“Absolute power” or “Now we can talk about it”

“Absolute power” or “Now we can talk about it”
Here they are, employees of the PR agency Prentiss McCabe, personifying “absolute power” in the series, although you couldn’t tell by their looks! Still from the TV series

"Power corrupts,
and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Historian John Dahlberg-Acton

People and story. And it so happened that in England in the early 2000s they staged a radio show “Absolute Power”. She liked it and was adapted into a comedy series with the same name (2003–2005). It shows the work of the PR agency Prentiss McCabe, which advises pop stars and early politicians in England, and is headed by Charles Prentiss (popular film actor Stephen Fry) and Martin McCabe (also popular John Bird).

It’s a little difficult for Russian TV viewers to watch the series. We are unfamiliar with the faces mentioned there, the names of the films and radio programs that the characters talk about, and the atmosphere itself is “not ours.” But it shows well what modern PR can do. And the author of the article stood at the origins of Russian PR (the first to teach it was at MGIMO, the second at LETI, and the third at Penza State University, which was then just “Technical University” in 1995).

And since a lot of time has passed since then, the opportunity has arisen to talk about the events of those years. The story will be about the events that took place in Russia. But... without indicating specific cities. The heroes of the story are also anonymous, the names of some of them, for obvious reasons, will never be known by the Motherland! But the story about what 99% of Russians did not have the slightest idea about will, of course, be very interesting to VO readers.

The events discussed in this material began long before 1995 - in 1991. True, the first book about PR in the USSR had already been published, and the first agencies already existed. Mainly in Moscow.

And then the State Emergency Committee... There are rallies in the streets, passions are boiling in the squares... What should an ordinary journalist from a provincial newspaper do, especially since his editor officially supported the “putsch” and stated this in print? And then one author remembered that he had friends abroad, in England and the USA, and in his city there was an international fax and telex station. That’s exactly how it was then: one such station for the whole city.

He went there... “Is there a connection?” “There is a connection!” “Can I contact you?” “Yes, you can!” (Where is Lenin’s idea: seize bridges, telegraphs and telephones, right?) And this, of course, made him happy.

He sat down and wrote several faxes to his friends that there was a military coup in Russia, that the legitimate president was isolated in Faros, that they needed to contact their media, and through them to the governments, so that they demanded that the “Chepists” give the floor to Gorbachev on TV in presence... of a mass of people. So that the State Emergency Committee does not support and sell food, medicine and computers to the USSR. And then... the “putsch will end” by December.

He also asked to send him newspapers with this appeal of his and... to provide assistance, because he had started a dangerous business. The journalist paid some ridiculous money for the message. And cats scratch at my soul. But he immediately called his friends in Moscow, at the editorial office of a familiar newspaper, and they told him that our newspaper was closed by the “chepists”, but... “we are now printing a circulation of 300 in France, and today they will bring it to us by plane!”

Well, there soon the CCHR gave up his soul to God and... Exactly two weeks later, he received thick envelopes with newspapers “from there”, where his appeal was published, and then... parcels from all over the world with “material assistance to a true fighter for democracy.” And it was a good help, because no matter how you came to drink coffee with him, he always had it of the highest grade, and most importantly - when? In 1991–1992!

So timely information in the right direction - and this is the basis of any PR work - always leads to a positive result, even if only for one person!

But PR is a double-edged sword. Its inept use is costly for the user himself.

And it so happened that immediately after 1991, in one provincial city, a registered democrat was elected governor, and he did so much there that in 1994 they decided to re-elect him. And, seeing that the chair under him was shaking and shaking violently, he decided to turn to the help of the press. Apparently, I watched the movie “Fantômas”, where he says that even a great man without the press is worth nothing!

And published a newspaper! As many as three rooms... Bright, colorful, with color photos. "Club of Governors and Mayors"! Moreover, the newspaper did not indicate who published it and where it was published. And this was his second mistake! Because the first mistake was the very publication of a color newspaper in an area where all other newspapers were black and white.

Readers began to ask: is this a regional newspaper or a federal one? Judging by the fact that the newspaper favors the governor, it is a regional newspaper, but members of the Federation Council and the governors of Chukotka and Kamchatka, who do not even closely border this region, write about him in it.

And then a local church leader from the pages of this newspaper declared that “Mr. Ensky is pleasing to the Lord!” – and this became the straw that broke the camel’s back. Everyone began to throw mud at this governor, and he, of course, lost the election.

I still can’t believe that he himself thought of “digging his own grave.” So, someone told him? Probably some “stranger among his own”, because, knowing those conditions, not a single honest PR person would have advised him to do this!

A problem arose in another region: it fell into the “red belt,” that is, into the group of regions that voted for communist deputies and thereby put them in the Duma. Moscow treated such areas frankly poorly. In every way. And this was explained to people in the press and on TV, but they still continued to vote for deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

And so, when the next elections were about to begin, five local sociological agencies conducted relevant surveys and found out that “the people will again vote for the communists.” And there was a PR specialist who didn’t like it. He had no money, since his university did not pay salaries for two or three months, but there were students. And he thought a little and sent them to conduct their survey.

It was necessary to go to the streets, to the center and residential areas, to the streets of wooden buildings, asking people one single question: “Isn’t it time for Ensk to leave the “red belt”? Well, further: gender, age, education, job... Without full name, of course, but with a signature.

There were 50 students, each had to interview 10 people, which corresponded to a representative sample for a city with a population of 500 people, so in the end this PR man even received 000 questionnaires. I processed them, and it turned out that the majority of respondents said: “It’s time”!

He immediately ran to the radio: “I have a bomb!” An independent survey showed that Ensk is leaving the “red belt”!” And the editor doubts: “What about the surveys of five agencies?” “And they were bribed! Party gold! What can you say to this?

News went on air. And the PR man went on TV and spoke right from the screen about the survey, and about the students, and even shook him with a stack of sheets right on the air! And people in the city began to discuss and argue... Just like in the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh: “he comes in and comes out...”

And it all ended with 56% voting for one Democratic deputy. That is, this PR man was right! Which he did not fail to announce from the television screen.

And then he meets one of his acquaintances from these five agencies, and he says to him: “I followed all this carefully and made sure that you knew in advance that this would be the result. But how? No one bribed us... Why is that so?”

And the PR man grinned and said: “Yes, I knew. But I won’t tell you why that is, it’s a professional secret!”

But now we can talk about it.

The fact is that students have always been... lazy. And when they were told where to go, they naturally became lazy, and they interviewed relatives and friends, relatives of friends and friends of their relatives - that is, they received information only from one socially most mature stratum. None of them, of course, went to the wooden “Dog Paradise”. But when they were asked where they conducted the survey, they all unanimously named all areas of the city. And is it possible not to believe them? People necessary trust!

And then gubernatorial elections were to take place in another city. And there were three candidates: a communist, an “independent” and “from the brothers”. We found out about this in one... PR firm and decided that “communism” would not work.” They came to the “independent”, and he told them: “I’m poor, I have nothing to pay you with!” And they told him: “And we are out of principle. Should PR people have at least some principles?”

They conducted a survey, identified three existing streams of information and... advised this “independent”... to pompously send his wife on vacation to Bulgaria and so that she would not come until his victory! Well, he did just that, and all the “enemy” media loudly trumpeted that “Ivanov (let there be Ivanov!) sent his wife to Bulgaria, because he is clearly afraid of losing the elections!”

And they began to write about him with humor - “Oh, is this the Ivanov who sent his wife to Bulgaria?!”, “Ivanov, how is his wife resting there?”, “Who are you, Ivanov, having fun with in the bathhouse when your wife is resting in Bulgaria? - Well, and similar statements, our people love such sarcastic verbal exercises, even in VO this manifests itself.

But Ivanov does not pay attention to these equivocations (on the advice of his PR men), but firmly sticks to his line. And, judging by the polls, his rating began to grow! Here his opponents became completely enraged. And so it began! “Ivanov is the one who sent his wife to Bulgaria.” But what bad thing can you say about Ivanov? Only that he sent his wife to Bulgaria.

And people saw that they were spreading rot on Ivanov over little things, but in Rus', from time immemorial, who have they loved? That's right: fools and the offended. And it was Ivanov who was offended in the eyes of the people, and unfairly.

As a result, three information flows (two of strangers and with other people’s money, which is the funniest thing) merged into one, in which only Ivanov appeared all the time, pushing all other candidates into the background.

Who was the main figure in all the newspaper stories? Ivanov, of course. Who sent his wife to Bulgaria, which means he is “a caring person, he loves his wife!”

That's how the overwhelming majority voted for him.

Well, his wife arrived immediately, he met her at the station with a huge bouquet of flowers, and TV showed it all to the delight of his voters!

And since local elections were held very often in the country in the 90s, many such examples could be found. But... it will be better next time to talk about local PR during the Russian presidential elections, there were a lot of interesting things there too...

To be continued ...
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  1. +9
    30 December 2023 05: 25
    But... it will be better next time to talk about local PR during the Russian presidential elections, there were a lot of interesting things there too...

    Tell us, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    It will be very interesting to hear how and according to what guidelines a “non-nullified” voter got multi-day voting (the main thing is for what purpose), a “nullified candidate” with a chosen term of stay in the highest positions of power, and why, where and who put the “Against all” column on the ballot papers.
    1. +6
      30 December 2023 07: 34
      Quote: ROSS 42
      where and who put the “Against all” column on the ballot papers.

      But this is beyond my level of competence. I can only talk about what I know personally and could provide a source if necessary. I don't know the source here.
      1. 0
        30 December 2023 08: 18
        Current position
        In 2013, a VTsIOM poll showed that 43% of citizens supported the return of the “against all” column, including 34% of United Russia supporters. That same year, a bill was introduced to the State Duma to return the uniform. The authors proposed to make it mandatory to include the line in the State Duma elections, and to provide the choice to add it in regional and local elections.
        The initiative of the deputies was approved in 2014, the reform to return the column came into force in 2015. According to the final version, regional authorities can add a column “against all” in municipal elections. So far, only six subjects have taken advantage of this opportunity: the Republic of Karelia, the Republic of Sakha, Belgorod, Vologda, Kaluga and Tver regions.

        Totally here:
      2. +1
        3 January 2024 18: 40
        So there were elections in the 90s, and even real ones?
        1. +1
          3 January 2024 18: 42
          There were elections, yes! And very real. People fought not for fear, but for conscience!
  2. +4
    30 December 2023 06: 53
    Still, the authorities feel and calculate that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation can win, some are inflating prices in order to then sneak away with the loot abroad, others are preparing a red bow for their chest, others are changing their shoes in the air.
    Those who don't understand are throwing naked parties. hi crying tongue
    1. +1
      3 January 2024 16: 30
      Quote: V.
      Still, the authorities feel and calculate that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation can win

      Are they the ones who can’t find a normal candidate for party leadership?
      1. +2
        3 January 2024 17: 09
        There are enough normal candidates in the CPRF. But there is a struggle for power and the current government is nipping in the bud anyone who can compete. For example, Grudinin, Levchenko and others.
        Then the PR was well done, Pavlovsky died, but there were still enough talented but unprincipled people who could bring anyone without family or tribe to power. bully
        1. 0
          4 January 2024 01: 10
          Quote: V.
          There are enough normal candidates in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

          And where are they in the party leadership?
          Quote: V.

          Oh yes!!!! it is technically impossible to come up with a greater discrediting of the ideas of communism than nominating a billionaire as a candidate.
          Even if the entire leadership of the party went to the “naked party,” the effect would not be so significant.
          The Communist Party of the Russian Federation did EVERYTHING then - so that God forbid we won the elections by accident, we played it safe...
          1. +1
            4 January 2024 07: 36
            As Professor Preobrazhensky said, read the United Russia press less before lunch.
            You are completely brainwashed by TV. If he were just a grabber and a billionaire, he would have been in United Russia a long time ago. hi
            1. 0
              4 January 2024 09: 11
              Quote: V.
              You are completely brainwashed by TV. If he were just a grabber and a billionaire, he would have been in United Russia a long time ago

              Sure sure...
              For the Chinese and you, you are from the city, they didn’t see the 90s - never heard of the SPK-OJSC-ZAO chain in the 1990s?
              First, collective farmers were invited with shares into a group of joint-stock companies, then they were re-registered into an OJSC (an unlimited number of members and land cannot be sold without the consent of the members), then in various ways the shares were put into a group and voila - a closed joint-stock company.
              49 members, property can be sold to anyone at any time.
              So who has 96% shares of CJSC???
              And who can any moment to sell the land and other assets even to Biden (there are no restrictions)??? Along with the kindergarten and houses???
            2. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      5 January 2024 08: 01
      Quote: V.
      the authorities feel and calculate that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation can win
      The Communist Party of the Russian Federation may still have about 7 million voters left, but to “win”... You have seriously bent it.
      1. 0
        5 January 2024 08: 37
        According to Parkinson's laws, it seems that what is considered the most unlikely happens.
        Who thought in the USSR that the bourgeoisie would return and spread rot on the people? So there is no need to promise. hi
        1. 0
          5 January 2024 08: 58
          Quote: V.
          Who thought in the USSR that the bourgeoisie would return and spread rot on the people?
          The one who understood that a huge, unwieldy bureaucratic apparatus and the deprivation of the country of such resources for economic and political development as private and collective entrepreneurial initiative and political discussion, which creates competition for democratic choice, will bury the possibility of development and will inevitably lead to stagnation (stagnation). China has chosen the right path of economic development and socialism, outlined by Stalin.
          1. 0
            5 January 2024 09: 59
            But now, is our bureaucratic apparatus of supposedly democratic choice agile and is there political discussion and private and collective entrepreneurial initiative?
            We have only problems: there are no planes, then buckwheat, then eggs, then the auto industry is in the ass.
            Plus, they beat the army to the punch and everyone who feels like it is threatening and fighting with us.
            One thing that pleases us is the growth in income of oligarchs and senior officials. There is someone to dispossess.
            We are not Chinese, and I would not call what is happening there in its pure form socialism.
            We burned all of Stalin’s works, how can we know what Stalin planned. We have removed political economy, the history of the CPSU, scientific communism from institutions, we do not know an alternative to capitalism and are lost in the dark. soldier
            1. 0
              5 January 2024 10: 15
              Quote: V.
              But is our bureaucratic apparatus agile now?
              Much more agile than in the early 80s.
              Quote: V.
              Plus they beat the army to the plinth
              The army today is a subsystem of selection for civil service, a social elevator. What happened to the "Afghans", maybe you heard?
              Quote: V.
              We have removed political economy, the history of the CPSU, scientific communism from institutions, we do not know an alternative to capitalism and are lost in the dark.
              The institutes should not contain the listed pseudosciences that fill students’ heads with ideological cliches. The only benefit from them was that inquisitive students understood the value of philosophy and general categories for understanding the meanings and relationships of scientific concepts or everyday consciousness.
  3. +8
    30 December 2023 07: 59
    And there was a PR specialist who didn’t like it. He had no money, since his university did not pay salaries for two or three months, but there were students.
    "We will not name who, although it was an elephant" (c). smile
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 08: 09
      Quote: parusnik
      "We will not name who, although it was an elephant" (c).

      You'll never guess anyway. There are so many regions in Russia and so much PR that... you can find a lot of examples.
      1. +3
        30 December 2023 08: 17
        You'll never guess anyway.
        I don't do palmistry laughing hi Holiday greetings.
        1. +1
          30 December 2023 09: 46
          Quote: parusnik
          Holiday greetings.

          And you too! And most importantly - health at our age, I think this is the best wish.
          1. +8
            30 December 2023 11: 07
            And most importantly - health at our age [
            /b]Can't wait
    2. +1
      30 December 2023 09: 04
      it was a baby elephant

      Much time has passed since then, but we do not hear about the monument to the baby elephant, or about his grandiose political career, or even about his rich country villas or forest lands, ..... really. This is how the baby elephant lives modestly, despite his services to those above him.
      PR is a double-edged sword

      Poked the wrong person, put someone under the feet of the wrong person not so quickly request
      1. 0
        30 December 2023 09: 41
        Quote: Reptiloid
        it was a baby elephant

        Much time has passed since then, but we do not hear about the monument to the baby elephant, or about his grandiose political career, or even about his rich country villas or forest lands, ..... really. This is how the baby elephant lives modestly, despite his services to those above him.
        PR is a double-edged sword

        Poked the wrong person, put someone under the feet of the wrong person not so quickly request

        Dima, there are people who are not eager for a political career and do not demand gratitude from their superiors. He who rises high finds it painful to fall. The story of our Penza governor Belozertsev (and many others) is an excellent example of this. This is the true wisdom of an intelligent person.
        1. +2
          30 December 2023 09: 58
          hi Yes, of course, there are such people. But about the baby elephant..... recourse Surely, he would like a more significant reward for his work, besides the feeling of satisfaction from his cunning request ....and how can you ------
          demand gratitude from superiors

          It happens somehow differently
          1. 0
            30 December 2023 10: 59
            You, I see, are trying to tie all of the above to me, Dima, but it's in vain. I have books on PR published both in Germany and in Russia, thousands of students study them - that's the best reward for a specialist in this field. It is said, "everything you give is yours" for me personally, this is the greatest pleasure in life, to share my knowledge and help others on this path.
  4. +1
    30 December 2023 08: 00
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, good afternoon!
    Thank you!
    A kind of... Eroticism. Perhaps I chose the wrong word.
    But this is roughly how public opinion was formed before the next election. It was roughly the same as you described. Whoever they knew about, they voted for.
    It was always surprising that a businessman with several owned enterprises and a declared income equal to the minimum wage could become a deputy or the head of a locality.
    1. +4
      30 December 2023 08: 07
      Quote from Fangaro
      It was always surprising that a businessman with several owned enterprises and a declared income equal to the minimum wage could become a deputy or the head of a locality.

      I will also tell you how this happened...
  5. +5
    30 December 2023 08: 41
    It’s a little difficult for Russian TV viewers to watch the series. We are unfamiliar with the faces mentioned there, the names of the films and radio programs that the characters talk about, and the atmosphere itself is “not ours.” But it shows well what modern PR can do.

    “Election Day” is clearer and closer to us, and the atmosphere is there and what modern PR can do is also shown))
  6. +4
    30 December 2023 08: 45
    not a single one is honest wassat tongue a PR person wouldn't advise him to do this laughing lol

    Hmm-hmm recourse a very strange phrase. After all, absolutely all PR people taken together, and each individually, will say that free press is not for sale, something else like that, of course, they will prove, either themselves or together with lawyers, that this PR man is the most honest of all. How much shameless lies and slander we see, both from foreign media about the Russian Federation, and here about the USSR. And all this about their most honest honesty they shout
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 09: 43
      Quote: Reptiloid
      How many shameless lies and slander we see

      But no one has canceled the C grade students, Dima, and people who have absolutely no conscience.
      1. 0
        30 December 2023 10: 04
        Who are these, then, C students? Who publishes in leading foreign publications? Or teaches in our educational institutions? Somehow it seems doubtful, although, C students could have squeezed in, of course.
        1. +1
          30 December 2023 10: 38
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Who are these, it turns out, C students? Who publishes in leading foreign publications? Or does he teach in our schools? Somehow it’s doubtful, although C students could climb through, of course

          Among students, Dima, graduates of any specialty, unfortunately, there are always C students.
          1. -1
            30 December 2023 10: 41
            It is possible that this is so. In this case, you have long-term observations of jellies hi
            1. +2
              30 December 2023 10: 53
              Quote: Reptiloid
              In this case, you have long-term observations of jellies

              Anyone who has worked at a university will tell you this. There are always C students. And often with a "hairy paw", who then end up in various "warm places"! I once wrote about one of my classmates. You read this material and even commented...
    2. 0
      30 December 2023 10: 50
      Quote: Reptiloid
      .After all, absolutely all PR people taken together, and each individually, will say,

      Again you are wrong. they will tell you that everything in the world is bought and sold. The only question is the price.
  7. +7
    30 December 2023 09: 01
    Funny. Putin will still win, even if everyone votes for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
    1. +2
      30 December 2023 14: 43
      You were given a minus by someone who will still vote for Putin laughing Not me, I won’t go at all, there’s no point.
      1. -1
        30 December 2023 19: 23
        Quote: Dimy4
        You were given a minus by someone who will still vote for Putin laughing Not me, I won’t go at all, there’s no point.

        There is no point because so many people don’t go. You have already explained why they don’t go.

        I personally knew one semi-fool from science, who was even the head of a scientific center. He was an ardent supporter of Zyuganov, but in 1996 he voted for Yeltsin.

        And he boasted about it. He also said: “I gave my vote to Yeltsin, because there’s no point in voting for Zyuganov anyway.”...
        1. 0
          30 December 2023 21: 47
          There is no point because so many people don’t go. You’ve already explained why they don’t go...

          During the Yeltsin period, I always voted for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, I voted for GDP once, against it once, and never voted again (I never voted for United Russia).
        2. 0
          5 January 2024 08: 25
          Quote: ivan2022
          a lot of people don't go. You have already explained why they don’t go.
          The purpose of these spells is to reduce the percentage of voter turnout in elections. The spellcasters themselves, of course, will run to vote for their own. But the people will actively vote for the President. Again, nothing will come of you from lying.
  8. +3
    30 December 2023 09: 32
    I just found this in a telegram:
    A United Russia deputy from Vologda gave his colleagues a gift of egg packaging. Photo. Official office. A deeply provincial-looking man and women are holding a package of eggs in their hands. Judging by the color of the packages, this is a Village egg, Zelenoe village.
    So what is the deputy advertising (promoting) - his loved one, the party to which he belongs, or the company that produces eggs?
    Or this is an involuntary discredit of something.
    1. +5
      30 December 2023 16: 46
      Yesterday on the train I met Germans who decided to live in Russia instead of sinful Europe. Complex feelings, I don’t even know whether to be happy or somewhat sympathize. They will have an interesting "experience"
  9. +7
    30 December 2023 10: 35
    The author’s article can, in a certain sense, be considered a kind of professional education, that is, familiarization with the requirements of a profession for a person, in this case a PR specialist.
    In professional selection, as is known, there are 4 components: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological.
    We will not talk about the first three, but the fourth component, the psychological one, is described in the article quite clearly and it is clearly shown that if the applicant does not have the ability to trade his moral and ethical principles and "change shoes on the fly", then no PR specialist will come out of him.
    This is in case future "PR men" read all sorts of smart books like the university textbook by S. Cutlip, A. Senter and G. Broom, where it is written that the principle underlying professional
    ethics of a PR specialist is that the actions of a professional are aimed at creating
    the greatest good for both the client and society as a whole.
    In fact, in the modern world, PR and other social and communication technologies are used as organizational weapons in the hands of big business, influential political forces and the state who want to maintain their dominant position, protect their interests and prevent social and political instability from exceeding a critical level for themselves. .
    Accordingly, in the process of work, if an individual is not ready to change his moral and ethical principles in accordance with the strict requirements of the customer (the basic subject of PR - business, politics, corporation, party, person, etc.), he has nothing to do in the sphere of PR services and should choose another area of ​​realization of his capabilities.
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 10: 48
      Quote: Dekabrist
      university textbook by S. Cutlip, A. Center and G. Broome,

      By the way, a very good book
  10. +2
    30 December 2023 11: 29
    Thanks for the article, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
  11. +3
    30 December 2023 11: 53
    From an ethical point of view, it would be correct to send all these PR people to Siberia to clear the snow. But it’s like with atomic weapons, the refusal of which by our country will lead to the opposite of what people want and what is declared (for various reasons, from working for the enemy to mental disability) by its supporters. But like any weapon, PR must be under control, although this is not easy, to maintain the line between control and degeneration, an example of the propaganda organs of the CPSU during the sunset before our eyes. The only reliable criterion here will probably be the result.
    1. +2
      30 December 2023 15: 35
      Quote: Chief Officer Lom
      An example of the propaganda organs of the CPSU during the sunset before our eyes.

      Yes exactly. In 1988, a public opinion poll was conducted in Kuibyshev. People wrote what they want from the “combat and front line.” It would be possible to start restructuring work on its basis, right? What actually happened? They put him under the carpet!
  12. +5
    30 December 2023 13: 06
    received information only from one socially most mature stratum.

    Alone - yes, mature - not a fact.
    In any case, this is a good example of unfair manipulation.
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 15: 37
      Quote: kakvastam
      Alone - yes, mature - not a fact.
      In any case, this is a good example of unfair manipulation.

      In any case, we are an example of "doublethink" from Orwell's novel "1984". After all, we should trust people? Must! And not to believe... either!
  13. +1
    30 December 2023 13: 38
    No one can tell you that official manuals now advise answering uncomfortable questions from the electorate?
    about the lack of a turnout threshold and how does this relate to the officially awesome support (more than 70%) for the authorities?
    I heard on the tram that electrons elect the king of electrons by electronic voting. But these elections do not concern people.

    And so on... Give me a link to the manual!
    1. +2
      30 December 2023 15: 38
      Quote: Vadim Topal-Pasha
      Give me a link to the manual!

      If such a manual exists, which I highly doubt. So who will show it to you?
      1. 0
        17 December 2024 15: 37
        Yes indeed! But I really want to! :)
  14. +3
    30 December 2023 14: 35
    And people in the city began to discuss and argue... Just like in the fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh: “he comes in and comes out...”

    And it all ended with 56% voting for one Democratic deputy. That is, this PR man was right! Which he did not fail to announce from the television screen.

    And then he meets one of his acquaintances from these five agencies, and he says to him: “I followed all this carefully and made sure that you knew in advance that this would be the result. But how? No one bribed us... Why is that so?”

    And the PR man grinned and said: “Yes, I knew. But I won’t tell you why that is, it’s a professional secret!”

    It seems to me that this "professional secret" was not in the students' cheating, but in creating an informational pretext for "enters - exits ...". Moreover, "people in the city began to discuss and argue ..." - this is either an unverifiable conjecture, or discussions in the media, which influenced the elections. It seems that the opponents of the red belt were ready for these debates, or controlled them in the media, so they were able to influence in the direction they needed. The irony is that they could not do this without an informational pretext. And here they created it through foul play. But who judges the winners? This experience has scaled up to enormous proportions now, and we are still perplexed - why does everyone lie, and they get away with it? So the secret is not that someone is cheating (everyone cheats), but who owns the information field. Now we need to supplement Lenin's triad of railway stations-telegraph-telephone with another trinity - factories-newspapers-steamships. And it is not for nothing that newspapers occupy the central place in it.
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 15: 40
      This technique in PR is called the "dead cat trick" - a dead cat is thrown on the table in front of people and everyone starts saying "dead cat"
    2. +2
      30 December 2023 17: 39
      Quote from cpls22
      and in who owns the information field.

      Exactly! But the main place in it belongs to TV and the Internet.
  15. +1
    30 December 2023 15: 07
    After the electoral process itself faded into the background, political scientists, who became PR specialists and political strategists in 90-00, suddenly remembered that they were political scientists and went to work for the grain of propaganda. Now the guys who previously made campaigns to wring out the laundry of political competitors will tell us why there are no eggs and this is evidence of economic growth, why and how sanctions are healing us, in general, like Pushkin’s uncle, who read Adam Smith and was a deep economist, etc. Pushkin ridiculed his uncle with these lines. But it’s not funny to us, we have the same uncles, only younger, who tell us what’s happening in the world. Well, the quality of our examination is appropriate.
    1. +2
      30 December 2023 16: 18
      Only not uncle, but Onegin himself.
      1. +3
        30 December 2023 16: 36
        Yes that's right. Well, I screwed up before the holidays belay
        I'll go pick peas. I felt somehow ashamed. A completely ugly mistake.
  16. +1
    30 December 2023 15: 48
    And then one author remembered that he had friends abroad, in England and the USA, and in his city there was an international fax and telex station. That’s exactly how it was then: one such station for the whole city.

    And suddenly, out of nowhere, the author appeared and saved “democracy” in the country. Apparently the author has read the “correct” books throughout his life. bully .
  17. +1
    30 December 2023 15: 53
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: parusnik
    "We will not name who, although it was an elephant" (c).

    You'll never guess anyway. There are so many regions in Russia and so much PR that... you can find a lot of examples.

    But why? Are you a fan of delving into archives? There will be people who will look in the necessary archives for materials about this smart guy. Materials that do not burn or melt. And those people too. bully hi
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 17: 33
      Quote: Radikal
      There will be people who will look in the necessary archives for materials about this smart guy.

      It will be fun!
  18. +1
    30 December 2023 16: 14
    Quote: ROSS 42
    But... it will be better next time to talk about local PR during the Russian presidential elections, there were a lot of interesting things there too...

    Tell us, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    It will be very interesting to hear how and according to what guidelines a “non-nullified” voter got multi-day voting (the main thing is for what purpose), a “nullified candidate” with a chosen term of stay in the highest positions of power, and why, where and who put the “Against all” column on the ballot papers.

    Yuri Vasilievich. You are in vain bothering this “guy” with such questions, mimicry is his way of existence, by the way, he told me so in one of his answers. Don’t throw your pearls, he is now a “Star”, i.e. appears in some TV channel programs. Our shoot has ripened everywhere. Pimanov, aka Piman, knows who to find. I suspect that I may hear an accusation of envy - I have no doubt. This is in the style of such characters. Leave the beads in reserve for other authors. hi
  19. +1
    30 December 2023 16: 22
    Quote: Reptiloid
    it was a baby elephant

    Much time has passed since then, but we do not hear about the monument to the baby elephant, or about his grandiose political career, or even about his rich country villas or forest lands, ..... really. This is how the baby elephant lives modestly, despite his services to those above him.
    PR is a double-edged sword

    Poked the wrong person, put someone under the feet of the wrong person not so quickly request

    It's not a baby elephant, it's something else, and it's much more durable than you think. As Radishchev wrote - “It’s loud, mischievous, full of joy, and barks...”. hi
  20. +3
    30 December 2023 16: 28
    To all patriots of the USSR - Happy USSR Day! Happy holiday, friends! Health, happiness, prosperity, and all the best! soldier
    1. 0
      31 December 2023 16: 30
      I was born in the USSR! This is how my preschool childhood passed. Then capitalism began, and it took me a long time to get used to it --- after all, I wanted to be an October boy, a pioneer, a Komsomol member! I think you will like this excerpt from mine.
      The huge sun rose crimson,
      A time of trouble was humming over the world.
      Then they understood the party word,
      Party word, party business.
      There are plenty of Soviet songs on the Internet,
      And with the Immortal Regiment --- The banner turned red,
      And soon all Russian children will understand
      Both Lenin's word and Stalin's deed!

  21. +1
    30 December 2023 16: 36
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: kakvastam
    Alone - yes, mature - not a fact.
    In any case, this is a good example of unfair manipulation.

    In any case, we are an example of "doublethink" from Orwell's novel "1984". After all, we should trust people? Must! And not to believe... either!

    One gets the impression that Orwell is a kind of messiah, whose maxims must be believed recklessly. Characters like the author actively preach his theory from all angles. The goal is clear, but it is a subject for another discussion. sad
    1. 0
      30 December 2023 17: 35
      Quote: Radikal
      Orwell is a kind of messiah

      He just wrote the right things, confirmed by time.
    2. 0
      30 December 2023 17: 37
      Quote: Radikal
      The goal is clear, but it is a subject for another discussion.

      Maybe you can even write us an article on this topic? Then we'll talk. And that would be great! Think about it...
  22. 0
    30 December 2023 17: 38
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Radikal
    There will be people who will look in the necessary archives for materials about this smart guy.

    It will be fun!

    Everyone says that before... . bully
  23. 0
    30 December 2023 17: 40
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Radikal
    The goal is clear, but it is a subject for another discussion.

    Maybe you can even write us an article on this topic? Then we'll talk. And that would be great! Think about it...

    We discussed this topic with you earlier, look for... smart people, well, in general, you know. bully
  24. +1
    30 December 2023 17: 41
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Radikal
    Orwell is a kind of messiah

    He just wrote the right things, confirmed by time.

    Are you ready to discuss, open a debate, on this platform? sad
  25. 0
    30 December 2023 17: 53
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Radikal
    The goal is clear, but it is a subject for another discussion.

    Maybe you can even write us an article on this topic? Then we'll talk. And that would be great! Think about it...

    Yeah, that's how it is! You are the co-founder of topwar, why are you making me such an offer? sad
    1. 0
      3 January 2024 19: 06
      Quote: Radikal
      Why are you making me such an offer?

      Why shouldn't I do it?
  26. +3
    30 December 2023 18: 59
    If I were everyone else, I would be concerned about the following message.
    “Biometrics may appear in Russian passports. The innovation is provided for by the new regulation on identity documents. The corresponding decree of the Russian government was published on the legal information website.”

    Leaking personal information to scammers is not enough for us. They move on.
  27. +1
    30 December 2023 19: 33
    "Power corrupts,
    and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    This is just about my boss. wassat Fortunately for everyone around him, absolute power does not shine for him. laughing
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 19: 43
      Uh, wait. What if he is already a member of United Russia? Tomorrow he will graduate from the “school of governors” or “school of mayors” and voila. He is a baron, and you... alas. Be patient.
  28. +2
    30 December 2023 19: 37
    In Russia, there are still no debates between the current president and contenders.
    If society perceives such a thing normally, there is not even a need for PR.

    It all comes down to putting on a naval overcoat with a white scarf and making speeches with repeated repetition of the main Russian political theses:
    "Who else?..."
    "Well, you understand..."

    As a last resort, you can declare absolutely any nonsense. For example, that Zyuganov threatened to open the floodgates and flood Nizhny Novgorod.... This was about...
    Nothing more intellectual is really required. PR is too high laughing
    1. +2
      30 December 2023 19: 53
      And it won’t happen, Ivan. The strength reserve (from an economist's point of view) of this system is 3,5-4 years. Next there will be a collapse and this is not today’s type of “tightening”, but real ones.
  29. +4
    30 December 2023 20: 23
    that is, they only received information from one of the most socially mature stratum.
    Well, if you call lazy students and their acquaintances a “socially mature stratum,” then of course. Taking into account the fact that these students have not yet received a specialty and have not worked at all. That is, a happy childhood continued for them, and where they would work later was of no interest to them at all. I remember Foreign Minister Lavrov with his succinct statement.
    1. +1
      30 December 2023 23: 06
      Quote: Aviator_
      .... I remember Foreign Minister Lavrov with his succinct statement.

      Greetings, Sergey hi I haven't seen you for a long time wink really,
      And Lavrov’s word ----- for centuries!!!

      About PR recourse for example, although Russia now has a tricolor, somehow those at the top do not emphasize the connection between the tricolor and the White Guards.??? Although, of course, they know this. But this is not the first time the Author asks readers
      And what flag is flying over Russia today?

      And he himself clarifies in the same comment
      Isn't it the same one that developed over the "Officer" armored train?

      And what kind of PR is this? I’m embarrassed to say that the author wants to make some people happy, and wants to upset others. And earlier, in the fall of 2016, there was an article that I really liked with its description of armored trains.
      United Russia ---- White Guard armored train

      And it was just before the elections, I forgot who, I forgot where. And this, I think, now, having read today's article, of course was PR, and not just information. That is, the author specifically, without evading, shows who is who, so that we do not forget and do not delude ourselves. So that no one has illusions? Let them know and tremble?? What is there to instill stupid hopes?
      1. +1
        31 December 2023 09: 25
        “Let them know and tremble” excuse me, but Vyacheslav Olegovich does not look like a scarecrow.
        He seems to me: not a stupid person, but with an oddity. He can, for the sake of mischief, “hit an iron fence with a stone, or rather, write a scandalous article.
        1. +1
          31 December 2023 10: 59
          And note, I wasn't the one who suggested this.
          Quote from lisikat2
          ..... Vyacheslav Olegovich does not look like a scarecrow.
          He seems to me: not a stupid person, but with an oddity. He can, for the sake of mischief, “hit an iron fence with a stone, or rather, write a scandalous article.

          Nowhere did I compare him to a scarecrow, no need to slander him. wink lol on me! Vyacheslav Olegovich, I doubt that he will be happy with your opinion, wassat that you talk about him in his article in the third person and consider him “not stupid, but with an oddity.”‽??? That is. For example, I was thinking about PR and elections specifically for the relevant article, and not about the qualities of the author. My thoughts are not complete, I’m just trying to think them through, specifically about PR.
        2. 0
          3 January 2024 19: 02
          Quote from lisikat2
          but with a weirdo

          1. +1
            5 January 2024 06: 48
            Vyacheslav Olegovich, thank you very much for your understanding of humor, and that is, some have no sense of humor
            I had a teacher, he didn’t even know what humor was
            1. 0
              5 January 2024 07: 28
              Quote from lisikat2
              he didn't even know what humor was

              Unhappy man! And thank you!
  30. +3
    31 December 2023 06: 46
    The work of the election machine in Russia is most clearly shown in the 2007 film “Election Day.” The authors clearly knew how all this was done and how it worked.
  31. +4
    31 December 2023 07: 44
    Well, what can I say... In our city (29 thousand), the communists won, they put forward their own measure, who is really funny and funny! I can send you a telegram in a personal message. I personally know many “communists”, in fact individuals who climb into power for the sake of their own selfish interests! And here PR worked well, in fact, on similar punctures of former servants of the people! So we have Ukraine on a local scale!
    1. +2
      31 December 2023 11: 09
      Yes, unfortunately, modern communists do not make me happy. On the contrary. One killed a female elk, some completely insignificant one ran off to Poland to fight for the separation of Smolensk, then they support some strange laws.....
      I really like reading about the post-revolutionary time of the USSR. The time of breaking the old and building the new. It was precisely the time thanks to which the USSR defeated fascism and thanks to this force the world socialist system appeared, which all the bourgeoisie feared.
      1. +1
        2 January 2024 07: 53
        Dmitry "Reptiloid", like Eduard, I am interested in the topic of the formation of a new system, but in a broad aspect..
        1(Before Tamerlane, they had no idea how to create and manage such an empire
        2) the formation of Christianity. Before Constantine and his mother Helen, Christians were hunted like animals, and they built Christianity into the state system.
        3) the formation of states, because, after the death of Charlemagne, self-awareness as separate individuals began. The first kings or their ministers were forced to start from scratch
        In a certain sense: Lenin and Stalin had it both harder and easier. They started from scratch, but they had, albeit theoretical, but clues. And Stalin constantly tried to adapt previous experience to new conditions.
        It's more interesting to me
        DMITRY, don’t worry: I’ve loved Vyacheslav Olegovich for a long time and he knows it, which means he understood my point correctly
  32. -2
    31 December 2023 09: 08
    Vyacheslav Olegovich, Happy New Year to you.
    Thank you for your materials
  33. +4
    31 December 2023 09: 36
    Comrades, Happy New Year to everyone.
    I'm as tired as three dogs: I worked for 3 days and have to go to work tomorrow at 7,20.
    Q. Oh, sorry, but I prefer to replace PR and other terms with more rude but accurate ones
    So now PR is a “fucking trick”
    1. 0
      31 December 2023 11: 17
      Quote: vladcub
      Comrades, Happy New Year to everyone.
      Tired as three dogs: I worked for 3 days and have to go to work tomorrow at 7,20.....

      good Happy New Year! I've been coming home at 2am lately. I can't get over it for the second day. drinks as the folk wisdom of one very ancient people says wassat
      There is strength ---- there is work, there is work ---- there is money
  34. 0
    31 December 2023 10: 31
    Quote: Sergey3
    "Power corrupts,
    and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    This is just about my boss. wassat Fortunately for everyone around him, absolute power does not shine for him. laughing

    Don't bother and spit it out. Or maybe you don’t know - what if he submitted an application to the Central Election Commission to become some kind of 10th, or 100th candidate for the royal throne? These “pioneers” who have already submitted applications are simply ridiculous, and it will not be at all surprising (at least for me) when they chorus the voices that gullible people will give them, these characters will transfer them in favor of the guarantor. Nothing new, everything is the same as always, so we smoke bamboo, slurp popcorn, who likes it and who doesn’t like it, everything else. what Russian trade offers. With coming! drinks
  35. +2
    31 December 2023 10: 38
    Quote: lithium17
    Well, what can I say... In our city (29 thousand), the communists won, they put forward their own measure, who is really funny and funny! I can send you a telegram in a personal message. I personally know many “communists”, in fact individuals who climb into power for the sake of their own selfish interests! And here PR worked well, in fact, on similar punctures of former servants of the people! So we have Ukraine on a local scale!

    And who said that the creatures that have attached themselves will not interfere with the party? They were and will be. The USSR collapsed because of such careerist freaks and traitors. The main enemy was always looking for them, and found them. And he searches in all countries where he has interests. And that's okay. But the “successors” are not encouraging with their successes. sad
    1. +3
      31 December 2023 12: 29
      Quote: Radikal
      And who said that the creatures that have attached themselves will not interfere with the party? They were and will be.

      Yes, this is all understandable, party affiliation does not change the essence of a person. In my time, a member of the CPSU could at least somehow answer, although there were still... The saddest thing is that a specialist manager cannot be non-partisan, and when they promote him to leadership, they do not look at his business and moral qualities. Moreover, all these communist deputies are like a selection….
      1. -1
        31 December 2023 13: 29
        Quote: lithium17
        Quote: Radikal
        who said that the creatures that cling to themselves will not interfere with the party? .....

        ..... all these communist deputies are like a selection....

        Not all, but some....ugh! negative negative It’s disgusting to even say. Stalin, Molotov, Zhdanov, Kirov, Kalinin, Kuibyshev, Beria..... Lenin look at this whole mess and cannot understand how so many monsters appeared again in the Russian Land after absolute literacy, scientific progress and the victory of Socialism, not only in USSR, but also in other countries
        And Korea became free
        And Cuba, Vietnam and Congo!
        The rockets took off faster
        What was known to the child!
  36. 0
    31 December 2023 19: 52
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Quote: lithium17
    Quote: Radikal
    who said that the creatures that cling to themselves will not interfere with the party? .....

    ..... all these communist deputies are like a selection....

    Not all, but some....ugh! negative negative It’s disgusting to even say. Stalin, Molotov, Zhdanov, Kirov, Kalinin, Kuibyshev, Beria..... Lenin look at this whole mess and cannot understand how so many monsters appeared again in the Russian Land after absolute literacy, scientific progress and the victory of Socialism, not only in USSR, but also in other countries
    And Korea became free
    And Cuba, Vietnam and Congo!
    The rockets took off faster
    What was known to the child!

    I don’t understand you - are you for the “whites” or for the “reds”? winked Happy New Year! hi
    1. -1
      31 December 2023 23: 22
      I am for the Reds! About which I have different comments. You see, the topic of modern communists, their vices is unpleasant to me and I do not want to gossip, my relatives, who were all worthy people and communists, would not like it, I hope for better changes in spite of everything.
      Yes, in the first years after the Revolution there was the theory of a glass of water, as a protest against the bourgeoisie. But then it soon passed and became different. And today, apparently, the worst is showing. I'll PM you now.
      PS. The bell didn't ring
  37. -1
    31 December 2023 23: 25
    Quote: Reptiloid
    I am for the Reds! About which I have different comments. You see, the topic of modern communists, their vices is unpleasant to me and I do not want to gossip, my relatives, who were all worthy people and communists, would not like it, I hope for better changes in spite of everything.
    Yes, in the first years after the Revolution there was the theory of a glass of water, as a protest against the bourgeoisie. But then it soon passed and became different. And today, apparently, the worst is showing. I'll PM you now.
    PS. The bell didn't ring

    I agree with you. hi
  38. 0
    31 December 2023 23: 29
    Quote: Reptiloid
    I am for the Reds! About which I have different comments. You see, the topic of modern communists, their vices is unpleasant to me and I do not want to gossip, my relatives, who were all worthy people and communists, would not like it, I hope for better changes in spite of everything.
    Yes, in the first years after the Revolution there was the theory of a glass of water, as a protest against the bourgeoisie. But then it soon passed and became different. And today, apparently, the worst is showing. I'll PM you now.
    PS. The bell didn't ring

    If you wrote something to me in a personal message, I would have seen it. Now I looked through the messages and didn’t see them. hi
    1. 0
      31 December 2023 23: 44
      Unclear. It was imprinted in my personal message, I sent it from the article. And the letters are not opened why?? The bell didn't ring again
  39. 0
    4 January 2024 11: 07
    "Power corrupts,
    and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    that says it all, no matter where
  40. 0
    4 January 2024 15: 28
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Radikal
    Why are you making me such an offer?

    Why shouldn't I do it?

    There is no need to answer a question with a question... . sad