long working hours (lack of time for rest) - this is an incomplete list of reasons.
    Urbanization! Urbanization! Why didn’t you note that life in the city is many times more expensive than life in the countryside?
    What an interesting feature: crowds of suburbanites traveling to work in the city. Often this work is not included in the list of high-tech jobs. They pay regularly and it’s okay, as long as it’s enough to live on. The bulk of jobs are in trade and services. Why, for example, is there no practice of attracting urban residents to work in agriculture?
    Lack of principles of social justice, goals in life, examples (idols) to follow, immersion in virtual reality, use of drugs and other “dope”, low quality of education (including labor, vocational education), examples of neighbors on the floor (staircase site, entrance, house) - that’s all the diversity of life.
    Sweatshop labor for pennies, Turkish (Thai or some other) “All inclusive”, watching football with beer, barbecues in nature by exterminating and polluting it...
    The car was a means of transportation, a luxury, and now it has become a source of a certain superiority over pedestrians... The music is screaming so loud that this tin can is bouncing at the intersection (and the music itself is from who knows what places, as a rule)...
    Replacing feelings with instincts and paid services... Why the hell did this family with the “backbiters”, with this school and employment problems, give up? The state has dumped all its problems and functions on the citizens, and now the citizens have neglected their civic duty...
    1. 0
      15 January 2024 05: 51
      Sorry, but horses and people are mixed together, you have some kind of mess.
      And the weather and the beer and the lack of idols.
      Car and vehicle and luxury.
      With what sauce are you going to take me, a city dweller, to the village?
      How is it during the USSR?
      1. +8
        15 January 2024 05: 55
        Quote: Arkadich
        Sorry, but horses and people are mixed together, you have some kind of mess.

        This mess is divided into paragraphs and sentences. It reads as food for thought.
        High pay for physical labor, for the PRODUCTION of REAL GOODS, can encourage a city resident to go to work in the suburbs every day, returning from work to the city.
        No one is going to take you to the village, especially since the village itself has been dying for a long time.
        1. 0
          16 January 2024 06: 23
          Quote: ROSS 42
          High pay for physical labor, for the PRODUCTION of REAL GOODS, can encourage a city resident to go to work in the suburbs every day, returning from work to the city.

          Oh well...
          And you didn't know that
          a) it is very difficult physically
          B) any increase in wages in rural areas = food prices for city residents automatically increase.
          But ...
      2. 0
        15 January 2024 06: 33
        Quote: Arkadich
        With what sauce are you going to take me, a city dweller, to the village?

        Yes, no matter what the sauce, a city dweller is not suitable for life in the countryside. If only for a month you can fry kebabs and drink vodka (you won’t be able to make moonshine).
        1. +3
          15 January 2024 06: 59
          Yes, no matter what the sauce, a city dweller is not suitable for life in the countryside. If only for a month you can fry kebabs and drink vodka (you won’t be able to make moonshine).

          I don’t disagree with you much, I really like to work on the ground on weekends. But I completely agree with you about the bathhouse, barbecue and the rest in the evening. drinks
          1. 0
            16 January 2024 17: 19
            Quote: Arkadich
            I don’t disagree with you much, I really like to work on the ground on weekends.

            Exactly on weekends, and the countryside needs to work for decades, 7 days a week, and absorb village life with mother’s milk. I didn’t absorb it, but my father did, although he still walked across the seas for 50 years.
            1. +1
              16 January 2024 17: 41
              You are right, maybe only with an adjustment for modern times. Nowadays, many plots are being cultivated at full capacity, but the cattle are not kept. I could be wrong, of course, in the outback there are probably more, but near cities, villages turn into either dachas or just places to live.
            2. +1
              16 January 2024 17: 45
              You are right, maybe only with an adjustment for modern times. Nowadays, many plots are being cultivated at full capacity, but the cattle are not kept. I could be wrong, of course, in the outback there are probably more, but near cities, villages turn into either dachas or just places to live.
        2. 0
          16 January 2024 10: 17
          Nowadays, many city residents make homemade alcoholic drinks; there are even shops where you can buy the appropriate equipment.
        3. 0
          16 January 2024 15: 39
          An interesting question about the unsuitability of a city dweller in the countryside. Some Russian philosophers argued that agriculture is more difficult to learn than working in industry.
          The ability to keep pets and grow in the garden exactly what sells well at the moment is really worth a lot. I want to confirm that, as a city resident, I was completely inferior to my father-in-law in terms of ability to keep livestock.
      3. +8
        15 January 2024 07: 49
        Quote: Arkadich
        Sorry, but horses and people are mixed together, you have some kind of mess.
        And the weather and the beer and the lack of idols.
        Car and vehicle and luxury.
        With what sauce are you going to take me, a city dweller, to the village?
        How is it during the USSR?

        I was in the village as a child. My grandmother is retired, but she got up at dawn and went to bed after dark. She sat down at the table only to eat. The farm is small, but troublesome. Animals must be fed in winter, summer, autumn, and spring. There is no time to get sick. Even then, with my childish mind, I realized that rural life was not for me. Neither the grandmother nor the village are long gone. There is only the name of the settlement on the map
        1. +5
          15 January 2024 08: 05
          Right. The human desire to live better cannot be exterminated. And when the question of a good life now or children arises, the choice for most is obvious.
          The politics of consumption pushes us towards this, and if there are no anchors (religious, national, beliefs, etc.) a person floats with the flow.
          1. +5
            15 January 2024 09: 30
            The question is what is a good life? For some, a good life means a high income and a lot of free time for beer, friends and relaxation from previous activities; for others, a large, strong family and life in the worries and troubles of this family.
            1. +3
              15 January 2024 09: 44
              I agree that people have different understandings, but the majority of consumption policies develop the first option. Why is it better for children to go to the south, why is it better for children to have a modern car, children and there won’t be many pleasures of entertainment, etc.
              1. +3
                15 January 2024 10: 31
                This is the trouble, that the concept of “good life” is precisely about the first option and it is not clear how to transfer this concept to the second.
                1. -1
                  15 January 2024 10: 58
                  At least by attempts to revive Russian self-awareness, a mentality that was killed over 70 years of building socialism.
                  1. +2
                    15 January 2024 12: 40
                    If socialism killed this mentality in our country, then who killed this mentality in the rest of the world from the USA to Europe?
                    1. +3
                      15 January 2024 12: 47
                      Each country has more or less general reasons, but there are also specific ones. Therefore, it is necessary to generalize carefully.
                      We have added a specific one to the general ones, and only in the USSR in other countries of the socialist camp it did not manifest itself in the form of a mono-nation (maybe Yugoslavia, of course).
                      1. +2
                        15 January 2024 16: 26
                        And Czechoslovakia.

                        Russia has not passed the form of a nation state and will not pass, time is up. Russia is not a state of Russians and it is no longer possible to create such a state, either for demographic or for geographical reasons. The USSR is the same empire in this sense as the Russian Empire, it did not subtract anything and did not add anything.
                      2. +3
                        15 January 2024 16: 34
                        Russia is not a state of Russians, because in the USSR nations and Russians were emasculated in the first place. It all started with Lenin about Great Russian chauvinism.
                      3. -2
                        15 January 2024 17: 39
                        Russia is not a state of Russians

                      4. +3
                        15 January 2024 19: 08
                        You did not immediately join the dialogue, so I will explain that if we consider each nation as a community with basic rules, customs, beliefs, and mentality, then the Russian people disappears.
                      5. 0
                        16 January 2024 09: 24
                        Let me explain, if we consider each nation as a community with basic rules, customs, beliefs, mentality, then the Russian people disappears

                        Why if the Russian people (which is also a cultural-ethnic nation) are a community with rules, customs, beliefs, mentality (your words, which in their essence are the definition of a cultural-ethnic nation), then they disappear? There is no explanation at all.
                      6. +2
                        16 January 2024 11: 04
                        I don't have to explain anything to you.
                        If you want to discuss, read the comments above.
                      7. -2
                        16 January 2024 11: 20
                        I don't have to explain anything to you.

                        So it was your own desire to explain to me. Here it is:
                        Quote: Arkadich
                        so I'll explain

                        But there was no explanation. Only its declaration.
                        If you want to discuss, read the comments above.

                        I am not in the habit of entering into a discussion without familiarizing myself with the entire course of the conversation.
                      8. +2
                        16 January 2024 11: 38
                        Russia is not a state of Russians, because in the USSR nations and Russians were emasculated in the first place.
                        if we consider each nation as a community with basic rules, customs, beliefs, mentality, then the Russian people disappears.

                        You asked who inhabits Russia, but I find it difficult to answer because Russians as a nation have already lost many features that distinguish them from others, and if this continues, the word Russian, like Russian, will simply define a person living in the territory called Russia.
                      9. -2
                        16 January 2024 12: 01
                        You asked who inhabits Russia

                        You're confusing, I didn't ask that. I asked Russia who is the state if not the Russians (as you claim)?
                        Russians as a nation have already lost many features

                        For example, what are these traits? Otherwise it’s unclear.
                        then the word Russian, like Russian, will simply define a person living in the territory called Russia.

                        So this is a reason to worry not for Russians, but for representatives of other nationalities who want to preserve their ethno-cultural identity. It turns out that the word “Russian” will remain in your version of the development of events, but the word “Tatar”, for example, will not be there; he will also be called Russian.
                      10. +2
                        16 January 2024 12: 17
                        I think either you are reading without delving into it or you are being a fool.
                        I listed above the features that define a community of people as a nation, you can open the textbook, it’s written more intelligently.
                        The Tatar and many others do not need to worry, he has roots that most of them adhere to, these are faith, customs, language, folklore (not ostentatious for the stage).
                        Come to Tatarstan or Udmurtia and other national republics, I’m not talking about Chechnya, Dagestan, Ossetia during their holidays or celebrations and compare with Russian villages.
                      11. -2
                        16 January 2024 12: 30
                        this is faith, customs, language, folklore

                        So the Russians have it all. Why make it so scary?
                      12. +3
                        16 January 2024 13: 58
                        I don’t make things scary, I travel often, I see a lot. If you are Russian, how many folk songs do you know (not converted pop songs), but folk songs? I won’t ask about faith; it’s personal, but I’ll give you the following figures: according to the Russian Orthodox Church, 1,6 million people attended the Christmas service; in the past, 2,4 million.
                        Yes, this is subjective, but still they say something.
                        Finally, the son performed Nikah at his colleague’s place, and for this he converted to Islam. I asked about faith, but this corresponds to convention, we have love.
                        God bless them, but do you think their children, and especially their grandchildren, will consider themselves Russian? Not according to documents, but according to internal content.
                      13. -2
                        16 January 2024 14: 34
                        I get the impression that in your understanding (and in fact in the understanding of many) a real Russian is a Russian of the 18th-19th centuries, and nations (their culture) do not undergo changes (and this does not make them another nation, just not a nation Russians of the 18th century). To understand the fallacy of this line of thinking, it is enough to look at the changes in the culture and consciousness of nations in monoethnic states over the past hundred or two years. For some reason they do not consider their culture to be disappearing. ))
                        If you are Russian, how many folk songs do you know?

                        So I know a lot of non-Russian folk songs and other folklore. And I even sing with pleasure. Give your child the book “Tales of the Peoples of the World” to read and introduce him to other cultures. Does this mean that children cannot know any other fairy tales except Russian ones?
                        I won’t ask about faith; it’s personal, but I’ll give you the following figures: according to the Russian Orthodox Church, 1,6 million people attended the Christmas service; in the past, 2,4 million

                        I am agnostic. As for the numbers... if you are an active participant in the forum, then perhaps you have come across information here about the number of soldiers who underwent the required church rites in the army after February 1917, after the order that they were no longer mandatory.
                        Do you think children, and especially grandchildren, will consider themselves Russian?

                        And this is how they are raised. The awareness of belonging to any nation comes from the parents, not even from the state. On the Internet you will find more than one video of kids with a characteristic non-Slavic appearance who shout that they are Russian and are indignant that their parents correct them for laughs and say that they are not Russian.
                      14. +2
                        16 January 2024 15: 00
                        So you didn’t understand, so I bow out.
                        Still, I advise you to attend folk celebrations of other nationalities. Petryaya, Sabantuy, Navruz, Ivan Kupala.
                      15. -1
                        16 January 2024 14: 39
                        Children and grandchildren - yes, beyond that - I don’t dare say. We will be replaced by people from other countries, primarily from Asia, where the birth rate is higher. I don’t know how much they will accept our culture and language.

                        This problem applies to all civilized and urbanized nations, except Israel. According to data for 2020, our birth rate per woman is 1 (national average), in Israel it is 1.5 with a replacement level of 2.9. Europe USA, China and even Türkiye are also a bad picture.

                        That is, the world is changing, the values ​​of civilization are leading its population to extinction. If values ​​do not change, our peoples will die out.
                      16. 0
                        16 January 2024 07: 52
                        Russia is a country of Russians.
                      17. +1
                        16 January 2024 09: 24
                        Russia is a country of Russians.

                        Aren't Russians Russians?
                      18. +1
                        16 January 2024 10: 46
                        Some Russians are Russians, some Russians are Russians.
                      19. +1
                        16 January 2024 11: 23
                        Some Russians are Russians, some Russians are Russians.

                        smile And you can’t argue. I assumed that no explanation was required that we were talking about Russian citizens of Russia. Now I will keep in mind that when talking with you, we need to make allowances for straightforward thinking.
                      20. +1
                        16 January 2024 07: 51
                        In the Russian Empire, Russia was also not a state of Russians; take the national composition of the upper strata, as they would now say, the elite. In reality, this elite, sometimes verbally paying compliments to the Russian people (by the way, like Stalin), really simply parasitized on them. The Russian people bore the main burden during recruitment, during taxation, Russian was the official language, and the priests in the army were Russian - and that’s all.

                        It couldn’t have been any other way in the empire, but all empires fall apart sooner or later.
                      21. +3
                        16 January 2024 08: 32
                        Russia is the country of Russians

                        I don’t argue with this, only the article raised the question of the extinction of the titular nation, the Russians.
                        In the Russian Empire, Russia was also not a state of Russians,

                        The Russian people bore the main burden

                        Conflicting statements. It is clear that there is always some part of foreigners present, and it does not matter whether they belong to the elite or not.
                        The Russian empire is unique; it is even called an empire in reverse.
                      22. 0
                        16 January 2024 10: 48
                        All empires are unique in their own way. The Russian Empire existed simultaneously with the German, Austrian and British. Each had its own characteristics.
                      23. +1
                        16 January 2024 11: 13
                        All empires are unique in their own way. The Russian Empire existed simultaneously with the German, Austrian and British. Each had its own characteristics.

                        Agree. But what distinguished the Russian empire was that Russia never became a metropolis like other empires.
                      24. 0
                        16 January 2024 12: 58
                        IMHO, the continental empires - ours, the Austrian and the German - in this sense are similar and different from the British, with which, as a rule, it is compared. Most of all, we are similar to the Austrian one - also patchwork.
                      25. +1
                        16 January 2024 14: 46
                        I didn’t mean the structure, but the relationship of the center of the titular nation to the foreign outskirts.
                      26. 0
                        16 January 2024 15: 49
                        It depended on the circumstances in each specific case. Russia expanded both towards existing state entities and towards peoples who had not created statehood.

                        Russia destroyed the states that it annexed - the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, the Nogai Horde, and included territories and peoples. Britain preserved the statehood of many colonies by parasitizing them. Subsequently, these colonies became independent - India, Pakistan. Austria behaved like Britain...

                      27. +1
                        16 January 2024 11: 13
                        All empires are unique in their own way. The Russian Empire existed simultaneously with the German, Austrian and British. Each had its own characteristics.

                        Agree. But what distinguished the Russian empire was that Russia never became a metropolis like other empires.
                      28. 0
                        16 January 2024 10: 21
                        Look in encyclopedias and the Internet what the term “nation state” means. It has nothing to do with the national composition of the population.
                      29. 0
                        16 January 2024 10: 50
                        There is a lot of things on the Internet, I suggest it’s better to look at the history. The term "nation state" gained currency in the 17th or 18th century when Europe was establishing borders. It was then that the term “natural boundaries” appeared.
                        Roughly speaking, France is the country where the French live, etc.
                        Russia has not gone through such a stage.
        2. +9
          15 January 2024 08: 11
          Quote: Aleks24lion
          Even then, with my childish mind, I realized that rural life was not for me.

          Yes, no one is going to force you to have a cow and piglets, geese and chickens in the countryside, to plant potatoes in the garden... If you want, please, no, you don’t need to. The point is that low-rise construction is a mass of small modern villages
          for 1000-2000 people, with 200-300 private houses, with two or three small enterprises (mainly agricultural/food/light industry) could not only solve the problem of the disappearance of the village as such, but also, to some extent, the demographic problem. A typical house (100-150 sq. m.) can easily accommodate a family with 3/4/5... children. The whole problem is only financial: the construction of houses and the infrastructure of the villages. Only the state can do this if it is truly interested in solving the demographic problem. The expenses are high, the return will be visible in 20-30 years, but the most important problem is the very existence (survival) of the titular nation.
          1. +5
            15 January 2024 09: 12
            Quote: Doccor18
            Quote: Aleks24lion
            Even then, with my childish mind, I realized that rural life was not for me.

            Yes, no one is going to force you to have a cow and piglets, geese and chickens in the countryside, to plant potatoes in the garden... If you want, please, no, you don’t need to. The point is that low-rise construction is a mass of small modern villages
            for 1000-2000 people, with 200-300 private houses, with two or three small enterprises (mainly agricultural/food/light industry) could not only solve the problem of the disappearance of the village as such, but also, to some extent, the demographic problem. A typical house (100-150 sq. m.) can easily accommodate a family with 3/4/5... children. The whole problem is only financial: the construction of houses and the infrastructure of the villages. Only the state can do this if it is truly interested in solving the demographic problem. The expenses are high, the return will be visible in 20-30 years, but the most important problem is the very existence (survival) of the titular nation.

            You did not understand me! What kind of construction? Yes, I remember several beautiful houses, like in the picture, But...! There are no roads. A complete mess of dirt. The power line is visible to the naked eye, but past the village. Grandma has a thatched roof, and the walls of the hut, as I understand it, are made of clay, and her husband died at the front. She raised five children alone. Awarded the "Motherhood Medal" 2nd class. Only one of her sons remained to live with her. After serving in the SA, he got a job as a driver in the regional center. What kind of infrastructure is there? Russian stove. Sorry, the toilet is like a toilet. Water in the well. Buckets, a rocker - that's all the plumbing. Kerosene lamp. There is no transport. Children walked three kilometers to school in any weather. And if anything, then this is the Kursk region. Not so far from Moscow. I observed all this in the era of developed socialism, when there was money in order to at least create rural infrastructure according to your plan. And so yes! I also saw another village where everything you listed was in the 1990s. gg. One might say an exemplary village in the center of the Novosibirsk region. Would you like to move there for permanent residence in order to save the titular nation?
            1. +4
              15 January 2024 09: 51
              Now it’s “knee-deep mud”, and in the village where I spent my holidays, even at the end of the USSR, the state farm laid an asphalt road in all respects, built about 10 new houses (or even more, I don’t remember exactly now) for young specialists and went wild the new potato storage facility, which then existed in the 90s and 2000s, like the farm and the current with an elevator and the machine yard, was abandoned by “effective private owners.”
              1. 0
                16 January 2024 06: 35
                Quote from AdAstra
                even at the end of the existence of the USSR, the state farm laid an asphalt road in all directions,

                Our asphalt was laid to the regional center in the late 1970s-1980s. In the villages there was at most one main street
            2. +6
              15 January 2024 11: 15
              Quote: Aleks24lion
              Would you like to move there for permanent residence in order to save the titular nation?

              I've moved a long time ago. I’m just a bit old with demographics...
              1. +1
                15 January 2024 11: 22
                Quote: Doccor18
                Quote: Aleks24lion
                Would you like to move there for permanent residence in order to save the titular nation?

                I've moved a long time ago. I’m just a bit old with demographics...
                1. +3
                  15 January 2024 11: 28
                  Quote: Aleks24lion
                  Quote: Doccor18
                  Quote: Aleks24lion
                  Would you like to move there for permanent residence in order to save the titular nation?

                  I've moved a long time ago. I’m just a bit old with demographics...

                  Understood! Thank you! Honor and respect to you. In general, the state should deal with demography, not physicists (individuals), since they have all the resources
          2. +9
            15 January 2024 09: 39
            The state hasn’t thought that way for 30 years. All actions are aimed at undermining and aggravating
          3. -1
            16 January 2024 06: 32
            Quote: Doccor18
            such, but also to some extent a demographic problem. A typical house (100-150 sq. m.) can easily accommodate a family with 3/4/5... children. The whole problem is only financial: the construction of houses and the infrastructure of the villages.

            The problem is in INCREASE IN PRICES products produced by such workers - from which the city will scream
            1. +2
              16 January 2024 06: 35
              Quote: your1970
              The problem is the INCREASE IN PRICE of products produced by such workers

              Oh, I assure you, the problem of PRICE RISE occurs in another segment - speculator resellers and monopolistic retail chains...
              1. 0
                16 January 2024 09: 05
                Quote: Doccor18
                Quote: your1970
                The problem is the INCREASE IN PRICE of products produced by such workers

                Oh, I assure you, the problem of PRICE RISE occurs in another segment - speculator resellers and monopolistic retail chains...

                If my brother-in-law hadn’t brought potatoes from Penza/Mordovia and sold them on the market, I would have believed you. 2 rubles profit per kilogram with a selling price of 30 rubles
                The problem is that the peasants haven’t had anything cheap for a long time - and no networks are of any use here.
                When a friend cuts a pig and sells it - untrimmed!!! - 350 rubles each, and without lard for 470 - all the networks are deep for him.... well, you understand how far..... but he has no resellers.
                1. +1
                  16 January 2024 10: 05
                  Quote: your1970
                  2 rubles profit per kilogram with a selling price of 30 rubles

                  2000 rub. from a ton? And what is this business based on? True, I have slightly different data about outbids, how they “set prices in the countryside”, maybe not 2, but 12-15 rubles...., but oh well, that’s not the point. Even 30 rubles. per kg. Potatoes, in principle, are still a tolerable price, but how can pork from an agricultural holding be on the shelves at the same price as meat raised in a private farmstead? After all, profitability is significantly different... And you say the networks are not in business.
                  Quote: your1970
                  The problem is that peasants haven’t had anything cheap for a long time.

                  Why should it be “cheap” now, when everyone around you is ready to skin you for any service/product, when equipment/fuel and lubricants are exorbitantly expensive, when feed prices change dozens of times and are constantly rising? I am not proposing to feed 140 million urban residents with peasant labor - this is a utopia. But if at least ten million people in the countryside could provide themselves with food (in fact, this is real), then the effect would already be significant. Well, the future of agriculture is still agricultural holdings, large and small (collective farms), because their profitability is 300% higher than that of a single private owner/farmer.
                  1. 0
                    16 January 2024 10: 20
                    Quote: Doccor18
                    slightly different data on outbids, how they “set prices in rural areas”
                    you contradict yourself
                    Quote: Doccor18
                    Why should it be “cheap” now, when everyone around you is ready to skin you for any service/product, when equipment/fuel and lubricants are exorbitantly expensive, when feed prices change dozens of times and are constantly rising?

                    First write what "resellers buy cheap" and then you state that "no one will sell it cheap"..

                    2 rubles per ton is net profit.
                    Naturally, he buys at a price that allows him to buy another car for the next trip + refueling
                    1. +1
                      16 January 2024 10: 28
                      Quote: your1970
                      you contradict yourself

                      No contradiction. Small farms and surviving collective farms have been under pressure for a long time. Anything has happened. And here we are talking about wholesale. And below about the peasant, about the sale of what he grew
                      a pig, which in principle cannot be cheaper than in a store, because the difference is in profitability.
              2. 0
                16 January 2024 15: 48
                There is not always an increase in prices in the reseller-speculator segment. Prices for guest worker services often increase. Guest workers build housing in cities, withdraw their earnings, but local residents do not have the funds to buy housing, they left for Central Asia along with the builders.
    2. -1
      15 January 2024 15: 36
      Quote: ROSS 42
      long working hours (no time for rest)

      A working day in Russia means, on average, smoking, drinking tea, smoking, chatting with a friend on the phone. You yourself know very well that no one, like the Asians, dies at work.
      1. +5
        15 January 2024 20: 34
        Quote from Dimm588

        A working day in Russia means, on average, smoking, drinking tea, smoking, chatting with a friend on the phone.
        You're lucky to have a job.
        Quote from Dimm588
        How do Asians not die in the workplace?
        Have you seen their work without a foreman?
      2. 0
        16 January 2024 15: 50
        Have you seen how Russian installers of doors, windows and suspended ceilings work? They often make 5 thousand rubles per day per person. It's a matter of incentives and interest in the results of work.
    3. +2
      15 January 2024 20: 32
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Why, for example, is there no practice of attracting urban residents to work in agriculture?
      Absent? Seriously?! So you didn’t go to the potato fields to harvest the crops instead of the villagers? The practice is great, but it's crap. Why then aren’t the villagers taken to the city to help me close the stage?
      1. +1
        16 January 2024 05: 35
        Quote: bk0010
        So you didn’t go to the potato fields to harvest the crops instead of the villagers?

        I am developing a bitter and persistent feeling of my own inferiority: I have lost the ability to explain to a Russian person in Russian the difference between the permanent work in the countryside of a city dweller and the seasonal involvement of the urban population (in Soviet times, due to the lack of mechanisms and equipment for harvesting) in agricultural production. work. Thank you for opening my eyes to this...
        1. 0
          16 January 2024 09: 10
          Quote: ROSS 42
          during the USSR, due to lack of mechanisms and equipment for harvesting)

          When we dug some potatoes in the USSR with shovels, and all the fields around were processed with potato diggers, everyone knew, “Well, you have soldiers.”
          But we didn’t lift the potatoes smaller than our fist, so they rotted in that field.
  4. +8
    15 January 2024 05: 54
    . Since the middle of the last century... the demographic crisis has been defined as a clear threat to the continued existence of humanity.

    This is something new. If there is one thing that threatens humanity on Earth, it is overpopulation. There are now eight billion people on Earth. And this is a lot for a small planet.

    For thousands of years, the growth of people was very small, and the number did not exceed a billion people. But over the past two hundred years there has been simply explosive and unstoppable growth.

    The fact that in Russia and some European countries they do not give birth does not mean anything on a planetary scale. There's nothing wrong with humanity! It is alive and well, increasing in population every year. The world's population is increasing both in number and in prosperity. Throughout human history, hunger and disease have been the main scourge of the population. Now there is no problem of hunger, there is a problem of obesity. And medicine is at an unprecedented level.
    1. +3
      15 January 2024 13: 13
      Quote: Stas157
      This is something new. If there is one thing that threatens humanity on Earth, it is overpopulation. There are now eight billion people on Earth. And this is a lot for a small planet.

      For thousands of years, the growth of people was very small, and the number did not exceed a billion people. But over the past two hundred years there has been simply explosive and unstoppable growth.

      The fact that in Russia and some European countries they do not give birth does not mean anything on a planetary scale. There's nothing wrong with humanity! It is alive and well, increasing in population every year. The world's population is increasing both in number and in prosperity. Throughout human history, hunger and disease have been the main scourge of the population. Now there is no problem of hunger, there is a problem of obesity. And medicine is at an unprecedented level.

      And what position does the Russian nation occupy in all this?
      1. 0
        15 January 2024 23: 55
        @Obliterator: "And what is the position of the Russian nation in all this?"

        The Russian nation, despite possessing the largest piece of land on the planet that any single nation does, with more than enough living space and space to expand into and an abundance of natural resources of every kind, is for some reason unwilling or unable to simply REPRODUCE ITSELF and adequately populate its own land - to simply FUCK AND MAKE KIDS, for Christ's sake.

        But nature abhors a vacuum. If Russians are unable to populate and reproduce and fill their own land, then others will come and take that territory from them eventually.
    2. 0
      15 January 2024 15: 40
      About overpopulation this has long been an irrelevant story. With proper planning and architecture, the population could be many times greater than it is now. And in theory, cities on the water, underground, etc. are possible. and so on.
      1. +3
        15 January 2024 16: 14
        Quote from Dimm588
        the population may be many times greater than it is now. And in theory, cities on the water, underground, etc. are possible. and so on.

        Of course, you can also stuff sprat into a jar. But how comfortable will it be to live with overpopulation? I wouldn't want to live on water or underground! With the growth of humanity, such serious problems as social inequality, ecology, rising land prices, and the amount of clean water will decrease. Interterritorial conflicts will intensify, and competition for mineral resources...
        If planet Earth ever dies, it will most likely be due to the unreasonable activities of man, of whom there are many and who unceremoniously interferes with all natural processes and upsets the natural balance.
        1. +1
          16 January 2024 16: 32
          Yes, but it is in our architecture and planning that sabotage flourishes. This is one of the reasons for poor demographics. Architecture and planning are some of the clearest examples of senseless, pervasive and all-encompassing evil.
          Ask the architect why he doesn’t make passage arches in L, L and U-shaped houses?
          He will answer that he does not violate the rules. Or that the rules do not oblige him to make arches.
          Why are roads built with six lanes without a median, even if there is plenty of space for one? The road builder will answer, why need it if he can build without it.
          The problem is that the all-encompassing evil is not fought, and the distributors of sabotage practices and sabotage ideology are not punished.
          Where is at least one developer and architect punished for designing a house built on an angle without an arch? Where has any traffic engineer been punished for designing a highway without a median or for an intersection without a roundabout in some new area?
  5. +2
    15 January 2024 06: 07
    In Russia, the mortality rate among people of reproductive age is too high... the 90s came back to haunt us... this damn perestroika with shock therapy hit our people in the most serious way... the failure with fertility is connected precisely with this period... there will still be several difficult years It will be difficult and painful to go through this process and get out of the demographic hole.
    The blame for this directly lies with the late communists and liberal reformers who broke the life will of our people... the treatment will be painful.
    Now we need to closely engage with young people, charging them with positive thoughts about the family... for a better future, all hope lies in them... and it depends on the old generation what we pass on to the young... hope for life or the dull hopelessness of our society.
    1. +10
      15 January 2024 08: 43
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      It depends on the old generation what we pass on to the young... hope for life or the sad hopelessness of our society

      Smart youth see everything themselves, on the street, at school, at college, etc.
      1. -2
        15 January 2024 15: 43
        Have you seen young people on the street lately? They see nothing except the screens of electronic devices.
      2. 0
        17 January 2024 08: 39
        It has long been a joke that young people don’t see anything at all. And here you are with your stuffing... well, well. Did you work, at least they gave you a break?
    2. +1
      15 January 2024 15: 42
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      and it depends on the old generation what we pass on to the young... hope for life or the sad hopelessness of our society.

      The old generation built the EBN Center - a stronghold of democracy, and no one tells the youth who the EBN really was:
  6. +5
    15 January 2024 06: 21
    For this reason, talking about the economic factor as a key

    Somehow, studies where the economy is correlated with the level of development/education - and then fertility - pass by...
    They multiply where there is 0 economy and 0 education - the favelas of the same, fairly developed Brazil.
    Poverty and illiteracy are an effective recipe.
    But the example of Holland - where it is both financially good and, God willing, education - is not considered.
    The main thing that happened in Holland with good birth rates was confidence in the future. That not only will there be money in the family tomorrow, but also 20-25 years after the birth of the child.
    How confidence has gone down in recent years - and the curve has gone down.
    1. -8
      15 January 2024 06: 33
      Then give an example of the fertility of the Japanese, who barely fit on their islands...and yet Japan’s standard of living is far superior to Russia.
      1. +3
        15 January 2024 08: 58
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Then give an example of the fertility of the Japanese, who barely fit on their islands...

        All this is in the distant past. Japan's population has been declining for a quarter of a century. Even the highest-ranking politicians started talking about this problem. But its essence remains intact. Routine cash benefits are planned to compensate for the costs of childbirth, the purchase of children's things, etc. Of course, all this is not able to affect the root of the problem: 99% urbanization, a lifetime contract with the employer and huge workloads, the atomization of society and a very expensive life.
        1. +8
          15 January 2024 10: 10
          Quote: Doccor18
          Japan's population has been declining for a quarter of a century.

          The Japanese don’t want to populate their islands with migrants??
          Our geopolitician has found a brilliant solution!
          1. +4
            15 January 2024 11: 27
            Quote: Stas157
            The Japanese don’t want to populate their islands with migrants??

            laughing They are completely sad about this... They haven’t thought of it until now.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +4
        15 January 2024 12: 04
        the Japanese barely fit on their islands
        Japan is about the size of Germany, actually.
        1. -1
          16 January 2024 07: 05
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          the Japanese barely fit on their islands
          Japan is about the size of Germany, actually.

          But there are one and a half times more of them than Germans
      3. 0
        16 January 2024 10: 33
        Half of Japan is very sparsely populated. I could be a little wrong, but in general, about half of the Japanese live on 10 percent of the country's territory. And the birth rate there has long been very low.
  7. +5
    15 January 2024 06: 31
    It’s not so scary when we old people leave. But when young people die, we have to sound the alarm. Culture must also play a role in favor of demography. What we see on screens does not in any way contribute to the health of the family.
    1. +2
      15 January 2024 15: 52
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      What we see on screens does not in any way contribute to the health of the family.

      Are you sure that young people watch TV? They look at their smartphones and are only interested in how people like them live.
      Russian television has ceased to be attractive. And I already want to see how our country is developing and how people really live.
      1. +1
        16 January 2024 10: 37
        You know, many people watch TV programs and news broadcasts on their smartphone or computer. I work a lot on the computer, but I also watch TV; I almost always have it on in the background. Moreover, a larger screen is still more convenient for watching the same films.
  8. -5
    15 January 2024 06: 34
    Quote: Nikolai Malyugin
    It’s not so scary when we old people leave. But when young people die, we have to sound the alarm. Culture must also play a role in favor of demography. What we see on screens does not in any way contribute to the health of the family.

    I absolutely agree with you...the brains of young people are infected with the poison of consumerism...this infection is very dangerous...I really hope that our guarantor understands this and in his next term of presidency will at least do something for the better in this matter.
    1. +9
      15 January 2024 08: 37
      in his next term of presidency he will at least do something for the better in this matter.

      I’m embarrassed to ask, what’s stopping him from tackling this problem during this time?
  9. +11
    15 January 2024 06: 38
    Separated! Tajiks, Brazilians. And the fact is that these same Tajiks in Moscow multiply like ants, and for some reason the Russians are embarrassed.
    Another example, I went to the clinic, and the general practitioners there were Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, and Armenians. There are no Russians. From the word quite.
    Another thing interests me: the government openly gives priority to migrants, but Russians vote for such a government.
    1. +6
      15 January 2024 07: 12
      This is a pan-European practice (well, Russia, as it were, the same as Europe) to flood countries with migrants from the south. Who benefits and how it ends, I think we’ll see... These are political decisions and this has been happening for a long time. And no matter how banal or funny it may be, if you look at the picture as a whole, then everything is more or less clear - collusion...
    2. +3
      15 January 2024 08: 36
      Another interesting thing is that the government openly gives priority to migrants, but Russians vote for such a government

      Read about the Babylonian captivity of the Jews from the Old Testament.
      P.S. Voting is now digital, which one is needed and who needs the result is guaranteed...
      1. +3
        15 January 2024 09: 28
        So Yes. But it’s better if you move people so that they vote “correctly.” For example, many people are interested in a naked party. This means they will vote for a “fighter” against the naked.
    3. +4
      15 January 2024 13: 19
      Quote: Gardamir
      Another example, I went to the clinic, and the general practitioners there were Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, and Armenians. There are no Russians. From the word absolutely.

      You might think that Russian graduates of medical universities are eager to go to district clinics, but the evil ranks do not let them in, recruiting who knows who. Working for budgetary organizations brings in less income than working for private individuals. You can become a pharmaceutical sales representative and not work in the government. clinics, where the salary is not a fountain, the population is rude through one, and the computers are so glitchy that it is impossible to fill out email. cards quickly, which is why the degree of hatred towards the doctor in the queue rises many times over.
      1. +5
        15 January 2024 13: 56
        You might think
        The fact is that several years ago there was an intensive dismissal from hospitals. Now they are replacing them with migrants. Migrant replacement in action.
        1. +6
          15 January 2024 14: 01
          Quote: Gardamir
          The fact is that several years ago there was an intensive dismissal from hospitals. Now they are replacing them with migrants. Migrant replacement in action.

          It's unlikely that they were fired. Rather, any conversation with the Russians went like this: “What do you not like?! Well, we’re not keeping you.” This is how current management talks to their employees. Of course, they love migrants even less, but when they have scared away all their own people because of show-offs and stupidity, then they have to deal with strangers.
        2. +1
          16 January 2024 07: 10
          Quote: Gardamir
          The fact is that several years ago there was an intensive dismissal from hospitals.

          In Moscow, yes, but in our province they can’t kick out a chronic drunk surgeon; there’s no replacement, not even your Uzbek/Azerbaijani one...
    4. +4
      15 January 2024 15: 58
      Quote: Gardamir
      I’m interested in something else: the authorities openly give priority to migrants, but Russians vote for such power.

      Another naive Russian, convinced that a candidate can get 146% in the elections
      Churov comes to Putin:
      — I have two news for you, good and bad. Putin:
      - Give me a good one soon. Churov:
      — You were elected president of Russia.
      - Which one is bad?
      - Nobody voted for you!
    5. +1
      15 January 2024 19: 35
      but Russians vote for such power.

      Electronic voting... hi
  10. +6
    15 January 2024 06: 58
    It should be noted that women who have a good and high standard of living are in no hurry to have children or do not intend to at all. And this is not because it will slow down your career or create problems at work. Seeing a young family with a child or two children, one sympathizes with such a family and does not envy them. There are millions of office plankton all over Russia who look at the birth of children as some kind of misunderstanding and an echo of the “soviet” past. Here the state supports such people - don’t support them! They won't give birth because they will be looked at as fools at parties. By the way, how many mothers and fathers with children were there at that party at Nastya Ivleeva’s...
    1. +6
      15 January 2024 07: 12
      You are a little wrong. Leaders say one thing but promote another. Consumerism is a life of pleasure. Children interfere with pleasure. And this is constantly being propagated, and what they say before the elections is that the elections will take place and that real reality will return.
    2. 0
      20 January 2024 00: 22
      Quote: north 2
      It should be noted that women who have a good and high standard of living are in no hurry to have children or do not intend to at all.

      It’s just that in Russia a woman who does not fully concentrate on education or career will not be able to support herself. Given the attitude of business and the state towards their employees, they either study and gain professional skills or become a dependent of a rich daddy. The girl I saw as a schoolgirl in Dolgoprudny moved to Denmark and earns daily as a doctor from 500 to 1000 euros. That’s why, right after university, she was married to a classmate from the university and also a doctor.
  11. Msi
    15 January 2024 07: 03
    It is especially important that housing is as affordable as possible - perhaps it is really worth thinking about building low-rise or one-story houses in the provinces or on the outskirts of cities

    Well, since we touched on the Belgorod region... We have quite developed the construction of private one-story houses near cities. As my classmate, who built a fairly large cottage, told me: “... I managed to do it at those prices for building materials, now I would not be able to build it, after the rise in prices for the material...” so he’s also a swindler, he had income he is leftist, not very legal, so to speak.
    Now I often observe how people have invested in construction, taken out the boxes and there are “skeletons” standing unfinished.
    I know a family who, having a 2-room apartment (one child), wanted a house on their own land. Now both live at work, build, and both are already a little over forty years old...
    The issue of medicine is not touched upon in the article. Often our married couples simply cannot get pregnant. How is this issue resolved here in Russia, how is it treated, free of charge? I doubt...
    My wife and I went for the second one. Now my daughter is 2 years old. Oh, we've had enough with medicine... I don't want to go into details. Medicine has collapsed to zero, fact... No one cares about people (I’m talking about doctors), everyone wants more money... but knowledge negative
    1. +2
      15 January 2024 16: 01
      Wait, school will start soon... Take a sip...
    2. +1
      16 January 2024 10: 44
      Recently, many medical faculties and institutes have been opened at regular universities of the Ministry of Education and Science. Many say that the quality of their graduates is much worse than those who graduated from “traditional” medical institutes and medical universities of the Ministry of Health.
  12. +2
    15 January 2024 07: 11
    In Central Asia and the Caucasus there is patriarchy, in Russia there is matriarchy, that’s all. In countries where the main man is a high birth rate. In Russia, women have more rights than men, women are protected by the state. Until the laws, the Family Code, are changed, we will die out. Only gypsies and marginalized people will breed for money.
    1. +3
      15 January 2024 08: 32
      In Russia, women have more rights than men

      So we have nothing left but “beer or shooters on the computer”?
      1. +2
        15 January 2024 11: 43
        Whatever your imagination is enough for, you can buy a motorcycle, you can discuss unsolvable problems, you can write a book for your son, everyone decides for themselves.
  13. Msi
    15 January 2024 07: 21
    I remembered something else. Just yesterday my wife and I watched an American film called The Family Man.
    This is where the choice is shown. This film is partly about me. What do you want, a career or a family? I made my choice and I was not mistaken...
  14. +4
    15 January 2024 07: 30
    A young family lives next to me. My husband's parents came to Russia from Tajikistan back in the 90s. He was born and studied here. They are not even planning a child yet and their approach to life is no different from the general Russian one. Second-generation migrants are already giving birth a lot. Sociologists have deduced a direct dependence of the birth rate on the education and professional demand of women. The more educated they are and the more often they apply knowledge, the lower the birth rate. So far, no country in the world has been able to solve this problem.
    1. 0
      16 January 2024 16: 00
      It is a pity that sociologists did not analyze building standards and compare Israel, where the second floor of a private house can and should be rented out, but in Russia, construction and legal standards do not encourage this, to put it mildly.
  15. +5
    15 January 2024 07: 44
    How can you support many children? Pay for kindergarten, educational clubs, clothes, toys, but where should they live? My sister and I lived in the same room on a bunk bed, but then we grew up and there was a problem. It's easier with one. And then education must be provided, school costs a lot, and then what? And my wife has a sister, so their family income per month is almost half a lemon, they can afford three children, and each has their own room and plots of land for the future, that’s how it should be.
    1. 0
      16 January 2024 07: 15
      Quote: Vadim S
      where should they live? My sister and I lived in the same room on a bunk bed, but then we grew up and there was a problem. It's easier with one.

      My father-in-law grew up in a family with 12 children. In a house where the area was 60 square meters and + a grandmother also lived. A total of 15 people...
      1. 0
        16 January 2024 07: 18
        And what? This is fine? We must strive for the best, and not console ourselves that it is warm in the manure and all our
        1. 0
          16 January 2024 08: 58
          [quote=Vadim S]So what? This is fine? We must strive for the best, and not console ourselves with what is in the manure

          As soon as they come to a better place, people stop reproducing. This can be seen even from migrants - the children of those who moved in the early 1990s give birth to 2-3 children, no more.
          And vice versa - in bad conditions a person begins to multiply.
  16. +5
    15 January 2024 07: 55
    Well, there is also such a problem as jobs, half of our economy works in the gray, there are no decrees there, for example. But there are not many full-fledged official jobs, or with very low salaries. But I don’t see any general development and opening of production...
  17. +4
    15 January 2024 08: 40
    Urbanization and economic factor

    Those who believe that the economic factor is to blame for everything are lying to themselves. They themselves erected the “golden calf” and worship it.
  18. +11
    15 January 2024 09: 29
    There have already been a bunch of articles, with different evidence - that all factors are at work. AND?
    Never mind.
    The authorities and the elite have luxurious neo-palaces, several haciendas, luxury apartments and salaries, and everything is fine with them.
    And the rest - remember? - hang in there, go into business, live on pasta, the state doesn’t owe anything.
    15-30 million extra

    And if suddenly the rhetoric temporarily changed... and at the same time all prices increased...
    then these are just more promises... to distract from empty pockets
  19. +4
    15 January 2024 09: 36
    The author wrote everything correctly, but he didn’t write everything, namely, what and how to do something. I do not blame the author for this, since no one really knows how to solve the problem of the extinction of a nation.

    “Therefore, it is necessary to create a space in society that would help people realize the importance of traditional values.”

    The question is - how?

    Sometimes the thought occurs to me that the change of nations is as natural a process as the change of generations. Then everything is sad.

    However, not everything is so sad - I definitely won’t live to see the time when the Russians, Italians, French and other Germans disappear, and that makes me happy.
    1. 0
      17 January 2024 08: 20
      However, not everything is so sad - I definitely won’t live to see the time when the Russians, Italians, French and other Germans disappear, and that makes me happy. A subtle remark: after our death, we will probably be parallel to how our children live, what they will get, how many apartments, how they will divide them. And they probably won’t give a damn that the state doesn’t have enough soldiers, steelworkers, and scientists. Why do we have to solve the problems of impotent leadership?? It is interesting to read the opinion of the author of this article on the solution to this issue, well, in the sense of not impotent people, of course. A small note. After the divorce, I was left without anything, even my children were taken away from me, it turns out that only my mother has rights to them, although only I worked. Do I need this? I don't need it.
  20. +15
    15 January 2024 09: 41
    think about building low-rise or one-story houses in the provinces or on the outskirts of cities that are accessible to the general population, rather than building huge high-rise buildings in large cities

    Author. You, as I understand it, are from a metropolis. And we decided to THINK about building houses in the province.
    Of course, beyond the Moscow Ring Road everyone lives in dens. They should build houses there...
    Should I tell the author that in the provinces it turns out that houses are also being built on the outskirts of cities - residential buildings, low-rise buildings, and cottage communities, or should I not say?

    And another question. Author, two articles have been written, a bunch of letters and figures, but nowhere is the main thing said:
    Why have children in the 18st century? Please explain this simple thing to an 20-year-old girl and a XNUMX-year-old boy.
    1. +2
      15 January 2024 10: 33
      Quote: kit88
      Why have children in the 18st century? Please explain this simple thing to an 20-year-old girl and a XNUMX-year-old boy.

      No, at this age it’s too late. The answer to this question should be hammered into the head from birth and revision of the answer to it should be taboo.
      1. 0
        17 January 2024 08: 49
        What is the benefit for a man? Does he have rights to his children? From personal experience and his environment, a man has no rights to his children, like a replacement cartridge. You pay the money, and I will decide how he will live.
      2. 0
        17 January 2024 08: 49
        What is the benefit for a man? Does he have rights to his children? From personal experience and his environment, a man has no rights to his children, like a replacement cartridge. You pay the money, and I will decide how he will live.
        1. 0
          17 January 2024 10: 51
          Often, but not always. My former classmate raised his son after a divorce. I don’t know the details of why the son stayed with his father while his mother was alive, but this also happens.
    2. +1
      17 January 2024 08: 42
      A very good question - why have children? For what ? the author seems to have died.
  21. +11
    15 January 2024 10: 40
    But the author again does not want to see the elephant point-blank. The main reason for the decline in the birth rate in the Russian Federation is capitalism and the power that has grown together with it, for which people are only a means of earning capital, and they do not care at all about the people themselves.
    Smith, people are busy surviving and living for today. Who would give birth to children in such conditions, knowing that their future is unclear.
    That's right, lumpen people who don't care about anything and a small stratum of the propertied.
    These are the propertied people who are fussing, because their birth rate is only interested in one aspect - who will care for and support their children in the future.
    1. +1
      16 January 2024 07: 19
      Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
      The main reason for the decline in the birth rate in the Russian Federation is capitalism and the power that has grown together with it, for which people are only a means of earning capital, and they do not care at all about the people themselves.

      Well, then in the USSR it means they didn’t care about people; by 1980 in the RSFSR it was 2.4.
      1. 0
        16 January 2024 09: 44
        by 1980 in the RSFSR it was 2.4.

        In your opinion, how do these data confirm that the USSR did not care about people?
        1. 0
          16 January 2024 19: 45
          Quote: A vile skeptic
          by 1980 in the RSFSR it was 2.4.

          In your opinion, how do these data confirm that the USSR did not care about people?

          If capitalism
        2. 0
          16 January 2024 20: 00
          Quote: A vile skeptic
          by 1980 in the RSFSR it was 2.4.

          In your opinion, how do these data confirm that the USSR did not care about people?

          direct - if at capitalism don't care about people = 2,1, and under socialism in the RSFSR2,4 - but not 3/5/10 - it’s hard to call it anything other than “don’t care.”
          It would be 3/5/10- could be called love of the state for the population, good attitude, nurturing the people
          The difference between capitalism and socialism of 0,3 children in the Russian Federation and the RSFSR is not impressive
          1. 0
            16 January 2024 22: 50
            direct - if under capitalism you don’t care about people = 2,1, and under socialism in the RSFSR 2,4 - and not 3/5/10 - then it’s hard to call it anything other than “don’t care.”
            It would have been 3/5/10 - one could call it the state’s love for the population, good attitude, nurturing the people
            The difference between capitalism and socialism of 0,3 children in the Russian Federation and the RSFSR is not impressive

            But the number of children from Central Asia in schools is impressive, due to which those same 2,1.
            1. 0
              16 January 2024 23: 31
              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              But the number of children from Central Asia in schools is impressive, due to which those same 2,1.

              That is, you don’t know what second The generation of Central Asians here gives birth to 2 and, quite rarely, 3?
              And yes Kurds refugees were brought to the Saratov region back in the 1970s. Koreans and Vietnamese in 1950.
              So imports did not start yesterday or 30 years ago
              So not all “little black” ones are necessarily imported - among them there are those who have always lived here in Russia
              And another piquancy - in the RSFSR they also added a slice NOT completely Russian. And then people went to Maskva for construction sites
          2. 0
            17 January 2024 09: 18

            The answer “direct” to the question “how” and not “which” is a marker of the quality of the answer from the very first word. Further text only confirmed this. Once again you show that you do not understand what you are writing about. I will not say anything about the unreliability of the figures given.
            1. 0
              17 January 2024 16: 29
              Quote: Nefarious skeptic
              I am silent about the unreliability of the figures given.

              Bring authentic.
              Show that, unlike me, you understand what you write.
              I will gain knowledge from you and will not write about “spitting”.
              1. 0
                18 January 2024 11: 08
                I will gain knowledge from you and will not write about “spitting”.

                The fact of the matter is that no - you still continue to repeat everything that was previously explained to you, for example, in other questions.
                1. 0
                  18 January 2024 12: 31
                  Quote: A vile skeptic
                  I will gain knowledge from you and will not write about “spitting”.

                  The fact of the matter is that no - you still continue to repeat everything that was previously explained to you, for example, in other questions.

                  Since you avoided asking for RELIABLE numbers, why should I change my opinion?
                  But you missed the question...
                  If you said “in the RSFSR there were on average 3” - and in my school class there would be half of the families with 4 children, half with 3 and just a little with 2.
                  The question wouldn't have arisen at all...
                  Urbanization - the majority in cities had 2 or 1, rural areas had 3 and rarely 4 - physically this figure could not even be raised to 3.
                  It’s like with speed - you drive 120 all the way, you arrive and the computer gives you an average speed of 82 km/h
                  And yes, if you introduce a tax for childlessness now, you will be the first to shout about “They are robbing the people, they are robbing them!!!”
                  And then - “Well, what’s the norm, the state wants the people to be fruitful,” while forgetting that if the state has a need for one of the most powerful instruments of influence and coercion - taxes, then everything is not so merry, rosy and beautiful. And that’s for sure not the world of pink ponies.

                  “Didn’t care” is of course an incorrect word, but it is incorrect neither for the Russian Federation nor for the USSR
                  1. 0
                    18 January 2024 12: 44
                    Since you avoided asking for RELIABLE numbers, why should I change my opinion?

                    I think I wrote why. Since, despite the fact that in our past conversations you were given reliable figures on various issues, it does not in the least prevent you from repeating your original point of view later on the same issues.
                    And this is definitely not the world of pink ponies.

                    Naturally. AND?
                    And yes, if you introduce a tax for childlessness now, you will be the first to shout about “They are robbing the people, they are robbing them!!!”
                    And then - “What’s the norm, the state wants the people to reproduce”

                    From experience I can only say that you will do this, only with the opposite sign. And again I will have to step in and explain the non-identity of the examples.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                      1. 0
                        18 January 2024 14: 38
                        Give me at least one example of DIRECT approval of the authorities by me.

                        Is the lack of "direct approval" in your submission both a necessary and sufficient sign of "disapproval"?
                        It’s better if you give at least one example where you criticize the authorities for something you see as an “ass” (well, from your words above it is clear that you see it) or at least agree with the criticism (and not as usual - but in the USSR. ..)? Well, did you find a lot?
                        and you can give an example where I write...

                        Again, I can’t understand what the connection is with my text quoted.
                        It’s also funny to always watch how people who decide for others do something like this:
                        if we now introduce a tax for childlessness - you'll be the first to scream

                        puff out their cheeks in “righteous anger.”
                        Now you have accused me of unreliable figures, without providing reliable figures

                        And even explaining why. Or without explaining?
                      2. 0
                        18 January 2024 23: 37
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        And even explaining why. Or without explaining?
                        -since they started deleting comments, I don’t see any point in further discussion. You haven’t shown any reliable figures, so I stand by my opinion.
                        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                        It’s better if you give at least one example where you criticize the authorities for something you see as an “ass” (well, from your words above it is clear that you see it) or at least agree with the criticism (and not as usual - but in the USSR. ..)? Well, did you find a lot?
                        - apparently screams Tatras you find the ones about the enemies of the communists more interesting.
                        I don’t think it’s interesting to shout Samsonov’s slogans
                        For example, I scolded the authorities 4-5 years ago for messing around with PMCs on the territory of the Russian Federation and was categorically against the private army here. In Africa as much as you like, but not in the Russian Federation. As a result, the authorities received the June trick, as well as a mess with the status of those who served in PMCs.
                      3. 0
                        19 January 2024 12: 11
                        That is, in the message that was deleted, you wrote that you saw flaws in the system and began to list very specific points of “ass”.
                        you were asked
                        give at least one example where you criticize the government for what you see as an “ass” (well, from your own words above it is clear what you see)

                        And instead
                        For example, I scolded the authorities 4-5 years ago for messing around with PMCs on the territory of the Russian Federation and was categorically against the private army here.

                        Don't consider others fools
          3. 0
            17 January 2024 09: 19

            The answer “direct” to the question “how” and not “which” is a marker of the quality of the answer from the very first word. Further text only confirmed this. Once again you show that you do not understand what you are writing about. I will not say anything about the unreliability of the figures given.
  22. +16
    15 January 2024 10: 48
    Maybe the fact is that Russia did not develop under Putin? Huge funds were withdrawn abroad, and “dear Russians” were lied to: “There is no money, but you are holding on.” Not only did they not build anything new, but they did not even maintain the Soviet infrastructure in proper condition - and now it is not even Siberian villages that are freezing, but the large cities of the near Moscow region. The 100th city of Tula Novomoskovsk is also in a critical situation. False "import substitution". Rotten entourage of the president. Willingness to endure more and more slaps in the face - starting with the disgrace of the neutral status of athletes. Cynical robbery of working pensioners and a new tax on deposits. Complete helplessness in Ukraine and unpunished bombings of the regional Belgorod. A terrifying decline in young able-bodied men, a terrible demographic situation in which all hope is no longer even for Caucasians and Asians, but for blacks from Kenya.
  23. +5
    15 January 2024 11: 06
    I read the second article by respected Biryukov. Three times, until late at night, I re-read the comments to the first one, so as not to offend anyone. I've only just skimmed the comments for the second one.
    And what struck me?
    Neither the Author nor the commentators noted the inevitability of urbanization due to the extraordinary growth in labor productivity in agriculture over the past century, the concentration of agricultural production in the hands of only a small number of monopolistic producers, as well as due to the outstanding, albeit largely controversial, achievements of agricultural technology, leading to the incredible in comparison with the beginning of the 20th century, an increase in the productivity of all plant crops without exception and an equally incredible gain in large and small livestock and poultry.
    All these “miracles” led to a significant reduction in the rural population in developed countries - it turned out to be simply unnecessary. Once, about three years ago, I read that the rural population of the United States makes up only 4% of the total population of this country. For the same reasons, the rural population of the RSFSR - present-day Russia - also declined significantly. A modern small Russian farmer with his own plot of land and farmstead is not able to resist a huge agricultural holding that purchases abroad elite seeds for sowing the large plots of land it owns, as well as elite animals for breeding herds, medicines and food additives. In recent years, more than 65 thousand small farms have gone bankrupt in Russia.
    This is all you need to understand. Agriculture is supported by a huge industry concentrated in the Big City and absorbing the “surplus” rural population of a scientifically and technically developed country. And this is inevitable. Consequently, urbanization is inevitable. And the dispersal of the residents of the Big City to nearby small towns and settlements occurs one way or another, almost without changing the urban essence of the “dispersed”, their morals and habits formed by urbanization. And taking into account the fact that in small towns and especially settlements there is very little work, the majority of their inhabitants go to work in the Big City, which modern roads and means of transportation allow, while trying to keep up with the Big City in the traditions and new ones formed by it customs that do not provide for massive childbearing. For example, the overwhelming majority of the indigenous residents of my village go to work either to the regional center or even further - to Moscow, spending a lot of time on the road. There is almost no talk about children, if only for this reason. But there are other reasons...
    In general, analysts studying the prospects of current capitalism note on the maps a wide, red-marked belt of demographic disaster - Russia, Europe, the USA, Canada, in the southern hemisphere - Australia. Japan.
    Yellow belt - countries that have not completely undergone urbanization - Central Asia, South, northern and southern Africa, South America. This is where the capitalists from the red belt will concentrate their production - a suitable, sufficiently developed, but not yet stagnant population, multiplying quite abundantly due to rural and religious traditions that have not yet been eliminated. Because the importation of migrants from the yellow belt to the red belt almost never lived up to expectations.
    And finally the green belt - Central Africa. The demographics are rushing, the population is semi-wild, only the primitive beginnings of urbanization. The battle for Africa between the red belt countries is in the future. Actually, it's already underway. One must think that the yellow belt, turning red over time, will join this battle.
    1. +1
      16 January 2024 07: 29
      Quote: depressant
      The battle for Africa between the red belt countries is in the future. Actually, it's already underway.

      You don't understand "this is different"....
      The people are unanimously pushing slogans about “give a house and money and the Russians will begin to multiply like rabbits” - not realizing that in the Republic of Ingushetia and the early USSR there was sometimes no food to eat - that’s why they churned out children “and the pleasure will come in handy on the farm!”. My father-in-law has 12 children. there was a family and a grandmother lived - in a house of 60 square meters. Without dough and a hundred or two square meters.....
      They don’t want to see that second-generation migrants also don’t want to reproduce. Despite Islam and customs. Our Chechens who arrived in the early 90s have 3-4 children, their children have 1-2. And this is not Moscow - a remote province ..All..
      1. +1
        16 January 2024 09: 03
        You don't understand "this is different"....

        Why don’t I understand? Understand. Chechens in Chechnya have an average of 2,52 children, and Chechens in Moscow have 1-2 children each. Because a Chechen in Moscow becomes a victim of urbanization, but in Chechnya he does not become such a victim. Chechnya is a national state that has preserved its traditional economic structure, which excludes urbanization on its territory. In Moscow, a Chechen feels as if he is abroad, in a state hostile to him, and he is forced to be urbanized by this state. But this is exactly how the Russians feel because of the presence of Chechens in Moscow, quickly realizing that they do not have their own national state, that countless conditional Chechens are pushing them out, and the Russian people have nowhere to go, because they are pushing them out from everywhere. The conditional Chechen, if anything, has somewhere to go - to the conditional Chechnya. But there, according to tradition, he will have to reproduce in such a way as to maintain K = 2. There this is not only welcomed, but also obligatory, otherwise you are breaking tradition, which means you are not Chechen and disrespected.
        I repeat, the Russian expansion has ended, the return to historical territories has begun (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, etc.). But the expansion was carried out by traditional Russians, and the urbanized ones are returning. They return, and there they are met by conditional Chechens with remnants of the mentality of the traditional way of life and they say: “Moscow is yours? No, it’s ours!” And urbanized, which means “cultured”, therefore, a weak Russian cannot adequately object to a traditional, which means arrogant, therefore, strong Chechen.
        Russians have lost their territorial Home, and homeless people breed only in warm countries. But since there are still many more Russians deprived of a national home than conventional Chechens, the average temperature in the country shows that Russia is in a demographic disaster zone - in the red zone.
        Give the Russians their own territorial House under any name, for example, the Republic of Rus', and they will begin to multiply to organize it. At the same time, they don’t care about their own urbanization. After all, this House will have to be freed from an excessive number of outsiders.
        1. +1
          16 January 2024 09: 32
          Quote: depressant

          Quote: depressant
          After all, this House will have to be freed from an excessive number of outsiders.

          Do you see? You yourself agree that only the harsh need to compete with someone and take a piece of bread from him - will make Russians to reproduce.
          Why did the same Chechens or Kazakhs always multiply? Because “Our family is large and no one will take our sheep from us. We ourselves can come and take it from the weaker!”
          And everyone saw it from a young age - the weak race quickly disappeared.
          We have a family cemetery in the vicinity of the devils of what time - the Kazakhs say it seems like it dates back to the 16th century. They still bring people to bury it from Kazakhstan. There is a dead person there from the USA and from China - they even brought children from there. Regardless of the costs..
          And if the
          Quote: depressant
          - then this is hopeless. But if take away if they could, I would be calm for the future of the Russians
  24. +1
    15 January 2024 11: 32
    Labor shapes production and social relations.
    Division and specialization of labor lead to urbanization.
    Urbanization provides more opportunities to improve one’s financial situation, and normalized work provides more free time to satisfy spiritual needs.
    Increasing living standards and social guarantees make the creation of large families irrelevant and increase life expectancy, which leads to the aging of the human population of developed state formations.
    Raising the retirement age does not and cannot solve the problem of labor resources, but it leads to savings in the costs of state and private pension funds for the maintenance of pensioners.

    Supporting young families costs money, and these are expenses and lost profits.

    Girls leaving work to raise a child leads to a redistribution of work responsibilities and an increase in the burden on the remaining people, who are also forced to provide for her financially.

    A reduction in the amount of payments on a mortgage and any other loans with the birth of each new child reduces the lender’s income and puts the borrower into bonded slavery, which increases the likelihood of suicide.
  25. +4
    15 January 2024 12: 05
    According to Urbanization - in my opinion, the root of the problem is the available space hand in hand with the economic side.
    In two-three apartments, provided that 2 generations live in the apartment, it is very difficult to allocate space for children, especially with an adjacent layout. In threes with this some It’s simpler, in two-room apartments the birth of more than 1 child is already a test. If you rent an apartment or take out a mortgage, then this is an increase in the economic burden because there will be expenses for this and for children and for yourself and for health, things, repairs, etc.
    However, if we consider the influences, I would say that the area factor of housing influences more than the economy - the cost of housing, even with a good income per family in large cities, is prohibitive.

    In Economics - high inflation depreciates savings for anything, maternity leave reduces a woman’s income, and at the same time her expenses increase. Not all families can survive the economics of functioning under such time pressure if they do not have support (from the older generation) or savings - and according to Rosstat, very few of us have a “safety cushion” for a year or more.
    Until inflation is driven to 4% per annum (“de facto”) and there are no comparable lending rates, the democratic situation will stagnate.
  26. +1
    15 January 2024 12: 32
    The solution to the problem could be to outsource childbirth.
    Nowadays, due to the birth of a child, a woman not only drops out of professional life for a noticeable period of time, but also risks losing both her health and her job, especially in our country, where girls still strive to submit their own resignation letter with an open date.
    So the massive use of surrogacy (ideally an artificial uterus, but obscurantists will go wild) would be able to redistribute resources and optimize the process, putting it on an industrial footing. Demand for the service can be stimulated, following the example of Monsanto and Co., through insurance and loan rates, and employers will give preference to those ladies who take a more responsible approach to business and do not let everything take its course. Again, centralized control over the health of women employed in the field of demography will have a positive effect on the health of their offspring, and enterprises can be located in environmentally safe areas.
    No matter how you look at it, there are only advantages.
    Perhaps not everyone will like this version of a bright future, but capitalism cannot offer anything better. Maybe just bring in another fifty million savages from remote villages, which the authorities of their own countries are only too happy to get rid of.
    1. +5
      15 January 2024 12: 43
      The option of importing savages is more effective and has already been accepted for implementation.
  27. +2
    15 January 2024 14: 16
    Everyone understands everything, but like the Germans they try to find a reason where there is none, only complicating everything. At best, breaking the problem into a million not even parts, but consequences, behind which the cause itself is not visible. For example, people go to big cities, but why? Well, obviously not because the majority are tumbleweeds. We need extremely compelling reasons for this. In poor countries, the birth rate is better than in rich ones... But is poverty the main factor? After all, they count on something when they give birth. The conclusion is that they think about the future, that is, they have a prospect and it suits them. It turns out that the reason is the lack of prospects or their unacceptability.
  28. +2
    15 January 2024 17: 30
    There are, of course, more reasons, but I would say that the main problem is changing people’s thinking. Today people have different priorities. Previously, it was taken for granted that a person started a family and raised children. Young people today see no reason why they should have children. They want to have fun, live life to the fullest and build a career. Priorities are already somewhere else.
    1. +2
      15 January 2024 18: 23
      Quote: Dante77
      There are, of course, more reasons, but I would say that the main problem is changing people’s thinking. /// Young people today see no reason why they should have children. They want to have fun, live life to the fullest and build a career. Priorities are already somewhere else.
      You are making strange arguments. According to international ratings of living standards, the Russian Federation today ranks No. 60+. From the highest. And the USSR in 1989 took place No. 26.
      Do you think that we have come from the world of “repression and quilted jackets” to the world of carefree fun and “full life”?

      From the point of view of common sense - why do you need a career, a household and money in your accounts if it all ends in a nursing home? Savings will go to no one knows who or where. And having fun endlessly is a pretty boring activity after just a few years of fun. The life of nobles in the Republic of Ingushetia confirmed this.

      I believe that it is not a matter of priorities, but of everyday risks. There is a risk of connecting your life with egoists and all kinds of psychopaths in our society. There is a risk of being left without any money, without housing, the risk of getting sick and not having money for treatment... Why do you need a family if “man is a wolf to man”? Wolves must be killed...
  29. +1
    15 January 2024 17: 54
    I ran diagonally through the history of my clan from the late 19th century to the present, which my uncle depicted in sweeping strokes in his book with numerous illustrations. The beginning is a farm, a photo of a hut (five-walled) thatched, then a barracks in the regional center. The aunt’s apartment in Kharkov, received after the civil war, allowed three of the 5 rural children to receive higher education (two died in the war). The next generation moved even further to the USA. The birth in Russia will be interrupted because Old people are left to live out their lives, and young people don’t want to start a family.
  30. 0
    15 January 2024 20: 26
    It is especially important that housing be as affordable as possible - perhaps it is really worth thinking about building low-rise or one-story houses in the provinces or on the outskirts of cities, accessible to a wide segment of the population, rather than building huge high-rise buildings in megalopolises, where apartments cost exorbitant prices.
    High-rise and dense development is directly determined by the interests of the beneficiaries, who dictate the rules of the “game”.
    By the way, the old French experience of such, only social, development completely failed over time...
  31. 0
    15 January 2024 20: 37
    Until people begin to rely on chance (turn off their brains) when conceiving a child, the birth rate will not improve. Regardless of financial situation.
    Yes, a four-room apartment for a family would be very appropriate (a room for parents, for boys, for girls and a dining room).
  32. +1
    15 January 2024 20: 50
    Third, the amount of mortgage payments should decrease significantly with the birth of each new child. Ideally, after the birth of the third or fourth child, mortgage debt should be written off completely.
    If you want to solve the housing problem, ban mortgages. I remember how it all began: with the introduction of mortgages, the price of an apartment turned into a down payment and prices began to rise parabolically, or even steeper. Before the mortgage in Moscow, a meter was sold for $800 with a cost of $400, and everyone said that no one would take such money for such money. After the introduction of mortgages, the price of a square meter jumped by $3000 in a few years, and an apartment turned from housing into an investment. That is, with the first payment you pay all the developer’s costs for your home, and then for decades you enrich him and the bank. There has been a huge bubble in the real estate market for a long time, but respected people have huge money hanging on their real estate, and they do not want to record losses just because the suckers don’t have money. Therefore, the price is supported by preferential mortgages (did you think this was for the people?), escrow accounts and other methods. But nothing helps anymore. Banks themselves take advantage of this preferential mortgage, but they anticipate the collapse of the bubble and will now begin to refuse mortgages. Prices will collapse, then maybe people will have a chance to get housing without falling into slavery to the banks.
  33. +1
    15 January 2024 21: 37
    Our GDP is the fifth in the world and the highest in Europe. Since we have overtaken Germany in terms of GDP, this means that birth rates should be approximately the same as in Germany - not very high.
    This is because our life is getting better, our standard of living is higher than ever. “We began to dress better” and in general wassat
    In short, statistics from TV tell us that everything is growing here, the EU has been overtaken - that’s why demographics are suffering, since life has become much better. You have to trust the statistics, they won’t let you down wassat
  34. +2
    15 January 2024 22: 04
    One of the important factors that negatively affects the birth rate is that for modern people such traditional values ​​as family, children, relatives are lost in the flow of problems, the flow of information, which leads them astray from natural guidelines.

    Flows of problems, information flows and the very way of life in an urbanized society, when the lack of rural development forces the population to move to cities in search of work, according to the author, are not caused by an economic factor? wink
    For this reason, it would be incorrect to talk about the economic factor as the key one that most significantly influences the demographic situation.

    Конечно. laughing
    Especially when the standard of living of the population has been deteriorating for more than 30 years, due to the constant increase in the cost of living and endless reforms (lack of the notorious stability), which do not contribute to the stability of population growth. hi
  35. +1
    16 January 2024 12: 39
    It seems to me that domestic demography is affected not by urbanization as such, but by deindustrialization. There is a city with a huge number of people who have no work and no prospects of getting one. Therefore, the population reacts by reducing the birth rate.

    In Central Asia, the birth rate is high because family and religion are preserved there. Children help parents. Therefore, the direct meaning of having many children is that each child will send help to their elders. More children, more help.
  36. +1
    16 January 2024 12: 39
    It seems to me that domestic demography is affected not by urbanization as such, but by deindustrialization. There is a city with a huge number of people who have no work and no prospects of getting one. Therefore, the population reacts by reducing the birth rate.

    In Central Asia, the birth rate is high because family and religion are preserved there. Children help parents. Therefore, the direct meaning of having many children is that each child will send help to their elders. More children, more help.
  37. +1
    16 January 2024 12: 42
    Why are foot wraps like this article, Russians are dying out from the anti-Russian policy of the Kremlin
  38. +2
    16 January 2024 13: 27
    To stop reproducing, lice only need a temperature drop to +20 degrees, and for people, it is enough to lose confidence in the future. A ban on abortion will not solve this, and most of my compatriots, I hope, will not want to turn into serfs, crossing themselves at the thunder and breeding like those lice, so that at least one of the offspring survives.
    1. +4
      16 January 2024 16: 10
      With confidence in the future, everything is fine with us - tomorrow will be worse than today. And everyone understands this, except the inhabitants of another planet, and on which the government lives.
  39. +2
    18 January 2024 16: 51
    Blah blah blah... that's a lot of mines Lenin and the commies laid...
    Only now anyone who looks at the godless Internet can see when the extinction of Russians in Russia began and it was not under the commies.
    On the same Internet, anyone can forget about the legalization of abortion and birth control and ask the question - why the hell did they get this nonsense about bans out of mothballs?
    Yes, and when the commies gave women the right to work, they created all the conditions so that the state would take on part of the care of children, yes, all these kindergartens, nurseries and after-school programs did not fall out of the sky.
    When someone blathers about the low morality of a woman who decides to have an abortion, he is simply a juvenile moron who has never found himself in such a situation, and the role of the state here is not in prohibiting and complicating, but in minimizing the reasons that pushed the woman to this difficult step.
    In short - the article is worthy of the trash can
  40. +2
    18 January 2024 21: 11
    The birth rate is low and it’s clear why. People don’t live in the virtual world, not on TV, they don’t really care what an official says on TV. They go to the store, they pay housing and communal services, receipts, and groceries. They are repaying the loans they took out to buy food, pay for housing and communal services, and buy their own medicine. They see what prices are for milk, butter, food, medicine. The population has tightened its belts and is already living by the principle “There is no money, but you hold on.” The people of Russia do not see changes? And our citizens do not see anything except raising the retirement age, raising taxes, increasing VAT, raising gasoline prices, increasing excise taxes, increasing fees for major repairs, introducing a tax on the self-employed and other things - besides all this, our people do not sees no other changes. And he feels that he is being driven into devastation and poverty.
    1. +1
      19 January 2024 19: 45
      Codett. (Dmitry). Yesterday, 21:11. yours - "...besides all this, our people do not see any other changes. And they feel that they are being driven into devastation and poverty..."
      But. to the question "...Why are Russians dying out....". probably not the last place is the PSYCHOLOGICAL factor..Under the Tsar - Father. even the Russian nobility was offended by the priority of foreigners in the civil service. under the USSR вIt’s the same priority for national personnel. not always taking into account real consequences (example of national personnel quota for admission to universities and distribution). But. then xat least after the Second World War. grandfather with a pipe. mustache and Georgian accent - noted his role in the Victory of the Second World War all Soviet people. NOTING RUSSIAN. А since 1985 and even more so since 1991. were from the base of the country in "red-crowned" this is with most of the 26 ml of those killed in WWII (Belarusians, Little Russians, Novorossians, Great Russians) in WWII. Let us remember Madame Novodvorskaya HER OPUSES addressed to the Russians. RUSSOPHOBIA of the highest order. in no way inferior to Nazism and racism. It's gotten a little better now. crying But to internal Russophobia with “natural” extinction. love a guest murderous + narcotic with attack was added. rape of women and children. and already by attack (murder) by the killing of the wounded during follow-up treatment and members of the North Military District and their family members. . And what...!?
      If we return to ECONOMY crying .then numbers flash. what nand the family of “guests” will leave the budget up to 2.5 ml rubles. A Costs and places of maternity hospital. d. kindergartens. schools. universities pensions. housing also from the budget of indigenous peoples R belay F. And the harm and the means to eliminate it(if possible) - abu - crime. control by guests of the supply and distribution of drugs. capture of trade from markets to small and medium-sized points in cities (and where cash registers and taxes are - the result is a massive PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND TRADE with elements of “passing” into power and law enforcement agencies.). And the importation and spread of diseases forgotten in the Russian Federation from pediculosis. the entire spectrum of sexually transmitted diseases. to viral meningitis. measles, etc.. And who pays for the “banquet”. who bears the financial losses!?
      1. 0
        19 January 2024 21: 55
        I agree with you, it seems that the current state policy is to replace us with migrants.
  41. +2
    19 January 2024 00: 57
    And another illiterate article by another mother’s childless demographer... The main problem of Russian society is that it is unclear who is sitting in the wrong place. Let me give you a speculative analogy. All as a fantasy. The FSB officer, who betrayed the oath, rules the country. The party of blackmailers and speculators comes up with laws. The Minister of Industry is a sociologist, and the Minister of Transport is a builder. 24 years ago, the country was generally ruled by a mentally retarded drunk. And our demographics are dealt with by religious obscurantists who dream of “traditional” medieval values...
    1. -1
      20 January 2024 00: 36
      Quote: cast iron
      The FSB officer, who betrayed the oath, rules the country.

      Putin is arguably the most successful Russian politician of the 20th century. Only he was able to solve the problem of tobacco smoking and alcoholism. The country before which Lenin, Trotsky, Nikolai 2, Kosygin, Andropov, Gorbachev gave up. Putin was able to reverse the criminalization of Russia that began under Brezhnev. and blossomed under Yeltsin. Putin was able to solve the problem of paying off Western loans that Yeltsin and Gorbachev left him.
      1. 0
        20 January 2024 19: 00
        The most successful politician of the 20th century is definitely Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. This is a historical fact. What Stalin and the Party did in 25 years is unique. This has never happened in the world. Yes, Ptin is much better than the mentally retarded drunk EBHa, but in essence he is exactly the same conductor of the will of the ruling class. Our ruling class is bourgeois capitalists with all the ensuing problems that cannot be solved within the framework of capitalism. The GDP has not solved the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction, don’t tell fairy tales.
  42. 0
    20 January 2024 16: 44
    The author spoke about the degradation of traditional values, but he did not talk about the widespread propaganda of the values ​​of the “consumer society”: you need to live “coolly”, you don’t need to strain yourself, you need to spend a lot of money on entertainment and things. And children are shown as something superfluous in this picture of the world (childfree)
  43. 0
    21 January 2024 02: 06
    Tell me, is there a high, almost pre-revolutionary birth rate in villages? And if I walk through a village where families have a maximum of three children, but mostly two, does that mean I live in a city?