Stories about the practice of "absolute power"

Stories about the practice of "absolute power"
Still from the 1997 film "The Trickster" / "The Tail Wags the Dog" / "Wag the Dog" by Barry Levinson, based on the book "American Hero" by Larry Beinhart, republished in 2005 as "Wag the Dog: A Novel". Starring Robert De Niro and Dustin Hoffman. A girl allegedly from Albania is being filmed for News... She has a bag of chips in her hands

But do you know how strong we are, Basmanov?
Not by army, no, not by Polish help,
A opinion; Yes! popular opinion.

"Boris Godunov" A.S. Pushkin

People and story. There are several PR rules that are very simple but effective. A real PR man should not tell deliberate lies. He must achieve a positive opinion of people about the subject. Because the power of power lies in opinion, as A. S. Pushkin said so well in “Boris Godunov.” True, today there are many more opportunities to influence this opinion than before. This is what we will talk about today, continuing the theme of PR stories in our country that can be told about today.

And it so happened that in the mid-90s, presidential elections in Russia were to take place, in which as many as five candidates participated: Yeltsin, Zyuganov, Yavlinsky, Zhirinovsky and Lebed. And now in the next city of Ensk the question arose of how to help Yeltsin get elected without attracting large financial investments and relying solely on “popular opinion.”

A survey was conducted in which people were asked the following questions: what color, smell, taste, tree, animal and car is associated with this or that candidate. That is, the “method of free associations” was used, when a person is confident, but his consciousness is not influenced in any way. In fact, the brain remembers everything and... gives out its subconscious vision of the “problem”.

Everyone saw Yeltsin on TV in a black formal suit. Hence, the majority of respondents identified its color as black. The Swan, of course, was white, Zyuganov was red, and Yavlinsky was green, the color of his stupid green apple. It is clear that Lebed is a swan, and Yeltsin is a bear. Yeltsin's car is a tank, because everyone remembered how he tank distributed leaflets, and Zhirinovsky - a Mercedes, and Lebed - an armored personnel carrier, because he is a general! Again, Zyuganov's color was red, and to most he smelled... of blood. What else?

And here she is already on the screen. A bag of chips turned into a white cat, which she saved - “After all, people love children and animals.” Interestingly, the cat was first tabby, but the president wanted a white one!

And so, when the results of the survey were summed up, it turned out that Yeltsin dominated in all respects. The color is black, it erases all colors, the tree is oak, the animal is bear, the smell is vodka (the original folk drink), the car is a tank! You can vote for this one.

But how to vote for the green sour apple, the “swan bird” and the “brown Zhirinovsky”? And about Zyuganov, one interviewee wrote that he associates him with the smell of cat urine, and for him General Lebed smells like gasoline. And it was precisely these words of his, and it was indicated that this was the opinion of one person, that were placed in the title of the article, replete with graphs and diagrams. That is, everything was strictly scientific.

However, a person who read this article to the end received a powerful charge of mental images and subsequently reasoned only with them. It is clear that not everyone was “like that”. But there were about 80% of them, so those who were not affected by it and who remained “independent” could simply be ignored. Their votes no longer decided anything!

After the first round, two people remained: Yeltsin and Zyuganov. And then, in the photo of a mass of articles “Vote with your heart, not with your mind”, “Vote with your mind, not with your heart”, “Vote... vote, vote...” an article appeared: “So that we don’t go extinct like dinosaurs!” And it’s clear that everyone read it. It’s interesting, because the theme of death in a person’s subconscious is dominant, only then comes the theme of reproduction.

The article said that in Moscow there was a research institute where they built the “time machine” Lovondatr-7 (which was actually written about by the Tekhnika-Molodezhi magazine), and that it was still not working well. But what's the matter? Then there will be Lovondatr 10, 12, 25...

And then, if you don’t vote for Yeltsin now, then those people in whose hands it is, will go back to 1880 to the village of Kokushkino, where Volodya Ulyanov drowned in the river, but was saved by a certain passer-by. And so they will first find out who saved him, and then... they will once again move into the past and invite him to drink beer at the tavern. Meanwhile, Volodya will drown! And there will be no revolution, nothing, and all current people will become different, that is, they will die as individuals.

So, to prevent this from happening... Well, then, it’s clear what was discussed.

For some reason, the article had a particularly strong effect on retired grandmothers, who apparently had read “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells in their youth. They called the newspaper and the FSB with a demand to “stop”, but... what could be stopped? Even the local Communist Party of the Russian Federation was unable to sue the author, because half of the article was a retelling of material from “Technology for Youth,” and the second began with the words “I think,” and thinking cannot be prohibited by law.

As a result, Yeltsin received a certain, but quite decent increase in votes in the Ensky region without any administrative pressure.

Here, in the same Ensk, the time has come for the Democratic governor to be re-elected, and Viktor Ilyukhin, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, decided to run for his place. He arrived in Ensk and began to convince everyone how good he was. He came to meet with the “people” and to Ensky State University. There they gathered “the entire tower” together with the rector, and for the sake of mass participation they brought in a stream of students, to whom at that very time the PR and advertising teacher was giving his lecture.

And Ilyukhin began to tell... how “bad Americans” are and how they want to harm us all. And he didn’t say a word about what he was going to do for the city and region after becoming governor. But you can’t do that, the people who will vote for you wear their shirts closer to their bodies, and it was their needs that he should have talked about. But he didn't say a single word.

Here a certain “hundred-year-old grandfather” (a veteran of all wars and labors) rises and, rattling the iconostasis of orders and medals, says that, they say, thank you, “you opened our eyes.”

Ilyukhin was delighted and asked: “Are there any other questions?!”

"Eat!" - the PR teacher answers, gets up and says: “You came to us for votes (ah-ah, what cynicism, isn’t it, good politicians don’t talk about this), but why didn’t you tell us anything that you would give us? what if we give them to you? Do you know who, for example, was the first to vote for Hitler in Germany in 1929 and why?”

It is clear that Ilyukhin did not know this, he thought that the brain-draining chatter about Americans would be enough for him here, within the walls of the university. But no, it didn’t work out that way.

And I had to tell him that he didn’t know.

Here they tell him that the first to support the Fuhrer were not workers or peasants, but the All-German Trade Union of Associate Professors. "And why? Yes, only because Hitler promised to raise the salaries of assistant professors three times. And here’s a question for you: how much will you increase our salaries so that we unanimously vote for you?”

Here our candidate for governor sat down in a big muddy puddle. It is impossible to name a number less than “3”, he realized this. “3” is also a forbidden number, and it’s clear why. But he also could not name a large figure; he did not have such powers from the party.

And he turned out like this: “We are all to blame for the collapse of the Union and we will work to recreate it. And now I have to go, they’re still waiting for me at the factory!” And he went to the exit.

Oh, how the students stamped their feet and whistled! “He didn't answer the question! He avoided a direct answer! A shame!"

In general, they completely washed him away at that university, and he never looked there again.

And then smart people looked at those photographs of him, which his associates used to cover the entrances and fences in the city, and saw that if they added a brush to his bangs and mustache, he would look... very similar to Hitler. And they hired a whole bunch of pet people, gave them cola and bananas, a portrait with a mustache and bangs, and a big fat felt-tip pen. And the bus drove around the city and everywhere where there were photos of the candidate for governor, they painted on his bangs and mustache according to the model. And at the bottom they wrote: “If you vote for a communist, buy food for the last time!”

Of course, Ilyukhin was immediately informed about this disgrace, and he informed the police, and they began to chase the bus, and in the end they “caught” him. And there are the guys with Coke... “They gave us money and bananas... and told us to paint on them. Who? But we don’t know... Someone...” And the driver didn’t know anything at all, he was given a map of stops, and that’s it. “I didn’t even know why I should stop!”

But the most masterpiece example of “black PR” (and it comes in all colors!) was the substitution of the content of the Ilyukhin election newspaper.

The fact is that in this very Ensk, one local newspaper of a democratic bent, which had previously quarreled with the local governor, went over to Ilyukhin’s side. They were warned that “you will be received badly here, and you will be looked at badly there,” that is, what could happen to them could happen to D’Artagnan if he accepted Richelieu’s offer. But... the “guys” from the newspaper did not listen.

And so in the evening they submitted their newspaper to print, which depicts their new idol in bright colors, in the morning they sit, drink tea, and then Ilyukhin enters their editorial office and throws a newspaper on the table, their own newspaper, only the content in it is completely different!

Instead of good photographs of Ilyukhin, they are “terrible”; in an interview with him, instead of one thing, something completely different is written. In the original: “In life I am a fighter,” and here... “In life I am...!”, and so is the whole newspaper. The police were called, but the newspapermen say that they are not guilty of anything. And the printers say the same thing - what they gave us, we printed, but we don’t know who paid for the circulation, which has increased many times over. The money came through the bank!

It turns out that after 19:00, when the floppy disk with the newspaper went to the printing house, someone replaced it, and in a very short time experienced journalists were found who imitated the style of the newspaper’s authors. They also changed all the headlines, in a word, completely changed the newspaper, and then sent the floppy disk to print in the same layout as before, and managed to do all this before two o’clock in the morning. That is, a team of very high-level professionals worked.

Ilyukhin filed a lawsuit against the newspaper, but what's the point? He was never elected governor...

To be continued ...
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  1. +25
    7 January 2024 04: 38
    This is how we are led to the conclusion that we only need he and no one else! Otherwise, khan, kapets, bummer and Kommersant!
    1. +4
      7 January 2024 06: 17
      I don’t like the way Putin rules the country, his foreign and domestic policies, kissing the ass and fawning over migrants, personnel policies, etc. And I will gladly vote for a worthy candidate. But where is he? I don't see a worthy candidate anywhere near the horizon. So who should I vote for then, please tell me? For Slutsky? For some kind of naval player aunt I don’t even know?
      1. +35
        7 January 2024 06: 33
        a worthy candidate is on the horizon.
        How do you recognize a worthy candidate? if you don't trust him? This one is already known. He will carry out privatization and raise the retirement age. We are unable to protect the people of Donetsk and Belgorod. He has brought and will continue to import migrants. He despises the people so much that he doesn’t even promise anything. In the end, if you don’t like Yeltsin, then he is Yeltsin’s heir, but he doesn’t drink. By the way, both Stalin and Brezhnev drank....
        1. +12
          7 January 2024 07: 32
          Quote: Gardamir
          By the way, both Stalin and Brezhnev drank

          Drinking does not mean getting drunk and not getting off the plane during a state visit.
          1. +26
            7 January 2024 07: 35
            That's not what I mean. Quite the opposite. You can't be proud that the ruler doesn't drink. When he's sober, he brings in migrants. Everyone is deceiving him. Yes, it doesn’t get fat, but prices are rising, but production is not.
            1. +13
              7 January 2024 08: 17
              Quote: Gardamir
              but prices are rising, but production is not.

              How, how, some will say, GDP is growing. We will soon catch up and surpass Germany. What does this matter to me, a simple person? For me, the main thing is how much of this goodness there is per person. In Germany, for example, it’s $63 thousand, and here we have 33. This is the figure the president should take care of if he wants to take care of the common man.
              1. +2
                8 January 2024 11: 19
                WIKI! I’ll tell you, too, as an ordinary person to an ordinary person, GDP is not an indicator of the standard of living, but your salary or pension, and prices for food, housing and communal services, clothing, healthcare, etc., are much more important for your well-being.
                1. 0
                  8 January 2024 22: 53
                  Well what can I say? Overall GDP, yes, but GDP per capita is a completely different matter. The higher this indicator, the higher labor productivity should be. No other way. Digging a hole with a shovel or an excavator makes a big difference. The result is the same, but the excavator operator will pay more. And the cost of work will be lower (this is about the price of products).
                  1. -1
                    8 January 2024 23: 15
                    WIKI! Theory. GDP per capita consists of your conditional 15 thousand and Gref’s salary. Theoretically, you and I are rich, but even if YOU are an excavator operator, you will not become wealthy. For some reason, with a decrease in labor productivity, there are more millionaires.
                    1. 0
                      9 January 2024 10: 54
                      You're talking about politics, and I'm talking about economics. As labor productivity increases, the quantity of goods increases. This growth generates competition, which serves as a limiter on price increases. At the same time, productivity increases the number of goods created by one person. This leads to higher wages.
                      1. -1
                        9 January 2024 16: 17
                        If your salary is politics for you, for me it is economics.
                        Economics is a concentrated reflection of politics. First a political decision, then construction, remember Stalin’s early USSR.
              2. -1
                10 January 2024 10: 36
                GDP also includes all kinds of services, so lumping together GDP from industry. production and the service sector - this gives rise to patriotic patriotism: "Oh, what we are - sanctions are imposed on us, but we are getting stronger." Overall GDP is a message from the authorities to the people: “WE ARE EFFECTIVE MANAGERS,” while GDP by industry can be viewed if you know that these indicators are important. But not everyone is an economist, so people look at GDP growth and rejoice.
                As for the presidential candidates, yes, there is no alternative to the current guarantor, and even if there is one, then no one has canceled PR in the right direction.
            2. -22
              7 January 2024 12: 08
              Quote: Gardamir
              he brings in migrants.

              And I don’t consider these migrants “migrants” - these are residents of the former USSR and the former Russian Empire. And labor migration always existed in those periods. And your logic is not very good... migrants are needed when there is a labor shortage, and a labor shortage occurs with rapid growth in production.
              1. +11
                7 January 2024 15: 19
                THEN they were part of the USSR and were respectful of the Russians (the people of the USSR).
                now - this is a foreign composition to us, which previously CUTTED the Russians in 1991-1993. If you don’t know this, Yandex can help. Take ANY Central Asian republic - in the 90s there were pogroms and murders/rapes of Russians on a MASSIVE scale.
                those. 8-12 year old kids who saw this, now 40 year old men who have raised the next generation to love Natasha and kill Vanek.
                While still isolated, but widespread, the videos clearly show these Tajiks not at their best.
                and the most offensive thing is that they are already RUSSIAN because of the policy of giving away passports that Putin organized.
                and I’ll also add - 2020, with one stroke of the pen, Putin himself! past the State Duma, he pardoned 300.000 Uzbek Tajiks who were deported from Russia for administrative and CRIMINAL minor violations. Those. he allowed them to enter a second time and officially receive our citizenship.
                1. -6
                  7 January 2024 20: 20
                  Quote: Dmitry Ivanov_1991
                  THEN they were part of the USSR and were respectful of the Russians (the people of the USSR).
                  now - this is a foreign composition to us, which previously CUTTED the Russians in 1991-1993.

                  Do you even understand what you are writing? The USSR existed until December 26, 1991, until that moment the Russians were treated with respect, and then, in the remaining 5 days, let’s cut!
                  1. +3
                    8 January 2024 01: 02
                    please leave here.. son of a Tajik and a Ukrainian woman.
                    if you don’t have enough of your Tajik mind to open Wikipedia and read what was there, then you can’t be taught anything, you’re a caveman.

              2. +6
                7 January 2024 15: 48
                And your logic is not very good... migrants are needed when there is a labor shortage, and a labor shortage occurs with rapid growth in production.
                - or with a shortage of workers due to the high rate of extinction of the indigenous population... This is not very logical for you: you choose only those answer options that are convenient for you.
              3. +3
                7 January 2024 16: 28
                Read the article, lover of Tajiks.
              4. 0
                8 January 2024 11: 09
                The key word is the former USSR, and the former Republic of Ingushetia, but now these are sovereign countries that, while continuing to demand money from Russia, are pursuing an unfriendly policy.
              5. 0
                8 January 2024 11: 09
                The key word is the former USSR, and the former Republic of Ingushetia, but now these are sovereign countries that, while continuing to demand money from Russia, are pursuing an unfriendly policy.
          2. +2
            7 January 2024 15: 46
            Yes, maybe it would have been better not to go out))))
        2. +3
          7 January 2024 11: 34
          Don’t trust the opinion of a person who hasn’t had a hangover in the morning! (WITH)
        3. +3
          7 January 2024 12: 35
          This one is already known.

          The justification for suicide looks exactly the same.
          If you don’t like this world, you can try another one, what if it exists?
          Needless to say, Russian roulette is very good for health, although not for everyone.

          Avoidance motivation does not contribute well to achieving goals; achievement motivation is preferable here.
          The trouble is that not a single alternative candidate represents a force that has the ability and desire to benefit our country. As for the harm, everything is fine...
        4. +1
          7 January 2024 14: 37
          Quote: Gardamir
          How do you recognize a worthy candidate? if you don't trust him?

          They vote and respect for winners and creators. Since the 80s of modern history there has been destruction and defeat one after another.. Putin? The pacifier of Chechnya, the collector of the country. Is there creativity in Russia? Eat . Winner? Yes, Georgia (Abkhazia and Tskhinvali), Sevastopol-Crimea, Syria. Tell me, what about Ukraine? Bloody heavy battles are taking place. What will happen next ? Victory . Victory of the Russian people. I have many questions for the leaders of my country. But I do not intend to discuss these issues with you.
          1. 0
            7 January 2024 14: 44
            You will apologize to Kadyrov. A suppressor on the Chechens' terms. Here Saratov is ours, but there are still problems with Crimea...
            1. +2
              7 January 2024 14: 46
              Quote: Gardamir
              You will apologize to Kadyrov. A suppressor on the Chechens' terms. Here Saratov is ours, but there are still problems with Crimea...

              This is your problem with Crimea. And Saratov too. And perhaps you will apologize to the Kadyrovites.
        5. +1
          7 January 2024 16: 08
          I’m thinking about writing a famous three-letter Russian word on the ballot.
      2. -1
        7 January 2024 06: 33
        a worthy candidate is on the horizon.
        How do you recognize a worthy candidate? if you don't trust him? This one is already known. He will carry out privatization and raise the retirement age. We are unable to protect the people of Donetsk and Belgorod. He has brought and will continue to import migrants. He despises the people so much that he doesn’t even promise anything. In the end, if you don’t like Yeltsin, then he is Yeltsin’s heir, but he doesn’t drink. By the way, both Stalin and Brezhnev drank....
      3. -29
        7 January 2024 08: 03
        But I like the way Putin rules and consider his reign to be the best years in the history of Russia in all respects.
        1. +18
          7 January 2024 08: 11
          Well, there are no comrades for taste and color. Remembering Ilf and Petrov.. “To whom, and the mare-bride.”
          1. -20
            7 January 2024 09: 43
            Do you really have anything to say? Or at least name a period in our history when it was better. I gave my answer - it has never been better.
            1. +24
              7 January 2024 10: 36
              Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
              Do you really have anything to say? Or at least name a period in our history when it was better. I gave my answer - it has never been better.

              You are so stubborn that there is no point in proving you otherwise.
              The rule of the EBN even after the GDP is already lousy because as a result of the rule of these “proteges” of bourgeoisie and thieves, the country in which the Russian people was the state-forming nation is dying out. And in the history of the Republic of Ingushetia there is not a single period lasting three decades when the population declines. Apparently you haven’t seen what a better life people live in other countries of the world and you yourself can’t say what was so super magnificent that the reign of the founder of the United Russia party brought.
              * * *
              Whether good or bad, a person who brazenly usurped power, passing it off as some kind of reform, has no right to participate in elections... He has already chosen all his terms.
              And the absurd (strange) death of his opponents and the persecution of his direct competitors by the security forces arouse great suspicion.
              * * *
              I will not encourage anyone to vote for any candidate. The “Against all” column has been removed from the ballots. There are no competitors to Putin on the lists.
              Therefore, I will go on the last day, cross out the names of all the candidates (I will spoil the ballot) and consider that I have fulfilled my civic duty.
              1. -16
                7 January 2024 10: 44
                Quote: ROSS 42
                And in the history of the Republic of Ingushetia there is not a single period lasting three decades when the population declines.

                You know history rather poorly... under Peter the Great the population was declining.
                Quote: ROSS 42
                And the absurd (strange) death of his opponents also arouses great suspicion,

                Who is this?
                Quote: ROSS 42
                Apparently you haven’t seen what a better life people live in other countries of the world and you yourself can’t say what was so super magnificent that the reign of the founder of the United Russia party brought.

                Traveled half of Europe, visited the USA, worked in Africa.
              2. +5
                7 January 2024 11: 04
                Quote: ROSS 42
                Therefore, I will go on the last day, cross out the names of all the candidates (I will spoil the ballot) and consider that I have fulfilled my civic duty.

                Perform your “civic duty” to legitimize the current government precisely. Once you go to the “elections”, carry out some manipulations with the ballot (check it or spoil it), thereby showing that the “election” process is absolutely legal and “democratic”.
                If desired, they will, of course, draw a turnout, but this is more difficult, and non-participation in the farce, although small and practically not affecting anything, is still a protest.
                1. +6
                  7 January 2024 14: 39
                  Quote: Hyperion
                  If desired, they will, of course, draw an appearance, but this is more difficult
                  Don’t worry: three days of voting allow you to successfully carry out any forgery, and electronic voting makes forgery pointless - a dozen key clicks and the desired results are ready. And no one will check.
                  1. +5
                    7 January 2024 16: 10
                    And no one will check.

                    I am interested in the question: how to check the results of electronic voting?
                    1. +4
                      7 January 2024 16: 16
                      Quote: AA17
                      I am interested in the question: how to check the results of electronic voting?
                      Well, actually, there is a set of cryptographic algorithms that allows you to organize verifiable voting, but no one bothered to implement it. “Don’t you trust us?!”
                      How do I know? If they did, then specific fields would appear on the State Services, with the help of which you could check whether your vote was counted and whether it was counted correctly without losing anonymity.
            2. +5
              7 January 2024 11: 16
              Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
              name a period in our history when it was better.

              Yes, anyone (with rare exceptions)!
              1. -9
                7 January 2024 12: 24
                Quote: Stas157
                Yes, anyone (with rare exceptions)!

                More specifically? There is no such period... Now there is no shortage, opportunities to earn as much as you want, freedom of movement, no censorship, the number of students on the budget is greater than ever before. New roads.
                1. +11
                  7 January 2024 13: 29
                  From '45 to '53... Yes - the whole country was in ruins, yes - they lived in poverty. But - what a charge from the Victory!!! What iron confidence in a bright future there was! What positivity came from the people! I remember my dad, may the kingdom of heaven be his, telling me what people felt when the first satellite was launched and then Gagarin flew... Nothing compares with this, with the feeling that you live in a great country where the future belongs. You know, I personally am ready to immediately exchange 100 varieties of plastic sausage and all the Chinese clothes from Ali for this..
                  1. -5
                    7 January 2024 14: 44
                    Quote: paul3390
                    You know, I personally am ready to immediately exchange 100 varieties of plastic sausage and all the Chinese clothes from Ali for this..

                    10 years ago I moved to a village, about 300 km from Moscow.... and a grandmother from a neighboring village told me HOW they lived after the war under Stalin. How the tax inspector came and took everything in the slightest bit valuable from the house, how they went hungry. Education in high school was then paid and for some categories of the population it was significantly paid.
                  2. -9
                    7 January 2024 15: 01
                    from 45th to 53rd 700 thousand people to 58. I would try without enthusiasm...
                  3. +8
                    7 January 2024 15: 20
                    Quote: paul3390
                    ..... Dad, may the Kingdom of Heaven be his, told me what people felt when the first satellite was launched and then Gagarin flew.. ..

                    The first satellite in 1957. Mom remembered! In the yard, adults and children discussed and rejoiced. And in the communal kitchens of the houses where the military lived. There was empathy and general joy. And when Fidel Castro came to Leningrad or crowds of people came to see them. She was little, she remembers that her grandfather carried her in his arms in the crowd and lifted her higher.
                    And people began to understand the value of all this later, when they lost the gains of socialism. For this, a lot of work was done so that they would forget what happened before the Revolution
                  4. +4
                    7 January 2024 15: 29
                    Unfortunately, I missed that my mother saw Yuri Gagarin. He came to Leningrad in 1962, and before that he studied at a vocational school at Bolshoi PS. from the VULKAN plant
                  5. +1
                    12 January 2024 17: 34
                    But it's funny. After the war, people lived in dugouts, in a country of devastation, hunger, terrible loss of life, gangs in the cities, collaborators in the forests, and the people rejoiced at the first Sputnik and Gagarin, the restored state district power station, and gave birth to/raised children, creating poverty. And now, it seems, people live in their apartments, the courtyards are crowded with cars, there is no need to wear clothes for older people, there is food in personal refrigerators and not on coupons, but on the news that the space program is expanding in the country, new deposits are appearing, scientific discoveries are made no one cares, but there is only one thought in my head - what good will this satellite or mobile nuclear reactor do me? Why do I need him? It would be better if they gave me the money spent, I would buy the last iPhone, instead of the bare Android, in 100 sq.m. I bought an apartment for myself and lived in it alone like a king, or drove a BMW instead of the disgraceful Vesta/Granta, and so that there were children in the family, no, this is such a cruel thing, they interfere with living for themselves, buying a BMW and going to Thailand.
                    1. 0
                      12 January 2024 17: 45
                      Because people no longer feel that this country is theirs. And the power in it is also theirs. And if everything around is foreign, why worry about it? Let the owners jump.
                      1. 0
                        2 May 2024 13: 46
                        Understood. Is this why people easily break/spoil/love the public and state? Cut up seats in public transport, break an elevator, steal sleepers/rails, steal non-ferrous metals from equipment in RAV warehouses - understand and forgive?
                2. +11
                  7 January 2024 13: 46
                  Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                  no shortage, opportunities to earn as much as you want

                  Cheap labor and low wages. Where did you find the opportunity to earn extra money?

                  Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                  freedom of movement

                  Well, yes. Now planes fly to a few countries. And prices abroad have increased 2,5 times. But most importantly, everything is expensive for our Russian salary abroad. You feel like a beggar looking at foreign counters. I went in the summer.

                  Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                  no censorship

                  Strelkov (and not only) experienced this himself.

                  Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                  New roads.

                  Compared to whom? If compared to some hole like Ukraine, then yes. Don’t you want to compare with neighboring China?

                  Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                  the number of students on the budget is greater than ever before.

                  More than in the USSR??

                  Citizen where are you from? From the planet of pink ponies?
                  1. -8
                    7 January 2024 14: 34
                    Quote: Stas157
                    Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                    the number of students on the budget is greater than ever before.

                    More than in the USSR??

                    Citizen where are you from? From the planet of pink ponies?

                    Imagine more.
                  2. -11
                    7 January 2024 14: 48
                    Quote: Stas157
                    Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                    freedom of movement

                    Well, yes. Now planes fly to a few countries. And prices abroad have increased 2,5 times. But most importantly, everything is expensive for our Russian salary abroad. You feel like a beggar looking at foreign counters. I went in the summer.

                    Doesn’t it count within the country anymore? Have you forgotten about the registration permit system?
                    1. 0
                      10 January 2024 10: 47
                      What does registration have to do with it? I traveled all over the USSR and didn’t worry about registration. In fact, it was needed (and even then, not always) when applying for a job, moving into a hostel, or sending children to kindergarten or school. This didn’t bother me personally, because... I didn’t feel drawn to Maskva or St. Petersburg at all. There, yes, without local registration - you're a d... on a stick.
                  3. +7
                    7 January 2024 15: 02
                    Yes, the number of state-funded students in the Russian Federation is greater than the number of students in the last period of the existence of the RSFSR. It is incorrect to compare with the USSR as a whole, because half of its population lived in 14 other republics.
        2. +15
          7 January 2024 09: 38
          And I like the way Putin rules

          That's exactly what rules. But we need to manage.
        3. +16
          7 January 2024 11: 10
          Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
          А I like, how Putin rules and I consider his reign to be the best years in the history of Russia in all respects.

          Negative birth rate, importation of migrants, Islamization, raising the retirement age, hellish sanctions, loss of money and flows, rubles at 90, war of attrition, permanent price increases... What else might you like?
          1. -6
            7 January 2024 17: 09
            Quote: Stas157
            hellish sanctions, loss of money and flows, ruble at 90, war of attrition, permanent rise in prices...

            Poor thing, the sanctions got in the way, do you think everything should have been done to prevent them from happening? And do you think the war is unnecessary? And Putin personally blew up the flows?
        4. 0
          7 January 2024 12: 40
          But I like the way Putin rules and I think

          Judging by the peculiarities of spelling and punctuation, you are one of the beneficiaries of his course for the unlimited import of “new Russians”.
          However, your point of view has a right to exist.
          1. -4
            7 January 2024 15: 00
            Quote: kakvastam
            you are one of the beneficiaries of his course towards the unlimited import of “new Russians”.

            No, I’m a pensioner and I run a farm in a remote village and I see a terrible labor shortage. At Miratorg next door, a tractor driver I know in the summer makes up to 10 thousand rubles per shift.
            1. +6
              7 January 2024 15: 28
              At Miratorg next door, a tractor driver I know in the summer makes up to 10 thousand rubles per shift.

              That is, even when working seven days a week, you get the salary of a Moscow IT specialist of average qualification, which does more harm than good. And this is only in the summer, and you still need to somehow get by during the fall-winter-spring. So-so conquest.
              1. -1
                7 January 2024 18: 09
                Quote: kakvastam
                That is, even when working seven days a week, you get the salary of a Moscow IT specialist of average qualification, which does more harm than good.

                Yes, an achievement. This is much better than workdays or a salary that cannot be spent due to a shortage of everything.
        5. +2
          7 January 2024 19: 30
          Those who like it. God forbid you freeze and find yourself in a different situation.
          Here are the pre-election frosts.
          1. -5
            7 January 2024 20: 14
            On New Year's Day 1979, it was +7 in our apartment (Zelenograd), and some areas of Moscow were left without heat at all. I then worked as a driver in the mechanization department and for at least some heating they drove construction heating units. And somehow this topic was not reflected in the most truthful media and no one pilloried the CPSU.
      4. +3
        7 January 2024 08: 31
        Quote from: FoBoss_VM
        I don't like the way the country is run

        I can write about the same thing! There are nuances of an individual plan, but this is no longer of fundamental importance.
        And exactly the same problem, for whom??? Because there is no “against everyone” column, and it’s not relevant, it’s never useful in any way, it’s just to damage the self-esteem of all those who are dissatisfied...
        I have a question... how did it happen that we see and hear only critics, those who stand for everything good, against everything bad!!! But there are no creators, real leaders, a new “DANKO”???
        1. +16
          7 January 2024 08: 55
          Why isn’t Grudinin a creator? He didn’t criticize, he suggested.
          1. +16
            7 January 2024 09: 01
            By the way, I voted for him when he was a candidate
            1. +18
              7 January 2024 09: 10
              Me too. I just had a chance to talk to a neighbor who, with horror in her eyes, told how Grudinin took all the money out of Russia. As they say, PR in action.
              1. -6
                7 January 2024 09: 31
                Quote: Gardamir
                As they say, PR in action.

                PR is steamy, but dirt sticks to something when it has something to cling to!
                It seems that for the most part, our people did not really trust those who could not be called silver-free, and the new bourgeois revolution did not inspire anyone!
                Still, our people, especially those who studied during the Soviet period, learned and remember history...
                And now... this is the situation we have now??? Who will answer reasonably, reasonably, and not as he thinks?
                1. +11
                  7 January 2024 09: 41
                  Well, anyone can be smeared with mud. Although if a person is in power. then he is “saint” by default.
                  1. +2
                    7 January 2024 10: 04
                    The fact that they are trying to “smear someone with DIRT” is BULLSHIT! The problem is that a lot of people are ready to believe it!!! But this is precisely the main problem of the one they are trying to smear!
                    I have outlined my path, I am ready to follow it, be kind enough to comply and fight to the end.
                  2. +1
                    7 January 2024 10: 04
                    The fact that they are trying to “smear someone with DIRT” is BULLSHIT! The problem is that a lot of people are ready to believe it!!! But this is precisely the main problem of the one they are trying to smear!
                    I have outlined my path, I am ready to follow it, be kind enough to comply and fight to the end.
                    1. +3
                      7 January 2024 15: 39
                      Quote: rocket757
                      .... I have outlined my path, I am ready to follow it, be kind enough to comply and fight to the end.

                      Greetings Victor! hi the impression is that these concepts of conformity do not exist at all now. Judging by the actions of some by no means ordinary patricians. recourse One poacher who lies and bargains, another.... hmm-hmm.... declares himself LGBT.... about the third, an even worse vice is suddenly revealed, covered up. request
                2. AUL
                  7 January 2024 11: 41
                  Quote: rocket757
                  PR is steamy, but dirt sticks to something when it has something to cling to!

                  Well, yes, spoons were found, but the sediment remained! (C)
                  1. +1
                    7 January 2024 12: 05
                    Yes, this sediment is so, one might say, ordinary that it did not interfere with any of the specific, serious guys in any way...
                    Let's rely on the facts, be objective... you can shoot down that "flyer" who does not know how to take a blow, does not know how to dodge, etc.... i.e. not ICE!
                    1. +2
                      7 January 2024 15: 43
                      Quote: rocket757
                      ..... you can shoot down that “flyer” who doesn’t know how to take a blow, who doesn’t know how to dodge....!

                      Victor, it seems to me that if someone has shit themselves head over heels, then his dodging is funny
                3. BAI
                  7 January 2024 12: 10
                  PR is steamy, but dirt sticks to something when it has something to cling to!

                  Dirt sticks to anyone. There are 2 well-known slogans attributed to US propagandists.
                  1. The one who gets shit thrown at him is always to blame. In the end, it’s up to him to wash himself off.
                  2. The main thing is to throw a dead cat. Others will choose.
              2. -11
                7 January 2024 10: 24
                Is Grudinin a creator? Don’t tell me my slippers...they found a’re scolding PR, but they fooled your own ears about him, here is the image of the creator, but no one has really heard of his real deeds, which brought him a huge fortune and not even what the newspapers, the Internet and TV broadcast... but other things... if you read it, your opinion would change
                1. +16
                  7 January 2024 10: 37
                  Well not a creator. But the one who optimized medicine was different. Instead of Russian doctors there are migrants. Destroyed many businesses. not in the 90s but after.. Where are the enterprises that produce machine tools?
                  Now everyone is making money, there is no talk about the development of the country and creation. You rushed to criticize whoever you could. Well, at least praise the irreplaceable.
                  1. -1
                    8 January 2024 09: 17
                    The enterprises that closed and were demolished at that time were no longer state-owned, the result of predatory privatization and the new “effective” owners destroyed them.
              3. +3
                7 January 2024 10: 59
                Where did she get this information from? Did she personally load the dollars in suitcases? Or did you sign bank documents?
                1. +5
                  7 January 2024 11: 42
                  Well, there was an election campaign, and the whole truth was laid out for her from the box.
              4. +4
                7 January 2024 11: 24
                SO does that mean he is the 300 billion? laughing
              5. +8
                7 January 2024 11: 47
                I just had a chance to talk to a neighbor who, with horror in her eyes, told how Grudinin took all the money out of Russia.
                Does your neighbor work at the Lenin State Farm? She has a TV instead of a head, and you are so naive. At this state farm you ask what kind of business executive he is, not your neighbor. The example of Belarus shows that the director of a state farm is much better than a regional committee drunk or a retired GB officer.
                1. +6
                  7 January 2024 11: 52
                  I just gave an example of how many believe those who have deceived more than once.
                  1. +3
                    7 January 2024 12: 11
                    I just gave an example of how many believe those who have deceived more than once.
                    It is now clear. And then after that comment a different opinion emerged. drinks
                2. -1
                  7 January 2024 12: 30
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  The example of Belarus shows that the director of a state farm is much better

                  Without Russia's financial support it would be a complete mess there. Lukashenko is good because he does not cut the branch on which he sits.
                3. 0
                  8 January 2024 21: 46
                  People are confused. Grudinin does not have a state farm (Soviet farm) HAS LENIN. And the CJSC called “Lenin State Farm” is a name, not a state farm. As an economic unit of a CAPITALIST SOCIETY, it has a Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC).
              6. +3
                7 January 2024 13: 50
                Quote: Gardamir
                So do I.

                And I voted for Grudinin. But I won’t vote again while Putin is in power. Let them draw without me.
          2. -17
            7 January 2024 09: 19
            In what way is he a creator? Have you successfully leased land near the Moscow Ring Road?
            1. +11
              7 January 2024 09: 45
              It depends on how you look. Do kindergartens and schools not count?
              1. -10
                7 January 2024 09: 51
                It's included, but it's money out of thin air. Well done for not stealing everything, just like Luzhkov. And in Chukotka Abramovich is almost considered a god....
          3. -8
            7 January 2024 09: 24
            “shot down on takeoff,” but how and why?
            Are there really such geniuses of intrigue and behind-the-scenes games in power that they can “bring down” anyone???
            Oh, it’s unlikely, it’s more likely that that “pilot” had his own “skeletons in the closet”, which fell out as soon as they took on him specifically and purposefully...
            BUT, you can bring down someone, but to curtail a sensible IDEA that takes over the MASSES is such a very difficult matter, if at all, can it be done???
            Rather, the idea itself had flaws, shortcomings, and something else that allowed it to be slowed down and enhanced.
            I’m not great, I’m good at this, but I just have the feeling that something was done wrong, not completely... didn’t work!?
            1. +15
              7 January 2024 09: 47
              For example, Friedman. He helped the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and now he lives happily in Russia and no one is even trying to bring him down.
              1. -1
                7 January 2024 10: 01
                So many things that are not good can be found here, or even in plain sight, they don’t hide, they’re not afraid of anything... that’s understandable, it’s their power, they’ll certainly take care of themselves!
                The question is, WHAT TO DO???
                Read textbooks about the same history... not the current ones, but the Soviet ones, because they have everything you need. This kind of science cannot fade into oblivion, because the very basics are there, which have not changed for centuries!
                The tools of influence and influence change, people change, BUT, what is written on the subcortex will change, disappear, just like that, CANNOT!
                So, we need to start from the basics!!! Learn and use the legacy that our ancestors left us... they did great things, nothing like the small ones of today!
                And I repeat once again... it is possible, even necessary, to criticize the current government, but this should be one of the elements of a general, large strategy that will be understandable and attractive to a significant mass of people who want, are ready to make our life, our country BETTER!
                There are many obstacles, dangers and other unpleasant/dangerous things on this path, but without going through this path we will not achieve anything meaningful!!!
              2. +2
                7 January 2024 15: 08
                And in Ukraine, Friedman is included in the list of enemies of this country.
            2. +3
              7 January 2024 10: 42
              Quote: rocket757
              “shot down on takeoff,” but how and why?

              Here is an interesting opinion about those shot down on takeoff:
              1. +3
                7 January 2024 11: 17
                Just an “episode” in the flow of events that is happening here!
                There are different opinions, choose the one that suits you the most...
              2. +7
                7 January 2024 15: 24
                I used to love the guard. He spoke a lot of truths, but was not popular with the authorities.

                with the beginning of the Northern Military District, it turned out that he is ethnically Ukrainian and supports the 404th country.
                Suddenly! it turned out that all his articles were revelations about those people and organizations that could not pay him off. Those. he is the second Sobchak, who also became a witness in a criminal case, where the administrators of her channel (already received sentences) extorted to publish incriminating evidence on company people, or not, if you pay.
                The guards earned the same income. He left the country for a criminal case.
                Now he's doing as much shit as he can.

                This is just the background of this person.
                I will watch the video, of course, because Prigogine’s person has warmth in my heart.
                Thank you for the video. Without the link I would not have known about its existence.
          4. -6
            7 January 2024 10: 11
            Quote: Gardamir
            Why isn’t Grudinin a creator? He didn’t criticize, he suggested.

            Oligarch of the 90s to power? It would be the same as under Yeltsin.
            1. +6
              7 January 2024 10: 22
              There wouldn't be. I say again under Yeltsin there was a transition. A kind of civil war.
              1. -20
                7 January 2024 10: 36
                Transition, but not to where you said. There was no socialism in the USSR, there was talk about socialism, but in reality what was always there was some semblance of feudalism. And the Great October Revolution was not a revolution, but a counter-revolution, which destroyed the results of the February bourgeois revolution. Under Yeltsin there was a second attempt at a bourgeois revolution, which was liquidated by Putin. Capitalism is not when there are rich people or individual capitalists, but when proletarianization has occurred and social support mechanisms have been destroyed, i.e. If you are unemployed, then you have nowhere to live and nothing to eat. Read the chapter about primitive accumulation in Capital.
                1. +14
                  7 January 2024 10: 44
                  Capital is obsolete. Now with the help of an inferior smartphone. people earn millions.
                  The mess in the country is hardly something to be proud of the results of the bourgeois revolution.
                  Putin did not eliminate it, but continued. He exchanged Yeltsin's seven-bankers for his seven-oil workers.
                  1. -13
                    7 January 2024 10: 52
                    Quote: Gardamir
                    Capital is obsolete.

                    Yes Yes...
                    Quote: Gardamir
                    Now with the help of an inferior smartphone. people earn millions.

                    with the help of a poor smartphone, the redistribution of what was created occurs in the same way as with the help of a poor pistol, deck of cards, roulette, etc.
                    Quote: Gardamir
                    He exchanged Yeltsin's seven-bankers for his seven-oil workers.

                    You have learned to shout slogans, but you don’t understand what is happening.
                    1. +8
                      7 January 2024 10: 59
                      These are not slogans, but the truth of life. A smartphone is a means of production. Someone's oil rig. and who wants a smartphone?
                      1. -8
                        7 January 2024 12: 32
                        Quote: Gardamir
                        A smartphone is a means of production.

                        production of what exactly? Steel, meat, bread, cars?
                2. +1
                  8 January 2024 20: 55
                  Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                  which destroyed the results of the February bourgeois revolution

                  I would like to know these results. The collapse of the country, loss of control, collapse of the front and degradation of the army, talking shop in the state. Duma, surrender of territories and much more, this is of course the result. Even the enemies admitted that the Bolsheviks raised the power that was lying around.
          5. -8
            7 January 2024 10: 12
            Quote: Gardamir
            Why isn’t Grudinin a creator? He didn’t criticize, he suggested.

            Oligarch of the 90s to power? It would be the same as under Yeltsin.
        2. +9
          7 January 2024 10: 08
          Quote: rocket757
          Because there is no column “against all”, and it is not relevant, it is never useful in any way

          You are wrong about this. It was removed because it remained the only opportunity to reduce the technology of electing the desired candidate to nothing. When you are given clearly unsuitable people and you need to choose one, this is the only chance to show your dissatisfaction to the authorities. There were no other possibilities. This column made any elections unpredictable, which is why it was removed.
          1. -5
            7 January 2024 10: 22
            I also liked the “against all” column at first, but then it became clear that voting against the contrary was a losing option... by and large, it didn’t bother anyone in any way, because it was always smaller than those who were in the lead... and when all sorts of limitations were understood, it became absolutely harmful, distracting people from the ideas of creation, attempts to create their own, important, necessary...
            However, this is my point of view, and as you know, there is no arguing about tastes... he is what he is!
            1. +1
              8 January 2024 20: 59
              Quote: rocket757
              it became absolutely harmful, distracting people from the ideas of creation, attempts to create their own, important, necessary...

              The question is, how can we now demonstrate to the authorities our negative attitude towards the main and surrounding main candidates?
              1. -1
                9 January 2024 10: 34
                If you don’t know something, what do people do???
                They take a textbook and... study!!!
                Is this a big problem, especially now that information has become publicly available!
      5. +9
        7 January 2024 10: 03
        Quote from: FoBoss_VM
        So who should I vote for then, please tell me?

        That's what I'm talking about. The election result is obvious long before the voting procedure. This is modern technology. Leave the desired candidate surrounded by clearly inferior rivals. It’s not just us, everyone’s elections have the same rules and technologies. No one now risks stuffing and manipulation of ballots. Risky and ineffective. Trump’s last elections fall out of this system; he passed brazenly and out of turn, but here the American elite simply got greedy. I let the process take its course.
        1. AUL
          7 January 2024 13: 04
          Quote: qqqq
          No one now risks stuffing and manipulation of ballots. Risky and ineffective.

          What are you talking about?! Well, then I must not believe my own eyes!
          1. -2
            8 January 2024 21: 10
            Quote from AUL
            Well, then I must not believe my own eyes!

            So what could you see? How did they throw in 10-20 ballots out of stupidity and zeal? Well, in a district of about 2000 voters, is that 1% and what can it influence? Where can I get so much real passport data? How to insure against the moment these people come to the polls? And in general, this is a criminal article; if anyone did it, it was only due to poor knowledge of mathematics. This 1-2% does not affect anything, given the gap between the candidates is 10 percent.
        2. +5
          7 January 2024 14: 04
          I let the process take its course.

          Why? They thought that they controlled everything, all TV and media were under control and were working in the right direction. They simply missed the growing influence of a new factor that they considered insignificant - the Internet. By the time Trump was re-elected, everything was corrected, the Internet was cleaned up and brought under control. Something like this, it seems to me, happened when Roosevelt escaped from the control of the “families” and was re-elected 4 times in a row (the amendment on 2 terms was adopted after that, previously there was no need for it), when broadcast radio stations appeared that worked throughout the country, and the “families”, in the old fashioned way, controlled elections in every state and in every town through the local press, through which most ordinary Americans learned the desired version of what was happening.
          1. 0
            8 January 2024 21: 01
            Quote: Chief Officer Lom
            Why? They thought that they controlled everything, all TV and media were under control and were working in the right direction. They simply missed the growing influence of a new factor that they considered insignificant - the Internet. By the time Trump was re-elected, everything was corrected, the Internet was cleaned up and brought under control.

            These are details, the main thing is that the process was left to chance. And yes, you are right, there was no further confusion and vacillation.
      6. 0
        7 January 2024 23: 50
        Yes, even for Slutsky, why not. You understand that we are not electing a tsar; besides the president, there are a lot of people who collectively influence the country hundreds of times more powerfully than the president. The first person only sets the vector, makes point decisions, and that’s all. So it doesn’t really matter who you vote for.
    2. 0
      11 January 2024 03: 32
      Yes, they don’t really let you down anymore. I don’t watch TV, but it’s clear that only one word remains from the elections. No candidates, no debates, no election tours or programs. Eat what is served, and if you are absolutely against it, then all the chained dogs will be unleashed on you.
  2. +8
    7 January 2024 04: 39
    This is how we are led to the conclusion that we only need he and no one else! Otherwise, khan, the end, bummer and Kommersant!
  3. +11
    7 January 2024 04: 41
    what color, smell, taste, tree, animal and car is associated with this or that candidate?

    I have always associated Yeltsin with the smell of fumes wink
  4. +8
    7 January 2024 05: 16
    When faith in high ideals is lost, people either turn to religion or become inert. Indifferent to everything. After all, faith in the party that led them in the fight against fascism was suddenly curtailed in one stroke, not by anyone, but by the communists themselves. This banner was later picked up by various media and technocracies. And in the beginning there was the destruction of everything. Habits, everyday life, employment.
    1. +15
      7 January 2024 06: 14
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      faith in the party that led them to fight against fascism was suddenly curtailed in one blow not by anyone, but by the communists themselves

      By that time there were no more communists, only opportunists remained, who have adapted quite well even now
    2. +19
      7 January 2024 08: 14
      The communists remained in mass graves during that war. Next came the careerists. The main mistake of the CPSU was the impossibility of a social elevator for non-party members. Or narrow-mindedness. That’s where all sorts of things came from..
      1. -6
        7 January 2024 08: 29
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        That's where all sorts of things came in..

        Dmitriy! You wrote without thinking. Firstly, if we talk about the fact that careerists joined the party, then... why are they bad? After all, in order to make a career in the party, you had to WORK MORE and better than others, and this is a direct benefit to the country. Those who performed poorly... were demonstrably kicked out! Further... then they began to accept people into the party under the USSR generally according to the rank order. So sometimes you would have wanted to, but there was no quota. And again, you had to work well to deserve it! Better than non-communists! So the presence of such skilled workers in the party is bad only in one case - critical. In peacetime they are only useful! And when it’s 1991 in the country, they, yes, understand that they will get along well anyway and there is no point in holding on to the old. This, yes, is their drawback - in 91 they needed fanatics who would go to the barricades. And they were no longer there.
        1. +19
          7 January 2024 08: 37
          Quote: kalibr
          If we talk about the fact that careerists joined the party, then... why are they bad?

          If by “careerism” we mean a person’s desire to reach heights in his profession, then there is nothing bad about it. But in Russian, this word means a person who pushes another with his elbows or kisses the ass of his superiors. These are exactly the kind of communists who were at the time of the collapse of the USSR. And after its collapse, it repainted itself as Democrats.
          1. -8
            7 January 2024 10: 29
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            These are precisely the communists who existed at the time of the collapse of the USSR.

            All 18 million?
            1. +10
              7 January 2024 11: 56
              Quote: kalibr
              All 18 million?

              Almost everyone determined the fate of the country. And those who stuck to the party card
              1. -1
                7 January 2024 14: 14
                Quote: Dutchman Michel
                And those who stuck to the party card

                Did they work well or poorly?
                1. +6
                  7 January 2024 14: 29
                  Those who smear themselves are not smeared for work at all.
                  1. 0
                    7 January 2024 17: 35
                    Quote: Dutchman Michel
                    Those who smear themselves are not smeared for work at all.

                    There will be an article about this based on newspaper materials from 1919. Do not miss.
                2. +4
                  7 January 2024 16: 04
                  Did they work well or poorly?

                  Vyacheslav, are you really such a specialist in the game? What does work have to do with it? You yourself debunk the CPSU and at the same time present an idealistic version of how it should have worked, but stopped working. I wasn’t interested in how it was in scientific circles, but at enterprises, bosses who wanted to make a career and join the party PERSUATED workers who didn’t fucking need it to join it too. Why did they have to do this, I think, remember?))
                  1. +1
                    7 January 2024 17: 33
                    Quote: Chief Officer Lom
                    They persuaded the workers, who didn’t fucking need it, to join it too. Why did they have to do this?

                    Because % of the proletariat was needed. And there was confusion!
                  2. +1
                    7 January 2024 17: 37
                    Quote: Chief Officer Lom
                    Vyacheslav, are you really such a specialist in the game?

                    I taught its history for nine years, defended a dissertation on it, and had experience communicating with communists of various ranks up to the 2nd Secretary of the OK....Isn’t that enough for you?
                    1. +3
                      7 January 2024 19: 28
                      I know. That's why I'm surprised. What have you decided to say about communists as the best workers? Since then, as in the USSR, correct reporting replaced real results, so in the party, real communists became black sheep and remained forever its ordinary members, a maximum of 1 step higher, no further. If someone made his way higher, he had to hide his views and be “like everyone else” so as not to be rejected by the system.
                      1. +5
                        7 January 2024 19: 40
                        How many party workers officially supported Nina Andreeva? Even the future Emergency Committee remained cowardly silent. It’s strange that they published it at all, they probably wanted to check the degree of resistance, the resistance turned out to be zero.
                3. +1
                  8 January 2024 21: 51
                  Judging by the collapse of the USSR and the prohibitions of the CPSU, they not only worked BADLY, but also HARMED!
        2. +10
          7 January 2024 09: 14
          And when it’s 1991 in the country, they, yes, understand that they will get along well anyway and there is no point in holding on to the old.

          You clearly and unambiguously expressed your thoughts. Thank you.
          Many will agree with you, including.
          1. +9
            7 January 2024 09: 29
            And when it’s 1991 in the country, they, yes, understand that they will get along well anyway and there is no point in holding on to the old.

            You diagnosed yourself.
            This phrase of yours easily implies flexibility, opportunism and duplicity, which is usually characteristic of careerists: “... to betray in time is not to betray, it is to foresee!” (ts)
            1. -7
              7 January 2024 10: 28
              That's right. But these people worked WELL in the USSR, and many worked poorly. Losses due to drunkenness were enormous. That’s why I wrote that in peacetime there was nothing wrong with this. And who did the party itself call into its ranks? The best! The best production workers, scientists, teachers, pig farmers... These are the ones who made up its ranks by 1991.
              1. +2
                7 January 2024 11: 56
                Losses due to drunkenness were enormous.
                You were not a member of the Union of Struggle for National Sobriety, which was organized in 1988 by medical academician Uglov?
                1. +1
                  7 January 2024 12: 44
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  You were not a member of the Union of Struggle for National Sobriety, which was organized in 1988 by medical academician Uglov?

                  No, but as a lecturer in the Republic of Kazakhstan, I was given loss figures that I had to voice in lectures.
                  1. +8
                    7 January 2024 13: 37
                    It's clear. This means they participated in this targeted sabotage of the state, voicing unverified figures, fulfilling a social order.
                    1. 0
                      7 January 2024 14: 13
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      voicing unverified figures, fulfilling a social order.

                      Sergey! Should I offend you again and write what you think with... and not with your head? Well, how could an ordinary lecturer and party member check a lecturer of the CPSU Central Committee? Do lieutenants test generals or take their word for it? Do you “check” the rector of your university every time he tells you something?
                      1. +5
                        7 January 2024 15: 25
                        what do you think... and not with your head?
                        Poor thing, why are you resorting to insults, party propagandist? However, it was undesirable to think in your environment; I experienced it myself when I took Marxist-Leninist philosophy twice in 2 (candidate minimum).
                        Do lieutenants test generals or take their word for it?
                        Questions of faith are inappropriate here; this once again shows that the concepts of faith and conviction are identical for you. But this is far from true. Suvorov said: “every soldier must know his maneuver." Even a soldier must be aware of his actions and how these actions fit into a tactical, operational or strategic task. That is why Suvorov won so many victories.
                        Every time you “check” the rector of your university when he tells you something
                        Poghosyan says a lot, and even more is poured out from above on his behalf. However, this is not a reason to do it all urgently while bent over. Firstly, very often the previous instruction is canceled. And secondly, if you have something to think about, then instructions can be carried out either with an excess of enthusiasm, as stupid political instructors are used to, or with a lack. In the latter case, the closest analogue is the Italian strike. This is if you have something to think about and figure out how this instruction relates to the task in a tactical, operational or strategic sense. In a strategic sense, the release of Academician Uglov and his “society” to the all-Union level greatly undermined the country’s budget, that is, it worked towards the destruction of the USSR.
                        P.S. And I'm not offended. There are such categories of interlocutors.
                      2. -3
                        7 January 2024 17: 28
                        So many empty words, Sergey. For what? It is clear to everyone that in the absence of other sources of information, the word of the lecturer of the CPSU Central Committee was law.
                      3. +6
                        7 January 2024 17: 39
                        It's a pity that you don't understand the answer. But there's nothing to be done about it, hi
                  2. +4
                    7 January 2024 18: 10
                    No, but as a lecturer in the Republic of Kazakhstan, I was given loss figures that I had to voice in lectures.

                    I wrote this about you and people like you:
                    “They are not changelings, they are chameleons, opportunists, people who do not have any foundations, their homeland is where they are comfortable,” we, from Pskov”
                    The great Empire, which held most of the world in fear, collapsed, and it did not collapse due to the decrepitude of its own organism. She was devoured from the inside by small worms, who took their place first close to, and then on the throne itself."
                    In general, you are a professional hired demagogue.
        3. +8
          7 January 2024 10: 08
          Quote: kalibr
          Firstly, if we talk about the fact that careerists joined the party, then... why are they bad? After all, in order to make a career in the party, you had to WORK MORE and better than others, and this is a direct benefit to the country

          Firstly, secondly... tenths! We have seen, we have the final result and evaluate it... it depends. This result does not make me happy, or rather, it is a tragedy for our entire people, our country...
          1. -6
            7 January 2024 10: 25
            Quote: rocket757
            This result does not make me happy, or rather, it is a tragedy for our entire people, our country...

            I completely agree with you, but all this was predetermined by Fate, you see for yourself.
            1. +4
              7 January 2024 10: 34
              Fate... you can, of course, speculate, even try to prove that it could only be this way and not another, BUT, as soon as you start to look more carefully, such nuances begin to emerge that you can/need to make a whole list of those who will have to be considered a dream , “fateful figures”, influence, actions, decisions of which influenced the course of events!!!
              No, no, I don’t believe that this is something from above... it’s just that people remain in their own delusions, they get carried away by others, sometimes many, many... and then a series of mistakes, and even crimes!
              In general, a person himself is the architect of his own happiness, but there are nuances!
              1. 0
                7 January 2024 11: 29
                Quote: rocket757
                it’s just that people remain in their own delusions, they get others, sometimes many, many, carried away in them... and then a series of mistakes, and even crimes!

                This is Fate!
                1. +5
                  7 January 2024 12: 19
                  It's not a matter of terms, but of consequences...
                  Whatever you call it, the destruction of the USSR had, and has, the most severe consequences for people and nations!
                  Many call it a global geopolitical catastrophe.
                  In my opinion, this is true.
                  1. 0
                    7 January 2024 12: 41
                    Quote: rocket757
                    In my opinion, this is true.

                    Yes exactly. But this event was predetermined from the beginning. The entire course of historical development. Sooner or later, it was inevitable.
                    1. +7
                      7 January 2024 13: 17
                      There are different opinions on this matter and...
                      In general, it is a personal choice of what to believe and whose opinion to rely on.
                      The USSR, as a functional, management system, was quite viable and was destroyed by its specific faces, which had their own wants, desires and vices.
                      By the way, they made it such that the masses, the citizens, were unable to oppose their will to this, to the machinations of the destroyers, nothing and nothing, this is also the merit of specific faces, specific political and other close-knit groups that were at the helm, in power or were located somewhere very close!
                      Nothing happens for nothing, everything has a beginning, consequence and consequences!
                      Life is like that, it experiments on all of us, one might say, it tests the survival of both individual people and entire, large communities, associations of little people and... all this must be passed!!!
                      Of course, it is best to emerge victorious, but losing, if it is not fatal, also carries with it an element of learning!
                      What does not kill us makes us stronger... it has always been so, and it will continue to be so!
        4. BAI
          7 January 2024 12: 17
          After all, in order to make a career in the party, you had to WORK MORE and better than others, and this is a direct benefit to the country.

          This was true when the party card served as a ticket to the front, and when it became a pass to the special distribution center, the CPSU died.
          Let's remember the film of the 70s "Eternal Call", where an agent of the Tsarist secret police, then an Abwehr agent, became the first secretary of the district committee in Siberia, and we are not surprised at anything.
          I’m not even talking about Western Ukraine, where the amnestied Banderaites en masse entered the government and the party.
          1. -2
            7 January 2024 12: 43
            Quote: BAI
            served as a ticket to the front, and when it became a pass to the special distribution center, the CPSU died.

            The front cannot be there all the time. Is not it? After the front, peaceful life begins and those who work harder and better than others begin to think about distributors.
            1. BAI
              7 January 2024 16: 22
              The front cannot be there all the time. Is not it?

              There is always a front in one form or another. We remember “Virgin Soil Upturned” before the war and “Everything Remains to the People” after the war.
              Yes, the same “Eternal Call” covers a period of several generations
              1. -2
                7 January 2024 16: 57
                Quote: BAI
                There is always a front in one form or another.

                These are all beautiful words! Most people don't think about this.
          2. 0
            7 January 2024 15: 20
            Let me clarify that Polipov from the film did not become an Abwehr agent; his father-in-law Lakhnovsky did not force him to do so. Moreover, both in the book and in the film, Polipov, as an intelligent person, never doubted the victory of the USSR over Germany. Strictly speaking, while in party and Soviet positions, he did nothing illegal or sabotage.
            1. BAI
              7 January 2024 16: 28
              Polypov from the film still did not become an Abwehr agent; his father-in-law Lakhnovsky did not force him to do so.

              That's right. He was removed after a Bandera member was tied up and his collaboration with him came to light.
              There was no need to force it. He was already ready. Therefore, after his “refusal” he was escorted back across the front line.
              What happened to the honest commanders who refused to cooperate, no need to remind? At the same time, do not forget the order - to shoot political officers and Jews on the spot immediately. And political instructor Polipov returns back, accompanied by the same Bandera member.
              Of course he didn't cooperate
    3. +8
      7 January 2024 10: 46
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      After all, faith in the party that led them to fight against fascism was suddenly curtailed in one blow not by anyone, but by the communists themselves.

      Do you consider the slug Zyuganov a communist? Sorry, you should choose a “watcher” in the cell rather than the one who was initially assigned a place “near the bucket.”
  5. +13
    7 January 2024 05: 26
    About Yeltsin, his servants tried to hide all his quirks from the people... It was only after the elections that I learned how disgustingly he behaved outside the field of view of the broad masses of the people.
    PR people constantly made him out to be a fighter for the people... in fact, he didn’t really care about the people.
    God bless America...after these words from this drunk, I lost all respect for him, and then footage of him conducting an orchestra surfaced, the story of drinking in Reykjavik and much, much more Yeltsin crap.
    Therefore, you need to learn every detail about presidential candidates.
    I am not happy with any of the current presidential candidates right now...there is too much negativity on them.
    1. 0
      7 January 2024 15: 30
      It’s bad for a person, a bad teacher - Yeltsin will not build a center for 2 billion rubles.
  6. +12
    7 January 2024 05: 30
    in my circle and here at VO, everyone present already knows the results of the upcoming elections.
    the only thing that succeeds in modern Russia is elections. elections without choice...
    Why waste money when the budget deficit is 3 trillion?
    1. +8
      7 January 2024 10: 51
      Quote from Sadam2
      Why waste money when the budget deficit is 3 trillion?

      This is an artificially created deficit as a result of the appropriation of the lion's share of income by a group of people, who in total amount to no more than 2% of the total population.
      Tell me that you still don’t know that the population of Russia is divided into first-class people and losers who are content with scraps from the master’s table.
      Look at what the budget costs a resident of Moscow and a resident of some Petrozavodsk or Topok.
  7. +11
    7 January 2024 05: 55
    Quote: Vyacheslav Shpakovsky
    Do you know who, for example, was the first to vote for Hitler in Germany in 1929 and why?

    There were no elections in Germany in 1929! There was an all-German referendum on the revision of predatory reparations, which was attended by only about 15% of the population - the rest simply ignored it. At the end of 1929, local elections were held in some states, but Hitler's electorate did not include the university teaching staff, which was at least 30% Jewish, but consisted entirely of the middle class, plus workers and peasants, excluding those who voted for the KPD. ..
  8. +13
    7 January 2024 06: 25
    [quote][And Ilyukhin began to tell... how bad the Americans are and how they want to harm us all. And he didn’t say a word about what he was going to do for the city and region after becoming governor. But you can’t do that, the people who will vote for you wear their shirts closer to their bodies, and it was their needs that he should have talked about. But he didn’t say a single word./quote]Now they tell us about bad America and nothing about what they will do for us. Moreover, the main candidate is “proud” of how he was deceived more than once. If you vote for him again, he will be deceived again. This means that anyone is good, the one who was not deceived.
  9. -17
    7 January 2024 07: 01
    It’s as if all Putin’s critics forget what an inheritance the EBN left him, one debt from the USSR of $104 billion, plus what the EBN himself borrowed, minus the gold reserves that the communist Gorbachev blew away with a whistle. With such debts to GDP, states cease to be sovereign and become mongrels of the West.
    1. +21
      7 January 2024 07: 38
      As if all Putin’s supporters forget to say that Putin gave Africans a lot of money. Yes, even these 300 billion donated to someone unknown could bring benefit to the country.
      1. -17
        7 January 2024 07: 46
        Even these 300 billion, arrested by the West, bring benefit to the country. 253 billion of them are already left. 47 billion were spent on property disputes with those who met us. We didn’t notice that they stopped arresting planes flying even to neutral and friendly countries, because airports sometimes they belong to the West, either in whole or in part. Under the USSR, it was necessary to give loans competently, ideology should be in second place. Previously, these 300 billion, before the start of the war with the West, worked well, bringing us profit out of the blue. Foreign trade is a very complicated thing .
        1. +14
          7 January 2024 08: 47
          They bring benefits. It’s like being glad that you were raped, you would never have gotten married, but here you have a baby.
          The money brought profit to someone, but they did not invest in the Russian economy. I would retire at 60, but it turns out there is no money.
          Do you think that loans are given more competently now than under the communists?
          1. -18
            7 January 2024 08: 54
            Much more literate, money does not leave Russia, those being financed pay for our goods and services. And I didn’t go to sea in vain, I retired at 50, leaving Murmansk at 46. And the pension is normal, everyone would like this. Only for this I am grateful to Putin. And in Moscow, with all the Moscow extras, would a pension of 40-50 thousand be enough for you?
            1. +15
              7 January 2024 09: 37
              "And in Moscow, with all the Moscow extras, would a pension of 40-50 thousand be enough for you?"
              "Russia now has two states:
              One for the people, the other for the nobility.
              In one state they go crazy with money.
              In another, a penny is divided before the salary.
              The borders between them are forever closed.
              Oh, how far gardens are from Nice!
              No closer than my father's house - to the villa.
              Once these were raised on a pitchfork.
              Russia now has two states.
              In one, they became stupefied from troubles and from drunkenness.
              In another, they were completely stupefied by something else,
              But an obscene word does not suit me.
              Elite wives - party princesses
              Russian women - Russian Conscience.
              One day my state will be furious.
              Go ahead and open the borders.
              And there will be one state in Russia.
              And everything else is sheer deceit."
              (Andrey Dementiev 2009)
              1. +2
                7 January 2024 11: 00
                Quote: steel maker
                And everything else is sheer deceit

                A. Dementyev, long dead, of course I don’t want to kick him like a dead man, but he, being the editor-in-chief of the super popular perestroika magazine “Yunost”, of course made his contribution to ........ elite party princess wives., that's putting it mildly.
                It’s just sheer deceit; citizens like A. Dementyev must be treated with caution, they are corrupt.
            2. +3
              7 January 2024 15: 28
              My second cousin, who lives in Murmansk, is not going to leave the city anywhere, because he considers it his homeland. He works as a diver, and during his holidays he often went diving in warm countries. It turns out that both work and hobbies are very close to each other.) It’s a pity that I saw him only in childhood, now we only communicate occasionally on social networks.
              1. 0
                7 January 2024 15: 53
                I, too, would not have left Murmansk anywhere, my second wife dragged me to Sochi, motivating you were born in Sochi. Since 2007, Murmansk has become prettier, but the barracks remain. Now I live in Sochi, I miss the Murmansk people, Northern people are responsive, but within reason, of course In winter, it’s easy to get a ride for free. I was like that myself, I always stayed with married couples with a child, if they vote. hiEven the traffic cops were kind, for 100 bucks they’ll take you and your car home if you sign up.
      2. -12
        7 January 2024 07: 57
        Quote: Gardamir
        Like all Putin's supporters

        From all Putin's supporters - happy Christmas, success, good luck, family well-being, both ours and not ours, and to Nastya Ivleeva
        1. +6
          7 January 2024 09: 10
          Quote: bober1982
          From all Putin's supporters - happy Christmas, success, good luck, family well-being, both ours and not ours, and to Nastya Ivleeva

          I don’t recognize Nastenka now...I changed my shoes on the she is Holy Mother Mary... smile celebrates the weekend with family and can paint a portrait of innocence itself from her.
          1. +2
            7 January 2024 09: 14
            And all that was necessary was to announce the amount of unpaid taxes - oh, how difficult it is to part with just over $1 million in rubles. You will become an innocent lamb here when you know that all accounts and activities will be under control for several years. lolThis is what a life-sucking ruble does. I’m waiting for Kirkorov to pull the feathers out of his ass out of grief.
          2. +5
            7 January 2024 09: 28
            Quote: Lech from Android.
            I changed my shoes on the fly...

            True repentance does not require years, months, or weeks, but a moment!
            Rev. Ambrose of Optina
            For Ivleeva, apparently, this moment has come.
        2. BAI
          7 January 2024 16: 31
          Christmas, success, good luck, family well-being, both ours and not ours, and Nastya Ivleeva

          Ivleeva special thanks. She fulfilled the age-old dream of the Russian people - to remove the same disgusted faces from the New Year's broadcast
          1. +2
            7 January 2024 16: 53
            Quote: BAI
            She fulfilled the age-old dream of the Russian people - to remove the same disgusted faces from the New Year's broadcast

            They absolutely hit the nail on the head, I agree, albeit slowly and in such an unusual way, but this whole maddened public is being squeezed out, including from television.
            This whole entertainment and variety sabbath, of course, did not begin yesterday; for this reason, the cleansing process itself does not occur as quickly as we would like.
    2. +10
      7 January 2024 12: 01
      Quote: tralflot1832
      It’s as if all Putin’s critics forget what an inheritance the EBN left him, one debt from the USSR of $104 billion, plus what the EBN himself borrowed, minus the gold reserves that the communist Gorbachev blew away with a whistle. With such debts to GDP, states cease to be sovereign and become mongrels of the West.

      Putin has far surpassed the EBN in destroying the real sector of the economy, it was under him that industrial enterprises were closed en masse, under him the trade in raw materials and the transfer of money abroad was put at the forefront. Now they are reporting about successful import substitution, but his friends understand this word very literally, they replaced European imports with Chinese ones and not a word about the revival of production, starting at least with machine tool building, as fundamental. It got to the point that supposedly our “Grant” was imported by throwing out everything unnecessary, and the steel was Chinese, but then the opportunity happened, there were no wheel bearings in the Chinese range, the question hung. But the same nine under EBN were made entirely of Russian components and parts; in Moscow alone there were two machine-tool giants and ball-bearing factories.
      1. -7
        7 January 2024 12: 05
        Your nonsense to comment on is not to respect yourself. What kind of bearings are our equipment in the war made of, Chinese? Don't talk nonsense.
        1. +7
          7 January 2024 12: 12
          Quote: tralflot1832
          Your nonsense to comment on is not to respect yourself. What kind of bearings are our equipment in the war made of, Chinese? Don't talk nonsense.

          Are you delusional, where did I write about military equipment? I gave a specific example in the automotive industry, where the range of parts is quite voluminous. If you are a complete zero in manufacturing and mechanical engineering, then there is no need to write about “nonsense”. And yes, I fully admit that radio electronics and military products are full of Chinese components. Almost all military equipment is based on Soviet developments and probably something else is produced for it, and AVTOVAZ until recently belonged to Renault and everyone’s favorite “our” Vestas, Grants, Larguses and other rubbish are by no means developed by the Russian Federation, with all the consequences in detail.
  10. -19
    7 January 2024 07: 55
    With the horrors of remembering those Gorbachev-Yeltsin times, it is difficult to understand how Russia even survived then.
    But there is one "but". Where during this time, when Putin rules the country, where during this time is there someone who could be better than Putin? For all the shortcomings of Putin the Sovereign. What, haven't been born yet, or are they just going to school? . Where is he ? Already a student?
    So, if the so-called communists for so long have not chosen a better one for themselves than Zyuganov, then there was no better one among them. And once Zyuganov won the elections, he bowed low to Yeltsin and gave power to him. But then, under Putin, he still climbed into the presidency. The question arises: why such comedies with such comedians? However, comedy in politics is better than tragedy, since it is precisely tragedy that would have happened if the country after Yeltsin had been ruled by one of those to whom Putin had lost in the elections. Or maybe all the Mironovs and Yavlinskys would play a comedy better than the Zyuganovs?
    As for Zhirinovsky, here too I ask the same question - WHERE ARE THEY? After the death of Zhirinovsky, he was replaced by Slutsky...! So where is the one who is at least equivalent to Zhirinovsky, not to mention better than Putin. Are you still in kindergarten or have you already started school?
    So then Yeltsin made the only right choice: he transferred power to Putin. As it turns out, the best of those...
    1. +19
      7 January 2024 08: 40
      Golden chain on oak vol. Day and night, the learned cat keeps walking around the chain.
      You told the myths of modern times without even thinking.
      Gorbachev's Yeltsin era was needed for the transition from socialism to capitalism. In order for Putin to benefit his own.
      And then what kind of contradiction is this? You remember the times of Yeltsin with horror. but Yeltsin did well for choosing someone who raised the retirement age, introduced the Unified State Exam in the country, and optimized factories and medicine.
    2. -5
      7 January 2024 08: 45
      North 2. Kiriyenko was diplomatically removed from the candidates, he had not matured "yscho". lolBy the way, Rosatom, his former ward, yesterday reported on the implementation of the state defense order.
      1. AUL
        7 January 2024 09: 41
        Quote: tralflot1832
        North 2.Kirienko diplomatically removed from candidates, “yscho” has not grown up.

        Andrey, you yourself answered the question “If not him, then who?” and why there are no worthy characters on the list of candidates. As long as there are mechanisms in the state that make it possible to “diplomatically remove..” and clean up the lists of candidates who are subordinate to the self-knowledgeable, no really worthy people will be included as candidates. We already got burned by Grudinin, we almost passed where we shouldn’t have, now the selection has been tightened significantly!
        1. -10
          7 January 2024 09: 53
          Alexander hi As soon as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation announced Grudinin as a candidate, the “underground” billionaire was laughing at Zyuganov? To be honest, Putin is acting humanely - he started the war, let him end it as a winner. All the same, the elections will be fun if the Central Election Commission and the FSB do not purge the pro-Western candidates even before the elections, for the West, 5 billion for the Maidan in Moscow, like two fingers on the asphalt, will act in a comprehensive manner, they have succeeded in this matter
          1. AUL
            7 January 2024 10: 23
            Quote: tralflot1832
            The elections will still be fun,if the Central Election Commission and the FSB do not clean up pro-Western candidates even before the elections,

            Andrey, you probably did not understand at all the idea that I was trying to convey to you!
            While the Central Election Commission, the FSB or someone else have the opportunity to clear the list of candidates, only those who are “even worse” will appear on it. Not only does this directly contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it leads to degradation of power and stagnation, worse than Brezhnev’s! And I don’t want some “loyal politician” to decide for me who I can vote for and who I can’t!
            1. -5
              7 January 2024 10: 28
              What is so good about such a candidate, Nadezhdin, who advocates finishing the Northern Military District without achieving his goals and rushing into the arms of Europe. And there are plenty of them who have applied for registration as candidates. The time for jokes is over, Russia is at stake.
              1. AUL
                7 January 2024 10: 33
                Well, don't vote for him. It's simple!
                PS Am I the only one missing a bell? It's a pity, I was just glad...
                1. -2
                  7 January 2024 10: 49
                  Reboot your phone if you are using a mobile phone, and check the settings. This happens to me often. They showed you how the West interferes in elections in Serbia. The denial mode is turned on and this will continue until the state shows strength. The West is now sending candidates with protest potential. Let's see how we will pass this test. As if all the migrants would not have to be thrown out to their historical homeland.
                  1. AUL
                    7 January 2024 11: 16
                    Quote: tralflot1832
                    Reboot your phone if from a mobile phone, and check the settings.

                    Yes, I'm writing from a laptop.
                    1. +1
                      7 January 2024 11: 25
                      Then I don’t know what’s wrong with Tyrnet in your region. This also happens at work.
              2. +4
                7 January 2024 18: 19
                Like a “small hundred” on a salary?) Well, it’s really quite small, some kind of paper damn)
                All the candidates except Kharitonov are some kind of no-names, the same Slutsky essentially just inherited a “one-man show” without being even close to the same actor.
                It cannot be said about Kharitonov that he is a “no-name” - he is just an old grandfather and a representative of the decrepit and shriveled Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which, no matter how hard it tries and no matter who it puts, will no longer jump above 12-14% despite all its red spells.

                There will be one Candidate in the elections, a sort of big-man-in-a-pith-helmet surrounded by small, dirty and sad pygmies. Just like that, artlessly!) Plays well with contrast - why come up with something better or fresher. Just the appropriate public “for contrast” and you can put even the horse Julius as a Candidate.
          2. +6
            7 January 2024 10: 30
            Well, first of all, he is pro-Western. Continues to trade with the West, which imposes sanctions and sends weapons to Ukraine.
            Secondly, he loves, in short, he believes that he did not start it. But if they record a victory for him, he will be happy.
            1. -9
              7 January 2024 10: 42
              Unlike the USSR, which was blamed for limiting trade once or twice, Russia under V.V. Putin cannot be excluded from the world economy, as it turned out. It is not we who trade, but the West that trades, not giving a damn about its sanctions, grinds its teeth, but still trades. Ensuring our budget, a huge part of which goes to war and social affairs. Many budget expenses have been cut and transferred to private investors. Civil shipbuilding will be carried out by State Transport Leasing Company, Rosatom, Rosneft and Novatek - without using funds from the budget. This is called private investment. State Transport Leasing Company will lease ships from 2,6 to 6,4%, these rates are much less than the percentage of loans. And so in everything with industry - investments, not loans.
              1. +9
                7 January 2024 10: 58
                I don't understand! If everything is so good, why did they raise my retirement age, why are there migrants around me, even in my presence, snorting at soy. Finally, why, why a three-letter word?
              2. -1
                8 January 2024 13: 33
                Quote: tralflot1832
                Unlike the USSR, which was dumped for two times by restricting trade, Russia under V.V. Putin cannot be excluded from the world economy, as it turned out.

                Russia was brought down by officials from the CPSU and the KGB. It is about these (similar to them) that they write today:
                The Investigative Committee has charged three FSB officers in the case of bribes worth 5 billion rubles
    3. +14
      7 January 2024 09: 19
      You probably also received your education in the “gateway”. This is how you have to disrespect your people, 146 million, so as not to find a replacement for Putin! Since Putin rules, you don’t need a lot of intelligence, it’s enough to have no conscience.
      1. BAI
        7 January 2024 12: 21
        146 million so as not to find a replacement for Putin!

        We can’t find 11 people to play football, but there’s a whole president here. Moreover, he needs a team of more than 11 people.
        1. +5
          7 January 2024 14: 16
          "We can't find 11 people to play football,.."
          If you can't, it doesn't mean they don't exist. Maybe it’s just a problem with education or with conscience? Also say that we agreed to play under the white flag.
          1. BAI
            7 January 2024 16: 35
            Did I miss something? Over the past 60 years, have we become world champions or Olympic champions in football?
    4. +14
      7 January 2024 11: 07
      Quote: north 2
      What, haven't been born yet, or are they just going to school? . Where is he ?

      Walk through cemeteries and read the obituaries.
      * * *
      Do you have information about how Lieutenant Colonel Putin became a colonel? Where did he do his “internship” after serving in the KGB and why could Ksenia Sobchak call him Uncle Vova? For what merits did the EBN Center get revoked and on the basis of what law was the EBN widow given a personal pension, service and security.
      How did it turn out that, according to the constitution, the ex-president was an inviolable person?
      On the basis of which the election law was changed. introduced multi-day and electronic voting, the results of which cannot be verified?
      1. -12
        7 January 2024 11: 22
        If you were to be offended by Putin, you would be sitting in a polar garrison or somewhere nearby. It’s good that he started giving housing certificates to the military. Not everyone was lucky enough to retire in the south. Isn’t this an achievement, to thank the state for military service.
        1. +8
          7 January 2024 12: 05
          It’s good that he started giving housing certificates to the military.
          These certificates could only be used to buy a barn in Norilsk. My nephew, when leaving for the reserves (Lupche-Savino, Kola Peninsula), refused such joy, began to wait for an apartment, and waited - when Marshal Taburetkin was thrown out, he suddenly moved into an apartment in St. Petersburg. Who brought this marshal to this position?
          1. -5
            7 January 2024 12: 19
            Everything depended on the accounting department of the unit and the authorities. I was signed up for two submariners, midshipmen of the Northern Fleet, certificates were received by one 8 lyams and the other 12 in the era of “stoolkin”. But the whims of 6 - 8 years ago it worked out better, they could easily buy palaces on the Black Sea coast and still have some left . years I myself was in prostration when the commander of the Northern Fleet announced the amount, but they had 7 children between them.
        2. Aag
          7 January 2024 19: 35
          "... Isn't it an achievement to thank the state for military service..."
          Many of my colleagues will never receive their underpaid pensions...
        3. +2
          8 January 2024 06: 45
          Quote: tralflot1832
          If you were to be offended by Putin, you would be sitting in a polar garrison or somewhere nearby.

          Listen here, “We swam, we know!”... The house in which I received an apartment was the last in the program to provide housing for public sector workers. It was even built from the remnants of materials that were collected from reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete products at a time when VVP carried folders behind Sobchak and moved with suitcases abroad with Sechin.
          Some of the walls were never covered with ceramics. It was rented out in parts, and I received the apartment before, after Sobchak’s defeat in the 1996 gubernatorial elections, Putin moved to Moscow, where he was appointed deputy manager of the affairs of the President of the Russian Federation.
          So, there was no personal contribution to this process.
          * * *
          Don’t try too hard, because the time of slaves will end sooner or later, and those who tried to please at all costs will be despised. This is how hypocrites and serviceists have always been treated.
          * * *
          Watch the video and draw your own conclusions:
  11. +2
    7 January 2024 08: 00
    Heh.... heh.... the story about the grandfather who puzzled Ilyukhin may be a fact, or maybe a fable.... But its essence is true: “who will give what to whom”....
    The idea that no state gives anything to the people, but only feeds itself from the people, never occurred to me and I didn’t even spend the night there... . The function of the state is to establish an order in which theft and robbery are minimal. And as always, you will feed yourself.

    The people perceived the saturation of the market with goods at the beginning of 1992 after Yeltsin’s decree as “Gaidar’s rescue from the Soviet deficit.”... It seems like what Yeltsin gave to the people laughing
    . And again the thought “where did something that Gorby didn’t give suddenly come from?” - - “It didn’t come to mind again.”

    It is only now that Rosstat recognizes that the level of production, for example, of meat in the Russian Federation - reached the level of 1989 in the RSFSR only in 2015. A quarter of a century later!

    And today it has begun to reach the “shir-nar-mass” that Yeltsin’s foreign policy led to.
    Question: “Better late than never?”.. No... but... better never than this....
    1. +15
      7 January 2024 08: 28
      The people perceived the saturation of the market with goods at the beginning of 1992 after Yeltsin's decree - - as "salvation by Gaidar from the Soviet deficit".... It seems like Yeltsin gave the people something laughing

      Yeah ... smile at the same time, cleaning out the pockets and savings of these people, resetting them to zero...saved, so to speak, from extra money.
      1. -11
        7 January 2024 09: 09
        Did EBN really clean out his pockets, are you not confusing anything? As far as I remember, the famous Pavlov did this back in the USSR. I knew a man who lost his honestly earned 70 rubles.
        1. +6
          7 January 2024 10: 44
          I remember Pavlov’s reform...)
          After it, the Vietnamese covered the toilets with fifty kopecks... they took a truckload of 50 ruble bills to some landfill... it was a circus.
          In Russia, all reforms are pushed through the turns out as always. request
          1. -2
            7 January 2024 11: 08
            I managed to spend my savings on a family vacation, there were signals - letters of credit, books and bills of 50 rubles and 100 rubles that appeared en masse in circulation. Travel salaries were large in the USSR, but when calculating the maximum denomination was 25 rubles, and that’s not much it was possible to beg a pack from the second navigator (he gave out the salary) a couple of bags of money for the crew was the norm, denominations of 1,3,5,10 rubles. And then he just comes with a diplomat, and there are 25 and 50 rubles. It was clear this was not for good. And when they introduced a restriction on withdrawing money from passbooks, it became clear that an ass was waiting. But no one imagined the size of this ass. lol
        2. +4
          7 January 2024 15: 40
          Andrey, I used my stash from my wife (it was a 100 ruble bill) to buy tea and coffee. And I didn’t lose anything. The exchange was announced on Friday, and from Monday the bills had to be changed at Sberbank (or even at Sberkass?). Whoever wanted to, he changed it, but I didn’t have any friends with the amount of 70 thousand rubles, but it was really hard for your friend, I sympathize.
          1. -1
            7 January 2024 16: 17
            What’s most interesting is that two years before that, I told him to spend it, buy a house in the south, but in their family the boss was a beautiful wife with chicken brains. In the USSR, it was realistic for a fisherman to have a savings account deposit of 50 thousand or more before retirement, with an idiotic work schedule. Six months - 21 days - six months - six months vacation and off we go for the second round.
            1. +6
              7 January 2024 16: 24
              Yes, fishermen had big salaries and hard work. On the other hand, maybe it's good. that I didn’t buy a house by the sea - what if I bought it in Abkhazia, Adjara or near Odessa - that’s all. With Crimea it’s not so obvious, but anything could happen with dill.
              1. +3
                7 January 2024 16: 58
                There was mass migration to Odessa from Sochi before the Maidan, with whom I had not communicated before I noted strange things, they carried Putin at the tail and the mane, although under him they built houses and dachas and had a profitable business. When asked why go to Odessa if in Sochi there is no winter. Idiot answer, there is freedom, it’s easy to breathe and Europe is nearby!!! These idiots were also in the forefront of the Bandera. I know for sure, many were members of the CPSU, ordinary Sochi residents were not given such plots.
  12. +3
    7 January 2024 08: 44
    Shpakovsky pleased the reader with an appeal to the “roots”, to the essence of the issue of the effectiveness of PR.... .
    A.S. Pushkin pointed out that the source of the power of persuasion is knowledge and the ability to manipulate “the opinion of the people.” Custom, which is “a despot among people.” The custom of the people, controlled by PR people, is a force that surpasses state law, common sense, the instinct of self-preservation, etc....
  13. +13
    7 January 2024 09: 08
    Well, they didn’t elect Ilyukhin as governor and raised their salaries three times? Do you know how much Putin hasn’t promised in 20 years! We must be completely honest! I hope your next article will be about the promise of EBN and Putin. What they promised and what they did.
    1. +1
      7 January 2024 09: 22
      I agree with you! I’ve been here since 1963, and exactly five years have been added to my retirement. If Putin and his government could avoid increasing retirement benefits, then I would gladly vote for him.
    2. -2
      7 January 2024 11: 37
      Quote: steel maker
      I hope your next article will be about the promise of EBN and Putin.

      And don't get your hopes up! What do their promises have to do with the practice of PR work? None!
      1. +2
        7 January 2024 14: 20
        "And don't get your hopes up!..."
        And you, “my friend,” are a scoundrel! Throwing mud at Ilyukhin after 20 years of Putin’s rule is something you should have no shame or conscience at all!
        1. +2
          7 January 2024 14: 23
          Quote: steel maker
          Throwing mud at Ilyukhin after 20 years of Putin’s rule is something you should have no shame or conscience at all!

          I'm talking about what happened. There are many witnesses to this; the techniques may still be similar today. Why don't people know the truth? What did Lenin say? “Society is strong because of the consciousness of the masses!” And what kind of consciousness can there be without knowledge?
          1. +2
            7 January 2024 14: 29
            "I'm talking about what happened..."
            Everything is relative. But you are not going to compare EBN and Putin with Ilyukhin. As your boss said: "They're grunting."
            1. -2
              7 January 2024 17: 16
              Quote: steel maker
              But you are not going to compare EBN and Putin with Ilyukhin.

              You can't write about what you don't know.
      2. +10
        7 January 2024 14: 29
        Quote: kalibr
        And do not expect!

        Yes, as if the proposal was sarcasm. No one expects you to be capable of this! Everyone knows that the theme of the USSR is your birth trauma. And you only paint communists with black paint. You reveal the “truth”, as Valeria Novodvorskaya did in the 90s.
  14. +4
    7 January 2024 10: 22
    Well, interesting, understandable, Aesopian..
    But about GDP, I don’t care, so at least it’s like this
  15. +1
    7 January 2024 10: 34
    And Bryntsalov? Fedorov? Vlasov?
    They were also registered as candidates.
  16. +9
    7 January 2024 10: 41
    "Eat!" - the PR teacher answers, gets up and says: “You came to us for votes (ah-ah, what cynicism, isn’t it, good politicians don’t talk about this), but why didn’t you tell us anything that you would give us? what if we give them to you? Do you know who, for example, was the first to vote for Hitler in Germany in 1929 and why?”

    It is clear that Ilyukhin did not know this, he thought that the brain-draining chatter about Americans would be enough for him here, within the walls of the university. But no, it didn’t work out that way.

    And I had to tell him that he didn’t know.

    Here they tell him that the first to support the Fuhrer were not workers or peasants, but the All-German Trade Union of Associate Professors. "And why? Yes, only because Hitler promised to raise the salaries of assistant professors three times. And here’s a question for you: how much will you increase our salaries so that we unanimously vote for you?”

    A fragment of an article that very clearly demonstrates such a term as “dirty election technologies,” that is, methods of election campaign that are on the verge or beyond morality and law.
    The only nuance that I would like to know is that the “PR teacher” used falsification out of ignorance or intentionally.
    First of all, no one voted for Hitler in Germany in 1929 because there were no elections that year.
    Secondly, in Germany there has never existed such an organization as All-German Trade Union of Associate Professors Here it is necessary to clarify that in Germany dozen is a university teacher. In Germany, from 1920 to 1933, there was a Verband der Deutschen Hochschulen - Association of German Universities. It was an extremely conservative professional organization that did not participate in political processes. For which, later, she paid.
    Thirdly, Hitler did not make any promises to university teachers in 1929. Until 1933, he was not interested in them at all, unlike the students. The National Socialist German Student Association was founded in 1926.
    Accordingly, if candidate Ilyukhin had some knowledge of history, then the “PR teacher” would be in deep trouble.
    1. 0
      7 January 2024 11: 38
      Quote: Dekabrist
      if candidate Ilyukhin had some knowledge of history, then the “PR teacher” would be in deep trouble.

      Exactly! But he didn't have it! You should always use what you know and others don’t. And be convincing in everything. This is one of the main rules of PR.
      1. +8
        7 January 2024 14: 33
        Quote: kalibr
        Always must be used what you yourself know and others don’t know.

        In other words, manipulate. I have long suspected that your articles on political topics are all about this.
        1. +7
          7 January 2024 15: 25
          In other words, manipulate.

          Why "in other words". What the author writes about is one of the types of manipulation of public consciousness. This is common knowledge. Another type is propaganda. You don’t have to look far for the second example - just open the “News” section of this site.
      2. +7
        7 January 2024 19: 52
        "You should always use what you know..."
        Let me remind you how Putin decided to give a lecture on history to schoolchildren. And like a schoolboy, he pointed out incorrect knowledge to the mind. And this is a shame! Because Putin himself chose the topic, and not because Ilyukhin was framed. So, “whose cow would moo, yours would be silent”!
  17. +5
    7 January 2024 10: 45
    And Ilyukhin began to tell... how “bad Americans” are and how they want to harm us all. And he didn’t say a word about what he was going to do for the city and region after becoming governor. But you can’t do that, the people who will vote for you wear their shirts closer to their bodies, and it was their needs that he should have talked about. But he didn't say a single word.

    Now it’s enough to talk about the aggressive USA and NATO.
    Although you don’t have to say anything at all. It’s just that the State Duma and the Federation Council will accept what needs to be accepted.

    When will an accessible time machine be invented? So that everyone can (at the expense of the budget) get to where they see paradise.
  18. +13
    7 January 2024 10: 58
    Why did Mr. Shpakovsky start talking about elections?
    And here in the photo there are masses of articles “Vote with your heart, not with your mind”, “Vote with your mind, not with your heart”, “Vote... vote, vote...”
    And then, there was another slogan “Vote, or you lose,” which can be used now. Just for such a case, “who else to vote for? There is no other. There is no alternative to GDP,” etc. Then it rolled, and who lost? Well, to be frank, elections are not needed, and so everything is clear, it’s a waste of money. But they still won’t benefit the people’s well-being, then at least they might reduce the taxes. Smart people say “we need legitimacy, at least visible.” The question is, to whom? By and large, the United States and its servant the EU are completely satisfied with Putin. Under him, the Baltic states were admitted to NATO. Also under him Russian spring has been successfully buried, millions of those who consider themselves Russian were deceived in their expectations. Didn’t solve the problem in 2014, when a misunderstanding called Ukraine itself fell into hands, and eight years later the SVO began, turning the Donetsk region into a lifeless desert. Whatever you say, Russians fight with Russians to death, and millions of Turkestanis are brought to the Russian Federation . According to published data, there were 105,6 million Russians in Russia, compared to 111,0 million according to the results of the previous census. The reduction amounted to 5,4 million people. Now there are only a little more than 70% Russians in Russia. Techer’s dream is coming true “It is economically justifiable for 15 million people to live on the territory of the USSR.” Over 25 years, about 80k plants and factories have been closed in Russia. The number of workers in rural areas is 1,17 million people (over 20 years it has decreased by 5 times). There are more than 5 million unemployed people in rural areas (they are not counted because they have subsidiary plots). 20 years ago, Russia had 48 thousand large collective farms in rural areas. Today their number has decreased fivefold, 30% of them are unprofitable. 15600 clubs, 4300 libraries, 22000 kindergartens, 14000 schools have been closed. 20 thousand villages have disappeared, 47 thousand villages remain. Thousands of large industrial productions have been destroyed. Those few newly built industrial facilities do not even compensate for a hundredth of the losses and, moreover, they work to further transform Russia into a raw materials colony. Every minute in Russia 5 people die, and only 3 are born. The mortality rate exceeds the birth rate by 1,7 times, and in some regions by 2-3 times. For officials and oligarchs, the current president is also not bad; they have never had such power in Russia. The conclusion is simple - Putin will remain with Russia until the end, if a miracle does not shepherd Russia.
    1. -5
      7 January 2024 12: 49
      Quote: Unknown
      The conclusion is simple - Putin will be with Russia until the end, if a miracle does not shepherd Russia.
      Not this way. Putin will remain until the end of the Northern Military District, otherwise only a miracle will save Russia.
  19. +9
    7 January 2024 11: 02
    Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
    Do you really have anything to say? Or at least name a period in our history when it was better. I gave my answer - it has never been better.

    You are quite a provocateur. With this text.
    Only the phrase just begs to be asked...
    It has never been better, and suddenly again.

    Well, to answer your question... I would like to go back to 1982. I felt good there. It 'warm over there. There are girls there, most of whom haven't even kissed. There are newspapers where everything is good with us, everything is bad with the capitalists, and three years until the end of the construction of socialism.
    Only my childhood dreams and your statement are just the opinions of two people.
    And our country is big. And there are many opinions. We should somehow learn to come to an agreement, and not throw around reproaches and ultimatums.
    He threw a stone at his own garden and at yours.
    1. -2
      7 January 2024 22: 49
      Quote from Fangaro
      I'd like to go back to 1982. I felt good there.
      And in the line for eggs, comparable in length to the line to visit Ilyich at the Mausoleum, I couldn’t see you in those years?
  20. +4
    7 January 2024 11: 18
    Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    Thank you for stirring up a hornet’s nest in a bear’s den with your text!
    The comments are so interesting, and sometimes even angry, that even the publication itself pales in color.
    Reading the comments... I’m ready to agree with one and his opponent. And with those who erase the first and second into flour with their logic. And with those who are ready to expel Shpakovsky from VO. And then I agree with the main text.
    Why can't we agree?
    So that the United States would not break up into states, but our economy would surpass both the United States and the EU in terms of production volume. Let China be first, but so that the Anglo-Saxons do not fall behind, and we become second. And so that it wouldn’t be bad for them, but everything would be fine with us.
    1. +3
      7 January 2024 11: 42
      Quote from Fangaro
      So that the United States would not break up into states, but our economy would surpass both the United States and the EU in terms of production volume. Let China be first, but so that the Anglo-Saxons do not fall behind, and we become second. And so that it wouldn’t be bad for them, but everything would be fine with us.

      Golden words!
      By the way, why expel them? I’m writing the truth, not fiction... Few people here know PR from the inside like this...
      1. +3
        7 January 2024 15: 46
        I'm writing the truth, not fiction...

        However, as has already been noted regarding Shpakovsky’s “truth”
        in Germany in 1929 no one voted for Hitler because there were no elections that year.
        Secondly, in Germany there has never existed such an organization as the All-German Trade Union of Associate Professors

        Is this the “truth”?
        1. -2
          7 January 2024 17: 13
          Quote: Aviator_
          Is this the “truth”?

          Yes! It was so, but how true is it - how do I know?
          1. +6
            7 January 2024 17: 23
            Yes! It was so, but how true is it - how do I know?
            Vyacheslav, I recommend using a similar thesis as an epigraph to historical notes. It works out very well. laughing
            1. -2
              7 January 2024 17: 40
              You are right, it is impossible to know everything in the world, and it is not necessary. You need to be able to search if necessary.
          2. +5
            7 January 2024 21: 18
            I remembered accountant Berlaga from The Golden Calf, when Skumbrievich was gutted by Ostap Bender about the thefts in Hercules: “jumping on one leg and aiming the other leg at his trouser leg, Berlaga vaguely explained - I did this not in the interests of truth, but in the interests of the truth.”
    2. +2
      7 January 2024 20: 23
      “Why can’t we agree?..”
      It is necessary that the children of officials and the officials themselves live only in Russia. And they should also be treated and study in a country where their dad comes up with laws and rules the lives of other people. So that there are more Russians in the government, and not another ...... nation. Over the past 20 years, not a single law has been adopted that infringes on the oligarchs! And only anti-people laws are adopted. As an example, 96% are against migrants, but when we took into account the interests of the people. In general, there is a lot that the oligarchs and I cannot agree on.
  21. 0
    7 January 2024 12: 01
    Vote with your heart, not your mind
    The slogan “Choose with your heart” hung on the posters. This campaign was carried out by nlist A. Sitnikov, and they came up with this slogan. The expression “Vote with your heart, not with your mind” is probably the antithesis of it: firstly, an equivalent alternative (thesis and antithesis) encourages reflection, rather than pushes to the desired choice (compare “vote or lose”, here the alternative is clearly not equivalent, therefore the “choice” is obvious, even though it is essentially false); secondly, contrasting the mind with the heart brings the target audience too close to the understanding that they are being taken for fools.
    1. 0
      7 January 2024 12: 48
      Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
      This campaign was carried out by nlpist A. Sitnikov

      1. +2
        7 January 2024 13: 41
        Sitnikov was processed in the USA for a couple of years by the “ex” CIA officer J. Grinder. I don’t know what Alyosha was like before, but he returned from there a complete Russophobe. I remember his statement about how in the early 90s he flew back from the USA “to dirty and smelly Moscow”; portrayed the United States to the public as “a shining city on a hill.” I had conflicts with both Grinder and Sitnikov. I haven't been interested in them for a long time. Do you know if nlists are now visible in PR or some other area?
        1. 0
          7 January 2024 14: 07
          Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
          Do you know if nlists are now visible in PR or some other area?

          I’ve been retired for 5 years now and have immediately cut off all the loose ends...
          1. +2
            7 January 2024 14: 33
            Grinder is a total swindler. At his first Moscow seminar, a lanky American demonstrated the “memory activation method.” Afterwards, a girl who allegedly remembered line 7 on page 30 of a book she read several years ago, in a hotel room, tearfully told how he, making passes over her head with his hands, like “to activate”, rubbed himself against her while she was sitting on the carpet in the gym, with her belongings in the back of her neck, and she came up with some nonsense just to quickly end this shame. Although the audience didn't see it.
        2. +1
          9 January 2024 12: 45
          Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
          Sitnikov was processed in the USA for a couple of years by the “ex” CIA officer J. Grinder. ... I remember his statement
          Memory aberration. This was given out by another guy at his seminar near Tuapse. But Sitnikov’s curators, I’m sure it’s there.
  22. BAI
    7 January 2024 12: 06
    after 19:00, when the floppy disk with the newspaper went to the printing house, someone replaced it,

    Such fraud was the norm in “democratic” Russia. Suffice it to remember when the sheets in the law were changed during the transition from the voting hall in the Duma to the office. Deputies voted for one law, but life went differently.
    This and the example from the article are not examples of valor and glory, but examples of meanness that became possible under the existing authorities
    1. +1
      7 January 2024 12: 49
      Quote: BAI
      after 19:00, when the floppy disk with the newspaper went to the printing house, someone replaced it,

      This and the example from the article are not examples of valor and glory, but examples of meanness that became possible under the existing authorities

      Like in the movie "Cheat or the Tail Wags the Dog"
  23. +2
    7 January 2024 12: 23
    I'm really annoyed by the situation when reporting doesn't work at all. I can compare this with 1997-1999 and there was no such “drawing”. A situation in which foreign currency earnings were adjusted by 30% for a month simply could not happen. Moreover, revenue is a very simple indicator, and in the 90s there was no such computerization of accounting between banks and customs. A virtual reality.
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. BAI
    7 January 2024 12: 25
    Because the power of power lies in opinion, as A. S. Pushkin said so well in “Boris Godunov.”

    The authorities don’t care about people’s opinion after the elections.
    A. Berbok said so directly - she doesn’t care about the opinions of voters
  26. +14
    7 January 2024 12: 31
    There is such a wonderful film “Idiocracy”, it seems like it’s a comedy, but in reality it’s, of course, not a comedy..
    Most people, alas, think with rods and cones in matters in which they need to think more thoroughly. As an election observer at one time, I was convinced that many people choose “their” candidate not for his actions or beliefs, but because he has a “cool surname” or “he is a communist” or “he said that there will be no inflation” or "he is a Muslim" . Pseudo-democracies with the widest possible electoral base will always be ruled by those who can harness the largest number of idiots or semi-idiots, as people who are mostly active (and have a lot of free time not occupied with self-development) and suggestible. Their activity and quantity will crush everything reasonable that will not have an administrative resource in the bud.
    Now the tools allow us to project focused flows onto society necessary и selected information, creating a certain illusion of its pluralism and due to this, including presenting the same thing from slightly different angles to different target groups. All this is effective (and disgusting) and also energy-consuming - so one who has means (in our country, means have always been somewhat more important than money) and, secondly, money (it’s difficult to buy the work of means from someone who doesn’t love you and, in addition to means, also has money ) will have leverage over this “majority,” which is amazingly stupid and at the same time uncontrollably active (but a significant proportion of this, in our case, is more “activated” than active. This can be compared to a low ionization threshold).

    As for the current elections, I will speak for myself - I am not going to go because the bottom has been broken. A three-day (!!!) variable distance (!!!) with the one and only already being promoted from every iron (the list in which others are still not so easy to find on RuNet, not to mention media coverage), every fart and the sneeze of the election headquarters of which is covered by all channels, Mail, Yandex and others, and finally a bunch of no-names (led by the antediluvian unscrupulous spoiler Bogdanov) and one old leftist as a “type of option” - all this does not turn on and does not inspire at all. I'll tell you straight out - this is some kind of nonsense. And I am not going to participate in this farce, because this is a Chinese counterfeit “based on democracy” - it is a political “cheese product”.
    It’s clear to everyone in advance “who” all this is for and who will ultimately “win” by filling half the screen with cheats - it’s better to watch this sadomy while distancing yourself as much as possible. This way your hands will be cleaner.
    1. +2
      7 January 2024 12: 53
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      This way your hands will be cleaner

      In the magazine "Advisor" (PR magazine) there was a calculation of how much it costs to choose somewhere and a list of events that need to be organized and paid for. I had it somewhere, but it was outdated, of course. Outdated for the money...
      1. +5
        7 January 2024 13: 12
        Vyacheslav, now even lists of municipal deputies of the city of Kologriv are being appointed and approved; they tried in Altai to “remember the past.” The time for PR is over. Now get in line for the Old Square. Actually, all PR today consists of the fact that the political strategist promises in the region to “get someone on the list.” Usually it's just a scam.
        1. +4
          7 January 2024 13: 35
          Well, in our case, yes, “grassroots work” is more like something from the past from the 90s. Then the best of “these” got a job working for “big brother” and his economic enterprise in the form of the party in power, those who were worse and “ideological types” joined the leftists and the Liberal Democratic Party, because there was also a niche there, albeit thinner. Others probably left with the era - of course, someone migrated to the same Ukraine, where until recently the 90s continued quite well with some specifics.
          We don’t have “real politics”, in different territorial appendices they either work “on freight” already attached to the feeding trough (one or another), or they self-fire local amateur activities, for which the Russian land is still famous (the quality may be hmmm...).

          And so for “commercial offices” to freelance - nope, nope. Well, not in the Russian Federation. We have a manicure for general control, otherwise something might happen. Yes, and it’s scary when some kind of “grandfather Nikanor’s office” dealt with both these and these, what dirty little secrets will accumulate there and don’t touch them after that - everything can come to light...
          No, it's impossible. In the West, yes, but not in the Russian Federation.
          1. +5
            7 January 2024 13: 48
            You know, it amuses me when our financiers and the Central Bank are wildly criticized and no one ever touches Old Square with a single word. Taboo. And that says a lot. We have arrived at total imitation.
            1. +1
              7 January 2024 22: 24
              Quote: nikolaevskiy78
              no one ever touches Old Square with a single word
              Are you afraid they’ll rot in the basement? You're writing articles here.
        2. +1
          7 January 2024 14: 05
          Quote: nikolaevskiy78
          The time for PR is over.

          No! It’s just that, like in the West, he migrated from the political sphere to business.
          1. +4
            7 January 2024 18: 19
            Vyacheslav, you live in a different century. Business no longer needs this clownery. Western as well. PR expenses are regulated only by the wishes of the captains. It’s just that sometimes someone wants to suppress it through the press, and then the old fashioned way. No one cares about these stories anymore. The stock market generally lives like this, not even through PR, but through information channels.
            1. 0
              7 January 2024 18: 44
              Quote: nikolaevskiy78
              Business no longer needs this clownery. Western as well. PR expenses are regulated only by the wishes of the captains.

              If you don’t need it, then why spend on it?
              1. +4
                7 January 2024 18: 54
                Management is stealing. PR is the most thieving and useless expense item. When layoffs are made, it is usually PR, then marketing specialists, who are targeted. It’s rare when captains remember that they need to move forward with some project as usual through the information system. Usually they just sign +- for some year, and management steals as much as they can. PR is a banal, kickback theft.
              2. +4
                7 January 2024 19: 49
                And in general. I'll speak out winked
                Working in large holdings as chief economist, I saw a lot of your brother and fought with him. It got to the point that I took business trips and went to shoot videos, where instead of 2 reels of film, they allegedly bought 6 each, cut tags from branded jeans, which then had to be returned to the stores for a kickback. Your brother, the “PR man,” only charged $35 on jeans and blouses, or tried to raise it. With the cost of filming at 42 thousand, the budgets were written at 300 thousand. And your colleagues in the workshop budgeted the videos for the holding for the 10th quarter. Then I gave severance pay to your “PR people” with these jeans and blouses. It was difficult to fight with you, because the captains of business believe that the industry seems to need, well, like communication with the press, if Ivan has advertising, then we need it too. In large-scale farming, everything is arranged in its own way. Your brother’s medium-sized business has long since figured out and won’t pay anything for this nonsense. I don’t even want to write about kickbacks in the media, drunken parties and parties with wine for millions, as about “posting in the information field.” In production, marketers and PR specialists (although, by the way, I do not at all consider marketing a pseudo-profession, there are simply only a few of them per country) were hated and for good reason. They tried to steal from all departments, but such arrogant and shameless attribution of expenses as in the departments of “information”, “PR and advertising” and the like, according to 6-8-12 (!) ends, there was nowhere. Even the ubiquitous and omnipotent AHO and foreign trade sales services that created gaskets gave in to your colleagues
                1. +4
                  7 January 2024 21: 49
                  In general, I believe in PR technologies and don’t think it’s “phony,” although of course in this area, like in any area that is obscure to the average person, there will, of course, be a lot of information gypsies who will feed off the production of gobbledygook with smart faces.
                  However, PR will work poorly in models approaching authoritarian ones - both in their politics and in their economics. No, at the finish line, the degradation of such models, as one of the finishing factors, is quite possible, but this is after the split of the elites and the dismantling of systemic mechanisms of containment, control and dispersion - which do not need this very PR. Why PR if you can just throw a guy in jail for his post in the cart? And then marinate it there for half a year or a year. Or if, for example, some homeless person might kill him and everyone who will investigate this will come out to shrug their shoulders and say, “What should we take from him, from a drug addict?” . And all the media will write about it just like that, because these are pro-government media, and even opposition “type” media will write about it so that they seethe and forget. Because the “respected people” who give them money will simply say “well, that’s it, haare.”
                  Why denigrate or raise a candidate if you can stupidly blow him off the board by organizing a setup, intimidating him, getting to the bottom of his business or the personal affairs of his relatives.

                  It’s the same with business - why PR if you have “your own” court, competent raiding, your own notaries, ornate laws with backdoors and documents that can always be “lost” if you have connections. You can also simply blow your competitor off the board if your roof is bigger than it - and it’s not at all the guys working with the image who will do it.

                  In the West, where civil society as a whole is more active and passionate, yes, PR will have a stronger influence. But in our realities this will be an approach to shamanism and imitation. Like, in general, many other things, like democracy.
                  1. +1
                    7 January 2024 22: 35
                    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                    In general, I believe in PR technologies and don’t think it’s “phony”
                    You may not understand or accept the popular assessment that “a half-truth is worse than a lie,” but these are technologies of half-truths; both in relation to the “target audience” and, as a rule, in relation to the customer.
                    1. +4
                      7 January 2024 22: 42
                      You may not understand what is written. I do not give an assessment of “kosher or non-kosher” - I am not a rabbi. There is a discussion here about whether it is effective or not. But for non-authoritarian models or technologically unsavvy dictatorships - yes, it’s effective. For advanced, sophisticated authoritarian models and dictatorships - no, it is ineffective. As for me, any propaganda and manipulation is from the evil one - if it were my will, I would gather all the propagandists and manipulators and send them to colonize Antarctica.
                      1. +1
                        7 January 2024 23: 02
                        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                        There is a discussion here about whether it is effective or not.
                        You did not understand the main result of any technology based on lies: the person who uses it ultimately becomes a complete liar. This is the professional deformation of personality that occurs.
                      2. -3
                        8 January 2024 07: 23
                        Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
                        In the end he becomes a complete liar.

                        Only if it was originally. A smart person understands that being a liar is simply unprofitable.
                      3. 0
                        8 January 2024 11: 00
                        Quote: kalibr
                        being a liar is simply unprofitable
                        If we measure benefits in rubles or conventional units, the opposite should be stated. In the 90s I had two unequal proposals: from the NDR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The first, a rich “entrepreneur” of those times, ran for the position of mayor (they were elected then), the second, an honest “rogue” engineer, ran for the position of deputy. Payment for the work was offered, accordingly, disproportionate. For the first one it was necessary to lie a lot, and for the second one - only to highlight and emphasize his positive qualities. Then I realized that this was not just a situational phenomenon, but the basic principle of remuneration in this profession: more skillful lies - more money. He also works in advertising. An entrepreneur who offers a good product at an inexpensive price is always willing to pay less for its advertising than someone who wants to sell bullshit at a higher price by investing in advertising. This discovery forced me to abruptly change my field of activity: after that I returned to it only in lectures for students.
                      4. +1
                        8 January 2024 11: 15
                        PS And this also did not last long, since students expected from the special course “Manipulation of the Behavior of Large Social Groups” more training in the techniques of “magic” than information on exposing it. request
                2. -2
                  8 January 2024 06: 46
                  Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                  And in general. I'll speak out winked
                  Working in large holdings as chief economist, I saw a lot of your brother and fought with him. It got to the point that I took business trips and went to shoot videos, where instead of 2 reels of film, they allegedly bought 6 each, cut tags from branded jeans, which then had to be returned to the stores for a kickback. Your brother, the “PR man,” only charged $35 on jeans and blouses, or tried to raise it. With the cost of filming at 42 thousand, the budgets were written at 300 thousand. And your colleagues in the workshop budgeted the videos for the holding for the 10th quarter. Then I gave severance pay to your “PR people” with these jeans and blouses. It was difficult to fight with you, because the captains of business believe that the industry seems to need, well, like communication with the press, if Ivan has advertising, then we need it too. In large-scale farming, everything is arranged in its own way. Your brother’s medium-sized business has long since figured out and won’t pay anything for this nonsense. I don’t even want to write about kickbacks in the media, drunken parties and parties with wine for millions, as about “posting in the information field.” In production, marketers and PR specialists (although, by the way, I do not at all consider marketing a pseudo-profession, there are simply only a few of them per country) were hated and for good reason. They tried to steal from all departments, but such arrogant and shameless attribution of expenses as in the departments of “information”, “PR and advertising” and the like, according to 6-8-12 (!) ends, there was nowhere. Even the ubiquitous and omnipotent AHO and foreign trade sales services that created gaskets gave in to your colleagues

                  You are right. This profession is profitable!
                  1. +1
                    8 January 2024 06: 52
                    But petty. And that’s why people don’t work there.
                    1. -1
                      8 January 2024 07: 21
                      Quote: mat-vey
                      But petty. And that’s why people don’t work there.

                      They work and how! And more! But as always there are 1st, 2nd and 3rd. There are fewer of the former, more of the latter. And the C students... these are exactly the ones you wrote about.
                      1. +1
                        8 January 2024 07: 40
                        Quote: kalibr
                        They work and how!

                        Do not flatter yourself.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +4
        7 January 2024 13: 25
        I increasingly ask myself the question, Vyacheslav - where can all this go? Considering current trends. As an optimist, I, of course, hope for the best and see how it could happen. But as a skeptic, I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that there was a certain point, or rather even a chain of these points, at which progress overtook social development and rushed forward, leaving it to limp far behind. A lot of technologies for control, manipulation, deception have appeared - now it’s not even necessary to lie directly, you can segment this task so elegantly that one talking head will lie without knowing it, because its job is to be a talking head, the other head will write speeches under the first one. designated theses and within the framework of editorial policy - and she also will not know that she is doing something bad or lying, because she will also be swimming in the ocean of half-truths created by her colleagues, and she is also already accustomed to working with incoming data and generating outgoing content. Thinking is not her task; if something happens, he will say “the Fuhrer was to blame.” Even the head that stands above it will work with incoming data and not extract it - whatever they send to the editor, for which they pay, we work with it. Even those people who send it to her will not have access to the information directly :-) A sort of analogue of “galvanic isolation” - as a result, we have a cyclopean system in which an insignificant number of people own information and they can do whatever they want with it - we are seeing this system in action in Ukraine now, but the trouble is that this system is already similarly developed in any country in the world.

        What if one day we wake up in “Plato’s cave”, in which the vast majority of “content” of any kind will be automatically moderated “for the user”, so subtly and gracefully that it will be a manipulative apogee - and even our desire for escapism will be in fact a personally built “for us” strategy. Each element of such a system will believe in such a “picture” that resonates through those around them, even those who own information - after all, this possession can also be turned into dust by simply decentralizing the storage and collection of this data, entrusting it to AI.
        This is a picture of absolute subordination to the formation of personality and its motivations - well, just like chickens in cages are fed only what they need.

        I probably exaggerated things a lot, but do you think something like this is real? Or do you have a more optimistic picture of the future? I just see that the technologies of hunting and management are developing - but society seems to have frozen in the times of suffragettes and late nationalism.
        Where is the limit for such technologies, is there one, and most importantly, will someone press the stop valve if such a limit does not exist in a healthy range?
        After all, through a mass of controlled and extremely stupid people, any society can be brought to much more terrible things than the Khmer Rouge, the Cultural Revolution, German fascism and Japanese militarism..
        1. 0
          7 January 2024 14: 01
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          Do you think something like this is real?

          Quite! But only as a particular part of a general process of exceptional complexity, completely beyond the control of people!
        2. 0
          7 January 2024 14: 04
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          After all, through a mass of controlled and extremely stupid people, any society can be brought to much more terrible things than the Khmer Rouge, the Cultural Revolution, German fascism and Japanese militarism..

          Exactly! All this is described in my textbook for high school - “Technologies for Managing Public Opinion” (Infra-M Publishing House). But since this is only a part of the whole, a certain social optimism is always present. By the way, read two modern sequels to Orwell’s “1984” - very revealing and entertaining.
          1. +5
            7 January 2024 14: 37
            By analogy with natural processes, first there is “management” (a water mill), then “structuring” (hydroelectric power plants on larger rivers with partial correction of the terrain), then “construction” (artificial reservoirs and large hydroelectric power stations with a dam) and finally “subordination of the process " - what Stalin planned with the turn of the Siberian rivers, projects with a dam across the Bering Strait, etc.
            There is an analogy with the process of manipulation - first “control” - when the environment exists according to its own certain laws and we simply find out these laws and take advantage of the loopholes and double-talk. “Structuring” is when certain alien rules are introduced into the environment “in small ways,” making it easier to manipulate and at the same time making it difficult for third-party actors to interact with the environment. “Construction” is when alien rules are introduced into the environment in batches, the very mechanisms of what, where and how much should be included are regulated - they are cut off, redirected and taken under control. Everything is like with a reservoir!
            At this stage, the task is no longer “management” - it is precisely “control”, because success has been achieved in manipulating the amorphous, most of the factors capable of unbalancing it “under direct control” or under analytical control at a minimum. There is no longer any need to control this in the classical sense - the amorphous is so saturated with the built-up mycelium that all processes in it beyond the boundaries of focal weak fluctuations STILL arise “with the knowledge.”
            The rider controls the horse and the rider controls the motorcycle - that's the difference between "steering" and "control". It seems to me that we have already passed the stage of “management”, this conditional raw material from the 90s was managed, all this ended by 2008, and the last motives by 2014. Now it is precisely “control and design” that is why elections are becoming more and more outright a simulation. The whole system is controlled - there is no need for any compromises with opposition groups - they are not part of the whale, they are stupidly IN THE WHALE.

            I don’t understand how any technologies for managing public opinion can be relevant and in demand in a society in which this public opinion no longer worries anyone at all and in which almost all information flows and a significant part of money are controlled, and are also de facto controlled by the authorities and the Constitutional Court, and the Federation Council and the legislative and executive authorities. In such conditions, what can society do that would require them to be somehow sophisticatedly managed under time pressure, if the entire current system already “directs” and “controls” it quite effectively within the framework of a developed and established architecture?

            I think that PR technologies in their classical form are more about the West, we have gone further in this regard. We have very successfully learned how to plant cases for people and gave them more than enough, just as they actually modified what they planted in the USSR. As they say - “The casino always wins”, but the casino has its own rules - we were convinced of this when the constitution was once again rewritten in plain sight.

            We fell into a rabbit hole deeper than managing through existing rules - we stupidly sawed up our own and hooked them on people. And apparently no one is going to stop...
            1. +7
              7 January 2024 18: 23
              Knight, you are trying to get a description of reality from a PR man of the last century. They believed so much that if they drilled 2x2+5 into their heads, it would be five. I look at statistics with horror and, as an economist, I don’t understand how anything can be planned based on them. At least great plans, at least not great. There is not a single indicator that is associated with another. Their reality and their reality will never agree. There is a gap there already like the Grand Canyon.
            2. +1
              7 January 2024 23: 21
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              Stalin planned with the turn of the Siberian rivers
              In the early 70s, he no longer planned. They may have confused him with Brezhnev.
          2. +5
            7 January 2024 20: 38
            Did you write in your textbook how to take kickbacks from PR services? Or does a young apprentice already learn this on his own? Do the textbooks explain how much placement costs and how much the employer and the state need to “burden”? Please tell us the whole process, don’t be shy. Otherwise, you dare to write about absolute power, you indicate the price there, otherwise there is a ton of greatness, but in reality there is a shadow economy and powder on the brains of the people.
            1. -2
              8 January 2024 06: 41
              Quote: nikolaevskiy78
              indicate the price there,

              I had an article here about prices, but a long time ago. When I was doing this. Now I have been retired for 5 years and have no idea about prices. Everything is changing, and very quickly. For example, I cited selective prices taking into account the rental (!) of pagers. Who uses it today? Nobody! Further, the textbooks do not write what falls under legal responsibility.
        3. +6
          7 January 2024 17: 13
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart

          Where is the limit for such technologies, is there one, and most importantly, will someone press the stop valve if such a limit does not exist in a healthy range?

          Sorry to interrupt the dialogue, but this limit exists, and it is natural - this is when the refrigerator starts shouting over the TV. Under the conditions of a military dictatorship, this threshold can be overcome, but not for long. In the conditions of an information bubble, it is more critical, because the focus of attention of the electorate moves from the television screen/monitor to the search for real food. In the 90s, cheap food was in the hands of the then “winners”. We were bought for humanitarian food.
          1. +8
            7 January 2024 18: 08
            Yes, any discussion is valuable because you can contribute or take away something interesting)
            The trouble with the current political situation is that there is food. When I hear the sad lamentations of the left about the overwhelming electorate and see unsuccessful attempts to shake it up, only part of the problem is fear and indifference. The significant part is that the most active part of society as a whole does not go hungry. Yes, she will choose sausages with soy and MPMO, yes she will eat 50 shades of palm fat, and she will grunt and not buy red caviar or its imitation for the holiday - but pasta and alcohol are still available, and after that you can also scrape together for cigarettes. Figuratively speaking. Everything is not so bad and there is room for improvement - so this time we solved the problem with eggs, and before that we also solved the problem with sugar, olive oil, and buckwheat.

            And I believe that until the very end, questions with yum will not be in such a fold as they were in the late 80s - this lesson seems to have been learned, one of the few.
            The trouble is not the food, the trouble is that the government wasted a lot of time rather mediocrely and with minimal output, the internal natural political stability based on democratic institutions was strangled and discredited, we lost markets for high-tech products and were not adequately prepared for their return. All this could be described as “blessed stagnation”. From the point of view of the average person, these are not serious problems - because NOW he does not observe the problems arising from all this (or almost does not observe them), he does not understand their scale and is full of optimism based on jingoistic propaganda. The future is being exchanged for the present and this does not scare many people, because they do not see this future, but in the present they still have something to spread their bread on.
            1. +1
              7 January 2024 19: 00
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart

              The trouble is not the food, the trouble is that the government wasted a lot of time rather mediocrely and with minimal output, the internal natural political stability based on democratic institutions was strangled and discredited, we lost markets for high-tech products and were not adequately prepared for their return.

              Yes, this is true, but the problem is that any power is not designed to change itself. The way the post-Soviet nomenklatura came to power excludes its normal reproduction. It's like genetically modified plants - there is one harvest from the converted seeds, and then there is a dead end, their seeds are no longer functional. The surprising thing is that some changes did occur. Most likely thanks to the “manual” control mode, about which many are now moaning. All hope is for a reboot of this mechanism as a result of the next elections, but here there is little information about the real state of affairs.
            2. +3
              7 January 2024 19: 37
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              internal natural political stability based on democratic institutions was strangled and discredited, we lost markets for high-tech products

              You can't strangle something that doesn't exist, and you can't lose something that didn't exist...
              1. +2
                7 January 2024 19: 47
                Well, why, in the 90s we had quite a democracy “with certain amendments” - of course, in the form in which it could appear having fallen on the heads of people who had learned to think with their heads and really decide anything, with those characters who, in the eyes of such people, could look like “authorities”, despite all the wretched and defective picture of the world that was in their heads.

                The State Duma at that time included such blatant effigies that it would be difficult to explain it other than the work of democratic institutions, given that many of them often had neither money nor parties behind them. Of course, in addition to such fish, there were many other people swimming there, but the primary substrate was quite democratic.
                The games ended by 2004, then yes, there was a period of “active simulation”, and now, naturally, it has been replaced by a period when it is no longer required - the scenery is being put away one after another in the storage room.
                Could Zyuganov have won the elections in 1996? Could. But could he come to power after that? Of course not. But he could have won. And now, even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t win if I even got on the list. Even so, if you even knew about it.
                1. +2
                  7 January 2024 20: 02
                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  The State Duma at that time included such blatant effigies that it would be difficult to explain it other than the work of democratic institutions, given that many of them often had neither money nor parties behind them. Of course, in addition to such fish, there were many other people swimming there, but the primary substrate was quite democratic.

                  But I don’t want either scarecrows or a democratic substrate in the Duma. I want competent people capable of legislative activity.
                  Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                  Could Zyuganov have won the elections in 1996? Could. But could he come to power after that? Of course not. But he could have won. And now, even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t win if I even got on the list. Even so, if you even knew about it.

                  The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is represented in the Duma, has nominated its candidate and, unlike the self-nominated Putin, he has already been registered as a candidate, can he win the elections? Only hypothetically, like those US presidential candidates who are not from the two major parties.
                  1. +4
                    7 January 2024 20: 40
                    The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is represented in the Duma, has nominated its candidate and, unlike the self-nominated Putin, he has already been registered as a candidate, can he win the elections?

                    Ahahaha..ha. Of course not. Firstly, he is an old man with a funny face (no offense, this is subjective). Secondly, he already lost the elections in 2004 with 13%, since then the positions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have sagged significantly and Kharitonov himself was not noticed in his fiery oratory and gushing charisma. VVP at least knows how to speak his mind very well and looks much younger, a number of people still see him as charismatic, and he also has administrative resources - so apart from red socks, Mr. Kharitonov has absolutely nothing that would give him at least some dividends in the masses. He said it’s a shame, but the truth is, in general, it’s an offensive thing.
                    The result would have been twice as good if Mr. Kharitonov’s place had been taken by someone about 40 years old, a calm and confident charismatic speaker. But even if they remained in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, putting up something like this is a frank bench press for them, and the clumsy old party guts would have discussed this at best by the end of 2025. So I’ll summarize - Kharitonov has no chance, literally at all.
                    1. +1
                      9 January 2024 19: 54
                      The result would have been twice as good if Mr. Kharitonov’s place had been taken by someone about 40 years old, a calm and confident charismatic speaker

                      Do you remember the last elections and the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - director of the state farm Grudinin?
                      A 58-year-old man, a calm and confident charismatic speaker.
                      Received 2nd place with 11.7% of the votes.

                      And soon after the end of the elections, he received a criminal case and raider seizure of property (for example, our fair court handed it over to his ex-wife two thirds of "jointly acquired property").
                      Thus, a clear example was given to all potential candidates back in 2018.
                      1. +1
                        9 January 2024 20: 49
                        Pavel Nikolaevich was (in my opinion) a good and competent person, but I would not call him an orator and he was a charismatic person with a B grade. Not without this, yes, but with charm and image, everything was not perfect there. Objectively.
                        The man was a businessman and, in general, a certain negative contribution was made by the fact that for the traditional electorate of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation such a trick was not particularly clear to the ears. A businessman, not a member, + the propagandists soon found a key to him (about accounts abroad and a number of other things), which greatly excited the rednecks.

                        They don’t like businessmen in our country - it’s traditional, and it comes from religion, and from “kamunyak” and from the general mentality - in our country it’s very good. many people perceive such entrepreneurs as cunning and crafty thieves and world-eaters, and in combination with the terrifying bonyness and obstinacy of the majority, achieving Grudinin’s bloc in the eyes of the public (a significant part) was not such a difficult task for propagists and administrative resources.
                        You see, the problem is that our people are not smart (this sounds sad and offensive, but...), many people believe that “you can’t cheat, you can’t sell,” that in principle capital cannot be earned except through exploitation.
                        Now, if Grudinin were a writer or an athlete or a philosopher or a scientist, or even, say, a military man or a doctor, this would be much clearer and more familiar.
                        Even if he was a traditional politotos who spent eternity wiping his pants in the State Duma. This was a miscalculation of the communists - they just needed to hold Pavel Nikolaevich for the future, first move him to the State Duma for the 1st convocation, for example. For a biography, so to speak.
                        But in 2018 there was absolutely a trend towards a young active person in politics - and especially from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In general, it was there in 2012 - then ascending (after Bolotnaya) in 2018 it was already descending (against the backdrop of increasing sanctions and confrontation with the West, which was already pumping people well). But he was, and the communists missed him, IMHO.
                      2. +1
                        9 January 2024 22: 17
                        first move it to the State Duma for the 1st convocation, for example

                        Do you think he didn’t try?

                        He was a deputy at the regional level until 2011 - he was kicked out of there (ban on registration as a candidate through the court based on a lawsuit from United Russia). He tried to be elected to the post of head of the district - but he was not allowed there for formal reasons (the collected signatures were rejected).
                        Then in 2016 he went to the State Duma elections (both on the party list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and as a single-mandate candidate) - and he was not allowed in again.
                      3. +1
                        9 January 2024 22: 38
                        As I said, I believe that he is a good person, but his ability to be a fighter and win this battle causes (and has caused) me doubt. This is subjective. Some time ago, after an article about the Angry Patriots Club, I asked myself the question “what kind of party and leader should there be to break through the cast iron wall of foreheads in our country?” , even started writing it - and then Strelkov was imprisoned. No, of course, I didn’t see this person in him, although he had potential, but he was too uncompromising even in matters in which it was possible to be flexible without damage, and in general, to my regret, he pretty soon took a somewhat wrong turn, although and being an analyst I could analyze the mistakes of non-system people and Nav* (blablabla, forbidden*). But I digress - after this happened, I realized that there was no point in writing anymore, there was a final dismantling of even the imitation that existed. So in the current conditions, exactly what to win - a third-party candidate will not win, even if he is a saint, bleeds myrrh and heals the gonorrhea with his touch. But here is the submission of the communists, who so easily and artlessly joined the game according to the current rules, even supporting this game without obvious attempts to at least maintain the significant weight of the party in society, to carry out a conceptual rebranding, albeit not aimed at taking power, but aimed at maintaining the ability to be an actor in the future - this is what I don’t understand. From the outside it looks like the fluttering of a chicken whose neck is about to be twisted. I’ll finish with the thought about Grudinin - against Yeltsin, yes, he would be a great candidate. Even against Medvedev. But not against Putin - this is not a matter of authority or people's love - this is a competition of image in the eyes of average voters. And Grudinin was definitely not the person who could break through these gates. What would be needed is a person of simply frantic, insane activity, generating kilotons of optimism, vital forces and engaging movement. So that they HAVE to talk about him, so that they HAVE to catch up with him, so that their propaganda swallows the dust of his fleeting matches the day before yesterday, and he flies forward like a butterfly on the wings of the wind from rumors and bloggers, leaving behind him a trail of enthusiastic grandmothers, enchanted maidens and respectful men .
                      4. +1
                        9 January 2024 23: 17
                        he soon took a few wrong turns

                        Any active person (not even a politician) in our country at a certain stage rests his forehead against a blank wall - and either leaves altogether, or takes a wrong turn, or begins to participate in strengthening the wall.

                        What would be needed is a person of simply frenzied, insane activity

                        People need to grow and gain experience.
                        Lieutenant Buonaparte did not immediately become Napoleon.
                        Only if the grass on the lawn is carefully mowed every week will it never grow waist-high.
                        And now they don’t even mow, but pull out any sprouts at their first appearance. And the higher the sprout appears, the more carefully it is weeded out.
                      5. +1
                        9 January 2024 23: 52
                        You know, I’m increasingly coming to the idea that “politotaa” is an absolutely empty thing. When democracy works at the very least, it can be a little useful, but when it is an imitation, it is definitely empty. Sugar plantations worked regardless of the attitude of the blacks to this issue - and although sometimes it is useful to stretch the gray matter with fabrications “as if” and about the futility and decline of existence, to twist hard, to pour various physiological fluids for the fate of the fatherland, all these energy-consuming things are USELESS or near-useless.
                        There are things that do not depend on us - there lived Luddites and they destroyed machines in pathetic attempts to stop progress, and progress laughed at this and brought them all into poverty and the grave. Probably, some processes just happen and we cannot influence them - we can avoid them, we can lose or gain benefits depending on them, but we cannot influence them.
                        As they say, “A sailor cannot control the sea, but he can control himself” - they, of course, develop discussions on political topics, but these are cubes and pictures with letters, this is not a goal, and in general goals should be personal. And you need to focus on this - and the idea of ​​how well it should be needed, in my opinion, in order to understand whether the chariot is rushing to hell at full speed, or will still take you somewhere more or less intact.
                        The times when a construct had the right to make ABCD of people by rubbing noodles into them about a bright future are long gone. But the bright future never came. In general, this is all you need to know about history and politics beyond purely utilitarian things. You need to try to separate yourself and This, smiling and waving if everything is good and doing everything the same, only the other way around if everything is bad.
                      6. +2
                        10 January 2024 00: 12
                        Yes, my friend, you are an extreme fatalist and pessimist.
                        However, I also seem to be slowly approaching this position.
                        Good luck to you!
        4. +4
          7 January 2024 19: 55
          A lot of technologies for control, manipulation, deception have appeared - now it’s not even necessary to lie directly, you can segment this task so elegantly that one talking head will lie without knowing it, because its job is to be a talking head, the other head will write speeches under the first one. designated theses and within the framework of editorial policy - and she also will not know that she is doing something bad or lying, because she will also be swimming in the ocean of half-truths created by her colleagues, and she is also already accustomed to working with incoming data and generating outgoing content.
          Sorry for introducing them into dialogue, but in my opinion we still need to try not to create inferior ones, which are produced by modern school and other PR technologies. I tell my students that I don’t need ignoramuses, I’m preparing workers for my office. Recently, the office has suddenly attracted attention due to well-known events, and it has become easier to interest students. And the natural sciences, which include physics, are not subject to “fluctuations along with the party line,” be it the United Russia Party or whatever.
          1. +3
            7 January 2024 20: 26
            In part, yes, you are right - but here everything seems more complicated to me..
            For a long time, our real security depended on how competent our people were, on their number and training - their readiness to stack up behind a construct, no matter what it was called. All this required both the quality of the industrial base and the quality of processing - in the end, yes, it came down to the need for the state, for the sake of its survival, to maintain (or try) a certain level of balancing between the formation of "brains" - the quality of the industrial base - the processing of pawns.
            And then we got #nuclear weapons and all these hefty cornholes that can deliver them and “the whole world to dust” - and all this seemed so hellishly powerful, scary and unblockable, so to speak, ultimatum, that the objective need for REAL security in other respects was How can I say general, it has shrunk a lot.
            It turned out that a host of competent workers can be replaced by imports and well-established conveyor production, great specialists can be replaced by modern machines, which require in total much less of these cool specialists for the same result. It turns out that it’s quite possible for 20 years without developing anything special except strategic nuclear forces, and what’s more, you don’t even have to carry out tests “in kind”, just simulate on a supercomputer and rivet the trick like in the old days.
            After all, both below and above, we have the same mantra - essentially - “if it’s just that - we have 100500 missiles and we’ll go boom...”. A sort of power of Horror - and everything worked just as well (until recently) as almost the entire other complex of iron boxes and tarpaulin boots.

            Why am I doing all this? Oh yes. In such a structure, the excess of people became, well, how can I say it, superfluous for the authorities, sir. Not quite directly - but these people were, in general, no longer needed for “at-two-left”, for plowing with a plow and for hanging around in hosts of workers at the machine. But they had needs - because they were all taught to read and write and knew how to watch films and read newspapers, they knew how to live somewhere out there in the world and could (of course, not all) add up A and B and start demanding something. well, it was necessary to strain, give them at least a part, talk to them and other strains... And still, to control the borders and maintain worker competition, some part of the pawns would be needed - and a way out was found, yo! :-)
            And it was not only us who found it, and the name of this outlet is Debilitation. She kind of exists as a person, she can breed, but in general, you don’t have to invest in her or really interact with her - you can captivate her with various nonsense and let her graze on pasture, and what comes out of this fit will be more than enough to support her needs state, taking into account modern purchased technologies and equipment.

            The modern construct is so accustomed to the fact that everything will be born on its own, including taxes and the export of resources, that it simply has no idea how to change it. And he is afraid. And it will also require a lot of resources, which have all already been divided. So the question is what will he do about it? am Well, wait and see. I personally believe that everything will remain as it is with some temporary “+” but without conceptual changes. Sorry for the multiple letters hi
            1. +2
              7 January 2024 20: 43
              It turned out that a host of competent workers can be replaced by imports and well-established conveyor production, great specialists can be replaced by modern machines,

              the objective need for REAL security, in other words, how can I say it... in general, it has greatly decreased.

              Where did you suddenly get this from? And your ideas from the time of Khrushchev Kukuruzny (we’ll bombard everyone with rockets and special ammunition)? Quite soon, since the Tonkin incident (August 1964), it suddenly became clear. that local conflicts have not gone away. Conventional weapons are more than in demand, nuclear weapons are good, but they will not fight. And this has been going on for 60 years in a row, continuous proxy wars. Your concept is directly copied from “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells, where in the future there is only place for stupid, hard-working Morlocks and pampered Eloi aristocrats. The point of a planned economy is that it is regulated, and there are enough intellectual engineering, production and scientific tasks for everyone. And under capitalism, where the main thing is profit, everything will really come to the Morlocks and Eloi. Now we have capitalism, this is obvious.
              1. +1
                7 January 2024 20: 51
                Well, I mean, the picture looks like some kind of sophisticated madness, but this is our paradigm of thinking in our 30s :-) I didn’t come up with this - you could just listen to what people are pumped out by their media, in fact it was their own projected ideas about how the world is arranged.

                You, I, and some of the commentators think that people in power should think differently, well, at least a level higher, because they have facts and brainy advisers on their hands - but let’s admit for a moment that a significant part of them, albeit not on a conscious level, but on a subconscious level he thinks the same way as their redneck voter. That they also gobble up that cultural noodle and watch the same “news” while crunching a pickled cucumber.

                How else can you explain the forced large-scale degradation that we systematically indulged in from 1989 to 2020? I can’t explain it any other way - and when I hear, they say, “this is all capitalism, my friend,” I don’t believe in this garbage - because any capitalist with such a base would be interested in expanding his income and the niches of these incomes, and, therefore, was would be interested in its own cheap and replicable specialists and technologies. What was not observed in our country - no, it was not capitalism, it was precisely that defective picture of the miserable reality behind the nuclear shield “from all troubles” to which everyone, young and old, indulged in at least a generation and a half.
                1. +2
                  7 January 2024 21: 02
                  Knight, you just need to draw a line from the 1720x theory of value to 2020m. It's not that easy, but it can be done in principle. You will simply understand the very thread of historical logic. Not politics, but a cause-and-effect relationship. A lot of what we have today is based there. Not everything, but a lot, the main thing is that the logic and sense-making were there. We are now just reaping the benefits.
                2. +2
                  7 January 2024 21: 07
                  because any capitalist having such a base would be interested in expanding his income and the niches of these incomes
                  Capitalism is different, just like socialism. You are operating with capitalism from the time of Marx. And our degradation began not in 1989, but with the XXII Congress of the CPSU, when it was suddenly declared that “The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism.” And the date was set - 1980. Well, yes, cargo communism can be built, but this is a pure substitution of concepts. After the removal of Khrushchev Corn, there was a need for a discussion about the new Party Program, but everything was blurred out by “Developed Socialism” (1967), and in 1969 a group of “writers” and the same academicians sent a letter to the very top with the inadmissibility of the rehabilitation of Joseph Stalin (on the occasion its round date). This is how the last scientific work on the development of socialism remained Stalin’s work of 1952. And that’s all, under Brezhnev, spells began with quotes from classics written at a different time and for a different reason. But in reality, the arrival of capitalism was being prepared; it was only necessary to wait for the old generation to leave. For him, the old generation, the tragedy was that they knew what not to do, but did not know how to do it - there was no theory of socialism. So what has grown has grown.
                3. +2
                  9 January 2024 19: 42
                  no, it was not capitalism, it was precisely that defective picture of the miserable reality

                  I can only speak for the IT sector - where competition was allowed (that is, where our “caring” state did not interfere very much with its prohibitions, instructions and urgent advice), there was very rapid development.
                  Yandex, Kaspersky and others appeared from scratch and quickly developed into billion-dollar corporations.

                  However, this happened before, but now the state has already gotten into the IT sector and is slowly strangling it...
                  1. +1
                    9 January 2024 20: 34
                    I readily believe, because one of the main reasons for success or failure (besides luck, of course) is competent or illiterate rules - facilitating or hindering working interactions in the system. In our case, we have a wild manicure for total control, without traditional competencies for this. This mania pushes us to do wild things, it gives rise to stupid laws trying to regulate everything, and general insane paternalism and the traditional line of law-making that restricts rights.
                    The coexistence of the desire for total control and an ineffective system as a whole is not nonsense - a fat man can eat in three throats even if he is not hungry and even if he has not worked hard. It’s just his essence - to grab everything he sees from the table and stuff his guts with it. The essence of much of what we do is not literate or healthy - that’s why history time after time dunks us into a vat of ****** and we lose one empire, then a second empire, time after time getting up like a vanka-stander and starting to push back. the same rake. We need an objective, cold look at our successes and failures, analysis and building strategies in the likeness of successful ones where they were successful - you pointed to the example of successes in the IT industries, in a good way, the experience of these successes should be analyzed, and their participants should be involved in improving legislation and expanding positive experience into key areas for us (for starters). But this is not the case and no one seems to care about it - which means the locomotive from Romashkov is again rolling along the good old historical track from one unlearned lesson to another.
                    1. +2
                      9 January 2024 22: 38
                      In our case, we have a wild manicure for total control, without traditional competencies for this.

                      Surprisingly accurate diagnosis. Bravo!

                      the experience of these successes must be analyzed, and their participants must be involved

                      A huge number of competent IT managers have already fled. And alas, the process continues.

                      They can be understood. It’s one thing to build an advanced world-class technology corporation, and quite another to make money on “import substitution” exclusively for the local market.
                      People with high ambitions leave, but the unambitious remain, loving more “predictability” and “stability.”
              2. +4
                7 January 2024 20: 57
                Why do we need our own chips? - they said. We will buy their lithographs from ASML and order the design from someone, or we will order batches from Taiwan.
                Why do we need our own new rocket technologies? They are launching "Soyuz" and why, all the chicks and farts, why something new.
                Why do we need to develop some kind of technological garbage - textiles there, feed production, pharmaceutical emulsions - we’ll buy THERE, and if they don’t sell it in the West, they’ll sell it in the East.
                Why do we need a fleet - if there is a serious war, then we have nuclear weapons, and in a “frivolous” one we have missiles and planes and a bunch of Horror for deterrence.
                Why do we need an educated population - what will these people do? After all, we closed a bunch of factories and research institutes - they will simply move to the west, as was already the case in the 90s.

                It is from these “whys” that what I am talking about took shape.
        5. 0
          8 January 2024 11: 51
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          As an optimist, I, of course, hope for the best and see how it could happen.
          Can you describe this vision somewhere, at least schematically? Or save your know-how for the Nobel Prize.
    2. +2
      7 January 2024 22: 19
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      As an election observer at one time, I was convinced that many people choose “their” candidate not for his actions or beliefs, but because he has a “cool surname” or “he is a communist” or “he said that there will be no inflation” or "he is a Muslim".
      Are observers conducting a survey of the electorate, or are they ensuring that no one violates the voter’s right to free and secret expression of will?
      1. +3
        7 January 2024 22: 47
        Are observers conducting a survey of the electorate, or are they ensuring that no one violates the voter’s right to free and secret expression of will?

        Me and a couple of other observers were sent home with a ballot box at the request of citizens with limited mobility for several hours. These citizens chronically have no one to talk to, so in each specific case they were absolutely not shy about thinking out loud for whom and for what reasons they were voting, and they did it as slowly as possible.
        Since I was an observer twice, during both times of such “campaigns” I accumulated a sufficient pool of observations to draw some conclusions.
  27. +1
    7 January 2024 14: 04
    Where did Bryntsalov go? Or was there no color solution for him?
    1. 0
      7 January 2024 14: 25
      Quote: mat-vey
      Or was there no color solution for it?

      No one knew him then.
      1. +1
        8 January 2024 06: 47
        Quote: kalibr
        No one knew him then.

        Then he was shown on TV almost more than anyone else... Upon completion, he shared in one of his interviews that they staged such a PR... God forbid I win, they will kill me.
        1. -1
          8 January 2024 07: 10
          Quote: mat-vey
          Then he was shown on TV almost more than anyone else... Upon completion, he shared in one of his interviews that they staged such a PR... God forbid I win, they will kill me.

          For some reason, the five candidates I remember about in the article are not there. It’s not listed in the article, right?
          1. +2
            8 January 2024 07: 42
            Quote: kalibr
            For some reason it's not there.

            Probably the problems are starting... And if you don’t remember and don’t know something, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist or didn’t happen. And there are other things that didn’t happen the way you remember, or want to remember.
    2. +2
      7 January 2024 16: 03
      Bryntsalov was not the only one who was forgotten.
      Then the candidates were Svyatoslav Fedorov, Gorbachev, Martin Shakkum, Aman Tuleyev and Yuri Vlasov.
      1. +2
        8 January 2024 06: 48
        Yes, yes. But it was Bryntsalov who really lit up with his bright jackets..
        1. +3
          8 January 2024 13: 05
          Bryntsalov chose the role of a shocking clown and unsuccessfully tried to take away some of the votes from Zhirinovsky.

          But I remember Svyatoslav Fedorov. I personally voted for him, although at first I wanted to vote for Lebed.
          1. +1
            9 January 2024 15: 04
            Quote from: dump22
            Bryntsalov chose the role of a shocking clown and unsuccessfully tried to take away some of the votes from Zhirinovsky.

            And I got the impression that he primarily advertised his generics - the Ferein concern.
            In general, I didn’t vote for anyone - even then it smacked of clownery and mockery.
  28. +4
    7 January 2024 15: 49
    Satirical sketches:
    Yuri Nersesov
    In the absence of competitors, the president heroically defends his subjects from enemies inflated by television
    1. +1
      9 January 2024 10: 43
      Thank you, very interesting and funny, but then sad after reading it. hi
  29. +3
    7 January 2024 15: 56
    This is real democracy, the power of democrats. All this was described by Mark Twain in “How I Was Elected for Governor.”
  30. +7
    7 January 2024 15: 56
    Ilyukhin didn’t know this, he thought that the brain-draining chatter about Americans would be enough for him here, within the walls of the university.

    Since then, the zombie guy has worked for more than 20 years, the people have become very stupid and now the brain-draining chatter about Americans is quite enough to justify any action or inaction...
  31. +1
    7 January 2024 16: 09
    The elections of 1996 are, of course, beautiful in their disgustingness; the “Buy food for the last time” posters alone are worth it. The fact that many of the then PR aces were fully rewarded thanks to all sorts of optimizations is little consolation.
    It is thanks to such examples that the death of “democracy” observed everywhere does not upset anyone who uses their interauricular ganglion for its intended purpose.
    In the end, law, finance, morality, religion, even such rubbish as PR in its current understanding are the essence of a management system, and it is this system that must be assessed from the point of view of achieving the desired goals. The fact that we may not like these goals is another matter. It’s much worse if the goals are wrong and the implementation is poor.
    1. 0
      7 January 2024 17: 07
      Quote: kakvastam
      The fact that we may not like these goals is another matter. It’s much worse if the goals are wrong and the implementation is poor.

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    2. +2
      8 January 2024 13: 44
      The elections of '96 are certainly beautiful in their disgusting

      The elections of 1996 are, of course, disgusting - but these were elections (alas, the last) in which we could still really choose, decide something about the fate of our country ourselves.
      Now the “elections” are very correct and smooth, but nothing depends on us anymore.

      The death of “democracy” observed everywhere does not upset anyone

      But this saddens me personally.
      The system has no feedback and this is very bad (I speak as an engineer).
      I can imagine that suddenly, for example, in 2009, GDP would suddenly die and we would remain with the LADIES in the presidency until his death, it gives me chills...
      1. +1
        8 January 2024 15: 00
        on which we really could still choose

        The ability to choose and the illusion of opportunity are not the same thing.
        There is no point in yearning for illusion.

        But this saddens me personally.

        It was not for nothing that I focused on the use of the interauricular ganglion.
        And it was not in vain that I put quotation marks.
        And of course, many people worry that way.

        The system has no feedback and this is very bad (speaking as an engineer).

        Are you sure you're an engineer? Generalizations are a little scary.
        The notorious “vertical” is not the only option for a management system, while “democracy” (in fact, one of the alternatives) as a form of feedback is by no means ideal. Its current manifestations provide only an imitation of feedback to calm the masses, like a traffic light “switch” button at many intersections - they do not affect anything, but they warm the soul of the average person.

        All known versions of social management systems have their own areas of application; none is a universal solution. It’s not good for an engineer to pray to just one person.
        1. +2
          8 January 2024 15: 13
          The ability to choose and the illusion of opportunity are not the same thing.

          If it was just an election illusion, no one would have used so much black PR in 1996.
          The elections would be completely rigged and that’s it.

          "democracy" as a form of feedback is by no means ideal.

          Undoubtedly. The overhead costs are simply monstrous. Frequent failures in procedures. Constant scandals, etc, etc...

          But what is the alternative?
          Do you see any feedback now in the current management system?
          I don’t see - absolutely any decision of the supreme official (irremovable for life) was met with complete unanimous approval, and any criticism of him is equated to treason.
          1. 0
            8 January 2024 15: 49
            Do you see any feedback now in the current management system?

            “Vertical” is interesting in that it appears to be completely devoid of alternative feedback channels, due to which it should be extremely vulnerable to manipulation along the entire signal path.
            That is, both incoming and outgoing messages can be blocked/replaced.
            Who owns the power in it is a debatable question, but certainly not to the formal “leadership”.
            In theory, the structure should have collapsed long ago, but it is standing. Perhaps the observed picture does not fully reflect reality.
            1. +1
              9 January 2024 20: 17
              Who owns the power in it is a debatable question, but certainly not to the formal “leadership”.

              Excuse me for being rude, but this is already a conspiracy theory:
              It is definitely not the GDP that rules, but who exactly is unknown?

              In theory, the structure should have collapsed long ago, but it is standing.

              Any authoritarian regime has a certain stability.
              If people are patient enough, and the degradation goes smoothly.
              History knows a lot of examples when such regimes existed for 30 years or even more.

              Porfirio Diaz - 34 years old,
              Robert Mugabe - 37 years old,
              Jose Eduardo dos Santos - 38 years old,
              Dynasty of the Three Samos - 43 years,
              1. 0
                9 January 2024 21: 08
                Any authoritarian regime

                Your naivety is amazing.
                Not only do you confuse authoritarianism with a system without feedback, but you also believe that a person whose decrees are carried out selectively, whose decisions can be overturned by a visiting Swiss accountant, has real power.
                This character is a consensus figure who organizes opposing factions, a sort of Leonid Ilyich of our time. Like his prototype, he has influence, and considerable influence, but he is like the moon to the autocrat.
                1. +1
                  9 January 2024 22: 00
                  you are confusing authoritarianism with a system without feedback

                  With long-term authoritarianism, feedback dies out almost inevitably - you need to be a saint to manage for decades in a row to attract not flatterers, but people who tell the truth (and it is very often unpleasant). And saints do not win power struggles.

                  a man whose orders are selectively carried out, whose decisions can be overturned by a visiting Swiss accountant, has real power.

                  There is no absolute power.
                  Any autocrat, even Ivan 4 or Henry 8, has limitations (at least in the form of the quality of the bureaucracy available under his command).
                  And the GDP now has the maximum possible power in the system and can control the freedom and life of any person in our elite.
                  1. 0
                    10 January 2024 11: 17
                    With long-term authoritarianism, feedback almost inevitably dies out - you need to be a saint to manage to attract non-flatterers for decades in a row

                    You're confusing again.
                    This is a problem with any hierarchical system, including the so-called. "democracy".
                    Simulators are great at any level, not just near the first person.
                    The problem is precisely the lack of independent alternative signal transmission channels.

                    The GDP now has the maximum possible power in the system and can control the freedom and life of any person in our elite.

                    Well, this is already a religion.
                    The fact that a deity is impaled and sent to the stake in the name of a deity does not even prove his existence, let alone the rest.
  32. +2
    7 January 2024 16: 12
    Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
    It's included, but it's money out of thin air. Well done for not stealing everything, just like Luzhkov.

    Yeah. Luzhkov is a saint compared to Sobyanin.
    Quote: Alexander Kochurkov

    And in Chukotka Abramovich is almost considered a god....

    Have you been there in Chukotka? And I was. Before Abramovich, people exchanged apartments in Anadyr for a plane ticket. And now you can live there. And Abrahamovich did it.
    1. +1
      7 January 2024 19: 48
      Quote: KSVK
      Before Abramovich, people exchanged apartments in Anadyr for a plane ticket. And now you can live there. And Abrahamovich did it.

      That's what I mean. But this does not make him a desirable candidate for the presidency of Russia.
  33. 0
    7 January 2024 17: 21
    Quote: Gardamir
    , then this is Yeltsin’s heir, but he doesn’t drink.

    “If a person doesn’t drink or smoke, you can’t help but wonder if he’s a bastard?” © A.P. Chekhov
  34. +4
    7 January 2024 19: 21
    Quote: kalibr
    But this event was predetermined from the beginning. The entire course of historical development. Sooner or later, it was inevitable.

    Let me disagree with you. EVERYTHING that is done by PEOPLE IS NOT PREDITED.
    WE OURSELVES, by our actions or INACTION, determine the occurrence of certain events.
    In general, for example, I am sure that if you start calling things by their proper names, many problems will disappear by themselves. So you were doing PR, but PR is a lie. In more or less degree. And how long do you think this very PR would have existed as an occupation and as a phenomenon in general if it had been designated “lies”, and instead of “PR managers” there had been “professional liars”? Or would the SVO last long if we define it by the term that it actually is, “fratricidal civil war”?
    So you’re in vain about “predestination”.
    1. -3
      8 January 2024 07: 13
      Quote: KSVK
      but PR is a lie.

      Not always. Moreover, lying is the lot of non-professionals. A true professional PR person should not lie. He will achieve everything anyway.
  35. +3
    7 January 2024 20: 53
    I remember those elections, I remember how they gathered pensioner women, gave them cans of canned food and bags of cereal and told them that this was personally from the Yeltsinoid. I remember how suddenly they began to pay pensions that people had not seen for a year, and Lifshits, with a mocking grin, explained where and how many they were sent. And how the grandparents immediately got down on all fours for these pensions.
    Well, and about the students of that time... today, when all sorts of technical or scientific intellectuals come to us and start whining that they don’t earn enough, I always answer that they fought for what they ran into. What you wanted in the 90s is what you will get, you closed your mouths, stopped talking, otherwise get the hell out of the beach, there will be no work with your company.
  36. 0
    7 January 2024 23: 30
    Class! I heard about it, of course, but I didn’t know some of the details. And much more is written “between the lines,” especially for those who are “in the know.”
    Yes, the city of Ensk, if anyone doesn’t understand, is Penza.
    1. -1
      8 January 2024 06: 52
      Quote: Sergey_Kokorin
      Yes, the city of Ensk, if anyone doesn’t understand, is Penza.

      Not only, far from only!
  37. +5
    8 January 2024 10: 26
    Well, I read it - that’s it!
    The brilliant escapade performances of our friend Knell, our other sincere fighters, objecting to him, and sadly smiled at me...
    Friends, finally leave your thesis about the struggle between the refrigerator and the TV, because it is outdated. When the Northern Military District began, sugar immediately disappeared as a manifestation of the struggle of industrialists, dissatisfied with the start of hostilities, with the authorities, and I made a statement on the VO telegram (at that time they had not yet kicked me out of there) with a statement: “Power, where is the sugar? This is a political question!” Naturally, I was laughed at, but immediately countless messages from the localities poured in on various telegrams, and the authorities took their own measures against the cartel conspiracy. For in the present era, the showcase of capitalism must be filled with the entire list of consumer goods (which is why they turn a blind eye to any contraband) - everything that you have ever heard of, and it does not matter that you cannot buy it due to lack of funds and continuous rising prices for what you want. Because the law of capitalism is:
    If you don’t have the means to buy something, then get creative, earn money, and finally open your eyes - capitalism is in the yard, if you don’t understand, capitalism! Nobody owes anyone anything, especially since the government doesn’t owe you anything - go ahead and earn money yourself under the conditions set by the authorities. And if you can’t earn money and buy everything that is dumped on the rich shelves of capitalism, then it’s your own fault, be content with little and don’t complain.
    Because the main concern of the authorities is not your opportunity to earn money, but that the showcase of capitalism is abundantly filled with consumer goods according to their full list! Your refrigerator may be empty, there may be only a dead mouse in there, but store windows should be full of everything your imagination can tell you! And as long as they are full, there will be no unrest among people with empty refrigerators. Because a full display case with an empty refrigerator is a stimulus that leads to the thought: “Shouldn’t I make some money?”
    I talked about this here on the VO website back in 2019. Who remembers...
    You say, a false thesis! False. But only partly. The main concern of the authorities under capitalism is not the revolt of the hungry, unable to buy, but the revolt of producers, unable to sell due to the lack of money from the hungry.
    The stability of capitalist power is determined by its ability to find a compromise between the interests of its own (sustainability), the producer of goods and the hungry consumer. Guess at once how our government solved this problem - it solved it!

    As for the PR and advertising promotion of certain products, several years ago the most advanced manufacturers and sellers abandoned television advertising, replacing it with a much more effective means - customer reviews on the website and advertising, explicit or implicit, in the form of a confidential conversation , or simply mentioning products on telegrams of public opinion leaders (LOMs).

    As for political advertising, here, I am not afraid of this word, is a revolution! How does the government now advertise the need for its sustainability? And like this:
    "Remember, we love you, and this is sincere!.. We care about your interests, we work for you!... Wait, we will tell you when you need to perform, but in the meantime, take care of yourself!..."
    Can you guess whose words these are? wassat )))
    And don’t even doubt that these are the words of the Authority.
    1. +1
      8 January 2024 12: 36
      I believe that the main argument of the Government in its favor is the average person’s fear of anarchy.

      The state in the history of mankind initially appears out of the need to combat hostile contradictions within society itself.
      Which threaten to destroy civilized relations in society and return it to a wild state, that is, make it impossible to run any economy.

      Read "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by Ershov. : “So that there is no sodom, no violence, no pogrom... That’s why Power is needed! .”. Any market contradiction means hostility between buyer and seller due to their objectively hostile interests. Guards are required, first of all, to prevent mutual killings on both sides of the counter, and not to collect tribute from everyone.

      Therefore, the average person agrees to live without sugar, and disagrees only in extreme cases.
      case: if there is no food on the counter at all.

      And even then he will not ask the question: “for what reason?” - this question will be asked only by the political opposition. But the average person doesn’t care about all the questions and answers: all that matters to him is that it exists and that there is order!
      1. +2
        8 January 2024 14: 39
        The average person doesn’t care about all the questions and answers: all that matters to him is that it exists and that there is order!

        That is why the Government of one of its branches, claiming a central place, having found the weak point of the extremely tired Russian people, says to them: “We love you!!” Promising that he will continue to love as soon as he takes this place. But, as they say, the wolf took pity on the mare - he left the tail and mane)))
  38. +2
    9 January 2024 07: 26
    Apparently the author did not read the memoirs of Berezovsky and Chubais, how they dumped a lot of money in order to save Yeltsin from a huge failure. And PR technology is just a background for hiding behind-the-scenes election machinations. Chatter is not appropriate here.
  39. 0
    9 January 2024 07: 26
    Apparently the author did not read the memoirs of Berezovsky and Chubais, how they dumped a lot of money in order to save Yeltsin from a huge failure. And PR technology is just a background for hiding behind-the-scenes election machinations. Chatter is not appropriate here.
  40. +2
    9 January 2024 09: 33
    Propaganda technologies certainly have an effect, but the realities of life may be so inconsistent with the propaganda that the effect may be the opposite.

    In those years when there was an open struggle for power, no one knew in advance how this struggle would end; the second round was not just like that. Today everything is simpler, the field is not only plowed and sown, but also asphalted, and the question is only a matter of percentage. But the percentage is also important.
  41. 0
    10 January 2024 10: 12
    Come on, it was election commission employees, state employees, teachers and doctors who brought the Ural Pyun to power
    1. +1
      10 January 2024 11: 10
      Many workers and engineers were also for it, I saw it.
      1. +1
        10 January 2024 11: 54
        I’m writing, they didn’t vote, but they brought me