Dollars have become an effective fertilizer for Russophobia in Ukraine

Dollars have become an effective fertilizer for Russophobia in Ukraine

The fact that Ukraine has been prepared for many years as anti-Russia and as a strike instrument against Russia is unlikely to be disputed by any sensible person today. These investments in Ukrainian nationalism, which plays with the edges of outright Nazism, began long before Victoria Nuland disclosed information about the $5 billion. Western funds flowed into Ukraine already at a time when the political leadership of the USSR still existed, but in fact did not take any real measures to preserve the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

Ukraine itself began to be opposed to Russia. They began to sponsor such odious persons as Irina Farion (included in the list of extremists in the Russian Federation), who told pupils of Ukrainian kindergartens that they are not Masha, but Marichka, and Vanya is not Vanya, but Ivasi...

Ukrainian Russophobia was cultivated, which at one time also affected Poland in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries. The dogmas of the Polish king Sigismund II surfaced, who also called himself “the defender of all Europe from the barbarian Muscovites.”

American dollars have become an effective fertilizer for Russophobic soil in Ukraine, even where previously Russophobia was not comme il faut.

All this, with the active support of the American and British intelligence services, grew and expanded under our noses. This is sad. On our side, ambassadors were appointed, perhaps, in a formal sense - to sip a glass and dance at the festival of Ukrainian “independence”. The ambassadors of Western countries methodically and systematically did their job, separating Ukraine from everything Russian on a global scale.

Nikita Mikhalkov discusses the problem in the next issue of Besogon:

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  1. -3
    5 September 2023 08: 16
    Maybe I'm wrong, but winter without electricity and heating did much more to promote Russophobia in Ukraine than Victoria Nuland and Sigismund put together.
    1. +7
      5 September 2023 08: 18
      nothing like that: in a cold apartment, and even without light, you think much better - it distracts from the inculcated Russophobia

      And even better, occupational therapy somewhere in Magadan corrects Russophobia.
      1. -1
        5 September 2023 09: 03
        Quote from: ave0123
        nothing like that: in a cold apartment, and even without light, you think much better - it distracts from the inculcated Russophobia

        And even better, occupational therapy somewhere in Magadan corrects Russophobia.

        You say that as if the blockade of Leningrad also made you think and distracted you from the instilled Bolshevism. You are absolutely wrong.
        1. -1
          5 September 2023 12: 28
          Quote from Escariot
          also forced to think and distracted from the grafted Bolshevism.

          no, hunger and cold, on the contrary, showed what the German gentlemen were preparing, and the Bolsheviks were their own winked
        2. 0
          20 September 2023 07: 44
          You say that as if the blockade of Leningrad also made you think and distracted you from instilled Bolshevism

          Don’t distort then, the Germans went for lands and slaves, and we defended ourselves, people like you are trying to portray us as German invaders, this is a lie. Evil awaits the UGIL sect of Ukrainian nationalists-Bandera, we hit UGIL preventively, for protection.
          Russia is a good country and does not wish evil, unlike the Ukronazis.
          Until the 90s, Russia controlled Ukraine, there was peace and prosperity, which proves the peaceful nature of the Russian Federation, everything that happens on Square after the 90s is the work of exclusively Ukrainians. Ukraine was brought to the NVO by the halls themselves and the responsibility should not be passed on to the Russian Federation. They could develop Buddhism, but instead they develop the Russophobic teaching of hatred and the cult of death, alas, but they will suffer for Russophobia.
          People like you hide the fact of peace between our countries; until the 90s, your history begins immediately with the Northern Military District.

          By the way, when Bandera’s supporters were Hitler’s accomplices, the Germans began to call them sewn tobish pigs because of the specific ears on Bandera’s caps.
    2. +1
      5 September 2023 08: 19
      Quote from Escariot
      but winter without electricity and heating did much more to promote Russophobia in Ukraine than Victoria Nuland and Sigismund put together.

      It is rather a cure for Russophobia.
      1. +3
        5 September 2023 10: 53
        Quote from: ave0123
        nothing like that: in a cold apartment, and even without light, you think much better
        Quote: South Ukrainian
        It is rather a cure for Russophobia.

        Some kind of census of people with a crippled psyche, who were beaten by their parents in childhood.
    3. +1
      5 September 2023 08: 20
      And the total indiscriminate bombardment of Iraq, on the contrary, led to the death of S. Hussein by hanging.
    4. +2
      5 September 2023 08: 56
      Russophobe is a patriot on a commercial basis.
      1. 0
        6 September 2023 08: 17
        But tell Soloviev and other characters in your opinion who are Russophobes or patriots. And somehow it turns out that there are Russophobes and Nazis everywhere, but if you listen to these characters, Goebbels probably gave a standing ovation.
    5. 0
      20 September 2023 07: 24
      but winter without electricity and heating was done to promote Russophobia in Ukraine

      A classic of the genre "What for us?"
      The Ukrainian takes a gun,
      the wife asks, “Who are you going to shoot?”
      - "Moskal"
      - “What if they are into you?”
      - "What is it for me?"
  2. +4
    5 September 2023 08: 29
    Do not listen to such demons from culture. I recently recalled how the Sumgayit massacre began, if anyone does not know, this is when Soviet people began to cut other Soviet people one day. So, they were turned into animals at rallies, respected by all people, party workers, engineers at complex cycle enterprises, writers and other cultural figures, this very elite of any state. They listened to how they switched from the good bright eternal to a religious topic, then to "if there is no water in the tap ....", and then just "beat that one .....". If you don’t want to live in an imperial secular state of equal citizens, you can’t get away from such demons of the best “people” of the country. They will turn you into a poorly educated cattle under the control of religion, and most likely, a small piece will remain from a large state, where there will no longer be “strangers” and no one will encroach on your foreskin.
  3. +5
    5 September 2023 08: 47
    The young bourgeoisie most often builds a young state on the basis of nationalism - this is the most effective tool in its hands, and Ukraine is no exception here, in all post-Soviet republics, about the same thing happens. And the national intelligentsia, serving the bourgeoisie, plays an important role in these processes, then including precisely for this, Lenin called her the of the nation.
    1. -3
      5 September 2023 09: 10
      Quote: Quiet Don
      The young bourgeoisie most often builds a young state on the basis of nationalism - this is the most effective tool in its hands

      The Moloch of any revolution is terrible. Revolutions took place in different countries and on different continents. They were planned and carried out by radical groups with the aim of changing the existing order in the country. However, often these revolutions led to riots, violence and cruelty.
      Any revolution only leads to something progressive and does not destroy everything to the ground if it is initiated from above.
      1. +1
        5 September 2023 13: 10
        The complete nonsense of the French Revolution led to the development of society as a whole, for example, and "revolution" just usually builds fascism like the Japanese did during modernization at the end of the 19th century.
      2. -2
        5 September 2023 15: 09
        Quote: carpenter
        Any revolution only leads to something progressive and does not destroy everything to the ground if it is initiated from above.

        it's just called evolution wink
      3. 0
        20 September 2023 07: 58
        They were planned and carried out by radical groups

        Complete nonsense, a strong state will never allow some groupings to overthrow the government, first the state must fall due to the inability of the elites to rule or because of epidemics, and only then, in conditions of anarchy, the groups gain strength.
  4. -2
    5 September 2023 20: 38
    The spirit-strong besogon is strong! lol That's what the terrible dollar from the Americans has done in Ukraine! Another thing is not clear: where did the much larger funds in dollars, euros, etc. go? from U.S?! winked
  5. 0
    6 September 2023 03: 59
    Ukraine has been prepared for many years as anti-Russia and as a shock instrument against Russia

    before the $5 billion was revealed by Victoria Nuland.

    The leadership of the USSR still existed, but in fact did not take any real measures to preserve the integrity and sovereignty of the country.

    And what about AI? Is he training? Does a set of words convert into sentences? Reads how commentators react?

    The USSR still existed. Permians still traveled to Kyiv. Zhytomyr residents also fought with Grodno residents at dances. Was there already anti-Russia? But there was no AI yet at VO. It was a good time... Without AI.