Severe children's camp in South Korea

New Year can be met in different ways, but certainly not all children will be delighted with the way Korean students met him on Taebudo Island near Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. These children were sent to the camp with the beautiful name "Blue Dragon", so that they were tempered physically and psychologically. Marines are retired, but children ... They really do not envy: lying on cold snow with a bare belly and back, raising logs, doing exhausting exercises and constantly shouting invigorating slogans is not the most pleasant way to celebrate the New Year. But useful.

Courses last from 4 to 14 days depending on the program chosen.

1. A schoolboy is lying on the snow during hardening in a winter camp on Taebudo Island near Ansan, Gyeonggi-do Province, South Korea. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

2. Rubbing snow under the watchful eye of instructors.

3. Sprinkling with snow. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

4. Morning workout. Children do not stop singing songs and shouting slogans to maintain morale. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

5. Children go to the coast of the Yellow Sea to practice boating. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

6. The instructor, who once served in the elite division of the Marine Corps "Blue Dragons", after whose name the camp is named, oversees the raising of the log. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

7. Participants in the winter camp raise the log. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

8. In this position you need to spend some time in the snow. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

9. Building after waking up on a new day of classes. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

10. Classes with a log. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

11. Students raise a log in a winter military camp in Ansan. (REUTERS / Kim Hong-Ji)

12. Physical training. (AP Photo / Ahn Young-joon)

Many exercises are designed for the most effective training and are taken from the arsenal of marines. (AP Photo / Ahn Young-joon)
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  1. Vanek
    16 January 2013 09: 18
    My her ...... these are the same children ........................
    1. beech
      16 January 2013 11: 46
      I would also like to go to this camp) ... there are girls among them, chtol there? -at what age do they need them there?
      1. +1
        16 January 2013 15: 50
        a madhouse on the road ......... children, kidneys, appendages will freeze, then parents will heal - suffer ................ this is done gradually, from infancy, and not cavalry raid for 4-14 days on New Year
  2. +2
    16 January 2013 10: 04
    ... And those of them who do not break will grow up to be real fighters. I can imagine how adults are prepared there. (This is to the question of "Zarnitsy" and "Eaglet" for the state special forces)
    1. Cosmonaut
      16 January 2013 10: 25
      What is the question?
      1. +3
        16 January 2013 11: 53
        To the cosmonaut: the question is about the "ostentatiousness" of the US training. Specialists are trained in every country, but none of them "promotes" this process as much as the States. And, judging by what appears in the press, the "severity" of their training at the level of the course of a young soldier in the Russian Armed Forces. Well, naturally, in those parts where the service is normally delivered.
        1. Cosmonaut
          17 January 2013 00: 25
          What is the question about Zarnitsy?
    2. smprofi
      16 January 2013 12: 35
      Quote: Stiletto
      Imagine how adults cook there

      Yes, and cook ...

      By the way, the Vietnamese colonel who went through the gringo war and fought with the Hunhuz praised the Koreans from the White Horse division very highly: he was a very trained opponent, very cunning, it was very difficult to fight them.
      1. 0
        16 January 2013 13: 43
        There was a contingent of South Korean troops in Vietnam
        1. smprofi
          16 January 2013 18: 26
          Quote: Pimply
          There was a contingent of South Korean troops in Vietnam

          it is a question or a statement?
          were South Koreans. and not just the White Horse division. 3-4 more somehow ran into the site of the Vietnam War veterans.

          and the Australians were in Vietnam

      2. psdf
        17 January 2013 05: 19
        Many people highly appreciate the training of Korean specialists. True, North Koreans are much more highly rated. In particular, the episode by Abdullaev is very interesting, with a description of communication with such a specialist.
  3. +2
    16 January 2013 10: 15
    Yaby in their years went to the same camp, having exhausted weapons in hands with idle course Yes , khaki, would linger for a long time.
    1. Suvorov000
      16 January 2013 10: 19
      I support)
    2. Marek Rozny
      16 January 2013 20: 21
      Well, for a week our students can get into a real military unit and try on their own skin all the charms of army life, including firing live ammunition, driving military equipment, parachuting and so on. in addition, they are given military uniforms.
      and most importantly, they are there for free.
  4. Cosmonaut
    16 January 2013 10: 25
    The snow somehow sharply turns into sand ...
    Obviously not minus thirty ...
    1. beech
      16 January 2013 11: 48
      do not pay attention to whether there is snow or not, there is an ocean and north Korea around Korea))) so I think it’s very cold there. In the summer I was in St. Petersburg, in the summer in a sweater, the wind from the sea was cold, damn it, in winter they say finally tin, I think in Korea the same way
      1. borisst64
        16 January 2013 13: 34
        Running with a naked torso is a pure window dressing. Goraedo is more important to a fighter to be able to use improvised means, including and available clothing (not everyone knows that sealing sleeves, leg, waist, neck can save lives) and ensure the existence of outdoors in frosts day and week. And these Korean heroes will not be brought hot tea and they will surrender by the evening.
      2. Cosmonaut
        17 January 2013 00: 28
        In St. Petersburg is warmer than in Arkhangelsk)))
        Both by the sea.
  5. +2
    16 January 2013 11: 39
    Courses last from 4 to 14 days depending on the program chosen.

    In fact, the transition from home-made pies to special training classes for a teenager should be more. And so a normal camp, and if without excessive fanaticism, then the boys should be interested. Such camps reduce the number of patients and dystrophics in the army.
  6. itr
    16 January 2013 12: 31
    Fine !
  7. +1
    16 January 2013 12: 32
    Well, only wallowing in the snow bothers me. Without preparation, they are immediately clients of the hospital. It’s certainly not to fall under the ice during fishing, but I think they don’t run naked for 3-5 minutes like this. Or the guys are not as simple as they seem.
  8. 0
    16 January 2013 12: 34
    And what did you want from Korea. They live there in constant fear of war. So the kids are cooking.

    We also drove a military unit when it was 10-14 years old. They didn’t particularly torment, but they had to endure hardships and hardships))))) I will not forget running in gas masks and when we, the children were shot better than conscripts!))
  9. 0
    16 January 2013 13: 29
    In our city, one of the children's boxing sections is led by a trainer named "Brick" (a former orphanage), so I'm sure that these Korean kids would "die" in his warm-up, not to mention a full workout.
  10. +1
    16 January 2013 13: 44
    Well done. They bring up the mind and body. The same education was under Stalin and, unfortunately for us, under Adolf
    We were also not badly kicked out at one time. In summer holey tents in the fall. First it rains, then snow and minus 30. Almost every day I had to look at the departing, with a suitcase in hand. Unfortunately, the next year it wasn’t the same.
  11. 0
    16 January 2013 14: 20
    firstly, such preparation will not lead to good results since It does not lead to the accumulation of vital reserves, but rather it wastes it.
    What kind of democratic country is it that out of its children begins to make soldiers according to sovian methods? it was the second
    third: wallowing in the snow does not lead to hardening of the body, it leads to pneumonia.
    I expected that something like this could happen in communist S. Korea, but what would happen in Yu is a shock.
  12. 0
    16 January 2013 14: 41
    hard to learn - easy in battle
  13. +3
    16 January 2013 14: 44
    smprofi for respect photos and my pluses (sorry, only one plus is possible))). In fact, the guys in the photos are respectful. I think they’re not only lying there in the snow. With regular and proper training, new possibilities of the body open up, of which we do not even suspect. Given that in those parts, with psychophysical preparation, attention is paid not only (and not so much) to raising logs, they will not have pneumonia. At one time, in karate training, we also worked like this for an hour in the snow, and nothing, I was never sick. Movement is life! Be strong and healthy, and in general - get ready! )))
    1. smprofi
      16 January 2013 19: 06
      Stiletto, you are welcome. it would be for what feel

      something else was interesting: once on the Discovery Channel (it seems) they recalled the war in the Falklands and how the SAS group was landed somewhere on a glacier. so they advanced 1 km (!) per day (!). Well, I understand that glacier mountains are not a beach in the velvet season, but ... and the veteran’s main argument was:
      - It was very cold: - 20 ° C!
      hmm ... and this coincided with the fact that my Barmalei came from school at - 27 ° C and waved about 2 km. I ask "How?" he is "Fine, but what?" "But what about these" special forces "? - lol
  14. biglow
    16 January 2013 16: 15
    what a good camp, in emergency situations, the body mobilizes, and in children it even happens faster than in adults, if it’s been persecuted since childhood, then the person will not know what diseases are. I have been tempered since 5 years old, since then I have never been ill
  15. amph1cyon
    16 January 2013 16: 20
    give them right there. You look at the majority, from a medical point of view, they already have the first, and even the second stage of obesity. By the age of 30, they will have diabetes and the heart will begin to slam. So it’s right that such camps are opened.
    1. Marek Rozny
      16 January 2013 20: 23
      and they are all almost bespectacled there. Koreans themselves say that this is because Korean mothers of babies are kept facing the chest constantly. and supposedly because of this, the child gets used to looking only at a limited space. I don’t know how right they are, but given that in the steppe children from a young age used to look far into the horizon, and therefore had a keen sight - everything can be.
  16. +2
    17 January 2013 00: 08
    Nice camp, correct. Would like to arrange a similar thing for the "white riders" of the former. That at least they know how to service the AK and from which end it shoots.
  17. +2
    17 January 2013 02: 10
    I do not see anything wrong in such a camp. In any case, its creators have more brains than a dumb woman sitting on a military education who forbade combat training for students of IEDs.
  18. Mr. Truth
    17 January 2013 08: 29
    "pokasukha ..." ©
  19. 0
    28 January 2013 06: 51
    In my opinion, the kids just decided to treat the game addiction in such a non-trivial way. Almost everyone in the pictures or abdomen or glasses.
  20. dualnik
    28 January 2013 15: 23
    Yes, there is an incredible percentage of "bespectacled" people ...
  21. ko88
    29 January 2013 06: 11
    dualnikand what do you want now to go out into the yard, there are no children sitting at the computer, here is a large percentage of bespectacled people, and even more so they have a higher standard of living than ours. Computer and game consoles are not a luxury there.