Why E. Blinken's theses at Johns Hopkins University should be taken seriously

Why E. Blinken's theses at Johns Hopkins University should be taken seriously

On September 19, the “high-level week” of the UN General Assembly starts, where the ideas and agreements that were reached at regional and interregional negotiation platforms will be polished on the platforms and on the sidelines. A high level implies representation of top officials of states.

UNGA resolutions are advisory in nature, but voting on them usually reflects the positions of international coalitions and also shows changes in their composition. That is, this event partly allows you to see the geopolitical map based on the results of the past political year. This event should neither be underestimated nor overestimated - it is a kind of marker of the current state of the “game of thrones”.

Over the past year, we have seen quite significant changes not only in the positions of the parties, but also in working methods. Moreover, as strange as it may seem at first glance, the topic of Ukraine is not the main one here. It is a thread that stitches the agenda of different international platforms into one whole, but it is not a goal, but a high-cost tool.

From the point of view of assessing Russia’s main geopolitical adversary, the United States, we have observed three most important steps this year.

The first step was J. Sullivan’s speech on May 4 at the WINEP symposium, where he presented a model of interaction with India and the Arab world. As we could see in a number of spring and summer materials on VO, the United States is implementing its life with enviable persistence and certain results in relation to Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan. The nearest actual points of autumn are Iraq, Iran and Transcaucasia.

The most widely promoted event in our country was the memorandum on the creation of a unified trade and transport system for India and the Arabian countries. But this is the top of a pyramid, at the base of which there are many other processes.

The second step was the signing on June 9 of the Atlantic Declaration and Action Plan for the XNUMXst Century US-UK Economic Partnership (ADAT) between the US and UK. It not only once again specifies China and Russia as a strategic threat. The main thing is that this declaration returns London and Washington to the relations of the Atlantic Charter during the Second World War.

This means that the struggle between Great Britain and the United States in terms of building special schemes in international politics has faded into the background, and they have now agreed to proceed in concert. In fact, this can even be seen in the regional hubs - the EU, Turkey and Transcaucasia are included in London's area of ​​responsibility, and the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia, Ukraine and Central Asia are under the responsibility of the USA.

The third important step was the presentation on September 13 by US Secretary of State E. Blinken at a conference at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University of principles and methods for building relationships within the framework of future international projects. From a certain point of view, this third step is even more important in some ways than the first two, since it makes it possible to understand the very complex of ideas that the United States embeds in its model of international relations.

Variable Geometry Diplomacy

This speech and its theses must be analyzed in great detail. If only because E. Blinken’s speech has already begun to be associated with “concessions on Ukraine”, “the fiasco of the G-20 summit”, “recognition of the fact of a multipolar world”, and so on and so forth.

At first glance, this speech is indeed a kind of antithesis to another speech by the American Secretary of State, “The Strategic Failure of Russia and the Safe Future of Ukraine,” which he delivered on June 2 in Helsinki. It largely echoed B. Obama’s sensational statements at the time about the economy being “torn to shreds,” and against its bravura background, the theses at Hopkins University seem almost like a surrender of ground.

But the problem is that these are completely different speeches, for different audiences and for different reasons. If in June E. Blinken stated that some agreements around Ukraine would be a priori built around the preservation of its statehood and the current form of Kiev’s perception of “national identity,” then the September ideas relate to the principles of building a new model of international politics as a whole.

It is clear that “overcoming” is the sweet spot for the information sphere, especially since E. Blinken’s speech in Ukraine caused, to put it mildly, a mixed reaction. But the fact of the matter is that in this case there is a danger of missing important conceptual details, and as a result, after some time it may turn out that the failures of the strategic enemy were not so disastrous, the concessions were tactical turns or worse - traps, etc. .

At first glance, E. Blinken really states theses that are unusual for American discourse. The beginning was made in the traditional US style (“The strength and purpose of American diplomacy in a new era”), but then, it seems, there are continuous “zrads” from Washington.

“But what we are experiencing now is more than a test of the post-Cold War order. This is the end".

“One era ends, a new one begins, and the decisions we make now will shape the future for decades to come.”

“Technology and globalization that have devastated and displaced entire industries, and policies that have failed to do enough to help the workers and communities that have been left behind.”

“Humility because we face challenges that no country can face alone. Because we know that we will have to earn the trust of a number of countries and citizens to whom the old order failed to deliver on many of its promises. Because we recognize that leadership begins with listening and understanding common problems from the perspective of others so that we can find common ground.”

Many also noted the passage about the need to live in “a world where each nation can choose its own path and its own partners.”

“The end”, “humility”, “can’t do it alone”, “own path”, “earn trust”, doesn’t even sound very familiar. It is very easy to fall into the trap of these narratives, especially outside the overall context of the speech.

For example. It would seem that E. Blinken is almost talking about the collapse of the idea of ​​globalization, which has devastated states, but let us ask the question, what specific globalization project is he talking about? About the one that the United States has been promoting since the advent of Barack Obama, or about the one that has been built for a long time within the framework of Davos, albeit not without the participation of Washington? Are these exactly the same ideas and, just as importantly, the same participants and institutions?

The ideas of B. Obama's cabinet are remembered for projects such as the Transatlantic (TAP) and Trans-Pacific (TPP) partnerships. They were not brought to working condition, since D. Trump beat them up pretty badly, he and M. Pompeo had enough authority for this. Now these agreements are in limbo, but this does not mean that the United States has abandoned them.

Their peculiarity was the creation of special trade relations between the United States and the participants, which, if necessary, would be removed from the WTO rules. This seems rather strange for the ideas of globalization, unless you consider that there are two concepts of globalization.

In this case, we are dealing with the so-called “variable geometry diplomacy” approach. And it was this issue that E. Blinken decided to focus on in his speech.

This strange term was put into circulation during the discussion of the principles of EU enlargement, which was forced to somehow maneuver in order to include countries that did not actually meet the necessary criteria.

In certain cases, this method made it possible to create separate, special integration forms and statuses for several participants in the integration process at once. In principle, the mere fact of the US presence in the WTO is already a kind of element of diplomacy with variable geometry, and the most significant one at that. Another thing is that this method was developed within the framework of the European Union and its trade partnerships, but for the United States it has not been a priority since the late 90s.

E. Blinken's emphasis on this approach must be superimposed on the geography that appears in his theses. The difference from previous years is that Africa (except for the trans-African railway project), Central and Latin America practically does not appear there. All projects, corridors, infrastructure, military-technical cooperation have moved to the Eurasian continent.

The United States intends to fight for the complete development of Eurasia

This is a very important point, since we have a fairly broad opinion in the expert opinion that the United States will be forced to “withdraw from Europe and the Middle East” in order to fully concentrate limited resources on Southeast Asia. E. Blinken's keynote speech indicates exactly the opposite: the United States intends to fight for the complete development of Eurasia as a whole. To do this, it is proposed to move to a system of individual unions and situational associations of countries that unite for specific tasks, without finding fault with the features of the economic model or value systems.

At the same time, India and the Arabian Middle East are connecting infrastructure into a common production block, and Southeast Asia will be a system of various situational alliances, including in the military-technical sphere. South Korea and Japan are considered not as recipients of investments, but as co-investors - they are invited to literally “coordinate our global investments in infrastructure.”

Co-investors initially envisioned them in the PGII concept, which, on the one hand, undocks the trading and production sites of Southeast Asia from China and docks them with India and the United States. This is a new iteration of the Trans-Pacific Partnership idea, only without China, replacing it with India.

Actually, here we see a preference given to individual diplomacy, individual settings of trade associations for a specific regional economy. It is not for nothing that a fairly large part of E. Blinken’s speech was devoted to the success of negotiations with Saudi Arabia, where this yielded success. He is frankly in a hurry, but the shifts in Riyadh’s position are truly significant. There will be a separate article about this, but now it is important to understand the general model.

We see, as in the case of the so-called. Abraham Accords, a deeper and more practical reworking of the ideas of TAP and TPP with a priority on individual diplomacy and a lot of cross-situational international formats. The model has become more complex in execution and administration, but much more practical. But such a position, in essence, means the decline of such monstrous associations as the IMF or the WTO. And it’s not even a matter of eliminating these macro-regulators – there is no question of that. This means potentially a new build and upgrade of them.

And it is quite logical that it is on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that Washington plans to hold the US-Central Asia summit (C5+1), which for the first time will be held not in the format of ministerial meetings, but of top officials. Actually, this association, which took shape over the previous year and with which China signed the grandiose Xi’an Declaration, is something that the United States will try to, if not take away from China, then at least undermine its position there.

In fact, the United States, by not nullifying the Washington Consensus, is thereby nullifying Davos, but by and large this was the idea of ​​the second globalization project - the reassembly of institutions with the creation of not a single system, but several - a kind of “matryoshka dolls of different speeds”. Nevertheless, there is a difference, and it is significant. The ideas of the Obama era did not provide for alternative economic centers of equal scale. Moreover, the Middle East was planned to be fragmented and redrawn. In this case, on the contrary, it is glued with India into one raw materials, industrial and trade association.

This model is quite unusual for the United States, which has traditionally operated in a position of unconditional maximum gain. For a long time such ideas were used only as abstract declarations. In some ways, they repeat the ideas of the 1970s and 1980s, when the United States suddenly became friends with Beijing, and it is not for nothing that at the beginning of his speech E. Blinken emphasizes the continuity of the “Zbig” (Brzezinski) line. Another thing is that the States never left the policies of the Arabian monarchies without direct control.

In fact, this is an attempt to intercept the very agenda of a multipolar world, which goes (or rather, went) in opposition to the traditional US line. At the same time, Washington, in the person of E. Blinken, does not abandon the postulates of the exclusivity of the nation, historically predetermined leadership, leaderism, etc. It’s just that now Washington will be the leader not of a unipolar, but of a multipolar world. So far these are just declarations, a concept, but the question is how long it will take for this to take root, in terms of economic development for specific players.

Thus, this year we saw not just a tactical change in the US foreign policy line, but we are dealing with a deep revision and, in fact, a number of program documents. This has not happened since Barack Obama's second term.

To attribute this to a situational fiasco at the GXNUMX would be simply ridiculous (but this is already being written, and quite often). Such concepts are not prepared in a week, especially since the United States previously made breakthroughs in relation to Saudi Arabia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Next in line will be the struggle with Iran for Iraq and attempts to integrate the Central Asian five. China, Russia and Iran should approach this challenge extremely seriously, and our media should not try to freely use some of the formulas from E. Blinken’s speech on occasion.

The China + Russia + Iran troika should very thoroughly prepare for the fact that the United States not only will not leave, but is actually planning, figuratively speaking, a comprehensive landing on the Eurasian continent.

No peace initiatives in terms of Ukraine should be misleading. The Big Continental Three still have the strength and means for such a response.

* E. Blinken’s full speech at Johns Hopkins University can be found at link.
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  1. +2
    19 September 2023 05: 39
    Blinken is still a bug.
    A very smart enemy of our country.
    1. 0
      19 September 2023 06: 10
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      A very smart enemy of our country.

      A worthy representative of the arrogant Saxons! And then we became friends with the DPRK, so it’s generally like a red rag for a bull!
      1. +6
        19 September 2023 10: 09
        The two main functionaries who connect the administration and design institutes in the United States today are J. Sullivan and the ever-memorable Condoleezza Rice, who looms behind them. While we don’t hear much about Rice in the media, in reality she influences a lot; she definitely had a hand in Blinken’s speech (see her recent interview with the BBC). Rice is a very dangerous, intelligent and erudite madam.
        1. +5
          19 September 2023 16: 27
          The article is wonderful! Great analytics!
          I read the article several times and added it to my favorites so that I could return to it again and again.
          1. -1
            19 September 2023 16: 30
            In the article, the author correctly notes that
            In fact, this is an attempt to intercept the very agenda of a multipolar world, which goes (or rather, went) in opposition to the traditional US line. At the same time, Washington, represented by E. Blinken, does not abandon the postulates of the exclusivity of the nation, historically predetermined leadership, leaderism, etc. It’s just now Washington will be the leader of not a unipolar, but a multipolar world.

            However, there is something else that confuses me about Blinken. Why is this all of a sudden? American Jew Blinken with Ukrainian roots suddenly became so smart?!
            What intellectual, ideological, political and financial forces are behind it?
            For the regrouping of political trends in Washington is very much reminiscent of Jewish TROTSKYISM at the beginning of the last century, and the HIDDEN goal of Trotskyism is the same as that of the US financial establishment now - this is essentially WORLD DOMINATION for the same ethnic group. There’s no way you can get away with plagiarizing Condoleezza Rice’s brain from Blinken alone!
            1. +3
              19 September 2023 16: 41
              Quote: Tatiana
              WORLD DOMINANCE for the same ethnic group.

              So this has been advancing for two centuries, advancing competently, monotonously, sophisticatedly, with a tenacity hitherto unprecedented. Moreover, each member of that ethnic group religiously follows this advancement, almost intuitively, hereditarily...
              1. +1
                19 September 2023 18: 57
                Quote: Doccor18
                Quote: Tatiana
                WORLD DOMINANCE for the same ethnic group.

                So this has been advancing for two centuries, advancing competently, monotonously, sophisticatedly, with a tenacity hitherto unprecedented. Moreover, each member of that ethnic group religiously follows this advancement, almost intuitively, hereditarily...

                From the report of Zionist-Nazi Blinken
                Finally, we are bringing together our old and new coalitions to strengthen the international institutions that are vital to addressing global challenges.
                It starts with the moment when the US has a seat at the table. Then we (Americans and their apologists in other countries)we can shape international institutions and the norms they create to reflect the interests and values ​​of the AMERICAN people and advance our vision for the future.

                And the US state itself has been SEIZED by Jewish bankers and moneylenders of the US Federal Reserve!!!
                In 2022-2023 alone, US Federal Reserve bankers turned on the printing press and have already printed 80% of US money for the US government!
                Well, how can one remember Stalin about “democracy” in American style from the American Jew Blinkin?!

            2. +3
              19 September 2023 16: 44
              Thanks for rating!
              Watch Condoleezza Rice's recent BBC interview. You will see a lot of interesting things. Including the term “humility”.
              Today she is an ideologist, and Sullivan is the chief administrator.
              1. 0
                19 September 2023 21: 35
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                Watch Condoleezza Rice's recent BBC interview. You will see a lot of interesting things. Including the term “humility”.
                Today she is an ideologist, and Sullivan is the chief administrator.

                What can you want from Condoleezza Rice, who has experienced racial discrimination in the United States since childhood and who For career reasons, she decided to prove to society that she was more American than white Americans.
                In psychiatry and psychology, such things in a person like C. Rice are called deviant behavior as a result of their feeling from childhood in society of a “complex of their own inferiority.” Then such people in power do not lead to anything good for the lives of the majority of the ordinary population. They say about them: “From rags to riches!” - no matter if they have any higher education!

                From a racial perspective. Upon entering the Bush administration, Rice initially received a fairly high approval rating thanks to the African-American community.
                As a rule, “African Americans” mean people from Africa (descendants of slaves of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries) who have lived in the United States for a number of generations (and not later immigrants).
                But then many journalists noted Rice's distance from the African-American community and their political rights in her native United States.
                What then can we say about the rights of indigenous peoples in other countries if they do not meet the interests of American globalists?!!!

                Condoleezza Rice is an American Afro-racist globalist in its purest form!

                Condoleezza Rice on Putin and the most dangerous time in human history | BBC interview. Published September 14, 2023.
      2. 0
        20 September 2023 21: 40
        Well, as you know, everyone always looked at the Force! If your country has power... then they will, if not respect you, then at least not cause conflict. Power is a categorical, overwhelming, analogue-less + self-sufficient industry!!!
  2. +1
    19 September 2023 07: 02
    I understand that this is a utopia, but the best path for Russia (and for any country) is a greater Switzerland. The United States itself has accumulated initial fat on the policy of isolationism.
    1. +10
      19 September 2023 08: 48
      Quote: Arzt
      the best way for Russia (and for any country) is greater Switzerland.

      And no one will allow us to isolate ourselves, now the only way is real rebuff to enemies and frantic diplomacy in search of fellow travelers.
      Even the much more self-sufficient USSR could not afford isolation, how could Russia?..?
      1. +2
        19 September 2023 09: 05
        And no one will allow us to isolate ourselves, now the only way is real rebuff to enemies and frantic diplomacy in search of fellow travelers.
        Even the much more self-sufficient USSR could not afford isolation, how could Russia?..?

        Our mentality won't allow us. The trend was set by King Voldemar, developed by the Mongols with Ivan the Terrible and Peter, and sealed by Stalin.
        The Ukrainian Kagan has not yet understood the sacredness of Kyiv for Russia. NVP lessons have already been introduced at school, but this is just the beginning. The warrior's path begins in kindergarten. wink
        1. 0
          19 September 2023 14: 24
          Quote: Arzt
          Our mentality won't allow us

          Right in the bullseye.
    2. +3
      19 September 2023 10: 40
      It is precisely because the United States accumulated fat through wars and upheavals (some of which took place with their knowledge).
      The Monroe Doctrine was forgotten in the 20th century, although I agree with you that at the beginning it greatly helped the United States

      + alas, we wasted the time for isolation, so now the only thing we can do is bring China to the fore, while we ourselves “go into the shadows” and accumulate strength. Although this option is also bad, it’s your own fault
      1. 0
        19 September 2023 11: 14
        It is precisely because the United States accumulated fat through wars and upheavals (some of which took place with their knowledge).
        The Monroe Doctrine was forgotten in the 20th century, although I agree with you that at the beginning it greatly helped the United States

        + alas, we wasted the time for isolation, so now the only thing we can do is bring China to the fore, while we ourselves “go into the shadows” and accumulate strength. Although this option is also bad, it’s your own fault

        China is like a big Switzerland. If we had their power, we would have celebrated reunification with Taiwan long ago. And not only with Taiwan.
        1. 0
          19 September 2023 21: 56
          Does China want to use force? Turn Taiwan into a desert and get problems at the borders (China has them with almost all border countries)?

          I think they will act much smarter - they will annex peacefully or will simply continue to coexist, simultaneously strengthening their zone of influence abroad
          1. +3
            20 September 2023 11: 16
            Does China want to use force? Turn Taiwan into a desert and get problems at the borders (China has them with almost all border countries)?

            I think they will act much smarter - they will annex peacefully or will simply continue to coexist, simultaneously strengthening their zone of influence abroad

            Exactly. Switzerland does this.

            Over the years, we could easily have made candy out of Russia, paid off the debts of the USSR to the population through savings books with the terms of payments to everyone who joined, for example.

            Ukraine itself would fall into our arms like a ripe apple.
            It would have been cheaper anyway. Yes
            1. 0
              20 September 2023 13: 39
              I completely agree, but “alas and ah.”
              I'll have to rack my brains now
            2. +2
              20 September 2023 15: 26
              Quote: Arzt
              It would have been cheaper anyway. yes

              Cheaper for whom? For the people of Russia, or for the vertical and oligarchs?
              1. 0
                20 September 2023 16: 21
                Cheaper for whom? For the people of Russia, or for the vertical and oligarchs?

                Cheaper than SVO. For all.
      2. +1
        19 September 2023 14: 27
        Quote: Russian_Ninja
        the only thing we can do is bring China to the forefront

        The USA themselves brought it to the forefront...
        And now they are preparing to “push him in.”

        Quote: Russian_Ninja
        and we ourselves will “go into the shadows”, accumulate strength

        Already gone... I can really feel the “shadow” now...
        1. 0
          19 September 2023 21: 59
          I agree, the Yankees made a terrible miscalculation because of their capitalism and desire to mess things up and are now frantically trying to get everything back.
          But about the foreground, I meant distraction, as China itself did when the USSR was still alive - I think we should use the same tool (maybe at least this time it will be useful)
  3. +1
    19 September 2023 08: 01
    What should Russia do? What steps can she take?
    1. +2
      19 September 2023 10: 13
      Create a “continental alliance of three emperors” - China, Iran, Russia.
      A kind of continental core that will secure resources and internal Eurasian markets for support - the US will partially withdraw the EU from China. Everything about us is already clear - a wall will be built there soon winked
      1. -1
        19 September 2023 10: 30
        Create a “continental alliance of three emperors” - China, Iran, Russia.
        And who will be in charge in this union? Who's on hand?
        1. +1
          19 September 2023 10: 37
          Whose economic system is stronger and has its own concept and idea of ​​​​the common future, he will be. For now, this is China for obvious reasons.
          1. -1
            19 September 2023 10: 47
            The younger brother became the older one? It's sad of course. In this case, it seems to me that Russia will definitely not reach the level of the USSR as a superpower - China doesn’t need us strong either.
            On the other hand, maybe time has really passed and we need to curb our ambitions
      2. +1
        19 September 2023 14: 39
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        Create a “continental alliance of three emperors” - China, Iran, Russia.

        Purely theoretically - yes, but practically...
        One bourgeoisie, so accustomed to looking with lust at their “more successful colleagues” from the West, a maximally theocratic state and a new bourgeoisie, imagining itself the most cunning and rich on the planet, it will be extremely difficult for these three entities to find many points of contact for the future, because historically each of them considers himself “average”...
      3. -1
        19 September 2023 15: 55
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        Create a “continental alliance of three emperors” - China, Iran, Russia.

        It would be a good idea to include the emperors and the Indian Raja on a war elephant in this alliance. India will tip the scales in favor of the alliance of the three emperors finally and irrevocably. So, what kind of union of four empires is this? drinks
      4. 0
        22 September 2023 16: 28
        Create a “continental alliance of three emperors” - China, Iran, Russia.

        New "Axis of Evil"?)) Comrade Kim is missing
    2. 0
      19 September 2023 17: 46
      Either we repeat the path of the Indians, or the ball will become radioactive. the Kremlin will not agree to the second.
  4. 0
    19 September 2023 08: 04
    Michael, thanks!
    It's always difficult to read you. But this means that you are reading something new.

    Exaggerated... The territory of Russia is so large, the population density beyond the Urals is so small, and the resources are so significant that any options for creating a new “Siberian Republic” are good. Can such a simplification be used to explain what is happening on the planet?
    Or is influence, not ownership, the goal?
    1. +6
      19 September 2023 10: 29
      As a simplification is possible, but outside the centralized state, Siberia usually turned into a kind of settlement in history. The infrastructure costs there are too high. By the way, the story is similar with Alaska and Canada. Those. the question is not only about distances, but also about climate, which is not very suitable for the majority of homo sapiens who live in this world. By the way, this is why the ideas of fragmenting our territory usually gave way to Western “minds” to the ideas of subjugating elites within the framework of a centralized state - they considered this as a cheaper and more manageable option. Actually, this approach can be extrapolated further.
      And here we can come to the second part of your question. Ownership is the ability to control something or someone. If you can order a transaction to be completed in your own interests, even without having ownership rights, then you may not be the owner, but a beneficiary of the transaction. Thus, possession itself fades into the background.
  5. 0
    19 September 2023 08: 07
    . In some ways, they repeat the ideas of the 1970s and 1980s, when the United States suddenly became friends with Beijing, and it is not for nothing that at the beginning of his speech E. Blinken emphasizes the continuity of the “Zbig” (Brzezinski) line.

    Yes, a repetition of such a move is clearly visible. But this plan is more complicated. The future will show whether it can be implemented.
  6. +2
    19 September 2023 08: 41
    ...we have a fairly broad opinion in the expert opinion that the United States will be forced to “withdraw from Europe and the Middle East” in order to fully concentrate limited resources on Southeast Asia.

    Well, yes, well, yes, it is very noticeable how they want to “leave”, on the contrary, it seems that Europe has never been so tightly on the “American hook”, and the Middle East is being processed with frantic tenacity. And all this does not negate the serious attention to Southeast Asia, close cooperation with India, Vietnam, Japan and the Republic of Korea... Systematic work is underway in the Philippines and Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia...
    with priority on individual diplomacy and a lot of cross-situational international formats.

    Oh, how, the enemy learns well, changes the model, and some positive change begins...
    China, Russia and Iran must take this challenge extremely seriously

    It should... but it will only be more and more difficult for China, because it does not and will not have new allies, and not everything is so simple with the old ones. Russia is too busy with the confrontation in the West (the end of which is not yet in sight), and Iran does not want to be just another market for Chinese goods. Oil trade between the two countries is growing, but no truly strategic long-term projects have yet been traced... It is difficult for China to interest many in the world in its agenda (and what is it? In the “belt and road”, i.e. development of infrastructure for transshipment of masses of Chinese goods), there is no real progress/assistance in achieving industrial development and intellectual independence for partners. Is China capable of creating its own analogue of the Indo-Abramic Project? Some attempts at this can be traced in the countries (former Soviet republics) of Central Asia, but so far this is too little to compete with the overseas hydra...
    1. +2
      19 September 2023 10: 16
      Over the past year, these ideas have simply been floating around our segment, especially TV. They are walking at the suggestion of Khazin. He even talked to K. Gevorgyan about this topic. This is a pure Trumpist agenda, which is being pumped into the media for the second time like manna from heaven. Why, I myself don’t really understand, other than to assume that some of the Republicans are somehow connected with our internal “towers.”
  7. +3
    19 September 2023 10: 35
    The United States is still capable of reaching an agreement with any country. They still control the world's finances and trade routes. They are still capable of ideologically indoctrinating the population and bribing the authorities and politicians of other states. The current problems with US hegemony are not structural and cannot remove America from power at one stroke. Now there are just problems with a specific part of the American political clans, but as soon as another part of the elite is appointed to lead the United States, a “different game” will begin. Well, for example, the United States will give Taiwan to China, divide Ukraine between Poland, Hungary, Romania and Russia, and Iran will be allowed to butt heads with the Saudis for influence. And then what will happen to “Greater Eurasia”?
    1. 0
      19 September 2023 10: 39
      There will be not USSR2.0, but CIS 2.0. In general, nothing under the sun is new winked
    2. +1
      19 September 2023 11: 31
      It’s just that now Washington will be the leader not of a unipolar, but of a multipolar world.

      In other words, it will be like the English idiom: “If you can’t win, lead.”
      The US national debt has exceeded 33 trillion. Against this background, +/- one trillion for buying votes is a powerful weapon. More than half the world can be “bought.” Unfortunately, the dollar still allows this.
  8. +2
    19 September 2023 17: 49
    To summarize, the Russian Federation, with its brains and concentration, unfortunately has nothing to do in the same basket with such global players.
  9. 0
    19 September 2023 19: 13
    Russia and China seem to be the most tasty morsels for the West. Moreover, culturally and religiously they are alien to the West and it would not be a pity to gobble them up.
  10. +1
    19 September 2023 19: 38
    It all looks creepy and cunning, but the current level of demonstrated intelligence of the Western elite, as well as their negotiating abilities, does not allow us to hope that this is a Project and not a Project.
    Of course, you shouldn’t relax either. But at the moment the United States is somewhat in no condition to work on a large scale. Trump is breathing down Biden’s neck, and if he returns, he will thoroughly clean out the offices where he can. Including reasonable heads from among them, for reasons of personal hostility, and Trump is precisely a person for whom personal likes or dislikes are important.
    I am well aware of the real power of the President in the United States, but at the moment the cross-party consensus is becoming thinner, which indicates that we are likely to see principled support or principled torpedoing much more often than methodical adherence to cunning plans.
    1. +3
      19 September 2023 20: 25
      They learn from what they have learned, just as they are studying. Listen to Biden's speech at the UN General Assembly

      "With concerted leadership and hard work, our rivals can become our partners. Large-scale problems can be overcome, deep wounds can be healed..."

      I suspect that we will simply traditionally, while waiting for Trump, miss the moment when we need to be proactive. It’s not for nothing that Xi didn’t go to New York - it looks like a specific brainstorming is going on in China. And every day we have New Year - Poland will enter the Eurasian zone, the United States will leave everywhere, the dollar will collapse, Trump will come and everything will be fine.
      As good as in Syria under Trump. I understand that this is some kind of symbiosis of some of the Republicans and some kind of our Tower. Because otherwise this stream of consciousness that flows from TV for days on MAGA notes is simply difficult to explain.
      If someone tells me that Trump will be against cranking up weapons production to the maximum, then I will be happy to listen to the arguments.

      One broadcaster, who does not leave all media formats, has already said that Turkey is not able to conduct an active policy after the earthquake without trenches of 500 billion dollars. Well, how is she capable? But our real expertise is not very different from these narratives. Our people are waiting for Trump like rain in the desert - for the second time.

      But the United States is learning and changing models, approaches, and concepts. We are opposed by a very serious intellectual elite, and they make fun of Mitch McConnell. But it’s not McConnell who writes the concepts.
      1. 0
        20 September 2023 10: 54
        And the danger of India joining the “Western model” and the danger of Australia and the Saudis deepening into it - this has long been looming, these have been potential threats since the times of the Indo-Chinese conflicts and the rapprochement of the PRC with Pakistan. The fact that the Americans did not bend down to take it (by analogy with how they took Finland or are in a hurry to take Sweden) did not give me personally the illusion that such things were far away.
        Not at all, the prerequisites were more than there were.
        I have no doubt that the United States is good at building long-term universal strategies.
        However, in short and medium periods they can be dull - because democracy (their model) is based on not the best compromises and populism; one successive government tends to torpedo the efforts of the previous one. At the moment, I am in no way indicating that Trump is our “savior” - but I see that this person is in the most severe opposition to the current administration, and if this happens, there will definitely be consequences for the implementation of some of their projects and in US domestic politics.
        This is exactly that short-medium segment that allows us to catch on and press “ours”, if, of course, we have the ability to do this.
        This is where I am more pessimistic, as well as regarding China. No matter what the gentlemen from Netflix try to push through, racist categories of thinking are still quite strong, including in political circles. The current world is still a “white world” in which China, Japan and South Korea are the Centers, but not the System. The system is still the system of the White world. I am skeptical about the ability of the PRC to destroy this paradigm on a fairly global scale, and even more skeptical about the ability of “vignegret multipolarity” to establish real interaction and even subordination with each other, as opposed to the White world and the Anglo-American model of “global civilization.”

        I will also note that the PRC is overly cautious (as opposed to the overly liberated USSR at one time) in pushing outward its global structures and technical assistance to potential allies and satellites. This is another "-" to the potential of "multipolar".

        If the United States takes this round, it will be not so much because of the quality of planning, but because its “external opposition” practically does not have one, some at the private level, but at the general level it’s the same for everyone.
        1. +2
          20 September 2023 13: 31
          If I were the PRC, I would also be careful. If they make a mistake, they may not get a second chance for a long time. But their problem is precisely what old Devyatov once spoke about - they cannot achieve universality. Or rather, they can, but for themselves, their Celestial Empire, which has always been considered a “normal universe”.
          "Everything Under Heaven" - Chinese
          "Everything in everything" - the ancient West.
          It would seem that they are talking about approximately the same thing, but the second is practically clear to everyone, and the meaning of the first still needs to be understood. Different images, symbols, different “alphabet”, although there is a lot in common, if only due to the fact that there is one nature and two arms and two legs and bipeds are truly without feathers everywhere. But go figure.
          What is the Community of Shared Destiny? How can non-Chinese understand this, if the Chinese themselves essentially meant “Community of One Dharma” by this?
          But an alternative project to the West will have to be built, otherwise this system will once again turn like a snake and twist it into three coils. There, better than various judo masters, they know how to apply softness and hardness in politics.

          I think China took this strategic pause to rethink strategy. We are of no use in this regard - zero. Iran thinks in regional terms, although very persistently and patriotically. There is no one but the Chinese to think about alternative high matters.
          Moreover, the United States makes offers of cooperation to China and it is far from a fact that China will not agree to this, again in terms of a strategic pause of 30 years.
          What about Trump? He can stop the war itself, but after that he will pump Ukraine and the EU into arms loans beyond all possible limits. However, I have little faith in his coming. The system will no longer allow such failures, which is what C. Rice says directly in the interview, by the way.
      2. -1
        21 September 2023 09: 38
        1. There are people behind Trump, he’s not alone, right? Oh, they still can’t start producing shells... The Stingers haven’t launched... They couldn’t launch the microchip production plant (there are engineers) they can’t solve the production organization processes. I'm sure they will decide. With time. So who stopped Trump from doing this for these 1,5 years? “It will turn on production” - does this mean pressing a button? Clever! 2. Why are you lying about your words about Turkey’s foreign policy? Please provide a quote. Nobody ever said that. And we are not expecting Trump; Bidon is better for us. People are just making fun of the rottenness of their system. And Bidon’s bankers don’t have a new model; they are trying to intercept and change the AUCUS model in their own interests. Learn the materiel!
        1. +1
          21 September 2023 11: 17
          Keep on having fun, who's stopping you? Khazin to the rescue, these are his passages about “industrialization of AUCUS”, “Turkey needs either 100 or 500 billion dollars”, only this was in the first quarter, and now it’s like the end of the third. I’m not stopping you from laughing at the self-propelled grandfather, the decline of the dollar empire and other myth-making. Blessed is he who believes.
  11. 0
    20 September 2023 16: 04
    There won't be enough strength for all of Eurasia.
    A lot of empty bungling and ambition.
  12. -1
    21 September 2023 09: 17
    Day to you! I hope you are good! An article by an incompetent person. 1. Author: "The first step...At the same time, India and the Arabian Middle East are connecting infrastructure into a common production unit..." Questions: How will this happen? By force? India saw, from the example of Russia, that the dollar is taxic and can be taken away at any time. India is going to build its own currency zone with its own currency. Is the US ready to trade in rupees? Are US products cheaper than Chinese ones? Will the United States give up containing China and fashion this alliance invented by the author? This is fiction and nonsense due to the author’s lack of understanding. The same goes for Arabs. And what kind of shit? In the USA, they have been falsifying statistics for a year now to hide the decline of their own industry. Only in August 2023 did they begin to show a decline; they can no longer hide it. Savvy US officials are talking about the destruction of the Bretton Woods system. Dollar turnover is declining. Therefore, 2. The United States wants to make an AUCUS currency zone out of the dollar, lemongrass out of the pound. People and lemongrass are fighting for supremacy in AUCUS, what are the agreements between them? Was the author holding a candle? The lemongrass is offered control over Western Europe. The United States needs SE Asia, to take it away from China - as a market for its products, which are more expensive and are not even produced yet. How to force the Southern Military District to buy American goods? Only by force. 3. What fools will now participate with the United States in joint dollar projects? Have sanctions and taking away the dollar from Russia taught anyone anything? 4. The author does not understand how coordination of meetings at the highest level occurs. This is some kind of kindergarten! Why did Central Asia 5+ meet with the USA? What kind of candy did they expect other than empty promises? None! These 5+ --- listened to the weak beggar and mocked him like an Arab and Indian prince. And, with the permission of both Russia and China, we learned the position of the United States. ALL! 5. In Japan, portraits of Putin are being sold in stores. If it weren’t for their prime minister, who doesn’t pull his tongue out of the US’s ass, they would have floated to the Kremlin long ago. They don’t want Ukraine and the presence of Sshov made them sad. They just endure it - that’s their mentality and psychotype. North Korea, after Kim's visit to the Kremlin, is afraid to fart! From their capital to the border is 20 km TOTAL!
    Author, learn the materiel!
    1. 0
      21 September 2023 11: 19
      The author, if anyone has noticed, writes BEFORE the results of the events, and not AFTER - the materials can be viewed, they are all on the site in the archive. Therefore, I once again redirect you to that analytics that discusses after the fact and gives out not what is, but what is closer to you personally and what makes your heart beat tremulously. Amen.
      1. 0
        5 October 2023 10: 01
        His conclusions are his own nonsense! I understand!
  13. -1
    21 September 2023 09: 22
    Blinkin is still a big deal! I could not tell such tales yet.
  14. +1
    24 September 2023 12: 53
    We need to be bolder and more practical. Even bolder. We live in a world where a ragged Anglo-Saxon hydra is trying to reign. Therefore there should be no taboos. From the latter, the development with the DPRK is encouraging. Finally! But we must move forward. Removal of stupid sanctions. Creation of clearing currency. Free trade. Military cooperation. Etc. Also with other countries where they don’t like hydra. Then the plans voiced by the Tlinken will go to waste. Since many places don’t like hydra.
    And of course China and Iran. These are critical partners.