A teacher is a calling, which means the salary should be symbolic

A teacher is a calling, which means the salary should be symbolic

No money but you hold on

The importance of school education was very clearly demonstrated by a special military operation. Until February 2022, there was no talk of any sovereign model of a domestic school.

For some unknown reason, the Ministry of Education and Science (later the Ministry of Education) decided to take as an example any world experience, as long as it was not Soviet. Scientists from the school tried to copy the Finnish education system, considering it the best on the planet, then rushed towards Southeast Asia. We are talking about Singaporean education, which until recently was almost the cornerstone of the Russian school.

Upgrading skills suddenly became much more important than training and education. The ability to communicate, collaborate, think critically and creatively has become a priority over the ability to count and express one’s thoughts clearly.

The consequences were not long in coming - in 2024, at the final certification in 9th grade mathematics, you can now use a non-programmable calculator. This was done for one simple reason - teachers are not able to teach children to count in their heads or even on paper.

The explanations of some specialists are discouraging - a calculator in the exam allows the student not to waste time on the technique of counting in columns, but to engage in solving practice-oriented problems. The level of absurdity lies in the new understanding of mathematics, which, it turns out, teaches you to think and understand, and the ability to count in your head and in a column is not necessary here.

Beautiful pictures cannot save the situation in education

How did we even come to this life?

As usual, there are many reasons, and one of the main ones is the chronic underfunding of school education.

There is a strong feeling that among bureaucrats, low salaries for teachers have become a normal and common occurrence. The paradoxical, if not shameful phrase “a teacher is not a profession, but a vocation” easily explains the low rates in schools and kindergartens.

The Minister of Education of the Orenburg Region, Alexey Pakhomov, directly stated that it is not worth raising teachers’ salaries, since they will go into the profession “for a long ruble, and not for their vocation.” It’s a good calling when a teacher’s salary costs 10–15 thousand a month. Pakhomov later tried to make an absurd excuse, blaming a phrase taken out of context. This has become a common practice among the bureaucratic fraternity - first blurt it out without thinking it through, and then hide behind some context.

The director’s convenient position was voiced by the head of the Institute of Regional Problems, Dmitry Zhuravlev. According to him, it is impossible to increase salaries in kindergartens so as not to offend teachers. A smart move by an effective manager, to say the least. Teachers should be happy with their modest incomes due to even lower rates for teachers and nannies in preschool institutions.

In Yekaterinburg, the head of the preschool education department, Natalya Vedernikova, refused to increase the salaries of kindergarten workers due to bureaucracy. They say, let the Ministry of Education approve a new staffing table, and we’ll think about it. Meanwhile, Yekaterinburg right now needs a thousand teachers and nannies. In the city, the average salary already reaches 80 thousand rubles, and in local kindergartens they offer to work for 15–30 thousand.

It is not surprising that there is now a shortage of teachers not only in preschool institutions, but in schools throughout Russia. On paper, everything is relatively good - in 2023, the shortage of school teachers will not exceed 4 percent of the total number. This is about 11 thousand teaching staff. However, in reality everything is much worse.

School directors are forced to post vacancies in the most extreme cases, when all staff members are completely loaded with lessons. The problem is especially acute in small schools, when the teacher teaches Russian language and literature, as well as MHC, history and social studies. They often also give out biology and geography hours. Therefore, if we talk about the true shortage of teachers, then the official figures should be multiplied by two, or even three.

Forced adaptation

What should a simple teacher do if officials offer him a “calling” and not a profession?

It is natural to leave school for other fields or not even enter the teaching profession.

Hence the first problem - repeated negative selection of teaching staff. How does selection for flight schools, for example, work? Captivated by the romance of the sky and the relatively high status of the pilot, young people withstand a difficult medical examination, assessment of the level of physical fitness and qualification tests. The high demand for the profession creates a corresponding competition - superfluous ones rarely appear in the flying profession. For some reason, in the military sphere they don’t talk about calling, but say: “There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland.”

The opposite process has developed in the teaching industry. Since everyone is talking about the vocation of a teacher, then his social status is hardly higher than that of a conductor or a flight attendant. At the stage of admission to pedagogical universities, the first stage of negative selection is observed - they go to educational institutions not at the call of their hearts, but out of despair. If you couldn’t hire normal tutors at school, become a teacher. More precisely, only a few of the hundreds of graduates of pedagogical universities will become teachers.

The work is difficult, low-prestige and low-paid, so few people are interested. Here we see the second stage of negative selection.

And finally, the third filter works in the first couple of years of a beginning teacher’s teaching career. In these most difficult years, even of the remaining young specialists, a considerable part leaves the profession.

Among the key reasons, in addition to the above, is excessive concern for a happy childhood. In a Russian family now, on average, there are no more than two children (more precisely, 1,7), many of whom were born to parents over the age of 30. Hypertrophied guardianship and the creation of a total zone of comfortable childhood have become a real scourge for a school teacher. Now the parent literally sticks his nose into all the school's affairs.

As you know, people are well versed in three things - education, medicine and politics. If it’s not entirely convenient to argue with a neurosurgeon and a governor, then you can argue with a math teacher, especially when he just came to school from college. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the administration takes the parent’s side, because he can go higher with his questions, right up to the president himself. But the teacher is not allowed to complain due to corporate ethics, a completely symbolic trade union and fear of dismissal.

It is not surprising that the average age of teachers in schools is inexorably growing - by 2029, no more than 6 percent of teachers will be under 30 years old. In the Year of the Teacher and Mentor, officials report a large enrollment of students in pedagogical universities. But how many of them will go to work in schools? And with what knowledge?

Nowadays, the typical young teacher is a four-year undergraduate graduate who has not even taken an exam in his subject. When entering a pedagogical university, a future biology teacher takes the Unified State Exam in social studies, mathematics and the Russian language. And final tests concern only the methods of teaching the subject, and not its essence.

The notorious Unified State Examination adds pepper to the story, because of which a good half of truly professional teachers leave school. If a teacher is able to prepare schoolchildren for the final certification, then it is much easier for him to quit the school so as not to endure the slander of parents, the rudeness of students and symbolic salaries. The picture is a little exaggerated, but close to the real state of affairs in education.

As a result, today you won’t find teachers of mathematics and the Russian language during the day - they have all gone into tutoring. If there were no Unified State Examination, everyone would work at school. The laws of the market are inexorable, and they force talented teachers to go into the very business that Dmitry Medvedev once spoke about.
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  1. +47
    7 December 2023 04: 35
    Deputies need to be given a teacher's salary. Otherwise, they sit for years just typing buttons and being smart. Soon the chairs will be inherited, like in Chechnya the entire Kadyrov clan is transferred straight from the cradle to management.
    1. +14
      7 December 2023 05: 19
      I doubt that deputies live on their salaries. According to tax returns. That’s where they go for a long ruble. Without any callings. Disgraceful.
    2. +10
      7 December 2023 07: 15
      Quote: Alexander Trubitsin
      Deputies should be given a teacher's salary

      I think they will not refuse to be deputies, even if they themselves have to pay a couple of teacher salaries for being deputies.
      Quote: Alexander Trubitsin
      Soon chairs will be inherited

      Well, this happened in some regions and, especially, republics during the Soviet years. There have been different labor dynasties... And even more so now.
      1. +1
        7 December 2023 13: 59
        Do you think that they do not pay for a deputy position? I have never seen a poor deputy in any country in the world.
        1. 0
          8 December 2023 00: 06
          Quote: Pivot
          Do you think that they do not pay for a deputy position?

          Depends on the level. I know one former deputy of a municipality, a former district, from the communists, he did not pay anything. And one more, or rather one, deputy of a small village, was also not paid anything. But the access to budgets there is not at the same level :) But I don’t know anyone from the level of the federal subject or in the State Duma, but for some reason I’m also sure that it’s impossible to get through there for free laughing
    3. +3
      7 December 2023 09: 32
      I remember deputies and officials are the lieutenants of the people laughing So their salary should be the same as that of bedfellows laughing
      1. +1
        8 December 2023 08: 49
        "Servants of the people" is a beautiful phrase for an idiot. They are a superstructure of the ruling class and express its interests. Our ruling class is the capitalists. What kind of salary do you think the accomplices of the capitalists in power will set for themselves? Is it really the national average? I doubt. That’s not why they made their way there in every conceivable and inconceivable way.
        1. 0
          8 December 2023 09: 57
          Quote: cast iron
          "Servants of the people" is a beautiful phrase for an idiot. They are a superstructure of the ruling class and express its interests. Our ruling class is the capitalists. What kind of salary do you think the accomplices of the capitalists in power will set for themselves? Is it really the national average? I doubt. That’s not why they made their way there in every conceivable and inconceivable way.

          This beautiful phrase was part of the ideology of an entire country. laughing
    4. +18
      7 December 2023 09: 36
      “Public education plays a decisive role in war... when the Prussians beat the Austrians, it was a victory of the Prussian teacher over the Austrian schoolteacher.”
      -take any world experience as an example, as long as it’s not the Soviet one.
      “Soviet education is the best in the world. It was at the school desk that the USSR won the space race against the USA.” American President John Kennedy,
      Andrei Fursenko, 2004-2012 Minister of Education: “The shortcoming of the Soviet education system was the attempt to form a creative person, and now the task is to cultivate a qualified consumer capable of skillfully using the results of the creativity of others.”
      This ignorant methodically achieved what had been created for decades before him. For the Soviet school was the heir to the Russian one. And the education system in the Republic of Ingushetia was one of the best in the world.
      1. +12
        7 December 2023 11: 02
        The education system in the Russian Empire was not the best because, simply put, it was not accessible to the broad masses of the population.
        1. -1
          7 December 2023 11: 30
          Kronos (and anyone interested) read about zemstvo and parochial schools.
          While studying in my last year at a technical college, I found a couple of problems in arithmetic for the 3rd grade of the Central School of Music.
          One had to be solved through an equation with Xi Y.. The author of the problems was L.N. Tolstoy!
          1. +10
            7 December 2023 12: 19
            This is a well-known “argument” of the defenders of the empire such as how good education was, everything was dismantled long ago.
            1. 0
              7 December 2023 13: 16
              During the reign of Catherine II (on the initiative of I.I. Betsky), public schools were opened in ALL cities. Education there was free. ONLY the children of serfs were not accepted there. Everything was ruined by Alexander II’s manifesto “On Cook’s Children”
              Education was free in all military educational institutions. Not everyone was accepted ONLY into the class (“elite”) Page and Naval Corps.
              By the way, I.V. Stalin also studied in religious institutions for free.
              It is not correct to compare the percentage of literate people in urbanized Europe and peasant Russia.
              My great-grandfather said that the level of education in the royal 4-year school was not inferior to the Soviet seven-year school. And Nicholas 2 was going to introduce universal education in 1922.
              For those who like links, I suggest you look for a certain site on which a “historian” claims that serfs were paid pensions and more...
              1. +10
                7 December 2023 13: 53
                In 1912, a project on universal education was submitted to the State Duma, by 1917 it was never adopted, that’s all mathematics, a poor, sick, illiterate population: the dream of the current government
              2. +2
                7 December 2023 21: 38
                A circular from the Minister of Public Education Delyanov, and not some kind of imperial manifesto. A departmental by-law that was advisory in nature and was never really implemented.
            2. +1
              7 December 2023 21: 19
              And again mistakes! To make a mistake three times in a sentence of 13 words takes a lot of effort!
            3. 0
              8 December 2023 09: 03
              The education was really very good. Only it was available to a maximum of 10% of the population, and in fact even less. The Bolsheviks, by the way, after all the experiments with pedology, chose the system of teaching CI as a basis. And this is never shameful. You need to take the most effective one available.
          2. +4
            7 December 2023 13: 51
            people who can read and write in ri were 30%
          3. WFP
            7 December 2023 21: 41
            And you also read “Tsushima” by Novikov-Priboy. It was also about education. What percentage were literate lower ranks? And this is in the navy, where literacy is needed by definition! And after that we can talk about X’s and Y’s.
        2. -1
          7 December 2023 11: 57
          Quote: Kronos
          The education system in the Russian Empire was not the best because, simply put, it was not accessible to the broad masses of the population.
          And the education system in which country at the beginning of the 20th century was “banally” more accessible than in the Republic of Ingushetia?
          1. +4
            7 December 2023 12: 18
            Of any developed country at that time, in the Russian Empire the percentage of educated people was the lowest among all countries with a large economy.
            1. +1
              7 December 2023 12: 20
              Quote: Kronos
              the percentage of educated people was
              And can you provide a link to your statistics?
              1. +1
                7 December 2023 12: 22
                1. -4
                  7 December 2023 12: 35
                  A reference to Scaramanga is an indestructible argument... But how does a comparison of literacy across the provinces of the Republic of Ingushetia scaramanga (even if he/she is a recognized authority in this field) give you at least some idea of ​​the place of the Republic of Ingushetia in the world?
                  1. +7
                    7 December 2023 12: 39
                    For example, https://burckina-faso.livejournal.com/1159558.html
                    As a result, Russia has 61 percent. conscripts were illiterate(*), while in Germany - 0,04 percent, in England - 1 percent, in France - 3,4 percent, in the USA - 3,8 percent, in Italy - 30 percent.” And this despite the fact that in the Russian Empire someone who could write their name and read the text was considered literate.
                    1. -6
                      7 December 2023 12: 47
                      Well, yes, Burkina Faso is, of course, not Scaramanga, but this does not cancel the question of source studies.
                      1. +5
                        7 December 2023 12: 48
                        There are all links to sources, but fans of the empire still have any data, let alone criticism of their system.
                      2. +7
                        7 December 2023 12: 56
                        Kholmogorov would go crazy over these figures wink
                      3. -5
                        7 December 2023 13: 01
                        Quote: Kronos
                        among fans of the empire
                        Is any doubt that the Republic of Ingushetia was a prison of nations enough for you to label your opponent as a “fan of the empire”? And as an argument, you dump a couple of heaps of garbage from the magazine, in which you have to try hard to find a reference (like V.V. IZONOV, “Preparation of the Russian Army on the Eve of the First World War”). I doubt that you yourself have read it, not to mention checking Izonov himself for lice. Well, not Burkina Faso, and thank you for that. Not every detractor of the empire can reach Izonov.
                    2. 0
                      7 December 2023 14: 20
                      At the beginning of WWI, literacy in the Russian army was 75%.
                      I noticed one pattern - today's researchers consider themselves more competent than eyewitnesses...
                      1. +4
                        7 December 2023 14: 31
                        How do you identify eyewitnesses? Here I have
                        Great-grandmother 1 is illiterate, Great-grandmother 2 is illiterate, great-great-grandfather is illiterate, great-grandfather 1 is illiterate, great-grandfather 2 is illiterate.
                        All other relatives from grandfather and above are, due to strange circumstances, literate, and some are even up to Doctor of Technical Sciences. grown up Great-grandmother Anna Mikhailovna knew how to sign the AMT, and great-grandmother Enya simply put a cross until her death.
                        On average, for a family of 15-18 people, there were 1-2 literate (or rather, semi-literate) people. Many could read, but did not know how to write at all. But it was the Clerk who was considered literate, not the reader. So statistics are a thing. The soldiers could read, but most of them could not write. Your statistics will probably list him as literate, but mine won’t
                      2. +1
                        8 December 2023 09: 12
                        In fact, this is a propaganda lie. These 75% of “literate” include people with 3-4 grades of parochial education. To consider them literate is either complete cretinism or a deliberate lie. They were not literate. If a person can only scrawl and his name not very skillfully, and at the same time has not read a single textbook except the Bible, then he is not literate. Do not mislead people. And there was and still is such a phenomenon as lost literacy. This is when a peasant throughout his entire life never used the skills acquired in the parish church and after a few years ceased to be able to write and read. When a person cannot manage to understand several pages of a school textbook, then he is not literate, even if he “knows” how to read.
              2. +10
                7 December 2023 13: 32
                In 1905, there was a report from the Japanese government about the almost universal illiteracy of soldiers of the Russian Imperial Army among prisoners. So by the way.
                1. +1
                  7 December 2023 15: 26
                  What, the gajins of hieroglyphs are not understanding?
          2. +4
            7 December 2023 13: 53
            Germany, France, England, Holland, Austria-Hungary, etc.
        3. 0
          7 December 2023 21: 15
          There are 3 errors in your short text! Three, Karl!
      2. -3
        7 December 2023 12: 59
        Quote: knn54
        “Soviet education is the best in the world. It was at the school desk that the USSR won the space race against the USA.” American President John Kennedy,

        After which the Americans landed on the Moon and sent several probes to the outer solar system, some of which are still working by the way.

        It is not clear why people who received the best education in the world charged water in front of the TV, took money to MMM and destroyed their own country as if a nuclear war had happened
        1. +2
          7 December 2023 13: 35
          Quote from alexoff
          It is not clear why people who received the best education in the world charged water in front of the TV
          Version: they assumed a profound influence of the transmitted image on the therapeutic properties of the phosphor and, as a consequence, the glow on the screen.)
          But, nevertheless, former Soviet schoolchildren did not want to change their children’s gender or sex, despite the deliberate systematic massive increase in their suggestibility in the late USSR.
          1. +1
            7 December 2023 14: 22
            Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
            But, nevertheless, former Soviet schoolchildren did not want to change their children’s gender or sex, despite the deliberate systematic massive increase in their suggestibility in the late USSR.

            Yeah, because graduates of Soviet schools echo the Republicans, who are ultra-conservatives. I don't know why
        2. +2
          7 December 2023 14: 04
          Because in addition to education, we also need an effective economy, as well as a political system adequate to the situation.
          1. +1
            7 December 2023 14: 25
            Not this way. Normal education will appear almost by itself if there is a normal economy. And here the author puts forward the thesis that it is necessary to pay swimming teachers more, since it is important to be able to swim, although it is necessary to teach swimming on the planet Arrakis, where water in quantities of more than a liter has only been seen in pictures.
    5. +6
      7 December 2023 10: 42
      Soon the chairs will be inherited.
      Don't they already transmit it? The kids hold a number of management positions in top companies, just like their fathers and mothers! Ready candidate for deputy. I thought that everything was already settled.
  2. +8
    7 December 2023 04: 38
    How do you like this math assignment for grade 2?
    1. +1
      7 December 2023 16: 16
      What program is this?
      Only the second task is unclear. What is a measure?
      1. +1
        7 December 2023 19: 28
        God knows what kind of program it is, the second task is also not entirely clear to me.
  3. +29
    7 December 2023 04: 56
    We must revive the Soviet education system, otherwise we will not see success. No one has done as much to destroy our education as our Ministry of Education.
    I remember former ministry minister Fursenko said - “The disadvantage of the Soviet education system was the attempt to raise a creative person, and now the task is to raise a qualified consumer who can skillfully use the result of the creativity of others.”. In essence, this is an admission that our education system was purposefully destroyed, leading to the idea that the school now does not teach or educate, but provides educational services.
    The consequences of this “sabotage” for our state will last for decades
    1. -31
      7 December 2023 07: 10
      Quote: Nyrobsky
      We must revive the Soviet education system, otherwise we will not see success. No one has done as much to destroy our education as our Ministry of Education.
      I remember former ministry minister Fursenko said: “The shortcoming of the Soviet education system was the attempt to raise a creative person, but now the task is to raise a qualified consumer who can skillfully use the result of the creativity of others.”

      The Soviet education system raised real boys, but now it’s not the same. A graduate of a Soviet school could charge cans of water from the TV and invest in various MMMs.
      1. +14
        7 December 2023 09: 50
        A graduate of a Soviet school could charge cans of water from the TV and invest in various MMMs.

        Maybe stop posting this stupid meme from an equally stupid liberal? Soviet education honestly gave such morons bad marks and left them for the second year. “But if a person doesn’t want to be smart, then this will last for a long time” and often for life.
      2. +14
        7 December 2023 10: 19
        The Soviet education system raised real boys, but now it’s not the same. A graduate of a Soviet school could charge cans of water from the TV and invest in various MMMs.

        Yes, that happened too. Alas, Soviet people are accustomed to trusting the media.
        And what current graduates are capable of is clearly visible at the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin.
        When they couldn’t master an aircraft of the An-26 level.
        1. 0
          7 December 2023 12: 35
          The Soviet education system degraded, like many things in the USSR, towards the end of its education, turning into something amorphous, with the goal of somehow learning and presenting a certificate.
          1. +6
            7 December 2023 13: 22
            The Soviet education system degraded, like many things in the USSR, towards the end of its education, turning into something amorphous, with the goal of somehow learning and presenting a certificate.

            But you are in vain. Even in the late eighties, when so-called glasnost spoiled many things, Soviet education was significantly superior to the current one. And the worst thing is that now schoolchildren are not taught to think.
            1. +3
              7 December 2023 13: 55
              Current yes.

              I went to school in 1990.
              The majority of teachers, in my opinion, were unhappy, failed people working in jobs they didn’t like.
              1. +3
                7 December 2023 14: 21
                Current yes.

                I went to school in 1990.
                The majority of teachers, in my opinion, were unhappy, failed people working in jobs they didn’t like.

                This is already the decline of the USSR.
                1. 0
                  7 December 2023 14: 23
                  Well, we had to come to this state.
              2. 0
                8 December 2023 14: 19
                Yes, many were truly deeply unhappy. Seeing how the country is collapsing, the work of a lifetime, when the most arrogant suddenly becomes a successful businessman, a stupid second-year student becomes a bandit, and a smart, excellent student washes their cars, because there is nothing to live on... And then a first-grader comes, whom they must teach to be kind and eternal, but the first-grader has already given them a diagnosis and an unflattering description...
                1. -1
                  8 December 2023 19: 29
                  Even under the earlier USSR they were unhappy.
          2. -1
            7 December 2023 14: 28
            Quote: Maxim G
            The Soviet education system has degraded...

            I provided information here Tatyana that already in the 80s Soros textbooks were used in USSR schools
            1. +3
              7 December 2023 21: 48
              that already in the 80s Soros textbooks were used in USSR schools
              This is in the late 80s, under the tagged Gorby. And so-called “Waldorf schools” began to open in the early 90s. There they taught one subject for a week, then another week - the next. The insanity grew stronger. I don’t know if there are such people now.
              1. 0
                12 December 2023 20: 15
                About 15 years ago I watched a news report about our north. It seems like that's how they taught it there. This was explained by the influence of climatic conditions.
                1. +1
                  12 December 2023 21: 01
                  This was explained by the influence of climatic conditions.
                  Actually, it came from Germany. Yesterday I asked if this system still exists in the middle zone.
        2. +1
          7 December 2023 19: 10
          could not master an aircraft of the An-26 level.
          Nevertheless, Boeing had a branch design bureau in Russia. True, the Americans did not pay 30 thousand rubles.
      3. +12
        7 December 2023 10: 31
        Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
        ...... A graduate of a Soviet school could charge cans of water from the TV and invest in various MMMs.

        What do you think, young people today don’t pay crazy amounts of money for Sobchak and Khakamada’s courses on how to penetrate high society? Or don’t they lose millions on the stock exchange to buy a new apartment to replace the one they sold, in the hope of getting a big win?
        1. +5
          7 December 2023 13: 04
          What do you think, young people today don’t pay crazy amounts of money for Sobchak and Khakamada’s courses..

          Tony Robbins in Moscow won't let you lie.
        2. +4
          7 December 2023 13: 26
          I agree, this is more about something else.. about the fact that the craving for freebies is eternal - a sucker is not a mammoth, will not die out.. education is a secondary matter here..
          1. +2
            7 December 2023 14: 34
            Quote: 2 level advisor
            I agree, ..... education is the second thing here..

            How can I say it? If they knew the events of 30 years ago, as well as their prehistory, ----- the 70s, 80s of the last century, but young people were not interested in this.
            Although, of course, it is very difficult, in my opinion, to understand and imagine the events of this recent history of Russia and the post-war years of the USSR. I'm having a hard time getting through it myself. recourse And the 90s --- my school years
      4. +16
        7 December 2023 10: 40
        Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
        The Soviet education system raised real boys

        Of course, they created Mriya and Buran, the first in the world: a heart-lung machine, an artificial heart, a mobile phone, a nuclear power plant and much, much more... And what are the achievements of the “effective boys” of our time?
        1. -8
          7 December 2023 13: 15
          In what classes were they taught how to make Buran and Mriya? I would look at Soviet textbooks where they taught this. Otherwise, it seemed to me earlier that this had more to do with government priorities, who should be allocated money, and not how they were trained to calculate quadratic equations
          1. +5
            7 December 2023 14: 08
            Not only. Our lunar program was financed regularly, but failures with the super-heavy rocket and the successes of the Americans forced us to change priorities. The rocket never came out, and it still doesn’t exist today.
            The task turned out to be technically impossible.
            1. -2
              7 December 2023 14: 29
              Quote: S.Z.
              Our lunar program was properly funded

              No, until the Americans landed, N1 was financed somehow. The Americans even had a plan to make a landing on the moon from what they had if the USSR suddenly rushed to participate in the competition, but they saw that Brezhnev didn’t care about finishing his Saturn and flew off. And the USSR rushed to finish the rocket in a hurry, and then gave up after a couple of accidents, curtailing the lunar and Martian programs at the same time, limiting itself to Venus and the largely useless Salyuts
              1. +2
                7 December 2023 15: 38
                As far as I remember, there was enough funding for 4 launches of N1, but they were all unsuccessful. As far as I remember, the chief designer was removed after the death of Dobrovolsky’s crew, and the new one considered the lunar program unnecessary or impracticable.

                What the Americans had there before Apollo is unknown, just as it is unknown whether it would have taken off or not.

                Kamanin, for example, writes that after the first American landing on the Moon, it was decided to switch to automatic stations.

                It was not a matter of funding - they went according to the military budget - but of organizational and technical problems. Perhaps the latter were a consequence of the former.
                1. 0
                  7 December 2023 15: 59
                  Quote: S.Z.
                  As far as I remember, there was enough funding for 4 launches of N1

                  Yes, but they flew after the Americans landed. And as they usually like to forget at VO, the lunar ship itself is no less complex, and its prototype began to be developed even later.
                  Quote: S.Z.
                  It wasn’t a matter of funding - they went according to the military budget

                  Yeah, the government changed, Chelomey was sent away, funding for N1-LZ began only in 1964, it’s certainly not a matter of finances. Also, probably due to organizational and technical difficulties, the lunar and Martian unmanned programs were curtailed, and they also decided not to build new observatories from the early 70s.
                  1. +1
                    7 December 2023 16: 47
                    After, but the development was already underway, you will agree, and the development was unsuccessful. True, there was a project for a two-seater ship, but without a rocket it made no sense.

                    Not in finance, because even Chalomei, even Korolev, even Mishin - they were all financed by the Moscow Region, which did not need all this in the first place - neither the Moon, nor Mars.

                    But “Salyut” - or whatever it was called, I forgot - this MO was interesting. NASA is a NOT military agency specially created for space, which we didn’t have, it seems, until Roscosmos.

                    This was the main organizational miscalculation. IMHO.

                    Whatever Korolev or Mishin asked for was given - if, of course, it was there. There was no shortage of money, at least I didn’t read about it in my memoirs. But some technical devices were not available in the required quantity; after all, our industry was weaker than the American one.
                    1. +1
                      7 December 2023 17: 25
                      Quote: S.Z.
                      Not in finance, because even Chalomei, even Korolev, even Mishin - they were all financed by the Moscow Region

                      The Moscow Region knew very well who it was giving to and for what. To save money, the N1 was launched immediately assembled without burning out the first stage on the stand, like the Americans. It all came down to finances, which, as I have written more than once, were released late and, moreover, by those people who cared nothing for anything. Khrushchev loved it in PR, Korolev worked for TASS
                      1. 0
                        8 December 2023 07: 39
                        Finances were not of decisive importance; they were enough. No matter how much you invest in the village forge, it will not make a car.

                        In high technologies, finance is a necessary thing, but not sufficient, then and now. Invest any amount into electronics, but you won’t be able to put a modern processor on the assembly line in a year.

                        There was a lot missing - for example, even high-quality photographic film, the industry could not produce it, there was no necessary technology and equipment.

                        The entire space program of the USSR was risky, there were many emergency situations, in almost every flight. They were often in a hurry and violated their own plans - look at Komarov’s tragic flight, how many violations there were during preparation and how many incidents occurred during the flight itself.

                        But with N1 it turned out even worse - as far as I understand, the design was unfinished, Mishin was adjusted, he himself was, let’s say, not Korolev at all. I have not read anywhere that he did not have enough money - there were not enough qualified people, instruments, materials - but all this cannot be bought for money, you must admit.

                        Did Korolev work for TASS? I'm afraid you have been deceived. Who told you this? Don't trust this man.
                  2. +1
                    7 December 2023 22: 02
                    Martian unmanned programs, and even decided not to build new observatories since the early 70s.
                    The Mars program ended with the launch of the Mars-1973 apparatus in 7; in 1976, an observatory was opened in the village of Zelenchukskaya with a RATAN telescope with a 6-meter mirror.
                    1. +1
                      8 December 2023 00: 49
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      The Mars program ended with the launch of Mars-1973 in 7.

                      What are you talking about?! I didn't even know! And two years later the lunar program was closed. And the programs were closed before launch, since money was allocated to the station earlier, they completed it, launched it, and that’s it.
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      in 1976, an observatory was opened in the village of Zelenchukskaya with a RATAN telescope with a 6-meter mirror.

                      Oh my God, Ratan-600 began to be designed back in 1965, opened in 1974, it is a radio telescope with a diameter of 600 meters. They wrote nonsense here. We must be talking about the BTA, since they started making a mirror for it in 1960, they did it for almost 10 years, and in 1974 they just brought it from Lytkarino. And that’s it, we don’t need optical telescopes, such advanced Soviet science, without instruments. Almost all scientific space programs were curtailed in the late 60s.
                      1. 0
                        8 December 2023 08: 01
                        It must be about BTA,
                        Yes, of course, this is BTA, I was mistaken.
                        Almost all scientific space programs were curtailed in the late 60s.
                        Yeah, and the Venus program, where there were the greatest successes, unlike the Americans. By the way, our last spacecraft that were there were Venera-13 and 14 (March 1 and 5, 1982).
          2. +4
            7 December 2023 14: 36
            Quote from alexoff
            In what classes were they taught how to make Buran and Mriya?

            In quality physics lessons.
            Subject physicists are now required in every school...
            1. -6
              7 December 2023 14: 49
              And in 1991, everyone was retrained for the Unified State Exam, and everyone forgot about physics? Well, after all, they immediately stopped making new events and burans, perhaps the shots suddenly became dull?
              1. +3
                7 December 2023 14: 53
                Why right away? Everything according to the plan, gradually. Why make new ones when no one needs the old ones?
                1. 0
                  7 December 2023 15: 32
                  Maybe then it’s not about education, but about something else?
                  1. +2
                    7 December 2023 19: 13
                    So it’s one thing when it’s not necessary, another when it’s not possible...
                    1. 0
                      7 December 2023 19: 20
                      So, if you don’t need it for nothing, or at most for 40 thousand a month, then you can create any kind of education, it will most likely be a minus. Why study long and hard if you can immediately after school go to a tire shop or couriers and always get more? I'm not even talking about office workers. If engineers suddenly start being paid 300 thousand a month, then schoolchildren will go to the library themselves and learn everything, even if nothing changes in schools
                      1. +1
                        7 December 2023 21: 08
                        Quote from alexoff
                        If engineers suddenly start getting paid 300 thousand a month, then schoolchildren will go to the library themselves and learn everything

                        Do you yourself believe in what you write about?
                        How can you independently study to become an engineer, and at least master a school physics course, without teachers? Even Lomonosov had mentors at the initial stage.
                        Quote from alexoff
                        So if you don’t need it for nothing,

                        Of course not necessary. For what? If you can buy everything in China... Only then you shouldn’t be surprised at the Chinese “Muscovites” on the roads...
                        Quote from alexoff
                        Why study long and hard?

                        If only because oil and gas and metallurgical giants also need qualified personnel. They are also needed in the defense industry.
                      2. +2
                        7 December 2023 21: 28
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        How can you independently study to become an engineer, and at least master a school physics course, without teachers? Even Lomonosov had mentors at the initial stage.

                        method of hiring tutors, don’t worry, online schools will be organized quickly if there is demand. And what is written in the article is how to teach ancient Greek literature to children in a medieval village, why is this necessary if they will plow until the end of their days, and their fellow villagers will teach them this very well by the age of 12
                        Quote: Doccor18
                        If only because oil and gas and metallurgical giants also need qualified personnel.

                        they prefer to prepare them at home, and they don’t pay the technical specialists that much, I know how much Sibur or Gazpromneft pay in their offices to paper shifters and how much in the production facilities themselves
        2. +3
          7 December 2023 13: 57
          and also stood at the origins of the Internet, in the late 60s, by the way, at the Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense
    2. -1
      7 December 2023 07: 43
      All power to the Soviets!

      Quote: Nyrobsky
      No one has done as much to destroy our education as our Ministry of Education.

      Minimum solutions - this is a consequence of President Medvedev’s statement that: education is a service. It was after this that teachers were reduced to the level of just go ahead...

      Quote: E. Fedorov
      If there were no Unified State Exam, everyone would work at school.

      It was after Medvedev imposed the Unified State Exam in schools that this situation arose.

      Education is given to the people as necessary to solve problems solved by the authorities:
      - Tsarist Russia is an agricultural country, 3 classes of parish church are enough;
      - USSR - industrialization, general secondary (10 classes);
      - Perestroika Russia - a gas station, the Unified State Examination is enough to service the pipe;
      - Modern Russia - industrialization 2.0, we need healthy, highly qualified personnel.
      1. PPD
        7 December 2023 11: 33
        Education is a service, it is not from Medvedev.
        This is from the law.
        And it was changed in the year 90.. or at the beginning.
        And this is from the bourgeois system, but which has been reoriented.
        Yeah, they decided to change the Bologna system, but where is the federal law?
        Yes, where it was, no one is going to change it. Yeah - good luck in abolishing the Bologna system..... negative And how did it happen that education in the region has disappeared.......
        In itself, it's obvious... wassat
      2. +4
        7 December 2023 12: 25
        Russia 2.0 is a country with a shortage of 300 thousand teachers, a shortage of workers, and a population decline of 2030 million people by 3. And also crowds of migrants from post-Soviet states who do not speak Russian. And besides this, Russia 2.0 is a country with a 70% shortage of police officers in line departments and an overabundance of management. And a lot of other unpleasant things.
    3. -16
      7 December 2023 09: 21
      We must revive the Soviet education system, otherwise we will not see success. No one has done as much to destroy our education as our Ministry of Education.

      Regardless of the Soviet education system, or even the current one, the essence is the same - youth is mediocrely killed by memorizing unnecessary information. Moreover, children should learn everything useful for life somewhere outside of school.
      Until I was 27 years old, I didn’t know that you could return an item by receipt within two weeks.
      But how much they blew my mind with logarithms that were never useful.
      1. +9
        7 December 2023 09: 55
        But how much they blew my mind with logarithms that were never useful.

        Well, what should you do if your career ceiling and lifelong goal is a hairdresser or a janitor - logarithms are really not needed there.
        1. +7
          7 December 2023 10: 37
          Not so - the target is a personal hairdresser, janitor, driver, bodyguard, etc. by the list. And logarithms are definitely not needed for this. Those who have stronger teeth and claws have less conscience. No education in the Russian Federation is another bestial grin of capitalism.
        2. -2
          7 December 2023 13: 16
          Where are logarithms needed? And what are the salaries there?
      2. +3
        7 December 2023 10: 09
        Here you go... This is precisely the result of this very education policy. Those same 20-30 years. We grew up.
        Of course, it’s useful to demand this on a check, but who will pull the country out of backwardness with the help of “unnecessary” logarithms?! Pensioners?
        1. +2
          7 December 2023 10: 43
          Why take it out? Gas station, buy there, sell here, be more convenient. The strange thing will never end. Our nouveau riche will make peace with Western spiritual mentors. The consumer will flourish in the full breadth of the vast Motherland.
      3. -1
        7 December 2023 10: 47
        Quote: Stinging_Nettle
        ....I didn’t know until I was 27.....

        And there is the Consumer Rights Law. And there are probably, in many places in the Russian Federation, organizations for the protection of consumer rights. The search engine will help you. wink But now, for some reason, many large online stores have made these Consumer Rights more attractive, so to speak, deepened and expanded lol . At the same time, there are online stores that, on the contrary, try to deceive the buyer request Good luck to you
      4. +4
        7 December 2023 10: 48
        Quote: Stinging_Nettle
        Until I was 27 years old, I didn’t know that you could return an item by receipt within two weeks.
        But how much they blew my mind with logarithms that were never useful.

        You see, if they hadn’t “bombed your brain with logarithms”, you most likely would not have been able to correctly understand the meaning of what you read, where to look for information, which product cannot be returned at all, and where to go if the seller, who was “freaked out by logarithms”, refuses accept returns.
        1. -5
          7 December 2023 11: 30
          You see, if they hadn’t “bombed your brain with logarithms”, you most likely would not have been able to correctly understand the meaning of what you read, where to look for information, which product cannot be returned at all, and where to go if the seller, who was “freaked out by logarithms”, refuses accept returns.

          Unproven. I was able to read and understand the meaning of what I read from the age of six, long before logarithms.
          If I can be taught logarithms, why couldn’t I be taught how to process returns?
          1. +6
            7 December 2023 11: 40
            Quote: Stinging_Nettle
            I have been able to read and understand the meaning of what I read since I was six years old.

            Understand the meaning of what? Kolobok's hike or Alyonushka's voyage for Ivanushka?
            Isolate the main thing from a huge complex text, analyze, systematize what seems at first glance scattered, alien and unformed, as well as the development of specifics; memory training, formal logic and much more about why a person needs mathematics.
            1. +1
              8 December 2023 15: 22
              Mathematics trains logic very poorly. It was not for nothing that under Stalin there was a separate discipline at school. It was in vain that they removed it - you see, they wouldn’t fall for Kashpirovsky and other nonsense.
          2. +1
            7 December 2023 11: 43
            If I can be taught logarithms, why couldn’t I be taught how to process returns?

            The Finnish education system would suit you. There they prepare for life more than they educate. But the state sets goals for education ministries - so that “we have what we have”
          3. +3
            7 December 2023 11: 43
            Quote: Stinging_Nettle
            If I can be taught logarithms, why couldn’t I be taught how to process returns?

            It is impossible to teach all the particulars of the adult world at school, but it is possible to provide a powerful common base. And based on it, you can easily learn everything you want...
          4. +2
            7 December 2023 14: 00
            as well as doing your nails, pumping up your lips and visiting the foyer properly
          5. 0
            7 December 2023 21: 41
            Because you, to put it mildly........... it’s from genetics, laziness, upbringing, environment, etc.
      5. +3
        7 December 2023 10: 59
        Regardless of the Soviet education system, or even the current one, the essence is the same - youth is mediocrely killed by memorizing unnecessary information. Moreover, children should learn everything useful for life somewhere outside of school.
        And no one at school should tell you that you can return the goods by receipt within two weeks. They should have told you this at the store where you bought it. And at stands about consumer rights. "Many letters"?
        Not so long ago, on one d.b. There were “young people” present, about 35 years old. And these young people began to “let their tails down” in front of the ladies and try to show their knowledge. Although he was pretty tipsy, he constantly corrected the statements of one “young” person with a higher technical education, it seems a physicist. He couldn’t stand it and blurted out to me, like: “there’s a smart guy.” The lady he was flirting with laughed at him because of my corrections. To which he replied that at my level, I am nothing more than a strong average person both in knowledge and in brains, among my classmates there are really smart people, but compared to him I look like Einstein. The “young guy” got offended and left. Well, I can be a bore, but I consider it unacceptable for a person with a higher education not to know the simplest things.
      6. +7
        7 December 2023 13: 14
        So they fucked to no avail! You still don't understand anything! Higher mathematics, history, geography are not for specialists! This is for EDUCATION! This is for developing your brain! Solving logarithms and 2nd order equations makes parts of the brain work. To make you wiser. Just like writing with a pen. It forces the brain to work in full mode, and not to bang on the keys.
      7. 0
        8 December 2023 15: 18
        Laws are constantly changing. Memorizing them at school is wrong. But some legal literacy needs to be introduced at school. Although this is extremely unprofitable for the authorities and business.
    4. +9
      7 December 2023 10: 07
      It's not even about the salary. The school has been turned into a lecture hall. The teachers are loaded with everything, anything, just not teaching.
    5. +7
      7 December 2023 10: 49
      We must revive the Soviet education system, otherwise we will not see success.
      Dmitry, alas, Russian Federation. They won't recreate it. They won’t even try, because the education budget was cut long ago by the right people, the positions are occupied, and no one will change anything, even by order of the president. And they won’t allow anyone else to change it, because this is their “death” and the deprivation of the feeding trough, and for it they will strangle anyone. Did they try in vain, for how many years did they destroy education and make a source of income for themselves from the rubble? I remember how these school “reforms” went ahead with great difficulty back in the USSR, because smart people understood what was going on. The destruction of education was not easy for liberals. But they are organically incapable of creating not for themselves.
      1. 0
        7 December 2023 13: 15
        The destruction of education was not easy for liberals. But to create not for themselves, they

        It was because of the destruction that smart people understood what was happeningЬXia?
        1. 0
          8 December 2023 19: 22
          Was it because of the destruction that smart people understood what was going on?
          Hahaha. Yes, you are right - it was necessary to write what was going on. I didn't check the vocabulary of the verb properly. This is a terrible tragedy, the meaning of my message immediately changed. Write better.
  4. +18
    7 December 2023 05: 22
    into the very business that Dmitry Medvedev once spoke about
    And one more statement: Everything should bring profit. But education does not bring profit, it only produces losses, and the state suffers greatly from these losses. smile
    1. +19
      7 December 2023 06: 27
      Quote: parusnik
      education does not bring profit, only losses

      Why don't teachers get high salaries? Because our state doesn’t owe anyone anything. Even our president doesn’t hold responsibility for anything.
      1. +15
        7 December 2023 06: 31
        Even our president doesn’t hold responsibility for anything.
        There was information on the Internet, at some meeting of the president with the people, one teacher spoke about the plight of education in schools and the problems of teachers, the president was very surprised and it turned out that he was not aware of this problem. smile
        1. +26
          7 December 2023 07: 51
          Our president is always unaware of everything.
        2. -19
          7 December 2023 07: 58
          All power to the Soviets!

          Quote: parusnik
          Even our president doesn’t hold responsibility for anything.
          Quote: parusnik
          the president was very surprised and it turned out that he was not aware

          The problem of teachers' salaries was raised by the president more than once. According to the decisions of the Duma, it should not be lower than the average salary in the region. Local officials themselves decide what salaries doctors, teachers, etc. will have. The President was surprised that there are still such officials.

          The President cannot be aware that 150 mil. citizens in our country create, incl. and local officials. For this, he needs feedback from the people, which he constantly conducts during his trips around the country and annual live meetings.
          1. +12
            7 December 2023 08: 37
            Quote: Boris55
            The problem of teachers' salaries was raised by the president more than once.

            And as a result? Useless? The same goes for doctors' salaries!

            Either someone is playing the role of the helpless. Either they really don’t care about him. What do you think?
            1. +7
              7 December 2023 09: 19
              He is helpless and no one cares about him.
            2. -9
              7 December 2023 09: 55
              Quote: Stas157
              What do you think

              I think that after the death of the Bolshevik Stalin, the Trotskyists began to knock Stalin’s cadres out of power and install their own. It took them 40 years to destroy the USSR...

              Putin is (as someone put it on TV) a “herbivore.” He understands perfectly well that if the repressive apparatus is given free rein, it will be very problematic to stop it. As soon as there are no more enemies, the instinct of self-preservation of the repressive structure will immediately find more “enemies”... Since 1917, “in the name of revolution” the Trotskyists have carried out the genocide of the peoples of Russia and, first of all, the Russians...

              Fear the overthrow of Putin. Those who will come after him will wave their swords left and right, indiscriminately...

              In local elections we choose government, etc. and the failure to comply with the average salary requirement is also our fault. Whoever we choose - that’s how we live. once again. One Putin's bast shoe is not enough for all our cockroaches. We need to do something ourselves.
              1. +1
                7 December 2023 10: 51
                Cockroaches give such a fight that you won’t be able to stock up on any bast shoes. And the turrets created this whole “vertical” thing. And they know everything, they can do everything. But they do it as they need to.
                1. -3
                  7 December 2023 11: 20
                  Quote: Essex62
                  And this entire “vertical” turret was created.

                  This vertical exists in all countries of the World. When it is not there, the state falls apart. As an example - the USSR, Ukraine.

                  The specific salaries of teachers are determined not by the president, but by local officials whom we elect in local and regional elections. hi
                  1. +4
                    7 December 2023 11: 25
                    The main thing is what “horizontal” this vertical translates into. And she has only one task - profit. Because the government is bourgeois.
                    1. -5
                      7 December 2023 11: 30
                      Quote: Essex62
                      And she has only one task - profit.

                      Power personifies the state. “The state is a system for the survival, preservation and development of the people.” There will be no power, there will be no state. As an example - the USSR, Ukraine.
              2. +2
                7 December 2023 11: 13
                In local elections we choose government, etc. and the failure to comply with the average salary requirement is also our fault. Whoever we choose - that’s how we live. once again.

                Boris, read the Classics.

                ...Only scoundrels or fools can think that the proletariat must first win a majority in voting carried out under the yoke of the bourgeoisie, under the yoke of wage slavery, and then must win power...

                "...among all my rights and privileges there is not one, even the most pitiful, that could be obtained by petitions, requests, agitation for reforms or any other similar methods. If we remember that even constitutional English monarchs agreed to part with stolen the people have rights, only when such consent was wrested from them with the help of bloody violence, is it logical to hope that in Russia it will be possible to achieve something with the help of softer methods?..." Mark Twain.

                Source: http://mark-twain.ru/sochineniya/izbrannie-pisma/p43 | Mark Twain
                1. -6
                  7 December 2023 11: 26
                  Quote: AA17
                  Boris, read the Classics.

                  Is it possible to seize control of the country without a massacre and lowering it into the Stone Age? Prakrita - criterion of truth:

                  - The Bolsheviks seized power from the Trotskyists in 1924.
                  - Trotskyists seized power from the Bolsheviks in 1952;
                  - The Bolsheviks seized power from the Trotskyists in 2000.

                  Conclusion. Power can be changed relatively peacefully.
                  These questions are not relevant to this topic. hi
                  1. +3
                    7 December 2023 11: 31
                    Are these fighters Bolsheviks? laughing
            3. -9
              7 December 2023 10: 12
              Quote: Stas157
              Either somebody plays the role of the helpless

              My friend, should you talk about education and teach presidents how to live? With such mistakes, it’s time for you to go to first grade at school. Be it Soviet or modern.
        3. +7
          7 December 2023 09: 18
          Well, he lives on another planet. laughing
  5. +23
    7 December 2023 05: 22
    The work is difficult, low-prestige and low-paid, so few people are interested. Here we see the second stage of negative selection.

    Cases of videos showing beatings of teachers by boorish parents and students enjoying impunity for just a few years have become more frequent on the internet.
    Something needs to be done about this lawlessness...impunity breeds permissiveness...and this can lead to a real tragedy.
    1. +11
      7 December 2023 08: 33
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Something needs to be done about this chaos

      What needs to be done will never be done under the existing situation. The pyramid was not built to be destroyed...
      Recently, a math teacher I knew sadly said that children do not need education at all, they have given up on it, almost everything. The test results are discouraging: two fours, four threes and twenty-three twos. No one wants to correct the grades, no one cares. The country is confidently plunging into the “brave new world” of the nineteenth century...
    2. -11
      7 December 2023 09: 24
      Cases of videos showing beatings of teachers by boorish parents and students enjoying impunity for just a few years have become more frequent on the internet.

      There are also videos of beatings and insults from teachers.
      The absence of video, on the one hand, will allow the attacking child to be hit back, and on the other hand, it will open the way to lawlessness. The use of violence by a teacher will not be a strictly justified response to aggression, but a way to take out on the children all the kicks the teacher has received from life, from the director, from her husband.
    3. +2
      7 December 2023 12: 17
      Well, from the very top it is stated that the teacher is a service staff, provides educational services, and that’s the appropriate attitude. Now all that remains is to extend it to the servants of the people.
  6. Msi
    7 December 2023 05: 33
    Now the parent literally sticks his nose into all the affairs of the school.

    A very dubious statement. But teachers tearfully ask parents to take some endless tests and register on some platforms. Teachers are required to report. The main thing is to give a quality report and you don’t have to teach the children.
    1. +14
      7 December 2023 05: 43
      But teachers tearfully ask parents to take some endless tests and register on some platforms.
      Is this a reproach to teachers or the Ministry of Education?
      1. Msi
        7 December 2023 05: 45
        Of course, the Ministry of Education, which puts teachers in such conditions.
        1. +14
          7 December 2023 09: 11
          I live in Crimea. He taught at three universities simultaneously (PhD). During the time of Ukraine, they completely got tired of imposing language. When Ukraine left, and Russian requirements for teachers had not yet appeared, we felt free (we taught from the heart, with love, and students practically did not truant). The requirements of the RF Ministry of Defense appeared and we were mired in formalism (reporting, plans that no one needed, etc.).
          Something is wrong with education in Russia.
          1. Msi
            7 December 2023 09: 20
            The requirements of the RF Ministry of Defense appeared and we were mired in formalism (reporting, plans that no one needed, etc.).

            I don’t understand what the RF Ministry of Defense has to do with it...
            1. +4
              7 December 2023 10: 07
              I don’t understand what the RF Ministry of Defense has to do with it...

              The RF Ministry of Defense and all administrative offices from the Ministry of Education are now led by managers who have never worked in schools for a day, hence the wild amount of paperwork that no one needs - otherwise how can these bureaucrats show the “effectiveness” of their work. In the army, they say, before the Northern Military District it was the same.
            2. +3
              7 December 2023 10: 17
              Education, not Defense wink
            3. +1
              7 December 2023 10: 43
              In your opinion, the Ministry of Education has nothing to do with this?
      2. Msi
        7 December 2023 05: 54
        My son is in 4th grade. Excellent student. Of the 27 students in the class, 5 are excellent students.
        I always tell him: “...Your A is too stretched, you’re not an excellent student...” now the requirements are clearly too low. I see how he solves mathematics, this work is not perfect. Apparently the teacher needs excellent students. My wife takes care of registrations and testing on electronic platforms. They also force parents to undergo testing, I don’t understand why at all...
        1. +3
          7 December 2023 14: 37
          I always tell him: “... Your A is too much, you’re not an excellent student...”

          If only there were more such adequate parents... But now they are mostly arrogant. You give the child a 4, stretching it beyond measure, although even a C is the ceiling for him, so they come to the showdown, they say, why not 5?
    2. 0
      7 December 2023 11: 01
      Quote from Msi
      .... teachers tearfully ask parents to take some endless tests and register on some platforms. Teachers are required to report. .

      Parent chats? It’s interesting, either teachers send something in children’s electronic diaries, or they send something to parents recourse Does this result in such an additional burden on the teacher? Is this mandatory?
      And parents of schoolchildren often get hooked on these parent chats and such passions! Replacing teaching and upbringing with disputes in chat recourse
      1. Msi
        7 December 2023 11: 03
        And parents of schoolchildren often get hooked on these parent chats and such passions!

        Well, things are calm for now...
        1. +1
          7 December 2023 11: 15
          My friends, when their children started going to school, did not have time for this. They work shifts for the police. Well, the grandmother there is quite modern --- and in the parent chat and looks after the children.
  7. +1
    7 December 2023 05: 37
    The article is very good, thanks to the Author. The only thing I would add is the problem of multiculturalism in our society, or simply speaking, migrants.

    For example, having received half a class of young Muslims, the teacher is simply obliged to know the basics of Islam, the traditions of the Caucasus and Central Asia, otherwise he will not have contact with such children. And in ped. Islam is not taught in universities and the traditions of other nationalities are not taught.
    1. +19
      7 December 2023 06: 20
      Quote: Saigava
      For example, having received half a class of young Muslims, the teacher is simply obliged to know the basics of Islam, the traditions of the Caucasus and Central Asia, otherwise he will not have contact with such children.

      Everything is fine. Soon teachers from these will be in Russian regions. There will be no contact with Russian children. But this never bothered anyone.
      1. -4
        7 December 2023 08: 49
        Quote: Stas157

        Everything is fine. Soon teachers from these will be in Russian regions. There will be no contact with Russian children. But this never bothered anyone.

        This never bothered the Russians either. Otherwise, the Russians would have changed the situation... In their own country.
        But explain why concern for Russians should concern non-Russians if it does not concern Russians themselves?
        1. +4
          7 December 2023 08: 54
          Quote: ivan2022
          Otherwise the Russians would have changed the situation

          What are you calling for?
          Any “extremism” (as the authorities call it) is nipped in the bud by the authorities.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +6
        7 December 2023 09: 25
        I bow to you for your work, which today is more difficult than ever. hi
    3. +7
      7 December 2023 10: 01
      In Soviet times, in the small Abkhaz town of my childhood there were five schools.
      The two Russian directors are necessarily Abkhazians, the titular nation, so to speak. One school was Georgian, another was Abkhaz and one was Armenian. The Russian schools had very strong teaching teams, it was difficult to study in them, but it was prestigious, and there were still quite a lot of Russians in the town at that time, that’s why there were two schools. If parents wanted their child to gain a competitive advantage in life, then, regardless of nationality, they sent the child to a Russian school.
      The Georgian school was something. Only Georgian teachers, even the cleaners, respectively, the director is Georgian. I don’t know what they were taught there, but the children hardly spoke Russian, they behaved separately, arrogantly, as if they were aristocrats, and everyone else was plebeians, they communicated only with each other...
      They went to an Abkhaz school to get a certificate, there they were given A's, their knowledge was zero, the student population was from nearby villages.
      Nobody knew anything about the Armenian school. Sometimes children from there transferred to my Russian school; they spoke Russian poorly and were quite strange - from the point of view of us teenagers, the boys bullied them.
      In order not to reduce the level of knowledge, as I now understand, in the senior classes of my school, children were divided into predominantly Russian classes, and from all the rest they were molded into what would come out. The Russian classes were strong, in the rest they gave C grades - just to push them out of school after graduation. As far as I remember, there were no repeaters.
  8. +36
    7 December 2023 05: 37
    I work as a teacher in a rural school. The author has not shown all the “charms” of this thankless work. I would start with the overwhelming bureaucratic burden. Endless reports, participation in all sorts of nonsense (of course, with the obligatory photo and video report on participation). There is no time to teach children, because it is impossible to report after school, because the officials’ working day is ending. Orders from RONO based on minutes of meetings of public organizations or ordinary recommendations. If there is no photo from the event, it means it didn’t happen and the teacher is not working. I won’t even mention forced digitalization, elections, the Unified State Exam for pennies, and so on. And if you try not to follow their instructions, the directors will immediately punish you. And he will immediately take revenge on you by cutting your salary and depriving you of your bonus. You can’t give a bad grade, because the school’s funding will be cut. I gave two bad grades in math in the first quarter, it was such a scandal. The children didn’t do anything in class; they didn’t even bring notebooks, textbooks or pens, and at the same time they brazenly told me that I had no right to give bad grades. Like, the director will force me not to give a bad grade anyway. Their parents threatened to file complaints to various authorities. I barely had enough patience to avoid dragging in the hamam. In short, to say that the schools are complete ass and education is below par is an understatement.
    1. Msi
      7 December 2023 06: 02
      I gave two bad grades in math in the first quarter, it was such a scandal

      hi The son told me. The girl stood up and could not recite the poem, and she was given a C. lol
      Tell me, does the teacher have bonuses for excellent students???
      1. +22
        7 December 2023 07: 43
        At most, he will receive a certificate from RONO. They gave me one for this on September 1st, but I threw it away at the same hour. Not only were there grammatical errors, but the position was also confused.
        1. -7
          7 December 2023 09: 45
          At most, he will receive a certificate from RONO. They gave me one for this on September 1st, but I threw it away at the same hour. Not only are there grammatical errors,

          Former excellent students are happy when former C students present them with certificates.
          For many years everything was not going where it needed to be. Since Soviet times, everything has been arranged in such a way as to suppress the smartest and most normal people as much as possible, break their will, and kill their initiative. If a child began to ignore school in time, he grew up to be a person with an unbroken will, but uneducated and self-centered.
          That's why what happens happens.
    2. +25
      7 December 2023 06: 05
      As for all kinds of reports.
      “Thanks to me, the employees of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR could work in the UK, as they say - in full growth, because. M-6 counterintelligence workers were diverted by me to write worthless paper certificates and reports.
      “When my employee began to actively work, recruit agents, identify residents, I overwhelmed him with useless paperwork, and his activity was very quickly reduced to nothing. I am proud to have personally developed and implemented several new reporting forms.”
      Kim Filby
      - Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence, Head of the 9th Department of the British Secret Intelligence Service, Soviet intelligence officer, “Honorary State Security Officer.”
      Parallels, isn't it?! And so in all areas, including in the Ministry of Defense and law enforcement agencies! Everything goes according to plan...
    3. Msi
      7 December 2023 06: 08
      drag in the hammam.

      Schools are a total mess, and education is below par

      What do you teach, if it’s not a secret???
      1. +14
        7 December 2023 07: 44
        Computer science and mathematics
    4. +11
      7 December 2023 10: 18
      I also worked as a rural teacher in the late 90s. Lasted one year. The bet is 300 rubles (10 bucks at that time). Salaries were delayed for half a year. As a result, I gave up everything and have been working in another specialty for more than 20 years. To those who say that this is a calling, I will answer that this is the destruction of the education system.
  9. +24
    7 December 2023 05: 42
    "Crying" article. But the most adequate of what has been written about education at HE in recent years. The main problem is not even symbolic salaries. An epic mess in everything except reporting. The feeling of a teacher is the state of an officer in the imperial army in 1917. Nobody needs knowledge and discipline: neither the state, nor children, nor bureaucrats, nor parents. Only a few students “fight”; the rest have long since become “anarchists who don’t care.”
    Schools now perform only police supervisory functions and save staff of social workers.

    p.s. I was very surprised to read about the influence of the Singapore model on education in the Russian Federation. There is very little in common. In Singapore, the result is important, discipline, a stanza system, ranking of students, early specialization, and various punishments are provided. We have the complete opposite. Here, a gray mass of idiots dissolves those who are still trying to learn.
    1. +8
      7 December 2023 06: 18
      The feeling of a teacher is the state of an officer in the imperial army in 1917.

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
      In Singapore, the result is important, discipline, a stanza system, ranking of students, early specialization and various punishments are provided. We have the complete opposite.

      + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    2. +7
      7 December 2023 08: 47
      Quote: samarin1969
      Here, a gray mass of idiots dissolves those who are still trying to learn.

      That's for sure.
  10. +6
    7 December 2023 05: 47
    Quote: samarin1969
    . Here, a gray mass of idiots dissolves those who are still trying to learn.

    They are on smartphones and tablets... smile, and the teacher is boring... you have to assimilate what he is trying to put into the heads of foolish children.
    1. Msi
      7 December 2023 06: 06
      They are on smartphones and tablets...

      There are parents for these purposes. Which should reach children. And don’t give unnecessary gadgets to school.
      1. +6
        7 December 2023 08: 50
        Quote from Msi
        There are parents for these purposes. Which should reach children. And don’t give unnecessary gadgets to school.

        The teaching staff once tried to force the students to put their smartphones in a box before the first lesson, and take them away after the last bell... Parents raised such a howl throughout the entire district, the prosecutor's office was involved... Now "everything is fine", children hugging their favorite toys .
        1. Msi
          7 December 2023 09: 02
          The parents raised such a howl throughout the entire area, the prosecutor's office got involved... Now “everything is fine”, the children are hugging their favorite toys.

          Here you see again a question for parents. We take it in class. Mine has a primitive phone. There is no way to play there and there is no internet.
  11. +15
    7 December 2023 06: 04
    . We decided to take any world experience as an example, as long as it wasn’t the Soviet one.

    What other example can our patriots take who don’t like their native galoshes? Well, not Soviet!

    . The shameful phrase “teaching is not a profession, but a vocation” easily explains low rates in schools and kindergartens.

    What next? Will there be voices saying that Russians don’t want to go to thankless jobs in schools and kindergartens, and therefore we need to replace them with guest workers?
    This is how we explain the need for imported labor from migrants, instead of increasing wages!
    1. +2
      7 December 2023 09: 29
      Quote: Stas157
      What next? Will there be voices saying that Russians don’t want to go to thankless jobs in schools and kindergartens, and therefore we need to replace them with guest workers?

      Where can we get so many guest workers who are ready to work for such pay? No, what’s next is online education, lessons in front of computer monitors...
      1. +2
        7 December 2023 09: 31
        Quote: Doccor18
        Further ahead, online education is looming in full swing, lessons in front of computer monitors...

        And there is.
    2. +2
      7 December 2023 09: 30
      Quote: Stas157
      so we need to replace them with guest workers?

      So we still need to find so many people with pedagogical skills. And where?
  12. +2
    7 December 2023 06: 09
    Quote from Msi
    They are on smartphones and tablets...

    There are parents for these purposes. Which should reach children. And don’t give unnecessary gadgets to school.

    Parents express complaints to the school and the teacher... it becomes a vicious circle. request
    1. Msi
      7 December 2023 06: 17
      Parents express complaints to the school and the teacher... it becomes a vicious circle.
      but you and I understand that the circle is “open”. Education is, first of all, family and everything should go from there. Moreover, the school is now officially exempt from this function...
      1. +4
        7 December 2023 09: 44
        Quote from Msi
        You and I understand that the circle is “open”

        Not certainly in that way. Lately, “in a surprising way,” a certain selection has been taking place among teachers. Most of the real professionals go to lyceums and gymnasiums, to tutoring, and what remains are either very old, or very young, or those whose professional skills will not allow them to get a job anywhere else. And such individuals begin to pretend to be emperors without a throne. Moreover, these characters almost always act out on the most responsible and serious students, because idiots will not run after them. I've met people like this many times. It seems that these people are indulging their once greatly injured pride by now humiliating others.
        1. Msi
          7 December 2023 09: 47
          It seems that these people are indulging their once greatly injured pride by now humiliating others.

          I don’t know, I haven’t come across anything like this yet...
          1. +2
            7 December 2023 09: 49
            Quote from Msi
            It seems that these people are indulging their once greatly injured pride by now humiliating others.

            I don’t know, I haven’t come across anything like this yet...

            What a score.
  13. +6
    7 December 2023 06: 14
    I talked with the son of a former Jewish classmate, who studies at his national school in St. Petersburg.

    I discovered the excellent knowledge, quite mature judgment of a 15-year-old boy and his great respect for his teachers.
    1. -1
      7 December 2023 07: 34
      Again, our people are not the same? Or what are you talking about?
      1. -1
        7 December 2023 10: 32
        Quote: Andrey Moskvin
        Again, our people are not the same? Or what are you talking about?

        What are you talking about? Are the Jewish people "wrong"? Are they bad people?
        1. +2
          7 December 2023 12: 20
          You write what a wonderful boy he grew up in a Jewish school. Things are bad for the Russians. I repeat, what are you talking about? Do you also propose to introduce national schools? Russian schools only for Russians?
    2. 0
      7 December 2023 08: 23
      I talked with the son of a former Jewish classmate, who studies at his national school in St. Petersburg.
      Are there Jewish schools in St. Petersburg? Teaching in Hebrew or Yiddish?
  14. +4
    7 December 2023 06: 16
    For some unknown reason, the Ministry of Education and Science (later the Ministry of Education) decided to take as an example any world experience, as long as it was not Soviet.

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    1. +2
      7 December 2023 11: 49
      For some unknown reason, the Ministry of Education and Science (later the Ministry of Education) decided to take as an example any world experience, as long as it was not Soviet.

      Why for some unknown reason?
      Very consciously, under the influence of advisers “from the main bourgeoisie,” they took world experience as a basis: consumers are needed, not creators.

      ...One of such bourgeois hypocrisies is the belief that the school can be outside of politics. You know very well how false this belief is. And the bourgeoisie, which put forward this position, itself put its bourgeois policy at the forefront of school work and tried to reduce school work to training obedient and efficient servants for the bourgeoisie, tried, from top to bottom, to reduce even universal education to training obedient and efficient servants for the bourgeoisie. efficient servants, executors of will and slaves of capital, never caring about making school an instrument for educating the human personality. And now it is clear to everyone that this can only be done by a socialist school, standing in inextricable connection with all working and exploited people and standing not for fear, but for conscience on the Soviet platform....

      Quote Explanation:
      II All-Russian Congress of Internationalist Teachers January 18, 1919
  15. +2
    7 December 2023 06: 43
    I assume that teachers are divided into three categories. if we talk about the fact that a teacher is a calling.
    First. These are those teachers who, say, just like pilots cannot live without the sky, they cannot live without school and without students. It should be noted that flying and teaching are the main thing for them, not salary...
    Second. These are those teachers who chose the teaching profession by chance, due to a combination of different circumstances in their lives at the time of choosing their profession. But having worked as a teacher for twenty or thirty years, they never once said to themselves that he or she was a teacher by vocation. Because of this, about such people in RONO, colleagues at school, parents of schoolchildren just said that this teacher is a teacher by vocation. If in RONO or in the teacher’s room in Soviet times one could use the word “god”, then they would say that this teacher is from God.
    Third. These are the teachers who consider the concept of “teacher by vocation” even offensive to themselves, as if they are no longer capable of anything. Like, my place should have been in the MGIMO auditorium or at Moscow University. Lomonosov, but I had to enter the “regional pedagogical”...
    In Soviet times, teachers also did not feel any special “financial worries”. But they were respected at school and in life. Even those from that third category....
  16. +6
    7 December 2023 07: 09
    Everything will eventually come naturally to the SBER class, Yandex class, etc. There is no use fighting this. The only option is to take the children for home schooling, chip in for 4-6 parents and hire full-time teachers, organize private classes, and train them on all these platforms separately. You and Gref and the Ministry of Education will not do anything.
    1. 0
      7 December 2023 09: 02
      Quote: nikolaevskiy78
      Everything will eventually come naturally to the SBER class, Yandex class, etc.

      Everyone will come to this. The future of education in the world lies in online learning.
  17. +2
    7 December 2023 07: 13
    Everything will continue as long as there are people willing to work for low wages. We do not live in communism and socialism, but in a market economy, and this phenomenon does not contradict the system. Changes will begin only after the total dismissal of teachers and the transition to private practice. Only when there is a severe shortage of teachers in the papers, only then will the state machine begin to move and solve the problem. Until then, everything will continue in the same direction.
    1. +8
      7 December 2023 07: 15
      The shortage of doctors was made up for: a) migrants, b) consolidation, c) digitalization. How is education different? They will also replenish by analogy and report on the increase in efficiency.
      1. -1
        7 December 2023 07: 19
        This means that private schools will actively develop. Not all of them will necessarily be expensive and elite; there will also be quite affordable prices. And so we can only observe the development of the situation; the state usually does not listen to anyone and does not negotiate.
        1. 0
          7 December 2023 07: 21
          So I write above that 4-6 parents will have to chip in and hire a full-time teacher. But there is also a question with the premises and other things. But it’s either or.
          1. 0
            7 December 2023 07: 54
            By the way, in Moscow teachers have good salaries, more than 100k.
            Of the private schools, I remember the school shown on channel 808 https://youtu.be/ZLzT8vpOTwU?si=oJbwiSniOymkVzRl
            "The best school in Russia."
            I myself cannot call it the best, but it is a really good school and simply a good education option for those for whom a regular school is not suitable for some reason. I see the disadvantages of it in the fact that after studying in such a free school, students may find it difficult in the future, in ordinary universities and in stupid jobs. It is easier to move from a less free system to a freer one than vice versa.
        2. +1
          7 December 2023 07: 39
          You try to found a private school, where will the money for it come from??
        3. Egg
          7 December 2023 09: 58
          Quote: Archon
          Not all of them will necessarily be expensive and elite; there will also be quite affordable prices.

          Actually, the taxes we pay include... and the maintenance of schools and preschool institutions, do we also have to pay separately? We have to pay taxes, but the state, represented by officials, no longer owes us anything, neither to teach, nor to treat... they fucked us all beautifully.
        4. 0
          7 December 2023 11: 05
          Quote: Archon
          This means that private schools will actively develop. Not all of them will necessarily be expensive and elite; there will also be quite affordable prices.

          They will not be affordable in price. We already have similar schools. Small ones. It would be hard to call them elite. The knowledge is average, the supervision is just good, because there are seven or eight students in the class. Cost - 25 thousand/month. And for two? How many families can understand such expenses?
          1. +2
            7 December 2023 11: 10
            You can't call it a school. It will be necessary to select teachers and somehow organize the process. I can’t say that in this case I have anything more than a general idea of ​​the process. Maybe Savateev has more specifics, but he won’t be enough for everyone.
            1. +1
              7 December 2023 11: 24
              Quote: nikolaevskiy78
              Maybe Savateev has more specifics

              Somehow his smart speeches evoke a sense of utopia. Either to change the entire Ministry of Education, or to double the salaries of teachers. Well, if not, then what? Well, now teachers won’t get more bankers or traders, but how can they attract them then? I also heard about “look for a strong school”, and about “the positive experience of a private school”... For whom is it positive? For the absolute minority? Very well, a few fit in, but what about the masses who don’t have “strong schools” in the area and don’t have the funds for private...? More questions than answers. And so it is in almost everything.
              1. +2
                7 December 2023 11: 30
                He at least tries to do something in practice, but I agree that he rather resembles an incorrigible idealist.
      2. +2
        7 December 2023 11: 01
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        The shortage of doctors was made up for: a) migrants, b) consolidation, c) digitalization.

        I didn't notice A and B. B - to the fullest...
    2. +11
      7 December 2023 07: 52
      Quote: Archon
      Everything will continue as long as there are people willing to work for low wages. We do not live in communism and socialism, but in a market economy, and this phenomenon does not contradict the system.
      It’s clear that the troubles of the people are not from thieves or traitors, but from those who work..... Wow, what bastards! "

      But seriously, it’s still contradictory.

      The costs of maintaining the state apparatus, the army, the police, the FSB, the FSIN, the prosecutor's office are for some reason not subject to the “invisible hand of the market”... Curious how the budget financing of the FSB differs from the budget financing of medicine and schools? ....

      They didn’t spare money to put a Russian peasant in jail under any regime or pressure, but to educate his son well - “there is no money, but you hold on”

      There is an interesting statement by the director of Alfa Bank P. Aven: “The state finances sports and religion much better than science, school and medicine.” Here's the "hand of the market" for you... laughing
  18. +10
    7 December 2023 07: 23
    Well, what did you expect? A citizen should only understand how to take out a loan and calculate how to save for the payment and live until the next salary, he doesn’t need to know the rest! This is the simplest psychology of the masses; it’s easier to control a stupid, illiterate crowd! When people only think about how to survive, they don’t think about anything else, otherwise they will start a riot or dispossess the rich. They successfully mold us into a stupid gray herd.
    1. Egg
      7 December 2023 10: 02
      Quote: Vadim S
      They successfully mold us into a dull gray herd

      What are they sculpting? Already blinded, and individual leaps of consciousness successfully land.
  19. -3
    7 December 2023 07: 43
    Another critical article about school, but if the author writes about salaries, provide specific figures. It is clear that we will remove the salary in Mosev from brackets, but with numbers it’s a different matter.
  20. +2
    7 December 2023 07: 45
    Quote: ZhEK-Vodogrey
    Quote: Nyrobsky
    We must revive the Soviet education system, otherwise we will not see success. No one has done as much to destroy our education as our Ministry of Education.
    I remember former ministry minister Fursenko said: “The shortcoming of the Soviet education system was the attempt to raise a creative person, but now the task is to raise a qualified consumer who can skillfully use the result of the creativity of others.”

    The Soviet education system raised real boys, but now it’s not the same. A graduate of a Soviet school could charge cans of water from the TV and invest in various MMMs.

    Don't forget that MMM was also created by graduates of Soviet schools.
    1. +1
      7 December 2023 10: 18
      Don't forget that MMM was also created by graduates of Soviet schools.

      Well, they were just taught history well - Tulip fever, Holland - 17th century.
  21. +9
    7 December 2023 07: 48
    1. The teacher’s workload must be nominal - 27 hours per week. Anything higher comes at the expense of quality. No 1.5 rate, etc. Now people know that the salary rate will be a penny. The veins are tearing. And they push themselves.
    2. The salary for THESE 27 HOURS should in any case be no less than 100 thousand rubles.
    3. Education should not be provided as a service.
    4. Return Stalinist preferences to teachers. Purely based on length of service. Titles and awards.
    Then you can tolerate all this reporting, etc. Although in education there is complete chaos on the part of the leadership. There are simply no management standards.
    No money left? It was pinned down, they found it on the police and the army. And here they will be.
    1. mz
      7 December 2023 12: 30

      1. The teacher’s workload must be nominal - 27 hours per week. Anything higher comes at the expense of quality. No 1.5 rate, etc. Now people know that the salary rate will be a penny. The veins are tearing. And they push themselves.

      So 27 teaching hours is 1.5 times the rate. The teacher's pay is 18 hours per week. In my teaching experience (7 years in college), 27 hours can still be digested, although it’s hard, of course. If it’s more, at least hang yourself.
      1. 0
        7 December 2023 15: 22
        I'll check with my wife. Maybe I got it wrong.
      2. 0
        8 December 2023 07: 08
        Yes. 18.
        Somewhere in my head the wrong thing was deposited.
    2. +4
      7 December 2023 12: 45
      1. The teacher’s workload must be nominal - 27 hours per week.

      27 bell hours is a big load. 5-6 lessons daily. Now the rate is 18 hours.
      But besides the bell load, the teacher has enough other work
  22. +4
    7 December 2023 07: 50
    In my opinion, what is happening with education is quite logical and adequate to the current situation.

    A small layer of those who will be at the helm, the “elite,” receives a normal education. The rest of the population receives only what is needed in everyday life, without excess. With our disconnection from the Bologna system, there is now no need to somehow prove the value of our diplomas in the West, that is, the external influence factor has disappeared.

    Two-level education - “elite” and ordinary - is a very logical step that allows you to maintain social peace and not mix those who govern and those who are governed.
    1. +14
      7 December 2023 08: 04
      Two-level education - “elite” and ordinary - is a very logical step that allows you to maintain social peace and not mix those who govern and those who are governed.
      “Our ideal is the Russian Empire,” as Peskov said, and we are already almost close to the ideal. Estates and resources have been distributed, the boyars have been created, it’s time to resolve education, there is no need to produce more educated people here. For the educated, all sorts of confusion occurs in the heads. It's easier with slaves.
      1. +4
        7 December 2023 08: 31
        I will be happy if I am refuted. I'm afraid everything will be limited to "throwing banana peels and poop" (c) :)
      2. 0
        7 December 2023 09: 43
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        .Estates and resources have been distributed, the boyars have been created, it’s time to decide on education, there is no need to produce educated people here.

        Russia's estates ended after the defeat in the Crimean War. After this, it became clear to smart people in Tsarist Russia that either Russia would accept the best of the Western model or become a British or German colony like India or China. With the beginning of the Northern Military District, Putin must understand either his aircraft designers and engineers will be smarter and more motivated than Western ones, or he will face a fate somewhere between the fate of Gadafi and Saddam.
        1. 0
          9 December 2023 15: 20
          Fortunately/unfortunately, Russia has a nuclear power, and the country itself is stronger than Libya and Iraq combined. Yes, and the United States hit too hard in the forehead. So, the fate of Kadaffi/Sadam does not threaten him
    2. +2
      7 December 2023 13: 05
      It’s just that you won’t be able to live comfortably in the middle of a swamp and live normally on an elite island. either the mosquitoes will eat you or some other sadness will happen. Somehow the Minister of Health’s mother-in-law didn’t get a ride - this is a field of berries. They will not be able to completely isolate themselves from the plebs. But they try hard. Vision of the future is not a strong side of the mind that is accustomed to looking only at one’s own feet, so the future will sooner or later knock on the gates of mansions. But with butts or something else, this is already particular. We just want to avoid losing our country and our children by that time.
  23. +4
    7 December 2023 07: 58
    A deputy is a service. From the power - an apartment, a car, security.... and this... and this. And they still pay money? Gentlemen, did you happen to get too drunk there? Maybe it's time to thin out your ranks a little. Do you want gold? Welcome to Kolyma - to the primary sources. Do you want diamonds? - the quarries of Yakutia are glad to see you come for permanent residence.
    1. +2
      7 December 2023 09: 31
      Strongly written. Just let me ask - who will thin out the rows, eh?
  24. +11
    7 December 2023 08: 00
    Everything will get better. The economy is growing, sanctions have not broken the country, we are uniting more and more closely. Education will also get better, it will also be gone. smile
    1. +5
      7 December 2023 09: 32
      In my opinion, not “too”, but “already”, but then go to such doctors and others laughing
      1. +3
        7 December 2023 09: 41
        then go to such doctors and others
        They will issue licenses to healers and we will go to them. Traditional medicine is power smile
        Try rabbit droppings!
        He is vigorous! He'll get it!
        And kuda healing honey
        Though to taste and not honey.
        It tastes cool though
        And with him, it happens, they die,
        But which ones survive?
        They live until old age!.(c) laughing
        1. +4
          7 December 2023 09: 43
          Yeah, it's so funny that I almost want to cry. hi
          1. +3
            7 December 2023 09: 48
            We live in the era of the birth of a new world, built on the ruins of the old smile hi
      2. +3
        7 December 2023 11: 14
        Quote from AdAstra
        but then go to such doctors and others

        “I’ll calm you down,” no matter how soon you won’t be walking. Those that remain will be admitted to clinics in big cities for a hefty price. Go for a consultation three times, a couple of laboratory and instrumental tests, and there is no average two-month budget... “Everything is for collecting medicinal herbs” S.
        1. +1
          7 December 2023 11: 52
          Thank you - "reassured" laughing crying "" "" "
  25. +3
    7 December 2023 08: 16
    Education itself cannot exist on its own. Cinema, literature, and educational magazines have always helped him. What method do the teachers themselves use to teach? Cinema certainly cannot help a student anymore. The student draws knowledge from the Internet. There are useful things there. But children climb much easier. Previously, in pedagogical institutes, in addition to knowledge, students obtained psychology subjects. What the state gives to education is crumbs. If you look at the statistics on investments in education, it is terrible.
  26. +5
    7 December 2023 09: 03
    “For some unknown reason, the Ministry of Education and Science (later the Ministry of Education) decided to take as an example any world experience, as long as it was not Soviet.”
    The author probably knows everything and understands everything. But if you write the truth, then it will be extremism. Down below.
    It has been discussed many times, but to no avail and never will be.
    Because This is not “their own” for the authorities. There will be teachers, there won’t be - the children of the elite do not learn from them, and the power itself clearly does not rest on teachers and the like.
    To increase the incomes of the top security officials, deputies, and officials, and not to impose unnecessary taxes on excess income - this is the main thing. so that no one encroaches on power. For the rest, work according to your “calling”
    1. -2
      7 December 2023 09: 31
      1 If the student is not interested and has no desire to learn, then the teacher cannot teach (perhaps with the exception of a talented teacher)
      2 if a student is interested and has a desire, then such a student himself can do without a school teacher,
      that is, in the first case, the teacher cannot, and in the second, he is not needed, but in order to receive a salary, the teacher needs students, especially those from point 2 who can study independently.
      By the way, the worse the quality of teaching, the lower the academic performance and the more work for tutors, and their prices are about 1 thousand per hour
      1. +4
        7 December 2023 13: 20
        if a student is interested and has a desire, then such a student can do without a school teacher

        Not everyone can do it; only a few are self-taught.
        Such a student first of all needs a teacher to provide an optimal learning method and so that interest does not disappear
        But in the first category, the teacher won’t help much. You can lead a camel to water, but you cannot force it to drink.
  27. +4
    7 December 2023 09: 08
    Until the “roasted rooster” bites officials and deputies at various levels, it’s unlikely that anything will change! Not all teachers have fled and quit their jobs yet, so is it worth worrying so much? laughing
  28. +2
    7 December 2023 09: 08
    A deputy and an official are a calling and patriotism!
    The minimum wage is enough for them.
  29. +5
    7 December 2023 09: 13
    Nuclear shipbuilding center, far north: salary of a teacher with higher education in kindergarten 30+, constant turnover, double shifts for pennies, liability up to criminal. What else is there to comment on, continuous tears.
  30. +4
    7 December 2023 09: 29
    On paper, everything is relatively good - in 2023, the shortage of school teachers will not exceed 4 percent of the total number. This is about 11 thousand teaching staff. However, in reality everything is much worse.

    In fact, it's even worse. Due to low salaries, teachers have to work multiple jobs. Sometimes in two shifts, plus all sorts of events that need to be carried out on weekends too. When should they rest? In summer? Don’t tell me, in the summer there are all sorts of camps at schools. At this time, the teacher is also constantly with his children. After all, you need to visit all sorts of exhibitions, museums, libraries, and other events, then you need to discuss all this with your students so that they have something left in their heads other than the fact of the event itself.
    In general, the work of a teacher in a school is almost a XNUMX-hour, year-round job and a hassle.
    If before the teacher was a FIGURE in the school who could influence the families of the students, now the rudeness and negativity towards them is such that without a CALLING there it is better to hang themselves right away. Just go to school during a break and it will immediately become clear to you, the screaming, the noise, the din, you can go deaf from the height and volume of the sounds. And the teachers work in this environment, trying to teach these screaming deaf-eaters something.
    Yes, teachers should have monuments erected during their lifetime and cast in bronze for their heroic work, which is not valued in today’s society. sad
  31. +4
    7 December 2023 09: 41
    Fine. They become doctors, teachers and the police by vocation, so they cannot receive normal salaries, otherwise they will “go for the ruble.” In the meantime, they work for a pittance, which means they work from the heart)). The cops generally have an ambush - “steadfastly endure hardships and hardships...” and you can, in principle, not pay at all and be deprived of days off, which is what management at a certain level takes advantage of. I now receive a salary of 10 thousand more than the standard one as a simple security guard. lieutenant with 8 years of service in a leadership position. But his level of responsibility is incomparable and the workload is higher. As long as working for the state is more of a punishment and ridicule than a privilege, do not expect anything good in this area. The best ones from there will go to places where they will not only be paid well, but will also be valued accordingly. And because There has been no queue behind the notorious fence for a long time; there will never be enough personnel in these areas.
    1. +3
      7 December 2023 13: 24
      I now receive a salary of 10 thousand more than the standard one as a simple security guard. lieutenant with 8 years of service in a leadership position.

      Do you remember the joke about “Give them a radar and a gun and spin as best you can”? Perhaps the system is designed for this.
  32. +1
    7 December 2023 09: 52
    Quote: gsev
    Russia's estates ended after the defeat in the Crimean War. After this, it became clear to smart people in Tsarist Russia that either Russia would accept the best of the Western model or become a British or German colony like India or China.

    “And what did you choose” (c) Baron Munchausen :)
  33. +2
    7 December 2023 09: 54
    In essence, the government equated the calling to teach with the calling to beg.
  34. +1
    7 December 2023 09: 58
    This attitude towards education is either betrayal, or the stupidity of the authorities, taking revenge on teachers for their laziness and stupidity, or both.
  35. +3
    7 December 2023 10: 02
    Quote: agond
    If the student is not interested and has no desire to learn, then the teacher cannot teach (perhaps with the exception of a talented teacher)


    I studied in a Soviet school, many did not want to study - this is typical for children. I myself didn’t like all the subjects, to put it mildly, and riding a bike is more interesting than sitting over textbooks.

    Teachers, on their own initiative, stayed after classes, came up during breaks, called parents or came to them (not everyone had phones) and hammered secondary education into everyone’s heads. To varying degrees, of course, but they hammered home the basics.

    Then there was, rather, an alliance between the teacher and the parent “against” the student, the poor student was surrounded on all sides by adults.
  36. +3
    7 December 2023 10: 09
    Quote: K-50
    If before the teacher was a FIGURE in the school who could influence the families of the students, now the rudeness and negativity towards them is such that without a CALLING there it is better to hang themselves right away. Just go to school during a break and it will immediately become clear to you that the screaming noise is loud and you can go deaf from the height and volume of the sounds.

    It's true, the teacher was a figure, and not only at school. I remember an episode - a group of adults over 40 and older were sitting at a table in the courtyard, playing cards, someone was tipsy. The teacher comes up - she recognizes one of the parents and wants to say something. Everyone gets up, says hello, shyly hides their cards... TEACHER!

    But there was noise and commotion in schools during breaks even then - of course, if one of the teachers did not go out into the corridor to get some air.

    And what was going on in the schoolyard - I myself got hit in the head with a pebble during recess, in general, no exception, they played like that.
    1. +1
      7 December 2023 12: 40
      ...shamefully hide the cards... TEACHER!
      This attitude towards teachers began to disappear with perestroika. The students began to snap, then become rude, and went to class with only notebooks and a diary. When dad is a cooperator, a fashionably dressed student no longer thinks of his poor teacher. I remember everything. And I won't forget.
  37. +2
    7 December 2023 10: 14
    There are things on which a nation, a state stands. These are children - the future of the nation and the state, and teachers who form the worldview of the future citizens of the state. There are also doctors who shape the health of the nation.
    Both should receive decent content. Everyone, absolutely all teachers and doctors must have housing, either public or private if they wish. Graduated from a pedagogical or medical institute, get housing if you need it, immediately after arriving at the service. If you have children, you will immediately receive increased living space. And further. Teachers need to be converted into government employees, as well as medical workers, at least in government clinics and hospitals.
    Don’t talk about your vocation, but immediately put him on the podium. soldier
  38. +4
    7 December 2023 11: 00
    It is not surprising that the average age of teachers in schools is inexorably growing - by 2029, no more than 6 percent of teachers will be under 30 years old.

    In our village at the moment there are no “non-retired” teachers at school...
  39. +3
    7 December 2023 11: 09
    To those who have the audacity to talk about vocation, I would give a teacher’s monthly salary and let him try to live on it for this month
    1. -7
      7 December 2023 11: 26
      First, find out how much the average and real salary of a teacher is and believe me, many envy her. We have less in industry. A nurse in an ambulance earns much less, but a driver earns 2 wages to have one.
      1. +1
        8 December 2023 12: 30
        First, find out how much the average and real salary of a teacher is.

        A kindergarten teacher of the highest category, a group of 48 children, there are not enough beds (they don’t fit in the sleeping area) brings home ...22-24 thousand rubles a month.
        When working TWO shifts, an additional 40% will be added!
        Don't deny yourself anything!!!
  40. +2
    7 December 2023 11: 16
    For many years, various experts and officials justified this or that innovation, various amendments, laws, saying that it would be better this way. And time just put everything in its place and we clearly see what the reformers brought and what came out of it, this applies not only to schools in general.
    Much has been written, but we even have many different curricula and textbooks on one subject, and they change after a year or two. That is, it is beneficial for someone to reprint textbooks a year later with minor edits.
  41. +1
    7 December 2023 11: 16
    About myself: I have no children and never will have them; I said goodbye to school in 1986.
    Regarding manual arithmetic: why is this necessary? Maybe we’ll also teach first-graders how to write with a fountain pen, or how to calculate trigonometric functions manually? Class time is not flexible, students already have a lot of workload, so we remove the excess. Education and school in particular should provide the knowledge that will be useful in life, that will help in competition.
    Yes, and calculators in tech were allowed in exams.
    As for salaries, the author is absolutely right, but this is already a problem for the entire state - the salaries of most state employees are pennies.
    And the author missed one more point - the rights of the teacher. Just the other day they passed a law banning mobile phones in the classroom. How can a teacher maintain discipline in the classroom if he has no rights but only responsibilities?
    Education standards are now being implemented. Okay, but maybe we should immediately introduce standards for students? At least in terms of behavior. Student not meeting standards, disrupting class? Report, and suspension from classes and from school in general. In the Covid era, we studied without leaving home, and it’s the same here. Go to school only for exams or when the student (or his parents) proves his adequacy.
    1. 0
      7 December 2023 11: 50
      Quote: Not the fighter
      Student not meeting standards, disrupting class? Report, and suspension from classes and from school in general.

      80-90% of students will thank you for this. A generation will be left without any basic knowledge at all. Shall we fly with a whistle to pre-revolutionary Russia?
      1. +1
        7 December 2023 12: 22
        The main threat in a SOVIET SCHOOL is that you will leave with a certificate. That is, we will not give you a certificate.
        Now - praise be to the Unified State Examination and the Internet, you can study on your own. What prevents this student, who has been suspended from classes, from studying on his own and passing the Unified State Exam normally? Theoretically, nothing.
        The fact that 80-90% of those suspended from the Unified State Exam will not pass the Unified State Exam properly is their problem. Where they will go after this and what they will do, too, is the problem of them and their parents.
        80-90% of students will thank you for this.

        With a small caveat - those who want to study normally, and not watch the circus act “tame a teacher taming a rowdy schoolboy.” I hope that the majority are like this.
  42. +5
    7 December 2023 11: 16
    ...The laws of the market are inexorable, and they force talented teachers to go into the very business that Dmitry Medvedev once spoke about...

    So the market will still be ruined? So he sorted it out.
    Everyone wanted to join “civilized” capitalism, here it is in all its glory, but now there is enough sausage for everyone. Is there enough for everyone?wink
    The only strange thing is that adherents of capitalism under the Union did not buy sausage at cooperative markets at the market price, but traveled (regardless of transportation costs) by train to the capital, crowding in lines for the coveted sausage at the state price. Now we have market prices for sausage everywhere. Is it a blunder? laughing
    And so wherever you look, in all sectors of life, this very “market” is being planted.
    Well, now what are you not happy with? Dreams have come true! Or not everyone? wink
    I'm just scared for the children. They will have to live somehow in this “world of pink ponies.”
  43. 0
    7 December 2023 11: 24
    Just equate doctors and teachers with officials
  44. -1
    7 December 2023 11: 24
    You don't know anything about teachers' salaries. What's the stake here? You need to look at the real salary, and it is higher than in industry, at least here in the Tula region.
  45. +3
    7 December 2023 11: 52
    reminds one of a conversation between a mute and a deaf person, a well-fed person is no friend to a hungry person, something like this about our officials, why should the latter change anything if the officials sit steadily and comfortably in chairs that do not wobble?
  46. +1
    7 December 2023 12: 40
    Quote: Stinging_Nettle
    Until I was 27 years old, I didn’t know that you could return an item by receipt within two weeks.
    But how much they blew my mind with logarithms that were never useful.

    Haven't you been taught to read?
  47. 0
    7 December 2023 12: 51
    For some unknown reason, the Ministry of Education and Science (later the Ministry of Education) decided to take as an example any world experience, as long as it was not Soviet.

    rather, unnamed, but well known.
  48. +1
    7 December 2023 12: 57
    Apparently, the lack of medicine and education is critical to the well-being of the nation.

    The coronavirus has hit Europe and America much harder than the poorest Asian and African countries. If there is no medicine, then there won’t be many people with chronic diseases.
    So we are preparing for future pandemics, and quite successfully - there will simply be no one to die.

    And in “much wisdom there is much sorrow,” the ancient Jews will not let you lie. So "have a good mood."

    Yakunin, I remember, said something about creating a stable ruling class, so their education can be preserved. Another thing is that teachers for the barchuks also need to be taken from somewhere, so this is not the first time we have imported tutors from France...
  49. +7
    7 December 2023 13: 49
    A teacher does not make a profit, therefore these are non-core assets, just like pensioners. The pensioners have already been killed, and the teachers are in line. There will be enough parochial schools to teach people how to read and write.
  50. 0
    7 December 2023 13: 49
    A teacher does not make a profit, therefore these are non-core assets, just like pensioners. The pensioners have already been killed, and the teachers are in line. There will be enough parochial schools to teach people how to read and write.
  51. BAI
    7 December 2023 13: 56
    The Minister of Education of the Orenburg Region, Alexey Pakhomov, directly stated that it is not worth raising teachers’ salaries, since they will go into the profession “for a long ruble, and not for their vocation”

    And officials don’t have to pay salaries at all. Running a state is an honor that must be earned. Are they becoming officials by vocation?
    1. +1
      7 December 2023 21: 49
      And in general, an official is a servant of the people. So let them live accordingly.

      Really shabby creatures who do not see edges and are encouraged by the guarantor of instability.
  52. 0
    7 December 2023 14: 05
    Quote from alexoff
    After which the Americans landed on the Moon and sent several probes to the outer solar system, some of which are still working by the way.

    The United States took its education seriously after the launch of our satellite, because it believed that it was the best education that allowed the USSR to get ahead.

    Our championship was short-lived, about 10 years.
    1. 0
      8 December 2023 10: 51
      And who created the super industry for the “uneducated” Americans at the beginning of the 20th century? Aren't they educated people? They have made and are making such aviation and automobile internal combustion engines that we can only dream of. And not only this. So there was order with educated people there.
  53. +2
    7 December 2023 14: 30
    So idiot Medvedev told teachers, if you don’t have enough money, go become a businessman.
    1. 0
      8 December 2023 10: 52
      So he judged for himself. Worked as a teacher at a university and went to the Ozero cooperative.
  54. +1
    7 December 2023 14: 53
    Interesting, relevant article. There is something to discuss.
    1. 0
      8 December 2023 10: 52
      But Uncle Putin and EdRo do not intend to discuss this.
  55. -1
    7 December 2023 15: 29
    Quote from alexoff
    Normal education will appear almost by itself if there is a normal economy.

    Not sure. In the USSR, the economy was not very good, but education was very normal.
  56. 0
    7 December 2023 15: 46
    How can an ordinary person understand this? belay

    1.Putin: internal sources of lending for Russian companies have replaced external ones; overall, there is no problem here.

    2. First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Chistyukhin, speaking at parliamentary hearings in the State Duma, confirmed that the regulator does not see the possibility of bank capital “to participate in the most important transformational technological projects for the country.” The rationale is “limited access of Russian companies to foreign financial markets in order to obtain long-term financing.” Thus, the Bank of Russia states that without attracting major foreign investors, economic development in the conditions of the Northeast Military District and the economic aggression of the West “is a very pressing issue”
    1. +1
      7 December 2023 15: 53
      How can an ordinary person understand this?

      It’s very simple to understand, there is the one in charge of beautiful speeches for the people, and there are real businessmen, business sharks and agents of influence... one speaks for the people, and others do what is beneficial for them, or what the global financial “elites” order them to do.
  57. 0
    7 December 2023 15: 51
    teachers now going into the profession on the territory of Zamkadye should be required to provide a certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist as if it were a weapon))) because you can’t drive a person who normally perceives reality there)))
  58. +1
    7 December 2023 16: 53
    An official is a calling, so the salary should be symbolic, and if so.
    Bismarck should not have forgotten his words after the victory over France. Well, Vladimir Ilyich after his words about Russia’s defeat in the war with Japan.
  59. +1
    7 December 2023 17: 17
    I would like to voice the importance of deputies in our lives. Judging by their activities, they must pay the people a tax on their activities
  60. +3
    7 December 2023 17: 20
    In principle, everything is discussed in detail in the article and in the comments. I will note only two points. Firstly, there is still a connection between upbringing and education: a low level of culture (schoolchildren and students do not swear quite calmly, but use obscenities, including girls) is usually combined with a low level of knowledge (many even write with gross errors) . Secondly, regarding reporting: this does not only apply to education! In almost all spheres of public administration, its intermediate and senior levels, in order to justify their existence and inability/unwillingness to effectively perform their functions, literally terrorize the lowest level in the hierarchy with demands for disgustingly meaningless plans, reports and certificates. By the way, sometimes the obligation to provide such “documents” is not provided for by orders adopted by the leaders themselves...
  61. +1
    7 December 2023 17: 53
    “A teacher’s salary costs 10–15 thousand a month.” In the Urals, a teacher’s salary for a workload of 32 hours a week is 8300 rubles. Up to 80% of teachers are over 50 years old.
  62. +3
    7 December 2023 18: 28
    You can praise or criticize the state of education in the Russian Empire or in the USSR as much as you like. But modern society will have the right to this only if it makes the situation in education better than it was. What do we have today? The teacher's status is lowered below the level of the city sewer. Such disgrace has not happened in the last 1000 years. see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK9uqo6D7JA
  63. 0
    7 December 2023 18: 28
    A teacher is a calling, and the salary should be commensurate with his hard work.

    The main thing is that everything needs to be changed in the minds of people, where everything is occupied by mercantile interests.

    Young teachers refuse to teach children Russian, only out of their own whim and/or stupidity.
  64. +1
    7 December 2023 19: 38
    One Roman emperor said:
    Extortion, taxes, hard labor - all this is part of my system of government. The poor and oppressed people are the easiest for me to govern.
    Isn’t this how our government governs now?
  65. -1
    7 December 2023 22: 38
    Pretty blood suck vampires
    Prison, tax, poverty!
    For you - all the power, all the blessings of the World,
    And our right - the sound is empty.

    We will build life differently
    And here is our battle slogan:
    All power to the working people,
    And parasites of all - down!

    You are despicable in your wealth
    Coal and became kings!
    You are your thrones, parasites,
    On our backs erected!

    Factories, factories, chambers -
    Everything is created by our work.
    It's time! We demand a refund
    That which was taken by robbery.

    Enough for the kings to please
    Intoxicate us into a child of war!
    The war of rams! Peace to the nations!
    On strike, sons of the army!

    When will tyrants force us
    In battle, heroically fall for them,
    The killers! Then we will direct you
    We are the vents of battle guns.

    No one will give us deliverance:
    Neither god, nor king, nor hero.
    We will achieve liberation
    With his own hand.

    To overthrow oppressed by a skilled hand,
    Win back your goods
    Swell, forge, and forge boldly
    While the iron is hot!

    Only we, the workers of the world
    Great army of labor
    We have the right to own the Earth,
    But parasites never.

    And if the great thunder strikes
    Over a pack of dogs and executioners,
    For us, the sun will become the same
    Shine with the fire of your rays!
  66. +2
    7 December 2023 22: 59
    You will know them by their fruits...
    Here is the salary of a teacher in Yekaterinburg: 25-25 tr.
    Here is the salary of a car washer from 60 thousand rubles

    Here is a loader's salary from 60 tr https://ekaterinburg.hh.ru/vacancy/89809715?from=vacancy_search_list&hhtmFrom=vacancy_search_list&query=loader
    Here is the salary of a handyman 60-70 https://ekaterinburg.hh.ru/vacancy/90309653?from=vacancy_search_list&hhtmFrom=vacancy_search_list&query=handyman

    Only an organized struggle for our rights and human dignity can change the situation.
  67. +3
    8 December 2023 01: 38
    I know a couple of young teachers - what can I say... I have no idea how it is in the regions - in Moscow time they are paid quite well. Of course, taking into account the fact that they are loaded accordingly for this money... The problem with the work is that in this form it is absolutely hellish, stupidly mind-blowing, to the point of burnout. It’s very beautifully said, “Ohoho, this is not a job - this is a calling” - but in fact, this should be done as a job. Because those who like to burn like this in the “hardcore” style, take work home and occupy their home time with it, mess with spoiled children, spoiled parents, combine several sub-activities, etc. - this is really “not for everybody.” At this moment and in the CAPITAL, I see the main problem of the teacher is that he is overloaded. In this format, he is not a Teacher or an Educator, he is a stupid assembly line worker rushing around like that Charlie Chaplin character. For similar money, a person with such an education can get a better job and a less, much less stressful job that takes less time.
    And again, let me emphasize, at the moment, IMHO, the state is losing the race for these personnel not because of salaries, but because of working conditions. We need to improve them. It's a dirty job..

    I remember the times when a teacher in the 90s actually received pennies even in the capital. Since then, very A lot has changed in income, but conditions have also fallen.
  68. 0
    8 December 2023 05: 20
    The Americans themselves admitted that part of the video of the landing on the moon was filmed on the ground.
    1. 0
      8 December 2023 10: 24
      And what? Do you know that Yuri Gagarin’s journey to the ship is also partly an artistic montage? Apparently he didn’t fly anywhere either?
  69. +2
    8 December 2023 07: 42
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    I have no idea how it is in the regions - in Moscow time they are paid quite well.

    Moscow is not quite Russia. Maybe not even Russia at all.
  70. +2
    8 December 2023 09: 15
    Deputy, this is a calling!
    This is why deputies’ salaries need to be lowered to the level of the average salary in the country - now people are trying to become deputies “for a long ruble, and not for their vocation”!
    1. 0
      8 December 2023 14: 24
      A deputy is a heroic profession! By the way, the question is: where do they study to become a deputy? Well, at least the district one? I already guessed where they train to become a State Duma deputy...
  71. +1
    8 December 2023 10: 20
    Once again in December, Uncle Putin will tell a fairy tale about how everything is ahead of us and everything will be fine! Only it will be good only for the bourgeoisie and deputies. For the rest, everything will be as always. Eggs are already 120 rubles in stores and are the cheapest. Wonderful economy! The best in the world! Well, as usual, our teachers and medical staff should be poor and work solely on enthusiasm. And a deputy with a top manner should earn a salary that is “competitive” on the world stage.
    1. m..
      8 December 2023 19: 35
      "There are no analogues"
  72. 0
    8 December 2023 14: 22
    at RUDN, two students are talking: - I heard, they said and showed on the box that Ubu Dhabi is the capital of the OAZ! Those are stupid!!! They don’t even know that the capital of the UAE is Dubai! It turned out that they were guys from a specialized department. Orientalists, so to speak...
  73. m..
    8 December 2023 19: 34
    The most interesting thing in our country is that in all areas, salaries do not correspond to the market, but we are surviving for now, there are not enough people everywhere, and where is everything?
  74. 0
    9 December 2023 09: 57
    The salary of a teacher and a doctor reflects the attitude of the state towards its citizens. And then you are surprised that 800 thousand conscripts escaped from subpoenas. You built the second Eltsen cent in Russia, but it was he who abolished education at school. Only the provision of educational services