Why the Global South did not actually support Russia

Why the Global South did not actually support Russia

The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders, extracting minerals and selling their goods to local markets suppressed by foreign economic expansion.

But the reality is that the leaders of the Global South are generally satisfied with this situation. Yes, they sometimes demonstrate their independence and do not vote in the UN talking shop as Big Brother tells them, but on serious issues they are not ready to quarrel with the West.

For several reasons at once - firstly, beads can be received not only by the ruling leader, but also by a bunch of people who want to take his place, and the West has already demonstrated many times that it knows how to change heads of state that are too independent from it. Some are even hanged as a warning to their colleagues.

Second, the they do not believe that Russia will not sell them for the sake of an agreement with the West. In fact, Russia has only seriously stood up for Assad over the past 30 years, and then regularly our Foreign Ministry was ready to give him up to Washington one way or another, and only the State Department’s reluctance to give a decent price for this (for example, Ukraine’s conscientiousness in implementing the Minsk agreements) prevented the deal.

ThirdlyThey have nothing to offer Russia. Seriously - our combat power is called into question by the course of military operations (de-escalation and difficult decisions greatly contribute to this, and successes in the era of the counter-offensive look very weak - the second army of the world was not defeated by the twenty-second, but did not win any serious victory, just talk on both sides about “grinding”); Economically, we are an order of magnitude inferior to the United States, the EU and China - individually to each of these giants.

It’s not worth even talking about our soft power - individual successes, such as the popularity of Russian ballet in Europe and Wagner in Africa, cannot correct the fact that the USA had nothing systemically important (ideology, science, consumer goods, mass culture). USSR, Russia does not.

Fourthly, for the Global South, Russia does not look like an organic part of it, but an outsider to the Global West, which is trying to regain its lost influence. And in this context, all Russia’s attempts to flirt with him are perceived.

Fifth, The Global South is noticeably more divided than the Global North, consisting of the West and occasional outliers such as Russia.

And therefore, a coalition of India, Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, building a long-term unified strategy, is even less likely than Russia joining NATO.

At sixth, and this is perhaps the most important thing, the countries of the Global South are quite in favor of dragging chestnuts out of the fire with the wrong hands. If someone, like Russia, storms the West with their own hands, they will pat the hero on the shoulder encouragingly. They say, a brave hero, respect. And they will immediately vote against the hero in the UN, shrugging their shoulders guiltily: “The dragon forced us, but you, brave knight, fight on, we can fit our bananas here ... at exorbitant prices, because our children also need bread and butter, and you Sanctions have made it difficult to buy anything. And we also have an iPhone lying around under the hollow, take it for double the price until the dragon sees.

Russia has no more friends in the Global South than in NATO. Everyone is pursuing only their own goals, and it’s time for Russia to give up dreams of friendship among peoples.

We need to focus solely on our country and our interests.

And to treat the regimes of the Global South in a Chinese consumerist way - Mukhtar overthrew Silakhdar, we come to an agreement with Mukhtar, and don’t care what his ideology is or to whom he made his first visit. And at the same time we bring suitcases with presents from all the opposition of any importance. But for the attempt on our people and our property in the country of mukhtar-silahdars, we punish those who attempted the attack. Only business and nothing personal.

And yes, we need to somehow deal more seriously with soft power, but as long as we “optimize” culture, education and the economy within Russia itself, this is unrealistic. Alas. It is impossible to reduce the foundations of soft power and at the same time increase it.
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      1. +9
        31 August 2023 07: 53
        Why the Global South did not actually support Russia

        They need money ... the USSR has already experienced this in its own skin ...
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    3. +6
      31 August 2023 11: 53
      No, the author is just the same realist, unlike many who hover in the clouds and do not think about the future of our country.
    4. +18
      31 August 2023 13: 22
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — Is the author a racist?

      That is, the essence of the issue does not interest you? Have you decided to find fault with the nuances?

      The main reason for what is happening today is erroneous self-esteem.
      At some point, the rulers of the Russian Federation convinced themselves that they could butt heads with the United States for geopolitical influence on equal terms, only because they possessed a commensurate nuclear arsenal. Although even in the USSR they clearly realized that nuclear weapons were just insurance for their own survival, but by no means a full-fledged lever of influence. Because shaking with a vigorous loaf looks like waving a grenade in a closed room, that is, a bluff, since everyone is well aware that the waving grenade will not throw this grenade until he has something to lose, because he also wants to live corny. And he certainly won’t quit, even if a pack of cigarettes is stolen from him or his foot is stepped on.
      The PRC took the right path, they realized that in order to compete with a superpower they themselves need to be a superpower, namely to be and not try to look.
      Therefore, they invested every effort to compare and overtake the United States in economics, production and science.
      Therefore, today there are two real superpowers in the world - the USA and China, and the main game is between them, and the attempts of the Russian Federation to attribute itself to the "third player" cause irony, bewilderment and irritation in the world. Everyone looks at the Russian Federation as an upstart.
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  2. +19
    31 August 2023 04: 40
    Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
    Is the author racist? ...

    Undoubtedly smile...they haven't played the game of knock out the white one with him yet.
    But seriously, all the Kremlin’s miscalculations are visible to the naked eye... I’m afraid things will get worse without our obvious victories on the battlefield.
    The weak are beaten, the tolerant are beaten, the illiterate are beaten, the weak in spirit are beaten ... this is an axiom of modern life ... postulates that do not require proof.
    I see no reason to discuss the Kremlin's policy... its leadership is stuck in the 90s and is absolutely incapable of changing with the dictates of the times... and as usual in nature, the unviable must die sooner or later.
    The United States has already started talking about a hot war with Russia in 2024, we need to prepare for it now ... but judging by yesterday's raid on Pskov, our country is still not ready for it.
    1. +14
      31 August 2023 06: 32
      There is a small question..WHO supported Russia? Only Belarus, well, there’s nowhere to go. China? Oh well, they give a standing ovation and count the profits. Well, the DPRK is still well-known. But this is apparently because we dragged ourselves there ourselves, remembering that you need to have allies. Latin America? No, they just don’t want to quarrel with anyone.. So, neutrals stepped aside..
      1. -6
        31 August 2023 09: 17
        Yes, and the "support" of Belarus is sometimes very interesting.
        1. -6
          31 August 2023 13: 44
          Belarusians were offended laughing "" ""
        2. +5
          31 August 2023 17: 58
          What kind of support do you need? The article even says about Assad, they didn’t give a price for him. What do you want from RB then?
          1. -1
            1 September 2023 11: 09
            I don’t want anything from her, just calling “support” support is just that. hi
      2. +4
        31 August 2023 21: 54
        And WHO supported Russia? Only Belarus, well, there’s nowhere to go.

        I would like to remind you that Belarus has not recognized any of the “territorial acquisitions” of the Russian Federation, including Crimea, or any of the referendums. It turns out that we have a union state in which one part of this state does not recognize the legality of the borders of the second.
        1. -4
          31 August 2023 22: 06
          Quote: UAZ 452
          It turns out that we have a union state in which one part of this state does not recognize the legality of the borders of the second

          You made a report, my dear. Belarus and the Russian Federation are two different states. There is no “union state” in nature request
          1. 0
            1 September 2023 22: 58

            ... SECTION I. General Provisions

            Chapter 1. Goals and principles of the Union State

            Article 1

            The Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus The Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the participating states) create the Union State, which marks a new stage in the process of uniting the peoples of the two countries into a democratic constitutional state.
  3. +6
    31 August 2023 05: 06
    We are clearly going the wrong way, but according to plan ...
  4. +18
    31 August 2023 05: 19
    The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders, extracting minerals and selling their goods
    And Russia, what is better than the Global South? Same thing .. Weak link in the imperialist chain.
  5. +7
    31 August 2023 05: 23
    Quote: parusnik
    And Russia, the better the Global South

    You are stepping on a sore spot. smile
  6. -1
    31 August 2023 06: 47
    . Why the Global South didn't actually support Russia

    How long does it take us to win the special?
    And how much longer will we win?
    The South does not know what to expect. Will there be a winner (who of course will be “supported”) or will it all end in peaceful negotiations with the same hated West?
    1. +4
      31 August 2023 13: 47
      Quote: Stas157
      or will it all end in peaceful negotiations with the same hated West?

      And in any case it will end with them, even if Ukraine falls - the West will not escape from this and will still have to talk to it.
      Moreover, the West’s position will not change one bit. After all, they see what this conflict is worth for the Russian Federation, and naturally believe that Moscow is unlikely to want to repeat it of its own free will. And they have something to repeat it, and more than once, if they decide that once was not enough to dot the i's. For this they have all of Eastern Europe at their disposal. They don't care who wins, their task is to bring discomfort and damage to Moscow, roughly speaking - a kind of demonstrative flogging "either calm down or live with burdock in your pants."
      They simply drove the Russian Federation into a trap - either fight or lose face, but both of them lead to damage and harm. Moreover, they can repeat this over and over again, knowing full well that this is not a sufficient reason for nuclear suicide by the Russian Federation. And a nuclear reaction is a guaranteed suicide, albeit together with the enemies. No one will survive a nuclear war.
      But why it came to this and how they screwed it up is another question.
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  7. +4
    31 August 2023 07: 12
    Quote: Stas157
    or will it all end in peaceful negotiations with the same hated West?

    Minsk 1,2...Istanbul agreement...I look at such negotiations as a betrayal of the interests of our country. hi
    1. +7
      31 August 2023 08: 06
      What are the interests of which country? Stanislav Govorukhin, after all, clearly defined what happened in the late 80s and early 90s. A "great criminal revolution" took place in the country. "Authorities" of various criminal clans came to power. They themselves said that the president is their hired manager, legislative and executive power is also completely controlled by the "shadow rulers". The country is ruled by a "great godfather". Once again, what are the interests of the state? There is an inter-clan struggle for all kinds of resources.
      1. 0
        31 August 2023 17: 32
        A "great criminal revolution" took place in the country. "Authorities" of various criminal clans came to power.

        Crime and government are two sides of the same coin. Elite and counter-elite. When the state loses control in a certain zone, another force immediately appears, but their tasks are the same. So it was with the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the chaos of anarchy, bandits came to the fore, who, after the wars for power, went to the government themselves.

        Everything as usual. Godfather navar - a bandit in the service - booze, courage, but the grave.
        This is called "well-established business".
    2. -1
      31 August 2023 14: 38
      Completely agree with you. But it is also necessary to negotiate, only the time was chosen unsuccessfully. It is necessary to speak after the Victory, then those who are negotiated will be more accommodating.
      1. 0
        31 August 2023 22: 01
        We need to talk after the Victory, then the parties to the agreement will be more accommodating

        So the other side completely agrees with you, they’re just going to talk seriously after THEIR victory. And if a year ago such hopes on their part were perceived as a break from reality and complete schizophrenia, now this option has moved from the category of impossible to the category of less probable.
        1. +1
          31 August 2023 22: 19
          Quote: UAZ 452
          ... a year ago such hopes on their part were perceived as separation from reality, and complete schizophrenia, now this option has moved from the category of impossible to the category of less probable

          It was all perceived as very intimate. The fact that you perceive something as obvious may seem unlikely to someone else... In other words - besides chatter, do you have any clear thoughts on the topic “Ukraine’s victory is more likely today than a year ago”? That's exactly what you, ahem, declared there wink laughing
  8. +10
    31 August 2023 08: 15
    The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders, extracting minerals and selling their goods to local markets suppressed by foreign economic expansion.
    Oh, how! The Global South, in particular China, buys oil and gas from Russia at non-market prices, an attraction of unprecedented generosity, on its part, in exchange for beads and iPhones for leaders. India, buys minerals for rupees, and sell he completely refuses his "beads and iPhones" for leaders, demands currency, and there are many similar examples when the Global South robs Russia in exchange for beads and iPhones for leaders. But this is different, right? smile
    1. +6
      31 August 2023 09: 45
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      The Global South is plundering Russia in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders. But this is different, right?

      Certainly different! laughing
      The author contradicts himself "slightly":
      The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders, extracting minerals and selling their goods to local markets suppressed by foreign economic expansion.

      But we are not like that, we are not then there. Let's bring to the periphery the smart, the good, the eternal! We are not some kind of "imperialists"! But...
      We need to focus solely on our country and our interests.
      And to the regimes of the Global South be Chinese consumer - Mukhtar overthrew Silahdar, we are negotiating with Mukhtar, and do not care what ideology he has and to whom he made his first visit. And at the same time we bring suitcases with presents from all the opposition of any importance. But for an attempt on our people and our property in the country of Mukhtars-Silahdars, we punish those who attempted. Only business and nothing personal.

      Here, as they say: "Either take off the cross, or put on shorts" request laughing
      1. +3
        31 August 2023 10: 53
        We are not some kind of "imperialists"!
        We don’t even have a capitalist state and imperialist manners are alien to us! laughing
        1. +3
          31 August 2023 12: 29
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          and we are alien, imperialist habits!

          No, we are definitely not imperialists! We do not produce "beads", we buy them ourselves. But when they stopped selling them freely to us for oil and gas, why don't we try on the "suit" of a leader in the struggle of ALL the oppressed (the global South, North, East and West) against the oppressors? laughing
          That's just without the "beads" is not very successful request recourse
          But the reality is that the leaders of the Global South are generally satisfied with this situation. Yes, they sometimes demonstrate their independence and do not vote in the UN talking shop as Big Brother tells them, but on serious issues they are not ready to quarrel with the West.
      2. 0
        2 September 2023 00: 30
        Quote: Adrey
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        The Global South is plundering Russia in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders. But this is different, right?

        Certainly different! laughing
        The author contradicts himself "slightly":
        The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders, extracting minerals and selling their goods to local markets suppressed by foreign economic expansion.

        But we are not like that, we are not then there. Let's bring to the periphery the smart, the good, the eternal! We are not some kind of "imperialists"! But...
        We need to focus solely on our country and our interests.
        And to the regimes of the Global South be Chinese consumer - Mukhtar overthrew Silahdar, we are negotiating with Mukhtar, and do not care what ideology he has and to whom he made his first visit. And at the same time we bring suitcases with presents from all the opposition of any importance. But for an attempt on our people and our property in the country of Mukhtars-Silahdars, we punish those who attempted. Only business and nothing personal.

        Here, as they say: "Either take off the cross, or put on shorts" request laughing

        I just urge to act pragmatically, and not engage in the bearing of the good and the eternal. the example must be taken from the successful, the West is the most successful, so the example must be taken from it
    2. 0
      31 August 2023 22: 04
      there are many similar examples when the Global South robs Russia in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders

      Well, that means Russia has slipped not into the third, but into some kind of fourth world. On which we can congratulate all of us, and especially our wise leadership, for which next year, according to Peskov, we will give more than 90% of the votes.
  9. +6
    31 August 2023 08: 55
    The author probably deliberately did not say about the most important thing - Russia is in last place in trade with the "South".
    According to the received data, 1st - Europe, 2nd-3rd USA and China. And Russia is inferior to them every 20 times.
    She just has nothing to offer. Barely somehow strange pulls Syria.

    Support Russia to bring down its economy? Russia will not give beads, it changes raw materials for Western and Asian beads. The Kremlin forgave the Negroes for their debts, they nodded in the photo together, and that’s all ... if someone made a profit, then the oligarchs due to the export of raw materials.

    Moreover, none of the Negroes want NWO on their territory. And here is such a precedent.
    Here and there prerequisites arise - and then refugees here, refugees here ...
    1. +5
      31 August 2023 17: 45
      Iran is drawn to Syria. How he does it is a separate question. But now he also has problems in Syria and Lebanon. Solvable or not, we'll see.
  10. -1
    31 August 2023 09: 15
    Short, but to the point, thanks Author!
  11. +11
    31 August 2023 10: 24
    It's just that Putin firmly believed in his genius and in his greatness - court sycophants and sycophants convinced him of this. And suddenly such a bummer: it turned out that the war is not small and not victorious. And during his reign, he lost all allies. "Partners" deceived and robbed, and it would be fine if he alone, or the oligarchs - the whole country that believed him. But Putin managed to rally the enemies very well.
  12. Des
    31 August 2023 11: 18
    Undoubtedly, the author is more talented (oh vey))) our other global authors here)! Briefly, and editors have less work to do.
    "And to treat the regimes of the Global South in a Chinese consumer way - Mukhtar overthrew Silahdar, we are negotiating with Mukhtar, and do not care what ideology he is and to whom he made his first visit." this is from the article. God level in explaining politics to people. Although the names are Arabic and Persian. But they printed it.)
  13. +7
    31 August 2023 13: 15
    All developing countries need a "Big Brother". This is reality.
    Can Russia become one? Can not. Because they have nothing to offer Russia in return for the West.
    Russia has NOTHING. No ideology, no trillions, no technology.
    There is gas. To eat bread. But this is very, very little to become a Big Brother.
    Iran can offer Islam, the USSR - ideology and money, China has a lot of goods (cheap), the West all at once in exchange for loyalty .... And Russia can only offer to be friends against someone.
    Because Russia itself is a periphery, a branch of the Western World. And not rich.
  14. 0
    31 August 2023 14: 52
    Friendship of peoples is only on a class basis, and this is a different social system and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
    In principle, there can be no friends under capitalism, only temporary fellow travelers when the interests of the leading groups of big business coincide.
    Accession to the WTO, the IMF and all other international structures designed to promote the interests of transnational associations serves one single purpose - the possibility of increasing the income of natural monopolies. who make money during the war, supplying enemies with energy and raw materials.
    Large national capital has encountered the transnational associations of the West and has itself become the object of their intense interest.
    It will never be possible to focus, to lock oneself in one's own country, due to the nature of capitalism, a limited domestic market and, consequently, income.
    The subordination of big capital to the interests of the state in the era of Vladimir Putin's rule is contrary to the interests of big national capital. The exit from the control of the state means the supremacy of big capital, and its intra-class contradictions threaten the collapse of the state, which can only be prevented by the dictatorship of the proletariat under the leadership of the Communist Party.
  15. -2
    31 August 2023 14: 53
    Friendship of peoples is only on a class basis, and this is a different social system and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
    In principle, there can be no friends under capitalism, only temporary fellow travelers when the interests of the leading groups of big business coincide.
    Accession to the WTO, the IMF and all other international structures designed to promote the interests of transnational associations serves one single purpose - the possibility of increasing the income of natural monopolies. who make money during the war, supplying enemies with energy and raw materials.
    Large national capital has encountered the transnational associations of the West and has itself become the object of their intense interest.
    It will never be possible to focus, to lock oneself in one's own country, due to the nature of capitalism, a limited domestic market and, consequently, income.
    The subordination of big capital to the interests of the state in the era of Vladimir Putin's rule is contrary to the interests of big national capital. The exit from the control of the state means the supremacy of big capital, and its intra-class contradictions threaten the collapse of the state, which can only be prevented by the dictatorship of the proletariat under the leadership of the Communist Party.
  16. +1
    31 August 2023 15: 48
    The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for leaders

    I liked it very much: is this a subtle allusion - to thick circumstances?
    yeah, DAM is the leader
  17. -1
    31 August 2023 20: 31
    In the very formulation of the question, there is a hint of support against the West. But... Supporting Russia by Nabiullina and Siluanov means supporting the West.
  18. -1
    2 September 2023 23: 39
    Quote: Alexander Emrys
    Quote: Adrey
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    The Global South is plundering Russia in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders. But this is different, right?

    Certainly different! laughing
    The author contradicts himself "slightly":
    The West is quite actively plundering the Global South in exchange for beads and iPhones for the leaders, extracting minerals and selling their goods to local markets suppressed by foreign economic expansion.

    But we are not like that, we are not then there. Let's bring to the periphery the smart, the good, the eternal! We are not some kind of "imperialists"! But...
    We need to focus solely on our country and our interests.
    And to the regimes of the Global South be Chinese consumer - Mukhtar overthrew Silahdar, we are negotiating with Mukhtar, and do not care what ideology he has and to whom he made his first visit. And at the same time we bring suitcases with presents from all the opposition of any importance. But for an attempt on our people and our property in the country of Mukhtars-Silahdars, we punish those who attempted. Only business and nothing personal.

    Here, as they say: "Either take off the cross, or put on shorts" request laughing

    I just urge to act pragmatically, and not engage in the bearing of the good and the eternal. the example must be taken from the successful, the West is the most successful, so the example must be taken from it

    - Chur! Chur! Us this! ... Wake up, Author! - should we take an example from the tricky West!? Yes, they have trouble with Democracy! They change their Leaders like gloves if they see that they are “steering” in the wrong direction. They can even change after a month! Is it the case with us in Russia .... And why don’t they take an example from us ...?!
  19. -1
    3 September 2023 00: 05
    - After all, it is completely unnatural for a large country to be held hostage by one person... when he single-handedly Rules (Leads the country somewhere), and 100 million adult people of this country silently wait for decades for the result of his Rule...
  20. 0
    3 September 2023 00: 07
    Quote: egorMTG
    - After all, it is completely unnatural for a large country to be held hostage by one person... when he single-handedly Rules (Leads the country somewhere), and 100 million adult people of this country silently wait for decades for the result of his Rule...