Serbia facing a future not written by it

Serbia facing a future not written by it
Serbia on the eve of a political night because of the Ivans, who do not remember their kinship?

About a boxer, a kickboxer and a half-forgotten show

A long time ago, during my student years, which coincided with the heyday of Yeltsinism, there was such a show - I forgot the name, something like “The Last Hero” - in which the subject, and at the last stage, had to fight with a real boxer. With gloves, of course.

So, one of the test subjects confronted the boxer on an equal footing, which incredibly surprised and even stunned him. And then, after the fight, let’s turn the turntables. In short, he turned out to be a kickboxer.

Looking at this, the semi-relaxed and half-powered boxer who usually let a non-professional work with him quickly sent the next test subject to rest on the floor, without any preludes.

Actually, the United States reminds me of such a boxer, the first test subject is us, and the second test subject is the Serbs.

Apparently, the Americans decided not to stand on ceremony with the latter and not to wait for the Serbs to ripen before voluntarily turning into a raw material appendage golden billion, that is, they are integrating wholeheartedly into the EU, and even into NATO.

The alliance needs cannon fodder. No, the Romanians, there, the Bulgarians with the Poles or the Lithuanians, in the sands of Iraq so far from the banks of the Danube, Neman and Vistula and among the snow-capped peaks of Afghanistan, were coping well, so let the Serbs join.

So the gentlemen are taking advantage of the moment, having clearly worked hard on the unrest in pre-Christmas Belgrade. Because such actions are always orchestrated by someone.

And the moment was chosen very well: Russia is far from Serbia and, moreover, in the current conditions associated with the situation at the front, to help neutralize the protests initiated from overseas, as in the case of A. I. Lukashenko, who immediately forgot about the multi-vector nature, can not.

No, there are those who took to the streets sincerely and not for money or any other preferences. Well, there were some on the Maidan, and in Minsk, but the puppeteers sat in soft chairs far from the agitated streets and only tossed bills so that the fire of controlled chaos they had fanned would not go out.

And, by the way, the unrest that shook respectable Belgrade last December is not new for the once Yugoslav capital; it is enough to recall the repeated protests against S. Milosevic organized by the then famous oppositionist V. Draskovic in the 1990s.

2022 is the failed year of the liberation of Serbia

Why are Americans in a hurry with the Serbian Maidan? I think one of the reasons for this was 2022. That year, the Serbs demonstrated at least an outward declarative readiness to restore the territorial integrity of the country, which, presumably, caused some commotion in the White House.

Remember this history with bandits playing at statehood and the re-registration of license plates they started on cars, Serbian barricades in Kosovo, captured by criminal structures and under the care of NATO, and Belgrade putting the Armed Forces on combat readiness?

There was fidgeting on Capitol Hill. Everything went so well: at first, the bombings that destroyed civilian infrastructure deprived Yugoslavia of its status as a leading player in the Balkans. True, a more significant role than the bombs dropped on the heads of women, old people and children was played here, if you believe the memoirs of Colonel General L. I. Ivashov, Yeltsin’s special representative in negotiations with the Americans V. S. Chernomyrdin.

Still, we read how, in their trial, Deputy Secretary of State S. Talbot, contrary to the firm position of our military, managed to push through the American version of an agreement to stop the killing of civilians through airstrikes.

This was the first step towards the dismantling of Yugoslavia and led to the formation of a bandit enclave patronized by the United States on the territory of a dying country - an enclave that extended its bloody tentacles to other European countries that did not even border Serbia.

True, the Americans did not care about this; they cheerfully built their own outpost - a military base - in the part of what was then Yugoslavia they occupied Camp Bondsteel, second in area after the largest in Europe and located in Germany Ramstein, which greatly complicated - but did not deprive Belgrade of the opportunity! – to conduct a counter-terrorist operation and restore the integrity of the country.

For the regular army will always beat even well-armed and equipped gangs, which were the subordinate Albanian criminal structures settled in Pristina and supervised from the heights of Capitol Hill.

By the way, the existence of an entire legal organized crime group on the territory of Serbia, and – this is nonsense – claiming the status of an independent state, is direct evidence of the White House’s sponsorship of terrorism. Just look at the weapons and equipment of the bandits who erected a monument to their bloody benefactor Bill in Pristina.

Monument to Bloody Bill erected in occupied Pristina

And the fact that crime bosses, terrorists and other rabble gangsters who escaped the dock are called security forces does not at all indicate that they are such. There are no security forces in Kosovo - on the contrary, the criminal enclave created there is still a security threat in the center of refined Europe.

Although the White House did replace the scumbag H. Thaci (he did not escape the dock; imagine how many crimes must be committed that even the Americans were not against sending him to The Hague) with a respectable smiling label in the person of V. Osmani.

However, the gangs themselves are led by E. Makedonchi, a member of theirs since the late 1990s. I think if he had been put in the dock, he would also have been able to tell a lot of interesting things about his past and about his accomplices holding various positions in the criminal enclave, which they stubbornly call a republic.

Why NATO won't fight

And when the conflict escalated in the aforementioned 2022, the Serbs could well have carried out a counter-terrorism operation without the threat of repeating the 1999 scenario. I am sure that the occupying forces of the NATO states (KFOR) would have sat at their bases and kept a low profile, or even would have evacuated altogether.

Does anyone think they will fight?

For those who hold a different point of view on this matter, I recommend remembering the story in Somalia in 1993, when even minor military losses, among almost elite units, forced the Americans to leave the country. That is why discussions about the prospects of confronting a small Serbian army with the NATO machine sounded absurd.

Nobody argues: the car is the most modern, but its drivers are ready to drive along comfortable highways while tightly buckled, and not skid on Balkan potholes covered in blood and mud, and even with the prospect of falling out of the cab. And in Brussels they know: funerals in quiet, museum-like, cozy European cities can produce the effect of a bomb exploding.

In the end, in the army of the leading NATO states they serve for anything - some to raise their social status, some to gain a profession, some because of the desire to see the world for free, some just like it, but not to die somewhere in mountains of the Balkans. For what?

In a word, with gangsters, yes, at the cost of losses, but Belgrade could cope. I would uproot the infection from my own land, in which is the living breath of Serbian History, compressed among the walls of ancient temples and monasteries.

Serbian regular units, I am sure, would have been able to cope with the gangs that seized Kosovo

Moreover, the Minister of Defense A. Vulin, at least judging by the rhetoric, was ready for decisive action to restore the territorial integrity of the country. Just like the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General M. Mojsilović has experience in combat operations and remembers a united and relatively strong Yugoslavia.

Camp Bondsteel? The base would remain, like a thorn in Serbia's body, but in a status similar to Guantanamo.

Unfortunately, Belgrade did not decide to undergo the operation. There are many reasons for this. However, apparently, the United States still relied on forces more loyal to them, through the transit of power according to the Ukrainian-Belarusian scenario, by Maidanizing the street.

About Maidanization, historical memory and Soros junk

The goal is identical to the Kiev-Minsk one: to bring tame and relatively young politicians to power, identifying and feeding among them local Zelensky/Tikhanovskys, who are divorced from the Yugoslav roots remembered by the older generation and who see themselves as more Europeans than Serbs. And most importantly: for such people, Serbian land captured by bandits is foreign.

Perhaps it is like this for almost the entire generation born in the new millennium, which does not even know its own native history.

A little aside: I remember J.V. Stalin, who immediately after the war, in 1946, summoned leading Soviet archaeologists to the Kremlin and set them an important task: to create the largest archaeological expedition on the planet. Against the background of their perplexed glances: they say, what kind of archeology is it when the country is in ruins and famine struck in the mentioned year?

But Stalin said very wise words:

“If we do not fully know our past, then our future will be drawn for us.”

They painted it on us in the nineties, but we still can’t erase it. It’s good that at least A.I. Solzhenitsyn is no longer quoted anywhere. Even if Fomenko-Nosov, Ivanilyinsky and Yakhinsky little books were thrown into waste paper.

And the Serbs are no exception; they also draw. Diligently. With a projection into the future. In the guise of a palace, which is actually a barn prepared for the Serbs. Because they are not gold billionaires, and therefore palaces are not provided for them.

Am I exaggerating? May be. But, look, neighboring Bulgaria has not become any richer since joining the EU - sixteen years ago now. And under T. Zhivkov, its industrial potential was actively developing with our help. And the standard of living of the population grew.

And if so, then Serbia, with its tragic and heroic history and culture, is becoming a thing of the past, preserving itself as a rudiment or a museum of its former glory at the formal legal level. With a new “history” written not by her, but for her.

Stefan Dusan, Milos Obilic... - the young Serbs will shrug their shoulders and ask, - who is this?

They won’t be written about in the new history textbooks, or, worse, they will dump Soros junk, clouding the mind, like the opium dumped by the British in Qing China. From opium a person degenerated and died quickly. Without its own History, which forms a collective memory, the nation also degrades and dies quickly, turning into Ivans who do not remember kinship, and simply a population manipulated from the outside, the dream of the Eloi - the Morlocks.

And we keep talking about the end of American hegemony. The hour is not certain when the United States will crush the soft underbelly of Europe and then certainly become its masters.

Whether this is true or not, further events will show. We should help the Serbs. Not out of the kindness of his heart, but following his own geopolitical interests. The only question is – how?
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  1. 0
    9 January 2024 05: 16
    We should help the Serbs. Not out of the kindness of his heart, but following his own geopolitical interests. The only question is – how?

    How, how...what kind of questions are not serious...there are many ways and methods from the arsenal of the same USA and can remember how Comrade Stalin and Ulyanov-Lenin acted in such cases...also a Newton binomial for me.. .that's the problem.
    In addition, it would be nice to put Soros’ methods into practice.
    You can't fight enemies with white gloves...divide and conquer.
    1. +5
      9 January 2024 06: 37
      Give a serious answer to frivolous questions) We don’t have Lenin and Stalin now. I mean politicians of this caliber. Leverages of influence on Belgrade - too, especially after the withdrawal of the Russian contingent. And there will definitely not be any leverage after the Serbian Zelensky comes to power (I think it’s a matter of time).
      1. +1
        9 January 2024 06: 52
        In order to reduce the pressure on Serbia and our enemies, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of discord in the enemy camp using contradictions.
        Well, for example... it’s no secret that in Kosovo there is drug trafficking to Europe in which the leadership of the Kosovars is covered up... you can, for example, through third dummies, increase it several times... along the way, collecting incriminating evidence on the people involved in this.
        Of course, the Americans, who are in control of this whole matter, can interfere... but I think our specialists are capable of screwing them over.
        There are many different types of operations that can be organized to undermine stability in Europe and the United States... there was political will in the Kremlin... everything comes down to that. smile
  2. +8
    9 January 2024 05: 47
    Milos Obilic... - the young Serbs will shrug their shoulders and ask, - who is this?
    In the Serbian football premier league, FK Obilic plays, for example. Author, excuse me, the article is full of words, I think, it seems to me, it doesn’t lend itself to analytics. Since 2022, 202 individual entrepreneurs from the Russian Federation and 86 companies with Russian participation have registered their businesses in Serbia. However, this is not the limit. Serbian experts believe that about 400 more Russian companies or their representative offices may move to the country in the near future. And it seems unlikely that they will leave if the country joins the EU and NATO. Since the beginning of the Northern Military District, about 140 thousand Russians have left for Serbia.
    1. +1
      9 January 2024 06: 34
      What does the football league and businessmen have to do with it? How will this negatively impact Serbia's integration into the EU? Policy is not determined by individual entrepreneurs. Let's say in 1990, American business was interested in investing in Iraq. AND? Did anyone take his interests into account? French - and not only - business was asleep in 2022 and saw how to quickly leave the Russian market through losses?
      1. +5
        9 January 2024 06: 42
        What does the football league have to do with it?
        Milos Obilic... - the young Serbs will shrug their shoulders and ask, - who is this?
        At the same time..remember. Business? Wrote who went there. The Russians left, Europe is closer from Serbia.. And the Serbs will sooner or later join the EU and NATO. Russia is not attractive to them, except for spiritual bonds such as, for example, a Muscovite with a Chinese face or the future Volga with him
  3. +4
    9 January 2024 06: 41
    Back in the middle of the last century, the fragmentation of some countries in Africa and Asia began. What forces were involved in such matters? The leaders of the EU and NATO are too weak for this. After all, large states also came under attack. All of Serbia’s problems began with the collapse of Yugoslavia. Finding out the mechanism and the owner of this mechanism will lead us to a correct understanding of the structure of the current world. Everything else is consequences.
  4. +5
    9 January 2024 06: 49
    Quote: Igor Khodakov
    the rise of Yeltsinism

    What unusual phrase does the author use? Flowering I have always associated it with spring and the smell of blooming lilacs. A Yeltsinism with the smell of feces wink
    1. +1
      9 January 2024 09: 15
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      And Yeltsinism smells of feces

      And the smell of Royal alcohol.
  5. 0
    9 January 2024 07: 20
    I once read Serbian *works* about the February Revolution of 1917 in RUSSIA and about the OCTOBER REVOLUTION of 1917.
    A general feeling of disgust and nothing more. Especially under Tito.
    The Yugoslavs spoiled the SOVIET UNION and all under the *cover* *community of the Slavs*. The Poles now *bear* something similar in their media and government statements. The only difference is that the Yugoslavs also engaged in terror JOINTLY with the British, French and Americans.
    And how they jumped for joy in Yugoslavia when the collapse of the SOVIET UNION began.
    So it’s not surprising that the Serbs so want to join the EU and NATO.
    1. +3
      9 January 2024 09: 19
      Quote: Vasily50
      And how they jumped for joy in Yugoslavia when the collapse of the SOVIET UNION began.

      Yes, they also jumped in Moscow, I remember it well. Even Plisetskaya danced on the porch near the House of the Union.
  6. +4
    9 January 2024 09: 42
    So gentlemen are taking advantage of the moment
    Author, please explain why in the Slavic Balkan countries there is no pro-Russian “fifth column” in the good sense of the word. There are no mass rallies and marches with slogans: We want to join BRICS and the CSTO. It turns out that the United States has money to finance its supporters, but Russia has no money? What has Russia done to look good in the eyes of all Balkan Slavs? So that people would be drawn to it, and not to the USA and the EU with NATO.
    1. -3
      9 January 2024 15: 32
      “It turns out that the United States has money to finance its supporters, but Russia has no money?” Exactly. On the other side - rich capitalism, on ours - peripheral capitalism. And again, this is not about everyone. but about feeding the few “elites”. On the other side, the bun has more calories. And the whip is tougher. It doesn’t work everywhere, why it didn’t work out in Belarus: Lukashenko came to the enterprises and popularly explained to the workers their prospects if they supported Tikhanovskaya. But Vucic is in a worse situation.
      1. +2
        10 January 2024 07: 46
        But still, what is Russia doing to look good in the eyes of all Balkan Slavs? So that people would be drawn to it, and not to the USA and the EU and NATO.
  7. +5
    9 January 2024 10: 49
    All these arguments that cowardly NATO members will immediately run away because they are afraid and do not want to fight are reminiscent of the reasoning before 2022 that the Ukrainians will immediately flee...
    1. +6
      9 January 2024 11: 06
      And also the reasoning of the Japanese before WWII that the cowardly amers do not have the samurai spirit, they are afraid of losses and therefore easily capitulate.
      1. -2
        9 January 2024 15: 37
        This is the first time I've heard about this. Yamamoto - and not only him - for example, was against the war. And no one in Japan counted on the surrender of the United States. On their part, Pearl Harbour, if you take a closer look at the political events that preceded the war, was generally a kind of gesture of despair.
        1. +1
          9 January 2024 17: 18
          Yamamoto was the exception and not the rule because he went to the States and represented them better than other Japanese. Do you remember what he said? I guarantee victory in the first two years of the war, and you must achieve peace. Those. The Japanese realized that their victory would consist in inflicting unacceptable losses on the Amers (after all, they do not have the samurai spirit) and forcing them to sign peace. Much like with Tsarist Russia.
          There was no plan B in case the amers did not surrender and decided to fight to the end. Serbia also does not have such a plan, and we did not have one in the Northern Military District. Both the Pacific and Northern Military Districts clearly demonstrate that it is better not to start without a plan B.
    2. -2
      9 January 2024 15: 34
      I didn't write that they were cowardly. I wrote about loss-sensitive public opinion. And he specifically cited the story of Somalia. It is analyzed in detail by Luttwak in “Wars in the Post-Heroic Era” in his book “Strategy. The Logic of War and Peace.”
      1. +1
        9 January 2024 17: 21
        They got into Somalia themselves, and here it is proposed to attack their soldiers and expect them to escape. What if they don’t run away? What to do then? Relying purely on the fact that the enemy is a sissy/weak/coward and will not tolerate losses is, to put it mildly, not the best strategy.
  8. +4
    9 January 2024 10: 51
    Too many templates from the manual.
    Like, the West will chicken out. Mol. raw material appendage...
    A reasonable question is: what kind of raw materials appendage is there in the center of Europe during integration into the EU? alas, well, you understand...
    As Goblin has repeatedly said, people are drawn to where there is money and a good life...
    1. -2
      9 January 2024 15: 38
      “As Goblin has repeatedly said, people are drawn to where there is money and a good life...” It was not for nothing that I mentioned the younger generation of Serbs.
    2. 0
      10 January 2024 00: 05
      Too many templates from the manual.

      And the funniest thing, which completely breaks the author’s templates, is that Vučić himself constantly talks about joining the EU as his main goal. Here they are in absolute solidarity with the opposition:
      Vučić called accession to the EU a priority for Serbia

      Vucic added that achieving peace is in the interests of Serbia and the entire region; Belgrade does not want to play any “games” and is committed to negotiations. The President noted that he is open to discussing all issues and contacts with partners, including “European and American friends.”
  9. +1
    9 January 2024 11: 24
    Over the years, the West has finally begun to make mistakes. Yugoslavia doesn’t exist anyway, which is what they want. Belgrade has only a quasi-state entity, what else do they need for Belgrade to be called Belgrade as a state entity or give them a cup of honey and blood for greater comfort.
  10. 0
    9 January 2024 18: 49
    In order to answer how to help Serbia, it is necessary to understand what has happened there over the past 40 years. In Serbia, or rather in the SFRY, at the turn of the 70s and 80s, a classic bourgeois revolution took place, as in the USSR, in 1989-1991. What I mean. Namely:
    -changes in legal relations between forms of ownership and the state;
    -changes in the country's political system;
    -change in the dominant ideology as a system of “ideological violence.”
    All bourgeois, that is, “urban” revolutions, go through certain, specific political and economic stages of their development. That is:
    - the first stage of the bourgeois-democratic humanitarian-liberal revolution, during which a mass of populist politicians, who are essentially destroyers of the old state system, are talking about the processes of cynical and cruel privatization of “state” property;
    -the second stage, as the stage of victory and formalization of the dictatorship of commercial economic and political interests, occurring due to the fact that the urban population needed to be somehow managed in an ever-widening permanent economic and political struggle, and representatives of commercial interests accumulated capital much faster and formed their structures of representative, legislative and judicial power, in the conditions of urban liberal freedoms and, the former were integrated into the global system of the dollar economy, which resulted in a war in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which ended in the destruction of the latter;
    -the third stage is the phenomenon of the formation and establishment of a regime of domination of private property, as a dictatorship of large oligarchic capital, entering into an insoluble contradiction with the global financial oligarchy of the West, in the struggle for its financial and economic subjectivity, which the Serbian financial oligarchy lost in the late 90s - early 2000s;
    -the fourth stage is the formation of a “regional” financial oligarchy on the basis of bureaucratic and police tyranny serving large commercial owners with the full power of the “state” apparatus, in the case of defending its own political economic subjectivity, which the Serbian oligarchy, due to defeat in the fight with the West, does not possess;
    - the fifth stage is the growth of irreconcilable contradictions between the mass of urban and rural petty-bourgeois producing population and the regional financial oligarchy of the country's megacities, which ends with urban petty-bourgeois National revolutions, but for this revolution to take place, the massive emergence of small and medium-sized production, engineering, infrastructure and agricultural organizations of collective or joint private property, as the economic basis and driving force of the social National Revolution, but for any oligarchy this is like death, and it uses ANY financial, economic, administrative, and power mechanisms and tools to prevent this from happening.
    Therefore, to summarize, Serbia today is a peripheral and colonial financial oligarchy, built into the Western “global agenda” and, without outside help, its bourgeois revolution will not transform into a national one. There are no prerequisites or driving forces(. And that’s why we “smoke bamboo”(...
    P.S. Russians and Serbs are brothers forever!
  11. -1
    9 January 2024 23: 57
    I would root out the infection from my own land

    So the author is hinting at the need for ethnic cleansing of Kosovo - the eviction of almost 2 million Albanians from there?

    Unfortunately, Belgrade did not decide to undergo the operation.

    The Serbs do not want to fight now. They fought too much in the 90s. Vučić understands this very well and therefore did not escalate the conflict.

    neighboring Bulgaria has not become any richer since joining the EU – sixteen years ago now.

    Only the Bulgarians, having joined the EU, now live richer than the Serbs who have not yet joined the EU. But during the times of the People's Republic of Belarus and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia it was the other way around: the Serbs lived richer than the Bulgarians.
    1. -1
      10 January 2024 08: 38
      Bulgarians, having joined the EU, now live richer than Serbs

      In a sense, they are richer, thanks to the Bulgarians who left for Germany and Britain and regularly send money back to their homeland...
      1. +1
        10 January 2024 11: 48
        Smiled, where did this information come from?
  12. +1
    10 January 2024 11: 45
    But someone from the screens on the Central Television even said that several hundred employees of the Mossad, MI-6, the CIA and paddling pools took part in the coup in Moscow and supported Yeltsin
    1. 0
      10 January 2024 21: 28
      several hundred employees of Mossad, MI6, CIA and paddling pools

      And more evil reptilians from Alpha Centauri:
      Medvedev called six Western politicians reptilians

      “These biosubstances are alive! They are among us! And these reptilians are clearly not people!” - Medvedev wrote, publishing a photo of six Western politicians.
  13. 0
    11 January 2024 00: 22
    Quote: Igor Khodakov
    Give a serious answer to frivolous questions) We don’t have Lenin and Stalin now. I mean politicians of this caliber. Leverages of influence on Belgrade - too, especially after the withdrawal of the Russian contingent. And there will definitely not be any leverage after the Serbian Zelensky comes to power (I think it’s a matter of time).

    No? Yah? What if I find it? Yes
    But seriously, there are both Stalins and Lenins. They are simply not in demand. That's why we don't see them.
    Remember Mayakovsky:
    behind Lashevich
    I take the phone -
    we won't strangle you
    so they will strangle us.
    I'll take the phone
    or out
    from the body
    proletarian soul.
    I arrived,
    in a torn coat, -
    not identified by anyone.
    He speaks,
    get up early.
    And the day after tomorrow-
    Tomorrow, that is.
    Well, we can't do them any good!
    beaten and torn.

    “He himself” can come and say when, where, how. But! If there are no those who are ready to lay down their “proletarian soul” (and there are none!), Lenin and Stalin will not work.
  14. 0
    14 January 2024 22: 11
    Dear friends from invincible Russia, I am writing to you from Serbia. I noticed that you are not fully informed. Don't pay attention to politicians, 85% of Serbs love and support Russia. People are important. People's opinions are important. Information for one of the commentators, Bulgaria has never been richer than Serbia. Life in Serbia was better than in Bulgaria, even when we were under sanctions. When you drive into Serbia from Bulgaria at night, the first Serbian village on the way seems like Las Vegas. Greetings from Serbia. Serbia together with Russia at the cost of destruction.