On the phenomenon of global economic incest and the extreme danger of underestimating it

On the phenomenon of global economic incest and the extreme danger of underestimating it

The long-term conflict between Russia and what we usually call the collective West has given rise to many theoretical justifications for its nature, causes and prerequisites. If, in general, everyone agrees that this conflict is of an essential, existential nature, then with the reasons and prerequisites the situation is much more complicated.

Problems with describing the situation

A kind of unwritten consensus postulates the ideas of a “global economic crisis” as prerequisites, and as the causes – insoluble contradictions between the elites of the East, West, and now the South.

At first glance, it is difficult to argue with the above theses: the conflict is essential, because in many respects it is a value-based crisis, there really is a crisis, and the contradictions between the elites are indeed extremely acute.

However, as usual, various immaterial entities are hidden in the details. And so, when it comes to details, for example, which elites we are talking about and what exactly their irreconcilable interests are, there is no longer any unity of opinion. And for years we have been following the description of the confrontation between the conventional “liberals” or “global financiers” and the no less conventional “traditionalists” or “industrial elites.”

On the one hand, this division is convenient, since it allows you to build analytics quite harmoniously, and God bless him that prognostication works like a clock that shows the correct time twice a day, but the description is distinguished by a certain logical harmony, which means a certain persuasiveness.

However, when it comes to who exactly is included in these “elite groups,” the most we can hear is again some “industrialists” and some “global financiers.” How patriotic American (let's start with them) industrialists can work without financiers at all is an inconvenient question. And, perhaps, even worse - seditious.

For several years now, without exaggeration, all Russian experts have been raising their hands in the air, hoping that it is necessary to put an end to the dominance of liberals in the Central Bank and ministries - proteges of these same financiers. And every time everything turns out like in a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky: “The fly (Russian expertise) screams and screams, but the villain (financial liberals) remains silent and grins.”

But whose particular protege, our financial liberal, who actually behaves independently, sometimes defiantly independently, in relation to the main institutions? Despite all the independence, it is quite obvious that our liberal is a person with executive functions. Perhaps the source of power then lies in Basel, where the heads of the Central Banks sit? But the Basel residents themselves are functionaries in their places.

Maybe the source is in the depths of the IMF and the World Bank, where they actually write macroeconomic instructions (in the past called “methodological recommendations”, “green notes”, etc.)? However, delving into the biographies of the heads of the IMF and WB, we will find many personalities, no doubt interesting, but never independent enough to rise to the level of “veto” in world politics. Undoubtedly, there is influence, and considerable influence, like the well-known C. Lagarde, “veto” - no.

Who is left with us? Apparently, the Fed, as a kind of heart of Kashchei - the dollar system, is the support of what for some reason is still called Bretton Woods, the Washington Consensus and the liberal financial model. But again we look at the representatives of this ninth circle of Dante’s hell, and it becomes clear that after P. Volker there is no one to look at - these are also functionaries, people-functions.

All that remains is to dive into popular conspiracy theories and look for control in the conglomerate of families from the TOP-50, represented by names that are so well known that there is no point in even citing them. Maybe the root of the “liberal financiers” is hidden there? However, the problem is that it is now becoming completely unclear who the “traditionalist industrialists” are then, whose leaders we include the same D. Trump.

D. Trump’s support is the oil industry, which he himself has never hidden and has never hidden. Moreover, he is sincerely proud of it. Is it possible to imagine large raw materials projects, especially in the United States with its stock market, without the equity participation of the largest banking capital? No you can not. Then how can they fight each other? The logic of the irreconcilable struggle between liberals and traditionalists is lame in the fact that in this case the secretive and well-known TOP-50 must play a chess game with themselves.

In fact, this question in one form or another is always asked in comments to expert speeches, and this is understandable, since natural cognitive dissonance arises - there is a struggle, sparks are flying, but there is only one root system. And even if the financial system is three times liberal, it cannot fight industrialists, and especially the American oil workers, who are its integral part. But for some reason there is a struggle.

All this means that expert descriptions miss certain important elements that, according to old memory and old schemes, attribute to “financiers” influence at the level of the 1980–1990s, but lose sight of the processes that transferred financiers to the category of hired management, with In this case, the mechanisms of influence of that same TOP-50 pool have also changed. The system of relations is described at the level of previous years, and the fact that it has undergone a serious transformation is left behind.

Cross-Ownership Phenomenon

The last few years have increasingly highlighted the growing influence of corporations and investment funds such as the Big Three: BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, as well as smaller players (the Big Thirty).

It’s no joke, the total assets of the troika are $15,7 trillion, or 85% of the entire stock market, if we talk about the United States in particular. The irony is that the head of the largest investment monster BalckRock, L. Fink, is also a manager, albeit a “playing shareholder”, a co-founder manager.

We can try to return the description of economic (and then political) realities from head to foot if we begin to delve not just into the structure of the assets of this three, and then the thirty, but look at the principles and methods of their formation. And we will see a phenomenon that the author calls “global economic incest.” Despite the pretentiousness of this name, it reflects the essential characteristics of the process.

Imagine a village where each household has a share of all other households, although not always equal, but obligatory. Now, if instead of a village we imagine a metropolis, then we will roughly get an idea of ​​what a mixture of the “Big Three”, large and medium-sized banks, industrial groups, the sphere of innovation, as well as the private sector in the form of individuals.

And the suburbs of this metropolis will include European, Russian, Arab, and Asian assets. Some have a little more shares, some have a little less, the question is that they (shares) are in everything and everyone at the same time. And the same banking sector, which today is called “the shaky pillar of globalism,” is also part of this metropolis with cross-ownership.

The information holding company has an indirect stake in the largest banks and vice versa, like an oil corporation, and also vice versa. Everyone owns everyone in shares, your competitor has a share of your company, you have his share. Oil workers have assets in information technology, electricians, and the IT sector, just as they have shares in oil and gas.

A year and a half ago, enthusiasts from the Wall Street Shadow project once tried to paint a picture of such a metropolis in the form of square shares, painted in different colors, in order to understand the ownership structure, at least within the specific BlackRock corporation.

At the eighth iteration, the picture turned into a single-color large square, as the fractions became smaller than the resolution of the screen. This almost communist metropolis-collective farm of the new era looked almost like the creation of K. Malevich. Below is the result of the first iterations.

As an example. The result of one of the first iterations for BlackRock
As an example. The result of one of the first iterations for BlackRock

All these corporations are husbands and wives of each other, owners of each other's property, relatives of each other's relatives, which is precisely why, by analogy, the name of the process of such “cross-pollination” of assets as “global economic incest” comes to mind.

But the “incest of assets” did not happen all at once, and the structures of the same “Big Three” were formed in the late 1980s. All this is true, but the main activation occurred after the 2008 crisis.

From that moment on, the system was progressively transformed from a financial-banking system to an investment-financial one. The difference is in one word, but the difference in essence is too great.

Many people remember the famous Bilderberg Club, the “300 Club” and the meetings of representatives of Central Banks in Basel. The club brought together the largest owners with different assets, where common approaches were developed taking into account different (we emphasize) interests, Basel formed the principles of managing monetary policy and, accordingly, emissions.

The difference in one word means the transformation of this system, where the largest owners are essentially the owners of one global asset with common interests, and Central Banks manage not monetary, but essentially purely monetary policy, i.e., the policy of taxes and maintaining demand at the level population and the sphere of business services directly related to the population.

The investment loan has been de facto withdrawn from the sole control of the “financiers”, and has been withdrawn for a long time. Moreover, the traditional investment cycle outside the decisions of the meeting of the largest owners of the metropolis is impossible, since it is essentially issued not by banks, but from the consolidated funds of the metropolis commune of a new type, at the request of which the largest banks issue funds.

The difference between the two models is so fundamental that it is generally strange that in 2023 we still hear about the struggle not just with global financiers, but also with some liberal model of past years.

It is no longer conservative, not liberal, it is a completely different model! Tellingly, after 2008, such economic incest made markets more resistant to various kinds of bubbles, fluctuations in demand and economic activity - the system redirects flows, relieving tension. It may not be ideal, it may not always be as technologically advanced as possible, but it is much more effective than in previous periods.

What other important difference? The fact is that now the investment cycle is not a national prerogative. And the point is not even that the dollar system dominates or is relatively dominant, although mainly due to inertia this happens in the minds.

In reality, investors do not even operate with a basket of currencies, but with some kind of average measure, where the basis is the guarantees of the new communards, and instead of a basket of currencies there is a basket of assets. Without them, you will not be issued either your investment currency in the form of investment loans from funds, nor will they be issued reserve currencies through the issuance of central banks.

The last of the Mohicans who still somehow live their lives, trying to survive in this disgrace, is China with its two contours of the economy and as many as four separate currencies: the internal yuan, the external yuan, the Hong Kong yuan, and the Macau yuan.

Everyone is amazed that for years we have been talking about import substitution, high rates of the Central Bank, monetary hunger, the imposed digitalization of everything and everyone, strange educational programs, and in general you can bring up a lot of strange things, but fundamentally everything remains in place.

Who is guilty? It seems obvious - financiers from the Central Bank and liberals. But the problem is not even in the liberals from finance, although they are indeed part of the supranational management, but in the fact that without participation in the metropolis commune you will not have capital investments, with or without the liberals.

There is no capital investment; any emission in excess of the calculated value will simply drive up inflation, and with rising unemployment. It’s possible to draw indicators, it’s a question of the breadth of the “artists’” brushes, but without the first there will be the second and third, even if instead of the odious E. Nabiullina put artificial intelligence.

Here one can even partially understand the domestic oligarchy, which understands that they need to become at least a carcass, at least a scarecrow co-owner of communal living space in a metropolis commune, otherwise the value of assets will be impossible to manage. Even trying to control.

Global economic inbreeding has not yet taken root in all processes, but the root system is expanding and branching every year. The saddest thing is that we still see the transition to payments in national currencies as a kind of panacea, a kind of magic pill. This pill is essentially chalk, a placebo, since there is a lot of emotional effect, but very little economic effect. The metropolitan commune doesn’t care what currency you pay in. If they deem it necessary, they will bypass sanctions and any policy and provide capital investments in major currencies; if they don’t find it necessary, there will be no “capital” with payments in national currencies.

Fighting within traditional approaches makes no sense

All this makes us wonder whether we really understand the scale and seriousness of the transformation that the world economy is undergoing. This is by no means classical capitalism, but a kind of distribution system, only it does not distribute profit, not even money in the form of records and something on paper, but distributes value.

And how do we fight this? Payments in national currencies, righteous anger at management raising rates, cooperation with the global South, which is squeezed in the same vice, perhaps even more so than ours? Here, even a complete copying of the Chinese model will not help, since the Chinese also went by trial and error, and not all errors were collected along the way.

We have long seen the political struggle in the United States as our own magic wand, which with a wave will solve issues of security and economic interaction. D. Trump relies on oil workers, and we are oil workers too - there is something to agree on. But who are the owners of the Trumpists' economic base? Yes, exactly the same structures as the owners of the assets of liberals and democrats, the same new Black Square.

Here is R. Murdoch, a media magnate, owner of a huge media network that is “drowning” D. Trump. R. Murdoch is, at first glance, a truly concentrated example of the force that stands for globalist democrats against Trumpian traditionalist industrialists.

But let’s rewind twenty years ago, of which today even the memory has faded. “We cannot retreat now. I think that Bush is acting very morally, very correctly, and I think that he is going to continue in the same spirit,” - this is R. Murdoch about the war in Iraq. “The greatest result for the world economy, so to speak, would be $20 a barrel of oil. That's more than any tax cut in any country."

This is not Trump, who directly wrote about the expropriation of Iraq’s cheap oil by force, this is R. Murdoch again. And there are dozens of such examples, they can be cited one after another. So much for the irreconcilable contradictions between the “traditionalists” and the “liberal model”.

Where, then, do these sparkling political battles between conservatives and liberals, Democrats and Republicans, blue and red and even black come from?

The problem is that politicians govern society, but do not govern the metropolitan commune described. They can ask for something there, but on the contrary it will not look like a request at all. Political battles are due to the fact that each side brings to the Troika or Thirty its own vision of how many more assets can be brought to the metropolis commune at the least cost.

Liberals say that we will bring five suburbs and ten villages with serfs for 100 billion dollars and in five years, conservatives say that we will bring twenty cities for 50 billion and in one year. Trump promises to end the conflict in Ukraine in one day, now you can understand who this is addressed to. They tell us - voters. But in fact, this is a program for investors, and in a purely American style: “We will do the same thing, only cheaper.”

At the same time, as in any political process, by and large, the source of funding for the left and right is the same, as is the customer, but who will “graze the flock” and formulate the external agenda is a struggle for this, sometimes sparkling.

To the same interested parties, functionaries offer “geopolitical projects”, under which those same ten villages and twenty cities lie, some are launched, and at the same time, some are slowed down, often sharply and with a drop in the ratings of political functionaries.

Of course, the Russian elite is trying, with varying degrees of success, to take advantage of the fact that the supranational nature of this investment machine can, if necessary, ignore national sanctions and barriers.

The Japanese need to release Sakhalin-2 - there are no sanctions. If there is a general consensus that gas in the EU should be predominantly in the form of LNG, and the share of LNG should grow, then it is probably clear that the pipelines need to be protected very, very carefully. And if D. Trump were in the place of J. Biden, we would still have to worry about the fate of the pipes in the EU.

On the other hand, J. Payet, co-author of Maidan, declares that he is supposedly “liquidating” our Novatek project “Arctic LNG-2”, and here J. Payet himself needs to think about whether he has taken on too much, regarding a commune-metropolis with a strategy for the development of global LNG. And we may well be witnesses to the fact that J. Payet will be given a slap on the ears for these initiatives.

In fact, we have come to the conclusion that the primary economic initiative in world politics is the economic initiative of the network of investment mega-corporations, and the programs of political parties, leaders, ideologists, and the actions of monetary authorities are only a reflection of these initiatives. If the reflection is distorted and does not produce results in the form of collection of assets, then programs and actions are curtailed; if not, they are expanded.

And now everything must be passed through the prism of what to do with this new system, how to interact with it, etc. If we interact, we will have to resolve the issue of capital investment in the Russian economy. The issue will be resolved, and no amount of E. Nabiullina will limit the demand here, it will not be resolved, but in the current model you can rearrange faces from place to place - everything will remain the same.

How can this issue be resolved? There is only one way - to transfer strategic assets to the metropolis-commune. And it doesn’t matter at all who in the West will come to the political Olympus, red, blue or multi-colored. Here lies an existential contradiction, and not in the confrontation of political elites. No one wants to transfer assets to the new communes, but they cannot live without investments.

Essential things will be decided in interaction with this new capitalist communism of the distributive type. Fighting him, as we do today, through confrontation in political, foreign policy and even geopolitical projects, is pointless, since for him any political platform is of equal importance. Whoever “herds the flock” better – let him stand at the helm. Who cares what kind of road it is, if it is a ring around this investment metropolis. That the herds will go to the right and to the left.

A certain horror of this model and at the same time a kind of devilish temptation for national elites is that, having become among the residents of an investment metropolis, the elite becomes the owner of the entire metropolis. Let it be in a fraction equal to a square, not visible on the screen without a magnifying glass, but in total. If you don’t enter, you won’t have the means to develop what you have. “To everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away” (Matthew 25:29) - they also traditionally love biblical allusions.

Now this is not just a conglomerate of TOP-50 names, there are also private investors and smaller corporations - this is already a “Big Family”, an antique family-type policy. And it’s not for nothing that translations of ancient heritage are now being re-purchased in all institutes all over the world - they have come in handy.


The fight against this system, which has become much stronger and more stable than the past Washington Consensus, more advanced and more promising than the ideas of K. Schwab with Davos and the Club of Rome, is a task whose goal is to separate the national value from the assessment and management of global value.

This is not about “defeating NATO in Ukraine,” not about “proving decadent Europe,” not about “returning the WTO to the right track,” and not even about “multipolarity.”

The only force that could balance this new model could only be a similar system built on the same principles. Cost to cost, assets to assets.

If players like China, Russia, the Arabians, and other countries suddenly manage to find some kind of consensus and create something like their “Big Three”, where the largest banks, corporations and sovereign funds of all players at once will act as shareholders for each other. Several mutual investment funds that will own the underlying assets, dividing them among themselves and mixing them, creating their own investment utility metropolis.

Then and only then there is a chance not to imitate the struggle, not to waste time at the expense of political projects, but you can even win it. Of course, the big question is how the model will be generally accepted, where Gazprom is conventionally owned by Saudi Aramco, the Mabudala fund and the Chinese Sinopec, and part of the Chinese banking system is owned by the Arabian PIF, etc.

And without such an ownership structure, in the current conditions, it is impossible to launch an independent investment cycle, without which it is impossible to obtain a sovereign financial system. That’s why you shouldn’t make fun of “values”; without such common values, it’s impossible to form common cross-ownership. And in this regard, we still have a little time to think and still return to the Chinese proposal with the value concept of the common destiny of humanity.

So far, the suspicion that the very formulation of the question in this way - to make an analogue of our international investment and financial model - evokes a feeling of sacred horror among our elites. Moreover, our people, apparently, do not understand the full depth of this feeling. And if the elite does not overcome this, then no matter how tight the string is, the assets will eventually be transferred to the new communards, whether the elite will be happy at the same time, the answer is far from obvious. We are a society, we definitely won’t.
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  1. +5
    25 December 2023 05: 43
    If players like China, Russia, Arabians, and other countries suddenly succeed
    Sorry, but suddenly only kittens are born... hi
  2. old
    25 December 2023 05: 47
    And Lenin illuminated the great path for them laughing
    1. +1
      25 December 2023 06: 17
      And he planted bombs everywhere! What a great terrorist entertainer! wink
    2. +2
      25 December 2023 06: 42
      Quote: old
      suddenly kittens are born...

      And then blind...
    3. 0
      31 December 2023 19: 56
      Quote: old
      And Lenin illuminated the great path for them

      In the 20th century, there were several attempts to go against the global financial and economic system. The Bolsheviks in 1917, the PRC and the DPRK in 1949-1950, the Islamic revolution in Iran and Afghanistan in 2021. Moreover, Afghanistan was thrown out of the system against its will, the United States confiscated the assets of this country, the US State Department instructed Putin and Lavrov to declare the Taliban terrorists. But the result of Afghanistan's free floating is the most significant. In 2 years, the life of an ordinary person has become better. An Afghan seamstress earns from 100 to 200 dollars, a nurse about 250-300, a surgeon receives about 500 dollars for one operation. This is approximately what a Russian intellectual in Perm with abilities no higher than average can count on. I mean that a teacher or kindergarten teacher in Perm is nominally a little richer than a Tajik seamstress in Shebargan, Afghanistan. Mishustin increased arms production. But Siluanov-Nabiullina donated 300 billion to the United States at the beginning of the Northern Military District. And apparently, with the export of hydrocarbons and metals, about 600 more. That is, the break with the West must be made bolder and more decisively.
  3. 0
    25 December 2023 06: 29
    Interesting. But it has always been like this, just on a smaller scale. The number contains squares. And before there were no computers.
    This is a typical economic system.
    1. +5
      25 December 2023 10: 47
      I don't agree. The typical system of the past was sectoral, but here the sectoral nature does not matter at all. This transformation took years, and like a frog that was cooked gradually, we did not notice it. On the other hand, this is the response of the capital system to the cost crisis and industry distortions, as they say from the inside. A kind of self-preservation instinct.
      1. +1
        25 December 2023 11: 57
        I don't agree. The typical system of the past was sectoral, but here the sectoral nature does not matter at all. This transformation took years, and like a frog that was cooked gradually, we did not notice it. On the other hand, this is the response of the capital system to the cost crisis and industry distortions, as they say from the inside. A kind of self-preservation instinct.

        The first exchange was founded in 1406 in Bruges (modern Belgium), on the square in front of the house of the Van der Burse family (bursa - wallet), which founded it.
        In principle, from that time on, money and its equivalents began to play the role of an independent industry.
        1. +2
          25 December 2023 12: 03
          The exchange, of course, is a long-standing, ancient thing, but a lot of time passed before this infrastructural setup began not only to manage value, but to assign and distribute it. Yes, they went towards this, gnawed through granite, but it’s still probably not worth comparing Bruges and the modern “collaboration” of investment funds.
          1. 0
            25 December 2023 12: 55
            The exchange, of course, is a long-standing, ancient thing, but a lot of time passed before this infrastructural setup began not only to manage value, but to assign and distribute it. Yes, they went towards this, gnawed through granite, but it’s still probably not worth comparing Bruges and the modern “collaboration” of investment funds.

            You will begin distributing free money as soon as you have it. In any industry.
            If there is enough money, then create your own distribution mechanism (bank, place on the stock exchange, investment fund).

            Take the Vtorov clan, 3rd in wealth in the Russian Empire.
            It would seem typical industrialists: the ZIL and Elektrostal plants (the founder of the city, in fact), the Pobeda photographic plate partnership, the Donetsk-Yuryev Metallurgical Society.

            And then trade and cash reserves were needed - the trading partnership “A. F. Vtorov and sons", joint-stock company "Supplier", Moscow Industrial Bank.

            Everything according to Marx: money-commodity-money. wink

            P.S. You classify Trump as an industrialist, but he just rents out apartments and feeds himself that way. laughing
            1. +4
              25 December 2023 13: 03
              Money can be distributed, I agree, if it is available, but the cost can be distributed, cough, cough, infrastructure is needed and a certain stage of development is historical.
              I don’t classify Trump as an industrialist; our propaganda classifies him as one. I even make fun of this lol . But for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that he really works as a mouthpiece for the American oil industry. He needs a platform, a base where he can stand with his feet in politics.
              1. +3
                25 December 2023 13: 15
                Money can be distributed, I agree, if it is available, but the cost can be distributed, cough, cough, infrastructure is needed and a certain stage of development is historical.
                I don’t classify Trump as an industrialist; our propaganda classifies him as one. I'm even making fun of this lol. But for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that he really works as a mouthpiece for the American oil industry. He needs a platform, a base where he can stand with his feet in politics.

                And money is the measure of value.

                You guessed it 100% right here.
                All that remains is to dive into popular conspiracy theories and look for control in the conglomerate of families from the TOP-50, represented by names that are so well known that there is no point in even citing them.

                And this is not a conspiracy theory, this is an obvious thing, look around you, you will find dozens of families, rich in the 5th generation. And this is where the broom of the socialist revolution swept through. angry

                But in the West everything is much cooler.
                House Lin has held this planet by the trunk since the 1394th century. The descendants of the first have lived in this castle since XNUMX. This is, you know, conspiracy theory. laughing
                1. +1
                  25 December 2023 13: 35
                  I gave in the material, I think, a good test example for these “reflections on the important.” This is a bidding and struggle for Arctic LNG-2. For prognostication, there is nothing better than specific examples with specific results. I suggest you watch, sparks will fly there, be healthy. Here it will be possible to see the limits of influence of political groups in the new investment “climate” of this metropolis wink
                  1. +1
                    25 December 2023 13: 42
                    I gave in the material, I think, a good test example for these “reflections on the important.” This is a bidding and struggle for Arctic LNG-2. For prognostication, there is nothing better than specific examples with specific results. I suggest you watch, sparks will fly there, be healthy. Here it will be possible to see the limits of influence of political groups in the new investment “climate” of this metropolis wink

                    The Arctic is already on the sanctions list, now we are waiting for elections.
                    Either in the USA or here. wink laughing
                    1. +1
                      25 December 2023 13: 46
                      So the trick is that such projects go ahead of the elections. This is like “green energy”, “electromobilization”, “digitalization” and so on. and so on. The supersystem should, in theory, win over the project from politicians and even specific industry specialists. Albeit without the possibility of supplies to the EU or with their minimization, but in principle it should be repulsed as a project. I think that everything will be resolved faster, but there will be a lot of emotions.
                      1. 0
                        25 December 2023 13: 51
                        So the trick is that such projects go ahead of the elections. This is like “green energy”, “electromobilization”, “digitalization” and so on. and so on. The supersystem should, in theory, win over the project from politicians and even specific industry specialists. Albeit without the possibility of supplies to the EU or with their minimization, but in principle it should be repulsed as a project. I think that everything will be resolved faster, but there will be a lot of emotions.

                        Yes, this is a small project on a global scale, the Japanese will calm down and endure it if daddy says so. And sanctions depend on elections, that’s what I’m talking about. But this is a particular thing.

                        But you correctly noticed that globalization is growing. As for me, this is a consequence of the unprecedented development of communication.
                        There are still competitors, but in the end there should only be one left. And then communism will come... hi
                      2. +1
                        25 December 2023 13: 57
                        The Yaps recaptured Sakhalin, although it was essentially “theirs”.
                        Let's see. It's not just a matter of scale, but also of principle.
        2. The comment was deleted.
  4. +5
    25 December 2023 07: 42
    It’s not Nabiullina in particular who is bad... The bad thing is that, according to the Constitution, neither her work nor the work of another director of the Central Bank is controlled by either the president or the government. There is no point in exchanging awl for soap. According to Russian legislation, Nabiullina is simply a representative of Russia’s foreign owners.

    It’s the same with the activities of big business. In fact, it cannot be controlled anywhere by the governments bought by this business.

    I believe that the essence of the conflict that the author writes about is the contradiction between classical statehood and the new international business statehood.

    The “collective farm” drawn by the author is a new international, interstate “State”. Which is opposed by other similar “collective farms”. And there is no erosion of capital, there is, on the contrary, a process of concentration of capital and power. The struggle at all times was precisely for this.
    1. +6
      25 December 2023 09: 27
      Quote: ivan2022
      I believe that the essence of the conflict that the author writes about is the contradiction between classical statehood and the new international business statehood.

      It seems that the root of the contradictions is even deeper, because it will soon become a reality that even a large owner will no longer be able to fully control what he owns. It is possible that contradictions begin earlier, already between the global investment elite and everyone else. The investment club will now decide everything: what will cost and how much, what will develop, and what is time to leave/die. We are no longer talking about state entities, but about the very basic principle of capitalism - private property. Soon you will be able to have a controlling stake in the company, but you will not be able to be its full owner, because if at some point in the opinion of global investment funds you go in the wrong direction, then the history of the company may end there. And if the project is very profitable and promising, then not the company, but your story may suddenly end... Who shouted so loudly and for so long about deglobalization and multipolarity? It seems that behind their screams they did not notice the formation of super-globalization, globalization in geometric progression. And it will be almost impossible to fight it, even though the author believes in alternatives
      something like its own “Big Three”, where the largest banks, corporations and sovereign funds of all players at once will act as shareholders for each other.

      The author is too optimistic about this. China hangs on a global hook no less than our country, and falling off this hook in many respects can lead to disaster. Saudi Arabia dreams of becoming a new center for the development of advanced technologies, but without the participation of the United States, these dreams instantly become a utopia... Now Russian business is too weak to be able to acquire significant shares of Chinese and Saudi mega-corporations, and I very much doubt that anyone will sell ... Maybe in theory it looks beautiful, but in practice it is hardly feasible.
      1. +4
        25 December 2023 10: 50
        Yes, we have the feeling that the top people live in some strange mixture of the Congress of Vienna, Versailles (on the side of the Entente) and Yalta. The result is always an analogue of the Berlin Congress. Whereas deep politics has already crossed postmodernity. Our rushing now to the South, now to the East, in general, well reflects the anxiety before this Leviathan, but nothing can be done. Because a dragon can only be defeated by another dragon. However, we are not alone in such an alarming state, the European elites are already gnawing, but the Chinese are at least coming up with concepts that are already close to an alternative. Another thing is that it is not possible to unite into a new dragon, because there is a lack of value unity and that very “nepotism” that we are talking about.

        The author is not that optimistic, but according to the law of the genre it is necessary to offer alternative options, so it is hard to believe in a union of this kind - the value layer is not the same.
        1. 0
          25 December 2023 12: 31
          Quote: nikolaevskiy78
          Because a dragon can only be defeated by another dragon.

          Here's another question. Is it necessary to defeat him? Well, actually. There was such a comic-tragic character. His name was Alonso Quijano. But at some point he imagined that he was Don Quixote. And he, too, fought desperately for everything good against everything bad. But was there any point in this?
          It’s clear that every “tycoon” wants to be the top of the food chain and the creator of the destinies of millions, or even billions.
          The question is how to reach this peak. The question is what, who and what will have to be sacrificed in order to achieve it. The question is the ultimate goal of this movement, because power and money for the sake of power and money is low and stupid..
          For if the ultimate goal is, say, the unification of humanity to solve the problems of overpopulation, space exploration, etc. - that might be a good thing, huh?
          Look, everything was so good for the Strugatskys in the World of Noon.
          Although, there is also a 40-thousander, with its God-Emperor..
          1. +4
            25 December 2023 14: 49
            And here the answer to the question will be precisely the worldview. It’s not for nothing that I give examples of what they collect in their mental bins. We often speak about their quasi-religious constructs as “Satanism”, “Gnosticism”, “paganism”. But I look at subscriptions to certain resources, and there is a massive order for a new translation of the texts of the Pythagoreans, some of the Neoplatonists and Neo-Pythagoreans of the 1st-4th centuries. Not the entire heritage en masse, but rather selectively in terms of time and authorship. This means that there is something there close to the model of worldview that this system sees as “its own”. But this is not Gnostics and not black cults, not the antiquity of the Renaissance. Eating there means not only “about money”, but also about something more than money and even power. Another thing is that this does not make it any easier for society to walk under the yoke of wild capital or an enlightened Pythagorean - it’s all one yoke and burden.
    2. +2
      25 December 2023 09: 58
      Quote: ivan2022
      I believe that the essence of the conflict that the author writes about is the contradiction between classical statehood and the new international business statehood.

      The “collective farm” drawn by the author is a new international, interstate “State”. Which is opposed by other similar “collective farms”. And there is no erosion of capital, there is, on the contrary, a process of concentration of capital and power. The struggle at all times was precisely for this.

      True thoughts in these two paragraphs.
      “It would be more convenient to call this new international, interstate “State” a global financial state.
      In addition to it, there is a much less distributed Chinese financial state. There is an even weaker Russian financial state. There are smaller financial states like Iran.
      On the global financial field, the struggle is for the inclusion of other financial states in the global financial state. In this regard, the defeat of the “Komsomol” group in China by Chairman Xi is indicative. This group advocated the inclusion of the Chinese financial state in the global financial state. And Chairman Xi led China along the path of further building its global financial state.
  5. 0
    25 December 2023 09: 05
    The capitalist system is in crisis and deep, so they are looking for ways out of the crisis.
  6. +3
    25 December 2023 09: 16
    . Everyone is amazed by the fact that for years we have been talking about import substitution, high rates of the Central Bank, money hunger, the imposed digitalization of everything, strange educational programs, and in general a lot of strange things can be cited, but fundamentally everything remains in its place.

    Because you can't rock the boat. For such initiatives they give a slap on the wrist. The best you can do is move the beds (but not the whores).
  7. +2
    25 December 2023 12: 52
    It should be remembered that finance, law, religion, morality and other outrages are elements of a society’s management system, which must correspond to its, society’s, complexity, as well as the challenges emanating from the environment.
    The extremely decentralized model described by the author is extremely poorly suited to respond to a rapidly changing situation, so we should expect a transition to more tightly controlled structures.
    1. 0
      25 December 2023 14: 39
      Here it will be interesting to compare the example from Wall Street Shadow, which is given in this material, and research from 2014 led by J. Glattfelder from the University of Zurich. At the same time, you can see how the ownership structure has changed over 10 years. On the one hand, you are right - there are more private owners and minority shareholders, but the core has become even more concentrated. Even the TOP 30 can be traced. The authors, like you at that time, concluded that the model was unstable, only on the opposite theses; they considered this as a consequence of concentration. However, recent crises have shown that such a system has become relatively successful in absorbing market fluctuations and even local bubbles. Over the course of the calendar year, they simply and even gracefully deflated two bubbles. And some decentralization helped here, that is, concentration and decentralization go in parallel. Here is the 2014 model, digitized, there are very few private owners, in the current one you can look at the 4th iteration (white color) there are already more of them, on the 8th they will also merge into one background, of course.
      1. +2
        25 December 2023 16: 04
        There were more private owners and minority shareholders, but the core became even more concentrated.

        An analogy with our own nervous system suggests itself - there is both a central part and a peripheral one, which eliminates many problems.
        However, this was to be expected.
        1. 0
          25 December 2023 16: 05
          A very interesting comparison, worth thinking about hi
  8. +1
    25 December 2023 13: 42
    All wars between social classes of the same state formation or different ones always pursue political economic goals - a war of slaves against the oppressors, an intra-class war between individual clans of the oppressors, the seizure of foreign productive forces - territories, slaves, minerals, means of production, trade communications, etc.) , and therefore are divided into fair and aggressive, the line between which is determined by class affiliation. The war of slaves for their rights against the oppressors is fair in relation to the slaves and at the same time fair from the position of the oppressors who defend their property acquired by back-breaking labor.

    There are two social classes – the oppressors and the oppressed. Between these two classes there is a social stratum of elite slaves close to the oppressors - government officials, heads of law enforcement agencies, industrial enterprises, figures in agitprom, culture, science, education, healthcare, etc.

    The ruling class is the large owners of the productive forces, which in the Russian Federation include members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs - the owners of “steamship newspaper factories”, whose fortune exceeds the annual state budget, and as we know, who pays the tune calls the tune for state policy.

    The driving force of capitalism is profit, which predetermines intra-class disagreements and contradictions, and at the same time class solidarity in defending what has been acquired through back-breaking labor.
    Competition leads to the consolidation of production and the formation of monopolies, which, as they grow, become cramped within the state framework and strive to enter the world market in pursuit of new markets, sources of raw materials, equipment, technologies and other productive forces.
    In the course of natural selection in the world market, further concentration of capital and power occurs, international monopolistic associations are formed that go beyond the jurisdictions of states and which, through controlled governments, themselves form international institutions and set rules.
    Today's turbulence in the world is associated with the entry of the largest monopolistic associations of the PRC and the Russian Federation onto the international stage, which predetermines the struggle for the redistribution of spheres of influence and the reorganization of the world.
  9. +1
    25 December 2023 14: 01
    But who are the owners of the Trumpists' economic base? Yes, exactly the same structures as the owners of the assets of liberals and democrats, the same new Black Square.

    It seems that they have different economic bases. Just as Trump himself has his own independent economic base, so the Trumpists have their own independent economic base. Otherwise they would have been devoured long ago. The fight in the states is extremely tough.
    One example.
    During the Trump administration, the US economy was dealt a blow to the financial sector in order to reduce its performance. The Trumpists were able to absorb this blow.
    With a total eq. the Trumpists would not be able to do this.
  10. +2
    25 December 2023 14: 03
    Great article. More serious than “Russia challenged the countries of the golden billion.” Here you can see how she “threw.” That's right, we need to create an alternative system. It is not necessary to buy each other something. But you need to have your own full-fledged and liquid (!!!) currency and your own governing bodies. The option when we trade with India in unnecessary rupees shows this.
  11. +2
    25 December 2023 14: 19
    About the phenomenon of global economic incest....
    The “community of mutual responsibility” described by the author could easily absorb all Russian resources by simply cooperating with Russian oligarchs. However, it chose to end the conflict with Russia, even to the point of armed conflict; it is now at enmity with China. Author, why does the collective farm you described need all this, since it is really so strong that it has all the economic and political (as you describe it) power?
    1. +2
      25 December 2023 15: 32
      Because they cannot manage cost within a single cluster. They can’t yet, they can’t yet, it’s not that important, the important thing is that they can’t and cost clusters have already emerged on their own, naturally. Therefore, it is easier to lead this process and try to manage it until a new intersectoral approach is developed. Costs across industries must be balanced, otherwise there is no point in producing, because there is no interest in this for the owner. They usually say that there is no demand, but it is not that there is no demand, it is not interesting to offer. This is a conceptual problem and will be solved somehow
      1. +2
        26 December 2023 11: 16
        That is, he has no methods against Kostya Fedotov, he is not as strong as you described. He can’t cope with North Korea.
        In general, your “collective farm” is just an alternative attempt at globalization. It didn’t work out through global corporations (Trump, by the way, put a spoke in the wheels by burying the trans-Pacific partnership), they decided to try taking away property through unification into a collective farm. Do you remember what the unification into collective farms meant for the peasantry? First the owners, then everyone is equal in ownership, then just a state farm (that is, they will accept the rule that you can’t sell your shares and leave the “collective farm”), then privatization in favor of a small group of the very first among equals.
        You also have a strange relationship with cost. What are the car plants in Detroit worth now? Scrap metal. When were cars made? What is the difference that the cost varies so much?
        The same applies to work. What is the cost of a hole dug in your own garden? None. What about a trench for an oil pipe? What's the difference?
        1. +1
          26 December 2023 12: 09
          Apparently the colleague below is right that a separate material should be made about the cost. If you are writing about a trench that has no value or about scrap metal. Firstly, it has. Secondly, it can still change at the same time.
  12. +1
    25 December 2023 17: 13
    This is by no means classical capitalism, but a kind of distribution system, only it does not distribute profit, not even money in the form of records and something on paper, but distributes value.

    A layman's question: what are the levers of this distribution? What makes a value such?
    M.b. Having understood this kitchen, you can find an alternative solution without assembling a counter-team with players who are obviously less experienced. In general, playing second number, symmetrically, is predictable and therefore doomed to failure.
    1. +1
      25 December 2023 17: 52
      This is never a layman’s question; moreover, the question is posed adequately, as is the preliminary conclusion. In fact, this is generally the basic problem and the root of what we have been calling the “crisis of the system” for years.

      The value of such is the somersault that asset valuation has done in several stages over about 120 years. From (let’s call it) a “pure political economic model”, where all parameters (even patents and labor time) were reduced to material costs, it moved to a model of almost arbitrary cost assessment. This path is quite interesting to follow and needs to be followed, it’s just unlikely to fit into the framework of the commentary. But according to the results, we have the following - we take a nail, the costs for hardware are 0,2%, the costs for equipment are 2,0%, the costs for commerce are 10% and the costs for software are 40%, patents and licenses are 20%, market admissions related to the last two factors - 10%, taxes and government costs - 15%. This is a speculative picture, even deliberately exaggerated, but it gives a general idea. It is logical in the end, if we look further, that it becomes literally uninteresting for a producer of electricity from oil to produce nails, a producer of iron for nails, a manufacturer of equipment for the production of nails, etc. to increase production. For what? After all, the value of their assets = X, and the value of “innovative” companies is X * 10.
      You are not interested in releasing a new car not because there is no buyer, or rather, there is one, he (the buyer) has a cheap loan, the bank will approve, etc. But you, as a manufacturer, are no longer interested, because your production, even if you increase sales, will cost very little, and the further you go, the cheaper it will become. You expand, but you get poorer. As a result, the investment cycle is disrupted. It is precisely these investment pools and corporations that are called upon to expand this paradox, which ideally should form a new “fair” balance of value.
      I describe this in very broad strokes, because the topic is very interesting and multifaceted. And I haven’t cited all the factors here. After all, it is also important how the theoretical base developed over the years, which shaped the perception in the heads
      1. 0
        25 December 2023 19: 33
        Thank you.
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78

        This path is quite interesting to follow and needs to be followed, it’s just unlikely to fit into the framework of the commentary. .
        .. After all, it is also important how the theoretical basis developed over the years, which shaped the perception in the heads

        It would be interesting to read about this in detail.
        And the perception in the heads is, after all, a question of both ideology and the foundations on which the notorious “rules-based order” stands. Isn't that right?
        1. +1
          25 December 2023 20: 24
          You can try it in detail. If you manage not to “overcomplicate” the text. In general, such material really suggests itself. Need to think.

          What about the theory? Here we have two problems - general and specific. The general point is that since the early 1990s, “Marxism” has been burned out of economic theory with a hot iron. I still remember how, when going to courses before entering one of the large universities at the MSK in 1994 (I really didn’t go there in the end and I think it was for the good), we were directly told: “there is no Marxism in the exams.” But the fact is that Marxism was then understood in general as the whole of classical political economy, and this is not Marx as such, Marx is just one of the classics, but all economists, both before Marx and after him, up to the 1930s, also belong there .

          Accordingly, all terminology was erased, replacing it with Newspeak. Moreover, this newspeak was concocted in such a way as to teach specifically countries with the so-called. “an economy of transition type” - such experts in the capitalist world as Hungarians, Poles, Czechs, Romanians, Slovaks wrote manuals to us. In the West they were not needed for nothing, but they gave us a kind of “base”. Well, ours drew from there with a full cup.
          In political economy, questions of cost are the basis; in the new execution, there is no cost at all, but there is cash flow management. The difference is fundamental, but it becomes clear if you consider that the cost is controlled THERE, and the correctness of the cash flow HERE. From the point of view of the division of functionality, it is logical, but over many years the terminological base has been knocked out in order to evaluate this logic and functionality within Russia. By 2015-2017, we can say that it was completely knocked out.

          The second particular problem is that in recent years, in our information space, all the economic forecasting has taken over, well, just the “Khazinians,” but also VIIIYA with all their projects. I'm not against military translators philosophizing, but they have no basis at all. The fusion of M. Khazin and VIIIYA gave birth, in terms of theory, to a generally centaur who cannot be described digitally. These are quasi-philosophical constructions. But economics is a quantitative science. They added more trash here with terminology like “liberal model”, “breakup into currency zones” and so on. Some kind of alloy of the postulates of the 90s, 80s, 2000s, elite theory and outright gag. But over the years, these terms have firmly entered into circulation!

          Well, another special case is our young Marxists, among whom there are very literate and interesting characters, like O. Komolov, but they reeled even more steeply - they abandoned Newspeak altogether and completely went on the rails of the “classics”. As a result, they cannot adapt it to new realities. So the theory is all oh so fun.

          P.S. A world based on rules is a thesis adjusted to the situation about the primacy of several principles that underlie the ten rules of the so-called. Washington Consensus: free trade, free movement of capital, independence of the monetary system with uniform accounting standards. There are other interpretations that do not contradict those given.
          1. 0
            25 December 2023 20: 47
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            You can try it in detail. If you manage not to “overcomplicate” the text. In general, such material really suggests itself. Need to think.

            And about the theory...

            It would be interesting. As for complexity, the problem is probably also that there is no terminology that takes into account a general view of the subject, but only thesauri, each covering its own “school”. In general, an educational program in simple words on this topic would clarify a lot (for me, that’s for sure). This is what Komolov is good at - he uses concepts that were learned by the majority in school.
            Although many things have had to undergo significant changes since then, because social relations have received many opportunities, at least technically...
            1. 0
              25 December 2023 20: 53
              Komolov is gorgeous, but apparently he and many of his colleagues were so fed up with Newspeak and imposed standards that they generally went on the rails of the theory of the early 20th century (although they carefully hide it and do not admit it wink ), but this is why (I personally think) they have problems interpreting the current period. With that approach, the hands want to attribute everything “to the concentration factor,” but there are nuances winked
              1. 0
                25 December 2023 21: 04
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                apparently he and many of his colleagues were so fed up with Newspeak and imposed standards that they generally went on the rails of the theory of the early 20th century

                The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is the need for an independent revision of this theory, detached from the imposed standards. A natural reaction to the imposition of something new is to refuse revision under given conditions. This is a trap, because revision of existing knowledge (theory) is periodically necessary in any field.
                1. +2
                  25 December 2023 21: 11
                  I also see this as an adequate way out of the impasse, but there is a BUT... Judging by the reviews of those classmates who remained in the educational system, and these are already venerable deputy heads of departments, doctors and even one professor, all this rests on the bureaucratic base, which can only be revised “from above”. It’s easier to insert a completely new subject into the grid (quietly) than to change approaches and methodology. But you can introduce an independent subject outside of the general concept only at the level of an additional discipline with a “pass” grade. It's a hell of a kitchen there
                2. The comment was deleted.
  13. +1
    25 December 2023 20: 17
    Everyone is amazed that for years we have been talking about import substitution, high rates of the Central Bank, monetary hunger, the imposed digitalization of everything and everyone, strange educational programs, and in general you can bring up a lot of strange things, but fundamentally everything remains in place.
    And where is the “existential conflict” here (compare with the next paragraph)?!
    Here one can even partially understand the domestic oligarchy, which understands that they need to become at least a carcass, at least a scarecrow co-owner of communal living space in a metropolis commune, otherwise the value of assets will be impossible to manage. Even trying to control.
    Only oligarchy (which we don’t have)?!
    On the other hand, J. Payet, co-author of Maidan, declares that he is supposedly “liquidating” our Novatek project “Arctic LNG-2”, and here J. Payet himself needs to think about whether he has taken on too much, regarding a commune-metropolis with a strategy for the development of global LNG. And we may well be witnesses to the fact that J. Payet will be given a slap on the ears for these initiatives.
    It’s not that simple: MOSCOW, December 25 - RIA Novosti:
    Foreign shareholders of the Arctic LNG 2 project, which came under US sanctions in early November, declared force majeure on their participation in the project, the Kommersant newspaper reports, citing sources in the Russian government.
    “Foreign shareholders of Arctic LNG 2, due to US sanctions, declared force majeure under their agreements in the project, sources in the Russian government told Kommersant. This means that the shareholders of the LNG plant are abdicating their responsibilities for financing it and fulfilling offtake contracts for LNG. We are talking about the French TotalEnergies, the Chinese CNPC and CNOOC, as well as the consortium of the Japanese Mitsui and JOGMEC"
    1. 0
      25 December 2023 20: 31
      So I specifically brought up Arctic LNG-2, so that using its example you can see how the given scheme works. This is convenient for everyone - the topic is well-known, the topic is acute. So it will be more convenient for everyone to check the correctness of the conclusions. It’s good when prognosis can be verified with specifics. There, the struggle has just begun and it will be possible to observe its progress and draw conclusions.

      As for the first part of your comment, unfortunately, I didn’t quite understand what you meant. hi
      1. 0
        25 December 2023 20: 36
        The long-term conflict between Russia and what we usually call the collective West has given rise to many theoretical justifications for its nature, causes and prerequisites. If, in general, everyone agrees that this conflict is of an essential, existential nature, then with the reasons and prerequisites the situation is much more complicated.
        1. 0
          25 December 2023 20: 48
          Well, that's right - becoming a co-owner of a communal area means essentially giving away sovereignty over assets (this also applies to oligarchic property; as the head of a corporation, you not only manage, but also dispose). Not to become means to gain limited sovereignty, but on the other hand, there is no opportunity to develop, manage, manage the results. Well, of course it (the conflict) is essential, since there are such contradictions. Here part of the oligarchy is fighting furiously, while the other is clutching its head, looking at the results and drinking Valocordin winked
          1. 0
            25 December 2023 20: 56
            Everything here is very difficult and the soil is quite slippery. Most of the large and none of the especially large “entrepreneurs” (non-existent oligarchs) benefited from the transition to open conflict with the West at all. Like, until recently, the majority of the upper layer of bureaucrats (instead of the especially large ones - this is the “elite” of the country). The “existential” decision must be made by a rather narrow circle of people on the basis of information known only to them and indisputably correct... winked
            1. 0
              25 December 2023 21: 14
              Well, after all, it was accepted within the framework of the primacy of “independence.” Even if many did not agree. Another thing is that it was necessary to prepare for such steps in some other way. As a result, everything looks more and more wonderful the further you go
  14. +1
    26 December 2023 12: 09
    Beautiful and true to life. The question is why was Gaddafi killed?
    1. 0
      26 December 2023 12: 30
      They all killed him together, and everyone who was together had different interests. By the way, the United States didn’t really want to get involved in this at first. But, if you mean a gold dinar pegged to oil or similar ideas, then I am not a supporter of the version that this factor was the main one. As a factor - it was, but it was not the main one.
      1. 0
        26 December 2023 12: 56
        Irrigation... and a lot of things. Logging out of the system is the goal and yes, including the gold dinar as one of the instruments. Well, since they killed him, it means he was on the right path. Your article shows well that “different interests” have one owner.
        1. +2
          26 December 2023 13: 03
          The case of Gaddafi is indicative in that the first place was initially not strategy, as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, but private and base political interests. Then, when the coalition was being assembled, they began to think about the big and geopolitical, and here you are right, this big and geopolitical thing was found. That's why this story is disgusting. By the way, you can refer to this topic and refresh the description of events
  15. 0
    31 December 2023 17: 59
    The author has broken down what is understandable to international economists, which is 0,001% of the population. But it's not a problem. It is enough for the country to have 50-100 great economists who will chew it over and explain it for the elite. No matter how they scold the same Gref, he is just one of those. Expertise is most often not popular. Essentially, as I see it: the West denies the right of the Russian world to be a worthy participant in world governance, the maximum that they give us is to give our resources and will to the West in exchange for a cottage in the suburbs of their capital. Putin sent it twice - in February 2007 in Munich, but politely, and in February 2022 in Moscow - fully. The author very accurately described what Russia is now trying to do - to launch the registration of a non-Western investment project, for them this is a terrible nightmare and, if it starts to work out, they can press the red button. Now it’s no longer a secret to anyone how striped they really are. Gangsters.
  16. 0
    31 December 2023 18: 40
    Interesting article. It’s just not clear what the author understands by investment? If, in his understanding, investments are some kind of resources, then why are they needed? If the author understands from the investment something very interesting that we do not have, such as the production of microprocessors using five nanometer technology, then no one from this global film of capitalism will simply part with such investments. Accordingly, if we fence ourselves off and arrange our own cinema, wine and dominoes, then this will only benefit us.
    1. 0
      2 January 2024 13: 27
      In this case, we must understand by investment what is called “capital investment”, i.e. investments in fixed assets, renewal and development of fixed assets. They are also called direct investments (if external receipts are taken into account).
      These investments are lower in volume than the working capital attracted, but they have a cumulative effect. At the same time, without capital, you cannot count on attracting a lot of turnover.
      1. 0
        2 January 2024 16: 14
        What prevents the sovereign from developing fixed assets and investing in them? Why is Finincest (crossed out) Finintern necessary? Even if they have something vital, why can’t they exchange it and buy something vital for them? The same, for example, energy concentrates.
        1. 0
          2 January 2024 16: 57
          Logical question. But here we return to long-standing dialogues on various platforms about the “insidious IMF” and its “corrupt collaborators.” Jokes aside, we really do have an end-to-end system of macro-economic accounting. In essence, macro-accounting is built on a similar principle. Formally, it has the “System of National Accounts” in the SNA database, although it is broader.

          It is used generally everywhere and ensures uniform accounting. The IMF has methods for analyzing indicators, and based on the results of the assessment, “methodological recommendations” are formed quarterly for each country. This is vaguely reminiscent of the annual “Chart of Accounts”, but only with a number of target indicators in percentages and absolute values. It’s just that if you are part of this accounting system, then everything inside you is built on these principles and methods. Well, or leave it, at your own peril and risk. And this, in essence, is the basis for issuing, or multiplying the growth of direct government spending, which is not always even technically possible.

          Parameters such as, for example, national emissions are linked by formulas to a number of others. These are not orders, of course. They won’t write there that it is necessary to issue X. But through the same inflation and the lending rate, this issue is completely regulated. But this is what is rumored, not rumored, but no less influential are such factors as: reserve norms, standards for collateral on assets, equity capital adequacy criteria for various loans and the like. If you took out loans, you probably had intense communication with analytical and departments that do not so much analyze, but put your reporting into a stencil and get the result. But the methodology is being formed in the Central Bank.

          Thus, you formally always have a lack of internal resources and the need to turn to external markets. And for investment funds that work with top banks, you have your own necessary and sufficient system of rating indicators. For example, you always have low official inflation, which means this is a positive signal for external financing. But here it’s probably better to look at some specific examples.

          If you are interested, you can give me some two or three indicators and I will link them together as an example.
          1. 0
            2 January 2024 17: 23
            Now it is clear. It was under this system that, for example, the LDPR was a subsidized region, generating up to 70% of foreign exchange earnings. So to speak, the neocolonial system in all its glory. But by carrying out sovereign “fencing” now, nothing will interfere with our development? Well, except perhaps for a lack of political will? Am I understanding the situation correctly?
            1. 0
              2 January 2024 17: 35
              The problem with fencing is that leaving this system means almost complete autarky for the state and its economy. Those. loneliness. Yes, this will happen for a while, but there is a suspicion that the very feeling of such a possibility is considered by our elites as impossible in principle. This cannot be, because it cannot be and should not be. Those. It’s not even a matter of will, but the fact that this is not in the picture of the world. Accordingly, they are fighting for a return to the “WTO principles”, “an honest system of relations” - i.e. everything is the same, only without sanctions.
              But there is another problem, not even a problem, but a real abyss even in terms of theory. Exiting this system (or model) means independent management of national value. And in the modern world this level is almost space.
              1. 0
                2 January 2024 20: 36
                Well, Parshev predicted autarky. What's so difficult about sovereign value management?
                1. 0
                  2 January 2024 21: 04
                  Well, in short, within the framework of a conditionally isolated system you will have to not only create a certain universal standard, a measure (as well as new scales too), but also form its perception in society in such a way that all values ​​(both material and non-material) very) would be brought to this standard. But this is not enough, it will be necessary to understand the amount of material and intangible potentially obtained in the future and bring this to a standard in such a way that their growth is commensurate and is perceived as commensurate. That is, introduce criteria for “self-growth”. Similarly, you will actually have to re-define the criteria of necessary, surplus, sufficient, redundant, which is not as simple as it often seems. Well, about the fact that all industries will have to balance each other manually, and for this to create a separate model, well, this is a separate field for breaking minds. This will require a revision of even a number of philosophical definitions, and perhaps even axioms. However, from the point of view of “pure science”, creating such an isolated model with current knowledge and methods is easier than reformatting the global one. But everyone expects that everything in the world will “dissolve” by itself and come into balance.