Danger of civil war. Echoes of bygone times

Danger of civil war. Echoes of bygone times

However, the
paid enough tribute.
let's talk
about rubbish."

VV Mayakovsky

Sometimes, when I read chats on Telegram, I get the impression that we have either already defeated almost everyone, or everything is so lost that it’s time to go to the coffin alive.

Smouldering coals

The civil war, the end of which was announced on October 25, 1922/June 19, 1923 (end dates are given according to different sources, since disputes about the end of the war still do not subside), never ended, despite the signing on March 13, 2023 State Duma memorandum on its completion. Moreover, the opponents’ formulations are full of irreconcilable hostility towards the opinions of the other side. I will not give extracts from the dialogues; they themselves are primitive, boring, devoid of facts; if you wish, you can find examples yourself.

But something is very typical of the people who communicate there. All of them can be divided into two groups: “za-Putinists” and “nihilistic realists.” And if the second group tries to somehow correlate what is happening with reality, then the first group acts in such a way that one thing comes to mind: they work according to manuals. Like a bull reacting to a red rag, they immediately rush at their opponent, accusing him of all possible and impossible sins. At the same time, at any mention of real facts, they begin to hurl abuse, accuse them of belonging to LGBT people and behave as if they are the ultimate truth.

They consider it below their dignity to respond to the arguments of the opponent. Swearing is the best argument for them. Without noticing it themselves, they divide people into two groups: “we, the Zaputinites” and “others”, which are subject to destruction or, at best, to placement in a psychiatric hospital.

I am not delighted with this behavior, because, in my opinion, it smacks of fascism. This is my personal opinion, but it is based on examples of personal communication with both. I by no means classify “others” as true believers and sinless, but at least they have less outright hatred of other groups. But the “zaputin consumers” are clearly determined to destroy those who disagree with them or, in extreme cases, drive them into reservations and mental homes as a special favor. Moreover, it does not matter to them that their opponents do not accept fascism in the same way and are unequivocally against it. Civil war in full glory.

What does all this mean? I want to express the opinion that it is impossible to complete any historical process with the stroke of a pen. Even if very respected people gather and order this phenomenon not to happen. There are plenty of examples that reconciliation is possible only thanks to changing historical conditions, and not just the wishes of political figures. Only when the basic contradictions disappear, only then will the real ending be possible. And unfortunately, this is still very, very far away.

This time I will not point at the government, which skillfully supports the smoldering embers of a possible fire, let’s talk about ourselves, about ordinary people who constitute the main source of this combustion. In a sense, my article will be similar to an analysis of V. V. Mayakovsky’s poem “On Rubbish.” I would ask those who do not know this work to read it so that the main messages of my article would be more understandable. At the same time, I will not unduly politicize my personal opinion; I will try to avoid ideological attacks as far as possible.

So, we proceed.

After the end of the Time of Troubles, which lasted almost 10 years (counting from the date of the coup on December 12, 1991 until the assumption of office by Russian President V.V. Putin), the so-called “fat years” began. Billions of petrodollars began to flow into the country's budget, however, mainly into the banking sector, into the entertainment sector, but in no way into the development of heavy and medium industry, with the exception of the military-industrial complex.

“The storms of the revolutionary bosom have calmed down,” wrote Mayakovsky. And just as in the poem, like agitated foam, a triumphant philistinism surfaced to the surface, not wanting to remember its kinship. “Be a consumer,” exhorted former Minister of Education Fursenko; “we don’t need creative individuals and mathematicians,” Gref echoed him.

And as a result, the “muzzle of a tradesman” came out. Insolent and well-fed, it strives only for stupefaction and simplification, for the complete abolition of culture. And this is terrible, how terrible indifference is. For culture is a complete antagonist to philistinism, with the only difference being that philistinism is more aggressive and irreconcilable.

Not one, but at least two generations have grown up with no time for public life. Personal good is the main leitmotif of the existence of this layer, dangerous for a healthy state, but so convenient for governance. From the very first day of the revival of capitalism, the petty-bourgeois class, supported by the bureaucratic apparatus, like a cancerous tumor, settled in the minds and souls of people, turning them into ideal inhabitants who are only interested in entertainment and an aversion to work and the birth of offspring.

“Having their butts calloused from years of sitting,” the metastases of consumerism spread throughout the entire system, leaving not a single corner where they could establish themselves. Schools, kindergartens, medicine, science, absolutely everything is imbued with the spirit of not caring about the public. In public, of course, the story was different.

But at the same time, fans of Schwab and his pack, cynical to the core, clearly understood the danger of another outbreak of the Civil War. But they saw and see the end of this war not in the elimination of contradictions between the cosmopolitan capital of our oligarchs and the disenfranchised poor mass of the population, but in the distortion of the country’s history and the inculcation of the ideals of a baked Russia.

The demolition of monuments to Lenin in Ukraine, the processes of decommunization in the Bandera region and the Baltic states are a natural result of such a policy, the triumph of a boor over culture and history, a consequence of fanning the still smoldering embers of the Civil War. We, thank God, have not yet come to this. But from every iron comes official propaganda about the holiness of the 90s of the last century, praising our Grefs, Kovalchuks, Deripaskas and other oligarchs who created their fortunes through backbreaking labor, and who, according to the curators, should serve as our ideal.

But where were these examples of ideality and mirrors of wisdom when the people in the Donbass rose for their existence on our land? Who can tell when and how much Deripaska, Usmanov, Rotenberg, Potanin, Sechin and others donated to the NVO, how many bulletproof vests and drones did they purchase for our soldiers? Somehow I didn't hear this. Oh no, I was wrong! Roma Abramovich bought iPhones for the mercenaries and sent them away from the war on his personal plane. You say these are not our mercenaries, but enemies? Well... I got excited, sorry.

And what about our inhabitants? Nothing. The main thing is the very life that is “more terrible than Wrangel’s philistine life,” which corrupts souls and serves as a breeding ground for the further penetration of metastases of dulling and duping of the people into the healthy body of society.

Is there a way out?

I think there is. Let us look at the French nation, which, after the French Revolution, was finally able to find ways and means to achieve civil harmony. But there the war was worse than ours, we still had flowers, compared to what was happening in France. Nevertheless, the civil war for the French is over, the descendants of the marquises and the common people came to an agreement, time smoothed out the contradictions that seemed insurmountable. How this was done is beyond the scope of this article, this is a topic for a separate study.

In addition, each country has its own prerequisites, its own historical conditions. But it is necessary to study experience. Otherwise, the lessons of the Civil War will not be useful. Whether our society is able to refute the thesis that the lessons of history teach no one anything - time will tell.
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  1. +15
    3 September 2023 04: 55
    Let's look at the French nation,

    The author gave an extremely unfortunate example... this country is full of its own diseases, which can become painful with renewed vigor if the lives of ordinary citizens worsen.
    As for us...just look at Garbuzov, who spat with relish on our country, our state, our people...as long as such people are Putin’s advisors at all levels of the state, we will not see success in our development.
    1. +3
      3 September 2023 06: 47
      The author, apparently, is about the 19th and early 20th centuries. The French ate up WWII in taverns, and before that they ate Africa wisely and in unison.
    2. +12
      3 September 2023 13: 10
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      ... while such people are in Putin's advisers at all levels of the state, we will not see success in our development

      That is, in your opinion, Putin's advisers are to blame for the lack of development of the state and, moreover, its degradation? Grandfather has been wrongly advised for the past 25 years! They laughed though.
    3. +2
      3 September 2023 14: 54
      I do not agree. You are talking about the contradictions and problems of the present period of time, which have nothing to do with the French Revolution. But anyway, you have a right to your opinion.
      1. 0
        6 September 2023 15: 49
        Revolutions and civil wars can last for centuries, and the problems of the present time are the result of a lost civil war.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. -1
          8 September 2023 23: 17
          stariy (Andrey Ivanovich Shvedov). 6 September 2023 15:49. NEW . yours - "...Revolutions and civil wars can last for centuries, but the problems of the present time are the result of a lost civil war..."

          You can SEARCH for a long time and colorfully and FIND the pros and cons of each side. Everyone will be RIGHT in their own way! belay
          But. isn't that right? that the elite rotted under the “master of the Russian land” (RI) and by the time and at the end of the USSR with the “best German” Gorbi!? feel
          Sad. But. How accurately the “son of a lawyer” Volfovich (ZHIRINOVSKY) assessed the situation! -
          He said. that from the beginning it is necessary to revive Russia with all the advantages of the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR. eliminating as much as possible the disadvantages of the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR. Solve with guaranteed social policy. economics. demography of INDIGENOUS peoples of the current Russian Federation. And then sit down and calmly decide what is more useful for the Russian Federation. good
          But it’s so easy to wait with the applause of the sworn “partners” (USA, England and others...) sitting in the first seats of the current theater of LIFE. how to solve THEIR THEIR problems. should we start tearing each other's throats out!? No. stop
          Maybe it’s not worth helping THEM and they helped so well negative . They are for us (Russia). And we tell them the Civil War to this day!? negative
          Zbigniew Brzezinski. said clearly. how the issue of Russia will be FINALLY resolved NOW:
          The topic may be old, but not outdated until now ...
  2. +31
    3 September 2023 05: 51
    Taking advantage of the fact that new generations are not interested in the past, they began to praise the 90s. But it was a time when everything Soviet and everything Russian was on sale. It was a time when you didn’t have to think about the future, just sell what was created by Soviet people. From metal to airplanes -everything was going for sale. In the Black Sea ports there were foreign ships in the roadstead, waiting for the loading of Soviet weapons. Aircraft carriers, factory workshops, valuable technologies were being sold. The mood to create something new did not exist. And it all ended in default. You can’t describe everything here. SIMPLY we need to really look at ourselves and the world around us. And read, read more.
    1. +5
      3 September 2023 07: 31
      And read, read more

      Coming here to VO, I became interested in the Great French
      The Revolution, the Great October Socialist Revolution, the post-revolutionary period of the USSR.... It turned out that good books on these topics can be found on the Internet. It’s much more convenient to order online than to go shopping or even to our book fair in “Krupa” (Krupskaya Palace of Culture)
      1. -10
        3 September 2023 07: 36
        Quote: Reptiloid
        It turned out that you can find quite a lot of good books on these topics on the Internet.

        Based on your level of preparation, are you able to determine which book is good and which is not? Or is it the main criterion "I like it"?
        1. +7
          3 September 2023 10: 18
          Quote: kalibr
          ..... Are you able to determine by your level of preparation which book is good and which is not? Or is it the main criterion "I like it"?

          hi Certainly! It is most important! Praise the Great October Socialist Revolution and the actions that the new Bolshevik Government carried out good who came to power in 1917 instead of the Provisional bourgeois treacherous and incapable government.
          1. -12
            3 September 2023 11: 36
            Quote: Reptiloid
            Of course!

            Self-confidence is not a sign of intelligence. Especially when the level of education of a person is known.
            1. +5
              3 September 2023 17: 53
              Once upon a time I ordered and read 2 of your books ---- Indians and Crusaders. I decided that it’s not worth it anymore. I read reviews on the net for all your books. What I mentioned here then. I didn’t meet, recourse so that one of the members of the forum would take an interest and buy and read at least something from this. request And what about free laughing no one mentioned either
              1. +3
                3 September 2023 18: 03
                Quote: Reptiloid
                Once upon a time I ordered and read 2 of your books ---- Indians and Crusaders. Decided it's not worth it anymore

                Is it bullshit? Yes it can't be belay laughing
                1. +3
                  3 September 2023 18: 18
                  Quote: Repellent
                  ..... Really hack-work? Yes it can't be belay laughing

                  Everyone can answer this wise question for himself. laughing if he reads hi
                  1. 0
                    3 September 2023 18: 37
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    everyone can answer for themselves if they read it

                    Quote: Classic
                    ... I’m not a reader of nonsense, but more than exemplary
                  2. +3
                    3 September 2023 21: 35
                    Dmitry, I became skeptical about the professionalism of this author after I read his text about Cyprus, where instead of at least listing the various rulers of this island, for many centuries after the ancient Greeks, the British immediately appeared there.
                    1. +1
                      3 September 2023 22: 45
                      If anyone has read a book from the members of the forum, then he (or they) keep it a secret. There were then 4 more fat ones, one story, in my opinion, or 8 recourse 10-13000 each ..... forgot. Something adventurous, but with an appeal to the history of the family ... I read reviews and brief content on the net ... but no one here answered that he knew. Although, maybe someone gathered during this time. You see, dear Sergei, that negative advertising is also advertising, for lack of another.
                      1. -2
                        4 September 2023 20: 04
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        then he (or they) keep it a secret.

                        They don't want to throw pearls in front of Dima's pigs.. It's no use anyway...
                      2. 0
                        4 September 2023 22: 02
                        do not want

                        Inconsistency! Here they often talk about good books read by various respected authors.
                      3. 0
                        7 September 2023 08: 33
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        Inconsistency! Here they often talk about good books read by various respected authors.

                        And you, Dima, go to the site author.today...
                      4. 0
                        7 September 2023 18: 20
                        What for? If here someone mentioned besides me ----- tell me who. It would be clear after your articles
                    2. -2
                      4 September 2023 20: 03
                      Quote: Aviator_
                      Dmitry, I became skeptical about the professionalism of this author after I read his text about Cyprus, where instead of at least listing the various rulers of this island, for many centuries after the ancient Greeks, the British immediately appeared there.

                      Cyprus hit you hard, you still understand. But all this miserable bleating, and even more so from Dmitry, is simply ridiculous. Now books that are not bought are not printed. Now the market. At a loss, neither AST nor EKSMO will work. Am I presenting it in an accessible way?
    2. -7
      3 September 2023 07: 34
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      everything Soviet and everything Russian

      Can you tell me how the Soviet and Russian were sold in the 30s? There will be stuff, don't worry!
      1. +11
        3 September 2023 10: 21
        Quote: kalibr
        ....There will be stuff, don't worry!

        No no! Better about the liberal Khrushchev thaw and Yeltsin's "democracy". Then more, much more
        1. -10
          3 September 2023 11: 38
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Then more, much more

          Right! But who was selling? Faithful Leninists, party members. During the thaw, the CPSU was the only party in the USSR. "The people and the party are united." So at least they wrote on posters and banners. And then ... was the same Yeltsin a Martian?
          1. +14
            3 September 2023 11: 47
            The prerequisites were created by Khrushchev and Yeltsin, who, declaring themselves to be true Leninists, however, like many others, above and below, were no longer and were not going to be like that, but were already careerists.
            damn caste

            What did Stalin call
            1. 0
              4 September 2023 20: 06
              Quote: Reptiloid
              like many others,

              Here you are right, Dmitry. Many! Very many!! Quite a lot!!! So many that could not stand socialism.
      2. +27
        3 September 2023 11: 25
        Can you tell me how the Soviet and Russian were sold in the 30s? There will be stuff, don't worry!

        Any government needs money. I don't deny it.
        Just do not forget to note in your future material why "... in the 30s, Soviet and Russian were sold out ..."
        I hope you will be objective.
        You tell us that the money from the sale of Russian heritage was used to build hundreds of thousands of huge enterprises that, during the Second World War, made it possible to defeat the enemy.
        And also you convincingly tell us that selling the heritage of the USSR, "all of a sudden" 110 billionaires in Russia is a boon for Russian citizens.
        We are waiting for your honest article.
        1. -16
          3 September 2023 13: 20
          Quote: AA17
          for the construction of hundreds of thousands of huge enterprises,

          "for the sake of a red word, I will not regret my father" - a huge enterprise is how many workers? The urban population of the USSR in 1940 was 63 million people, a third are children and the elderly, 40 million remain. It turns out 400 people per "huge" enterprise, provided that the entire able-bodied population is involved in these enterprises (Lenin considered large-scale production with 500 workers) and there is also the service sector.
          Get off the armored car. By the way, in the First World War, the Germans did not reach the Great Russian lands with all the vices of tsarist Russia, and even earlier they somehow coped with Napoleon without selling off their heritage.
          1. +13
            3 September 2023 14: 19
            for the sake of a red word, I will not regret even my father "- a huge enterprise is how many workers?

            List of factories built under Stalin 1938-1941, think about it - this is for 3-4 (!!!) years. https://kprf.ru/history/soviet/164660.html

            Get off the armored car.

            Well, what can you do.
            New Power in modern Russia is proclaimed from an armored car.
            I think you will find a photo of Yeltsin on a tank.

            I dream that the New Power will announce its Rights on a NEW armored car of the "PRORIV" type (T-90 with various modifications).
            1. 0
              3 September 2023 20: 02
              I dream that the New Power will announce its Rights on a NEW armored car of the "PRORIV" type (T-90 with various modifications).

              It is noteworthy that the "Armata" is no longer remembered even in this context.
        2. +13
          3 September 2023 16: 15
          I hope you will be objective.
          Well, what kind of objectivity do you demand from a party propagandist?
          1. -3
            4 September 2023 20: 10
            Quote: Aviator_
            Well, what kind of objectivity do you demand from a party propagandist?

            That is, in the USSR, all party propagandists were not objective? What kind of system is this, where its defenders were people of such low moral qualities? However, what kind of system are his and his propagandists!
        3. +11
          3 September 2023 17: 54
          Why are you turning to this Penza renegade for objectivity, who received the maximum from the Soviet government and the USSR, and now pours mud on her?
          1. +1
            3 September 2023 22: 52
            Quote from AdAstra
            .... received the maximum from the Soviet government and the USSR,

            How to say, how to say ..... there was somehow a complaint in the comments about relatives that they did not do everything they could recourse Yes, and the candidate did not defend himself under Socialism. And under Capitacism, too, despite the praise then and now
            1. -2
              4 September 2023 20: 08
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Yes, and the candidate did not defend himself under Socialism.

              Dima. Has it become completely bad with your head?: Don’t remember anything, don’t write, otherwise you’ll drag yourself to people for laughter ...
              1. +2
                4 September 2023 21: 13
                Quote: kalibr
                .... Do not remember anything, do not write, ...

                Oh sorry! Has it been protected? They couldn't do a doctorate, so. Yes, I remember, it seems that they defended themselves just under the socialism you despised, like in 86? Confused with another author.
          2. -3
            4 September 2023 20: 13
            Quote from AdAstra
            got the maximum

            Unfortunately no. But he will pay me all the underpaid then today!
        4. -2
          4 September 2023 20: 07
          Quote: AA17
          this is a boon for Russian citizens.

          This is good! Right. It's taxes, it's jobs, it's pensions, houses built...
      3. +10
        3 September 2023 17: 54
        Quote: kalibr
        Can you tell me how the Soviet and Russian were sold in the 30s? There will be stuff, don't worry!

        In the interests of a narrow group of people? Please don't forget to cover that too. I believe in you. Liberal historians from Penza are notorious for their non-politeness.
    3. -4
      3 September 2023 07: 45
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      It was a time when you didn’t have to think about the future - just sell what Soviet people created.

      Damn Martians! And it wasn’t yesterday’s pioneers, Komsomol members and party members who became bandits and prostitutes?
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      We just need to really look at ourselves and the world around us.

      that's it
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      And read, read more.

      reading, of course, is good, but it’s even better to think, and not look for something ready
      1. +15
        3 September 2023 08: 11
        Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
        reading, of course, is good, but it’s even better to think, and not look for something ready

        Before you start thinking, you need to create at least some kind of base in your head, and for this you need to read...
      2. -14
        3 September 2023 09: 05
        Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
        And it wasn’t yesterday’s pioneers, Komsomol members and party members who became bandits and prostitutes?

        1. +23
          3 September 2023 10: 50

          In any society, in any system, there are people prone to self-sacrifice and there are prone to crime.
          Under socialism, people revealed their best qualities, and under capitalism, their worst.
          Therefore, judging by your plus signs, what are you happy about?
          1. -9
            3 September 2023 11: 41
            Quote: AA17
            Under socialism, people revealed their best qualities

            And all the best were unanimously silent at the XNUMXth Congress, when Khrushchev threw mud at Stalin. They are the best, true to ideas, principled... The best...
            1. +7
              3 September 2023 17: 58
              Under socialism, people revealed their best qualities

              And all the best were unanimously silent at the XNUMXth Congress, when Khrushchev threw mud at Stalin. They are the best, true to ideas, principled... The best...

              Somehow I came across an interesting statistic: as of 22.06.41/563/000, there were 01.07.45 members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the personnel of the USSR Armed Forces, and as of 3/324/000, XNUMX members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the USSR Armed Forces died, the best were eliminated, or you say, that it was the worst who went on the attack first, and perished. Can you count how many times the composition of the party changed. The main task of the First and Second World Wars was precisely the destruction of our best gene pool. In society, as in nature, there is no emptiness. In the absence of lions, rams reign.
              1. -2
                4 September 2023 20: 14
                Quote: kreck
                Under socialism, people revealed their best qualities

                And all the best were unanimously silent at the XNUMXth Congress, when Khrushchev threw mud at Stalin. They are the best, true to ideas, principled... The best...

                Somehow I came across an interesting statistic: as of 22.06.41/563/000, there were 01.07.45 members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the personnel of the USSR Armed Forces, and as of 3/324/000, XNUMX members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the USSR Armed Forces died, the best were eliminated, or you say, that it was the worst who went on the attack first, and perished. Can you count how many times the composition of the party changed. The main task of the First and Second World Wars was precisely the destruction of our best gene pool. In society, as in nature, there is no emptiness. In the absence of lions, rams reign.

                I understood you. The deputies of the XNUMXth Congress were all sheep!
          2. -17
            3 September 2023 11: 42
            Quote: AA17
            what are you happy about?

            I'm glad that the person understands everything correctly ...
          3. +5
            3 September 2023 11: 45
            Quote: AA17
            Therefore, judging by your plus signs, what are you happy about?

            Probably because he did not become a bandit or a prostitute. More morally unstable comrades were found.
            1. +8
              3 September 2023 16: 20
              Probably because he did not become a bandit or a prostitute. More morally unstable comrades were found.
              I didn’t become a bandit, it didn’t work out. But a prostitute, given his previous education and membership in the CPSU - quite.
              1. +11
                3 September 2023 18: 02
                Bravo aviator, bravo! The "prostitute" of this subject manifested itself even in adolescence, when choosing a surname for a passport, he settled on a nice-sounding and not paternal one. In my opinion, this eloquently characterizes the object.
                1. +5
                  3 September 2023 18: 33
                  Quote: comradChe
                  ..... eloquently characterizes the object.

                  I see that you have become acquainted with old works wink Around that time the phrase was repeatedly said
                  I'm always with the winners
                  1. -5
                    4 September 2023 20: 16
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    I'm always with the winners

                    It is Dima, and I shear the sheep and they help me with this themselves, just imagine.
            2. +3
              3 September 2023 17: 56
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              Probably because he did not become a bandit or a prostitute.

              But it is not exactly. laughing
          4. -14
            3 September 2023 12: 55
            The fact is that there has never been capitalism in Russia, just as there has never been socialism. We always have varieties of the traditional system, if roughly, then feudalism. There is a very simple test according to Pushkin:
            "All mine," said the gold,
            All mine, said damask steel,
            I will buy everything, said gold,
            I'll take everything, said damask "
            "Gold" = capitalism, "Damask steel" = (conditionally) feudalism. That under the tsars, that under "socialism", that now - the main thing we have is "Bulat". As for justice...now it will be fairer than under Soviet rule.
            1. -16
              3 September 2023 13: 12
              Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
              now it will be fairer than under Soviet rule.

              Alexander! Totally agree with you. We had a lot of remnants of feudalism right up to the year 91, and they were conspicuous. The same goes for justice. Then the injustice was veiled, now ... everything is clear and clear. It is easier to live and navigate, as well as build relationships.
              1. +7
                3 September 2023 18: 05
                Quote: kalibr
                We had a lot of remnants of feudalism right up to 91

                That's what the holdovers are. So there is nothing to issue exceptions for the rules.
                Quote: kalibr
                It is easier to live and navigate, as well as build relationships.

                I wouldn't say that about making life easier. But the fact that it’s easier to navigate, yes. Now it’s clear to me as a day that what Marx and Lenin wrote about is the most truth, and now I understand that the Bolsheviks were too merciful to their enemies.
                1. -2
                  4 September 2023 20: 17
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  the Bolsheviks were too merciful to their enemies.

                  This royal ruler was too merciful to them!
            2. +11
              3 September 2023 13: 27
              As for justice...now it will be fairer than under Soviet rule.

              Oh well.
              The word "justice" has a root - "rights". Who has more rights, he is right (this is Power).
              Therefore, for each Russian citizen, the meaning of the word "justice" has a different meaning, i.e. "the closer to power, the more fair".

              I congratulate you if you are doing well.
            3. +7
              3 September 2023 18: 00
              Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
              The fact is that there has never been capitalism in Russia, just as there has never been socialism.

              The point is that this is empty talk. There was socialism and there is capitalism.
              Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
              Whether under the tsars, under “socialism”, or now – the main thing for us is “Bulat”.

              That is why we now have our own interests of Russian capital and a permanent economic policy in favor of the raw materials oligarchy? You write blatant nonsense that does not clash with the facts.
            4. +3
              3 September 2023 18: 14
              As for justice...now it will be fairer than under Soviet rule.

              And what about social security? .. And not only that. I once talked with one businessman, a very poor man, and he said, and I quote: I would gladly exchange my current prosperity for that stability.
              In general, it is useless to give any arguments like you. According to this article, you are from the first category: “But something is very characteristic of the people who communicate there. All of them can be divided into two groups: “Zaputinists” and “nihilistic realists.” And if the second group tries at least somehow - then correlate what is happening with reality, then the first one acts in such a way that one thing comes to mind: they work according to manuals."
              1. -1
                3 September 2023 19: 30
                Quote: kreck
                What about social security?

                The social security of the nomenklatura and ordinary people was very different. It just didn't really catch my eye. I worked for some time as a driver in a structure that was first called the Lechsanupr of the Kremlin, "and then the 4th Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health and saw a lot of things. sometimes he stood in queues for hours, and to someone’s house according to the list.In 1974, they went kayaking around Mologa with their father, in the evening a shepherd came up .... a collective farm pensioner - a pension as much as 7 rubles! And shortly before that, there were no pensions on collective farms It was 6 years before the complete construction of communism, if anyone has forgotten.
                1. +7
                  3 September 2023 22: 16
                  The social security of the nomenklatura and ordinary people was very different. It just didn't catch my eye...

                  You know, I also lived under Soviet rule at a conscious age, but that's the problem, I, in general, lived all my life in a relatively small town. Well, only 200 people, and so at that time in this town no one in the eyes of this nomenclature I didn’t see it, and in general it was purely parallel to everyone what kind of social security she had. Let them live as they want, they let others live, and everyone had enough for bread and butter. You write that you have seen enough of the nomenclature So what? power at all times lived better. Who felt bad about it? Or envy stuck eyes? So you, I think, did not live in poverty in those days. In any case, under the USSR there were no hungry people, there were no homeless people, there were no unemployed, and everyone was confident in the future. Are you sure about tomorrow now? That tomorrow will be better than yesterday? now the security of the nomenclature has only increased, but again, I’m absolutely purple for all the palaces of the GDP and the like, but for everyone else it (security) hasn’t become at all, and this worries. Well, about unwashed syringes ... Now optimized medicine which is much better? In 000, "beyond the river", the bones on my legs were collected piece by piece in the hospital, although they warned me that I would probably only walk with a stick. Wrong. Not only did he walk without a stick, but he also ran. And everything is completely free. But in 1984, I had to buy bandages at my own expense in the hospital, no, they were not refused, they simply did not exist, like everything else. But this is probably a personal thing for me. But at the moment in the same town now in the central city clinic there is not a single doctor left who served under the policy, everyone has gone private. And what is the social security of the population now? Or maybe we have guaranteed pensions? You say that in 1996 you saw a pensioner with seven rubles. Yes, I have a great-grandmother who raised 1974 children, received a pension of 8 rubles, at the same time, and what is surprising, in those days she had enough for everything and still had 20 rubles left. So do not compare "warm with soft". And you can look for "fleas" from the Soviet government ad infinitum. Yes, there were a lot of them, shortcomings, but there were also a lot of pluses that greatly outweighed the minuses. Only here is the problem, at the moment all the advantages of Soviet power have been completely destroyed, but the disadvantages still remain and have increased very much. Paradox, right? Our whole life consists of pluses and minuses, and everyone chooses those minuses that do not burden him too much, and those pluses that suit him the most. In principle, it turns out that way, only the sets are different for everyone.
                  1. -2
                    3 September 2023 23: 28
                    Quote: kreck
                    But that's the problem, at the moment, all the pls of the Soviet government were completely destroyed, but the minuses still remained and greatly multiplied. Paradox, right?

                    No. Now there are more state-funded places in universities than the number of students under the USSR. But everyone says only that education is paid. Medicine? I knew several cancer patients who received very expensive imported drugs for free (more than 100 thousand rubles per dose). About the grandmother, who had enough and remained? And now the news is full of reports about how scammers lured several million rubles from pensioners.
                    Quote: kreck
                    In any case, under the USSR there were no hungry people, there were no homeless people, there were no unemployed, and everyone was confident in the future.

                    All this was ... The word "scourge" of Soviet origin. But also from personal experience - in a construction team in Kazakhstan in a wild quarry, half a dozen passports lay under the mattress ... we can assume that they were slaves, and there was an underground brick factory nearby ... a million bricks in a bookmark, 5 kopecks apiece .. .worked there those who today are called homeless. Electricity is supplied, Coal is supplied regularly, which cannot be bought or delivered just like that in a planned economy. Corruption?
                    And do not think that I am a hater of the USSR, not at all, but I am against the idealization of the USSR. There were no milk rivers, no jelly banks.
                    I am a native Muscovite, but for the last 10 years I have been farming ... Indigenous villagers scold the authorities to the fullest, but they categorically do not want the return of collective farms / state farms, and all their memories boil down to how they got drunk to death and how they stole ... how hungry cattle pounced on a sheet of frozen straw, and so on in the same vein. And all the 90s destroyed everything and handed it over for scrap.
                    1. -1
                      4 September 2023 07: 43
                      Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                      Indigenous villagers scold the authorities to the fullest, but they categorically do not want the return of collective farms / state farms, and all their memories boil down to how they got drunk to death and how they stole ... how hungry cattle pounced on a sheet of frozen straw and so on in the same spirit.

                    2. -1
                      4 September 2023 07: 44
                      Quote: Alexander Kochurkov
                      Now there are more state-funded places in universities than the number of students under the USSR.

                      Exactly! Until recently, he worked at VS.
                    3. +3
                      4 September 2023 08: 05
                      we speak different languages ​​and we will never, as one leader used to say, come to a consensus.
    4. 0
      3 September 2023 10: 49
      ... you need to really look at yourself ...

      Right. After all, everything that you described above, we ourselves did or allowed to do.
  3. -24
    3 September 2023 06: 33
    It seems that the author considers himself a non-Gelist? Or not? Something a little, I met people like "zaputintsy" - unless they are Ukrainian tsipsoshniks, who are very profitable discord in Russia!
    1. +20
      3 September 2023 07: 34
      Sorry, you have a split consciousness. “The Zaputintsy” are always looking for people who are tsips. Everywhere and always. And they find them. From articles in the media, to the refrigerator. And they smash them for no reason.... And, yes, Ihilism..
    2. +5
      3 September 2023 18: 18
      Something a little I met people like "zaputintsy"

      So look in the mirror!
  4. +1
    3 September 2023 06: 38
    I think there is. Let's take a look at the French nation, which, after the French Revolution, was finally able to find ways and measures to achieve civil harmony.

    If there is such a civil consent, then it is possible
    Deripaska, Usmanov, Rotenberg, Potanin, Sechin

    move over

  5. -20
    3 September 2023 06: 57
    All of them can be divided into two groups: “za-Putinists” and “nihilistic realists.”
    Why on earth did nihilists become realists? Nihilists just live in a fictional reality, starting with the literary character Bazarov.
    And if we call things by their names, then these are not nihilists, but communists and liberals.
    I by no means classify “others” as true believers and sinless, but at least they have less outright hatred of other groups. But the “zaputin consumers” are clearly determined to destroy those who disagree with them or, in extreme cases, drive them into reservations and mental homes as a special favor.
    Seriously? I can say from the experience of communicating with “others” that they have an abundance of desire to imprison and shoot.
    1. +10
      3 September 2023 10: 16
      In the fictitious villages live the guards of the regimes in which everything is always good.
      1. -3
        3 September 2023 10: 52
        Quote: Kronos
        regime guards who are always doing well

        That is, there are no objections.
        1. 0
          3 September 2023 11: 19
          Nihilists move science and society forward, conservatives always go back to the dark past.
          1. +1
            3 September 2023 12: 43
            Quote: Kronos
            Nihilists move science and society forward

            Nihilists do not move anything anywhere, but only destroy. And then the conservatives come, put things in order and begin to move science and society forward.
    2. +3
      3 September 2023 18: 21
      Why on earth did nihilists become realists? Nihilists live in a fictional reality,

      That is, there are no objections.

      Nihilism (from Latin nihil "nothing") is a philosophy that questions (in its extreme form - absolutely denies) generally accepted values, ideals, morality, culture, or fundamental concepts such as modern morality, values, or the meaning of life.
      1. +3
        3 September 2023 19: 06
        Nihilism (from Latin nihil “nothing”)

        You are putting downsides to Wikipedia! It's doubly fun! This is one of the manifestations of nihilism.
      2. 0
        3 September 2023 20: 10
        Quote: kreck
        generally accepted values, ideals, morals, cultures, or fundamental concepts such as modern morality, values, or the meaning of life.

        Exactly. And then it turns out that the same moral norms did not appear from scratch, and it is one thing to imagine yourself as someone there when you are safe, and quite another when the hated state collapses and chaos begins.
        1. 0
          3 September 2023 22: 52
          Exactly. And then it turns out that the same moral norms did not appear from scratch

          The fact that we have not found signs of intelligent life in the universe once again proves that it exists. For no one really reasonable will communicate with representatives of a race that has made money a universal idol.
          Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. From a letter to Einstein.
          peck the neighbor, shit on the bottom. That's all modern morality
          1. 0
            4 September 2023 10: 12
            Quote: kreck
            ..... peck near, shit on the bottom. .....

            How familiar! Something similar, but differently, wrote here much earlier some teacher recourse like so
            falling push
          2. -1
            4 September 2023 23: 09
            Quote: kreck
            peck the neighbor, shit on the bottom. That's all modern morality

            And in the USSR everyone was an angel? Tired of telling fairy tales?
  6. +15
    3 September 2023 07: 00
    I talked to one person, an assistant to the DH. More frank than what is written in the article. He cut me off and said: “Why are you outraged! Do you want it to be like in the 90s? You don’t die of hunger, so breathe evenly!” So the authorities have this option in stock. But I didn’t tell him that if the 90s started, people wouldn’t stand it anymore! The culprits are already known to the people!
    1. -25
      3 September 2023 07: 21
      Quote: steel maker
      You’re not dying of hunger, so breathe evenly!”

      By the way, good point of view, by the way. The authorities, for example, do not help me, but they do not interfere either. So why is it bad?
      1. +12
        3 September 2023 08: 02
        "So why is she bad?"
        When the Prigozhinsky rebellion happened, the people supported him morally. Because Putin’s power rests on injustice!! She's everywhere! And it’s good that you haven’t encountered this injustice yet.
        1. -16
          3 September 2023 09: 07
          Quote: steel maker
          morally supported him

          What's the point? It is necessary not morally, but physically. But no one needs this. There are too many foreign cars in use by those who suffered from the regime.
    2. +1
      3 September 2023 10: 28
      Quote: steel maker
      What are you angry about! Do you want it to be like in the 90s?
      So answer: "Yes, I want! In the 90s, I would have taken your corpse in the trunk to the forest and - no problem."
      1. -12
        3 September 2023 11: 44
        Quote: bk0010
        So answer: "Yes, I want! In the 90s, I would have taken your corpse in the trunk to the forest and - no problem."

        To kill does not mean to win, and even more so to be right ... But the most terrible flowers grow on the blood of martyrs.
    3. +6
      3 September 2023 18: 31
      “Why are you indignant! Do you want it to be like in the 90s? You’re not dying of hunger, so breathe evenly!”

      To kill does not mean to win, and even more so to be right ... But the most terrible flowers grow on the blood of martyrs.

      In the nineties, by the way, my family and I lived much better than now, yes, there were no laws then. But they weren’t for everyone! And now, as Mussolini said: “everything to friends is law for the rest,” and laws are written by “friends.” The law is an ax for the poor, shackles for the wealthy, and a toy for the rich.
  7. +5
    3 September 2023 07: 08
    In order for Putin to understand that something is going wrong in our country. The people must show protest against the present life. But as? I think it’s necessary, like in the Far East, not to provide extras throughout the country. You need to start with a simple one, maybe it will reach Putin that he is already in the alley! And his friends, he's not friends at all!
    1. +3
      4 September 2023 09: 28
      Why are you so sure he doesn't know what's going on? As I understand it, you think to yourself that you are in the know, but he, with many times greater opportunities, is not in the know? illogical .. but I think the protest will end very predictably and sadly for the participants ..
      1. 0
        4 September 2023 18: 38
        "and sad for the participants.."
        When the people protested against the arrest of Furgal, the local security forces did not dare to use force. And I didn't read it on social media either. Our people are patient. But do not take this patience "weakly"!
        1. 0
          5 September 2023 10: 38
          Well, how is the effect of the protests, where is Furgal? understood the GDP situation? while real problems were not created and not particularly touched. especially the Far East - in general, a special story, on many issues ..
  8. -21
    3 September 2023 07: 20
    "accusing him of all possible and impossible sins. At the same time, at any mention of real facts, they begin to pour abuse, accuse him of belonging to LGBT and behave as if they are the ultimate truth". I have encountered this many times since 2015 here at VO. Well, why is the author surprised? The Law 80 and 20 has not been repealed. There are always more fools in any society, as well as boors, ignoramuses, etc., than educated, well-mannered, intelligent people. And we also have the problem of cross-cultural communications. How many people from the countryside in the first or second generation do we have in our cities? But it is known that "you can take the girl out of the village, but you can not take the village out of the girl." And everyone’s psychology is good in its place. In other conditions, the brain jams. So everything is natural!
    1. +26
      3 September 2023 07: 37
      In vain you offend rural residents. Often we are much smarter and more resourceful. Those who imagine themselves to be "high society" are urban.
    2. +11
      3 September 2023 08: 21
      I wonder if VOSH classifies itself as cultured and intelligent or boorish and ignorant?
      1. -22
        3 September 2023 09: 12
        Quote: ee2100

        I, Alexander, belong to the fourth generation of city dwellers, so I can easily send anyone, including you, to the three well-known letters, without losing at all in culture or intelligence.
        1. +17
          3 September 2023 10: 53
          That's interesting .. The fourth generation of "townspeople" ALREADY HAS the right to send anyone in three letters? apparently, dad and mom built it up well at one time. They just respect people, they didn’t teach respect at a lower social level .. Personally, I won’t even send my opponent away in thought .. Yes, we are peasants, Smolensk province
          1. -21
            3 September 2023 11: 26
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Yes, and education clearly does not smell ..

            You have a bad nose! Stick it deeper into the Internet and you will see that there are almost 80% of my materials on history on various sites. You probably know the saying: "They won't send Chapaev's little bastard!" And about the peasants once again: in their place - excellent people, accustomed to the conditions of life and economy. Like the townspeople on their own. Difficulties arise when there is a change of place of residence and mentality. Do you know the song "I dream of my village"? This is all the result of complex cultural adaptation. I lived and worked in the countryside for three years and was never able to adapt. Then for a few more years I had nightmares that I was there again. So my postulate works in both directions and "belittles" both sides under certain conditions. Explained clearly?
            1. +14
              3 September 2023 12: 15
              laughing I have an excellent nose for shifters. Are you from the party elite, not for an hour?
              1. -15
                3 September 2023 13: 16
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                And why didn’t they smash the authorities in the 70s, since it is so bad.

                And why was she bad in the 70s? For me it's quite good. There were disorganizations, "survivals", but we moved forward, the country developed, a complex process took place... Criticism... was. He wrote critical articles aimed at improving ... They were printed. What else was needed? There was no access to information that would make it possible to unambiguously decide that "the king is naked." But I see you don't understand all this, and I scatter beads in vain...
                1. +7
                  3 September 2023 18: 53
                  .You’re from a partelite, right? Why didn’t they smash the government in the 70s, since it was so bad... That’s what it means - changelings.

                  And why was she bad in the 70s? For me it's quite good. There were disorganizations, "survivals", but we moved forward, the country developed, a complex process took place... Criticism... was. He wrote critical articles aimed at improving ... They were printed. What else was needed? There was no access to information that would make it possible to unambiguously decide that "the king is naked." But I see you don't understand all this, and I scatter beads in vain...

                  they are not shifters, they are chameleons, opportunists, people who have no foundations, their homeland is where they are comfortable, "we, Pskov." I already wrote somehow, but I repeat.
                  The great Empire collapsed, keeping most of the world in fear, and collapsed not from the decrepitude of its own body. She was devoured from the inside by small worms, who took their place first near, and then on the throne itself. The tragedy of the state was mixed with the dramas of individuals, especially those who were sincerely devoted to the idea of ​​a great state. The Union was created as a functioning communist system. And it was not the Americans or our politicians who destroyed it. The people destroyed it. Only 15 percent of the world's population will work and develop if economic motivation is removed. Give people enough allowance to meet their needs and desires, and they will simply turn into cattle. The ruminants are not going anywhere. And only 15 percent will be left to pull humanity up. Moreover, they will do it to the contemptuous laughter of the rest. That is why the Union collapsed. People were given an ideology, and they perverted it. Turned out and mutilated. Everything was done on a tyap-blunder. Nothing developed. Most of the population was forced into the factories. And after the shift, she didn’t go to development and training centers, but to a pub. And only a small part of the people pulled space and the army, education and medicine. And then, respected them only in words. And so they spat in the back and fiercely envied the benefits that motivated them to work. Intelligent has become a dirty word. But the storekeeper has become synonymous with wealth. Did those who were at the top do it? Or in the nineties they slaughtered each other at the behest of the top? No, people got into a freebie. And they were ready to kill for her.
                  The union was destroyed by the townsfolk because the concepts of selfishness and private property are in our blood. Well, Vasya will not give Petya his typewriter. Rather, he wants to squeeze someone else's. It's in human nature.
                  The party's attempt to impose the concept of "everything to everyone" did not lead to anything good. I just pulled the spring, which fired after the collapse of the Union. All these bandits and thieves were not supplied to us by the USA. They lived among us. And just feeling the slack, they fired.
                  1. -5
                    4 September 2023 07: 35
                    Quote: kreck
                    The party's attempt to impose the concept of "everything to everyone" did not lead to anything good. I just pulled the spring, which fired after the collapse of the Union. All these bandits and thieves were not supplied to us by the USA. They lived among us. And just feeling the slack, they fired.

              2. +6
                3 September 2023 13: 24
                In short, he did not pass the test for lice laughing
                1. -7
                  3 September 2023 16: 28
                  Quote: ee2100
                  In short, he did not pass the test for lice

                  Failed, Alexander. But... You once promised us an article about two tower castles. Instead of picking a fight with me here, you would write us material on this topic. It would be more beneficial for you and everyone else.
                  1. +2
                    3 September 2023 16: 43
                    Sorry and leave.
                    I will write, since I promised.
                    1. -8
                      3 September 2023 17: 28
                      Quote: ee2100
                      I will write, since I promised.

                      Mandatory good quality. I personally will be very interested - the "castle theme" is the same. You see, I will somehow even rewrite your material with a novelty of 95% according to Advego for some other publication.
                      Quote: ee2100
                      Sorry and disperse

                      This is what I really don't understand. Probably the head is not the same. After all, why apologize if everything written is true?
                      1. +2
                        3 September 2023 18: 26
                        Not for this. You were the first to insult me ​​even earlier. That's how it's been since then.
                      2. -3
                        4 September 2023 07: 12
                        Quote: ee2100
                        Not for this. You were the first to insult me ​​even earlier. That's how it's been since then.

                        Ah, that's it. This is your revenge. Well, let's keep pushing. After all, all your jokes are like water off a duck's back to me. But clicks, clicks, yes, they matter. So send more of them. And give us an article. I want to offend you even more - to rewrite it beyond recognition and thus once again earn money on you. It will be masterpiece!
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. -2
              4 September 2023 07: 39
              Quote: kalibr
              Do you understand it?

              Wow! We have as many as 16 notes on our site ... Next, the word is forbidden in VO, and denoting the last degree of mental degradation.
          2. -3
            4 September 2023 07: 40
            Quote from: dmi.pris1
            Personally, I won’t even think of sending my opponent away.

            What progress in the development of the Russian peasantry!
        2. +5
          3 September 2023 18: 13
          without losing anything in culture or intelligence.
          Vyacheslav, you can't lose what you don't have.
          1. -3
            4 September 2023 07: 07
            Quote: Aviator_
            Vyacheslav, you can't lose what you don't have.

            Sergey, these are beautiful words, but they are inexpensive. Here's the thing. The 4th generation comes into flesh and blood. When you are born in a family of teachers, you live, eat, drink... You listen to what they say, how they act. Education happens by itself. Don't you understand this? Should...
            1. +2
              4 September 2023 19: 30
              Quote: kalibr
              ..... Education happens by itself. ...

              Yes! That's what happened to Sergey! But why are you poking Sergei? This is in general.
              Although it’s understandable, you threw away your mother’s dissertation, as you yourself said in the comments to an old article. And you also said then that she showed you a document with the real signature of I.V. Salina, which she brought from work, to show you. As I understand it, your mother was a real communist and very sublime, she wanted to please you! It is impossible to repeat your words in that comment about this event. That's what
              1. -3
                5 September 2023 07: 48
                Quote: Reptiloid
                This is in general.

                Vyacheslav, you can't lose what you don't have.
                Sergey, these are beautiful words, but they are inexpensive. Here's the thing. The 4th generation comes into flesh and blood. When you are born in a family of teachers, you live, eat, drink... You listen to what they say, how they act. Education happens by itself. Don't you understand this? Should...
  9. +1
    3 September 2023 07: 28
    The civil war must be stopped first of all in the minds and hearts of the people. You can sign as many memoranda as you like, but nothing will change.
    1. +7
      3 September 2023 07: 34
      In order for it to stop, either a normal distribution of resources among the population needs to be done. Either destroy all the dissatisfied, but then who will support the top... The unsolvable dilemma of capitalism
  10. +12
    3 September 2023 07: 40
    And as a result, the “philistine’s mug” came out
    Russian classics wrote about this even before the revolution, after the revolution, I. Ilf and E. Petrov wrote well about the confrontation between the "small" and the big world in their novels 12 chairs and the Golden Calf. As a result, the small world defeated the big one in 1991. Don't idealize the French.
  11. BAI
    3 September 2023 08: 03
    Without noticing it themselves, they divide people into two groups: “we, the Zaputinites” and “others,” who are subject to destruction or, at best, to placement in a psychiatric hospital.

    You might think monarchists behave differently.
    There is also a 3rd group in society - in the middle
  12. +3
    3 September 2023 08: 14
    The author lives in a capitalist country and under a capitalist system and is still mature that there is no agreement in society. Everyone rows only for themselves.
    Yes, almost two generations were raised on capitalist values. There will be no turning back to the USSR.
    1. +1
      3 September 2023 09: 52
      There will be no turning back to the USSR.
      Numerous "little imr" is not interested in the "Big World". ".... Of course, we will feed you, but in order to remake the brains, 10 years is not enough. Maybe 20 is not enough" (c) film "Two Comrades Served".
      "... Freedom is dear to us.
      Own orders
      Own laws
      Everything else is tryn grass!
      There would be a hat
      Drape Coat
      And my head wouldn’t hurt.
      There would be vodka
      And herring to her,
      Everything else is tryn grass!
      There would be a hut
      And a lot of doom
      And in the hut - heaps of junk.
      There would be a jacket,
      And there’s a neighbor in her
      Everything else is tryn-grass!" (C)
      And if you ask me: "Where is the moral here?" I will direct my gaze into the foggy distance, I will tell you: "You know, how sorry I am, But, by God, I don't know where the morality is. This is how we lived, and we live, And we will live until we die, And if we live like this - So, this is how it should be ?!" (c).... smile
      1. +10
        3 September 2023 11: 34
        Since the mid-90s, the state has been cultivating a spineless society. And continues to do so to this day.
        Well, then, one should not be surprised that the young guys last year, when the war began, pulled abroad.
  13. -10
    3 September 2023 08: 26
    All power to the Soviets!

    Quote: A. Biryukov
    I think there is. Let's look at the French nation,

    This is a complete misunderstanding of the essence of what happened.

    How can you compare the French Revolution, which did not change the social system, but only changed the faces in power, and our Great Socialist Revolution, as a result of which workers and peasants came to power for the first time, proving their right to coexistence of the world’s first state of workers and peasants in the bloodiest war of the twentieth century. (All with our victory over militaristic Japan and with the end of the hot phase of the Second World War).

    The “emers” will always smolder as long as injustice exists. this confrontation is not between the whites and the reds, as this lie is being forced upon us, but the confrontation between the exploiters and the exploited and the difference between us and them only on the land question - who will bury whom first.

    About the flag at the beginning of the article.

    1. The three-color black-yellow-white cloth was approved by Emperor Alexander II on June 11 (23), 1858 as the National Arms Flag, which was not accepted by society.
    2. On April 18, 1924, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR officially approved the State Flag of the USSR.
    3. The blue-white-red tricolor was approved as the state symbol of Russia on August 22, 1994 based on the Decree President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin No. 1714 dated August 20, 1994 “On the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

    How can people who hate the Yeltsin Center worship its brainchild?
    Or not, the Yeltsin Center and the saints of the 90s are your everything?
    1. +9
      3 September 2023 10: 30
      Quote: Boris55
      How can you compare the French Revolution, which did not change the social order
      The French Revolution just changed the social system from feudal to bourgeois.
      1. -1
        4 September 2023 07: 08
        Quote: bk0010
        The French Revolution just changed the social system from feudal to bourgeois.

        The methods of operation have changed. The essence remains the same.
        1. 0
          4 September 2023 18: 41
          Quote: Boris55
          The methods of operation have changed. The essence remains the same.
          That is, personal freedom and the absence of estates mean nothing to you? "Freedom, equality, fraternity" - that's all bullshit, right?
    2. 0
      3 September 2023 10: 50
      Quote: Boris55
      ..... How can people who hate the Yeltsin Center worship its offspring? Or not, the Yeltsin Center and the saints of the 90s are your everything?

      And there is why Yeltsin good lol and you can praise laughing !!
      After all, when was E.B.N. The First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the CPSU, it was on his orders that they blew up the house of an engineer Ipatiev in September 1977, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution . True, he did not think of it himself, but on the advice of Andropov and Suslov !!!!
      And imagine, comrades, what would happen now if this building on the corner of Karl Liebknecht and Clara Zetkin streets were preserved.?
      There would be suffering crying crying all sorts. Don't even imagine! And by all means, this wonderful action should be illuminated and praised in Yeltsin - drinks center
    3. +6
      3 September 2023 15: 01
      Pay attention to the end of the article. I gave the French Revolution as an example. There, too, struggles continued for decades. This is the first. And the second thing is that in a particular country, in specific conditions, there should be different ways of solving problems. it’s a pity that there is no Lenin, here was a great practitioner and theorist
      1. -11
        3 September 2023 16: 30
        Quote: roosei
        it is a pity that there is no Lenin, here was a great practitioner and theorist

        And it's good that it doesn't! For the greatness of the great, the people have to pay too dearly with their own blood.
        1. +1
          3 September 2023 19: 37
          Quote: kalibr
          And it's good that it doesn't! For the greatness of the great, the people have to pay too dearly with their own blood.

          Over the past thirty years, Russia has been waging its fifth non-war.
  14. +4
    3 September 2023 09: 37
    To reach an agreement, both sides must sacrifice something.
    What should the common people sacrifice, who sacrificed everything, even their children, in order for the country to survive in troubled times? Is that proletarian hatred for those who have been getting rich all this time.
    Will our elite sacrifice? I doubt something. She is satisfied with everything. Well, until recently, before the start of the NWO.
  15. -8
    3 September 2023 09: 42
    Wash the author confused. The most rabid opponents are just representatives of liberals and fighters "for everything good against everything bad."
    They classify everyone who disagrees with their opinion as zombies and are ready to hang them on poles.
    Perhaps the author should once again look at the footage of the march of our opposition, all sorts of dissenters, etc. As they say, “piss in the eyes - God’s dew will tell.” And millions were shot by Stalin and “the coalition, not the Soviet Union, won the Second World War.” Recently a madam told me exactly this. I reminded her that now the same “coalition” is killing our soldiers. It started like this...
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. +11
    3 September 2023 09: 59
    Quote: kalibr
    Can you tell me how the Soviet and Russian were sold in the 30s? There will be stuff, don't worry!

    When you tell, it will be unbiased and objective, indicating the reasons, the political and economic domestic and international situation and other possibilities of the Soviet leadership of that time, with the economy and banking system of that time essentially absent. Yes, and preferably not from the standpoint of today, but on the basis of the worldview of a person of that time. Good luck, I see no point in continuing the discussion on this issue.
    1. -5
      3 September 2023 11: 33
      Quote: seacap
      indicating the reasons, the political and economic domestic and international situation and other possibilities of the Soviet leadership of that time, with the absence, in fact, of the economy and the banking system of that time.

      This will be a monograph, not an article. People themselves should know at least 50% of what you are talking about. Write about the unknown...
    2. +8
      3 September 2023 13: 19
      and preferably not from the standpoint of today,
      Yeah, not from the standpoint of today's history textbook laughing
      1. -6
        3 September 2023 16: 31
        Quote: parusnik
        Yeah, not from the standpoint of today's history textbook

        The numbers and facts are the same in any textbook.
  18. 0
    3 September 2023 10: 00
    Everything develops in a spiral. Again they returned to Leninsky - "to expropriate the expropriators."
    1. +4
      3 September 2023 13: 21
      Again they returned to Leninsky - "to expropriate the expropriators"
      They didn’t return. But the fact that the expropriators expropriate other expropriators today is a fact, they just don’t notice.
  19. +2
    3 September 2023 10: 32
    For culture is a complete antagonist to philistinism, with the only difference being that philistinism is more aggressive and irreconcilable.
    In fact, culture lives at the expense of the tradesman's money (not all, the state pays someone, but mostly).
    Schools, kindergartens, medicine, science, absolutely everything was saturated with the spirit of spitting on the public.
    They take an example from the authorities. Do you think that people should behave in such a way that it would be more convenient for any bastard to parasitize on them?
    1. +2
      3 September 2023 13: 25
      culture lives off the money of the tradesman
      Culture satisfies the needs of society, which society, such culture. Well reflected in the pre-revolutionary story by A. Averchenko "Incurable"
  20. +4
    3 September 2023 10: 44
    I repeat, the civil war on the territory of the former Russian Empire, which began at the beginning of the last century, has not yet ended. She changes phases. From open armed confrontation to albeit in the so-called. peacetime, but also terror after 1905, Stolypin and ties, repressions of the 20-30s, the fight against Basmachi, dispossession, post-war and post-Stalin purges, the fight against nationalists in the Baltic States, Western Ukraine and Belarus, the fight against dissidents under Brezhnev, perestroika and the collapse of the USSR, wars on the outskirts, criminal showdowns, i.e. constantly someone is dissatisfied with the authorities, and the authorities deal with the dissatisfied. And the apotheosis for today: first, the so-called. Covid, and then SVO. Maybe I missed something, I apologize. But the civil war continues and there is no end in sight in the near future.
  21. +7
    3 September 2023 11: 13
    Written incomprehensibly. where is the "Danger of Civil War" when there is confusion about various other things in the note.

    It is clear that there are a large number of trolls on the salary that will broadcast about the genius of HPP and "an unprecedented increase in salaries"
    It is also clear that the Billionaires will not make any special donations to the volunteers and the LDNR. On the contrary, according to the articles here, officials and oligarchs suck out what they can from there.

    And the real growth in the wealth of the oligarchs and officials under the SVO confirms that they are, as it were, right ..

    The townsfolk - they clearly see that nothing shines for them. The same people are in power, those who are dissatisfied - to the nail, the Russian spring and Grandmother with the Red Flag are covered instantly, speeches, rallies are allowed only FOR power, and even then they are not. Not needed. Ordered - everyone nodded.
    He didn’t nod - there are rapiers of Strelkov, Prigogine, the unnamed, and even Grudinin ...

    Therefore, there is what is
  22. +13
    3 September 2023 11: 13
    I am not an expert and do not have sacred knowledge, but just an ordinary layman, but with a Soviet education that allows me to somehow think logically. In my personal opinion, the issue of civil war (if you do not take into account the SVO) in the Russian Federation is not as acute as inevitability in the near foreseeable future. And most importantly, even the most inadequate figure, understands, must understand that in modern conditions a civil war, etc. tantamount to the loss of the country and the elimination of the Slavic civilization. The primordial historical enemies will finally be able to celebrate the "final solution of the Slavic question." Therefore, all changes, "revolutions" must be carried out "from above" in an evolutionary way, but here we have big problems, which are causing development according to the worst and no alternative scenario.
    Those in power are the same people who betrayed and killed the once great power, organized the plundering of the national resources of their own country, unprecedented in the history of human civilization, for the sake of satisfying their personal base petty-bourgeois and power ambitions. The previous social formation was destroyed and a semi-feudal inherited estate society was created, without social elevators. Divided by an abyss of moral, ideological views, a fundamentally different environment of existence at the legislative and judicial levels, where, in fact, estates exist in different states. Although already rather decrepit, but still active, the "vertical", built according to the manuals of "transatlantic partners", "cleansed" the entire political field to "brilliance". By destroying the electoral system, replacing it with an imitation of such, the citizens of the country are completely removed from any influence on the power and control of their country, which in fact is no longer their own. Created, the country "simulator", where the so-called. the elites do not associate their future with their homeland, but see it only as a source of enrichment, despise and fear it. Where is the incomprehensible, rigidly controlled from above bureaucratic bureaucratic organization imitating, such as the United Russia party, parliamentary activity for a million salaries and laws written for themselves, with complete irresponsibility and immunity, complete independence from the so-called. voters. The last so-called. parliamentary elections in all their glory showed all this squalor, such as elections. Where completely random people are in power without a specialized education and an appropriate intellectual level, when personnel policy is built on the basis of nepotism, personal loyalty and crime, when education, personal achievements and moral business qualities do not matter, with complete irresponsibility and lack of jurisdiction for the results of their activities. When the activities of the leadership of the country, especially banking and financial activities, are more, by all indications, similar to the colonial administration, to ensure profit from these territories. In such conditions, when the government of the country is more like government, when everything is permeated with lies, hypocrisy, banal intellectual failure, it is difficult to expect any sane progress.
    Without a change, and "from above" (which is doubtful) of socio-economic policy, without a change in ideology, first of all, of the elites and leadership, no luck can be seen, everything will be very sad.
    1. -10
      3 September 2023 13: 26
      Quote: seacap
      Where completely random people are in power without a specialized education and an appropriate intellectual level,

      Was it different in the USSR? The half-educated seminarian Stalin, the powerful "intellectual" Khrushchev, the no less "powerful mind" Brezhnev, who wrote down folk recipes in a notebook, the "brilliant old man" Chernenko, then the combine operator and all the others ... Powerful, powerful minds, unbound by personal devotion, relatives on warm places that did not put ... "Faces without fear and reproach." But for some reason, the country could not resist under such leadership ...
    2. 0
      7 September 2023 08: 22
      Quote: seacap
      just an ordinary man in the street, but with a Soviet education that allows him to somehow think logically.

      The first is noticeable. As for the second, if this education allowed us to somehow think logically, we would live in the USSR today!
  23. +3
    3 September 2023 11: 18
    like..the locomotive STOP..at two? this is not done) the civil war of the beginning of the last century ended by itself with the appearance of the Soviet Union .. the REDs won. ALL - a priori. This fact does not need any other statements and papers for wiping your ass.
    1. -5
      3 September 2023 13: 20
      Quote from Twilight Elf
      the Soviet Union appeared .. the REDs won

      For a while, yes. More precisely for 74 years.
    2. 0
      3 September 2023 18: 36
      The Reds also lost like the Whites with the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The victory went to the Yeltsin clan.
  24. +3
    3 September 2023 13: 55
    The marquises became capitalists, and the commoners were slaves, and they remained so. Agreement between the oppressors and the oppressed is temporary, and periodic bursts of mass demonstrations with economic claims are doomed without a leading political party of the proletariat, capable of rousing the masses to revolutionary transformations and breaking (or breaking) the government of class enemies - the oppressors, which never, even in an era of crises, will not " will fall” by itself, if it is not “dropped”.
    The main contradiction of the Russian Federation today lies in state regulation (either “sowing” or “harvesting”, which creates “scissors” of prices in the domestic and foreign markets) and market relations, the desire for profit. Capitalism predetermines the employment in the government by the group of big national capital that won the elections (this is the fiction of general democratic elections), and imperialism, represented by transnational associations, does not need state formation in principle. by their actions hinder the increase in income and power of supranational associations of big business.
  25. +7
    3 September 2023 14: 45
    Another favorite pastime of Zaputintsy is to call the interlocutor a Khokhl and say, they say they don’t like it, go to your Kyiv, we don’t need such people! And now you look at these and understand why we have a cloudy future
  26. +15
    3 September 2023 17: 22
    Quote: kalibr
    Was it different in the USSR?

    Yes, it was different. The design bureaus were led by ingenious designers, not effective managers, the USSR Academy of Sciences is the color and fount of world science, and in order to become an official, at least of the middle (regional) level, it was necessary to start from the very first stage of a worker or peasant, to graduate from more than one university and to have actual real achievements, even through "pull" it was impossible to "miss" grassroots positions. By the way, the Stalinist government in the world is still generally recognized by state administration experts as the most efficient and professional, which managed from absolute zero to create a great industrial power and win the greatest victory over the NATO forces of that time in conditions of complete isolation and blockade.
    1. -5
      4 September 2023 07: 21
      Quote: seacap
      Yes, it was different. The design bureaus were led by ingenious designers, not effective managers, the USSR Academy of Sciences is the color and fount of world science, and in order to become an official, at least of the middle (regional) level, it was necessary to start from the very first stage of a worker or peasant, to graduate from more than one university and to have actual real achievements, even through "pull" it was impossible to "miss" grassroots positions. By the way, the Stalinist government in the world is still generally recognized by state administration experts as the most efficient and professional, which managed from absolute zero to create a great industrial power and win the greatest victory over the NATO forces of that time in conditions of complete isolation and blockade.

      Did you write this drunk or foolishly? One story of three people's commissars and five marshals is enough to understand that everything was "not quite like that." And there were also articles about the high moral qualities of our designers. About Kartsev, Yakovlev, Kotin...
      1. -8
        4 September 2023 07: 25
        Quote: kalibr
        the greatest victory over the NATO forces of that time in conditions of complete isolation and blockade.

        And you, of course, have not heard about Lend-Lease? About the factories of Kahn, Siemens-Schuckert, all the first Soviet cars, engines of the "M" brand ... There is no need to rave! I also have "isolation" ... With such enemies as we had in the 30s, no enemies are needed. And then ... All our jet planes of the 50s flew on the English engines Derwent and Nin. Production defects among talented "red directors" reached 90% in a number of indicators. What are the documents about ... And you are talking about something about a great industrial power ... No one bought refrigerators at the end of the month!
  27. +6
    3 September 2023 17: 25
    The article is interesting and quite objective. But:
    The demolition of monuments to Lenin in Ukraine, the processes of decommunization in the Bandera region and the Baltic states are the natural result of such a policy, the triumph of boorishness over culture and history, a consequence of inflating the still smoldering embers of the Civil War. We, thank God, have not yet reached this point.
    Albeit not in the most extreme forms, but quiet decommunization was also going on in our country (and monuments were "removed" in some places and a lot of things were renamed, not to mention the spheres of culture and official propaganda) ...
    1. 0
      4 September 2023 11: 34
      I mean only the scale, not the processes themselves
  28. +2
    3 September 2023 17: 39
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: roosei
    it is a pity that there is no Lenin, here was a great practitioner and theorist

    And it's good that it doesn't! For the greatness of the great too expensive people have to pay with their own blood.
    It is a pity that such "theoreticians-writers" as Mr. Sh. can not be called here by their proper names. I will only ask a purely rhetorical question: what have the peoples of several post-Soviet states been shedding over the last 30 democratic years (including now) - probably water ??? Maybe for the greatness of the great or for changing the views of propagandists when changing the trough, or for something else ?!
    ps There is a version that they shed blood for simulacra created by post-Soviet democratic shifters.
    1. -1
      4 September 2023 18: 08
      Quote: WFP-1
      Let me just ask a purely rhetorical question.

      A purely rhetorical answer: firstly, they would spill a lot more, and secondly, if you don’t want to, don’t spill it. There are many ways!
  29. +1
    3 September 2023 19: 01
    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
    That is why we now have our own interests of Russian capital and a permanent economic policy in favor of the raw materials oligarchy?

    Do you want to say that if you were in power, there would be no SVO?
  30. +3
    3 September 2023 20: 10
    The author began for health, and ended for peace.
    The author is a vivid example of "Captain Obviousness" slapping fierce banalities on the keys of his PC.
    This approach reminds me very much of doctors' grief and/or a grandmother sitting on a bench, asking the sufferer in an unctuous voice: "What, does something hurt? Are you somehow pale, your blood pressure is high, your pulse is under 120?! This is how you need to be treated!".

    The fact that my country, or rather my people, was driven into a period of turbulence for many years, that political and economic contradictions are aggravating in our society, that they are turning us, and we ourselves are not averse, into urks from Pelevin's Urkaganat - it's obvious to me personally.

    The main question is what to do?
    There is no need to scream about the fact that the ship is sinking - how to save your own and not stagger yourself - this is the main question.

    Does a particular author or other VO authors give answers to this question?
    At least approximate?
    No, but they are actively ranting about the obvious, once again showing the complete and hopeless ideological impotence of our writing brethren.
    Ideological emptiness, absolute parrot, mixed with verbiage - this is a portrait of VO authors writing on socio-political topics.
    This is sad.
    I think so.
    1. -4
      4 September 2023 07: 16
      Quote: WayKhe Thuo
      I think so.

      No need to think, the turkey can also think. Write deeply and without impotence, on the contrary, in a state of complete political erection, and this will be a demonstrative lesson for all of us!
      1. -1
        4 September 2023 18: 09
        Quote: kalibr
        revealing lesson!

        It is clear that the matter will not go beyond three minuses. Not enough potency!
    2. +1
      4 September 2023 11: 36
      other authors VO answers to this question?
      Here you are: a typical representative of "travelers", who considers himself right in everything, well, he called me the word "author", believing. that by this he himself expressed his mighty intellect
      1. +1
        4 September 2023 18: 11
        Quote: roosei
        himself expressed his mighty intellect

        Not yet. That's when he switches to you - it will be the highest form of contempt and criticism! Wait!
        1. -1
          4 September 2023 20: 39
          I don't know about you, but I just got home from work, had dinner, got choked off, read...
          What to say?
          I will answer directly - I do not have enough knowledge, and most importantly - an understanding of what to do, because knowledge is a gain.
          Really, I don't know what to do.
          Sometimes you really want to take and stagger all this brethren that have sat down behind the walls of red brick, you know what.
          But it doesn't work that way - you need an idea. No, to be more precise - an IDEA for the sake of which people will take to the streets and demand that the supreme power respect their rights, because, as Aunt Thatcher said, the state does not just have money, but only the funds of taxpayers, the taxable population, which drags the whole this torn, beaten circus with horses.
          And who will give birth to this idea? Am I? When? On your weekends? Interspersed with work that draws all the creativity with household chores?
          What can I do. I can do a lot.
          Only here is one moment - and you, scribblers who tap their claves with their fingers at the speed of "Maxim" will not be ashamed, huh?
          After all, you, like him, are professionals, right?
          So what are you churning out complete rubbish?
          Don't you mind?
          I remember when I was still (relatively) young when I came to production after university, everything was interesting to me and I wanted to take on everything - especially soldering something, making something as part of my research - I simply didn’t understand then that I was taking work from our electrician -skillful fingers. So, a very respected person told me this: "Don't be shy, your job is to think. He will solder, twist and tune - you tell me how." And this - to say how - turned out to be not only difficult, but very difficult. Incredibly difficult. Much harder than soldering, tinning and twisting...
          What is it for me?
          Mind your own business and do it well - otherwise the hobbits will have to "ram the problem" and it will turn out to be better ... you better start thinking already, thinking how to get out of all this.
          I think so (damn, three "thinks" in a row - not stylish).
      2. +1
        4 September 2023 20: 47
        According to the text "others ..." it's not a fact that you are - I gave an assessment of your article "in the first lines of the letter"
        But to put it bluntly, the article is weak and not because I didn’t like it technically - the syllable is smooth, the text “plays” - you feel a stuffed hand ...
        The article is frankly bad due to the lack of a clear, clearly and unambiguously articulated conclusion, under which you, as the author, put your signature.
        Now is not the beginning of the XNUMXs, when hundreds of such articles could be written in the course of the play, now the time is different, it’s not for me to explain to you what, and if you, as an author, smear semolina on the pages of an online publication, rehashing an old song about the main thing, the writer’s BoGe will judge you .
        So I don't even apologize for the harshness.
  31. 0
    3 September 2023 22: 39
    Let us look at the French nation, which, after the French Revolution, was finally able to find ways and means to achieve civil harmony. How this was done is beyond the scope of this article, this is a topic for a separate study.

    That's right, separate.
    The French "patterns", although they intersect capitalist vices with Russian ones, are by no means identical with the Russian history of revolutions.
    According to the author, is the path the same as the last 35 years? Will we reconcile "endured" and "aces" again now in French?
    c'est la vie? wink
    Anything but God forbid socialism?
    1. +1
      4 September 2023 11: 38
      Dear, I did not mean at all what you thought up for yourself. I clearly wrote: the topic of a separate study. This requires knowledge in the field of French history, at least, but I am not strong in it. I'm not talking about related sciences. And if you are interested in my political orientation, then I am definitely for socialism
  32. +2
    3 September 2023 23: 42
    You can't reconcile the irreconcilable at the whistle of a sergeant. France was sausage throughout the 19th century. In the provinces and before the First World War, they perfectly remembered whose great-great-grandfather was for the blues, and whose for the whites (yes, our "red and whites" were also borrowed from there). Monarchists were still a noticeable force in the 30s. And "reconciliation" came only after the complete and unconditional historical victory of the blues over the whites. And even now "everything is not so clear." In the municipalities where they vote for the communists, there are a lot of streets of Robespierre, Marat and Saint-Just. But the Rue Saint-Just will never be in the Vendée. I think that the monument to the "bloody handsome" would stand there less than the monument to Lenin in Lvov. And it's not just France. When the Cromwell tank was adopted during the Second World War, a scandal erupted in Britain - is it permissible to give the name of the kingslayer to the weapons of the royal army. Although his monument by that time had already stood in front of the parliament for half a century - but go ahead, the disputes did not subside. And it's been three centuries since Cromwell. We have only a century. And if in Britain and France the dispute between the "old regime" (some historians consider it, especially French, not feudalism and not an intermediate form, but some separate formation like the "Asiatic mode of production") and capitalism has long been resolved, then it is too early for us speak.
  33. +1
    4 September 2023 11: 46
    On the one hand, the author says that the turmoil ended with the coming to power of V.V. Putin, and on the other hand, the names of the president’s friends / associates / proxies who became the beneficiaries of the “fat” zero are heard. On the one hand, there are "zaputintsy", on the other hand, Putin. So what is the role of the president? Is he the architect of the state in which we find ourselves or not?

    Judging by the mood and style, the author adheres to at least Marxist-Leninist positions in politics and economics, because it is these areas of public life that are criticized in the article. Meanwhile, the most important problem, which was inherited from the USSR almost without change, is the "Stalin-Soviet" legal culture, thanks to which we all observe what is happening in the country now.
  34. 0
    4 September 2023 15: 38
    I read an article by the author, published simultaneously with this one - "History is written by the winners."
    I really liked Vlasov's recommendations at the end.
    If they are taken into account, the article "The Danger of Civil War" can be safely thrown into the trash.
    With all due respect to the author, fed by an article about the "winners".
  35. +2
    4 September 2023 16: 20
    I do not see the second side of this very "smoldering GW". No matter what they say, our “leftists” are “devoid of potency,” figuratively speaking - I again compare them with those “leftists” who came to power in their countries at different times and with minimal outside support. Virtually or completely on their own.
    Our leftist movements, despite their frankly deplorable state today, are still the most ideologically homogeneous of all opposition environments. But despite this superficial homogeneity and some flourishing of “radio-ism” among the yellow-mouthed post-Soviet overflow, at the moment the left movement, upon in-depth analysis, is not even close to capable of uniting most of the “dividing type”.

    On issues of attitude to religion, private entrepreneurship, respect for property and law, the supremacy of institutions over the instruments of dictate, attitudes towards Stalin and Gorbachev, the issue of party-political or other struggle, issues of tools for involving the masses, issues of "depth of individual freedom" and so on and so forth, there is no consensus in the left environment now.
    "Radishism" as I call it - when there is either nothing behind the conditionally leftist demagogy, or the hottest questions are consciously or unconsciously hidden (including from oneself), in the hope of success or maybe. And in the foreground is a clip-set of the antagonism of a healthy proletarian and rotten, pictorial bourgeois who need to be dispossessed AND THEN ...
    If the origins of Bolshevism or Marxism were philosophy in one form or another, “redisochism” is a collection of wet fantasies of enthusiastic ordinary people who believe that society is much more united and smarter than it actually is, that the vast majority of wealthy people are either world-eating bourgeois or They will simply look with philosophical calm at how the branch is being sawed under them, or, finally, that today no one will touch various small things that have butter on the bread “in case something happens.”
    And therefore, the average person, with a sparkling eye, by default writes himself and his acquaintances as “good”, also naively believing that those who will understand “if something happens” will be exceptionally smart, conscientious, picture-perfect characters.
    Such ordinary people are fiercely excited, including on the pages of VO, when someone starts singing about “take-and-divide”, they believe that as soon as everything is nationalized, a powerful golden stream will wash away all the feces, theft, nepotism and chronic idiocy that have been shackling healthy people for decades activities, in addition to the usual lack of funds (and sometimes to a much greater extent). The fact that in such a turn of events there will inevitably be a purge, one way or another affecting a significant part of the population, remains beyond the control of these wet dreamers. These same characters, squinting their eyes, love to say something with a smart intonation in the style of “Ehh, if only Stalin were alive today...”, without thinking that the very mechanism of dominance of absolute manual control, from which we have a lot of troubles, is in such the situation will remain, and in addition to other disadvantages, it will also not provide a guarantee that the “cricket in the clock” will not begin to age and act as it pleases over time.

    All this means is that the most prominent oppositional school of thought in our country at the moment is saturated with demagoguery and populism, extremely disorganized, relaxed and full of apparently insoluble contradictions. Other forces cannot be considered as some kind of “participants in the ghostly GV” or its future participants - due to their homeopathic influences and extremely targeted coverage.

    Within an atomized society, various interpretations, in contrast to the past, now exist more to satisfy personal or small-group aesthetic needs than in the form of living emerging tools. The Interest Club cannot become a base; it has yet to grow and grow before it.

    However, this does not mean that we do not have the prerequisites for civil war on a territorial basis, for example. I am simply pointing out that issues of ideological disagreement at this MOMENT are not serious to consider.
    1. +3
      4 September 2023 18: 14
      Best comment so far!
    2. +1
      4 September 2023 21: 08
      The fact that in such a turn of events there will inevitably be a purge, one way or another affecting a significant part of the population, remains beyond the scope of these wet dreamers.

      They don't even know what it's going to be.
      They didn’t even dream of nightmares, because the essence of Stalin’s purges, IMHO, is the struggle for power, but here it’s just the conversion of the accumulated contradictions into a fierce, unclouded hatred of everyone for everyone.
      I just want to say to these narrow-minded people: "Do not wake up the demons of the past, for when they come out, they will devour you and your souls, and the survivors will envy the dead."
      But you can’t get through to them - the diagnosis is as it is.
  36. 0
    7 September 2023 19: 25
    Everything would be fine in the article, if not for one thing. A trendsetter in destroying everything to the ground and then, sadly, we are Russians. And, as always, we follow our untrodden path. Let's take Gorbachev's time, they spat on all the builders of socialism, betrayed them, threw them away with the words, well, let's go there yourself. Well, now they give us, the best friends in terms of hatred, the former countries of the socialist camp. she does not see the power at point-blank range of a simple person. As a result, the Russian rebellion is the most terrible and merciless.
  37. 0
    8 September 2023 16: 26
    the descendants of the marquises and the common people came to an agreement, time smoothed out the contradictions
    Contradictions cannot be reconciled or smoothed over, only resolved. Decide financially. And modern contradictions are not only between a top manager or a large capitalist and a worker or an engineer or a courier. These are primarily social contradictions. Contradictions of economic activity, organization, relationships between people and, most importantly, contradictions of ideas that call into question the very possibility of the future. A representation that, under current conditions, cannot generate anything new, but only an increasingly idealized continuation of the current one. This is precisely why revolutionary ideas are born. They prolong the future of humanity not through idealization, but through the material resolution of contradictions.