A monument to Dzerzhinsky was erected at the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in Moscow

A monument to Dzerzhinsky was erected at the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in Moscow

A monument to the creator of the domestic state security agencies, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, has again appeared in Moscow. This time the monument was placed near the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in the Yasenevo district of Moscow.

The opening ceremony of the new monument took place today, September 11, Dzerzhinsky’s birthday. SVR Director Sergei Naryshkin took part in the ceremony. According to him, the image of security officer number one became one of the symbols of his time, a standard of crystal honesty, dedication and fidelity to duty.

His catchphrases that only a person with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands can become a security officer became a significant moral guideline for several generations of security officials in our country.

- said Naryshkin.

The new sculpture is a slightly smaller copy of the famous monument to Dzerzhinsky by Vuchetich, which was installed in 1958 on Lubyanka Square in front of the USSR KGB building. As you know, it was demolished in 1991 at the request of the newly-minted liberals. According to many experts, the demolition of the monument was carried out illegally, so it would be correct to return it to its place. The new monument was created by Moscow sculptor Vladimir Ivanov by order of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

At our request, the talented Moscow sculptor Vladimir Ivanov did a lot of painstaking work to reproduce as accurately as possible the image of the knight of the revolution, previously created by the outstanding Soviet sculptor Evgeniy Viktorovich Vuchetich

Naryshkin added.
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  1. 44+
    11 September 2023 15: 22
    They did absolutely the right thing, and the idea of ​​returning Iron Felix to the Lubyanka is also correct!
    1. -24
      11 September 2023 15: 37
      Did he create intelligence in Russia? The country has only been doing this since 1917? What relation do the current special services have to those security officers? And in general, Felix had an apartment in Spain? We need to look into this carefully.
      1. 19+
        11 September 2023 15: 48
        Our national pastime is to tear everything to hell and then rebuild it.
        1. 18+
          11 September 2023 16: 14
          Quote: Smoker
          Our national pastime is to tear everything to hell and then rebuild it.

          The phenomenon does occur, but many Russians were unlikely to grieve over the demolition of the EBN Center, and they felt sorry for the monument to Dzerzhinsky...
        2. +2
          11 September 2023 16: 54
          The people are like little children, at first they are all for Yeltsin, and then, oh, give us back the USSR and sausage for 2-20.
          1. 10+
            11 September 2023 18: 13
            all for Yeltsin

            Just don’t speak for everyone, speak for yourself...
            I didn’t vote the first time or the second time, this drunk is a disgrace to Russia
            1. +3
              11 September 2023 19: 26
              My mother-in-law is crazy about Navalny and so on. For her, Putin is a "bad man" father-in-law of the EP, husband of the Liberal Democratic Party, stepfather of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but by order of the head of the family, he supports Putin, and voted for "Pensioners of Russia", and they also call me a girl
              1. +2
                12 September 2023 10: 57
                The return of the monument to Dzerzhinsky is of course good, but the monument does not solve anything. It is also necessary to change Naryshkin to an analogue of Dzerzhinsky or Beria and return Article 58 to the Criminal Code
          2. +2
            12 September 2023 03: 21
            Interesting. Aren’t you people? In our country, no one touched Felix’s monument; moreover, on May 28, border guards lay flowers on him.
      2. +7
        11 September 2023 15: 49
        What relation do the current special services have to those security officers?
        Of course, Naryshkin started all this in vain, it is not difficult for adequate people to imagine the end of the Naryshkenians if the standard of crystal honesty, dedication and devotion to duty returned.
        1. 12+
          11 September 2023 16: 02
          I would issue a personal invitation card to Sergei Stankevich for the opening of this monument laughing And find those loudmouths and crane operators who directly hooked the slings on Lubyanka Square. Or are they being saved specifically for Lubyanka? If only I could live to see these times...
          1. 0
            12 September 2023 15: 26
            And find those loudmouths and crane operators who directly hooked the slings on Lubyanka Square.

            Do you think they are still in this world?
            1. 0
              13 September 2023 07: 12
              Do you think they are still in this world?
              bk316 (Vladimir, where do such doubts come from? If S. Stankevich is still alive and feels good on our TV channels, then what could have happened to the horde of younger dunces who mocked the monument. If only we could find a couple of these rowdy ones and interview them, how years later, they look at their demonic behavior? Do they compare themselves with the Maidanists in Ukraine, who in the same way demolish monuments not only to Lenin, but also to Vatutin, Zhukov, Kovpak, etc. What can I say, they have already reached Pushkin.
      3. +8
        11 September 2023 16: 21
        And in general, Felix had an apartment in Spain?

        Are you saying? If yes, then remove your question mark. And provide your evidence.
        And if this is just an unfounded accusation, then with this:

        We need to look into this carefully.
        1. -4
          11 September 2023 17: 09
          Comrade, this is a bummer. Sorry, but with your thinking it is better not to get involved in such discussions.
        2. +9
          11 September 2023 17: 21
          Believe me, comrade, both democracy and openness will pass. And then, state security will remember all your words.
      4. +5
        11 September 2023 19: 31
        Quote from invisible_man
        Did he create intelligence in Russia?

        In fact, if Iron Felix had anything to do with it, it was with law enforcement. "The punishing sword of the party", or as they said in those years? So Dzerzhinsky’s place is on the Lubyanka, and near the SVR it would be more correct to put one of those who were involved in foreign operations, Sudoplatov, Eitington, Serebryansky, you never know who only those who were supposed to know about during their lifetime.
        Or another idea, to erect a monument to the glorious son of the Polish people Dzerzhinsky in front of the entrance to the Polish embassy.
        1. +4
          11 September 2023 19: 40
          Yes, young Pavel Anatolyevich would look barefoot, in a suit, hat and with a box of chocolates. True questions.....
        2. +8
          11 September 2023 19: 53
          On December 20, 1920, Dzerzhinsky signed order No. 169 on the organization of the Foreign Department (INO) of the Cheka - the body of domestic foreign intelligence. The legal successor of the INO is now the SVR of Russia.
          The name of Dzerzhinsky, number one, is listed on the Memorial Plaque of the History Hall of the Foreign Intelligence Service.
    2. +1
      11 September 2023 16: 15
      The monument was placed near the headquarters of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in the Yasenevo district of Moscow.

      Only the current SVR has merely combined the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR and the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR.

      and the idea of ​​Iron Felix returning to Lubyanka is also correct!

      But that's not his opinion.

      According to many experts, the demolition of the monument was carried out illegally, so it would be correct to return it to its place.

      It’s good that he spoke out about this, but he needs to assert this and seek the return of the illegally demolished monument to its place. Relying on the opinion of experts is not entirely serious - today they decided so, but tomorrow their point of view may change and “sway” in the other direction...

      Meanwhile, contradictory ("expert") reports in the Russian media periodically "disturb" public opinion...

      11 September 2014
      In Moscow, a monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky has reappeared on Lubyanka Square. According to TV Channel Zvezda, the monument was returned to its historical place today.

      February 26 2021
      Sobyanin announced that there would be no monument at Lubyanka. Neither Dzerzhinsky nor Nevsky

      13 September 2022
      On the night of September 12, the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky, which was dismantled after the August 1991 coup, was returned to Lubyanka Square in the capital. The monument was restored with funds from an initiative group of citizens back in 2017, but it took more than five years to coordinate the transfer of the monument with the Moscow City Hall.
  2. -16
    11 September 2023 15: 23
    This is dangerous. They will soon force you to wash your hands with soap. And my heart burns. And keep your head in a cold place, not a sauna. Will the heating be turned off in the winter at headquarters?
  3. 21+
    11 September 2023 15: 24
    This is, of course, good and correct, but the original monument, illegally demolished by a raging crowd, must be returned to Lubyanka.
    And then, according to legal procedures, let the dissatisfied go to court and prove that the monument should not live there.
    1. -6
      11 September 2023 16: 11
      "A raging crowd...."

      Take a closer look. Are you not in the crowd there?
      It was our choice. That's what we wanted.
      However, as they say now:
      1. 11+
        11 September 2023 17: 15
        For what purpose did you include this photo here?

        At the very least, are you a provocateur? ARE YOU TRYING TO DECEIVE EVERYONE AGAIN?

        Manezhnaya Square. Moscow. THE USSR. March 10, 1991. Demand for Gorbachev's resignation.

        1. +1
          11 September 2023 20: 05
          So these were all for Yeltsin. That is why they demanded the resignation of his opponent, Gorbachev. Learn to dig deeper than half a bayonet.
      2. +4
        11 September 2023 17: 18
        Take a closer look. Are you not in the crowd there?
        It was our choice. That's what we wanted.
        However, as they say now:

        What surprises you? This is Moscow, where the percentage of scum and idiots per square kilometer has always been maximum. request
        1. +1
          11 September 2023 20: 07
          I remember this event well. There were a huge number of visitors from the regions, incl. from the union republics. If you look at the photo in high resolution, you can even see the flags of the future independent Ukraine.
      3. +1
        11 September 2023 20: 27
        Quote: Neo-9947
        "A raging crowd...."

        Take a closer look. Are you not in the crowd there?
        It was our choice. That's what we wanted.
        However, as they say now:

        I was not there. And why are you taking a photo that has nothing to do with the demolition of the monument?
        It's not good to cheat.
        You made a choice, but it had consequences for the whole country.
        We in the provinces did not make this choice, you made it for us without asking us.
        Now don't cry that you were deceived.
      4. -1
        12 September 2023 15: 50
        bullshit this is the correct picture

        No millions. Pathetic bunch.
  4. 18+
    11 September 2023 15: 25
    Great news! I would also like to point out that Dzerzhinsky was not only the creator of the Cheka, but also a generally talented administrator. I hope they restore the monuments to Stalin.
    1. -11
      11 September 2023 15: 35
      Yeah, I eliminated illiteracy.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      11 September 2023 16: 06
      Quote: flSergius
      Great news! I would also like to point out that Dzerzhinsky was not only the creator of the Cheka, but also a generally talented administrator. I hope they restore the monuments to Stalin.

      yeah, and Article 58 to boot....
      1. 0
        12 September 2023 00: 11
        Bring her back first!!! good
        Text of your comment blah blah blah blah
    4. +5
      11 September 2023 19: 43
      And he is also grateful to a whole cohort of young tramps who did not freeze in the basements, but at least got a start in life.
  5. +9
    11 September 2023 15: 26
    Well, that's it, the liberals are packing their bags, officials are selling off their property and tearing their claws for the cardon)))
    Finally, we found the right place for the monument to the man who built the most powerful Soviet state. He definitely wasn’t an angel and there was a lot of blood on him, but at that moment the communists had no other options...
    1. +4
      11 September 2023 20: 33
      Quote: Mikhail-Ivanov
      Well, that's it, the liberals are packing their bags, officials are selling off their property and tearing their claws for the cardon)))
      Finally, we found the right place for the monument to the man who built the most powerful Soviet state. He definitely wasn’t an angel and there was a lot of blood on him, but at that moment the communists had no other options...

      In fact, Dzerzhinsky was not recognized as a criminal by any court, like Yezhov, for example.
      So monuments to Dzerzhinsky are absolutely legal. However, so are the monuments to Stalin.
  6. 16+
    11 September 2023 15: 26
    Good event. I believe that the time has already come
    Selected Quotes
    “Happiness is not a life without worries and sorrows, happiness is a state of mind.”
    “Fear will not teach children to distinguish good from evil; He who is afraid of pain will always succumb to evil.”
    “Where there is love, there is no suffering that could break a person. Real misfortune is selfishness. If you love only yourself, then with the advent of difficult life trials, a person curses his fate and experiences terrible torment. And where there is love and care for others, there is no despair.”
    "1. Do not think.
    2. If you think, don't speak.
    3. If you think and speak, don't write.
    4. If you think, speak, write, don’t sign.
    5. If you think, speak, write and sign, don’t be surprised.”
    “Looking through the eyes of your staff is death for a leader.”
    “I believe that the time has come when personal machines, including mine, can and should be abolished. If there is one personal one, there will always be more.”
  7. +7
    11 September 2023 15: 27
    Very good news. Common sense and historical memory are beginning to emerge little by little from the liberal swamp.
  8. +4
    11 September 2023 15: 28
    Law of History. Over time, everything bad about historical figures is forgotten and fades into oblivion. Everything good that a person has done for his country remains in memory. This applies to almost everyone. Julius Caesar, Saint Vladimir, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Stalin....
    1. +3
      11 September 2023 20: 42
      Quote: Rumata
      Law of History. Over time, everything bad about historical figures is forgotten and fades into oblivion. Everything good that a person has done for his country remains in memory. This applies to almost everyone. Julius Caesar, Saint Vladimir, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Stalin....

      The question is the balance of bad and good. When Mao was asked how he assessed Stalin and his activities, he answered - 80% with a plus sign and 20% with a minus sign.
      And I added that I hope that the people of China will appreciate me as well.
      And so it happened. The Chinese condemned the excesses, but did not destroy the monuments and praised Mao as the creator of the PRC.
      A huge portrait of Mao hangs in the main square of Tian anmen.
      If it weren't for Khrushchev, we would have had the same situation.
  9. 13+
    11 September 2023 15: 30
    For some reason, when I was in the countries of Latin America, there was a monument on a monument and the monument was being pushed around by revolutionaries, generals, and more than sure, the people didn’t even know who it was. Except for Simon Bolivar, of course.. Obviously due to the demolition of the monument to F.E. Dzerzhinsky at one time , someone from the hillock was in charge. There were a lot of demoniacs running around the streets of Moscow at that time. Since Russia is the successor of the USSR, the monument to Dzerzhinsky must be returned to its historical place. This obscurantism of the war with Our historical monuments must be eradicated. Otherwise we blame the Czechs, Poles and Baltic states. I feel calmer It will be when Dzerzhinsky is against Lubyanka.
  10. 19+
    11 September 2023 15: 30
    It’s high time to close the Yeltsin Center(s).
    1. +3
      11 September 2023 17: 38
      "Yeltsin Center(s)" close.
      - SHUT UP!
      or take out the “exhibits” and donate them to the crater of the volcano....
      In the vacated premises... remember - And Stalin.
    2. +3
      11 September 2023 21: 25
      And plow up the place, sprinkle it with salt and build a park for children!
      1. -1
        12 September 2023 15: 52
        And plow up the place, sprinkle it with salt and build a park for children!

        Have pity on the children. This place, like the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, must be isolated.
  11. +3
    11 September 2023 15: 31
    Moscow sculptor Vladimir Ivanov
    good hi hi
  12. +7
    11 September 2023 15: 34
    This is of course great, but I still think it would be more correct to erect a monument to A.Kh. Artuzov and M.A. Trilisser in the SVR building.
    1. +1
      11 September 2023 15: 38
      Quote: Arkadich
      This is of course great, but I still think it would be more correct to erect a monument to A.Kh. Artuzov and M.A. Trilisser in the SVR building.

      At least the monument to JV Stalin was returned.
      1. +2
        11 September 2023 15: 41
        Quote: tihonmarine
        At least the monument to JV Stalin was returned.

        It's high time, people haven't forgotten him.
    2. +1
      11 September 2023 21: 42
      Quote: Arkadich
      This is of course great, but I still think it would be more correct to erect a monument to A.Kh. Artuzov and M.A. Trilisser in the SVR building.

      The SVR simply silently and materially expressed its position in relation to what has been happening in the country over the past 30 years. To all sorts of "galoshes". This is welcome.
  13. +2
    11 September 2023 15: 38
    24 will be like two years ago.
  14. +4
    11 September 2023 15: 40
    The new sculpture is a slightly reduced copy of the famous monument to Dzerzhinsky by Vuchetich,
    Well... is this a brave act or... something else?
    1. -4
      11 September 2023 15: 56
      What are you not happy with about the monument???
      Or is the stigma already in the cannon???
    2. +1
      11 September 2023 16: 21
      SVR - receivers of the "abroad" intelligence of the GPU, founded by: Dzerzhinsky and V. R. Menzhinsky
      Is there a monument to Menzhinsky?
      1. +3
        11 September 2023 20: 11
        Actually, Wiki says: SVR - 1st Directorate of the KGB, INO OGPU.
        There is a monument to Menzhinsky in Sevastopol
    3. +2
      11 September 2023 21: 45
      Quote: rocket757
      Well... is this a brave act or... something else?

      This is silent positioning.
      It is respectful.
  15. +2
    11 September 2023 15: 49
    Why not in the same place, not on Lubyanka?
    1. +2
      11 September 2023 21: 47
      Quote: Knizhnik
      Why not in the same place, not on Lubyanka?

      Because the FSB could restore it to its original place, but...

      Actually. it looks like a materialized sign of internal division. hi
  16. AB
    11 September 2023 15: 51
    His catchphrases that only a person with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands can become a security officer became a significant moral guideline for several generations of security officials in our country.

    It's funny that this is said by a representative of the authorities who have been pouring mud on the USSR and the Chekists in particular for three decades.
    But at least this monument did not go through all those circles of "bureaucratic hell" like the recently sensational monument to I.V. Stalin. What's even funnier, because the anti-Soviet in three throats yelling that it was bureaucratic lawlessness in the Union.
    1. +1
      11 September 2023 21: 53
      Quote from A.B.
      It's funny that this is said by a representative of the authorities who have been pouring mud on the USSR and the Chekists in particular for three decades.

      Power is not homogeneous.
      When you can not say too much, you can put monuments (symbols) without unnecessary words. hi
  17. +2
    11 September 2023 15: 56
    Bravo Sergey, Bravo
    1. +1
      11 September 2023 20: 52
      Quote: KAVBER
      Bravo Sergey, Bravo

      I'm wondering if this was agreed upon with the boss or
      After all, he also fancies himself an intelligence officer, and his attitude towards Soviet leaders is well known.
      He only loves Gorbachev. He awarded him the highest Russian Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.
      Probably for the successful collapse of the USSR.
  18. +5
    11 September 2023 16: 04
    It is incomprehensible that some people want to find some shortcomings and “spots” in the biography of prominent historical figures. Only pious elders and ascetics do not have them.
  19. +4
    11 September 2023 16: 04
    It flashed in the cart today.
    Believe me, comrade!
    She will pass
    And democracy and publicity!
    And now State Security will remember your names!
    1. 0
      11 September 2023 21: 57
      This is a long time ago, already “bearded”.
  20. +3
    11 September 2023 16: 16
    Colleagues, good afternoon . Almost on topic
    I love to read: Tamonnikova and the whole series about SMERSH.
    "Smershevtsy" were the successors of the security officers F.E.
    I assure you, Vaas: if Smersh were revived.
    They have at least three years of work in the DPR
    I'll tell you what I see myself, and leave the conclusions to you.
    The head of the village administration and in a prominent place: a photograph of Kolomoisky with an autograph.
    He asked so many questions that the prosecutor couldn’t even dream of it, and I was fantasizing about it “blackly”
    , a local girl warned me, but whether he “ate” or not... does not concern me.
    He's clearly a changeling
    And, you know, how many “anarchists” there are: dozens of armed ones, sneaking around in the rear and really don’t like the “Rosguard”. Who do they obey, what do they want?
    MY opinion: it’s far from clean: “not clean”
    It seems to be calmer in the LPR. That's what they say
  21. -6
    11 September 2023 16: 37
    “Even as a boy, I dreamed of an invisibility hat and the destruction of all Muscovites.”
    F. Dzerzhinsky
  22. +7
    11 September 2023 17: 01
    If only the Yeltsin Center had been demolished and the mausoleum had not been covered with plywood on May 9..
  23. +4
    11 September 2023 17: 14
    Felix must also be placed in front of the Ministry of Railways (or Russian Railways???) and in front of each PDN (minor affairs unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). For memory - how to work.
    And the security officers, no doubt.
    And also a giant Stalin, so that his foot would occupy the entire middle of the Yeltsin Center, and the corners would stick out from under it, Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Khrushchev, Gaidar, Chubais hanging on them
  24. -4
    11 September 2023 17: 27
    Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
    Moscow, where the percentage of scum and idiots per square kilometer has always been maximum

    Now the “idiots” have gone abroad, their place has been taken by hardworking migrants from Central Asia...
  25. -8
    11 September 2023 17: 30
    Quote: flSergius
    Great news!

    I don’t even know what level Papuan people need to get to, that the installation of a monument becomes the main great news of the day - what will happen tomorrow?
  26. +1
    11 September 2023 17: 40
    Test and return Felix to Lubyanka!
  27. -1
    11 September 2023 20: 05
    Quote: Astra wild2
    Colleagues, good afternoon . Almost on topic
    I love to read: Tamonnikova and the whole series about SMERSH.
    "Smershevtsy" were the successors of the security officers F.E.
    I assure you, Vaas: if Smersh were revived.
    They have at least three years of work in the DPR
    I'll tell you what I see myself, and leave the conclusions to you.
    The head of the village administration and in a prominent place: a photograph of Kolomoisky with an autograph.
    He asked so many questions that the prosecutor couldn’t even dream of it, and I was fantasizing about it “blackly”
    , a local girl warned me, but whether he “ate” or not... does not concern me.
    He's clearly a changeling
    And, you know, how many “anarchists” there are: dozens of armed ones, sneaking around in the rear and really don’t like the “Rosguard”. Who do they obey, what do they want?
    MY opinion: it’s far from clean: “not clean”
    It seems to be calmer in the LPR. That's what they say

    It's not calm there.
    Everything is just hushed up.
    1. +2
      11 September 2023 20: 19
      “Everything is being kept silent”, the husband says that the LPR Kolomoisky was not “listed” and it is unlikely that his photos will be held in high esteem there
  28. -5
    11 September 2023 20: 32
    Well, that’s it, all that remains is to erect a monument to Salute Skuratov and there will be a complete paragraph
  29. +4
    11 September 2023 20: 40
    One question is when will the monument to Dzerzhinsky by Vuchetich, which was installed in 1958 on Lubyanka Square in front of the USSR KGB building, be restored.
    1. +2
      11 September 2023 21: 24
      Comrade, believe, she will rise! ....... Soon, without a doubt!
  30. +2
    11 September 2023 21: 22
    I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. Great!
  31. 0
    12 September 2023 15: 18
    His catchphrases that only a person with a cool head, a warm heart and clean hands can become a security officer became a significant moral guideline for several generations of security officials in our country.

    - said Naryshkin.
    Several generations that (or which) have already left behind Felix Edmondovich. The final period of work of the generations of security officers that Naryshkin mentioned falls during the reign of Brezhnev...
  32. 0
    13 September 2023 10: 16
    I wonder what assessment Dzerzhinsky would give to the Russian special services who have turned into businessmen.