On the other side of the TV screen

On the other side of the TV screen
Here it is, this is the Penza suspension bridge over the Sura River, near which, in this very place, the very dramatic events that will be discussed in this material took place...

When it was,
When it was?
In a dream? In reality?
In a dream, in reality,
According to the wave of my memory
I'll swim.

Words by N. Guillen, trans. I. Tynyanova

Memories of times gone by. In the last article, I promised to talk about working on Penza TV and how television programs were prepared and conducted at that time, and in general, what it was like to work on USSR television at that time.

I already wrote that for a 30-minute program they paid 40 rubles, and the size of the fee, as it turned out later, depended on the population of the region, which was covered by TV broadcasting, and the larger it was, the greater the fee.

Well, it occurred to me to contact the editorial office of our local TV, of course, for a reason, and not only because after three years of working as a teacher in a rural school, I was no longer afraid of anything.

No, the fact is that somewhere in the 60s, a children’s television program “100 ideas of two friends” was broadcast on central TV, and I really liked it. And it was there that they showed how these two friends, under the guidance of an experienced “uncle,” made various homemade products.

For example, I really liked their matchbox camera. Moreover, it was quite possible for them to take photographs, although this had its own difficulties. Moreover, I was lucky to buy a book published on these programs, and it helped me a lot later in working with children.

And, apparently, it was a secret childhood dream - to be there, on the screen and... Just like that, to do something there with your own hands.

One of the readers asked to talk about walkers, one of which was even proposed for production at the Penza Toy Factory. And I must say that the same “Young Technician” wrote about them more than once... Here is one of the issues that talked about the models depicted on its cover

And a childhood dream came true! The program was called “Let’s Make Toys” (fortunately, the author worked at the Regional School of Social Sciences as the head of the “New Types of Toys” circle) and...

Here we go. The second program was devoted to making a model of a Viking drakkar, then... Well, and then I don’t even remember.

“Young Technician” also wrote about such a “walker,” but building it turned out to be very difficult. And most importantly, so that he could turn, he had to put a rotating support on the bottom, like a table. And this is another engine and gearbox. That is, this machine was a “dead-end” design, just like the vibration drive. But at least that one was easy to do. Although they wrote about them constantly...

The specifics of my work on TV were very different.

Firstly, the script had to be written for exactly 30 minutes, that is, it had to be long, scheduled minute by minute, which I personally did not need at all. But... they paid specifically for the script, so it couldn’t have been short.

Secondly, I constantly had problems with the Committee for the Protection of State Secrets. The fact is that in his work he was guided by a “book” produced in 1959, but the time was different - 1980! It was impossible, for example, to write T-34-85 or Mig-29 in the script, because these names were missing in this thick book.

So they called me there all the time, and they asked only one question: “where did you get this from - show me!” And I regularly had to carry them the magazines “Young Technician”, “Model Designer”, and “Technology for Youth”. And every time, the lovely women there apologized to me and said that they “can’t know everything,” and I told them that I, too, “don’t invent anything myself (as I do now), but take it from completely legal publications!” “And we don’t have others in the USSR.” But nevertheless, accusations of divulging state secrets were constantly repeated on their part.

And during filming in nature, it was necessary to ensure that in the 30 degree sector there was no... Zarechny, a city near Penza, where the “nuclear plant” was located. The fact that the spy satellites from above saw him perfectly was of no interest to anyone. You can't, period!

"Soapbox crawler." Material about him was published in the magazine “School and Production”. Simple, funny, you could play with it. The only pity is that it couldn’t turn - it was possible to put a “table” under it, but the second motor and gearbox simply didn’t fit inside. But he crawled on the sand perfectly!

However, I didn’t pay attention to such trifles, well, nothing can be done.

I liked the atmosphere of the studio. You are sitting at a beautifully decorated table against the background of a partition made of... burlap with letters made of foam, but on the screen it looks both beautiful and expensive! Three cameras work for you, the broadcast is live, you can’t make a mistake, and it gives such a drive that your face is dry, but your whole back and, sorry, your panties, are completely wet from sweat. Twilight...

Pomerezh starts counting: “10, 9, 8... 1 – 0!” A banner flashes on the wall: “Silence in the studio. The microphone is on." And you find yourself on air face to face with your viewers.

“Hello, children and dear fellow adults! Today in our program we will talk about walking mechanisms...” Well, then we make just such a walking, simplest mechanism, again, from a soap box.

Two minutes before the end, Pomerzh shows me a ring made of his fingers, which means “wind up” and... We must have time to say goodbye, and... So that there is time left for the musical beat. Then, then... Everyone thanks you, and you go home, where your loved ones (and the strictest judges!) tell you what was good and what was not so good.

But the magazine “Young Technician” No. 10 for 1983 became, one might say, my manifesto, outlining the direction of children’s creativity “from everything at hand.” It told about several models made from jars of Penza processed cheese “Yantar”, which is why such a drawing was placed on the cover

Every year the cycle was updated. Following “Toys” came the “UT Studio” cycle, then “The Stars Are Calling” - a program that ran for three whole years, and at the very end - “For the Inventor Guys”. My daughter Svetlana helped me in this program, and she earned a nickname at her school, which seemed very offensive to her, “the child-inventor.”

A lot of funny and not so funny things happened to me on our Penza TV over these ten years. But perhaps the most memorable cases were only two or three. But one absolutely incredible thing happened not in the studio, but during a trip to nature, or rather to the city center to the suspension bridge over the Sura, where a program about floating plasticine models was supposed to take place.

Here is one of such models: the body is made from a sour cream jar, the wheels are made from Yantar cheese, the hubs are made from polystyrene egg cassettes. The child himself only had to make the bottom of the housing (13), glue in the engine and put the drive wheel (1) on the spoked shaft. Well, paint it silver, of course. The result was a very beautiful homemade toy, assembled in literally half an hour from practically... nothing, or rather, 100% from household waste

It was there that our huge bus arrived from Moscow, which was a mobile television studio and allowed us to film and record color programs. True, the time for using it was strictly limited.

The program was dedicated to making floating models of ships from plasticine, and the children who made such models were invited. They pulled out the cameras and placed them on the shore, began the “tract” (rehearsal), and then it started to rain. “Cameras for cover!” - Pomerezh shouts, and the workers carry them under the bridge. But then the rain stops, and they are uncovered again and installed on the embankment. The route is completed. Everything is fine.

The recording begins, and then from the bridge, where there was a crowd of people who were interested in looking at all this, a man falls into the water (leaned over the railing and... plop!) and immediately drowns! And another person rushes after him and tries to save him. It pulls out a clump of hair, but cannot keep it on the surface. All this ends up in the camera, and all our work goes down the drain!

Another version of the “can” all-terrain vehicle. Plastic toothpicks served as lugs on it! The astronaut figurine had to be molded from plasticine and painted with nitro paints

The police arrived and sent divers into the river. And time goes by. And we have exactly 4 hours for the entire recording. And I had to start recording it again in the middle of all this chaos. And as soon as things got going, a diver climbs out of the water right behind me and says: “There is no corpse!”

The camera operators simply burst out laughing. And I had to re-record everything again...

I’m sitting at the table, my nerves are on edge, and on the bridge there’s a conversation: “What’s going on? Yes, a man fell from a bridge and drowned. Why television? Well, they’ve arrived and are already filming!”

And here is a view of the site of our TV broadcast from the bridge. Moreover, from the very place from which that unfortunate, and perhaps drunk, smoke fell into the water... Once upon a time, above this place stood an Il-18 plane, turned into a children's cinema. Now there are trees all around

We met the deadline then. But the most interesting thing is that no one decided to film a story about a drowned man, although what could it be news broadcast. This is the plan of our society: to be with cameras at the scene of an event and not to film it just because “recording is not planned.” And no matter how many times I convinced my colleagues to not give a damn and make a story “about a drowned man.” They didn't do it. The children's editorial office had nothing to do with the “news.” But the “news” couldn’t come because the bus was reserved for us!

And here is the same ship that we made in that ill-fated program. He later ended up in the book “From everything at hand” (Minsk, “Polymya”, 1987)

From the experience of working on TV in Penza and Kuibyshev (and there I hosted the program “Workshop of the School Country” from 1985 to 1989, while I was in graduate school), I came away with an interesting conviction that the “one-eyed dragon”, among other things, is also... a great deceiver! For example, I once needed to depict an alien flying saucer arriving in a city and meeting an alien in our studio.

I made the “plate” from a disposable plastic plate, with legs and supports made from razor razors! I painted it in a metallic color, decorated it with flashing lights and hung it on a rod from the balcony of a house in the city center. The camera was filming from the balcony, and it turned out that the plate was flying directly above the center, and the fishing line was not visible.

Page from “Young Technician” No. 12, 1985. This is where V. Zavorotov took these two all-terrain vehicles for his 1988 book... So I wasn’t the only one promoting my homemade products from cans, matchboxes and thread spools!

As for the alien, it was my daughter. I dressed her in a blue tracksuit and put her in front of a blue screen, called chromakey, which “dissolves” the blue color on the screen. He also put a blue stocking on his head and, in addition, wrapped it all with staniol ribbons.

Finally, when the camera started rolling, the blue color disappeared, and her entire figure also disappeared. What was left was a metal skeleton, somewhat reminiscent of the Terminator, which moved and waved its three-fingered arms! The spectacle was creepy, but the children really enjoyed it.

On the screensaver for the program “The Stars Are Calling,” a fantastic spaceship was flying against the background of the starry sky. It was made from... the filling of a powerful radio tube and suspended on a black thread in front of a rotating black cylinder with holes. And inside it there was a burning light bulb. In the back of the “ship” a small smoke bomb was burning, and a fan in the front blew it, so that the tail of the exhaust gases came out of it very naturally.

And so, when they were filming all this, the screen created the complete impression of a most fantastic-looking spaceship flying against the backdrop of twinkling stars! But, as you can see, it was all very easy to do.

Well, if you didn’t skimp on film for recording (nowadays no one records on film, but then it was very important!), then you could shoot absolutely anything.

But this was only part of the work to... develop children's technical creativity in my hometown. We will talk about how she went beyond its limits next time.

To be continued ...
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  1. 0
    7 October 2023 06: 31
    But what, it was weak for this person who clearly admires herself and gives universal importance to herself a beloved person to jump into the river to save a person before he became a drowned man? How do you like the scene described in the article, how they burst into laughter when the divers failed to find the drowned man. Really funny scene!
    I suspect that not only that day, as this person herself defined for us here, went down the drain, but the whole life of that person followed at the same address. Only admiring themselves, looking for a sensation in the misfortune of others and lamenting if the planned “Soviet” television did not show this sensation on the screens, attaching a special inflated importance to the navel of the Earth to their essentially worthless person, such a person does not admit to herself that her whole life is "down the drain" address.
    1. +3
      7 October 2023 06: 56
      Shpakovsky's articles should be displayed in "zen" after the articles of psychiatrists about the spread of psychopathic symptoms in modern society.

      Miners have some occupational diseases, PR people have others. I would be very surprised if it weren't so...
      1. +6
        7 October 2023 09: 21
        Ivan, for those who hated the USSR, the years of living in our Motherland during Soviet times were like years down the drain. In any case, even when discussing the “innocent” topic of children’s creativity in the USSR, they will still disguisedly slip us negativity from those times. It turns out that back then television was planned and if someone came to film children’s creativity, that’s what they did.
        According to the author’s message disguised for us, if in the place of Soviet television there was liberal current television, it would film first and devote all the airtime to how someone jumped off a bridge and to hell with this children’s creativity, since time in any air and always limited..
        1. 0
          7 October 2023 10: 12
          Quote: north 2

          In my opinion, everything is written in plain text. What to disguise? And from whom?
    2. 0
      7 October 2023 10: 08
      The fact is, Vidas, that while recording the TV program, I was sitting with my back to the bridge and I didn’t see how the man fell from the bridge, nor did I see the second one, who rushed after the first. The camera operators saw this, but none of them ran to save him. I can’t see what’s going on behind there. It was only when the filming was stopped and more people got into the water that I found out exactly what had happened. So your reproach is out of place. Most likely, I would not have gotten into the water even if I had seen it. I don't swim very well. But I didn't see it.
  2. +8
    7 October 2023 06: 42
    The development of children's technical creativity is a good thing and in the 60s a lot of attention was paid to this: ava and sudo modeling circles, radio work in schools, Pioneer Houses and of course the magazines that the author mentioned: “Young Technician”, “Model Designer” and "Technology for Youth". My parents, at my request, prescribed “Young Technician” and “Youth Technology” for me until I was 15 years old. This not only helped me gain additional knowledge, but also instilled the ability to work with various tools and understand simple drawings, which later became useful in later life. studying at a university (military school).
    1. +8
      7 October 2023 06: 54
      Quote: rotmistr60
      and in the 60s, much attention was paid to this: ava and ship modeling circles, radio work in schools, Pioneer Houses

      In the USSR at all times attention was paid to what you listed.
      1. +7
        7 October 2023 08: 35
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        In the USSR at all times attention was paid to what you listed.

        In my youth, you could jump from a parachute into DOSAAF for free. And this was encouraged in every possible way, just as any interest of young people in technology and sports was encouraged. Nowadays, when my nephew was already young, in order to jump from a parachute, you have to pay a lot of money, which a teenager simply doesn’t have, and his parents’ wallet won’t always allow it...
        1. +1
          7 October 2023 09: 19
          I doubt that in those days, you just came off the street and jumped. Well, about jumping - there was an opportunity to join the group, it cost me 500 rubles a year, so in 2000, we jumped in Kolomna with AN2. 90% of the same first-time students are students. So I don’t think they’re charging much now. But now I understand that there is another problem - in connection with the Northern Military District, small aircraft flights have been suppressed.
          1. +4
            7 October 2023 10: 16
            Quote: Not the fighter
            I doubt that in those days, you just came from the street and jumped

            When I was in 10th grade, I came and jumped. True, before this there was a certificate from a doctor and small theoretical courses...
            1. +5
              7 October 2023 15: 28
              When I was in 10th grade, I came and jumped. True, before this there was a certificate from a doctor and small theoretical courses...

              Before this, there was a credentials commission (deputy heads of the aviation organization for flight training, for political and educational work, specialists from the aviation parachute training unit, a doctor (paramedic), representatives of the Club Council). Characteristics from the place of study or work. 52 hours of theory. Then jumping.
              1. +4
                7 October 2023 16: 39
                52 hours of theory. Then jumping.
                There are 13 days of classes in total, counting 2 classes per day. In the evening, it’s quite possible to work out like this. At one time I didn’t go jumping, I was scared of the medical examination, although I could have sent someone there instead.
              2. +4
                7 October 2023 18: 07
                Quote from Frettaskyrandi
                Before this there was a credentials commission

                There was nothing like that. If I forgot to mention anything, it is only parental consent...
            2. +10
              7 October 2023 16: 44
              In my youth you could jump from a parachute into DOSAAF for free

              And not only in DOSAAF! The wife attended the “Vysota” school at the Ivanovo House of Pioneers No. 3 from the eighth grade. Many people went there. First we studied theory, then jumping from a tower and an airplane, then - plywood non-motorized gliders and flying on them. And everything is absolutely free. She liked it. Thanks to the planning meeting, I chose my future profession - I entered the Shuya Pedagogical Institute (at that time 1st VSR and higher was required for admission there)

              True, life made its own adjustments - she did not have to become either a coach or a physical education teacher. I received an assignment at my place of service, and in the village secondary school closest to the outpost, they needed not a physical education teacher, but a physicist. There was nowhere to go - I started teaching physics. Fortunately, SHPI gave its students an excellent professional foundation not only in the field of physical education and sports.... And so in almost all the regions where she and I had the opportunity to wander as part of my duty, even in large cities - we already have a physical education teacher, and we need a physics teacher request So she still teaches physics, even after becoming the director of a high school... And she still doesn’t wear parachutes and gliders.
              1. +4
                7 October 2023 17: 42
                Quote: Richard
                even becoming a high school principal.

                +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +1
            7 October 2023 16: 37
            Quote: Not the fighter
            So I don’t think they’re charging much right now.

            Today in the Tyumen region you can jump with a parachute for 5-10 thousand rubles.
            Quote: Luminman
            When I was young, you could jump from a parachute completely free of charge.

            When I was a child, I played hockey and boxing for free, but I already had to pay for scuba gear and preparation for entering college. They also paid for music school. My son was already in the Russian Federation doing boxing and aikido for free. I had to pay for my daughter while preparing for university 6 years ago. Conclusion: both under the USSR and under the Russian Federation there were opportunities to fill children’s leisure time both on a paid basis and on a free basis. The whole issue rested on the city’s ability to provide a certain range of leisure facilities and the desire of people (parents, if we mean children’s leisure) to take advantage of these opportunities. Today, as a rule, those who cannot be forced to move for free whine more.
            1. +4
              7 October 2023 17: 18
              Today in the Tyumen region you can jump with a parachute for 5-10 thousand rubles.

              The son, having listened to his mother, at the age of 15 (then the law required written permission and the presence of one of the parents) still jumped for free in the Pyatigorsk DOSAAF Aeroclub, and today at the former airfield of the Pyatigorsk DOSAAF Aeroclub in Essentuki - the Essentuki OAH Aeroclub. There prices for jumping start from 15000 rubles.
            2. +2
              7 October 2023 17: 45
              Quote: Hagen
              Today, as a rule, those who cannot be forced to move for free whine more.

              After 2000, my granddaughter went to the Children's Center for a modeling class - free of charge. The dances were free, but you had to pay for the dress making. The choir at the music school was free, the school paid for it, Russian folk dresses were given out free of charge, but you had to adjust it yourself according to your height. My daughter in the USSR also studied at a music school for a fee.
              1. +1
                7 October 2023 20: 16
                My daughter in the USSR also studied at a music school for a fee.

                Well, it seems that the only paid classes in the USSR were at the music school. The rest are free. True, at the end of the Union, paid clubs and sections began to appear, but not in the State System. And now in the state system there are simply free clubs, free clubs under federal programs (i.e. the state gives money for obviously expensive equipment and you have to work with children for free for 5 years) and paid clubs. Private clubs have a fee, but many work on grants and, within the framework of these grants, conduct free classes. Grants are now given at different levels and very generously to both private individuals and government agencies. But to get a grant you will have to work hard.
                Many more regions have begun to switch to “additional education certificates,” but this system seems to have been in the process of being established for about 5 years now.
                In general, everything is not simple.
            3. +2
              7 October 2023 18: 18
              They also paid for music school.
              Absolutely right. In the 60s, at the music school at the Orenburg OVVAUL, where I studied phono, parents paid 12 rubles 50 kopecks monthly. And the swimming section at Dynamo was free.
              1. +1
                7 October 2023 20: 26
                Chess was free. And then there were the trips. And in high school you could still earn a little money for refereeing. Not systematically, of course.
          4. +3
            8 October 2023 05: 29
            Quote: Not the fighter
            It cost me 500 rubles a year, so in 2000,

            At that time it was approximately a quarter of my salary.
        2. +2
          7 October 2023 15: 20
          In my youth you could jump from a parachute into DOSAAF for free

          You see, there are still people here who lived in the USSR and parachuted into DOSAAF, so they know what RPP-83 is. Therefore, theoretically, everyone could jump from the age of 16, but in practice, only those who had passed the credentials committee.
          1. +5
            7 October 2023 17: 40
            there are still people here who lived in the USSR and jumped with a parachute in DOSAAF, so they know what RPP-83 is.

            Well, we won’t touch the manuals and other papers, but the fact that there are people who have kept their PPK-U as a talisman since school Soviet times is a fact! smile
      2. +3
        7 October 2023 09: 25
        In the USSR at all times attention was paid to what you listed.

        Only the countries of the socialist camp could afford such a volume of funding for collective children's creativity at the state level. In capitalist countries they couldn’t and went the route of individual hobbies.
        1. +2
          7 October 2023 10: 10
          Quote: Ivan Ivanych Ivanov
          such a volume of funding for collective children's creativity at the state level.

          About the volume...
        2. +3
          7 October 2023 18: 04
          In capital countries, a huge amount of money is spent on the purchase of yachts, palaces, cars, accessories and jewelry, as well as objects of art. There is not enough money for children and their leisure time :)
  3. +6
    7 October 2023 10: 07
    I remember as a child in Murmansk there was a TV show “Draw with us.” If someone from the new generation watched it now, they would say: This is hell and blood from the eyes! To teach drawing on black and white TV!!! But for the woman who hosted this TV show, this was not a problem, we understood her perfectly from the first brush stroke. To convey a palette of colors so subtly is a talent. She taught me how to draw.
    1. +2
      7 October 2023 14: 08
      Learn drawing on black and white TV

      Well, that’s still not bad, but you can’t really teach color rendition there.
      But it’s hardly possible to make crafts together with the author on a TV show, so watch it only for a general understanding. The programs are diverse, until you select the materials and master the skills - it’s already over, you can’t put it on stop, there were almost no videos in the recordings. So the practical value is near zero.
      1. +3
        7 October 2023 16: 17
        Quote: Ivan Ivanych Ivanov
        So the practical value is near zero.

        Children's memory is very tenacious. Judging by the volume of homemade products that children then took to schools for various exhibitions and how many of the same soap dishes were there, the goal was fully achieved. Even in “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin” they showed such a vibration motion. Where next...
        1. +2
          7 October 2023 17: 38
          Children's memory is very tenacious.

          It's true. Now it's almost the same. They watch YouTube more not to do anything, but for the sake of ideas. Then they come to me and together we begin to implement our plans.
          1. +2
            7 October 2023 17: 47
            Quote: Ivan Ivanych Ivanov
            Then they come to me and together we begin to implement our plans.

            Well, you see ...
          2. +2
            7 October 2023 23: 18
            My little daughter is looking. And it immediately embodies it in beads.

            She probably got it from her sister from the middle generation.
  4. +1
    7 October 2023 17: 09
    The author forgot to mention the composer D. Tukhmanov and the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Leisya Pesnya", I mean the song "In the Wave of My Memory", in 1976 there was such a sensational record of the same name, these songs can still be listened to, depending on the mood, especially popular from this vinyl used the song "From the Vagants"
    1. +4
      7 October 2023 18: 21
      I mean the song “In the wake of my memory”,
      This is Tukhmanov’s second disc, and the first was called “How beautiful this world is” and was released in 1971.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  5. +1
    8 October 2023 14: 46
    "The Committee for the Protection of State Secrets." I’m terribly curious what kind of committee this is with such interesting “nice women there” who (!!!) “apologized to me.” Either I don’t know, or this is a rare piece of nonsense. What were they apologizing for? for doing their job? Somehow I can’t wrap my head around the word at all.