Lockheed C-5M Super Galaxy: the largest and most powerful military transporter after the An-124 Ruslan

Lockheed C-5M Super Galaxy: the largest and most powerful military transporter after the An-124 Ruslan

The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a true giant in its class. The US Air Force strategic transport aircraft, in principle, could have been the largest and most powerful military transport aircraft if the Soviet An-1982 Ruslan had not appeared in 124.

In turn, the C-5 Galaxy made its first flight back in 1968. From 1968 to 1989, 131 Galaktika aircraft were built - 81 type S-5A and 50 type S5B.

At the same time, in 2004, Lockheed Martin began developing a more modern and powerful modification of the C-5M Super Galaxy. This version of the transport aircraft made its first flight in 2006.

As a result, the “giant” modernization field is capable of transporting about 54 tons of cargo over a distance of over 9,7 thousand km. At the same time, previous versions could transport the same payload over 8 thousand km. The maximum payload capacity of the C-5M Super Galaxy is just over 129 tons (20% more than its predecessor).

In order to understand how powerful and huge the American strategic military transport aircraft is, it is worth considering its dimensions and capabilities.

Thus, the length of the C-5M Super Galaxy is 75,53 meters, height – 19,84 meters, and wingspan – 67,91 meters.

However, the main impression is made by its cargo compartment, the length of which reaches 36,88 meters and a diameter of 5,79 meters. To give you an idea of ​​what we're talking about, the C-5M's cargo bay could hold the fuselage of a US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft or 8 bowling lanes.

The aircraft's carrying capacity is no less impressive. Thus, the C-5M is capable of carrying two tank "Abrams" or ten LAV-25 armored fighting vehicles. If we talk about infantry, then with the help of a transporter you can transfer 363 fully equipped soldiers.

At the same time, to make it clear to the common man how powerful the C-5M Super Galaxy is, its maximum carrying capacity will allow it to transport a payload corresponding to the weight of 150 Volkswagen Beetle cars.

Finally, it is worth adding that our Ruslan is capable of transporting up to 150 tons of payload.

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  1. 0
    10 November 2023 14: 25
    Now is not the time to rejoice at American successes, especially taking into account the fact that the Yankees are most likely transporting weapons for Ukraine on such “Galaxies”. negative
  2. 0
    10 November 2023 14: 45
    Everyone already understands that such super-heavy transport aircraft are simply necessary, but it would be better to write when we will start building transport aircraft similar in their performance characteristics, or will they resume production of the modernized Ruslan???
  3. +4
    10 November 2023 16: 35
    S-5, 131 vehicles have been built and it is possible to resume production. There are 124 An-55 aircraft and there is no possibility of launching them into series under the current economic system.
    1. 0
      11 November 2023 17: 28
      There are 124 An-55 aircraft and there is no possibility of launching them into series under the current economic system.

      The author was embarrassed to write about this, the An-124 was made by another more developed civilization, and the states are making the galaxy even now.
  4. +1
    10 November 2023 18: 50
    How can it carry 2 Abrams with a possible load of 129 tons? - and how long can it fly with such a load - 100 km?
  5. 0
    10 November 2023 21: 11
    I saw it live.. When landing at the base.. Right above my head.. True, only once. Mostly Hercules flew. 87-89 year
  6. -3
    10 November 2023 23: 33
    Apparently copied from the Ukrainian Maria. Those documents were sold. The most important thing is there are bigger engines
  7. 0
    15 November 2023 06: 11
    After. Only after, not before. Is the author a pendophile?
  8. 0
    23 December 2023 11: 59
    Hee, an airship in the dimensions of the C-5M Super Galaxy 75x20x68 m has approximately 103 tons of lift at the sea surface. Minus 10% shell, minus 20% power block - the same 60 tons. The range is greater, the speed is less, the technology is simpler, fuel consumption is less, smooth and strong airfields 3 km long are not needed. But they are building cargo planes - why?
    1. 0
      31 January 2024 05: 37
      Economically unprofitable devices. All the problems of airships of the early 20th century have not yet been solved: hydrogen explodes, helium is expensive. The infrastructure needs to be rebuilt - mooring masts and mooring devices, lightning protection devices, etc. How to control the rise? Again, dump ballast, that is, water, and release gas during unloading? For example, helium. Imagine the cost of operation. And if the temperature is below zero, the water ballast will turn into ice.
      The gas inside the shell will heat up during flight, how then can we reduce the lift??? How do you remove snow or ice from the top? There are many questions and problems, but there are no reliable solutions. In the USA and England they play, they have money that they don’t mind throwing away. For Russia only in the form of observation points and small barriers.
  9. 0
    27 December 2023 19: 40

    To give you an idea of ​​what we're talking about, the C-5M's cargo bay could hold the fuselage of a US Air Force Lockheed C-130 Hercules transport aircraft or 8 bowling lanes. At the same time, to make it clear to the common man how powerful the C-5M Super Galaxy is, its maximum carrying capacity will allow it to transport a payload corresponding to the weight of 150 Volkswagen Beetle cars.
    They would have said so right away! We, ordinary people, only drive Volkswagen Beetles to the eight-lane bowling alley!