Iranian authorities deny involvement in Hamas attack on Israel

Iranian authorities deny involvement in Hamas attack on Israel

The well-organized and unprecedented operation carried out by the Palestinian Hamas movement in the Israeli territories adjacent to the Gaza Strip leads many to believe that someone was actively helping Palestinian troops prepare for the attack.

As often happens in such cases, in Israel and the West they started talking about a possible Iranian trace. And although Iran became the first and so far the only country to fully support the actions of Hamas, everything is not so simple in this situation.

The fact is that the Shiite Hezbollah movement in southern Lebanon is subordinate to Iran, but Hamas is a Sunni organization that has never been controlled from Tehran. Moreover, according to a number of experts, this Palestinian organization is financed by Qatar, where its leaders often visit. However, Israel has good relations with this country and therefore it is easier to blame the old enemy Iran for everything than to make a new one.

Tehran announced support for the Palestinians, but noted that Iran has nothing to do with the events unfolding around the Gaza Strip. This was stated, in particular, by the spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. According to him, the attack was carried out by the Palestinians themselves and was the result of criminal actions by Israel.

The enemy says Iran was behind this operation - this is nonsense

- Khamenei said.

Hamas also denies Iran's assistance in carrying out an attack on Israel.
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  1. +4
    10 October 2023 14: 40
    The enemy says Iran was behind this operation - this is nonsense
    I think it’s nonsense. In Iran, they themselves were shocked by what happened. Like in that joke: “And what am I, and what am I, I went nuts” (c)
    1. -1
      10 October 2023 19: 42
      Just as with NATO “Russia is to blame for everything,” so with Israel “Iran is to blame for everything,” regardless of any facts.
      But if Iran were involved, it would be proud of such success.
      So, since he declared non-involvement, he can be trusted
  2. 0
    10 October 2023 14: 42
    The atmosphere is heating up.
    Hezbollah posts a video with the caption “We are coming.”
    Before that, the Lebanese militant party said it had 250 missiles ready to be launched at Israel.
    In the morning, Israel launched strikes on Hezbollah positions in border villages on the southern border of Lebanon. From there they launched drones towards Israel.
    And the Israeli Foreign Ministry recommended that Lebanon and Hezbollah not “test the patience” of Tel Aviv.
    Let us recall that Hezbollah troops are one of the most experienced warriors in the Middle East, they took an active part in clearing Syria of terrorists, and in 2006 they fought with Israel, causing it serious losses and forcing it to peace.
  3. 0
    10 October 2023 14: 51
    Since the Persians denied their involvement, that means it is so.
    1. -1
      10 October 2023 15: 51
      Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
      Since the Persians denied their involvement, that means it is so.

      Why not? What's the point of them playing tricks?
      Iran has already heard and seen enough of everything addressed to it - sanctions, threats, and curses. They have nothing to be ashamed of. If they openly supported Hamas, what would change for them? Of course, no one is going to openly admit to organizing all this badabum (in Ukraine, too, “no one is to blame, only faith in the democracy of the Ukrainian people,” and the West is not involved). But they can easily express approval, it won’t hurt Iran.
    2. -1
      10 October 2023 16: 06
      Quote: Cat Alexandrovich
      Since the Persians denied their involvement, that means it is so.

      Well, the Persians have supported Hezbollah all their lives, which is not on the best terms with Hamas. In Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas generally found themselves on opposite sides of the crosshairs - Hezbollah and the IRGC supported Assad, and Hamas supported “moderate” terrorists.
  4. 0
    10 October 2023 15: 05
    I personally am inclined to believe that someone is interested in a competitive advantage with the United States.
    in my focus on the territory of the EU (including the non-mainland part) there are 2 such states.

    for it was not without reason that Israeli intelligence was asleep.
  5. -1
    10 October 2023 15: 15
    Es wirkt beschämend, wie sich der Iran offiziell offenbar immer noch verstecken
    Wäre nicht eigentlich JETZT der geeignete Zeitpunkt Farbe zu bekennen und den
    Brüdern und Schwestern in Palästina und im Libanon zur Hilfe zu kommen...?!?

    Wenn der Iran jetzt nicht eingreift, wird es einen endgültigen Genozid Israels an
    der palästinensischen Bevölkerung geben, da Israel vollkommen unfähig ist, seine
    Mitschuld an diesem Konflikt einzugestehen und nach anderen Mitteln als Gewalt
    zu suchen...!!! Auch Russland muss sich fragen lassen, wie lange man dem Treiben
    der USA und Israels noch weiter mehr oder weniger tatenlos zusehen will...?!?

    Es ist längst überfällig, Israel die Grenzen seiner Handlungen aufzuzeigen und
    als Mensch zu handeln...!!!
  6. 0
    10 October 2023 16: 01
    The fact is that the Shiite Hezbollah movement in southern Lebanon is subordinate to Iran, but Hamas is a Sunni organization that has never been controlled from Tehran. Moreover, according to a number of experts, this Palestinian organization is financed by Qatar, where its leaders often visit. However, Israel has good relations with this country and therefore it is easier to blame the old enemy Iran for everything than to make a new one.

    And yesterday I was downvoted for suggesting that Iran is a convenient scapegoat for Israel in case it is undesirable to name the real sponsors of the militants due to the need to improve relations with them. smile
  7. -2
    10 October 2023 16: 15
    Iranian authorities deny involvement in Hamas attack on Israel
    Some people really want the Middle East to burn.
    This third force really wants a big war, which is why the Hamas attack on Israel was so bloody as to make it impossible to resolve this conflict through peaceful negotiations, and apparently according to the scenario of this third force, as many states as possible should be drawn into this bloody whirlpool of war.
  8. -3
    11 October 2023 00: 24
    According to mattress makers and Europeans, supply, training and weapons are NOT participation))))