“How many of us are there”: a short film about a female military surgeon who returned from torture is gaining popularity online

“How many of us are there”: a short film about a female military surgeon who returned from torture is gaining popularity online

A video is rapidly gaining popularity on social networks, the plot of which tells about a girl military surgeon who turned to plastic surgeons to get rid of the scars left on her back as a result of torture suffered in captivity by the Ukrainian Nazis.

In striking contrast is another girl shown at the beginning of the video, who came to once again enlarge her lips, paying for the operation with the money of her rich “daddy”. This demonstrates the contrast between citizens for whom, against the backdrop of a war of existential significance for Russia, immediate values ​​are their top priorities and a completely different category of people who are ready to sacrifice everything, even their own lives, for the sake of the Motherland.

In the video, which is, in fact, a full-fledged short film with a complete and deep plot, a girl comes to the office where two young plastic surgeons are seeing her, wanting to remove scars on her back. Surgeons who do not know the nature of the girl’s scars constantly joke and even decide which of them will take care of the attractive patient.

However, during the initial examination, doctors see numerous signs of torture on the girl’s back. It is noteworthy that the girl is not worried about the aesthetic side of the scars - her priority is the desire to get rid of the swastika carved by the Nazis on her back.

In the final scene, young plastic surgeons remember the stories of their grandfathers, who during the Great Patriotic War were forced to operate under enemy bombing, and decide to go to the front to save the lives of wounded soldiers there.

This short film is a powerful piece of work. It hardly leaves anyone indifferent.

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  1. -37
    12 September 2023 19: 45
    “How many of us are there”: a short film about a girl military surgeon is gaining popularity online
    Nice. They were majors, they became men. request “How cleverly did I convert you? In 5 minutes. And without any tricks.” (Muller)
    1. +23
      12 September 2023 21: 21
      Maybe they were men? There just wasn't a chance to prove it? request I have a guy who was a complete goofball, a major and a lover of expensive booze and joints in civilian life after the group’s car was blown up by a mine, the very next day he went mining. Without shouting about heroism and communism or what have you. Just because it was necessary. But it’s probably wrong - not the way it should be, right? Not a pioneer hero. belay Powerful video. Correct.
      1. +10
        13 September 2023 11: 20
        people are not robots, they cannot be turned on and off. a volunteer is always more valuable than a mobilized one. Sometimes all it takes is a small event to change your actions!
      2. +14
        13 September 2023 16: 33
        Do you want to say something against the pioneer heroes who fought and died during the Second World War? Or do you want to say something against the communist heroes who also died during the Second World War?? Extremely interesting?!
        1. -2
          14 September 2023 08: 18
          Quote: MONEY
          Do you want to say something against the pioneer heroes who fought and died during the Second World War? Or do you want to say something against the communist heroes who also died during the Second World War?? Extremely interesting?!

          "He wants to, but he can't." (joke) request
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +16
      12 September 2023 19: 57
      Quote from Silver99
      There are enough people in Mariupol who went through the dungeons of the Ukrainian Gestapo, tell us about real people. This video is low-grade kitsch.
      recourse That's how they see it. But you can’t tell a story about the people of Mariupol in 5 minutes, and you’ll have to rip your heart out..... It hurts, it’s contagious.... request
      1. +1
        12 September 2023 20: 01
        In-in... It’s even difficult to talk about the real thing, but how to film something - you’ll start staring on the spot. That's why they tell it either in the form of tales or like this, about fun
        1. +11
          12 September 2023 20: 04
          How was the documentary film “ordinary fascism” filmed? certainly not based on fictitious pain and tears, this needs to be documented!!!! so that everyone knows and remembers, and not squeeze out fake tears.
          1. -4
            12 September 2023 20: 18
            Quote from Silver99
            How was the documentary filmed? "Ordinary Fascism" ?
            And you Romm there is? feel Show.
            1. Des
              12 September 2023 20: 33
              Yes, we don’t have director Romm now. There are people and non-humans.
            2. +22
              12 September 2023 21: 04
              Quote: Mavrikiy
              Quote from Silver99
              How was the documentary filmed? "Ordinary Fascism" ?
              And you Romm there is? feel Show.

              It will be found if the authorities want such a film to exist. He doesn't want to yet.
              Romm had an order and support from the government.
              And the film "Ordinary Fascism -2" is of course necessary. The thread must be stretched from fascist Germany to fascist Ukraine.
              And of course, talk about what Romm didn’t talk about. And about Bandera’s followers, about the Baltic fascists, about who burned Khatyn, about those who fought on Hitler’s side, how the Czechs worked hard to arm Hitler, that they even received gratitude from Speer, and much more.
              1. The comment was deleted.
          2. -1
            12 September 2023 20: 25

            I understand that (-) from you for
            Do you have Romm? feel Show me.
            Did you take it as a joke? Regret... request
          3. +7
            12 September 2023 20: 45
            Quote from Silver99
            How was the documentary film “ordinary fascism” filmed?

            In 20 years. When it let go a little. And then - there is only newsreel and editing. Have you even imagined how and what those who know about the same “Library” in Marika will tell you?
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      12 September 2023 20: 11
      I agree. They should have filmed it about real people.
    4. +25
      12 September 2023 20: 39
      Quote from Silver99
      This video is low-grade kitsch.

      And you try to make a video about how the Nazis in Mariupol poured foam into the mouths of infants so that they would not scream. Or their parents were killed in front of the children, and the children were used to escape from Mariupol. I don’t think that for people who went through the hell of Bandera’s dungeons, these will be pleasant memories. The time will come and people will tell you themselves if they can. hi
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        18 September 2023 21: 53
        Y luego fueron intercambiados. Y ahora un príncipe la considera un ejemplo a seguir, si los mataran a ellos delante de sus hijos, que dirían desde el otro mundo?
  3. +15
    12 September 2023 19: 51
    Strongly, to the point of tears... it brings me to tears. There’s nothing more to say.
  4. +21
    12 September 2023 19: 58
    People who have daughters of this age (busy with business, not gatherings on Instagram) should only watch with validol.
  5. +20
    12 September 2023 19: 59
    There are no words... But the film makes you think.
  6. +5
    12 September 2023 21: 13
    Doctors will think about it! It is a fact!
    A very important link in any combat operations!
  7. +6
    12 September 2023 21: 16
    no words

    The text of your comment is too short and in the opinion of the site administration does not carry useful information.
    1. +4
      12 September 2023 21: 30
      I will repeat after you: - There are no words, only emotions, it touched me to the depths of my soul.
  8. +5
    12 September 2023 22: 36
    Yes, well shot. At first you don’t even understand what you’re talking about. Young dunces, in an expensive clinic, having fun, where are they and where is the war! Only reality changes everything dramatically. And the genes of our ancestors have not gone away. And family stories suddenly came to mind. Who and where were their grandfathers and great-grandfathers? This is probably why many young people are fighting now, the Unified State Examination generation. And they understand why they are fighting.
    1. -8
      13 September 2023 20: 22
      Ancestor genes!!Hahaha... laughing Interesting. And when partial mobilization was announced, and a million men stormed the Georgian border with wild boar jumps, for some reason the genes didn’t work there!!
      1. 0
        18 September 2023 21: 58
        Se han criado varias generaciones. Unos tienen genes, otros se han hecho maricas, normal que salten.
  9. +1
    13 September 2023 02: 38
    Quote: Ulan.1812
    about the Banderaites about the Baltic fascists, about who burned Khatyn, about those who fought on Hitler’s side, how the Czechs worked hard to arm Hitler, that they even received gratitude from Speer and much more.

    Ready Story! good
  10. +3
    13 September 2023 09: 48
    There will always be those who are dissatisfied and simply breeding sr.ch for the sake of sr.ch. It’s not something they filmed, it’s not about those dummies, etc. My friend, apparently, is such a “fooling dunce.” A psychologist from God, his own business in this field, broken and broken when he was a policeman, having nothing but the special rank of “captain”, he went to fight. In half a year I went from an ordinary rifleman to a deputy battalion commander in the Verkhovna Rada. There now he heals souls. Does he need to be filmed, and not those artists who play doctors? It is unlikely.
    But if such a story helps someone make up their mind, well, at least a dozen people, it has fulfilled its role.
  11. +4
    13 September 2023 10: 57
    This short film should be shown to graduates of medical universities and senior students. It hits you right in the middle and takes your breath away. The right film, powerful.
  12. +6
    13 September 2023 11: 02
    Quote: Mavrikiy
    “How many of us are there”: a short film about a girl military surgeon is gaining popularity online
    Nice. They were majors, they became men. request “How cleverly did I convert you? In 5 minutes. And without any tricks.” (Muller)

    You have a vulgar and wretched humor, very similar to Zelensky’s guffaws. That's why you've been talked down to your ears here. Wrap around. And I don’t advise you to repeat this somewhere in real life - you can catch it by your face.
  13. AB
    13 September 2023 11: 39
    I haven't looked at it, but it's a great idea. This is how propaganda should work)... If, of course, the execution is at the level.
  14. 0
    13 September 2023 12: 10
    Who can tell me the name? How about Google?
    1. 0
      13 September 2023 23: 13
      No need to Google. Click on the video, in the pop-up context menu select “copy video link”
  15. +3
    13 September 2023 15: 15
    For me, this is the main problem of the entire world, there is war, here restaurants, cruises, consumption.
  16. +6
    13 September 2023 16: 07
    This is what needs to be shown on TV, not advertisements for feminine pads.
  17. +3
    13 September 2023 16: 52
    Yes, yes. An attempt, once again, to raise solidaristic patriotism! Playing on emotions. I don’t argue. You have to fight for your homeland. But what kind of homeland? It’s not for nothing that the Serbian proverb says, “In war, politicians give ammunition, the rich give food, and the poor give their children. When the war ends, politicians shake hands, the rich raise food prices, and the poor look for the graves of their children. When discussing topics about patriotism and the defense of the homeland, often kitchen jingoists miss the known facts that Russian Hellites, they still continue to trade, in this very homeland, with aggressor countries, raking in fabulous profits!!! And they still continue to ruin the economy. Here, on V.O. there is another news that it was sold to private owners , another plant for the repair of infantry fighting vehicles and heavy-duty vehicles. So how, given such facts, can one cultivate this very patriotism?! And the video says the same thing. Someone is healing wounds. And someone is wearing a platypus on their face, ,does, for money, daddy. Someone does this platypus for them. Even if we take into account the fact that these, doctors, understood everything and scratched at the front. Then in the rear there are still thousands of such doctors, , who will quickly scratch some kind of Georgia. Well, the platypus daddies will continue to buy factories, ruin them, trade with the hostile West... Something like this!
    1. 0
      18 September 2023 22: 06
      Los ricos siempre fueron extranjeros, y Rusia se juega ser o no ser, solo hay que pensar si se quiere ser pobre en Rusia o en un país dirigido por Estados Unidos, Ucrania está ahí, un pequeño paseo.
  18. -4
    14 September 2023 01: 20
    15-year-old TikTokers came up with the plot, right?
  19. +4
    14 September 2023 08: 35
    But this, comrades, is progress, remember last year’s commercials about contract service? Where was the emphasis on getting out of poverty? The authors of those videos should have been chased away with a wolf ticket or imprisoned. And now there are some really great videos, even Tsipso is starting to steal them. A clear breakthrough. Or they simply put an understanding person in charge of it.
  20. +5
    14 September 2023 09: 52
    Strong video. Reposted it on my wall.
  21. -1
    17 September 2023 21: 10
    I thought maybe it was a real case...

    And then in the video there was a cheerful music, funny surgeons, the girl’s perfect skin in front and on her face... and then, naturally, sad... but not a single scar was shown...

    I remembered what the Goblin said: if someone relies on emotions rather than facts, it means they want to fool you and you need to check your pockets.
    There was also a review in bad comedians about films “about Ukraine”

    And I looked - there is no mention anywhere that this is true (that real surgeons treated a real doctor) only PR ..
    Alas, alas ...
  22. 0
    19 September 2023 13: 57
    A very cute short film. But buckets of dirt will be poured on him, don’t go to grandma’s.
  23. 0
    21 September 2023 12: 08
    I like it. It may be a little major, but this is also a talent for condensing a story into 5 minutes. I recommended it to my friends. We'll see another tough and cruel one, but you can watch this one with your kids.