Lebanese TV channel: Unidentified persons attacked an Israeli military base in Eritrea

Lebanese TV channel: Unidentified persons attacked an Israeli military base in Eritrea

An Israeli military base in Eritrea was attacked by unknown persons; whether this is somehow connected with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not yet known. This was reported by Al Mayadeen TV channel.

According to a Lebanese television channel citing Eritrean military sources, an Israeli military base located on the Dahlak archipelago in the Red Sea was attacked. The Israeli Navy base is located on two islands of the archipelago - Fatma and Dahlak Kebir, and there is also a radar used to monitor Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, as well as the Red Sea.

Details of the attack have not been reported, but there is evidence that a high-ranking Israeli officer was killed as a result. The target of the attack, according to the TV channel, was the top of the mountain where the observation post was located. This information was provided by an unnamed Eritrean military source.

The target of the attack was the top of the mountain where the Israeli observation post in the Red Sea is located. A high-ranking officer was killed in the attack

- said in a statement.

The naval base on Eritrea's Dahlak archipelago in the Red Sea was created as a result of an agreement signed in 1995. Eritrea gave the islands to Israel for its assistance in the occupation of the Yemeni island of Al Hunaish. Dahlak currently hosts the largest Israeli Navy base abroad.

By the way, on one of the islands of the Nokra archipelago, from the late 1970s to 1991, a logistics support point (533 PMTO) of the Navy was located fleet THE USSR.
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  1. +3
    27 October 2023 07: 59
    The scale is not yet global, but there are no visible forces interested in ending the war. Starting with ourselves, ending... And who should we end with? Look at everyone: everyone has accumulated problems that war can solve. China? China will not get involved, but will remain silent. Or it will appear at the last moment, when “all the corpses have already floated by.”
    1. +7
      27 October 2023 08: 30
      What does China have to do with it?
      These Americans have a plug in every hole. China has enough to do.
      Unless Israel gets involved in Chinese affairs in Africa. Then yes, then unknown people can attack.
      1. +2
        27 October 2023 09: 21
        Quote from Aken
        What does China have to do with it?

        China also has long-standing problems that war can solve: disputed archipelagos, Western opposition to China’s economic expansion in Africa, in Pakistan the West is also spoiling them, preventing influence in Central Asia in the form of pro-Western elites. The Americans are even going into Mongolia. We’re not talking about Taiwan, but the student unrest in Hong Kong is also the work of agents.
        What does Israel have to do with it? I'm talking about a general mess.
    2. 0
      27 October 2023 09: 49
      China has a base in Aden, perhaps they decided to remove problematic neighbors?
    3. +1
      28 October 2023 14: 21
      It looks like the Houthis will open a “second front”
      In Israel there are thousands of illegal immigrants from Eritrea, the indigenous Semitic population of Eritrea, most likely not in business, although there are plenty of Muslims there
  2. +6
    27 October 2023 08: 13
    An Israeli military base in Eritrea was attacked by unknown persons; whether this is somehow connected with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not yet known
    "Unknown people" attacked an Israeli base, but it is not clear whether this is connected with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Okay, you can agree with the “unknowns” at the first stage, but it is very difficult to have doubts about the connection with the conflict. Israel, by its actions, has only added to the hatred towards itself and it is clear that the Jews will be taken revenge at every opportunity.
    1. +4
      27 October 2023 08: 52
      Quote: rotmistr60
      Israel, by its actions, has only added to the hatred towards itself and it is clear that the Jews will be taken revenge at every opportunity.

      Palestine, Lebanon, Syria - these are the ones that Israel is bombing, the “accidental” shelling of the Egyptian border post, and now a rocket in a hospital, Jordan where 40% of Falestinians live. And also “friendly” relations with Iran.
      Other Muslim countries will not support Israel now, but will support the Arabs.
      The coals in the fire need to be extinguished, not gasoline added. Did this really not reach Israel in 75 years?
  3. 0
    27 October 2023 13: 51
    The target of the attack was the top of the mountain where the Israeli observation post in the Red Sea is located.

    Yesterday evening there was a report that it was the Yemeni army that attacked an Israeli military base in the Dahlak archipelago in Eritrea in the Red Sea.

    Today information appeared that they were attacked two Israeli bases in Eritrea.

    Yesterday, Hamas fired rockets at Tel Aviv and cut off power to several areas of the city.

    Today it is reported that Hamas shot down an Israeli drone in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza.

    And Israel itself launched an air strike on the Egyptian port city of Nuweiba in Sinai, which now cannot be attributed to a mistake.

    According to local sources, Israeli planes launched two missile attacks - the first missile hit the port, the second hit the power plant.

    Also this morning, Israel launched a missile attack on another Egyptian city, Taba, in southern Sinai.

    Israel said the missile was fired towards Eilat but went off course.

    Egyptian authorities said that once the party that fired the missile is identified, Egypt will exercise its right to respond in all available ways.