The "new left" and the "revolution" of 1968: how the fight against inequality was transformed into a cult of repentance, a culture of cancellation and a dictatorship of minorities

The "new left" and the "revolution" of 1968: how the fight against inequality was transformed into a cult of repentance, a culture of cancellation and a dictatorship of minorities

The end of the twentieth century was the triumph of liberal democracy, which allowed some philosophers and researchers to even talk about the "end of stories". The American historian John Lukacs, in his book The End of the Twentieth Century and the End of Modernity, in which he tried to sum up the results of the XNUMXth century, rightly noted that

“Democracy has now become as ubiquitous as it is oppressive because of popularity based on the lowest standards, when popularity itself is subject to manipulation and can be produced by the publicity machine [3].”

Conservative critic of liberalism Patrick Buchanan, in turn, stated that the liberal left took over not only art, theater, literature, music and ballet, but also cinema, photography, education and the media. Through the management of culture, the left imposes its morality on society, which is based on two axioms: first, there are no absolute values ​​in the universe, there are no uniform standards of beauty and ugliness, good and evil; the second is that in a universe devoid of God, the left is the sole judge of human deeds [4].

Anti-colonialism, anti-racism, repentance for one's cult past, political correctness, which is expressed primarily in the tabooing of certain topics, the "new sincerity" (or "new ethics"), the culture of cancellation - are an integral part of modern Western liberal democracy, which in the second half of the twentieth century has undergone a transformation. One of the factors that contributed to this transformation was the "revolution" of 1968.

As the historian Oleg Plenkov notes in his scientific work “The Revolution of 1968: Epoch, Phenomenon, Legacy”, as a result of the events of 1968, the old norms of behavior were destroyed, and a vacuum appeared in their place. The old system of values ​​was destroyed, and the new one was not created.

“The paradox characteristic of the end of the 20th century is that, by all criteria of social well-being and stability, life in the reactionary, but with traditional social structures of Northern Ireland, with its unemployment and the problems that arose as a result of an ongoing 1-year civil war, was better and actually safer than life in most major cities of Great Britain [XNUMX]”,

the historian notes.

What was the phenomenon of the "revolution" of 1968 and how did it contribute to the transformation of Western democracy? Who are the "new left"? Why have anti-racism, anti-colonialism and the cultivation of guilt become an integral part of the left-liberal politics of today's West? What is political correctness and cancellation culture? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

The phenomenon of "revolution" 1968

The phenomenon of the "revolution" of 1968 is so unusual that it often baffles many researchers. The fact is that the protests of students and youth in the late 1960s, which engulfed France, Italy, Germany, the USA, Japan and a number of other countries, came as a surprise to the authorities and traditional parties, since they took place against the backdrop of an obvious economic growth - a recession. started already in the 1970s. For this reason, it cannot be said that the events of 1968 were due to socio-economic reasons.

So in 1958-1973. The French economy showed the highest growth rates in its history. By the end of this period, the index of annual growth was one point higher than the previous record highs of the 1950s [5]. The growth of industrial development amounted to 1950-10% in the 15s, and in 1968-1969. - 12 %. In the 1960s alone, national income doubled.

In Germany, the period of rapid and continuous economic growth from the mid-50s to the end of the 60s was called the "German economic miracle" - industrial production increased by 1948 times from 1964 to 6, agricultural production from 1950 to 1964 increased by 2,5, 1964 times, in 6, there were practically no unemployed in the country. Due to unparalleled economic growth, the German government decided to use excess funds to expand the social security system and create public services, in particular, pensions were increased unprecedentedly [XNUMX]. In terms of economic growth, Germany significantly outperformed the United States.

Economic growth also occurred in Italy, which in the 1960s turned into a highly developed industrial country. This became possible, among other things, thanks to significant public investment and American economic assistance provided under the Marshall Plan.

Thus, the 1960s were a time of unprecedented economic growth in most of the Western world, accompanied by rising living standards and increased consumption. The society of that time is quite often characterized by the phrase "abundant society".

Often the reason for the start of mass protests of students and youth is the opposition of the authorities to the requirements of the democratization of the education system, however, as the historian Oleg Plenkov notes, the crisis in the education system was not the real cause of the revolution - problems with the organization and conduct of the educational process served only as an excuse for protests.

What were the students protesting against?

In many ways, against the patriarchal bourgeois mores. In particular, as historians note, in those days the birth of an illegitimate child was a scandal and a shame for a woman, abortions were prohibited, except for medical reasons, divorce was extremely difficult, etc. The younger generation did not like all this. In addition, the youth protested against a "bourgeois society" divided by class and racial differences.

The youth at that time questioned the power as such, even despite the fact that it was democratically legitimized, they were annoyed by any restrictions, even objectively necessary ones. The goal of the protests is the maximum personal freedom without regard to responsibility to other people [1]. At the same time, among the workers, student unrest caused a rather weak reaction - the exception was France, where the workers were active.

The revolutionaries of 1968 showed contempt for traditional customs - drugs, sex, a disharmonic new style of dress, an abundance of obscene speech were part of the events of 1968. Millions of people experimented with drugs and tried new forms of sexual life with a fatal outcome, having received severe mental disorders in return [1].

The ideas that brought upheaval were mostly left-leaning, as the Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm noted, 1968 gave birth to a general vogue for Marxist theory (usually in versions that would have amazed Marx himself) and many different Marxist-Leninist sects and groups , united on the basis of criticism of Moscow and the old communist parties as insufficiently revolutionary and Leninist [8].

The sudden outbreak of student protests was closely associated with the “new left”, which, unlike the former left, which believed in the revolutionary potential of the working class, turned away from the former communist parties, but retained faith in the peculiarly understood Leninism, Trotskyism, Maoism and other ideological myths [7 ]. For the "new left" and for the "revolutionaries" in 1968 in general, there were three Ms: Marx, Mao and Marcuse. Herbert Marcuse was especially popular with students, the most common among students were his texts "Eros and Civilization" and "One-Dimensional Man" [1].

All over the world, the ideas of romantic Marxism inspired people who fought against imperialism, who opposed them to the principles of Soviet Marxism, which loudly declared itself after the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia. In the new pantheon of left-wing heroes, Ho Chi Minh took the place next to Che Guevara. People remembered his open defiance of the United States, and few understood the peculiarities of his policies. Stalin was definitely excluded from this pantheon [2].

In 1968, the unrest of students and workers in the West and the "Prague Spring" in the East threw a serious challenge to all orthodox communist parties, whose leadership was afraid to give up their positions to the new radical left movements [2]. For Moscow, "Marxism" in this form was an uncomfortable competitor in the communist movement.

It is interesting that the “revolutionaries” of 1968 did not have any positive program - the indignation of the youth was caused by various reasons and they were united only by the desire for rebellion and a distinct hostility to authoritarianism, in whatever form it manifested itself. In countries with a totalitarian past - Germany and Italy - students demanded that the older generation answer for the crimes committed, which everyone seemed to have forgotten. In Belgium, students opposed the dominance of the French language in Flemish universities, and in the United States they opposed the Vietnam War.

In other words, there was no unifying common principle in these protests [7].

As Oleg Plenkov rightly points out,

“68th cannot be reduced to one thing: the student movement, the youth uprising, the conflict of generations, social protest, the cultural revolution. But one thing is clear: even fifty years later, the 68th is relevant and alive ...
What followed in 68 was the subcultural erosion of the old world, not the changes in the political order desired by the students or the overcoming of the capitalist system. The 68th is the mark of the transition to a post-industrial and post-socialist society. And the signs of this transition are not always positive, so the legacy of 1968 is usually denounced for the fall in the birth rate, boundless hedonism, the feminist destruction of motherhood, the unemployed, not striving for employment, the decline of former values ​​[1].”

Rejection of old values ​​and triumph of nihilism and hedonism

The youth revolution of 1968 had a pronounced hedonistic character, given the sexual revolution, drugs and rock music. If fascism, Nazism, Bolshevism - also predominantly youth movements - were characterized by asceticism, discipline, adherence to classical culture, selflessness in realizing the goals of the movement, then the “revolution” of 1968 was a completely different phenomenon. The difference is related to the experience of generations - the carefree and prosperous "generation of the Beatles" simply did not understand the problems that their fathers once plagued [1].

Criticism by students of "bourgeois society" in terms of alienation resulted in demonstrative glorification and drug use. Meanwhile, the use of drugs was officially considered illegal, so that the very fact of smoking marijuana (the most popular drug among Western youth in the 1960s) was a demonstration not only of defiance of those who prohibited it, but also of superiority over them. Thus, the boundaries between the urge to smoke weed and the desire to build barricades were often blurred [1].

The main theorist of confrontational tactics, one of the leaders of the American "new left" Jerry Rubin wrote:

“Fulfill our demands and we will immediately put forward a dozen new ones…
We put forward at this meeting precisely such demands that the establishment obviously cannot fulfill ...
If our demands are not met, we scream, yell, filled with righteous anger. The goal doesn't matter. Tactics, real actions, that's what matters [1]."

As the historian A. Yakovlev notes, in the 1960s, a youth culture, new moral standards and a new way of life arose in the industrial Western society. This culture was characterized by a nihilistic element, a denial of the "old" morality and the entire "old" order of life. In fact, the revolution set as its goal the personal and social liberation of the individual from the fetters of the state and parents, laws and customs. These foundations were shaken by extremist actions, free sex and drugs, which, of course, existed before, but since 1968 became public, were turned into normative [9].

Another stemming from the values ​​of the 50-60s. XX century has become the norm of "reasonable egoism". Why waste your life on something that goes against the natural and reasonable desires and needs of a person - to be a victim of orthodox religious and social dogmas, to master an unnecessary profession, or to do something else that destroys one's own personality? The famous philosopher Guy Debord, the author of the critical manifesto The Society of the Spectacle, became the theorist of these views.

The main ideas of this fashionable European trend and a closed community, which included many creative personalities, then seemed shockingly radical: do not work, but parasitize, appropriate everything you like, turn life into a direct creative act (i.e. "into performance") , to fool and in every possible way use those who do not understand this. The main slogan and idea proposed by the situationists and widely supported during the student revolt of 1968 was the famous call "Never work!" [10].

Supporters of the "situationist international" believed that the West had achieved abundance sufficient for communism, which means it was time to arrange a "revolution of everyday life." This meant refusing to work, submit to authority, pay taxes, comply with the requirements of laws and public morality. Everyone should engage in free creativity, and the “kingdom of freedom” will come [1].

The events of 1968 had serious consequences. In particular, after 1968 there began a dramatic change in social norms that guided sexual behavior, partnership and reproduction - this was the time of the sexual revolution. In Paris, for example, students from the University of Nantes opposed the rules set in hostels, demanding from the directorate the right to sleep together.

The sexual revolution initiated a turn away from the special significance and value of labor morality and asceticism - towards hedonism and individualism. The May 1968 slogan “when I think about the revolution, I want to fuck” would have confused not only Lenin, but even the Viennese communist Ruth Fischer, who advocated sexual freedom [1].

As Patrick Buchanan points out, back in the 1950s, divorce was a scandal, a "shake of the foundations" worthy only of the dregs of society, abortion was considered a crime, and homosexuality was "a love that dare not call itself." Today, half of all marriages end in divorce, instead of family life they prefer to talk about “relationships”, and love, which once did not dare to name itself, is now loudly broadcasting from all sides [4].

Proponents of the new Marxism (which was driven by the philosophers of the Frankfurt School, in particular Herbert Marcuse) were driven not by historical materialism, but by aversion to bourgeois Christian civilization. It is not at all clear how feminism or the protection of the rights of homosexuals follow from adherence to Marxism? The answer to this question is given by Patrick Buchanan in his book Death of the West, which describes the attack on "bourgeois morality" undertaken by the intellectuals of the Frankfurt School as a new and dangerous phase of the war of Marxism against the Christian society of the West [1].

According to Buchan, Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer, and Fromm were radicals who transformed Marxism from an economic doctrine into an instrument of moral overthrow. Of course, some readers may not agree with this opinion, but the nature of the protest movements in recent decades has indeed undergone significant changes.

The protest movements that have now engulfed the United States and Western Europe (such as BLM, MeToo, etc.) show that the origins of social discontent have changed significantly. If earlier they were associated with the motives of class inequality and exploitation, now the ideological protest against the violation of the existential rights of citizens, the possibility of their free self-realization and self-expression begins to dominate [11]. We are talking about the fight against racial, gender, sexual and other "prejudices", which, according to the protesters, must be eliminated by the most decisive means [11].

Thus, the "new left", modern socialists, criticize "world capitalism", patriarchy, white supremacy, fight for the rights of "colored" and sexual minorities.

How are the "new left" different from the old and what is their political program? And why is it precisely thanks to them that political correctness and a culture of cancellation have become the norm in the West? Why have anti-racism, anti-colonialism and the cultivation of guilt about one's past become the norm in the West? What are the results of anti-colonialism and anti-racism?

We will talk about this in the second part of the material.

To be continued ...

Использованная литература:
[1]. Plenkov O. Yu. "Revolution" of 1968: era, phenomenon, legacy. - St. Petersburg: Vladimir Dal, 2023.
[2]. Priestland D.P. Red Flag: A History of Communism; [per. from English] / David Priestland. – M.: Eksmo, 2011.
[3]. Lukacs D. The end of the twentieth century and the end of the modern era. - St. Petersburg, 2003.
[4]. Patrick J. Buchanan. Death of the West. – M.: AST, 2003.
[5]. Khudokormov A. G. “The Economic Miracle” in France: Formation and Results of the Dirigiste Model in 1944–1973. World of New Economy, 2019.
[6]. Plenkov, O. Yu. Recent history of European and American countries: a textbook for universities / O. Yu. Plenkov. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House, 2023.
[7]. Baryshnikov V. N., Borisenko V. N., Plenkov O. Yu. Cultural outcomes of the youth revolution // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Story. 2021. V. 66. Issue. 3. S. 1012–1026.
[8]. Hobsbawm E. The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century (1914–1991). – M.: Nezavisimaya Gazeta Publishing House, 2004.
[9]. Yakovlev A.I. Experience of the 1968 Revolution and the Arab Spring. Eastern Analytics. - 2012. - No. 3. - p. 186–194.
[10]. Petrov V. E. Practices of idleness, inaction and escapism in youth communities of the XNUMXth century. as a strategy for the elitization of the individual. [Electronic resource] URL:
[eleven]. Diagnosis of modernity and global social challenges in socio-philosophical reflection: monograph / [Momdzhyan K. Kh. et al.]; comp. Momjyan K. H., Tsurkan E. G.; Moscow State Univ. MV Lomonosov, Department of Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History of the Faculty of Philosophy. - Moscow: Logos Publishing House, NPT LLC, 11.
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  1. +9
    20 July 2023 05: 22
    The main engine of these movements was the hypocritical politics of the elites. Who preached one thing, but lived differently. Christianity and morality were long gone. Only an imitation of all these decency remained. The main challenge of the protesters was to get out of the skin of a respectable tradesman. The stars from the stage set an example. They called for complete inner freedom. that it was all for the money, and in many ways it was courage. But it worked flawlessly for young people. In 60 years from soy. countries, many creative people moved to the west. And what they describe is not the take-off of the life of ordinary people. And again, hypocrisy and a showcase of bourgeois morals.
    1. +1
      20 July 2023 20: 00
      The main engine of these movements was the hypocritical politics of the elites. Who preached one thing, but lived differently.
      - that they preached one thing, but lived differently - it is quite obvious. This has often happened in history. But it didn’t always lead to such performances, that’s what’s interesting.
  2. +8
    20 July 2023 05: 29
    Thanks, N.S. Khrushchev, he debunked the cult, he just didn’t offer anything. I.V. Stalin, apparently foresaw the coming events, he didn’t say for nothing that a new theory was needed, without it we would die, he himself would not be able to create could, could not create even young cadres, science must develop, otherwise it becomes a dogma. And becoming a dogma, around there are all kinds of teachings, not as connected with the main theory.
  3. Des
    20 July 2023 06: 21
    Then there were the USSR, the Department of Internal Affairs, the CMEA, and there are still Cuba, Vietnam, and China. There was a choice of ideologies with clear examples of life. But capitalism transformed itself using socialist principles and won.
  4. +5
    20 July 2023 07: 32
    The article is interesting, everything is right - it was necessary to deal a strong blow to traditional values, which was successfully done.
    A very tiny example, let's take for example the fashion of the 60s - very neat hairstyles, men's suits and shoes are very stylish, you can feel good taste, women have even better, which is understandable.
    Youth unrest is over, the fashion of the 70s is terrible men's hairstyles (dirty shoulder-length patles), vile flared trousers, the same shoes on a ridiculous tractor platform, tight shirts, etc., women have completely wild mini-skirts, red terry socks and terrible corduroy boots.
    It would seem a trifle, but without all these yellow terry socks, these - LGBT, de-Christianization, destruction of family traditions and so on.
    Evolution, as Darwin said.
    1. +1
      21 July 2023 13: 23
      A person can sometimes be strange: either he will go to survive in the forest instead of comfortable leisure, or he will dive into an ice-hole instead of a warm bath, or he will change the lady of the heart from some Newluk dress into a canvas bag ... And these last comrades would have amused themselves to their delight in their friendly circles, but for some reason they want to make everyone they can reach into such aesthetic "walruses" - they only provoke others to hatred. Freaks.
  5. +3
    20 July 2023 07: 48
    Why have anti-racism, anti-colonialism and the cultivation of guilt about one's past become the norm in the West?

    Should we be proud of colonialism and racism?
    1. +7
      20 July 2023 08: 24
      Should we be proud of colonialism and racism?

      in no case, the trick is that they have not gone away (!) - colonialism is flourishing, only now it is provided with the financial power of the dollar, and the apparent sovereignty of the puppet states is only for the sake of appearance and for the close population ... racism also remains, only now it is determined not by skin color mainly, but by "commitment to democratic values" (bm, iridescent and other rabble)
  6. +15
    20 July 2023 08: 22
    It was a revolt of students and youth who did not remember the war. These generations of "baby boomers" grew up after the war in an era of growing consumption. There is a lot of grub, nothing threatens life, how can they understand the fathers and grandfathers of the survivors of World Wars 1 and 2. There is nothing left in these riots - there was an animalization of youth. Drugs, sex, a beautiful life and not work - that's their goal. to the ruling elites. The reduction in the birth rate in the West with a high standard of living began after the "revolution of 1968. It is easier to manage the oscotinized electorate than people who want to consider themselves reasonable.
  7. +9
    20 July 2023 08: 54
    Tellingly, many youth leaders of the so-called leftist movement, both in Europe and in the United States, later became hardened conservatives, the so-called "neo-cons".
  8. +4
    20 July 2023 09: 10
    Strictly speaking, reasons don't matter at all. The very essence of protest is in the evolutionary nature of the development of man and society.

    As in wildlife, mutations constantly occur, most of which make the body weaker, but a small part is stronger, so society is always unstable. There is always something new that either dies on its own or conquers the old.

    The formal banner of protest, as well as the goals of the protesters, can be anything. "I will always be against it," as they said.

    For a “normal”, so to speak, society, it is necessary to fight against any protests. If a society cannot fight, it will die and be replaced.
  9. -1
    20 July 2023 09: 46
    Traditional values ​​are an oxymoron concocted by the extreme right to, among other things, justify their senile lustful tendencies.
    All classical literature, films of the “new wave” scream about conservative double morality, and the author is surprised: why is it all of a sudden 1968? Marcuse came up with it, exactly, but when did Marcuse write his works? And about what? Maybe Sartre, Michel Foucault with Rob Grill or Baudrillard?
    And the traditional values ​​for the then "conservatives" Salazar, Frank, and even de Gaulle: this is that the woman knows her place, and the young satisfy the lust of the conservatives, and even children, so that the workers work in factories and do not buzz, the economic recovery, which would the Americans bomb Vietnam and Laos, and the protesters be beaten according to the "law" by the police, so that blacks would not go to white schools?
    Are these traditional values?
    Or not, perhaps, a seigneur and a serf, a godly official and subjects, the right of the first night, daughter-in-law, promiscuity, as Fadeev described it in "The Rout", a ban on divorces (Divorce in Italian), sodomy in religious educational institutions - these are all traditional values ?
    I repeat, traditional values in general does not exist, there are values ​​of the current period of the history of society.
    1. +2
      20 July 2023 10: 15
      Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
      Traditional values ​​are an oxymoron concocted by the extreme right to, among other things, justify their senile lustful tendencies.

      Traditional values, they either exist or they don’t, and the lustful inclinations you mentioned are present in absolutely everyone, by the way, in old age, these same inclinations can intensify.
      The classical literature you mentioned, cinematography, together with Baudrill, did a good job of inciting lust, and it’s not for them to shout about conservative double morality.
      1. +2
        20 July 2023 11: 28
        and the lustful tendencies you mentioned are present in absolutely everyone

        I wanted to joke that everyone judges by himself,
        but I won't. Not correct.
        Because ... at different stages of humanity, all of them, "lusts", had a different focus.
        Therefore, you are absolutely right: if we assume that some
        "Traditional values, they either exist or they don't"
        , then neither in the capitalist West, nor in capitalist Russia, they are not, and cannot be. Different facets and degrees of promiscuity, yes, I agree.
        But everything is one raspberry, because in the capitalist world there are no national characteristics in the production sector, therefore, the one who is the leader in this area, and this is certainly the United States, is the model for the entire capitalist world. What is traditional in the management of modern business in the Russian Federation or in production? How many managers do we have with Western education? Where are more Christian communities in % ratio? Where are the communities in the Russian Federation that massively support their parish themselves?
        Russia is cut in the image and likeness of the leader of the capitalist world: president, parliament, senators, police, FBI, i.e. the investigation and ... why can they, but we can’t?
        In fact:
        While the agricultural way of life was the main one and there were "traditional values" of the XIX - XX centuries, even in France, even in Italy, even in the USSR: BECAUSE THE PRODUCTION CYCLE WAS TRADITIONAL.
        As soon as the majority of the population moved to work in industry and services, the traditional way of life ended and will never be revived.
        And if Russia continues to follow the path of capitalism, then, sadly, for all normal people, including me, LGBT will be here in full growth, as the destruction of production under Yeltsin and Putin exceeded all the scale of the same "defeat" in the West, the attack on the rights of labor collectives and workers is much faster than in the West, corruption is higher than in them, etc.
        1. +4
          20 July 2023 11: 41
          lgbt here will be in full growth
          In Russia, "concepts" - the traditions of criminals - have become mainstream and part of public morality. Therefore, LGBT in the Russian Federation will be "roosters" for a long time to come - which, according to concepts, are not people at all. So in Russia, society will still be able to brush aside their dominance.
          It is worth adding that in the West, ordinary inhabitants do not treat them with flaming love.
        2. -2
          20 July 2023 11: 54
          Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
          Because ... at different stages of humanity, all of them, "lusts", had a different focus.

          This very lust has no direction, and it was present among the members of the Central Committee of the CPSU when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, everyone was equal, under capitalism, under socialism, in the feudal world.
        3. +9
          20 July 2023 12: 10
          I'm honestly shocked
          Campaign from the theme of LGBT, people specifically go nuts and in Russia it’s worse than in the West
          But everything is one raspberry, because in the capitalist world there are no national characteristics in the production sector

          Japan and Korea look at you with amazement. And so, national features in the sphere of production were everywhere, in every country.
          While the agricultural way of life was the main one and there were "traditional values" of the XIX - XX centuries, even in France, even in Italy, even in the USSR: BECAUSE THE PRODUCTION CYCLE WAS TRADITIONAL.

          What is the traditional production cycle?
          Is the production cycle unconventional now? homosexual?

          In England in 1850, 50 percent of the population already lived in cities. In the 90s, 90 percent of the population lived there. In Germany, 50 percent of the population moved to cities in the early 20th century.
          Nevertheless, the family remained a traditional value for a very long time. Quite real in Europe and America. Like patriotism and the national idea, and so on and so forth.
          "God Save the Queen" is quite an age-old traditional value.
          1. +1
            20 July 2023 14: 01
            What is the traditional production cycle?
            Is the production cycle unconventional now? homosexual?

            If you are talking about me, then I am absolutely neutral to this topic, even tolerant. This topic does not bother me, but the “conservatives” do.
            And now, in terms of production, do you want to say that a turner in Hungary and Korea grinds differently on a machine, and a locksmith in Japan somehow works with a file differently than a Finn?
            Or the interest rate in Japan is calculated differently than in Greece. Is PnL different in China than in Russia? Answer: no.
            Is there a national specificity, of course, since the remnants of other periods persist for a long time. Therefore, the Japanese bow endlessly to their bosses, but the Americans do not.
            But both the Japanese and the Koreans received all these industrial enterprise management systems from the United States and Europe, and did not themselves come up with a factory for the production of "battleships". Yes, then, in the process of development, they began to apply their technologies, as for the Japanese, but the Finns could not do anything like that.
            i.e. Finns are somehow flawed? No, of course not, because this is called within the framework of the global distribution of capitalist markets - the distribution of labor6, some make (did) Nokias, others produced oil.
            You, Denis, cunningly cited the example of England and Germany, but I was talking about France and Italy, because as part of the development of capitalism, the process of urbanization proceeded differently in different countries. Therefore, in economic development, England overtook Italy.
            Rural society is traditional, because the production cycle, in fact, has not changed for centuries, the same thing, but industrialization has dramatically changed everything, including the way of life in the countryside.
            The same thing happened in the USSR, urbanization took place only at the end of the 50s. Another 25% was added by the townspeople by the 70s. I won't go into details anymore.
            No need to be "shocked", although I understand you on the first question.
            It is necessary to clearly place the issues of society, management systems, forms of management and there will be happiness.
            1. +1
              20 July 2023 14: 46
              Good afternoon,
              I want to say that capitalism is one, but all capitalisms are different. This is quite a dialectic.
              In all countries, workers have their own specifics of origin, a different ratio of skilled and unskilled personnel, and a different ratio by industry. And of course, different cultures of relationships with each other and with the employer.
              In Japan, there was a practice of lifetime employment for generations, in 19th-century England, workers were forbidden to even raise their eyes to the employer, and in the USA, direct dialogue between the worker and the owner of the factory was quite possible, although not always.
              And all this has far-reaching consequences.
              For example, the Japanese model of capitalism will not work anywhere except in Japan. It has been written about
              You are Denis, cunningly gave the example of England and Germany

              I just showed how traditions exist even after most people have gone into industry and services.
              It is necessary to clearly place the issues of society, management systems, forms of management and there will be happiness.

              Well, let's break it down. For example, the family as a traditional value. It was everywhere still strong in the 80s, stable in the 90s and began to give up only in the 2000s. This cannot be explained by the change of traditional ways - the gap in time is too large.
              Again, royal power in the constitutional monarchies of Europe, despite all the scandals, is still the same "traditional value" for a large number of people.
              1. 0
                20 July 2023 18: 11
                Denis, about the fact that relations of production and capital are the same in different countries of capitalism, but each country has its own micro-features, I wrote here more than once, there are no contradictions here.
                But about the family and traditions here you are fundamentally wrong.
                Queen, ah, now the king in England, from the rearrangement of terms, purely decorative function, like football, pure emotion to reset. Nothing whiter, ruled England, not the first century, financial capital, it determines, even if something to be king, and who not.
                This does not negate personal intrigues, chronicles and investigations, pastel scandals and the like.
                But all this is in the context: how it affects the movement of capital: members of the royal family slept with blacks, we need to hush up the scandal, we keep in mind what we have with the movement of capital.
                I am not composing anything here, I am writing from the inside of the corporate world))))
                Where someone is subject to emotions more than necessary for the needs of capital, expect a collapse there.
                And from traditional families to the 80s, the author of the article immediately writes that the crisis began in many Western countries at the end of the 60s and he is right, what are the 80s!
                By the way, F. Fukuyama has a wonderful work on this issue.
                if we take the USSR in the 80s, there is a completely different story, because the system is different, but now is not about that.
                Traditions are when all the Indians were killed, and a dozen native representatives in feathers dance for tourists, well, or the same queen looks at you from all the merchandise around Buckingham Palace, well, or a folklore ensemble in the area where agriculture is all over singing folk songs.
                Under globalism, there is no "traditional society", everything turned out with primitive agriculture of individuals, where agro-firms and agro-holdings came to replace it.
                This is the problem in the Russian Federation, that for 30 years they have not been able to create anything intelligible except for a copy of American capitalism (a non-judgmental judgment), so they grab onto simulacra: a mixed economy, a market economy, an energy superpower, sovereign democracy, a deep people, traditional values ​​and etc.
                The scientific and historical path, alas, is obvious, and it is not about flights to distant planets.
                1. +1
                  20 July 2023 18: 33
                  You can talk about financial capital endlessly.
                  I specifically set the framework - "traditional values" in a developed capitalist society.
                  And from traditional families to the 80s, the author of the article immediately writes that the crisis began in many Western countries at the end of the 60s and he is right, what are the 80s!

                  Nevertheless, the crisis of the family specifically as a traditional value became clear only in the 2000s. Before that, despite the sexual revolution, the family was not just the norm, it was the standard.
                  Queen, ah, now the king in England, from the rearrangement of terms, purely decorative function, like football, pure emotion to reset.

                  No. Specifically, the late queen was a kind of symbol of the good "against all the bad" and part of the national identity. Unconditional traditional value.
                  It's just to watch how the children of migrants suddenly start saying "our king" and "our queen".
                  This is the problem in the Russian Federation, that for 30 years nothing intelligible except a copy of American capitalism

                  This is a separate conversation. I can only note that in Russia there is nothing resembling the American system.
                  1. 0
                    20 July 2023 19: 00
                    Migrant children suddenly start saying "our king" and "our queen".
                    On their part, this is just an attempt to cling to and say "I am an Englishman! Don't know any Bangladesh! Yes ".
                  2. +1
                    20 July 2023 19: 40
                    This is a separate conversation. I can only note that in Russia there is nothing resembling the American system.

                    It only seems to you laughing
                    1. +1
                      20 July 2023 20: 59
                      There is nothing funny here.
                      Russia has an authoritarian dictatorship. Democracy is lame in the States, but we must remember that democracy does not work anywhere "out of the box"
                      1. 0
                        20 July 2023 23: 44
                        Quote: Engineer
                        There is nothing funny here.
                        Russia has an authoritarian dictatorship. Democracy is lame in the States, but we must remember that democracy does not work anywhere "out of the box"

                        of course there is nothing funny.
                        dictatorship as such ended in the 1970s-2000s all over the world. When it became indecent to simply take and shoot a political opponent. And when instead you have to invent courts and so on, this is not a dictatorship in principle.
                        Under a dictatorship, the population is silent - because they understand that guaranteed spank without much trouble.

                        Quote: Engineer
                        In the States, lame democracy
                        -Oh yeah!!
                        the problem is that the last relatively adequate president was there 30 years ago ....
                        One confused Iraq with Iran, Obama spent more time on the golf course than at his desk, Trump decided that the United States is a corporation (yeah-ah!), the current one just has dementia ...
                      2. 0
                        21 July 2023 00: 01
                        The differences between totalitarian and authoritarian regimes take place at school.
                        How authoritarian dictatorships hold power and crush the opposition without mass repression has been written long ago and in detail. All mechanisms are primitive, but effective.
                        The mental abilities of presidents have nothing to do with democracies. Moreover, it can be seen from the examples given that three of the four preses did not have any dictatorial ambitions. That is an argument in favor of American democracy.
    2. +6
      20 July 2023 11: 11
      Traditional values
      , or rather, conservative values, this is a double morality. Something like, you want to have a mistress and have more than one, but you must be legally married. This is the simplest example. They protested against this. But then, when they began to make money on this protest and on their leaders, and the leaders began to earn money on this, the romance of the protest ended.
      1. +2
        20 July 2023 11: 22
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        you want to have a mistress and have more than one, but you must be legally married. This is the simplest example

        In my opinion, the example is unsuccessful.
        With traditional conservative values, this state of affairs is called the fall into sin, and the person himself is to blame for this, he does not want to fight his passions, in the post-Christian world this is the norm, no one will condemn, even praise.
        1. +1
          20 July 2023 11: 46
          With traditional conservative values, this state of affairs is called the Fall, and it is to blame

          Where and when was this?
          What is it called? drunk in the kitchen?
          Maybe now "conservative values" do not allow to do this?
          Maybe some of the dignitaries in our "traditional society" were penalized for divorce, or were they imprisoned in a monastery for having many families?
          Or who put on chains?
          1. +1
            20 July 2023 12: 00
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            Where and when was this?

            In the Christian world - a violation of the commandments, in the Soviet world - a violation of the code of the builder of communism.
            Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
            Maybe someone in our "traditional society"

            It has not been traditional for a long time, I must admit, the West has surrendered, they are trying to finish us off.
            1. 0
              20 July 2023 12: 27
              Maybe someone in our "traditional society"
              It has not been traditional for a long time, I must admit, the West has surrendered, they are trying to finish us off.

              so this is what we are talking about: it is possible to talk about "traditional values" only hypothetically, they do not exist in the modern world.
              Again, they disappeared along with the traditional agricultural way of life. what else is there to talk about?
              1. +1
                20 July 2023 12: 49
                one can only talk about "traditional values" hypothetically, they do not exist in the modern world

                you need to start with yourself - "what do I believe in, why do I live, what will happen after death?..." and so on... if these questions are not of interest, then there is simply a momentary adaptation to external circumstances...
            2. +4
              20 July 2023 12: 30
              Violation of the commandments, as you write Christian, was reflected in Soviet criminal law and other Soviet laws, now partially, in Russian criminal law and federal laws
              1. +3
                20 July 2023 12: 43
                Quote: kor1vet1974
                Violation of the commandments, as you write Christian, was reflected in Soviet criminal law and other Soviet laws, now partially, in Russian criminal law and federal laws

                I agree, it remains for the small - not to violate.
                1. +2
                  20 July 2023 12: 59
                  I agree, it remains for the small - not to violate.
                  So why did it come up? laughing
          2. +4
            20 July 2023 12: 32
            Or who put on chains?
            Chains, they don’t wear them now, they are engaged in moral self-flagellation, something like, "we were deceived" smile
        2. +2
          20 July 2023 12: 24
          In my opinion, the example is unsuccessful.
          Then let's get personal. Catherine II, the great sinner was
          1. 0
            20 July 2023 13: 16
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Then let's get personal. Catherine II, the great sinner was

            If I say yes, then this will be a violation of the Christian commandments, although we must admit that they, these commandments are violated for 24 hours a day, the reason is that any person is weak.
            From the point of view of the moral code of the builder of communism, which is a parody of the commandments - to poke a person at any meeting (and not at a meeting), a common and obligatory thing, often the accusers themselves were more lustful than the accused.
            1. +1
              20 July 2023 13: 25
              the accusers themselves were more lustful than the accused
              And what, excuse me, the builders of communism multiplied by budding in incubators belay ? The same people.
  10. +2
    20 July 2023 11: 26
    the famous slogan "Never work!"
    What practically meant - "throw yourself out of society by the scruff of the neck" - the benefits are still small, and although they make it possible to live at the very least and drink cheap molasses vodka and cider (in relation to England - in Southern Europe it will be wine from tetrapacks), they do not allow you to be influential in the consumer society. Moreover, they clearly show what follows such a "revolt" - a drop in their own standard of living.
    demonstrative glorification and drug use.
    Almost all Western countries have decriminalized drug use to one degree or another - as a result, the drug addict here in society is viewed not as "opposing the system", but as in Russia on a drunken drunk - with a mixture of pity and contempt.
    And of course, the protesters, who wanted to bring an ideological basis to their desires, discredited the left idea, who did not want to work, but only love each other and get rid of substances. Who is marching with red banners - drug addicted unemployed bisexuals laughing John, Fritz, Louis, Mario - do you want to vote for them wassat? Something like this.
  11. +9
    20 July 2023 12: 46
    In my opinion, the revolution of 1968 brought the destruction of the fundamental values ​​of Europe, in waves, since those years more and more immoral laws and regulations have come that led to the destruction of our culture, they inspire youth and us with stupidities that in life do not serve to improve our image life such as drugs, insecurities, rudeness, stupidity and more. This is my point of view as a citizen of Europe.
    1. 0
      20 July 2023 12: 57
      brought the destruction of the fundamental values ​​of Europe,
      And you, could you list these most fundamental values ​​of bourgeois Europe, which were destroyed in 1968?
      1. +1
        20 July 2023 13: 54
        Changes in sexual morality (legalization of abortion and contraceptives, recognition of sexual minorities, free relations, etc.), a change in clothing style, a change in behavior, a rejection of discipline in everything, feminism, anti-racism that has become racism against whites - these are some of the results of 1968. The second part will cover this in detail. I have already indicated what the "new left" is fighting for - for them the main enemies are abstract "world capitalism", patriarchy, white supremacy, etc., and most importantly, these are the rights of "colored" and sexual minorities. For them, there is no concept of "traditional values", as well as for the fanatic Vashchenko (he has all the traditional values ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbof "inventions of the right"), he is an ardent admirer of the "new left" apparently :)
        1. +3
          20 July 2023 14: 08
          I have already indicated what the "new left" is fighting for
          Indicate how great their influence in society is. In fact, they are like notorious pederasts - there are few of them, but there is a lot of noise from them.
        2. +1
          20 July 2023 14: 56
          Change in sexual morality (legalization of abortion and contraceptives, recognition of sexual minorities, open relationships, etc.), change in dress style, change in behavior, rejection of discipline in everything
          Recognized that it already existed? But, secretly .. I was amused about the style of clothing .. Clothing styles have changed over the millennia since humanity began to sew clothes for itself. Feminism is "a woman, also a spectator!" smilechange in behavior, on the hands began to walk? refusal of discipline in everything, "- What buildings have you built! What lawns have been broken! Water supply, gas, steam heating! TV! ... What is required of you, my friends? - DIS-QI-PLI-NA!" (c) smile
        3. +4
          20 July 2023 14: 57
          as for the fanatic Vashchenko

          Victor, when a person switches to personal insults, this is only evidence that his position is extremely weak, there are really no arguments at all.
          Here also it is necessary to compensate insulting attacks.
          Not pretty. Learn to analyze what you read and select intelligible arguments from what you read for your work, and with knowledge you will have less unscientific clichés in your work, slogans, less desire to label opponents.
          Good luck!
      2. +3
        20 July 2023 14: 03
        And you, could you list these most fundamental values ​​of bourgeois Europe, which were destroyed in 1968?

        "Modest charm of the bourgeoisie" laughing laughing good
      3. +2
        20 July 2023 18: 44
        I'm not born in 1968, but everyone knows that those demonstrations were staged by real bourgeois from rich families who exploited the stupidity of the poorest, with false slogans that if you take drugs or have an abortion, you are really free, but for them, if you see the opposite, you were a slave to the conservative values ​​of the church, family, etc. Then over the years we saw who was a slave and who was not. Does using drugs, having many mistresses and children from them, make you free? I don't think so, unless you're rich and can't afford it all. Now you understand for whom this revolution is made, that is, for the rich.
  12. +6
    20 July 2023 12: 54
    As the historian Oleg Plenkov notes in his scientific work “The Revolution of 1968: an era, a phenomenon, a legacy”, as a result of the events of 1968, the old norms of behavior were destroyed, and a vacuum arose in their place.

    The author Plenkov has a prophet, just like Pushkin:
    Spiritual thirst tormented,
    In the gloomy desert I dragged, -
    And a six-winged seraph
    He appeared to me at a crossroads.
    With fingers as light as a dream
    He touched my eyes.
    Prophetic eyes opened,
    Like a frightened eagle.
    He touched my ears
    And they were filled with noise and ringing:
    And I heeded the shudder of the sky,
    And the high flight of angels,
    And a reptile underwater passage,
    And the vegetation of the valley vine.

    Meanwhile, the protest movements of 1968 are a much more complex and multifaceted phenomenon. And the consequences too. And the author was fixated on Plenkov, instead of history, agitprop turned out.
    1. -3
      21 July 2023 00: 06
      Quote from Frettaskyrandi
      Meanwhile, the protest movements of 1968 are a much more complex and multifaceted phenomenon. And the consequences too. And the author was fixated on Plenkov, instead of history, agitprop turned out.

      The author diligently pulls an owl on the globe in an attempt to hang noodles on the ears on the topic of how bad your Marxism with multigenders is and how good these same traditional values ​​​​like serfdom and religious obscurantism are.
      1. +3
        21 July 2023 11: 32
        Better religious obscurantism than 100+ Gegders.
        1. +3
          22 July 2023 10: 31
          Quote: Alexey Sedykin
          Better religious obscurantism than 100+ Gegders.

          No, not better. Because they are essentially two sides of the same coin. And it has absolutely nothing to do with Marxism.
  13. +3
    20 July 2023 17: 10
    - "You call yourself a Marxist. Did you at least read the works of Marx? Well, did you at least leaf through?"
    - "Why? Capitalists, they are capitalists! All their rules must be abolished! And they should be abolished! And live a simple life! And in general, what is life like after 25?"

    And after all, many in their 20s sincerely believe that after 30 everything was already there.
  14. +3
    20 July 2023 17: 59
    Good article. Respect to the author, I look forward to continuing.
    connected with the experience of generations - the carefree and prosperous "generation of the Beatles" simply did not understand the problems that once pestered their fathers
    That's for sure. They never lived badly and did not want to know what it is. And many did not recognize, having died from drugs at the age of 30-35.
    1. +1
      21 July 2023 11: 31
      As for never living badly ... look at the photographs of Nick Hedges from the 1969-70s from the life of the outskirts of British cities.
  15. +3
    21 July 2023 11: 29
    The same "Demons" from Dostoevsky...
  16. +1
    21 July 2023 12: 49
    But it turned out to be very ironic, even despite the catastrophic situation for decades to come. The "people of 68" wanted never to work, and now they are forced to drag on their backs the well-fed and multiplied state structures, whole mountains of programs "for all that is good" and the corresponding committees with thousands of cabinet bureaucrats. They demanded independence, and now, under their own slogans, prohibitions, restrictions and regulations are being introduced, from which a person cannot hide behind any walls. They did not like the public "pyramid" - and it is being replaced by a kind of pushpin with a wide flat hat and a small, but infinitely towering and inaccessible point. They dreamed of overthrowing hierarchies, but only changed the principles of their formation to more primitive ones and brought back to life the right of the strong and the loud. They fought against huge capitals, and now their owners are telling everyone else that it would be nice to give up all property, move to a barracks and entrust their lives to a special, correct guard.
    In principle, one can even be glad that Russia "got sick" of left-wing radicalism a few decades earlier, when it was focused on the economic side of life and did not have time to absorb Hitler's attitude towards humanity.
  17. +1
    21 July 2023 18: 40
    I will be subjective, because I think that everything starts with philosophy. Since the appearance of the classical ancient Greek philosophy of Aristotle, as a collection of the most general laws of the development of Nature, human thinking, social production relations, that is, dividing it into three large segments: physics, logic and ethics, European civilization, achieving its goals and solving its tasks, has come to the industrial revolution. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, European thinking, through the adoption of Christianity and the initial suppression of physics and logic, for the dominance of religious Christian ethics, developing economically and economically, first came to the need to develop a segment of philosophical scholastic logic, logical thinking, mathematics and geometry. And later, in modern times, despite the opposition of the Catholic Church, physics developed as a necessary amount of knowledge and technology for the development of manufacturing, and later, industrial production. And European philosophies, in their highest development, objectively, came to dialectical materialism. Diamat says that these same physics, logic and ethics should act in interdependent development and PERMANENT interaction. If new physical laws appear, then the logic of human thinking and social production relations must change. If there have been some breakthrough discoveries in ethics or logic, then physical laws will also change... That is, there is no absolute truth. Since, what is absolute truth today, in the historical "tomorrow" will be relative truth, and "the day after tomorrow" only the point of view of a narrow circle of professionals or the personal opinion of the layman ... In short, the result of the development of European philosophy was a capitalist industrialized society with a national-bourgeois consciousness and culture, the basis of which was science-intensive and high-tech industrial production and the infrastructure for its provision and maintenance: The system and structures of fundamental and applied science, the system and structures of education, medical care, the structure of innovative invention and rationalization, the system and structures of public and political party organizations, as a "superstructure" of state-monopoly capitalism. BUT! The origin, development and functioning of any systems created by people is not possible without contradictions. And the main contradiction of the producing capitalist societies was the contradiction between the possibilities of large-scale branch industry and the capacity of the domestic market. The possibilities of the industry for the conveyor production of goods relatively quickly saturate the domestic market of individual states and a crisis of overproduction arose, which could be overcome either by investing in applied research, and the constant modernization of fixed assets and technologies to produce new goods with better consumer properties, or the development of commercial structures, in the face of trade and speculative companies and financial and usurious structures, in the face of banks and "investment" companies that create networks for lending and marketing goods, exporting capital and entire production abroad , obydlyayuschih production consciousness of their own population. And if, to this situation, we add the competition of the economies of Europe, Japan and the United States, the interests of global commercial structures, then the events of 1968 are simply natural. To destroy the French economy, it is necessary to destroy the functioning of the physical systems of industrial production and the ethical systems of social production relations based on bourgeois Catholic or Protestant ethics. I mean, SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK 'n' ROLL(... The global financial oligarchy of the West does not need a uniform development of all economies, but for this it is necessary to "get into" the brains of the most "stupid" and most energetic population in the country. French youth (...

    PS Only We are pirates, and you are prey! And there will be no other way!(((...