Bakke's concept: how the Nazis planned to destroy over 30 million Soviet citizens

Bakke's concept: how the Nazis planned to destroy over 30 million Soviet citizens

Not a single sane person doubts that in the event of the defeat of the USSR by Nazi Germany, a terrible fate awaited Soviet citizens. Meanwhile, preserved historical certificates proving the special cynicism and treachery of the plans of the leadership of the Third Reich in relation to the inhabitants of the occupied territories of the Soviet Union.

One of them is the plan of the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Third Reich Herbert Bakke, which he developed on the personal instructions of Adolf Hitler.

The concept pursued two main objectives. The first is the complete provision of the Nazi occupation troops with food by the third year of the war at the expense of the Soviet population. In turn, the second followed from the first - the destruction of about 30 million citizens of the USSR by creating famine.

Only in the first year of the implementation of the plan, according to the idea of ​​the Nazis, about 10 million inhabitants of the occupied territories were to die. At the same time, the townspeople had to take the greatest blow.

The leadership of the Third Reich believed that the inhabitants of the cities for the most part were useless, since they could not produce food themselves. As a result, it was decided to block supplies to major cities. Those who could perform some kind of useful work, according to the Nazis, received rations. The rest, whom the Nazis called "surplus population", were doomed to starvation.

At the same time, special attention should be focused on the aforementioned rations. Thus, according to Bakke's plan, working Jews in the occupied territories were to receive 420 kcal per day, and Soviet prisoners of war - 900 kcal. For comparison, the ration of a German soldier was about 2700 kcal.

It is worth noting that, unfortunately, Bakke's plan was partially implemented. According to historical references, in the first two years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 4 million Soviet citizens died of starvation. Most of them were prisoners of war and residents of besieged Leningrad.

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  1. +5
    5 July 2023 06: 46
    The "modernized plan" is being carried out in Ukraine. There were practically 52 million, now - God forbid that 30 remain, if not less. And this is a complete collapse of the Ukrainians.
    1. +5
      5 July 2023 07: 21
      And now ? I don’t remember who, but one of the British Eurofascists said that in the Russian Federation it is enough to have 15 million people to extract resources. The rest are unnecessary.
      Hitler nervously smokes on the sidelines. am Even he didn't think of that.
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  2. 0
    5 July 2023 08: 14
    So they are not out of malice ....
    :"Just business, nothing personal."
    Today we have the majority of the population from diapers to old age - they argue in the same way .....
    Little thoughts are spinning and spinning in their heads: “Why should this person live if I can better manage his affairs and his money than he does?