Troubles in Russia: about the causes, stages and consequences

Troubles in Russia: about the causes, stages and consequences

The Time of Troubles or the Time of Troubles became a real tragedy for Russian statehood. IN historical references to this period, it is customary to limit the time frame from 1598 (after the death of Tsar Ivan IV) to 1613. However, some historians believe that the Time of Troubles ended only in 1618, after the signing of the Deulen truce with Poland.

There were several reasons for the onset of this crisis, which, in fact, directly affected its scale and monstrous consequences, which seriously influenced the course of Russian history. A number of experts believe that the consequences of that Troubles are still being felt today.

Among the main reasons are the following. First of all, the mysterious death of Tsarevich Dmitry and Fyodor Ivanovich, which interrupted the Rurik dynasty and led to a dynastic crisis.

The situation was aggravated by the terrible famine of 1601-1603, caused by weather conditions that led to crop failure. In those years, frosts were observed even in summer. As a result, people died en masse, and trust in the new government (Tsar Boris Fedorovich Godunov, the first ruler of the Godunov dynasty) was rapidly falling.

Actually, this led to the coming to the throne of False Dmitry I and the continuation of the struggle for power between the tsarist authorities and the boyars.

Finally, the most important role in the crisis was played by the active intervention in the internal affairs of the Russian kingdom by Sweden and Poland.

Many historians distinguish three stages of the Troubles.

The first began after the appearance in Poland of a man who called himself Tsarevich Dmitry - False Dmitry I. The second - when Vasily Shuisky became king. This time was characterized by dynastic power struggles and deep social conflicts. Finally, the third stage began after the collapse of the Tushino camp, which marked the beginning of the national-religious struggle between Orthodox Russians and Catholic Poles. The ultimate heroes of these events were Minin and Pozharsky, who drove the Poles out of the country.

Regarding the consequences of the Time of Troubles, they were catastrophic. Despite the fact that the Russian kingdom retained its statehood, the country was completely ruined and economically exhausted. In addition, Russia lost Smolensk, the Baltic and the northern regions of the country, and its military potential was almost completely destroyed. Finally, there was a complete enslavement of the peasants and the fall of the authority of the church.

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  1. +4
    1 August 2023 20: 44
    Comrade Major will check all commentators under this article with special predilection.
    1. +3
      1 August 2023 21: 48
      Quote: Wizard HLS
      Comrade Major will check all commentators under this article with special predilection.

      The turmoil ended on June 24, right? good drinks not? belay
      1. +11
        1 August 2023 22: 17
        The impudence and insatiability of officials. Leads to a normal state of Russia, to confusion. But when part of the top wants to continue. A revolution happens. Hi Major, he's in the know.
      2. +1
        2 August 2023 07: 21
        Quote: Crown without virus
        The turmoil ended on June 24, right? Not? belay
        I don't know, no one told me about the end.
  2. +7
    1 August 2023 20: 53
    The Troubles were preceded by the Livonian War, which was shamefully lost / by the way, no one notices historical analogies? / and smoothly flowed into the Great Troubles.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      2 August 2023 04: 17
      A direct analogy with 1917, and with current events .. So the turmoil is a reflection of the crisis of power and its inability to adequately respond to what is happening
  3. +1
    1 August 2023 20: 53
    The video is recommended for viewing, as well as the entire series of lectures.
  4. +1
    1 August 2023 20: 53
    Ivan Vasilyevich died early. And Fedor Ivanych, well, yes
  5. -2
    1 August 2023 21: 54
    We are apparently destined to step on the same rake several times! Does the Gorbachev-Yeltsin period remind you of anything?
    1. +2
      1 August 2023 22: 26
      The formation of the USSR is the time of Stalin. Before him there were slogans. Songs. It all ended with the NEP and famine. From 1927 to 1933. From 1935 to 1953, a state was formed. Factories and cities were built according to the calculations of the Stalinist government. After the death of Stalin. All subsequent people at the helm were random. Less comfortable, and more comfortable. Everything came to stagnation. And the decline of the state. Gorbachev, Yeltsin. These are already cadaveric spots on the body of a dead state.
      1. WIS
        2 August 2023 01: 05
        All subsequent people at the helm were random.

        I'll tell you a little secret - it's always been like this.
        Everyone who "darves" to the Power "takes all measures" to retain it.
        Otherwise ..... - "selyavi" ... hi
        Sink or swim.
        And "at stake", in such a "game", for a long time and easily the fate of a person, peoples, and even the life of a million people is put up.
        PS: in our country there are cases when the "rotten essence" of the leaders of other states (Merkel, Macron, Erdogan and the like -author) was revealed ...
        Our corrupt officials are something completely different ...
        I say: Chubais, I mean - Putin.
    2. -2
      1 August 2023 22: 37
      The country worked for 30 years on machines that were created under Stalin. Or were developed under him. ZIL 130, this is the brother of gas 52. And so on. Shoes, clothes. Nothing has changed fundamentally. Slightly modernized. And no more. Even the AK47 is not much different from the AK74. That's all there was. There were no ideas for the development of the state. People were sitting in offices. They just went to work. And they spoke in the chorus of the party. That's all. And there was no real state understanding. The state did not develop. Groundhog Day, 30 years long.
    3. 0
      1 August 2023 22: 53
      The whole situation today is reminiscent of Brezhnev's time. Everyone shouted that everything was fine and victory was everywhere. All bureaucrats were afraid of the departure of Leonid Ilyich. Everything revolved around him. But there was no development either. There were kings in the republics. Like now somewhere. The death of the USSR, this is the end of the 70s. And the 80s is the corpse of the state.
  6. +2
    1 August 2023 22: 01
    How I jump out, how I jump out! ...

    Curly started. And at least somehow it’s difficult to complete what was not enough?
  7. +3
    1 August 2023 22: 33
    Hmm, a strange, ambiguous article .... Without a signature... . Dear VO decided to conduct a veiled opinion poll, and the view of the participants on what is happening in the country? winked
    1. 0
      1 August 2023 23: 04
      Quote: Radikal
      Hmm, strange, ambiguous article... . Without a signature... . Dear VO decided to conduct a veiled opinion poll, and the view of the participants on what is happening in the country? winked

      In defense of VO! soldier
      This is NOT an article))) this is a video - with the authors of the video wink
  8. 0
    1 August 2023 23: 45
    If there is "turmoil" about the prices of gasoline and diesel fuel, then I will probably support this turmoil, because. tired of the lies of the authorities ... about caring for the people. I recognize this "people" by the width of the muzzle ....
  9. +1
    2 August 2023 02: 14
    the terrible famine of 1601-1603, caused by weather conditions that led to crop failure. In those years, frosts were observed even in summer. As a result, people died en masse,

    There are objective reasons for everything. And the turmoil began due to local cooling (the so-called Little Ice Age) for 20-30 years. But people, like ants under the sun, think that the troubles are due to the problems of the royal dynasties.
    1. 0
      2 August 2023 03: 55
      The cooling was due to the fact that in Peru in 1600 a supervolcano with the indecent and politically incorrect name Huynaputina erupted. Masses of volcanic ash were ejected into the upper atmosphere. Since they reflected the sun's rays, global cooling occurred. Europe, especially the Nordic countries, has been affected, even though it is washed by the Gulf Stream. And Russia got even more. Summer, consider, was not, there was a snowfall on the Trinity. Three years of crop failure, famine, and be kind, "the bottom did not want, the top could not."
  10. 0
    2 August 2023 04: 09
    Troubles in Russia: about the causes, stages and consequences

    When I read the title, I thought it was about our time.
  11. +1
    2 August 2023 07: 22
    A number of experts believe that the consequences of that Troubles felt today.
    belay How, where and by whom? Significantly, but I think these are just attempts to pull an owl on a globe.
  12. 0
    2 August 2023 10: 21
    Anger has many causes. One of the main ones is the complete degeneration of power and the spiritual impoverishment of the people. And as soon as Minin and Pozharsky appeared, the people woke up and understood what to do. What is being tracked now? Boyars are the same. There were three troubles in total. The first two are known. Second 1905-1917. Now, as many believe, there is a third one, but it will end soon. For 80 years of victory, in 2025, most likely, the country will be completely different!
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. 0
    3 August 2023 07: 23
    Systems without feedback are unstable. They can work for a while, and then they go peddling.