A monument to Dzerzhinsky was erected at the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in Moscow
A monument to the creator of the domestic state security agencies, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, has again appeared in Moscow. This time the monument was placed near the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in the Yasenevo district of Moscow.
The opening ceremony of the new monument took place today, September 11, Dzerzhinsky’s birthday. SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin took part in the ceremony. According to him, the image of security officer number one became one of the symbols of his time, a standard of crystal honesty, dedication and fidelity to duty.
His catchphrases that only a person with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands can become a security officer became a significant moral guideline for several generations of security officials in our country.
- said Naryshkin.
The new sculpture is a slightly smaller copy of the famous monument to Dzerzhinsky by Vuchetich, which was installed in 1958 on Lubyanka Square in front of the USSR KGB building. As you know, it was demolished in 1991 at the request of the newly-minted liberals. According to many experts, the demolition of the monument was carried out illegally, so it would be correct to return it to its place. The new monument was created by Moscow sculptor Vladimir Ivanov by order of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.
At our request, the talented Moscow sculptor Vladimir Ivanov did a lot of painstaking work to reproduce as accurately as possible the image of the knight of the revolution, previously created by the outstanding Soviet sculptor Evgeniy Viktorovich Vuchetich
Naryshkin added.
Foreign Intelligence Service
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