In the Kherson direction, the enemy began to build fortifications, going on the defensive - Ministry of Defense

In the Kherson direction, the enemy began to build fortifications, going on the defensive - Ministry of Defense

The Ukrainian command decided to go on the defensive in the Kherson direction, transferring the main units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to other sectors of the front, follows from the statement of the head of the Russian military department Sergei Shoigu.

The Russian Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that the undermining of the structures of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was carried out by the Kyiv regime to neutralize the threat of an offensive by the Russian army against the backdrop of the transfer of the main forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from this direction to others. To date, the bulk of the Ukrainian troops in the Kherson direction are the defense battalions, personnel units, apparently, have been withdrawn to the reserve or are already fighting in other areas.

Confirms the transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the defense in this direction, the beginning of the construction of defensive structures, previously the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not bother themselves much with this occupation, as they were going to attack. The flooding of large areas should prevent Russian troops from attacking.

Having not achieved success in offensive operations, in order to strengthen its potential, the enemy intends to transfer units and equipment from the Kherson direction to the area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbits offensive operations, thus significantly weakening its positions in the Kherson direction

- declared Shoigu.

The Ministry of Defense believes that undermining the dam was a pre-planned action by Kyiv, which is confirmed by an increase in the discharge of water from the Dnepropetrovsk hydroelectric station in order to flood even larger territories.
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  1. +3
    6 June 2023 17: 14
    All? Balloon counterattack blown away? More precisely - blew away ???
    1. +1
      6 June 2023 17: 24
      "The music didn't last long...
      The fraer danced for a short time ... "
      (L. Tsunaev).
    2. -2
      6 June 2023 17: 45
      And on the proceeds from the EU money. On the advice of friends, we bought a sow. And being on the defensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine took up their usual business - pig breeding.
    3. +1
      6 June 2023 18: 06
      Balloon counterattack blown away?

      I think it's far from that. According to the figures voiced by Shoigu, the total losses of the Ukrainian army as a result of the offensive amounted to 3700 people, 50 tanks and another 200 units. armored vehicles. Of course, this is a lot, especially in terms of armor, but it is still very far from exhausting the entire offensive resource. The loss of personnel, if the numbers do not lie, is no more than 15% of the group that launched the offensive.
    4. +1
      6 June 2023 19: 12
      Quote: Nexcom
      All? Balloon counterattack blown away? More precisely - blew away ???

      Not yet . But now they will definitely not be driven to force the Dnieper. Here they are relieved. Yes, and the southern direction will soon be blown away - they are expected there, met, the losses are huge, the area is open, they will run out of steam. They also have no fort to attack in the Donbass.
      But to the north - to Belgorod, to the Bryansk or Kursk regions, they can poke their nose in order to achieve at least some result and have a media effect.
  2. -4
    6 June 2023 17: 18
    the undermining of the structures of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station was carried out by the Kyiv regime to neutralize the threat of an offensive by the Russian army

    This is not a correct statement, it is impossible for us to attack in the Kherson region, since we need to force the Dnieper. We don't have the strength to do this. But now the Ukrainians will not be able to advance there, so they are transferring their units from there. We benefit from the flood.
    1. -7
      6 June 2023 17: 30
      Quote: Fan-Fan
      We benefit from the flood

      And who is arguing? It only benefits you, there, your bosses are in kuiva, already asking for forgiveness ... difficulties, you see, he has with a counteroffensive. good laughing
      1. -3
        6 June 2023 17: 48
        Did you believe that our Kherson would be taken back?
        Here the situation is already such that, as it were, Berdyansk or Melitopol cannot be lost.
    2. -1
      6 June 2023 19: 18
      Quote: Fan-Fan
      We benefit from the flood.

      They too.
      The Anglo-Saxons need Crimea and an exit to the Sea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbAzov, which is why they drive the Sumerians there. Therefore, the break of the dam saves the Armed Forces of Ukraine from forcing the Dnieper, which is fatal and fatal for them (which they were strongly forced to do). Now such an attack is impossible.
      And yes - the offensive zone for the Armed Forces of Ukraine has now narrowed very much, and the southern direction is becoming less and less promising. The Nazis also want to kick back from such an offensive. With the general equality of forces and the almost complete absence of aviation, attacking a layered defense, where they have been waiting for you for a long time ... even for an idiot it is difficult to decide on this. And the losses may be irreplaceable.
  3. +2
    6 June 2023 17: 31
    "Increased water discharge at the Dnepropetrovsk hydroelectric power station." DneproGES, and it is located in Zaporozhye.
  4. -3
    6 June 2023 17: 44
    The breakthrough of the dam prevented the ukronastup from being carried out - an excuse for the ukroreich for Western "partners".
  5. 0
    6 June 2023 19: 08
    to neutralize the threat of an offensive by the Russian army

    What offensive is this? To Kherson? What was planned?
  6. -1
    7 June 2023 00: 27
    I admit another domestic "indifference" in organizing control over the seriously "wounded" Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station ... There is not a single "office" evidence (photo - film registration) of the "arrival" of a Ukrainian missile or undermining it by an enemy ... A day will soon pass from the moment it began a breakthrough in the "body" of the dam in the area of ​​\u24b\u7bthe water seal - and not one movie - a photo of the document from the beginning of the moment of the event by officials or persons responsible for security, defense and the state of the strategic facility .... This says something .... ... And, first of all, about the organization of control, including XNUMX/XNUMX hardware control, of this strategically important facility in the theater of operations ... I assume that the dam broke due to the technical condition of the reservoir's water discharge system due to damage caused by work " Arty" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during the period of active hostilities and during the period when the structures of the Kakhovskaya HPP were under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. "Dry" residue: as our leader and teacher I.V. Stalin: ".... each victory and defeat has a position, military rank and full name ....". I think that this maxim of the Leader does not require decoding and explanation .... Although with the current "rampant" democracy, liberalism and other "European values" in Russia, the Leader's maxims are unlikely to be heard, and if they do, they will pretend that this is not about them ..... It was the second year of the war, pardon, NWO ......