Revolutionary General Lavr Kornilov

Revolutionary General Lavr Kornilov
Arrival of L. Kornilov to Moscow for the State Conference

В previous article we talked about the origin, youth and military service of Lavr Georgievich Kornilov. A native of a poor, large family, he quickly moved up the ranks and deservedly became a general already at the age of 41. L. Kornilov served in Turkestan, participated in the Russo-Japanese War. During the First World War in April 1915, he was taken prisoner by Austria.

first article about Lavr Kornilov, we ended with a report on his return to his homeland. Today we will continue this story.

Return to the front

In September 1916, Lavr Kornilov received under the command of the XXV Army Corps of the Special Army of General V.I. Gurko - this is still the same Southwestern Front. And then Kornilov's name appears in Guchkov's list of "supporters of the Duma."

A. I. Guchkov, the leader of the Octobrist party, a professional adventurer who had been captured by the British during the Anglo-Boer War, and by the Japanese after Mukden, now hatched a plan to seize the royal train between Stavka and Tsarskoye Selo in order to force Nicholas II to abdicate from the throne in favor of the heir with the regency of Grand Duke Michael.

B. Efimov. 1917 caricature of A. Guchkov, Minister of War and Naval Affairs of the Provisional Government

Later, the representative of the intelligence of the French General Staff Captain de Maleici made a statement:

“The February Revolution took place thanks to the conspiracy of the British and the liberal bourgeoisie of Russia. The inspiration was Ambassador Buchanan, the technical performer was Guchkov. ”

There were no refutations of this statement - neither immediately, nor later.

The British were well aware that Russian society was tired of the war, and they were very worried about rumors about repeated attempts by Germany and Austria-Hungary to negotiate a separate peace with Russia. An influential supporter of this peace treaty was Grigory Rasputin. As a result, he was killed by a group of high society conspirators who acted so ineptly that the curator, British intelligence officer Oswald Rainer, had to come to their aid: the historians of Foggy Albion have no doubt that it was his shot that became fatal for the old man who was trying to escape.

Oswald Theodore Rayner

The British were interested in Russia continuing the war, and were not at all going to make chaos in the country. The calculation was that Nicholas II, as required by law, would abdicate in favor of his son Alexei. The new emperor, until he came of age, could not renounce the throne, and it would be impossible to legally deprive him of the crown.

It can be assumed that a peaceful and civilized transfer of power was planned within the framework of one dynasty - from the extremely unpopular Nicholas II to an innocent child who has not yet stained himself in the eyes of society, against whom it is somehow inconvenient to rebel. Alexei's own uncle, Grand Duke Mikhail, was to become regent, an unambitious, weak-willed man and, as the British believed, easily controlled.

However, all the cards were confused by Nicholas II, who abdicated at the same time for his son. Michael, in the face of growing unrest, chickened out - he refused to take the throne.

As a result, a self-proclaimed Provisional Government, consisting of incompetent and irresponsible talkers of the State Duma, came to power in the country. That is, no one formally overthrew the Romanov dynasty - the monarchy in Russia simply died out because of the stupidity of the last emperor and the cowardice of the heir appointed by him.

Vera Alexandrovna Guchkova

You will probably be interested to know that the only daughter of A. Guchkov, Vera (born in 1906), became a communist and an employee of the NKVD. In 1919, her parents took her away from Russia. In 1926, in Paris, she met Marina Tsvetaeva, who addressed her in one of the surviving (in drafts of the poetess) letters:

“You, of course, do not expect this letter, just as I did not expect it. Want in a nutshell its content? If I were a man, I would love you... I'm sorry that you are leaving. Because I love you. Loved these days. Loved all day. For pride. For bitterness. For childishness. For great kindness. For the unfeminine mind. For spiritual chastity, which is no longer chaste to mention. For the fact that you are so obvious and obvious - you are growing more. For the love of cats. For the love of children. When you have a child, I will be happy. It hurts me a lot to part with you. I end up in tears. Break the letter."

In 1930, Vera joined the French Communist Party. In 1936 she came to the USSR, where she taught foreign languages ​​at a intelligence school near Moscow. In 1937, "on the instructions of the party," she married the Scottish communist Robert Trail (this was her second marriage), from him she gave birth to her only daughter. The husband soon died fighting for the Republicans in Spain.

The all-powerful head of the NKVD, Nikolai Yezhov, treated Vera Guchkova with great sympathy, in whose office she once started a scandal, demanding the release of her arrested friends. They didn’t touch her with a finger, but they sent her to France - as an agent of the INO OGPU. Vera herself later recalled it this way:

“How I survived there, in 1937, is not entirely clear. There was a hunch that Nikolai Ivanovich Yezhov himself fell in love with me. That he saved my life is a fact, but he fell in love - I think not. Hardly. He was kind of like up to my waist, and I was 9 months pregnant. Where is the love here?

After the outbreak of World War II, she ended up in a concentration camp, but fled to Portugal, in 1941 she settled in London. Later, Vera left the Communist Party and even criticized the Soviet Union and Stalin, but some researchers believe that her activities were coordinated with the KGB.

In the 60s, she repeatedly visited the USSR as an interpreter for various British delegations. She was well acquainted with Svetlana Alliluyeva, with whom she quarreled after the publication of her book Twenty Letters to a Friend.

Vera Guchkova died in Cambridge in 1987. The dossier with her case is still kept in the archives of the FSB marked "Top Secret".

But let us return to her father, to Lavr Kornilov and to the events of 1917.

On the eve

Generals M. Alekseev and N. Ruzskoy, who participated in the Guchkov conspiracy, tried to persuade Nicholas II to change the commander of the Georgievsky battalion, appointing Kornilov in his place, and then completely recommended him to the post of head of the Petrograd military district. The tsarist government and Nicholas II himself at that time were already rapidly losing the remnants of authority. The jingoistic and capricious moods of the beginning of this war had long since passed, and disappointment was growing in society.

The inability of the government to solve pressing issues became obvious. On November 1 (14), 1916, Pavel Milyukov, the leader of the Kadet Party, delivered the famous anti-government speech in the State Duma, which was included in history titled "Stupidity or Treason".

At the beginning of 1917, at a private meeting of trade and industry figures, P. Ryabushinsky (a descendant of the peasants of the Borovsko-Pafnutevsky monastery, a member of the State Council, the All-Russian Union of Trade and Industry, one of the leaders of the Progressive Party) stated:

“It becomes terrible for Russia when we have to be suspicious of our own power, when the people ask you: “Who is this power for?”... The Russian government remains deaf to all appeals to it... this cannot go on ".

Growing social inequality. While the main sections of the population were "tightening their belts", the "patriotic" bankers, manufacturers and speculators of all stripes were fattening. Even the chairman of the State Duma, M. V. Rodzianko, who took a contract for the production of birch stocks for rifles, did not hesitate to receive a ruble apiece from the military ministry.

Nicholas II was also unpopular in the army. Denikin recalled that one of the Socialist Duma deputies, during a trip to the front, was so struck by the freedom with which officers in canteens and clubs spoke of "the vile activities of the government and debauchery at court" that he decided that they wanted to provoke him.

In early January 1917, General A. Krymov, at a meeting with Duma deputies, proposed sending the Empress to one of the monasteries and conveyed to them the words of Brusilov:

"If I have to choose between the Tsar and Russia, I will choose Russia."

Members of the imperial family also dreamed of getting rid of Nicholas II and especially his wife. In January 1917, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, who headed the Imperial Academy of Arts, spoke about this to Rodzianko.

February revolution

On February 23 (March 8, according to the new style), a women's demonstration was held in Petrograd, supported by many factories in Petrograd. It was the beginning of the February Revolution. The Putilov factory went on strike on February 18, and on the 25th the strike became general. From that day on, the protesters began to put forward political demands. At the same time, the Council of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies was created, and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna wrote to Nicholas II that hooligan antics of young people were taking place in the capital, and that if the weather were colder, everyone would sit at home.

Even on February 26, the city authorities informed the Headquarters that vigorous measures were being taken to suppress the uprising, but at the same time they demanded that additional reliable units be sent from the front.

On February 26–27, soldiers began to cross over to the side of the demonstrators, and the first skirmishes with the police were noted. On February 27-28, the entire capital's garrison, about 200 thousand soldiers, already went over to the side of the revolution.

On February 27, Chief Prosecutor N.P. Raev proposed to the Synod to condemn the revolutionary movement - and received the answer: it is still unknown where the treason comes from. On this day, the Provisional Committee of the State Duma was created, and Nicholas II left Headquarters. Before that, he appointed General Ivanov as dictator of Petrograd, but he did not reach the capital: all the troops attached to him went over to the side of the revolution, including the battalion of the Knights of St. George.

On March 1, the Provisional Government was already in operation, taking power before the Constituent Assembly.

And what about the emperor?

In Pskov, his train was detained by the commander of the Northern Front, General Ruzsky. The emperor sent a telegram on the appointment of a government responsible to society, headed by Rodzianko - and received an answer that this was no longer enough. All the front commanders interviewed by telegraph, including the tsar's uncle Nikolai Nikolaevich, spoke in favor of the emperor's abdication (only the commander of the Black Sea fleet Admiral Kolchak abstained). Ruzsky said:

“You have to agree to everything, otherwise it will be bad. We must surrender to the mercy of the winner.

On March 2, Nicholas II signed the act of renunciation - for himself and for his son. And on March 3, his younger brother Michael also renounced the throne.

On March 4, 1917, in response to the granting of "freedom from the pernicious guardianship of the state," the members of the Synod expressed "sincere joy at the dawn of a new era in the life of the Church."

On March 6, 1917, the chairman of the Synod, Metropolitan Vladimir, sent out an order to the dioceses that prayers should be offered for the God-protected Russian state and the faithful Provisional Government.

On March 9, 1917, the Synod issued an appeal to the people:

"God's will has been accomplished, Russia has embarked on the path of a new state life."

But what does the hero of our article do at this time? Lavr Kornilov said then:

“I believe that the coup that has taken place in Russia is a sure guarantee of our victory over the enemy. Only a free Russia, having thrown off the yoke of the old regime, can emerge victorious from the real world struggle.

General Lavr Kornilov in 1917

After the abdication of the emperor, it was Kornilov who, in the presence of Guchkov, arrested the family of Nicholas II in Tsarskoe Selo - his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and children. Then, on the orders of Kornilov, the body of Grigory Rasputin was burned at the Piskarevsky cemetery.
In March 1917, at the first meeting of the Provisional Government, L. Kornilov was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Petrograd Military District.

Commander of the Petrograd Military District L. Kornilov takes the parade of cadets.

And on April 6, he personally presented the St. George Cross to sergeant major T. I. Kirpichnikov, who in February was one of the active organizers of the rebellion in the Volyn Guards regiment and shot dead the captain I. S. Lashkevich, who was trying to stop the soldier.

Having familiarized himself with the situation in Petrograd, Kornilov then came to the conclusion that out of more than 200 troops stationed in the capital, he could unconditionally rely on only 14 soldiers and cadets.

Return to the front

At the end of April 1917, Kornilov had already become disillusioned with the talkers "February" and, in protest against the destruction of the army, resigned from the post of commander-in-chief of the Petrograd district. He was again sent to the Southwestern Front - the commander of the Eighth Army. Here Kornilov was horrified by the new order and demanded the dissolution of the soldiers' committees, as well as a ban on political agitation. On his recommendation, the Provisional Government restored the death penalty at the front.

On June 18, 1917, the Russian army launched the last offensive of the First World War. On paper, it was well prepared, and in some areas the advancing Russian units outnumbered the enemy twice. The main blow in the direction of Lvov was delivered by the 7th and 11th armies, which achieved some success, but by June 20 their movement practically stopped due to the elementary unwillingness of the soldiers to go into battle.

By the way, State Duma deputy General Viktor Sobolev made a statement in May 2023 that in September 2022 the Russian military had to retreat from the Kharkiv region, because the contract servicemen of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation left their positions, writing dismissal reports:

“In the Kharkiv direction, the contractors fled, one might say, without permission. Wrote a report and left. Ukraine went on the offensive, and we lost the Kharkov region.”

Very unpleasant associations, isn't it?

G. Savitsky. "The spontaneous demobilization of the tsarist army in 1917". Painting 1928

But let's go back to June 1917: on the 25th, Kornilov's 8th Army entered the battle, ahead of them were the "shock detachments" formed by Kornilov from volunteers.

A. Karashchuk. "Shock Kornilov units"

In a two-day battle on June 26-27, these troops managed to defeat parts of the 7th Austro-Hungarian army and take Galich, and on June 28 Kalush. However, the losses were too great, and among the most reliable and loyal units, the soldiers of other formations simply sabotaged orders and, despite all the efforts of Kornilov, discipline was rapidly falling.

As a result, the counterattack of the Austrian and German divisions led to the actual flight of the Russian units, which left the entire previously occupied territory of Austria-Hungary. The offensive attempts on the Western, Northern and Romanian fronts did not bring much success either.

The failure of the June offensive heated up the situation in Petrograd, where there was a huge number of troops, whose soldiers categorically did not want to go to the front. The slogan put forward by Lenin about an immediate peace without annexations and indemnities became incredibly popular.

Petrograd, July 4, 1917

On July 3-5 (16-18), 1917, mass anti-government demonstrations took place in Petrograd, ending with the shooting of a half-million demonstration, the disarmament of workers' detachments, and the banning of Bolshevik newspapers. An order was issued for the arrest of Lenin, Trotsky, Kamenev, Lunacharsky and other leaders of the Bolshevik Party.

The peak of his career was reached by Kerensky, who became chairman of the cabinet of ministers, retaining the post of military and naval minister. Kornilov received the rank of General of Infantry and on July 8 (21) on the recommendation of Filonenko and Savinkov (a former terrorist, head of the Social Revolutionary Combat Organization, and at that time a commissar of the Provisional Government, in the future - deputy minister of war) was appointed commander of the Southwestern Front. Already on July 18 (31) Kornilov became the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, replacing Brusilov in this post. The situation, you see, is atypical: the future candidate for the post of dictator rises not thanks to victories, but after a serious defeat.

Supreme Commander

Alexander Kerensky, whom some compared to Khlestakov, who happened to be on the throne, was incredibly ambitious and extremely afraid of losing the post of head of state. Dangers seemed to him both on the left and on the right. And because of this, he was extremely suspicious of the new Supreme Commander, immediately entering into a confrontation with him.

Kornilov demanded measures to restore order both at the front and in the rear, Kerensky perceived these appeals as a desire to push him into the background, and complained:

“Every week I received some kind of ultimatum from General Kornilov.”

He later reported to the commission of inquiry in the Kornilov case:

“Then in the Provisional Government I said that Kornilov should be fired immediately, that we must, if we want to restore discipline in the army, set an example at the top. This suggestion of mine did not pass, and Kornilov understood this indulgence of the authorities as a clear proof of its impotence ... I plead guilty that I did not insist to the end on the immediate dismissal of Kornilov at the same time.

On August 3 (16), 1917, Kerensky and Kornilov met in Petrograd, which in no way contributed to reconciliation. Leon Trotsky ironically wrote about the meeting between the head of the Russian government and the commander in chief:

"This narrow-minded and ignorant Cossack is going to save Russia?" Kerensky could not help but think.

From 12 to 15 (25–28) August, the State Conference was held in Moscow, at which L. Kornilov “shone” and reveled in glory.

General Kornilov on his way to the Moscow State Conference

M. Sholokhov in the novel "Quiet Don" describes the appearance of Kornilov as follows:

“The officers, holding hands, formed a safety chain, but they were swept away. Dozens of hands reached out to Kornilov. Some plump, disheveled lady trotted along at his side, trying to press her lips against the sleeve of her light green uniform. At the exit, to the deafening roar of welcoming cries, Kornilov was picked up and carried.

L. Trotsky wrote:

“Morozova, the millionaire merchant’s wife, knelt down. The officers in their arms carried Kornilov to the people.

The photo below is captioned: “Arrival at the State Conference in Moscow of its main actors: Kornilov and Kerensky”:

Member of the Cadet Party F. Rodichev addressed the general with the words:

"Save Russia, and a grateful people will crown you."

It is not surprising that Kornilov then literally felt dizzy, and it began to seem to him that the impossible was no longer possible: if he sent troops to Petrograd, he would be met not with shells and bullets, but with shouts of “Hurrah” and flowers.

Exactly the same thoughts, apparently, were in the head of E. Prigozhin, diligently pouring condensed milk and chocolate on sofa patriots of the Internet, when he made the fatal decision to send his private army to Moscow.

Progressive P. Ryabushinsky, mentioned above, also actively supported Kornilov, who called for strangling the revolution with the “bony hand of hunger.”

Vasily Maklakov, an influential member of the Constitutional Democrats, turned out to be smarter and more insightful when he told Leonid Novosiltsev, chairman of the Main Committee of the Union of Officers:

“Tell General Kornilov that we are provoking him… Nobody will support Kornilov, everyone will hide.”

That's how it all happened.

Before the start of the march of the Kornilov units on the capital, recently parodied by E. Prigogine, there were only a few days left. But we will talk about this in the next article.
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  1. +6
    6 July 2023 04: 33
    Metropolitan Vladimir sent out an order to the dioceses that prayers should be offered for the God-protected Russian state and the faithful Provisional Government

    He quickly changed his shoes in the air ... wink
    1. +1
      6 July 2023 05: 08
      Quote: Luminman
      changed shoes ...

      But don't change! Priests and gendarmes were the first to be beaten! winked
      1. +3
        6 July 2023 13: 01
        "On June 18, 1917, the Russian army launched the last offensive of the First World War. On paper, it was well prepared, and in some areas the advancing Russian units outnumbered the enemy twice."
        ************************************************** ****************************************
        Well, here's something to add...

        The aforementioned "offensive" was prepared and carried out under the STRONGEST PRESSURE OF THE ENTENTE. And, exclusively, on the so-called provided by the United States. "Provisional government" loans. In other words, "in debt" ...

        And "otherwise" - "none of the promised Dardanelles" ...

        Yes, and the States, by this time they had only begun to "land" on the Eurocontinent. And to fall "under distribution" to the Teutons, previously and not strongly bled by them, was "unnecessarily" ...

        As for Lavr Georgievich, after his attempt at rebellion, he framed the same gene in a very nasty way. Krymov. Krymov went to meet with the "commander-in-chief" Kerensky and realized that he had been "made extreme"... Then he shot himself...
    2. +4
      6 July 2023 07: 42
      Quote: Luminman
      He quickly changed his shoes in the air ...

      Not really, and not fast.
      The tsar abdicated in favor of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who also signed the act of abdication and called for submission to the Provisional Government.
      The Church was in isolation, what could she do, only to support the new government, there was no other, not to call for unrest.
      1. +4
        6 July 2023 08: 30
        I will add that the Church considers that any power is from God, therefore there were no special statements about the support of the monarchy, while Metropolitan Vladimir was a sharp opponent of revolutions, for which he was killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 and today is revered among the new martyrs.
        PS The church in those years was in a difficult internal state, according to the recollections of many hierarchs, theological seminaries, unfortunately, were full of people of revolutionary ideas and simply unbelievers.
        1. +2
          6 July 2023 08: 59
          Quote: Vladimir80
          The Church in those years was in a difficult internal state.

          St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, in his writings, says a lot about this, the years of the life of the saint - 1807--- 1867
          Quote: Vladimir80
          according to the recollections of many hierarchs, theological seminaries were unfortunately full of people of revolutionary ideas and simply unbelievers.

          What can I say here, time did not stand still, the saint foresaw all these things, and during the years of his life he lamented about many inconsistencies in the Church, by the way, liberals - clergymen (there were and are such), they hate him.
          1. VLR
            6 July 2023 09: 09
            The authority of the church and priests was extremely low. This is not Lunacharsky, but Blok wrote:
            “Why do they make holes in the ancient cathedral? “Because for a hundred years this obese priest, hiccuping, took bribes and sold vodka.
            Why do they shit in the noble estates that are dear to the heart? “Because they raped and flogged girls there: not with that gentleman, but with a neighbor.
            Why are century-old parks being felled? “Because for a hundred years, under their spreading lindens and maples, the gentlemen showed their power: they poked a beggar in the nose with a rich one, and a fool with education.
            It's like that.
            I know what I am saying. You can't eat this with a horse. There is no way to hush it up; but everyone, however, is hushed up ... "
            1. +3
              6 July 2023 20: 09
              The authority of the church and priests was extremely low
              Quite right. Just like to the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1991.
        2. 0
          6 July 2023 14: 38
          Yes, it seems like, not "any", but only legal ...
      2. +1
        6 July 2023 14: 37
        "The tsar abdicated in favor of his brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who also signed the act of abdication and called for submission to the Provisional Government."
        ************************************************** ****************************************
        Yes, in all these "acts" there is a whole ocean of all sorts of legal "jambs" ...

        Brother "renounced"? .. So it is possible to "renounce" if you have already taken up the "position of king", which implies UNLIMITEDLY that ALL loyal subjects have sworn to you, as the "new sovereign" ...

        Just in case, read how Nikolai No. 2 himself, after the death of the priest, took over the "position" ... His Manifesto ...

        In the meantime, you have not been sworn in, and you have not taken office, all your "calls", from a legal point of view, are "price", - a donut hole ...

        By the way, the Orthodox Church itself, it seems, could not but understand that the "abdication" of Nicholas No. 2 is the result of a coup d'état, and not at all a "voluntary Act". And this coup d'etat was carried out by representatives of a certain "Provisional Committee", ALREADY DISSOLVED by the emperor of the State Duma ... Together with the generals of the Headquarters and the commanders of the fronts ...

        So, logic suggests, the Orthodox Church, already about the first so-called. "renunciation" should have "raised" her voice ... But ... she did NOT "raise" ...
        1. 0
          6 July 2023 16: 06
          And by and large, the tsar had nowhere to go in 1914, except to arrange a war. Otherwise, the revolution would have started in 1914, and not in February 1917. Barricades were already being built in St. Petersburg, the workers of the large cities of the Russian Empire Baku, Riga, Warsaw, Kiev, Moscow were on strike, and this happened from July 1 to July 12, 1914. And we write everything about the British, "traitors" of liberals, generals, they say they started a booze .. smile
          1. +2
            6 July 2023 16: 25
            But he was warned that any war would certainly cause a revolution in Russia. And there was already a confirming example.
        2. 0
          6 July 2023 19: 16
          Quote: ABC-schütze
          I should have "raised" my voice... But... I did NOT "raise it".

          Judging by the spirit of the times and the ferment of minds, it must be assumed that the building of the Church, which has been shaking for a long time, will shake terribly and quickly ....... terrible time
          St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, years of life 1807 ---- 1867
          It was said half a hundred years before the February Troubles.
          1. +1
            7 July 2023 13: 19
            This is true...

            But the "sources of fluctuations" before "1863" (that is, before the "cancellation" ...), and in the last quarter of the 19th century (even "before February" ...), where - how different they were .. .

            Under the "author" these were "aristocrats - Westerners", and "raznochintsy" of all stripes. The "lower classes" of the peasants, in other words, the PEOPLE, were still quite loyal to the Church ... And to maintain peace and decorum, the presence of the captain - police officer and old age was quite enough ...

            But with the "transition to industrialization" and the emergence of "populists", the authority of the Church has already begun to "shake - shake" the people ... In ALL of its "manifestations" ... And all estates ...
  2. +4
    6 July 2023 05: 12
    so if you compare Kornilov and him in the capital, who were waiting for Ryabushinskys, with the company with Prigozhin’s march on the capital, then, please, announce the list of those who were waiting for Prigozhin in the capital. Only here it is not necessary la la that none of the elites at the top were waiting for him there. Who are they ?
  3. +3
    6 July 2023 05: 21
    Denikin and Kornilov had great friction over Kornilov's exorbitant cruelty. I wonder why they take out deeds and ideas smelling of mothballs from the chest? In no case will we be Russia of the century before last. And this at a time when completely new tasks are being solved in the world. The everyday condition of citizens has only worsened. This is not about nutrition. which is prescribed by law. Cattle only in the places specified by law, but in no case in your own yard. To build your house, you need to be patient and have documents. I'm not talking about fishing and stocking firewood for the winter. But at the same time, the elite in sugary dreams is carried away to the century before last. And he does not understand that this is the end, not the beginning.
  4. +7
    6 July 2023 05: 28
    Fig. A. Karashchuk. "Shock Kornilov units" 1917

    Thanks to the author for the article - interesting and excellent style. Special thanks for the illustrations. The artist is simply respect. It's nice to look at such an illustration. There is a common Internet opinion that colored shoulder straps appeared only after the ice campaign in 1918. This is fundamentally not true. The two-color epaulettes of the Kornilov shock troops appeared precisely in 1917. on the fronts of the WWI, according to the Order of the SVGK No. 5-22 of May 27.05. 1917 "On the introduction of a special form, equipment, length of service and supply standards for shock units from volunteers and crippled soldiers of the southwestern front."
    1. +2
      6 July 2023 05: 48
      Quote: Richard
      The two-color epaulettes of the Kornilov shock troops appeared precisely in 1917.

      Why do they have French helmets?
      1. +7
        6 July 2023 06: 37
        Good morning, Nikolai!
        By the beginning of the First World War, the helmet as an element of protective equipment was absent in the Russian army. Emperor Nicholas II believed that the helmet did not suit the Russian soldier. In some military units it was, but only as a ceremonial headdress. And only thanks to the numerous categorical requests of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Nikolaevich for the army in 1916. Finally, Adriano's helmets were purchased from France.
        1. +4
          6 July 2023 06: 52
          Quote: Richard
          Adriano helmets were purchased in France

          I just read a little about it now. It turns out they were made at our factories in Finland, Saratov and the Urals. This was news to me...
          1. +7
            6 July 2023 07: 55
            This is no longer Adriano, Nikolai, these are the first domestic Sochiberg helmets. They began to produce only at the beginning of 1917. For their thickness, the soldiers respected them more than the French.
            a photo. Steel helmet "M17 Sohlberg" from the batch remaining in Finland. The underbody device is trimmed with deerskin.

            In the VO archive there is a wonderful article by Zhenya Fedorov (yes, he has all the articles - luxury!) On this topic.
            1. +3
              6 July 2023 10: 19
              Quote: Richard
              these are the first domestic Sochiberg helmets

              It should be noted the rare variety of names of the first helmets of domestic production found in the literature: Russian Adrian, a helmet made of spade steel (SHLS), modern collectors have fixed it - “Solberg (Solberg) helmet” by the Granat factory in Finland, Izhora-helmet in the book Robert W. Clawson. This diversity was due to the fact that the helmet did not receive any specific official name, such as Adrian's helmet was adopted as a "uniform helmet", and the name of Adrian's helmet forever became its unofficial name. But most often in official documents the name “blade steel helmet” (SHLS) is found.
          2. +4
            6 July 2023 10: 26
            Quote: Luminman
            It turns out they were made at our factories in Finland, Saratov and the Urals

            Unfortunately, the helmet in WWI actually “did not have time”, before Russia left WWI, only a small number of them fell into the active army, so she did not have a chance to pass a full-fledged test by military operations, unlike Adrian’s helmet.
            At the end of October 1916, according to the SMI report, it was planned to procure 7,1 million helmets before July 1, 1918, of which 3,5 million pieces were to be purchased in France and 3,6 million were to be made in Russia at an approximate price of 4,45 rubles, the total cost was determined at 23 rubles.
            An order for helmets (3,6 million pieces) was placed, but not produced: by April 1917, there were no helmets handed over to state receivers, and by mid-June, all enterprises between which the order was distributed (19 enterprises in total) were handed over only 16071 pieces.
            It was possible to establish more or less mass production by July at three enterprises: by the middle of July, the Granata company had delivered 35 thousand helmets, the Vasiliev factory (in Helsingfors) - 30 thousand, the Zhest society in Saratov - 35 thousand.
            After the Great October Socialist Revolution, a commission was established at the SMI to consider petitions for reviewing contracts for clothing items concluded for defense needs, at a meeting of which on November 29 the issue of the production of helmets was also raised, in particular, an increase in the price of them. It was noted at the meeting that about 400 helmets had been produced to date, of which 330 were accepted by the committee's inspectors and sent to the quartermaster warehouses. But no decision was made at this meeting. The issue was finally resolved on December 28, 1917: the Special Meeting of the SMI on the defense of the state decided to stop the production of helmets made of spade steel due to the difficulty of maintaining their production under existing conditions.
            1. +4
              6 July 2023 10: 38
              Quote: Mihaylov
              on the termination of the production of helmets

              Then similar helmets appeared massively already in the Red Army, only with a star ...
              1. +4
                6 July 2023 10: 49
                Quote: Luminman
                Then similar helmets appeared massively already in the Red Army, only with a star ...

                Yes, of course, a fairly significant number of both Adrian's helmets and helmets already produced in Russia remained in the warehouses of the Red Army, in 1925 it was decided to repair and modernize them and enter the arsenal of the Red Army, then they received a red star. Both of these helmets were still able to fight in the Second World War.
                But in the second half of the 20s, a strategic decision was made to develop and adopt helmets of our own Soviet production, which led first to the creation of the SSH-36 ("Halkingolk"), and then the SSH39 (SSh-40), known as "Victory helmets", produced almost unchanged until the early 60s.
                1. +4
                  6 July 2023 10: 59
                  Quote: Mihaylov
                  known as the "Helmets of Victory"

                  Slightly off topic, but helmets of defeat made chamber pots... wink
                  1. +4
                    6 July 2023 11: 06
                    Quote: Luminman
                    A little off topic, but chamber pots were made from helmets of defeat ..

                    As well as colanders and scoops hi

      2. +5
        6 July 2023 10: 14
        Quote: Luminman
        Why do they have French helmets?

        In total, 2 helmets were manufactured by French industry on Russian orders and transferred to the Russian military mission; the last shipment of helmets took place in September 157. 1917 thousand helmets were never sent, remained in the ports of France and were subsequently transferred to the French government, along with other property not exported, as mutual settlements for military supplies. Not all helmets sent by sea from France arrived in Russian ports: there was an underwater war and about 180 thousand helmets perished on ships sunk by the Germans. But more than 160,5 million of Adrian's helmets managed to arrive in Russia, although an acute shortage of steel helmets remained in the troops until the end of Russia's participation in WWI.
      3. +1
        6 July 2023 12: 12
        Quote: Luminman
        Why do they have French helmets?

        Because there were no Russians. And steel protective helmets were purchased in France. later they were used in the Red Army
        In the 1920s and 1930s, the Red Army used helmets of the "Adrian's Helmet" type, which appeared in the Russian army in 1916
    2. +8
      6 July 2023 06: 01
      In the three-volume book by I.V. Razgulyaev "The Russian Imperial Army during the First World War" examples of the form of shock units from volunteers and crippled soldiers of the southwestern front are given:

      1. Ensign-bearer of the Kornilov shock regiment, 1917.
      2. Adjutant of the Kornilov shock regiment, 1917.
      3. Private Kornilov shock regiment, 1917.
      4. Private detachment of volunteers from crippled soldiers, 1917.
      Already by June 10, 1917, at the review of the detachment by General Kornilov, all his ranks wore French-style steel helmets with a skull on them, black and red shoulder straps and the Kornilov sleeve emblem that later became famous.

      On the right sleeve, above the elbow, they had a black and red percussion chevron.
      At the same time, the detachment was also presented with a red and black banner, with a white skull and bones and the inscription: "1st shock detachment."
      On June 22, 1917, by a decree of the Provisional Government, the 1st detachment of disabled volunteers was assigned a marching uniform of army infantry, but with red epaulettes trimmed around the edge with a white-blue-red cord and a gold cadet galloon; along the shoulder strap, a braid of St. George's flowers (that is, black and orange) was sewn longitudinally.
      In addition, disabled volunteers apparently sewed on their uniforms a black circle with a white skull and crossbones and a red corner with black letters "D U" in it.
      The disabled volunteer shown in the illustration has a St. George Cross of the 4th degree on his chest, on the sleeve under the letters there is a patch for a wound.
      1. +5
        6 July 2023 06: 05
        Regarding the symbolism of the "Adam's head" (skull with crossbones) and the black uniform that often accompanied it, according to the common Bolshevik, and then the Soviet idea, "whites brought death" and were "executioners of the working people." Nevertheless, the black color in Russia has always been considered the color of mourning - the whites, as it were, wore mourning for their homeland, expressed in the black form of some units and formations in the south and east of Russia. A skull with crossbones, officially called "Adam's head", was an ancient Christian symbol and among Russians it meant readiness for sacrifice, readiness to accept death for something; in this case, for whites, he symbolized their determination to die for the Fatherland.

        1. Private team of mounted scouts of the Kornilov shock regiments
        2. Chief of the Kornilov shock division, Major General N.V. Skoblin. The officers of the Kornilov units most often wore a black tunic with a white piping on the chest section (bar), cuffs of the sleeves and sometimes on the chest flaps of the pockets. Their epaulettes remained the same as in 1917, but with a white edging and a silver chef's letter "K" (without a skull).
        Officer trousers are black, like breeches, with white piping.
        The cap became red (crown) - black (band), with three white piping, a black visor and the usual officer's cockade. Marching epaulettes are the same as those of the drummers, who continued to wear black and red epaulettes with white edging and without a skull (sometimes with the chef's letter "K").
        The insignia of the 1st Kuban ("Ice") campaign, established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Volunteer Army, Lieutenant General A. I. Denikin, No. 499 of September 21 (October 4), 1918, is visible on the chest of the general - a silver crown of thorns crossed with a sword .
        On his left sleeve he has four stripes for wounds.
        3. Junior non-commissioned officer of the Kornilov shock regiments, 1917-1920. Many officers and shock troops in 1918-1920 continued to wear the shock red and black corner on the right sleeve.
        4. Captain of the Kornilov artillery brigade,
        From January 10 (23), 1918, shock workers, all of its ranks, including the Kornilovites, had “a sign that was worn on the left sleeve of an overcoat or uniform with an angle of national colors (angle down) an vershok (4,4 cm. ) above the elbow. This corner was a symbol of the struggle for the United Indivisible Great Russia and was used by the White armies in various theaters of military operations in 1918-1922. Due to a chronic shortage of uniforms, the Kornilovites often wore protective uniforms, but with appropriate emblems.
        Kornilovites - gunners wore an old artillery cap (dark green crown and black band; three red piping), black shoulder straps with red piping and golden crossed guns and the letter "K".
        On the left sleeve they had the same emblem as the infantry, but in black and with gun barrels over the grenada. (this emblem was the symbol of the grenadier artillery in the former Russian Imperial Army).
        1. +6
          6 July 2023 06: 17
          And lastly - the form of drummers for officers and lower ranks.

          1. Khvostov “The Russian Civil War. White Armies"
          2. Deryabin “Civil War in Russia 1917-1922.
          3. Razgulyaev "The Russian Imperial Army during the First World War"
        2. +1
          6 July 2023 15: 17
          Isn't this the same N.V. Skoblin who handed over the head of the ROVS Miller to the NKVD?
          1. +3
            6 July 2023 16: 37
            He is the best, Oleg. - the husband of the famous Russian singer, and part-time agent of the INO NKVD Nadezhda Plevitskaya
            a photo. N.V. Plevitskaya

            a photo N.V. Plevitskaya and N.V. Skoblin
        3. +2
          6 July 2023 17: 02
          A skull with crossbones, officially called "Adam's head", was an ancient Christian symbol and among Russians it meant readiness for sacrifice, readiness to accept death for something;

          Our museum specialists explained that the skull (Adam's head), on someone's uniform, was just a symbol of immortality. Although, of course, in Civil, those who wore it could interpret the symbol in a different way.
      2. +2
        6 July 2023 06: 06
        Quote: Richard
        black and red shoulder straps... and red impact chevron...
        ...and a red-and-black banner...

        Above the creator of the Kornilov form, the spirit of the design of the facades of the houses of the Faroe Islands clearly hovered - black and red ... wink
        1. +6
          6 July 2023 07: 02
          I strongly doubt the primogeniture of the black-and-red uniform with an Adam's head by the Kornilovites. With a high degree of probability - they simply stupidly copied it from the German hussars of the Fifth Royal Regiment, known in WWI as the Totenkopfhusare Hussars "(German: Totenkopfhusare)
          1. +7
            6 July 2023 07: 25
            In addition, black and red was a symbol of anarchism long before WWI. Among the ideological anarchists-Makhnovists, the black German hussar mentic, red riding breeches, peakless cap and, in addition .... pince-nez, in honor of the ideologists of anarchism
            a photo. to the right of Makhno - the head of the Makhnovist cavalry, the "right hand" of Nestor Makhno Fedor (Theodosius) Shchus
            1. +7
              6 July 2023 09: 38
              Yes, "stylish man":

              1. +3
                6 July 2023 12: 33
                "stylish guy"

                Yes, it's still a cartoon. laughing

            2. +3
              6 July 2023 12: 32
              This dude changed caps like gloves.
              In the photo of a colleague vet (Alexey) "John Chrysostom", on your "Free Russia" ("Empress Catherine the Great"), I also have "St. Russia".
              1. +3
                6 July 2023 20: 14
                The picture is obviously photoshopped. The light on Makhno's face does not correspond in any way to the illumination of everything else. Again, the casing of "Maxim" is ribbed, and in WWI and GV it was smooth.
                1. +2
                  6 July 2023 20: 56
                  That's right, but I only meant the inscription on Shchus' peakless cap. smile
    3. 0
      7 July 2023 09: 38
      Oops!!!! The coloring of this flag reminds me of something ... Nobody notices the resemblance?
  5. +5
    6 July 2023 05: 48
    A. I. Guchkov, the leader of the Octobrist party, a professional adventurer who had been captured by the British during the Anglo-Boer War, and by the Japanese after Mukden, now hatched a plan to capture the royal train between Stavka and Tsarskoye Selo
    Do you think that while in captivity, the British and Japanese special services showed interest in Guchkov?
    1. VLR
      6 July 2023 07: 13
      It is quite possible that Guchkov's first contacts with British intelligence were still in captivity in South Africa - a promising young Russian volunteer could interest the British gentlemen. They could have contributed to his release - without special conditions, in the hope of future gratitude. But relations finally developed, probably already during the work of Guchkov in the Duma, after all, at one time he was even its chairman. And cooperation, most likely, on ideological grounds - Guchkov was an Anglophile and probably sincerely believed that cooperation with the "civilized" Boitania, even if not equal, was in Russia's favor.
  6. +4
    6 July 2023 07: 55
    The author is a shaker of foundations. It was recently announced that the Bolsheviks did all this and threw off the nikolashka and refused to win.
  7. +5
    6 July 2023 08: 04
    The psychology of the crowd is unpredictable, from love to hate, as you know - maybe just a moment.
    The phrase cited in the article by cadet Rodichev sounds creepy, given how satanically the crowd mocked Kornilov's corpse.
  8. +3
    6 July 2023 08: 15
    A. Guchkov's daughter, Vera (born in 1906), became a communist and an employee of the NKVD.
    Dad had a stroke when he found his daughter copying his documents.
    In 1937, "on the instructions of the party," she married the Scottish communist Robert Trail (this was her second marriage), from him she gave birth to her only daughter. The husband soon died fighting for the Republicans in Spain.
    Robert Traill, was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, and the Communist Party of Scotland, was formed only in 1992. His father, died in a car accident, and after the death of her husband, Vera, inherited a shipping company and decent money, but could not adequately manage, the company came to ruin.
    1. VLR
      6 July 2023 08: 37
      Robert Traill, being a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain, was still a Scot, and therefore he can probably be called not a British, but a Scottish communist smile
      As for the affairs of the company and money, I think Vera Guchkova was never particularly interested in them. Rather, they were interested, but as a means, but not an end, not accumulation and multiplication, a man of a different warehouse.
      1. +2
        6 July 2023 10: 09
        can be called not a British, but a Scottish communist
        Scot, member of the British Communist Party. I do not call him a British Communist. Do not distort laughing I have it written: Robert Trail was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. And who is he there, a Scot, a Pict, a Norman, it doesn’t matter laughing Vera, by nationality, was Russian, but a member of the French Communist Party. Iosif Grigulevich, a well-known Soviet intelligence officer, started a business and increased it. This multiplication only went to the needs of Soviet intelligence.
  9. 0
    6 July 2023 08: 55
    Deputy of the State Duma General Viktor Sobolev in May 2023 made a statement that in September 2022 the Russian military had to retreat from the Kharkiv region, because contractors of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation left their positions, writing reports of dismissal:

    «In the Kharkiv direction, contract soldiers fled, one might say, without permission. Wrote a report and left. Ukraine went on the offensive, and we lost the Kharkov region.”

    Very unpleasant associations, isn't it?

    Unpleasant associations - very mildly said. Terrible!
    1. 0
      7 July 2023 12: 29
      But it seems that already in September 2022, breaking the contracts was impossible. Sobolev very often cites unverified facts. One gets the feeling that many officers and generals have a rather contradictory attitude towards the personality of this general. It seems to me that the Communist Party rather lost points, rather than gained, by making Sobolev a deputy of the State Duma.
  10. +8
    6 July 2023 09: 34
    Napoleon understood: “a bayonet is a good thing, but you can’t sit on it” .... Unfortunately, even in the 21st century, many do not understand this.

    Especially modern monarchists who demand the Tsar, but do not know where to get the nobles for him. But the same nonsense even in modern Girkin. By the way, I wonder why Girkin is not afraid to be a monarchist, if this is contrary to the current Constitution? After all, formally, he is a criminal worse than a rebel ....

    The “saviors of Russia”, including Kornilov, missed the mark on this. Officers of the army of Christians cannot be replaced. By the way, to the author: do not forget about the words of Kornilov "it was necessary to hang more" ......
    Everyone seems to want to expel thieves, but let them get to material values ​​under any power, they themselves become thieves. Vicious circle.

    Russia's trouble is the absence of a working ruling class in the presence of cool "truth-readers, shooters and saviors."
    Probably because they respect those who are afraid and have never respected those who work well at all levels.
    "Authority" - - this is natural, not a scientist, .... As they say: God forbid, let a bandit "knowing life" better ....
  11. +2
    6 July 2023 10: 15
    A question for the residents of the Kuban, tell me, does the monument to Kornilov still exist and how do the locals treat it?
    1. +7
      6 July 2023 10: 34
      And where will he go? It is worth it. The Kuban Cossack army gathers there on "holidays". The townspeople and the rest actually give a damn about this monument. Few people feel piety. ceiling experts, the campaign would have ended there.
      1. +5
        6 July 2023 10: 47
        And where will he go? It is worth it. The Kuban Cossack army gathers there on "holidays".

        Yeah! It is not surprising that at the Victory Parades the Mausoleum is hidden behind plywood!
        1. +5
          6 July 2023 12: 13
          But you won’t understand our Cossacks. They shed tears for the Kuban Rada (separatists), for Kornilov, although his successor Denikin, some of the Kuban Rada, hanged him, they got him. deep, dream of independence. smile
          1. +1
            6 July 2023 13: 11
            And you won't understand our Cossacks.

            In 1970, on the 25th anniversary of the Victory, K. Simonov came to our school (for him the War began in our area) and spoke to us. And in his speech, he slipped that his front-line diaries could not be published in full. His words interested me, he was a legendary Man and Writer. After the collapse of the Union, his diaries were published in full and I found the reason. The Nazis were in Krasnodar for a very short time. And during this time, the city organized the publication of several periodicals, including a magazine. Simonov reflected this in his diary. So there were problems among the Cossacks with the support of the Soviet government in those places.
            1. 0
              6 July 2023 14: 29
              half a year approximately 09.08.42/12.02.43/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX
            2. +2
              6 July 2023 15: 47
              I won’t name the village in our area, but there the Germans were met with bread and salt, apparently from old memory, there was an uprising back in 1918, they also hobnobbed with the Germans .. But the fact is that 30-35 years after these military events , urban, tried not to appear in this village, and the villagers in the city, and if they appeared at the city disco, they couldn’t do without fights, it calmed down by the beginning of the 80s, I had already grown up and the duty obliged me to replace the tired, but it turned out that they reconciled ..And the reason was this very bread and salt ..Yes, and the adults did not like a friend, a friend. But the "combat" actions stopped also because the Crimean Tatars began to settle in the village, from the mid-70s, they were not allowed into the Crimea and they settled side by side.
              1. +2
                7 July 2023 16: 26
                A couple of years ago I was in the museums of Novocherkassk. I learned very unusual information from the locals that it was not particularly defended in 1942 by both ours and the Wehrmacht. and there was virtually no damage. In the first case, because of Ataman Krasnov with his pro-fascist position since WWI. Everyone strove for "independence" under the protectorate of Germany. So for such "defenders from Bolshevism" at any time only one verdict fits JUDAS.
  12. +2
    6 July 2023 11: 25
    Kerensky not only took power before the Constituent Assembly, but for half a year he was in no hurry to convene it. And at the same time he fought the Soviets, whose First Congress in June legitimized the Provisional Government. Kerensky never got over the legislature. The Second Congress overthrew him.

    Here Yeltsin-managed...Obviously had competent leaders. In October 1993, a congress of people's deputies simply shot from tanks. And without really bothering, he immediately established the State Duma ....... Although the State Duma at first kicked not weakly ...
    1. +5
      6 July 2023 11: 41
      Quote: ivan2022
      Kerensky never got over the legislature. The Second Congress overthrew him.

      Yeltsin did it...

      EBN was easier - he had only the Supreme Council among his opponents.
      And Kerensky, in addition to the Petrograd Soviet sitting at his side, 30 km from the capital had a base of a semi-anarchist BF, which reacted very nervously to all attempts to bring him to the meridian.
      Plus, Alexander Fedorovich tried to sit on two chairs for so long that by August he had lost all support from law enforcement agencies. Well, this is incomprehensible to the mind - the legitimate authorities, in order to suppress the rebellion, turn to their irreconcilable political opponents and arm their illegal military formations. It's as if Old Man asked Tikhanovskaya for help and started distributing weapons to the BChB-shniks. smile
      1. +2
        6 July 2023 12: 01
        Quote: Alexey RA
        It's as if Old Man asked for help from Tikhanovskaya and began distributing weapons to BCHB-shniks

        Well, or as if the country's leadership, fearing a military mutiny, intensively armed various groups of passionaries with an unclear status: either the intelligentsia, academicians of mining sciences, will be attracted, then, on the contrary, penal battalions will be formed from prisoners ...
      2. 0
        7 July 2023 12: 34
        Strictly speaking, during the October events of 1993, forty percent, if not more, of people's deputies of the Congress of People's Deputies and, accordingly, no less than a percentage of the members of the Armed Forces, which was formed from people's deputies of the SND, were for Yeltsin.
  13. 0
    6 July 2023 11: 39
    the monarchy in Russia simply died out because of the stupidity of the last emperor and the cowardice of the heir appointed by him.
    Ah author, ah well done. Evaluated everyone, put everything on the shelves. "Everyone imagines himself a strategist seeing the battle from the side" (c). I have always been annoyed by the "specialists" who, after a CENTURY, bring to light the political figures of those times, hand out characteristics left and right to those whose little fingers are not worth it. How easy it is to reason now that the retrospective is there. So you read and marvel: Nikolai is a fool, Mikhail is a coward, Lenin is a protege of Germany, Stalin is a bloodthirsty tyrant, Khrushchev is a scoundrel and a voluntarist, Brezhnev is the father of stagnation, Gorbachev is the father of collapse, Yeltsin is an alcoholic ... Mommy dear ( rather poor Russia) how are you still alive then! And what kind of "king" do you need, author? Or like the cartoon "Last year's snow was falling": "... and who is the last king here ..." (c). Do not judge, author, and do not need comparisons with today, do not pull an owl on the globe. After all, judging sensibly, you don’t really know anything about the situation with Prigozhin, there are no facts, except for your conjectures and what the citizens of Russia were ALLOWED to find out.
    Well, as for the participants in the February coup, most of them, all these Lvovs-Guchkovs-Rodzyankas, soon died. And your Kornilov - too. The only sound thought that sounded in this opus is that Britain was behind the chaos in Russia. And it's still worth it.
    1. +1
      6 July 2023 12: 25
      You don’t really know anything about the situation with Prigogine, there are no facts,
      And we will never know it in our lifetime. If only because they have already stated that, for example, the Russian Guard prevented a civil war. It stopped Prigozhin’s columns. And officials say this. And documents on this fact will be published at least 50 years later. However, this also applies to other events over the past 33 years.
      1. +1
        6 July 2023 23: 45
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        documents on this fact will be published at least 50 years later. However, this also applies to other events over the past 33 years.

        In 1998, by order of the head of communications, communications equipment was written off. Accounting for "Secret" equipment ..
        The first item was a 2-wheeled trolley on a bicycle for the transport of carrier pigeons 1928 adopted ...
        70 (!!!!) years have passed, someone stuck his nose into the accounting books ("Secret"), neighing and entered in the write-off order ....
  14. +6
    6 July 2023 12: 14
    Nicholas II, who abdicated at the same time for his son. Michael, in the face of growing unrest, chickened out - he refused to take the throne

    It must be admitted that Nikolai acted completely irresponsibly. Before making a final decision on who to abdicate in favor of, one should at least contact Michael and get firm guarantees from him that he would take the throne and take responsibility for the situation in the country. After all, there was a case in history when the legitimate heir refused to take power - and it ended with a rebellion of the Decembrists. Nicholas II could not have known this. But he acted according to Famusov's principle: "signed - and off with your shoulders."
  15. +1
    6 July 2023 14: 19
    Nikolai could still swindle, agreeing to the creation of a responsible ministry, thereby relieving himself of most of the responsibility and shifting it to the gentlemen of the liberals, who also managed to do it very quickly. But he missed this opportunity earlier.
    And at the expense of distrust of the monarch and the government, so who created it, is this distrust? (well, of course, partly Nikolai himself, who is more than completely incapable of personnel policy). But in the media, who has been rinsing him mercilessly for years? So that all the people believed any nonsense, such as the empress spying on the Kaiser (although she could not stand him), sleeping with Grishka, and so on and so forth. Everyone hated the royal family. From peasant to general. Got it done, well done. So what is next? How long did Guchkov and company last in power? Month? or less? And what is it?
    The "almighty" conspirators of the British are generally some kind of shame. They created a horror story in their head that Nikolai, under the heel of Alix, urged on by Grishka, would make peace with his cousin Willy, and by their own actions, helping our Guchkovs, they arranged it all. If I were the British, I would vehemently deny any participation in this shame, because it is a complete failure.
    The same Lenin did not expect to live to the moment when the gentlemen will screw everything up themselves, and even so rapidly.
    1. 0
      7 July 2023 14: 17
      mmm yes Nicholas 2 is not Alexander 3rd, unfortunately.
  16. 0
    6 July 2023 16: 31
    “Let it be necessary to burn half of Russia,” he said passionately, “to pour blood over three-quarters of Russia, but still Russia must be saved!” "He" is Kornilov.
  17. +1
    6 July 2023 17: 45
    The author, the Wagnerites did not earn their authority thanks to couch patriots. Something you could not see on the barricades on their way. Or did you also rush to crush the rebels after the rebellion ended?
  18. +2
    7 July 2023 12: 37
    Judging by the appearance of the enthusiastic officers carrying Kornilov in their arms, they are most likely from among recent students and (or) high school students. Intellectuals who became officers in wartime.
  19. -1
    7 July 2023 14: 04
    Well, I don’t know, then there was a civil war, a war of ideologies - the monarchists against the Bolsheviks, but today? today there is only one ideology - the absence of ideology, only the greed instilled in us by the West. Therefore, no matter how it pulls an owl on the globe of GDP, declaring that a civil war has been prevented - there is no and cannot be a civil war in Russia now. And if Prigozhin had reached Moscow, he would simply have taken power from the "elite" who had fled and hid. And on the ground, it would start .. no, not a war ... but just a massacre. The poor would have killed the rich, and they would have tried with all their might to dump them on business jets to the countries of the West - who is richer, who is poorer on a plane with a ticket for 100 thousand re. It would be a funny situation - thousands of "runaway rich bureaucrats, servants of the people, uncontested winners of competitions for cutting budget money and other riffraff with a bad conscience and dirty hands" were added to the thousands of "evaders from the SVO". The assault on Upper Lars No. 2 would have been more ambitious. But thank God everything worked out. We look forward to a change for the better in 2024.
  20. -1
    7 July 2023 14: 16
    I think that if the WWII for the USSR went as EASY as the WWII for the Republic of Ingushetia, then everything would also end in a revolution. Because in WWI there was no blockade of Leningrad, there was no occupation, and the enemy did not reach the Volga. If WWII took place exclusively on the territory of Poland and Finland, then the people would quickly get tired of it. And there would be no rise in patriotism and unity of the nation and hatred for the enemy.
  21. BAI
    7 July 2023 15: 49
    1. And where is our unforgettable Olgovich?
    There is a revolution, but the Bolsheviks have nothing to do with it. Not order.
    2. Shock parts of the Kornilovites at the front. Drawing. In helmets. And recently there was an article that there were no helmets in the Russian army
    1. VLR
      7 July 2023 17: 26
      There is a lot of information about helmets through the efforts of readers above