Why not go back to the golden ratio? Get away from the dollar and the euro

Why not go back to the golden ratio? Get away from the dollar and the euro

Long before us

Today, many doubt that the abandonment of the gold standard, which tied together the major world currencies, was a very serious mistake. Its consequences will be felt for a long time, although the current world tycoons are unlikely to risk returning the role of the guarantor of any financial transactions to gold.

Let's look into the not so distant past.

Back in the XNUMXth century, a sailor who got into a difficult situation, who had the right to wear a massive gold earring in his left ear, could, having handed it over to a pawnshop in the nearest port, get home on the first ship that came across for the proceeds.

But now, for three or four grams of gold, you definitely won’t fly and swim, for example, from Rio de Janeiro to St. Petersburg or Sevastopol. However, in dollar terms, as well as other currencies that someone aptly called fiat, the value of gold and other precious metals is only growing.

What caused such a paradox?

Although it is clear that since then, the dollar, like all its competitors, has lost a lot of value. Gold has been a lifesaver in the past, at least for sailors, pirates, bandits and state criminals.

In tsarist Russia, the executioner for a golden ring could pretend to cut off the tongue of a criminal convicted of publicly criticizing the emperor, but in fact he only cut its tip. As a result, of course, the unfortunate liberal went into exile, but at least he did not lose the opportunity to communicate articulately.

For sailors, both civil and military fleet the golden earring in the ear was generally almost a sacred symbol. They say that such a tradition came from Great Britain, but for the first time in the Russian Imperial and other fleets, a sailor's ear was pierced and a gold earring was inserted there at the first crossing of the equator.

Usually on the ship there were earrings in stock, the ship's doctor pierced the ear with a thick needle, previously calcined and alcoholized, then the next conqueror of the equator had to give money for gold to the general treasury of the ship. Sometimes a sailor had to work out an earring for more than one month - then gold was so expensive compared to his salary.

Wrong metal, wrong time

After passing through the Drake Strait, the sailor had the right to insert an even more massive earring into the earlobe. This gave him the right to receive from the owner free of charge three to five mugs of beer in port taverns and put his feet on the table. Those who did not have gold in their ears were expelled from the tavern for such a manner, often with a beating, not to mention the fact that beer was not poured for free.

At the same time, for a long time silver and even incredibly expensive platinum were not quoted in the fleets of all states. Platinum so simply frightened any uninitiated. And only gold served as a sign of the valor of a sailor.

But the most important thing was that the earring could help the sailor at a difficult moment. A pirate caught by the authorities could even pay off the gallows with a particularly weighty golden earring. Well, law-abiding sailors, having a couple of grams of gold in their ears, had a chance in the event of a shipwreck, if, of course, they swam ashore, to get home by selling gold in a pawnshop.

But why is it impossible today to get from one end of the globe to the other for two or three grams of gold?

At the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, a gram of gold costs less than two thousand rubles, if you rent it in an average Moscow pawnshop - even less.

An air ticket, for example, from Cape Town to Moscow, costs at least 76 thousand rubles. And in terms of fiat money, about which the author promises to write more, the cost of gold is growing.

Buy, I'll give everything, sorry - I'll sell!

It is obvious that the world economy after the rejection of the "gold standard" faced three factors at once.

The first of them is the general impoverishment and decrease in the solvency of the population. The cost of food, services and durable goods is rising faster than the value of specie.

At the same time, no matter how the world ecological community tries to build a green economy instead of oil and gas, oil is still needed by the economy more than gold due to utilitarian needs. An example is the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, which have nothing but oil.

There is not even fresh water, which they extract by sea osmosis. Nevertheless, they have workers from even the largest economies in the world, such as the United States and China, in their oil production and construction. And they don't need any gold. The locals themselves do not particularly want to work, why do they need it if they walk on oil with their feet?

The second factor is related to gold itself, which is being mined all over the world more and more, although so far the demand for it, if it falls, is not much. In addition, the purchasing power of gold is declining as the value of unbacked fiat currencies depreciates. Currently, fiat currencies are no longer pegged to gold, but gold, on the contrary, is pegged to the US dollar.

Yes, because it is in dollars that gold is traded on world commodity markets, and among other things, this is precisely why no one is attracted by the prospect of the return of the “gold standard”. At the same time, the dollar, in fact, is not backed by anything, it is an artificially inflated bubble.

Of course, there are some fluctuations in dynamics, but they are more related to macroeconomic factors in the regions of the world, for example, with crises in the Middle East or New Year celebrations in India and China, which increase the demand for gold jewelry.

And the ruble there too ...

The third and almost the main factor not in favor of gold is that its purchasing value in terms of goods, including vital ones, is actually declining. And the reason for this is the decoupling of many fiat currencies of the world from commodity standards, including from gold.

The Russian ruble also does not look the best on the background of its depreciation and rising prices for consumer goods. And this despite the fact that Russia continues, despite the sanctions, to export its raw materials to many countries of the world. Although, of course, everything is clear: the weak ruble is beneficial for the largest exporters.

In the years when sailors paid for their journey home with a few grams of gold, they usually traveled on sailing ships. Naturally, the road was cheaper than even on a modern hydrocarbon-fuelled ship, not to mention an airplane.

So, there is no doubt that the decrease in the purchasing power of the population is evident. And, of course, the same fiat money, which is not backed by anything specific, contributes to this to a large extent.

Therefore, attempts are being made to create cryptocurrencies backed by something more real than the word of honor of the American Fed. For example, oil, as in Venezuela, products, as has already been done in the BRICS countries, or the same gold, as in the BRICS countries, they are only planning to do so far.
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  1. +13
    7 September 2023 05: 28
    It’s interesting about earrings, but the rest is like about the “gas” ruble Yes
    1. +2
      7 September 2023 07: 37
      Quote: parusnik
      It’s interesting about earrings, but the rest is like about the “gas” ruble Yes

      I also read with interest about the earrings! I did not know, although sometimes the thought arose why sailors used to wear an earring in their ear. But it all came down to the pirates! But it turns out that this was a significant difference among the sailors! Too bad it's forgotten now!
      Thanks to the author!
      1. 0
        9 September 2023 17: 51
        Golden teeth from the same opera)
        In the sense of "for a rainy day"
  2. +5
    7 September 2023 05: 42
    What to write such articles. It has long been clear to everyone. The appointees of the Bright Sun continue to gnaw at the country and no one stops them. They lead everything to the end. Under protection.
  3. +5
    7 September 2023 05: 44
    . But why so today it is impossible to get from one end of the globe to the other for two or three grams of gold?

    With the growth of productivity and production possibilities, the cost of manufactured products falls. Including gold. And by the way, getting to the other side of the planet is now also much easier and cheaper than it was at a time when sailors wore gold earrings in their ears.

    The article touches on an interesting topic. Everything gets cheaper over time. In the sense that the cost is reduced. But this is imperceptible because money depreciates faster. And it is not clear where to store savings.
    1. +5
      7 September 2023 07: 01
      Quote: Stas157
      Everything gets cheaper over time. In the sense that the cost is reduced

      That's right, but
      Quote: Stas157
      it is imperceptible because money depreciates faster.

      This is because capitalism rules the world.

      Quote: Stas157
      And it is not clear where to keep the savings.

      If there is still something to put aside and store ... Most have somewhat different problems - how to live, what to live on.
    2. -6
      7 September 2023 09: 07
      Quote: Stas157
      But this is unnoticeable because money depreciates faster.

      By ourselves or is it the work of Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina? Which, by the way, is again planning to increase the interest rate of the Central Bank... I’m not surprised if it brings it to 30% or higher... “The owner is dying, asking for fish soup.”

      Quote: Stas157
      And it is not clear where to keep the savings.

      Invest in children and how we raise them will determine how old we will be.

      I hope that next year at the BRICS summit, principles for determining the cost of the “Brixic” will be developed that will suit all participants in the process.
      1. -4
        7 September 2023 17: 02
        Quote: Boris55
        Quote: Stas157
        But this is unnoticeable because money depreciates faster.

        By ourselves or is it the work of Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina? Which, by the way, is again planning to increase the interest rate of the Central Bank... I’m not surprised if it brings it to 30% or higher... “The owner is dying, asking for fish soup.”

        Quote: Stas157
        And it is not clear where to keep the savings.

        Invest in children and how we raise them will determine how old we will be.

        I hope that next year at the BRICS summit, principles for determining the cost of the “Brixic” will be developed that will suit all participants in the process.

        Your children are your tax on the capsystem, just. And specific.
        Or a couple of children and in an apartment until retirement.
        Or himself and a couple of apartments instead.
        1. 0
          7 September 2023 17: 31
          Quote: Andrey Dibrov
          Or a couple of children and in an apartment until retirement.
          Or himself and a couple of apartments instead.

          Do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs.
          Children are given to us by God. Apartments - from the authorities. The government will change and there are no apartments, but the children will always remain ours, no matter how our and their fate develops.
          1. 0
            10 September 2023 11: 31
            Quote: Boris55
            Quote: Andrey Dibrov
            Or a couple of children and in an apartment until retirement.
            Or himself and a couple of apartments instead.

            Do not confuse God's gift with fried eggs.
            Children are given to us by God. Apartments - from the authorities. The government will change and there are no apartments, but the children will always remain ours, no matter how our and their fate develops.

            The laws of physics seem to poop on cephalopod inventions
  4. +4
    7 September 2023 05: 46
    Why not go back to the golden ratio? Get away from the dollar and the euro

    Do you know what a guarantor might say?

    It is not yet possible to clone oil, gas and other resources, and as for gold, only substitution with tungsten ingots is possible.
    What can not be said about electronic money ... It is necessary to add "0" - please! It is necessary to increase the national debt (which no one is going to give away) - pliz!
    With these green papers, we ended up in a big world sewer ... It's necessary to goof off like that - the whole world works for candy wrappers, providing a comfortable life for those who print them ...
    It couldn't have been better...
  5. +6
    7 September 2023 07: 55
    The problem with the price of gold, like many other things, is that it is not determined by the type of market. And uncles from Londinium. In addition, on the stock exchanges they sell mostly not with physical metal, but with all sorts of pieces of paper derived from it, hell knows in what iteration.
    1. 0
      7 September 2023 08: 09
      Quote: paul3390
      The problem with the price of gold, like many other things, is that it is not determined by the type of market. And uncles from Londinium. In addition, on the stock exchanges they sell mostly not with physical metal, but with all sorts of pieces of paper derived from it, hell knows in what iteration.

      It is enough to look at the gold chart to understand that such a currency is not needed.
      Gold fluctuates wildly which is very bad for the economy and deflates which is even worse. After all, there is no point in investing in a plant at 5% per annum, if your currency will easily give 5% per annum anyway. You can just put it under the mattress.
      1. +3
        7 September 2023 12: 54
        Quote: BlackMokona
        Just look at the gold chart..

        And who "draws" these "pits and cones" on charts/stock exchanges? Maybe the manufacturers? But no, all the same stock speculators / hucksters under the wing of insatiable banks ...
        1. -2
          7 September 2023 15: 33
          Quote: Doccor18
          And who "draws" these "pits and cones" on charts/stock exchanges? Maybe the manufacturers? But no, all the same stock speculators / hucksters under the wing of insatiable banks ...

          What difference does it make to us who draws? The main thing is that if you keep gold as the currency of your country, then now it will be a chart of the state currency.
        2. -2
          7 September 2023 17: 06
          Quote: Doccor18
          Quote: BlackMokona
          Just look at the gold chart..

          And who "draws" these "pits and cones" on charts/stock exchanges? Maybe the manufacturers? But no, all the same stock speculators / hucksters under the wing of insatiable banks ...

          So that's why they draw that gold is not bread and not even oil.
          There's ten percent of the need. The rest is just a heavy piece of iron.
          So, for health, and a couple of cast iron is enough
    2. +1
      7 September 2023 12: 59
      Note that the daily volume of digital ounces traded is reportedly higher on the New York COMEX exchange, where trading volume exceeds 50% of total global production. As you know, digital gold derivatives are traded on the COMEX exchange, but the supply of physical metal in a two-month period is insignificant in volume. In fact, the entire current COMEX trading system of 525 thousand open interest contracts (52,5 million ounces of digital ounces) is backed by only 8 million physical ounces, of which only 128 thousand ounces are “registered” and subject to immediate delivery.
      So what do we learn from this data? In general, nothing new. However, we hope they have shown you how precarious all this digital trading is. After all, it is not gold and silver bars that are traded. The volume of digital trade makes it impossible to provide it with physical metals.
      Consider also the following. Silver and gold prices are currently driven by trading in digital derivatives that have little to no relationship to the physical metal. The price discovery refers to a digital derivative rather than a physical commodity, and the supply of a digital derivative is virtually unlimited since banks have the monopoly ability to create it indefinitely.

      And that's just for New York. In London, large volumes are also traded, and even in Moscow they are.
      And if we also take into account gold out of circulation here, namely: in products (about 50% of the extracted volume), balances on the metal accounts of private and legal entities (not subject to accounting, but the volumes are colossal), gold reserves of states (20% of the extracted volume), used in industry (about 15%), then all these games with gold become a complete and inflated bubble, worse than the mortgage bubble that killed Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae in 2008.
  6. +1
    7 September 2023 07: 56
    The author liked the word "fiat" and where does "the ratio of parts and the whole, in which the ratio of the parts to each other and the largest part to the whole are equal"
    1. +7
      7 September 2023 08: 26
      The author liked the word "fiat"

      The author, of course, piled all sorts of tales into the article, but the term "fiat" was used appropriately.
      Fiat or fiduciary money - (Latin fiducia - trust, English fiduciary money) - money that is not backed by the stock of precious metals of the bank.
      There are no countries in the modern world whose currencies are backed by gold. That is, today all the currencies of the world are fiat.
  7. +5
    7 September 2023 08: 13
    Get away from the dollar and the euro
    And the rest of the co-authors, apparently do not agree with you, they are not on the lists. Yes, this will happen, but then "... when one stick and eight holes defeat the whole army, when the king bares his head, and you remain in the hat when your beloved friend is served on table with apples ... "(c) laughing
  8. +5
    7 September 2023 09: 28
    This gave him the right to receive three to five mugs of beer from the owner for free in port taverns and put his feet on the table.

    I guess it depended on the innkeeper)
  9. 0
    7 September 2023 09: 59
    Population growth increases needs and requires improvement of the means of their production, and commodity exchange transactions equivalent to value, which was gold - the single generally accepted world currency, which gave rise to the institution of money changers, usury, banks and various financial structures.
    The limited supply of gold required the introduction of paper banknotes tied to gold. The output increased with the growth of population and the needs of the economy, overtook the volume of cash gold, and it was necessary to abandon the gold standard.
    Traditional banknotes have been replaced by digital ones, which are less expensive to produce and dispose of, and more effective in accelerating financial turnover and controlling the population.
    Every village is working on digital banknotes, but bringing them to a common denominator and general control is carried out by the IMF and the IDB, which are working on a mechanism for exchanging digital banknotes among themselves and introducing a single world currency, similar to the IMF special drawing rights that exist today.
    Linking digital banknotes to gold is unlikely, but possible to GDP, which will provide the West and its transnational associations with control over the world if they can “persuad” China, the world’s largest economy.
    1. +2
      7 September 2023 13: 05
      Quote: Jacques Sekavar
      The limited supply of gold necessitated the introduction of paper banknotes pegged to gold

      Not quite so, there has always been a limited amount of gold, so a long time ago both silver and copper coins were minted ... For me, even a steel coin would be much more valuable than a piece of paper. But the rapid development of the economy also implied a rapid growth in cash, and therefore the weight of the coins buried their kingdom (it was unrealistic to carry thousands, not to mention millions), giving way to light paper...
  10. +2
    7 September 2023 10: 50
    The gold standard was the cause of the Great Depression and poverty in Tsarist Russia. It's the same with us when we tied the ruble to the dollar. Requirements for providing dollar coverage are needed based on the exchange capabilities for conducting a trade exchange. But since the dollar and the euro are toxic for us, they must be replaced by gold and yuan, the more the better. The transition to a new gold standard is a utopia - there is simply not enough gold.
    1. 0
      9 September 2023 18: 01
      Enough, on one condition - if it is considered more expensive, much more expensive.
  11. +1
    7 September 2023 14: 47
    At the same time, for a long time, silver and even incredibly expensive platinum were not quoted in any way in the fleets of all states. Platinum simply frightened any uninitiated.
    In the 1748th century, while panning for gold in Colombia, the Spaniards discovered grains of a white metal resembling silver. The memory of this remains the disparaging name of this metal - “silver”. However, unlike silver, it did not dissolve in acids and could not be smelted. It was considered a harmful impurity, but they did not know how to get rid of it and were forced to deliver platinum to Europe as part of gold bars. However, in the XNUMXth century, this circumstance led to the fact that Spanish gold began to be called rotten, and Spanish gold coins fell in price. In XNUMX, the Spanish government issued a decree according to which gold had to be purified from harmful platinum, which had to be thrown away immediately, and if it was impossible to separate it, then such gold deposits had to be closed.
    In 1735, by royal order in Colombia, the colonial coin centers of Santa Fe and Papayan began solemnly, in front of numerous spectators, to throw platinum into the sea, as well as into the Bogota and Cauca rivers.
    As a result, the Spaniards, for lack of a better use, began to cast bullets from platinum.
    And the title of “Queen of Metals” was awarded to platinum only in 1870 by the French monarch Louis XVI. And the first giant piece of platinum was found back in 1843. It was named “Russia” and weighed 9 kilograms 635 grams. It turned out that there is much more platinum in Russia than in America, where it was discovered. In the first ten years of mining, as much platinum was extracted from Russian soil as was found in America in 100 years.
    In the Soviet Union, we used platinum in the manufacture of some insignia. For example, inserts made of this metal were present in the Order of Suvorov 1st degree, the Order of Lenin and the Order of Victory.
  12. -2
    7 September 2023 18: 45
    Pebbles or crypt - this is the "golden earring" of the 21st century.
    1. 0
      9 September 2023 18: 06
      With pebbles, the problem is with quick implementation, modern technologies have advanced) pebbles, first, must be determined for naturalness, and this is troublesome.
      Gold still rules here.
      Crypt is even worse, in the end, than colored paper)
      1. 0
        13 September 2023 10: 59
        Artificial pebbles are in no way inferior to pebbles of natural origin, and the value of natural pebbles rests only on the lack of education of the majority of the world's population.
        PS this applies equally, and even more, to artificial leather.
  13. +4
    7 September 2023 20: 30
    The author, of course, you will excuse me, but this is some kind of vinaigrette of fragmentary thoughts and dubious facts.

    And the proposal to return 100 years ago to the gold standard is generally beyond reality.
    The total amount of gold in the world is only 190 thousand tons.
    The cost of gold is now determined by the cost of production and is approximately 40 million per ton.
    That is, the value of all the gold in the world is only $7.6 trillion.
    And the total amount of just all the cash in the world is $4,5 trillion.
    And more than $70 trillion of non-cash money.

    That is, gold is simply not enough even to ensure the modern world money circulation.

    PS This is if we forget the fact that out of all 190 thousand tons of gold - half (95 thousand tons) is in jewelry and religious items and simply will not participate in circulation or reserves.
    1. 0
      8 September 2023 04: 55
      Previously it was impossible to split a gram of gold into a billion parts, but now on a computer you can split it into an infinite number of banknotes. When switching to gold, it has already been proven that its price will increase tenfold. There will be no downward fluctuations in the rate if Brix trades only in real gold, and not in its digital instruments. And you can spit on gold itself if you introduce a digital currency limited in issue. Inflation or deflation will happen with any currency, but with a currency without emission, everyone will take deflation into account in advance since it will be equal to the increase in GDP per capita of the world population.
    2. 0
      9 September 2023 18: 08
      That is, colored paper can be assigned an unrealistically expensive value, imposed on the world without having collateral, but the value of gold cannot be raised?
      Why don’t you calculate the cost of dollars according to the cost of paper and paint?
  14. 0
    7 September 2023 23: 18
    What is the main conclusion? That all women are a little pirates at heart? Someone to rob, but for yourself - earrings in your ears, as if they were just dangling through the Drake Passage.
  15. 0
    8 September 2023 16: 38
    Google perfect money and you will not find a single wording. The very definition of money in Wikipedia proves their modern falsity.

    Since we are talking about the equivalent of a measure of value, and the definition of the equivalent allows it to have any range, and therefore money in this definition is not the standard that it is for the meter, kilogram and kilowatt. Well, if we want a single money for humanity, then it must be the standard.

    At the same time, money must be an inalienable property right to a share of the world's produced product and assets. Now these rights are being alienated due to inflation. And just as there is a standard for the meter, there should be one for money.

    To create a standard, you can use gold if you concentrate the gold of all countries in one or several places and then issue one gold weight with an infinite number of its parts in the form of digital currency. And after that stop accepting gold into his one world bank. But this is not the best option, since the advantages will go to those who robbed their colonies and accumulated large reserves of gold.

    And among rich countries there are those that, like Canada, have no gold reserves at all or have a meager amount of them. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but divide one digital weight on the scales opposite world assets among all countries in proportion to their current GDP relative to the world. Is the whole of humanity ready for this? The golden billion is not interested in this because it lives off the issue of its currencies in the form of the dollar and euro.

    But most developing countries are not interested in this, since they are trying to ensure growth in domestic production by cutting off imports by devaluing their currencies. At the same time, developed and developing countries, through emissions, are trying to compensate for the theft of their elites and all sorts of unforeseen expenses such as Covid or wars.

    But the same Brix countries still have more incentive to be the first to start creating a world currency, even if it is semi-world at the first stage. And here, too, there is no other logic for creating the Brix currency other than to draw 1000 billion Brix to China if it sells goods worth 1000 billion dollars to the Brix countries. Well, the total emission of Brix will be equal to the turnover within the Brix.

    Therefore, most likely, Brix can agree that payments will be made in the currencies of its countries, and if, as for example now, India and Russia do not have parity of imports and exports, then the additional payment will be made in gold at its current price for that day. This is much better than making an additional payment in dollars and euros, but only if you ensure that its price cannot fall by buying gold when speculators on the London Stock Exchange are trying to lower its price. Thus there will be a gradual return to the Gold Standard.

    But if Brix switches to additional payment in gold and stabilization of its minimum price, it is not clear what is the point for citizens of all countries to keep their savings in local currencies, and not in gold if it is growing, unlike all currencies? And how can citizens not demand that their salaries be paid in gold, even digital? It is in the mutual settlements of the CMEA countries that there could be a transferable ruble almost equal to 1 g of gold, and under capitalism it is impossible to organize two circuits of monetary circulation if one circuit is more profitable than the other. Therefore, I do not believe that, at the will of states, a single world or regional currency like Brix, which is ideal for progress and better than the dollar and euro, can arise at the moment.

    Therefore, just as they paid for the difference in trade turnover in dollars and euros, they will continue to pay, since the West does not want to take the yuan as payment. Or store rupees, which it is unclear where to put them, as in Russia now.

    As for the nonsense of all economists about the dangers of deflation, let me remind you that deflation began from the moment a person picked up a stick. After which the cost of all goods became less and less. During the Second Industrial Revolution of 1870-1890, there was a colossal increase in labor productivity with static wages and deflation.

    As we see, this did not interfere with progress, just as the 73 cents cost of Coca-Cola did not interfere with the cost of Coca-Cola in 5. And now, you see, without inflation, the economy cannot develop. Why do 100% of all economists lie about the dangers of deflation?
    The difference between the fact that now everywhere they increase wages by 7%, making inflation 5%, and the fact that without any inflation and an increase in wages with a static issue they will simply reduce the cost of goods by 2% per year is positive in that deflation can be perfectly calculated and be included in business plans, since it is equal to the world average GDP growth per capita and does not depend on the whim of governments.

    And the other thing is that no strikes are needed to demand an increase in wages. And there will be no theft when inflationary money is poured into the bankrupt Deutsche Bank or VTB. If the world's population grows by 1% per year, and GDP in inflation-free prices is approximately 3%, then deflation will be 2% per year.

    Only the population is interested in ideal money. That is why Bitcoin was created as a result of a private initiative, and not by order of the state. On the one hand, the emission of the number of cryptocurrencies should negate its absence in any crypt.

    But on the other hand, we see the growth of cryptocurrencies more than the growth of gold. If gold has risen in price over the past 52 years by about 50 times, then Bitcoin has risen in price by 75 times in 7 years since the sixteenth year. And this despite the fact that it has now fallen by half from the previous maximum value of the twenty-first year. But similar volatility is also typical for the growth chart of gold prices.

    And after this, a natural question arises for the governments of countries that have gold and foreign exchange reserves. Why don’t they hold, in addition to currency and gold, the fastest growing asset in the form of the same Bitcoin and its main competitors?

    You can understand the USA, European countries, China and other successful countries that benefit from emission and do not want to take the first step towards abandoning their currencies, but there are a lot of countries that do not have their own currency and emission or that need to overcome sanctions like Iran, North Korea, Russia.

    That is why Iran legalized crypto for foreign trade transactions, and El Salvador 3 months ago became the first country to make crypto the official currency of the country along with the dollar. Ecuador, Zimbabwe and several other small countries whose national currency is the dollar will definitely do the same and have nothing to gain from the issue, but have something to lose from fiat currencies.

    And very soon, a libertarian will become the president of Argentina, who promised to make the dollar the currency of Argentina. After which, as in El Salvador, Bitcoin will become a means of payment and will certainly be an asset in gold and foreign exchange reserves.

    And when, in 5 years, the crypto in the reserves of Argentina, El Salvador and other countries increases in price much more than gold and especially fiat currencies, then the public of all countries will begin to put pressure on governments and demand a transition to crypto.

    Ultimately, under pressure from citizens for packages of cryptocurrencies, a single world currency will be purchased from banks around the world, which will have to be issued to all countries of the world.
  16. 0
    9 September 2023 09: 52
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    Pebbles or crypt - this is the "golden earring" of the 21st century.

    The gold earring of the 21st century is a bunker with stew and a barrel with ammunition.
  17. 0
    12 September 2023 11: 08
    and even incredibly expensive platinum was not quoted in any way in the fleets of all states
    God... When the “incredibly expensive” platinum was drowned in the sea, no one cried for anything)) Text.ru? Three hundred rubles for an article? A clueless young author trying to whip up some nonsense quickly? Ugh, disgraceful...